ALLA CERTOSA 17/07/2006 10:09 AM


NEWS 07 Lug 2006 22:56 Cronaca ALLA CERTOSA PORTALI CITTADINI Esteri 'esce' dalla tomba Politica & Economia Riesumato per test scientifici Ancona Arezzo Bergamo Sport Ascoli Empoli Brescia Spettacolo Le ossa del celebre cantante settecentesco saranno studiate dai Firenze Como RUBRICHE Cesena Grosseto Cremona ricercatori di tre università, che tenteranno di svelare il talento Ferrara La Spezia Milano Borse dell'artista Forlì Livorno Pavia Cavallo Magazine Imola Lucca Sondrio Cinema Macerata Massa Carrara Meteo Modena Perugia BOLOGNA, 6 luglio 2006 - Dopo una Pesaro Pisa Motori vita di sfavillanti successi in giro per Ravenna Pistoia Viaggi Reggio Emilia Prato le corti d’Europa e una morte forse MULTIMEDIA Rimini Siena MisterX TV mai del tutto chiarita, si alza Rovigo Viareggio Photogallery nuovamente il sipario, e stavolta a Web TV sorpresa, su Carlo Brioschi, il SERVIZI celebre cantante castrato Annunci conosciuto come Farinelli. Elenco telefonico Giochi Il soprano nel 1700 visse a Bologna nella fastosa villa di Mappe SHOPPING campagna, in via Lame 228 (ora via Zanardi), che, scherzi Allegati della storia, fu poi declassata ad ufficio di uno In Edicola zuccherificio e poi abbattuta nel 1949. Offerte E ora «the show must go on», lo spettacolo continua: il 12 MOBILE luglio, alle 8,30 del mattino, la salma di Farinelli verrà City News riesumata dalla tomba nella quale si trova al cimitero News monumentale della Certosa di Bologna, luogo in cui i resti Giochi Java Sfondi vennero traslati nel 1810 dalla chiesa di Santa Croce del Suonerie convento dei Cappuccini, oggi Villa Revedin, sede del seminario arcivescovile. EDITORIALI FORUM I resti della ‘voce bianca’ più celebre della storia SONDAGGI saranno portati alla luce per «ottenere tutte le informazioni necessarie a ricostruire il profilo biologico BLOG del noto cantore». Gli studiosi cercheranno di capire, fra le Mister X altre cose, perchè mai era così alto, una anomalia per Cesare De Carlo l’epoca, e quale fosse la capacità polmonare in relazione al Categoria Case > Aftto Ricerche Giampaolo Pioli Lorenzo Bianchi fatto che Farinelli a 12 anni fu evirato per volere della Tipologia Seleziona la tipologia Giovanni Morandi famiglia. Lorenzo Sani Leo Turrini La regia dell’operazione è attribuita ad un appassionato Provincia Seleziona la provincia toscano, Alberto Bruschi, antiquario di Firenze, che è anche il finanziatore dell’impresa nella quale ha coinvolto Inizia Ricerca METEO il Centro studi Farinelli di Bologna, l’università di Inserisci Ricerca Avanzata Bologna e di Pisa, e la soprintendenza per i beni annuncio archeologici dell’Emilia Romagna e il museo di FOTO DEL GIORNO antropologia bolognese. PAURA SULL'ETNA Il gruppo di ricerca è coordinato dall’antropologa Due giovani turisti hanno lanciato un Sos Giovanna Belcastro, (università di Bologna) e dal dalle pendici dell'Etna. Appassionati di paleopatologo Gino Fornaciari (Università di Pisa) e vulcanologia stanno seguendo l'eruzione del dall’ingegnere David Howard (Università di York). gigante che da due giorni ha ripreso l'attività La notizia della riesumazione, a quanto si sa, doveva rimanere riservata fino al 12 luglio, ma sulla home page della Certosa si legge che «gli studi saranno condotti Pagina 1 di 3

'JScript' type='text/jscript' ALLA CERTOSA 17/07/2006 10:09 AM

Certosa si legge che «gli studi saranno condotti utilizzando tutte le moderne tecnologie come i raggi x, la tac , le indagini immunologiche e biomolecolari, che permetteranno di ottenere dati inediti su Farinelli e il suo stile di vita».

Il centro studi Farinelli di Bologna, che appoggia l’intera operazione, mantiene viva la memoria di questo artista e cinque anni fa si preoccupò di far restaurare la stele posta sulla tomba che si trova nel Chiostro maggiore a Levante della Certosa.

Una «dimora», per la verità non proprio sontuosa per un genio musicale che portò il talento italico di allora in giro per per l’Europa, da Vienna, a Parigi, Londra e Madrid.

di Beppe Boni

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ALTRE NOTIZIE WEB TV - I PIÙ VISTI • CALCIO MARCIO: Ruperto costretto a Campi dell'agave della tequila, difendersi: patrimonio dell'umanità 'Non c'è un verdetto già scritto' Moggi: 'Escludetemi dal processo' • MONDIALI 2006: Buon compleanno Rembrandt Lippi prepara l'Italia anti Bleus Gattuso: 'Per fermare Zidane? Mi faccio il segno della Italiana restituisce le ali a condor in croce' Perù • DIRITTI TV: Berlusconi e Confalonieri rinviati a giudizio Si può andare in due in motorino • STRAGE DI LINATE / APPELLO: Cinque condanne e 2 assoluzioni Il superstite: 'Non è giustizia' • PRESENTATO IL DPEF: Padoa Schioppa: 'Finanziaria 2007 da 35miliardi' Il Prc non ci sta • LA RIVOLTA DEI TAXI : Revocato lo sciopero 'Accordo con Bersani' • BUFERA SUL SISMI: 'Mancini si offrì alla Cia come agente doppio' • PASSAPORTO: Si può fare anche negli uffici postali • IN ANSIA : Pavarotti operato per un cancro • PREMIO STREGA: Vince Veronesi, e filma tutto • BOMBA A TORINO: Lettera esplosiva al sindaco Chiamparino • SPAGNA-VATICANO: Zapatero diserta la messa di Ratzinger • TAXI SELVAGGIO:



LA RIESUMAZIONE 'Farinelli rinasce' Era molto alto Ricostruito il volto Dalla prima analisi delle ossa del celebre cantore, si deduce che era alto un metro e 80 circa, ma si sperava che lo stato di conservazione dei resti fosse migliore

Bologna, 12 lug - Presumibilmente era alto tra il metro e 75 e il metro e 80, quindi molto per l'epoca, e nonostante la sua voce da usignolo doveva avere una corporatura robusta. Una prima occhiata alle ossa di Farinelli, al secolo Carlo Broschi, da' gia' qualche indicazione di come poteva essere fisicamente uno dei piu' grandi soprani del Settecento.

Un uomo dalla grande capacita' vocale, evirato tra i 9 e i 12 anni per permettergli di produrre note che solo le voci bianche o le donne sono in grado di emettere. Lo spiega la docente Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsabile del Laboratorio di Bioarcheologia e Osteologia forense e del Museo di Antropologia di Bologna, una delle prima ad aver osservato, questa mattina alla Certosa di Bologna, i resti di Farinelli riesumato per studiarne le spoglia.

Un po' delusi per lo stato di conservazione delle ossa (il cadavere e' gia' stato traslato tre volte), che si sperava fosse migliore, i tanti esperti presenti questa mattina alla Certosa, sono comunque fiduciosi di poter reperire tante informazioni sul cantore.

Le sue spoglie erano posate in una cassetta (ai piedi della pronipote Maria Carlotta Pisani) e nonostante il loro stato non ottimale "non e' detto che non bastino a ricostruire il suo profilo biologico, le sue condizioni alla morte avvenuta all'eta' di 77 anni e anche le sue abitudini, la qualita' della sua vita, la sua alimentazione- aggiunge Belcastro- dalle ossa del viso potremmo anche ricostruire il suo volto, e pure il suo modo di sorridere davanti al pubblico".

Nato ad Andria, in Provincia di Bari nel 1705, Farinelli mori' a Bologna nel 1782, dove si esibi' piu' volte e ottenne anche la cittadinanza onoraria.La sua riesumazione si deve all'iniziativa di un antiquario fiorentino e appassionato della vita di Farinelli, Alberto Bruschi che ha dato il via all'operazione con un finanziamento privato.

Gli studi che ora verranno prodotti sono a cura dell' Universita' di Bologna, di Pisa e di York (in Gran Bretagna), dove insegna un esperto di studi antropologici della voce, David Howard. Ma vi partecipera' anche il Museo di Antropologia di Bologna oltre al Centro studi Farinelli.

Alcune analisi, spiega Belcastro, come quella microbiologica, sono molto costose, "ma contiamo di chiedere finanziamenti e di riceverne per andare avanti con le ricerche".

Gli studi dureranno circa un anno, aggiunge, e guarderanno a tanti aspetti, da quelli fisici allo stato di salute del soprano. Per quanto riguarda la voce, gli elementi "molli" come le corde vocali, va avanti la docente, sarebbero stati molto utili per capire il perche' dei virtuosisimi vocali di Farinelli, ma anche il cranio, l'apparato boccale e i denti (anche se ne sono stati trovati solo tre) possono fare da indicatori.

Felicissimo della partenza del progetto, Bruschi loda Bologna per "la grande velocita' nel rispondere alle mie richieste, in nove mesi, l'iniziativa e' partita. Oggi non abbiamo riesumato Farinelli, oggi Farinelli rinasce".

- * GUARDA IL VIDEO * La riesumazione dei resti del cantore Farinelli Pagina 1 di 1 il sito internet del quotidiano IL TEMPO 14/07/2006 03:29 PM

venerdì 14 luglio 2006 15.28.03 archivio

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Il giornale in edicola invia questo articolo stampa questo articolo aggiungi ai preferiti Sono 12 le pellicole Politica italiane nelle sezioni del festival Interni/Esteri «Niente Riina, nel film Economia parleremo di BOLOGNA — Sono stati riesumati nel cimitero monumentale della Certosa Sport Provenzano» di Bologna i resti del famoso cantore ... Cultura «Seven Nation Army» dei White Stripes Spettacoli ... evirato Carlo Broschi, detto Farinelli, morto oltre due secoli fa. I frammenti ossei e altro Il suo cinema materiale, come pollini, polveri e chiodi, verranno analizzati nei laboratori delle Univeristà Lo scrittore aveva 78 anni di Pisa e Bologna per ottenere informazioni sullo stile di vita e tracciare così un profilo Spiega il cineasta biologico dell'artista. Il progetto di riesumazione è stato avviato dall'antiquario fiorentino tedesco: nei film i Alberto Bruschi, che ha coinvolto nell'operazione il Centro studi Farinelli di Bologna e luoghi sono solo delle l'Università di York con il bio-ingegnere David Howard, studioso della fonazione. Nel 1994 scenografie mentre qui al cantante fu dedicato il film «Farinelli voce regina» di Gerard Corbiau con Stefano diventano protagonisti Dionisi e Enrico Lo Verso. Tre città mobilitate per rendere omaggio al genio di Mantegna giovedì 13 luglio 2006 Il «re del calypso» festeggiato all’Ischia UTILITÀ Global Fest con Burt Bacharach e Diane top home invia questo articolo stampa questo articolo aggiungi ai preferiti Krueger Aerei orari Treni orari 1 2 3 4 Viabilità autostrade le altre notizie Benzina prezzi Prodotti Forum agroalimentari prezzi Chat Borsa quotazioni

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Cinematrix h i r d e t é s Média Exhumálták Farinellit, a kasztrált énekest Showbiz Kultpol MTI 2006. július 14., péntek 14:47 Klassz SciFi Az énekes különleges hangadottságai mellett azt is vizsgálják, hogy Életmód milyen hatással volt testére a kasztrálás. Litera Archívum Küldje el ezt a cikket barátjának, ismerõsének! Nyomtatható változat Mellékletek Sziget 2005 h i r d e t é s Korrektorblog Filmszemle 2005 Kiskarácsony Sziget 2004 Hullámzó Balaton

Címlapon Virtuális orvoslás 2. – Egy hónapon belül kétszer szült, papíron Exhumálták Farinelli - azaz Carlo Broschi, a XVIII. századi híres kasztrált Michelin-gumikon landol ma délután Floridában a énekes - földi maradványait, hogy tanulmányozásukkal megfejtsék csodálatos Discovery hangjának titkát. A tízmillió szakember országa Farinelli idejében ókori eredetű szokás szerint a fiatal fiukat kasztrálták, hogy Partizánriport a a mutálás elkerülésével megmaradjon gyermekhangjuk fekvése (szoprán, alt). Motörheadről A műtét nemcsak a hang mutálását akadályozta meg, hanem a hormonális Gyermekrablás változások - no meg a sok és intenzív éneklés - nyomán a bizonyos mellkasi Belgiumban elváltozásokhoz is vezetett, ez pedig rendkívüli technikai lehetőségeket nyújtott és különleges dinamikai hatásokat tett lehetővé.

A rovat hírei A XVI. században kasztrált énekesek énekelték a pápai énekkarban a Elhunyt Banos János költő, újságíró szoprán szólamokat, a legfontosabb szerepet azonban a XVII.-XVIII. századi itáliai operában kapták. Bár a műtét illegális volt, a mesés karrier reményében Sárospataki könyvek - újra láthatóak évente 4000 kisfiú került kés alá, ám közülük csak minden másodiknak Szémann Tamás sikerült érvényesülnie. fotókiállítása a Veranda Grill&Wine-ban Carlo Broschi - aki Farinelli néven kora egyik legismertebb operaénekese volt A vikingek fedezték fel - Nápolyban született 1705-ben. Rómában debütált 1722-ben, s pályafutása Mexikót egy mexikói író során számtalan európai operaház színpadán lépet fel: sokat szerepelt szerint Bécsben, Velencében, Nápolyban, Milánóban, Londonban és Párizsban. Magyar siker a Saint Rapha:l-i New Orleans Az énekest 1782-ben bekövetkezett halála után a bolognai temetőben Jazz Versenyen helyezték örök nyugalomra. Újabb kastélyok kerülnek a Műemlékek Állami Gondnoksága kezelésébe Rendkívüli hangterjedelem A olasz tudósok Maria Giovanna Belcastro professzor vezetésével A rovat cikkei tanulmányozzák Farinelli csontvázát, választ keresve az énekes életével és Minden, ami Marsi Anikó halálával kapcsolatos kérdésekre. Bevonnak egy akusztikust is, aki a gége és mögött van a hangszalag esetleges maradványainak vizsgálatával szándékozik több fényt Partizánriport a deríteni arra, mi adta a kasztráltak rendkívüli hangterjedelmét- és erejét. Motörhead-frontvonal mögül A csontokból DNS-mintákat is vesznek, hogy megállapítsák, mit evett és Fábry másodfokon is milyen betegségekben szenvedett Farinelli, ám a csontváz a kasztráltakra vesztett György Péter ellen jellemző elváltozások tanulmányozása szempontjából is érdekes, a koponya alapján pedig rekonstruálni szándékoznak Farinelli arcát - adata hírül a BBC Ritka Shelley szöveget találtak brit közszolgálati rádió és tévétársaság. Exhumálták Farinellit, a kasztrált énekest Először látogat Magyarországra Eric h i r d e t é s Típus Clapton Pagina 1 di 2 - Exhumálták a kasztrált szupersztárt 17/07/2006 12:05 PM

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Kevesen tettek szert hírnévre, de azok, akiknek ez sikerült, koruk TB ügyintéző Adecco Kft. popsztárjaivá váltak. HR Manager Adecco Kft. Farinelli Carlo Broschi néven 1705-ben született és 1782-ben hunyt el. Java programozó Holttestét Bolognában temették el. Ardents Kft. További állások >> > vissza a címlapra

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O nas Ekshumacja śpiewającego kastrata 12.07.2006 14:43 Strona główna IAR

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Goście Polskiego wydrukuj Radia Naukowcy z uniwersytetów w Pizie i Bolonii ekshumują ciało ostatniego w historii opery kastrata, Farinelliego. Szczątki poleć Przegląd prasy śpiewaka zostaną poddane badaniom czaszki, kości oraz zlinkuj. testom DNA. Mają one pokazać, jak rozwijał się głos śpiewaka i Przegląd co, oprócz zabiegu kastracji, miało wpływ na jego niespotykaną RSS tygodników barwę. Przegląd Farinelli był jednym z tysięcy chłopców kastrowanych w wieku wydarzen dnia dojrzewania w celu zachowania ich wysokiej toncji głosu. Kastrowanie dzieci było popularne w Europie od XVI wieku do roku 1870, kiedy praktyki te Korespondencje zostały zakazane prawem. zagraniczne W XVII i XVIII wieku we Włoszech zabiegowi poddawano rocznie około 4 000 pochodzących z biednych rodzin chłopców w wieku od 8 do 12 lat. Zwykle zostawali oni śpiewakami w Gospodarka operach, kościołach i na dworach królewskich. Kilku z nich zrobiło duże jak na tamte czasy Kultura kariery. Jednym z nich był żyjący w XVIII wieku Carlo Broschi, znany jako Farinelli. Przez 20 lat Sport śpiewał na hiszpańskim dworze Filipa V, gdzie w krótkim czasie stał się bardzo wpływową osobą. Zmarł w wieku 78 lat i został pochowany w Bolonii.

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Science » A Step Beyond By Stephen Brown Online Services IOL Polls Daily Columnist - Historians and scientists have exhumed the Accommodation: Home Loans IOL Top Stories remains of legendary castrato Farinelli in to study the Hotels, B&Bs Life Insurance Weather anatomical effects of castration carried out on young boys Babynet Medical Aid Channels to turn them into high-pitched stars of the opera. Blacklisted? Online Auctions Books - Music - Online Shopping Business Report DVD's Play Poker Online Castrati played heroic male leads in Italian opera from the IOL Dating Car Hire Residential IOL Entertainment mid-17th to late 18th century when the bel canto was the Car Insurance Property IOL HIV Aids rage in Europe. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, was Car Insurance for Search Engine IOL Jobs the most famous of them all, in a stage career lasting from Women Marketing IOL Motoring 1720 to 1737. Cars Online Vehicle & Asset IOL Parenting Casino Finance IOL Sport » Carlo Vitale of the Farinelli Study Centre in Bologna said Cellphones Web Hosting IOL Technology they had recovered the bodies on Wednesday of the singer Competition Win UK Lotteries IOL Travel » and his great-niece, who moved his body from a first grave Personal Finance destroyed in the Napoleonic wars. Related Stories Classifieds Search All His final resting place in Bologna's Certosa cemetery was Prostate cancer: it's hard to cut your Search Jobs only recently discovered. losses Search Property Search Wheels "They are in a middling state of preservation but the FREE Newsletter Book an ad scientists say there is something to work on," Vitale said Classified FAQs from the graveyard, where Farinelli and his great-niece lay Now you can get all your news - from politics in South Africa, the quirkiest stories in Step Newsletters beneath a tombstone with a long Latin epitaph. Beyond, the latest from the worlds of Sign up His remains were to be taken to Bologna University for Motoring, Entertainment and Business - in one place. Mobile study by a team of scientists including an acoustics expert Sign up and you'll have all the latest news IOL on your eager to find remains of the vocal chords and larynx to at your fingertips. phone discover what gave castrati such extraordinary vocal range Cellphone Fun and power. Mobile Games More A Step Beyond Stories Useful & Fun "This is the only skeleton of them we have," said Nicholas The man who fell in love with a Yak RSS Feeds Clapton, a British expert on the castrati. Largest pic created in photographic Free Headlines hangar Crosswords "We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time Wee problem at Wembley stadium Horoscopes depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women's breasts and Co-workers shocked as 28 win share of New Ideas large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's lottery Picture Gallery official portraits," he said. Cabbie calls cops on rash robbers Newspapers A singing professor at the Royal Academy of Music in Subscriptions London and curator of an exhibition on the composer Cape Argus Handel's use of the castrati, Clapton said the removal of Cape Times boy chorists' testicles kept their vocal chords small while Daily News Isolezwe the hormonal changes meant their bodies kept growing well Post into adulthood. Pretoria News Sun. Independent "That gave them huge lung capacity but with a very sweet Sunday Tribune voice," he said. The Independent on Saturday It could also mean castrati grew abnormally tall or fat and The Mercury could sprout breasts, though surviving official portraits of The Star Farinelli depict a handsome man in fine dress. Newspaper Info Castrati also had their critics who thought their voices were Features ghastly and their mutilation was barbaric. Zuma Rape Trial Zuma Corruption The banned it on pain of excommunication, Trial while also using castrati in choirs and the Vatican's Sistine Baby Jordan Chapel until as recently as 1903, Clapton said. Murder IOLHIVAids Local Elections The last surviving castrato, Sistine Chapel chorist 2006 Alessandro Moreschi, lived long enough to make recordings Pagina 1 di 2 IOL: Castrato reveals secrets from the grave 14/07/2006 12:39 PM

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Farinelli dug up for Castrato secrets

By Wed Editor. Filed under Historyon July 13th, 2006

The famed Italian ’castrato’ singer Farinelli has been dug up again so experts can try to find out what made these vanished virtuosi so special.

