Renewed Global Strategy The Renewed Global Strategy is a road map adopted by the Acadian community of New Brunswick. Designed to promote the development of New Brunswick’s Acadian community, it serves as a guide for integrating the arts, culture, and heritage into ve sectoral strategies: - Development of professional artists; - Development of arts, culture, and heritage organizations; - Development of cultural enterprises and industries; - Integrating art and culture into education; - Community growth through regional cultural development. This societal project actively engages stakeholders and leaders in all sectors of activity, political ocials, and governmental and non-prot partners in a bold citizen mobilization exercise. ISBN 978-1-895819-54-0 Title: Renewed Global Strategy for the Integration of Arts and Culture into Acadian Society in New Brunswick Main title: Trajectoire 18-23 Subtitle: Renewed Global Strategy Production team: Direction: Carmen Gibbs Coordination: Chantal Abord-Hugon, Carmen Gibbs Writing: Chantal Abord-Hugon, Catherine Voyer-Léger Writing support: Philippe Beaulieu, Jean-Pierre Caissie, Catherine Blondin, Delphina Adeikalam, Dominic Langlois, Roland Bryar Linguistic revision: Réjean Ouellette Graphic design: MANCHU mark young design, Catherine Arseneault © Association Acadienne des artistes professionnel.le.s du Nouveau-Brunswick, 2018 140 Botsford Street, Suite 29 Moncton, New Brunswick E1C 4X5 Telephone: (506) 852-3313 Email:
[email protected] Website: Legal Deposit: September 2018 Renewed Global Strategy (publication imprimée) : ISBN 978-1-895819-60-1 Renewed Global Strategy (publication pdf) : ISBN 978-1-895819-61-8 Document presented in Moncton, N.B. as Sept. 18, 2018 English translation prepared for ArtsLink NB, December 2019 Cover: L’école buissonnière (Playing Hooky) by PPS Danse.