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St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida


St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 22, January 21, 1926

St. Cloud Tribune

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STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 22, January 21, 1926" (1926). St. Cloud Tribune. 164. bad JANUARY 1936 NT. CLOUD TRMTKRATCBUI Thursday. January U fitt—33 I 2 Krld:ly, Junuury U fl Saturday, Jnnuury 10 . 7 S490750 Sunday, January 17 Ml <;:. 10 II 12 13 14 IS 10 Monday, January 1H 7S M 1/ 15 10 20 21 22 23 Tuesday. Jnuu.irv III 7<)—48 % 23 20 27 25 29 30 Wednesday, January 80 s

VOLUME SKVKNTKKN ST. ( OSCBOLA COUNTY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, ISM NUMBKR TWENTY TWO • :-: PEOPLE WHO ARE MAKING ST. CLOUD A CITY :-: CHAMBER COMMERCE AND BAND TO 48 Pages of News, Views and Photos of Some PEOPLES BANK INSTALLS ATTEND ANNIVERSARY MEET AT STUART of St. Cloud's Prominent Business "M'CLINTOCK" BURGLAR ALARM Men and Women The Peoples Bank, of St Cloud an­ and cloaerf circuit* being; used, «o The largest aad mart InthusUmic 28th and ItHh, 1020. nounces the Installation of a new bur­ t'.iat any attempt to cut cables or THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE TODAY wires, drill through the valuta lin­ aneeUng of the Ut. \Ooud chamber This celebration, which will be at­ glar alarm sy»;em known as the "Mc ings or doors, or the use of the o»y- *f coauaeree wax held at the business tended by the Governor, hi* staff and This little edition of the St. Cloud Tribune is issued C'llntocka." ncetykme name, would Immediately •owiliii, aau bouquet at noon WHIU,'» cabinet, will N> unique In the annuals in order to take care of the jrreat demand of our business This system has been installed, dur­ turn In an hlarm. of our (treat state. day people for space that cannot be taken care of in our limited ing the past 20 years by Banks and The system has Its own electrical Trust Companies, in Federal Reserve There were throe long tables ser­ PRBMinHNT. energy, not depending: on any out* issues of a weekly paper, while we are doing our utmost to Itanks. Hub-Treasuries and Federal Mdc soorce. This electrical energy is ved and refilled, during which time Mm. Ihiwley announced that the get into our new building and get the new machinery in­ Iluildlngs. It Is one of the moat com­ installed inside the vault, as la every- festival committee n»> getting along members of the Orchestral band plete systems |fut out, and during thing else connected with the system, furnished mgslr, which was received fine and requested thnt any one hav stalled for our daily. We have no anologies to offer for the appearance of this issue, but we feel proud of the advertis­ the past twenty years not one of the except the big alarm gongs. •With wonderful appreciation. The ing anything or wishing to make «r thousands of these In operation has The system has proved so success­ •{new* Introduced were Miss tJenerlvr rang-envcut* for display of any kind, ing patronge accorded us for this week, for the biggest edi­ every failed to do Its duty -, al,hough ful that it has become recognised by ttwlft and mother. Mrs. Lucy Hwlft, to consult her at the chamber of com- tion of a newspaper that has ever been issued in Osceola burglars have attempted in every con­ •ill vault engineers, bank architects, ceivable way to defeat it, they have «T tinmil Rapid*. Mich., by B. L. •MM ri>om Is-tweeu four and five county, either by a daily or weekly, special edition or other­ eiiderwrltecH, and bankers themselves, never got beyond their flrat attempts. as the ouly real protection a pi Inst ffceen ; Mrs. Alme Wunaer. Hunting each afternoon. wise. ton, I/mg Island. N. Y.. by Mrs. May- The system Is so complete that no lurglary and is highly recommended II. A. Ootwta, i-halrman of com­ one part of the vsnlt or doors has by all rttatcs, and the National Bank­ torn; Mrs Iaola Roelker sod l>r. Hark- So rapid has been the growth of St. Cloud and Os- mittee to rnlse funds for new band a single form of protection, the pro­ ers' Association, said Mr. F. B. Kenney »u>ff, by Mrs. Foster; K. r>. Taylor, shell and to pay salary of the mem cola county during the past two years that it has taxed the tection on all purls being; either du­ cashier of the Peoples Bank of St, l*olut Marion, Pa., by .1. K. Conn; bers of the bund who are to give daily capacity of the plant of the St. Cloud Tribune to take care plicate or triiJinito. both the open Cloud this wi-k who were given a warm welcome by concerts for the remainder of the sea son, revolted that 11105 had been of the local work, while at the same time calls have been Che president. raised and the amount necessary yet. made on us from adjoining cities to supply the need of real H..,.retnry Rolfe read the follow1at{ was !es.s than *.">0O, which waa raised developers of Florida. tttvitalion from the (handier of Coin in about ten minute*. Workmen are aoeroc .er of Commerce, - M program which la as made on the plant, and the loyalty of the force is responsible *. Cloud, Florida. !aUr>wt) Monday night radio broad Idiir Ht: casting at Winter Park; Tuesday for the success of this extra large paper today. They have The Htuart Ohamlxr of Commerce afternoon la the new u|Mowu shell all been untiring in their efforts to produce the paper on *.dnw the Commissioners and EUtMM corner New York Avenue nmi Tenth time, while at the same time supply the calls for a large of Martin county In cordially inviting Hlreet; Wcdin>day afternoon same aou uud the mejnl*.|-a of your organ­ plmv; Ilmr-diiy night at city park ; edition of a state wide publication that is being printed re- isation to participate in the celebra­ l-'rlday afternoon up-tow-n ; Saturday guiirly in this plant, and the small odds and ends of job tion of tlu-ir first Birthday KeHtlrnl In night uptown nuil Hunday afternoon printing that DOOM to this office. konor of the aqnniy'a distinguished In city park Tills roi-ciied a great •uoiiaor, governor John W. Martin; ovation The first coin-en will |». That St. Cloud has a publishing plant that can supply to be held at Stuart the county scat, Berl Tuesday nfteriioon. Uk) thing that is called fo rin the printing, lithographing or w Thursday and Friday, January engraving line is probably better known throughout the state that to many of the home folks, hence this little article in this little issue today. W'c all did it. We all tried to do the best that we could. If we faued we know you will tell us, but if yon like this effort to show the growth of our little eitv we would also approriate your telling us about "the biggest edition of an Ofceola County paper ever published."

LOOSE BATB8 B08BNTHAL ft. U STEKN U>1 Koriiierly of lliinlinglnii, lyting aa> it. I., aiflnn. bora in Daxfaa*. county, . Cloud Post Office Shows land. N. \., I aM(MaM miltor in Mlssoiu-i, raised on | f.-irm in .tewi-it her home cilv. Karly in ll'JI she HUH county, Kansas, tiniglil s liool in Kan pos-silrfnic' in M. Cloud wid pur- -,\s, tiklahoiiui, ainl Missouri: fravol- Increase of 67 Per Cent • Inusetl an int. rest iii the Slurgea eon- iii tor a i-omiiieri-ial line four years; Irarl for the of the 6, W. Hop was- in the lauioHs Oherolcea ttrlp kins |H*o|STty in IKccol.i county. Was A'-i-ording tu fiKUrcs just compiled I lot so Race iu IBM when laud mi on every private BM||1|B| Otrd or pic­ firt-t oitl-siilcr la vnit^r real eajtajtg l-y r*"itmtttf I. it. Culls th, pa thrown ojstn by the Oovernment to the ture po>) curd and to li.ive all news ;:(!ivilies ill I 'lor ,d:i ; hltrl' she Was nipl-i of the I onl i»isl oflii-e for first uian or woman who could run weighiHl L COM mailing if ime of the inror|Mir»lors of Hie Bt, the month of December show an In from the antajfla line tif a «trlp of reus,' ot aiijinn iin.-itel.v 117 pajf i-onl order tha* may i»' dlanatchad ( lumi li< il Kstale A huetmenl Co. fnmi this offlet> title iini,:r.ii..n i'rese Asoeliition was held here Itti-i •pant at West I'alui Ilemli, Florida: SI this office even during the raafe MM of much Interest to the news- Bagdad- aiiilloii-slollar bridge SJNIU- •x-praatdaai -.-.t the West Palm Beach " REV. WM. LAMHSS I.. rI<«I of Christmas time. The local JOHN H. ( AKI.IS paper profession W«B tniusuetisl uing K.«aiiilnii river wll be ready fir Real Bstate Board; moveil to St. ffli-e wus cleun-d every day of both Cloud March 1D2fi; bavin* recently t >crs and posts' ly. dance hall operator, were found Mind »5o,tioo baa* aa oak iveuue. letitlon ot the pnweiit time, also and president »f the t'haaaber of May 26, 1921 by President Cabin turds being dropped in with bJaWf iiiilty of vlulation of the "Blue Laws" owner of the Progressive garage which Brooksville^— Je-aboard Aair 0 OMaMkk flclent postage attach

(iJCMKNT KAH.I.K STTtiNN MOKT (V STKKN Wll I M« II. MIU.SOM farmcrly «t Tula*), (Htbv. where hr lintweeii fiftiKii and sixteen years I I Ml K OITO WARJ> Formerly of i juunr1, Colo., nunc lo Kills F. CARROLL was enfagfvf In the banking business. n resident of >l. Cloud. .He came here FHKD a WARD St. Cloud Nei>t, 1st, l»s>a, and is its Formerly el Muskogee, Okla., Recently riime to pttL CJomd from M viM-arealderit. He haw accepted a front Bellerlew. Ha., and ran a Formerly of Bridgeport, Conn., WM so,Iiit4late selected this city aa a field for £-....-. _ •i.vvnr oi in swen wanware- biisinesbusinesss recentlrr« y which time he has been In the real ling the II. I. MM Realty Co splendid climate and unheard of pos­ Hardware tampainy, «f St. tlotid. from IHrOm t ScoU. real estate activities, having spout sibilities, la associated la real estate estate busirseaa. j now has charge af that office. sereral years In this bnauMaa, with II. N. Uray and Fred S. Jadd. SCHEDULE OF DAILY BAND CONCERTS Monday Night, Broadcast WDBO; Tuesday Afternoon, Up Town Band Stand; Wednesday Afternoon, Up Town; Thursday Evening, I Park Band Stand; Friday Afternoon, Up Town; Saturday Evening, Up Town; Sunday Afternoon, City Park. THURSDAY. JANUARY «. 1W» » PAGE TWO—SECTION A THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA

BT. I'l.tll l> MM IIKSTKAI, ) I rum left to Right—Rolfe. l-'airfleld. TIMI.I, I'IMUUS. Miller. Itoiilton. OaaMSka, Travis, Ih'iuieultriuli. Meeker, Lavodlaa, 1'Vrhcs, Farbaa, Qalnin, siufile. IMMOU,

MRS. HA7.E1, WHITNEY ROI.FB C. CAl.VIN KOLPK Secretary of the St. Clniiii Chamber Soloist ill Hie Si. (loud Orchestral Bund, wife of C. C. Itolfr, secretary of Commerce. Cana- here from At­ ot (lie ( ii.uiHs r of ('utninercc. lanta. «..i.

'Hit* piiM'-r of UM Mcthmlist Kpis- OO[»MI tliiiTiii aniKHuuvH "Duncin-R" an ill,. III.IIM' of his MMI fur SumUty tight Thv choir will rentier ^iHM-i;.l music. Ijarge •MgNgEtftOM IN throiiHilik; the rhilrvh IMQ SUIHIJIV 1 <• r tli*1 ivKi.lur MTVUTS. Very ln-:iri ily ajipni iHtion •* KpfWMM1 at flfct high qunlit.v ft the funiKheil by the diotr every Snmlajr. TnurbMs unrj vlnit«rs an> invite*! to theme in- **liirutitiiial services.

kltmtkm It* drawn bO Hi" St. Cloud Choral Society whnli meetn every Monday nixht in the Tourist eluh innisf ut tht ottf park. The netaty is affiliatttT with the National ami •MM Federation of Music club** and Is a cuxuniiLnity orxnuizautou. IM IterHhip li open t<> any win1 can take part Ifl "community" or choral binp- ilia;. A t.uarte-rly ineml-crship card coats but u trifle and will furnish op­ portunity to cultivate any vocal tal­ HOMER A HAYMAKER FREDERICK STKVKNS LEVI SHAMKOW JOITN E. S. PHIIX1PS ent you may bare. Join now! Formerly of New York City, and Came to St Cloud from IhmiHson, For years engaged in business in Former prrt-Ment of tho IVrtplrc for years in the real estate businoso. Conn. Served aa Becrctar.v of (ham Htl.slmrcV Pa„ cocolne to St. Clmnl Hank of St. Cloud and one ef UH» Broken In health he came to St. tioud her of Commerce. Knlered real estate two years ago to look after business pioneer reatdents of the city. Has some years ago and found health. business with W. O. King In Citizens interests. Make other Investments and held numerous city offices, and always After making investments in a num­ Really Co. Waa elected aa vice-presi­ entered the real estate business. Was MRS. M. PICKETT POSTER been a booster for things pertaining ber of properties, decided to remain dent of Peoples Bank at last meeting one of the company lo onraniie and local Editor St Cloud Tribune. to the city's welfare. here, entering the real estate and in­ of directors. incorporate aa Si, Cloud Real Estate & Investment Co. surance business. T.-iiupa M II. Sexton, president of ibe Nutieunl Association of l'rofi^^ Mrs. J. II. IircuMi: is visiting- her Palmetto — Tamiami Trail line Miami- fl.OOUOOO pier soon to be slonal I^engues, plana to transfer haj HOMES FOR SALE skater. Mrs. S. L. Moore, of I>anville, through here, will be widened to 60 constructed by Mtiniii Beach Corpora­ lo ailutuirti rs to Tampa shortly, hia \a., who IH in Miami for the winter. feet. tion. son annoum-ed here. *3000— Four-Koom Home. Nicely Mis Moore ia I'»IH- HUE her son, Furalahed. Garage. Ix* 50x150 '.leuteniint MiMire of the Navy to ar­ rruit and Khruhbery. rive in Miami thai week with a fleet $3000— Furnished Home, t.arage, roe- of 23 Plains from Norfolk. c*p«ution in about five days. $3500— FnrnishiHl OettM*. Ix>t 50x1150, 'lalnesvllle—Southern College, of Fruit tree* and shrubbery. UthaUaaf, Ma baaa civen th- open $10,000--lleautifuily furnished home. haf iltite. Si-,-i-mls-r 25, on Uie loot Close in. Large living room hull -k-liisltite if the Ilnirusity of with fireplaee. Two largo sleep­ nortda for MS, It was nniiouin i.i aj ing rooms with hath botwm;.. athletic iieaiis- of tin' latter laatltu DaoMa wm*. IviuJpped with lion. Tin' triune will Is' Iilcyod on all electric appliance, tflMttkl ih,. i'iiiversit\ tampaa BMW und hot water h«ater. A

I nolirit you Uptime* and nmnrm yon i attOD for your iuuir»wt.

RKV. B. ATCHISON E. F CARROLL Pa»Uir St. Cloud ItaptiM Hiurrli in John ft*, lluiley nffico sure to sec St. Cloud, Florida

Soe St. Cloud,— yen —bnt to live here in to reali/.e 11m com plat eness of life—a progressiva city, populated by OMQ and wom«Q who have had all the world for choice; froDdsrfn] ecehols in environments no other state can give; orange groves MB. AND MBS. W. (i. FOSTKR making thousands of acres of golden glory; fertile farmn pro­ tjenial owners of the Poster's Cafe. ducing for impatiant markets all the well-known vegetables, Aa it appears after the MAPTIBT (III Kf If Formerly of Watcrbury, (oiui, and 1ST. i I.ill n Be addition la completed. Marion, Ind. especially potatoes and strawberries of marked superiority.

Semi-tropical wealth of color and fragrance surround yon, lakes and beautiful shore-lines; in the flaming scarlet of the hibiscus, deep cardinal poinsettias, pink and white olean­ der. Men of science say that no where else is air more pure and healthful. The water is pure.

People of your own kind live happily all year in Haint Cloud—in business, in banking, in fruit growing and agricul­ ture. They will welcome you and tell you why they an here to stay. Railroad service. Motor boaatM daluxsconnect with all parts of the stiite, over roads that make all trips a pleasure. TEN AOBJtS AND IKDJJJENDENCa,. Interesting literature on request. Chamber of Commerce, St. Cloud, Florida

"Whore a Welr.amo as Gonial as tho .Sunshine Awaits You"


KAST LAKE CI.IJB VOUNO PEOPI.F'S MII.rTARV H.YI> JOl IV TIMK HAM) KOR ST. CIXWD Mr M. (>. Pearson, • Ismrt master Tlte meniNM-s anil friends of the nf iiineli i-\|,ericn.i' and ability re •Ml l-ukc club bad the Is-st time of ciintly caine to our city li-mii BUS, the scusim lust niKlit. Tlic '"I" Willi the Intention of llillU in•<11-.. in charge ef, ti reams; aa* inir St. ClOUd his future lionie. Mr. leiliiinnioiit wits Mrs. D, PlgOOQ anil Pearson was fur M rests bead maa n. r, Bstroner. All went exporting tat of the noted Union Pacific Ball n royal lima and they «nt what they mull Coooert Band, in addition to went for. 'Jllis was the (irat time this he I had milch SXperuMLM '• ill I hi- club Inn! HUM since Mr ami Mrs. ei-'r.iiii/iiii: rodag paople into eplend Driacotl, tha new host titi'l Imsices, iiid hands, iitivc ban in ih.urn' Mr Pearson Is now tryinK to or- Music dancing, card alajrtaf X^nlw a '•' '"l 'ins hand ami stunts MM af which WHS a ill Nt. ClOUd. lie wants • tsiys Hint in, eating eoateal i>v six gnosta, Her- •JTi girls twelve yours of use nml berl linti-s. T 0 Moors, Uobarl Oral over and bo will arraaps ihc lastru* Bar, Ari'iiic wiireiiiimi, Dr, Coleman tiieiitiiii'-ii so either the bum or flrli noil Mrs. Pigeon. 1*1 era lu-i/M- wns will itave a i nlets I'linil. or a coni- won by T (I. Mimic llli'l Ili'ilK'tl iiiiinii.iii band of BO pleees, iiittes tu.'i. econd Winner "f the Mr. Peafeoa conies t,i us very lilubly tirsl prtM WHS slow on the eim-le-i tcconiiuenileil utni his pint! is riN-elv- aatlBg out lure "stopped en the IMS" inj; the enilorsment of all who ore when Hie Die calliiK slartcil. Kvcry- Interested in the maaieal future nf st, beily leagued us WBg us it was ('loud. lie will start from the very humanly pMSlhla bscutalns;, teachtag tha scale ami lmw A in-w "I'Miiillc" iliince was Intro- to blow tinil liiimlln the iiisl.uiiients. iln.c'l try Mr. DtMeetl which waa a so no one wll have any advantage erer decided success. DANA P. EISKI.STKIN HARRY 8. J. K. CONN Wll I I 1M D. I ISr I.STKIN nnottter. He also planned to have u U'u U.IJ dance lovers the news that (overnlng b w-l tahuia buaUiesH, and have S*-?- 'Very modern l^rr'••=^u«^<^": A, l|^" t'™<' JJ* 1.1 Sjtaare. fane of the pioneer Imslneas i board "ill linvc rnmplele cliarge Cloud while on a tour of the state come Is need news mill on Tuesday erecting a modem fuueral home and rcn-iving vault on .V" ""HBU-ietts ,>nll<1 •sen of (he rily, one-lhne nuiyor ami the niuniirelHcTiT y.' 1^ ' nittlit h Mis'li the club will have Avenue. president of the Chamber of Com- Mr. i'liirs," !- iu old frlenil of four years ago. an inv ii.itiiiiiiil dantea ancrie. our townsmsin. .Tmlge L. M. Parker Mont\i:\s minium nml has bsedqnartsri al his office. ANNIVERSARY t hi I l;KATU> Si. Cloud Tourist Camp Proves Great Blessing Any one. pureiil or child, lelaneilad iii the I..-U1.i will pieeand <-.-• n at the one of those -are events But otnna iitiniiy n wi*ek paused that there are inc Miss Mnrilii Oaas, lot on Mary "ftiie nt Parker & Parker sad see tutu o'lr li. i s ,-, , tun i| nt llie liiune of tint many k inil things reported lo us iiml Avctiui'. end expects to batld; him. Mr. ami Mr- Joenph Munlney, front ti'itrists. who Hinp mill enjoy the ti ,i Killer 0. l' li.'Mns. Irwin We art L*I ul to announce that Mr. Plorida Avenue Thursday oveiiiur. beneftta and eomforhi of our tourlata Snow. ('. ('. liiifz, Mr Siimpson .11 Pearson has now porchassd property January Ttli a-hea • ten Damp. At tin- presenf lime we find I'us. C, < . flSfHII. E. A. Knri.iml. I. on Ohio Avenue mid is pwaitinf to insi to cci'iiiiite the Both birthday ID bat "• -'ire twenty five fuinilics stop it roots, .1. I' Cass, r. li. Mitchell, make his boms here. \\v erslcome . of Mr. Mi'titliey. An even ping there. The following li I ,1 W. II. Mil.hell. Mrs. ]-, i: ' him. lag of SM»iiir. music Mini onoedntea piss th"se who hove come through mnl '' A I.. Palmer, n. ll. Palmer, cil nil too quickly followed by refresh •topped, umuv only fur the night, linvi' ' \'i|tews, lii-niy I'urtcrer. all '.f West minster lVoslvyterlnn AM incuts, nil wishitur Mr, Mootncy limn'- Mi .lulu kindly of the real "BOOM uhicli have pun-It.iseit or five Society met tit the liuine of Mrs. returns nf tin- ihiy 't'liiise present folks nt inline'' fooling thai is foead acre tract. I>r. W. 1' Hurtles, W. M. OraoS Uggtl Tiu-silay iiftern inn. r.utv - I'r. I Kline ^daughter) anil in this city, with it ilogan "where • Bllli honffhl some Isfce front Inl*; nml UtdJaS, nil uieiiibers tli'eept three, were hiisbnnd Mr. and Mrs. I'luirle*. Mi Ksloonia us gealal us the ennahlne i\|»il to bnllil nice homes. Mr. Ptsrre :-"S'"' d lively baatoesi aiwsling WHS err Ifr i Mrs, Oharlca Rollley, Kan] bough) utni liriiijrht wivt end filliup station. Mr. followed li.v ;i social hour. The assis­ Mr*. Jane atiler, Mrs diweHa Oonli I" ie Nt (liiiiil Isiosters. t'niudai has entered the real oalale tant hoStSaa Mrs. I'liten. The ne\t iin. M, John S|iutiiiiin|.. Mr. and Hra it. K. Iltivis. of llalveston. Tevus. firm "f Btsfene and < ". moetiag win he betd nt ih" ettp park Stanton. I'i'liL'h: ten iirr.-s ncur eily lltlil BtVi B Beraral others bare iHiuerht property liolise in lw> weeks Willi Mrs. II. f, i"ts; John I'I-V boaghi lot on eleventh tn :i r Kt. ("v,u.i srhUe enmpiitir here Hichnrd, Mrs. <\ B. Fi.wier. Mrs A. II Ul-.l I \ A. KIKIY sln-ol iiml l.tiilt COttaCS! It. (i Wn ami all unite in aaylni Nt. Clotnl has W. Hull .-mil Mrs Mulilc Ogle. This Innil, hOOat mill lot mi M.'iryliinil Ave the ciciiiicst eamp thei here fonad ami •v;ll IM n padding inci'tlnc and wltb After -in niaeai of only n few bean i ; • 0, Handle, uoti ips i a rirflnln 1 i iimre lus-iiiiiiniMlutii'iis than most n ahorl httsinesH HCSHIIIII and a swicial Mrs. Burette; * many, aged M rears, Avaaasj U B itieiunis, losj an Onre oamaa The tollowtng piece of pooCry h"llr vvliere everyone will be weleimie. lie,I nt ti:- Inline of lier daughter, Mrs. 1 la* Avenue mill belli COttSSS! Alfred waa liamlisl 1,, the niniin"."- i»y one Oemp and sw the fun. iiiittle c.itr. on sbLli street from Turcism. belli eottSdS mi Wy.uniiiK uf cauiiiem who has spent the entire bronchal pneomoala. Her only mm Avi-iiui' anil K-.1,1 it iiml t.ujit COttSSS winter In tile : Few people know tile worth of cash was with her. The funeral services mi Oretinn Avenue; .1. 11. WebetSt Nt. Clo,ui ciuup ground la surely very I ntll tiny are without it. hy Kev Win iiiudlss wen1 hehl at botuhrt over thirty lets sad is sstaa prcit ! A dollar saved Is that much niiule. JOE BROWNING JONKS tin- liuiiuv Mis I..tin and Mr- lOOB to bulbl twenty Bra And rnopll BM here from almost And don't yon ever doubt it. I.IXIYU I. /I MM I.KM AN sun BUSS, The renin Ins wen- placed Mi-, ,1,11,,-s purchasiMi sevstej pcouec every state DaVOamTSBUA is the place to trade, Junior member of the firm of Jones' Manager of Conn's Hopartmrnt In the Klsclslcin rSCsivlOg vault until ties and now commits u nitl estate They tsime in the winter and they Their cual outers all tout It. & Janes Realty Co. Come hero from (Store, came here ten years ago from May when they will Is' tjUen home office known as .Tones ami Jesjee; O, come In Ihe fall, They always sell the best for less, Chicago, HI., lo engage in business Pittsburg, I'ti. t.. Byron, MI.*. A Allien bouitlit lota anil is now builil- St. Cloud entnp itrniiuil ls'at-5 tbem all. Just rend Is'luw ntarut it. with his father.

Safe Guarding the Inter­ est of Our Depositors The vaults in this bank are safe against any burglarous attempt. Our complete system of electrical pro­ tection is always on guard. Our Safe Deposit Boxes provide a place removed from danger of fire and robbery. THEY ARE ACCESSIBLE TO YOUR CONVENIENCE

BBBBBB! The Peoples Bank of Saint Cloud St. Cloud, Florida Director.: B. L Steen, Press., J. C. Gall.lin, Vice-Pres., J. E. S. Phillips. Vice-Pres., fceo. M. Rickard, F. B. Kenoey !

„ a in —9 THTKNDAV. MNl'AHT H. lKd PAUE KOI R—S1CCTI0N A THE ST. CT.OTTD TRIBUNF. ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE PmMlsbftl r.vr*rr Thnr-rttt* l»v fhr •T. CI.OCD THIIlt MS. COMPAN1' HAM) T. JOHNSON prr-Llrnt r n . a RI Si. mtd plan MI it Mattar A|.nl 8*4* li, 1810, Bl lfc# PMtaffl - rinnrt ri.iidii niMtr-r the A.[ «'f CenyrtH of Man i pallia hllli art perabla on Ih* fn B| or ••"',l "" : :j ; know ii lU 118 Will •"' I"'.I'll ''<) lo R. R. Steinwinder Tlir !T libit h* gd] |nit.)i.}f • I ' ij , I fr>-' for ••I Carta ••Mini bi »i rt< tljr la »di HI Civil Engineer For City of St. Cloud . in *. i t. - i nlwa*m in elm i ba *nre to

• • or display idV4 rl Isiug fur- nUliitl en .ii-jillf-licn.

Fnrrlsu Adv.rii.lns R«-pr«».iili.llv,> f THE AMF.RtCA". CRKSS ASSOC IATION

UR •". K. II. I'OI'K WIII.IAM !». Mael'IIKKSON loiniir lire.blent of the IV,.pics Oman lost, (loud from (.reensv • II. Rank of St. Cloud, was a pioneer bust-! I'a„ entering into partnership in (he ness ninn of St. Clouds conducting the'real estate husiiu-ss with .1. II. Ty iter. I'.iii,- I uiiiher Yard until he disponed of saiiie to HolMngswortli «& QanjfssS, Cunie to St. I leu.) from liciil, Ohio, and lias been one of cit>'s gssejossfll during his entire resideiu*e here.

UR. M. B. CUSHMAN-CaUSWOLD 1 (irndiuite of liering Meiliral ('ollrgc 1 of Chicago. Ills., and Lea aasaalaa College of Ostco|iatliy. also post urn aaPPa'' iluate courses. I'rarllng in CM latallM''' Aiareles. from which place slie caine pb~ • ^*aa ' lo St. Cloud twelve years ago.

.I\MKS II. TVXKR A native Floriiliaii who ciune to St. Cloud siv year* ago and entered (lie j r y ys W' P* (Iruv business as pbarnuiiist al Kit- j wards I'lianiuici. Iteing thottiuglily 1 REV. TAYLOR f.nniliar with loeatiiHls and values j Pastor of (he Christian Church and realizing the wiinia-riui future for 1 , • • S(. Cloud, he reecnlly enlcred the real ..(ale business.

1 ! :

Registered Civil Engineer

Wll.HAM II. DOOM, M. I). (, rrntii 11, LI,, It Medical No Job Too Small :: Few Jobs Too Large Oassan of Catenas, IMtl postitsd note -nine eeBege, and sf ( ni­ lgai Vi'iiiliiiiinoiogy wiili degree, Bah, l). Practised ..; ::.;„ . ill,-, v. came to 1 loridii Ncn. Ill.'l, and to K, tloiiil ill ill III.

I. C. KIDDI.K. II n > Only denlist In St. ( loud. (nine here from Columblu, S. ('., eleven MISS IIKRTIK L. Ill N IKK years ago. Is a graduate of ilie At­ la eharge ef health activities under SOME OF THE WORK WE lanta linital ( elli-:,e and lias taken supervision of local chapter Red several post grailuate courses. ( rasa, HAVE DONE R. R. STEINWINDER l'n.Luhly on., of tin- (MAiaat fae tors in the building *>f Bt Clone! A ml ;:«;j;n <'Ht country Ifl B It Stoiliu ilniiT, Construction of J. M. Griffin Lumber Co.'s Njtlaterad 'i\ll rafftMat of this city. who wn** iii n ii. ici in n ;••-.-,; jtun Ago Saw Mill at Holopaw, Galion Gardens, Toliga from MfMiafjlppI AftiT Kurp'ii inline li,in«i'ir with :i iii'h hnv*. been nctmtiuUj . i i.- i.i*».. is! IIH. irrciit saw mill of Atlantic Gulf Realty Co. of Osceola County, (fla. .1. M. (iriffln LIIIIIIKT Co., of Holo|ui\v, I.H u^nlwtl gfl onn >if the ItJfJMt and Btaft plnnni-il nilllri of tho and 5,300 Acres forTomlin Properties in Lake S'nith. In tin- iiianniiiff of this great iinluhti- ninny obitMlM woro met County Surveyed Into Ten-Acre Tracts. RKV. ZWINfil.K II. and o} t • •' ''!• -ii proved Lha aluii- ly of tin* fjBffliaiT other ontrarts Came lo St.. (loud from Appletun, i t i.r.»uiiiu'n(-c thai wen Iktndlad B. Wis. One of many lo recently enter JOE K. IIKY ANT Mr. SteiiiwinthT wcro <.all(»n '.urd-ns, the renl estate business. Evangelist Singer will have rtuurgr the big (HTalopmeAl "f Mr. Hunter of a big i horns. The music will begin i Sh'Tcs in if Kla \ >ai hi owner while fish­ at 7.0e p. an. II you have anisic, siiiiiui-'' ; J TIC] tha si.rvcy .iml platting ing in li -eiiyne bayns, execuh i bo b come. Special solo hy Mr. ISrynnt. «r 2,000 a»cre. for tha arlorlda Quit a "rare ' ni wall ai "nalgm ' ntch ntlfl w.-iilty Co., <* II. pnllSd tn the stii-fii.-e ,-i l,i I I>. I'niis recently le- county, nil ot which raqulrad •xptrt whi.ji csatainsd "f geo- •ongnt the aid of tin- pollas in local atirii) ii II.III- Jamaica rum An tarsi Pe oples Bank Building, Room 1 ins: bis "wife's bnaband." Bvphina air. i .I'lh ait l"t fulliiweil ami l.'i mOTC sinks Hawed and it developed thai Working overturn' i I Wll h irere brought op. A scan h wiiniiiii luivis had i'i"me divorced from Mrs , Which :» out I'n location of Hulls, nn,| (ha hitler tlie.-i married Is a gtvd or barotLpaaar f

i*SSf Baker, enshler of Savir^n Mrs. Qeo< 'I'lihnnii, wtio iiiine her* itank, It. A. beach, pnetmaobsr, nth Mrs. iUni-tliil l':i!ne nml tnnl. it. ii. Belber, all "f New bondea, oiin. r MM nt the Imme ef Mr. Wlsel'itelll, were the | Hollo of 0, •'. Banter tinf- wim taken very ill and her husband Foot Troubles? nanjfc, was sent for and IISIM bsr hi -Mnniliiy ;,t rrntv t'il.v. 'I'eiin. Far all kinds ot Household and Kilrlien Kiirnlltire rome to Siimmrr'n McCall Pattern* at Woman's Kx- Furniture Wore. Penu. Ave. « 11 St. ehaaga,