Scientists from Bologna’s Farinelli Centre and the universities of Bologna, Pisa, Florence and York - including renowned bio-engineer David Howard - began looking at the first parts of Farinelli on Wednesday.

So far jaw bones, bits of his skull and badly decayed parts of his lower limbs have come up from the Bologna grave. As well as trying to figure out the sound castrati could have made - the only known recording reportedly sounds like “Pavarotti on helium” - the teams will be trying to see whether castrati had normal bodies or grew out of proportion, becoming over-tall and developing abnormally large chests and breasts. Pagina 1 di 6 Italy Magazine - Focus on Liguria and Emilia-Romagna - News, holiday, property, food and drink 17/07/2006 10:38 AM

The only known painting of Carlo Broschi aka Farinelli (1705-1782) shows him as a handsome if somewhat plump figure, more virile than camp. But some suspect Farinelli commissioned the portrait to show him not as he really was but as he wished to be.

As for his remarkable singing voice - able to scale more than three and a half octaves, some evidence of the physical machinery that produced it “should come from the softer parts of the mouth, if they’re still there,” said Bologna University’s Maria Giovanna Belcastro.

“But even if they have been destroyed, we should be able to get some idea of what made castrati tick from the size of the chest cavity. That should have been preserved”. The project aims to put together a post-mortem identikit of the legendary singer over the next year.

Called “the divine Farinelli” by contemporaries, Broschi became famous throughout Europe, and travelled extensively, from his home town to London, where Handel was composing, to the court of King Philip V of Spain. The monarch was reportedly only able to be lifted from the depths of a severe depression by Farinelli’s soothing tones.

A well-received film was made about Farinelli in 1994 starring the pin-up actor Stefano Dionisi as the singer. It “recreated” Farinelli’s voice using a computer mix of a woman and a man’s voice.

The Baroque period (1600-1750) was the golden age for the castrato voice - although many castrati, if they strayed outside their adoring circles, were mocked for their effeminacy, for sexual and emotional problems, and for being overweight.

The voice officially died out in Europe in the early years of this century, although some early recordings of the castrato singer Alessandro Moreschi, who ran the in Rome until his death in 1922, give a vague impression of what it sounded like.

Throughout the Baroque age, and probably long before, boys aged 8-10 with good singing voices were castrated so that they could become professional singers. It was often seen as a way out of poverty. Castration preserved their voices from lowering during puberty, a procedure often covered up as an “accident”. It also kept growth hormones on tap - leading to some of the castratis’ physical problems.

Not only opera houses but also the papal choirs in the 16th century admitted castrati, although the Catholic Church finally condemned the practice in an 1878 decree - while keeping one in its own employ.

Changing musical and moral tastes wrote castrati out of roles, with few parts for castrati appearing after 1760. The last castrato opera performance took place in London in 1825, by Giovanni Battista Velluti.

In the Baroque period castrati and countertenors were in high demand as they sang both male and female roles, while women were often not allowed to sing on stage. Composers such as Handel, Rossini and Mozart were inspired by castrato singers, and wrote works specifically for them, making some roles very difficult for modern singers to achieve. For some, the music is transposed down to allow men to sing the roles, for others women sing the parts.

One of these is Handel’s Orlando (1733) which was written for the castrato Francesco Bernardi, called Il Senesino, who he got to know during travels in Italy. These days the role of Orlando is usually sung by a woman. Pagina 2 di 6 Italy Travel Escape 17/07/2006 11:08 AM

putting it on its play-list and record labels and ringtone sellers fighting for its rights.

Big labels could fork out as much as €100 000 for the rights, some industry sources estimate.

“It just went incredibly fast and by Tuesday it was sheer madnesss,” Sebastien said.

“We are talking with four big labels and we could sign a deal tomorrow … Yes, it could become lucrative but if we can make everybody dance to it this summer, it will give us a good laugh,” he added.

A poll published this week showed 61% of French people have forgiven Zidane for the outburst which earned him a red card. Zidane’s sponsors have pledged to stick with him.

July 13th 2006 Posted to Football World Cup


Draghi: structural reform of Bank of Italy underway

DRAGHI: STRUCTURAL REFORM OF BANK OF ITALY UNDERWAY (AGI) – Rome – The reform of the structure of the Bank of Italy is by now underway. This was stressed by it governor, Mario Draghi, reiterating that “the evolution of regulation and the practice of vigilance implies the availability of larger and more qualified resources. Market integration and technological innovation are pushes towards change for central banks as much as for banking systems”. “The July 4 meeting with unions”, continued the governor, “set in motion the re-thinking of the structure of the Bank of Italy: in its central administration, in its branches, and in its relations with the Italian Exchange Office. It is a direction which will most likely see the activities of certain areas expand and that of others contract. But the Bank of Italy long ago started to adapt to the new scene. Since the coming into force of the euro, its staff has been reduced by 10 pct, between 1996 and 2005 this reduction was, in absolute terms, 1,443 places, equal to 15 pct. An opportunity for the re-composition of the staff is offered by the approximately 1,600 employees who are expected to retire by 2010”. (AGI) -

July 13th 2006 Posted to Italian banking system


Castrato dug up for sound secrets

Castrato dug up for sound secrets

Experts hope to find evidence of what produced special sound (ANSA) – Bologna – The famed Italian Baroque’castrato’ singer Farinelli has been dug up again so experts can try to find out what made these vanished virtuosi so spcial .

Scientists from Bologna’s Farinelli Centre and the universities of Bologna, Pisa, Florence and York – including renowned bio-engineer David Howard – began looking at the first parts of Farinelli on Wednesday . Pagina 5 di 10 Italy Travel Escape 17/07/2006 11:08 AM

So far jaw bones, bits of his skull and badly decayed parts of his lower limbs have come up from the Bologna grave .

As well as trying to figure out the sound castrati could have made – the only known recording reportedly sounds like “Pavarotti on helium” – the teams will be trying to see whether castrati had normal bodies or grew out of proportion, becoming over-tall and developing abnormally large chests and breasts .

The only known painting of Carlo Broschi aka Farinelli (1705-1782) shows him as a handsome if somewhat plump figure, more virile than camp .

But some suspect Farinelli commissioned the portrait to show him not as he really was but as he wished to be. As for his remarkable singing voice – able to scale more than three and a half octaves, some evidence of the physical machinery that produced it “should come from the softer parts of the mouth, if they’re still there,” said Bologna University’s Maria Giovanna Belcastro .

“But even if they have been destroyed, we should be able to get some idea of what made castrati tick from the size of the chest cavity. That should have been preserved” .

The project aims to put together a post-mortem identikit of the legendary singer over the next year .

Called “the divine Farinelli” by contemporaries, Broschi became famous throughout Europe, and travelled extensively, from his home town Naples to London, where Handel was composing, to the court of King Philip V of Spain .

The monarch was reportedly only able to be lifted from the depths of a severe depression by Farinelli’s soothing tones .

A well-received film was made about Farinelli in 1994 starring the pin-up actor Stefano Dionisi as the singer .

It “recreated” Farinelli’s voice using a computer mix of a woman and a man’s voice .

The Baroque period (1600-1750) was the golden age for the castrato voice – although many castrati, if they strayed outside their adoring circles, were mocked for their effeminacy, for sexual and emotional problems, and for being overweight .

The voice officially died out in Europe in the early years of this century, although some early recordings of the castrato singer Alessandro Moreschi, who ran the Sistine Chapel choir in Rome until his death in 1922, give a vague impression of what it sounded like .

Throughout the Baroque age, and probably long before, boys aged 8-10 with good singing voices were castrated so that they could become professional singers. It was often seen as a way out of poverty .

Castration preserved their voices from lowering during puberty, a procedure often covered up as an “accident”. It also kept growth hormones on tap – leading to some of the castratis’ physical problems .

Not only opera houses but also the papal choirs in the 16th century admitted castrati, although the Catholic Church finally condemned the practice in an 1878 decree – while keeping one in its own employ .

Changing musical and moral tastes wrote castrati out of roles, with few parts for castrati appearing after 1760. The last castrato opera performance took place in London in 1825, by Giovanni Battista Velluti . Pagina 6 di 10 Italy Travel Escape 17/07/2006 11:08 AM

In the Baroque period castrati and countertenors were in high demand as they sang both male and female roles, while women were often not allowed to sing on stage .

Composers such as Handel, Rossini and Mozart were inspired by castrato singers, and wrote works specifically for them, making some roles very difficult for modern singers to achieve. For some, the music is transposed down to allow men to sing the roles, for others women sing the parts .

One of these is Handel’s Orlando (1733) which was written for the castrato Francesco Bernardi, called Il Senesino, who he got to know during travels in Italy. These days the role of Orlando is usually sung by a woman .

July 13th 2006 Posted to Research in Italy, Italian music, Farinelli the 'Castrato'


Napolitano: Italy in favour of peace-keeping missions

NAPOLITANO: ITALY IN FAVOUR OF PEACE-KEEPING MISSIONS (AGI) – Rome – President of Republic Giorgio Napolitano stressed the Italian commitment for peace keeping mission led by the United Nations and the Italian support for Un. Those remarks came during a meeting with Un secretary general Kofi Annan. In Napolitano’s opinion, that commitment was in line with the Italian political tradition. According to some source, Napolitano also said that the Rome financial commitment was unchanged. Un general secretary attentively listened to Napolitano’s words, who also presented reform projects for the Security Council.

July 13th 2006 Posted to Italian Politics

Comments(0) July 12, 2006

World Cup winners take trophy to stricken Gianluca Pessotto

World Cup winners take trophy to stricken Pessotto

Italian captain Fabio Cannavaro and fullback Gianluca Zambrotta have shown off their newly acquired World Cup trophy to former teammate Gianluca Pessotto, seen here in 2005. Pessotto is being treated in hospital after an apparent suicide attempt.

Italian captain Fabio Cannavaro and fullback Gianluca Zambrotta have shown off their newly acquired World Cup trophy to former teammate Gianluca Pessotto, hospital sources said.

The pair paid a visit to the Juventus team manager, who is being treated in a Turin hospital following a suicide attempt, after celebrating the Azzurri’s victory at a huge party at Rome’s Circus Maximus on Monday night. Pagina 7 di 10 KUT Public Arts : Farinelli (2006-07-12) 24/07/2006 10:12 AM

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Clifford Antone Arts Index | Columns | Classical | Jazz | Pop | Books | TV Headlines | Clifford Antone passed away May 23, Movies | People | Programs | Radio | Theater | Texas Music Matters 2006 at his home in Austin, Texas. Click here for links to KUT programming Search Arts dedicated to his life and legacy. Radio

The Best of SXSW XX The 20th South by Southwest music conference was the July 24, 2006 biggest ever. Miss anything? We've got email this story to a friend you covered. Related Links Etran Finatawa Eldissa Aki Nawaz Atajo Iranian music Farinelli Today's Global Hit takes us back to 18th From kut century Italy and the phenomenon that Ralph White was the castrati. Those were male Review: "Sacred," by Los performers who were castrated at an early age to preserve Summer Reading Lonely Boys their ability to reach the high notes of a soprano. Italian Summer Jazz CDs scholars are exhuming the body of Italy's most famous Scott Biram's 18-Wheeler castrato, Farinelli. The World's Alex Gallafent has the story. Blues Summer festival guide Arts Headlines Where ice cream goes to die This is the voice of a castrato. It was recorded in 1904 'Pirates' rules at box office, using wax cylinder technology. The singer, Allesandro as 'Lady' flops Summer's the perfect time to start Moreschi, was in his mid-40s when the recording was Texan wins Hemingway getting your family fit made. look-alike fete Moreschi sounds a bit past his prime in this recording. But Back-to-school styles hit his voice connects us to a tradition of strange and mall uncomfortable beauty, now lost to history. A castrato is a Show Me How male singer who, through castration as a boy, keeps his This American Life unbroken voice throughout his life. When puberty arrives, Coming up this week: This American Life Now On Air the boy grows in muscle strength and lung capacity, but the larynx doesn't develop normally. And that means the BBC World Briefing voice doesn't deepen. It might have sounded something Car Talk Puzzler 3:00AM - 4:00AM like this. NEW PUZZLER: Evil King Raymond and the White The voice you're hearing was created for a film by Knight combining the sound of a female soprano and a male countertenor. Studio 360 Kurt Andersen's latest In the mid-16th century, when castrati first appeared in commentary: American Italy, the procedure was seized upon by the Catholic Icons: Because I Could Not Church. Stop for Death

Women weren't allowed to sing in religious services, so Global Hit boys sang their parts. But boy's voices break, requiring Listen to the latest music constant recruitment and training. The castrato could sing clips. Find out what's hot in the choir for life. Soon castrati held lucrative positions around the world. at the Sistine Chapel and at the Medici court in Florence. A.R. Rahman In the 1700s, their celebrity burned a path to the opera Farinelli house. And the most celebrated of all opera castrati was Iranian music Carlo Broschi, known by his nickname - Farinelli. Musicologist Luigi Verdi is secretary of the Farinelli study centre in Bologna, Italy. He's part of the team planning to exhume the singer's remains.

"We are hoping to learn important things about Farinelli's lifestyle, his habits, any illnesses he had. Already from our first investigation, interesting things have surfaced about the configuration of his bones - which were very big. A bit Pagina 1 di 2 KUT Public Arts : Farinelli (2006-07-12) 24/07/2006 10:12 AM

unusual compared to normal people."

Farinelli was anything but normal. He was a superstar. Farinelli and other top castrati dressed extravagantly, lived lavishly and developed reputations for tantrums and stormy personalities.

And in that sense, as far as popular singers go today, nothing much has changed.

For The World, this is Alex Gallafent.

Listen to previous Global Hits

The World is a co-production of the BBC World Service, Public Radio International, and WGBH Radio Boston. © Copyright 2006, BBC/PRI/WGBH. All rights reserved.

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Lino Banfi, 70 anni e un sogno americano

Analisi scientifiche sui resti del celebre castrato andriese

Farinelli riesumato a Bologna si svelerà il segreto della voce?

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Le ossa di Carlo Broschi saranno studiate per un anno da un'équipe internazionale

Cercando il segreto della voce di Farinelli

A Bologna riesumati i resti del cantore nato ad Andria nel '700 e castrato a 12 anni

BOLOGNASono stati riesumati ieri nel cimitero monumentale della Certosa di Bologna i resti del famoso cantore evirato Carlo Broschi, detto il Farinelli,nato ad Andria e morto oltre due secoli fa. I frammenti ossei e altro materiale, come pollini, polveri e chiodi, verranno analizzati nei laboratori delle Università di Pisa e Bologna per ottenere informazioni sullo stile di vita e tracciare così un profilo biologico dell'artista. Il progetto di riesumazione è stato avviato dall'antiquario fiorentino Alberto Bruschi, che nove mesi fa ha coinvolto nell'operazione il Centro studi Farinelli di Bologna, l'Università di Bologna, di Pisa, di Firenze, la soprintendenza ai Beni archeologici dell'Emilia-Romagna e l'Università di York con il bio- ingegnere David Howard, studioso della fonazione. I lavori di riesumazione hanno portato alla luce parti di calotta cranica, un pezzo di mandibola con due denti e alcuni frammenti di ossa lunghe della parte inferiore appartenuti al cantore e non in buono stato, rovinati dall'umidità a detta degli esperti. Assieme a quelli di Farinelli anche i resti meglio conservati della nipote con cui è stato seppellito, la contessa Maria Carlotta Pisani che reggeva ancora nelle mani un rosario. I resti verranno fotografati, identificati, documentati e portati in due differenti laboratori per le analisi. Alla divisione di Paleopatologia del dipartimento di Oncologia dei trapianti dell'Università di Pisa verranno fatti esami di tipo microbiologico e molecolare sotto la supervisione del professor Gino Fornaciari, mentre al laboratorio di bioarcheologia e osteologia forense dell'Università di Bologna le analisi saranno di tipo antropologico. Ossa e denti infatti possono ancora fornire indicazioni su malattie, sul tipo di attività fisica, sul regime alimentare,su eventi traumatici e sulla loro cura. In questo modo i dati forniti daranno indicazioni sulla statura, sulla robustezza e sullo stile di vita del Farinelli, oltre che sulla cura della sua attività canora e della sua sessualità. Gli studiosi non escludono la possibilità di un identikit forense da confrontare con i ritratti del cantante finora pervenuti. Le ossa dopo gli studi, che si suppone dureranno circa un anno, verranno inumate di nuovo al cimitero della Certosa. E a proposito delle eccezionali doti di canto del Farinelli (favorite dall'asportazione dei genitali all'età di 12 anni), la professoressa Maria Giovanna Belcastro dell'Università di Bologna spiega: «Informazioni sulla fonazione si possono desumere dalle parti molli, ma in loro assenza si potrebbe sapere qualcosa di più Pagina 1 di 1 Le ossa di Carlo Broschi saranno studiate per un anno da un'équipe internazionale

Cercando il segreto della voce di Farinelli

A Bologna riesumati i resti del cantore nato ad Andria nel '700 e castrato a 12 anni

BOLOGNASono stati riesumati ieri nel cimitero monumentale della Certosa di Bologna i resti del famoso cantore evirato Carlo Broschi, detto il Farinelli,nato ad Andria e morto oltre due secoli fa. I frammenti ossei e altro materiale, come pollini, polveri e chiodi, verranno analizzati nei laboratori delle Università di Pisa e Bologna per ottenere informazioni sullo stile di vita e tracciare così un profilo biologico dell'artista. Il progetto di riesumazione è stato avviato dall'antiquario fiorentino Alberto Bruschi, che nove mesi fa ha coinvolto nell'operazione il Centro studi Farinelli di Bologna, l'Università di Bologna, di Pisa, di Firenze, la soprintendenza ai Beni archeologici dell'Emilia-Romagna e l'Università di York con il bio-ingegnere David Howard, studioso della fonazione. I lavori di riesumazione hanno portato alla luce parti di calotta cranica, un pezzo di mandibola con due denti e alcuni frammenti di ossa lunghe della parte inferiore appartenuti al cantore e non in buono stato, rovinati dall'umidità a detta degli esperti. Assieme a quelli di Farinelli anche i resti meglio conservati della nipote con cui è stato seppellito, la contessa Maria Carlotta Pisani che reggeva ancora nelle mani un rosario. I resti verranno fotografati, identificati, documentati e portati in due differenti laboratori per le analisi. Alla divisione di Paleopatologia del dipartimento di Oncologia dei trapianti dell'Università di Pisa verranno fatti esami di tipo microbiologico e molecolare sotto la supervisione del professor Gino Fornaciari, mentre al laboratorio di bioarcheologia e osteologia forense dell'Università di Bologna le analisi saranno di tipo antropologico. Ossa e denti infatti possono ancora fornire indicazioni su malattie, sul tipo di attività fisica, sul regime alimentare,su eventi traumatici e sulla loro cura. In questo modo i dati forniti daranno indicazioni sulla statura, sulla robustezza e sullo stile di vita del Farinelli, oltre che sulla cura della sua attività canora e della sua sessualità. Gli studiosi non escludono la possibilità di un identikit forense da confrontare con i ritratti del cantante finora pervenuti. Le ossa dopo gli studi, che si suppone dureranno circa un anno, verranno inumate di nuovo al cimitero della Certosa. E a proposito delle eccezionali doti di canto del Farinelli (favorite dall'asportazione dei genitali all'età di 12 anni), la professoressa Maria Giovanna Belcastro dell'Università di Bologna spiega: «Informazioni sulla fonazione si possono desumere dalle parti molli, ma in loro assenza si potrebbe sapere qualcosa di più dalla cassa toracica se fosse bene conservata». La riesumazione di Farinelli è stata voluta da Bruschi sulla scia del «Progetto Medici», lo studio delle deposizioni funerarie della famiglia dei Medici nella basilica di San Lorenzo a Firenze curato dal professor Fornaciari e supportato dall'Università di Firenze. Bruschi ha finanziato questa prima parte del progetto con 2.500 euro. Farinelli morì a Bologna nel 1782 e fu sepolto nel convento dei cappuccini di san Michele Bosco (oggi Villa Revedin). Traslato nel 1810 nel cimitero dei cappuccini alla Certosa, nel 1845 la nipote ne fece trasferire il corpo nel loculo del chiostro Maggiore che ancora lo ospita. Nel 1850 anche Carlotta Pisani fu seppellita assieme al cantore e per farle posto, le ossa di Farinelli furono ammucchiate ai suoi piedi. Durante la sua brillante carriera, Farinelli si esibì molte volte a Bologna: nell'estate 1727, a soli 22 anni, interpretò il ruolo di Ceraste nell'Antigona di Orlandini. Il 6 luglio del 1730 Farinelli e il fratello Riccardo Broschi furono ammessi all'Accademia Filarmonica di Bologna come membri onorari. Di nuovo a Bologna nel 1731 con il Farnace di Porta e nel 1733 con il Siroe di Hasse, il Farinelli fu insignito della cittadinanza bolognese nell'ottobre 1732 e un mese più tardi acquistò un podere fuori Porta Lame. Dopo un lungo soggiorno in Spagna, si stabilì definitivamente a Bologna nell'agosto del 1761, rimanendovi fino alla morte. Nel 1994 gli fu dedicato un film, Farinelli voce regina con la regia di Gerard Corbiau e le interpretazioni di Stefano Dionisi e Enrico Lo Verso. ansa


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LA VOCE DEL NORD domenica 9 luglio 2006 direttore politico: Umberto Bossi La parola ai . HOME . Primo Piano . Politica . Economia . Esteri . Cronaca . Nord Cultura . lettori

GLI SPECIALI Nella stessa sezione: rimo iano ULTIMA ORA Un sabato alla scoperta le news delle bellezze di Lombardia Farinelli, “voce regina” senza più segreti: i resti EDITORIALE del celebre castrato riesumati a Bologna Da “Vieni avanti, Si esibì a Bologna per la prima volta nel 1727 e da allora divenne la “voce cretino!” agli sketch L'ARCHIVIO bianca” più celebre d’Europa. Ora i resti di Carlo Broschi, il celebre cantante dialettali, tanti dal 1998 all'anno in corso evirato per volere della famiglia e conosciuto con il nome di Farinelli, saranno spezzoni tutti da ridere riesumati il 12 luglio prossimo a la Certosa, il museo monumentale delle due PER LA TUA PUBBLICITA' Torri. Un’operazione che un team di scienziati, coordinato dall’antropologa sul quotidiano Giovanna Belcastro su autorizzazione del centro studi Farinelli, compirà per ottenere le informazioni necessarie a ricostruire il profilo biologico del noto cantore. La regia dell’operazione è attribuita ad un appassionato toscano, Alberto Bruschi, antiquario di Firenze, che è anche il finanziatore dell’impresa nella quale ha coinvolto il Centro studi Farinelli di Bologna, l’università di Bologna e di Pisa, e la Soprintendenza per i beni archeologici dell’Emilia Romagna ed il museo di antropologia bolognese. A coordinare il gruppo di scienziati ci sono anche il paleopatologo Gino Fornaciari dell’Università di Pisa e l’ingegnere David Howard dell’Università di York. Debuttò a Napoli a quindici anni, e in seguito interpretò i migliori ruoli di soprano nelle opere, non solo in patria ma anche a Londra, Vienna e Madrid.

