Date Printed: 06/16/2009

JTS Box Number: IFES 78

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Document Title: Tell it to Washington: A Guide for Citizen Action Including Congressional Document Date: 1993-1994

Document Country: -- General

Document Language: English

IFES ID: CE02872 ~I mI~n II~ ~II~ ~ I~II ~I ~ - 4 4 1 6 - A 4 C B - * TEll IT TO WASHINGTON A Guide lor Citizen Action Including Congressional Directory 1993-94

League 01 Women Voters Education Fund Tell It To Washington

Have you ever gotten angry about an action taken by Congress or the President? Have you ever wanted to "sound off' to your elected officials or civil servants? More and more citizens are no longer content to confine their complaints to radio talk shows or to neighbors. They are exercising their right and responsibility to get involved in the political process.

Although far too many are still not even bothering to vote, citizens are beginning to realize that making their voices heard in Washing­ ton is both effective and easy to do. They know that elected officials are very sensitive to the views of their constituents--especially to those who are thoughtful and articulate. In short, it pays to be a loudmouth, if you get your message across effectively.

That's what this pamphlet is all about--effective communication­ helping citizens make use of every available way to "send them a message." Highlighted are tips on making personal visits to your members of Congress and their staff, placing telephone calls and writing effective letters. Why bother?

Constituents are the most important people in a representati ve' s or senator's life. Their very existence as members of Congress rests upon their ability to take the "pulse" back home-and this is especially true of members of the House, who must run for reelec· tion every two years. They rely upon you and your willingness to let them know your views.

Consider this from fanner Speaker of the House 's book. You and Your Congressman.

If you are wondering whether or not it is really worthwhile to communicate your views to your own senator or representative in Congress, consider this fact. Others who disagree with you are doing so constantly....

Letter writing is the most common way people communicate with their elected officials. and it is remarkably effective. Wright goes on to say,

With exceptions so rare that they are hardly worth mentioning, members of the national Congress positively do read their mail. Moreover, they are interested in ils contents. The mood and tenor of the daily mail from home is a recurring IOpic of conversation in the rear of the House and Senate Chambers or around the coffee cups in the dining rooms of the Capitol.

©February 1993 League of Women Voters Education Fund Even so, you may wish to consider other kinds of contact. The personal visit, for instance, is an option that is often overlooked. but just one visit with your representative can have an impact and will, at the same time, pave the way for future communication. Tele­ grams and mailgrams·, short and precise, work well too. One visit, phone call. letter or telegram may not always accomplish your goal, but your opinion does make a difference.

Whatever technique you choose, the most important thing is to do it. The first contact can be the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship with your elected representatives. It can bring you the satisfaction of firsthand involvement in the political process. Even if you rarely agree on issues, representatives in Congress should know what their constituents think. More is better

Of course, lobbying is most effective in the plural. It pays to include friends and like-minded citizens in your efforts. Try to stimulate as many people as possible to write or attend your meeting with your members of Congress. Persuade community leaders and civic groups as well as a cross-section of the district constituency to support your views. The executive branch

Depending on the nature of the issue, the President or a cabinet member may be a more appropriate person than your congressional representatives to receive your communication. For example. many domestic and foreign policy decisions are made by presidential advisors or in executive branch agencies. Let them know what you think. Sometimes you may see an article in the newspaper indicat­ ing that a special committee or commission is being set up to study welfare refonn, energy conservation or revision of the penal code. Write. If they have announced that they are having field hearings, invite them to your home town.

If you have been involved in local government or have worked in any depth in a specific area, such as sex discrimination or environ­ mental issues, you are already familiar with that executive branch law-making device known as federal regulations.

·You can send a 20-word telegram called a Personal Opinion Message (P.O.M.) to the President or a member of Congress from anywhere in the United Stales for $9.95. Name and address are not counted unless there are additional signers. In many stales, these same rates apply 10 messages sent to your governor and stale legislators. Check with your Western Union office for rates in your state. Mailgrams cost $17.95 for the first 50 words. which includes the name, address, message and signature. Each additionru 50 words or less is an additional $7.00. In some areas, special discount rates are available for multiple MaHgrams and P.O.M. 's. Check with Western Union.

2 Although the Constitution says that Congress is to write the laws and the executive branch is to implement them, the line between the two has become blurred. In fact,legislative proposals are often initially formulated in the executive branch for presentation to Congress.

Agencies have become increasingly interpretive. The regulations they write can make or break a law-and so can the enforcement policy. Citizens need to pay as much attention during this phase as during the law~making process. The critical times to state your views are right after a bill has passed, in the initial drafting of new regulations to implement the law or when an agency announces that existing regulations are being revised. Contact the appropriate agency directly. For instance, if you wanted to comment on the Food Stamp Program, you would contact the Administrator of the Food and Nutrition Services, Department of Agriculture. A good source of information on executive~branch activity within each department or agency is the Congressional Liaison Office, the Office of Public Affairs or Public Information.

Effective communication

Know the issues

You will already know something about a particular issue when you decide to contact your representative or senators, but you may wish to line up more facts to back up your point of view. Whether you are supporting or opposing a piece of legislation, clear, reasonable expressions of your opinion will get priority treatment on the Hill. A void excessive documentation. It won't be read. Try to make your point in one or two pages. Know your representative and senators

The more you know about those you elect to represent you, the easier it is to communicate effectively. There are many sources of information.

One good source is your local newspaper. If the paper prints voting records, clip them along with other stories on your senators and representati ve.

Many members of Congress publish newsletters to keep their constituents aware of their activities. Items in these newsletters frequently provide excellent sources of ideas for comment. Ask to be added to the mailing lists.

3 ------~------

A variety of public interest groups produce legislative newsletters. too. You might subscribe to those concentrating on programs or issues that interest you*.

You should also know on which committees your elected represen­ tatives serve. Most senators and representatives specialize in the issues that come before their committees. There are 38 legislative standing committees-16 in the Senate and 22 in the Hall,se-as well as numerous task forces and select and joint committees. These committees break down into more than 200 subcommittees (com­ mittee assignments and a list of subcommittees are listed in the back afthis publication). In most cases, the basic legislation is written by a subcommittee before it is submitted to the full committee.

If your representative or either of your senators is the chair or ranking member of a committee or subcommittee, those positions give them-and you-added leverage. If your representative or senators are not a member of a committee that has jurisdiction over an item of particular interest, contact the committee chair.

The best way to get to know your elected officials is through direct contact during their campaigns. If your senators or representative know you, one phone call or letter about a piece of legislation may carry more weight than many letters from unknown citizens. Of course, if your elected representatives to Washington have already made up their minds, even contacting them on a "first-name" basis may not be enough to change their opinion at that time. Still, there's always the chance that your views, combined with similar concerns of other citizens, may convince them to change positions.

Know the legislative process

A piece of legislation can go through as many as 25 steps before it becomes fully operative. Legislation begins in a congressional subcommittee or a full committee. The time to contact members of a committee is when legislation is about to come before that committee. Another key time occurs when a bill is about to come before the full Senate or House. You should contact both your senators if it is a Senate bill, and your representative if it is a House bill. To obtain a copy of a bill, contact your representative or senator's district office. Moreover, any legislation that requires federal funding must go through two processes: authorization and appropriation. The first without the second is meaningless. If only limited funds are appropriated, or if executive agencies cut back on

"'The League of Women Voters League Action Service infonns subscribers when the time has come for concerted action on pending legislation. The service includes League ActionLine. a weekend recorded message with up-to-the minute events in Congress on selected League issues and action League members should take. The telephone number for ActionLine is 202/429-1965.

4 availability offunds appropriated by Congress, a program can beso restricted that it really can't get off the ground. Know the budget process

Congress plays a key role in fonnulating the federal budget. Its budget resolution is a major statement of congressional budget philosophy and intent. Understanding the budget process enables citizens to know when to contact members of Congress about national spending priorities.

Both houses of Congress have budget committees to consider various budget alternatives, including the President's budget rec­ ommendation. By April 15, they report to the House and Senate the budget resolution recommending totals for spending, new budget authority, revenues, the allowable deficit and the level ofthe public debt for the upcoming fiscal year. The resolution also contains reconciliation instructions to congressional committees to bring their decisions into line with the spending and revenue levels in the budget resolution. Reconciliation takes place by June 15. Authori­ zations and appropriations for federal programs follow until the new fiscal year begins on October I. Deadlines in the budget process are not always met by Congress. The personal visit

One very effective way of getting your message across is to make a personal visit to your member of Congress. All members operate an office in their districts and some have more than one. Most members plan well in advance to be in their districts on certain dates. Some members make the trip every weekend. They want to keep in touch with you, the voter, and what better way than a personal meeting? Call the district office for an appointment.

If business or vacation brings you to Washington, be sure to stop in your member's Hill office. Even if your representative is not available. staffers are always glad to meet constituents. Ask to meet the legislative assistant and talk to him or her about the issues that interest you most. Legislative staffers often know more about a subject than the senator or representative; they brief the member. write floor statements and draft amendments. Establish regular ongoing contact with the legislative staffs and your member-both at the district level and in WaShington. Be sure to follow up your contact with them; hold your representatives accountable to any commitments or promises they make in speeches or letters.

You may find you know more about a particular issue than either the member or staffer. This is especially likely if the member is not on a committee that is handling the issue. Their lack of infonnation should not be taken as ignorance or insensitivity but rather as an indication of the breadth and complexity of the issues before Congress. In this instance, you will brief them, thus providing them with va1uable infonnation and reminding them that there are knowl­ edgeable, articulate constituents in the district.

5 The telephone call When you are experimenting with different ways of communicating with members of Congress, don't overlook the telephone call. Used correctly. it can be a very effective action tool. Be sure to be well prepared and well informed, and place your call at a strategic time: just before a Yote, for instance. If you have written or visited with the representative remind him or her of that previous contact. If the member is not available. speaking with the legislative assistant fOf that issue is also effective. Telegrams, mail grams, form letters Form letters are the least effective way to communicate with Washington. but when used as a follow-up to previous contacts they can be quite useful in underlining YOUf opinion. As with phone calls. they are most helpful if sent at strategic times. Volume is also important, so persuade as many people as possible to join you in sending a telegram or form letter. The letter The letter is still the most widely used form of communication. Deli vered by the truckload to congressional offices. the mail is a major focal point for the legislator and his or her staff. More and more letters arrive by fax. especially when time is tight. You can get your members' fax numbers by calling their office phone numbers listed later in this publication. Each letter is read and answered, and the amount of mail on a particular piece of legislation frequently helps determine the representative's approach to an issue. In fact, some members use their "mail count" on a bill as the sole determi­ nant when voting.

