Ricerca Italiana - Rassegna a cura di Extrapola 20/07/2006 01:51 PM

13/07/2006, 00:00:00 Telethon, addio all´Italia degli scienziati "Non c´è posto, costretti a studiare negli Usa" ROMA - Non sembra esserci argine alla fuga dei cervelli. E la storia di Luca Scorrano, scienziato di 35 anni rientrato in Italia grazie ai fondi di Telethon, lo dimostra. Oggi pubblica ben due articoli sulla rivista scientifica Cell. Si occupano di una malattia ereditaria che si chiama atrofia ottica dominante e colpisce i bambini in età prescolare, facendoli diventare ciechi. Ma nonostante i risultati, e dopo cinque anni di lavoro con la fondazione per la ricerca genetica, Scorrano e la maggior...

Repubblica, La - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 00:00:00 +0200

13/07/2006, 00:00:00 , nelle ossa il suo segreto La sua prodigiosa estensione vocale faceva svenire le donne e rinsavire i sovrani Un´équipe di ricerca internazionale per scoprire come usava il suo timbro asessuato SILVIA BIGNAMI «Ossa degli arti inferiori, una mandibola, il femore, due denti, frammenti di cranio». Questo è quel che resta di Farinelli, voce bianca regina del Settecento, uomo alto, bello e robusto che con il suo canto faceva svenire le donne e rinsavire i re. La salma del «castrato cantore» che amò e a Bologna morì nel...

Repubblica, La - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 00:00:00 +0200

13/07/2006, 00:00:00 · Abiti usa-e-getta in TPE 13 luglio 2006 @ 08:45:52 CEST Saranno presentati da DuPont in occasione della Ispo di Monaco. In occasione di Ispo estate 2006, manifestazione dedicata all'abbigliamento sportivo in programma a Monaco dal 16 al 18 luglio - DuPont presenterà un prototipo di giacche tecnico-sportive riutilizzabili (ad uso limitato), resistenti all'acqua e traspiranti, realizzate con una membrana attiva a base di elastomero termoplastico a base poliestere Hytrel. I capi sono stati messi a punto dalla società svizzera...

Polimerica - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 00:00:00 +0200

13/07/2006, 00:00:00 Usa, il paradiso del fotovoltaico Negli Usa sempre più si ricorre all'utilizzo di energia solare fotovoltaica, basti pensare che nel 2005 rispetto all'anno precedente è cresciuta del 55%. La società di consulenza Clean Edge riferisce che oggi come oggi negli Stati Uniti il volume totale degli scambi in questo settore sfiora i 11,2 miliardi di dollari e, entro il 2015, sviluppando anche moduli, componentistica e installazioni, si conta di arrivare a 51,1 miliardi di dollari. Nel rapporto Clean Edge è scritto: "Per la prima volta...

NelMondoOnLine - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 00:00:00 +0200

13/07/2006, 00:00:00 Dagli studi sul lievito in arrivo la vinificazione biotecnologica Ridurre di un terzo il tempo di fermentazione necessario alla produzione del vino e apportare una vera rivoluzione nel campo dell'industria vinicola. E' quanto potrebbe attuarsi a breve in base ai risultati che stanno emergendo dalle ricerche condotte da Carlo Bruschi sui meccanismi di controllo dei processi replicativi dei lieviti. Massimo esperto italiano di genomica del lievito e coordinatore nazionale della società scientifica italiana ZYMI (Zestful Yeast Model system in ), Carlo Bruschi...

MolecularLab.it - Thu, 13 Jul 2006 00:00:00 +0200

13/07/2006, 00:00:00 Staminali adulte dai follicoli piliferi Ricercatori del Dipartimento di medicina dell'Università della Pennsylvania hanno isolato una nuova fonte di cellule staminali adulte che sembrano avere la potenzialità di differenziarsi in svariati tipi di cellule adulte. Se il loro particolare tipo di procedimento per far crescere e sviluppare queste cellule

http://www.ricercaitaliana.it/rassegna/rassegna.htm Pagina 12 di 19 MUSICA - Il 12 sara' riesumata salma di Farinelli, indagini sui suoi resti 11/07/2006 09:30 AM

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martedì 11 luglio 2006 - Ore 09:29:10 - Visite ultima ora: 539 Visitatori oggi: 2145 - Visite totali: 8003067

home Italia e Mondo redazione Un milione di agenda romagna persone a Roma per celebrare il news trionfo azzurro sei in news/Bologna, data 06.07.2006, orario 13:20. Prima pagina MUSICA - Il 12 sara' riesumata salma di Farinelli, indagini sui suoi Liberalizzazioni, Prodi: non Forli resti si torna indietro Ravenna Roma - Si esibi' a Bologna per la prima volta nel 1727 e da allora divenne la 'voce bianca' piu' celebre d'Europa. Ora i resti di Carlo M.O., raid Israele: uccisi sei Rimini Broschi, il celebre cantante evirato per volere della famiglia e palestinesi, tre sono adolescenti Cesena conosciuto con il nome di Farinelli, saranno riesumati il 12 luglio Bologna prossimo a la Certosa, il museo monumentale delle due Torri. tutte le news EMILIA-ROMAGNA Un'operazione che un team di scienziati, coordinato dall'antropologa Giovanna Belcastro su autorizzazione del centro studi Farinelli, METEO compira' per ottenere, rivela il ''Quotidiano Nazionale'', le 25ore informazioni necessarie a ricostruire il profilo biologico del noto SPECIALE cantore''. MONDIALI L'indagine sui resti del celebre Farinelli saranno condotte meteo ''utilizzando tutte le moderne tecnologie come i raggi X, la Tac, le TUTTO IL METEO indagini immunologiche e biomolecolari'' spiega il Cimitero Annunci Google monumentale de la Certosa di Bologna dalle pagine del suo sito on Notizie Italia line Emilia-Romagna 24 ore Emilia Romagna 09:24 RADIO - Il 'Bardi Statistiche Ragazza Forlì Nel concessionario Nissan Web Awards 2006' Trova quella che fa per te! Cercala online Prova Note dal tuo concessionario Outlet Italia assegnato alla radio della ed incontrala. Regione Annunci Goooooogle Pubblica annunci qui 08:58 FIERE - On-line il nuovo sito di Assofiere 08:31 RONCOFREDDO - rubriche Inizia “Borgo Sonoro Guerre in corso 2006” con un grande Forum omaggio alla Sardegna CNA News 08:20 LUGO - Solenne CINEMA cerimonia dei diplomi Formula Uno all'Itis ''Guglielmo Week-end Marconi'' Viaggi e Culture Arte e tutte le news letteratura Vino e dintorni Aggiungi un commento all'articolo... Ricerca I NOSTRI Testo da cercare: SPECIALI VaiMatteo Notizie Precedenti:

TITOLO DATA ORARIO newsletter Invia ? Luglio, 2006 « ‹ Oggi › » servizi iscriviti sett Lun Mar Mer Gio Ven Sab Dom Sondaggi Link cancellati 26 1 2 http://www.romagnaoggi.it/showarticle.php?articleID=132785&storico=giorno§ion=news/Bologna Pagina 1 di 2 musica: riesumata salma farinelli, scienziati sveleranno segreto voce 17/07/2006 10:43 AM

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lunedì 17 luglio 2006 - Ore 10:42:25 - Visite ultima ora: 338 Visitatori oggi: 1163 - Visite totali: 8131849

home Italia e Mondo Prestiti Rapidissimi redazione Prestiti fino a 50.000 Euro a lavoratori dipendenti statali e pubblici in tempi Libano-Israele, è brevissimi. Preventivo online gratuito. agenda romagna guerra a viso www.prestiter.it aperto. Ancora news Annunci Google Visualizza annunci su: » bombe su Beirut, razzi libanesi devastano Prima pagina sei in news/Spettacolo, data 12.07.2006, orario 21:11. Haifa Forli musica: riesumata salma farinelli, scienziati sveleranno segreto voce Ravenna Formula Uno, trionfo di Bologna, 12 lug. - (Adnkronos) - Si esibi' a Bologna per la prima volta nel 1727 e da Schumy a Magny Cours Rimini allora divenne la 'voce bianca' piu' celebre d'Europa. Ora i resti di Carlo Broschi, il celebre cantante evirato per volere della famiglia e conosciuto con il nome di Farinelli, Bari: precipita elicottero Cesena sono stati riesumati al cimitero momumentale della Certosa da un team di scienziati, areonautica albanese, 6 Bologna coordinato dall'antropologa Giovanna Belcastro, che punta a ricostruire il profilo dispersi biologico del noto cantore, attraverso l'analisi dei frammenti ossei che verranno EMILIA-ROMAGNA eseguite nei laboratori delle Univerista' di Pisa e Bologna. tutte le news METEO

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10:40 BRISIGHELLA - Una serata a suon di note a Aggiungi un commento all'articolo... Borgo Fregnano 09:55 RONCOFREDDO - Appuntamenti al palazzo Notizie Precedenti: della Rocca TITOLO DATA ORARIO 09:48 CASA - Pronto il bando per realizzare 3000 musica: settimane mahleriane di dobbiaco, nuovi alloggi domani recital fisarmonica 16-07-2006 18:26 tutte le news musica: ad ancona 'ix folk concerto' 16-07-2006 18:04 Ricerca cinema: roma, al via la 36° edizione del 16-07-2006 18:02 'giffoni film festival' Testo da cercare: cinema: roma, 'estate in costume' 16-07-2006 17:56 musica: morto a 91 anni bill miller, il pianista di frank sinatra 16-07-2006 17:43 Invia marche: pizzica, sirtaki e 'don pasquale' a 16-07-2006 17:19 fano servizi puglia: magna grecia awards a lina wertmuller 16-07-2006 16:57 Sondaggi ed enrico job Link marche: xvii edizione de 'i teatri del mondo' 16-07-2006 16:46 Cinema http://www.romagnaoggi.it/showarticle.php?articleID=134460§ion=news/Spettacolo Pagina 1 di 2 RWDB – J.F. Beck 14/07/2006 11:27 AM


R W D B – J . F . B E C K N O T H I N G ' S F A C T U N T I L I T ' S H I S T O R Y , A N D T H E N I T ' S D E B A T A B L E .

W E D N E S D A Y , J U L Y 1 2 , 2 0 0 6 P R E V I O U S P O S T S RODENTS EXPLODED RODENTS EXPLODED DANGLY BITS DEDANGLED Colorado's organic farmers want to introduce a new, environmentally OBESITY SOLUTION OFFERED friendly rodent eradication method, explosives: KILLER KANGAROOS AND DEMON Under a proposal by the Colorado Division of Wildlife, DUCKS OF DOOM explosive gases - such as a mix of oxygen and propane - could NUCLEAR DANGERS be injected and then ignited inside the burrows of prairie dogs, EXAGGERATED ground squirrels, gophers and marmots. PRISONER PROBLEM PREVENTION PLAN Wildlife officials say they've been approached by organic- GEORGE BUSH, CHECKERS produce growers interested in using the gases, which deliver a PLAYER powerful concussive force that kills the animals and collapses WARM UP THE 72 VIRGINS their tunnels. AUSTRALIA'S MOST PROMINENT LEFTY BLOGGER GOES MISSING "This is a way for them to avoid using toxic substances to help ENTERTAINING TIPS them remain certified as organic," said Colorado Division of Wildlife spokesman Tim Holeman. A R C H I V E S There's something not quite right about organic farmers blowing up 2005-02-13 rodents. They could always try a really big vacuum cleaner and if that doesn't work... 2005-02-20 2005-02-27 POSTED BY J F AT 10:57 PM 1 COMMENTS 2005-03-06 2005-03-13 DANGLY BITS DEDANGLED 2005-03-20 2005-03-27 Scientists will conduct an autopsy of sorts on the remains of famous 2005-04-03 18th century castrato Farinelli. Among over things, the scientists hope 2005-04-10 to learn more about the testicle-less Farinelli's body 2005-04-17 conformation: 2005-04-24 "We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time 2005-05-01 depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women's breasts and 2005-05-08 large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's 2005-05-15 official portraits." http://rwdb.blogspot.com/ Pagina 1 di 9 RWDB – J.F. Beck 14/07/2006 11:27 AM

official portraits." 2005-05-22

I may not be a scientist but I can guarantee there are some dangly bits 2005-05-29 missing. The body will be studied, by the way, at the... drumroll.. 2005-06-05 Farinelli Study Center in Bologna. Gee, being a castrati specialist must 2005-06-12 make for some interesting cocktail party conversations. So professor, 2005-06-19 what's your area of specialty? 2005-06-26

POSTED BY J F AT 10:20 PM 0 COMMENTS 2005-07-03 2005-07-10 2005-07-17 OBESITY SOLUTION OFFERED 2005-07-24 2005-07-31 Stop the obesity epidemic by ridding the planet of fast food 2005-08-07 outlets: 2005-08-14 "Shut them down and train the kids how to cook, if they don't 2005-08-21 know how to cook - put up a cooking school!" 2005-08-28

Fucking idiots are everywhere. 2005-09-04 2005-09-11 POSTED BY J F AT 8:37 PM 0 COMMENTS 2005-09-18 2005-09-25 KILLER KANGAROOS AND DEMON DUCKS OF 2005-10-02 DOOM 2005-10-09 2005-10-16 Ancient Australia's animals were even weirder than today's: 2005-10-23 2005-10-30 Vertebrate paleontologist Sue Hand said modern kangaroos 2005-11-06 look almost nothing like their ferocious forebears, which lived between 10 million and 20 million years ago. 2005-11-13 2005-11-20 The species found at the dig had "well muscled-in teeth, not for 2005-11-27 grazing. These things had slicing crests that could have 2005-12-04 crunched through bone and sliced off flesh," Hand said. 2005-12-11 2005-12-18 The team also found prehistoric lungfish and large duck-like 2005-12-25 birds. 2006-01-01 2006-01-08 "Very big birds ... more like ducks, earned the name 'demon 2006-01-15 duck of doom', some at least may have been carnivorous as well," Hand told ABC radio. 2006-01-29 2006-02-05 Kangaroos and ducks that can kill you back would certainly add an 2006-02-12 extra dimension to hunting. 2006-02-19 POSTED BY J F AT 7:33 PM 0 COMMENTS 2006-02-26 2006-03-05 2006-03-12 http://rwdb.blogspot.com/ Pagina 2 di 9 S C O O L Z | DAS SCHÜLER MAGAZIN - news - DNA-Analyse des Meistersingers 19/07/2006 03:26 PM

Wo bin ich: news Redaktionelle Anzeige | Powered by TK published: 15.07.2006 News 19.07. | Eminem: Prügelei DNA-Analyse des auf der Toilette? 19.07. | Stimmtest für Meistersingers Lehrer? 18.07. | Informatikjahr mit Wissenschaftler wollen dem Geheimnis um die Stimme des vielen Besuchern berühmten italienischen Sängers Farinelli auf die Spur kommen. Dafür sollen die Gebeine des Kastraten 18.07. | Sprachprobleme ausgegraben werden und von Wissenschaftlern der an Berliner Schulen Universität von Bologna untersucht werden. Das teilte der britische Sender BBC mit. 17.07. | Juli mischen in Schweden Bei der Untersuchung soll Farinellis Schädel sowie seine Knochen vermessen und ein DNA-Test vorgenommen 17.07. | Sterne für werden. Die Forscher wollen herausfinden, ob britische Arztpraxen anatomische Besonderheiten Ursache seiner besonderen Die TK Stimme waren. Auch Farinellis Ernährungsgewohnheit sowie mögliche Erkrankungen werden per DNA ermittelt. Farinelli (1705 bis 1782) war der Popstar unter den kastrierten Sängern. Zwischen dem 16. | "Hui Buh - Das und 19. Jahrhundert wurden allein in Italien jährlich bis zu 4000 Jungen im Alter von etwa Schlossgespenst" acht Jahren kastriert, um ihre hohe Stimme zu erhalten. Benutzername: [TK] Benutzername Suchbegriff Passwort: Suchen Login Bisher wurden noch keine Kommentare geschrieben. Registrieren Passwort vergessen Wie glücklich viele Menschen wären, wenn sie sich genau so wenig um © 2006 | Public Address presseagentur | Impressum die Angelegenheiten anderer kümmern würden wie um die eigenen.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

…dass Zungenabdrücke – genau wie Fingerabdrücke - einmalig und unverwechselbar sind?

http://www.scoolz.de/artikel1445.htm Pagina 1 di 1 scoolz.de - DNA-Analyse des Meistersingers 19/07/2006 03:27 PM

Redaktionelle Anzeige | Powered by TK 15.07.2006 News DNA-Analyse des Meistersingers Wissenschaftler wollen dem Geheimnis um die Stimme des berühmten italienischen Sängers Farinelli auf die Spur kommen. Dafür sollen die Gebeine des Kastraten ausgegraben werden und von Wissenschaftlern der Universität von Bologna untersucht werden. Das teilte der britische Sender BBC mit.

Bei der Untersuchung soll Farinellis Schädel sowie seine Knochen vermessen und ein DNA-Test vorgenommen werden. Die Forscher wollen herausfinden, ob anatomische Besonderheiten Ursache seiner besonderen Stimme waren. Auch Farinellis Ernährungsgewohnheit sowie mögliche Erkrankungen werden per DNA ermittelt. Farinelli (1705 bis 1782) war der Popstar unter den kastrierten Sängern. Zwischen dem 16. und 19. Jahrhundert wurden allein in Italien jährlich bis zu 4000 Jungen im Alter von etwa acht Jahren kastriert, um ihre hohe Stimme zu erhalten. (TK)

©2006 Techniker Krankenkasse - http://www.scoolz.de

http://www.scoolz.de/artikelprint.php?id=1445 Pagina 1 di 1 Scotsman.com News - International - Castrato's note in history 14/07/2006 02:21 PM

Thu 13 Jul 2006 Castrato's note in history

THE remains of the legendary castrato singer Farinelli in Italy have been exhumed to Ads by Google study the anatomical effects of castration on young boys to turn them into high-pitched Vocal Tips, Exercises stars of the opera. Method guarantees a full octave increase. Free video lesson! 12-CDs Castrati played heroic male leads from the mid-17th to late 18th century when the bel www.SingingSuccess.com canto was the rage in Europe. Can You Sing a High C Without Straining? Private Vocal Instruction. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, was the most famous of all, in a career lasting Irvine, CA. from 1720 to 1737. vocalinstruction.com

Scientists at Bologna University are to study the remains, recovered yesterday from the Vocal Training city's Certosa cemetery. Learn how to increase your vocal range without straining your voice! www.SingingLessons.bz An acoustics expert is eager to find remains of the vocal chords and larynx to discover what gave castrati such extraordinary vocal range and power.