Detestato da Häendel , della sua voce possediamo una descrizione contemporanea che ne sottolinea la forza, estensione e toni melliflui, la rapidità della sua coloratura, e la capacità di stupire il pubblico per la capacità, dovuta alla formazione naturale dei suoi polmoni e l’abilità nella respirazione, di prolungare la voce in misura assolutamente straordinaria. In 1746, durante il regno di Fernando VI, Farinelli si stabilì in Spagna e fu nominato dal monarca direttore dei divertimenti reali. Progettò un piano di rappresentazioni per il Real Coliseo del Buen Retiro di Madrid ed il Real Sitio di Aranjuez, con una descrizione dettagliata della squadriglia utilizzata per i sovrani e la sua comitiva per navigare per il fiume Tago. Nella capitale della Spagna, divenne il favorito di Filippo V, che arrivò a risultargli imprescindibile Contattaci che Farinelli non gli cantasse per le notti per potere conciliare il sonno. Rimase a Madrid più di venti anni e dopo continuò la sua corsa trionfale in Qui Lega diverse città. Il suo carattere affabile ed equilibrato, cosa rara nel mondo dei divi, gli Lega Nord procurò quasi tante amicizie ed ammiratori come le sue portentose condizioni

vocali. Negli ultimi anni, benché avesse acquisito gran fortuna, insegnava canto per chi considerava che lo meritasse. Morì a Bologna all’età di 77 anni. L’indagine sui suoi resti saranno condotte «utilizzando tutte le moderne tecnologie come i raggi X, la Tac, le indagini immunologiche e biomolecolari», si legge sul sito on line del Cimitero monumentale della Certosa di Bologna. Grazie a queste tecniche sofisticate, gli scienziati contano così di ottenere dati inediti su Farinelli e il suo stile di vita intorno al quale, negli anni del suo massimo successo, ma anche dopo la sua morte avvenuta nel 1782, si è destato un interesse mai spentosi nel tempo. La figura di Farinelli è diventata popolare anche presso il grande pubblico dopo il successo del film “Farinelli - Voce Regina”, girato nel 1994 da Gerard Corbiau con Stefano Dionisi nella parte del celeberrimo castrato e compositore, amante delle donne ma incapace di concludere ogni rapporto. Un mistero, il suo, che forse, finalmente, sarà svelato.

[Data pubblicazione: 08/07/2006] laPadania © tutti i diritti riservati,1,1 Pagina 1 di 1 La Razón 14/07/2006 03:10 PM

Jueves 13 de julio de 2006 Tapa Información General Política | Economía EL MAS CELEBRE DE LOS "CASTRATI" Información General Quieren estudiar el cadáver de Farinelli Opinión

Deportes Espectáculos Provincias ROMA AGENCIAS Historia del día Todos los títulos El cadáver de Carlo Broschi, más conocido como Farinelli y quien fuera del más famoso de los "castrati", fue exhumado ayer por científicos italianos. Quieren tomar las medidas de su cráneo y sus huesos y realizarle pruebas de Ediciones ADN para entender cómo afectaron a su físico la castración y la instrucción Internacionales musical que recibió. Por su parte, un experto en acústica analizará los restos Argentina Turística de sus cuerdas vocales y su laringe, en busca del origen de su particular Argentina Exporta rango de voz y potencia. Y los resultados del examen de ADN permitirán conocer su dieta y las enfermedades que sufrió.

Servicios Los "castrati" eran cantantes a quienes castraban de chicos para que el Ubbi Mail desarrollo de sus cuerpos no modificara su tono de voz. Esta práctica, que Tu cuenta gratis tuvo su auge en los siglos XVII y XVIII, surgió como respuesta a la medida que Cartelera de espectáculos prohibió a las mujeres cantar en las iglesias. Sólo en Italia, llegaron a castrarse hasta 4.000 chicos por años, hasta que se lo prohibió en 1870. La historia de Farinelli fue reconstruida en una deliciosa película de Gerard Cobian, con Stefano Dionisi y basada sobre música de Häendel, hace más de una década. En marzo pasado se inauguró una muestra alusiva en Londres.

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<< Retour DÉPÊCHES Dépêche reçue le 12/07/06 à 16:13 REUTERS - L'actualité en images Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les L'ACTUALITÉ EN IMAGES - Dernières secrets des castrats 14:31 - Monde - Business par Stephen Brown - Technologies ROME (Reuters) - Les restes du cadavre du - Sport célèbre castrat italien Farinelli ont été exhumés d'un cimetière de Bologne sur ordre d'historiens - Insolite et de scientifiques désireux d'étudier comment Toutes les dépêches son anatomie a réagi à la castration. Toyota a accru ses ventes de 10% Reuters au 1er semestre en Europe Opéré dès son plus jeune âge pour pouvoir 14:16 ASSOCIATED PRESS conserver son timbre de voix de petit garçon, - Monde Farinelli reste dans les annales le plus célèbre des castrats, ces chanteurs d'opéra italien très - France Les restes du recherchés au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle. cadavre du célèbre - Politique française castrat italien Une équipe de chercheurs de l'université de - Economie/Social Farinelli ont été exhumés d'un Bologne, dont un spécialiste de l'acoustique, attend avec impatience de découvrir ce qu'il - Science cimetière de Bologne McDonald's annonce une hausse de sur ordre reste des cordes vocales et du larynx de Farinelli - Santé 5,9% de ses ventes en juin d'historiens et de afin de mieux comprendre d'où venaient les - Sport scientifiques capacités vocales si extraordinaires de ces 11:07 désireux d'étudier - Vie pratique comment son chanteurs. anatomie a réagi à - Célébrités la castration. Photo "C'est l'unique squelette témoin dont nous - Insolite prise le 12 juillet disposons", a expliqué le britannique Nicholas 2006. REUTERS. Clapton, spécialiste des castrats. Toutes les dépêches Marco Bucco (cliquez Associated Press pour agrandir) "Nous voulons savoir s'ils étaient comme les dessins humoristiques les décrivaient, grands et dégingandés, ou AFP avec une poitrine de femme et de grosses fesses, ou encore - France comme le magnifique gentleman (représenté) sur les portraits officiels de Farinelli." Mittal maintiendra l'alliance d'Arcelor COMMUNIQUÉS DES SEINS avec Nippon Steel - NEWSPRESS Monde 9:40 - NEWSPRESS France Le corps du chanteur, exhumé avec celui de sa petite nièce, se trouvait "dans un état de conservation médiocre", selon Carlo Vitale - NEWSPRESS Politique du centre d'étude sur Farinelli basé à Bologne, qui a néanmoins - NEWSPRESS Régions indiqué à Reuters que les scientifiques auraient de quoi mener leurs Tous les recherches. communiqués Selon Clapton, professeur de chant à l'Académie royale de musique de Londres, c'est l'ablation des glandes génitales des petits garçons qui empêchait la croissance des cordes vocales malgré les NEWSLETTERS changements d'un corps devenant adulte. Inscription rapide - La Une de "Cela leur donnait une capacité pulmonaire énorme mais avec une Le baril de Brent à un nouveau record Voir La Tribune voix très mélodieuse", a-t-il précisé. de 78,12 dollars - L'Actualité L'actualité en images Voir Mais après une telle opération, les experts estiment que ces du matin Publicité castrats ont pu également grossir ou grandir anormalement et - La Clôture FLUX RSS Voir même voir leurs seins pousser. des marchés Les dernières dépêches - L'Hebdo Le choriste de la chapelle Sixtine Alessandro Moreschi fut le dernier Voir "REUTERS - Insolite" au format High-tech exemple vivant de ces chanteurs au timbre si pur, et réalisa même des enregistrements de sa voix en 1902 et 1904, qualifié par Clapton de "Pavarotti sous hélium".

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Publicité…ats-~-OFROE-ITALIE-CASTRATS-FARINELLI-20060712TXT?OpenDocument Pagina 1 di 2 la-Croix : dépêches AFP 17/07/2006 03:35 PM

accueil france monde Toute l'actu France Monde Économie Culture Sport Sciences Religion les forums > Tous les forums économie 13/07/2006 14:51 religion parents & enfants ROME (AFP) - Italie: les restes du culture sciences castrat Farinelli exhumés pour être spiritualité AFP dernière minute analysés le journal en ligne

Les restes du célèbre chanteur lyrique italien Carlo Broschi, connu sous le nom de Farinelli et mort il y a deux siècles, ont été exhumés du cimetière de Bologne afin d'obtenir des informations sur le castrat à la voix extraordinaire, a annoncé jeudi un universitaire.

"Nous avons exhumé le squelette entier de Farinelli, mais il est très abîmé. L'opération a été délicate puisque ses os étaient amassés au pied de sa nièce qui a été enterrée avec lui", a expliqué à l'AFP le professeur Gino Fornaciari, coordinateur du projet pour l'Université de Pise. > Où acheter La Croix ? L'Université de Bologne va reconstituer et consolider le squelette "avant que SPECIAL ABONNES : d'autres analyses ne puissent être effectuées", a-t-il indiqué. recevez la Croix en vacances C'est un antiquaire florentin passionné de chant lyrique, Alberto Bruschi, qui est à l'origine du projet, auquel participent les universités italiennes de Bologne, LES SERVICES Florence et de Pise, ainsi que l'université britannique de York. agenda programmes télé Farinelli fut l'un des castrats qui remporta le plus de succès et se produisit dans courrier des lecteurs toute l'Europe dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle. des sites à découvrir fils RSS Né en 1705 à Naples, il s'établit à Madrid en 1737 où il exerça une influence changer vos codes importante sur la cour et sur la vie politique grâce à la faveur des monarques. Il d'accès au site regagna l'Italie en 1759 et s'établit à Bologne où il mourut en 1782.

LES CONTACTS "Nous cherchons des informations supplémentaires sur d'éventuelles pathologies espace presse du chanteur, liées ou non au fait qu'il ait été castré", a expliqué le professeur qui sommes-nous ? Gino Fornaciari. contacter la Croix "Nous aimerions avoir des éléments sur son style de vie par le biais de son régie publicitaire régime alimentaire, et sur sa morphologie, bien que nous puissions déjà dire qu'il était grand et de robuste constitution", a-t-il ajouté. LES DOSSIERS Selon Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsable du laboratoire de Bioarchéologie >> tous les dossiers de l'Université de Bologne, l'analyse des restes du castrat "pourra nous apprendre la circonférence de sa cage thoracique, et la taille de la bouche", a-t- elle indiqué au quotidien La Repubblica. Pagina 1 di 2 la-Croix : dépêches AFP 17/07/2006 03:35 PM

Ces particularités morphologiques expliqueront peut-être les exceptionnels dons de chant de Farinelli.

© copyright 2005 Pagina 2 di 2 Exhuman los restos de Farinelli para develar los secretos de los castrati 17/07/2006 12:33 PM

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Jueves 13 de julio de 2006

Un experto en acústica buscará restos de las cuerdas vocales y la laringe del cantante Exhuman los restos de Farinelli para develar los secretos de los castrati


El cantante Farinelli y sus amigos, óleo de Jacopo Amigoni. Al centro aparece Carlo Broschi, conocido como Farinelli, famoso castrato Foto Reuters

Roma, 12 de julio. Historiadores y científicos han exhumado los restos del legendario castrato Farinelli, en Italia, para realizar un estudio sobre los efectos anatómicos de la castración en niños para convertirlos en estrellas de la ópera.

Los castrati interpretaron papeles masculinos heroicos en la ópera italiana desde mediados del siglo XVII hasta finales del XVIII, cuando el bel canto estaba en boga en Europa.

Farinelli, cuyo nombre auténtico era Carlo Broschi, nació en 1705 y fue el más famoso de todos durante una carrera que se extendió de 1720 a 1737.

Carlo Vitale, del Centro de Estudios Farinelli en Bolonia, dijo que el miércoles habían recuperado los restos del cantante y de una sobrina nieta, que trasladó su cadáver desde una primera tumba destruida durante las guerras napoleónicas. Su lugar final de descanso, en el cementerio Certosa de esa ciudad, fue descubierto recientemente.

''Están en un estado de conservación regular, pero los científicos dicen que aún hay material para trabajar'', manifestó Vitale a Reuters, en el cementerio donde Farinelli y su sobrina nieta yacían en una tumba con un largo epitafio en latín. Pagina 1 di 2 Exhuman los restos de Farinelli para develar los secretos de los castrati 17/07/2006 12:33 PM

Sus restos iban a ser trasladados a la Universidad de Bolonia para su estudio por un equipo de científicos, entre los que figura un experto en acústica que está ansioso por encontrar restos de cuerdas vocales y laringe, que servirán para descubrir qué hacía que los castrati tuvieran un rango vocal de tan extraordinario alcance y tanta potencia.

Gran capacidad pulmonar y dulce voz

''Este es el único esqueleto que tenemos de ellos'', dijo Nicholas Clapton, experto británico en los castrati.

''Queremos saber si ellos eran como los representaban entonces en las caricaturas, altos y desgarbados, o con pechos de mujer y grandes glúteos; o como el espléndido caballero de los retratos oficiales de Farinelli'', dijo Clapton.

Profesor de canto en la Real Academia de Música de Londres y curador de una exposición sobre el uso de los castrati del compositor Handel, Clapton dijo que la extirpación de los testículos de los niños coristas mantenía sus cuerdas vocales reducidas, mientras el cambio hormonal alteraba sus cuerpos.

''Esto les daba gran capacidad pulmonar, pero con una dulce voz'', señaló.

Lo anterior significaría que los castrati crecían anormalmente altos o gordos y les podían crecer pechos, aunque retratos oficiales que han perdurado de Farinelli lo describen como un atractivo hombre, bien vestido.

Los castrati también tenían sus críticos, que pensaban que sus voces eran espantosas y sus mutilaciones bárbaras. La Iglesia católica lo prohibió con excomunión, a pesar de que utilizaban castrati en sus coros y en la Capilla Sixtina hasta fechas tan recientes como 1903, dijo Clapton.

El último sobreviviente castrato, Alessandro Moreschi, corista de la Capilla Sixtina, tuvo una larga vida que le permitió grabar discos entre 1902 y 1904, aunque su voz suena lo que Clapton describe como ''Pavarotti con helio''.

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July 13, 2006 · Today's Sun · Sun News Italian Scientists Exhume Body of Castrato · Sun Accent · Sun Business · Sun Sports ASSOCIATED PRESS · Sun Columnists · Face to Face MILAN, Italy (AP) - Scientists have exhumed the body of the legendary 18th-century opera singer Farinelli to learn more about the castrati, male · Today's Opinion singers neutered in childhood to preserve their high-pitched voices. · Sun Editorials · Sun Columnists · Flashpoint Farinelli was the most popular and best-paid opera singer in Europe before · Sun Letters his death in 1782. His remains were exhumed Wednesday from the historic Certosa cemetery in Bologna, said musicologist Carlo Vitali, a founder of the Farinelli Studies Center. · Today's News · Las Vegas · Nevada The bones will be examined by scientists from the universities of Bologna · U.S. · World and Pisa for insights into Farinelli's lifestyle, habits and possible diseases, · Beltway as well as the physiology of a castrato.

Scientists were surprised to find not just Farinelli's remains but also those · Today's Business of his grandniece Carlotta Pisani Broschi. · Las Vegas · Gaming · Corporate News "When Carlotta died in 1850, the grave was reopened and Farinelli's bones · Technology · Wall Street were stacked together at the base of the tomb to make (a) place for Carlotta's remains," Vitali said Thursday.

· Today's Sports The stacking of the bones degraded the preservation of Farinelli's remains, · Las Vegas which included his jawbone, several teeth, parts of his skull and almost all · Sports Line · Baseball of his major bones. · Basketball · Boxing · Football Vitali described the major bones as "long and sturdy, which would · Golf correspond with Farinelli's official portraits, as well as the castrati's · Hockey · Racing reputation for being unusually tall." · Soccer · Tennis --

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· Classifieds Printable text version | Mail this to a friend · Yellow Pages · Subscribe Pagina 1 di 2 Le Quotidien Permanent du Nouvel Observateur- Les restes de Farinelli exhumés à des fins scientifiques 17/07/2006 03:41 PM

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L'essentiel ASSURANCE MEMOIRE MALADIE Les restes de Farinelli exhumés Srebrenica : le TPI International juge sept Serbes 4.500 emplois en Proche-Orient à des fins scientifiques moins envisagés GRANDE-BRETAGNE Europe AP | 13.07.06 | 20:13 Tony Blair menacé d'ici 2009 Politique pour corruption présumée Économie ALLEMAGNE Médias MILAN (AP) -- Des chercheurs italiens ont exhumé les Rencontre Bush-Merkel Société avant le G8 D L M M J V S restes du chanteur lyrique Farinelli pour tenter de mieux Spécial Prisons IRLANDE DU NORD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Social connaître le mode de vie et la physiologie du célèbre 60.000 protestants castrat, a annoncé un fondateur du Centre d'études 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Culture "orangistes" défilent 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Spécial Festivals Farinelli jeudi. COUR EUROPEENNE 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Sports Les restes de celui qui était le chanteur d'opéra le plus Cresson coupable de favoritisme << Juillet 2006 >> Tour de France populaire et le mieux payé en Europe avant de mourir Mondial 2006 le 17 septembre 1782, ont été exhumés mercredi du MEMOIRE cimetière Certosa à Bologne, a précisé le musicologue Srebrenica : Tadic veut Sciences punir tous les coupables Multimédia Carlo Vitali. UNION EUROPEENNE People Les scientifiques ont été surpris de découvrir dans la Feu vert à l'entrée Identifiez-vous Galeries photos tombe les ossements de sa petite-nièce, Carlotta Pisani de la Slovénie Infographies Broschi. "Lorsque celle-ci est morte en 1850, la tombe PORTE-PAROLE Mot de passe Vidéos a été rouverte et les os de Farinelli empilés les uns sur La "voix" de Jean-Paul II Débats les autres à la base de la tombe pour faire de la place quitte son poste Blogs pour ceux de Carlotta", a souligné M. Vitali. POLOGNE Revues de presse Cette pratique a conduit à la dégradation des restes de Jaroslaw Kaczynski Mémorisez | Oublié ? er Commentaires Carlo Broschi, alias Farinelli, qui incluent sa mâchoire, devient 1 ministre > S'abonner Forums en direct des dents, des morceaux de crâne et presque tous ses ESPAGNE Sondage : os principaux. Le pape vante "les merveilles" du L'adhésion de la Selon M. Vitali, les os du virtuose sont "longs et mariage Turquie à l'UE solides" et seront examinés par des scientifiques des Dossiers universités de Bologne et de Pise, qui tenteront d'en Les débats Espace abonnés savoir plus sur le mode de vie, les habitudes, et Etes-vous d'accord avec de Mots croisés d'éventuelles maladies de Farinelli, et plus Sudoku nouvelles avancées dans généralement sur la physiologie des castrats. Terme l'intégration européenne, ou, au qui désigne des chanteurs masculins qui étaient jadis contraire, pensez-vous que Quotidien Auto castrés dans l'enfance pour préserver leur voix haut l'autonomie des nations doit être Mode & Beauté perchée. AP renforcée ? Immobilier Prix du m2 Galeries photos Prix du locatif Annonces Achat spectacles Shopping Boutique DVD High-Tech

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luglio 2006 (26) Il 12 luglio sono stati riesumati i resti di Farinelli nel cimitero della Certosa di Bologna; le ossa del cantante castrato del Settecento, il cui vero nome eraCarlo giugno 2006 (46) Broschi, saranno studiate dalle Università di Pisa e Bologna. Obiettivo del profilo biologico: capire se c'è una relazione tra la sua straordinaria capacità polmonare maggio 2006 (74) e la castrazione subita a 12 anni, fare chiarezza sulla sua morte avvenuta a 77 aprile 2006 (59) anni, capire come mai fosse così alto rispetto alla media dell'epoca. Oltre a frammenti ossei, una catenina con crocifisso, altri materiali come pollini e polveri, marzo 2006 (125) ci sono i resti, meglio conservati, della contessa Maria Callotta Pisoni, nipote del febbraio 2006 (78) Farinelli, seppellitti insieme. Il progetto storico scientifico coinvolge, oltre ad altri studiosi del Laboratorio di Bioarcheologia e Osteologia forense e del Museo gennaio 2006 (47) di Antropologia.(Fiorenzo Facchini, Benedetta Bonfiglioli, Chiara Consiglio, Elisa Rastelli, Valentina Mariotti) e del Museo di Antropologia (Antonio Todero) del dicembre 2005 (2) Sistema Museale d’Ateneo della nostra Università anche l’équipe del Prof. Gino novembre 2005 (3) Fornaciari, paleopatologo dell’Università di Pisa, molto noto per gli studi Pagina 1 di 2 Leonardo / operaviva / Blog - OPERAVIVA 21/07/2006 05:52 PM novembre 2005 (3) compiuti sulla famiglia Medici, il Prof. David M. Howard dell’University of York e il Centro Studi Farinelli di Bologna. Il cadavere di Farinelli, peraltro, è stato » Ultimi 5 post traslato ben tre volte.