Your letter may be answered with a form letter, particularly if you have written on an issue that has generated many other letters. However, whether you receive a form letter. or a handwritten response from your representative, the important thing is that your communication has been received and noted. If you are writing to a committee member, you may wish to write to your member on the same subject. Originals are best by far. but if time is short, a copy will do with a short, personal note attached. Recommended approaches to letter writing

It's easy to write a good letter when your senators or representative are in agreement with you on a basic issue:

Dear Mr. Smilh.

I was pleased to read in the Congressional Record that you gave a speech on the need to protect air quality standards at the same time we seek more efficient energy consumption and conservation. Jhope your speech means that ),OU will support passage ofthe Clean. Air Act.. ..

6 It is always useful to relate local needs to national legislation. If you have first-hand knowledge of what is happening in your commu­ nity. include comments in your letter:

I strongly urge you to oppose any federal moves to curtail the availability of student loans. As a sophomore at State University. I know many students who would not be able to continue with their education if student loans were no longer available ....

It is helpful to indicate your familiarity with the member's past actions on an issue. particularly if you are tIying tochange his or her mind:

I know that you have had serious doubts about the effectiveness of the United Nations and have voted against U. S./unding. However. in recognition of the need for cooperation among nations in an interdependent world. I hope you will reconsider your stand and support action to strengthen the United Nations .... The fundamental do's

DO address your senator or representative properly.

DO write legibly. Handwritten letters are fine if they are readable.

DO be brief and to the point. Discuss only one issue in each letter. Quality is more important than quantity.

DO identify a bill by number or title if you can. This helps your representative or senator's staff know which bill you are referring to if there are multiple bills on the same issue.

DO identify yourself. Indicate the state, congressional district, city or county in which you are a voter. If you have family, business or political connections related to the issue. explain them. They may serve as identification when your point of view is considered.

DO be courteous and reasonable.

DO feel free to write if you have a question or problem dealing with procedures of government departments. Congressional offices can often help you cut through red tape or give you advice that will save you time and wasted effort.

DO write to say you approve, not just to complain or oppose. Public officials hear mostly from constituents who oppose their actions. A barrage of criticism gives them a one-sided picture of their constituencies. (A note of appreciation will make your senator or representative remember you favorably next time you write.)

DO include pertinent editorials from local papers.

DO write early in the session before a bill has been introduced if you have ideas about an issue you would like to see incorpo­ rated in legislation. If your senator or representative is a member of the committee to which it has been referred. write when the committee begins hearings. If he or she is not a member of the committee handling the bill, write him or her just before the bill comes to the floor for debate and vote.

7 DO write the chair or members ofa committee holding hearings on legislation in which you are interested, if you have facts you think should influence his or her thinking. If the chair is not from your state or district, write your own representative or senators, since it is with them that you as a constituent have more influence. The fundamental don'ts

DON'T begin on the righteous note of "As a citizen and tax­ payer....• " Your elected representatives assume you are a citizen, they know we all pay taxes.

DON'T apologize for taking his or her time. If you are brief and to the point, he or she is glad to hear from you.

DON'T say "J hope this gets by your secretary." This only irri­ tates the staff.

DON'T be rude or threatening. It will get you nowhere.

DON'T be vague. Some letters received in congressional offices are couched in such general tenns that it leaves the senator or representative and staff wondering what the writer had in mind.

DON'T write to a member from another district or state just because you disagree politically with your senators or represen­ tative. CongressionaJ courtesy calls for the recipient of such a letter to forward it to the member from the appropriate district or state. Correct address, salutation and closing for letters

(Except for the President, the following letters are closed with "Sincerely yours,".)

President The President The White House Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President: Very respectfully yours,

Vice-President Representative The Vice-President The Honorable Olympia Snowe The White House House of RepresentatIves Washington, DC 20500 Washington. DC 20515 Dear Mr. Vice-President: Dear Ms. Snowe:

Senator Member of the Cabinet The Honorable John Glenn The Honorable Donna ShaJala The Secretary of HeaJth and Washington. DC 20510 Human ServIces Washington, DC 20201 Dear Senator Glenn: Dear Madam Secretary:

8 Addresses and telephone numbers in Washington

Federal government switchboard operators (2021245-6000) will connect you to government departments and agencies. If you're not sure which department or agency to call, consull with the office of your member of Congress.

Capitol: The office of any member of Congress and all committees and subcommittees can be reached through this number: 202J224~ 3121.

Legislative Status Office: Information available includes status of legislation in House and Senate. dates of committee hearings. 2021 225-1772.

White House: 2021456-1414. Resources

The Congressional Directory is an invaluable source of infonna­ tion about members of Congress and their staffs. It is published annually and is available from libraries or the Government Printing Office (GPO).

The Congressional Record is a daily record of floor activity in Congress. It includes bills introduced. bills reported out of com­ mittees. hearing schedules. It is available from libraries orthe GPO.

The Federal Register contains notices of executive branch and regulatory agency meetings and ruiemaking. proposed regulations, information on hearings, comment periods, contacts for additional information. final regulations and effective dates. It is published daily and available from libraries or the GPO.

To order documents from the Government Printing Office: Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington. DC 20402 202/783-3238

9 Cabinet Secretaries and Addresses Agriculture - 14th St. & Independence Ave., SW, Washington, DC 20250 Mike Espy Commerce -15th St. & Constitution Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20230 Ron Brown Defense - The Pentagon, Washington. DC 20301 Les Aspin Education - 400 Maryland Avenue. SW, Washington, DC 20202 Richard Riley Energy - 1000 Independence Avenue, SW. Washington. DC 20585 Hazel O'leary Health and Human Services - 200 Independence Avenue, SW. Washington. DC 20201 Donna Shalala Housing and Urban Devdopmern - 451 7th St, SW, Washington, IX 20410 Henry Cisneros Interior - 1849 C Street. NW, Washington. DC 20240 Bruce Babbit Justice - Constitution Ave. & 10th St.. NW. Washington. DC 20530 Janet Reno (Attorney General designate. 2/93) Labor - 200 Constitution Avenue. NW, Washington. DC 20210 Robert Reich State - 2201 C Street. NW, Washington. DC 20520 Warren Christopher Transportation - 400 7th Street, SW, Washington, DC 20590 Fredrico Pena Treasury - 15th St. & Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20220 Veterans AfTairs - 810 Vermont Ave .. NW, Washington. DC 20420 Jesse Brown Congressional Party Leaders Senate President of the Senate: Alben Gore, Vice President ( 224-8391) President Pro Tempore: Roben C. Byrd (D-WV) 2848 Majority Leader: George 1. Mitchell (D-ME) 5556 Majority Whip: Wendell Fonl (D-Ky) 2158 Minority Leader: Robert Dole (R-KS) 3135 Ass\. Minority Leader: Alan K. Simpson (R-WY) 2708 House Speaker: Thomas S. Foley (D-5th WA) (225-5604) Majority Leader: Richard Gephardt (D-3n1 MO) 0100 Majority Whip: (D-I 0thMl) 3130 Minority Leader: RobenH. Michel (R-18th IL)06OO Minority Whip: (R-6th GA) 2800 The Supreme Court of the United States Chief Justice of the United United States Supreme Court States Building William H. Rehnquist 1 First Street, NE, Associate Justices Washington, DC 20543 Byron R. White 202/479-3000 Harry A. Blackmun John Paul Stevens Sandra Day O'Connor Antonin Scalia Anthony Kennedy David H. Souter Clarence Thomas

to Members of the United States Senate and House of Representatives by States and Congressional District

Alabama Senators: ...... 224· Senators: •••..••...... •.•• 224- Howell Heflin (D) ...... 4124 (0) ...... 3841 R;chard C. Shelby (0) ...... 5744 Bamara Boxer (D) ...... 3553 Representatives: ...... 225- Representatives: ...... 225- Sonny CaIIah:ut (R-Ist) ...... 4931 Dan Hamburg (D-Ist) ...... 3311 Terry Everett (R-2nd) ...... 2901 (R-2nd) ...... 3076 Glen Browder (D-3rd) ...... 3261 Vic Fazio (DJrd) ...... 5716 Tom Bevill (D4th) ...... 4876 Jon Doolittle (R-4th) ...... 2511 Robert E. (Bud) Robert T. Matsui (D-5th) ...... 7163 Cmm:r Jr.(D-5th) ...... 4801 (D-6th) ...... 5161 Spencer Bachus (R-6th) ...... 4921 George Miller (0-7th) ...... 2095 Earl Hilliard (0-7th) ...... 2665 Nancy Pel"';; (D-Sth) ...... 4965 Ronald V. Dellwns (0-9th) ...... 2661 Bill Baker(R-IOth) ...... IS80 Alaska R;chard Pombo(R-1 Ith) ...... 1947 Senators: ...... 224- Tom LMtos (O-l2th) ...... 3531 Ted Stevens (R) ....•...... 3004 Fenney (Pete) Starl< (D-13th) .... 5065 Frank H. Murl