hteedames I'. B, Newell, nf Boston, 'Mr. nnil Mrs. .IIIIHI I. i ""li.-. of Muss,, ,1. Illllil and I'lai-i ,1 GoudUlnd, Ind.i Mrs. II. T. '"-'• ' \\ nl ;i < i v II i ii.,. nm] ii j, ^ Mi \ i Carrl on, ara bel house in Swindell have arrived i" si. guests, Cloud fm He- remainder ol the winter and n iv •toputug mi Smith liuv sour papers, msgaslnee, To- Avenue, - mins, I-'i .iii, Pool Cards, BM tlonary, l*eanuta nml Candy al the :'i nun,i New* Btatlon. IIATTON TIM.IM Dr. C. Haekheff, Chlronrartor, DOHI> .'.0 If II In I.' IMMI | Isi li. Cmi ItaihtHn:. Hllli >l. unit Pi'Siia Ave, ^4(1 hi-. Win. Landlee MIIS in Uelhourue FREE DEMONSTRATION Friday where In- insisted Bishop B, Rdward Kratiee and family, of in ST. ll.llll) PRESIIVTFRIAN CHI'ltl'lll ii. Sir-hards in tha laying "I the rilanapoUi tna utter i pending the As it liinlis today lifter brliiK greiill.v Mlargod und n-ruot' eol'llel- stone uf tin' OSW 1175,000 iii the Runsler i«pitol, bare TUESDAY, JANUARY 26 come in spend a few weeks in thets i-hiireh. PBBSBVTEBIAN HOLD • if their nip ami | •• • nt* Seven perrons out of every ten have aaOM form of foot Irotilitc. It beautiful Bunnymede lodpr al Nur KKCKPI ION !«» Illl KIMS Inn with n pur- !• may be weak or broken-down arches, wak anklet, euros, callouses I'.einenilier tin' date. nf I he St cooeaec, situatsd un the Baal Tohope or buoiociior probably a ca«v- of tire*!, acliinjf, JMHIIUI l"< t. Festival l-'i-bi-iiiiiy SI to W. klilipi l.nke. i\ ishes of their many frlei Renrdlctu of what may IH- tht nature 0. your MifleiuiR, you wJJl Briar, yum- exhibits, lf>-8t Tha l'resli;, tei inns held a tourist i '. II i; ti.i-ii tin quick and permanent relief, thin week, at our too' Comfort receptloo SOd fan-well to the Dr. I. I). (luum, Physician and Sur- -ii inl l.onr by niii.iiini'in Department. Frank Wilniv. nf West II.IMMI. asaa, Bffles nevit diMir to Ford Gar- nml srlfe, Uiv. and Mrd, .1. A. t';r- Foot Comfort Expert to Serve You age l'i nns, Niinia. I'huue at effiee l.-ln, at the I'ity I'nrk Clnh house liwi li'i ll U illl I' ill'- in, « Kim., Mr. inn! Mrs, Boansll ind sun ri. Vot the benefit of all foot sufferer*, thif store has arranged with The Meiiiert. of Danburg, Conn* ara how OaBj resiibilre. 5Hf Friday evening. A short prusram Mis, Liggett, Mr. Bayuoti Sertoli Mfg Co,, for the services ot one of Dr. Sertoli* most bkilled ii.i tot sagann. stepping •< boo iimei was given as fnllowti: i .iiian. The prln ileinoustr.itois, who will be at our atore to give Irwa foot comfort i • -'in-- dlrlaitin, I'l'liiisylviiiiia. 'I he Musical Peeture of ibe at. Solo by Mrs. .1. K. Conn. deanonatratfona on the ntx>ve rinte. Kvcry foot sufferer should take Itel'resl iv. ie sei'v. nil advantage of thru exceptional opportunity. t:i..iiii KKSI'IVAI, will be on of the Address nf Well-nine by llc\-. J. A grand attractions, TII,- st. Oeeod enjoy -I a vcr> ra Free Pedograph Picture Made of Your Feet DOOM fnrcel I" Ball mi Mrs. I'. A. tll'ehi'Htriul Hand, The SI. t'lnlld CaUaa. In a few seconds' time, without removing the hose, he can make a DaWle* HI ll'i' 1 liniiil'i'i- of i'olliinert! I'liiirnl Sislet.v. nml • liirne OborSI Itesponse by Rev. Rrnnd. (photographic print of your foot that positively allows if you do have office aftamoom from 4 in r, to gal of Children'! roicee will he heard Qnartatto by Mrs, Ct nn, Mil*. Kw i'li: information regarding tha big IVS ihlilv. I i.vers of (SOd niUKir will lift foot trouble* and to what stupe tha taanbla has progressed. This serv­ Mr. ltussel] mid Mr. II. .1 Shuns. ice ta absolutely free and places jrou under no obligation whatever. TIVAI, in be held In si. Cloud Feb, pn-i late tins taaturs. IH-M •s.: in L'I'I four daps. Ill M Kending by Mrs. I.imi Carl FREE SAMPLES Solo by Mrs. Ninii . On you want to know how to stop corna burtiug Instantly? Come Col, C N. Mi-Millli-n, 1>1' 1'". V. II. WOMAN'S IMI'KOVKMKNT (LIB in and get a sample of l>r, Scholia Zino-pada. They remove the Pope, Hi-. Kiiimii-i. Jodga '-• M Par* Heading by Barbara Whttmore, cause of corns—friction and pressure, Thin, antiseptic, healing. bar ini'l iiiivin 1'ni-kei- nil attended Tin- WIIIIIHII'K iDljimveulent Club Iluet by Misses I'mncrs mill Mul­ met in regular session Wedaeeday, len I'miii, with Mrs. l.igett nt pliiiio. Bring your foot troubles to this store during this dem­ t in- .:i i if own writing-. AT I'IKK'S STI lillr. INTENT Hi: Center, N. Y.. who bus 10001 sevcrnl Brown aad Mrs Balden. Mrs. i.imi winters In St. ClOOd, bus i-oine llflek in.iin closed ih" program of sloglog My Isiwels were very oinstijinteil Mr*. ,l«*h Formisou In visitliiK ber SBBN8 IN MOIIJIINti. 16 tf now niovini; fi-isdy mid regularly. for ihr winter sod is ttopplng m the lieiintifnl two songs, Tlinsitinl Munn" ulster la SUnllil nml Itulimi Hum Sunt. No Drugs Csisl. Mr*, i- Sanaa, ef Stand iiniiiils, St. tltiu.l Hi,til kBV. .1. *. CALI A. J. 'niCRKER. A. O. I>emJnnn IK sporting, a new kflob., is visilinit her niuil, Mrs. A. The i-lnli inljoiirned to meet Janu­ ary -11 nt U:30. Pastor Presh)1crian I DrMbni :;;. sim« are the 17-tf «, .1 Tripiett, of Karcooeeae, was (Jllests ,,f |,ls pOTOntn, Ml-, tnd Mrs, a olMltor in Sit. Omul Monday. 'l'lu.i. Sims nil Siniili MlSNlaslppI Ave Mr. nnd Mrs. Bd Bancroft, Miss Nellie Barns gad MPs. Boo, Boulton, TRV OUR MVTOOOO COWER Floriila souvmiors tu Wood •.nil ANI» TEA AT PICKEN8. 4*4f i ."it In nrliinilii mid t'.-iriii'll Baaksoi MM} Uaiukt at WUDUMI'S EX on 'I*1IIIIMI.I.\. They Wara mure I linn nhaaan, Mr. anil Mrs. A. B, Paddleoid sad iJi'us.ii with preonocta ta nqinall ^ Wei. Hall Wast in SaaeOi ln~l week Mr. imil Mrs. ti. t'ne .in.l children, "f (li-litiiilii. fiiniM'rly of St. I'lini.i, .Mrs. C A. Unwle.v v.!l! Inr. ot the Chamber of Commerce after- a I anil Cloves Klrsehner llruve nvrr to liMik lis over In si week. arrived ra ibe etty ea New Year's day noons from -t to B to miM-t nil paKiea •v KA" in take ini> pari in the St. H i' sii-wnii Mini fiiinily. of Detroit Cloud FESTIVAL. Dates February fluhsrripiiona liir any nutgntinr M ii ii after n tin-is' mantha i - ef >*(& nire ef al Woman's Kxiiiangf. 28 to 30, li» si Florida base dachted i" locate ll si ~?~~i .lerrv i-nnrii'iie tad iiis mother bars t'lini.i. While i III -".ill' IO I III! I'lllll. Mi^s retnrnisl fnnn u business trip nt Line AH" tin. "i rVaynsrllle, N. t.. Miami. Mr. and Mrs, J, w. Nerllle, of Al- .mi ',;.- ,i. I. Btrlngfleld liiiiri'. Ohio, have returaad for the sin|i|i,,i iivei- for a visi tuith their all Wai. w. Footer, ef Queens, W v.. wniier ni their in.iue ,m Delaware ter. Mrs. r. K. Berry on West SKIMMSI iivi-r fin- :i CSS •!-•.'- inrOUte Avenue. Seventh Ht. •^ to Mil"'" Dr. M. ('iishnwH-lirisu-nlil. llnuii'ii- FRESH EGGS. PECK'S POI'LTKY imlli ami OsleofMUh. Iliairs frwn !l to FARM, TWELFTH STREET AND Tjulel and Notary PuMIr, Mabel II; I la t Ha. Ave. bet. !tl A 11 (If) MISSISSIPPI AVENUE. l»-|f C Braces/, Vessesui's Kiehange. oTn I'. A. ruiiniiiiiliiiin. of i il.ln in is vlsil Di-ed, mortgngp aad sale eontnut Kii hUrtsell, of Chicago, • iiiiiii.-i ciiv, iikin., is u gneel of her 1>1 n ni. K. also promissory ootea and ia» Mr nml Mrs, Prank Be raids la alece, H • • Bertie Hoatsr, lueal red w.-nvei- in.irs, toV .s;i!,. nt the Tribune si. i lend. ernes niiiM'. tf. Mrs. Mnry I.inilliorn linn reinrneil The Daughters of Veterans assist fnnn .i ii'.nsiinl ln\i to Mill ml nml A I' Garrlsoa, who recently bought i-.l by members of the 0. a. u. ami IIOII.VWOIMI. ii home in si. Cloud, boa s II prooeni the plnylel aal ii I New \ iirl; on Inislm's-i and WlU I't • •ii "T!,!' lii'iimiile Oommunlty rn-i-. turn mil month. this BSturday ofteraooo Janoagy SB, {ah&s flTKVENS H CO Fire Insurance — in 0, A. It. Hull. Fri-c to nil. Don't be sorry. Keep Insured. 10 tf I'm- Information relative to Hie St. Oloud FESTIVAL see Mrs. A. 0. wm H. dee ami wife. »f Banana Dawlay, Chatrmao, or write i M, Mabel (' Brecey, Typist and Notary I'lly, Kan in.' Kliesl nt I'liiel' SatOf Parker, Secretary, Ex. in ^t Public, sCeCall'a Psittarns At w.i '/ nn. c. to attend urauti 'U 111 IhMI wii'k. Chapter Of Eastern Wlar. of Dr. A. w. u.iii, who haa siH-nt the Inst iiii.nili, are lenvilii; St. I'lnnil. They are colled hunie on some I nuula fancy work at Woman's It, L, KHibcc will t» fonml nt John ,1. .Iclinston'n offleo ilurlni; bntlnem mid will return at un duly - Where on the whores of beautiful Knst Lako Tohopeka- ateabaaga data hours. 7-tf liga there in a city of beauty and wealth In the making; where Mrs. Vine Stliwon nnil ilannbter, MIKK .Tnn«> Kvana, of WVel Pnlm lira,,', M|Kiit, Siimlny wltli inr duugli- Tliey lire still talking alsmt the there aw orange groves, virgin timber and productive farm*; Beach is gnat) nf her mint, Mrs^ Big Fair we bud two years ago. Tie! ter In Tnuipa. awaaa who IK with Mi«. (loislrirh on St. Cloud FESTIVAL, HIIIUI to be where roada skirt acres yet uutilled, past lakes which temper North IVnnsylv.inln Avelili,' pulled off is going to be the biggest •o«ene Ix'i^ly Kl.ipiicd a ear load event ever witnessed in our spl lid the climate, give beauty to the landscape, and furnish as go««l of fruit from bis urovo at Nareoossee i-ity. I'hin to attend. Iii si fishing and boating as can be fonnd in Florida. this week. Tliinmis ,T. Amos ami Oomrada John Kr.'llitli bare rented ll boOSS nil- Ill they gel « new house Ivtiilt for Tills is the play which was po»i I. a KiAHe. Dentist, t'unn lltdlding. Mr. Amos mi Minnesota Avenue poned on iiecoiint of tbo passtag lte> big, this "back country", with many thousands of AppelntmnitH nsulo. if uway of DopartBanl ( Dauaaador Hlnifer wlinse ft'iiernl oeeured on the acres made ready by Natave through years of suns and tains to iii'iiiinii KeiiMiut, ef Maine, afM PIKE'S STUDIO HAS JI'ST IN- STAII,BI> A COMI'LI:TI; EQUIP Saboeday it waa to is- given tiikinj.' yield loiiti'iitiiu'iit ami prosperity. was iiere two yeara ago, has returaad MMMT FOR MAKING Pit TI KK. 'nil M liu were tnUing pari to «t«'llil tha winter. FKAMES WITH TITO LATEST DK in it. SD.VH IN MOI'M'INti. 16 tf. ( bus and know the people and the possibilities. Nurse, M. Wlllliini IIIIH IIIOM'.I into lier new Inline on t'liruliliil ln-w lis-n Dr. Win. II. Doilds, Pbysiiiaii and Tho snfe iiiinril burglars culled al Ninth ami loiuhi gtreete, Surgeon, effiee Mlevenlh and Peisin. Daily Band Concerts in this thriving aMvicultiiral city to the Tribune office on their tour of Ave. Day and Night nails prvnipth iitUmdeil. 17-tf amuse the tired city worker, the pleasure lient, ."nil seeker of Win. llnffmnn. Mr. I'.-ilile mi'l sou. this part "f I!:" slllle |„ apj UIMHII the tupplj of nii'iy check writer*. of Tanjpa, Fill., were the BOOet nl' M i' M. Moss went to omi.Miui ,,t TIM ACRES AND 1NDKPKNDKNCK. Mr. ami H nili. 1 I wall until FBHT1VAL d.iv 111 ll'i to vlsil nnd then Uiuk ninuim nml Wiv, -[ hml their daughters, who are students In torts Ling literature on tsqriflSs. Visit Hie CANDY SriOl'—Bust of lietti'i- llinii that I HHIIK sal y.iin- nml fnnn there nil went g) I'nst Office. 17-tf "iff" mid 1st nil Kiok It over iSophyr Hills in rial) their aepbaa nnd 1st the Judge decide. Mrs. Inula lioelker. uf Kiikiinio, Maurice Kellof, formerly wtih the Trl llUIIO Co. St. Cloud Chamber of Commerce, St. Cloud, F!a. Ind., la Ibo irlieat of Mrs. M. 1'iiikt-t Mrst. A. H. Wll user purchased teoatcr st 4Xi North Florida Ave. tlinngb MM Ht. Cloud Real Estate "Where u Welcome aa Genial as the Sunshine Awaits You" and Investment Co, this week, the Orange, Grapefruit aad Tangerine ter, Villa, of Cincinnati, Ohio, hare Ilrock cottage, on North Florida Ave. trees for sale, np re .1 and • years been joust of Dr. and Mrs. Dodda. old, for yard planting. H. B. Bed- Mr .and Mrs. Lewie (Dose sod dsugh-' rick. ja^f ft. ^ •nn-BSDAT. JArWAST M. tBBS THE ST. CLOUD TR1BUXB. ST. CIiOTJD, PT.ORDJA TAOE KI\-SUCTION A > HEWIH LUMBER AND POPULAR THEATRE The trials of the movie man are SUPPLY CO. l.iiiii>- us is shown by the talk of 11. i; ('liiiiiilM'i-hilii. proprietor of the •n,e lntesi Bttotiaaa ta aBertUsh II Popular Theatre to hla lum-nns s,,t in s, >'i the BosrtM l'».'«- inrough Tha Trlbuae which follows: During this year the Manager of lie Is-i- and Oompoay wlll.'h Is «*• "HOW inany of you inr I. [n, Instituted hs railroad al Io­ tertslnlng your friends six days sal nian, and Ti'.iii, atroots aadar tho 1 of en. ii week? Poealhly aol Baaaf uansgeaaal of *. •' Ha* * ™d have Irlisl tail lull 1 urn sure you large roneern, coosiog to st Oasjd can apprieiiile ulial il tusk the tlu'ii- with „ e,i,.lti.l of HOftOOOOO is an ... m has in endaavorlng in en wil! llitinn in US ei.llillH.iv 'I"" '"»* t,-it:iiii nml please over "'i'11 days of high in Its comrsitntlon, as that wui ,.i,h rear We snnaavoi t" pleaos be ID position to al all Uxeai oarrj nt nil times and are perfectly WUltOg Popular •rerythlag Deed by the biilhlai la to ii'lmll our ii, .,„„i,iiies thai »ni iasuro peoasnl os> "II is impooatble t" see la sdvaate Ih-erv. In BUM lOB*0f the CoauaUU every program we presonl. so wi Intends re carry only bat heal long iinisl boss our Juililiiuiil of tha pro •now pine, which e> !-"•'"•' '" diu-tio (he slor.i, the nullior of ha mi- sassrlor i I short bjol rar tn oatory, tin prodoced, the iiins-ior latj win n iliualile ei'ilslriii'liiiu Is nnil Ih" ell-l nil Of thOOS kro Inl'i'll iiu.'ii ilea thai wUI Insure pronaul at Theatre int.. coaolderatlon when we h.sik. u hoovlly •tochod, sloag «ilh lirtik. pu-l lire. ii,,,,.. in,., ,,-ineiii. pinsti-r. sand, Hut sonieliines n Rood slnry falls gravel, i.iiii.iei'-. hardware, roofing, la to inilke good sen-en material, llieri fact, ererythiog oseded by the build fore if we disappoint you soinel lines is going to give the people of St. Clout! the best in pictures and er trees tonadafioa bo roof. Being able hum' yn will not i-rllleise Ion music. to BSSaia HII enli.sllllltiiMI 000*0 from severely for wo assure you we mount one COBOOra makes buying a pleasure. UK. IVOR 0. UYNDMAN Pastor of the Methodist BfJasaaal well. thus olilllllilititiK the vexatious « We ran only hope to sn.veeil thai parchaaers uuderrreni prior to I Inirih of St. Cloiid. Or. Myndmen 'A few pitcurcs that I have booked: is a unlive of South Wales luid was through goad clean, bonsai n,iv.-nis the estiililislin..'Ht. Of this "under one ins backed by tha c-i" ST. CLOUD Mr.THOIMST Harold Uogd in For llea- Mystic. 1 finuii. EPISCOPAL CHI BOH PARK.vr-TKACHKR AS­ V«n Sakcx." Sail if i'hcfie and Mary. Mr. Hewitt has spent a life lime The hlstnri ial records of the Uv SOCIATION MEETIM; In the lllinln'i', osaslag dins-t Jinuuc Meredith Stm Up. lnirslon Meiii'ilial M'-llnslisl 1- I'tiholu Three. j li here frnin Rolopaw, where he BOf Chnrch show thai tha first 01 Tin 1'L.ins: nf the I'lirenl Teilchel l'Ybniarr 1 and 2. VIM! ns n hiiperintenileut fur Hie Inn linn of the Methodists in the now Association win is' held oa Monday Iii') fatUs. 0 Iiiinter Kenton Picture* mill nf the liritt'in 1 iiinher 1'.inipniii . 1 eololiy of St. Cl.iilil tisiU V' ' evening, Fehrnary 1st,. f:8B !'. OV 9 Jackie CoogWH 1'ictiircs. Prior In his illinium lo I'leiiiln DO February lft and 20. siiini-i.v Daeosabor Ixetkm, lOSt, whsa We will have a B| ial PTOgtaOl nml Mtuuuqitiii. COBUMsCtOd With seine' of the Inrnest about thirty metahors aglhotad t" eais. (nine out mid help knap the King of If lid Monet mills if the 1 ailed Slates in various elis I TlUSlSSS. 'lTie SOdsty win re iion going. By order of the January •-'."> snd few A Kiirn for Cinderella. nei'tli'li of the i-'iiiiil r.v, tbsrohf | liiiiim cognised by tha hfalhiwllol Church president. The Mid-ilii/miaH. Tin- EnehmUmi Hill. a kaowlossnj srhloa la ratod ns ;• pro- smith ni their annual COB ANTOINETTE (' ttODB i 'ii in his line. Ili'ieilily sis-nis bo li,1,1 ill I,:ikel.llli! nil DSJCSmhSt L".'lld. Auction Block. The Wamlcrcr. have baariaf apoa hla abUtty as UOB "ii January 9th, 1910 Bar, n Monte Carlo. Behmd The Front. a liinilienmiii. as bo slates bis father ti. "f the atethodlal Bpbjcopal A The Harrier. pud graodfather IHUII oorewJ • life Churefa visited st. Clood by Invltntloo CLARENCE BAILEY /JVjn,wi:; Mothen. time in i he BSJBXBBBBX anil fnnn II , nnil on .liinnary Till. 'Ill gaoee family history will repeat ill is inoamlaawl us u Ifethodtei i liim. Church. The BOW orgaslsattoa was tine of the gtaageei dlsppotntassnts I.'-oinplly IOIHB|lllnail o.i un A:.:.-';' of h.s lif,.. he stales, was the fuel be Oontoreace (Bt John's River) which ami many lilorc j. OOd could not qualify for aarrleo during hoppeaod to is- in ooostaa the Bol. the world war. lie Is-iiii,' IIKI Ugh! in lowing weak. If there is a picture you want, to ftcw, remember thif is your weight tor aarvieo m tha avkttJoo The llev. .T. IV WeaOCOtt, n sillier- theatre, dust mention it and if the picture is nut tu 't! 1 csfl isirps wlii. 1, he*,! t., enter. An imiiii.-iieii preacher of the new Jes> Increased diet in the imis' of golalng Bey I'otilereiiee anil I M'lerans of the get it. tin* neeoaoary srvsiajhl added to bu iivii war. wni apeoincod to the osw pllghl hy n reillli tton. inn! the gOTOTa* ili.'iiee I'll.- sasBI lllIB was a wise If a picture pleases, tell your fristads; if not. tell the manager infill I'r.itiahl.v the I'-ss af un are. Imppy one. Most of the new or ticket teller the bsd txiint;. We try to get only the imiil clean associated, with htr. Hewitt in his were eiilier veterans or wives nf vet­ •patty lire tivn .if St. fiend Issuing erans of the I'ivil War ami il pictures and we try to keep it quiet ami ii. the theatre. ns. who having only • raaOeloace highly anpropriate that tin- Of lll'"ll! em- ill Hie eilv iri OnOO sh-mlil seini tilt-ill as th" first If you have a suggestion to make at any time we are always OatllOOd iinii'lie lln- real liilihlei-s who p.-i->t"i a rotorou romraosi anil sohli'-i- linn ,-ii e nnd So thiaaa for its bene­ All"thl-r f'.l ; llll.l to eirel,.. glad to hear Uiem lxitli good or bad. fit, In the l><-rs,,iis of II. A Haymaker was the legney of Mr. ChOI as president, aad Mrs. booti Bates I.i\ iin.'swn wlio had lihsl nt .Tuel;- Ji'isentiiai aa ii • in October it*':' He left the sum of approximately 1x00,000 i"i the estHlilishini'iil of UvlagstOB M'-in "i-i-il .Mission I'hiiri-hi's within the ROBT. F. GRIGOR isiiuids of the st, Johns Blvec Oonfsr- Bt CI I i.-in booal of having aarftng snoe. Mr. i s himself n Boot i i... Oivll War Veteran and il .-• The nor. Pi if the blggi reiniirk.-iMe ,-,, in, Ideliei- thai the first in the state thai I In the ehllrell to lie liuill by tills fund ' realtors In Bt Charles William Stores inc. be "in' in a colony "f ret li Clood i L Bailey, \ TM» book I Unit time io the present the I'.niiey balldini on New fcFREE New York City I the peupio nf , lug i" thin city would be aa asset t , the coauaanlty. place in Lbs in. from Idah htr. Ot i ..i.iiiiiiiiii.v. i in i ,i the lias- been boot ta the Bailey has seen si. Clood .'rein Infancy -In i thriving vtty ii.--' mi several comraltts* i- i'-e mill l-i • • ,,lN.rl ,1 i , iilriil Florida. chamber "f enmraorrs and ins si all oft lie Area time I ii one of the rirvt IO M]| ,11, il. From tho liogliialin he had faith. 111 his poekSl uud do Ins pail | '1 In- IIII luiii'i-ship of the eliireh had by vision, iii his adopted boas in tin- inierest of the lily. Mr. lirl- a stood]! growth for BBVSOOJ years . here, the Itllili'V rein him; the js'ak in IBIS under the sog I he firsL Fur sev- ^: fir is a native ot sxaoasel n- sad T rv rift er.'il yi-urs he couduehsf '• ^ has beea soooelatad in real i pootoravo "f tha Bar, ll. ll. Boasaa, baolaOBB in the neat building li" OOSI lea aroth for fin. i The raaotilg BhOW that nf that ;:::-.; occaptao, liming ootd the lie ' I.llllnlll. Neh.

unless you want to know some real facts. Suppose some one told you of a new sub-division THAT ACTUALLY HAD, not going to have. One of the best schools in the state. Good roads, paved streets, cement sidewalks, water, sewer, lights, churches, hotels, stores, garages and everything that goes to make a real live town, also centrally located, and on one of the most beautiful lakes in the state. Then to think you can buy some of the choicest building lots, 50x150, for $600 to $1,500 Some of them with restrictions; we have them right here in St Cloud


FREE auto leaves office of CLARENCE A. BAILEY 2nd door south St. Cloud Hotel at 10 a. m. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY No obligation—only that you are able to buy

Wake Up, Home Folks. Buy Lots and Build In Your Own Home Town

Acreage :-: Orange Groves :-: Homes :-: Farms "ASK Clarence A. Bailey REALTOR He Knows"

jf AY. JANfARY 31, It** !t;ilT MOTION A THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA — 1 FOR SALE 1 KTTKB TO BKV N.W »«*[,; v Parker Quartette CHAMP FROM BsBBSBOBl run SAi.K-gi40u.00—Cottage onth [ IVnr I'nrw ami Allle: four i-onuis and two screened porcbe-. *-->• '";^";:-;;;;r cleiiiii- tbjhta In (raitiP". wnler. Do i lilt UK ii" now WO on rt-m. Delaware Avetags, Lot BBiliBB A|i .t of the wo». earrtoi oafcr tha WANT ADS p|) M iMattliews. 4(15 Carolina Ave. ,,. of milk Of Hi'' w,r lord' ," These Little Business Getter* Pay Big t omar No enih st 22 n wSoa*tS "•""- Tv\..H£ BOB S.VI.i: IIIMSI home, furnlshml. ,.i,i„B eve, nnil n » 01 nlgut IHO «e , I ,,, Bhsde nml fruii trees Oorner Minae- r«.,i„, brmgiog ti '," ;1 , ,:;;;'' nut >AI.K FOB aeta nml l-iiii st Cheap Bag cash. ,,„.„,„,; A|„,„, S.-I ,1111.1- i" 111"' "Is'lH ,„. ',.,„,.:,,, j, |, „ small hospital largo IIIK BAIJC—3S0 ACBKS, FINK roll BAU By BOO owner. 4 lurfn- Deal wilu owner Ho\ BBS, Bt t'loud. saoogh for ordloary lime* On oaf I AMI. t|niirt.r ndle Ink. front, one h>tn with 2 fronts only 140 feet from Fla. 22 1tp i„ aa emergency liso this. nnd our Iml f utiles front St. Cloud. IMAle lliftbway. Fruit on every lot. li.,.,- lust brought straw lo ami piled %'iij per arre. Good terms. Wonder­ lion't fall t" HOI. T'eno before you buy. Flllt SA1.K or T1LADK innr lots. ful. Ounortunlt)'. ,, „„ n„. floor, imt tl»' '"ens "M ''""' Ask Wins..a W. Hall 10th St. andnea r Dixie lliglxjray on Kosedale .KINKS * .MINKS Mississippi Avenue, 20-11' „„ I, ana there they si'' >'<', all iflaqiajo nnd plowed. Will forW "We put the J8 In Satiety" ,„„,.,,., one doctor snil his sls> trail.- 1'iir larga enclosed csr. Imiulre 10-tf I.OIS lO-'JIf^lL-n ||l .l, 1 . | .( 'U rial care fm- that aoauhar. »o Bart cK 3; H WC< st N. K. Corner Oregon and 12th „i,.,l mound ami found »'• ""' 10th ami 11th street* on California 22 Up I'lill SAL.K—Ford OenpO, A Avenue for nalo Iry owner. Foster ,,,,,-MS. rapt. HU«I Mr,. Borryl oka »« Toang. -- i'i> , Kisslmmee, Fla., New lUvei's FOB SAI.K -Mne wuri'Iionao site my nurse fur Dorlel ore l»'tli ourseo, Building, Boom !>. 20-tr with i.'in ft. ou railroad rlxht of way ileo -Miss Oleextt, ol the Pootleoal FOB 8A1.B—'VSosnt lots and B aore mission I'sbe also holms! me out n I roots, Clarence Bailey. Ilealtor. 8 tf FOR KAI.K I'lii' finest ems 11 sub­ nnd 1115 ft. on Twin Ave. at hm-jraiii r, ,v .la; H. i Mm. Hlalook. ,of tic division ill this vicinity, shunt 140 lirl.i'. liawley Bros., I'voples Hank Baptist' mission. Miss Rudd, of the lots, all cleared and platted, must sell li u ibl Inr. 22 2t. Anght'sn mission, bud first slil train- FOR SALE thtk wec!i. If you menu btislnivis ilou't inn. So they oasaa «nd then others wait—See ue at uuc«—Jones & Jones, Lota 0 blocks from school 40x100 Islpij Karl helped until now he is STOP- LOOK—LISTEN IT- nnd seine 60x100 for 1150 to $400. unite expert and goes. nt_lt by bin: aOWABIl S. DVMI bV Terms 125.00 down, balance 110.00 or A New Subdivision near lit. I'louil. self lint they nre getting very tired. t^rvrssrly ef West Paha Bearb. Wilt SAIJe-A sdrl's whoel, price more per month until paid. Bee H. Good Lots, goO.m -glWI.00--sll50.00, more are brought In nil the time. wherr be was in tbe read estate busi­ W.t» Woman's Wxcbaage. 2*tf F. Carroll la J. F. Bailey's office. It Karl spent 10 hours dressing wounds ness. V>as uttrssried to Nt. Cloud, sod a.'d some with 1. nine fruit anou.00 LKSTKK M. I'VKltr.K yesterday. I helped hliu » Uttta wall* after discovering ilie wonderful pos- Flue corner on Jersey Arenue. 50x180, SO acren tluiN'nsl land for mile, * FOB SAI.K--Ws have a fine boy lOM.tlO. Formerly of llower Sandusky. Ohio. In the stoning. Homo bnve dnil since slbllilies here, nude extensive pur arre prove with new house and good in lake front ncrentre and also some chases and lorsted penusnmlly. Is barn, n miles from Bt. Clood. Address Kiii.'i- im-iiiiM-r of Parker Law and.omlu K bore. No one knows bow many A Fine Lot on Florida Ave., $373.0(i fine 10th street property. Theso are ssoclutrd with his broltHsr in trie real Box SOB. MMtp Briil KNIHIF linns. Active in all civlr lave died on tbe field, and tbe re­ - Fine ituililinj: on Connecticut real investments. Dawley Bros., Peo­ port Is there aro 400 nt least wounded relate blisbu-ss. ples Bank Hulldlng. 23-2t orKiiiii/iitiniu serving as mayor of Avenue, gOOS.OO. FOB 8AI.K--1 new Toledo computing rlty. nml is president of Uie layman* still Iii) liii! out there. fruit scale. C. A. Bailey. lo-M AssiH'iiiliiin St .loan's Bivrr Confer- lino insu whom Ivirl dressed lint A Fine Building I/>t on n t'oroer Ilanraln on nutomoblle tubes at Dixie cni*. M. K. Church. Sight, hnil 1» boles uimlo by Hbrapm-I. near Dixie and School, 0575.00. FOB 8AIJB—New 4 Drawer Na­ Filling Station. Today tha ronaewa Bassod la he baaaa. tional Cash Heglster. Bl( llslfnrm .14x4 1-a -*4.50 Some fine dwelllntrs near and close IIIK ou every side. For a while It sags •I'.iledii Scales. C. A. Bailey, «t. 33x4 . 3.00 in. at js-ieea to suit you. Worth your all to the Burthweel sud lor two Cloud. 9-tf 31x4 - - 3.00 while to investigate. lie sure and iiimbis tad iinys ara beard no nuns so*;i 1-2 2 25 II mi too su'itiH'rn forces aaaosai t-i baso sag us. ItlB SAIJS—10 ACBKS LAND A1J. For sain or exchsnfrc on laud, one ilri'.i'ii tl thSTO m toward Tsiiiini. CI.KXKK'll AND FKNCKD. 4 BOOM Ford tractor. W. W. Kane. N-iw they mast linve I'-'iue back nirniu HOI SK, AM) OTIIKK III HJlINIiS. RVotf n ni they nr« also fluUtlng east Slid STEVENS & CO. f'MMK TO IAKK. A ItVKi.MN AT $1,W0 CASH. CI^B*;NCK A. BAI Hie battle Hue to tbe west extends A ffoJiur business with ns-clpts run LKY. KKII.TIIR. 11 St ninny inilcs to tbe smith. We an; all Blag gHOBJa) per month can be bought ou "The Blood Preoipitstton Tests- lioplnx nnd nog I log that it will aeoa at a Isirirslii. owner golnx north. See is really preat nnd Invincible, a crush FOB SACK I IMIK AT TiriM. I be over. It Is such a pity to see these • l\ Carroll in J. F. H.-illev's offlc ilifl answer t" the most effective ar KIHI-il HOI SK WITH PATH AND Bailey's office. I poor men all sliot up so and an inr t-'iimeut ni the evoiiiijiuiisis today." SCRKEN POBf'II (IMA I ItUK'K 22-1 Ip ' un in.rpose. There is no principle at FBO.M SCHOOL FAST ITMINT stake. Or. John I.. Campls'l!, Ileflii of the COBNK'B MrTS. KXIB QI'ICK SAUK, Tills Is tbe first time I have east linle Department Carson Newman X4850 CASH. ('!.AKKN('K A. BAI lieeii very cms,, to anything like this College, -ii-ni r-im i ay. fsSBaoaBse. Or. IMt, RKAI.TOB. Xl-St FOB ItBNT—Hisrbt room boose all Campbell is ono of thu RtrougtKt furnished, elii-tric lifrht, sereenrsl In SinRSisire. there was that uprlelnK ponh. Kb venih and Wyoming. "8" |ni .oilers ami wrilers ou the American tint it ansa imt si. si'i-inus. Our sup FOB SAl.K-Stove wood, all pin Seminole IfluiI d |lli'< fr.'Ui both north snd south are continent today, tie is a sch.'lur of or mived .sik nml pine. BLOB wooii cot 20-tr "nt off. for there is only one i-allrmiil the saoo! eminent .-ittnl'iineiits. for fireplace. Hox 432. St. Cloud, ROOM.S FOR BUNT iiml when war lircuks out that lie- has boon tniiniug you for Fla. 21 tf. cut's tin- pasBBBgtS nf the military. years fur this wonderful work In FOB SA!.K—ONK 56 ft CORNER Ft>R KENT—Rooms for light keuse Doris nml 1 arc l*uli fretting along which you are now cugnired. Surely IAIT, WISCONSIN and l?tb «• keeping or board by the week, al you huve '-.-.-in,- In the klllicdi'llt fie- t in-, niily she has unite a Net eoaf, C1SII SSOO.OO. CI.ARKNCK A. I'll Mrs. Emery's. One Mock eeet of city iiiiich like I bin!, but I lieis -ii'ii n time us *bis," Ooar writlniis LKY. Zl-St limits. 13 tf imt last as Ions. hitie crnsheil tbe nrfriiaienis of Ibe II IKKMI S. ll WW KV We paf. a letter from Fnye a tow I'vuliitii.uists in n niasterly way. FOR SALK -orniiKe troaa 5 to 0 \ with his brother in the FOR BENT — Nicely furnished days tga hal it WHS written In fore Your article on Bod lilood (I am yearn old for yanl pliintliit;. M. W. rooms, for luirtl.-ubir people; hot and real est.-,!,, business, and developer of ilrlqg. she said Bathing weighing my wunlsi is tne tMnt l'lsklimu, N. Y. Ave. and 1-ske Front —**colg —wate— r ""bath" . "The OHIO"—218 I uki- View Park ndililioti to SI. Cloud. Mini Ave. MBV 111.A .1. COI.VIN PVRKKK Meal srar or iin-ic. BOB I am sure ililntc I have ever ren.t un the wboii aitt 1T- Miitr viee-prrsidevit and dWegatr -in win imt sol i" 1'i'iiie hoars tor Came here from West Palm BssaOO, -illi.ieel nf evnliitii'ii. I have r.'Sii Fitlt cUIJf—Lota on South Mary < l.rlstl:.'.-.-:. Kvi-ii after the i- aiul I', ynur nmsU-ry is- coin- MIST t« Nit nnal W. il T. V. Coaeontlsai liiiul, |r|rsjiBg •'!"•! Imlaware Avenui-s il-u state Christian Cilirt-ustiip. Wife iner, it will he a loaf time before . .i- plelc ami ynur refiulnthm simply wonderful I prise this essay 00 the A. W. Hall, 'urn Soirtb Miuylsiul ol I.. \l. Parker, mill daughter of SI. dBtlons and trn\fHnfr are imriiril LOST till .no kaOSJstag the w-llere- i'l mora than Ita svaiahl In ayad. 22 lip tiiiuii's rirsi saoyor, H. I). Oatvas. again. I wander what you hare been uh.uit of Hie O. A. It. criiteln's, pjlaajaa boarlag nt hooM of thta foo BBS th« nml farther, l no net know ooyoas FOB BALI ot a bargain. Lota M lepinl tO I'.'UHi .mi, I- Kililie. 22 II i."i-i!icni war lord ' hang Tsn is , Iss «h.i • '.mid write li Yen a* Ol most oawllliag to giro up Bbaatuog, Itlis-k BH, Price 100.00 SOCh, t!lll«-rt kiniw everything lb.iv yu Bo ii WANTED fir while it l- imt Midi a wealthy a Diystory to ass. Vsa have • ran Sales uinl Seelirilii prorlneo, it i rich m aula pawar aad Hi"iH ministry ls-fi.r • .vim. Bad the l-i nt SAI.I: Practically new. mod wti il:i', . sw aivlai; i.'iii'c a Btroh - it is rather t:-I/(»tlng on «ood homes. is as old ss It Is. been a resident nf St. ttoud for eleven COI.VIN r. PARKBS l>i.i.i of fie Uajrajfatty of t'lnelnnsti, fli*. Desk .'I. 22 It Clarence Bailey. Rssltor. Ml We ill.ln't (jet Isttaca from any of years. Now- in his Kiith year, is artlvely III". .it-Law; attended school an-i l'-.ifcssor »t ,'l.yslc..-, authir if you on the Inst malls, will bona fm enframed in Ihe real rstato business. FOB SALE '•"•ner lot lisixlW) lu-ri- in. iir years and graduated from "Ihe linfciiis of Kveliiilon", and oue some on the nut. Lots and Iota Of occupy Inr office with i. i. Jshiiston. MllHsacliilHt'tts Avenue ami .'Inl Slns't. IWHCrnXANKOUN Mi I. n I nivrrslty, IMJUWI. Vis, witli nf the most eminent modern scientists. live fm inn Book Baa. r.nirene Is *f the mosi I'ls Anciflinril" nml oilier I>.HIUS lead liii; organism. I also uitree with ymi Corner Seventh SlrecL and Carolina novelties, candy Mini's store, Pejin, ilellciiiiiii ami powerful purifora ore An-. Cor. Ilth Bt Inx ov.ilutLuisry sutborlty. in your final t-onclusbin, that Balaag Avenue. 22 It tOH en Hie AincrliUl, nflntlaOBl. lie "Your treatment <»f this BjBBsstlsa absolutely certain (snd we are hns Issn for a numlier of years an FOR HAI.E—Oaa Ifii'lson S|.sslsler DON'T VTORBY—IJOT Jaha F. Bai­ inns! ilnlitchl ynur nsider. I do not not i-ortiilii) thai blood from two ley boy end sell your honae, lot, acro- ' v i.'I'i'Uly popi-lar I.yceuiu am! lu firsL elm*, ,s,iniii iisi very clienf.. i' lecturer, his service i. - winder thev desl re ynu to "tackle' animals can ha cbeenkajg aiatuar wlth- agn. business snd make his offliss your ( Iii.fillre OaMs'a filirune. '.>•' tr rest room while In town. Next doer log in constant demand, us, 1 must admit that, fog Otghg ns baTlOg a ...luuinii siu-cslnr, wo iiuriii of (he Psopiee* Itank. l-iiii sll our I' look silly, ami I linve IIII t-lf-ut |,, draw Infin in. s Ih liehl hitch office In the army On Indiana Avenue Is'tw.s-n tilth during the win. nml waa oaa of the ilo nut know any man in Ami'ries ls*l whli h have bOOB lrawn And I f.s 1 is Hlnl lltti Slr.S'ts. 5 rn.llll house BBBJ DO IT NOW.—LIST your author ami workers ter able thnn yen bo to ilia- . von iii, ihat it is an BBwaraatad ..- fih-ti'iy fiirni -h.-.l. l-'i nil trees in yard wltk John F. Bailey, first door • i' the Ami Kvniiiti.iiiai-y faafnq af n .f eviiliil i -ii rinm n.e i-'iiiiiia Miiiii.'lnn to supposo that Inheritance 00,000.00, Terms lo suit, Mis. ,i of the Pnof.les' Hunk P. O. Bex »74. Aiiii'lli-M. Hi has inane ;i Bt. v ci have read .in aeenuiit f,,r sirjctiiral ro. W. Tniit in llalley's Offioe, Desk .'I. Teh -pin me 22. HO IT NOW. Study nf I IK- -iil.ii-.-I ,.| BVOlUtBOU nml widely, nnd your keen mlml Baaksa presents oa ahaolately crushdhs nr- you a ready ilelialor, slile ti, •'ri.l' - Mellremly Tilce. Frank Hurler, auto mechanic, re­ agmaat ngaxoal tha thaory, He i* in ynur npi»>mint's ur- one "r Ihe -in!i,,-i,t livliiK lie,.! pairs curs 7,*i- per hour. Also paints il risnn hOQSe eniiiplelel.v furlilHlieil, r of tha Kmiiisii Uuguaga omi fiiinienr." li'Kl'is, author of many scientific or wnshi's roam. Oura«e So. Fla. walls Jitiisteil, plllnleil iiislile nml out i- aiiie tn tin-in tin. large aodlsoi • 'books. earskMatp ids last one "The Ave. Cursor 18th. 0-tf l>r. taajaoi 8. Keyaer, professor of l-'lllll tns'S I'lirliint,' mid sldewall-: w'liih Bverywhore haaa greeted hi- iii. 'II I"t:y. Ilii.ntiia Divlulty New tle.ilnuy", „„ uimnswernlile Bras BOS. I'l'.ise \, li i hear lire cer­ .'siitaliiui of ihe creiiiional view Of Liit 00x150. M,o00.00, Terms to suit Si Sjn Ini/fleld, Ohio, noted author Mrs. .1. K Trent lu llalley's office,' your Farm, Grove, Haass, ium to IK, deilghtSd anil nillirliteneil Ooology, and a complete refutation of Of many books, and a spmner of lav Desk 3, Aivonu-e, VecHnt Lots vrlth John B. with his niMress. tho •"—» • - tei'iatl.'iisl n-iiote, known as au current BJjolOfloal teachings. RaitsI'Jiley- . SkDo- •I»t «now— li 4J^f Whoa ihe iiiiiie Craasstaag of Amer- atiUii.rlty in many realms of BBBSBra "Your article on "lilood" is alsiol- FOR SAI.F, Typewrltat i. liOTH I'ls-imuD aai le> were nrKHiiizisl. be was one of ihe tb'.iiKbt. ntely spli'mlbJ. It Is nwiiy .nt af Knna DITCIIBD, first men to he mmarhad. to sorvc write Box HXIll, HI. fllosd. 16-tf "Your presentation of facts ant* ar sight of any cniniH-tItor,. on this parti ley s office, ix-sk .1. ' mi Ihe stsff of lecturers, ami Iml.l tciiimmts against evolution Is power culur siils'Jel. It ought to be t-ireu- TIIIU'K I1ACI.INO Enquire at Inn profoiuiil convli tlons as tn tbe fig and absolutely conv'lnelufr. All laiisi (everywhere and I hope you West Hide ftllinK station on Dixie Ft «t S*TaS aswaaa nnd f|ve iot, I.KSI.IK THJsfCN PARKER Inerrnncy of tho lllble, sud the your articles are valuable hot the one will have It printed at once In pam­ Highway. W II. Pierce. 22 If Junior member ef Ihs Psrker Real­ Of Ihe claims of eTOlattoo, lie enrollisl phlet form. It Is much needed, sud ns fiel.l-eunipalg-ier. Wltboui ly lo. Came hern with his parent* I'uliilkii • Palalka's idd "hunted you bit,, aone »*, »^SS^S'P^UKrZ£L^ K 1'KBSONtl. tlou, Ibe pastors of thu thiirebos in four years ago. Came to Hi. Cloud bouso," a structure aSgaOh lias a Ions High Blood Pressure is dangerous whoso pulpits he hus s|»ken, s|«?ak first HUM' when a boy to visit his borne the Isrunt of rocks, sllnft shots Why suffer when it may be easily, lo tbe very blghe»t terms of iil sd- Kraiurfaili.-r, II. I>. C-olvln. first mayor s and (IMMIH-I-I il remarks, has given way liiexis'iiiiivcly overisiini' wltboni drugs in.rnhlt (iiosiutatlon of his subject. •it Bo, i i.ijil. lo a modern bungalow. iss it?* - -"- s^5 St-wa SJus t Hi'inl your addreHs. Dr, tl. N. A "•• 11-!» Bank Building. 'sJJJ, Htokos, slobswk, Florida. 22-ltp J926 .JANUARY 1926 Sua. Mon. Tus. Wsd. Thu Tr \ S*t I 2 3 4 3 0 7 5 9 SECTION B 10 II 12 15 14 13 (6 \7 15 10 20 21 22 23 J* 25 26 27 28 2© 30