The last castrato, the Sistine Chapel chorister Alessandro Moreschi, made recordings in 1902 and 1904, though on the dated gramophone records his voice has been described as "Pavarotti on helium".

This article: http://news.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=1018902006

Last updated: 13-Jul-06 01:00 BST Comments

1. Mark J / 3:51am 13 Jul 2006

castrated now exumed and disected, does this fellow get any rest.

terrible to disturb remains like this.

2. Johnni, Edinburgh / 9:20am 13 Jul 2006

Castrated, eh? Don't think I could have handled that!

Besides ... the words "male genitals" and "cut" are perhaps the greatest example of an oxymoron in the language ... next to "Bush" and "President"!

3. George, Edinburgh / 9:45am 13 Jul 2006

Mark J's comments (no. 1) seem to me to be ill thought out.

First, he objects to dissection, which the article does not mention. Perhaps they will dissect the corpse, perhaps not. I should think it more likely that they will use non-invasive scanners.

His use of the word 'rest' is unfortunate. It suggests Farinelli is putting his feet up for a few minutes or taking a nap. He isn't; he's dead; what happens to his remains affects him not one jot.

(His soul? Talk of immortal souls is, of course, pure mumbo jumbo. We are the products of Evolution, and there is no evolutionary reason why souls should have appeared. Even if they had, it would be a rotten prospect if they were trapped in the corpse or suffered by proxy what happened to it. It can't be any fun being cremated or gnawed by worms.)

Why do we bury people in cemeteries? Why don't we just dig them into the fields like mulch so they can do the Green thing and turn into wheat? I don't think we do it for the benefit of the corpse, but for those who remain.

After 300 years, I don't suppose many of Farinelli's relatives still visit his grave. Nonetheless, it is satisfying that he continues to have a physical presence in the world, not just in the history books.

Will exhumation change that? I doubt it (I assume they'll put him back again when they're done). It may well spark more interest, more visitors, and more respect. If I had been him, I'd have enjoyed the prospect of that.

http://news.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=1018902006 Pagina 1 di 2 Scotsman.com News - International - Castrato's note in history 14/07/2006 02:21 PM

4. Firozali A.Mulla, Dar-Es-Salaam Tanzania / 9:54am 13 Jul 2006

Castrati played heroic male leads from the mid-17th to late 18th century when the bel canto was the rage in Europe. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, was the most famous of all, in a career lasting from 1720 to 1737. I regret this incident. I am so used to seeing the coloured movies that the Alfred Hitchcock black and white movies together with the cast are out of my head. I want to look forward. First, I read CASTRO of CUBA. The CIGAR MAN. Then it is the singer. Well. I am sorry for the beetles who broke up and I am sorry for Elvis who drunk himself death by drugs. All of them WERE GOOD. No point in talking about them. Now we have the new breed and the PCs string and acoustics at the highest innovated form.

5. A J, England / 10:09am 14 Jul 2006

Firozali @ 4 ...... what??????????

The Italian Castrati had nothing to do with Fidel Castro, the Cuban dictator, Elvis, the Beatles or any other singer.

The noun Castrati comes from the verb to castrate. The reason that boys were castrated before puberty was to try and retain their soprano voice. The Roman Catholic church did not allow women, to sing in church at that time.

The most famous Castrati were the celebrities of their day and it is understandable that scientists and historians would like to understand the effects on the body of castration

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http://news.scotsman.com/international.cfm?id=1018902006 Pagina 2 di 2 Kastraternas hemligheter avslöjas - sr.se 20/07/2006 01:35 PM

NYHETER: Brist på 50-öringar i södra Sverige

A - Ö Klassiskt och nutida Jazz Folk- och världsmusik Mix Om musik SR International

› Mitt i musiken Torsdag 13 juli 2006 › Medarbetare Kastraternas hemligheter avslöjas Senaste programmet › Spellistor Måndag 1700-talets superstjärna inom den italienska operan, Tisdag kastratsångaren Farinelli, ska nu mer än tvåhundra år Onsdag efter sin död, ska avslöja sina hemligheter. Forskare har Torsdag grävt upp hans kvarlevor som ska analyseras i hopp om Fredag RSS/WAP att få en bild av hur Farinelli faktiskt såg ut efter det - och poddradio radikala ingrepp som konserverade hans änglaröst. (P2 Visste du att du Mim 13/7) kan lyssna på våra nyheter som poddradio, i din bärbara Han kallades den gudomlige Farinelli, var sin tids mest populära musikspelare? Du kan och välbetalda operasångare, med en stjärnstatus jämförbar även prenumerera på med dagens stora rockidoler. musiknyheterna via RSS eller läsa dem i mobilen Samtidigt som kastraterna var beundrade var de också via WAP. föraktade - och många skrattade åt dem och hur de påstods se Ladda ner poddlänk ut: ovanligt långa, med små huvuden, rondör, enorm bröstkorg Läs mer om poddradio Läs mer om RSS och till och med bröst. Mitt i musiken - nyheterna Läs mer om WAP Som unga pojkar hade de kastrerats - trots att det aldrig var från musikens värld tillåtet enligt lag - och officiellt hette det att de råkat ut för en Vi speglar det svenska och olycka - det är ju så lätt att falla av en häst. internationella musiklivet med Kontakta intervjuer, reportage och Mitt i Musiken Forskarna som återupptäckt Farinellis grav i Bologna ska ta recensioner. Mitt i musiken DNA-prover, röntga skelettet och göra datortomografi och skapa bevakar konstmusik, folkmusik och Sveriges Radio P2 jazz. 405 13 Göteborg en bild av Farinelli för att få veta om kastraternas utseende faktiskt motsvarar ryktena. Medarbetare Telefonsvarare:

031 - 773 01 08 [email protected] Tipsa en bekant Utskriftsvänligt format Hör oss varje vardag Tillbaka Mitt i musiken sänds måndag- fredag kl 12.03 med repris måndag-torsdag kl 22.00.

Sändningarna kan höras här på nätet under en vecka efter sändning.



© Copyright Sveriges Radio. Ansvarig utgivare: Elle-Kari Höjeberg.

http://www.sr.se/cgi-bin/p2/program/artikel.asp?nyheter=1&ProgramID=1012&artikel=898205 Pagina 1 di 1 SvD: 1700-talskastrat grävs upp 20/07/2006 02:04 PM

| Torsdagen den 20 juli 2006

Publicerat 17 juli 2006 11:01 Recensioner Tipsa en vän Böcker Scen Skriv ut sidan Film Skivor Mest läst nu Krog Konst Hela läsartoppen Under strecket Kommentar Nöjeskrönika Kulturdebatt Andres Språkspalten Lokko: Dialektarkivet Syd Barrett Stockholmsguiden förblev tyst Berglin Tecknade serier Korsord Smörigt SvD-priser PDF-tidningen Television TV-guiden Dagens TV-tips ”Sångaren Farinelli med vänner”, målad av Jacopo Amigoni i början Dagens filmtips av 1750-talet. Den kände kastratsångaren ska nu grävas upp och Fråga om undersökas av forskare. (Reuters) Fem före detta stjärnor TV/musik ur pojkband. startar ny Webb-TV 1700-talskastrat grävs upp grupp i en dokusåpa. Nostalgitripp Världens mest kände kastratsångare har grävts upp. Forskare vill undersöka hans stämband från 1700-talet.

Farinelli, eller Carlo Broschi som han Fakta egentligen hette, har grävts upp ur sin Farinelli hette Loffe och Röse för grav för att amerikanska och brittiska egentligen Carlo kultförklarad kanalkamp forskare ska undersöka hur hans röst Broschi, 1705-82. vidare i Göra kanal 2. utvecklades. Bilder från filmen SvD Internet Var hovsångare och diplomat i Spanien Broschi var en av tusentals pojkar 1737-59 och bidrog till Hängivna fans som kastrerades för att behålla sin att etablera italienska ljusa röst och underhålla de operan i Madrid. europeiska hoven på 1700-talet. Hans liv har skildrats i – Farinelli är det enda kända skelettet flera operor, bland annat en av François vi har av en kastratsångare. Vi vill Auber, samt på film i Kaxiga veta om de verkligen såg ut som de "Farinelli – fotbollstokiga tjejer ofta avmålades, långa och magra kastratsångaren" av gör allt för att se Iran eller med kvinnobröst och stora Gérard Corbiau. spela match i VM. rumpor, säger forskaren Nicholas Framtidens stad Clapton till The Telegraph. (Källa: NE)

Bilar 108249 Kastratsångare var mycket populära i så kallade barockoperor Välj region: Båtar 11765 på 1700- och 1800-talen och Farinelli var en av de största Välj kategori: MC 16983 stjärnorna under sin tid. Hans röst ansågs så magisk att han Bostad 19092 anställdes av det spanska hovet för att bota kung Filippo V från Sök » Björns Bytare NY depression. Möbler 38912 Nu är Malmö Till Jobb24.se » Annonsera redo för ännu Forskare har länge tvistat om varför kyrkan sanktionerade att fler spekta- Marknads- och kommunikationschef Snabblänkar A-Ö unga mäns testiklar skars bort för att skapa ljuv musik. En del kulära hus. säger att man ville undvika att använda kvinnliga sångerskor Kerfi söker en marknads- och Aktier N24 kommunikationschef Berglin för att inte uppvigla män till erotiska äventyr. Se 4 Bilar N24 byggförslag MTG Academy of Entrepreneurs Bildspecial Den sista kände kastratsångaren Alessandro Moreschi avled i Bygg som folk vill ha söker entreprenörer! Bokrecensioner början på 1900-talet. Har du en smart affärsidé men inte Bragdguldet Läcker men stiff pengarna eller nätverket att http://www.svd.se/dynamiskt/noje/did_13225826.asp Pagina 1 di 3 swissinfo - Italie: Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les secrets des castrats 17/07/2006 03:25 PM

13 juillet 2006 - 22:06

Italie: Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les secrets des castrats

ROME - Les restes du cadavre du célèbre castrat italien Farinelli ont été exhumés d'un cimetière de Bologne. Historiens et scientifiques désirent étudier comment son anatomie a réagi à la castration.

Opéré dès son plus jeune âge pour pouvoir conserver son timbre de voix de petit garçon, Farinelli reste dans les annales le plus célèbre des castrats, ces chanteurs d'opéra italien très recherchés au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle.

Une équipe de chercheurs de l'université de Bologne, dont un spécialiste de l'accoustique, attend avec impatience de découvrir ce qu'il reste des cordes vocales et du larynx de Farinelli afin de mieux comprendre d'où venaient les capacités vocales si extraordinaires de ces chanteurs.

"C'est l'unique squelette témoin dont nous disposons", a expliqué le spécialiste britannique des castrats Nicholas Clapton. "Nous voulons savoir s'ils étaient comme les dessins humoristiques les décrivaient, grands et dégingandés, ou avec une poitrine de femme et de grosses fesses, ou encore comme le magnifique gentleman (représenté) sur les portraits officiels de Farinelli."

Le corps du chanteur, exhumé avec celui de sa petite nièce, se trouvait "dans un état de conservation médiocre", selon Carlo Vitale du centre d'étude sur Farinelli basé à Bologne. Mais les scientifiques auront de quoi mener leurs recherches.

Selon M. Clapton, professeur de chant à l'Académie royale de musique de Londres, c'est l'ablation des glandes génitales des petits garçons qui empêchait la croissance des cordes vocales malgré les changements d'un corps devenant adulte.

"Cela leur donnait une capacité pulmonaire énorme mais avec une voix très mélodieuse", a-t-il précisé. Mais après une telle opération, les experts estiment que ces castrats ont pu également grossir ou grandir anormalement et même voir leurs seins pousser.

Le choriste de la chapelle sixtine Alessandro Moreschi fut le dernier exemple vivant de ces chanteurs au timbre si pur. Il réalisa même des enregistrements de sa voix en 1902 et 1904, qualifié par M. Clapton de "Pavarotti sur hélium".


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Farinelli rises from grave to reveal secrets Fonts Size: E-Mail This Reuters Printer-Friendly 2006-07-13 10:34 AM Advertisement Historians and scientists have exhumed the remains of legendary castrato Farinelli in Italy to study the anatomical effects of castration carried out on young boys to turn them into high-pitched stars of the opera.

Castrati played heroic male leads in Italian opera from the mid-17th to late 18th century when the bel canto was the rage in Europe. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, was the most famous of them all, in a stage career lasting from 1720 to 1737.

Carlo Vitale of the Farinelli Study Centre in Bologna said they had recovered the bodies on Wednesday of the singer and his great-niece, who moved his body from a first grave destroyed in the Napoleonic wars.

His final resting place in Bologna's Certosa cemetery was only recently discovered.

"They are in a middling state of preservation but the scientists say there is something to work on," Vitale told Reuters from the graveyard, where Farinelli and his great-niece lay beneath a tombstone with a long Latin epitaph.

His remains were to be taken to Bologna University for study by a team of scientists including an accoustics expert eager to find remains of the vocal chords and larynx to discover what gave castrati such extraordinary vocal range and power.

"This is the only skeleton of them we have," said Nicholas Clapton, a British expert on the castrati.

"We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women's breasts and large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits," he told Reuters.

A singing professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London and curator of an exhibition on the composer Handel's use of the castrati, Clapton said the removal of boy chorists' testicles kept their vocal chords small while the hormonal changes meant their bodies kept growing well into adulthood.

"That gave them huge lung capacity but with a very sweet voice," he said.

It could also mean castrati grew abnormally tall or fat and could sprout breasts, though surviving official portraits of Farinelli depict a handsome man in fine dress.

Castrati also had their critics who thought their voices were ghastly and their mutilation was barbaric.

The Catholic Church banned it on pain of excommunication, while also using castrati in choirs and the Vatican's Sistine Chapel until as recently as 1903, Clapton said.

The last surviving castrato, Sistine Chapel chorist Alessandro Moreschi, lived long enough to make recordings in 1902 and 1904, though on the dated gramophone records his voice sound like what Clapton described as "Pavarotti on helium".

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Informativos Telecinco > Cultura Científicos italianos exhuman el cuerpo de Farinelli "il castrato"

AGENCIAS 14 de Julio de 2006

Los restos del celebrado “castrato” del siglo XVIII Farinelli han sido exhumados por un grupo de científicos italianos. Los investigadores estudiarán los restos en un intento por desvelar los secretos tras sus extraordinarias Los restos del legendario "castrato" italiano del siglo dotes como cantante. XVIII, han sido exhumados para averiguar más sobre su extraordinaria voz. Foto:AFP/OFF “Buscamos información adicional sobre posibles síntomas patológicos en el cantante, estén o no ligados al hecho de su castración”, afirmó el Profesor Gino Fornaciari, de la Universidad Más Titulares de Pisa. Nacional Los restos se extrajeron de un cementerio de la ciudad de Patxi López, dispuesto a llevar al PP a los Bolonia, donde el cantante murió en 1782. tribunales por un vídeo que identifica al PSOE con ETA Maria Giovanna Belcastro, del laboratorio de bioarqueología de El PSOE saca siete puntos de ventaja al la Universidad de Bolonia aseguró al periódico La Repubblica PP en intención de voto según La que el análisis de los restos “revelará la circunferencia de su Vanguardia caja torácica y el tamaño de su boca”.

Cualquier peculiaridad física del cuerpo podría ayudar a arrojar algo de luz sobre las legendarias dotes de Farinelli, cuyo Internacional nombre real era Carlo Broschi. El intérprete alcanzó la fama en El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU toda Europa durante la primera mitad del siglo XVIII. aprueba por unanimidad sancionar a Corea Malta no acoge a los 51 inmigrantes Nacido en Nápoles en 1705, se estableció en Madrid, donde tuvo recogidos en sus aguas por un pesquero una gran influencia en la vida política y de la corte debida a su español popularidad entre la monarquía.

