United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,063,393 Tsuboi Et Al

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United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,063,393 Tsuboi Et Al US006063393A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,063,393 Tsuboi et al. (45) Date of Patent: *May 16, 2000 54 PLANT TREATMENTAGENTS 56) References Cited 75 Inventors: Shin-ichi Tsuboi, Tochigi, Atsumi U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Kamochi, Kochi, Nobuhiro Yamashita, 1661,577 3/1928 Renner et al.. Kochi, Ikuya Saito, Kochi, Yuzuru 3,068,087 12/1962 Davis. Wada, Hachioji, Kunihiro Isono, 4.291,497 9/1981 Manankov . Tochigi, Shigeharu Koyama, Oyama, 4,401,454 8/1983 Fritz et al. .............................. 504/165 all of Japan 4,666,706 5/1987 Farquharoon et al. ................. 424/408 4,743,448 5/1988 Bahadir et al. ......................... 424/405 73 Assignee: Nihon Bayer Agrochem K.K., Tokyo, 5,034,524 7/1991 Shrokawa et al. ...................... 544/124 Japan 5,157,207 10/1992 Carlson et al. ......................... 800/200 5,201.925 4/1993 Itzel et al.. * Notice: This patent issued on a continued pros FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS ecution application filed under 37 CFR 1.53(d), and is subject to the twenty year O179588 4/1986 European Pat. Off.. patent term provisions of 35 U.S.C. O 254 196 1/1988 European Pat. Off.. 154(a)(2). 2 449 664 9/1980 France. Primary Examiner Neil S. Levy 21 Appl. No.: 08/041,077 Attorney, Agent, or Firm Norris, McLaughlin & Marcus, P.A. 22 Filed: Apr. 1, 1993 30 Foreign Application Priority Data 57 ABSTRACT The present invention relates to a process for the treatment Apr. 9, 1992 JP Japan .................................... 4-115.283 of individual plants with Solid shaped plant treatment agents (51) Int. Cl. ............................................... A01N 25/08 which are introduced into the Sap conduction paths of the 52 U.S. Cl. .......................... 424/409; 424/405; 424/406; plants, new Solid shaped plant treatment agents and their 424/407; 424/408 production. 58 Field of Search ..................................... 424/407, 408, 424/409, 405, 406 6 Claims, No Drawings 6,063,393 1 2 PLANT TREATMENTAGENTS the Sap conduction paths of individual plants, character ised in that active compounds are mixed and physically or The present invention relates to a process for the treat chemically shaped with Substances forming the matrix of ment of individual plants with Solid shaped plant treatment a Solid carrier. agents which are introduced into the Sap conduction paths of The proceSS according to the invention is Suitable for the the plants, new Solid shaped plant treatment agents and their treatment of valuable individual plants. These include stock production. and ornamental plants. Stock and ornamental plants which It has already become known to inject Solutions of may be mentioned are: herbaceous plants, annual and peren certain insecticides or to implant pulverulent formulations nial shrubs and Woody plants, Such as bushes and trees. into the trunks of deciduous and coniferous trees (Chemical The herbaceous plants include vegetables, Such as Abstracts CA 108: 181 188w; CA 99: 83 692v, CA 99: 181 tomatoes, paprika, aubergines, cucumbers, melons, cabbage 184; and CA 87: 146 712). Species, potatoes and tobacco. The perennial shrubs include The method is limited to readily water-soluble active tea and coffee. The woody plants include the known berry compounds having a Systemic action. Handling of the and fruit-bearing Woody plants, pomaceous/stone fruit, method under conditions in practise, that is to Say admin 15 berries, bananas, citrous, grapevines, palms (for example oil istering an adequate amount of active compound into the Sap trees), cacao, olives, hops, roses and rhododendron, and also Stream and thereby damaging the plant only minimally not the Woody plants used in forestry, Such as beech, oak, Spruce only under experimental