pfiic**- are available wbera "regular STOW taster than worn etttog ' "- • 1 i oner'* ia ntirok laax i ft »c W) oasita to Aufpc'e-. has met u 1 l-timnth dro'.itti. + + *> UNITKD (sTATKN HAS M eenta. Ts ta» perfwily franlt, the a doot fast, a intt'e quarantine • 1 I'-ltlllA CITIER Art*: + * MORK THAN 15.0BB only dlfferei-e hetwi-en ihttsHe reataur- A REAL BUILDER osn.iquttkes, and last, but net least, AMONt, LKADING li. H. + + COMMKBCIAL HOTKLH anta aad otle r out.^itle tho state la d Kiniila boom; Inn In ipi a of all (sVlNTKKN 0*- III II.OING + * tlnit tbe Flotilla eaiuu houae ara an IrilwhackK Us liiiiliilna; reculil + + * ""he United States Is a nation o\e.taxed with coatoBaOn tliat they Story of a Man Whose Energies Are Being Felt lu a (or iln.s year ie 10 per toot ..hove lis s:n,ng 25 most uctive build- + * of travelers, if wo nre to Judge haven t ttino to cook and nerve aa the.y Constructive Way In St. Cloud own normal. + ing costers in tho lulled States + + from tho list of hotels in opera might under normal coudltionH. Here + lust were four Florida + Tbe tourist business is a business •b lion Hurvey made recently shows are great opportuultbw for reataurnut v^ j + cities—Miami, Corel Uablos, B*. + and will miike Miami, the uutfric city, ~* that there aro 10,000 bosteirle of men. + Petersburg and .luvksonvtlle. + 41. a HfNTKK L.ii i.-ln. drlvinp nv.-iy any evidence u place of 1.ISMJ.000 li.liiililtanis In 10 4* more u.iin 26 rooms each. Home furnlfdilngs are veatsoimbly + worth of construction phinued an + "Mrs. Hunter. I gtn-ss yunr sun of t I" mi. In the -Impel arc • h-nt- to 1.1 years. It bus seen tinder eon- + Wvery state la well sprinkled prlctHl and are a*Jl iieed«*l In the aaflM + worth of enstructlou planned as + QtUfei Is trniiifi to is- II hulldi'i-'" cioisiei' (la well us in ulsters ]iul|ilt .ii-d strtii'tlon this your alsiut 500 n'*irt- •4* with accommodations for the law- acnae aa In the HOI ill. c«Ht and Waaa. • against fl.iaaviso fur tha corres- * "Whj MilV Mti. Hunter Hjlled "Well iiliin rhore Is'liit: nn more bssatlful ment bouses ami hotels, and yet new *4> sun on the road, Florida la an Od.Jjaat alate. I'^ipie • isindlug month of 1024, stands 4> -lies continue tu rise. The Miami don't shut theriselvea tip In Htuffy I MV Mm no un tOf| nf Ihe si-hoolhousi' liuildin.'t of sny desenptiaa erts*tisi in * eighth on the list. Coral Hsbles + llct-.tld receutly nnouneed plans fur »HI III 11 I mill I M 14 14 I I riHiuiN. i;«'iii'ru!i.i MiHttklug, furniture ir.vhitt to Iiml sat hnw (In.- i-oof V IIS the Male of Ohio. Mi. Hunt'r ulsn * Is sixteenth oa tho list. s> is UNi'il In Its utlllt:irlitn i.ither llutii imt ue," Basso llii- i-H,|olii,i,.r. ilcNlsned a tablet In iiinrlili' ciuitiilnlnR lie i-riH-ting nt an nparti I house J4 its iii-iinini'iilnl Hi'iisi', hut iu all hnines This i iinwrsiiluiii t ink [iliu-t- ii the names of the Gallon soldiers "vho slnrlee high at n cost of g8,000,000. •l-H I 1 .|.> 1.1 .| .|..|.,|..| l-'l-H-H-H-lsH'l' l"he building of Hie Venetian Islands, DEMAND SAYS 's'aiitv reigns inside and out. niiinlsT nt yvttm ngo lu a vlllnsp In frll lu Frani-u, i-laecd there bj hl-i seven miles long, at a cost of g'iisi.iHK... rinililiifr In Florida in aNmt on a tin- nnrthi-rn isirt 'if Itl.-tilntiil f.n,iil>, Osaapaoy. The noautiru, Mnnusler.. la-Ice oar with othrr roaiuiunltfos nnil 000, is uow an assured fact and the THERE MUST Ohii., bataaau Hie mi'llior nf drover nf (I \'isitatlon st Tjleflo is :iui'tliei WROTfon^fbA most nf tin* ilanilsrd all»BBI looi lots afa going on sale. Tho IMIIMUIJ. * lliinti'i and -me "f her ni-itrlilKir^ i oted structure In which s aafl ol brunUs am avnllnlili'. i-iicnl |a the magic city for this year BE NO SLUMP Lis plans ure Included. FIFnMTEARS A60 Becroationa ami amum-iin-nts ,,,,„, I'llils sajae rlltagn In Hi,- fall of the transcended those of last year by over l'-'iM) percent, and what Is true Cnr li'ss than In most nthnr states fur'.Tear HUM hml a great hmniiimlns nf In mldltion to his vast cull line One of the first big publicity stories There ha* been cv.ty of Florida's 1 outdoor sliiti' mid offi-rs nvrry kind nf firei'teil this same Grown C. Ilunti'r other resorts. Now, what work city iinllonaty-iilstriliuted magazine was •••lull a* activatlva. Home writers,- ti tends and acquaintance! by the can show such a record, sod what pay nn! urn I sport iitivonn ctnil.i wish for. and i-•. I ended to hi in the honor of ile probably that which appeared In the laftve iiidltHU^l tho Florida's Hoarinx liiinilieiN Mr. Hunter has built many Ilorlakt Nprlls Opoortunit v for the roll city can show such a leap. January, 1876, Issue of Harper's New fxtoMky raluua baTu reached mirh u llvei-iiift its adiln-sH nf welcome to all ot the beautiful homes in Beech, Monthly MagBBlne — Just about SO UKti and unaeund l«vel that th»» Na> those who cams from afar to ntrain If the people east of the Rockies Mrrcfasnt his last completed home there costing years ago, says tho Florida Grower. »iniii.i i- uf buildlaK >H imp<)HHlblo. Mlntle among friends and neiKhlsir.s can make Ix>s Angeles a city of 1, over glOO.dOO. A copy of tbls old Issue of Harper's t)thi*rN flatly predict that tln>rt» will America's chain store organizations of the i-i'miiitiiiltv of thHr hlrth. Itnuie. 000,000, where the sun goes down two has been sent to un by a Grower read­ tgt. uot a mere reaction, but an actual ero licniliil hy bin callbro business (Ihln. Wli'ii a yonr ago be told the mass hours after It goes down here, and BMsaUaa held at tin- I'liunibcr of I'orv at a point 2,000 to 11.000 miles distant, er. It. C. llay, of Neenab, Wisconsin. aauHMii In Kiurlda't* biitulitijr before tbe men. Tins.* nn'ii know markols. Ilioy In nil tha years ataco Ihn dog whpn kni'iv ri-nlty vnliii's. Tin' fact that i-iirce thai he aad ills nssoclati-. they CM a make another city of 1,000.000 Tho Harper's article, by an un­ 4f*iit of thin winter. Hut Florida n initlli-i-. t'riinllc with fear, b taruHlitm tbe iK»T*Hl]iiinlM iiftide and k«'jw mirli iii-fi.inlwil Inns ns Tin' ill-cut At WOOld build a lien hotOi for St. ('Iimil In the land of ltoysl Poinclann. Miami named w-.imau writer dsOortSOa the eli to anas her little I in lo iliinli can- has three great advantages over Los scrvatlons and experiences of n group nglit ou bulldliiK. Innli.' nml l'ni'lflc Ten BtOlOa, l.lttRctt ss Bsora all enavtoced by ihe Bstsi fully down from tin' roof nf thai Angeles: Miami is a great deal nearors of tourists who make a trip by boat I iidii tliv bead "liiiililiiijf IH HI- ilntft atorea, Klnislii'lin slid,' Niuri'H and n liiiilinn vrillcn upon 'lit, "iiin'e'i Iln- I iiid'il I'IKIII- SI'TCS nri' widely re sii Uiouse, the life nt tlrnvc, f Hun it has an lmsunpnrnlily hctter winter down the Oklawaha river. Iu thaaa •91111.11K KlIitlillWNl,'* Thtf l.UC.U'BUT nine thai It would li' built, which but praaaaiBad in i'lniiiin slinuld siH'flk ter BOB - .en a life of I'l-rittlvr thougjH : i-liinate and almost no taxes. days there were neither I ruins tmr <\. Y.) Aiiicrli'im siiys , I'm lha cini'-triro would m.w is' an viiliinii'-- nf I'lii-iniK ;ind .uiililiiiK bsauUfal In 1-Tiiriila a ninu dies in ihe arms highways into Itarlda. Practically In MOM owUddb) Wcsti'in. railflc tncly c.tnpleliMl. ThlS lintel will he Oil Ivuvel to Inland Florida was by 'iln. i:niiiii ciEiir si.iii". Oerapaaf strticlnres of stiim-, steel, brnnMf nml of his devoted wife, up llnrlll lie dies £as1 nnd Southern ritioa the river steamers. Here are snine of thu Is inn' ni tha slin-Miii--.t. i.u.\ei> ,.r iiiarhlc, nt ever leiiilinir his is-st ef- in. tici-n throughout, e-vorj raaaa with in tin' nrms of the tn\ cullistni. sVt up of hitlldliiK tii-llvitlfH htiN Kit in. writer's daecriptlona or Florida nt mat resit] in this riniiiii-y. This concern fnrts fi.r eiiniinunlty biiililinir ainl up ''nili. iar^c BjBd -..itiiiiMillnuH lobby. Whan II ninu dies iii Florida he is sWi KN'iiilH tuid lit iiinst ijiHicru titii'F, rocognlaaa iimi "aalty ralag is im-Ki'iy runt BBUSBBB, dialog rinin nnd kitchen 'loud, hut when lie dies up north lie tlnie, writli'ii in narrative style as I lie BBwOWer, «cllvity OMtteUMQ mialmicil M litiildlntr nnil fnrever aidlnf; thnao ili-h'l-iiiiin-ii liy i-li-i-iiln 1)1,11 nf |Hifiulti- i"ii|ilele, .'.s will afl I'-n si.TO riMinis. k) bleil. party traveled southward oa the ok- «•*!>. iffcavB) Inriiii'iu-t'ii by Jurtadlotlotiml .vhi-ll I'.nil t-ltilite In the wel lawnba : 1'. •! iv!. re tin y iiiiiiliiisi' ur loaao, Hie lirsl nf vbl h liecn leased li> Prejudice Dying Out •uaputaa Bvea In oth«r aactlona of fi.i-i- nf iiiiinkliiil. which, as Mr. llnn- "As the -sin sank in tho west the are aa accarate diack on iti>* IllO M'estl-lll I :.l|i|l I'll., fi'l If the s.iiilhi'iisi offers such wnii- t$iH couniiy the autumn utviili lens ttiiiii nnriiuii in i ri'ilKliI in hlttl tl ineMKUll' nf f-r:lllfli-,l- penpai ool Eoond it nut lung aval l lie sky nhiive tliriingh the dense um­ •new oi' the lr-oni lircuklng: taaue of particular snol In which they are in- hotel tin- reintiiiiiler of the bl'ii'K "ii brella like tups nf the eypi-ess'-s BBJ1 btfOOted. Tlii'.v SHOW iln- nnniln-r uf linll llnl tn he I'iini.-lllletl I'ri'lll the iln] The raaooa Is simple: Tin- Immigrants ytrtnlu lu recent months, oa] QCB.II* \i iv Vnrk Avenue will he built i.. etratod too oisti apgaoa below, nnd • n 11,iui-i -i MI every tkouaoad i i>le Ini nnil I'I in sliniil(M.iiil." always bara landed la Neat York., and ati A u (flint I ' "in|iiiny. rested on the cJomtHDOtorad water, as who rnaa their Bhor-sai iin-i kaow tin In Ibis first interview in iiii-nvi'i on neisiiiiit of ihe I'l'-ll War the ne- though the sun bad Btoopad and shot "In former yeara. r«clflc Cotta* avaraga niniiuni of pnrchsse, nml iiius gl-n ijuesl inn and DOUtlCS, tile Ynnkees In i|ili-slii.iis i-i'lntli-e In tils isirly life in loekaaa v**t Bt Cloud Mr. imn under the trees, determined that the •MtleH were r»ele< ii» Bpata the United Cigar Stores 0 paay in Hat I li- 1 ni k. Mi.-h., niinii' this porohaoad fur hi;.;.s>if and associates jssl Inlinv tho horlson. Tile effect waa eVOtlttetora, tfae traveiliiK tsaUtoMBM Hlnnilil I-. II mile i-riti'iluii IIII Flnrlilii lilm iu earlier yciirs, but It ansa nn stnienicnt lu me: "We hovn eii;lit nt range, for the glow was as Prill unit are tieudeU toward Florida Where really values, and the fact that the firesseil upun bim, that such lnfirrma tha euilre northeastern pari of th" months of winter up here my health as though a conflagration raged out­ Haunt y of employ iiH-nt IN tiHKnrr*. by iiiiii'itiny is I'lsniiini; tu n|M'U KNI thu. saag desired now that it Bg tnuih city ut a cost of 9100,000 ami on tins is not so good ; so I have lieen think­ side, and yet, above, the darkness ot (Aje building Iroooi lu lia jaini'Liml stiires In the "Siiiiiihlni' Stale" shonld avaflablo fur Ibis special section of properly Is starting to build s quar­ ing of buying a place In tleorgla and the cypresses loomed heavier than ev­ tattiea. hs a sound guide to nllier lucrchiiuts ter of a million dollars worth of now moving down there to live." Then the Tritium-. In nns'.ver thereto Mr er : thu water sparkled, and the little Imdiuttora lu practically all vltiaa be ii'ldi-'l aomeatly, if I were to move lluiitei Htsied ihat he could reuieiu homes. The greut l„ie he has lor his ripples made by the steamer enrted ta JTlorida are rurWiliK; their Joba an ls»r wltboi.t difflc-.'.ty his first witce, heme ilty, Usliun. ohii, ij-ay, had a sur­ of cumtiierce uf Atlents. the biter part of DewaaatbN and the for you recall I said my wages In hsd stopped. Tbe great trees towered prise, lnstiail nf si-l.tencliliE lliein. "It may seem strange to you" said Ilut the day of politics and pre­ firatpurt of January." eluded my hoard." shove on each side, no longer distinct, the mSKlstrnle raid llieni the story nf Mr. Hunter, "but the facts uic that judice Is Inst vanishing, and the south­ but of darkness, use the sides No, there will bo no catnati "i>hi< Jesus, jrnie il'ini wieli a llihle and Tills curling traiulng bnmnht to I have from (line tu time felt I would east is nuw- reaping OOi a Isto.n hut well to the little earth grub that ttoa In norlaa'l building pro- Its lH-llltcil harvests. Itunsevelt pro- dismissed them with the injunction, hltu the value of saving Ihe cents that enjoy a year's respite from building ha, coUaaj In and vainly looks aloft, ATi'am. In the first place, najopla are nilfiht groat into dotlara, and also efforts, but, Ilk,, tlie rheumatic whn phaalad that the next great move­ clinging to his bit of twig as he •ot guluj: io aten tbelr mlR-raHuii to "(io aud sin no mnro." iiiuglit blm tho value of strict Bwstfeg- hate, his i.gno coming on, i no aaoaac ment would he south, snd so It is. flouts. No one spoke: we sat. in si- Flotilla; tiM •te.te has too much to Tilts will he retarded Ki.ner.ilI.V ss I wish to "late In this connection tlou to duty, in ivliatever c«pa,'lt.,-, get ana project near completlin than li-iiiv. awed by the darkness and Ihe offer. In tho raecond place Florida n Basra (jasaBtaaao whim, BOB] fnr- Ihat nil fasl-growlng cities have their v.hhli stood hlin lu BOISI stead in after I became restless and wanted to Marl wild forest, which seemed nil the a.HH t niHiiy paopn who want their itlve'i iieinnlinitly bf thus.' who nli- periods of hesitation, slow-downs nnd ii-nis Ills first ive venture oc- more wild because we could not see it. 'wn hoinea, or In-ttcr homes tttaXTJ lie ji-ct to tin- taaaaajriag 11 .tusticc with another." readjustments, and 'ill tho fast grow­ Suddenly flared out a red light from curreil while still a youtu. oiviisloneil, •nra ihey hiive now. lo the third nn aoawsa Of iii'T.y. Thci', w-iiiild l-e In addition In belli,; „ butldst nf ing cltlee of the BOathSOOi inusl in­ Bbom Miid, ns if hy magi,-, the woods apliMt? tho unntmt winter trek ol lour lie stated, pcrhuic. Iis'.iuao of ll-e wlilcsp.enil i-uiiili'ii'liillititi of Hint note Mr. Hunter has attained consid­ evitably go thrtiugh such perpsls, and grew rod, and showed us their vlrtss aata to the "I*aml of Flower*" 1K still 11, lint we lite willing- to BBBBBBB1 the liivesliirs nml Bpaoolatorl should re- judge If lie priii'ihs-d it i very day. erable f„uie as an orator snd spaakaf nnd shimmering jsiols agnlu. Iltrds •ti lis Infamy, and ho-IUHe**. will ba Imlhlliu' Idea wns nlrenity tnIcinir hold cognlae !Ms situation. But Florida He ..unlit probably be raitssached fur • •nt the Ninth, and even here cried from their nesls and flew past t*x>> that nin,'il. whl'li Bras lint nllly ,dow but seeiliiiis nri- fabricating fnlse utni en Hie top of the boat to light tho way. tin..' It IH doiiltful wiietlor Florida uwn., liihii s unit 'nrsivi- .-nti'iii'ils. Bf Mr. Boater thU lOBOa him deeply BoBBdaloon roisirta oa iho in- requirrsl hnrd work as well, nnil nl ti'iiilisl by ti negro Isiy they hurnisl Will hiive niuylit up with driu;ilid fat, ivlnl Mnalstrille W'lllhiiiis ili.l It Is the training he received from niHVtit little l'eninsnln state. This brilliantly all night, sending a red t lit si time he jHTt'ii'ted n mat Inn. bo And In tin' fourth plin-e th.-re KM *'M> ll e\in-il.v whni .iesus did when sln- Ids inntlicr and follier daring bis is dune lu sl'-p the Dood of OJSjfl Bad filnv ever the dark waters ahead, ii'iimvo the IHIIIH af IICIIK and lieans. 1 SMiiuy hiitidii'ilH of inilllotis of dolluri in-is IIVIT Iniillftlll iH'fnre 11: in And Bth, and the great regard be bolds money i .ml far tha land ot sieving tho sudden turns, the narrow attUHliv iiivosi d In Florida to \rm- us well ns In s.Tt ti::'! OBCh them, nml it briuiis ii|. ilui slum old pus llo . fir ihe nssiiiiuies he has had In n sunshine ami lialiii. 11' Hiese frlgbt- pin -. ihe bent treos, and a lonely an It of tiny ataaaB ns onr-ddc |toaan* UIIN iH'riire in' was IB BOani Bf BBTO landing, where we left a barrel for iiuctl'in '.'.'.., 1.1 i hnsii.-'iii, i i-'ully I'llsuiess way, men, leaders ,,f Industry ein'il ustiniis. north and Booth, hn.l fpalnlei-H try bo picture ii snlcnin old ninle, wlileh came down peril If II were to be applied III Its Ills loin! hours of work in summer ami capital In his city of Hall.ill. Ohio, I.I thai Kl'iiiiiii bus a fever. lstiiM»r and the test of living enie I,in. i ho winter nii'iillis only to whn haikeil their faith In him with Uley Wlillld lime tOld III'* Until. Inr ami Inspected us as the steamer run i tin mil I'KI'III her IMIW ou shore-the ordiuury way A ii umber of wrltorn have 11 iod to ,t and wn 1 1 tm ilieir money anil their Intlasnaa .ii • I'lui-lilii is pi-iisperlng as no other Noimiy seeou to know, boeauao •""" •*"* " " i'"*" ' " of landing on the Oklawaha. all row oold water on Florida by lutl i,n ro ,v n,,u K ,n ro lime In his life when It was badly suite in the Union Is. Some hankers ihere hag ii. l«s-n any ,.ppll...:.-„ ' '" ",'" '' '"' " ** aaating that bar wtuja aoaia la lower iieisleil. It cininiil Is- wiinilereil that they say, nre running advertisements "Of all tho wild spots on the Ok­ nf It M. ni- by, MH-iety In rencn'l I' to damn the state thai Is yelluiv with lawaha there la not one so bidden anau other •actJOttal of the i-ountry ho has Iss-u able to commaml the aho truth of the mutter la that Flor- 'i hi're are ujlliy who tsik as If tie • guidon fruit, aud sparkling with dia­ iiwiiy. so like nothing but itself aa Eu­ ittteadtag college he instead Improved ciiiiflilenee af men for he Inspires any Maw Hi-iile IH higher tiinii iunii> aM Is llovf,: :' 1,1 wnrk, but there a, mond lakes. I hear that one city has reka Landing. No wonder I hey called inc. in | subject In which his Is lief dona. Oontnoton ara paying |13 to few who aro willing to act wln>n lis education by night stud}, and lost of is to Jsnissi.iMsi of deposits In II Kureka. after such a chnse to find is deep, by the Impressive logic nf his $15 a day to skilled luboi In tbe build heartedly on that belief. -Miami Tri­ fintu sin h efforts frrnduati-ii in Stenni favor of the lwiuks of "!„,;,;„ — I won­ It. Our steamer turned out of tho iirguineuis uud liniment i|uick grasp lug tradea. In many InatuuceH con bune an.i Kleeiric. 1 KnL-iiiii'niis. I'-ilovliig der if tills could linve illfluenei-il such oklnwutia into a little thread of a tractors are paying $1H an elsbt-Innt- his first IheiiNc lu tbe suite of Ohio f details. Isinkers' BIITBI I lanniasltal streets, deep, no doubt, Imt only Just day fur gtM.Kl men, and time aud I at the age of 20 years. It is this featuro no doubt that "Truth orushi-d to earth will rise wide enough to hold her. Through this narrow ribbon of wafer she slowly •naif for overtime. SONGS HXK Al.l, OCCA8ION8 It was during his work iu th. pro­ accounts for such uien as the assoc- again." Tbe robin snd the wild geese iiilvHiH-eil, rnnntng ashort at curvi-s Other 'inveatlgatwra" hATe rafte*.- fession that he Invented a steam discovered the land of sunshine and liiiis he has with him, whom we have and poled off by the boatmen, wedged rored to abow either that there la no flowers long heforo their human While wnlklnir tho floor with the pump governor, which not eii'v regn- Interviewed, Mr. H. L, Ilodley, with between cypresses, keeled up on logs. demand for skilled labor or that in noigbtmrs did. Tho roMu la now on baby—"All Through The Night." luted pressures, bag nlso tiul.m'nllcnil> whom he has been assmdated for n<-raped, caught in tho branches, ami view of the pradii I'd bnUdlni itTimp, his Journey to that beautiful country While peeling an onion— "Why shut down Ihe oiierntlvto machinery la .vears. and who was formerly engaged wrecked, as wo supposed, a dny,eii what demand tlnn la now will abort- and the wild geese nre wlngfofr tbelr case uf accident. In the imiikiiiK business at (Isllnn, times In the flower-bordered, ditch. 4> vanlali. Florida's un v r lo tbenc Should I Cry Over 'You." flight to the romantic shores nf the Yet she always managed to start oa negative auggeetlona la covered In MM When sampling your wife's bis­ Ills next Interest wna in perfot Mr. F. K. Berry a retired mumifac. ilulf nf Mexico. So, loo, the good peo­ lr«rcevdliig < hunter FlortdiiN UIMU cuits "Rock of Ages." ing i-iillnpsililo forms fur isiucreto turer of Gal'nn, and M. Arthur Garso, ple of tho north and west are press­ again, and thus progressing, we came at last to a solitary little shsuiy adth idtH'in will not eonalrit In trying to While tuning In nn the radio—"Oh work, aud a sanltiiry method of mau­ a capitalist of Niagara Fells, Canada, ing Into Florida. Some are Jamming a padlocked door, aad one man sitting aaraat n-eu to work at aub-avala Hllcnt Night." soleum • •ntombraent covensl by U. S. and who all express their belief In the Pullmans; others, Impatient of C on tho step, with dog and gun, gsv ratea. When borrowing from a friend— and I' patent.. 41 '.villi-li tune bis ability to do anything he sets out slow trains, are hitting the grit In their BOtomobltes ; tint cnes there, they log at us like Rip Van Winkle when Mtiu otlier reactionary wriuTH di "lli.'n You'll iienioiuisT "We. lie iiiKuni*.sl aad 1....IIK. thg prcui 1", iugwlher wiiii liieir confidence all rejoice In tho beautiful land the he awoke lu tbe forest. wo put uUro that Florida cannot enlist auf dent of the Ohio Mausoleum Company, In 'iK integrity to fullflll his every Walls buying from your bootleg­ birds hnvo discovered. ashort several ttoxes and bales here fltient labor IKHHUHII of i>oor Uvlug ger-"When the Holl Is Culled I!j> •? flBlloa Ohio .nnil built the first iigreeiuent. Imt Kip never stirred, evidently tbey oondltloua throughout the Mtate. I wish tn repoat that Hits Is uot a Yonder." 11111111117 maiisolci.m lu Aiucrlia. Tills In ''iincliiillng the interview Mr. Ilun- were not for bint. In a moment or The lndbinopollH (Ind.I TliiKka aaya '. Florida IHMIIII only but It Is s sntltli- two we steamed away again, not turn­ While lisiklng inlo tho gas t.. ,k nasratloo brought ou a groat amount ler was usked what he cniisldcreil the '$100 u month la a low rt-ntJtl for eiistcrii IHMIIII, nnil ev,,., stale In the ing II round, for that would Have bean ivlth a Hstisl msteh "Whan I ni iT patent litigation with another con- gretltest asset tnilny In S( I l,.,i.l aTlorldalaiiH", and anoth i I teal sunt lieast.-rn grnnp will share In a liiiinisslble, unless we hsd all got tee ... vrho until that time had con "Kent gouging and landlord proi I Bt," reply was that wllhuiit ojaxMBlaB in large measure tbe prosperity now en- nl nnd lifted tho boat around bodily win II yiiu inn'l RCI lenlrsl trolli-d tin- i-ntii-e field uf ninusiili'iilii joyed In tbe laud ot oranges and per­ orlea-rliig in laaortng ugaiimt Hith Its first essential ivmltlnn was the hut following the accouim.staling liillldtiig, lull after ynnrs bf |atBBCi petual youth. aMantUI development lu Florldn. JIIIHI "BBBIOiihori A \oicn is calling." lake, w hU'jt is sure tn ooanaai a jsiri ribbon, which flowed Into tlie tiklnwn aewa men will n"l bring their atatef WhcM ynur wlfo hasn't sfsikun to tlie case of his aoaaaauss was lOBtdod of the state Inland water way, and I said a "boom," hut I now take hn again » few miles above, having B*iaaa into taa atate iH-eaiiMi» they you for a wivli "Old Pal, Why in his fnvnr. Fruin the .i.-iu 11)10 un­ thai second, was tho development Bf It hack. Nn! It Is not a "ismui." but only IMS.II off making a little loop, as annnoL find prnpt>r hoiiatng at rtiten Don't You Answer Mo'i" til the present he litis built aud has tho back country which would Isi ald- n belated harvest that Is coming In it were, for Its own amusement. Aa auffleb'ntl.v renaollllble " the aftomooo instead of tbe early hud built miller his plans and palQJiBj I hi Ihe water front Impriiveiiienl we inrned a curvo I looked hack. Mu- Tho Hollywood (Oal.) Newa aaya: morning. ui'in« tlian 100 msusiileiiiiis Involvliii; Tlie last iiuestii'ti wss whin he ism- veku may grow into a mstropolts K "atoflaat B-rootn bomea rent nt l-'MJO IIKAI.TU KOk Al J. Tlie distant pernio and the fenther- tlie evtH'iiilltiiro nf mllll.ins of dollars. sldensl the grisliest Baal t'siny In It likes, hot 1 shall never think of it saoutlilT." isl trils-s tire all welcome rn our ssvo as a wild forest, a ribbon of a Ills most. nplete Htltl Is.lliltiflll mail Bt, and wiih.uit hesitating he Tha truth la that ratea AUK blgli "This Is Niirelv one «>'.-tiim of Amer­ cilmc. Sse, they and all homostck river, a solitary shanty, ai ' ltlp Vm sclctinl, and the building he considers an tbe battat amllon:* of tbe larger ica with n clliiiiilv which i.' to said cooperation, i it wiiii parattao southerners may well express their Wlnkb- alttlng on the step, gaslng «iies of norida, ibtt thara an- aami the ellmlnatlnn uf siekncMs and which his masterpiece, la the chnis-l and would fnllnw In erder the lu'cesssry sentiments In tho language ef rtsmuel after ns. bis dug snd gun beside him. araHOiiable accoiimuHlationa In all H>V aboOBda In." Walton Cunair Chaia liuiiirtuliiiui lisvited tn his home clty luipruvetnonuj to make a real city, Henry Dickson, u homesick lsd from "Tho next dsy wo 01010 to Ihn re­ alona. In New York, -killed lnlmr her uf OBaaagi ot Uslli.s. Ohio u, Utinter dtsk-rllics sewers, wster and light an establish­ I'Jinrlostun. N. C. who, while attend­ gion of tlie lakes, having worked .nn- •Joew uot live on I sake Hbore I > lire; In 'his mnusoleuin us "sn eiiduriiig ed fuel, In process Of Installation That ing Harvard University, tiroko furtli way with difficulty through the flost- in the following poota: Cleveland It do<»u't lUHute on Wuriiii strmiiiro of eitorlur atom' with lto next In ordor and on which work uif Islands of the Plstia suatliolaia Avenue A almilar condition nppMea "I sigh fur tho land of the cypress Vrlondshlp does ant rsH for reenm BOOB oolsumsi sad asisslvo panels, shinilil Mart st once was the Ismle which In places covered the river, .>»- •n Florbla. It U trim that, renta are penno. Only its coantertuet keaus bal Btni.ilug tho channel with Its loiigti, wbtlri tin- lntertiw la done It T«rd nn the bike fmnl, ami that, sev­ and pine, faomewhat higher, Imt. inlnir bat* ao urns abrets. Where the Jessamine blooms and the rope-like roots. Hoinesimos (b«y have eoliil aisrble throoghont. li: eral largo apartment houses hu erect •niumodatitma k\ k'nirtiig with ahu gay woodbine to get oat aad saw then apart, and ksld wlllk eeramie tile, doors and me- c.l her,, for opuuing next season with wage acale. Where the moss droops lew from the tie the enan bask to oaa tress alusg Itiet men eon ha MsasK s skrinsn-j**1 WMk '• ootid hrunao, whllo cattie- FIHKI <-o**ta alHHit tlir> aame fn Flor not fall, aud a oimtlnued effort ef oak tree)— the shores, ada aa eLewlion». ttrtai tbe riwtaar pbar who fauika BBS lag an osgag ohs- **"* elans wiadews •ausl rays uf light Inline hulldUsr oa the part ef evsry ' tgj" that suuiirlght ktad ia aha laud "<«a the kdw we f ,s»il actUeavtiia sasni ara taaanaa»aj gasiaaaaa af lOesswaead en Peer* Be*ea> ge« *J» PAiiK TWO—SUCTION K TFIK ST. cr.oun TRIBWNR. ST. CLOW. FLORIDA THI'RNIIAV. .lANI'ARY 81. 19tt" will i nre any skin dlM I case I'KOIII KM W 1>K- dance rooms, hiishaud would sue for TWO GOOD REASONS WATERS IN CRATER OF FIRE ..f i liiimat lam or of Indtgeal lo for TIM H sl'll I IS ltl(. divorce •Tin. itc.idinu La**,'1 published tn the** i*ho will bath* la them. MM IM'K FOK WtlKBY "Vim toieraie iii th* daaoa raaai New \ ONE OF FLORIDA'S SECRETS aa******aaai CrHtcr what yiM would nol tolerat* any Behind th* Florida boom that* ara iprlag or crater is roughly i leaplte efforts * f put the b when' else in the world. That Is why two fundamental r*a*OnS, First un RpeaaJng, round ami prohahly "•'» \anl.s of reatuag motor tourists on an t*> Loti of peopls like ii. bacaoaa it gives til this movement h*gi*j Klmida real it) I li Wll I s, W, III ll>-< ami liuniiin, nml u friar, not with or more acii . almost oav carat* snd adentitto baela, tha Ifi them license. •State bad never sold far below ii.* Bal nn I from II liisti'rliin 1 to it*.Odin*, ha probably had rtetoaui of t a Inly, an extinct crater. The bank*. tlonal Tralalng Board of the A "The ,ja/,-/. craaa is putthuc bach tha actual value. Suddenly the world dls i end In Hit' journey. illiule sen i' e\|il«'l,-ll I'll nf Ihe iniinlrv, except Where tho .stream leaves the Auto Idle Association finds Hint taste "f Ibe ttritlsh euiplre coveriMl thai real esiato bargiiina wero 'iln- chief, pointing np th* river. the proUleni of the "I lelotir." which nil ,1-uisi I BOOUI Ihe CSaat '• crater, are cone *J|*JUfl1 and -lecp and SO yeaia. to ho picked Up in I'loriilu, and the traced .in osteite* ol t*id*ir coarw La tin' .sides, under the w/ller. IN of splines up uvoi niulit still ('onliniiis "Tea will soon want ja/.r, music to World, as Ii ils way. rushed in it ,-i-ui aookr He dlacorered aad nnni the Mad of tha beach, and takiiig to he | Mg snurci- Of worry nml loss .•ii the ohala of lalaaBa which ks coll rock. aUoplBg doWB in v-helvi-s hi three g*| you a coin:nunion service." body to gnaap a profit. That IH tbo the friar l»y the im led liiiu to the distinct terraces, and from there on it Of time to the national cavalcado of first, condition upon which the boom .si "Tbe M u rl v is," ns well as ''I'lie .mattered part Of tho cnujp. ttHN he moiorista, TurlUftiis." nml even Batted a llltle is straight down to aakaown depth*. OIK HKACIIKS was founded. Then : more Industrial na I mi'tit'v array °f tha »fce*t Ltalt, The natives aver It I* boltoiiucss, and The plan for the elimination of this Florida has untold wealth snd op­ new* has beet SMBM and stilt IH be­ Rsu UP I 111 - western nmsl. Hut no­ Mik nml I'liml. ionic of tlit'in, evid­ where could be loam anything of tho certainly there has liern BO line found trouble, put into effect during the portunity in the hem ties with a chance ing carted in the columns of tbo Flor­ ently, nn tbelr la*1 journey. In. the vicinity that could plumb it. 1896 season by the A. A. A., promise* bo create a chain of resorts that will ida jwii'ers than has been carried lu fabled re intiln hs was seeking, nor Returning to the bea.-b. the chief .llil he find cither guld or It waa sounded bf *>>•» enalneera Of splendid results, according to the Na­ have no equal on earth. A good deal the columns of tbe papers of any peoceeded ai best he ooutd ta tell the the V, H. Gaographleel Survey for a tional Touring BsVOard, and will be ex­ he* •jaaaared in print about the other slate in the union, making no> Much dUeonraged, ha returned to friar that OB the morrow they would l'urlii HI,". depth of J.IHKI i'.M-t aud no bottom was panded for tt* ip2A season. It In­ is'iu-hes of tbo MedlterraiHiHii, but no execution of New York, The re*» of roaoBH) their Journey, nnd that Ivefore Florida as a hotly turned Itself lnto> Ailing iu tin- i'.'lrl) Bhrl "f Ibe venr found. They could sound no further volves the Issuance of a detour map where on that great s(»a can b.» found Masai Iht'.v would (tune to the QjjaCO a co operating publicity bureau. Tbo 1500 a party of nntlvis. making their for lack of line. and n weekly bulletin covering the anything to rival tin* Mores of Flor­ whore their Journey WOOld emi, -ml slogan or tbe state might well he: "If way by cunocs nml Imrges to what (io there on a dork starless ni«ht entire country. 'Hie bulletin itself is ida from the mouth of the St. Johns abate the <3rent Spirit Iiml placet! a to be bused on daily telegraphic re- for hundreds of miles around tbe It happens In Florida, Its new*." we now know as Ihe mouth of the nn unit:) In that fla moil, unit afterwird, Ami look down into the depjis. You Myakka river, picked up a strsnge will BM coming up arows and stream­ jrort.s from state highway eommlaslon* tip of Florida, to Pcnsncola aad taking companion OB iii- red children from oouuty authorities., from A. A. tiicucv tu the const of Mexico. NO COHPKTITION boat containing nn unconscious white .MMI tiiklnj' note lu-w thej sickened ers of light, weaving in fantastic fash­ roan, dressed in priestly raiment. ion and dlBftpireariiiK only to appear A. clubs, road scouts and .dividual Florida ban no competition In tha tad died, had caused the fiery moun­ members. production of celery. Florida leads This religious wanderer was. accord­ again In other and still more fantastic LETTERH TO lit SSI AN tain to alnk. nod healing waters to The detour bulletin will show not If you have occasion to write a let­ hy far all tbe other states. ing to hla own writ logs, nnne other K"'isli from the earth. shapes. than the Krlnr (litis, incntioaed as only tbo location of detours on the ter to some one in Hussla It Is liable The priest gathered from the chief Haines, seemingly, of blue, of gold, the author of the manuscript address­ primary highways but will give the to bo returned unless tt is addressed To guide tourists In Pairs a large that he would return nhortly with nil of yellow, green and orange twtst ed to Jnau Pomsj de Leon, of Porto length uf the detour and tho condi­ to U. 8. s. li., which means the "Un* map has been constructed on which, the aitari'KHih>n *f lined and sick .mm and writhe upward from tbe very Bleo. tions to If encountered. In some m- ion of Socialistic Soviet Republic," the electric lamps sbowbig locations of ber* nf his Mtofl made young ncaln hy oaa*ar of the enrtn. until one become sffliiceft the condition nnd the length name now given to that hlg country places of Interest aro lighted when Bear h« nunc i" lie in nn open boat tbe magic of the waters he had men­ (IMP nnd draws back thinking, mo­ uf the detour Is such thnt it Is more by tho party in power. buttons beside an Index are touched. without either water or food he falls tioned. mentarily, that the old crater has economical tn select alternative route*. to state. 1'erhai.s the father had, In Desrilbe Setting come to life. It Is also true thai many motorist* an excess of seal, starti-d out tc Friar Ortiz (foes ou to describe the Water Cetera Change have discovered for themselves thai" cruise the I'ubsn coast for tho glory resumption of the Journey, how they It Is a temperamental fountain. they eanuut always depend on local of the church, or then again, he may Journeyed probably three-quarters of Not always can you find it willing to information, for tbe roeaun that com- have been cast adrift from some the next day and then branched off show Its waters aflame at night, and munltle* will in many instances give Mpsnlsli ship cruising out from Porto from the river, taking a course wind­ In the daytime you will sometime find a biased report so as not to lose mo­ Klco. Probably he had transgressed ing off to the right and full of turn­ It an opalescent tint of grayish blue, tor tourist truffic. even for a few someone's authority or flouted the ings, bow tbe water changed from again It will seem troubled and a days. dignity of some ship's captain. At brown to grayish blue, and how, al­ slaty gray. ill events, when he regained con- Hence tbo importance of a national though It was salt, tt waa not tho salt This is a fountain to arouse the acloasnaBB, bo found himself still in clearing house for accurate detour ln- of the son. They fa DM finally to veneration of a people as simply ai his own boat but surround and be­ format'on. This information will he Good Clothes where the low hanks of the stream the native Indians were It is a foun­ ing towed by an escort of brown-skin­ available every day to the 2..VH) clerka tK'gan to narrow nnd grow steep and tain well worth the *tt*s1ng of many ned native savages who. U|KIII seeing euguged lu the business of routing afltr »ai* further progress, coming far more erudite men than Juan automobile* o*ar the counters of 760 j For Years We Have Carried Them. iiii in-iiens. aaaas Bhoool and of- to n natural landing place, they d'.s I'uii.e l>e 1-eon, It is possible this Is A A. A clubs. Coupled with this pro­ I lilla fisnl Slid water. embarked. his "Fountain of Youth". Possible gram for nn adequate national detour Camped at Rivers The priest girea a long and ram and entirely probable that thOM fires informal ion service, the A. A. A. is Translating freely Ihe fiilber ROCB bttBg description Of the crater from wltbln the waleis are lit ami the wa­ nt preaant Urging oa state govern­ Dutchess Trousers on to say that »n the afton B thai which Hie stream eaaaa forth. A ters colored nnd flavored by the vary ments and the pel it leal suUllvlslons day lli'.v canned al what was evid­ •ertbfeg tha dlianwafnns, tha method Of life Itself. beraof th* lanportaae* of keeping da> I lanes' I'ndcrwear. ently the month nf H large rlrer Bow- Of treat a»• tit USIMI hy the IIKIIIIUS and \Vh<> knows, and whn run tell: the tours on main hlghwnys In as tiaver |iuj 'in II south or southwesterly direc th* fait Hint the crater WHS appar­ waters have many virtue* thai we sable a shape as posible at all times 'Ace Shirts lii-n I'lils withiml doubt wns tha M.v ent ly hottoOaiaaa, now know of which are Qed and also the in.pnrtntico of giving due akka river, ami iinir .•.im], araat baea lie |ieaa also n Ughlj eaftosJaatlc humntiity. we matt find out H11 that iioiiee in advaaoa af tha im --.iiiliiiiiiil. of what In bidden and Ae*Hag away by tha iluae stretches of highways, MADE-TO-MEASURE CLOTHING is BOW known us 1'.! liilietlll. dally dwelling oa nveral Mtvere caaae thousands of lattOM each boar. ••it win mean not only a gzaal aac nf II curious nature, Friar "r- Of what waa evidently rlieimiliMin, Let ns whisper this. If a certain vice to th* motorlag pubiir," saja th* ii,-, evidently eel hlraaett i" gjuiaslng aad aaeeraj others thai were descrlb •tat* WO*! Of so me wiic re |i;ni this A. A A. National Touring I.oard. "It See us tot Tits, Shoes, Huts, Trunks, the oattveo by the alga language ns ad as -ii had humor of tha skia aad crater and fountain ft would bar* will also mean an enormous scoaomj tu their iiesiuitii lira and the purpose i running aad nrenesa of the eye*." heeli known th* world around, it in ear operation aad oqaally as im­ Umbrellas, Hosiery, etc, of ilielr Journey, and being Hpanlah Except for -nine further reference*! would have been screamed from Hi portant, it will help motorist* to in ihe wonderfnl rejnrenatlng quail- housetop* nml the propaganda that travel oa schedule ume." lies nf th* waters on the Bg*4, the would have baee Issued would have reached to tha bottom <>f tha crater, journal seem.-, to atop at this pntut. "GCTSV SMITH SKKS r.vjiientt.v that portion of 11 describ­ even ta>tto*al*a as it is ELMER IDE We have this excuse, the crater ami DANCE CRAZED ASKING ing the return of Ortiz tn Porto Klco. JAZZ AT (OMMl MON Iii.-i route ;iinl maiicr oaf gel ling hack Spring* is <>n a prairie. alm.-M hidden Corner Pennsylvania Avenue and 10th Street there was ratatlaad by Juan Ponce da by tall ami luxuriant pa****, palms iiKi.KAST. Dae. la—Oyaay smith taftoa and in nil probability W.TH oat and ol her v. i.lure ; the Htreum Lead­ has be**, making a bitter attack ssj in eaaataad use during his several at- ing in it from Ihe river Is extremely i1*nrlag in this city. Some of his Oeinpts to Joiate (aha healini; foojl hard •" 'Ind, and last, hut DjOl least. coiniueiits are: tain. It is surrounded hy forests. The Tumi-, "If you did in the drawing room I \|»lorrr Misses ^uesi ami trail has JeM bean ronipioied near without music what you do lu the What an irony of fate. After cruis- it receatty, ami *vao now it 's situat FISH B Itimini up tha Knst Coast in e,| off the main road nn little Iteltcr hla futile attempt to find tha location than a trail And g veil hi tu hy Krlar Ortta, Senor D* It is o;ihi that owner of the tract Lara returned finally in the right di­ BBd tlie fountain has refused fabu rection. He cruised past the Tortu- Ions prices offered hy those that know •aa and up the *V**al Coaat ami Uiust and who wish to exploit It, saying have beta in within a cannon shot, ah* will not sell while she lives aud It OYSTERS prohahly neariT, to the BMHlih of the is to he left ft"** to everyliody Mynkka and to the tOBraa of his There I* no mark to ladloat* ta th* ipiest when ha lurned back, defeated. public where to leave the main high Only Fish Market in Cit/i is not the lea-.t dooht that w ,iy to reach the fountain, except | tha spriiiK floejdag (Ma the extinct sin;i]i siirn af racarsc sptlllrtTi done on a baavd nnd Mtink up hy the rond- crater daacrlbed by r*rlar Ortla la tha •Idf by seme enterprialng "cracker/ We carry B full line nml J'lMllltaill KttfaaVt l»y I'oilif D* I.e. NI Who, with vision prohahly of the fu Hidden for couaUoaa rear*, aad tu- tare .has ratahllahed i taack fur the day hardly aeeeaatbl*, and ktmwn to ROBERSON'S our prices are right sale of soft drinks. ouly a laafi it Is imt *tran*ja ihul it This fountain, sought dnoe l."iOt>, Is (LIS ;:i.| OHM to light. SSmctty Where it was while .man Here, indeed, Is1 s fmintaln, Ihe like 1'ouce lie I.eon was within I few of which IK not found anywhere, the..mile, * <'f it, namely, gimiwl aaaettf w.'iiers of which Ara -nit tun n aalt 1 betwaaa unta xjorda and not of the sea. a salt, thnt will tux located ar the Myakka river In E. FOSTER Charlotte county, ami about PHARMACY the powers i many virtues known onlv t«» the very- see or icst the water* of thu cratai lew jiiitivi". who iiave found aad naad will have iitTu- difficulty in arriving them tliioiiirh accident. 'I'lioy will ai tin it destination, by Impiiry al tell yon tlicy have known of the crater Bngtewoad coming south, or at Mur for many years and that the waters doc* going north. Not a Leap in the Dark

