A - C  James H. Ganong co-founder ganong bros. chocolate  Joseph M. Augustine native leader, historian  Charles Gorman speed skater

 Julia Catherine Beckwith author  former

 Richard Bedford Bennett politician,  Phyllis Grant artist philanthropist  Julia Catherine Hart author  Andrew Blair politician  politician  Winnifred Blair first miss  Sir politician  Miller Brittain artist  Jack Humphrey artist  Edith Butler singer, songwriter  John Peters Humphrey jurist, human  Dalton Camp journalist, political rights advocate strategist I - L  William "Bliss" Carman poet  Kenneth Cohn Irving industrialist  Hermenegilde Chiasson poet, playwright  George Edwin King jurist, politician

 Nathan Cummings founder  Pierre-Amand Landry lawyer, jurist consolidated foods (sara lee)  Andrew Bonar Law statesman, british D - H prime minister

 Samuel "Sam" De Grasse actor  Arthur LeBlanc violinist, composer

 Gordon "Gordie" Drillon hockey player  Romeo LeBlanc politician, statesman

boxing champion M

 Sarah Emma Edmonds union army spy  Antonine Maillet author, playwright

 Muriel McQueen Fergusson first  Anna Malenfant opera singer, woman speaker of the canadian senate composer, teacher

politician  Louis B. Mayer producer, co-founder Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (born in Russia)  Gilbert Ganong co-founder ganong bros. chocolate  Harrison McCain co-founder mccain  politician foods  Daniel "Dan" Ross author  Wallace McCain co-founder mccain foods S - W   Francis "Frank" McKenna politician, Brett Somers actress, singer diplomat  Donald Sutherland actor  Donald "Don" Messer musician  politician, one of the fathers of the canadian  Peter Mitchell politician, a father of the Confederation confederation

N - R  Kenneth "Ken" Tobias singer, songwriter  politician  Stuart Trueman editor, historian,  Paris Crew champion sport rower humorist

 Walter Pidgeon actor  Ron Turcotte thoroughbred race horse jockey  Pascal Poirier author, politician  Wallace Rupert Turnbull engineer,  Ivan Rand lawyer, jurist, academic inventor

 Father Marcel-Francois Richard priest  Peter Veniot newspaper owner, politician  David Adams Richards author, screenwriter, poet  Joseph "Roch" Voisine singer, songwriter  Gary Rideout tenor  Lyman Ward actor  Sir Charles G. D. Roberts father of canadian poetry  Dr. John Clarence Webster physician, historian  Brenta Robertson politician, first woman elected to canadian legislative  Robb Wells actor, screenwriter assembly  Lemuel Allan Wilmot politician, jurist

A - D  John Alexander Mathieson educator, politician, jurist  Milton James Rhode Acorn poet, playwright  Lucy Maud Montgomery author

 Anne of Green Gables fictional person, N – P novel  John Ivan "Hickey" Nicholson hockey  Francis Bain author, scientist, farmer player

 Harold Bruce Callbeck Carruthers actor  Joe O'Brien harness horses driver, trainer  George Coles former premier, one of  Lemuel Cambridge Owen shipbuilder, banker  Jared Connaughton sprinter  Edward Palmer lawyer, politician  Lloyd Duffy thoroughbred jockey, harness horses driver  James Colledge Pope businessman, former premier  Michael "Mike" Duffy television journalist, politician  William Henry Pope land agent, lawyer, jurist G - K T - W  Joseph "Joe" Atallah Ghiz educator, former premier  Michael Thomas long-distance runner

 George Godfrey boxer  Jonathan Torrens actor

 Francis Longworth Haszard politician,  Weston Thomas "Bucko" Trainor jurist hockey player

 Haywire music group  Two Hours Traffic music group

 Lorie Kane golfer  Alexander Bannerman Warburton former premier  Joey Kitson singer


 Amber Dawn MacArthur television host

 Martha Macisaac actress

 Alexander Wallace Matheson politician FAMOUS NOVA SCOTIANS Dennis "Denny" Doherty singer, songwriter, founder mamas & papas A - C Jeffrey "Jeff" Douglas actor Paul Andrea hockey player Ray Downey boxer, olympic medalist David H. Armstrong u.s. senator John Dunsworth actor April Wine music group E - G Carroll Baker singer, songwriter Samuel Edison father of thomas edison Jill Barber singer, songwriter Ennis (Sisters) music group Alexander Graham Bell inventor of telephone (born in ) Leslie Feist singer

Wayde Bowles (Rocky Johnson) wrestler Charles Fenerty inventor wood pulp process for papermaking David Brine hockey player Karen Furneaux champion sprint canoer John Brophy hockey player, coach Nancy Garapick olympic swimmer Chuck Campbell actor Abraham Pineo Gesner physician, geologist, Wilf Carter "Montana Slim" singer, songwriter, inventor kerosene yodeller Stephen Giles champion flatwater canoer George Elliott Clarke poet, playwright Darren Shawn Greer author Holly Cole singer Bruce Guthro singer, songwriter Phil Comeau television, film director H - K Sidney Crosby hockey player Thomas Chandler Haliburton author Samuel Cunard shipping magnate Donald O. Hebb psychologist, father of D Jillian D'Alessio pan american games medalist neuropsychology, neural networks

Lucy Decoutere actress Arthur Hindle actor, director

Chad Denny hockey player Frank "Flash" Hollett hockey player George "Little Chocolate" Dixon first black Paul Hollingsworth news, sports reporter world boxing champion Susan "Sue" Holloway winter olympic medalist Melanie Doane singer, songwriter Leslie Hope actress Joseph Howe journalist, politician Ian Miller show jumping world champion