II Robert K. Doman (R-46th) ...... 2965 Sam Gibbons (D-Ilth) ...... 3376 C. OuistopherCox (R-47th) ..... 5611 Charles Canady (R-I2th) ...... 1252 Ron ""'kard (R-48th) ...... 3906 Oan Miller (R-13th) ...... 5015 (D-49th) ...... 2040 Poner J. Goss (R-14th) ...... 2536 BobHJner(D-5Oth) ...... 8045 Jim Bacchus (o.I5th) ...... 3671 Rnndy Cunningham (R-5Jst) .... 5452 Tom l..ewis (R-l6th) ...... 5792 Duncan Hunter (R-52nd) ...... 5672 Carrie Meek (D-17th) ...... 45116 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-18th) .... 3931 Colorado Harry J rimston 1I(D-19th) ...... 3001 Senators: ...... 224· Peter Deutsch (D-2f.Jth) ...... 7931 Hank Brown(R) ...... 594J Lincoln Diaz-BaJart (R-2Ist) ... .4211 Ben Nighthor.;e Cmnpbell (0) .. 5852 E. Gay Shaw Jr.(R-22nd) ...... 3026 Alcee Hastings (o.23nl) ...... 1313 Representatives: ...... 225- Patricia Schroeder (D-lst) ...... 4431 Georgia Oavid E. Skaggs (o.2nd) ...... 2161 Senators: ...... 224- Scott McInnis (R-3rd) ...... 476\ Sam Nunn (0) ...... 3521 WaY'" Allard (R-4th) ...... 4676 Paul Coverdell (R) ...... 3643 Joel Hefley (R-5th) ...... 4422 Dan Sch:lefer(R-6th) ...... 7882 Representatives: ...... 225- Jack KingstOn (R-Ist) ...... 5831 Sanfonl Bishop (o.2nd) ...... 3631 Connecticut Mac Collins (R-3nl) ...... 5901 Senators: ...... 224- John Linder (R-4th) ...... 4272 John Lewis (D-5th) ...... 3801 Ouislopher J. Dodd (0) ...... 2823 Newt Gingrich (R-6th) ...... 4501 Joseph I. Ueberrnan (0) ...... 4041 George (Buddy) Oanlen (o.7th) 2931 Representatives: ...... 225- J. Roy Rowland (o.8th) ...... 6531 Barbora B. Kennelly (o.lst) ..... 2265 Nathan Deal (D-9th) ...... 5211 Sam Gejdenson (o.2nd) ...... 2f.J76 Don Johnson (o.IOth) ...... 4101 Rosa DeLnuro (D-3nl) ...... 3661 Cynthia McKinney (D-II th) ..... 1605 Ouistopher Shays (R-4th) ...... 5541 Gory Fmnks (R-5th) ...... 3822 Hawaii Nancy L. Johnson (R-6th) ...... 4476 Senators: ...... 224- Daniel K. Inouye (0) ...... 3934 Delaware Oaniel K. Akaka (0) ...... 6361 Senators: ...... 224- Representatives: ...... 225- William V. Roth Jr.(R) '" ...... 2441 Neil Abercrombie (O-Ist) ...... 2726 Joseph R. Biden lr.(D) ...... 5042 Patsy Mink (o.2nd) ...... 4906 Representative: ...... 225- Idaho Michael Castle (R-Al-Large) .... 4165 Senators: ...... 224- Lnny E. Craig (R) ...... 2752 Florida Dirt< Kempthome (R) ...... 6142 Senators: ...... 224- Representatives: ...... 225- Bob Grnham (0) ...... 3()41 Lnny LnRocro (o.lsI) ...... 6611 Connie Mack (R) ...... 5274 Mich:lel Crnpo (R-2nd) ...... 5531 Representatives: ...... 225- Illinois Earl Hutto (D-lst) ...... 4136 Senators: ...... 224- Pete Peter.;on (D-2OO) ...... 5235 Paul Simon (0) ...... 2152 Corrine Brown (0-3rd) ...... 0123 Cmnl Moseley-Brntltl (0) ...... 2854 lillie Fowler (R-4th) ...... 2501 Karen Thunman (D-5th) ...... 1002 Representatives: ...... 225- Cliff Stearns (R-6th) ...... 5744 Bobby Rush (D-I 51) ...... 4372 John Mica (R-7th) ...... 4035 Mel Reynolds (D-2nd) ...... 0773 Bill McCollum (R-8th) ...... 2176 William 0. Lipinski (o.3nl) .... 5701 Michael Bilirnkis (R-9th) ...... 5755 Luis Gutierrez (O-4th) ...... 82f.J3 C.W. (R-IOth) ...... 5961 (D-5th) ...... 4061 12 Heruy J. Hyde (R-6

13 Edwanl J. Marl

15 Oregon South Dakota Senators: ...... 224· Senators: ...... 224· Mark O.Hatfield (R) ...... 3753 Larry Pressler (R) ...... 5842 Bob Packwood (R) ...... 5244 Thomas A. Daschle (D) ...... 232 I Representatives: ...... 225- Representatives: ...... 225· Elizabeth F..,. (D-Ist) ...... 0855 Tun Johnson (D-At-Large) ...... 2801 Robert (Bob) F. Smith (R-2nd) .6730 Ron Wyden(D-3rd) ...... 481 I Tennessee Peter A. DeFazio (D-4th) ...... 6416 MikeJ. Koperski (D-5th) ...... 571 I Senators: ...... 224· Jim Sasser (D) ...... 3344 Pennsylvania Harlan Mathews (D) ...... 1036 Senators: ...... 224- Representatives: ...... 225· (R) ...... 4254 James H. (Jim) Quillen (R-lst) .. 6356 (D) ...... 6324 JohnJ.DuncanJr.(R-2nd) ...... 5435 Representatives: ...... 225- Marilyn Lloyd (D-3rd) ...... 3271 Thomas M. Fogliena (0. I st) ... .473 I Jim Cooper (04<11) ...... 6831 Lucien Blackwell (0-2nd) ...... 4001 BohClement(D-5th) ...... •...... 4311 Robert A. Borski (D-3rd) ...... 8251 Bart Gordon (D-6<11) ...... 423 I Ron Klink (D4th) ...... 2565 Don Sundquist (R-7<11) ...... 281 I William F. Clinger Jr.(R-Sth) .... 5121 John S. Tanner (D-8th) ...... 4714 (D-6th) ...... 5546 Harold E. Ford (D-9th) ...... 3265 (R-7th) ...... 2011 Jim Greenwood (R-8th) ...... 4276 (R-9th) ...... 243 I Senators: ...... 224· Joseph M. McDade (R-IOth) .... 3731 Phil Grnmm (R) ...... 2934 Paul E. Kanjorski (o.IIth) ...... 6511 Robert Krueger (D) ...... 5922 John P. Murtha (0-I2th) ...... 2065 Representatives: ...... 225· Mrujorie Margolies-Mezvinsky Jim Chapman (0-151) ...... 3035 (D-13th) ...... 61 I I Charles Wilson (0-2nd) ...... 2401 William J. Coyne (0-I 4<11) ...... 230 I Sam Johnson (R-3rd) ...... 4201 Paul McHale (D-15<11) ...... 641 I Ralph M. HaJI (D-4<11) ...... 6673 Robert S. Walker (R-16<11) ...... 241 I John Btyant (0-5<11) ...... 2231 George W. Gekas (R-17<11) ...... 4315 Joe Barton (R-6<11) ...... 2002 Rick SanIOlUffi (R-18th) ...... 2135 (R-7<11) ...... 2571 William F. Goodling (R-I9th) ... 5836 (R·8th) . ., ...... 4901 AustinJ.Mwphy(D-2Oth) ...... 4665 Jack Brooks (D-9th) ...... 6565 ThomasJ. Ridge (R-21st) ...... 5406 J J. Pickle (D-l Oth) ...... 4865 Rhode Island ClJet Edwards (0-11<11) ...... 6105 Pete Geren (D-12th) ...... 5071 Senators: ...... 224- BiII Satpalius (0-13<11) ...... 3706 Claiborne Pell (D) ...... 4642 (0-14<11) ...... 2831 John H. Chafee (R) ...... 2921 E(Kika) de Ja Garza (0-15<11) ... 2531 Representatives: ...... 225- Ronald D. Coleman (1)..16th) .... 4831 RonaJd K. Machlley (R-Ist) ...... 4911 Charles W. Stenhoim (D-17<11) .. 6605 Jack Reed (D-2nd) ...... 2735 Crnig A. Washington (D-18<11) .. 3816 Larry Combest (R-I9th) ...... 4005 South Carolina Henty B. Gonzmez (D-2Oth) ..... 3236 Senators: ...... 224- Lamar S. Smi

17 Senate Committees 103rd Congress Agriculture, Nutrition Republicans & Mark Hatfield ...... OR Forestry Ted Stevens ...... AK Phone: (202)224-2035 Thad Cochran ...... MS - Room: SR-328A Alfonse D' Amato ...... NY Democrats Arlen Specter ...... PA Patrick Leahy ...... VT Pete Domenici ...... NM Chair Don Nickles ...... OK David Pryor ...... AR ...... TX David Boren, ...... 0 K Christopher S. Bond ...... MO Howell Heflin ...... AL Slade Gorton ...... W A Tom Harkin ...... IA Mitch McConnell ...... KY Kent Conrad ...... NO Connie Mack ...... FL Thomas Daschle ...... SO Conrad Bums ...... MT Max Baueus ...... MT Bob Kerrey ...... NE Subcommittees Russ Feingold ...... WI Agriculture. Rural Development and Related Agencies Republicans Commerce. Justice, State and Richard Lugar ...... IN Judiciary Robert Dole ...... KS Defense Jesse Helms ...... NC District of Columbia Thad Cochran ...... MS Energy and Water Development Foreign Operations Mitch McConnell ...... K Y Interior Larry Craig ...... lD Labor. Health & Human Services Paul Coverdell ...... GA Education Charles Grassley ...... IA Legislative Branch Military Construction Subcommittees Transportation Agricultural Credit Treasury. Postal Service. General Agricultura1 Production and Government S[abilization of Prices VA. HUD and Independent Agricultural Research, Agencies . Conservation. Forestry and General Legislation Domestic and Foreign Marketing Armed Services and Product Promotion Phone: (202) 224-3871 Nutrition and Investigations Rural Development and Rural - Room: SR-228 Electrification Democrats Sam Nunn ...... GA Chair Appropriations J. James Exon ...... NE Phone: (202) 224-3471 Carl Levin ...... MI - Room: S-128 Capitol Edward Kennedy ...... MA Jeff Bingaman ...... NM Democrats John Glenn ...... OH Robert Byrd ...... WV Richard Shelby ...... AL Chair Robert Byrd ...... WV Daniel Inouye ...... HI Bob Graham ...... FL Ernest Hollings ...... SC Charles Robb ...... VA J. Bennett Johnston ...... LA Joseph Liebennan ...... CT Patrick Leahy ...... VT Jim Sasser ...... TN Republicans Dennis DeConcini ...... AZ Strom Thunnond ...... SC Dale Bumpers ...... AR John Warner ...... VA Frank Lautenberg ...... NJ William Cohen ...... ME Tom Harkin ...... IA John McCain ...... AZ Barbara Mikulski ...... MD Trent Loll ...... MS Harry Reid ...... NV Dan Coats ...... IN Bob Kerrey ...... NE Robert Smith ...... NH Herb Kohl ...... WI Dirk Kempthorne ...... lD Patty Murray ...... W A Lauch Faircloth ...... NC Dianne Feinstein ...... CA

