Labor Legislature
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.Execuir Sec ST rf April 1961 PouWrai I-bea ya,: earw THOS. L PiFIS Vol. lO-No. 15, 6 I" A.- 4 ap n S on.- DANGER! IMPORTANT! Labor Sneak RTWV Bill Support Perils Labor At the COPE C!.s U. S. Senator Thomas H. Kuchel won an overwhelming r-ewact in 3aUa&t Legislature endorsement for the GOP nomination in the forthcomlng Sente Bill 425 is a dangerou June 4 primary from more than 550 delegates attending bill. the PrePrirary Endsement Convention of the Califor- It is a threat to peace and From the Capitol Office nia Labor Council on Polieal Education at the Hilton security for Labor in Califor- Of the Executive I Hotel in San Francisco this week. Secrettry On the Democratic side, the SB 425 would open the back From the Capitol Office labor delegates approved an e L door to local option for a large Of the Executive Secretary idopen" endorsement in the U.S. B Rigts Bill varietY of anti-Labor ordi- When the Assemblymen and Senate race where former State Wins Final OK n a n c e s, especially "rightto- Senators return from the Easter Controller Alan Cranston, State work." What Labor's foes have recess on April 15, the pace of Senator Anthony Beilenson, F never been able to do dirctly the Legislature will be greatly -And State Public Utilities Com- From Congress statewide, -they could do under stepped up. It is more impor- missioner William Bennett, the An historic civil rights bill the terms of SB 425 by attack- tant than ever that Labor, mem- three principal candidates who including a strong open housing ing Labor through city. and bership and officers, keep in are all friendly to labor, are pit- provision won final congres- county ordinances. touch with their legislators, in- ted against one another. sional approval this week and This is an insidious measure. forming them of Labor's posi- In its Congressional District has been sent -to President On the surface, it appears to be tion on bills coming up. These endorsements., the delegates re- Johnson for his signature. a simple 'home rule" proposal.- contacts must be clear and jected the proposed endorse- The AFL-CIO-backed meas- Hidden in it is a weapon which prompt. ment of Rep. B. F. Sisk (D. ure was hailed by President would be used to make an as- Federation sponsored bills Fresno) after being informed Johnson as a "victory for every sault on Labor's g , won before committees during the that Sisk was one of six mem- American." with years of hard, careful week of April 15 include AB bers of the House Rules Com- The President s a i d h e work. 158, Knox, on fringe -benefits mittee who voted yesterday in planned to sign the bill at "a Don't be fooled. Labor must and wage deductions, April 15 a 9 to 6 vote against sending very early date" and added: unite in opposition to SB 425. in Industrial Relations; AB 638, It will -be -heard in Senate on Page 2) (Continued on Paa. 4) Zenovich, on unemployment dis- (Continued Judiciary Committee on April ability compensation, in Fi- 18 at 8:00 p.m. t is urgent you nance and Insurance subcom- contact your State Senator mittee April 16; AB 127, Elliott, Hew AFL-CIO Fact Sheets Can quiddy, tell him you strongly University of California em- oppose SB 425 and urge him to ployees' dues deduction, in Help Stretch Your Buying Power do everything possible to see Ways and Means April 17; AB that it is defeated. 283, Burton, on collective bar- Your help is needed right that directly affect the health, gaining for public employees, in now to convince Congress to safety, or financial security of State Employment Committee hew to fair tax principles and American workers. DR. KING MOURNED April 18. Also on April 18, a take affirmative acton on leg- Take the tax issue, for ex- Finance and Insurance subcom- islation designed to protect ample. While t-he AFIIO sup- Set mittee will hear AB 893, 894 consumers, pro vi d e better ports the administration on -the Fund Up and 895, Milias, State Federa- health and safety standard for need for a temporary war tax, To Aid Workers tion sponsored bills on work- workers on the job, protect it is firmly opposed to the pres- men's compensation. workers' welfare and pension ent proposal of a flat 10 per- In Memphis Bills rated "Gcod" by -the plans and defeat a number of cent surtax. It believes, instead, Federation being heard in As- anti-labor bills currently before that equality of sacrifice should Creation of a special trade sembly committees next week the 90th Congress. be based on ability to sacrifice. union fund-raising campaign to are AB 727, automobile liabil- This may sound like a big Pointing out that after-tax assist striking garbage workers 15; AB 632, job, but it's not if you've got corporate profits have soared in Memphis, Tenn., has been ity insurance, April AFLCIO in attachments, April 15; AB 606, the facts. 