Teatro Regio di (la foto è tratta dal sito di Torino. Squadra che " vince non si cambia Broadway tra i gelsomini del Teatro di Verzura. A Palermo, con mini- operaviva administrator 11:10 - NOTIZIE - Permalink sciopero incluso... Riesumati i resti di Farinelli Commenti La nuova stagione del Comunale di Firenze, la prima dell'Era Giambrone Vorrei segnalare che l'unica che non compare nel vostro comunicato è la sottoscritta che è la coordinatrice del progetto. Il Flauto Magico diventa... un gioco Maria Giovanna Belcastro da ragazzi

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Pubblica Pagina 2 di 2 Farinelli, magia di una voce Nelle ossa il suo segreto - Local | L'espresso 18/07/2006 12:56 PM

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APERTA IERI IN CERTOSA LA TOMBA DEL CANTORE SETTECENTESCO: SI TENTERÀ DI RICOSTRUIRNE IL VOLTO E IL PROFILO BIOLOGICO Farinelli, magia di una voce Nelle ossa il suo segreto Riesumati i resti del celebre castrato

«Ossa degli arti inferiori, una mandibola, il femore, due denti, frammenti di cranio». Questo è quel che resta di Farinelli, voce bianca regina del Settecento, uomo alto, bello e robusto che con il suo canto faceva svenire le donne e rinsavire i re. La salma del «castrato cantore» che amò Bologna e a Bologna morì nel 1783, a settantasette anni, è stata riesumata ieri da un gruppo di ricercatori delle Università di Bologna, Firenze, Pisa, e York. Un manipolo di scienziati tenuti insieme dall ´impegno del centro Studi Farinelli e dall´ispirazione di un mecenate fiorentino, Andrea Bruschi. Tutti a caccia del segreto della voce regina attorno al suo loculo: lungo e largo quanto gli altri, nascosto e tranquillo sotto uno dei tanti portici del cimitero della Certosa, portico del chiostro maggiore, arco 121, numero 1. La speranza è che ammonticchiato tra quei pochi resti possa essere conservato qualche segreto sulla sua vita. Che volto, che corporatura aveva Farinelli? Com´era il suo sorriso? Come visse e come morì? «È quello che cercheremo di scoprire» spiega la dottoressa Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsabile del laboratorio di Bio-archeologia dell´Università di Bologna e del museo di Antropologia. Lei lo chiama «profilo biologico dell´artista», in realtà si tratta della storia della sua vita. Quella che a lui non sarebbe forse parso nemmeno di raccontare, e che pure di lui dice tanto. La sua salute, la sua alimentazione, i suoi gusti, le sue inclinazioni. Più di un ritratto, più dell´immaginazione. È scienza, è dna. Anche se «la ricostruzione completa del codice genetico sarebbe un vero miracolo» sospira Sandra Mazzoli, dirigente dell´Asl di Firenze e responsabile dello studio del Dna microbico. Segreti della vita e di una voce capace di estendersi a tal punto che tanti sospettavano si servisse di qualche «strumento per mantenerla». Voce bianca, senza sesso. Come lui, evirato tra i nove e i dodici anni, prima che potesse sviluppare caratteri sessuali. Difficile però che le analisi ci rivelino qualcosa su quella straordinaria estensione vocale perché «certe informazioni si potrebbero desumere solo dalle parti molli», spiega la Belcastro. Le corde vocali, ad esempio. O i polmoni. Niente che si sia conservato. E tuttavia qualcosa lo scheletro può dirlo lo stesso: «La circonferenza della cassa toracica ad esempio, o l´ampiezza della cavità della bocca potrebbero indicare la particolare predisposizione per il canto». Una conseguenza certa della castrazione è legata anche alla conformazione fisica: «Farinelli era molto alto», dice la Belcastro, «I resoconti dell´epoca lo dicevano, ma ora ne abbiamo la conferma, perché le sue ossa sono lunghe e robuste. Un tratto tipico dei castrati». Foto, analisi e rilevamenti dureranno per oltre un anno. Poi i risultati, e il ritorno della salma alla Certosa. Intanto sulla scienza prevale la poesia. «Sono emozionato», confessa Andrea Bruschi, collezionista e antiquario fiorentino ispiratore dell´iniziativa, «siamo di fronte a un artista immenso, ma anche a un uomo amabile, che fu anche molto triste. Chissà che cosa aveva davvero dentro di sé. Questo gli studi non potranno mai rivelarcelo». (13 luglio 2006) Torna indietro

VERSIONE STAMPABILE INVIA QUESTO ARTICOLO Consulta il giornale online,%20magia%20di%20una%20voce%20Nelle%20ossa%20il%20suo%20segreto/1328707 Pagina 1 di 1 - Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les secrets des castrats - L'Express 14/07/2006 01:56 PM

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Imprimer l'article © Reuters mercredi 12 juillet 2006, mis à jour à 16:13 Envoyer par email Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les Modifier le texte secrets des castrats Reuters

Dans l'actualité en ce moment

DEPECHE Agrandir l'image Poste un peu trop restante DEPECHE Les restes du cadavre du célèbre castrat italien Farinelli ont été Un oeuf de poule kazakhe au nom d'Allah? exhumés d'un cimetière de Bologne sur ordre d'historiens et de DEPECHE scientifiques désireux d'étudier comment son anatomie a réagi à Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les la castration. secrets des castrats Opéré dès son plus jeune âge pour pouvoir conserver son timbre de voix DEPECHE Le "coup de boule" de Zinedine de petit garçon, Farinelli reste dans les annales le plus célèbre des Zidane, un tube de l'été ? castrats, ces chanteurs d'opéra italien très recherchés au XVIIe et au DEPECHE Un polar américain remporte le XVIIIe siècle. prix de la pire première phrase Une équipe de chercheurs de l'université de Bologne, dont un spécialiste de l'acoustique, attend avec impatience de découvrir ce qu'il reste des cordes vocales et du larynx de Farinelli afin de mieux comprendre d'où venaient les capacités vocales si extraordinaires de ces chanteurs.

"C'est l'unique squelette témoin dont nous disposons", a expliqué le britannique Nicholas Clapton, spécialiste des castrats.

"Nous voulons savoir s'ils étaient comme les dessins humoristiques les décrivaient, grands et dégingandés, ou avec une poitrine de femme et de grosses fesses, ou encore comme le magnifique gentleman (représenté) sur les portraits officiels de Farinelli."


Le corps du chanteur, exhumé avec celui de sa petite nièce, se trouvait "dans un état de conservation médiocre", selon Carlo Vitale du centre d'étude sur Farinelli basé à Bologne, qui a néanmoins indiqué à Reuters que les scientifiques auraient de quoi mener leurs recherches.

Selon Clapton, professeur de chant à l'Académie royale de musique de Londres, c'est l'ablation des glandes génitales des petits garçons qui empêchait la croissance des cordes vocales malgré les changements d'un REVIVEZ LE MONDIAL corps devenant adulte. Nos blogs, nos portraits, nos histoires... EN IMAGES "Cela leur donnait une capacité pulmonaire énorme mais avec une voix Le parcours des Bleus, notre Best-of, "On est en finale!" très mélodieuse", a-t-il précisé. EN MUSIQUE Zidane y va marquer, Coup de boule Mais après une telle opération, les experts estiment que ces castrats ont pu également grossir ou grandir anormalement et même voir leurs seins pousser. SPORTS Le choriste de la chapelle Sixtine Alessandro Moreschi fut le dernier La chanson du jour Coup de boule Imprimer l'article exemple vivant de ces chanteurs au timbre si pur, et réalisa même des SPORT Affaire Zidane Le tour de Materazzi Envoyer par email enregistrements de sa voix en 1902 et 1904, qualifié par Clapton de SPORTS La chanson du jour "Zidane il va marquer" Modifier le texte "Pavarotti sous hélium". Pagina 1 di 2 L'Express 17/07/2006 03:12 PM

Identification : Neuchâtel La Chaux-de-Fonds Email 16/29°C 11/25°C Lundi 17 juillet 2006 •••••••••••• Webcam Webcam GO Toutes les prévisions Abonnez-vous Abonnés Club espace Contact Newsletter Archives

Le journal D E R N I È R E M I N U T E Opinion Canton de Neuchâtel Italie: Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les Neuchâtel & Littoral secrets des castrats La Chaux-de-Fonds & Le Locle Val-de-Ruz ROME - Les restes du cadavre du célèbre castrat italien Farinelli ont été Val-de-Travers exhumés d'un cimetière de Bologne. Historiens et scientifiques désirent étudier Jura & Jura bernois comment son anatomie a réagi à la castration. Suisse Opéré dès son plus jeune âge pour pouvoir conserver son timbre de voix de Monde petit garçon, Farinelli reste dans les annales le plus célèbre des castrats, ces Culture et société chanteurs d'opéra italien très recherchés au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle.

Sport Une équipe de chercheurs de l'université de Bologne, dont un spécialiste de Economie l'accoustique, attend avec impatience de découvrir ce qu'il reste des cordes Horlogerie vocales et du larynx de Farinelli afin de mieux comprendre d'où venaient les Célébrités et insolite capacités vocales si extraordinaires de ces chanteurs.

Faits divers "C'est l'unique squelette témoin dont nous disposons", a expliqué le spécialiste Carnet britannique des castrats Nicholas Clapton. "Nous voulons savoir s'ils étaient comme les dessins humoristiques les décrivaient, grands et dégingandés, ou avec Naissance une poitrine de femme et de grosses fesses, ou encore comme le magnifique Décès gentleman (représenté) sur les portraits officiels de Farinelli."

Services Le corps du chanteur, exhumé avec celui de sa petite nièce, se trouvait "dans un état de conservation médiocre", selon Carlo Vitale du centre d'étude sur Cinémas Farinelli basé à Bologne. Mais les scientifiques auront de quoi mener leurs Agendas recherches. Adresses utiles Selon M. Clapton, professeur de chant à l'Académie royale de musique de A visiter Londres, c'est l'ablation des glandes génitales des petits garçons qui empêchait la Galeries croissance des cordes vocales malgré les changements d'un corps devenant Bibliothèques adulte. Musées "Cela leur donnait une capacité pulmonaire énorme mais avec une voix très Urgences mélodieuse", a-t-il précisé. Mais après une telle opération, les experts estiment Recherche que ces castrats ont pu également grossir ou grandir anormalement et même voir leurs seins pousser. Mot-cle GO Le choriste de la chapelle sixtine Alessandro Moreschi fut le dernier exemple BD Multimédia Forum vivant de ces chanteurs au timbre si pur. Il réalisa même des enregistrements de sa voix en 1902 et 1904, qualifié par M. Clapton de "Pavarotti sur hélium". Voir tous les forums Attribution d'un prix Livre Musique Vos solutions pour redresser la barre Dernière minute 14:42 Attentats à Londres: aucun policier inculpé pour la mort de Menezes distribution hors canton 14:22 Hockey sur glace: Landon Wilson à la Resega de l'impar 14:18 Paléo Festival de Nyon: pas de désistement d'artiste permis de propriétaire 14:05 Jennifer Aniston veut jouer un épisode spécial de "Friends" Spectacle Cinéma danger sur le POD 13:48 Proche-Orient: nouveaux raids israéliens dévastateurs au Liban 13:44 Football: Felix Magath prolonge son contrat au Bayern Munich Newsletters 13:25 Pays-Bas: un tribunal refuse l'interdiction d'un parti pédophile 13:13 Indonésie: un tsunami a fait au moins cinq morts à Java La région dans votre 12:52 Les conséquences de Tchernobyl ont presque disparu en Suisse e-mail 12:21 Accident de baignade à Vevey: la fillette hors de danger La semaine Abonnez-vous ! [Suisse] [Monde][Sports] [Economie] d'Elzingre


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Retrouvez tous les dossiers Pagina 1 di 2 Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les secrets des castrats 14/07/2006 12:59 PM

Mondial 2006 Quotidien papier Archives PDF / NewsStand «Je ne regrette pas» Hier, Zinédine Zidane, le meneur de jeu des Bleus, est revenu sur son coup de tête en finale du Mondial de foot. Sur Libé Le dossier Tous les dossiers ACTUALITÉ CULTURE INTERACTIF MULTIMÉDIA OPINIONS TRANSVERSALES VOUS DOSSIERS SERVICES

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REUTERS : Mercredi 12 juillet 2006 - 16:13

par Stephen Brown

ROME (Reuters) - Les restes du cadavre du célèbre castrat italien Farinelli ont été exhumés d'un cimetière de Bologne sur ordre d'historiens et de scientifiques désireux d'étudier comment son anatomie a réagi à la castration.

Opéré dès son plus jeune âge pour pouvoir conserver son timbre de voix de petit garçon, Farinelli reste dans les annales le plus célèbre des castrats, ces chanteurs d'opéra italien très recherchés au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle.

Une équipe de chercheurs de l'université de Bologne, dont un spécialiste de l'acoustique, attend avec impatience de découvrir ce qu'il reste des cordes Entracte au Kirov vocales et du larynx de Farinelli afin de mieux comprendre d'où venaient les capacités vocales si extraordinaires de ces chanteurs.

"C'est l'unique squelette témoin dont nous disposons", a expliqué le Rachid Nekkaz, 34 ans, ancien «jeune de britannique Nicholas Clapton, spécialiste des castrats. banlieue», patron de start-up et candidat à l'Elysée. Avec un programme radical et "Nous voulons savoir s'ils étaient comme les dessins humoristiques les éclectique, il veut bousculer les idées décrivaient, grands et dégingandés, ou avec une poitrine de femme et de reçues. grosses fesses, ou encore comme le magnifique gentleman (représenté) sur les portraits officiels de Farinelli." Le CAC 40 en direct et toute l'actualité des sociétés cotées DES SEINS

Le corps du chanteur, exhumé avec celui de sa petite nièce, se trouvait "dans un état de conservation médiocre", selon Carlo Vitale du centre d'étude sur Farinelli basé à Bologne, qui a néanmoins indiqué à Reuters que Cherchez et trouvez votre future formation parmi des dizaines de milliers d'offres les scientifiques auraient de quoi mener leurs recherches. Pagina 1 di 2 Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les secrets des castrats 14/07/2006 12:59 PM

Selon Clapton, professeur de chant à l'Académie royale de musique de Londres, c'est l'ablation des glandes génitales des petits garçons qui empêchait la croissance des cordes vocales malgré les changements d'un LibéOccasion, votre espace pour acheter corps devenant adulte. et/ou revendre vos CD, DVD, livres, produits Hi Tech ... "Cela leur donnait une capacité pulmonaire énorme mais avec une voix très mélodieuse", a-t-il précisé.

Mais après une telle opération, les experts estiment que ces castrats ont pu également grossir ou grandir anormalement et même voir leurs seins pousser.

Le choriste de la chapelle Sixtine Alessandro Moreschi fut le dernier exemple vivant de ces chanteurs au timbre si pur, et réalisa même des enregistrements de sa voix en 1902 et 1904, qualifié par Clapton de "Pavarotti sous hélium".

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Licence | Données personnelles | Charte d'édition Pagina 2 di 2 Italie: les restes du castrat Farinelli exhumés pour être analysés 17/07/2006 03:20 PM

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Actualite L'internaute > Actualité France Monde EUROPE | Diaporama Insolite Moyen-Orient | Europe | International | Asie | Etats-Unis | Afrique | Amériques Les gens Loisirs Sport Science Italie: les restes du castrat Farinelli exhumés pour être Santé Politique analysés Economie High-tech Média Diaporamas Dossier Bonnes nouvelles Sondages Jeudi 13 juillet 2006, 14h51 Les restes du célèbre chanteur lyrique Chercher | Top italien Carlo Broschi, connu sous le nom de Farinelli et mort il y a deux siècles, ont été exhumés du cimetière de Bologne afin d'obtenir des informations sur le castrat à la Actualité Argent voix extraordinaire, a annoncé jeudi un Automobile universitaire. Cinéma Consommation "Nous avons exhumé le squelette entier de Cuisine Farinelli, mais il est très abîmé. L'opération Femmes a été délicate puisque ses os étaient Guides d'achat amassés au pied de sa nièce qui a été High-tech enterrée avec lui", a expliqué à l'AFP le Insolite Internet professeur Gino Fornaciari, coordinateur du Juniors projet pour l'Université de Pise. Livres Le chanteur Farinelli (1705-1782), Mer et Voile peint par par Amigoni (1675-1752). L'Université de Bologne va reconstituer et Musique Paris, musée Carnavalet (Photo consolider le squelette "avant que d'autres Nature /AFP/Roger-Viollet) analyses ne puissent être effectuées", a-t-il Paris Agrandir la photo indiqué. Photo numérique Restaurant Savoir C'est un antiquaire florentin passionné de chant lyrique, Alberto Bruschi, qui Science est à l'origine du projet, auquel participent les universités italiennes de Sport Bologne, Florence et de Pise, ainsi que l'université britannique de York. Télévision Voyage Farinelli fut l'un des castrats qui remporta le plus de succès et se produisit

SERVICES dans toute l'Europe dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle.

Cartes de voeux Né en 1705 à Naples, il s'établit à Madrid en 1737 où il exerça une influence Copains d'Avant importante sur la cour et sur la vie politique grâce à la faveur des monarques. L'Internaute Voir un exemple Comparer les prix Il regagna l'Italie en 1759 et s'établit à Bologne où il mourut en 1782. Comparatif Journal du Net Voir un exemple d'assurances "Nous cherchons des informations supplémentaires sur d'éventuelles Management Voir un exemple Circulation pathologies du chanteur, liées ou non au fait qu'il ait été castré", a expliqué le Economiseurs Journal des femmes Voir un exemple Fonds d'écran professeur Gino Fornaciari. Guides de voyage EmploiCenter Voir un exemple Histoire "Nous aimerions avoir des éléments sur son style de vie par le biais de son Horoscope régime alimentaire, et sur sa morphologie, bien que nous puissions déjà dire Votre email Météo qu'il était grand et de robuste constitution", a-t-il ajouté. Mots croisés Toutes nos newsletters Noms de famille Selon Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsable du laboratoire de Bioarchéologie Photos de l'Université de Bologne, l'analyse des restes du castrat "pourra nous Prénoms Pages jaunes apprendre la circonférence de sa cage thoracique, et la taille de la bouche", a- VOTRE AVIS Tous les sondages Pages blanches t-elle indiqué au quotidien La Repubblica. Radio Que pensez-vous de l’accueil réservé aux Recettes de Ces particularités morphologiques expliqueront peut-être les exceptionnels touristes en France ? cuisine dons de chant de Farinelli. Il est bon, les Français sont accueillants Sudoku en règle générale Téléchargement Il est inégal, commerçants et Test Connexion professionnels devraient faire des efforts Vidéo Il est inacceptable pour la 1ère destination Villes touristique du monde Webcams Les touristes viennent pour la beauté de Suivante » « Précédent notre pays, pas pour notre accueil Béni par Bruxelles en 2004, le mariage Ukraine: Iouchtchenko refuse Ianoukovitch Sony-BMG remis en cause par la comme Premier ministre justice européenne

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Italians dig up 18th century castrato singer for research

The remains of the celebrated 18th century Italian castrato Farinelli have been exhumed to find more about his peculiar powers as a singer, a university professor said.