18 Subcommittees Republicans Conventional Forces and Alliance Pete Domenici ...... NM Defense Charles Grassley ...... IA Defense Industry and Technology Don Nickles ...... OK Manpower and Personnel Phil Gramm ...... TX Projection Forces and Regional Defense Christopher Bond ...... MO Readiness. Sustainability and Trent Lou ...... MS Support Hank Brown ...... CO Strategic Forces and Nuclear Slade Gorton ...... W A Deterrence Judd Gregg ...... NH

Banking, Housing Commerce, Science & Urban Affairs & Transportation Phone: (202) 224-7391 Phone: (202) 224-5115 - Room: SO-534 - Room: SO-508 Democrats Democrats ...... MI Ernest Hollings ...... SC Chair Chair Paul Sarbanes ...... MD Daniel Inouye ...... HI Christopher Dodd ...... CT Wendell Ford ...... KY lim Sasser ...... TN J. James Exon ...... NE Richard Shelby ...... AL Jay Rockefeller ...... WY John Kerry ...... MA John Kerry ...... MA Richard Bryan ...... NY ...... LA Carol Moseley-Braun ...... IL Richard Bryan ...... NY ...... CA Charles Robb ...... Y A Ben Nighthorse Campbell. CO Byron Dorgan ...... NO Patty Murray ...... W A Robert Krueger ...... TX Republicans Republicans Alfonse 0' Amato ...... NY John Danforth ...... MO Phil Gramm ...... TX Bob Packwood ...... OR Christopher Bond ...... MO Larry Pressler ...... SD Connie Mack ...... FL Ted Stevens ...... AK Lauch Faircloth ...... NC John McCain ...... AZ Roben Bennett ...... UT Conrad Bums ...... MT William Roth ...... DE Slade Gorton ...... WA Pete Domenici ...... NM Trent Lott ...... MS Judd Gregg ...... NH Subcommittees Economic Stabilization and Rural Subcommittees Development Aviation Housing and Urban Affairs Communications International Finance & Monetary Consumer Policy Foreign Commerce and Tourism Securities Merchant Marine Science. Technology and Space Budget Surface Transponation Phone: (202) 224-0642 - Room: S0-621 Energy & Democrats Natural Resources Jim Sasser ...... TN Phone: (202) 224-4971 Chair Ernest Hollings ...... SC - Room: SO-304 J. Bennett Johnston ...... LA Democrats Donald Riegle ...... MI J. Bennett Johnston ...... LA J. James Exon ...... NE Chair Frank Lautenberg ...... NJ Dale Bumpers ...... AR Paul Simon ...... IL Wendell Ford ...... KY Kent Conrad ...... NO Bill Bradley ...... NJ Christopher Dodd ...... cr Jeff Bingaman ...... NM Paul Sarbanes ...... MD Daniel Akaka ...... HI Barbara Boxer...... CA Richard Shelby ...... AL Patty Murray ...... W A Paul Wellstone ...... MN 19 Finance Committee ~~l:;;i~~~~~:s~~~~~e.l.l::i~ Phone: (202) 224·4515 Robert Krueger...... TX - Room: SO·205 Republicans Democrats Malcolm Wallop ...... WY Daniel Moynihan ...... NY Mark Hatfield ...... OR Chair Pete Domenici ...... NM Max Baucus ...... MT Frank Murkowski ...... AK David Boren ...... OK Don Nickles ...... OK Bill Bradley ...... NJ Larry Craig...... 1D George Mitchell ...... ME Robert Bennett ...... UT David Pryor ...... AR Arlen Specter ...... PA Donald Riegle ...... MI Trent Lott ...... MS Jay Rockefeller ...... WY Thomas Daschle ...... SD Subcommittees John Breaux ...... LA Energy Research and Development Kent Conrad ...... ND Mineral Resources Development and Production Republicans Public Lands. National Parks and Bob Packwood ...... OR Forests Robert Dole ...... KS Renewable Energy, Energy William Roth ...... DE Efficiency and Competitiveness John Danforth ...... MO Water and Power John Chafee ...... Rl Dave Ourenberger ...... MN Environment Charles Grassley ...... IA & Public Works Orrin Hatch ...... UT Phone: (202) 224·6176 Malcolm Wallop ...... WY - Room: SO·456 Subcommittees Democrats Energy and Agricultural Taxation Max Baueus ...... MT Heahh for Families and the Uninsured Chair International Trade Daniel Moynihan ...... NY Medicare and Long-Tenn Care George Mitchell ...... ME Private Retirement Plans and Frank Lautenberg ...... NJ Oversight of the Internal Harry Reid ...... NY Revenue Service Bob Graham ...... FL Social Security and Family Policy Joe Lieberman ...... cr Taxation Howard Metzenbaum ...... OH Harris Wofford ...... PA Foreign Relations Barbara Boxer ...... CA Phone: (202) 224·4651 Republicans - Room: SO·446 John Chafee ...... Rl Democrats Alan Simpson ...... WY Claiborne Pell ...... Rl Dave Durenberger ...... MN Chair John Warner ...... VA Joseph Biden ...... DE Robert Smith ...... NH Paul Sarbanes ...... MD Christopher Dodd ...... CT Lauch Faircloth ...... NC John Kerry ...... MA Dirk Kempthorne ...... ID Paul Simon ...... IL Daniel Moynihan ...... NY Subcommittees Charles Robb ...... Y A Clean Air and Nuclear Regulation Harris Wofford ...... TN Clean Water. Fisheries and Wildlife Russ Feingold ...... WI Superfund, Recycling. and Solid Harlan Mathews ...... TN Waste Management Toxic Substances, Research and Republicans Development Jesse Helms ...... NC Water Resources, Transportation, Richard Lugar ...... IN Public Buildings and Economic Nancy Kassebaum ...... KS Development Larry Pressler ...... SO Frank Murkowski ...... AK Hank Brown ...... CO James Jeffords ...... VT Paul Coverdell ...... GA

20 Subcommittees Arlen Specter ...... PA African Affairs Hank Brown ...... CO East Asian and Pacific Affairs William Cohen ...... ME European Affairs Larry Pressler ...... SD International Economic Policy Trade. Oceans and Environment Subcommittees Near Eastern and South Asian Antitrust. Monopolies and Affairs Business Rights Terrorism. Narcotics and Constitution International Operations Courts and Administrative Practice Western Hemisphere and Peace Immigration and Refugee Affairs Corps Affairs Juvenile Justice Patents. Copyrights and Trademarks Governmental Affairs Technology and the Law Phone: (202) 224-4751 - Room: SD-340 Labor & Human Democrats Resources John Glenn ...... OH Chair Phone: (202) 224-5375 Sam Nunn ...... GA - Room: SD-428 Carl Levin ...... MI Democrats Jim Sasser ...... TN Edward Kennedy ...... MA David Pryor ...... AR Chair Joe Liebennan ...... cr Claiborne Pell ...... RI Daniel Akaka ...... HI Howard Metzenbaum ...... OH Byron Dorgan ...... ND Christopher Dodd ...... CT Paul Simon ...... IL Republicans Tom Harkin ...... IA William Roth ...... DE Barbara Mikulski ...... MD Ted Stevens ...... AK Jeff Bingaman ...... NM William Cohen ...... ME Paul Wellstone ...... MN Thad Cochran ...... MS Harris Wofford ...... PA John McCain ...... AZ Republicans Subcommittees Nancy Kassebaum ...... KS Federal Services. Post Office and James Jeffords ...... VT Civil Service Dan Coat~ ...... IN General Services. Federalism and Judd Gregg ...... NH the District of Columbia Strom Thunnond ...... SC Investigations Onin Hatch ...... UT Oversight of Government Dave Durenberger ...... MN Management Regulation and Government Subcommittees Infonnation Aging Children. Family. Drugs and Judiciary Alcoholism Disability Policy Phone: (202) 224-5225 Education. Am and Humanities - Room: SD-224 Employment and Productivity Labor Democrats Joseph Biden ...... DE Rules ChaIr Edward Kennedy ...... MA & Administration Howard Metzenbaum ...... OH Phone: (202)224-6352 Dennis DeConcini ...... AZ - Room: SR-305 Patrick Leahy ...... VT Howell Heflin ...... AL Democrats Paul Simon ...... IL Wendell Ford ...... KY Herbert Kohl ...... WI Chair Dianne Feinstein ...... CA Claiborne Pell ...... RI Carol Moseley-Braun ...... IL Robert Byrd ...... WV Daniel Inouye ...... HI Republicans Dennis DeConcini ...... AZ Orrin Hatch ...... UT Daniel Moynihan ...... NY Strom Thunnond ...... SC Christopher Dodd ...... CT Alan Simpson ...... WY Dianne Feinstein ...... CA Charles Grassley ...... IA Harlan Mathews ...... GA 21 Republicans Republicans Ted Stevens ...... AK Frank Murkowski ...... , AK Mark Hatfield ...... OR Arlen Specter ...... PA Jesse Helms ...... NC Alan Simpson ...... , WY John Warner ...... VA Strom Thurmond ...... SC Robert Dole ...... KS James Jeffords ...... VT Mitch McConnell ...... KY Thad Cochran ...... MS Select Committee on Ethics Small Business Phone: (202)224·2981 Phone: (202) 224·5175 - Room: SH·220 - Room: SR·428A Democrats Select Committee on Dale Bumpers ...... AR Indian Affairs Chair Phone: (202) 224·2251 Sam Nuno ...... GA - Room: SH·838 Carl Levin ...... MI Tom Harkin ...... IA John Kerry ...... MA Select Committee on Joe Liebennan , ...... cr Intelligence Paul Wellstone ...... MN Phone: (202) 224·1700 Harris Wofford ...... PA - Room: SH·211 Howell Heflin ...... AL Frank Lautenberg ...... NJ Herbert Kohl ...... WI Special Committee on Carol Moseley-Braun ...... IL Aging Phone: (202) 224·5364 Republicans - Room: SD·G31 Lorry Pressler ...... SD Malcom Wallop ...... WY Joint Economic Christopher Bond ...... MO Committee Conrad Bums ...... MT Connie Mack ...... FL Phone: (202) 224·5171 Paul Coverdell ...... GA - Room: SD·G01 Dirk Kempthorne ...... ID Robert Bennett ...... UT Joint Committee on the John Chafee ...... RI LibraI)' Committee Subcommittees Phone: (202) 226·7633 Competiti veness, Capital - Room: 103 OHOB Fonnalion and Economic Opportunity Expol1 Expansion and AgriculturaJ Joint Committee on the Development Orgination of Congress Government Contracting and Phone: (202) 226·0650 Paperwork Reduction Innovation Manufacturing - Room: 175C FHOB andTechnology Rural Economy and Family Joint Committee on Fanning Printing Urban and Minority-Owned Phone: (202) 224·5241 Business Development - Room: SH·818 Veterans' Affairs Joint Committee on Phone: (202) 224·9126 Taxation - Room: SR·414 Phone: (202) 225·3621 Demcrats - Room: 1015 LHOB Jay Rockefeller ...... WV Chair Dennis DeConcini " ... , .. " .. , AZ George Mitchell , ...... , ME Bob Graham ...... FL Daniel Akaka ...... , HI Thomas Daschle ...... SD Ben Nighthorse Campbell..CO 22 House Committees l03rd Congress House Agriculture Appropriations Phone: (202) 225·2171 Phone: (202)225.2771 - Room: 1301 LHOB - Room: H·218 Capitol