Regresó a Italia en 1759 y se estableció en Bolonia hasta el fin Sociedad de sus días. Llegan dos cayucos a Tenerife con 160 personas a bordo Para el proyecto de investigación de sus restos se han unido las http://www.informativos.telecinco.es/farinelli/castrato/exhumacion/dn_28541.htm Pagina 1 di 3 Informativos Telecinco.com - Cultura - Científicos italianos exhuman el cuerpo de Farinelli "il castrato" 17/07/2006 10:32 AM

Universidades italianas de Bolonia, Pisa y Florencia, así como la Galicia declara la alerta en la aldea de Lira Universidad de York, en Reino Unido. ante el avance de las llamas

“Hemos exhumado el esqueleto completo, pero se halla en muy malas condiciones”, apuntó Fornaciari, que afirmó: “nos gustaría Economía averiguar más sobre su estilo de vida investigando su dieta y su Los alquileres se encarecieron más de morfología, aunque ya sabemos que era un hombre grande y un 4% en el último año robusto”. España registra la mayor tasa de empleo y La exhumación fue una operación muy delicada, dado que los huesos del “castrati” estaban apilados junto a los de su sobrina, Campeonato Online que fue enterrada con él. Pilotos La Universidad de Bolonia reconstituirá y restaurará el esqueleto Telecinco antes de proceder a cualquier análisis. juega y gana fantásticos premios

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ARTS Horoscopes Snip judgment Rupert Christiansen - 18 Mar 2006 Rupert Christiansen laments the lost art of the castrato. ...read Shopping ARTS Echoes of the superstar castrato Promotions Peter Culshaw - 02 Nov 2005 Andreas Scholl tells Peter Culshaw how he has been inspired by Handel's favourite singer. ...read

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News home Farinelli's body disinterred to find secrets of Blogs castrati By Malcolm Moore, in Rome Business news Voice Repair (Filed: 13/07/2006) Comment Non-surgical cure for all problems Results Factfiles over 4-5 days - The bones of Farinelli, the castrato whose voice thrilled the Law reports Guaranteed! courts of 18th century Europe, were dug up yesterday in www.vocalscience.com Matt cartoon an attempt by scientists to discover more about the man, and thousands of others castrated to help them sing. Obituaries Picture galleries Researchers including David Howard, of the University of York, and Nicholas Clapton, of the Royal Academy of Pro Singing Lessons Text alerts Music, want to know what anatomical effects castration Celebrity method guarantees a full Week at a glance had on the legion of young boys who underwent the process in order to become opera stars. octave increase! Try Your view free online. "This is the only www.singingsuccess.com skeleton of them we About us have," said Mr Clapton. "We want to Contact us know if they were like Can You Sing a High the cartoons at the C time depicted them, Without Straining? Comment tall and gangly, or Private Vocal Your view with women's breasts Instruction. Irvine, CA. and large buttocks, or vocalinstruction.com Blogs like the grand Fashion gentleman in Farinelli's official Farinelli (right) in an oil painting Arts & Books portraits." Engravings by Jacopo Amigoni, circa 1750-52 Fantasy Football of Farinelli, together with a fellow castrato, Senesino, show the pair with tiny Personal Finance heads and stretched bodies towering over their fellow singers. Science & Tech Food & Drink Castrati were wildly popular as the soprano leads in baroque opera from the 17th century to the end of the Gardening 18th century. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, was the Education most famous of them all. Expat His voice was considered so magical that he was hired in 1737 to cure the depression of King Philip V of Spain. Health Obituaries The researchers, who are being led and co-financed by Alberto Bruschi, a historian from Florence, said they would Jobs "obtain all the necessary information in order to Announcements reconstruct the biological profile of the famous singer". They aim to use bio-molecular screening to gather data and to find out why he was so tall, an anomaly for the SERVICES era. RSS feeds Carlo Vitale, of the Blackberry Centre for Farinelli service Studies, said the E-mail services remains were in "a middling state of Mobile preservation", but Podcasts that "the scientists Photographs say there is something to work Weekly on". Telegraph Subscription A researcher examines Farinelli's http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/07/13/wfari13.xml Pagina 1 di 2 Telegraph | News | Farinelli's body disinterred to find secrets of castrati 18/07/2006 03:34 PM

Subscription A researcher examines Farinelli's The team also wants remains in a Bologna cemetery to find out from Farinelli's vocal cords Weather what it was that gave castrati such a vocal range. Mr Clapton said removing the boys' testicles kept their vocal cords small while the hormonal changes meant their Dating bodies kept growing well into adulthood. "That gave them huge lung capacity but with a very sweet voice."

Crossword Historians are still unable to explain why there was such an outbreak of church-sanctioned castration. Some have suggested that the Church barred female singers because Games of the eroticism of women's voices, others believe that St Paul's command to "Let the women learn in silence" (1 Timothy 2:11) was invoked to keep them out of choirs. Horoscopes The last surviving castrato, Alessandro Moreschi, lived long enough to make recordings in 1902 and 1904, but the Shopping dated records only convey a high-pitched squeal.

Farinelli was born in Puglia and lived to be 77. His remains Promotions were only recently discovered in the Certosa cemetery in Bologna, to where they were moved in 1810 after the destruction of his original resting place, the church of the SEARCH FOR... Holy Cross at a Cappuchin monastery. Jobs Properties Print Email this story Holidays Cars

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Farinelli's body disinterred to find secrets of castrati By Malcolm Moore, in Rome

(Filed: 13/07/2006)

The bones of Farinelli, the castrato whose voice thrilled the courts of 18th century Europe, were dug up yesterday in an attempt by scientists to discover more about the man, and thousands of others castrated to help them sing.

Researchers including David Howard, of the University of York, and Nicholas Clapton, of the Royal Academy of Music, want to know what anatomical effects castration had on the legion of young boys who underwent the process in order to become opera stars.

"This is the only skeleton of them we have," said Mr Clapton. "We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and gangly, or with women's breasts and large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits." Engravings of Farinelli, together with a fellow castrato, Senesino, show the pair with tiny heads and stretched bodies towering over their fellow singers.

Castrati were wildly popular as the soprano leads in baroque opera from the 17th century to the end of the 18th century. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, was the most famous of them all.

His voice was considered so magical that he was hired in 1737 to cure the depression of King Philip V of Spain. Farinelli (right) in an oil painting by Jacopo Amigoni, circa 1750-52 The researchers, who are being led and co-financed by Alberto Bruschi, a historian from Florence, said they would "obtain all the necessary information in order to reconstruct the biological profile of the famous singer". They aim to use bio-molecular screening to gather data and to find out why he was so tall, an anomaly for the era.

Carlo Vitale, of the Centre for Farinelli Studies, said the remains were in "a middling state of preservation", but that "the scientists say there is something to work on".

The team also wants to find out from Farinelli's vocal cords what it was that gave castrati such a vocal range. Mr Clapton said removing the boys' testicles kept their vocal cords small while the hormonal changes meant their bodies kept growing well into adulthood. "That gave them huge lung capacity but with a very sweet voice." Historians are still unable to explain why there was such an outbreak of church- sanctioned castration. Some have suggested that the Church barred female singers because of the eroticism of women's voices, others believe that St Paul's command to "Let the women learn in silence" (1 Timothy 2:11) was invoked to keep them out A researcher examines Farinelli's remains in a Bologna cemetery of choirs.

The last surviving castrato, Alessandro Moreschi, lived long enough to make recordings in 1902 and 1904, but the dated records only convey a high-pitched squeal.

Farinelli was born in Puglia and lived to be 77. His remains were only recently discovered in the Certosa cemetery in Bologna, to where they were moved in 1810 after the destruction of his original resting place, the church of the Holy Cross at a Cappuchin monastery.

Information appearing on telegraph.co.uk is the copyright of Telegraph Group Limited and must not be reproduced in any medium without licence. For the full copyright statement see Copyright

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WYSZUKIWARKA Aktualizacja: środa, 12 lipca 2006 godz. 15:34 WIĘCEJ W DZIALE Ekshumacja śpiewającego kastrata Autograf Chopina w sztambuchu Naukowcy z uniwersytetów w Pizie i Bolonii ekshumują 17.07.2006 ciało ostatniego w historii opery kastrata, Farinelliego. Fołtyn z Moniuszką w Ogrodach KULTURA Frascati 05.07.2006 Szczątki śpiewaka zostaną poddane badaniom czaszki, Ekshumacja śpiewającego FILM kości oraz testom DNA. Mają one pokazać, jak rozwijał się kastrata 12.07.2006 TEATR głos śpiewaka i co, oprócz zabiegu kastracji, miało wpływ Celińska: Uśmiechnij się na jego niespotykaną barwę. 30.06.2006 KSIĄŻKA Mozart pozwala zobaczyć więcej 06.06.2006 MUZYKA Muzyka bez rewolucji 19.06.2006 SERWISY TVP Farinelli był jednym z tysięcy Kankana mamy we krwi chłopców kastrowanych w wieku 17.05.2006 KULTURA dojrzewania w celu zachowania Muzyka na zdrowie 05.06.2006 WIEDZA ich wysokiej tonacji głosu. Roman Ziemlański – Kolekcjoner Kastrowanie dzieci było wspomnień 30.04.2006 SPOŁECZEŃSTWO popularne w Europie od XVI w. Jestem wokalistką jazzową 20.04.2006 HOBBY do roku 1870, kiedy praktyki te Królowa performance'u WSZYSTKO O TVP zostały zakazane prawem. 07.04.2006 Amadou & Mariam w Palladium WIADOMOŚCI W XVII i XVIII w. we Włoszech 18.03.2006 Elektryczna strona jazzu SPORT zabiegowi poddawano rocznie Ekshumacja ma pokazać, jak rozwijał się głos śpiewaka i co, oprócz zabiegu 14.03.2006 około 4000 pochodzących z Depeche Mode 14.03.2006 biednych rodzin chłopców w kastracji, miało wpływ na jego niespotykaną barwę (fot. PAP) Vernon Reid bez maski wieku od 8 do 12 lat. Zwykle 02.03.2006 zostawali oni śpiewakami w Płyta marzeń 17.02.2006 operach, kościołach i na dworach królewskich. Kilku z nich zrobiło SYLWETKI Muzyka Mozarta dobra dla duże jak na tamte czasy kariery. zdrowia 31.01.2006 Jan Garbarek Dyrygent musi mieć autorytet 13.01.2006 Homo Twist Jednym z nich był żyjący w XVIII w. Carlo Broschi, znany jako Farinelli. Przez 20 lat śpiewał na hiszpańskim dworze Filipa V, Chcę śpiewać jeszcze lepiej The Rolling Stones gdzie w krótkim czasie stał się bardzo wpływową osobą. Zmarł w 21.12.2005 TSA Bycie muzykiem jest wieku 78 lat i został pochowany w Bolonii. fascynujące 16.12.2005 Krzysztof Krawczyk Liverpool i Nowy Jork w hołdzie Blondie (PAP) Lennonowi 09.12.2005 amar Richard Bona – Sting z ZŁOTA DWUNASTKA Kamerunu 29.11.2005 BALETÓW Siłą zespołu jest choreograf 18.11.2005 Bajadera Rawa 2005: ku chwale bluesa Córka źle strzeżona 11.10.2005 Śpiąca królewna Dang Thai Son 07.10.2005 Harnasie Trzeba chcieć 20.09.2005 Romeo i Julia Skazany na bluesa – o filmie 02.08.2005 Jezioro łabędzie



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Última hora Noticias nacionales Noticias internacionales Exhuman a Farinelli, il castrato Reportajes y entrevistas Científicos en Italia desenterrarán este miércoles el EE.UU., Rusia, el G8 y el mundo Economía cadáver del famoso cantante de ópera del siglo XVIII Mi Dinero Carlo Broschi, conocido como Farinelli, il castrato. EE.UU.: demandan al vicepresidente

Especiales El objetivo de la exhumación es entender más acerca de Corea del Norte.: China amenaza con veto Noticias BBC cómo su castración y la instrucción musical que recibió afectó su físico. Entrevista con periodista cubano Mapas Los investigadores esperan también enterarse de su dieta Disidente cubano sigue en huelga de hambre y las enfermedades que sufrió. Bolivia: debate por educación católica Sus noticias Farinelli fue uno de los miles de jóvenes castrados cada Israel impone bloqueo a El Líbano Blogs año para preservar sus voces agudas a pesar del crecimiento natural y los cambios que este conlleva. Para el dolor, veneno de caracol Foros La mayoría de los niños eran de familias pobres y no Cuba responde a plan de Estados Unidos todos alcanzaron la fama. Sin embargo, los que triunfaron llegaron a tener un estatus parecido al de las Calderón trabaja en la transición estrellas de pop de hoy en día. Israel entra en Gaza Desde su Movistar envíe La práctica de la castración, llevada a cabo para crear el la palabra "dolar" al 555 y sonido extraordinario de la voz, fue prohibida en 1870. Prisioneros protegidos reciba la TRM. India: aumenta el número de muertos La magia de los castrati CONTENIDOS Colombia: ONU puja por DD.HH. Nacional Los seguidores de los castrati eran numerosos, Internacional especialmente las mujeres, de quienes se dice adoraban Extra a Farinelli.

El Rey Felipe V de España sufría de depresión severa y cuando escuchó a Farinelli por primera vez, en 1737, decidió que el joven cantante le ayudara a curar la depresión con su voz.

Alessandro Moreschi fue el último cantante castrado y su melodiosa voz fue grabada en 1902.

En 1994, el belga Gérard Corbiau llevó la historia de Carlo Broschi a la pantalla grande.

Anatomía de las Farinelli, il castrato, fue aclamada a nivel internacional y marchas galardonada con dos premios Cesar en Francia. 22 millones de personas en un mismo sitio. BBC Mundo

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Publique acá sus noticias, en terra usted es nuestro GALERIA: Siguiendo el Discovery. reportero. AUDIO: Entrevista: Carlos Cettina.

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Juegos TECNOLOGIA Todo para tu sitio Exhuman a Farinelli, il castrato Tutoriales Científicos en Italia desenterraron este miércoles el cadáver del famoso cantante de ópera del siglo XVIII Carlo Broschi, conocido Todos los títulos como Farinelli, il castrato. Compras

Envianos un email Los académicos medirán su cráneo y huesos, y realizarán pruebas de ADN, con el objetivo de entender más acerca de cómo su castración y la instrucción musical que recibió afectaron su físico. El objetivo NEWSLETTERS de la castración era preservar sus voces Usuario: agudas, de niños, evitando los cambios que produce el crecimiento natural. El Password: equipo de científicos que estudiará el cuerpo de Farinelli incluye a un experto en acústica, que analizará los restos de sus Reciba en su correo: Farinelli fue adorado en su época por los cuerdas vocales y su laringe, para amantes de la música. descubrir qué le daba su particular rango › Noticias, informes, (Terra) tutoriales y recomen- de voz y potencia. Las pruebas de ADN se daciones (viernes) utilizarán para conocer cuál era su dieta y cuáles las enfermedades que sufrió. Los castrati Los castrati, como › Los mejores se llamaba a los cantantes como Farinelli, fueron populares en downloads (lunes) Europa desde el siglo XVI hasta que en 1870 la operación de castración a la que eran sometidos fue prohibida. Farinelli fue uno de los miles de jóvenes operados en Italia durante los siglos XVII y XVIII. Alessandro Moreschi fue el último cantante castrado y su melodiosa voz fue grabada en 1902. La mayoría de los castrados provenían de familias pobres y no todos alcanzaron la fama. Sin embargo, los que triunfaron llegaron a tener un estatus -y un comportamiento- parecido al de las estrellas de pop de hoy en día.

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Vous êtes ici : Accueil > Infos > SCIENCES Dimanche 16 juillet Flash Shopping Laredoute.fr ACCUEIL INFOS FRANCE MONDE ECONOMIE Les restes du castrat Farinelli BOURSE Soldes, deuxième MULTIMEDIA démarque ! Jusqu'à -70% PEOPLE exhumés sur TOUT le site SPORTS Maisonic CINEMA Le squelette du célèbre chanteur lyrique italien va INSOLITE être analysé afin d'obtenir des informations sur le SCIENCES style de vie ou la morphologie du castrat à la voix DIVERTISSEMENT extraordinaire. L'INFO EN VIDEO Produits de la maison, Créé le 14 juillet 2006 domotique, info, jusqu'à - Mis à jour le 14 juillet 2006 à 17h45 70% ! PODCAST VIDEO ALERTEZ-NOUS ! BREVES NEWSLETTER Canicule : les Bouches-du- BARRE D'INFOS Rhône et les Alpes- LCI LIVE Maritimes en alerte Grippe aviaire : 41e mort confirmée en Indonésie Les restes du célèbre chanteur lyrique italien Carlo Broschi, connu sous le nom de Farinelli Une fillette décède d'une et mort il y a deux siècles, ont été exhumés du cimetière de Bologne, en Italie afin d'obtenir méningite 45% des usines chimiques BLOGS des informations sur le castrat à la voix extraordinaire. A l'origine de ce projet, Alberto chinoises menacent Bruschi, un antiquaire florentin passionné de chant lyrique. PROGRAMMES l'environnement TOUTES LES EMISSIONS Farinelli fut l'un des castrats qui remporta le plus de succès et se produisit dans toute AUTRES ARTICLES RECEVOIR LCI l'Europe dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle. Né en 1705 à , il s'établit à Madrid Alerte à la SERVICES MOBILES en 1737 où il exerça une influence importante sur la cour et sur la vie politique grâce à la canicule sur PARTENARIATS faveur des monarques. Il regagna l'Italie en 1759 et s'établit à Bologne où il mourut en une large partie de la L'EQUIPE LCI 1782. France CONTACTEZ-NOUS Discovery : La taille de sa bouche les astronautes Politiquement Show "Nous cherchons des informations supplémentaires sur d'éventuelles pathologies du rentrent à la Jeudi à 19h15 sur LCI chanteur, liées ou non au fait qu'il ait été castré", a expliqué le professeur Gino Fornaciari, maison coordinateur du projet. "Nous aimerions avoir des éléments sur son style de vie par le biais de son régime alimentaire, et sur sa morphologie, bien que nous puissions déjà dire qu'il Les médecins était grand et de robuste constitution", a-t-il ajouté. étrangers en grève Retrouvez les meilleurs Selon Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsable du laboratoire de Bioarchéologie de moments de Politiquement l'Université de Bologne, l'analyse des restes du castrat "pourra nous apprendre la Show circonférence de sa cage thoracique, et la taille de la bouche", a-t-elle indiqué au quotidien La Repubblica. Ces particularités morphologiques expliqueront peut-être les exceptionnels LES ARCHIVES dons de chant de Farinelli. (D'après AFP) 1 - Zidane Choisissez votre date Materazzi : "Je n'ai pas parlé de Juin-Juillet 2006 sa mère" 2 - Mondial l m m j v s d Le geste de Zidane a déjà sa 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 chanson 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Envoyer l'article à un(e) ami(e) Imprimer 3 - Insolite Quand Lance Armstrong insulte 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 les Bleus 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4 - Mondial 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 La FIFA ouvre une enquête sur Laissez donc reposer en paix farinelli !!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Colmar) Materazzi L'actualité de la semaine 5 - Mondial Les 15 derniers jours Voir toutes les réactions concernant cet article Un avocat veut faire annuler la Les 30 derniers jours finale 6 - Mondial Rechercher Racisme : un règlement Fifa ambigu ? Votre réaction concernant cet article 7 - Zidane Des excuses, mais aucun regret LIENS UTILES 8 - Mondial Materazzi : "Zidane était arrogant, Surendettement - je l'ai insulté" 9 - Presse TV LCD - Liens Publicitaires La photo de la mort de Lady Di publiée Rachat crédit - Groupe France Mutuelle Découvrez une mutuelle innovante. La franchise cautionnée : un nouveau concept, restez 10 - Zidane Lecteur mp3 - "Condamnable" mais aussi maître de vos dépenses de santé. Visitez notre site, nous vous expliquons ce nouveau "pardonnable" VIDEOPROJECTEUR principe. www.groupefrancemutuelle.fr Mutuelle-sante-prevoyance.com : mutuelle complémentaire Mutuelle et assurances complémentaires santé : garanties adaptées à vos besoins, sans délai d'attente, ni questionnaire médical. Devis rapide et gratuit. Formulaire simplifié en ligne. www.mutuelle-sante-prevoyance.com Assurance mutuelle et complémentaire santé Opéga vous propose des assurances mutuelles santé sans délai d'attente, sans questionnaire médical ni limite d'âge. http://tf1.lci.fr/infos/sciences/0,,3316726,00.html Pagina 1 di 2 Castrato Farinelli's bones come up for air and study | Science & nature | The Australian 19/07/2006 03:37 PM

Castrato Farinelli's bones come up for air and study

July 14, 2006

Favourite: A circa 1750 painting of Carlo Broschi

LONDON: The remains of the legendary castrato Farinelli were disinterred in Bologna yesterday for scientific research.