77 percent and dividend pay- announced by the the wake of the assassination state college pilot program, And to help you help your- ments 70 percent while the April 16; AB 262, workmen's has aftertax takehome pay of the of Dr. Martin Luther King last self, the AFL-CIO prepared week. compensation temporary dis- five Fact Sheets on key issues (Cortinued on Page 4) ability, April 18; ACA 27, vot- In announcing the campaign, r e s i d e n Ing registration, and AB 609, INSTITUTE OF INDUSTRIAL AFLCIO P t George instructions to voters, April 18. Meany called on all affiliated RELATIONS LIBRARY unions to contribute generously Senate committees will be 4 I ',I'EDk to the fund. The AFL-CIO made hearing "Good" bills during the CF CAL F 1 8 (Continued on Page 2) UNIVV (Continued on Page 2) 2 '52l CUA I DR. KING MOURNED. -- Labor- Wins. Fund Set Up at the Legislature ISupportCOPE To Aid Workers (Continued from Page 1) J. Gruhn when he observed at In Memphis the ou-tset of the convention (Continued- fr'om Page 1) the 1968 Civil Rights Bill to the rom 1) that: (Continued f Page I for a vote. an initial conitibution o£ floor of the House "No one needs to be remind- week, including SB 482, work- As a result, the 16th Congres- $20,000. ed of the fact that this year's Meany named a special two- men's compensation, April 15; sional District was left "open." election is a crucial one. You AB 284, Pacific Marine Fish- At the outset of the conven- man subcommittee of the AFL- have heard this said before- CIO Executive Council to coor- eries Commission, April 16; SB tion, the delegates observed a and while it was true then-it 430, public works contracts, two-minute period of standing dinate the campaign, namely: is doubly true now. This nation AFL-CIO Vice President A. April 16. silence in honor of slain civil is facing its largest series of bills classified "Bad" leader Dr. Martin Luther Phillip Randolph, president of Several rights d o m e s t i c and international the Brotherhood of Sleeping by the Federation will be com- King, Jr. problems in many years and un- ing up in Senate committees. they adopted a motion Car Porters, and Vice President Later less we meet these challenges Paul Hall, president of the Sea- These include SB 446, insur- calling on the Executive Coun- head-on-with wisdom and fore- Labor Fed- farers International Union of ance, and SB 567, Workmen's cil of the California sight-our country's future is Nortfh America. Compensation Appeals Board, eration to take affirmative ac- in grave danger." April 15; SB 403, vocational tion in support of the striking The 1,300 striking garbage ENDORSEMENTS MADE workers in Memphis are mem- education, April 16; SB 419, Memphis garbage workers Dr. In the state's 38 Congression- state colleges; AB was to when bers of the AFL-CIO American California King trying help al Districts, the delegates en- County, 39, manner of service of sum- was Federation of State, he assassinated. dorsed candidates in 25 dis- and Municipal Employees. They mons, and SB 425, construc- POLICY EXPLAINED tricts. In the State Senate, en- tion of statutes, April 18. are fighting, Meany said, "for The delegates took no action dorsements were made in 11 of the most basic of trade union "Bad" bills in Assembly com- on the offices of United States the 20 odd-numbered seats at is- next week include AB objectives. mittees President and Vice President sue; and in the Assembly can- "They deserve and they will 756, relating to women and in accord with long-standing didates were endorsed for 41 of minors, April 15; AB 544, meat have the support of their broth- policy of the State AFLCIO's the 80 seats at stake. However, ers 'and sisters in the American sold in bulk, and AB 591, hous- political arm. Endorsements for a number of these seats were and safety, April 17; labor movement," he declared. ing health the two top national offices are left open because the Local Thos. L. Pitts, secretary-treas- AB 636 and ACA 26, Univer- made only after specific candi- COPE units involved had not sity Board of Regents, April 18; urer of the California Labor dates have been selected and submitted their recommenda- Fedration, commented on the AB 818, work experience edu- are contesting for election at these AB 935, Workmen's tions to State COPE.