Democrats Democrats E (Kika) de la Garza. ISth-TX ...... 2nd-KY Chair Chair George Brown ...... 42nd-CA ...... Ist-MS Charles Rose ...... 7th-NC Neal Smith ...... 4th-IA Glenn English ...... 6th-OK Sidney Yates ...... 9th-IL Dan Glickman ...... 4th-KS DavId Obey ...... 7th-WI ..... 17th-TX ...... I Ith-OH Harold Volkmer ...... 9th-MO Tom Bevill ...... 4th-AL Timothy Penny ...... Ist-MN John Munha ...... 12th-PA Tim Johnson ...... At Large-SD Charles Wilson ...... 2nd-TX ...... 13th-TX Norman Dicks ...... 6th-W A Jill Long ...... 4th-IN Manin Sabo ...... Sth-MN Gary Condit...... 18th-CA Julian Dixon ...... 32nd-CA Collin Peterson ...... 7th-MN Vic Fazio ...... 3rd-CA Calvin Dooley ...... 20th-CA W.G. Hefner ...... 8th-NC Eva Clayton ...... I st-NC Steny Hoyer ...... Sth-MD David Minge ...... 2nd-MN Bob Carr ...... 8th-MI Earl Hilliard ...... 7th-AL Richard Durbin ...... 20th-IL Jay Inslee ...... 4th-WA Ronald Coleman ...... 16th-TX Tom Barlow ...... lst-KY Alan Mollohan ...... Ist-WV Earl Pomeroy .... At Large-ND Jim Chapman ...... Ist-TX Tim Holden ...... 6lh-PA Marcy Kaptur ...... 9th-OH Cynthia McKinney, .. II th-GA David Skaggs ...... 2nd-CO Scotty Baesler ...... 6th-KY David Price ...... 4th-NC Karen Thunnan ...... 5th-FL ...... 8th-CA Sanford Bishop ...... 2nd-GA Peter Visclosky ...... 1st-IN Pat Williams ..... At Large-MT Thomas Fogiletta ...... 1st -PA BlanceLambert ...... lst-AR Esteban Torres ...... 341h-CA G~orge Darden ...... 7th-GA Republicans ...... 18th-NY Pat Robens ...... Ist-KS Ray Thornton ...... 2nd-AR Bill Emerson ...... 8th-MO Jose Serrano ...... 16th-NY Steve Gunderson ...... 3rd-WI Rosa DeLauro ...... 3rd-Cf Tom Lewis ...... 16th-FL James Moran ...... 8th-VA Roben F. Smith ...... 2nd-OR Pete Peterson ...... 2nd-FL ...... I 9th-TX John Olver ...... Ist-MA Wayne Allard ...... 4th-CO Ed Pastor ...... 2nd-AZ Bill Barrett .. ,...... 3rd-NE Carrie Meek ...... 17th-FL Jim Nussle ...... 2nd-IA John Boehner ...... 8th-OH Republicans Tom Ewing ...... ISth-IL Joseph McDade ...... IOth-PA ...... 4th-CA John MXers ...... 7th-IN Jack Kingston ...... lst-GA C.W. BIll Young ...... IOth-FL Bob Goodlatte ...... 6th-VA Ralph Regula ...... 16th-OH Jay Dickey ...... 4th-AR Bob Livingston ...... 1st-LA ...... I Ith-CA Jerry Lewis ...... 4Oth-CA Charles Canady ...... 12th-FL John Poner ...... IOth-IL Vacancy Harold Rogers ...... Sth-KY Joe Skeen ...... 2nd-NM Subcommittees Frank Wolf ...... 10th-VA Department Operations and Tom DeLay ...... 22nd-TX Nutrition Jim Kolbe ...... Sth-AZ Environment. Credit and Rural Dean Gallo ...... Ilth-NJ Development Barbara Vucanovich . 2nd-NV Foreign Agriculture and Hunger Jim Lightfoot ...... 3rd-IA Genernl Fann Commodities Ron Packard ...... 48th-CA Livestock Specialty Crops and Natural Sonny Callahan ...... Ist-AL Resources Helen Bentley ...... 2nd-MD 23 Jim Walsh ...... 25th-NY Republicans CharlesTaylor...... llth-NC Floyd Spence ...... 2nd-SC Dave Hobson ...... 7th-OH Bob Stump ...... 3rd-AZ Ernest Istook ...... 5th-OK Duncan Hunter ...... 52th-CA Henry BonilIa , ...... 23rd-TX John Kasich ...... 12th-OH Herbert Bateman ...... 1st·VA Subcommittees James Hansen ...... Ist·UT Agriculture Curt Weldon ...... 7th-PA Commerce, Justice, State and Jon Kyl ...... 4th-AZ Judiciary Arthur Ravenel ...... lst-SC Defense Robert Doman ...... 46th-CA District of Columbia Joel Hefley ...... 5th -CO Energy and Water Development Ronald Machtley ...... I st-RI Foreign Operations James Saxton ...... 3rd·NJ Interior Labor, Health and Human Services Randy Cunningham .. 51st-CA and Education James Inhofe ...... I st·OK Legislative Steve Buyer ...... 5th-IN Military Construction PeterTorkildsen ...... 6th-MA Transponation Tillie Fowler ...... 4th-FL Treasury. Postal Service and John McHugh ...... 24th-NY General Government James Talent ...... 2nd-MO VA. HUD--Independent Terry Everett ...... 2nd-AL Agencies Roscoe Bartlett ...... 6th-MD