Ante Jazic soccer player Anne Murray singer

Don Koharski hockey referee Edward "Eddie" Murray football player

L Glen Murray hockey player

Frederick "Fred" Lake baseball player O – R

Sam "Boston Tar Baby" Langford boxer William "Bill" O'Donnell harness racer

Murray Langston "Unknown Comic" actor, Craig Olejnik actor comedian Ellen Page actress Daurene Lewis first north american black female mayor Joel Plaskett musician

Maud Lewis artist Steve Poltz singer, songwriter Rankin Family music group M Patrick Roach actor George "Buck" MacDonald football player S Parker MacDonald hockey player, coach Garwin Sanford actor Ashley MacIsaac fiddler Sloan music group Daniel MacIvor actor, playwright, director Joshua Slocum first man to sail solo around Brian Mackay-Lyons architect world, author, adventurer John Hugh MacLennan author Edith Smith artist Natalie MacMaster fiddler Mike Smith actor Rita MacNeil singer Clarence "Hank" Snow singer, songwriter Barra MacNeils music group John Stiles poet David Manners actor T - W Doug McGrath actor John Paul Tremblay actor Leo McKay, Jr. author James Tupper actor Sarah McLachlan musician, singer, songwriter Portia White singer Aileen Meagher athlete, olympic medalist Tyrone Williams football player Austin Willis actor, television host Admiral Sir Cyprian Bridge british royal navy officer Budge Wilson author D'Arcy Broderick musician FAMOUS NEWFOUNDLANDERS Cassie Eileen Brown author A Vincent P. Bryan composer, lyricist Acoutsina inuk, teacher Johnny Burke songwriter, musician Michael "Mike" Adam curler, olympic medalist Brian Byrne singer, songwriter William G. Adams politician C Hugh Abercrombie Anderson author Chesley William Carter politician Ralph LeMonie Andrews recipient Sir Frederick Carter politician, one of the fathers of the John Bartlett Angel engineer Richard Cashin trade union leader Thomas Gordon William Ashbourne politician Caubvick inuk, mount caubvick named in her William G. Adams politician honor

John B. Ayre politician Daniel Cleary hockey player

B Alwyn "Al" Clouston storyteller, humorist

Ken Babstock poet Ryane Clowe hockey player

George Baker politician Frances Cluett army nurse, educator

Charles Ballram union leader William Coaker union leader, founder Rex Barnes politician fisherman's protective union

Augusta Barter nurse Robert "Bob" Cole television sports announcer

Robert Bartlett navigator, arctic explorer Henry Collingwood business leader, consul

Martyn Bennett musician William Cormack explorer, author

David Blackwood artist Mark Critch comedian

Margaret-Ann Blaney journalist Michael Crummey author, poet

Sir Robert Bond politician D

Frederick Gordon Bradley politician Francois-Gabriel D'Angeac first french governor Tom Dawe author K - L

Demasduit one of last people Abram Kean Jr. mariner

Ethel Dickenson educator, nurse Jason King hockey player

Craig Dobbin industrialist Jamie Korab curler, olympic medalist

Magie Dominic poet Dan LaCosta hockey player

Brian Downey actor Darren Langdon hockey player

Alan Doyle musician, songwriter Walter Learning director, founder theater Damhnait Doyle singer M Karyn Dwyer actress Cluny MacPherson doctor, gas mask inventor Gwynne Dyer journalist, historian Kevin Major author E - J Shuan Majumder comedian, actor Carl English basketball player actor David French playwright Richard "Rick" Mercer comedian, satirist Jenny Gear singer Lisa Moore author Wilfred Thomason Grenfell medical missionary (born in England) Patrick Moran fiddler

Bradley "Brad" Gushue curler Bernice Morgan author

Carolyn Hayward bullfighter Moses Morgan academic

Natasha Henstridge actress Pamela Morgan singer, musician

General Rick Hillier former chief of defence of Donna Morrissey author the canadian military forces Rex Murphy commentator Harold Horwood author Hilda Chaulk Murray author Sylvester Joe hunter, explorer N - P Wayne Johnston author Mark Nichols curler Andrew "Andy" Jones comedian, actor Richard "Dick" Nolan musician Cathy Jones comedian, writer Nonosbawsut leader beothuk people Peg Norman documentary filmmaker Gerald "Gerry" Squires artist

Lisa Oake television news journalist Frank Stamp boxer

Doug O'Brien hockey player Georgina Stirling (Marie Toulinquet) opera singer Tara Oram singer Kim Stockwood singer Jim Payne musician William Taverner plantation owner, surveyor Rae Perlin artist actor, playwright Vera Perlin advocate for mentally disabled W – Y Edward "Ed" Picco politician Sylvana Palma Windsor countess of st. andrews Gordon Pinsent actor Abraham Ulrikab inuk, european zoo exhibit Al Pittman poet, playwright Michael Walker economist, founder fraser Greg Power editor, poet institute Edward "Teddy" Purcell hockey player Agnes Walsh actor, poet, playwright Christopher Pratt artist actress, comedian

Edwin John "E.J." Pratt poet Harold "Moose" Watson hockey olympic R - T medalist

Alastair Ralphs professional wrestler Harold Williams geologist

Thomas "Tommy" Ricketts victoria cross Andrew Younghusband television host, recipient journalist

Gordon Rodgers poet

Ted Russell author

Michael Ryder hockey player

Thomas "Tommy" Sexton actor, comedian

Shanawdithit last surviving member beothuk people

Gerald "Rod" Snow rugby player

Peter "Snook" Soucy comedian, actor