"We are looking for additional information about possible pathological signs in the singer, whether or not linked to the fact that he was castrated," said Professor Gino Fornaciari of Pisa University.

The remains were removed from a cemetery in the northern city of Bologna where the singer died in 1782.

Maria Giovanna Belcastro of the laboratory of bioarcheology of Bologna University told the newspaper La Repubblica analysis of the remains "could tell us about the circumference of his rib cage and the size of his mouth."

The remains of the celebrated Any physical peculiarities might explain the legendary singing gifts of 18th century Italian castrato Farinelli, whose real name was Carlo Broschi, and who achieved Farinelli, depicted here in a European fame in the first half of the 18th century. painting, have been exhumed to find more about his peculiar powers as a singer. Born in Naples in 1705, he settled in Madrid where he had great influence at court and on political life due to his popularity with the monarch.

He returned to Italy in 1759 and settled in Bologna for the rest of his life.

The research project on his remains involves the Italian universities of Bologna, Pisa and Florence, and York University in Britain.

"We have exhumed the entire skeleton but it is in very poor condition," said Fornaciari.

"The operation was very delicate because his bones were piled beside those of his niece who was buried with him."

Bologna University would reconstitute and restore the skeleton before proper work of analysis could begin, he said.

"We would like to find out more about his lifestyle by investigating his diet and his morphology, although we already know he was big and naturally robust," said Fornaciari.

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le 12/07/2006 14:13 par Stephen Brown ROME (Reuters) - Les restes du cadavre du célèbre castrat italien Farinelli ont été exhumés d'un cimetière de Bologne sur ordre d'historiens et de scientifiques désireux d'étudier comment son anatomie a réagi à la castration. Opéré dès son plus jeune âge pour pouvoir conserver son timbre de voix de petit garçon, Farinelli reste dans les annales le plus célèbre des castrats, ces chanteurs d'opéra italien très recherchés au XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle. Une équipe de chercheurs de l'université de Bologne, dont un spécialiste de l'acoustique, attend avec impatience de découvrir ce qu'il reste des cordes vocales et du larynx de Farinelli afin de mieux comprendre d'où venaient les capacités vocales si extraordinaires de ces chanteurs. "C'est l'unique squelette témoin dont nous disposons", a expliqué le britannique Nicholas Clapton, spécialiste des castrats. "Nous voulons savoir s'ils étaient comme les dessins humoristiques les décrivaient, grands et dégingandés, ou avec une poitrine de femme et de grosses fesses, ou encore comme le magnifique gentleman (représenté) sur les portraits officiels de Farinelli." DES SEINS Le corps du chanteur, exhumé avec celui de sa petite nièce, se trouvait "dans un état de conservation médiocre", selon Carlo Vitale du centre d'étude sur Farinelli basé à Bologne, qui a néanmoins indiqué à Reuters que les scientifiques auraient de quoi mener leurs recherches. Selon Clapton, professeur de chant à l'Académie royale de musique de Londres, c'est l'ablation des glandes génitales des petits garçons qui empêchait la croissance des cordes vocales malgré les changements d'un corps devenant adulte. "Cela leur donnait une capacité pulmonaire énorme mais avec une voix très mélodieuse", a-t-il précisé. Mais après une telle opération, les experts estiment que ces castrats ont pu également grossir ou grandir anormalement et même voir leurs seins pousser. Le choriste de la chapelle Sixtine Alessandro Moreschi fut le dernier exemple vivant de ces chanteurs au timbre si pur, et réalisa même des enregistrements de sa voix en 1902 et 1904, qualifié par Clapton de "Pavarotti sous hélium".

Copyright © 2006 Reuters. Tous droits réservés. La reproduction ou la distribution de ces écrans sans l'accord express de Reuters est rigoureusement interdite.

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BREAKING NEWS AND IN OTHER NEWS... FRONT PAGE Famous castrato singer dug up for research NATIONAL Article tools AFRICA Rome, Italy INTERNATIONAL 14 July 2006 04:00 E-mail this story BUSINESS The remains of the celebrated 18th- Print this story SPORT century Italian castrato Farinelli have Bookmark page AND IN OTHER NEWS ... been exhumed to find more about his Most read stories SPECIAL REPORTS peculiar powers as a singer, a university SOCCER WORLD CUP professor said on Thursday. RSS feed ZUMA SPECIAL REPORT Javascript feed "We are looking for additional WEEK IN PICTURES information about possible pathological NEWS INSIGHT signs in the singer, whether or not linked Online services NATIONAL to the fact that he was castrated," said FIND A JOB AFRICA Professor Gino Fornaciari, of Pisa University. PROPERTY INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE QUOTE COMMENT & ANALYSIS The remains were removed from a BUSINESS cemetery in the northern city of Bologna FIND A DATE COLUMNISTS where the singer died in 1782. ONLINE AUCTIONS EDITORIALS HOLIDAY FINDER MONITOR Maria Giovanna Belcastro, of the laboratory of bioarchaeology of Bologna EASY INFO KRISJAN LEMMER University, told the newspaper La Repubblica analysis of the remains "could BODY LANGUAGE tell us about the circumference of his rib cage and the size of his mouth". WEB HOSTING OBITUARIES Any physical peculiarities might explain the legendary singing gifts of Farinelli, ONLINE CASINO LEISURE whose real name was Carlo Broschi and who achieved European fame in the FREE E-MAIL ARTS first half of the 18th century. NEWS BY E-MAIL M&G MONEY INSURANCE WHEELS & DEALS Born in Naples in 1705, he settled in Madrid where he had great influence at court and on political life due to his popularity with the monarch. He returned SUBSCRIBE TO TECH to Italy in 1759 and settled in Bologna for the rest of his life. M&G ESCAPE FREE NEWS FEED REGULARS The research project on his remains involves the Italian universities of PLACE AN ADVERT ZAPIRO Bologna, Pisa and Florence, and York University in Britain. MADAM & EVE Mobile services NEWSLETTERS "We have exhumed the entire skeleton but it is in very poor condition," said Fornaciari. "The operation was very delicate because his bones were piled M&G MOBILE BLOGMARK beside those of his niece who was buried with him." MOBILE GAMES FORUMS NOTES & QUERIES Bologna University will reconstitute and restore the skeleton before proper IN THIS SECTION LETTERS work of analysis can begin, he said. Man bites dog CORRECTIONS Churchill's half-smoked HIV/AIDS BAROMETER "We would like to find out more about his lifestyle by investigating his diet and cigar sold for R4 800 his morphology, although we already know he was big and naturally robust," PARTNER SITES Boozy British women told to Ads by Goooooogle said Fornaciari. -- AFP wear nice knickers THE TEACHER Police dog in car 'runs THE MEDIA ONLINE SMS 'mg' to 31883 to surf M&G Online breaking news on your cellphone via down' woman South Africa Jobs GPRS or 3G at only R10 a month plus WAP charges (SA users only) Bottled water in meaty International career flavours? Dogs lap it up Find your opportunities Hotel, match now! Blogs linking to M&G Online | Blogs linking to this article restaurant and catering jobs I am a: Save this page on | What is Man Add M&G Online news to your website or blog Looking Women for: Get M&G Online news in your RSS reader

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Grandeur d'écran: Le 13 juillet 2006 - 14:21 Les restes de Farinelli exhumés à des fins scientifiques Presse Canadienne Fond d'écran

Des chercheurs italiens ont exhumé les restes du chanteur lyrique Farinelli pour tenter de mieux connaître le mode de vie et la physiologie du célèbre castrat, a Ajoutez-nous à vos annoncé un fondateur du Centre d'études Farinelli jeudi. favoris Matinternet en page Les restes de celui qui était le chanteur d'opéra le plus populaire et le mieux payé en d'accueil Europe avant de mourir le 17 septembre 1782, ont été exhumés mercredi du cimetière Certosa à Bologne, a précisé le musicologue Carlo Vitali. Zone recherche:

Les scientifiques ont été surpris de découvrir dans la tombe les ossements de sa BD AgenceNews petite-nièce, Carlotta Pisani Broschi. "Lorsque celle-ci est morte en 1850, la tombe Matinternet sur a été rouverte et les os de Farinelli empilés les uns sur les autres à la base de la Google tombe pour faire de la place pour ceux de Carlotta", a souligné M. Vitali. Google Pagina 1 di 4 Les restes de Farinelli exhumés à des fins scientifiques 14/07/2006 01:06 PM

Cette pratique a conduit à la dégradation des restes de Carlo Broschi, alias Farinelli, qui incluent sa mâchoire, des dents, des morceaux de crâne et presque tous ses os principaux.

Selon M. Vitali, les os du virtuose sont "longs et solides" et seront examinés par des scientifiques des universités de Bologne et de Pise, qui tenteront d'en savoir plus sur le mode de vie, les habitudes, et d'éventuelles maladies de Farinelli, et plus généralement sur la physiologie des castrats. Terme qui désigne des chanteurs masculins qui étaient jadis castrés dans l'enfance pour préserver leur voix haut perchée. Imprimer ce texte -:|:- Envoyez à un ami

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SPOR Londra’da, esas adı Carlo Broschi olan Farinelli’nin de tanıtıldığı "Haendel KÜLTÜR SANAT ve Castrati (hadımlar) Sergisi"nin küratörü Nicholas Clapton mezarın açılmasıyla ilgili olarak, "Biraz korkutucu bir olay, hatta bazıları bunu ölüye TEKNOLOJİ saygısızlık olarak görebilir. OTOMOTİV EĞİTİM Fakat bu sayede, hadım edilmiş bir şarkıcının kemiklerini inceleyerek onun fiziksel görünüşü hakkında bilgi sahibi olacağız" dedi. Clapton, bu incelemelerin sonuçlarının hadım edilmiş şarkıcıları güzel sesli bostan korkuluklarına benzeten karikatürlere de cevap olacağını belirtti. ÇOK İZLENENLER 1 milyon Euro'luk operasyon! Bakanın önünde tartıştılar! SPOR TURU! HAVA DURUMU! Bu haber 29 defa okunmuştur. Ünlü ozan anılıyor! Habere Yorum Yap Haberi E-mail'e Gönder Haberi Yazıdır

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Home Cronaca Economia Sport Spettacolo e Cultura Politica Esteri Opinione Lettere Eventi Spettacolo / Musica: riesumata salma farinelli, scienziati sveleranno segreto voce 09:38:56 Venerdì 14 Luglio 2006

Musica: riesumata salma farinelli, scienziati sveleranno segreto voce

12/07/2006 21:11 Bologna, 12 lug. - (Adnkronos) - Si esibi' a Bologna per la prima volta nel 1727 e da allora divenne la 'voce bianca' piu' celebre d'Europa. Ora i resti di Carlo Broschi, il celebre cantante LOGIN evirato per volere della famiglia e conosciuto con il nome di Farinelli, sono stati riesumati al cimitero momumentale della Certosa da un team di scienziati, coordinato dall'antropologa N° Tessera: Giovanna Belcastro, che punta a ricostruire il profilo biologico del noto cantore, attraverso l'analisi dei frammenti ossei che verranno eseguite nei laboratori delle Univerista' di Pisa e Bologna. Cognome:


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Italie : les restes du castrat Farinelli exhumés pour être analysés

Les restes du célèbre chanteur lyrique italien Carlo Broschi, connu sous le nom de Farinelli et mort il y a deux siècles, ont été exhumés du cimetière de Bologne (centre) afin d'obtenir des informations sur le castrat à la voix extraordinaire, a annoncé jeudi un universitaire.

"Nous avons exhumé le squelette entier de Farinelli, mais il est très abîmé. L'opération a été délicate puisque ses os étaient amassés au pied de sa nièce qui a été enterrée avec lui", a expliqué à l'AFP le professeur Gino Fornaciari, coordinateur du projet pour l'Université de Pise.

L'Université de Bologne va reconstituer et consolider le squelette "avant que d'autres analyses ne puissent être effectuées", a-t-il indiqué.

C'est un antiquaire florentin passionné de chant lyrique, Alberto Bruschi, qui est à l'origine du projet, auquel participent les universités italiennes de Bologne, Florence et de Pise, ainsi que l'université britannique de York.

Farinelli fut l'un des castrats qui remporta le plus de succès et se produisit dans toute l'Europe dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle.

Né en 1705 à Naples, il s'établit à Madrid en 1737 où il exerça une influence importante sur la cour et sur la vie politique grâce à la faveur des monarques. Il regagna l'Italie en 1759 et s'établit à Bologne où il mourut en 1782.

"Nous cherchons des informations supplémentaires sur d'éventuelles pathologies du chanteur, liées ou non au fait qu'il ait été castré", a expliqué le professeur Gino Fornaciari.

"Nous aimerions avoir des éléments sur son style de vie par le biais de son régime alimentaire, et sur sa morphologie, bien que nous puissions déjà dire qu'il était grand et de robuste constitution", a-t-il ajouté.

Selon Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsable du laboratoire de Bioarchéologie de l'Université de Bologne, l'analyse des restes du castrat "pourra nous apprendre la circonférence de sa cage thoracique, et la taille de la bouche", a-t-elle indiqué au quotidien La Repubblica. Ces particularités morphologiques expliqueront peut-être les exceptionnels dons de chant de Farinelli.

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REPORTAGE Babar souffle ses 75 bougies Ses parents, Jean et Cécile de Brunhoff, sont les fondateurs de Babar. A la mort de son père,... (13/07/2006) Lire Pagina 2 di 3 - Artigo: Farinelli, o maior dos castrati, é exumado na Itália 19/07/2006 03:41 PM

Página Principal Programação mais Artigo Intérpretes Compositores [4/6/2006] Os vícios da historiografia Espaço do CD Artigo musical brasileira Matérias Antônio Campos Monteiro Neto Obras Farinelli, o maior dos castrati, é Concursos exumado na Itália [3/6/2006] Cursos/Encontros A nova Sala Pleyel - A hora da verdade Festivais Exumação tem o objetivo de Glícia Campos FÓRUM (novo) aprofundar o conhecimento de como Sobre o portal [14/5/2006] sua voz virtuosa de desenvolveu Música Clássica na Escola Procura no portal por... Brasileira (Transcrito do site BBC Regina Schlochauer em escolha... Brasil. Para acesso ao Procurar -> original, use o link abaixo) [9/5/2006] Não somos todos Críticos? Historiadores e cientistas Antônio Rodrigues do Centro de Estudos Farinelli, em Bolonha, [5/5/2006] desenterraram o corpo de Um recital de órgão para Fique ligado! Em breve um Carlo [Broschi, conhecido os muito, muito pacientes como] Farinelli, Antônio Campos novo sorteio. Aproveite Monteiro Neto para se cadastrar e possivelmente o mais famoso dos cantores castrati, – que viveu na primeira metade do participar automaticamente [22/4/2006] século XVIII – para tentar aprofundar o de todos os sorteios do Mozart, rebelde más allá conhecimento de como sua voz virtuosa de de la música portal. INSCREVA-SE desenvolveu. Publicações GRÁTIS Os castrati eram muito populares e, sobretudo, Ver mais Artigo... Sorteio anterior: reputados artistas da ópera italiana dos séculos "Concerto à Brasileira" 16 a 19. de Daniel Wolff Confira os resultados... Envie esta página para Castrados antes da puberdade, mantinham um amigo por email. cordas vocais pequenas que lhes possibilitavam seu nome alcançar os timbres mais altos. seu email Os cientistas querem descobrir os efeitos anatômicos desta operação, medindo seus ossos e crânio. email amigo

Clique para enviar Testes de DNA poderão indicar de que Farinelli se alimentava e que doenças teve.


Um intenso treinamento conferia à voz de um castrato uma combinação virtuosa de voz masculina emitida por poderosos pulmões adultos, capaz de chegar aos extremos agudos da escala musical. Pagina 1 di 2 - Artigo: Farinelli, o maior dos castrati, é exumado na Itália 19/07/2006 03:41 PM

A prática nasceu na Itália do século 17, onde anualmente cerca de 4 mil garotos, em geral de famílias pobres, eram castrados a partir dos oito anos de idade.

O procedimento foi banido em 1870, mas o último castrato, Alessandro Moreschi, ainda chegou a gravar em 1902.

Poucos castrati chegavam ao sucesso, mas os que o faziam se tornavam as estrelas artísticas de seu tempo, e se comportavam como tal.

Os que conseguiam ir além de uma vida relativamente desconhecida como cantores de ópera ou solistas de igreja cobravam cachês astronômicos e tinham legiões de admiradores.

O temperamental Farinelli, provavelmente o mais famoso dos castrati, foi enterrado em Bolonha em roupas de cavaleiro.

Autor Antônio Campos Monteiro Neto em 13/7/2006

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Scientists study secrets of the castrati Best-known castrated singer’s remains exhumed in Italy

By Stephen Brown Garden party

Updated: 10:44 a.m. ET July 12, 2006 • Editor's picks • Patio furniture Tech / Science ROME - Historians and scientists have exhumed • Patio décor Return to Flight the remains of the legendary castrato Farinelli Space News in Italy, to study the anatomical effects of Science castration carried out on young boys to turn Tech News/Reviews them into high-pitched stars of the opera. Security Castrati played heroic male leads in Italian Games opera from the mid-17th to the late 18th Wireless century, when bel canto was the rage in Innovation Europe. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, Video was the most famous of them all, in a stage U.S. News career lasting from 1720 to 1737. World News Carlo Vitale of the Farinelli Study Center in Business Bologna said Wednesday that scientists had Sports recovered the bodies of the singer and his Entertainment great-niece, who moved his body from a first Tech / Science grave destroyed in the Napoleonic wars. Health Weather Story continues below ↓

Travel advertisement Blogs Etc. Local News Stringer/italy / Reuters Newsweek Multimedia An expert works on the remains of Carlo Broschi, better known as Farinelli, one of the most famous Italian soprano castrato singers Most Popular of the 18th century, at the Certosa cemetery in Bologna on Wednesday. NBC NEWS MSNBC TV RELATED STORIES | What's this? Today Show Nightly News • Italian Scientists Exhume Body of Castrato Meet the Press Dateline NBC MOST POPULAR Most Viewed • Top Rated • Most E-mailed

• Israeli planes strike southern suburb of Beirut His final resting place in Bologna’s Certosa • Attacks could erode Hezbollah’s support • Washington D.C.'s violent July cemetery was only recently discovered. • India names 3 suspects in deadly train attacks “They are in a middling state of preservation • Plame sues White House figures over CIA leak but the scientists say there is something to • Most viewed on work on,” Vitale told Reuters from the Advertisement graveyard, where Farinelli and his great-niece MSN SHOPPING RSS FEEDS ON MSNBC.COM lay beneath a tombstone with a long Latin epitaph. Add these headlines to your news reader

His remains were to be taken to Bologna • Science University for study by a team of scientists, • Learn more about RSS including an acoustics expert who was eager to find remains of the vocal chords and larynx to Pagina 1 di 3 Scientists study secrets of the castrati - Science - 14/07/2006 11:10 AM

find remains of the vocal chords and larynx to Home theater discover what gave castrati such extraordinary vocal range and • TV & video power. • LCD Televisions • High-def TVs “This is the only skeleton of them we have,” said Nicholas Clapton, a • Plasma TVs British expert on the castrati.

“We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women’s breasts and large RESOURCE GUIDE buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli’s official portraits,”

• Dating with he told Reuters. • Find your dream A singing professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London and home today! curator of an exhibition on the composer Handel’s use of the • Shopping castrati, Clapton said the removal of boy chorists’ testicles kept their vocal chords small while the hormonal changes meant their bodies kept growing well into adulthood. Sponsors: “That gave them huge lung capacity but with a very sweet voice,” he said.

It could also mean castrati grew abnormally tall or fat and could sprout breasts, though surviving official portraits of Farinelli depict a handsome man in fine dress.

Castrati also had their critics, who thought National Gallery of Victoria via Reuters their voices were An oil-on-canvas painting by Jacopo Amigoni (circa 1750-52), ghastly and their titled "The Singer Farinelli and Friends," shows Carlo Broschi (at mutilation was center), better known as Farinelli, one of the most famous Italian soprano castrato singers of the 18th century. barbaric.

The Catholic Church banned the practice on pain of excommunication. Nevertheless, castrati were part of church choirs, even at the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel, until as recently as 1903, Clapton said.

The last surviving castrato, Sistine Chapel chorist Alessandro Moreschi, lived long enough to make recordings in 1902 and 1904, though on the dated gramophone records his voice sound like what Clapton described as “Pavarotti on helium.”