Subcommittees Armed Services Military Acquisition Phone: (202) 225·4151 Military Forces and Personnel Military Installations and - Room: 2120 RHOB Facilities Oversight and Investigations Democrats Readiness Ronald Dellums ...... 9th-CA Research and Technology Chair G.V. Montgomery ...... 3rd-MS Banking, Finance Patricia Schroeder ." .... 1st-CO Earl Hutto ...... 1st -FL & Urban Affairs Ike Skelton ...... 4th-MO Phone: (202) 225·4247 Dave McCurdy ...... 4th-OK - Room: 2129 RHOB Marilyn Lloyd ...... 3rd-TN Norman Sisisky ...... 4th-VA Democrats John Spratt ...... 5th-SC Henry Gonzalez ...... 20th-TX Frank McCloskey ...... 8th-IN Chair Solomon Ortiz ...... 27th-TX Stephen Neal ...... 5th-NC George Hochbmeckner.. I st- NY John LaFalce ...... 29th-NY Owen Pickett ...... 2nd-VA Bruce Vento ...... 4th·MN H. Martin Lancaster ... 3rd-NC Charles Schumer ...... 9th-NY Lane Evans ...... 17th-IL Barney Frank ...... 4th-MA James Bilbray ...... I st-NV ...... Ilth·PA John Tanner ...... 8th-TN Joseph Kennedy ...... 8th-MA Glen Browder ...... 3rd-AL Floyd Flake ...... 6th-NY Gene Taylor ...... 5th-MS Kweisi Mfume ...... 7th-MD Neil Abercrombie ...... 1st-HI Maxine Waters ...... 35th-CA Thomas Andrews ...... 1st-ME Larry LaRocco ...... I st-ID ...... II th-TX Bill Orton ...... 3rd UT Don Johnson ...... IOth-GA Jim Bacchus ...... 15th·FL ...... 28th-TX Herbert Klein ...... 8th-NJ David Mann ...... I st-OH Carolyn Maloney ..... 14th-NY BartStupak ...... lst-MI Peter Deutsch ...... 20th·FL Martin Meehan ...... 5th-MA Luis Gutierrez ...... 4th-IL Robert Underwood .. DeI.·Guam Bobby Rush ...... I st-IL Jane Harman ...... 36th-CA Lucille Roybal-Allard .. 33rd-CA PauIMcHale ...... 15th-PA Thomas Barren ...... 5th-WI Tim Holden ...... 6th-PA Elizabeth Furse ...... 1st-OR ...... 12th-TX Nydia Velasquez ...... 12th-NY Elizabeth Furse ...... 1st-OR Albert Wynn ...... 4th-MD Vacancy ...... 4th-LA Melvin Watt ...... 12th-NC 24 Maurice Hinchey ...... 26th-NY Alan Mollohan ...... Ist-WV Calvin Dooley ...... 20th-CA Bart Gordon ...... 6th-TN ...... 4th-PA David Price ...... 4th-NC Eric Fingerhut ...... 19th-OH Jerry Costello ...... I 2th-IL Harry Johnston ...... 19th-FL Republicans Patsy Mink ...... 2nd-HI Jim Leach ...... Ist-IA Bill Orton ...... 3rd-UT Bill McCollum ...... Sth-FL ...... 2nd-PA Marge Roukema ...... 5th-NJ Earl Pomeroy ...... At Large-NO Doug Bereuter ...... Ist-NE Vacancy Thomas Ridge ...... 21st-PA Vacancy Toby Roth ...... Sth-WI Alfred McCandless .. 44th-CA Republicans Richard Baker ...... 6th-LA John Kasich ...... 12th-OH Jim Nussle ...... 2nd-IA Alex McMillan ...... 9th-NC Craig Thomas ... At Large-WY Jim Kolbe ...... 5th-AZ ...... 3rd-TX Christopher Shays ...... 4th-CT DeborahPryce ...... 15th-OH Olympia Snowe ...... 2nd-ME John Linder ...... 4th-GA ...... 21st-TX ...... I Ith-MI ...... 47th-CA Rick Lazio ...... 2nd-NY Wayne AJlard ...... 4th-CO Rod Grams ...... 6th-MN Dan Miller ...... 13th-FL Spencer Bachus ...... 6th-AL Rick Lazio ...... 2nd-NY Mike Huffington ...... 22nd-CA Bob Franks ...... 7th-NJ Michael Castle ..... At Large-DE Nick Smith ...... 7th-MI Peter King ...... 3rd-NY Bob Inglis ...... 4th-SC MartIn Hoke ...... IOth-OH Independent Wally Her~er ...... 2nd-CA Bernie Sanders .. At Large-VT Jim Bunnmg ...... 4th-KY David Hobson ...... 7th-OH Subcommittees Consumer Credit and Insurance Economic Growth and Credit District of Columbia Formation Phone: (202) 225·4457 Financial Institutions SupelVision. - Room: 1310 LUOB Regulation and Deposit Insurance General Oversight. Investigations Democrats and the Resolution of Failed Fortney Stark ...... 13th-CA Financial Institutions Chair Housing and Community Alan Wheat ...... 5th-MO Development Jim McDermott ...... 7th-WA International Development, Eleanor Holmes Finance, Trade. and Norton ...... Del.-DC Monetary Policy ...... 12th-MI John Lewis ...... 5th-GA William Jefferson ...... 2nd-LA Budget Vacancy Phone: (202) 226·7200 - Room: 214 OUOB Republicans Thomas Bliley ...... 7th-VA Democrats .... 45th-CA Martin Saba ...... 5th-MN Jim Saxton ...... 3rd-NJ Chair Cass Ballenger ...... IOth-NC Richard Gephardt ...... 3rd-MO Dale Kildee ...... 9th-MI Subcommittees Anthony Beilenson ... 24th-CA Fiscal Affairs and Health Howard Berman ...... 26th-CA Government Operations and Metropolitan Affairs Robert Wise ...... 2nd-WV Judiciary and Education John Bryant ...... 5th-TX Charles Stenholm ..... 17th-TX Barney Frank ...... 4th-MA Jim Cooper ...... 4th-TN Louise Slaughter ...... 28th-NY Mike Parker ...... 4th-MS William Coyne ...... 14th-PA Barbara Kennelly ...... Ist-CT Michael Andrews ...... 25th-TX 25 Education & Labor Energy and Commerce Phone: (202) 225-4527 Phone: (202)225-2927 - Room: 2181 RHOB - Room: 2125 RHOB Democrats Democrats William Ford ...... 13th-MI ...... 16th-MI Chair Chair William Clay ...... Ist-MO ...... 29th-CA George Miller ...... 7th-CA Philip Sharp ...... 2nd-IN Austin Murphy ...... 2Oth-PA Edward Markey ...... 7th-MA Dale Kildee ...... 9th-MI AI Swift ...... 2nd-W A Pat Williams ...... At Large-MT Cardiss Collins ...... 7th-IL Matthew Martinez .... 31st-CA Mike Synar ...... 2nd-OK Major Owens ...... 11th-NY W.J. Tauzin ...... 3rd-LA Thomas Sawyer ...... 14th-OH Ron Wyden ...... 3rd-OR Donald Payne ...... IOth-NJ ...... 4th-TX Jolene Unsoeld ...... 3rd-WA Bill Richardson ...... 3rd-NM Patsy Mink ...... 2nd-HI Jim Slattery ...... 2nd-KS Robert Andrews ...... I st-NJ John Bryant ...... 5th-TX John Reed ...... 2nd-RI Rick Boucher ...... 9th-VA Timothy Roemer ...... 3rd-IN Jim Cooper ...... 4th-TN Eliot Engel ...... 17th-NY J. Roy Rowland ...... 8th-GA ...... 30th-CA Thomas Manton ...... 7th-NY Robert Scott ...... 3rd-V A Edolphus Towns ...... 10th-NY ...... 29th-TX Gerry Studds ...... IOth-MA Lynn Woolsey ...... 6th-CA Richard Lehman ...... 19th-CA Carlos Romero-Barcelo Frank Pallone, Jr...... 6th-NJ Res. Comm.-PR CraigWashington ...... 18th-TX Ron Klink ...... 4th-PA Lynn Schenk ...... 49th-CA Karan English ...... 6th-AZ Sherrod Brown ...... 13th-OH Ted Stnckland ...... 6th-OH Mike Kreidler ...... 9th-W A Ron de Lugo ...... Del.-VI - Eni Faleomavaega .. Del.-A.S. Mezvinsky ...... 13th-PA Scotty Baesler ...... 6th-KY Blanche Lambert ...... 1st-AR Republicans Republicans William Goodling ..... 19th-PA Carlos Moorhead ...... 27th-CA Thomas Petri ...... 6th-WI Thomas Bliley ...... 7th-VA Marge Roukema ...... 5th-NJ Jack Fields ...... 8th-TX Steve Gunderson ...... 3rd-WI Michael Oxley ...... 4th-OH Richard Anney ...... 26th-TX Michael Bilirakis ...... 9th-FL Harris Fawell ...... 13th-IL Dan Schaefer ...... 6th-CO Paul Henry ...... 3rd-MI ...... 6th-TX Cass Ballenger...... IOth-NC J. Alex McMillan ...... 9th-NC Susan Molinari ...... 13th-NY Dennis Hasten ...... 14th-IL Bill Barrett ...... 3rd-NE ...... 6th-MI John Boehner ...... 8th-OH Cliff Stearns ...... 6th-FL .... 51 st-CA Bill Paxon ...... 27th-CA Peter Hoekstra ...... 2nd-MI Paul Gillmore ...... 5th-OH Buck McKeon ...... 25th-CA Scott Klug ...... 2nd-WI Dan Miller ...... 13th-FL Gary Franks ...... 5th-CT lames Greenwood ...... 8th-PA Subcommittees Mike Crapo ...... 2nd-ID Elementary, Secondary and Vocational Education Subcommittees Human Resources Commerce, Consumer Protection Labor-Management Relations and Competitiveness Labor Standards. Occupational Energy and Power Health and Safety Health and Environment Postsecondary Education and Oversight and Investigations Training Telecommunications and Finance Select Education and Civil Rights Transportation and Hazardous Materials

26 Foreign Affairs Govenunent Operations Phone: (202) 225·5021 Phone: (202) 225·5051 - Room: 2170 RHOB - Room: 2157 RHOB Democrats Democrats Lee Hamilton ...... 19th·IN ...... 14th-MI Chair Chair Sam Gejdenson ...... 2nd-Cf Cardiss Collins ...... 7th-IL Tom Lantos ...... 12th-CA Glenn English ...... 6th-OK Robert Torricelli ...... 9th-NJ Henry Waxman ...... 29th-CA Howard Bennan ...... 26th-CA Mike Synar ...... 2nd-OK Gary Ackennan ...... 5th-NY Stephen Neal ...... 5th-NC Harry Johnston ...... 19th-FL Tom Lantos ...... 12th-CA Eliot Engel ...... 17th-NY Major Owens ...... J I th-NY Eni Faleomavaega .. Del., A.S. Edolphus Towns ...... 10th-NY James Oberstar ...... 8th-MN Gary Condit ...... 15th-CA Charles Schumer ...... 9th-NY John Spratt ...... 5th-SC Matthew Martinez .... 31st-CA Colhn Peterson ...... 7th-MN Robert Borski ...... 3rd-PA Karen Thunnan ...... 5th-FL Donald Payne ...... JOth-NJ Bobby Rush ...... Ist-IL Robert Andrews ...... 1st-NJ Carolyn Maloney ..... 14th-NY Robert Menendez ...... 13th-Nl Thomas Barrett ...... 5th-WI Sherrod Brown ...... 13th-OH Donald Payne ...... IOth-NJ Cynthia McKinney ..... I Ith-GA Floyd Flake ...... 6th-NY Mana Cantwell ...... lst-WA James Hayes ...... 7th-LA Alcee Hastings ...... 23rd-FL Craig Washington ...... 18th-TX Eric Fingerhut...... 19th-OH Barbara-Rose Collins. l5th-MI Peter Deutsch ...... 20th-FL Corrine Brown ...... 3rd-FL Albert Wynn ...... 4th-MD Majorie Margolies- Don Edwards ...... 16th-CA Mezvinsky ...... I3th-PA Frank McCloskey ...... 8th-IN Lynn Woolsey ...... 6th-CA Tom Sawyer ...... 14th-OH Vacancy Republicans Republicans William Clinger ...... 5th-PA William Goodling ..... 19th-PA Alfred McCandless .. 44th-CA Jim Leach ...... I stoIA Dennis Hastett ...... 14th-IL Toby Roth ...... 8th-WI Jon Kyl ...... 4th-AZ Olympia Snowe ...... 2nd-ME Christopher Shays ...... 4th-CT Heary Hyde ...... 6th-IL Steven Schiff ...... lst-NM Doug Bereuter ...... I st-NE Christopher Cox ...... 47th-CA Christopher Smith ...... 4th-NJ Craig Thomas ... At Large-WY Dan Burton ...... 6th-IN Ileana Ros-Lehtinen .. 18th-FL Jan Meyers ...... 3rd-KS Ronald Machtley ...... I st-RI Eliot Gallegly ...... 23rd-CA Richard Zimmer ...... 12th-Nl Ileana Ros-Lehtinen .. 18th-FL Bill Zeliff ...... I st-NH Cass Ballenger ...... JOth-NC John McHugh ...... 24th-NY Dana Rohrabacher .... 45th-CA Steve Hom ...... 38th-CA David Levy ...... 4th-NY Deborah Pryce ...... 15th-OH Donald Manzullo ...... 16th-IL John Mica ...... 7th-FL Lincoln Diaz-Balart ...... 21st-FL ...... 39th-CA Independent Bernie Sanders .. At Large-VT Subcommittees Africa Suocommittees Asia and the Pacific Commerce. Consumer and Economic Policy. Trade and Monetary Affairs Environment Employment, Housing and Aviation Europe and the Environment, Energy and Natural International Operations Resources International Security, Human Resources and International Organization and Intergovernmental Relations Human Rights Infonnation, Justice, Western Hemisphere Affairs Transportation and Agriculture Legislation and National Security