In Italy in the 17th and 18th centuries, thousands of boys were castrated each year: their voices did not break at puberty but gained more power than a woman's because of their size.

Carlo Broschi (1705-82), known as Farinelli, enjoyed wide renown and was one of Handel's favourite singers.

Nicholas Clapton, curator of the Handel & the Castrati exhibition at London's Handel House Museum, and himself a counter-tenor, noted that disinterment was quite gruesome "and some might consider it sacrilegious".

However, he added, it would now be possible to measure the bones of a castrato singer and test his physical shape against the cartoon images of castrati as "tuneful scarecrows". The biomedical research, including X-rays and scans, will be done for the Centro Studi Farinelli by the universities of Pisa and Bologna.

Physical anthropology professor Maria Giovanna Belcastro said the skull could suggest the castrato's face and that "removal of the testicles results in the absence of male-type growth of the larynx, which may appear very small, with the vocal cords as short as in a female soprano".

http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,19783105-30417,00.html Pagina 1 di 2 Castrato Farinelli's bones come up for air and study | Science & nature | The Australian 19/07/2006 03:37 PM

But the resonating chambers provided by the pharynx and oral cavity, as well as an adult chest capacity, were probably responsible for a castrato's vocal prowess.

Castration, banned in Italy in 1870, was partly a reaction to the Catholic ban on females singing in church. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the heroic lead in opera would usually be for a castrato.

The Times

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Castrato Farinelli's bones come up for air and study Dream comes true with meteorite find Heavy rain for eastern regions Antarctica at risk over oil: expert Find: Grazier discovers rare meteorites Fuels: World 'hotter, richer more crowded' Texas: Astronauts finish final spacewalk Canada: Hunger pangs end bear's adventure Long dry sucks life out of land Mind power for the paralysed No drought about it as crops surge PM faces embryo research demand

http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/story/0,20867,19783105-30417,00.html Pagina 2 di 2 The Australian: Castrato Farinelli's bones come up for air and study [ 14jul06 ] 19/07/2006 03:37 PM

Print this page Castrato Farinelli's bones come up for air and study


LONDON: The remains of the legendary castrato Farinelli were disinterred in Bologna yesterday for scientific research.

In Italy in the 17th and 18th centuries, thousands of boys were castrated each year: their voices did not break at puberty but gained more power than a woman's because of their size.

Carlo Broschi (1705-82), known as Farinelli, enjoyed wide renown and was one of Handel's favourite singers.

Nicholas Clapton, curator of the Handel & the Castrati exhibition at London's Handel House Museum, and himself a counter-tenor, noted that disinterment was quite gruesome "and some might consider it sacrilegious".

However, he added, it would now be possible to measure the bones of a castrato singer and test his physical shape against the cartoon images of castrati as "tuneful scarecrows". The biomedical research, including X-rays and scans, will be done for the Centro Studi Farinelli by the universities of Pisa and Bologna.

Physical anthropology professor Maria Giovanna Belcastro said the skull could suggest the castrato's face and that "removal of the testicles results in the absence of male-type growth of the larynx, which may appear very small, with the vocal cords as short as in a female soprano".

But the resonating chambers provided by the pharynx and oral cavity, as well as an adult chest capacity, were probably responsible for a castrato's vocal prowess.

Castration, banned in Italy in 1870, was partly a reaction to the Catholic ban on females singing in church. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the heroic lead in opera would usually be for a castrato.

The Times

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http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/printpage/0,5942,19783105,00.html Pagina 1 di 1 Castrato Farinelli's bones come up for air and study 17/07/2006 10:31 AM


Castrato Farinelli's bones come up for air and study July 14, 2006

LONDON: The remains of the legendary castrato Farinelli were disinterred in Bologna yesterday for scientific research.

In Italy in the 17th and 18th centuries, thousands of boys were castrated each year: their voices did not break at puberty but gained more power than a woman's because of their size.

Carlo Broschi (1705-82), known as Farinelli, enjoyed wide renown and was one of Handel's favourite singers.

Nicholas Clapton, curator of the Handel & the Castrati exhibition at London's Handel House Museum, and himself a counter-tenor, noted that disinterment was quite gruesome "and some might consider it sacrilegious".

However, he added, it would now be possible to measure the bones of a castrato singer and test his physical shape against the cartoon images of castrati as "tuneful scarecrows". The biomedical research, including X-rays and scans, will be done for the Centro Studi Farinelli by the universities of Pisa and Bologna.

Physical anthropology professor Maria Giovanna Belcastro said the skull could suggest the castrato's face and that "removal of the testicles results in the absence of male-type growth of the larynx, which may appear very small, with the vocal cords as short as in a female soprano".

But the resonating chambers provided by the pharynx and oral cavity, as well as an adult chest capacity, were probably responsible for a castrato's vocal prowess.

Castration, banned in Italy in 1870, was partly a reaction to the Catholic ban on females singing in church. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the heroic lead in opera would usually be for a castrato.

The Times

The Australian



http://www.theaustralian.news.com.au/wireless/story/0,8262,13-19783105,00.html Pagina 1 di 1 The ChronicleHerald.ca 17/07/2006 11:45 AM

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Scientists exhume body of castrato Farinelli » Front page » Metro » Nova Scotia MILAN, Italy (AP) — Scientists have exhumed the body of the legendary 18th-century opera singer Farinelli to learn more about the castrati, male singers neutered in childhood to preserve their high- » Canada pitched voices. » World » Business Farinelli was the most popular and best-paid opera singer in Europe before his death in 1782. His » Sports remains were exhumed Wednesday from the historic Certosa cemetery in Bologna, said musicologist Carlo Vitali. The bones will be examined by scientists from the universities of Bologna and Pisa for » Entertainment insights into Farinelli’s lifestyle, habits and possible diseases, as well as the physiology of a castrato.

Scientists were surprised to find not just Farinelli’s remains but also those of his grandniece Carlotta Pisani Broschi.

The stacking of the bones degraded the preservation of Farinelli’s remains, which included his jawbone, several teeth, parts of his skull and almost all of his major bones.

Vitali described the major bones as "long and sturdy, which would correspond with Farinelli’s official portraits, as well as the castrati’s reputation for being unusually tall." » Editorials » Columnists Back » Letters/Feedback Back to top

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Italian scientists exhume body of 18th century castrato MILAN, Italy (AP) - EXCLUSIVE One day before suffering a Scientists have exhumed the body of the legendary 18th century opera singer stroke, Ecevit speaks to TNA known as Farinelli to learn more about the castrati, male singers neutered in childhood to preserve their high-pitched voices, a founder of the Farinelli Studies CROSS READER Center said Thursday. The remains of Farinelli, who was the most popular and best-paid opera singer in Europe before he died Sept. 17 1782, were exhumed Among the issues that busied the entire on Wednesday from the historic Certosa cemetery in Bologna, said musicologist Turkish public over the weekend was the sudden resignation of Turkish Land MENU Carlo Vitali. Scientists were surprised to find not just Farinelli's remains in the grave, but also those of his grand niece, Carlotta Pisani Broschi. "When Carlotta Forces Military School ex-head Maj. Gen. Homepage died in 1850, the grave was reopened and Farinelli's bones were stacked Reha Taskesen earlier this month over Social together at the base of the tomb to make place for Carlotta's remains," Vitali claims that he had an affair with a female said. He said the fact that the bones were stacked together for more than a army captain. The alleged affair was Diplomacy century and a half degraded the preservation of Farinelli's remains, which revealed in a tip-off letter sent to military Home news included his jaw bone, a couple of teeth, parts of his skull and almost all of his officials. Focusing on the attacks that International major bones. began when Israel blasted Lebanon's air and road links to punish Hezbollah, the Foam of the days 2006-07-13 18:31:26 Turkish dailies also referred to the Cross-reader hideous side of the att more » Opinion TNA ARTICLES Interviews Features Tapping phones is a way of life for some Leisure Ilnur Cevik On the ground Sports Is Baykal an alternative Economy candidate for president? Turkish business news Mete Belovacikli News extra OTHER Don't say a word Subscribe now! Nazlan Ertan Feedback Communications Masthead The military: a paper tiger? Kemal Balci Make TNA my homepage TNA archive Webmasters New Silk Road is open SEARCH NEWS Nursun Erel

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© 2004-2006 NowPublic http://www.nowpublic.com/farinelli_rises_from_grave_to_reveal_castrati_secrets Pagina 1 di 2 Entertainment: Famous 18th Century 'Castrato' Exhumed - The Post Chronicle 17/07/2006 10:42 AM

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http://www.postchronicle.com/news/entertainment/article_21228278.shtml Pagina 1 di 2 The Public View of 14/07/2006 11:31 AM

BlogThis! This blog contains everything that matters. ALL THAT About Me Name: Obi-Akpere Location: MATTERS Kaduna, Nigeria Coping with Grief The Path to Healing Grief I am a very positive Learn how to recover and move on. Online Love continues beyond death & loss. New person who beliefs Help. Therapist Recommended DVD gives hope to bereavement. that nothing is impossible since; Ads by Google Advertise on this site "Man is a bundle of possibilities". View my complete profile Wednesday, July 12, 2006 ARCHIVES October 2005 / November 2005 / Farinelli rises from grave to reveal castrati December 2005 / January 2006 / February 2006 / March 2006 / April secrets 2006 / May 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 /

By Stephen Brown

ROME (Reuters) - Historians and scientists have exhumed the remains of legendary castrato Farinelli in Italy to study the anatomical effects of castration carried out on young boys to turn them into high-pitched stars of the opera.

Castrati played heroic male leads in Italian opera from the mid-17th to late 18th century when the bel canto was the rage in Europe. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, was the most famous of them all, in a stage career lasting from 1720 to 1737.

Carlo Vitale of the Farinelli Study Center in Bologna said they had recovered the bodies on Wednesday of the singer and his great-niece, who moved his body from a first grave destroyed in the Napoleonic wars.

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His final resting place in Bologna's Certosa cemetery was only recently discovered.

"They are in a middling state of preservation but the scientists say there is something to work on," Vitale told Reuters from the graveyard, where Farinelli and his great- niece lay beneath a tombstone with a long Latin epitaph.

His remains were to be taken to Bologna University for study by a team of scientists including an accoustics expert eager to find remains of the vocal chords and larynx to discover what gave castrati such extraordinary vocal range and power.

"This is the only skeleton of them we have," said Nicholas Clapton, a British expert on the castrati.

"We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women's breasts and large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits," he told Reuters.

A singing professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London and curator of an exhibition on the composer Handel's use of the castrati, Clapton said the removal of boy chorists' testicles kept their vocal chords small while the hormonal changes meant their bodies kept growing well into adulthood.

"That gave them huge lung capacity but with a very sweet voice," he said.

It could also mean castrati grew abnormally tall or fat and could sprout breasts, though surviving official portraits of Farinelli depict a handsome man in fine dress.

Castrati also had their critics who thought their voices were ghastly and their mutilation was barbaric.

The Catholic Church banned it on pain of excommunication, while also using castrati in choirs and the Vatican's Sistine Chapel until as recently as 1903, Clapton said.

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The last surviving castrato, Sistine Chapel chorist Alessandro Moreschi, lived long enough to make recordings in 1902 and 1904, though on the dated gramophone records his voice sound like what Clapton described as "Pavarotti on helium".

¶ 7:39 AM

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http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/nation/15030435.htm Pagina 1 di 2 United Press International - The Washington Times, America's Newspaper 14/07/2006 02:13 PM

United Press International Famous 18th century 'castrato' exhumed

Jul. 13, 2006 at 11:04PM

The remains of Farinelli, the famous Italian singer of the Baroque period, were exhumed in Bologna so scientists could learn the secrets of his vocal range. Called the "divine Farinelli," he traveled throughout Europe and to the court of King Philip V of Spain -- who was said to be cured of depression by hearing Farinelli sing -- ANSA reported. Scientists from Bologna's Farinelli Center and the universities of Bologna, Pisa, Florence and York began looking at Farinelli's remains on Wednesday. They want to learn if castrati -- men castrated as boys to keep their voices high -- had normally formed bodies. Farinelli had a range of three and a half octaves. Even if the soft parts of the mouth have disintegrated, said Maria Giovanna Belcastro of Bologna University, "we should be able to get some idea of what made castrati tick from the size of the chest cavity." The Baroque period (1600-1750) was the golden age for the castrato voice, and Handel, Rossini and Mozart wrote works specifically for them. Farinelli's remains were only recently discovered in a cemetery in Bologna, where they were moved in 1810 after the destruction of his original resting place at a Capuchin monastery, the Telegraph reported.

Copyright © 1999 - 2006 News World Communications, Inc. http://www.washingtontimes.com/newstrack/20060713-104843-5788r.htm

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Mobile Movie - MobMov Today's Global Hit takes us back to 18th century Italy and the phenomenon that was the castrati. Those were male performers The World is not responsible for who were castrated at an early age to preserve their ability to the content of external sites. reach the high notes of a soprano. Italian scholars are exhuming the body of Italy's most famous castrato, Farinelli. The World's Alex Gallafent has the story.

This is the voice of a castrato. It was recorded in 1904 using wax world features archive cylinder technology. The singer, Allesandro Moreschi, was in his mid-40s when the recording was made. China's Environment: July 21, 2006 Paying for Prosperity July 20, 2006 Moreschi sounds a bit past his prime in this recording. But his voice * New July 19, 2006 connects us to a tradition of strange and uncomfortable beauty, now lost China, the world's largest July 18, 2006 to history. A castrato is a male singer who, through castration as a boy, nation with one of the July 17, 2006 keeps his unbroken voice throughout his life. When puberty arrives, the fastest growing economies, July 14, 2006 boy grows in muscle strength and lung capacity, but the larynx doesn't July 13, 2006 develop normally. And that means the voice doesn't deepen. It might has a world-class pollution July 12, 2006 have sounded something like this. problem. In a four-part July 11, 2006 series for PRI's The World, July 10, 2006 The voice you're hearing was created for a film by combining the sound correspondent Mary Kay of a female soprano and a male countertenor. Magistad examines China's search archive... growing environmental In the mid-16th century, when castrati first appeared in Italy, the crisis. procedure was seized upon by the Catholic Church. podcasts and downloads Complete series Women weren't allowed to sing in religious services, so boys sang their (34:36 mp3) parts. But boy's voices break, requiring constant recruitment and training. The castrato could sing in the choir for life. Soon castrati held Read Mary Kay's Podcasts & RSS feeds lucrative positions at the Sistine Chapel and at the Medici court in The World is pleased to Florence. Reporter's Journal offer podcasts and RSS feeds. Learn more about In the 1700s, their celebrity burned a path to the opera house. And the podcasting and other most celebrated of all opera castrati was Carlo Broschi, known by his special features. nickname - Farinelli. Musicologist Luigi Verdi is secretary of the Farinelli study centre in Bologna, Italy. He's part of the team planning to exhume online extras the singer's remains. SXSW 2006 "We are hoping to learn important things about Farinelli's lifestyle, his Immigration All Music Is habits, any illnesses he had. Already from our first investigation, coverage World Music interesting things have surfaced about the configuration of his bones - Recent which were very big. A bit unusual compared to normal people." immigration coverage aired on PRI's The Farinelli was anything but normal. He was a superstar. Farinelli and other World. FREE downloads of top castrati dressed extravagantly, lived lavishly and developed complete concerts reputations for tantrums and stormy personalities. Moroccan And in that sense, as far as popular singers go today, nothing much has immigration changed. technology Pennsylvania immigration report For The World, this is Alex Gallafent. Citizenship rush Serious Gaming A video game read more called Darfur is http://www.theworld.org/globalhits/2006/07/12.shtml Pagina 1 di 2 Castrato is heard from the grave - World - Times Online 14/07/2006 02:20 PM

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http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13509-2267386,00.html Pagina 1 di 2 Castrato is heard from the grave - World - Times Online 14/07/2006 02:20 PM

Very British summer chest capacity, were probably responsible for the vocal prowess of castrati.” Lead into Asia Select E-zine Castration, banned in Italy in 1870, was in part a Business travel reaction to the Roman Catholic ban on females singing in church. In the 17th and 18th centuries Healthy living the heroic lead in Italian opera would usually be La vie Francaise written for a castrato. When such operas are Management issues performed today, the role is taken by a female singer or a counter-tenor — who, unlike the Poker castrato, sings falsetto. Work revolution Farinelli is among the castrati featured in the SOUND & VISION exhibition at the museum. TV and Video Picture galleries Podcasts SERVICES & TOOLS ALSO IN THIS SECTION

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http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,13509-2267386,00.html Pagina 2 di 2 T-Portal 19/07/2006 03:28 PM


FENOMEN FARINELLI Ciklus belgijskog filma u kinu Tuškanac Ekshumiran najpoznatiji kastrat na svijetu Filmski programi u kinu Tuškanac Ekshumirano je tijelo najpoznatijeg svjetskog pjevača, kastrata Vijesti Farinellija, kako bi se pokušalo MATEMATIČKI TOČAN otkriti kako se njegov virtuozni glas PRIKAZ razvijao Bolest pomogla Van Goghu u slikanju oluje RIM – Znanstvenici u Bologni na sjeveru Italije mjerit će veličinu njegove SVJETSKA BAŠTINA lubanje i kosti te će obaviti DNA Rudnici u Cornwallu pod ispitivanja. Farinelli, pravim imenom zaštitom UNESCO-a Carlo Broschi, je bio samo jedan od tisuće dječaka koji su bili kastrirani kako ZA MUZEJ ZLOČINA bi sačuvali svoj visoki glas i nakon Scotland Yard dobio puberteta. Pjevači kastrati bili su bilješke o Trbosjeku popularni u Europi od 16. stoljeća do FENOMEN FARINELLI 1870. godine kad je jeziva operacija Ekshumiran najpoznatiji zabranjena. kastrat na svijetu ARHEOLOŠKO OTKRIĆE Farinelli (Foto: Reuters) Njihovi su glasovi bili toliko hvaljeni i cijenjeni zbog kombinacije visine i Ostaci neolitskog naselja snage, mogli su doseći najviše note iz snažnih pluća odraslog muškarca. kraj Drniša U Italiji su u 17. i 18. stoljeću kastrirali do 4.000 dječaka godišnje, uglavnom iz siromašnih obitelji, od osme godine i starije. Odrasli su u OD KUTJEVA DO DUBROVNIKA operne pjevače te solo pjevače u crkvenim zborovima ili na kraljevskim Dobro došli, slavni gosti! palačama. Rijetki su zapravo bili iznimno uspješni, ali oni koji jesu, imali su status pop zvijezda u svoje vrijeme. POTRAGA PO SVIJETU Grčka zahtijeva vraćanje Farinelli, vjerojatno najpoznatiji kastrat na svijetu, bio je poznat po svom svojih umjetnina temperamentu u 18. stoljeću u Italiji. Pokopan je u Bologni u odori srednjevjekovnog viteza, a njegovo je grob otkriven tek nedavno. Znanstvenici su odlučili proučiti njegove ostatke kako bi više saznali o vokalnom mehanizmu kao i o učinku intenzivnog glazbenog treninga na tijelo. DNA testovi otkrit će što je jeo i koje je bolesti imao. T-Portal srijeda, 12.07.2006.