Hear a performance by Moreschi, the last castrato

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• Meerkats teach their kids • Even T. rex struggled with midlife crisis • Scientists watch Darwin’s finches evolve • When killer kangaroos roamed the earth Pagina 2 di 3 Mundo de Hoy - Diario Alternativo 17/07/2006 12:40 PM

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» Buscador: Sitio Web Ir Ultima Actualización: 14/07/2006 - 17:56 » Secciones Nacional Internacional Ciudad Deportes Exhuman restos de Farinelli para convertir Alemania 2006 niños en cantantes de ópera Mujeres Excelente Valora Valor: 5 / 5 (2 votos) Espectaculos Enviado: 14/07/2006 - 09:03 roboEncabezados e intento de Musica • Se intenta descubrir qué hacia que los castrati homicidio • Asegura que Apantallate tuvieran un rango vocal de tan extraordinario llegará hasta las alcance TV. Netas últimas consecuencias Salud Turismo México D.F., 14 de julio (Redacción Gastronomia Mundo de Hoy).- Historiadores y científicos han exhumado los restos del Ecologia legendario castrato Farinelli, en Italia, para Universitarios realizar un estudio sobre los efectos Autos anatómicos de la castración en niños para convertirlos en estrellas de la ópera. Sexo Cultura Carlo Vitale, del Centro de Estudios Tecnologia Farinelli en Bolonia, dijo que el miércoles habían recuperado los restos del cantante Moneros y una sobrina nieta, que trasladó su S.O.S cadáver desde una primera tumba Artículos relacionados Entrevistas Alternativo destruida en las guerras napoleónicas. Su lugar final de descanso, en el cementerio Superman y su eterna Certosa de Bolonia, fue descubierto De la Religión maldición • ¿La vida que ha de • El actor confía recientemente. El científico informó que venir tiene para ti un en vencer la los restos del cantante se encuentran en premio más rico que esta sombra del Calendario vida presente? un estado de conservación regular, pero superhéroe Jul 2006 > afirman que aún existe material para El arte y cultura de los guajes • Con la exposición “No te Lun Mar Mie Jue Vie Sab Dom trabajar. hagas guaje, todo cabe 1 2 en una jícara” la ENAH 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 busca poner en contacto Síndrome del Túnel del Sus restos iban a ser trasladados a la al público con estas 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Carpo, trastorno de Universidad de Bolonia para su estudio por culturas 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 países industrializados un equipo de científicos, entre los que • El embarazo, 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 figura un experto en acústica que está ansioso por encontrar restos de cuerdas uso prolongado 31 de la vocales y laringe, que servirán para descubrir qué hacía que los castrati computadora y tuvieran un rango vocal de tan extraordinario alcance y tanta potencia. enfermedades » El Sondeo crónicas son detonantes del ¿Cómo considera el El profesor de canto en la real Academia de Londres dijo que la extirpación de trabajo del IFE en las STC pasadas elecciones? los testículos de los niños coristas, refiriéndose a los castrati (varones sopranos), mantenía sus cuerdas vocales reducidas, mientras el cambio Descubre las ventajas de recurrir a los hormonal, alteraba sus cuerpos, por lo que poseían una gran capacidad Excelente especialistas en viajes muscular y una voz muy dulce. • Latin Holdings Bueno abarca todo el Regular Pagina 1 di 2 Mundo de Hoy - Diario Alternativo 17/07/2006 12:40 PM

Regular segmento del Farinelli, cuyo nombre real era Carlo Broschi , nació el 24 de enero de 1705 y turismo de Malo fue el más famoso soprano de todos los cantantes de ópera durante una forma eficiente Pésimo carrera que se extendió de 1720 a 1737, falleció el 15 de julio de 1782 en Bolonia. Rompe Mercado Libre Voto Resultado Los restos de Farinelli son el último esqueleto que se tiene de los famosos las fronteras de América Latina Metodología: Los resultados castrati. • Asegura el muestran únicamente la director del opinión de quienes votaron portal que hay en este sondeo, pueden Opina esta nota aquí: seguridad para diferir del 100% realizar compras vía Internet

Internet, una industria en crecimiento • En 2004 se comercializaron Escriba una sinopsis ¿Aprender Cine en España? 2400 millones Participe en la pagina de sinopsis gane Madrid, Carreras 3 Años orientadas al de pesos en dinero facilmente Mundo Profesional Cine y TV Internet Anuncios Goooooogle Dulce Guerrero, nuevamente será Fiona en Shrek 3 • El doblaje fue su “amante secreto” desde pequeña

Beto Hale busca talento mexicano • Hoy presenta en el Lunario su American Mithology

Topo Gigio tiene en la mira a González Iñárritu • El proyecto fílmico incluiría a Salma Hayek, Gael García Bernal y Diego Luna

» Principal » Directorio » Contacto » Empleo » Estadísticas » Aviso Legal Pagina 2 di 2 actualité musicale du 11 au 20 juillet 2006 17/07/2006 03:23 PM

La 26e édition de Jazz à Vienne, qui s'est ouverte le 29 juin, devait refermer ses portes jeudi par une soirée en hommage aux musiciens de la Nouvelle-Orléans, un an après l'ouragan Katrina.

les restes du castrat Farinelli exhumés pour être analysés

Les restes du célèbre chanteur lyrique italien Carlo Broschi, connu sous le nom de Farinelli et mort il y a deux siècles, ont été exhumés du cimetière de Bologne afin d'obtenir des informations sur le castrat à la voix extraordinaire, a annoncé jeudi un universitaire.

« Nous avons exhumé le squelette entier de Farinelli, mais il est très abîmé. L'opération a été délicate puisque ses os étaient amassés au pied de sa nièce qui a été enterrée avec lui » , a expliqué à l'AFP le professeur Gino Fornaciari, coordinateur du projet pour l'Université de Pise.

L'Université de Bologne va reconstituer et consolider le squelette « avant que d'autres analyses ne puissent être effectuées » , a-t-il indiqué.

C'est un antiquaire florentin passionné de chant lyrique, Alberto Bruschi, qui est à l'origine du projet, auquel participent les universités italiennes de Bologne, Florence et de Pise, ainsi que l'université britannique de York.

Farinelli fut l'un des castrats qui remporta le plus de succès et se produisit dans toute l'Europe dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle.

Né en 1705 à Naples, il s'établit à Madrid en 1737 où il exerça une influence importante sur la cour et sur la vie politique grâce à la faveur des monarques. Il regagna l'Italie en 1759 et s'établit à Bologne où il mourut en 1782.

« Nous cherchons des informations supplémentaires sur d'éventuelles pathologies du chanteur, liées ou non au fait qu'il ait été castré » , a expliqué le professeur Gino Fornaciari.

« Nous aimerions avoir des éléments sur son style de vie par le biais de son régime alimentaire, et sur sa morphologie, bien que nous puissions déjà dire qu'il était grand et de robuste constitution » , a-t-il ajouté.

Selon Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsable du laboratoire Pagina 16 di 37 actualité musicale du 11 au 20 juillet 2006 17/07/2006 03:23 PM

de Bioarchéologie de l'Université de Bologne, l'analyse des restes du castrat « pourra nous apprendre la circonférence de sa cage thoracique, et la taille de la bouche » , a-t-elle indiqué au quotidien La Repubblica.

Ces particularités morphologiques expliqueront peut-être les exceptionnels dons de chant de Farinelli.

Francofolies : une 22e édition à l'esprit intact

La 22e édition des Francofolies de La Rochelle (Charente- Maritime), qui est aussi la deuxième depuis la passation de pouvoir de leur créateur, Jean-Louis Foulquier, reste fidèle à l'esprit originel de ce festival renommé, dont la nouvelle équipe dirigeante a cette année axé ses efforts sur l'accueil du public.

Les Francos s'ouvriront ce jeudi pour se clore cinq jours plus tard, le 18 juillet. Entre ces deux dates, le festival mettra en valeur la diversité des musiques francophones, de la chanson au hip hop en passant par le rock.

Le ton sera donné dès la première soirée, qui verra se produire sur les six scènes des artistes aussi différents que Pauline Croze, Diam's, Hubert-Félix Thiéfaine, Cali, Dominique A, Emilie Simon ou Yann Tiersen.

Au fil de ses six soirées, le festival verra ensuite défiler, parmi bien d'autres artistes, Saïan Supa Crew, Têtes Raides, les Wampas, Anaïs, Dionysos, Louise Attaque, Dick Rivers, Raphaël, Grand Corps Malade, Bénabar, Asyl, Indochine ou Agnès Jaoui.

« La programmation est proche de nous, ce sont des artistes qu'on a envie de défendre. Foulquier avait fixé la ligne, on y reste fidèle » , explique Gérard Pont, l'un des dirigeants de Morgane Production, la société audiovisuelle repreneuse des Francofolies en décembre 2004.

L'an passé, lui et son équipe avaient sauté dans l'inconnu pour leur première édition à la tête du festival, qui s'était soldée par un beau succès public avec plus de 60.000 entrées payantes (l'un des trois meilleurs résultats depuis la création de la manifestation en 1985).

« On se sent beaucoup moins inconscient que l'an dernier et c'est plus angoissant, affirme M. Pont. L'an passé, on n'avait rien à perdre, d'une certaine manière, car il y avait beaucoup Pagina 17 di 37 Famous dead castrato brought out of retirement - News | Print | New Scientist 19/07/2006 03:43 PM


Famous dead castrato brought out of retirement Click to Print 14 July 2006 From New Scientist Print Edition. Subscribe and get 4 free issues. THEY were described as perfect singing machines. Now the body of Farinelli, the most famous castrato opera singer, is to be exhumed to learn how he achieved such dulcet tones. "Farinelli was more famous than Madonna, Johnny Depp and David Beckham combined," says Nicholas Clapton, curator of a London exhibition on castrati at the Handel House Museum. His body, originally buried in 1782, is to be exhumed on 12 July and studied by researchers in Italy to see how childhood castration, performed on prospective singers to stop their voices breaking, affected bone structure. A lack of testosterone should have limited the growth of the hyoid bone of the larynx, giving the castrati a child's voice, while the ribs should grow longer, making space for larger lungs with greater volume and sound control.

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Digging Up a Castrato Go to Complete List »

The remains of the great castrato Farinelli (1705-1782) are to be disinterred today at La sponsored by Certosa, the main cemetery in Bologna, Italy, under the auspices of the Centro Studi Farinelli, an independent society founded eight years ago by a group of scholars based in Bologna. The burial site is to be photographed and measured, and the contents of the grave will be subjected to X-rays, CAT scans and DNA sampling, an announcement said, to discover more about the physique and lifestyles of these singers, as well as the changes attributable to their intensive voice-training schedule and the prepubescent castration they underwent to preserve their unbroken voices. Farinelli, whose real name was Carlo Broschi, was arguably the most popular castrato ever.

Nelson’s Column Restored Where to find picturesque scenes from the golf course Celebrating the completion of the restoration of Nelson’s Column, four dancers, Also in Travel: including a ballerina and a flamenco artist, performed yesterday atop the towering Pagina 1 di 3 Opera News > The Met Opera Guild 18/07/2006 03:42 PM


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Remains of Famous Castrato Farinelli Exhumed for Scientific Study July 14, 2006

Forgot Your Password? British researchers have exhumed the remains of the famous eighteenth- century Italian castrato Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, in an effort to Current Subscriber or Guild study the physiological effects of the procedural castration that thousands of Member? Log in above to young boys underwent from the sixteenth until the nineteenth centuries. get free articles and features available only to The University of York's David Howard, along with Nicholas Clapton of the OPERA NEWS readers. Royal Academy of Music, are hoping to find endocrinological indications of what imbued castrati with their extended vocal range and breath capacity by Need help logging in? looking at the remains of Farinelli's vocal cords and lungs. Clapton posits to Click here the Telegraph that the removal of the boy's testicles kept the length of the castrati's vocal cords equal to that of a child's, while hormonal shifts allowed their bodies to keep growing well past adolescence, hence their lung capacities. Not receiving OPERA NEWS Farinelli but like to access the premium content at this Engravings from the time show the famously irascible Farinelli with an usually small head but long limbs and site? Both our subscription an attenuated torso. and membership offers below include immediate "This is the only skeleton of them we have," Clapton is quoted as saying. "We want to know if they were like access to premium content, the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and gangly, or with women's breasts and large buttocks, or like including Standing Room, the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits." The Guild’s popular opera discussion area. Carlo Vitale, who works with the Centre for Farinelli Studies, told the Telegraph that the castrato's remains were "a middling state of preservation," but "the scientists say there is something to work on."

The practice of castrating young boys began in the sixteenth century, when kapellmeisters relied on male sopranos to sing the uppermost choral lines in chapel choirs — females were barred from partaking in the Roman Catholic liturgy. In 1589, Pope Sixtus V even approved the recruitment of castrati for the choir at St. Peter's Basilica.

Subsequently, castrati were employed by composers including Handel, Scarlatti and Vivaldi in operas during the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The cult of personality and success surrounding the singers grew to be so great that it became common practice for poverty stricken peasant families to offer up their sons for castration. Some historians even estimate that nearly seventy percent of opera singers during this time were castrati, with an estimated 4,000 boys eight-years and older castrated each year.

Farinelli, who was born in Puglia in 1705, studied with Nicola Porpora, a master of vocal pedagogy at the time. His public debut came in 1720 when he sang in Porpora's Angelica e Medoro. The following two years found him performing in a number of operas by Porpora, Pollaroli and Vinci throughout northern Italy. He achieved near-instant fame after taking part in a Lincoln's Inn Fields performance of Artaserse, by his brother Riccardo Broschi, in 1723.

In 1737 his public singing career effectively ended with his conscription by Elisabetta Farnese, niece of the duke Antonio Farnese, to lift her husband, King Philip V of Spain, out of an oppressive depression. He lived in favor with the monarchy for nearly three decades, until the accession of Charles III, upon which time he returned to Bologna. He died at the age of seventy-seven, but the location of his remains were unknown until their recent discovery in Bologna's Certosa cemetery. Pagina 1 di 2 Opera News > The Met Opera Guild 18/07/2006 03:42 PM

until their recent discovery in Bologna's Certosa cemetery.

More information can be found at the Telegraph, MSNBC, the BBC, Ansa.It and the Times.

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The Metropolitan Opera Guild | Education | The Opera Shop | Opera News | Membership The Metropolitan Opera | Calendar of Events | Contact Us Pagina 2 di 2 Farinelli é exumado na Itália 17/07/2006 02:13 PM

Dix Amico Saúde 3123-3003 Aspiradores Rainbow SP/RJ Compre o seu plano de saude on line Distribuidor autorizado no Brasil Fone: (11) preços, rede, carências, regras etc 6904-8404 / 6909-9797 Anúncios Goooooogle Anuncie neste site

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Opinião Ciência e Saúde Negócios Artigos Farinelli é exumado na Itália Economia Tendências e 13/07/2006 País Debates Política Nós Farinelli foi um dos maiores "castrati" da história. Os "castrati" foram cantores líricos que eram castrados na Internacional Nesta Data infância para conservarem a voz aguda de criança Meio Ambiente Links mesmo na idade adulta. Interessantes Ciência e Saúde

Com isso se conseguia aliar a potência pulmonar de Cultura um homem adulto com a voz aguda das mulheres. Mídia Muitas obras de ópera que hoje são cantadas por Faça do Opinião e Obituário Notícia a sua sopranos foram compostas para "castrati". Página Inicial

O genial cantor Farinelli, sobre o qual foi feito um filme Preencha nosso questionário de há poucos anos, supostamente tinha uma extensão satisfação vocal de três oitavas, o dobro do usual. Os pesquisadores querem analisar seus restos mortais Cadastre-se para receber para entender os efeitos da castração. nosso boletim

O procedimento foi banido em 1870, mas o último Recomende esta página castrato, Alessandro Moreschi, ainda chegou a gravar a um amigo em 1902.

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BBC Brasil - Farinelli, o maior dos 'castrati', é exumado na Itália Matéria Exclusiva Texto em Inglês Opiniões dos Leitores (0) Texto em Pagina 1 di 2 Farinelli é exumado na Itália 17/07/2006 02:13 PM

Dix Amico Saúde 3123-3003 Aspiradores Rainbow SP/RJ Compre o seu plano de saude on line Distribuidor autorizado no Brasil Fone: (11) preços, rede, carências, regras etc 6904-8404 / 6909-9797 Anúncios Goooooogle Anuncie neste site

S e g u n d a - F e i r a , 1 7 d e J u l h o d e 2 0 0 6

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Na Web No Opinião e Notícia

Opinião Ciência e Saúde Negócios Artigos Farinelli é exumado na Itália Economia Tendências e 13/07/2006 País Debates Política Nós Farinelli foi um dos maiores "castrati" da história. Os "castrati" foram cantores líricos que eram castrados na Internacional Nesta Data infância para conservarem a voz aguda de criança Meio Ambiente Links mesmo na idade adulta. Interessantes Ciência e Saúde

Com isso se conseguia aliar a potência pulmonar de Cultura um homem adulto com a voz aguda das mulheres. Mídia Muitas obras de ópera que hoje são cantadas por Faça do Opinião e Obituário Notícia a sua sopranos foram compostas para "castrati". Página Inicial

O genial cantor Farinelli, sobre o qual foi feito um filme Preencha nosso questionário de há poucos anos, supostamente tinha uma extensão satisfação vocal de três oitavas, o dobro do usual. Os pesquisadores querem analisar seus restos mortais Cadastre-se para receber para entender os efeitos da castração. nosso boletim

O procedimento foi banido em 1870, mas o último Recomende esta página castrato, Alessandro Moreschi, ainda chegou a gravar a um amigo em 1902.

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BBC Brasil - Farinelli, o maior dos 'castrati', é exumado na Itália Matéria Exclusiva Texto em Inglês Opiniões dos Leitores (0) Texto em Pagina 1 di 2 ORF ON Science - Kastrat Farinelli: Forscher exhumierten Überreste 21/07/2006 05:53 PM

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Kastrat Farinelli: Forscher exhumierten Überreste Forscher haben in Italien die Überreste des legendären Opernsängers Farinelli ausgegraben. Der Kastrat wurde exhumiert, um neue Informationen über das Geheimnis seiner außergewöhnlichen Stimme zu erhalten.

Die Forscher hoffen auf Erkenntnisse über mögliche Krankheiten oder Fehlbildungen des Sängers und deren Auswirkung auf seinen Gesang, sagte Projektkoordinator Gino Fornaciari von der Universität Pisa.

Die Wissenschaftler interessieren sich unter anderem für Farinellis Lebensstil und seine Ernährung sowie Besonderheiten seines Körperbaus.

Schwierige Rekonstruktion Farinellis Skelett sei allerdings stark beschädigt, berichtete Fornaciari. Seine Bergung auf dem Friedhof von Bologna sei schwierig gewesen, weil die Überreste des Sängers eng neben dem Skelett seiner mit ihm begrabenen Nichte lagen.

Die Universität in Bologna muss die Knochen nun erst rekonstruieren und sichern, bevor weitere Untersuchungen durchgeführt werden können. Schon jetzt könne er aber sagen, dass Farinelli groß und kräftig war, sagte der Projektleiter.

An dem Ausgrabungsprojekt beteiligen sich die Universitäten von Bologna, Florenz und Pisa sowie die britische Universität von York.

Hohes Ansehen von Kastraten Kastraten waren im europäischen Musikleben des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts weit verbreitet und genossen oft hohes Ansehen. Farinelli war in der ersten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts einer der europaweit bekanntesten und erfolgreichsten Sänger.

Er wurde 1705 in Neapel geboren und starb 1782 in Bologna. Während seiner Zeit in Madrid genoss er die Gunst der spanischen Königsfamilie und hatte großen Einfluss auf die Politik und den Hof.