27 House Administration Republicans Hamilton Fish ...... 19th-NY Phone: (202) 225-2061 Carlos Moorhead ..... 27nd-CA - Room: H-326 Capitol Henry Hyde ...... 6th-IL F. James Democrats Sensenbrenner ...... 9th-WI Charles Rose ...... 7th-NC Bill McCollum ...... 8th-FL Chair ...... 17th-PA Al Swift ...... 2nd-W A Howard Coble ...... 6th-NC William Clay ...... Ist-MO Lamar Smith ...... 21st-TX Sam Gejdenson ...... 2nd·CT Steven Schiff ...... I st-NM Martin Frost ...... 24th-TX Jim Ramstad ...... 3rd-MN Thomas Manton ...... 7th-NY Elton Gallegly ...... 23rd-CA Steny Hoyer...... 5th-MD Charles Canady ...... 12th-FL Gerald Kleczka ...... 4th-WI Bob Inglis ...... 4th-SC Dale Kildee ...... 9th-MI Bob Goodlatte ...... 6th-VA Butler Derrick ...... 3rd-SC Barbara Kennelly ...... Ist-CT Benjamin Cardin ...... 3rd-MD Subcommittees Administrative Law and Governmental Relations Republicans Civil and Constitutional Rights William Thomas ...... 21 st-CA Crime and Criminal Justice Newt Gingrich ...... 6th-GA Economic and Commercial Law Pat Robens ...... Ist-KS Intellectual Property and Bob Livingston ...... 1st-LA Judicial Administration Bill Barrett ...... 3rd-NE International Law, Immigration John Boehner ...... 8th-OH and Refugees Jennifer Dunn ...... 8th-WA Merchant Marine subcommittees & Fisheries Libraries and Memorials Office Systems Phone: (202) 225·4047 Personnel and Police - Room: 1334 LHOB Democrats Judiciary Gerry Studds ...... IOth-MA Phone: (202) 225-3951 Chair - Room: 2138 RHOB William Hughes ...... 2nd-NJ Earl Hutto ...... Ist-FL Democrats W.J. Tauzin ...... 3rd-LA Jack Brooks ...... 9th-TX William Lipinski ...... 3rd-IL Chair Solomon Ortiz ...... 27th-TX Don Edwards ...... 16th-CA Thomas Manton ...... 7th-NY John Conyers ...... 14th-MI Owen Pickett ...... 2nd-VA Romano Mazzoli ...... 3rd-KY George Hochbrueckner .. 1st-NY William Hughes ...... 2nd-NJ Frank Pallone ...... 3rd-NJ Mike Synar ...... 2nd-OK Greg Laughlin ...... 14th-TX Patricia Schroeder ...... 1st-CO Jolene Unsoeld ...... 3rd-WA Dan Glickman ...... 4th-KS Gene Taylor ...... 5th-MS Barney Frank ...... 4th-MA John Reed ...... 2nd-RI Charles Schumer ...... 9th-NY H. Martin Lancaster ... 3rd-NC Howard Berman ...... 26th-CA Tom Andrews ...... 1st-ME Rick Boucher ...... 9th-VA Elizabeth Furse ...... 1st-OR John Bryant ...... 5th-TX Lynn Schenk ...... 49th-CA George San~meister ... 11 th-IL Gene Green ...... 29th-TX Craig Washmgton ..... 18th-TX Alcee Hastings ...... 23rd-FL John Reed ...... 2nd-RI Dan Hamburg ...... Ist-CA Jerrold Nadler ...... 8th-NY Blanche Lamben ...... Ist-AR Roben Scott ...... 3rd-V A ...... 14th-CA David Mann ...... Ist-OH Tom Barlow ...... I st-KY Melvin Watt ...... 12th-NC Bart Stupak ...... Ist-MI Xavier Becerra ...... 30th-CA Maria Cantwell ...... 1st-WA Peter Deutsch ...... 20th-FL Gary Ackerman ...... 5th-NY

28 Republicans Republicans Jack Fields ...... 8th-TX Don Young ...... At Large-AK Don Young ...... At Large~AK James Hansen " .. " ...... lst-UT Herbert Bateman ...... 1st-VA Barbara Vucanovich . 2nd-NV Jim Saxton ...... 3rd-NJ Elton Gallegly ...... 23rd-CA Howard Coble ...... 6th-NC Robert F. Smith ...... 2nd-OR Curt Weldon ...... 7th-PA Craig Thomas .. At Large-WY James Inhofe ...... 1st-OK Arthur Ravenel, Jr...... lst- SC John Duncan .. " .. " .. " .. 2nd-TN Wayne Gilchrest ...... Ist-MD Joel Hefley ...... 5th-CO Randy Cunningham .. 51 st-CA John Doolittle ...... 4th-CA Jack Kingston ...... 1st-GA Wayne Allard ...... 4th-CO Tillie Fowler ...... 4th-FL RIchard Baker ...... 6th-LA Michael Castle ..... At Large-DE Ken Calvert ...... 43rd-CA Peter King ...... 3rd-NY Scott Mcinnis ...... 3rd-CO Lincoln Dmz-Balart .... 21 st-FL Richard Pombo ...... II th-CA Richard Pombo ...... II th-CA Jay Dickey ...... 4th-AR Vacancy Vacancy Subcommittees Subcommittees Energy and Mineral Resources Coast Guard and Navigation Insular and International Affairs Environment and Natural National Parks, ForeslS and Public Resources Lands Fisheries Management Native American Affairs Merchant Marine Oversight and Investigations Oceanography, Gulf of Mexico and the Outer Continental Shelf Post Office & Civil Service Natural Resource Phone: (202) 225-4054 Phone: (202) 225-2761 - Room: 309 CHOB - Room: 1324 LHOB Democrats Democrats William Clay ...... I st-MO George Miller ...... 71h-CA Chair Chair Patricia Schroeder ...... 1st-CO Philip Sharp ...... 2nd-IN Frank McCloskey ...... 8th-IN Edward Markey ...... 7th-MA Gary Ackerman ...... 5th-NY Austin Murphy ...... 20nd-PA Thomas Sawyer ...... 14th-OH Nick Rahall ...... 3rd-WV Paul Kanjorski .. " ...... Ilth-PA Bruce Vento ...... 41h-MN Eleanor Holmes Norton Del.-DC Pat Williams ...... At Large-MT Barbara-RoseCollins .. 15th-MI Leslie Byrne """". 1 lh-V A Ron de Lugo ..... Delegate-V.l. Mel Watt ...... 12th-NC Sam Gejdenson ...... 2nd-CT Albert Wynn ...... 4th-MD Richard Lehman ...... 19th-CA Sherrod Brown ...... 13th-OH Bill Richardson ...... 3rd-NM Greg Laughlin ...... 14th-TX Peter DeFazio ...... 4th-OR Sanford Bishop ...... 2nd-GA Eni Faleomavaega ... Del.-A.S. Alcee Hastings ...... 23rd-FL Tim Johnson ...... At Large-SD Larry LaRocco ...... I st-ID Republicans Neal Abercrombie ...... 1st-HI John Myers ...... 7th-IN Calvin Dooley ...... 2Oth-CA BenjamlO Gilman ..... 20th-NY Carlos Romero-Barcelo Don Young ...... At Large-AK Res. Comm.-PR Dan Bunon ..... " ...... 6th-IN Karan English ...... 6th-AZ Constance Morella .... 8th-MD Karen Shepherd ...... 2nd-UT .: ...... 21st-PA Nathan Deal ...... 9th-GA Thomas Petn ...... 6th-WI Maurice D. Hinchey ... 26th-NY Sherwood Boehlert ... 23rd-NY Jim Saxton ...... 3rd-NJ Robert Underwood .. Del.-Guam Patsy Mink ...... 2nd-HI Subcommittee Howard Berman ...... 26th-CA Census. Statistics and Postal Lane Evans ...... 17th-IL Personnel Tom Barlow ...... lst-KY Civil Service Tom Barrett .... "",,. 5th-WI Compensation and Employee Benefits Oversight and Investigations Postal Operations and Services

29 Public Works & Bob Franks ...... 7th-NJ Peter Blute ...... 3rd-MA Transportation Buck McKeon ...... 2Sth-CA Phone: (202) 225-4472 John Mica ...... 7th-FL - Room: 2165 RHOB Peter Hoekstra ...... 2nd-MI Jack Quinn ...... 30th-NY Democrats Norman Mineta ...... 15th·CA Subcommittees Chair Aviation James Oberstar ...... 8th-MN Economic Developmem Nick Rahall ...... 3rd-WV Investigations and Oversight Public Buildings and Grounds Douglas Applegate ... 18th-OH Surface Transportation Ron de Lugo ...... Del.-VI Water Resources and Environment Robert Borski ...... 3rd-PA Tj~ Valentine ...... 2nd-NC :Igi~m Lipinski ...... 3rd-IL Rules o lse .... " ...... 2nd-WV Phone: (202) 225-9486 James Traficant ...... 17th-OH Peter DeFazio ...... 4th-OR - Room: H-312 Capitol James Hayes ...... 7th-LA Bob Clemen!...... Sth-TN Democrats Jerry Costello ...... 12th-IL Joe Moakley ...... 9th-MA Mike Parker ...... 4th-MS Chair Greg Laughlin ...... 14th-TX Butler Derrick ...... 3rd-SC Pete Geren ...... I2th-TX Anthony Beilenson ... 24th-CA George Sangmeister ... 1 t th-IL Martin Fros!...... 24th-TX Glenn Poshard ...... 19th-IL David Bonior ...... IOth-MI DIck Swett ...... 2nd-NH Tony Hall ...... 3rd-OH Bud Cramer ...... Sth-AL Alan Wheat ...... Sth-MO Barbara-Rose Collins 13th-MI Bart Gordon ...... 6th-TN Eleanor Holmes Norton Del-DC Louise Slaughter ...... 28th-NY Lucien Blackwell ...... 2nd-PA Jerrold Nadler ...... 8th-NY Republicans Sam Coppersmith ...... I st-AZ Gerald Solomon ...... 22th-NY Leslie Byrne ...... 11th-VA James Quillen ...... 1st-TN Maria Cantwell ...... I st-W A David Dreier ...... 28th-CA Pat Danner ...... 6th-MO ...... 14th-FL Karen Shepherd ...... 2nd-UT Subcommittees Robert Menendez ...... 13th-NJ Rules of the House James Clyburn ...... 6th-SC The Legislative Process Corrine Brown ...... 3rd-FL Nathan Deal ...... 9th-CA James Barcia ...... 5th-MI Science, Space Dan Hamburg ...... Ist-CA & Technology ...... SOth-CA Phone: (202)225-6371 Walter Tucker ...... 37th-CA ... .3Oth-TX - Room: 2320 RHOB