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Ekshumiran najpoznatiji kastrat na svijetu Ekshumirano je tijelo najpoznatijeg svjetskog pjevača, kastrata Farinellija, kako bi se pokušalo otkriti kako se njegov virtuozni glas razvijao

RIM – Znanstvenici u Bologni na sjeveru Italije mjerit će veličinu njegove lubanje i kosti te će obaviti DNA ispitivanja. Farinelli, pravim imenom Carlo Broschi, je bio samo jedan od tisuće dječaka koji su bili kastrirani kako bi sačuvali svoj visoki glas i nakon puberteta. Pjevači kastrati bili su popularni u Europi od 16. Farinelli (Foto: Reuters) stoljeća do 1870. godine kad je jeziva operacija zabranjena.

Njihovi su glasovi bili toliko hvaljeni i cijenjeni zbog kombinacije visine i snage, mogli su doseći najviše note iz snažnih pluća odraslog muškarca. U Italiji su u 17. i 18. stoljeću kastrirali do 4.000 dječaka godišnje, uglavnom iz siromašnih obitelji, od osme godine i starije. Odrasli su u operne pjevače te solo pjevače u crkvenim zborovima ili na kraljevskim palačama. Rijetki su zapravo bili iznimno uspješni, ali oni koji jesu, imali su status pop zvijezda u svoje vrijeme.

Farinelli, vjerojatno najpoznatiji kastrat na svijetu, bio je poznat po svom temperamentu u 18. stoljeću u Italiji. Pokopan je u Bologni u odori srednjevjekovnog viteza, a njegovo je grob otkriven tek nedavno. Znanstvenici su odlučili proučiti njegove ostatke kako bi više saznali o vokalnom mehanizmu kao i o učinku intenzivnog glazbenog treninga na tijelo. DNA testovi otkrit će što je jeo i koje je bolesti imao.

T-Portal srijeda, 12.07.2006.

Pagina 1 di 1 TS Policy Review - Italian Scientists Exhume Farinelli’s Remains 17/07/2006 11:52 AM

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Thompson Italian Scientists Exhume Farinelli’s Remains Special Guests Arts & Letters Written by TSPR News Service All Columns Thursday, 13 July 2006 POLICY Scientists Investigate Effects On Castrated Boys

Politics Milan, Italy. The 18th century singer Farinelli was hired to cure the depression Government of King Philip V of Spain in 1737. With a voiced deemed to convey magic, royal courts throughout Europe thrilled to castrato performances. Employment

Law Enforcement Musicologist Carlo Vitali, a founder of the Farinelli Studies Center, said Farinelli’s remains were exhumed this past Wednesday. The Courts Farinelli was born male but castrated in childhood to preserve a high-pitched SCIENCE & MEDICINE vocal quality. A team of scientists hopes to learn more about Farinelli and gain insights into the thousands of others who were also castrated to help them sing. Science Enterprise Scientists will study the anatomical effects brought on by castration, examining Abstracts Farinelli's vocal cords to examine what might have given castrati such a broad Research vocal range.

Genetics Castration of boys at an early age is thought to have kept vocal cords small, allowing hormonal changes to keep their bodies growing into adulthood. The usual result was a very sweet Clinical Practice voice with a large lung capacity.

Clinical Trials Scientists from the universities of Bologna and Pisa will examine the bones for insights into Farinelli's lifestyle, habits and possible diseases, as well as the physiology of a castrato. Researchers plan on bio-molecular SOCIETY screening to gather data and to find out more about his height. Farinelli was very tall, an anomaly for the Arts & Letters times.

Media Ranger Born in Puglia in 1705 as Carlo Broschi, Farinelli was by far the most popular and best-paid opera singer in Europe. Dead at 77 years of age in 1782, . Farinelli was originally interred at the church of the Holy Cross at Living a Cappuchin monastery.

Pathways However, Farinelli’s burial place was recently discovered in the Certosa cemetery in Bologna where they had Outreach been moved in 1810 after the destruction of his original resting place.

NEWS FEEDS Scientists found the remains of both Farinelli's and his grandniece, Carlotta Pisani Broschi. Vitali said on Thursday that when Carlotta died in 1850, ". . . the grave was reopened and Farinelli's bones were stacked TS-Si Progress together at the base of the tomb to make place for Carlotta's remains."

TSPR News Service Due to the bone stacking, investigators noted some degradation of Farinelli’s jawbone, several teeth, parts of his skull and almost all of his major bones. The remains were in "a middling state of preservation", but Carlo Wire Reports Vitale says the scientists believe “there is something to work on". All News Feeds The major bones, according to Vitali, are "long and sturdy, which would correspond with Farinelli's official TS-Si Press Room portraits, as well as the castrati's reputation for being unusually tall."

TS-SI WEBSITES Contemporary cartoons depicted Farinelli at various times as tall and gangly, or with large buttocks and women's breasts, or like a grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits." TS-Si Home Engraved caricatures of Farinelli and a contemporary, Senesino, depict them towering over fellow singers, culminating in tiny heads. TS Science (COMING) http://ts-policyreview.org/content/view/1416/664/ Pagina 1 di 2 TS Policy Review - Italian Scientists Exhume Farinelli’s Remains 17/07/2006 11:52 AM

TS Science (COMING)

TS Policy Review "This is the only skeleton of them we have," said Mr. Clapton. "We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and gangly, or with women's breasts TS Support (COMING) and large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits."

SYNDICATION The research team is led and co-financed by Alberto Bruschi, a Florence historian, who said the effort would "obtain all the necessary information in order to reconstruct the biological profile of the famous singer". The team also includes David Howard (University of York), Nicholas Clapton, (Royal Academy of Music), and others.

No one can definitively explain the sanctioning of castration by the Church. Some leaders at the time believed St Paul had commanded women to keep out of choirs. ("Let the women learn in silence". 1 Timothy 2:11). DONATIONS Others may have feared the supposed eroticism of women's voices.

Tax Free Alessandro Moreschi, last of the surviving castrato, made recordings of his voice in 1902- 1904. However, the primitive recording techniques of the time resulted in a high-pitched squeal.

In a 1994 film of the singer's life, called Farinelli, the lead actor, Stefano Dionisi, lip synched Farinelli. The Thank you for your voices were synthesized from those of soprano Ewa Mallas Godlewska and tenor Derek Lee Regin. While their support and voices were distinctly male and female, they sounded very much alike. Director Gerard Corbiau decided to encouragement. creatively edit their voices to get the final effect heard in the film (see the trailer for brief examples).



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http://ts-policyreview.org/content/view/1416/664/ Pagina 2 di 2 TURBIEDADES - El lado turbio que tenemos todos los chilenos - Versión 3.0 17/07/2006 12:41 PM

Exhuman a Farinelli, il castrato

Científicos en Italia desenterrarán este miércoles el cadáver del famoso cantante de ópera del siglo XVIII Carlo Broschi, conocido como Farinelli, il castrato.

El objetivo de la exhumación es entender más acerca de cómo su castración y la instrucción musical que recibió afectó su físico.

Los investigadores esperan también enterarse de su dieta y las enfermedades que sufrió.

Farinelli fue uno de los miles de jóvenes castrados cada año para preservar sus voces agudas a pesar del crecimiento natural y los cambios que este conlleva.

La mayoría de los niños eran de familias pobres y no todos alcanzaron la fama. Sin embargo, los que triunfaron llegaron a tener un estatus parecido al de las estrellas de pop de hoy en día.

La práctica de la castración, llevada a cabo para crear el sonido extraordinario de la voz, fue prohibida en 1870.

El sexo evoluciona al ritmo de las nuevas tecnologías

Expertos sexólogos de Estados Unidos afirman que en los próximos años la tecnología logrará cambiar la idea que hasta ahora se tenía de “cibersexo”, ya que existen nuevos materiales para construir máquinas eróticas y programas que reproducen virtualmente experiencias sexuales “casi reales”, que las van a convertir en algo menos virtual que un “chat”.

Los investigadores norteamericanos se han reunido para abordar cómo será la próxima década en su campo, y hubo quien imaginó un futuro en el que las fantasías podrán ser satisfechas por “compañeros sexuales artificiales”.

"Lo que probablemente exista antes del 2016 será una experiencia multisensual de sexo virtual", dijo Julia Heiman, directora del Instituto Kinsey para la Investigación sobre Sexo, Género y Reproducción en la Universidad de Indiana.

"Existe la posibilidad de desarrollar materiales eróticos que permiten crear un compañero o compañera de ciertas dimensiones y cualidades". Además, el “sexo virtual” actual permite a dos personas con sendos ordenadores manipular aparatos electrónicos, como un vibrador, a través de la Red, para satisfacer las peticiones sexuales del otro.

"No es algo que sólo hagan los lunáticos", dijo Steve Rhodes, presidente de Sinulate Entertainment, según Rhodes, que ha vendido miles de aparatos de sexo conectados a Internet en los últimos años. Además:

-Turbiedades Agüards 2005

http://www.turbiedades.cl/noticias/index_noticias.htm Pagina 1 di 1 ÚJ SZÓ online 17/07/2006 10:48 AM

archívum elérhetőségek fórum Jelenleg Ön az Új Szó online 218. olvasója

keres Régebbi szám CHAT: - nick - ok 10:48:15 Főoldal ÚJ SZÓ / PANORÁMA (Új Szó, 2006. július 15.) Címlap NYOMTATHATÓ VERZIÓ Kultúra KÜLDJE EL EZT A CIKKET Sport FÓRUM NYITÁSA A CIKKHEZ Panoráma Bár a műtét illegális volt, a karrier reményében évente 4 ezer fiú került kés alá Régió Exhumálták Farinellit, a híres énekest Téma Interjú A műtét nemcsak a hang mutálását akadályozta meg, hanem a hormonális változások nyomán a Fókusz bizonyos mellkasi elváltozásokhoz is vezetett, ez pedig rendkívüli technikai lehetőségeket nyújtott és különleges dinamikai hatásokat tett lehetővé. A 16. században kasztrált énekesek énekelték a pápai Közélet énekkarban a szoprán szólamokat, a legfontosabb szerepet azonban a 17-18. századi itáliai operában Külföld kapták. Bár a műtét illegális volt, a mesés karrier reményében évente négyezer kisfiú került kés alá, ám közülük csak minden másodiknak sikerült érvényesülnie. Vélemény és háttér Horoszkop Az olasz tudósok Maria Giovanna Belcastro professzor vezetésével tanulmányozzák Farinelli csontvázát, választ keresve az énekes életével és halálával kapcsolatos kérdésekre. Bevonnak egy akusztikust is, Egészségünkre aki a gége és a hangszalag esetleges maradványainak vizsgálatával szándékozik több fényt deríteni Szombati vendég arra, mi adta a kasztráltak rendkívüli hangterjedelmét és erejét. A csontokból DNS-mintákat is Családi kör vesznek, hogy megállapítsák, mit evett és milyen betegségekben szenvedett, ám a csontváz a kasztráltakra jellemző elváltozások tanulmányozása szempontjából is érdekes, a koponya alapján pedig FÓRUM rekonstruálni szándékoznak Farinelli arcát. HIRDETÉS Carlo Broschi 1705-ben született Nápolyban. Rómában debütált 1722-ben, s pályafutása során közvélemény-kutatás számtalan európai operaház színpadán lépett fel. Az énekest 1782-ben bekövetkezett halála után a Mennyi ideig lesz bolognai temetőben helyezték örök nyugalomra. hatalmon a most alakuló kormány? MTI-JELENTÉS

Fél év. [2006. 07. 15.]

Egy év.

Hozzászólás a cikkhez Két év. Hozzászólás a cikkhez Három év.

Négy év. ELŐZŐ CIKK: KÖVETKEZŐ CIKK: SPORTHĺRADÓ A körülmetélés milliókat óvhat meg eddig 1137 szavazat érkezett eredmények Legolvasottabb cikkek A Pápay-mészárlás már DVD-n is

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Főiskolák, egyetemek zárhatnak be

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A pontos építész megfizethetetlen

Háború több fronton

http://www.ujszo.com/clanok.asp?vyd=20060715&rub=print_panor&cl=163381 Pagina 1 di 2 Farinelli 07/07/2006 04:58 PM

Si studiano i resti del cantore Farinelli 7 luglio 2006 Autore: Monica Lacoppola

Saranno riesumate il prossimo 12 luglio le ossa del cantore del Settecento. Il progetto di studio coinvolge l'Ateneo di Bologna, quello di Pisa e quello di York, oltre al Centro Studi Farinelli di Bologna.

Sono fedeli i ritratti tramandati di Farinelli, l’evirato cantore osannato come una vera pop star nel Settecento? A proposito della sua morte poi le cronache dicono semplicemente "morì a Bologna a 77 anni". Ma c’è qualcosa che merita di essere ancora indagato sulle cause del suo decesso e su eventi che hanno riguardato la sua vita?

Tutte curiosità che potrebbero presto essere soddisfatte da un gruppo di antropologi dell’Ateneo. Il giorno 12 Luglio, infatti, sarà riesumato il cadavere del cantore Carlo Broschi (era il vero nome dell’artista), che dal 1810 riposa in una tomba della Certosa monumentale.

"Molto dipende da cosa troveremo visto che il cadavere di Farinelli è stato traslato ben tre volte" - spiega la professoressa Maria Giovanna Belcastro Responsabile del Laboratorio di Bioarcheologia e Osteologia forense e del Museo di Antropologia. Il progetto storico scientifico coinvolge, oltre ad altri studiosi del Laboratorio (Fiorenzo Facchini, Benedetta Bonfiglioli, Chiara Consiglio, Elisa Rastelli, Valentina Mariotti) e del Museo di Antropologia (Antonio Todero) del Sistema Museale d’Ateneo della nostra Università anche l’équipe del Prof. Gino Fornaciari, paleopatologo dell’Università di Pisa, molto noto per gli studi compiuti sulla famiglia Medici, il Prof. David M. Howard dell’University of York e il Centro Studi Farinelli di Bologna.

"Non sappiamo, comunque, - prosegue Belcastro con cautela - in che condizioni sarà. E non sappiamo se i suoi resti sono mescolati a quelli della nipote, Maria Carlotta Pisani, che è stata sepolta nella stessa tomba. Ma se le condizioni lo permetteranno la lettura dello scheletro potrà soddisfare non poche curiosità". Per esempio, è cosa nota che Farinelli sia stato evirato in età prepuberale, prima perciò della comparsa dei caratteri sessuali secondari, anche quelli dello scheletro. Il suo scheletro potrebbe quindi non rivelare, come di solito invece avviene in età adulta, specifici caratteri legati al sesso. E potrebbe invece presentare altri caratteri che testimoniano l’abitudine al canto (ad esempio lo sviluppo della cassa toracica), una particolare cura del cavo orale e dei denti, ecc.. Il tentativo di ricostruzione biologica globale, effettuato utilizzando le tecnologie biomediche più moderne (microscopia, radiologie, TAC, istologia, ricostruzione fisiognomica, ecc.) mirerà ad ottenere il maggiore numero possibile di informazioni sull'ambiente, sullo stile di vita, sulle malattie che colpirono questo importante personaggio di Età moderna.

Uno studio consueto per gli antropologi quello dello scheletro,

http://www.magazine.unibo.it/Magazine/UniBoIniziative/2006/07/07/Farinelli.htm Pagina 1 di 2 Farinelli 07/07/2006 04:58 PM

che nelle loro mani appare come una sorta di scatola nera, indagata per ricostruire la storia dell’individuo. "Sullo scheletro c’è, infatti, traccia della vita di ciascuno di noi: sesso, età, abitudini alimentari, attività fisica, malattie, ecc.". Ma anche delle cause di morte. "Il nostro lavoro non è molto diverso da quello degli osteologi e medici forensi - aggiungono gli antropologi bolognesi - solo che la scena del "delitto" che noi indaghiamo risale magari a centinaia o migliaia di anni fa".

Spesso gli studi vengono compiuti su campioni molto vasti di popolazione. E’ il caso della collezione di oltre mille scheletri identificati (per età, sesso, causa di morte, attività lavorativa, ecc.) che si trova nel Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica Sperimentale e che è materia di indagine per studiosi italiani e stranieri per mettere a punto metodi di studio e per ricostruire la storia delle popolazioni del passato. Un "vero archivio bio-culturale". Avere, comunque, di fronte un personaggio storicizzato e famoso come Farinelli, permette di fare interessanti confronti tra le informazioni che lo scheletro può dare e quanto noto dalla ricca documentazione biografica e iconografica, ad esempio.