[, 13.7.06]

Bilderserie zur Exhumierung (La Repubblica)

Farinelli (Wikipedia) Pagina 1 di 2 Paleopatologia - Web Links 17/07/2006 11:10 AM

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Italian RIESUMAZIONE DEL CORPO DI CARLO BROSCHI DETTO "IL FARINELLI" Old Articles Descrizione: La riesumazione di Farinelli fa parte di un progetto storico-scientifico partito da un'idea di Alberto Bruschi, antiquario di Firenze, coordinato dal Centro Studi Monday, 03 April Farinelli e che coinvolge Università italiane ed estere, la Soprintendenza per il · RICOGNIZIONE Random Headlines Patrimonio Storico Artistico e Etnoantropologico e la Soprintendenza Archeologica CANONICA E dell'Emilia Romagna. I Gruppi di ricerca coinvolti sono coordinati rispettivamente PALEOPATOLOGIA dall'antropologa Maria Giovanna Belcastro (Università di Bologna), dal paleopatologo DELLA BEATA ELENA Gino Fornaciari (Università di Pisa) e dall'ingegnere David Howard (Università di York). GUERRA (1835- Aggiunto il: 08-Jul-2006 Hits: 5 1914) Vota questo Sito Saturday, 25 March Scavi del cimitero del castello di Monte di Croce (Pontassieve) · DNA OF ITALIAN Descrizione: Scavi del cimitero signorile del castello di Monte di Croce (Pontassieve) MUMMY REVEALS Aggiunto il: 07-Mar-2006 Hits: 36 RHEUMATOID Vota questo Sito ARTHRITIS IN [ Storia della Medicina EUROPE BEFORE ] Scavi della Pieve di Pava COLUMBUS Descrizione: Descrizione degli scavi della Pieve di Pava (S. Giovanni d'Asso) Thursday, 02 March · STORIA DELLA Aggiunto il: 07-Mar-2006 Hits: 38 · IL DNA DI MEDICINA Vota questo Sito FEDERICO II · IL LEBBROSARIO DI SUTTON HOO Tuesday, 21 SAN LAZZARO A Descrizione: Portale della Associazione Sutton Hoo, ricco di informazioni sul celebre February LUCCA cimitero di principi Anglo-Sassoni. · PALEOPATOLOGIA · LA LEBBRA A LUCCA Aggiunto il: 15-May-2006 Hits: 20 DELLE MUMMIE Vota questo Sito NATURALI DI GAETANO CORRADO · GORIANO VALLI (1858-1935). AN Vivere e Morire nell'impero Romano (L’AQUILA) ITALIAN PIONEER IN Descrizione: Portale del Progetto Europeo "Vivere e Morire nell'impero Romano: PALEOPATHOLOGY Thursday, 09 Nuove prospettive dell'archeologia funeraria - Influenze culturali dal centro February · I REPARTI DI alla periferia" MATERNITA’ E LE Aggiunto il: 29-Jan-2006 Hits: 46 · A SEVERE CASE OF FEBBRI PUERPERALI Vota questo Sito RICKETS IN THE ROMAN IMPERIAL CENNI STORICI · AGE (I-II CENTURY SULLA SCUOLA A.D.) MEDICA DI PISA Pagina 1 di 3 Italian scientists exhume body of 18thcentury castrato 17/07/2006 03:56 PM | PhysOrg Forum | Video | Editorials | Free Magazines | Newsletter

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Italian scientists exhume body of 18th-century castrato BREAKING NEWS

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Crews battle California fires; man's body found, 6 hours ago British 'geek' wants to buy Moon plot with 1m-pound gameshow jackpot, 18 hours ago (AP) -- Scientists have exhumed the body of the legendary 18th-century opera singer Farinelli to learn more about the castrati, male singers neutered in childhood to preserve their high-pitched voices. World's first battery-powered plane flies in Japan, 18 hours ago Farinelli was the most popular and best-paid opera singer in Europe before his death in 1782. Discovery gets green light to land His remains were exhumed Wednesday from the historic Certosa cemetery in Bologna, said User rating Monday (Update), 19 hours ago musicologist Carlo Vitali, a founder of the Farinelli Studies Center. Australian research shows 4.8 out of 5 after 4 total votes microbes may turn dust into gold, The bones will be examined by scientists from Would you recommend this story? the universities of Bologna and Pisa for July 14, 2006 Not at all - 1 2 3 4 5 - Highly insights into Farinelli's lifestyle, habits and Mercury atomic clock keeps time possible diseases, as well as the physiology of with record accuracy, July 14, a castrato. 2006 Scientists were surprised to find not just Farinelli's remains but also those of his grandniece Finches on Galapagos Islands Carlotta Pisani Broschi. evolving, July 14, 2006 ''When Carlotta died in 1850, the grave was reopened and Farinelli's bones were stacked Large rock growth at geothermal together at the base of the tomb to make (a) place for Carlotta's remains,'' Vitali said Thursday. hot springs, July 12, 2006

Brown Engineers Use DNA to The stacking of the bones degraded the preservation of Farinelli's remains, which included his Direct Nanowire Assembly and jawbone, several teeth, parts of his skull and almost all of his major bones. Growth, July 14, 2006 Vitali described the major bones as ''long and sturdy, which would correspond with Farinelli's official portraits, as well as the castrati's reputation for being unusually tall.''

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Products & Suppliers Pagina 1 di 2 Planet - Castraat Farinelli opgegegraven voor onderzoek 17/07/2006 02:31 PM

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17-07-2006 14:31 nieuws - nieuws artikelen Voorpagina Castraat Farinelli opgegegraven voor Binnenland onderzoek Israël vecht aan twee fronten Buitenland Gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 juli 2006 + Het laatste nieuws Sport + Fotogalerij ROME (ANP) - De restanten van een van de beroemdste + Video: Bush verspreekt zich WK 2006 castraatzangers van de 18e eeuw, Carlo Broschi ofwel Tour de France Farinelli, zijn opgegraven op een begraafplaats in de Italiaanse Komkommernieuws Economie stad Bologna. Wetenschappers willen de anatomische effecten bestuderen van castratie op jonge jongens die zo een prachtig + Inbreken in eigen huis; Planet Multimedia stemgeluid konden krijgen. Postbode spaart brieven BlogNoot ,,Wij hebben het hele skelet van Farinelli opgegraven, maar het Wetenschap is erg beschadigd'', meldde professor Gino Fornaciari Tour de France donderdag. Fornaciari is de coördinator van het project dat + Tour Live wordt uitgevoerd door de Universiteit van Bologna. Korte tijd + Het laatste nieuws XL special + Foto's geleden werd op het kerkhof Certosa in Bologna de laatste Dossiers rustplaats van Farinelli ontdekt. Cartoons Wetenschappers hopen dat het skelet van Farinelli Columns duidelijkheid verschaft over zijn lichaamsbouw en over het 24 uursoverzicht enorme vocale bereik en de stemkracht die Farinelli en andere Radionieuws castraten hadden. Het verwijderen van de testikels hield de stembanden klein, maar liet het lichaam en vooral de longen Videonieuws doorgroeien. Daardoor konden castraten hun hoge kinderstem met flinke kracht laten klinken. Redactielog Geliefd in de 18e eeuw Hotlinks Webgids Castraten waren zeer geliefd in de 18e eeuw bij onder meer componisten als Händel en Mozart. Vele opera's uit die tijd RSS bevatten een of meer castratenpartijen. Later werden castraatstemmen veelal vervangen door vrouwenstemmen.

Farinelli (1705-1782) werd geboren in Napels. Waarschijnlijk werd hij op zijn achtste gecastreerd en ging hij studeren bij Nicola Porpora en de castraat Antonio Bernacchi. Tijdens zijn muziekstudie erna in Napels was hij de beste leerling van van de gebroeders Farina en nam hij de naam Farinelli aan. Hij groeide al snel uit tot een van de beste en meest gevraagde zangers van zijn tijd. stuur door print

Sanoma koopt Tientallen eenden dood door opwarming water Gestrafte Italiaanse voetbalclubs in beroep Helft Tourploegen nog zonder zege Afbrokkelende Eiger lokt ramptoeristen Weersverwachting van 15 uur ANP-nieuws van 15 uur ANP-beursupdate van 15 uur ANP-sportoverzicht van 15 uur Bush: 'stoppen me die shit' Pagina 1 di 1 Planet - Restanten castraat opgegegraven 18/07/2006 03:31 PM

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18-07-2006 15:30 nieuws - wetenschap - wetenschap geschiedenis artikel Voorpagina Binnenland Nieuwe diersoorten Buitenland + Kapuas modderslang Sport + Hamerhaai + Kipunji aap WK 2006 Tour de France Planet Natuurfoto Wedstrijd 2006 Economie + Het thema van juli en augustus + Verslag van de tweede workshop Planet Multimedia + Overzicht van de Natuurfoto Wedstrijd BlogNoot

Wetenschap Video + Victoria amazonica in bloei + Discovery veilig geland XL special + Zonnebootrace in Friesland Dossiers Cartoons Columns Restanten castraat opgegegraven 24 uursoverzicht Gepubliceerd op donderdag 13 juli 2006

Radionieuws De restanten van een van de beroemdste castraatzangers Videonieuws van de 18e eeuw, Carlo Broschi ofwel Farinelli, zijn opgegraven op een begraafplaats in de Italiaanse stad Bologna. Redactielog Hotlinks Wetenschappers willen de anatomische effecten bestuderen van castratie op jonge jongens die zo een prachtig stemgeluid Webgids konden krijgen. RSS Zoet stemgeluid "Wij hebben het hele skelet van Farinelli opgegraven, maar het is erg beschadigd", meldde professor Gino Fornaciari donderdag. Fornaciari is de coördinator van het project dat wordt uitgevoerd door de Universiteit van Bologna.

Korte tijd geleden werd op het kerkhof Certosa in Bologna de laatste rustplaats van Farinelli ontdekt. De Italiaan is de beroemdste castraatzanger van de 18e eeuw. Van de andere beroemde castraten uit dit tijdperk is niet bekend waar hun stoffelijke overschotten zich bevinden.

Wetenschappers hopen dat het skelet van Farinelli duidelijkheid verschaft over zijn lichaamsbouw en over het enorme vocale bereik en de stemkracht die Farinelli en andere castraten hadden. Door de castratie ontwikkelden de zangers een zoet stemgeluid terwijl ze wel over en grote longinhoud beschikten. Farnelli werd vermoedelijk gecastreerd toen hij zeven of acht jaar oud was.


Castrato is heard from the grave Farinelli

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Classical Music SIGN UP for the Opera PlaybillArts Club and Dance enjoy special Jazz opportunities and Pop/Misc. discount ticket offers for classical music, Search NEW opera, dance, and jazz In Bologna, Remains of Legendary events. Castrato Farinelli Are Exhumed for Email this Article New Recordings Study Spotlight Printer-friendly Classical Music By Matthew Westphal Carmel Bach Opera Festival Orchestra Dance 13 Jul 2006 @ Sunset Center Jazz/Blues All "The divine Farinelli," once the most Champion Baroque popular and best-paid opera singer in all violinist Elizabeth Europe, has emerged from the grave to Wallfisch leads a program of Vivaldi reveal his secrets. and Handel in the Job Listings gorgeous California Post a Job Not by himself, of course — his remains seaside town of were taken from his tomb in Bologna Carmel. yesterday by a team of scientists, Pierre-Laurent historians and music scholars. Aimard @ Théâtre du Jeu de Paume Farinelli, né Carlo Broschi in Puglia in At the Aix-en- 1705, was considered in his day (and Provence Festival, the perhaps ever since) the greatest of the pianist performs castrati, male singers who were neutered Pierre Boulez's as children in order to preserve their Sonatas Nos. 1, 2 and 3. "angelic" high voices, so that they could sing with the purity, sweetness and high Imani Winds @ Listings Bravo! Vail Valley Post Carlo Broschi, known as Farinelli, range of a woman and the power of a full- considered the greatest of the grown man. Music Festival castrati. Here's an unusual Though the practice seems to have begun in Spain in the late 1500s, castrati combo for you: music Polls were largely an Italian phenomenon. During their vogue, roughly 1600- for woodwinds by Quizzes 1760, the greatest castrati were wildly popular and well-paid, in demand not Berio, Ligeti and RSS News Feed Astor Piazzolla, only for opera but also for the treble parts in sacred music, which women nestled in the cool were generally not allowed to sing. Handel and Vivaldi are the best-known mountains of opera composers to have used star castrati, though Rossini, a century later, Colorado. wrote a few starring roles for them. (In some countries, castrati were always shunned as the products of barbaric cruelty — notably France, which preferred its operatic heroes to be high and light tenors.) Castrating young Classical CD boys was always nominally illegal, even in Italy — its victims were always Highlights: July said to have been injured in accidents — but the Vatican only stamped out The record companies the practice in 1878, and continued to employ castrati in its own choirs into gear up for the early 20th century. Shostakovich's 100th birthday centennial Farinelli was educated in the conservatories of Naples and began his wildly while Sony Classical pulls out some much- successful stage career — historians often compare his popularity (and missed gems from its income) to that of a modern-day rock star — in 1720. Contrary to myth, he archives. never sang for Handel; much of the time he performed operas specially composed for him by his brother Riccardo. He gave up the stage entirely in 1737 and became a private musician to King Philip V of Spain, for whose Turning The Screw at melancholia Farinelli's singing was said to be the only cure. He eventually Maazel Farm; How retired to an estate near Bologna, where he died in 1782. His life was Isserlis Bettered His depicted (none too accurately) in Gérard Corbiau's popular 1994 film Book Farinelli. What the stars are up to onstage and off. The singer's grave had been thought destroyed and was only rediscovered in Pagina 1 di 2 PlaybillArts: News: In Bologna, Remains of Legendary Castrato Farinelli Are Exhumed for Study 17/07/2006 11:42 AM

1995; the exhumation and examination of the remains are being carried out by the Centro Studi Farinelli, an independent scholarly society based in Bologna. The plan is to take DNA samples, X-rays and CAT-scans of the Click here to see all of skeleton to see what can be learned about the physique and physiology of a the latest polls ! castrato. Castrati were known to grow unusually tall and have very large chest cavities; they also tended to be on the roly-poly side, and some were reputed to have grown pendulous breasts. Email this page to a friend! "This is the only skeleton of them we have," Nicholas Clapton said. Himself a countertenor as well as an expert on the castrati, the British professor told Reuters that "We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women's breasts and large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits."

Musicologist Carlo Vitali, a co-founder of the Centro Studi Farinelli (and a friend and colleague of this writer), said to Reuters that the remains "are in a middling state of preservation but the scientists say there is something to work on."


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Send questions and comments to the Webmaster Copyright © 2005 Playbill, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Pagina 2 di 2 Playbill News: In Bologna, Remains of Legendary Castrato Farinelli Are Exhumed for Study 18/07/2006 03:30 PM

In Bologna, Remains of Legendary Castrato Farinelli Are Exhumed for Study

By Matthew Westphal July 13, 2006

"The divine Farinelli," once the most popular and best-paid opera singer in all Europe, has emerged from the grave to reveal his secrets.

Not by himself, of course — his remains were taken from his tomb in Bologna yesterday by a team of scientists, historians and music scholars.

Farinelli, né Carlo Broschi in Puglia in 1705, was considered in his day (and perhaps ever since) the greatest of the castrati, male singers who were neutered as children in order to preserve their "angelic" high voices, so that they could sing with the purity, sweetness and high range of a woman and the power of a full-grown man.

Though the practice seems to have begun in Spain in the late 1500s, castrati were largely an Italian phenomenon. During their vogue, roughly 1600-1760, the greatest castrati were wildly popular and well-paid, in demand not only for opera but also for the treble parts in sacred music, which women were generally not allowed to sing. Handel and Vivaldi are the best- known opera composers to have used star castrati, though Rossini, a century later, wrote a few starring roles for them. (In some countries, castrati were always shunned as the products of barbaric cruelty — notably France, which preferred its operatic heroes to be high and light tenors.) Castrating young boys was always nominally illegal, even in Italy — its victims were always said to have been injured in accidents — but the Vatican only stamped out the practice in 1878, and continued to employ castrati in its own choirs into the early 20th century.

Farinelli was educated in the conservatories of Naples and began his wildly successful stage career — historians often compare his popularity (and income) to that of a modern-day rock star — in 1720. Contrary to myth, he never sang for Handel; much of the time he performed operas specially composed for him by his brother Riccardo. He gave up the stage entirely in 1737 and became a private musician to King Philip V of Spain, for whose melancholia Farinelli's singing was said to be the only cure. He eventually retired to an estate near Bologna, where he died in 1782. His life was depicted (none too accurately) in Gérard Corbiau's popular 1994 film Farinelli.

The singer's grave had been thought destroyed and was only rediscovered in 1995; the exhumation and examination of the remains are being carried out by the Centro Studi Farinelli, an independent scholarly society based in Bologna. The plan is to take DNA samples, X-rays and CAT-scans of the skeleton to see what can be learned about the physique and physiology of a Pagina 1 di 2 Playbill News: In Bologna, Remains of Legendary Castrato Farinelli Are Exhumed for Study 18/07/2006 03:30 PM

castrato. Castrati were known to grow unusually tall and have very large chest cavities; they also tended to be on the roly- poly side, and some were reputed to have grown pendulous breasts.

"This is the only skeleton of them we have," Nicholas Clapton said. Himself a countertenor as well as an expert on the castrati, the British professor told Reuters that "We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women's breasts and large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits."

Musicologist Carlo Vitali, a co-founder of the Centro Studi Farinelli (and a friend and colleague of this writer), said to Reuters that the remains "are in a middling state of preservation but the scientists say there is something to work on."

Send questions and comments to the Webmaster Copyright © 2002 Playbill, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Pagina 2 di 2 Famous 18th century 'castrato' exhumed - The remains of Farinelli, the famous Italian singer of the B... 17/07/2006 10:33 AM

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Sabiedrība 13.07.2006 Prese Ekshumē Farinelli pīšļus Politika Trešdien itāļu zinātnieki ekshumēja slavenā 18. gadsimta Ārvalstīs Bizness dziedātāja-kastrāta Farinelli mirstīgās atliekas, ziņo ārvalstu Notikumi mediji. Izpētot Farinelli pīšļus, Boloņas zinātnieki grib noskaidrot, Kriminālziņas kā kastrācija ietekmējusi dziedātāja balsi. Zinātnieki cer iegūt ziņas Vēsture arī par Farinelli ēšanas ieradumiem, slimībām un to, kā mūzikas Kultūra nodarbības ietekmējušas dziedātāja fizisko stāvokli. Sports Slavenības 17. un 18. gadsimtā Itālijā ik gadu tika kastrēti apmēram četri tūkstoši Humors Par projektu zēnu. Parasti zēni tika ņemti no nabadzīgām ģimenēm, lai vēlāk dziedātu TV programma operas uzvedumos, baznīcu koros un galmos. Spēles Privātsludinājumi 1705. gadā dzimušais Farinelli bija viens no tūkstošiem zēnu, kuri tika Reklāma kastrēti, lai saglabātu augstu balsi, taču atšķirībā no daudziem viņš kļuva ārkārtīgi populārs un pēc karjeras beigām pat ieguva ministra statusu Ferdinanda VI valdīšanas laikā Spānijā.

Kastrācija tika aizliegta 1870. gadā.


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Voormalige popster opgegraven News Iran loog over homo-executies In Bologna hebben wetenschappers Homo ontsnappingsmeester weer weg het lichaam opgegraven van de Homohaters moeten zwijgen op beroemde castraat Farinelli (1705- festival van Dour 1782). Viagrabomen in Zuid-Afrika Russisch homobloed weer welkom Carlo Broschi, zoals de man echt Is Mechelse moord homomoord? heet, is een van de meest Duitse agenten moeten voor meer beroemde castraatzangers uit de kinderen zorgen geschiedenis. Zijn uitzonderlijk Homostad wordt te heterofoob hoge stem bezorgde hem de status Jeruzalem: flyer roept op tot van een echte superster in zijn tijd. homomoord Loeiende hond voor meer Wetenschappers willen met hun homoaanvaarding onderzoek de ontwikkeling van het Vruchtbaar kunstmatig sperma lichaam van Farinelli en de ontwikkeld ontwikkeling van zijn stem Gay prides zijn te braaf, te koloniaal onderzoeken. Nederlands spinnengevaar Tongerse rechter mag homo Castraatzangers waren enorm uitschelden gegeerd in die periode. Tussen de 16de en de 19de eeuw lieten Rode Kruis: waarom homo's geen duizenden jongens zich gewillig castreren om carrière te maken a la bloed mogen geven Farinelli. This page was viewed 287 time(s) Posted by Piejie on 14 juli 2006 08:38 Filed under News

Comments: 6

Fire_Within_You : Omg zich vrijwillig laten castreren,pff ze mogen hun roem en glorie houden:s : Lijken opgraven. Ik zou er de ballen ni voor hebben.

Xtrackt : uhum Pagina 1 di 2 RTS Vesti | Jedna vest 17/07/2006 11:13 AM



Ponedeljak 17. 7. 2006. (GMT+1:00)

TV1 uživo/live Pročitajte još o... TV2 uživo/live Radio1 EKSHUMIRANI FARINELIJEVI OSTACI Radio2(5 - 20) Beograd 202 KULTURA - Petak, Jul 14, 2006 07:40 RTS Posmrtni ostaci čuvenog italijanskog operskog pevača Turizam u Srbiji - VESTI Karla Broskija [Carlo Brosći], poznatijeg kao Farineli [Farinelli], ekshumirani su sa groblja u Bolonji kako bi Sokobanja U NAJAVI ... eksperti pokušali da dodju do novih informacija o POLITIKA kastriranom pevaču izuzetnog glasa koji je umro pre EKONOMIJA više od dva veka. DRUŠTVO 'Ekshumirali smo ceo Farinelijev skelet, ali je vrlo SVET oštećen. Operacija je bila delikatna, pošto su kosti bile KULTURA nagomilane kod nogu njegove nećake, koja je NAUKA sahranjena sa njim', rekao je kordinator projekta i SPORT profesor Univerziteta u Pizi Đino Fornaćari [Gino VREME Fornaciari]. SERVISNE VESTI Univerzitet iz Bolonje sastaviće skelet pre obavljanja ZANIMLJIVOSTI analiza, kazao je Fornaćari. Projekat je zamisao RTS PODSEĆA firentinskog antikvara Alberta Bruskija [Brusći], a u REKLAMIRAJTE SE njemu učestvuju univerziteti iz Bolonje, Firence, Pize i FREKVENCIJE britanski univerzitet Jork. PRE I POSLE BUDITE REPORTER Farineli je bio jedan od najuspešnijih kastrata i nastupao TESLE - Posle Tesle Ponedeljak, 17. jul u 11:37 je širom Evrope u prvoj polovini 18. veka. Rodjen 1705. Drugi program TV u Napulju, Farineli je od 1737. živeo u Madridu i, Beograd zahvaljujući naklonosti monarha, imao je veliki uticaj na dvor i politički život u Španiji. U Italiju se vratio 1759. tv najave Živeo je u Bolonji, gde je umro 1782.