When you buy here our persona! guarantee protects you as to

quality, service and price. ,'

See our line of Toilet Requisites if you demand the besB ,

t,mdics, Tobaccos, Rubber Good* . \\





New York AVe. and I ltli St. St. Cloud, Fla. Tiintsi.AV. .MNiARY 2i, iMo THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CMIT7D. FLORIDA PAGE THRKK-HKCTION B t


When the new Hotel, with its fifty modern rooms, ladies' parlors, large lobby and roof garden, and ten store rooms and fifteen office rooms is completed, then what will a lot in Galion Gardens be worth? Ask any Realtor in the city what increased value the expenditure of over a quarter of a million dollars in the business section will make. After considering this factor then add the added value of sewers, water and light extension, together with several new homes in Galion Gardens, as well as the normal growth of the city, and you will see why you should buy that Galion Garden homesite now, for either home or investment. Call 87 and a courteous salesman will explain the entire matter to you.

GALION GARDENS G. C. HUNTER, Manager NEW YORK AVENUE ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA JMUK POI'lt-. \ud yet. ureal as is the prosperity ing puMIe and bas sun'ecded ns st ber 1. snd wilt last the entire year. already WH la motion in Florida, only exjmnsion. Ai this time Mr. VMd ii'sied by the large volume of busd- the Cjeatafl data being planned for tbe aurfnoe of this great state's op­ (iUsirge eiiten d forming the firm ne«n done ao his plant which has November N, haaV. portunities has been Mcratrhed. which nmv is known as the Florida been in ii., and past nine years. fjssssj Weal Ogsjaj to Baal Ooaat. the of people fo whom Florida In Mill hut one af Bfe, <'londs real coin-erns from geaaaaas nahaf and tha bastnsai man, nn alluring name- -vast hordes of men • vlavpolal of lalHir emnbiyisj. Mr. Davis in a native of Wmt Vir­ St. Cloud Pressing Shop snd women who would come to Flor the former Invalid nnd the Investor, Th Is II Msava I -i a la rge dealer in ginia where he spent many years ns nre hard at work or keBBgtBg at wise. ids nnd Invent if Florida's nomlbili iuinlhT, s}Ms-h,li2n-R In miilwork, lathe a tailor, a profession which he also R. W. DAVIS, Prop. content In the kmrwledge that here ban tics wen- clearly and attractively set before them. -work Bath in wood and Iron, snd truck innsK-nsi Ills ability ss a tailor beea foaatl What each has been aeek- won for him pttaaj and medals In Ing for til in i-Nt UN many years as he "Large numbers of other pe>ople, t-odlc* that diawa husluesa from all several merited couttwts, the first of Ladies' and C.ent^' Giurnenta Repaired, Altered, bas been UIITC—health, wealth and who are not perhaps prospects as of eentral Florida. At p^-aent their which oiinrrwl In 1K81, again in l!vS;l bapplnew-. It ii* the ntjfaeet of tha permanent dtlsens of Florida*, would plaut Is working fnll capacity to keep BigKMltion to Kbnw to the millions become investors then* If only proper np with the demand mode upon It hy and In 1SS7 WHS again HWIIIIIIXI ;IU Cleaned and Presseil that live in ind come to Sew York nt'ormntion were given to them lu those who are building St. riorui. other trophy nil af which he prlnra during the year what Florida can of­ convenient and convincing form. Oth­ very highly. er thousands are timid about Florida fer. It Is to be the mean* of spread­ When Mr. Davis came to Mf. Oloud, ing the good word of Florida's t*eae* nt nn investment field because ad HEDRICK'S BAKERY there was no Hoffman pressing fleeat climate and myriad possibilities verse criticism of an erroneous* sort We Specialize in Pleating Indies Garments to the hundred and thousands who has reached their ears regarding con- I'ntil HIX Tram Hjro tlie bread sup­ machine iu operation, the old-fush- either know little of this stats or dltions there. ply "f St. ill ind was hriiuat In from ioBtsl go»n BIND DUJVJEB Florida abtpoeitftOL will lie the most •NSSJMtS Ihat the Florida Exposition and i-srjii to this lily with a di-trr- his establishment. stuptfUilnuH nffair of its kin J ever ha- been organlived. Si> nsored hy ta suply It, anil s,vuriuk- I His plaut Is equipped with sll the the public-spirited citizens of the held In tin latgeal aud most palatial 1 will, aa si'on hart rii.Nlern, Kaiiltary modern amillunees nisnled to uBQOaJB Cor. Tith St. and New York Ave. St. Cloud, Fla. state for the purpose of educating exposition Imildin^ In the world. Th.' 'pi.-inf iii BBoraCtaaj BBjppLftas HM aaada good work, aud n quick BOfOlaa of aaattt appeal that "JfterMaM has H1- America to the untold advantages of ol tln> city lis is .i firm bolloeef culling for nnd dclivety Is maintained araja held for ihe Northerner will be Florida HS a place of residence u\d In St. riunil and his Kliigiin Is "I for the i-onvenlents' of the public. jnictureNijuely nnd exquisitely hiid IK>- nn opportunity for business enter- niake It nml s|>t>nil It in St. rioml" fore the vinltor. with the merits nf pttaw, the Floridn Kxisisition ile* Mr. Davis is a bi-nster for the com­ which la il Bare • -imiui.-n.lHMH. Fplrlt the ihoiiHiind-aud-one things thnt are tlrei tha ecttvt aanspoii of every, single munity, and cnrrli'M u Ch.,ml*'i of Mr. Mi'ilii.k has s|M'nt many tll'in here lo nil lea him from the •Mresj •allar of a product <>f the Paalueular I'l'tiimi'iiv i-snl. He owns 11 BOBBO on Stale. Whether your lino of emleavor MIIHIB of ddl.'irs iii (Man. this ,-lty I .srarded • asadal .'it tae World's Fair .Mid let of tha Hurt hern climnte. MaBBncnanotta a.vnnao where ha mimlor- lows: of teeny iriiajhli pradasx, JI wm i A well known elllenuKe of Rt. basjt, ar.d hir; work has heeii faver iui aaaai ta ti;-- rtmlio, Tofether ttiej Mr. and Mrs. Allen ns-. ntly bmight • A brief description ot the Florida the states mm.clous pobhibil- ahiy paaaai upon by the laatttag tbe Alcovo and are proud of their il loud la the firm af Psrker & l'lirker. like aud lore Florida aud ita nuuie. Kxpositi m will assist you tn appreciat­ iiic-. Tt will h eof untold advantage critics of the world. In a competition possession which is ono of the most ,»lio EOOjdacI 11 aanarol real estate and oasj s'BotH af baaatvy of which he hus ing the value of this exposition to in furthering the progress of the of artists o| tlie world in IMS in- sja*j valuable spots In all Ht. Cloud. Thoy lnw Inislness- L. M. Parker, realtor. •i ctilleetlon In reality a treasure you and the people of Florida and g-gfirttf Florida baaai u|s>n a firm and awarded n fotd aaftatel hy tfefl judjtes iay they bsvo tounsj the world tn their interests. permuiiciit basis. Q P. Parker, attorney, a very sue- i hest. of the photo evhlhit at the Interna- find a fitting place to live, and dur­ "The Florida Kxpnsltton will be coastal ci'inliliiailnn. Ilisidlnx yior- "Not since the day* of '40 has any i >nal Kxhihitlon at (Jenou, Italy, thus ing a recent visit to Bombay they haaasad In the largest, most beauti­ I1I11- mil from Kansas Baaaa Minraitla MM ton of Amerlea enjoyed such uni­ Kivin* Amerlea first honor. The ful nn dntoat conjjnletely-e ings mid listiucs which embrace much they will "live forever". They are Of the great uptown business MCttalS State Artists' Kxhlhltion also a all nskri a HIHTIIICII woman. Well, they ing invested in its laud, agriculture ol the lu-st iu (ity |iro|>orty inul Hie natives of Connecticut, but nothing and hut | stone's throw from the ^ cr cuu hy the Kustuiou Kodak <"V>. Hcem pretty noo*l at paying alimony short of a tractor can ever remove Grtad Central Stat ion, the thciitets. acnosa .'ind grove In mis an the out­ for l»eat rn>eelmenH. Another honor to liberutin! '*-omen.-—Martins Ferry the mammoth hotels and the wealthy side. Tho writing OS fire insur­ WM he.stowed upou him when ho wna Times. them from Florida. •partiannl districts of Riverside Dries ance in connection In another feature Don't Neglect ami Central I*nrk, Is the hub of New of their business which also is shar­ York. ing ia the prosperity uf the liiui. That Stubborn "An n»-»eage of 5,000 people visit Graad Oaatral Palace daily. The at­ tendance st regular trade expositions ELMER IDE Hacking Cough held there exceeds 2,..nng iiinn. .ildn'i. ful. At all good drugjriats. Ask for Florida's BOawer to laoaa wlm faar 1 "•'• .'•"•> Mas BO my daoajhtei '•" or fiimiio the truth lies In eight main u..mi',1. "Mayua yoa did, sir, I factors: was too im.- 1 illinate. H's ' nn' sradaya Mail Just gettir. raatried is saffleaanl k.iiumls 2. a—iiis for lliturre. ;; ^ajricul .",. T. Medal of a-uard. St. houit World Fat'; Gold medal, Genoa, i; "Kid Mayor" 7. Bllaera] Reaonreao. It.!;/, International Photograph cahibt; Grand and Gold medal, H. Mlllllllnrlol-ioN. 1'oi]iiiii>hi,,ner :,'»thii ...aycr says Indiana c.rhibt; Grand Prize, loua c.vhibt open to the U. S. viials: "Tli,. laduatrlaa bolll oo those re- aa 11 fonadatioo bsdndo iirae- tically •••.-yihlng that has made our eouiuiou conatrs Hie (rreatest force In [he OOBJstty of uutions." With these bulwarks of progress MKI sustalners of tirosperlty dnniina:- lnrT, Florida Is prepared to give the CALL AND INSPECT OUR WORK TO BE CONVINCED world the evidence. that the days of opponintty are here. OUR CLAIMS ARE TRUE. Lunch Room Let us analyse each of these factors In its turn aad learn the truth about Florida. Real Home Cooked SAVBTY FIK8T PLATE LUNCHES S-predtiea a sum MRS. C. J. BONIIAM Inuly li*t Illl when hOOM OllllllBl in the thing SOUKIII by 11 gui«t of Un. Washburn, Wis., has the young­ est Mayor of any municipality la Mad laaobea Hear Jloberson Drug Co. America, Paul Ungrodt was elect­ aajaeJa] Ibatafa during tha noon hour, ed to reform the town when hard­ Bfhioh is 11 busy one for this popular ly more than a boy. Now, at the eating place age of 23, he has made a great Mrs Itnuliam and daughter are success of hia administration, han­ from Ohio, but after a year sitfmt In dling the city's affaire with rare Pierian now claim It the "best state Judgment for one ef BO limited ex­ It the world." perience. THIKMOV. JAM'AJIY 81. 1»2« THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA I'AIJK KIVK—SECTION all

of land in the state. Fewer than 7, Tlie deelre to Is.' liked Is o:ip af ohoat ci 11 be 1 iiiiied and written on MAKE INVESTIGATION BEFORE BUYING, (HKMKH* aceM have tree* r,M ll I med the ilii'Hi*t H44»iHlHHIIIH4l4l|i|H isithy both are altrlnutee which go OAOKroNVDIXF.. 1%. "Florl.l.i, tate board, who can effect connections Slates, pr-'l-ably. If means could he far toward Insuring this liking «O0l> IIOI'SKKKKI'KH NOT bant Miss Flo: When Invitation* on the whole, has liwti free of the with a realtor In the n.minimi!v where found to drain It of the water which Hut Interest and sympathy both Im ENOUGH fur s wedding sre Is'lng sent out, "fly-hynlght' real estate pronuters, the property Is located and consuin aiinmilly Inundates r»,(g»0,(rOO acres. lily understanding. One could nut si Id one lie sent to 11 person wke but. taking advantage of the present mate the trunmiction. And theae means have hccii found. IVsr Miss Klo:—I have ts^n mar- be deeply iiiteOcMlcdl or Byni|iulti«t Is In mourning* A. It ftrttvp Interest of outaldcrn in this "There are one or more sort.lied Drainage ami pumping Is MH'lafmiug only six months tint I un afraid la with a man who spoke a differ .lust ns a matter of onirics:,-, ttas*\ It In not nt all unlikely thnt Insurance eomitanlea Isautng ollegcl land on which an average annual my tiiishanit Is slreudj crow ln,c tlr«l cut language and with whom one BatOOB who IH In mourning should •some unethical reel estate opemtlous insurance isdlclen gtinrsntisdng a cer­ yield (NM crops worth $TglO la con of me. I am pretty -everyt*.sly nays had no IMWSIIIIC way of exchanging raoaifO. «n invitation. However, no will he iittempted," says A he I A. Coult, tain increase in value of ihe property Hlder.Ml ftssureyl, and on wblch much w> 1 am a iood cook, a enter- Ideas. Yet many girls try to lmluit says to land tbe micker. Tlie one coiniwny l ml have eliminated the dread ot iliinn iHimfiirtslili'. my liimlviinl N|MH<1H tiitlnns unsy Hover, aod win re )iln and Its snbsldlarlea known to us in "in* eoiinvs, If people would havaad uuilarla and yellow fever. llitli. time nt liomn. I thliu, lie IH BOBBg ii-'ii'l Bat licensed io do imainess in r-ioridu. Slrould I (lei A Dlvuire" liaic tWf »• lnveatliig In lots <, acre tter off I would tie but I>ad Mild his homellfe—but more Intere-itcii iu made from blue prlnta of plain which Uu can he and la ladng Ktimulated by house — washing, Ironing, baking, sew­ advertising chits*, better buslneKS that It wouldn't hurt me to get a Isn't thnt What you want? lixveane and tlie Vlorlda Heal Batata have not Iteen re<>orded end the pur­ •Mnumiiiilty effort both lo bring more little mure Inside my head) Hint ing. I am an atisoluto slave to my uiiinnfuctiireN into the state and to hiiH.sind and children, and get noth­ Hr«ktTn' IJeeuae Com mist* Ion, l.t < bc< k chaser* have len rued Inter that no men wanted something more these intensify the production already there ing out nf life. 1 am dissatisfied with ing np rem striate prouualtJonH In Flor­ such subdlviaioriN existed. Bars thnn s bahy stare. What shall near Miss Flo:—I liavc )s>en going ida, when requested Lo Uu so by any "l>o not aetviK any verbal state­ l*mii ber and tiniUer. tobacco, clffara with ;i yi'img Linn fat iitmnt tlirc.' life and tired of trying to make both nnd tlsanetlaa. shiphuildin);, taraaaHae I .lu I'm net In'ellectual—I couldn't Ineifidual or agency. ments as giving greater privileges inunlhe, and now thnt Ohristmns la 'ids meet. T can see no hRpp!m«e aud routa—these are the big ltema In- If I tried, out I want to hold my nil,.mi of me. I would gladly take my "In order to acquaint the jieopte than the wrltteu contract. husband nud I vwmt people to like approacnins I am anannad aa h of noridh manufacture, although whether Ot not I should give him 1 freedom st almost sny cost. I mar­ of the United States with this free "If tlie promotion unsure* ihat cer­ fiirnilure, clothing and potteries are inc. Nettie. ('hrlstmiis gift. I should like very ried when I wits only seventeen, snd MTvh-e. we are eondticitng n nsilnn- tain improvements will tie put In aft­ grewtug induKtrieH. uiuch to do so, but do not. wish III 111 remise now thnt I made a terrible *ld** advertising campaign, talltnj er The lots have beat, sold. Insist thHt • * • i- think Hint I expected 11 gift from mistake, 1 do pot, cannot, love hits iseni thu truth ahum Florida la a serteta J>>I cent age of tlie purchase The old ir>« thnt m.-n i>rc?er wo­ arlsa on all lots ^luill ls> I MI id to n men without Ideas or knowledge out him. l'le.ine udvlse 111c. »R11>\ him happy. 1 try tu no cheerful and trti«.tce II utborlwil to Invi'st tfeaM aide nf the siririly feminine province tf I were you I should nut preterit in.^ntiirs to Inveatignte. knap I1I111 I'r.uii iispctliig how I feel finnlN in tbe MjM'ciriiHl luiproveinentN Hin YKARH At.0 af the home—tlist they prefer girls the young mull with n t'lirlntliuis gl fI "As a matter of fuel, more than (4'ontinueU from Pago (hie Hec. Tl) 1K> per i-ent M nil the bogus selling Must of the warthWatlla NiitHllvlslons nml wmiieii In BrOOBB they sre Inter lililll lie gnve me one. Jt is most en but my heart is dull. IK ta>lng done by ileitlers outside the InstilII a considerable portion of the eeted should be sweetly ifniorinit os wise lor -i glil lo lake the fii.«1 step I>o you think I inn justified in nsk- HUte, NRI that Ihe Florida Nlnle nuth- Improvements bafOTS offering »uy lots Leenhurg, OknhuniktM-. ami others - uny aohjoetB except the fondamentala il. these illiillci-K. ing for 11 divorce? Helen. orltU's do not have any jurisdiction for HSIC lis a gnniiuitee of IccaBapllab' and we Mid with regret, 'Kbiriibi is nt .iiiini-htiiiiv i- B pust .-iiii'. Koa Iicnr Miss Flo When 11 gentle­ Yours. Helen, is the tragedy of those «ver It. NJCllI growing.' Bee proof of tfaia aronnal yon every man Inviies Iw-n Jnilies to go nul'i- who many ton yooat. The mnn who (VoprrsiUsi Outside Male "And finally (fa imt Invest l..yoml "Why with regret'.'V asked the da] Hie rlrla men like tn talk in. moble riding, should one of the la­ fires the fancy of the seventeen veer Tlie Htifie Oteaabw <»r <« aret ability to meet all latere ohlisnrttOBJ sterner MX tnUe ill-omul nml iiilrmlii.e tn tlleir mes sll ill the trout wnt 7 (21 Wlicn "Id BChon] girl does mil often III.]MSI1 or Florida iH'velopuicrit Hoard an under ordinary caadltloas." '"Beeaoaa Florida hag always baea fi-ieiiils, and the nivafl who carry into tha iiiiiiliille Htops, should tile genfl" to tha w.ilnmi of twenty -eight I lint formerly named, la working In co-oper- a far nwuy land, a Is'iintll'ul trmkless nun riinony ,liftt Mlrest gimriiiilee of 1111111 get nut first nnd help tha Indies is tlie argument I use so often in try­ aassB with ta-tter huslniWH bureaus tPipieal WllderneSH, w.-t^Iics \,\ OUth to niigiif.' Thorh you. r, it. ing to iNiint out the danger lo those R*;AL OKVKISWMKNT aaecaaa afa too atria and women who jiasl real eMate IUVIINIUK coniiniHsioiis em Maa dowB .ill it-- ileader length Both linlics sli,nilil sit in the bach many youngsters who write me ask­ IS YKT T« M»; IS ,t aova st lenst ii aanerona smntterin^ In a numiter of t-tali*, trying tu put it aa* at bus aad thnt aoterprieln| of up to data iiiforimitinii who isin sent. (1) The genileninn should get ing if 1 think they arc too yoiiii,: el KKMKF OK KANKKKS population," thnse "thriving towns," the unwcrpuploitb promoters out of listen inielll'ii'iitly to • mini's Idaaa out first and assist the holies. sixteen nnd seventeen tu marry. They thnt "vlgoroiiM jinblb •Blrtt>M witl) think not. of course, uinl -rgiii-illiisa hwrinasm lu many cases we bsve mill IllililiieN, win, OBn onlie bttl-k with Hear Miss Flo : I have rccenlly By W. V. FlKRrUir which we nre all so familiar, hut lyint of the BwVtot Ihcy receive, they us­ 1st lis tod tnvoHtlgntioiiN in other states sniuelhliig more than a blank look hcurd uf the cngjifluent of a friend at ease iu the l*a)niy tiir. If has laagaad ually take the step in haste aid In our efforts hi protad Ihe linn) par TA1-LAIIASKMK. Kla . I>et. 17— vln-n the ansfotoatlou liecomes in- whom I have not swell, or heard from. at the mere idea of exertion. 0 lovely, reis'iit st leisure. chasers, nnd we have aticei'eded In The rati development of tbis state ia elaairo of nil thnt is going on to tlie for a long time. Should I write her otspping some of (he companies, rraoi yet to come, li wiii bv*xiti, FsWoda'a laay Ftortda ' eaa it i.ig wnrld and us. n note al i-oiigrmiiiaiion r 0. n. Tu.- imt nun you nave clinngoel operating. Baahan believe, Wataa the gambling men have tit laM fon-ed rea forwe'd Of course, you enn meet witli ex- It would li' the most courteous your mind lu regard to the fed hues In one state there tire more thun tejJaitjVaa aasj the atace*i agrtcaUanu into the ranks of prosNic ptoaraMT ii'ptions almost anywhere, and you thing to do. you have fur the mini you BIB 11 lag* tHO reel> hsg-iiHes nine 'helag and imlusUial ret,our«es taaMMI tsM "The sterner aaa thought it could.'' run find girls who Apparently have Hear Miss Flo:-When one is writ­ is certainly nut evense euoutrh for Leid up for further iuvestlKitlon into natat of Httentlun, rather than the That word-idftiire was written jusi nut sn Idea In tbelr heads, but whoin g a letter which is longer than one divorce. If your husband Is good snd (be activities nf the applicant* who pleasure rc!*orts, They oht-crve that ftO years ago, imagine what Its author niipesl to clever men. The witchery pare—should the inside of the note kind—if you know that he is doing • teoire to contlnts? mdllng Florida rest would suv If she were to see the Flor ("allfornla went through the some pro Of physical lieauty can sweep a man paper be used—or the outside page the very best he can, you arc a pour rstabr In that State. cesH of development. Ida of today, to hear our talk uboiit from his feet for a time, but it If the inside should be used, should eport Indeed If you don't do your The r