Republicans Democrats George Brown ...... 42nd-CA Bud Shuster ...... 9th-PA Chair William Clinger ...... 5th-PA Thomas Petri ...... 6th-WI Marign Lloyd ...... 3rd-TN Dan lickman ...... 4th-KS Sherwood Boehlert .. 23rd-NY Harold Volkmer ...... 9th-MO ~",,!!es Inhofe ...... 1st-OK Ralph Hall ...... 4th-TX I Emerson ...... 8th-MO Dave McCurdy ...... 4th-OK John Duncan ...... 2nd-TN Tim Valentine ...... 2nd-NC Susan Molinari ...... 13th-NY Bill Zeliff ...... I st-NH Robert Torricelli ...... 9th-NJ Rick Boucher ...... 9th-VA Tom Ewing ...... ISth-IL James Traficant ...... I7th-OH Wayne Gilchrest ...... lst-MD Jennifer Dunn ...... 8th-WA James Hayes ...... 7th-LA John Tanner ...... 8th-TN Tim Hutchinson ...... 3rd-AR Glen Browder ...... 3rd-AL Bill Baker ...... IOth-CA Pete Geren ...... 12th -TX Mac Collins ...... 3rd-GA Jim Bacchus ...... 15th-FL Jay Kim ...... 41st-CA David Levy ...... 4th-NY Tim Roemer ...... 3rd-IN Bud Cramer ...... Sth-AL ...... 38th-CA 30 Dick Swett ...... 2nd-NH Martin Meehan ...... 5th-MA James Barcia ...... 5th-MI Pat Danner ...... 6th-MO Hebert Klein ...... 8th-NJ Ted Strickland ...... 6th-OH Eric Fingerhut...... 19th-OH Nydia Velazquez ...... 12th-NY Jane Harman ...... 36th-CA Cleo Fields ...... 4th-LA Don Johnson ...... lOth-GA Marjorie Margolies- Sam Coppersmith ...... I st-AZ Mezvinsky ...... 13th-PA Anna Eshoo ...... 14th-CA Walter Tucker ...... 37th-CA Jay Inslee ...... 4th-WA Ron Klink ...... 4th-PA Eddie Bernice Johnson 3Oth-TX Lucille Roybal-Allard 33rd-CA David Minge ...... 2nd-MN Earl Hillard ...... 7th-AL Lynn Woolsey ...... 6th-CA Martin Lancaster ...... 3rd-NC Nathan Deal ...... 9th-GA ThomasAndrews ...... lst-ME Bobby Scott ...... 3rd-VA Maxine Waters ...... 35th-CA Xavier Becerra ...... 3Oth-CA Vacancy Republicans Republicans Robert Walker ...... 16th-PA Jan Meyers ...... 3rd-KS F. James Sensenbrenner .. 9th-WI Larry Combest...... 19th-TX Sherwood Boehlert .. 23rd-NY Richard Baker ...... 6th-LA Tom Lewis ...... 16th-FL Joel Hefley ...... 5th-CO Paul Henry ...... 3rd-MI Ronald Machtley ...... Ist-RI Harris Fawell ...... 13th-IL Jim Ramstad ...... 3rd-MN Constance Morella .... 8th-MD Bill Zeliff...... I st-NH Dana Rohrabacher .... 45th-CA Mac Collins ...... 3rd-GA Steven Schiff ...... I st-NM Scon McInnis ...... 3rd-CO Joe Barton ...... 6th-TX Mike Huffington ...... 22nd-CA Richard Zimmer ...... 12th-NJ James Talent ...... 2nd-MO SamJohnson ...... 3rd-TX Joe Knollenberg ...... II th-MI Ken Calvert ...... 43rd-CA Jay Dickey ...... 4th-AR Martin Hoke ...... IOth-OH Jay Kim ...... 41st-CA Nick Smith ...... 7th-MI DonaldManzullo ...... 16th-IL Ed Royce ...... 39th-CA Peter Torkildsen ...... 6th-MA Rod Grams ...... 6th-MN Vacancy Peter Blute ...... 3rd-MA Jennifer Dunn ...... 8th-WA Subcommittees Bill Baker ...... IOth-CA Minority Enterprise. Finance and Roscoe Bartlett ...... 6th-MD Urban Development Procurement, Taxation and Tourism Subcommittees Regulation. Business Energy Opportunities and Technology Investigations and Oversight Rura1 Enterprises. Exports and the Science Environment Space SBA Legislation and the General Technology. Environment and Economy Aviation Standards of Official Small Business Conduct (Ethics) Phone: (202) 225-5821 Phone: (202)225-7103 - Room: 2361 RHOB - Room: HT-2 Capitol Democrats Democrats John LaFalce ...... 29th-NY Jim McDermott ...... 7th-W A Chair Chair Neal Smith ...... 4th-IA George Darden ...... 7th-GA Ike Skelton ...... 4th-MO Benjamin Cardin ...... 3rd-MD Romano Mazzoli ...... 3rd-KY Nancy Pelosi ...... Sth-CA Ron Wyden ...... 3rd-OR Kweisi Mfume ...... 7th-MD Norman Sisisky ...... 4th-VA Robert Borski ...... 3rd-PA John Conyers ...... 14th-MI Thomas Sawyer ...... 14th-OH James Bilbray ...... Ist-NV Kweisi Mfume ...... 7th-MD Floyd Flake ...... 6th-NY Bill Sarpalius ...... I3th-TX Glenn Poshard ...... 19th-IL Eva Clayton ...... I st-NC

31 Ways & Means Republicans Fred Grandy ...... Sth-IA Phone: (202) 225-3625 Nancy Johnson ...... 6th-CT - Room: 1102 LUOB Jim Bunning ...... 4th-KY Jon Kyl ...... 4th-AZ Democrats Porter Goss ...... 14th-FL Dan Rostenkowski ...... 5th·IL Dave Hobson ...... 7th-OH Chair Steve Schiff ...... I st-NM Sam Gibbons ...... II th-FL J. J. Pickle ...... IOth-TX Veterans' Affairs Charles Rangel ...... ISth-NY Fortney Stark ...... 13th-CA Phone: (202) 225-3527 Andrew Jacobs ...... 10th-IN - Room: 335 CUOB Harold Ford ...... 9th-TN Robert Matsui ...... Sth-CA Democrats Barbara Kennelly ...... Ist-CT G.V. Montgomery ..... 3rd-MS William Coyne ...... 14th-PA Chair Michael Andrews ..... 2Sth-TX Don Edwards ...... 16th-CA Sander Levin ...... 12th-MI Douglas Applegate ... 18th-OH Benjamin Cardin ...... 3rd-MD Lane Evans ...... 17th-IL Jim McDermott ...... 7th-W A Timothy Penny ...... lst-MN Gerald Kleczka ...... 4th-WI J. Roy Rowland ...... 8th-GA John Lewis ...... Sth-GA Jim Slattery ...... 2nd-KS Lewis Payne, Jr ...... 5th-VA Joseph Kennedy ...... 8th-MA Richard Neal ...... 2nd-MA George Sangmeister ... 11 th-IL Peter Hoagland ...... 2nd-NE . Jill Long ...... 4th-IN Michael McNulty ...... 21st-NY Chet Edwards ...... Iith-TX Mike Kopetski ...... Sth-OR Maxine Waters ...... 35th-CA William Jefferson ...... 2nd-LA Bob Clemen!...... Sth-TN Bill Brewster ...... 3rd-OK Bob Filner ...... SOth-CA Mel Reynolds ...... 2nd-IL Frank Tejeda ...... 28th-TX Luis Gutierrez ...... 4th-IL Republicans Scotty Baesler ...... 6th-KY Bill Archer...... 7th-TX Sanford Bishop ...... 2nd-GA Philip Crane ...... 8th-IL James Clyburn ...... 6th-SC WIlham Thomas ...... 21 st-CA Mike Kreidier ...... 9th-WA E. Clay Shaw ...... 22nd-FL Corrine Brown ...... 3rd-FL Don Sundquist ...... 7th-TN Nancy Johnson ...... 6th-CT Republicans Jim Bunning ...... 4th·KY Bob Stump ...... 3rd-AZ Fred Grandy...... Sth-IA Christopher Smith ...... 4th-NJ AmoHoughton ...... 3 1st-NY Dan Burton ...... 6th-IN Wally Herger ...... 2nd-CA Michael Bilirakis ...... 9th-FL Jim McCrery ...... 5th·LA Thomas Ridge ...... 21st-PA Mel Hancock ...... 7th-MO Floyd Spence ...... 2nd-SC ...... 18th-PA Tim Hutchinson ...... 3rd-AR David Camp ...... 4th-MI Terry Everett ...... 2nd-AL Steve Buyer ...... Sth-IN Subcommittees Jack Quinn ...... 30th-NY Health Human Resources Spencer Bachus ...... 6th-AL Oversight John Linder ...... 4th-GA Select Revenue Measures Vacancy Social Security Vacancy Trade Subcommittees Compensation, Pension and Select Committee on Insurance Intell!gence Education. Training and Phone: (202) 225-4121 Employment Hospitals and Health Care - Room: U-405 Capitol Housing and Memorial Affairs Oversight and Investigations

32 Order lrom League 01 Women Voters 1730 M Street, NW Washington, DC 20036 202-429-1965 --- Pub #349, $2.50 ($1.50 lor members) plus postage and handling Quantity discounts available ISBN 0-89959-381-1