'Tražimo nove informacije o eventualnim izuzetnim karakteristikama pevača koje jesu ili nisu povezane sa činjenicom da je bio kastriran', objasnio je Đino Fornaćari. Hajdeger: 30 'Voleli bismo da, preko ishrane, saznamo nešto o godina posle – njegovom načinu života, kao i o njegovoj gradji, iako govori Jasna Šakota-Mimica već sada možemo da kažemo da je bio visok i snažan', Petak, 21. jul u 23:00 dodao je. 3. program Radio Beograda Kako je dnevniku 'Republika' [La Repubblica] rekla radio najave Marija Đovana Belkastro [Maria Giovanna Belcastro] iz laboratorije za bioarheologiju na Univerzitetu u Bolonji, analiza ostataka operskog pevača mogla bi da otkrije Mira Adanja Polak i Vi 'opseg njegovog grudnog koša i veličinu njegovih usta'. Nedelja, 16. jul Te morfološke karakteristike mogle bi da budu ključ Prvi program TV Beograd Farinelijevih izuzetnih pevačkih sposobnosti. izlog RTS

(nazad - [čitanja: 78] - štampa) » Programi RTS » Politika » Sport NOVO: Kvalitetniji real video stream » RTS Web – 80 kbps » Svi forumi Izaberite: SLANJE BILTENA Prijava Ovaj servis možete koristiti ako imate Odjava/Izmena instaliran RealOnePlayer. Ako nemate, TENDERI kliknite ovde Pagina 1 di 2 Musicologie : Farinelli exhumé | Musique | 14/07/2006 01:03 PM

Musique Mise à jour le mercredi 12 juillet 2006 à 10 h 57

Musicologie Farinelli exhumé

Une scène du film de Gérard Corbiau, paru en 1994.

Le corps de Carlo Broschi, alias Farinelli, a été exhumé d'un cimetière de Bologne, en Italie.

Selon Carlo Vitale, du centre d'étude sur Farinelli, les restes sont dans un état de conservation médiocre.

Des historiens et des scientifiques procéderont quand même à une série de tests qui permettront peut-être de mieux comprendre comment l'anatomie du célèbre chanteur a réagi à la castration.

Les chercheurs de l'université de Bologne, dont un spécialiste de l'acoustique, espèrent analyser les restes des cordes vocales et du larynx du chanteur. Ils analyseront aussi les os qui, même après plusieurs siècles, pourraient donner des indications sur les habitudes alimentaires de l'homme et ses maladies. Le crâne donnera aussi des indices sur les traits de son visage, dont on sait peu de choses.

Portrait du chanteur Farinelli (1705- 1782),

Né en 1705 près de Naples, il a été opéré dès son plus jeune âge afin de conserver son timbre de voix de petit garçon. Le virtuose est mort à Bologne en 1782.

Les experts estiment que l'ablation des glandes génitales des petits garçons empêchait la croissance des cordes vocales malgré les changements d'un corps devenant adulte. Les castrats pouvaient aussi grossir ou grandir anormalement et même voir leurs seins pousser.

© Société Radio-Canada. Tous droits réservés. Pagina 1 di 1 Ici Radio-Canada (1) - /nouvelles/complete.asp?sID=314210&sNo…URL=/nouvelles/Science-Sante/2006/07/12/002-Farinelli-.shtml 14/07/2006 01:00 PM

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12/07/2006 10:55:06 - Science et santé Farinelli exhumé

Le corps de Carlo Broschi, alias Farinelli, a été exhumé d'un cimetière de Bologne, en Italie.

Selon Carlo Vitale, du centre d'étude sur Farinelli, les restes sont dans un état de conservation médiocre.

Des historiens et des scientifiques procéderont quand même à une série de tests qui permettront peut-être de mieux comprendre comment l'anatomie du célèbre chanteur a réagi à la castration.

Les chercheurs de l'université de Bologne, dont un spécialiste de l'acoustique, espèrent analyser les restes des cordes vocales et du larynx du chanteur. Ils analyseront aussi les os qui, même après plusieurs siècles, pourraient donner des indications sur ses habitudes alimentaires de l'homme et ses maladies. Le crâne donnera aussi des indices sur les traits de son visage, dont on sait peu de chose.

Né en 1705 près de Naples, il a été opéré dès son plus jeune âge afin de conserver son timbre de voix de petit garçon.

Le virtuose est mort à Bologne en 1782.

Les experts estiment que l'ablation des glandes génitales des petits garçons empêchait la croissance des cordes vocales malgré les changements d'un corps devenant adulte. Les castrats pouvaient aussi grossir ou grandir anormalement et même voir leurs seins pousser.

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Sono stati riesumati,nel cimitero monu- mentale della Certosa di Bologna, i re- sti del cantore evirato Carlo Broschi, il famoso Farinelli,morto due secoli fa

Allo studio dei ricercatori delle uni- versità di Pisa e di Bologna, per otte- nere informazioni sullo stile di vita e tracciare un profilo biologico dell'ar- tista, frammenti ossei e altro materia- le, come pollini e polveri. Insieme ai resti del grande cantante ci sono i re- sti, meglio conservati, della nipote con cui è stato seppellito, la contessa Maria Calotta Pisani. Gli studiosi non escludono che si possa tracciare un i- dentikit di Farinelli da confrontare con i ritratti finora pervenuti.

Torna Indietro Pagina 1 di 1 Moteur de recherche de l'actu et classement TOP 100 sur RedTram | Résultat de la recherche 14/07/2006 01:04 PM

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Technologies [587] secrets des castrats 13.07.2006 20:20 | Science et Les restes du cadavre du célèbre castrat italien Farinelli ont formation [300] été exhumés d'un cimetière de Bologne. Historiens et Logiciels [81] scientifiques désirent étudier comment son anatomie a réagi à la castration. Santé et beauté [155] Monde | Culture et art Culture et art [373] Repos et Les restes de Farinelli exhumés à des fins divertissement [484] scientifiques Véhicules [55] 13.07.2006 18:40 | Monde | Insolite Sports [183] Tourisme [1] Italie: les restes du castrat Farinelli Blogs [71] exhumés pour être analysés 13.07.2006 13:05 | Tous les thèmes [3108] Les restes du célèbre chanteur lyrique italien Carlo Broschi, connu sous le nom de Farinelli et mort il y a deux siècles, ont été exhumés du cimetière de Bologne afin Actualités par d'obtenir des informations sur le castrat à la voix extraordinaire, régions a annoncé jeudi un universitaire. Cette semaine Monde | Culture et art Afrique [251] Amérique [94] Farinelli exhumé Asie [34] 12.07.2006 16:05 | Selon Carlo Vitale, du centre d'étude sur Australie et Océanie [1] Farinelli, les restes sont dans un état de Gagnez chaque Europe [1315] conservation médiocre. mois des places Canada | Culture et art de ciné

- Adam's apples Actualités de la Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les secrets - Call me Agostino source des castrats - La Jungle Le Principe - 12.07.2006 14:55 | d'Archimède Le Secret de Kelly France | Vie sociale - » Anne Les Berkman se - Je pars en couilles je croa (signé le Corbeau) séparent - Stay Alive 06.05.2006 15:04 | - Superman returns Services ...couilles de Farinelli.L'actualité est un peu casse-couilles - The Passenger (toujours référence à Farinelli), on ne parle que de - Un été à Berlin News Tickers Clearstream. Moi, j'attends juste de voir si Sarkozy va - Vagues invisibles - Vol 93 Coopération effectivement accrocher le responsable à un croc de boucher comme annoncé. Ce jour là, il y en a qui vont se sentir comme des eunuques en érection. Enfin, de penser que ça va être le Classement Pagina 1 di 3 repubblica Light - Il giornale in edicola 20/07/2006 01:50 PM

Aperta ieri in Certosa la tomba del cantore settecentesco: si tenterà di ricostruirne il volto e il profilo biologico Farinelli, magia di una voce Nelle ossa il suo segreto Riesumati i resti del celebre castrato

La sua prodigiosa estensione vocale faceva svenire le donne e rinsavire i sovrani Un´équipe di ricerca internazionale per scoprire come usava il suo timbro asessuato SILVIA BIGNAMI

«Ossa degli arti inferiori, una mandibola, il femore, due denti, frammenti di cranio». Questo è quel che resta di Farinelli, voce bianca regina del Settecento, uomo alto, bello e robusto che con il suo canto faceva svenire le donne e rinsavire i re. La salma del «castrato cantore» che amò Bologna e a Bologna morì nel 1783, a settantasette anni, è stata riesumata ieri da un gruppo di ricercatori delle Università di Bologna, Firenze, Pisa, e York. Un manipolo di scienziati tenuti insieme dall´impegno del centro Studi Farinelli e dall´ispirazione di un mecenate fiorentino, Andrea Bruschi. Tutti a caccia del segreto della voce regina attorno al suo loculo: lungo e largo quanto gli altri, nascosto e tranquillo sotto uno dei tanti portici del cimitero della Certosa, portico del chiostro maggiore, arco 121, numero 1. La speranza è che ammonticchiato tra quei pochi resti possa essere conservato qualche segreto sulla sua vita. Che volto, che corporatura aveva Farinelli? Com´era il suo sorriso? Come visse e come morì? «È quello che cercheremo di scoprire» spiega la dottoressa Maria Giovanna Belcastro, responsabile del laboratorio di Bio-archeologia dell´Università di Bologna e del museo di Antropologia. Lei lo chiama «profilo biologico dell´artista», in realtà si tratta della storia della sua vita. Quella che a lui non sarebbe forse parso nemmeno di raccontare, e che pure di lui dice tanto. La sua salute, la sua alimentazione, i suoi gusti, le sue inclinazioni. Più di un ritratto, più dell´immaginazione. È scienza, è dna. Anche se «la ricostruzione completa del codice genetico sarebbe un vero miracolo» sospira Sandra Mazzoli, dirigente dell´Asl di Firenze e responsabile dello studio del Dna microbico. Segreti della vita e di una voce capace di estendersi a tal punto che tanti sospettavano si servisse di qualche «strumento per mantenerla». Voce bianca, senza sesso. Come lui, evirato tra i nove e i dodici anni, prima che potesse sviluppare caratteri sessuali. Difficile però che le analisi ci rivelino qualcosa su quella straordinaria estensione vocale perché «certe informazioni si potrebbero desumere solo dalle parti molli», spiega la Belcastro. Le corde vocali, ad esempio. O i polmoni. Niente che si sia conservato. E tuttavia qualcosa lo scheletro può dirlo lo stesso: «La circonferenza della cassa toracica ad esempio, o l´ampiezza della cavità della bocca potrebbero indicare la particolare predisposizione per il canto». Una conseguenza certa della castrazione è legata anche alla conformazione fisica: «Farinelli era molto alto», dice la Belcastro, «I resoconti dell ´epoca lo dicevano, ma ora ne abbiamo la conferma, perché le sue ossa sono lunghe e robuste. Un tratto tipico dei castrati». Foto, analisi e rilevamenti dureranno per oltre un anno. Poi i risultati, e il ritorno della salma alla Certosa. Intanto sulla scienza prevale la poesia. «Sono emozionato», confessa Andrea Bruschi, collezionista e antiquario fiorentino ispiratore dell´iniziativa, «siamo di fronte a un artista immenso, ma anche a un uomo amabile, che fu anche molto triste. Chissà che cosa aveva davvero dentro di sé. Questo gli studi non potranno Pagina 1 di 2 repubblica Light - Il giornale in edicola 20/07/2006 01:50 PM

mai rivelarcelo». Pagina 2 di 2 Farinelli rises from grave to reveal castrati secrets | Oddly Enough | 14/07/2006 11:23 AM

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HOME Farinelli rises from grave to reveal castrati WATCH VIDEO NEWS INVESTING Mechanical elephant awes Belgium NEWS secrets Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:48 PM BST Mexico works to protect jaguars Top News Email This Article | Print This Article | RSS More Video News... World [ -] Text [ + ] By Stephen Brown Business Editor's Choice ROME (Reuters) - Historians and scientists have exhumed the remains of legendary castrato Farinelli in Italy to study the anatomical effects of castration Science/Technology carried out on young boys to turn them into high-pitched stars of the opera. Health Castrati played heroic male leads in Italian opera from the mid-17th to late 18th World Crises century when the bel canto was the rage in Europe. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi Sports in 1705, was the most famous of them all, in a stage career lasting from 1720 to Entertainment 1737. Oddly Enough Carlo Vitale of the Farinelli Study Centre in Bologna said they had recovered the bodies on Wednesday of the singer and his great-niece, who moved his body from Motoring a first grave destroyed in the Napoleonic wars. Video Pictures His final resting place in Bologna's Certosa cemetery was only recently discovered.

MORE NEWS TODAY "They are in a middling state of preservation but the scientists say there is something to work on," Vitale told Reuters from the graveyard, where Farinelli and It's a maze Jim, but not as his great-niece lay beneath a tombstone with a long Latin epitaph. we know it Spitting lands policeman in His remains were to be taken to Bologna University for study by a team of hot water scientists including an acoustics expert eager to find remains of the vocal chords VIDEO: Odd and offbeat and larynx to discover what gave castrati such extraordinary vocal range and news power. More News... "This is the only skeleton of them we have," said Nicholas Clapton, a British expert on the castrati.

"We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women's breasts and large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits," he told Reuters. Continued...

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HOME Farinelli rises from grave to reveal castrati WATCH VIDEO NEWS INVESTING Mechanical elephant awes Belgium NEWS secrets Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:48 PM BST Mexico works to protect jaguars Top News Email This Article | Print This Article | RSS More Video News... World [ -] Text [ + ] A singing professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London and Business curator of an exhibition on the composer Handel's use of the castrati, Editor's Choice Clapton said the removal of boy chorists' testicles kept their vocal chords small while the hormonal changes meant their bodies kept growing well into adulthood. Science/Technology Health "That gave them huge lung capacity but with a very sweet voice," he said. World Crises It could also mean castrati grew abnormally tall or fat and could sprout breasts, Sports though surviving official portraits of Farinelli depict a handsome man in fine dress. Entertainment Castrati also had their critics who thought their voices were ghastly and their Oddly Enough mutilation was barbaric.

Motoring The Catholic Church banned it on pain of excommunication, while also using Video castrati in choirs and the Vatican's Sistine Chapel until as recently as 1903, Pictures Clapton said.

MORE NEWS TODAY The last surviving castrato, Sistine Chapel chorist Alessandro Moreschi, lived long enough to make recordings in 1902 and 1904, though on the dated gramophone It's a maze Jim, but not as records his voice sound like what Clapton described as "Pavarotti on helium". we know it Spitting lands policeman in © Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved. | Learn more about Reuters < Previous 1 | 2 Next > hot water VIDEO: Odd and offbeat ALSO TODAY ON REUTERS news TOP NEWS: Israel hits Beirut airport again More News... 10 min ago BUSINESS: Rosneft prices IPO near top 17 min ago WORLD: India suspects Pakistani hand in blasts 16 min ago SPORTS: FIFA brings forward Materazzi hearing 6 min ago ENTERTAINMENT: Naomi Campbell faces new abuse suit 1 hr 20 min ago WORLD IN PICTURES: Escalating Violence In Lebanon 6 min ago More News... Help & Info | Contact Us | Advertise | Disclaimer | Copyright | Privacy | Corrections About Reuters | Products & Services | Customer Zone | Careers…Number=1&imageid=&cap=&sz=13&WTModLoc=NewsArt-C1-ArticlePage1 Pagina 1 di 1 Science News Article | 14/07/2006 12:36 PM

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Farinelli rises from grave to reveal castrati secrets advertisement Wed Jul 12, 2006 09:18 AM ET

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By Stephen Brown

ROME (Reuters) - Historians and scientists have exhumed the remains of legendary castrato Farinelli in Italy to study the anatomical effects of castration carried out on young boys to turn them into high-pitched stars of the opera.

Castrati played heroic male leads in Italian opera from the mid-17th to Top News late 18th century when the bel canto was the rage in Europe. Farinelli, born Carlo Broschi in 1705, was the most famous of them all, in a stage Israel hits Beirut airport again career lasting from 1720 to 1737. Bush to push Putin on democracy Carlo Vitale of the Farinelli Study Center in Bologna said they had recovered the bodies on Wednesday of the singer and his great-niece, Israel bombs Hamas offices who moved his body from a first grave destroyed in the Napoleonic wars. MORE His final resting place in Bologna's Certosa cemetery was only recently discovered.

"They are in a middling state of preservation but the scientists say there is something to work on," Vitale told Reuters from the graveyard, where Farinelli and his great-niece lay beneath a tombstone with a long Latin epitaph.

His remains were to be taken to Bologna University for study by a team of scientists including an accoustics expert eager to find remains of the vocal chords and larynx to discover what gave castrati such extraordinary vocal range and power.

"This is the only skeleton of them we have," said Nicholas Clapton, a British expert on the castrati.

"We want to know if they were like the cartoons at the time depicted them, tall and dangly, or with women's breasts and large buttocks, or like the grand gentleman in Farinelli's official portraits," he told Reuters.

A singing professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London and curator of an exhibition on the composer Handel's use of the castrati, Clapton said the removal of boy chorists' testicles kept their vocal chords small while the hormonal changes meant their bodies kept growing well into adulthood.

"That gave them huge lung capacity but with a very sweet voice," he said.

It could also mean castrati grew abnormally tall or fat and could sprout breasts, though surviving official portraits of Farinelli depict a handsome man in fine dress.

Castrati also had their critics who thought their voices were ghastly and their mutilation was barbaric. Pagina 1 di 2 Science News Article | 14/07/2006 12:36 PM

The Catholic Church banned it on pain of excommunication, while also using castrati in choirs and the Vatican's Sistine Chapel until as recently as 1903, Clapton said.

The last surviving castrato, Sistine Chapel chorist Alessandro Moreschi, lived long enough to make recordings in 1902 and 1904, though on the dated gramophone records his voice sound like what Clapton described as "Pavarotti on helium."

© Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.

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Farinelli exhumé pour dévoiler les secrets des castrats mer. juil. 12, 2006 4:13 CEST

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À la Une par Stephen Brown Présidentielle: Chirac donnera sa réponse au ROME (Reuters) - Les restes du cadavre du célèbre castrat italien Farinelli ont été exhumés d'un 1er trimestre 2007 cimetière de Bologne sur ordre d'historiens et de scientifiques désireux d'étudier comment son Brève apparition de anatomie a réagi à la castration. Sarkozy à la garden party de Chirac Opéré dès son plus jeune âge pour pouvoir conserver son timbre de voix de petit garçon, Farinelli Une soixantaine de reste dans les annales le plus célèbre des castrats, ces chanteurs d'opéra italien très recherchés au voitures incendiées en XVIIe et au XVIIIe siècle. Seine-Saint-Denis Israël bombarde Une équipe de chercheurs de l'université de Bologne, dont un spécialiste de l'acoustique, attend avec Beyrouth et accroît sa impatience de découvrir ce qu'il reste des cordes vocales et du larynx de Farinelli afin de mieux pression au Liban comprendre d'où venaient les capacités vocales si extraordinaires de ces chanteurs. Tsahal poursuit ses frappes à Gaza, un "C'est l'unique squelette témoin dont nous disposons", a expliqué le britannique Nicholas Clapton, Palestinien tué spécialiste des castrats.

PLUS "Nous voulons savoir s'ils étaient comme les dessins humoristiques les décrivaient, grands et dégingandés, ou avec une poitrine de femme et de grosses fesses, ou encore comme le magnifique gentleman (représenté) sur les portraits officiels de Farinelli."


Le corps du chanteur, exhumé avec celui de sa petite nièce, se trouvait "dans un état de conservation médiocre", selon Carlo Vitale du centre d'étude sur Farinelli basé à Bologne, qui a néanmoins indiqué à Reuters que les scientifiques auraient de quoi mener leurs recherches.

Selon Clapton, professeur de chant à l'Académie royale de musique de Londres, c'est l'ablation des glandes génitales des petits garçons qui empêchait la croissance des cordes vocales malgré les changements d'un corps devenant adulte.

"Cela leur donnait une capacité pulmonaire énorme mais avec une voix très mélodieuse", a-t-il précisé.

Mais après une telle opération, les experts estiment que ces castrats ont pu également grossir ou grandir anormalement et même voir leurs seins pousser.

Le choriste de la chapelle Sixtine Alessandro Moreschi fut le dernier exemple vivant de ces chanteurs au timbre si pur, et réalisa même des enregistrements de sa voix en 1902 et 1904, qualifié par Clapton de "Pavarotti sous hélium".

© Reuters 2006. Tous droits réservés.

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