We are proud uf tlie many compliments paid us since our opening as regards our Service and Food. Written subacriptljons for shares oi' stock ifri projected jnew Our kitchen is in charge of experts who know how to building and expanded business at *• 100.00 par will now be accepted satisfy. tentatively as if and when issued. SNAPPY SERVICE

No long waits—if you appreciate quality foods, good service and iiuuliralf prices give us a trial. Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Ford Proprietors Short Onltr Hrcnkfust from 0:30 lo fl:00 Cafeteria Dinner from 1'2:00 tu 2:80

Cafeteria Supjicr from 6:80 to 8 ..'III Gigantic $25,000,000 rum rlirf has oeerwbroken up, with many ar- reata. Here is Major Wsltoa Green, the man who directe.1 tlie Mass. Ave and 10th St. St. Cloud, Fla. captures. Lower photo Is Mr. John A. Fouler. Prohibition Director of New York, whose active work la stoaoliur boon smiura-line;. J TllliiSlilY. JANUARY 21. IBM I'M,' -l\ SI • TION 11 T11 V. ST. CLOUD TKTIH7NK, ST. CT.OTTP, T-T.ORTTIA

V.lll ""I "•* away fiom the head ATLANTIC COASTAL HIGHWAY NOW I urlhsr on ii"' oi (in Practical Instruction* In I Ihi' hlMtor.r itinis On dannlng (ar OPEN FROM MAINE TO MIAMI tti I hi1 'Hie 1 i ahuuld is- the 1 Irjl p prf HOME SEWING I Hi.- lourlvl rind I of the , ;n to dry with the cnamola By Ruth Wyeth Spears Iiic upon '•'. when bringing the car ra out <-t the \l lOMOItllK TOI'KISTS SOITIIWAKO MGND THIS MASON Will. in h ill ii. TMa stronghold "lis Wet, It helps in male 11 »ood |oh of i-ciiii.iifi'.i by tl e S|iiui.-ii in iibfui the windows if the dOtUB Itgtll IB t he FIND HS i-Ai's or BUI) KOAIIS MIW SWOOTII NEW v itiMin li.'N of Kt. Marlon la ear la turned nn. Hob the body of KIM) llli; fJAM OF HAD KOAHS NOW SMOOTH NICW Hun it in viT nu ml,ni I'v i.n runny. with the cbamola gently and In Hi AuirtiHt inr - Uld ill'' a» little ae poaalbh Rod the enr booM in ih'' United •) a feet tlmea before ntnrting to work In another year win tea wort started. iiii-> I'lncliT «\.nniy tin- Ooti order io obvltne having water drip By SAM! FX Kills Ml HlStaWfly ti'.ri l luni off the top when tin- body i* dry. (Tee I'!,,. MiniiiH i .instill Highway, While tin- muM-r aad of the Atlantic mil. DAB «'f tht fin**| rt'iids in 11n* two chamola: for the windows Maine to Miami. Florida, i« Ban rl» Ooaetal Highway paaaae through the Mat* rad tht.'ii: li UH- firm deowly • t body, one for the fenders. tins llv completed a grout ribbon "f territory .v 111 < > i made tho Oral hlatoryUTOWtn H scn.t'tr-npii'iil viiMt:Ht"ii, pAM- bum pent, wheela and a1 which threads tbe atlanl 11 ot the United States, touching al Ing toe BOB* "t .font. i» Rockefeller, Testiru- «Vfieel XUvtinwart iii,. Pacific Ooaetal snliin. staid old iti'i-foii. New Tort, : 0d in"' i • «'l lli'l' Mary car owners tali to make hand i:c to sun Dtagc smi Washington, Fredericksburg, nnd Ih" kiiiL's of Industry HIM I finance. way when (thing up the fnmi wheela Mllll. nic prominent in the Wat i«- I -A\ liiun, Si ttbroi • id they fall W true up t lie Srly completion of the At- ween the Btatea, it baa nothing lying within • taw mtlaa i and tires separately, Thd front • , i- .iln.-. in n ureal mora historic mine thaa i-'ior other. ' mhlnad Ihomaetvca wheela may toe In the proper amount, 'ii fii . iiin daring ihe Ida into on* nuulrlpnlHj watch bat taken hut (he rims niny net run Irue, thug •ii-i, thnt Nana wealth Duval I'nilnty, nf wlilrli .lucks,in !IM- uama of Dayton* Ranch, it la throwing the Urea oul «>f hue. This ,1 io her reputation of pragma viii,- i, th,- BOBI mid ibe gateway to • •IL Daytooa Beach where tha arorldl'a can be determined by reeoletng the alvencsa by spending more thaa $10. the Booth, baa just siieiit 02,000000 mi aptad racorda for antomobltaa haw wheela Bepajftttnly and noting how 000,008 en tills highway dnring 1MB. Lta road, la tpeadtag another approprls h< rn RMda llBCS BUtOIDOtlve M'hirlf- true liiey turn, Any viirintiou may I'ractlcall.v nil of the Florida i«>rtinn tlnii of $1^00.000, nml if considering WITC first minnifiU'ttiu •! be *)»*' t<> the wheala bntng tee leena ot itiin Boa M'astni liiuhwny is now Bonding itseir for (00,000,000 more. After paanfnf throdgii New sntvnu on the gslea or t«. the rims being ready for the traqr of annnnnten ii.,. \il.inii< Oooatal Highway will WIICI-M tin* Atlnniic Ooaatal Blyhway screwed to the wheels unevenly. which «iii wiui Ita way polmwaH Bgvt nn o|i!i inol route through l>u BWI • hy ocenn braoaaa -.111111 ii Grnan) rVawel Firmly during tin- uen three rnntifhs vi.I I'l.iinty with tat completion ot ratchet UTlaml, the tonrial is well in )v,im,ally I lie fonslnl Highway the proposed oceanoMt blgtatraa from Not only is it neeessary t.» keep t, the Blna Oooae, or tndlnn liiver, OOtk hands on the wheel Imt tn gTBap will ""I cud nt M'linil. i'lnridii, but Itckscnvllle beach lo tbe -t lobns roan try, froni where comae the fnaa* will bend around in a graceful curve Oounty line. This highway allows the wheel in sll. ll a Way that it ill III iiiir* Itliif Goooie ornnge, tiii- pineapple, gtig should the Froni wnnal strike un I ,,ver tin- Oonnort Highway and lam travel on the ocenn benrh for thirty end alomei every kind of regitable Ini.i 1 trail tkioaga tl" KvcrgludcK, inih's. it affofda BouUibound toot* obatructloii or •< t Ire blow out. nnd fruit • \ driver whoae Urea caught in the nml t" the weal ci ua Tneat t ll will lata then first opportunity bo drive kfelbooFna l« eqnldlataiit between join with the Qulf Ooeetal Highway in. ni n beach arnica Bl lot? tide i; ear tracks recently loel his grip on JackatonrillQ ind IClaaat. beonnae of the steering wheel and suffered a l Bgotood mi the areol .oust lo more than W0 feet wide .iii.Ui.nn thin it is ^n"« 11 a> Midway City, it rcii-iH nlii. the metropolis of western villi* is iiir flrai |Miint nt wiihii .-I,,, • had skid as a conaequoDce, lie thought la iiiw II to the only boactl of its is tin- Atlantic Coaat tertnlnua of the be waa holding the wheel firmly, i'lit i lerillilllis of the l-'lisco , i roaa itate highway from Tampa and) found that bis bands slid along it inthern branch, The kind in the world. : t urn is lirs a Junction (mint for tlione Th, n Hi,- Const:il Highway enter-. 11 ugh to upaiM in • piann with will join with tin' Old Bpaalak 'i'ritil who wMi t.» leave tho roaatal Htgh- regard to kee*y.iig Ihe ear steady. | nt I't'ii-mci'lii. Into the i.imi of l'i'iice dc liooa and, 1 polnta on the Weal Coaat, ;ili|il'..;n tling SI. WetgM itchiw Bnwfcggg (/jgooAJ-rig) HETTWEST/ Aiiniiicr extenalon of tho Ooaetal l^u R before hi renehea Btnaii tha n of tbe unaprung iy will he the Blfhwas nil- wind is advertiaod ns the "Fountain Mini irlat will - Ight 1 be 1 Kht-houac 111 nf l null" It is about HI tin- point ii the ear Is too often over tlie keyt flout Minuii .o Key IVi-sl j J uplter and find the highway taking looked by ear owners The ".i^iit I bim ti 1* and down dale an th< above the aprlngt ma] be 1 i>- > t iic thp main lli»Muii^Iif;ii«.> (if ed tnere is little llkelth 1 of meen- of the previous stitches. Continue- the annl aonnt <»( fc*I«r* engine pnfl the ear, He should allow ished arrowhead. One of theee jnn"i->n 1, .iti*« |H ,|f,. ^ the engine to warm up ttwnugnty he- aoavllle, where the Old Bpninan Trail fore siartiiu', When ih' engine is may be hatwi bo thi wantern part "f PUllIng the enr. the whole dri\e shaft. Expert liliirli'iillnristH liuvo listed tha Btate. This J • • 11 axte: da all llic anlea, differential and i.iiulv MSI 111 J roses. way to PrhMii->)u in Kloiiilii end 0.1 gears are Btrntned. to New Orleans. When the Motor Knock* When semi automati*' advance is provided for the spark il is Importanl THAT TAB OF VOI Its" ¥ to remember that the control al tha steering wheal ahould in- k'etarded II more than for tha cenventlonal simrU Testing CjoHboii l%af«m«ver COOtreJ if the motor Knocks. With Wether it nrnon remover really aeml-automatlc advanee the apart is workH or not enn be decided by driv­ advanced automatically skoal of the ing the ear with a dOtt) tied OfW the time, and to retard tie anaxfc it is end ef tht* cxhniisi III|K-. If tin- inr necessary to pull the control lever iHin nanorer is wernnjr, the etotfe back tardier than with the conven "Little But Loud" wll lie filliil With iiiilKin pnrlieles. t lone] deeigu. Falling to do thu kaa TI... eleali should not be att» bed aa caused lo.'inv owners of the newer We tarry ;i full line of tightly us tn choke Illl- cxhailMt, vet .•»ru ronalderabie annoyance and gn> tightly enough to atny on for the nnt> 1 ry t rouble. M;iH.T/inrs, Florida'! litml- I«Ml Of the test. A muchine that 1ms been Imilt for blg Daily Papers, Pool Turning With HalloiKia t gradual Ing clrclea Into degrana and Chvtng to tbe traettre r hnrnctnr1a mlnutea la aa geeorate that Ida 1 rroi Cants Stationery, Cigsn, tics ef balloon tires 11 nir HO eejulpped in a circlfl all miles in diameter would J. F. DANIELS EPD GEOROE han the happy faculty of iteerfiig be less than t.'ii Inch. Cigarettea, Cold Drinks. «tralj:ht wiih far lana effort on the part nf the dr'vcr, bnl m uay driver- etc fall tn note that thin can he a dlxitd- BUILD STRENGTH vmntage In turning the car around, thu frequently been that eomplalnl The b^iiy deprnds entirely on the Pennsylvania Grit that wiih balloon tires tin* average blood for strength. Ii tho bl od is car ran not in* turned a round in the thin, impure and undernourished, name radius as would IK1 noeatbte with your streneth is impaired, your vi­ THE ALCOVE FLORIDA TRUCK BODY MFG. CO. Ifnttotiata uennlly am i*lbute tal iy is lowered and your power of the width of th»- ballon ihe. ince r^ainst disease lessened. BEN Al.l.KN, Prop. pointing out that its buUrlnoei Intel I.EONAKUI'S ELIXIR FOR Rudders of THE BLOOD feeds tho blood, SuCOMOf to • It h the s-. iic:- whi-n t h builds it up, makes it rich, red and wheels are (flvea tlieir inn xiiiium "cut pure. Good red blood means MRS. M. M. KIVXIILDS But ihi- la ii"i the reel rannnn. health, strength and new vigor. na> iiforeineit Iii'lied tmcttve tend- Fortify your body against disease. STANDARD TYPE TRUCK BODIES I in \ if ti»e balloon tire makra it eon Make it stronger, more healthy by II n 1 in 11 y aeon to atralghten out u using LEONARDI'S ELIXIR wbeela dnring the tarn BO *h\n th FOR THE BLOOD, the ideal tonic wlieela are not given their werlmini and purifier Ask for LEON­ SPECIAL DESIGNS TO ORDER


hundretls or thoutandt nf dollars. The capital ami labor ara oh WIMKTK OK I I IH'.! I) \ FLORIDA'S PROSPERITY REACHES growing population of Florida nil nil, \ KAMI AArO liii.i I,, lie fed nml , lotted, While nn wealth nml stability bat ever been (Continued from Page Oaa doc, nn OVER NATION WITH GREAT EFFECT soil nn earth Is more productive thaa shown by n pioneer suite in a single ll in' . .i real tonnago of f I aup wear, ii in tagajerattoa to say i.eesbiiig. ukahumkee, and othei plies, must ne in frnm other NOC- tlillt the eyes nf Iln' World will lie nml we mi 1<1 wiih regret, Florida la By WILLIAM eii industries la ovary pari al the Uolted nt' Kleei tbliiligbiilil tht twrhi' lllnnllis liiiiiiiifileturerH are linril put to it to It is iinteworlb.v that with Florida 1 far awny Inml. n Is'iiitlful trncklessi Ktiiii's. nml tanned ii notable oontrl fin- roliNtrui-tli'll Bf iniHlern bnlels, of­ keep pant I ii I' demand. III the fm-e us il K-'linl hliver nl' Ihe nttlon't products nf every Kind, lens truplcn] wihlernesH, washes by souths A.S.McKAY iniiioii ii> iln general ptetaorlty pre- fice skys-criipiTH, rail astBBaiafla bar rruliilbly Hie miiHt oiilliTi-le ileiimn luir liiipriiveitielils. el.'., cniiinil In' nc Is iK'ing beard In New Vnrk nml elsi em wn* down all Its slcniler lenglll. VHIIIIIK in ii"' iiMiiiir.v throogboul striitliin New York bus bail of the rui-Hlely iriingcil IIM tn viiliinic tlms where i eg tilling Hie predicted evil, It never has hud that "I'literprisinR Iln- year. Now York finulirliil, lilisl- enormous purchasing pnivcr of Florida willy. It Is known that toe Htale to follow the withdrawals uf tlie population," those "thriving towns,'*- New and Second-Hand ness and liidustrlul circles In apprait- in the country's! markets vvns given at frnm being practically iiecliglliln ss a Ihe Tooth Motional Hotel Imposition pimple's savings! from the hanks to Ihat "vigorous public ," wlthi Ing the yi'ar's uelilcvoiiienls in Iho finance land purchases lu Florida. In which we are all so familiar, but lying country ns S whole visualise Florida coninmar of tills product, jumisMi in held recently iu the (iranil lentral the year to a commanding position. falace. Here were gathered over 300 view of the alarm caused lu some at ease In Ibe balmy air. it has Isugheil FURNITURE an s new economic force tn In reek- quartan hy the withdrawals, it Is ot the mere idea of exertion. l> lovely, lined with, and a market Of almost Aptonot "f tl"* ernwlnir Iniivirinti,.- of firms devoted not only to tbe corn- the Himth as a market for finished fete furnishing of hotels, but spurt Significant that the American Hank­ lazy I i.'ruin ! can It he that northern lllillinlli'il BOopt for Iln' mil mill and ers Assii'.-iiitiini renorta a gain tn sav­ men linve al last foretd FOB forward manufactured pnwliiils of Iln' nstlon. str.'l pmdllcls, unit Its possession of ments and private resldi-iiee* as well. Our stock is complete. in.n ile|n,sits, ibe Wall Slrcet Journal Kvery one of these concerns with the ings hunk depotltt ia 1925 tggrega- into the ranks of proaslc progress?' All told, tin* consensus of opinion In t

Kountiiln of Hieniat Youth for which A Florida corporation can begin J As Almost 100% Perfect tic sought ROBINSON'S PHARMACY biiMluewH with eainta 1 ss low aa teoxj,- in iiia. dcteruilucd search ioi (lie St tlend'N youirgetd drug store un youth nvnewlng wiiterf*. Pone,, de EatM IKI is tatd io jnivr ha Ihetl for i • lcr tln< able maiiAgement of Mr Is. Any meolliur ,,f ttocfcllOldOra or v OgiaaM*. i* raokoaad IH an "in­ dlreetora may is- held within or with­ Ujtj HI laka he ,-ttiue stitution * owing i« it* popolarlti out ihis stats. upon, l»ot In hare foi-fut- Fully paid sleek llisy Bt IsHilwI fur teJi |o i. aiuotig the paagM M the cll.r. Miie-e props,*.', sarrloat or path, Che Jmiit la waa 11 IM it; twtaMiahiueiig • f»-w montlm ga meal or the directoas laopeetiag the BC8, "t I in! Mi,; VV.IH ki MJ t'ootv ii ban enjoyed a jwitnuiiige far BTaatai vulue Bf Ihe considers!loo Is OOOClut 01 I. thnn anticipated aud atlli MBJ| Mroiig Ire In ihe BhBBBxM of rriiuil. rv iu tho n in*- his ita lonieal haatloa tH-uifr a big fac­ Flurlds euriHirulloiu, uiuy huld 1 ta*, slis'ks. Ismdii or securities of other In IftftD, I II I * J rem care and pride IN taken In i oi I»..I ut ions, n-iii siiii BsjttjaaaJ pte> lyViTcr i•:' tho HI i iver, led the fllliug o/ prtwra-tiiationa at thi,. perty. within nr without the state, ii piv'< ad ai iato l-'iorlda 1 v\iil kui'wu Hior»» when* expert* are without limitation as to amount. it. aaafcti of $al La irhlrh Ih n>untry waa in charge aa a public aafi^uard. One oi' the ru-ottlcHt and moat MBBplBM own caiiltul slock and hold und ie aoppoaad t" iboaadi BV! tha gallant issuo or ennctil them. HtiH'lu. of tol!etrie« to t>e found in advent ui er succuinlstsl in the lore** Different classes of stock, with such ( entral Florida are on diapiay, much Q ,iii t la: b. i a iileb preferences aud votlug powers or IM hi«.i UloKOvorad clilnwd bia bt Ij to the satmfaction of the ladiea of without ruling power, muy tie Issued To Klor' lu the. vi-hirera St. Cloud who ileum ud tbe la tew and ss may lie desired, aud without limits mrst i-av.' iMTjrou'lu-t •oBoeta. 04 beet in the. lino at prleen the loweat Hon as to rate of dividends or relative tiuir turhulaol aplrit, tut hot h tory conalHteiit with quality. ii mounts issuwl. fi*r 1111111' *han t\v«> yo. iloadl Tho fountain at this at ore la a Florlitii corporations project, tho prl- lor «•.. lorahlp ••"•(K'* I. oieiiuiu bav a nohhy "the beat tlon dovelopiM aud In 18ttt> weatern time. Florida voted in favor ef annexation coeo ivla in town" Mciire or ciinsolliliite with other cor- with Alabama aud a euah oil*-./ ot fci, porarJahB, UOO.tMKt waa made hy Alabama, but FlurliU does not nssists a yesrly nothing oajna of it. lJH'vehipmeut in 0. E. FOSTER privilege or franchise tax ou capital the t'nltiMl Ntatea has ever traveled stuck of corporations. slowly toward the aouth. The north Thp Ush Market conducted bv D. Florida corporations may issue and had more to offer the early 10. Fiisl, r Is nu Iniporteut simp lu the bonds, debentures or other obligations, settler. The great rush of '49 attract­ •• ot tbe people of Bt. Oloud, without limit ss to amount, snd give ed euiigrnnta to the far west; aud this where thnlr ilally wants In fisb, oy bondholders power to vote, if desired. Along with tht Intemttlonsl Live Stock Exposition tn Chicago s drew largely apnn tbe already limited stem anil shrimp aro rared for. Mr. May hsve perpetual existence •pedal contest was held to find America's most pereet boy and girl, population of tho south. The recon­ KIWKT luis spent a lifetime in the Msy ilt-clare snd psy stock divides*.. From over 000,000 entries, Alice Burkhart, IS, of Audobon, lewe, aad struction period following the (Mvil business which tins enrrirxl blm si- Provide for capitalisation to any Oeorge Cutkaden, 14, ef Bt Paul, Minn., were ehoeea beet War dlaeouraged settlers from coming most ori-r the natloii. and sfter har- desired amount south; Kansas and Colorado, Wyoming iug nwirly frozen lu California, aa he Fix the par value of their stock at any desired figure. and Utah, the Rocky Mountain stutea says, Joined the caravan leading to • II IIIHH MI'K'IsH'HII'H'l in with other ihirtnera? Thank you. Keep sll their books and records and the Pacific coast had railroads the sunshine snd wsruitii of Florida, (ft IM outside of Florida, except on origins I before Florida bad even a narrow sjii'iuling niiK-li of bis time hetwosn The hostess should not arrange to gauge line. It WHS not until Henry nr duplicate sunk ledger eiistuiuers telling of the womlers uf IN CONFIDENCE * hiiM- ttM ImsluHid and wife go in to M. Flagler aaw the poswibilities of her I'lurlila, Its snbtlmo ciiuiate, und its dinner tnuether They bhould have gulf-kissed shores aa a nation* play nslllM, THK OCEAN EM1TV t.uiii/.lni; ileielutiuu-ut nml its away The Army and Navy court martial otket MrteMct ground and made Florida acctsssihle hy i O.iitihiUNi frnm Pag* • II-Hr A i rail that the I'mted States awoke ilowu frnm bis he«ix. has fired Ueneral Mitchell fur five "Eat ninrc fish!" has been the «ry years. Now If congress would fire its opportanilMBa of the fissl msmomists for some time, Uiiiti Tiuir duty to him few Lwvaj your I no Army nnd Navy ilcpnrtiucnts fur Deftf MlM H«: 41 I 'Hnner par Toda* tliey I'onie hy rail and water, with Ihe result Hint today Ihe world's oMlgsttlOB to fOUr ihililren You hrtV*' SVI.1KNT KK.Vn'KKN the same |ierlod, probably we emil.l t v, :• IUIMIMMBM. sltoiiM the DOOMoM ov.r v.'lv.t ;!sp(i,ii| and through the fish hat tool nmoiiuls to 20.- ii.• null! io ooMltte raaii batppln*u (IF OIKI'OKITHIN reach some solution of the question of take h«r place at the air —nnd tlie tun pi re dlacororad hy the IHHI.IHHI pounds, uf fish) uinu it t.-i.flKU will, ynur cbtldrttt'l I.WV-. IN I U)R1I)\ world peace. remain stnndiiig until her |aj adraoturoui Baektng BpB»alard, Juan In Ihe 1 ii it ,-,1 Slules thu .mum I aaaUaalT l'iiank.s. (1> s.) Flurlda prolilliltB levy of n Suite And what wmilil fOU io if you * 1L11 Ponoe de Leon, roaponda to tha aa- catch is uver L'.ntlll.lHKI.aOtl pounds ^.•i • liiMn.f.' I;.I to irorkl Support Tin* li.i-*trss should venial* staii'liii; ploration ami evploitalion uf twen itlinllll. tll\. IMMt.KSTION. MAVHK Two hundred thouannd fishermen men tieth methods. l'lnriilii i.rulilliits levy uf a Sttte in yourself ami tktOS NIIIMII i liililn-u I until all her guests an- r*ente nulekly. w.nil.i take euro <>f III*' clilMrvn wlill* latlv-; aint her and tat her ». * .initially ITal Ml THKKK IS fuming sesreer. ;>• away from BOOM Hi WOtkl their iliumhter ami Ml finnre to a fOB wili-'i 1 Ita weary Waj! | .!-r;i«le No resident director is required, Inn there um-t lw a roaldcnt agent. There Is always room for Improve­ "iiur shml eiiteh bus fallen from ii; MMVW, I am IMoVtaf flint you pla.'e nf iiiiiiiseuielit—Miy. t"l itUtafttU '' oi BO ii-" i lie iron li*iot of imlusxlry It is nut lus-essary thut dlrecturs In ment al the top/ over S0,000,000 annuls In l.stsi to 16,- lovi' your i-lillilivn, Mint imt h in*; the tin-alre or dinner—wlj.i Mmiild baata • tat to ami tail MJau rear Ebalff stm kliulders. (SSI.OOO at Ihe present lime; sturgeon would make you |nut with theai. pay the 1'ills the fntlur. of the age-old bod tea ami lift green tendrils A Florida eurisiratloa may issue Hum lS.OOO.lKKl In lmg) lo 1,000,000; You arc .mired an njitinilHt If you young lady's fluuee'' Thauk yuu. new iprlnfl to witness the iiianh • liuies of stuck, both preferred and III CAN NAMK HIM fr :ill.lKHI,(Ksj lu 18101 to 10> Ijclicve mnuu* million,iiir will ram*? (A. H.) Ol ever im leasing hoidta. eiiiiiinuii, without noinliiiil or par The Junes' have another lisby. Tboy 000,1X10 and oysters from iM,000,Ooi> ajjajflaj nml marry you and provide you Tlie one who BKteodl the invita Milne, fully iniid snd non-assesahle, eiui't think of sny name, so I set why bushels to 17,000,000 bushels.'' MJHI v.air iliihlt'i. with fun' clothea, tion should ikiiy the pills. For iu MAM K\(TI RING IN fur eons hie nn loner st u [trice fixed not write to the man who thinks up Intensive trswllug operation sra «rt<-. Such tliuutK IIHIUM'II In fairy stum-'', nf the fOtini lad's fnther in KlrOltll. \ t.K41W IM. hy the dire. turn. those trick names tor Pullman cars. bia mod. Ial i^. ami tu tho lamit'.s, but never \iuti bM iMghta t aiid her flam** in real life. to go to the tlieaiii- M -Onnild ywy Florhbi la not generally cxmsidered all lilllrJ. If the young lady's flam-v "- Don't despair. OoMM ajp iarry on a mnnuracttirlug state, yet the capital Larfttti UM girl's jwrent-s PO MOM with your job—a« your huBttmnd ia lafMtaal in her niunufai tories pa pouy them, he should pay tbe hill. carylng on with hla- in Qaoa uf all craaaad from $:t.iMKMH)0 in 1880 to over liiMrxitirhHt'iiit'iit. Bl tltaukiul that *1MH»,«*HMKX> in li»20. your man N hind nnrl consult*™.**—t«* 11TJ4 the Btat* bad °,Hoo manufac thankful that arM though you can­ HISTORY worth of mercliamliae. This, how When wo atop to eonn.der thai ever, is only tbe atart. know. H4*t-si> from the north havo been spend ing tlielr winiera in Florida for.more Recently there have been a number (hnn • million yean*, it is no great of articles In northern new*pa;.ors to credit bo man's intelligence thut bin the efic, t that Florida can never be ETIQUtTTE come a great manuftirturlng nt«to l«- mlgratioii did not l«egln until modem cnyse she has no coal, no iron, We Offer Real Estate l practtcully forced him hither. Doar Miss Vlo :- ltrrtMil ly a f i ieml wnier power, nor u sufficient variety of mine entertained a lOMt from u Florida is tho first dlacovered main­ of raw mnterlala. land of America, and the last to M large elty. There was a rfurm Iieared in a striking evening mstumtv Bt. ,\ugu si i ue. "the mother city, ancea of older states were imt Of mfl| imlimly Bin was in e\ciilin; boaflti* the oldest HHBM in this "Land considering the advanced ideaa of this ast and Tampa on the West has the power, the materials and, far dresed aa she HUH, (Jf, It i Coast, are but a little over a quarter thcrniure, helng located only 7.r»0 niile*i tiiul half eeutury old, NoVMJttvalf. The lady should have worn a sim­ from the center of pxipulutlon, bhe has ple ftftoWoMOa t'i"'k. IIM the affair waa •ban Is nothing new at unit Flor­ quick aoCMB to merketa. For the Person Who Wants to not a ton11.11 w has not l>een scratched. We should enilairriiHsinu situation for tie- fOaart, •taada It, Augimtine. It chamcii ba In- the itiiiiiufArturiir; <-enter for the Build a Home in St. Cloud who prohahly did not onjoy heing Ite KastiT Sumlay and, part lag BBOOl southern section nf the United Slate LttaM "f a:tra«li-iii lu Ills poet BOVl tor » name for so Florida ban already made rapid Invely a sp<»t, the nathetic Juau en- Htridea In hydroelectric jrowvr planta volved "Flnridii," meaning "the Fenst Several large plant** have been built Hoar Miss Flo:— At • formal par of t M Flowem." Here, thought he. and others are being designed nnd ty, in It DVOMC flat (he hoMii-srt to ar­ Ixdng himself no longer a young ninu. constructed HS rapidly aa economic range the plaeea HO tba huaband and in M marvelous a climate, among auch neceaslty demands wife iiiuj bflj iwirnern tit dinner, or a lav lull array of uaturo'a moat gor- 9 !< geoua gifta, surely waa the fabled should Hhe arange It M that they M MHHIH

Sam Doollttlo breezed inta yeaterday amelllng o* gajsolian—every 'And Also for the Buyer Who Seeks body thought Hb>m hwl bought a car, hut eome to find out he only IMMI bia MUU Heattoedl Sufe Sane Investments.


Doctor:—"Here la the medicine. Put two drops in each eye twice The VARIETY Store dally." Old Hoary:—"Befoah or aftah eat- in r

Headquarters in St. Cloud for Evcrythmff FORD'S VARIETY STORE Another men to see the advantage* CONSOLIDATED t Kloihlrt ami St < Laid In pnrtlctilar waa Itnhert V. Ford, of Illlnoi», who came here two yearn ago and intro­ duce..1 tlie [rcople of thla cliy t<» the When you fnii to find what jrotj wont Variety afaUB of stontc Simv Ita 1»- REALTY ception the Ford Variety store has elsewhere come to enjoyed a splendid biiMin«w* which bears out the good Judgment of Ita CO. promoter in reelecting St t'lou-l bj found it- Mr. Ford han prop(*rty holdbuza here and la well plotted with Florida aad REALTOR* MILAR'S the bualuotw done by hla ealahllah- jnciit. Ho is a veteran of tho Jjpaulsh am oroim frl.OIiriTaV American war and la now active./ New York Ave. St. Ck)vU«rana eniun vering Mint conflict. He roporta quite s number of now reMtdlng here who are eligible to Jolu aa ha ring done and an oaurly nji.noe*u*'«neo»«. ••* a camp for Ht.