Il Dipartimento non è certo nuovo a studi su personaggi illustri. Proprio qui il fondatore dell’istituto di Antropologia, il professor Fabio Frassetto, studiò i resti di Bartolomeo Colleoni e di Dante dando un importante contributo alla ricostruzione della fisionomia del poeta.

©Copyright 2004-2006 - Informativa sulla Privacy inizio ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna - Via Zamboni, pagina 33 - 40126 Bologna

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Notizie Attualità Intervista: Marco Manca 7 luglio 2006 È morto Gianni Selleri, L’allenamento presidente dell’Aniep moderato, ovvero lo Il docente di psicologia aveva sport che diventa combattuto numerose medicina battaglie per la Un congresso a Bologna ha esplorato difesa dei diritti degli gli effetti benefici dell’attività fisica handicappati. sulla salute. Tra le tesi avanzate, la necessità di attivare azioni integrate per la promozione dell’attività fisica. Solo così infatti, lo sport può diventare un’alternativa continua » (economica e salubre) ai farmaci. continua » 7 luglio 2006 Al via il monitoraggio delle coste algerine Università UniBoIniziative 5 luglio 2006 Da tutto il mondo 6 luglio 2006 7 luglio 2006 all’Unibo per studiare Bertalia-Lazzaretto, Si studiano i resti del l’italiano presentato il Piano cantore Farinelli 4 luglio 2006 Urbanistico dettagliato Saranno riesumate il E’ scomparso Don Nell’area prossimo 12 luglio le Tullio Contiero, il ristrutturata ossa del cantore del confluiranno la Settecento. Il progetto cappellano di studio coinvolge dell’Università Facoltà di Ingegneria e l'Ateneo di Bologna, 4 luglio 2006 Dipartimenti Diem, Dienca, Dapt quello di Pisa e quello di York, oltre al Centro Studi Farinelli di Bè- Bologna Estate 06 e Distart. Fili conduttori del Bologna. in Università nuovo insediamento cittadino e universitario saranno la multifunzionalità e il legame con continua » Eventi il centro storico.

Museo civico archeologico UniBoLibri dal 10 al 21 luglio 2006 continua » Di santa ragione La bottega dei narratori. Incontri di UniBoPress Storie, laboratori e metodi filosofia, di: Marco Baliani, Ascanio letteratura, Rassegna stampa Alma politica e Celestini, Laura Curini, Mater scienza alla Marco Paolini, Gabriele ricerca della ragion perduta. L'Università di Bologna raccontata Vacis. attraverso gli Gerardo Guccini (a cura) continua » articoli della Dino Audino Editore stampa locale e Il teatro narrazione, il nazionale lavoro degli attori e UniBoSport degli autori, le Scarica la rassegna stampa di loro storie e i racconti, oggi 5 luglio 2006 nell'ultimo volume di Vai all'archivio Obiettivo Europa Gerardo Guccini. I cinque Rassegna stampa Crui campioni italiani Una raccolta di articoli sul del Cus si continua » mondo delle università italiane preparano alla rassegna Vai al sito Crui Il cibo e le donne nella continentale. cultura e nella storia. Altre riviste unibo Prospettive continua » AlmaNews (CITAM) interdisciplinari Griselda (Dip. di Italianistica) Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli e Lucia laStefani (Scuola Superiore di Re (a cura) Giornalismo) Clueb mediAzioni (Dip. SITLeC)

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Related Advertising Links What's this? Italian scientists exhume body of castrato Advertisement Posted 7/13/2006 3:50 PM ET E-mail | Save | Print | Subscribe to stories like this MILAN, Italy (AP) — Scientists have exhumed the body of the legendary 18th-century opera singer Farinelli to learn more SPACE, SCIENCE IN PICTURES about the castrati, male singers neutered in childhood to preserve their high-pitched voices. Gallery: This week in space Farinelli was the most popular and best-paid opera singer in Europe before his death in 1782. His remains were exhumed Wednesday from the historic Certosa cemetery in Bologna, said musicologist Carlo Vitali, a founder of the Farinelli Studies Gallery: Science Lens Center.

The bones will be examined by scientists from the universities of Bologna and Pisa for insights into Farinelli's lifestyle, habits and possible diseases, as well as the physiology of a castrato.

Scientists were surprised to find not just Farinelli's remains but also those of his grandniece Carlotta Pisani Broschi.

"When Carlotta died in 1850, the grave was reopened and Farinelli's bones were stacked together at the base of the tomb to make (a) place for Carlotta's remains," Vitali said Thursday.

The stacking of the bones degraded the preservation of Farinelli's remains, which included his jawbone, several teeth, parts of his skull and almost all of his major bones.

Vitali described the major bones as "long and sturdy, which would correspond with Farinelli's official portraits, as well as the castrati's reputation for being unusually tall."

Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Posted 7/13/2006 3:50 PM ET E-mail | Save | Print | Subscribe to stories like this

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"Nous aimerions avoir des éléments sur son style de vie par le biais de son régime alimentaire, et sur sa morphologie, bien que nous puissions déjà dire qu'il était grand et de robuste constitution", a-t-il ajouté. L'actualité en vidéo Selon Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsable du laboratoire de Sommet du G8 sur fond de Bioarchéologie de l'Université de Bologne, l'analyse des restes du castrat crise au Proche-Orient "pourra nous apprendre la circonférence de sa cage thoracique, et la taille (AFP) de la bouche", a-t-elle indiqué au quotidien La Repubblica.

Ces particularités morphologiques expliqueront peut-être les exceptionnels dons de chant de Farinelli.

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Home Page > News > Science > Stories Italian Scientists Exhume Body of Castrato July 18th, 2006

Jul 13th - 10:40am

MILAN, Italy (AP) - Scientists have exhumed the body of the legendary 18th-century opera singer Farinelli to learn more about the castrati, male singers neutered in childhood to preserve their high-pitched voices.

Farinelli was the most popular and best-paid opera singer in Europe before his death in 1782. His remains were exhumed Wednesday from the historic Certosa cemetery in Bologna, said musicologist Carlo Vitali, a founder of the Farinelli Studies Center.

The bones will be examined by scientists from the universities of Bologna and Pisa for insights into Farinelli's lifestyle, habits and possible diseases, as well as the physiology of a castrato.

Scientists were surprised to find not just Farinelli's remains but also those of his grandniece Carlotta Pisani Broschi.

"When Carlotta died in 1850, the grave was reopened and Farinelli's bones were stacked together at the base of the tomb to make (a) place for Carlotta's remains," Vitali said Thursday.

The stacking of the bones degraded the preservation of Farinelli's remains, which included his jawbone, several teeth, parts of his skull and almost all of his major bones.

Vitali described the major bones as "long and sturdy, which would correspond with Farinelli's official portraits, as well as the castrati's reputation for being unusually tall."

(Copyright 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)

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Wiadomości dnia Środa, 12 lipca 2006 Izraelskie wojsko Ekshumacja ostatniego kastrata wkroczyło do IAR 14:50 Libanu, dowództwo Naukowcy z uniwersytetów w Pizie i Bolonii ekshumują ciało ostatniego armii Izraela dementuje w historii opery kastrata, Farinelliego. Szczątki śpiewaka zostaną Lepper: Wildstein musi poddane badaniom czaszki, kości oraz testom DNA. Mają one pokazać, Polsat-Wydarzenia, 2006- odejść Wassermann: Macierewicz jak rozwijał się głos śpiewaka i co, oprócz zabiegu kastracji, miało 07-17 (11:58) ma klasę wpływ na jego niespotykaną barwę. Gdzie można Protest rektorów ws. znaleźć święty maturalnej "amnestii" Farinelli był jednym z tysięcy chłopców kastrowanych w wieku dojrzewania w spokój? Lepper: dostanę wszystko, celu zachowania ich wysokiej tonacji głosu. Kastrowanie dzieci było czego chcę popularne w Europie od XVI wieku do roku 1870, kiedy praktyki te zostały Niemiecka prasa: Polską Polsat-Wydarzenia, 2006- zakazane prawem. rządzą nacjonaliści 07-17 (11:51) Wakacyjna W XVII i XVIII wieku we Włoszech zabiegowi poddawano rocznie około 4 000 zamiana miejsc pochodzących z biednych rodzin chłopców w wieku od 8 do 12 lat. Zwykle zostawali oni śpiewakami w operach, kościołach i na dworach królewskich. Najlepsze Kilku z nich zrobiło duże jak na tamte czasy kariery. Polsat-Wydarzenia, 2006- zdjęcia - ZDJĘCIA Jednym z nich był żyjący w XVIII wieku Carlo Broschi, znany jako Farinelli. 07-17 (11:35) TYGODNIA Przez 20 lat śpiewał na hiszpańskim dworze Filipa V, gdzie w krótkim czasie Ekstremalne stał się bardzo wpływową osobą. Zmarł w wieku 78 lat i został pochowany w podróżowanie pociągiem Bolonii. (sm) Tylko w WP wszystkie » więcej w kategorii » Na nowy Kwestionariusz wszystkie multimedia » WP zapraszamy już jutro! Więcej informacji: EKSHUMACJA Sonda Najnowsze REKOMENDACJA (Zobacz ranking ») A TERAZ... Czy pomysł min. Giertycha Polecam wiadomość: Wyślij znajomym » 14:00 Boeing z plastiku ws. "amnestii" maturalnej jest słuszny? » 13:55 Marcinkiewcz na Rekomendowana: mocno Drukuj komisarza Warszawy - we Tak wtorek Nie » 13:31 Izraelskie wojsko wkroczyło do Libanu, Opinie: 60 Dodaj swoją opinię! Nie mam zdania dowództwo armii Izraela dementuje Kastracja to obcinają mu co ? (13) naprawdesolidny 2006.07.12 17:13 Nie wiem co to kastracja , ktos mi mówi ze obcinają temu komuś... » Zobacz wyniki Polecamy wszyscy z pisu to kastraci (7) el ninio 2006.07.12 16:48 wszystkie ankiety » wystarczy spojrzec na te nalane twarze » Jak to? Przecież Edgar nie... DDD 2006.07.12 19:40 Pokazywali go w telewizji. » Zdjęcia dnia kto myślał ze chodzi o... ps 2006.07.12 19:37 Truskawkopoziomki polskim choć ostatnio to Janosik go ekshumował - i nawet jak na Zombi... » Poniedziałek w obiektywie hitem? znany wykonawca hymnu julek 2006.07.12 19:31 Krzyżacy pokonani - pod Grunwaldem bez też pięknie śpiewa » niespodzianki Nie był on ostatni wrrr 2006.07.12 19:05 W Polsce jest coraz więcej http://wiadomosci.wp.pl/kat,1342,wid,8390797,wiadomosc.html Pagina 1 di 2 www.lofotposten.no / Utenriks 17/07/2006 02:49 PM

Gravde opp kastratsanger

Milano (ANB-AP):

Italienske forskere har gravd opp liket av den legendariske operasangeren Farinelli, som døde på 1700-tallet. Målet er å lære mer om kastratsangerne.

Kastratsangerne var mannlige sangere som ble kastrert i barndommen for å bevare de lyse stemmene sine.

Levningene av Farinelli, som var den mest populære og best betalte operasangeren i Europa før han døde i september 1782, ble gravd opp onsdag fra den historiske gravlunden i Bologna. Forskerne var overrasket over ikke å bare finne Farinellis levninger i graven, men også levningene etter en kvinnelig slektning.

Beinrestene vil nå bli nøye undersøkt av forskere fra universitetene i Bologna og Pisa for nærmere innsyn i Farinellis livsstil, vaner, mulige sykdommer og ikke minst en kastrats fysiologi. (ANB-AP)

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http://www.lofotposten.no/Utenriks/article2193291.ece Pagina 3 di 11 www.ranablad.no / Verden 17/07/2006 02:46 PM

Gravde opp kastratsanger

Milano (ANB-AP):

Italienske forskere har gravd opp liket av den legendariske operasangeren Farinelli, som døde på 1700-tallet. Målet er å lære mer om kastratsangerne.

Kastratsangerne var mannlige sangere som ble kastrert i barndommen for å bevare de lyse stemmene sine.

Levningene av Farinelli, som var den mest populære og best betalte operasangeren i Europa før han døde i september 1782, ble gravd opp onsdag fra den historiske gravlunden i Bologna. Forskerne var overrasket over ikke å bare finne Farinellis levninger i graven, men også levningene etter en kvinnelig slektning.

Beinrestene vil nå bli nøye undersøkt av forskere fra universitetene i Bologna og Pisa for nærmere innsyn i Farinellis livsstil, vaner, mulige sykdommer og ikke minst en kastrats fysiologi. (ANB-AP)

Tips en venn om denne saken Skriv ut denne siden Publisert : 13.07.2006 - 18:22

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http://www.ranablad.no/Utenriks/article2193291.ece Pagina 4 di 13 Musica: Il 12 Sara' Riesumata Salma Di Farinelli, Indagini Sui Suoi Resti (2) 11/07/2006 09:32 AM

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Dossier e ADN Kronos - Gio 6 Lug approfondimenti (Adnkronos)- L'indagine sui resti (Pubblicità) Meteo e traffico del celebre Farinelli saranno Cronaca condotte ''utilizzando tutte le Notizie regionali moderne tecnologie come i raggi Moda X, la Tac, le indagini immunologiche e biomolecolari'' >> Tutti i dossier spiega il Cimitero monumentale Le più inviate de la Certosa di Bologna dalle pagine del suo sito on line . Chip, Barron's:aumento domanda spingerà produttori memorie Dram Iraq: Catturato Numero 2 Gruppo Armato Che Uccise Baldoni India, fa scalpore l'uomo con il cranio in mano (Rre/Col/Adnkronos) Malgioglio: ''In Brasile ho fatto l'amore sopra un albero'' La maledizione è finita, l'Italia è campione del Mondo

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PUBLICIDADE Farinelli sai da tumba para revelar segredos sobre castração 12 de Jul, Qua - 09h10

( Reuters) -

Por Stephen Brown

ROMA (Reuters) - Historiadores e cientistas exumaram na Itália os restos mortais do lendário cantor Farinelli, a fim de estudar os efeitos anatômicos da castração realizada em garotos jovens para transformá-los em cantores de ópera com voz fina.

Os "castrati" representavam papéis masculinos heróicos nas óperas entre a metade do século 17 e o final do século 18, quando o "bel canto" estava em alta na Europa.

Farinelli, nascido Carlo Broschi, em 1705, foi o mais famoso de todos os castrati, tendo atuado de 1720 a 1737.

Carlo Vitale, do Centro de Estudo Farinelli, em Bolonha, disse que os Últimas notícias - 17 de Jul, Seg - 05h14 cientistas recuperaram na quarta-feira os corpos do cantor e do seu sobrinho-neto, que foram retirados da tumba original, destruída durante as · Aniston insinua que "Friends" poderia voltar em guerras napoleônicas. episódio especial ( Agência EFE) 17 de Jul, Seg - 05h07 O derradeiro local de descanso de Farinelli, o cemitério Certosa, de · Confira os filmes na TV em destaque nesta Bolonha, foi descoberto apenas recentemente. segunda ( BR Press) 16 de Jul, Dom - 21h29 "Estão em estado médio de conservação, mas os cientistas dizem que há · Lino Villaventura reforça África em suas criações material para ser trabalhado", disse Vitale à Reuters, no cemitério, onde de patchwork Farinelli e o sobrinho-neto ficavam sob uma lápide com epitáfio em latim. ( Reuters) 16 de Jul, Dom - 20h00 · Ronaldo Fraga transpõe sertão de Guimarães Os restos mortais devem ser levados à Universidade de Bolonha a fim de Rosa para passarela serem estudados por uma equipe de cientistas, da qual fazem parte ( Reuters) 16 de Jul, Dom - 18h59 especialistas em acústica, ansiosos para encontrar restos das cordas vocais · Jorge Fernando vai dirigir A Guerra das Rochas e da laringe para descobrir o que dava aos castrati tal amplidão e poder vocais. ( Redação Cineclick) 16 de Jul, Dom - 18h01

"Esse é o único esqueleto deles que temos", afirmou Nicholas Clapton, um Mais notícias especialista britânico no assunto.

"Queremos saber se eles eram como os desenhos da época os apresentavam, altos e magros, ou se tinham seios de mulher e ancas largas, ou se eram como o grande gentil-homem mostrado nos retratos oficiais de Farinelli", disse Clapton à Reuters.

Professor de canto da Academia Real de Música, em Londres, e curador de uma mostra sobre como o compositor Handel usou os castrati, Clapton afirmou que a retirada dos testículos daquelas crianças impedia o crescimento de suas cordas vocais sem bloquear o crescimento de seus corpos.

"Isso lhes dava uma grande capacidade pulmonar, mas com uma voz bastante doce", disse. http://br.movies.yahoo.com/noticias/15016537 Pagina 1 di 2 Notícias sobre Filmes, Artistas, DVD e TV no Yahoo! Cinema 17/07/2006 02:15 PM

A cirurgia também pode ter feito com que os castrati ficassem excessivamente altos ou gordos, ou que tivessem seios. Os retratos oficiais, porém, apresentam Farinelli como um homem elegante.

A prática dos castrati contou com críticas à época. Para os que se opunham a ela, as vozes desses cantores eram esganiçadas e a cirurgia, um ato de barbárie.

A Igreja Católica proibiu a prática, sob pena de excomunhão, apesar de ter usado castrati em coros e na Capela Sistina, no Vaticano, até 1903, disse Clapton.

O último castrato vivo, Alessandro Moreschi, que cantava na Capela Sistina, viveu o suficiente para fazer gravações em 1902 e 1904, apesar de o registro da voz dele em gramofone soar como um "Pavarotti que aspirou hélio", nas palavras de Clapton.