purposes on a very few plants, is and fir. unsatisfactory. Cuttings, Slips, tubers, bulbs and parts of leaf used for It has already become known to embed active com propagation may furthermore be mentioned. pounds in a polymer matrix, from which they are released Pests which may be mentioned are phytopathogenic again only slowly. Such Slow-release shaped articles are insects, arachnids and nematodes, and also fungi and bac used to release active compounds in the Soil over a relatively teria. long time (Chemical Abstract CA 100: 47 099 n; and U.S. The insects include: Pat. No. 3,269,900). Other polymer/active compound for 25 From the order of the Isopoda, for example, Oniscus aSellus, mulations are employed to release readily vapourisable Armadillidium vulgare and Porcellio Scaber. active compounds uniformly into the atmosphere over a From the order of the Diplopoda, for example, Blaniulus relatively long period of time (U.S. Pat. No. 3,318,764). Yet guttulatus. other polymer/active compound formulations are employed From the order of the Chilopoda, for example, Geophilus to protect animals from parasites. For this, the active carpophagus and Scutigera Spec. compound, which migrates to the polymer Surface, is rubbed From the order of the Symphyla, for example, Scutigerella off mechanically by the coat of the animal and distributed immaculata. over the animal (U.S. Pat. No. 3,852,416). From the order of the Thysanura, for example, Lepisma In the customary treatment of plants by atomising, Saccharina. Spraying, dusting and the like, the active compound is 35 From the order of the Collembola, for example, Onychiurus distributed in a suitable formulation as far as possible over (iringiitis. the entire Surface of the plants. It then either encounters From the order of the Orthoptera, for example, Blatta directly the plant pests to be combated, or it has to penetrate Orientalis, Periplaneta americana, Leucophaea maderae, the protective layers of the plants in order to arrive at the Blattella germanica, Acheta domeSticus, Gryllotalpa spp., Sites of action via the Sap Stream of the plant. These 40 LOCusta migratoria migratorioides, Melanoplus differen treatment methods are associated with a high loSS of active tialis and Schistocerca gregaria. compound. The same applies to methods where active From the order of the Dermaptera, for example, Forficula compound formulations are used in the root region, in which auricularia. the active compound is taken up via the roots and arrives at From the order of the Isoptera, for example, Reticulitermes the Site of action via the Sap Stream. Here also, the active 45 Spp. compound must be present in the Soil in a Sufficiently high From the order of the Anoplura, for example, Phylloxera concentration for the plants to be able to absorb enough vaStatrix, Pemphigus spp., Pediculus humanus CorpOris, active compound. Haematopinus spp. and Linognathus spp. To match the amount of active compound to be applied From the order of the Mallophaga, for example, Tri as precisely as possible to the actual requirement of the 50 chodectes spp. and Damalinea spp. plant, it would be desirable for the required amount of active From the order of the Thysanoptera, for example, Hercino compound to be introduced directly into the Sap Stream of thrips femoralis and Thrips tabaci. the plant. A prerequisite here is, however, that the plant (for From the order of the Heteroptera, for example, Eurygaster example valuable productive fruit trees) is not damaged spp., Dysdercus intermedius, PieSma quadrata, Cimex even after Several applications. 