1 1926 JANUARY 1926 *MsvMen.Tue WeaThuFr'S** I 2 SECTION C 3 4 5 6 7 5 O 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 19 20 21 22 23 % 25 26 27 25 29 30

TWrlNTY-TtTO •OI.IIMK .•vKVKNTBKN NT. CLOUD. OHCKOI.A COUNTY, THURSDAY, JANUARY SI, 1*» Brief History of the Beginning of Religious Life in Saint Cloud . . + very efficient way in this capacity. Rev. Pixley was the First Organization For Union Services Was Held in the Old St. Cloud next pastor but after a few months of faithful service be­ came affilicted and after a period of suffering passed to Tribune Building, Now Being Replaced By Modern Steel and his reward. The present pastor, Rev. Bert Atchison was called by Concrete Structure on Present Location on Massachusetts Avenue the unanimous vote of the church on March 18, 1081. A brief record of the work of the last five years might lie sunt- med up as follows. Altogether 157 new members have been Denominations Built New Churches Rapidly added to the fellowshop of the church, 54 by Baptism. 88 by- It HIT and experience, and 15 who have come under the Following Union Services—Only One of watch-care of the church. Original Pastors Still St. Cloud Resident During the present pastorate a new seven room modern parsonage has been built and fully paid for, the Whoscver- By R. (J. WIDHIO Will Bible Class taught by the Pastor has grown from a small class of HO members to as high as 248 present at some Before the streets af St. Cloud were cleared of trees of the services, the present membership of this class is a lit­ and brush :III<1 when there were only two completed houses, tle over 100. the religions life of St. Cloud began to throb in the hearts of the few people here and they looked around for a place Tbe winter congregations have grown until it became t<> worship QotL necessary to rent the G. A. R. Hall for part of the services. On September li, 1909, we assembled for our first ser- The church building is now being enlarged and re­ tiee in the lobby of tbe then uncompleted St. Cloud Hotel. modeled to meet the growing need for the future and when (Not the present oi:e, but tbe old wooden structure that completed will seat about '150 in the auditorium and o-allery atoned the next year.) \Vc sat upon boards snd boxes and with about 10 or 12 extra rooms to be used for Sunday Rev. Mitchell of the Kissimnicc Methodist Church preached School purposes. to us. We were all lonely in the itran/TC wild bind to which we bad come to build our homes ami the message from A brief sketch of the life of the present pastor might the Heavenly Father made us all feci that we were akin to be interesting to some; converted in December 1885 in the 111>11 and to each other. city of Chicago while engaged in newspaper work he soon The next Sunday the ltev. Snyder of the Kissimmee felt called of the Lord to preach the Gospel and entered the Presbyterian C'huerh preached to us in what is now the Tri­ Moody Bible Institute as a student in the fall of 1886 under bune building. (Kd. Note—This referred to the old frame the teaching of Dr. R. A. Torrey, Dr. Scofield, and Dr. Tribune which is bchifj replaced now by a larj^r modern James M. (.ray besides other members of the faculty. steel and concrete plant.) At the close of this service we These were trying years not only because of the work organized a Union Sunday School whose officers were as Methods*, ChrisiUuv Advcntlst and Presbyterian i hurrhes. A Picture el in the class room but he was also appointed Assistant Super­ follows: the New Presbyterian Churrh Is Shotm Klwwbvtv. intendent of one of the large Rescue Missions in Chicago Superintendent-- Mrs. Cora Ilyre. having charge of five services every week In-sides holding Assistant Superintendent—It. G. Widrifr. open air service anu meetings at the prison and the Cook Treasurer- -William Wood. Rev. J. B. Westcott Still Claims St. Cloud county hospital every Sunday. This was not all but as the Secretary—Mrs. It. (J. Widrijr. Although he retired from active pastoral charges some oldest son in a large family of children it was necessary to The first regular session of the Union Sunday School years ago, Rev. J. B. Westcott, who was first pastor of the work nights from 12 to 1 A. M. on the newspaper in order was held September M, liKIl) in what is now MctJill and Methodist Church when they completed their organization, to meet all expenses at school and help bear the burdons at Scott's Warehouse. ( K.ditor Note—Since this was written still claims St. Cloud as his home and spending his winters home. the U. I-. Stccn Co. have purchased the McGill & Scott here, while be spends bis summers in Pleasantville, N. J. After completing the work at school, part of two years Co.) Mr. Widrig returned to St. Cloud several months ago were spent traveling on a Gospel Wagon all through the At the close of services October !>, by the Rev. Snyder, southern states, holding Gospel meetings wherever an op­ and on his advise we organized a Union Church Service in after an absence of some years, and Dr. F. F. II. Pope still makes his home here—F.ditor. portunity presented itself whether it was in the church or charge of a committee of four—Allen Dodd, A. II. Ken- out on the street around the Grasps] Wa^oii. Following this ney, Dr. S. Ilyre and R. G. Widrig, who served as Trea­ experience that will never be forgotten, Mr. and Mrs. surer. To this committee was later added Dr. F. F. H. Atchison were both commissioned by tlie American Sunday Pope and W. N. Garner. This committee had charge of SAINT CLOUD BAPTIST CHURCH School Union as Missionaries in five counties in the western all Union Services, securing places for meetings, collecting part of Michigan where they had the privelege of organiz­ money, and engaging pastors to preach, until the various By REV B. ATCHISON ing about fifty Sunday Schools some of which afterward cliiicrbes were organised and buildings were erected. developed into regular churches. Revival meetings were Besides those shore mentioned namely: Rev. Mitchell, The Saint Cloud Baptist Church was organized Dec. also held in most all of these places with the result that many Bar. Snyder, and Ibv. Stephens, all of Kissimmee there 1'i, 1808 nt the home of Mrs. Cora Anderson Ilyre on souls were saved. Mr. Atchison was then ordained as a preached in the Union Meetings, Rer. Rodgers, afterward Massachusetts Avenue and lath Street. There were 18 regular pastor of the Baptist denomination in October 1807 first pastor of the Presbyterian Church, Rev, J. tl. West- Baptists present nine of whom signed as nucmbcrs of the anil during the last 18 years has held pastorates in tbe fol­ coll, first pastor of Methodist Church and also the follow­ new organization. These nine charter memhers were as fol­ lowing places, Kinderhook, F.nglishville, Charlexoix. and ing Ministers Julian, Sanford. Ash. Matthews and Gray. lows Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Daniels, Mr. R. ii. Widrig, Howell all in Michigan and Fort Lauderdale and St. Cloud The securing of a place to bold services was quits a Mrs. W. B. , Mrs. I.oretta (•iirdner, Miss Maud in Florida. In theology he belongs to the old school and is problem for several months and they were held in various Gillia, Mr. Kdwin Stearns, Mr. M. K. Steams; the charter not ashamed to be classed with those that arc called "Fun­ places the first in tin old St. Cloud Motel and af'terw arils was held open for a short time and other names were added damentalists". He was just recently chosen president of in the Tribune building and Mnkinson's Warehouse. Then !o the original list. For about 18 months there was no sep­ the Wekiva Itaptist Mini stria I Association and also holds the Tribune building again for several months, and there arate [treadling service held, the members uniting with the office of president of the local St. Cloud Ministerial was held our first Christmas service I )e< ember 18011. others in Union services. Association. There was speaking and music and of course, a tree. The Baptists organized a Sunday School of their own Then for sometime we met in the old school bouse which pastor of the Kissimmee Baptist Church preaching once a stooil on New York Avenue between Ferguson's Store and month for the Union Service. • I"!"!-*•»•!-»»•»I I II IHHMII'HlUllHiniitmnl'MH 14'it'll' St. Cloud Hotel. From there when we outgrew it we went The choice and location of lots for the Baptist Church CHURCH DIRECTORY } to a large tent loaned by the Baptist State Convention and was due to the good judgment of Mrs. Cora Ilyre and her erected on the ground ahull the Baptist Church now Stands, father Judge Anderson. • Wiuntti TU ATTEND DIVINK WORSHIP YOU WILL FIND A + This WHS used until the summer of 1810 when wo BaOVeJ The Baptists oiuaiiized l Sunda ySchool of their own + CORDIAL WHIXOMB + e> • Over to the old G. A. R. Hall which stood m ibo rear of in August 1011 and or sometime thereafter met on the up­ I I tl !•! I K'l'l"M"i->'l im'Tlri' HI I HIH'IIM •>•!» IMii|i»ir»M H II where the brick Hall now stands. The old Hull Bjai form­ per floor of the former frame building at the corner of HT. I.UHKS "EPISCOPAL BflMSION Tea Are Always atari Iarttflo) Te At­ erly the old Schooi House on New York Avenue. Pennsylvania anil 10th Street where Foster's Cafe now Florida Axe. Bat liltli and llth St. tend the Hervlees at this Church The Union Services and Sunday School were held in stands. SIHKIIIY Mervises Oberch School 8:SO a. m. THU CHRIHT1AN CHURCH the old Hall until January TA, 1811 when the Presbyterian Here on July 28, 1811 the Rev. Richardson was called Morning Trevor lfl::» a. m. Cor Kontucky Ave. and Twelfth Bt. Church was completed and the Presbyterians withdrew and as pastor but only remained for a short time. During the air. Paxton, 1st. Header H. S. TAYLOR Minister Veermr Service 4:00 p. m. the money then in the bands of the committee was divided following summer Hev. Guy, under the employment of the B»W. Tims. Dyke, officiating Bible School . 8:30 s. m. between the churches represented. State Mission Hoard preached a number of times. Fourth Sunday of Kau-h Mouth ('.iiiiiiiuiiliiii Hervlre aad Holy (loBiniiinlnii loSO a. in. Sermon 10:S0 a. m. The Methodist went to their new church a little later Regular preaching services were again established on Week Day taJesioW Christian HiHieevor 8:30 p. an. and the Baptists organized June 1811 a Sunday School of December 8, 1811 with Hev. K. T. Potter as pastor .during Women's Ouilil Meeting, Ttinrsdey st investing Service 7:.'I0 p. m. tM P. al. nt Ouilil Mtll. WtaeueseJay Servlses their own. his short pastorate the foundation was laid for the new Teat la hi Urged Ts AUoad Scrvteca Itllile Study 7:30 p. m. The Christians and BOBBS I>, Minister oil Michigan Avenue between 11 th and 1'Jlh streets. lour years. K.'iiing Service 7 :S0 p. m. Nussiey Services H. Y. P. II Meeting «:M p. m. Chares School 8:88 p. as. The Union Meetings were largely attended and har­ Ths entire debt upon tbe church was paid by December Morning Worship . W SJ s. BB. I'rayer Mooting -- T:*B a, BL 30 ,u mony and good will prevailed arid as long as they shall 8, 1814i and the building was dedicated to the service of the (Wednesday I Junior Iiosgue H: P- - rises Meetlsi U :SS p. m. live tlie early settlers of si. cloud rianfirtbai with pleasure Lord January 10. 1011; Dr. S. II. Bogers, Secretary of rlS-ST PRKSItVTRRIAN (111 KTU ISpwerfli l.Hlgse g :*•() p. Bt. when there was but one church here. Stall Missions being called to preach the sermon. Corner of Tenth snd Indiana Ava ttronlag Worship 7 SO p. at. JAKIBS A. (ALLAN, l'astur Wednesday We would surely be ungrateful should we fail to add Rev. King was called to the field after the resignation BSrasrss Prayer and I'ralse Servies_7 ;30 p. at that much credit is due the Kissimmee Pastors who minis of Hev. Melmaker aud served the church about two rears IliMe School S M a. m Wed to us so faithfully arid gave us such wise and kind Morning Worship 10:46 t. m. Choir Itelissrsal 7:3a p. ns. after which Mrs. May Pockett Foster wss called by the Bvrnlug Worship 7 :S0 p. m. -A rrisndly march at a rriea*r euiviae. church as pa*tor and for about fifteen months served in a Prsyer Meeting 7 :SS p. as. CJtOr" IIUKsnW, JANUARY «. l«S 1'AfiK TWO—SKiTION C. THE ST. CI.Ot.TD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA

nf your nuirvi-lims ivlntislland until! THK TAOKANT OK W1NTKB "A climatic selection Including, fiirnuxl mi the lelt l.«. during tbs jrerj tillsMi' has Beta (Mil Iii WOMIKKI.ANDS, IN llOttlOA teiiilxTsture, MI.;, tropical and tropical litter pari of latl Juno, at Oolumbla, iln- ptots and boon BffotjaJal t«» such tonxporatsrto. s r, after a period of tppOBOM re fruition at in potlble, niily under Klur Thnt Klorldn Is no*' rei'i'lvlug her "Lofty fnrosl clad inininliiins, ver c very. Ihe iifi'is-lb'll rcllllllixl, san Ida's sun unly In I'Mirlda's Hull. portion nf publlalty mid praita, area dent velleis. rivers nnil til 00 lilt. subesqusal to further troatioaol si "Once li'l nil Florida he Batted In in Ihe North, is jUMlly i-vlileiiiisl bf miii^, upuii niii,^. uf bailing baactaoa Columbia on October n and Norum Hi.' h..lies: affllll In lii'iirill Hie r\ ihu Siiiishlne Slnte ri'i-i-ived six culu- nml yatehing waiera. 1ST S, Mr. llllehrlsl ii'iiiuv.'il In tlie ploltatlon of our statt tor lb I inns, of iitientlmi In the Literary Dig" "Historic cities in which the einlv botptttl in Ni iv Y.iik. \ihcie he ar benefit aad to our looting detriment, • st I New York I fur DoaagBttM IA Tlie blatory Of tho iiiiuilry are iiisi-jiiualil.v in di November U. FURNITURE nml lei us concentrate i ur ttiergles nliilu. of whiili Florida Is the main inlel woven, aud battle fields of two In a eoiniininiciitloii receivcil il here nml FteoBruai sn fur as may IH' upon topic, discusses the Smith in irenernl great wars ex Coveriior tillchrist said. "A soruru the development of our agrirnltnral as a winter rotor, und plsyKroliml ami "A land rich In natural resources is lajoctod lu the left leg, generally ii sinini's tu Ihe 0*0*001 Uieu Klor then lnkes up Florida sepnttely aud dnd vigorously dcvclojiliig its stuple ou a alternating days, musing a chill nil i nn laugh st its tradiu'era, for All Grades of Furniture for the Home In detail. produchs, and a fever which usually lasts eight It will huve heguu to realize its nitnl The article begins as follows: ' Kvery form of outdoor winter re­ or nine hours. Thu greater tbe ferer, fist nnd Inevitable destiny." at Low Prices "Like s nitgulflelcut sjux'taele of creation from saddlehorses to roque." the greater Ihe benefit, it ll claimed. •Tlie Halifax Realty Hoard some- •*»«-"»» rhrlaty nf i-olor and form, Outside of tlm medical treatment, I CONcfcKlNO ilOUOAVs lime ii.:" lunugui iiti'il ii local stale- produced by ft wizard of tho theatre, am In good tn-aitn There Is ns wide uiuvenioiil fur ths eradication of Ihe pageant of wlirter wouderliindn palm except a little some times front the dlshoiiest promoters snd dtretap, isirmlis before the eyes ef plenoure Home day soinelxidy •OBMByhON radiant I •lalmsol Tho doclpr, wu- CROCKERY—RUGS tiu-nt of as-rii'ultnral mil hiirliruHuriil will Is- moved to utter n wilrnlng seekers ilnd rest B|0M| over ibnrtcil Ham I'olev. s,iys be will lure mil an* laud. ' sni,l Mncou Thornton, prcsi- against the unlicensed multipllintlun Hues of laud nnd sea. Un Una BOS I BOHovO he will." dent or the body", nml utopsatS I" llnent we see it move from Quebec, of legal holidays. The more holiday.. PICTURE FRAMING we kcci the less inclined people arc to wsge tin- campaign until the object is that fascinating reminder of old (Customer: "Hare you sny take them seriously. A few enthusi­ .H'llii'llXl." Kiniu*i', wlicre, as has IHMMI said, "Hie without chickens lu them." astically observed would be better for heighis n\\ which Wolfe iliiinls'red, QrOOOr; "Sure, duck es-cs." the object Intended than many Uidlf- AVc are Headquarters for High Class with i.ray's Elegy In his i»K-ket, n- lerciiily •idelirnted or neglected ul call one of KiiKlands niurst hemic T. Hi SUMMERS together Fibre Goods military exploits" ami the unlucky OM of JSt. x-'liui-l's pmerossivc New Ycnr limn 1(0 Inst its slg'llli- Her New "Daddy" i•iiTi-iiiilili- ii:.-l;lii;i.»ns 1st tha EbrniiuM l'tciii-1. Oanunaodjer'a brave nml iiu'.u nixiiIm, u.i spirit was to unit' h." To • illlcc Tor niiiKl pjoplo, I'ucn Ihe pub i'Ktal>llsln:irlit of T. II. SmillllfTN, WhO lie BchOull USIlillly dO Imt clnsc fur the strategy of war bra si s-iiisi SUMMERS FURNITURE STURE r.irri.'s the largwl itoch "1" WW furtii Llnciiln's hlrlliday or fur Oolumbus tin.* in Un rily. Mr. Suuiim'rs Las HI- nowadays tha skill of the lovers of day. I'"iiijuiriiti ,'eiy few ...,., ST. CLOUD. FLA. jo.veil .> sti-ml.v Increaai in Iii* •"'•"i winter -JH't't ill use of skii. skates, TliaiiksKiiiiur us 11 BBSJIant lesllval iii'^ sini't' rusliiiK Ins In: In our rlt.v snowaboBt mui the tabasgaa. Aoroaa i'lell Meiiiui'inl day has l.i'iuiiu' Qaort Canada, throaaa .Mui.iieiii Dsnff, nml is wvll plMMd Willi 111" Metal • tonrtos mui outing oooasloo than flit II IV Jltl'JHl. Ho i ;ll Tius a p'IH'1'ni Winnipeg' .'i"'l iieieistnkc, tha page- one for remembering those who saved line uhiih is H i'"i:i|>IW" M OM bf ant uf winter wun.ierlailds em's west Iln l'lllun. hdil ud his prilWI ltt low tttOUgh ward iiiuiig the boundary line uf about If leiral hclldiivs art to ba merely tO DstOttM. tlnvo thousand miles is Im I i uii'.isiuns (or escaping work they Mr. Siiiiunrrs is | nntivo of Ton fid solely by fraternity and ui'ml- i'. well bl distributed eiciily will. l*ooa swiftly turning south STOCKBRIDGE MAKES PLEA •MMt .'tinl Jninort tho ftraflg IU.HIOII iiin.mill the year, it would amplify for Floriilu Ihno yrnis t£0 mid is a ward BlOBg the l'llcific ttope, it rt Blatters, fur Instance in have n spo- veals Itself iii n new blveatiture of AGAINST FALSE LAND EXPLOITATION pCrOUDeul future m our nrtifali . Ified d.iy uf every in- .111 ll iiulile a rnllfi'i'iiliin \er.lue and fertility, with lagaj holiday, taking Ita rrnt iu cssn iim un the mountain tups as u riTTIMi MOKK WATKK t'roiu sonic litHtiiri.- tiniilicrsary oe- PAYTONA B8ACH, Tan. 2—In inv greater proportkn of (raod kind nf ineiiiiuy tn ihe ciiiii bracing INTO THK liKr:,\T I..AKKS earring within the month. MBdilll «l'i'otlm;s tO thi' 1!.' inltrovresentation thaa In altrtv. unions uf tin- 'M.rlh. Kilstwnrd Ihe Whu will b.< first att Iy In sun futatlon r noHtU Bare ri'.isniis fm- IIIJ l„.|ii'f. thnt ,, was certainly fniliun. fron whattTer Loultloaa*t 11lul of niuieiit toaod iiuinkiiiii'- Bachange ii, tbo N ::nltil a inil' i iy rontldetahla proeortton uf thou i.-ius-*- ur I'uiniili'X uf imisus. ii lniKht tradition, until it reaches riorlda, dishonest r\nli>ita1i." Plorldfl load- v-iui claim iu tune Uvii defrauded or aafely have been predicted that OOSBJ wbaro PoDot de l.eun's Bbjnboord of KOK.MKK GOVERNOR (,IU IIU1ST 'in which llif Halifax l%Vit!iy Board •• i roarer. tKf ieluded > let imt suglneerlng gonlut wosld abortly op* "imiaiii i'f Yiuitb' 'now reads TO KIIOVKK H I IA tbOM Ide CMS' ' "n i.- n», eptinvlsui. lir.; tm I turrt lull' i, ui' ii plan for reotorlas tha 'Tteal l-'stnte" The BBf/ftBBl iniirlii'.l s i-t sn. ii t»xptol1Nlion 1 :: 'lul still i. a |B HiTi.-ll ]!,• • Brie and Oataila bt their forasti far into foroiga countries, bul Allien w. Hiicbrlst, former g, sot in li totter to DOTM sh<>u i Ol lliiMn.ii-eiil.illuii ul the .'I'l'tii. Modi rn engtoeert o ro both fur the ni'iiiuiil it imilscs in tin nor uf riorlda ind reatdcut uf .'luita *!. ni of do- Dayton i Boa.) b Cbaoiber faett mi tin' pari uf tome of thost un H-siiiiiii'liil nnil dilrilii:. Tin y lire South land. Hniilil. is Btulergolng sct-uintr. U'oh r tin- iin.-| iig t" reap ttaek simn- i.'ii tfrald to undertake an\ "Tha South is Ihe uhlcsl nnd the I'.\ phisieiiins bopa tn line an Wblch tl'.' batiii'ti'i w.ts hold, Mr fluiuLi's iwoapeift; erlthonl propnr oualruetlon Ot the earth's sur- BOW sal playground >'( our country. I left lag, in n hospital at :I^I •aid tiontrt roatribatloa mi thtlr own par i.-i'i'. II ml they think nml plan In Su early oa lTTs coochet ruiabled otot Baal Kiiri.v -is.HI.i ttrtet, Now rocfe 'In four siinuinais in iln- 1 It fm it i.. ii..i tn be di terms ul iii.'unitinle thnt WOOld linve the iniiiintuin ISSHIS uf Viriiliiiu ln'iir iln. Bceordlng to word recelred in tion day h.'ijn|iii't ,\ on stall- i; It s'-.ll.s lu iau Hie fine luty Btemed Incrodibla to tlu-ii- pradacet iim iilsiiimuishisi occupaata to aTouo .laeksuiulllc, ,|,ni. I IX iluieriiur :i^:i clearly :uid eODCawtjl when you I'VIT' 1;, Best i am ur group of •' i - Sulphur Bpringa. Now the paUman Oilchrttt probably will recelvt to- n;y : Little » »r». old Evelyn Caatla h a stake in Florida to use Tlir luisliitiun, if iiiiule, would nl- ciiiiius ns nut only (hither but bey- niiicr siiiKi.:,i onaration i ,i • , • bt ef HarrisbUrg, Ore., in shows here "\W mantl dony thr f i. l (tint this cviry u, :,ns in nl il-:,. to put nu mil uutl tu Kliiriila rosortt which have n- gMe tO li'iive Ilic New Yelk bus i-eml.i hate lieeil verified, A i.iiiail with, her new daddy, Usrrsy Car­ Rapid di'voliiiniioiit In. ., i ; i - .-ti-i| IO0I0 su far as it, is liuinuiily nagtllilt. I" i'sen from the wilderness sin,,, yesicr inn I'liuiiii'i'r. Mr. C I.oriii' OaotpbeU, mini, il was pajgllloS. nnd In- c'lii penter. Carrumter, a railroad en­ peraton "f llu- land shark iv|>r ant) these rMirepresentntlont aiul decen year. Hut Hie i harm uf boo old is propossa tu Bataejaajlah Qta oolvaUoa Biota t very is axpected IH>UI by- gineer, struck the auto in which) Htti atroDfl action in ncedad on tbo iiut dimmed hy the lustre uf the new tlont, oiuu c,|S bj daap aare boa- • u tin- Qraal Lakat hy rtaatttt] in the iii-, Dr. Wlllluiu l iilcv, nnd Evelyn's real another and father pari (,f suhstaid lid ilov(do|-or. Hitd est. iiiiulii'.M'iit. ttaglblc tffori townrdi wild eoiintry iiruiiuil Uikc Nipiirnn. What then 000 the uttiaetiuii.- uf this Iy himself. were riding, killing both. Mr. Car­ iniort-stid friends ta W*t>d out pro- this in i iiiiipiiii ..,1 ;, i„ rnn (1, | li< nt ll uf Lata Kiineriiir. a ulxtli lake, Southland for the winter visitors? The ftttoor Florida governor was penter has adopted te j.iotors of the **»?*TfflfH eln^s and to iilil ilix'.l hnvu in, fuin Uf IlllMUsu ill flfti-in t:iou.s.'iii.l siiuare miles in urea. Listing tbem brii-fly : subjected to u tuiijor o]x*ration, pt»r- providb far her. 1 ui tfaa niiiidornied no ir-uinl in or- • lisnis of (iny kind or nsture. ,\',i livid' the si/.> uf I.nke l.lntnnu. • h r to pf itad ii." tan nnma of tbs plan, ii'. i ut. , ,,, la ..•' . "iimiuiuty. im nml turning the waters nf this teser- I'aradise State.' I'ulniniiiiu-u-i I i li. has I'ViT Uvii IHT- \.iir southward toto Lake Buporiot "I ean IliiuL of iKdlduK wliiili tin iiuinently injured liy iinttue iiicuunls. ii.. Btyg that this tiiun w\\\ dltcharsa f i lends i if rioioln i.nild do fur lb< Tiie way ta ufiset the Bag Hint sre lino the (.rent Lakes a volume of trfiicflt nf Floriihi Ihat wmhl r ilni'iid lolil eliont Plorlds Is to tell the water much graalet thuu that now anioro uroHtly and eWtriftattA(ly to their imtii and Ignore Hit : sot Fior- diverted from them by the Chicago lt-dii Mild tO lll.'ii Of til IH lil'tvit • .Oil iiln must no BtStta tliu In | nl' nu'.i- drsinsge canal. Ihnnu'li thnt is imw nonwealth, of which I now proinlly lie BBtntaa wits .-leun haadB. isjiiivHlent to n river one third the f*.aiin Iln* honor ef bflag a < itizen "Hiis 1. vvluit 1 ivculd have said sije of tho unlteil Missouri nnd Mis- than to fnrmulaLo and p-U into iu: in paraoa bad i i^ai gblt to BCOODI M.ssipj.i rivers at St. Louis. modlnte efott a jnorjn.m for the your very kind and courteous invi- Look nt a limp of the province of rooit drHrith- pt.n;ii,p of rhn vtata <»r Istiou. Oobtrlo lu it- msiiii part, narth the uiiKirniiuloiis .unl frutidu:eat pio- A»rirullural rinsilillilins of Ijike BnrssrlsxTt yea wilt nee a jiioti-r^ of arary t>i «• "Satf-Dalnalad VtoCaaa" "I vvuulil mill, liivniui dnnlit, thai Mroleli of iintnhnhitateti wilderness Btrhapt fire bnadxod miles long and "I do is't hy any uVana wish ta he tlie fill,ii-.- BtJBBtBritf uf I'luriilii ami n-si-liiug nil the xvay tn llints-.n May. mi mod. r i i B I aro I umbiii or ba its Itabilltf 11* II stsle ili'lsillil 11|X111 the element! which havo latily bean This lonntry is full of lnkes, Idg nml George Berry UaVliof Mine Lfl in J Jorid-l tOdai too mueii ererlooiked. I in y tun a little, and uf strcmiu. Unit iiiipiy in­ Is a groal set shore resort. BBB of the to those lakes. A great isirt of all t'liu-st .in,! niu.t utlrilellve to be tola \niter flows Into the Allsiny Hi- LAKEVIEW HOTEL fimliil llliynlieii' in the World, ...,,1 It BBjr, wlii.h dnii'ls s vust wnti'ii bed On Mill Str.vl nnil Kent in k.v Av­ will always Is' precisely that. Hut nnd flows eatl into Jntues liny. The is lur.itiHi iiiiiitlier of Ml rlniid's J.IJHI- I ultima BtaeS Is iiiiiili inure thnn a Albany iiusin, SH>H Mr. (.'uin.ihi-n, is GENERAL CONTRACTOR

liir linli-i- tin- ULgOvuttl whiili fur -.1,-1.1.. itaatg, ilt yum- wuuilurfiil tonstriii ted by in.i nre tor the SBBCt iln- Boat T reen i,ls been nmi. tht iniir.i of \"ulii.>ia ruiinty and liun.ise he has in mind. SttWOsxl its •aSaajBaitnl of Mrs. u n. Bel her, tlie ii'l.iiuuiit t.-nitory yuu hnvu imri UlWgr •'•"! U runs l.i-tweell two heights who sparaa -• ii i, an ^:: > ear reierc. illllural potBibllitlet nlii'li uru ivi-n uf lllllil wllil'll BPPt .un s l].i,s,!y I lalrllrr lias Btd Ilia: yi'i unly iliinty raollaad, It may bt n haga dam can without much dlffl BRICK AND HOLLOW TH F txnerlenci U. tht hotel bnthi presumptuous in me to offer advice, unity in- thrown acxoaa ihe river, A :- H paal niiisli'i in Ihe art of pliani- Imt I am sure vuii will appris-inte thai boxtj this INSHO Btt SOiBSf wiilens, ing | M I sis-ak unly as 11 friend nml Ball BBS i ut uiie hiiuilri'ii .mil fifty miles nwny Mrs. Batcher it alto tht proprietor ai 1 1'iililu when I tnjgesl tlint your tin- heights again tpproaeh cooranl of the Millinery si.,re run in eott* newly furiiiiil municipality and its ently, this tin.i 'ii the Ogoke, a tri- i.ii'tl.iil Willi llu- lin||.|, wlii.-h Is II publlc-tplrltad men una WoaMO who hutury of the Albany. A diim leillt fun.I Hi- plan- Sw llu- linlii-s sj SI. inuke up your rhamlier of commcree nt this |H,int will rinse tho Iiusin ut < load llnl vi.iinly srhSB in in-. (1 uf .nn Iiml nn iniiru u.s.iful ur prufltiilile its western end. Into It will pour ti.e ninny thingi earriod in • amll field tor their activities tlmn tu i n- tbo wnter from thoiiMind.i of lnkes atocked shop. CVOrafft and promote tht development und streams. The watansaad bOtWOaS this ri'gion nnd Lake N'iplgon, wbleh in turn BBBBjtaOl into l^ke Superior. is sn low that It will be a simple matter, frmr an englnissring isiint of The new home of The Tribune and Annex of the Eiselstein view, to dig a cnntil that will turn nil ibis accumulated water snuthwurd Into the Ori'iit Ijiki-M instead of east- Funeral Parlor were Berry contracts.'i Into .Junius mid Hudson buys. Mr. t'amplM'll Is-llevis ihe project is LAKEVIEW HOTEL entirely feasible, thnt It could be ae- cr.roplb-ihod iu five or six years and "ON THE DIXIE" ist .icrliuiw *2tiO,IKiO,0(JO. Ho vast and cnMly un undertaking is not European and American Plan open all year. likely to he begun until the necessity Nice KiMinip, Excellent Meals of it ls nppurent to all the tastagxtBta iiml geverumenta cot tnad. But it 1'leasant Surroundings Is nn exceedl&Sly Ingeoiuut plan, and so far as we know, the only one that < Recently Remodelled offers nay proniJ •• of checking tbe gradual daplttlou uf the Onxit Iiukes, the fret navrgatlon "f which I. so For Cement Block, Hollow Tile anil Brick Construction it iniliiirlaiil DOtS lu tin- Dotted Stilus n.'.d to Canaila.—Yuulh's Coiupimlou will pay you to get my estimate. i.OOIJ ADVHK HATCHER'S HAT SHOP "In ynur opinion whnl itreiil tiling In connection with Lakeview Hotel ciiulil II cniiKressuiiin do wlllcll would liisinv bis ri- i-lei liun'-" Millinery and Toikt Bequisifes "'i'hui's en '—Just push P. O. Box 1081 ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA iimi tax cut hill througb -tlicn make 1 .ulits Dtesies and Silk Underwear a motion to adjourn,! MBS. It. II. HATCHEB The best way lo sb^> a fellow from driving with his arm around a girl Is to utile titers gist msirried.

Ileniily dortors are arguing over ,, tin- Basra ucantiful. llic feminine elbow or 0*00. Must be .i juiiit iliscussbss. THURSDAY. JANUARY 21. 1S26 THE ST. CI.OTJD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA PACK TIIKEE—SECTION C.