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mercredi 12 juillet 2006, 16h13 (Publicité) Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les secrets des castrats · Dépêches d'agences AFP, Reuters, AP... ROME (Reuters) - Les restes du cadavre du célèbre castrat · Articles de presse italien Farinelli ont été exhumés d'un cimetière de Bologne Yahoo! Search sur ordre d'historiens et de scientifiques désireux d'étudier · Galerie photos comment son anatomie a réagi à la castration. AFP, Reuters, AP... Tout le dossier Opéré dès son plus jeune âge pour pouvoir conserver son timbre de voix de petit garçon, Farinelli reste dans les Yahoo! Humour annales le plus célèbre des castrats, ces chanteurs d'opéra italien très recherchés au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle. agrandir la photo Une équipe de chercheurs de l'université de Bologne, dont un spécialiste de l'acoustique, attend avec impatience de découvrir ce qu'il reste des cordes vocales et du larynx de Farinelli afin de mieux comprendre d'où venaient les capacités vocales si extraordinaires de ces chanteurs.

Blagues, animations, "C'est l'unique squelette témoin dont nous disposons", a expliqué le vidéos, sites insolites... britannique Nicholas Clapton, spécialiste des castrats.

"Nous voulons savoir s'ils étaient comme les dessins humoristiques les décrivaient, grands et dégingandés, ou avec une poitrine de femme et de grosses fesses, ou encore comme le magnifique gentleman (représenté) sur les portraits officiels de Farinelli."

DES SEINS DR Le JT de l'info people Le corps du chanteur, exhumé avec celui de sa petite nièce, se trouvait [Toutes les vidéos] "dans un état de conservation médiocre", selon Carlo Vitale du centre d'étude sur Farinelli basé à Bologne, qui a néanmoins indiqué à Reuters que les scientifiques auraient de quoi mener leurs recherches.

Selon Clapton, professeur de chant à l'Académie royale de musique de Londres, c'est l'ablation des glandes génitales des petits garçons qui empêchait la croissance des cordes vocales malgré les changements d'un corps devenant adulte.

votre e-mail "Cela leur donnait une capacité pulmonaire énorme mais avec une voix très mélodieuse", a-t-il précisé. Valider

Utilisation de vos données Mais après une telle opération, les experts estiment que ces castrats ont pu personnelles* également grossir ou grandir anormalement et même voir leurs seins pousser.

Le choriste de la chapelle Sixtine Alessandro Moreschi fut le dernier Sauvegardez l'actualité exemple vivant de ces chanteurs au timbre si pur, et réalisa même des Installez Yahoo! Toolbar enregistrements de sa voix en 1902 et 1904, qualifié par Clapton de "Pavarotti sous hélium".

http://fr.news.yahoo.com/12072006/290/farinelli-exhume-pour-devoiler-les-secrets-des-castrats.html Pagina 1 di 2 LA RIESUMAZIONE 17/07/2006 09:50 AM


NEWS BOLOGNA Cronaca 17 Lug 2006 09:15 PORTALI CITTADINI Esteri LA RIESUMAZIONE Politica & Economia 'Farinelli rinasce' Ancona Arezzo Bergamo Sport Era molto alto Ascoli Empoli Brescia Spettacolo Bologna Firenze Como RUBRICHE Ricostruito il volto Cesena Grosseto Cremona Ferrara La Spezia Milano Borse Dalla prima analisi delle ossa del celebre cantore, si deduce Forlì Livorno Pavia Cavallo Magazine che era alto un metro e 80 circa, ma si sperava che lo stato di Imola Lucca Sondrio Cinema Macerata Massa Carrara Meteo conservazione dei resti fosse migliore Modena Perugia Pesaro Pisa Motori Ravenna Pistoia Viaggi Reggio Emilia Prato MULTIMEDIA Bologna, 12 lug - Rimini Siena MisterX TV Presumibilmente era alto Rovigo Viareggio Photogallery tra il metro e 75 e il metro e Web TV 80, quindi molto per l'epoca, e SERVIZI nonostante la sua voce da Annunci usignolo doveva avere una Elenco telefonico corporatura robusta. Una Giochi Mappe prima occhiata alle ossa di SHOPPING Farinelli, al secolo Carlo Broschi, da' gia' qualche indicazione Allegati di come poteva essere fisicamente uno dei piu' grandi soprani In Edicola del Settecento. Offerte MOBILE Un uomo dalla grande capacita' vocale, evirato tra i 9 e i City News 12 anni per permettergli di produrre note che solo le voci News Giochi Java bianche o le donne sono in grado di emettere. Lo spiega la Sfondi docente Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsabile del Suonerie Laboratorio di Bioarcheologia e Osteologia forense e del Museo di Antropologia di Bologna, una delle prima ad aver osservato, EDITORIALI questa mattina alla Certosa di Bologna, i resti di Farinelli FORUM riesumato per studiarne le spoglia. SONDAGGI Un po' delusi per lo stato di conservazione delle ossa (il BLOG cadavere e' gia' stato traslato tre volte), che si sperava Mister X fosse migliore, i tanti esperti presenti questa mattina alla Cesare De Carlo Categoria Case > Aftto Ricerche Giampaolo Pioli Certosa, sono comunque fiduciosi di poter reperire tante Lorenzo Bianchi informazioni sul cantore. Tipologia Seleziona la tipologia Giovanni Morandi Lorenzo Sani Le sue spoglie erano posate in una cassetta (ai piedi della Leo Turrini pronipote Maria Carlotta Pisani) e nonostante il loro stato non Provincia Seleziona la provincia ottimale "non e' detto che non bastino a ricostruire il suo Inizia Ricerca profilo biologico, le sue condizioni alla morte avvenuta all'eta' METEO Inserisci di 77 anni e anche le sue abitudini, la qualita' della sua vita, Ricerca Avanzata la sua alimentazione- aggiunge Belcastro- dalle ossa del viso potremmo anche ricostruire il suo volto, e pure il suo FOTO DEL GIORNO modo di sorridere davanti al pubblico". PAURA SULL'ETNA Nato ad Andria, in Provincia di Bari nel 1705, Farinelli mori' Due giovani turisti hanno lanciato un Sos a Bologna nel 1782, dove si esibi' piu' volte e ottenne dalle pendici dell'Etna. Appassionati di anche la cittadinanza onoraria.La sua riesumazione si deve vulcanologia stanno seguendo l'eruzione del all'iniziativa di un antiquario fiorentino e appassionato della gigante che da due giorni ha ripreso vita di Farinelli, Alberto Bruschi che ha dato il via l'attività all'operazione con un finanziamento privato.

Gli studi che ora verranno prodotti sono a cura dell'

http://ilrestodelcarlino.quotidiano.net/chan/bologna:5425170:/2006/07/13: Pagina 1 di 3

'JScript' type='text/jscript' LA RIESUMAZIONE 17/07/2006 09:50 AM

Gli studi che ora verranno prodotti sono a cura dell' Universita' di Bologna, di Pisa e di York (in Gran Bretagna), dove insegna un esperto di studi antropologici della voce, David Howard. Ma vi partecipera' anche il Museo di Antropologia di Bologna oltre al Centro studi Farinelli.

Alcune analisi, spiega Belcastro, come quella microbiologica, sono molto costose, "ma contiamo di chiedere finanziamenti e di riceverne per andare avanti con le ricerche".

Gli studi dureranno circa un anno, aggiunge, e guarderanno a tanti aspetti, da quelli fisici allo stato di salute del soprano. Per quanto riguarda la voce, gli elementi "molli" come le corde vocali, va avanti la docente, sarebbero stati molto utili per capire il perche' dei virtuosisimi vocali di Farinelli, ma anche il cranio, l'apparato boccale e i denti (anche se ne sono stati trovati solo tre) possono fare da indicatori.

Felicissimo della partenza del progetto, Bruschi loda Bologna per "la grande velocita' nel rispondere alle mie richieste, in nove mesi, l'iniziativa e' partita. Oggi non abbiamo riesumato Farinelli, oggi Farinelli rinasce".

'JScript' type='text/jscript' - * GUARDA IL VIDEO * La riesumazione dei resti del cantore Farinelli src='http://adv.ilsole24ore.it/RealMedia/ads/Creatives/activex.js'>


ALTRE NOTIZIE WEB TV - I PIÙ VISTI • DISAVVENTURA IN MARE: Il procuratore Campi dell'agave della tequila, capo Di Nicola patrimonio dell'umanità salvato da un bagnino 'Ce l'avrei fatta anche da solo' • CALCIO MARCIO / DOPO LE SENTENZE: Buon compleanno Rembrandt Cofferati: 'Bologna danneggiato Serve un risarcimento sportivo' In settimana incontro Italiana restituisce le ali a condor in con Cazzola Perù • GIALLO IN STAZIONE: Era morto da tempo, lo ignorano: 'Sembrava Si può andare in due in motorino addormentato' • FESTA BIANCONERA: La Virtus bagna la nuova stagione Al via torneo tifosi Virtussini • MINERBIO: Anziano si ustiona con una sigaretta • INCIDENTE SULL'A14: Auto si ribalta, due feriti • INCENDIO DOLOSO: Parco giochi a fuoco, indaga la polizia • AL PRATELLO: Tornano i dehors ma ad orario ridotto • IN PIAZZA MAGGIORE: Omaggio al cinema di Alida Valli • SIRIO: Ascom: 'Sabato e Natale non si toccano' • AGGREDITI AL PARCO: Derubati, reagiscono ma vengono picchiati • TRAFFICO I SOLDI: In manette gestore di una pizzeria • MONDIALI: Per la finale Cofferati promette: 'Un maxi schermo retroilluminato'


http://ilrestodelcarlino.quotidiano.net/chan/bologna:5425170:/2006/07/13: Pagina 2 di 3 http://ilrestodelcarlino.quotidiano.net/2006/07/07/pages/artI5424159.html 17/07/2006 10:06 AM


ALLA CERTOSA Farinelli 'esce' dalla tomba Riesumato per test scientifici Le ossa del celebre cantante settecentesco saranno studiate dai ricercatori di tre università, che tenteranno di svelare il talento dell'artista castrato

BOLOGNA, 6 luglio 2006 - Dopo una vita di sfavillanti successi in giro per le corti d’Europa e una morte forse mai del tutto chiarita, si alza nuovamente il sipario, e stavolta a sorpresa, su Carlo Brioschi, il celebre cantante castrato conosciuto come Farinelli.

Il soprano nel 1700 visse a Bologna nella fastosa villa di campagna, in via Lame 228 (ora via Zanardi), che, scherzi della storia, fu poi declassata ad ufficio di uno zuccherificio e poi abbattuta nel 1949. E ora «the show must go on», lo spettacolo continua: il 12 luglio, alle 8,30 del mattino, la salma di Farinelli verrà riesumata dalla tomba nella quale si trova al cimitero monumentale della Certosa di Bologna, luogo in cui i resti vennero traslati nel 1810 dalla chiesa di Santa Croce del convento dei Cappuccini, oggi Villa Revedin, sede del seminario arcivescovile.

I resti della ‘voce bianca’ più celebre della storia saranno portati alla luce per «ottenere tutte le informazioni necessarie a ricostruire il profilo biologico del noto cantore». Gli studiosi cercheranno di capire, fra le altre cose, perchè mai era così alto, una anomalia per l’epoca, e quale fosse la capacità polmonare in relazione al fatto che Farinelli a 12 anni fu evirato per volere della famiglia.

La regia dell’operazione è attribuita ad un appassionato toscano, Alberto Bruschi, antiquario di Firenze, che è anche il finanziatore dell’impresa nella quale ha coinvolto il Centro studi Farinelli di Bologna, l’università di Bologna e di Pisa, e la soprintendenza per i beni archeologici dell’Emilia Romagna e il museo di antropologia bolognese.

Il gruppo di ricerca è coordinato dall’antropologa Giovanna Belcastro, (università di Bologna) e dal paleopatologo Gino Fornaciari (Università di Pisa) e dall’ingegnere David Howard (Università di York).

La notizia della riesumazione, a quanto si sa, doveva rimanere riservata fino al 12 luglio, ma sulla home page della Certosa si legge che «gli studi saranno condotti utilizzando tutte le moderne tecnologie come i raggi x, la tac , le indagini immunologiche e biomolecolari, che permetteranno di ottenere dati inediti su Farinelli e il suo stile di vita».

Il centro studi Farinelli di Bologna, che appoggia l’intera operazione, mantiene viva la memoria di questo artista e cinque anni fa si preoccupò di far restaurare la stele posta sulla tomba che si trova nel Chiostro maggiore a Levante della Certosa.

Una «dimora», per la verità non proprio sontuosa per un genio musicale che portò il talento italico di allora in giro per per l’Europa, da Vienna, a Parigi, Londra e Madrid.

di Beppe Boni

- SPRINGSTEEN Il Boss a Bologna, via alle prevendite - PACE Noa in visita a Monte Sole Miss Alternative: notte 'trasgressiva' al Link

http://ilrestodelcarlino.quotidiano.net/2006/07/07/pages/artI5424159.html Pagina 1 di 1 LA RIESUMAZIONE 14/07/2006 09:37 AM


NEWS BOLOGNA Cronaca 14 Lug 2006 07:44 PORTALI CITTADINI Esteri LA RIESUMAZIONE Politica & Economia 'Farinelli rinasce' Ancona Arezzo Bergamo Sport Era molto alto Ascoli Empoli Brescia Spettacolo Bologna Firenze Como RUBRICHE Ricostruito il volto Cesena Grosseto Cremona Ferrara La Spezia Milano Borse Dalla prima analisi delle ossa del celebre cantore, si deduce Forlì Livorno Pavia Cavallo Magazine che era alto un metro e 80 circa, ma si sperava che lo stato di Imola Lucca Sondrio Cinema Macerata Massa Carrara Meteo conservazione dei resti fosse migliore Modena Perugia Pesaro Pisa Motori Ravenna Pistoia Viaggi Reggio Emilia Prato MULTIMEDIA Bologna, 12 lug - Rimini Siena MisterX TV Presumibilmente era alto Rovigo Viareggio Photogallery tra il metro e 75 e il metro e Web TV 80, quindi molto per l'epoca, e SERVIZI nonostante la sua voce da Annunci usignolo doveva avere una Elenco telefonico corporatura robusta. Una Giochi Mappe prima occhiata alle ossa di SHOPPING Farinelli, al secolo Carlo Broschi, da' gia' qualche indicazione Allegati di come poteva essere fisicamente uno dei piu' grandi soprani In Edicola del Settecento. Offerte MOBILE Un uomo dalla grande capacita' vocale, evirato tra i 9 e i City News 12 anni per permettergli di produrre note che solo le voci News Giochi Java bianche o le donne sono in grado di emettere. Lo spiega la Sfondi docente Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsabile del Suonerie Laboratorio di Bioarcheologia e Osteologia forense e del Museo di Antropologia di Bologna, una delle prima ad aver osservato, EDITORIALI questa mattina alla Certosa di Bologna, i resti di Farinelli FORUM riesumato per studiarne le spoglia. RICERCA ANNUNCI SONDAGGI Un po' delusi per lo stato di conservazione delle ossa (il BLOG cadavere e' gia' stato traslato tre volte), che si sperava Mister X fosse migliore, i tanti esperti presenti questa mattina alla Categoria Case > Aftto Ricerche Cesare De Carlo Certosa, sono comunque fiduciosi di poter reperire tante Giampaolo Pioli Tipologia Seleziona la tipologia Lorenzo Bianchi informazioni sul cantore. Giovanni Morandi Provincia Seleziona la provincia Lorenzo Sani Le sue spoglie erano posate in una cassetta (ai piedi della Leo Turrini pronipote Maria Carlotta Pisani) e nonostante il loro stato non Inizia Ricerca ottimale "non e' detto che non bastino a ricostruire il suo Inserisci profilo biologico, le sue condizioni alla morte avvenuta all'eta' Ricerca Avanzata METEO di 77 anni e anche le sue abitudini, la qualita' della sua vita, annuncio la sua alimentazione- aggiunge Belcastro- dalle ossa del viso FOTO DEL GIORNO potremmo anche ricostruire il suo volto, e pure il suo modo di sorridere davanti al pubblico". MISS DA CAPOGIRO Ninni Laaksonen, Miss Finlandia 2006, posa Nato ad Andria, in Provincia di Bari nel 1705, Farinelli mori' in costume da bagno durante le prefinali del a Bologna nel 1782, dove si esibi' piu' volte e ottenne concorso di miss Universo in corso a Los anche la cittadinanza onoraria.La sua riesumazione si deve Angeles all'iniziativa di un antiquario fiorentino e appassionato della vita di Farinelli, Alberto Bruschi che ha dato il via all'operazione con un finanziamento privato.

http://ilrestodelcarlino.quotidiano.net/chan/bologna:5425170:/2006/07/12: Pagina 1 di 3

'JScript' LA RIESUMAZIONE 14/07/2006 09:37 AM

all'operazione con un finanziamento privato.

Gli studi che ora verranno prodotti sono a cura dell' Universita' di Bologna, di Pisa e di York (in Gran Bretagna), dove insegna un esperto di studi antropologici della voce, David Howard. Ma vi partecipera' anche il Museo di Antropologia di Bologna oltre al Centro studi Farinelli.

Alcune analisi, spiega Belcastro, come quella microbiologica, sono molto costose, "ma contiamo di chiedere finanziamenti e di riceverne per andare avanti con le ricerche".

Gli studi dureranno circa un anno, aggiunge, e guarderanno a tanti aspetti, da quelli fisici allo stato di salute del soprano. Per quanto riguarda la voce, gli elementi "molli" come le corde vocali, va avanti la docente, sarebbero stati molto utili per capire il perche' dei virtuosisimi vocali di Farinelli, ma anche il cranio, l'apparato boccale e i denti (anche se ne sono stati trovati solo tre) possono fare da indicatori.