55 lectularius, Rhodnius prolixus and Triatoma spp. The present invention relates to: From the order of the Homoptera, for example, Aleurodes 1. a process for the treatment of individual plants with Solid brassicae, Bemisia tabaci, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, shaped plant treatment agents in which the active com Aphis gossypii, Brevicoryne brassicae, Cryptomyzus pounds are contained in a matrix of a Solid carrier material ribis, Aphis fabae, Doralis pomi, Eriosoma lanigerum, and which are introduced into the region of the Sap 60 Hyalopterus arundinis, Macrosiphum avenae, Myzus conduction paths of the plants. spp., Phorodon humuli, RhopaloSiphum padi, Empoasca 2. Solid shaped plant treatment agents in which the active spp., EuScelis bilobatus, NephOtettix cincticeps, Lecanium compounds are contained in a matrix of a Solid carrier corni, Saissetia Oleae, Laodelphax Striatellus, Nilapar material and which are introduced into the region of the vata lugenS, A.Onidiella aurantii, Aspidiotus hederae, Sap conduction paths of individual plants. 65 Pseudococcus spp. and Psylla spp. 3. A process for the production of Solid shaped plant From the order of the Lepidoptera, for example, Pectino treatment agents which are introduced into the region of phora gossypiella, Bupalus piniarius, Cheimatobia 6,063,393 3 4 brumata, Lithocolletis blancardella, Hyponomeuta Peronospora Species, Such as, for example, Peronospora pisi padella, Plutella maculipennis, MalacoSoma neuStria, or P. brassicae, Euproctis chrySOrrhoea, Lymantria spp. Bucculatrix Erysiphe Species, Such as, for example, Erysiphe graminis, thurberiella, Phyllocnistis citrella, Agrotis spp., Euxoa Sphaerotheca Species, Such as, for example, Sphaerotheca spp., Feltia spp., Earias insulana, Heliothis spp., fuliginea, Spodoptera exigua, MameStra brassicae, Panolis Podosphaera Species, Such as, for example, Podosphaera flammea, PrOdenia litura, Spodoptera spp., Trichoplusia leucotricha, ni, Caprocapsa pomonella, Pieris spp., Chilo spp., Venturia Species, Such as, for example, Venturia inaequalis, Pyrausta nubilalis, Ephestia kuehniella, Galleria Pyrenophora Species, Such as, for example, Pyrenophora mellonella, Tineola bisselliella, Tinea pellionella, Hofm teres or P graminea
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    Original article KOREAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY 한국응용곤충학회지 ⓒ The Korean Society of Applied Entomology Korean J. Appl. Entomol. 53(2): 157-169 (2014) pISSN 1225-0171, eISSN 2287-545X DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5656/KSAE.2014.03.1.059 단감수출단지 과원과 수출단감 병해충 조사 정영학ㆍ유은주ㆍ손대영ㆍ권진혁1ㆍ이동운2ㆍ이상명2ㆍ추호렬* 경상대학교 대학원 응용생명과학부(BK21), 1경남농업기술원 친환경연구과, 2경북대학교 생태환경관광학부 생물응용전공 A Survey on Diseases and Insect Pests in Sweet Persimmon Export Complexes and Fruit for Export in Korea 1 2 2 Young Hak Jung, Eun Ju You, Daeyoung Son, Jin Hyeuk Kwon , Dong Woon Lee , Sang Myeong Lee and Ho Yul Choo* Division of Applied Life Science(BK21 Program), Department of Applied Biology, College & Institute of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Gyeongsang National University, Jinju, Gyeongnam, 660-701, Korea 1 Eco-friendliness Research Department, Gyeongsangnam-do Agricultural Reserach & Extension Services, Jinju, Gyeongnam, 660-985, Korea 2 Major of Applied Biology, School of Ecological Environment and Tourism, Kyungpook National University, Sangju, Gyeongbuk, 742-711, Korea ABSTRACT: Between 2010 and 2012, diseases and insect pests of sweet persimmon were surveyed at sweet persimmon export complexes and non-export orchards in Suncheon, Jeonnam Province; Jinju, Changwon (Dongeup and Bukmyeon), and Gimhae, Gyeongnam Province; and Ulzu, Ulsan. The following diseases were found in the sweet persimmon orchards: angular leaf spot (Cercospora kaki), anthracnose (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides and Colletotrichum acutatum), circular leaf spot (Mycosphaerella nawae), powdery mildew (Phyllactinia kakicola), and gray mold (Botrytis cinerea). Circular leaf spot was the most frequent and serious disease, and C. gloeosporioides and C. acutatum were found on fruits. Thirty-three insect pest species that belonged to 32 genera of 20 families in 5 orders were found in the sweet persimmon orchards; the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, was also found in the surveyed orchards.
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