St. Cloud Real Estate & Investment


Exclusive Agents For The

Hopkins Holdings In Osceola County



St. Cloud Real Estate & Investment Co SAINT CLOUD, FLORIDA 'lllVIUSilAV. JANUARY R. imt S>ACR rota—SECTION C THE ST. CLOITD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA* .how such a n-xird. nnd what pay­ TTVTTtTTVT'rTVT for general line. Mr. Irf-slla Wiggln THK PAS8INO OK UK. J. II. ROSH + roll city con show such s loasx ton, of Kentucky, an expert emhulnicr, n If the [.-ople east of the Hocklcs EISELSTEIN FUNERAL The sudden death ut Winter Iinvon + enn make I-4^^H^H4-M4-H4«! -W-++-M-+ HT-HH^WT-M4+*+4TT+^-T-H Boon sfter it goes down here, sua years. .1. II. HOKH In the citron fruit indtudrv Anions: St. Cloud's mont creditable nt a point MM to MMIgjUtS SUM*, preferred to dem-rlbe him, brings to for an honr without seeing ft real Instltuatloiis is the Funeral Home of A moK complete line of caskets are By VIMo\KJ» C. IIOKTON they isin mske another city of 1.000,oxt> mi end the career of tlie greatest leud farm. Ho It B-MN clenr that the eeon always In stock, thus enabling this (ID Maoisfariurers Reeord) In tho land of Koyal 1'olnciiinii. MIBIIM Rb-eltdetn IM. compos of M.-swrH er In the eauae of cooperative mar omio boom will Insr until these vasl progressiva concern to cara for every When will the "itooin" In the south­ IIH« three great advantages over I>s» W. D. and D, P. Elselstein, who left ketlng that Florida has ever had. s-vt Ions- a re set tied up and land want or demand made upon it. Angeles: Miami Is n greut deal nennsrH east and In the state of Florida end? values nquiilltM-d When this Is all their native state-Ohio—eight years l>r. Uom* service to hln- adopted ll has nu liicoinpnrulily belter wlnttu Thin In a question that has bubbled in neioniikllNhed the boom will end out ARO Hitl founded thin well known state extended to civic and other mat cllmste nud nlmiwt no taxes. liualneHR. From tbe start these enter­ tern not identified with the citrus the minds of many anxious people. The omaticiilly. Then nn Ihe boom must last as long us tbe coimtry is linnet tied, In Klorida n mini dies In the arnxa prising young; m^n have enjoyed proa- fruit industry, but bin work In tblH solution of this problem, however, C. VY. latter field wan so outstanding and of and an It will prol-ably take "lis to l!t» of hie devoted wife, up north he dlOB peritv and from time to time have ought to be found with aome degree of Pennsylvania n Star yeurt ago lost such monumental importance to tbe yearn to seltU* tbe noutheast. I pre­ in the urine of the tax collector. made Improvements nml aro now very fine ggaala when C. W. Rnrth laatiQg prosperity of Florida that It certainty by the employment of econ­ dict that the boom will last 15 to (J When u umn dies lu Klorliln he hi erecting a much needed annex whicti ami OOttBOSlaO wife sold out and hull­ will eclipse Ul other activities and omic law* which control the situation years yet. itmd, but when lu di™ up north be will \Aare their concern upon n par ed for Bt I'louii, where Mr. lliirtli forever stand a a on*/ of the ffrenteMt The jsTimary and elementary law la blod. contributions of man to ttit is state. of iHilttioal economy IH linn I • -•• tj with tnoae of the larger cities. No Ixiught considerable property, built s The loiirisis' bOMM '>* AlM ralaWl nrv IVejiHllns Di Inc Out man Hceka to natisfy hi-* owu deslren • ni iniH|t;alitv to op|H)rtunitles to nat- detail is looking In making their home suit Inaugurated one of the load There will undoubtedly arise other If the southeast offers such wxtn- along the Hm of leant reslHtamv Men ISIT OIH»'K pleasire along the line of .lerrnl OBgnrtnalttOt, why have tb* funeral home up-to-date and pretty. lug Mint Shops of tho city leiidi'i-K la Florida who will aid tbe fruit giowers of this state in attain the nniinaln, the insect* and the vi*j,o- least resist auee. Now, the superior i^itile not found it out long agrfT The annex will 1»P provided with pri­ ti'.hle kingdom ob;»y thin law. n ml It Purlng this time these good peep,',. log better marketing conditions opjKirt tint ties in the soul beast, and The rtasoii li BiaOpla: TOO InimlgrsntH vate receiving vaults for the keeping will untangle the most difficult quen- huvi' built up s business nml repots through cooperative effort. hut aapacUll* 1'ioridn He in the climate-- always have landed In New York., aud nf bodies for an undeflnlte period, there will never Is* one who is more ilonn It followed through all Its raint- the bind of orange liees, nunnhliiii and tlon thst ls most crixlitable. Having flcations and compiler. I tons. Kti, let ui on oocnaal of the t'lv'.l Wnr the n* and will provide ample room for the Hliioero, mere oonaecnitod to the high winter b.iliu. Florida has almost a spent a Itfetiuie In the rueat business, apply thin simple doctrino and deter­ gro tsaatattl and polltiis. the Yunkeee conducting of funeral service* to those ideals involved In this mission, or mono|Hily hi winter hreeaes. Novem- sent the newcomers westward lo o sud .t policy of handling only the very mine, if poHaibie, how long the "boom" haV, I>*Hvmber, Januury. February nnd desiring the use of the chapel. more faithful to Its trust, than was rush. l-ost, is seen his riSO snd growth to Dr. Koss. We seriously question., too, will Inst March consltute five months of one Their motor fleet consists of two one of the city's lixidlng institutions. if Florida will ever have a leader in There are two kinds* of "booum" — l>er|K'tual May. No other slate in Hie Home tlmo ngo nn Intelligent mtui the economic boom aud the tourists* modern hearsos. an Invalid c<>Mh Mr. and Mrs. llurth never tire nf tell eoo.H'rative more eloquent in pleading 1'nlou con ceiiii'lete with Fbirlda in In llattle < reek. Mich , msde tht. boom. The economic boom Is a boom Btobaaaoat Ui nic: "We have eight with all the latest appliances «Tor Ing the newcomer the many .ulviuu its WDM or more able In directing it* this reaiKxi. for tills cllinntic ccmli iu which every man seek a to make lion \H fbtftjd and jM-rpetual, and it ll nioiiths of winter up here my hoslth esse und comfort, and tourings/., cars [ages of the land Of their udpotion coarse safely among the many pitfalls l thrown in Its way. living a'ong tlie lines of .Mint a land of waving moss, palms, birds is not so gnrsl; so I hnvc Iss™ Ihliil rdtdanoe. A tourista' boom IN a Ivooni anil flowers. ln« of buying a |dai-c In (ieorgla and) 1'uriiik the ll! years when I>r. JHOSH in whicM every man aeeka tt gratify moving down there to live." Thesx waa president of tbe Florida OfttTUI Tlori. I nsk, hOW long will the tour his desire for pleasure alo.ig the line lata' boom last V I will also answer ho added earnestly, "If I were to mow, Exchange he dominate!, not In a poll* Of least re ni stance. .lewn there, do you aiipposc the pos- tical AHUHO hut by fehetf force ot bis ibis qui>*tion by asking another: flow Tie eeom mil' l-o.'in In bawd uism ].].• would kill mi-:" 1 told him. will and his keen intellect and um ;it; h.hg will tbe United States last? Flor­ an inequality of opportuniticr. and "No; If you do nut commit murder* ny foresight into the problems of «o ida having a monopoly of winter nili continue until an equihllibriiiin I sin told thst such letters of fn- operative grower*. I!•• brought the climatic advantages, the tourista' of opportunities preMiIlK I will give iiulrv nre now coming to the chamber Florida Citrus Exchange and ls due boom will last as long as it rises nnd ;i slnelc illustration of tho doctrine ef of ixinuiHTCe of At lu ii t a. thv credit for that orgsiulaatloiiK pre falling as il fills. As tlie wosMh and Chas. W. Barth sent position of important influence Inequality of opportunities, anal with population, rising nn It rises and fall Itut the day of politics nnd pre in the citrus Industry. this the reader can apply the •.rlnci- iiu* the tonrisis' boon liKrease. So, Jinli.-e Is Inst vanishing, und the south - 1'le to any and all phases of the pre Many are the tribute* that have Is It not Mfft to predict that the tour esst Is now reaping not a Imoin, but nenl situation for himself. been paid Dr. HOKH by prominent hots' boon will last Indefinitely V Us OBlsKHi harvests, lloosevell pnt- Florida men In the short time nili The northeast, north nnd northwefft Hut there nre it few doubting Tho­ phcsiiHl tluit the next great move­ St. Cloud's Leading mases who cry: Then** tourists cities ment would tie south, and so It Is. have no foundries, no cotton mills, no I wish to state In this connection factorial; the wnolo thing will ex Hist sll fast growing ciih-s have their I .lode " These folk make u fal«e as­ porlods of hesitation, slow downs awl MEAT MARKET sumption and in (suis4siueiuv reason reiiitjustiiieiits, nnil all the fiist grow to a false condunion. They assume Ing cities of the southeast must In that the tourist business in not I evltnbly go through siieh jM'rlods, snd business, but ihe truth is tbe tourist know z^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^p^a^BPP^p^pm investors and hrieciiUtoi-H should re- taeautlful, level farmn in .South bueincKH jn u business The iron busi eogni»< this situation. Hut Klorldn We Carry Only tie Best Onlv the men close I v associated "-.- i *,. _ .... ^. K _, „,.,,,,,,,,,,,_ nes and the t'Oirint business me troth Dr Kota during S Crisis data at Hi.-l(-"«f[^J^JT-^ I Ts """^ must he sn Imnortsnt state, for It has ViArM. ^KriM. iiHiuatrr .-an nronerlvl" ' *'' "" :l"v' "n" tbt'n' ,lu biistinsses. and the one is as real as rrlghteneil thnx'fourths uf the great­ l^to^ypjS^pl^J^".]*""* ""-" -'..rything th. north tho t»lher. The iron business made est country on eerlh. Men.* «f fhe^" ero rarmer HUM'S. excx'pT wheat; and. Pittsburgh | work city; tbo tourist bore for its salvation. A dlvdomat, n H,x'tions nre fabricating false and U-sides this, the South x.eorgin I;irni I>ijsim>ssi made l**n Angles a play city scholar and a stateman, he gave Flor Mxunla luiis reports on the la- er raise, five stapU* money crops which Those two enterprise* make and keep Western Meats Ida an example of unselfish lalmr for niHxmt little Peninsula state. This bis northern brotlier cannot produce— up their respiM-tive cities, with the ad often nnappreciatlve benefit laries ls done to stop the flood of men ami cotton, peanuts, issvins. sugar i-ane vantages all in favor of 1/on Angeles that will remain an eaduring inspiru money thst are hound for the land n*7 and osavtaWCxtai to say nothing of the la Dotal of growth and development. tlon for placing service above self. sunshine and Isilin. If these fright vegetable, melon and peach cro;ia. Call snd inspect a real sanitary market Dr. Ross is dead hut hla labors In Twenty yearn ago Pittsburg had ened sections, north and south, bad There tbe farmer can work. If lie 400,000 inhabitants, IA>S Angeles had su Id that Klorldn has a gold fever teaching bis fellow citrus growers the would, winner and sununer, raising —our prices will appeal to you. value and wisdom «-»f working to aWOoOaO; tmlay the former MM IM. they would hare (old the truth, for 1 two to three afraayj on the name ground 000 nnd the latter has 1,000,000 Florida is prospering ss m otbev get her for their common s;ood wll each year. A tenant living on a $1£- bear fruit forever.—Florida Grower. Think of Itl It IH tine, us evident etl stute In the 1,'nlon IN. Home hanhen. 000 farm down there this year made by tbe btatanoj given, that play cilie*- they say. are running advertisemenfut nth St. rear P. O. St. Cloud, Fla. enough toliacco to pay for the pjtooa grow fnster than work cities. EBM tn damn the state thnt Is yellow with s|>ot cash, not to mention other tblngg Angeles has met a it month drouth, fOaSOB fruit and sparkling with dls- he prtnliieod. a dnst fnst, n cattle quarantine, luond Iskes. I hear that, one city hm, CLEAN RAGS WANTED Thisi Is a glaring case of tucqu.'tllty iyirlle|onV.e>, nro". In st. but not least, lust of late of deposits In of opisirtnnitiiti nnd, <>f eovna, an im a Florida botm , but in spite of all favor of the ImnltM nf Florida—I won­ TRIfHTNK ©FTF^ migrant aTtmlt] MMko for Honih ticor iliese drnwaocka Its building record der If this could huvo Infiucnix-il suck i. Kia in olMsllemr to the simple law Hint for this year is 10 per cent above its Isinkcis' sdivrtJseuientsI •jfBsoaaj nmn BM.UH |tj .mitinfy Ins "v\ n own minimi. want* along tlie line of least reai- "Truth crushed to earth will rbu ntauce. Tbe tourist business is n bustneH** iigsln." The robin snd the wild geosn Now, If thin inequality of opporinni and will make Miami, the magic cltv. ili-sxivercd the Und of sunshine sml ties has caused tbe boom to start 1 place of I.-tOO.OOO inhabitants In 10 flowers long Is.fore 'heir human how long will it last? X will nmwer to lo y-'fli-N. It has s«sn under is.u. neighbors did. The robin ls now on this by asking another question : Uow st ruction this year about DuO u't-irt- his Journey to that beautiful coaatry long will It take for the immlgrant« meiit houses and hotels, and yet new snd the wild geese are winging their to settle up tbe southeast, bringing ones continue to rise. The Miami flight to the romantic shores of the, land values there to a level of those 1 leraId recently anoonced plans for ilolf of Mexico Ho. too, the good peo­ in other sections? tho erectinit of an apartment house 24 ple of the north snd west sre preen stories high at a coat of $8,000,000. lug Into Klorida. Home are Jamming To Last 20 Years The bulldliux of the Venetian Islands, the Pullmans; other-' impatient of It will probably take from lfS to 20 seven miles long, at a cost of $200,000,- slow trains, are hitting the grit in years, far there are millions of aires 00(1, is now an assured fact and the their automobiles: hut once there, they of virgin land In thin section that lots are goli's on wile. The building ill rejoice In the beautiful bind thu have never been touched by tho plow re. old in the magic city for thin fftSff birds have IUM overcd. or tramped upon by a negro and his frnnMemled those of last year by mule. It la HOT) miles from Atlanta, over BafjH percent, and what Is true I wish to re|M»t that this ls not a (ia., to Miami, aud one in going down of Miami is largely true of insjiy Florida noom only but It bl t south esstern boom, und every state la the a alow train will so...ethue.s 1(de other resorts. Now, what work <'ity Nouthciiatcrn group will share In a large measure the prosperity now en­ joyed In Ihn land of oranges and per­ NEWS REPORTER STALKS PRICES; petual youth. ,w I salil a "Lnnm," but I now take COMPARES WITH THOSE NORTH It hack Hal it Is not a "boom," but . l.iliite.1 ii.mxfit that IH coming la the afternoon instead of the early T^t's get down to brass tarlcs alioiit milk at SO rents a quart is higher, all morning. this food guoHtlon ! There has lm*ii a reverting tu the fsct that FNirlila The distant people and Ihe feather­ great ilenl of talk around ami abasjl aalrymsa Btaat liiiimrt fresh green ed tribes are idl welcome to our of exlinrliltiiiit prices for fmMl Is Flor­ fuoils fur their initio while nui-tliern ida but no artusl iBOtotigatioa nr u rlltae, Ye*. Batf and all homesick entile rSaohto luive their own fresh suiillieriieix niiv well express tbelr psrlson of rates seems to ooto saaa griM'tl pastures BtnHnsQBtB In flic language of Hsmuel made. The hljIlBg fttujoo of nieiif ill llnl Henry liiekaxin, s homesick lad from A raoost aiirxcr st OoUpwooi grn- Oharlaotoa, K. OL who, while Lttend cery stores expr, little reason r or excuse for crat.l.lns abool the BOOt KtenUs sell fur 4- i eciitM to 70 ifnts n in tbo following poem : of living wlH-ii It comes- to Inlying lyituul : ]sirk nml ISM-f t-o*t* flvo cents "I sjgh for the bind of tho cypress fnisl stuffs for the actual i-owt of gro­ ineie por BOSgsJ than It usually docs sml pine. ceries and moms here la very llttla in the states whOl'B csltle Is raised h.i' Where *lle Jonmiuluo blooms sml the the llieiiNiinilH of hciuls. lircnkfsw^ 'nor,, limn It is In any other place lu gsy woislolii, ; the liiid-il HUteH. liiii-nii UMI pure Inrd eell for the same northern jirlixs, exactly. where the moss drools, low from lbs Kggs for Instances, which nre go- green oak tree ~ [Nirtexl as selling fur uutlaiulisli prices I'ltnts. in wnsiui cost rom-h less In Oil. thnt miuhrlnlit land Is the hand here are priced today at tlO cents a Klnrliln thsn anywhere else in the for me." dozen, which as a inntlcr of fact ls North nnd East. (Irais'friilt sell foi several cents cheaper than they are re­ ten cents. fiftisFii cents nnd twenty tailed in New York <"lty at the pre cents n do»>n and in the midst of the sent dote. This ls accounted for he- senson are often retailed for s cent THK FINliKR TREE muse of the cold weatner prevalent splrce. Ornnges. for which there is in tlie northern slate and because of usually a greutcr market at this time Henry Nehrling, the well known the demand which 14 greater than Of year nre selling fur thirty-five county horticulturslt, says: "Tha supply there. Heveral chicken farms cents s doKcn here. Finger. Tree Old Man's Heard, Whit,, Just east of Hollywood keep ths mar­ Tropical fruits—oranges, bananas, Ijidy or Hunflower Tree, OblouanthDi. kets here well supplied with fresh grars-frtilt, tangerine* and all these Vlrgirlco, ls deciduous, but lo ray country eggs st a minimum price. —. -.„ . • —~ zrm "" "f*TYI garden It Is almost evergreen. It Inexpensive Usty fruia» grow "*«" sheds Its large, glossy leaves Just be- fanned goods were found to bear here and sre quite the most healthy ,„„, flowrin(r. WhTO ln fn„ „,„„„, almost identically tbe same price foods for Florida warm weather and', ,_ :_ „/T^- . markings for which they sell in the nre served In some form for most early in March Just before the —•• Middle West, ranging from six cents every meal, all tbe year round by the foliage appears It forms s magnificent tn 7B cents according to site. Quality housewife who Is wise In dietetics. sight—a sheet of pure white color and product. The purchase price of Taking this Into consideration, when from top to bottom looking enrhenU this goods Is the same for the grocer the average cost of a meal with these Ingly beautiful tn our glorious moon down here aa It Is for sny merchant proper rations is finally calculated wa light nights. This regnlar shraex or in ties cgaatry Imt any minor rise la discover thnt It competes vt.rv favor­ small tree Is so showy when ut flow­ price which may tie incurred for can­ ably with the expenses for foists In er that I cannot recommend it too ned products selling tn markets so the North. This Is accounted for be highly. It grows abundantly In all far south ls explained by the excess­ cause of the fact that ln this tropical our high hammocks as so underbrush, ive rstes on express snd ilrtynge, lie climate one lenrns to eat very IHtle usually from H to H feet In height, but cnuse of necessity the groci-r numt. jisy of the heat building foods, such an oix-osiunnlly ni-siimlng the site of a to tiring supplies from northern msr- meats, butter ind fats which urn the HIIIBII tree from 15 to 82 feet In height kcts hy boat or ear. Iti-frlKcrstlon most cxpeiiHl.c, und cats of the light, My s]Mvlmcns were gsthered In one ram Incur much greater expci: easily digested foods which lottjajtoo of ihe hniiiinocks nearby. In our log to poii. .. this fur south tbsn when to Is* of small cost lieeiiiiHc they arc woiMllnnd the Finger TrtO often lisiUs lining to nearer iliHtinucs. grown in the ntnr vicinity. -.iiiiiied nml Hcntggy, but. where suf .Sugar si eight cents a pound lu Altogether it seems much cheaper lirieiit space is given to it and when other slates Is the siiine here utni to winter In Flurliln when ll fllgatg to well eared foi It soon forms denee flour sells for exactly the name price coltntlrig nil the cold weather cOOtj well BbapOO aiKVi.Mciis, priivtdcd with Bg the relnll prli-o qaOBBs hy sny of Ions and tuna of coal ut tl'j ia-r tiriiucbes from th" ground to the tup ..I her liierrliitllt. OstOOM ,.f all klmls fur northern warmth nml too ilollsra Not. bcliig pnrili'iilt- In ita raootro- are prlreil at tbe ordinary BofsSBi Niiont fur furs nnd heavy agnooalvt nts It grows to p-rfectlon on high Wisconsin cheese st forty OOSti beg winter clothing. After all when It pinelnnd. iJito in Ai gust the Mulsh IMiunil, etc. Creamery liutter Hells for uiiiiw tu ibe fnets of the case we find ! black Juicy fruits ire ihnndnntly pro- H.'i cents s pound, s few cents higher lliiil Florida entalla less outright II. • vldiil. They ire ts large st tn olive I linn liutter retails for in northern Ing expense thin the average north-1 and quite transparent In tueir dor slates. This It arronated for because crn ttfitc.—"Jcaywood News. iasi.1 state. THVRKDAY, JAMARV 21, IMS THE ST. CLOtTD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOTTD, FLORIDA PAflB FIVK-HEOTION 0

il,.piirfiiie|!f .if COOMB0*00 th<| viiliie uf MORAL GAINS AND I-OKKK no one would wear evening clothes. tbe (hcntio or iliiiuei--wko slmald willow used lu uuiiiufiictures In this Thar would have avoided a )s-rhaps pay th," bills the t'uthor. or too -s- In the effort to prOMOOt hiinniii r»ro FLASHES OF FLORIDA FACTS eciintv lu i»ver .$25.(M)*!.0u of the ceater of nM.ractlon. Til," one who CXICIUIN the Inviao- 4j M lill.|..>.ti|i'll'»ll-H--H"l-l"M-r-l"H l'*''*IIIM t.ii.i..aa.a..|.s.s„li.AJ..l»**sV4. spreuillng eerlain ideas, yet there may SSpOtta thut t'MO ur more au acre Is- some priiiclpl,-i Hint nre n,g. nn tlon should lsiy the bills. Kor rh- Bnrvey the sknnix as n fur Isxnrer hos stuiKX", If the SOxUS bid's father be- It, MOHBH K01.SOM can be made growing willow in Flat* doratood HH w,,]i „H ln f„ri„„r years. real dlajnity In this country, rank­ Dear Miss Flo:— At a formal par vitisl Hie ilimghtcr and her flnixOo No I'ompetltion Ida. Willow lovis, to be near water. Just at present It SIXUIIH as If the Klorldn has no competition in 'ho ing second only to muskratr, ha Im- If Interested in tlie mihjixt write to l.v. is it proper for the hostess to ar­ to go to the thealri. bo should lsty Idea of truth nnd slnceilty 1« Is-tter nil bills. If the yiiuni; lady's finuts is>rtanee. Thirty four Htates now the II. M. IW'iuirtmont of Agriculture, range the places BO ths liustiand and production af celery- Florida leads ItaapOd Uinu in former yours. Tht Invited the girl's pnreiitK to nccoBB- have laws protecting skunk*, witn wife may be parners at dinner, or by far all tbo other states. Washlugton, D. C. present age hates hypis-rUty. If y,,u Khonld she nrange It so that they go 1 ui ii v them, he should pay the bill. open SKWHOUH of one and a half to six liuiulre In lu (he Ideals of ctSlogs in with other partners? Thank you. months. Christmas Ueeorations To See and Hear students, yuu will find that they dis (M. D.) Kxpei'ts are of the ontoioa thnt It Under a new law of Klorldn It is a IIKC any BtotOOBO of Isdug dlffereui Tlie hostess should not arrange to JUST-RITE CLEANING CO. misdemeanor to cut holly. daSx*OOd nanunias will not IM. long before we BBS see by from what they nre. Tl.nt Is n fine linve the husband and wile go ln to • '. W. .IncrtHoii, ft recent nrrlvnl and certuln other trees ami I lirolw The Isxnnnn enn bs gi-uwn so easily radio. An optltiniitttlc memtier of tbe iiuullty. Wc rend In the writings Bf dinner tagothot, They should have from West rnbii Ili'iuli. IUIH cboHi«» from mnd without the owner's i»r- In Klorldn. that It Is odd that more of tribe says : David the I'suluilst, that (iisl "do other ptrtuora. St. ('loud to lnmifxuniie n ni'W cIcHn- misslon. our people do not engage In its ml- "When wo can see- -oa well us hear sireth truth lu the Inward imrtn." 'j'he iiivi ;• HJ IU'CKKIIIK luiKiiii'Kn known at tlvntioli It rxillld 1M> tiMiile »i Mtuille hy i-iiilto the wiiii,, (iiilustry is cer- goool tnult of the age thnt in JUKI Doai Miss Klo:-- At a dinaer par Ukfl .lust I.ile ClelHii::); < 'ompilliy. Thlg Do Vou Know? In the south half of tbe state for home tulnly going to phiy a powerful curd past, was thut It lacked fiunknots. It ty, or luncheon, should the hostess concern dOM ,,\pcrt dry clennbiK nnal »»ot some of the biggest and best ins', If not for ehlpn Bftt to the North. on the table. A trump, card, many lie- la-earhed whut It did not jirnctlic It take her place at the table first, or hM o\o-llent service IIH to calling Tnv advised men In America, havo invest­ Florida can do many things when the lleve. And that time ls not far nwuy is a greot gain, If tlTc isxmle ore remain standing until her guests are and delivery of worh. Mr. ,lnck.*>« ed In Klorida. Among others, Henry effort Is nuide. In the trirpii-s the as MOIno of up think I This attach jiliitudontng false pretences. seated? Thanks. (I). 8.) (ind wife nre Djml to )»c iiiunbcn»4 Sxml, Uie Kingllng llruthers, Barron bnminri Is extensively used, both raw ntout has not yet reachixl a stage of Hut there Is an equally Important The hostess should romals standing UHMBJ tbe pf'rniniient rcKblentK of tb* WolUer, W. 0, McAdoo, und a long and In n cooked form. couiiiicn-liil pmctli-nlillity, but within resisx"t In which the pix-sent age until all her ajtMata are seated—then city, hove invesleil in reill entfite fllPtt list of others could be named Ihe next few years good machines she Hikes her place at the table. "Coons" will be lenscl ur sold, whereby one lacking, snd thnt ls In the spirit JointMl tbe tiooBterH clnb for tbo Kood The rnccism ranks third Btaosg the um sit ut h'Hiie und wiitih I tuiselsill of ulN-dlemx" to law. The motorists of Ht. Cloud. Ba bnH Jiint been «r>- four iniisi Important fur Issirers in game many 'lilies away nnd with it vim arc willfully vlulatlng the traffic Urur Miss Un:-- When the young nolnted fl« Hltl M—I for tho Dodf% According to the U. 8. Biological this ixiuntry from the stinmpoint of bear the shouts of Ihe (dictators. leguhithms. the people who nre ut> ladjr'O mother and father nctoiiipiiiiy Motor Comiriiny of It ( lond, anv financial returns from the annual Ing bisitleg llqiiur. ihe stiuleuts who their daughter and her fiance to a iitMinccment of which will be ma*. catch, Uie other three Mug the mus- H.irlilh riuroiners are willing to brash Ihe rules if the.v place of iiuiiiseineiii sny, fur iuntance Inter. BANK OF SAINT CLOUD knit, the skunk, and the opossum Ilenry NehrlitoS, the Booth Florida don't get caught the btjalnaoi men Numbered among HI. funnl's BOM* Thirty seven states have given the naturalist, who has traveled end whu think cnsiki-d tricks all right nnd conservative institution.) Is the racisMin protsn,«M II has paid s dividend of 120 per cent .inliiiiil- are common lu Klorldn. bin ami the blue bird do not know Isiws und rules nre for the bene­ on Its original ,»pltul Investment; Florida us tt really Is. They come fit nf society. The student in re- 70 per cent, of which WJIH earned dnr- BSaSBStS late In the yi-iir and Vine with the quln-d lo conform to certain require­ Isg the i>sst three years, • record Persons not familiar with the won­ early lords, 'lliey do not know our ments, IKS'IIIINC he will not peg th,, Slffleult tu surpass. derful prodoet should send to the V. suiiuui-r .the ssOft delightful season islui-iitiiin that his puretits are imylug Tbe deposits of this hank for the P. neiwrtm.-nt of Agriculture, Wash­ of the year. for If BO does not. The motor truffle rules a rv imisiscil to safegOalx] tlie pant year were double those of the ington, I>. 0. for dnpnrtineut bulletin Florida Is unlike any other [Kirt of (receding year, exclusive of the vast Ho. I8S9 entitled, " Their BSOJBO, aga. Those who will not obey Justrite our country. IN chann-terlstii-s arc Ibe rulcH of agolaty His-m to luck a mm that the city has SB deposit 0001 Culture nnil I sin in the lulled so many, arc so |ironuii:n,-il. tlm: i: is big from the sale of bonds, thus show­ Stotao," The UBOS of tbe bsiulsjo are lnilHsxKlhle fur iinyiuio who has not w iiiiiiKiu*s« to ooioporata Is oasaaa, ing IU popularity uniting nnr oitlr.oiu- so numerous, that, to eutalog them iniiilc the white his home for u num­ llishiiig the ends which tbe cum A feature valuable from the SoUBll would make a book. The function of ber of years to understand tlii-in iiiulilty deMi.i-s, Cleaning Co. •sr's point of view Is that ihe So> the plant ln America, can hardly be What is li.xslixl now is to Impress IsMdti. of this Iionk are fully Insured determined. Tlie bamboo grows wild Sugar the thought that we must all take guaranteeing the payment of 1(H) cents In all parts of Florida. This country uses *-"n billion hold and help to make a better com­ oa every dollar entrusted to Its laaaa> ponnili nf sugar every ycr, tbe per munity, which means conforming to The Largest Dry Cleaning Plant in County lag. Another fenture of strength anil Marriage and Divorces capita consumption lieing ninety the principles which the community stability is to be found In its roporl The D. 8. IbiKirtment of Commerce jjounds. We produce nlioiit one-fourth fntaHIQhqa —Sanitary Steam Pressing, General ef condition it the close of the year says thut marring!, Is getting more un­ of what we consume. About four- Jest past in which its resources certain and dlvonss, mure UeanOBt. fifth* uf the iloin.-stir iiinc cixiy is A Iff rations, F.xpert Spotting reached will toward the million mark American divorcee nnmber 170,8i!7 ln grown in IVOUINIUIIU, while Michigan ETIQUEHE «»n2.18T.78 which shows the remark­ 1034, an increase of 6,771 over 1823, Minnesota, Colorado, 1,'tah nnd Cali­ Dear Miss Flo:—Decently a frietu! able growth it bns enjoyed slnoo Its Marrlsre* totalled 1,178.200 or 40,718 fornia are prominent sugsr-tieet states of mine entertained a guest from a inception. Its savings department has under the preceedlng yeur's total. All The production of oiiue sugar begun large city. There was n dance, quite PRESSING WHILE YOU WAIT enjoyed a relative ratio of prosperity kinds of reasons are advanced for In (surly colonial days, while the beet n simple affair, but this guest ap­ ns also the department of certificnti this lamentable condition. A chief Is of recent Introduction, but it ex­ peared in a striking evening costume. Of course, nobody else wos lo evening by deposit which method ls used one Is that the young folks do about We Call for and Deliver ceeds cane Mirur five times, Flor­ dress, which naturally made the lad;/ largely by our visitors as a conveni­ as they plenac, and they arc pleased ida ls getting Into the production of quite ronsplclons. Was It not very ence. to walk tn tbe broad road to destruc­ sugar, with th," promise of )s"glnning had taste for tbe ludy to appear Tbe bank Is officered hy the fa! tion. an Imports.'' industry Klorida pro­ dreMHl as sh* was? (ar, B.) PHONE 95 lowing well known citizenry who pre­ duces thousands of barrels of cane Tbe lady should have worn a sim­ dict the present year n very BXaapor- Willow syrup. ple nftcrnoon frock, ns the affair was not one: J. K. COBS, President ; Win Tx>e iritVnr used to make haslets not a formal one. However, it may H. Tunnlcllffc. Vlee-I'nslilent ; B. J. nnd furniture and for other purposes be that her hostess was more at fault Itbamc, Cashier, and Was. Heabrldgn grown freely ln Florida, last year, ac­ isitn KAt.s WANTKD than she. Tbe hosbws could have AsM. Clsstller. cording to the rerjorb. of the U. H. TK1IUNK OFT1CB mentioned to her guest tbe fact that J

1918 1925

A GOOD BANK, like a good friend, wins your regard by a cordial manner, a sincere interest in your problems, and a willing disposition to be accommodating.