Felicissimo della partenza del progetto, Bruschi loda Bologna per "la grande velocita' nel rispondere alle mie richieste, in nove mesi, l'iniziativa e' partita. Oggi non abbiamo riesumato Farinelli, oggi Farinelli rinasce". 'JScript' type='text/jscript' - * GUARDA IL VIDEO * src='http://adv.ilsole24ore.it/RealMedia/ads/Creatives/activex.js'> La riesumazione dei resti del cantore Farinelli


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LA RIESUMAZIONE 'Farinelli rinasce' Era molto alto Ricostruito il volto Dalla prima analisi delle ossa del celebre cantore, si deduce che era alto un metro e 80 circa, ma si sperava che lo stato di conservazione dei resti fosse migliore

Bologna, 12 lug - Presumibilmente era alto tra il metro e 75 e il metro e 80, quindi molto per l'epoca, e nonostante la sua voce da usignolo doveva avere una corporatura robusta. Una prima occhiata alle ossa di Farinelli, al secolo Carlo Broschi, da' gia' qualche indicazione di come poteva essere fisicamente uno dei piu' grandi soprani del Settecento.

Un uomo dalla grande capacita' vocale, evirato tra i 9 e i 12 anni per permettergli di produrre note che solo le voci bianche o le donne sono in grado di emettere. Lo spiega la docente Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsabile del Laboratorio di Bioarcheologia e Osteologia forense e del Museo di Antropologia di Bologna, una delle prima ad aver osservato, questa mattina alla Certosa di Bologna, i resti di Farinelli riesumato per studiarne le spoglia.

Un po' delusi per lo stato di conservazione delle ossa (il cadavere e' gia' stato traslato tre volte), che si sperava fosse migliore, i tanti esperti presenti questa mattina alla Certosa, sono comunque fiduciosi di poter reperire tante informazioni sul cantore.

Le sue spoglie erano posate in una cassetta (ai piedi della pronipote Maria Carlotta Pisani) e nonostante il loro stato non ottimale "non e' detto che non bastino a ricostruire il suo profilo biologico, le sue condizioni alla morte avvenuta all'eta' di 77 anni e anche le sue abitudini, la qualita' della sua vita, la sua alimentazione- aggiunge Belcastro- dalle ossa del viso potremmo anche ricostruire il suo volto, e pure il suo modo di sorridere davanti al pubblico".

Nato ad Andria, in Provincia di Bari nel 1705, Farinelli mori' a Bologna nel 1782, dove si esibi' piu' volte e ottenne anche la cittadinanza onoraria.La sua riesumazione si deve all'iniziativa di un antiquario fiorentino e appassionato della vita di Farinelli, Alberto Bruschi che ha dato il via all'operazione con un finanziamento privato.

Gli studi che ora verranno prodotti sono a cura dell' Universita' di Bologna, di Pisa e di York (in Gran Bretagna), dove insegna un esperto di studi antropologici della voce, David Howard. Ma vi partecipera' anche il Museo di Antropologia di Bologna oltre al Centro studi Farinelli.

Alcune analisi, spiega Belcastro, come quella microbiologica, sono molto costose, "ma contiamo di chiedere finanziamenti e di riceverne per andare avanti con le ricerche".

Gli studi dureranno circa un anno, aggiunge, e guarderanno a tanti aspetti, da quelli fisici allo stato di salute del soprano. Per quanto riguarda la voce, gli elementi "molli" come le corde vocali, va avanti la docente, sarebbero stati molto utili per capire il perche' dei virtuosisimi vocali di Farinelli, ma anche il cranio, l'apparato boccale e i denti (anche se ne sono stati trovati solo tre) possono fare da indicatori.

Felicissimo della partenza del progetto, Bruschi loda Bologna per "la grande velocita' nel rispondere alle mie richieste, in nove mesi, l'iniziativa e' partita. Oggi non abbiamo riesumato Farinelli, oggi Farinelli rinasce".

- * GUARDA IL VIDEO * La riesumazione dei resti del cantore Farinelli

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Analisi scientifiche sui resti del celebre castrato andriese

Farinelli riesumato a Bologna si svelerà il segreto della voce?

BolognaSaranno riesumati i resti di Farinelli. Nel suo testamento, il celebre cantante dalla voce di bimbo Farinelli, evirato a soli 12 anni, qualche anno prima di morire, ormai ricco e famoso, lasciò scritto di voler essere sepolto nella chiesa di Santa Croce, presso il convento dei padri Cappuccini, sui colli di Bologna, prescrivendo per sé un funerale seguito da cinquanta poveri. Carlo Broschi, questo il vero nome del Farinelli che era nato a Andria nel 1705, acquistò addirittura la propria tomba, il 23 agosto del 1779, nella Chiesa sul Monte Calvario di Bologna, dove venne poi sepolto alla sua morte, il 17 settembre 1782. Nel 1810 la salma di Farinelli venne poi traslata dal convento trasformato in Villa nel cimitero monumentale della Certosa di Bologna e là da allora, le spoglie del celebre cantore riposano. Certo, Carlo Broschi «Farinelli» non poteva immaginare che, dopo oltre due secoli, i suoi resti sarebbero stati studiati con le più avanzate tecnologie, allo scopo di fornire agli studiosi tutte le informazioni necessarie a ricostruire il profilo biologico dell'artista. La salma del cantore sarà riesumata martedì prossimo: ogni frammento, ogni resto di Farinelli sarà studiato per capire, ad esempio, attraverso indagini immunologiche e biomolecolari, quali effetti ebbe sul suo corpo l'evirazione subita da adolescente. Il finanziatore e la mente dell'impresa è un antiquario di Firenze, Alberto Bruschi, che attraverso il «Centro Studi Farinelli» di Bologna ha coinvolto docenti delle università di Pisa, Bologna e York, oltre alla soprintendenza per i beni archeologici dell'Emilia Romagna ed il museo bolognese di antropologia. Carlo Broschi «Farinelli» all'età di 12 anni venne evirato perchè potesse mantenere la promettente voce fanciullesca che lo avrebbe reso famoso nel mondo, consentendo alla sua famiglia di sopravvivere alle ristrettezze economiche determinate dalla prematura morte del padre di Carlo, Salvatore, compositore e maestro di cappella nel Duomo di Andria, morto a 36 anni. Farinelli, ormai famoso, si esibì varie volte a Bologna e nel 1732 ottenne dalle autorità felsinee la cittadinanza onoraria. Un solo mese più tardi acquistò un podere in via delle Lame (oggi via Zanardi, poco fuori le mura cittadine); qui fece costruire una magnifica villa dove, ormai ricco e famoso, trascorse la vecchiaia in compagnia di una piccola corte di artisti. Nonostante i ventuno anni vissuti a Bologna (dal

http://www.lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.it/quotidiano/gazzetta_edicolanav.asp Pagina 1 di 1 La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno 09/07/2006

Analisi scientifiche sui resti del celebre castrato andriese

Farinelli riesumato a Bologna si svelerà il segreto della voce?

BolognaSaranno riesumati i resti di Farinelli. Nel suo testamento, il celebre cantante dalla voce di bimbo Farinelli, evirato a soli 12 anni, qualche anno prima di morire, ormai ricco e famoso, lasciò scritto di voler essere sepolto nella chiesa di Santa Croce, presso il convento dei padri Cappuccini, sui colli di Bologna, prescrivendo per sé un funerale seguito da cinquanta poveri. Carlo Broschi, questo il vero nome del Farinelli che era nato a Andria nel 1705, acquistò addirittura la propria tomba, il 23 agosto del 1779, nella Chiesa sul Monte Calvario di Bologna, dove venne poi sepolto alla sua morte, il 17 settembre 1782. Nel 1810 la salma di Farinelli venne poi traslata dal convento trasformato in Villa nel cimitero monumentale della Certosa di Bologna e là da allora, le spoglie del celebre cantore riposano. Certo, Carlo Broschi «Farinelli» non poteva immaginare che, dopo oltre due secoli, i suoi resti sarebbero stati studiati con le più avanzate tecnologie, allo scopo di fornire agli studiosi tutte le informazioni necessarie a ricostruire il profilo biologico dell'artista. La salma del cantore sarà riesumata martedì prossimo: ogni frammento, ogni resto di Farinelli sarà studiato per capire, ad esempio, attraverso indagini immunologiche e biomolecolari, quali effetti ebbe sul suo corpo l'evirazione subita da adolescente. Il finanziatore e la mente dell'impresa è un antiquario di Firenze, Alberto Bruschi, che attraverso il «Centro Studi Farinelli» di Bologna ha coinvolto docenti delle università di Pisa, Bologna e York, oltre alla soprintendenza per i beni archeologici dell'Emilia Romagna ed il museo bolognese di antropologia. Carlo Broschi «Farinelli» all'età di 12 anni venne evirato perchè potesse mantenere la promettente voce fanciullesca che lo avrebbe reso famoso nel mondo, consentendo alla sua famiglia di sopravvivere alle ristrettezze economiche determinate dalla prematura morte del padre di Carlo, Salvatore, compositore e maestro di cappella nel Duomo di Andria, morto a 36 anni. Farinelli, ormai famoso, si esibì varie volte a Bologna e nel 1732 ottenne dalle autorità felsinee la cittadinanza onoraria. Un solo mese più tardi acquistò un podere in via delle Lame (oggi via Zanardi, poco fuori le mura cittadine); qui fece costruire una magnifica villa dove, ormai ricco e famoso, trascorse la vecchiaia in compagnia di una piccola corte di artisti. Nonostante i ventuno anni vissuti a Bologna (dal 1761 al 1782 anno della sua morte) sono poche le tracce rimaste di Farinelli. La sua immensa villa di via della Lame fu abbattuta nel 1949 ed è ora diventata l'Ufficio centrale delle Poste. Lo straordinario archivio musicale ed i beni preziosi del cantante furono dispersi. r. sp. Italian Scientists Exhume Body of Castrato - New York Times 14/07/2006 02:39 PM


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Italian Scientists Exhume Body of Castrato More Articles in National »

By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS MOST POPULAR Published: July 13, 2006 SIGN IN TO E-MAIL E-MAILED BLOGGED SEARCHED THIS Filed at 12:37 p.m. ET PRINT 1. Out of College, but Now Living in Urban Dorms MILAN, Italy (AP) -- Scientists have exhumed the body of the 2. Modern Love: What Shamu Taught Me About a SAVE Happy Marriage legendary 18th-century opera singer Farinelli to learn more about the 3. The Taming of the Slur castrati, male singers neutered in childhood to preserve their high- 4. Paralyzed Man Uses Thoughts to Move a Cursor pitched voices. 5. Cuttings: Redefining American Beauty, by the Yard 6. Beers of The Times: It’s Hot. Drink Your Wheat. Farinelli was the most popular and best-paid opera singer in Europe 7. Wide Flaws Found in Boston Tunnel After Death before his death in 1782. His remains were exhumed Wednesday from the historic 8. Schoolbooks Are Given F’s in Originality Certosa cemetery in Bologna, said musicologist Carlo Vitali, a founder of the Farinelli 9. Come One, Come All, Join the Terror Target List Studies Center. 10. A Stirring Family Drama Is a Hit (in Paperback)

Go to Complete List » The bones will be examined by scientists from the universities of Bologna and Pisa for insights into Farinelli's lifestyle, habits and possible diseases, as well as the physiology of sponsored by a castrato.

Scientists were surprised to find not just Farinelli's remains but also those of his grandniece Carlotta Pisani Broschi.

''When Carlotta died in 1850, the grave was reopened and Farinelli's bones were stacked together at the base of the tomb to make (a) place for Carlotta's remains,'' Vitali said Thursday.

The stacking of the bones degraded the preservation of Farinelli's remains, which included his jawbone, several teeth, parts of his skull and almost all of his major bones.

Vitali described the major bones as ''long and sturdy, which would correspond with Farinelli's official portraits, as well as the castrati's reputation for being unusually tall.''

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http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/us/AP-Castrato-Exhumed.html?_r=1&oref=slogin Pagina 1 di 1 Scotsman.com News - Latest News - Odd - Farinelli rises from grave to reveal castrati secrets 14/07/2006 02:22 PM

Wed 12 Jul 2006

A detail of an oil on canvas painting by Jacopo Amigoni circa 1750-52 entitled "The singer Farinelli and friends" shows Carlo Broschi, better known as Farinelli, one of the most famous Italian soprano castrato singers of the 18th century. Historians and scientists have exhumed the remains of legendary castrato Farinelli in Italy to study the anatomical effects of castration carried out on young boys to turn them into high-pitched stars of the opera. REUTERS/National Gallery of Victoria, Australia/Handout Farinelli rises from grave to reveal castrati secrets

By Stephen Brown

ROME (Reuters) - Historians and scientists have exhumed the remains of legendary castrato Farinelli in Italy to study the anatomical effects of castration carried out on young boys to turn them into high-pitched stars of the opera.

Castrati played heroic male leads in Italian opera from the Ads by Google mid-17th to late 18th century when the bel canto was the rage in Europe. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, was 8 Top Sites the most famous of them all, in a stage career lasting from Here are the top 8 sites on this topic www.8bestsites.com 1720 to 1737.

Carlo Vitale of the Farinelli Study Centre in Bologna said Free Disaster Recovery they had recovered the bodies on Wednesday of the singer Avoid getting burnt. Get all the facts. Free DRP Info here and his great-niece, who moved his body from a first grave disasterrecoverysurvival.com destroyed in the Napoleonic wars.

http://news.scotsman.com/latest_odd.cfm?id=1016972006 Pagina 1 di 3 Scotsman.com News - Latest News - Odd - Farinelli rises from grave to reveal castrati secrets 14/07/2006 02:22 PM

Fast Disaster Relief His final resting place in Bologna's Certosa cemetery was Finally the UN has a fund for rapid disaster only recently discovered. relief. Read the story. ideaexplore.net/news "They are in a middling state of preservation but the scientists say there is something to work on," Vitale told Reuters from the graveyard, where Farinelli and his great-niece lay beneath a tombstone with a long Latin epitaph.

His remains were to be taken to Bologna University for study by a team of scientists including an acoustics expert eager to find remains of the vocal chords and larynx to discover what gave castrati such extraordinary vocal range and power.

"This is the only skeleton of them we have," said Nicholas Clapton, a British expert on the castrati.

"We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women's breasts and large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits," he told Reuters.

A singing professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London and curator of an exhibition on the composer Handel's use of the castrati, Clapton said the removal of boy chorists' testicles kept their vocal chords small while the hormonal changes meant their bodies kept growing well into adulthood.

"That gave them huge lung capacity but with a very sweet voice," he said.

It could also mean castrati grew abnormally tall or fat and could sprout breasts, though surviving official portraits of Farinelli depict a handsome man in fine dress.

Castrati also had their critics who thought their voices were ghastly and their mutilation was barbaric.

The Catholic Church banned it on pain of excommunication, while also using castrati in choirs and the Vatican's Sistine Chapel until as recently as 1903, Clapton said.

The last surviving castrato, Sistine Chapel chorist Alessandro Moreschi, lived long enough to make recordings in 1902 and 1904, though on the dated gramophone records his voice sound like what Clapton described as "Pavarotti on helium".

(c) Reuters 2006. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content, including by caching, framing or similar means, is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. Reuters and the Reuters sphere logo are registered trademarks and trademarks of the Reuters group of companies around the world.

This article: http://news.scotsman.com/latest_odd.cfm?id=1016972006

Last updated: 12-Jul-06 14:26 BST

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Farinelli rises from grave to reveal castrati secrets

By Stephen Brown Wed Jul 12, 9:16 AM ET

ROME (Reuters) - Historians and scientists have exhumed the remains of legendary castrato Farinelli in Italy to study the anatomical effects of castration carried out on young boys to turn them into high-pitched stars of the opera.

Castrati played heroic male leads in Reuters Photo: An oil on canvas Italian opera from the mid-17th to painting by Jacopo Amigoni circa 1750-52 entitled 'The singer Farinelli late 18th century when the bel canto and... was the rage in Europe. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, was the most famous of them all, in a stage NEWS ALERTS career lasting from 1720 to 1737. Get an alert when there are new stories about: Carlo Vitale of the Farinelli Study Vatican Center in Bologna said they had Sistine Chapel recovered the bodies on Wednesday of the singer and his great-niece, Add Selected Alerts who moved his body from a first » More Alerts grave destroyed in the Napoleonic wars.

ELSEWHERE ON THE WEB His final resting place in Bologna's CNN.COM Certosa cemetery was only recently discovered. Israeli planes bomb Beirut suburb "They are in a middling state of preservation but the scientists say there is something to CNN.COM work on," Vitale told Reuters from the graveyard, where Farinelli and his great-niece lay Mumbai bombings: 400 detained beneath a tombstone with a long Latin epitaph. ABC NEWS His remains were to be taken to Bologna University for study by a team of scientists Oil-Rich Russia Embraces New Middle Class including an accoustics expert eager to find remains of the vocal chords and larynx to discover what gave castrati such extraordinary vocal range and power.

"This is the only skeleton of them we have," said Nicholas Clapton, a British expert on the castrati.

"We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women's breasts and large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits," he told Reuters.

A singing professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London and curator of an exhibition on the composer Handel's use of the castrati, Clapton said the removal of boy chorists' testicles kept their vocal chords small while the hormonal changes meant their bodies kept growing well into adulthood. KEVIN SITES IN THE HOT ZONE The killing field "That gave them huge lung capacity but with a very sweet voice," he said. Skulls are Cambodia's symbol of justice It could also mean castrati grew abnormally tall or fat and could sprout breasts, though surviving official portraits of Farinelli depict a handsome man in fine dress. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060712/wl_nm/arts_farinelli_remains_dc Pagina 1 di 2 Farinelli rises from grave to reveal castrati secrets - Yahoo! News 14/07/2006 11:13 AM symbol of justice delayed. surviving official portraits of Farinelli depict a handsome man in fine dress.

Castrati also had their critics who thought their voices were ghastly and their mutilation FULL COVERAGE was barbaric. Conflict in Iraq Get the latest Iraq The Catholic Church banned it on pain of excommunication, while also using castrati in news, analysis, choirs and the Vatican 's Sistine Chapel until as recently as 1903, Clapton said. photos, and video. » More Iraq Coverage The last surviving castrato, Sistine Chapel chorist Alessandro Moreschi, lived long enough to make recordings in 1902 and 1904, though on the dated gramophone records his voice sound like what Clapton described as "Pavarotti on helium." COMMENTARY Opinion and editorials Email Story IM Story Discuss Printable View Diverse views on news from the right, RECOMMEND THIS STORY left, and center Recommend It: Average (100 votes) » All Opinion » Recommended Stories

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