B.ank of Saint Cloud


New York Avoaoe ol Teata Street SAINT CLOUD, FLORIDA

$18,000.00 in cash dividends paid to stockholders since bank was organized. I TlilRMl.VV. JAM'ARl* 21. 1W* PAGK SIX—SKCTION C JPHE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE SECRETARIES DAVYLEY BROS. KIDDED ABOUT ROBERTS' STATEMENT . proa.i < oaipoood of Mooaro, M S. and <• S. DoWrOI ituistftul* m otie of St. ClOBjol*! Hvo cniicerns la r tfte rt*al estate field. After Chamber of ( onimerce secretaries ili.if the statement would rjo no us iu a similar field in Wcs, atl over Florida have Iwvn tho hrunt Ilium in Florida ttMatOttOltioa, baoOtiao 1'altu BoBcb they were drawn to thla of same kidding, during the tBBfl week thfl Cli.'.ml'er BaOO WOW known BM clly atNiiit a year BgBj where they or ten days, BOBOJl a statement BB> we!! to their own local pOODOJ, but estaMlsbcd (Inir firm which hn* peering in an article* in tho Saturday suggest-M that •MM VVIIV in- found to b.indltMl some Bj baO B)jjBT bfBJBBbr* Ktcnlng Po«l by Kenneth Ii llohert;. correct the at a lenient >o that MOpta Ask a writer of wide reputation, whh h ni other BBrl lOttl WOuM know that ttBBfl in this BBattoBj, uol..!'J> oi •which might be ciiii-.-trvM'tl to Intimate that ; )v!'lf Lnfoi BaOtloa coo may be slated the BBBs west ot ihe barabar of Ooaunerce BIOBJ look i ernlng riorlda from Cham1- like tbo DorOBOrty oolnn deroloBod by Mr. Cborry eoBipi UO fr mi CfOOBOd land prOBMtera, ( Vllllllt': rbis MVClopBMBl Bl lo DO e\».n-t\c As : matter of fu.'f, Vr. R But tlie ChaJt&ber of Commerce :nc> t in ratine, a f'tic n>.lf COUBM BBlBg Will be BBBfxte b'liP.v again. hi other article*, ha.» dlr, cted atti .i il featire. tag fo Carl Hunt of tho Mon to • ' Mb h the DBWIOS BrOB blOO bod many yeHis' Gbambi i the following let I Ion noire : through UO M rOaitOffl BBjd tiutke a tet, Saturday from Mr. RrtlMMlg. in tbo fttatO ('bainU'r of (Ymmeiiv, re- IpOctaJHj of buy Inn and •BUUBB] BfO IBBBOBOe '•'> I latter BO wrote; I labia iif'Tiicit inn fi root >» bit Ii. very proopOfOBB BBBOOB, They are pasaapo could ba construed to mean f eiiuise, la whut fit rldl \.ant.* DAWLEY glad to IN> nmnbercd BaoOBC the BOBB- that the secretaries took the efceanee above uearly ever, tiling ob I «If brrt of tiiis •oetloB aad t»» atajuf bB- an such an eventuality tu entirely laodo St-nlin.-l iibs. nl h-.'p] my mind. HoWOrl r. I lii.if every incvement that U-i.ils to g, i i oab| bt road tbal Mf se TOWN AM) COUNTRY the betterment of it. I have jt:*t iim.-ifi d Into the proof of iL.v ptb etory norlilit Pi Tlie folly "f tba itur-ofwar botwoOB I.I\K lii.M A um Baaaage thai frill eH right any par-lnvii and cxMintry is abOMl as BBB ul.» li.i- rBBd info my words U will e\i'r IK>. The tini" ban COBO for Uoeh La the (Md TootojBOBt« in what I certainly did net mean t.» M] for rortJ and iir!:iii AJMlleM tO pi'll tbo book of Nimil* is. oo are told "iSincin iy ami ltegrotfnlly POOro, together. The day for referring to Bbou, Bobabi \t>w lb.huh Ml not IIII is |u rj) Kenneth U IBaBB.lta"' ibe mraoof as :i "bi«k" and the city '••I'uiaiKiii••; pOfOOB ii. l'.ible history In bia letter bo Mr. LViboita, the •I ;i "i1uBBO claim to local Chamber Of Con.mcnv m an- bvBMoB and AmoiiCM fame as tbe b,-..tbcr in law of ^^ The i-oinmiinity t-day is cooipOOOd had • hip: veotBrO on baiiu GET VOIR AUTO LICENSE of farmer*, banker-', nn'vchanjs, pro- nrii! he said to Hobob: il men ind LoocbtOolco, RM "Come with oa and wa will io tbei v . f e\ v.y tiiwu includes tbf That amiiia.. easily forgettable t farm, whose occupant.s look '• waaal Iptofoated. Ha aajd OOOd, this year's auto IkWnoa, is up lu that town for th* huskies* of bny- going home. about on tho motorists, For weeks officials Lflj] ;n.i| silliii:;. to tliink that tlie S^> Uoaea tried ivOmetbtnC else. He have boon calling public attQBtlaa to 1 |wn» wiped from Hobab ehabffod his miud nnd de- the map, the farmer weiild revert to rfdod to (o along wt(b btOBtBi Obviously the? thing to do la for tbe old pioneer days of absolute aclf rfOOJ IfOOxH litlliz-sl u pic. | of the motorist* of the Mute to make dopendobco. iKaind pajrhologp, Hooah responded their application now. There la no A fact too BOaUy forgotten IM that aa i:i' miabl havoj boon eapoctod to. inilicjnit.u Unit a respite will he Few of UN who borve enterprisea granted Ample notice ban BSBB ara are all partners iu each other's honlnooi .im! BtflbifOt <}.>Or BBBBBj given. Tlie auto dlOsBsflB has been :<^ lend, leiirn a iBBtOf, from tho BB> ready for a long time to i- OpOroUOQ nud the square deal make for FueeoKpful parti.ershlp. peiianco tbo I IfOBM hud with bia licciiM-H. If part of the public chooo- brother-in-law. ee to Ignore tbe op'v.rtunlty, they AMbaaaoeaai tactoricsi, packers, de- EAST will pet no sympathy If they Bjo ar­ rnrtment stores nnd mail order houses He niiwi't intereotfNl in a project rested for carrying nntiquitcd Hcaaaa are livjnp examples of the value ot that would simply do him good. He plate*.--Hastings Herald. eo-ordinatfou and team-work. When was very much interested when be will the farmer and the city man get was given a definite Job to do. together in the same spirit and for The quickest and surest way to en­ the MOM notffaooof At ptooojol nave in list a man's interest, his co operation isolated instances, the farmer goes hit. ami his labor Is to give him a Job way Md the lOOfl dueller CIM^S bia. tie bim luto the work you have on When the two shall meet and minKle band \>y giving him a definite task. and establish a real community of And don't make the task too eoay. town and country this will be a real Men, by ami larsie, ore capable of LAKE country to boast about.—Tunipu Tri­ a great ileal more co operation and bune. callable of a great deal more hard work than we BBBtMjtfl We fear to a*k them to ]»artieip.ite HAD PKACTHK In large enterprises hocauae we fear tli* ir iiidifferciKTs and their rcfn.-ial 'i "CroM examinations did Many timi»s they are Just waiting n"i -*•> 'a to IM'Ibi-r him a bit. ' to la* asked. They weuld t>e plea net) Other Lawyer :— AVhy should they, beyond measure*) to tie included, to he's bOM liuirireii four tiim-s.'' lie put to work, to be given a hard job. PARK Doctor: "Toofo a atofe man. I'll <*harles P. Taft, son of former Pre­ IH- lafb> if 1 -:in pull you through." sident Tuft, speaking recently at the Si.k HoobBOd: MffoO, 1 ain't dead 1 dB'Timtioiiatl OBBOOBtttBBi of the Y. yet, so there's hOBO).' \l OL A., in Washington, made it piain that the highest task xuufront- The best way to esrapo being hehl ing BBBft an association today is the up MMH.Mtns in to get yourself lock- r*i Up. training for leadership. Aud the licst wuy to train hoys and young men for badershi|» is to j.'ii IVN.VnK.xI, HISTORY tbofll to work, with hard Jobs, In Men iiiskc monkeys Bl axOtsxextlvxtl w..rlh-wh!le enterprises.—John Car- u-lieii they try tu niie another. lylc. Well Located DIRIGIBLE TWICE SHENANDOAH'S SIZE PROJECTED BY GOODYEAR Close to Both AKRON, 0 DM 21-Plans foi the who assisted In the designing were rv.o'H AUT SIZE $n.r,o mammoth dimrible, (,/ I, tui. i ii> Dr. Ear] alrnotoJB, captain Bra size af tbo ill fated Shenandoah, have [sobman, former executive oCBtrfi ai bba '•'" B^fMaoB, and Harry Vlsser- been completed, iieeordinjj; to officials EDWARDS PHARMACY ing of CblOBJO, Bf the Qoodyoat BoppaUa coinpany. Tlie propoaad ahlp IraidBd with 100 Kroui UM HfBl rough drawing ut the poBBaBBJOfl and an OBOrBtlBfl crew, the Lake and huge 'i ail. m.-iiic eight ntoiitljs ago. will ba cBpabta or rrnaelng boa At­ comp.eto detailed blue prints have lantic in from 48 to c.l boura accord­ been prapared nnd will in- lobinlttod ing to dirctioii, tbe designers de- St. C'cud, Florida \.i\ \ dapaiimeni ii JL doddoa ileiind. CO icp'a<(> the Sheimndoah. Tbe ship will I*1 aide to BBBBj or Among the old Zeppelin engineers mirpass data flight, designed as n test fur the two proposed Itriti-h dlrlgl- Business Ctr. blee a one top flight from I/ondon to 'jilruttii.—.somlyeur officials naitJ. and striietnral JmproTc- mentH, making the big craft superior to any rigid ship that has been flown, have BBBB developed by the engineeni according to offlcot statementw. - The ship will b* «qnlpped a pull man compartment aceordlna; to Insurance & Taxpayers Agency present plans. It will ho IKK) feet in length and ramble of developing; 0,000 MRS. ELLA kt WATKINS, Mgr. horsepower. Hellua* wul bo ooad oo tbe lifting gas. Restricted To High- At present there lo no hangor In tbo world Urge enough to accommodate the proposed] ship. Only two mooring masts in North America eonjd hold It REAL ESTATE tbe Ford mast at Detroit and tbe Navy tower at Lokehorat. Class Residences. FIRE INSURANCE ELLAM.WATKINS "Why live ln Pennsylvania when Florida's winter climate la so nice" We represent The National Fire of la tho question. Mrs. Ella M. Wnt kins uiiwwcred sixteen years by com­ Ilurtford, Greater American Insurance Co., ing to Florida and to Ht. Cloud, where and the Home Fire Insurance Co., of New BBl eomlurts a very profltnble fire Insurance hnainBBB. reprcMcntlng BDflU \ork. These well known companies are a of the oMOf and atrouger COBJlBBBlM PRICES & TERMS of Amerieii. reputation for quick adjustment of losses. Mrs. Wat kins ls »ery rwluHtuking In handling the bsBBfBACB IffalgB of her clients with whom she la very popuhir ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA Very Attractive. Kor tbe cmivenlcnce of tbe public Mrs. WalkliiH HIHO receive taxes for the roiiriy and stab?, which ellm- ioiiti-n it trip bl BpMBBBBMjBj, The tax- BBBMOB of Hr. Cloud anrt vicinity ap- preclatea thin convenience and thank her for maintaining the agency. L. J PACK HKVKN—KKCTION f. Till KHO.VV, I.VS'l :.\ttY 21, 1926 THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA MANUFACTURERS' RECORD REPLIES l-OKli still: IS THIN- CONSOLIDATED REALTY TO ATTACK ON FLORIDA SCENERY line of the ls-st addresses pleading COMPANY fin a I handier of Commerce cvt i- ih line f fclin lii.v nml ono Hint has las bu Broad l ajagnlflclenl foiaata ay y MHCK. ,, ie. of Leeshorg, who done in.i.ii toward tha upbutldtag of fTo llio Kdilor nr On New Yin'. spoke bofxH'O n fair aiHlienct- Tliurinlay SI OlOBsl 1s the CV>BBplldBtBd Times : Bf plot nml oiili mui II wide variety m -in ni the High School auditorium ui other traaa; aad any o»U tl al su GoBapany, Ttu HH-IHIMTS of tills firm Ferguson's Dry Goods and Shoe Store in v.nir ISMM of Dso, 7 jmi bats • llr. Mst*, always an elispieiil are all ldoiiliiiod with vurioUH Dual !„.,„!,„-,. MMII ,,|,i ill fius-sls BOOB* Brief editorial hi-iided "Another View ornlor, told tin- BOOpiO of Hastings in Diss interests of tho .It} and are i-iiiiiy hns M fertility for tha produo- ol riorlda," i« wiiU'ii you no iini'ertaln terms of the abaOsuhl ifMil.v tO l'in*k Bay I'iirwunt niovonont. One of the Pioneers of St. Cloud Hon of other things. On Ibis so enII- "Ooatldorad simply a» "natura' rior necessity of ii live working ChanitH-r Their offiM 00 Ti-nth KroaC ia one r i-il Biuiny KOII, so little uniUirstouil by is a peculiarly UBlntaraatlas P" ' of Cuninieris-, wiih every man, woman Bl the BBBl *'i|ulpj>ed unci mor*t attrac­ BOoajta who »ee IbliiTS only on the oi' till' r.v Llslng but u few tool mid child enlisted, If the OBttStM tive to IH* found anywhere, aad an Good Staples Line of Piece Goods and surfuif nml neyer look lo flml the s,uove tho sou. ita soil llttie mo"' wouhl have tbe town double in popu­ li. a u'sttlnri render tho bBBl poiwlble Notions. n-nl truth, nre Hie greel iirnnge nnil lation and resources wlihiu the next Own white sonil, ll Is quite without r nn( service to their clients. 1 eitr*.-..'- gi'o*ea " Iba atatOi i it is •nccnery and ttUiOi nalklBe or Ou year. The following well known men National Advertised Line of Shoes and iu this so-eallinl snudy soil thnt Ihe i,r t„ It is tiresome." "Why, your land would fertilise the direct the nffnivs of the company: ration ls 'leponillng for Its Florida Hats. Much of Klnrlda ls from 20O to 3.10 lnnds about Ias-sburi;,'' lie doclarad, Wm, I.IMHMHB PrvBldBttt; A. n Wia- feet above il»> BtS Ii'vi 1. Running rrangM s;>ii Flarlta argpetrult "soil there is no reason why, with tt Klntoa, Vic* rrosident ; t. W. Kandisn, Queen Quality, W. L. Douglas and Buster u-.wn through ii"' eostar of the atato, Vi-ni-s ni;o Id nrv M. Klsgler lol.l live {'number of Coinic.erce, you t-nn't BBCtBtBO Troiinurer. I'reHideut Lfln- »„j kuowu i.s tha liiKh' mil, Is a sujv BM llu hull i,in" liiiini tbnt no lum! i.ullii s city of ."I.IKSI |K>pulutlon with­ (ilwH inne into our midst Hevernl years Brown Shoot, e»Wv beautiful count ry with uiuuy In Kloiiila wooiil prmluee finer ami in a f,-w mouths. It con be RRO and has gtVM much of bia time Holeproof Hosiery and Bear Brand Hosi­ bills «hii-ii lax tin- BOiss aoalitJao al lOftjat taSaa of tttrut fruits thnii .'init done, and Its up to you to do it to mill BIB that were •mportant in the pnrtlons of tin Netty sill lu tl-i OUIIIV nuloiui>blle« uuil tin- \1cws "1 understand your pr-sent popu­ huildliif; of the city. For six years he ery- • .'iiilhern iwrt of the stnte. He took .ouui this high nv the bsttBf- groTO siilue yeni's BBJ0 nml ,.l\v nli.nH itn- most woadataul ocean riewt ta IM lo lieciino mis. ll'Ish. hut yon liave a li.ent "i Bt Cloud and Kleiidn, New YORK AVE. UNCLE JOSH ns Miiitnifir- ni a crop of oranaaa aatj Bsnad l" Auii-ii.ii. Ssattoti tot dou atOaxdl i-fiill.v I'icll Klirroinnllug farni- grapefruit, with treat IsatathsS hem-nil inj; section and wiih I Ills backing, •oatn views ..f much "f the Borthtra I III !(.HT lOMJKSTION their lead, HS i linn- trot aeoo tO liny and a live t'li.iiuU-i of I'iiiiiioii, ,- to ,,,,,., win ba hood ti,- Biarveloutis BATS ll* I'ltOI'lTS ()!• pfirt l,f lllls sIMtr Ami yel the snll tell tile weild. Hatting*, cerlaluly ,i wsten of ths ocean, orhera ai FLORIDA RAlUtOAIIS •aa deeper tooth tto ooasa BSi was su rocky BOO woadarod timi it onitlit to bocoroo a lm-tioj.ilis within a stow deeper nnd dooper. could prodnce anytalas. l' la • llino short time,' Frelgbl iMMigeatlnn, slowisg OS IBS II„. calel>r«tMl Daytona-Ormond 'inne lucky fnniiMliiiti nnil Mr. l-'lni; Dr. MaeKeiizte recently tsunplclcil :i ler*g thoory waa, ntier he bntad the n,,,\en,ini uf fralghl ti-.iiiis nnd tre- ,IV ;,!l lour of Kuril]-,- duiiiiix which tie visil beach, for <""' ' " qnentlr tlapptag ears f,,r dnys gad mniter, (lint ihe roots pejootrating , il S iithind In BrOlklag through a I.IKK'.S VH'ISSITl I>K!S Ills sprightly youth, and simrklixg „,.,-,.. i bollsre, I- !-• the mo-t woo- will,-,, i.s lusting lie- railroads of dOWB I'tl iieen thO ireviirs uf the boyhood losl ; d,.itui beach Is tha world, baa l eens-tei-y of I hut eniintry lie noled ti rocka H-Miiieii either ii aesaof aoll or Florida several Ihouaaoda of dollars And. chilled with nge. be feels the J,III, af ni I «00 in BOO teat -'it loot loinl, with an epitaph rending Farewell, thou helpless babe, to thee W water froiii wlileh they ilrew eiu-iil I ,i,.i tooordlog to reporlt at -fiBmiex. west winds blow, . Tin- "I' Itoelf la to tolld that "Lord, She Is Thin' lie tolled at Is given tlJ( melll. That yinr Ihe 1,-i-iive. then a Bailreadt pay » rental eliurge of And In bis wetry path falls drifting , 1 tention of the cincliiker to this and To prate Hiey psrents true to thee ttu- heavies! ascitorbtjora ""'I "" '"' H a day tot eaeb oaf "f unotlier rail- N1IOW, yotlllg one. JiliHlm-eil ulsillt ,'III.ISHI lioxis. the oh! caretaker HO 111. "there is noth­ and heaven, rrn.i.s nuke no Hapraaalon whatao ri,ad .,11 lis lines. ill 0000 of 11 bhs-k He sleeps In mother earth, that gave H' gropefruil nml BBOltaBt, ing pOSoUaf n'snil that She was- a i HIT helpless as thyself, they did re- ,-M ,- i.!>.,•> tha sand, god ant eaa ride ado, il must iiriy this cbarga for ears him birth! The tuaii who BglUBBl see Is-nuty in good woman anil hail a i:is»d hiisbaml isiy ,,„„,. ,i,.,„ twenty mill- apon " doatlned to it. held on otbont lines, —t. T,. Packet! (lie WarlaUJ Jilllins. In tht nin^nifii-i-nl Theii' del,l wiih inteiest, when then- ,, wide enough for twelve ot fit who placed Hull nielnoiial at the liiues, Ihe wiimlerfol ever nrchlm: if an embargo was gel declatod be­ eanie n dav ; teeu 'MIS to ran Bbteeel without tba bOOd of her m'.ive. ill ill 11 i UK Ibe FliOltlllA SLMMKKS wlileh in all over tho slate, fore too ciiiii-i'iiiii,- rtliroad •torted When due. ns il mis iiiioo when pulil atetl crowding, and loon out np htlcis, they were cut large BBd tin- Henry NobrUog, tile Sonlh I'lorlllS «hu inoiiul see beauty In Ihe linn the in r. for you. Bl MM iii-nin nf tnrpaaalng grandeur epitnpii should bava road, "isini. naliiriili.-l, who bus t I'uiehsl and in^ red of die Bolaclaaa vans, magi Own lint Half nf Cars Allien, boon golden hours nf youth, sluiliisl In many eoiinli'ie.s and slales. Ai other points aoraowhal auailar She Is 'llllne," hilt lifter it win ilis adieu' lade -i trba --);.a ,.u Florida r.'iili'onds own li-.-s liiun ,">0 "'I'h,. 1,,1,1-lsls nn,I viiiler resi- i in i"- I d, and l thi ciiveicil thai I lie "e was oinitnxi and inn astro Hum hoM ides plop parol eyaa thai .see ool and bgvlB nereoal of tin- oato raqairad Ls atato ilellls who i-oiiie gad |;o like the ro- iln a,i was not room lor 11. lie BMUgxrl come to you, , [ranted i i a'l who bava studied frelgbl traffic, though they had added hin und the 1,1m bird do BOt know iimt boar aot," il M shame fee WOBtS Midi a Rg I ri a-ury full Of foi'. land fruits ii,.., hat "f Hie world nmt now innleiinlly tn their rotUBS BtBOk in Florida n- it really ls. Tiny oorat when slss on earth can bi found •1 nuirble. and tloit's why ll and flowers. latt in I In- year anil le.i>" willi the ir,eiil ToarO On tbt bulimee they Make pajmtnt due, as pass the BOPPf Beucbet thai match In marvel nn al (illtl s WM.K IIII. Mil! IIS leuls thai wily. I'hcre an- sonie early birds. Tbey do not know our ni,- pniuiir si :i 'lav pof 'iii-, mak­ hours, Sractivenaaa from ovary polnl of Host .ind some people iii sonic sin i. Ihe most delightful season of ing a stoggoring total la sstsg ooti 'l'no swifily llown to sny tlu-y ure thy Orel fifty thou write lowns, just Dint sort nl' folks," de Ihe year. tjiaai of ii"' ata UM "i (lorktt, '.villi nioveluellt flowing ill ol'dellv own ! th* WorM N'-MS Serriot, ire walking i,are,I In- MacKcn/.ic. ] hope Hast "Florida I" unlike any other part of ItHllaSB Arc ( huniinl fiisbiun. Hut, It'll the truth. It innuot be do .Millions Bf l |ii'- Bate lisltod 1'lor tin. Btroata of Bon Fork, ink's is not I linpe you are n-i our country, its cbaractarltlca aro so WhOU neivelni'iil It blOCOSd, OB it uied, ado, ehara ad B il OK raly with ii» II.i y le rn' thO Chllillen's ('.mil .ays. ' 'stingy" and that sign of your ninny, are so pronoiinreil. that It is !i;is I,'en reeently. the linny loll in Ifeoga days tisi often hu.c a sadder Intpotolble for nn.vone who bus noi tjUtaata, bul with tin- baaaty Bf ii •Then- are 00,808 In b] lllglll gills It,WII reads—"l-nn-il. She is Tlline." hundreds of inslaniev enls ll|> tlie side. iniiile the slate his homo for a num­ Bcaaory; with lis baaekas nml lot roamlni tho sini: uf Vow York be­ Ilon't let It road, "Ijird. She i.s liaiiui orphsnnges may be their hup profit, it ls said bj tamo railroad ber of years to undersljiiKl them." inn,; |b .'.H.IM.0 lakes, iiml lis mui- st Lu i, af proper boms eorir- .hill." Hustings Herald. less lot. men Hint minis new ratarSS of tlie vi'ioiis tprttuBi la MM rimi County • DO ,-nl." Tlie cheer of home and parents' love riorldg riillniiiils In this iieriod of NATTKAI. HISTORY TKST than is sat spring Howtag 900,000,- i'lilnli .if what thnt sl.iti-.neiil lagajBft, caogettioo will ba far oat of prnpor- Ilrlinkln: -"What has four legs and ooii Kiiiinus of water I day, so BVBOT meaiis, "BaCOntt of huh of inoin-r He has no ilroad, who gives the orph­ ;i.ui. It wiis pointed nut that a large ninl crystal Uka thai tha ferns asd h BM en. ir.,in.H nl " I'-i-e.-iuse a jirl's ELLIS GARAGE ans hn-nd. i.uiuhei' of ixirs have lsi-n delayed for A man at last, old aud gray with The Hooli: when tho fl-hes nt 7."i ti, .1l» foot from III,- wir- lUrOSta fallen 111 their ituty t,i Inr. < BBMlg to Florida six yoarR nsto ::n dnys or more iu transit. frost, cut appears. ini' ns rli-.ii-ly tool ns Utoagh -tie ls BattdO In tUffOfl dtBTOdatlOB nml from PrniiNvh-ji nln J. It. Kllis looked rjray woro within ana fool or tha aya I tlttOBBO wiu-se than ilenlh He U]/'ti St. OlBBd witli furor, BBrBhaBSd TtK'ii- ara many other Bundtifiri canoo n i-ii-i s pareuti tiiink tin-y nvaal a niti" on 10th striM't and instiillfd a »-nrlli|!s In tins state, some of llii-iu Ko to eulisrelH ill oilier to ri-nuilu li, modern kiirufr.' nnd MTTIPB station. BH wiiiiiit-ifui iimt if liny wars i" Uie BoaJaJ ivllirl. or s|H-liil too lutu-h !>urinR tJionf* fBBTI Mr. Kills has en­ 1 Culornilo or California policemen IfOgt ijuarrelii.n bOlWOtU llieills. 1 v, s joyed a BjTBapBarBBBj fnir*!iiiv.N nnd pre would '•" atjeaaagjry to hold tin- agtHrSt tfcsl they ilon't BSTO tliue to projM-i dirt* m icrwit future fur the city of bis iii Mm- ss they souglit to visit these .y Baiaaj np ehihlien. n girl must mli-ptinn. H** carrU'N • pBBKBlBta stahle nnd ex- lami •van Dta sandy soil of Her i uiii,iiiv' around. If ever begun, nnd IK-dltloiiN liianner. Mr. Kills Is a hiRh- settle ihiwn. in fail at well as lu v trained maotianic hlnvwU and thorn theory. l.i Ins i-nipi.i.v hn.e to show siiullnr Bo! 01 Florida KI'OWK. ami en .« BuaUrtoBHoBl thus •BJBBBBJBPBBBJI MB About your tn iniHHes-i cities nf eiin..l.l, pgl bj |H'|K •BtOffii i a iM'rfeet Joh. uhiliiiii It niny eona- t,i gog otoro of Jones&Jones thai roniiiiion of which \>e road la New 'Ota, It will, il Ihn-I,la peoplt maim ever net the Idea thai social life, „f • H. FERGUSON Tb-iugt You Should Know ihe rimiiim; ir ,|" kliul sbiuilil I'liiUihlv no tnnn in Ht Cloili! have proeedeneo otor the BMttj sir st.-lllds .,ili mole :ls ,| |diilieer mid lous plni f ralatBg ii family. I under of St riuud ns • minor de- IIIIIIHI will tell nml breeding hns a StOpOT Of Ihe i-ilv 1 IIM I I .1 11. KiTltu- kg !f time WE ARE BUYING AND SELLING -REAL ESTATE hj JohnJ^jea^yttuee, M. Of eiivlronii t which Florida has ami Kergiisun's store bus I u a hlnd- If will BB0S sis-, us New York City lnnil, whore mir BBxtaJo linve seeured Boos, r.n„sos eiris walking the streets their dry goisls. sbis-s, ate., almost FA< III. EBUPTIONB ut ulglit Sauilforil lleralil. •wlthiiut a eoniplaint. made noeelbia by EVERY DAY- Tha most common facial ak!n- loir ilmtlliig .iutl eoiirteous treiitinent diieese ls sens. It doea not depend to til. upon a blood-eondltlon for its ori­ TOIKIST T1IIK n the innnig^iaeiit of the 0. A. R. gin. Therefore "blood-medlcinei" AT THE I UMIIi IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE US. Hull, .several years as niamiuer or do not euro It. the I iiiiiiiuus proKrum ami u long Thla rflstnas varies In severity. llnilrosils entering Klorldn expect BtrtloB us Bspoilsitsiloai of the from a few small pustules to many lo lii-liur into the state ilurlng the Methodist Siimlay Heli.sil, Mr Fergu­ large ones, the latter often leav\ current month shout .".(Sk) tMtSSBi son has beNtiiweil upon the city e ing disfiguring plti or tears. A iliiily on Ibe I-IIiiurn ii ears nlone, tak­ service of which he may well be IF LOOKING FOR IMPROVED PROPERTY, BUILD­ asrtstn germ, the acne bacdllut, ing no aci-ount af ilny eoiiches. may be found with the microscope, proud. Aronuil tall,(MMi persons, therefore ore and may rather accompany than causa the eruption. We know thai OSoxtaSgf to ciinie to Florida in l'ull- ING LOTS OR ACREAGE. a rich, highly -tenoned diet will imins (luring the uiiinth. lend color te the picture; ehaaaa Down tho Kast Coast serviil by the JONES & JONES ami n-» tike. Including mince pita A. c I,, which has a daily capacity Klorldn gains mil Ohio loses wben and fried fooda are to be avoided. "oxer nil" of slsuit fi.iMM) isirsons, nnd .limes A Join's ,-anie to St. Clood, Thli They overload certain glanils of daws the rVoel Coast, whoro th»- H x»ell luiOWO firm iKim|H>seil of Hnrry LIST WITH US AND GET PROMPT ACTION. ths skin which are already choked A. l,.'s full iNiuljinient. with that of Jones ns senior memls'r and .1 II. and inactive. A plain diet of other nmils, is tint at. more than .'!. .limes ns jiiiilur ineinlM-r. nltboiigh coarse bread, froth vegetables, IM¥), will isune, It Is OSDOCtOd, more plant, of fruits and drlnking-wattr rnt.-d ns new In the res! estate field it to be commended. Young people tbau s.tHHI oataosa daily by rail Into Of tills eity. are very old when It do not need coffee or tea. the national sunshine patch in Janu­ mines to doing things. Arriving here ary. ii fttw nninlhs HKII | hey Immediately The pustules should never bo rnlhiian res,, rvnt ions iu Chicago suw a Ileal future for St. Cloud nnd squetttd. They may be carefully an- snlil to he approvunutcly 1 L?.tMMI backed their tudglliaal by securing II punctured with a clean needle dip- fog tin- month. The l'lll I llnl ll ispilp lienuty spot fur s major ilevelopinent. in a solution of carbolic acid dore using, and then swabbed incut vurlcs with the opofatloa of .\ssi-lixl by II. W. ( hsdiviek this firm with cotton wet with peroxide of BpoolSl mm isunlnc from "all over.'' J. now sellhiK St. Cloud Manor Just hydrogen. If hot wet pucka are so that It c.tiimit IH- said with liny east of the city nn Is-nullful Lake applied to Uie face, be sure to fol­ cxiieiiiii'lc how inatiy Poltroon tourtota ltiinni nusle nnd IHile binliwny, wliieh low with cold packs, a minute or are BtaDOrlDg tn ".sprend Ihclr wings" is a iniiiiriil iM-iiutv spot The sale be­ two after. Leavo the special nisilic- lor siuuim-rhind. hill fron IL'.'i.Oon t" gan ll few dnys Bga und sales frnm atlnn to your physician. 100,000 of tin-Ill are coining tills the start 1000100 tin- 1000000 of the Tho acne patient should use his month ami iln- day coach crowdt will dsvalopmenl Brklcb its prooiotota inul JONES & JONES own towels uml pillow linen. The swell I he total iiuiuhcr for .Inniiary rotOOBSt, or even mure wlileh ipBOtS face should not be daubed with In mil,-li larger iniluhcrs. ivell for UM ,-III II iirl.sinu men Is-hind ointments or cheap lulhers thut Ami nutoiiiohllcH slill an- running. atop up tho Boraa, A good lotion St. I'll,nil's newesl Ki-niip ,if hiiinesites. "WE PUT THE IS IN SATISFY" fx>r llio (BOO Is mmle by inMing 'i'i„- ih.,,ii tide oi i-,iin.i travel Is OrO Mil 1,1111 li enlhus borai-ic nclil to witter, in any setting in wiih noticeable strength. Florida and lis possibilities Ih desired, for It nermaaeoi fixtures in ihe laxinon-juice lightly applied • ' Im you 1,,-lhvc in iapi business eirolta of SI CI 1 hovi. re es the tiny rroOTOI in the hkin, Illl 1-1,1 li lin • i In-liny wilnone. • eil 11 -1,1 ty after ii,.i i \ walking delegate) i "Bsra heir development of si Clood MaBor I I do why lady. Hit* woi-klngnian laaj ii" n • 'iii-nii reoltv baalaoai aad ilnp lead or ot- I le- . stlut '111 all tenant bare B IliillCIlts. I an- in | THIWIDAa'. ,IANtU«Y at, Ut* RIGHT .sromoN c. THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD. PI/miTi A

"Ye*V\ I nodded, "partly and portly that wo know are belpful in rhnrn- daugbtem. It will he better for aa IIKMKVKH roRD WRONtl Baaavaa I found him most entertain- eter hulMlug." to suffer a little while here with CHARITY BBJ. S,> there'" T see- evactly what you menu Ctir- Cod's pBBBBB than to enjoy the plea- "Whn; tloes ha do?** ("urtlaa «how- tlrw ami 1 am going to try to keep aoraa of sin for a BBBBBBI bhaa ba si nmitv. MIIMM.. .las li Heart Od litsi dlraipproTal in a slight frown f"i "in IteiiiK so Inconslstent. IU*j*lly." eternally is*'i*irt(Mi froaa ad Ami", hreath- •BfSd him bBBBBBB 1 had BCOOpbad the liar BBapsa, u ind.v iniiioji, Bad lahaBB -liin-IU nml list unn-li isunis.riinc. iBBBlf pausing at the end of niy aigu- attentions of Harrington I'luree and un' to, "Show forth the praises of ilni... r.ilkn wakii up nml ba M-lf-de- IHuatralUvJ bij Paul Uobiman meiit. ' don'i >-u think he's inte;vst- yet some primitive Instinct in nie re- Him WtM hath oaUsd us out of dark l'i-II.II-III nml nssortlvo. At-tlon snd haj looking?" Joleod In ihe knowledge thut I was ness into Ins miirveloua light." luiril work nr,» what srx, IIIHXII-,1 mors Cepyrlftit Itti bf Publlihar-J AuUesXti Saniaa still nine to ba atruetive to men •Hell i" When Ood ^jHtika there LB no mis­ IllHM .hlirll.v Hlill i-iMiiiiiiiinly (Oils. an liihlhltlou no douht of Ies* civilized take for lu says, "Never! heUtu the NalNe Meete BB Old hYleiid. UM BB Mr IVYVlght ordertHl wltio. Hut HCBJtlBBl HI huve to ask you "I ilon't believe In i-i,niiiiiinit> days WIUMI man MM the pnvsuer nnd finindatioii of Uod wtandeth atirr Iiitert*ting and Handsome Man when it veaa serviii. BarrlBctoB PtBtoi p.oi to sweiir" woman the pursued. liiiiiii-Hii-ii'lu. 1-i',' ouiilit to sera silently pushed hi* %iOM nshle. Yes, it. ia sure having this seal Wli;it wan lilt' colour'' LMBBjl M *i bag >our nardoa'* ha BpologaB- 1 drlft«.si on through wave* liark llii'li- own BOgBBa, Thi-y UUKII. i" save "Ouo COIlld tell yOO were not re­ "Tho banl knoveth them tlmt are red' Sd, "hut Siillie, i can't he*ir to have to my weddliDf utght. What wa» it nml Mioggla fur tlicin sml thi-y wlU nin ly 1'roin the Slates.'' I saiil, "we his." And lie has mado it HO plain I-or lln» hricfcst pBTt of • BtCBBd you so friendly with men. BBBidOBi the ilai-ivr little frieiul of father's i-iijoy llii'in all the inorii ivtipix this/ ilun*J often have cham o t" refu-*e that WB baa may know, whether or tl Dl.V i'Vi'4 haaldaa. tbaaa BBBJIOBBB and artists had said? "The huttert'ly type, .Sonie- iilliiln tlii'lr ffoal. 1 not we batoaaj bo mui. chuiuiniMic." nn dangerous peoph'. I hliu; that's i non pa I i!c of CiUBgB if i iron how thrUlbif it would i>e Bf our fruits BBJ are known "liiiliiKtry nnd nrtlon nr- n,«!sa I prifer Kvlan." ba replied. riil«- 4'oinpar.Ml with their pretty h>ve to-IH lie Ot niy goad f'UMMH' :ii hOBMb I'it tier oi:e is or DBB •BBi'l Matriuiony "Uvlng epistles, known and read of bjuj his water ffoblOl and QUafflflOJ half m.-ikim: a buabaad'i •Ineora corn J i- moro i.'imi oasSty," If l lust it wniilil ba iii"i.' >i IBM \MUi't you over tBeiii)4'r:iTin>iir.l)rjr all men " thO giBBO, BBBBhl aro iuerei> BfOOBlC. Wot in- it will only add piquancy .in.I iliarin." awkward admlttlag to Oarthai timt "What are you tWO fimitns* lu ci»in- Mrs. ths). CX Kaiifouia. 1 ti.-Mi UtfOWB ii«va.\ flii'--' tUBH 11 is* Btaneo he told ICra. wWtajht, witli DM And Matjorle Oha&OWOtb What ui'ui?" dcummletl Bllla whu was hav- Oaa Way I" live s ripe old ate Is amount thnt I bad declared would lie tistoolng, mind yu. thai >-.uir cost was it she hud said? "Thiu-.'s nre al­ llr.XK ARK TKN ill l.l s ti, iiviilii IsMog so Infernally rotten bjuj i"T aBcoad Klaai of wtoBi BON arai Ilka 'Anhrn'H l>anc«* in the ways g.'UiK to hapivcu t B von. Sallle, mil Ut tit.' nlieo! FOB HKiirii Mlille young. Thm croupiei n n innouncla^ tin- ra- "Thero*ra ooif tn*o thin us Amerl Mountain' ". and its m>t your fault. lOB can't OBBB dfapCUaa OTOt here. I'roh i!»il ion "Anitra'i DBBJOB fJh yaal J know help it tf >ou're not a vegetuhh*, you 1 Itaad and sit -•ornM-Uy. BBti uf tha pht.v l loOBBd ipiicklv at She: "Yuu i-orlnlnly est well." nnd — none prohiliitioii", I dodand. iimt wcii ' ' rely thing hy Orief, 1 know " Ii Hasp eight t'i nine bowra with BBB BBJL lie. "1 uuulil to, l'vo pru,11004 aU TbOtl all iBBBjhad Vara thai right? oaaa wladowa. Number 17. batlBTB, I uaad iu uiay it. That was Was OBTtUB Justified In balag .'t. Drink six glnsace of wnti'i each my life." "Noil*". avowed |!M> woman tin tlif " frlondt Of mine were sviyiiu; a most unusual tlilnu to say. I love hint'- Bight P?hfl OtBJBa] llio ML the other day in l'arfs that If I :t '." 1 mused B While. Ihen lesii'lied o:iy. sh.-ulil return to the State* thut it the eonvcrsalion. "Hut honey, Bhf hurt? I wnnrtajad- •I. BMaBPCMB "He hour dally, If pos .sinmite battery driven, an I smiled sheepishly for !»> some v traelor llOsignail In ili-rinniiy to move Vague Intuition 1 had known all along .vt'iiM in iBipooalhle tot BM t*< go oui rinfftofl I'lerie is one of the BBBl Thasa nnd many otin-r climitle silde, tnke up BOBM sis>rt. nnd DOt luhe | ho tn drink. Thut'.1* freight ears mnl tim liimts ls eontrol- BBl il B7BJ H"l red soiiyht after men In lVuis Kllle's though tl played hlde-and BOBk unti T>. Knt some gtaea vcgotahlo und .•liisurit," Mr. Pierce affirmed. "I li-l by s man walking Is-tM.M-n liund- "Sfo. 1 lime lost, nilssi," -lit' BOB* mad about bin Bad • • I•• thai oaqoi' the QadofagB of BMBBJ took tinun U fruit oaeh day. diui'l hen* when* MM enn have fine site Kllen Daniel, the Cnin.l l rpOTB hand aud skillfully wove them Into les uilh wblob It is gBegad. tinned, lapslni: iiii'i BBC own bOBgUe. 'i Kvuciiate tba h'-wels daily. DOgBBM and wine ilien why should 1 rtaaot Horn psa itao'i really jeai- ilrcnms. "Yea, but boa IIIIK ii • ininiiii-n''" 7. Have a hobby which will change J HHjuirt'il. wiiii. I iitu tohl (he favorite cocktail oaa of poor ntt •• BM ara yen Mr. (To lie Continued) your mental BBglaoh. ••( nl francs," ibe resiled, i*. Daade of oraafo Jnleo and •lchohol.'' Fogey'.-" ft [sBBOaj your busim*ss WBRMB at MAIN GROCERY •• flea dottara EtatbBt IBH "Hut foa would, Harry, moodier," Hy .love. I don't know. 1 felt t*»- fiO» CALLS HIS PKO.TLK OUT Vou Hohloiu BBB a more aanitary or ihnu WOO," I COBlfl not li**l|» lull won Klta lnu«liinnly replied "bOOBBBB if Blaht though that the wfaola ChBBB of In FiTtltf 1* WB loaru 'lint the the office, and learn to play. BBtsMf ke]d irBBBTf tliuu that, of K O. der why «he bud Baeauragad BM to BBBl went BB jwirties over there BBBl had tofDMBl over. Mrs. Do friendship of the world IH enmity It. !U-la\ uhcu sitting i>r iTlllg BBBha in.v 1'iiiin- i*il«-. "i Hi well, eYm ordored water they'd say you were WlBjbl Lidded nie BDOOl botOsfl BO ah with OBB, so according to the Divine diovn. kauavel mi New York Avenue. Mr. H *>;nl btt*d ami BBVBf a>k vmi BBJBlB.'' seiit-inliuh'Hl ami 1 askeil bar forgive Kanavi 1 alter having eonaldorahle Ba f:i'l rieii. " 1 iddOdi IVOfiBttJBJ to Word. If we are friends ..f tlie world, 10 Have a yonrly i>hyshal i.xnm- "WeU rooll sec Kiiie, bacaaaa i BBI ness ou tho groiimis of baiooj h<»i)e- • we aro an enemy of Ood. 1 nation. e\tHM'iel)CO In his line iu ('oluniluiK, In Mindly BBB 'N'I S weiv BlBde and I IMBlllg L BBXl > ear. 1 wnn't laaaly nvorions .'• .tcsus says he BWB BhBBBB lis out iiliio, nhoiii yejira afro piirchaaed 1 utterly fore drink thoofb booauao i ooohtfil aad "Thanks. That*a H pretty oooapU of the WBBtd :o**\ 0Bf this reason, the ^ A Norwegian Flash his BMBBBjl IniMlneriH of which ho baa other piiiyi-rs wboae attention WHS a ort." HHMlt. Von see. you, yourself, im world hateth us. I ,Ino. 4:4 tells BB in.nlr I Mfl nOOBBBi ns he Ju»tly clalniH gteaa to tha aaxi turn of tho wheel "Work"' There'* ;i wealth <»f inean- prove with coB»BjatiBloa.w thai we ItH ve oven-" i no tin-in IsHVUHe hBf in the word. The WBJ he Bftld bf baadlhaj the baal luarohaadiH and I hud never in :tll iny life ln*cn Aualu i smile jilayeti over his face "Oreatar la Ba that Is In yor than it made it BarfB8ti| dear that his tatr treatlucnt to nil. Much crodlt i with iaeh ibsolBte Indlffer- thoogh lie was Lrsiag rtBaparatatf to be that is in the world, if so in' the BB ordinary jolv One of the Bfta Is .in.- Mir. Kanavi'l for (ho BBBBBBg ot 1.1 indignant Iy. 1 pushed hark be MriOUJ aboal the whole matter. .spirit Of Ood dwell in you" parhapO I was COOBBJBBd with eiiri ihe baajBaMBB, aa t«he takoa a threat niy chaii. "Tliere s another thULg. Sallle c.od ndoa tha BBlfaiao, hut this 1 osity. I waule he res]>«»n(hf(, 'T wiiild havu given sensual. As Jnmrs tells BJ (Stiff) If In compiling hla market Ur. chain Where "H earth diil you i ,1'n - "rii-hnh, 1 think MI too," sho said yOB more if 1 thought that re.kless tea cfaooaa la l»e with .leaua hereafter here annrett no i-alim or OXIHMIHC to j rom 1 l low loaf ira yuu Bolag to out lood. gainhliiiL,' -"iild make yon bBSpf, hut WB will ohOOflB htm hero nnd follow make his depart i unit Ha Hilary ana May'; Where an you etopfdi | \e I "Shall we ABBCBT" ha asked. MBV I know it won't, Sullie." ill Ul closely. llenly | .1 LSBBfl hist eve.s .uitl MBBtonBg uiodei *ii Mr ( limn her ia an e\[*»rt wharo'i Coftiair*' AII In oaa btatth •Oho, hut it did, Cnrtiss. I got (II Cor. «:17) roiawta the J.ord'a Bjujf BBBO I BaBBiatatBd for a cioment. In hU lino and quality of iiic.ita tn KHio nuked, i oily the la-d qBOatlon a troaMudooa Wcli oal of it" I intcr- words ln telling ua to Heparati. our 1'urtiss and I had a port of unwrit •HtrUfht nie hark to my everyday niptod selves from BBS world and touch not hi'- find eourtiderntiou when purchan- tOB. n.-reciuriit thai wa should always I'licre's a ^liffeivnee |MtWBOB hajv I the "uml.^n thamg. 'TI.eli ho'L-hes'iil Chartea Thornberg hat brexisbt InK Mi|i|tt1it,. lie niakcH a uimclalty of "Over there'" I BBSwafBd dame the first time together when mi; Ms akataa to America. He Is the •ml 'kleW :..- -lowered. "a:id the baaatlfa) tmrmlat that if wo win BBBaMl to-ifondness real pork eaoaaaw aacreUy I thug he*i frightfully i at a Mpspar "r daaoa. champ tf Norway end wiM try to its to save yon frnm ever knowing he obedlant, He will he a father unto which la eagerly .sought by a large -•d lie doesn't approve of till this. ' Hut thero was Jt ntrange, uafath- heartache that I ould have you skate a few figure eights arcane' us, and we shall lie Hi* sunn nnd t!loie Boddlng towards tho player* Bad the OBBBDla eoiaiuaml in the dark, luinlu- understand the difference. Hou't think AsserlriB ioa stars. roolettB wheela "'*••—•• •»!<•.•*, a- mn'ii ...« fsytaj ,,f the man at my *ide. I'm praacbf and old fashioneit. It's jiep hi in up. (Hi, here he in." Why Hhouldn't I ti**' CartaBo a lit- jnst that I can't understand the way CurtiNM hiul made hi* way IMTOKH tif' ii, bad bBBD moot aagUfonl you reason. You BM fBV voluntarily fJi*- room tn meet IIK a in I we stoml about coinplimeiitMig my fBWB and 1 pi uilsed me upon your word of hon­ Hlill for H ni.uiu-nt tu chat. rBBBMBhaCBd my little threat thut I or, that you were not going to rlak "Thin ii* luck!" Kllie llorlllBal, Wc would make him Jealous DBfBBB the more than a hundred dollars and yon are JOjOl il:i>.liim; OTBf t-. (irirahli* In the eyes you hut fOB -aid voluntarily thut you TfrffffMitifl ^iiille." M fnr u* the rest of Oxthar men. wanted to ahtVOB I limit. ItH not a of the evenlnj* is cnnt-erncd it BBBB Ontlaa waa looking across the tahle hlg thing. Batta. but it'a tbe ]>rlnci- nut BBNB il If WB BBd """I" chiiii-e." from where he aat, algnnllng to me plc involve.! that cauaea me to stop MAIN GROCERY "Mine Wiiuld N- to go anyway. I to rlae. I did. Hut ft was to accept and wonder." BdfifB Kllie you know aud BO BAfBB*! the in ti tat ion of Huulngton Ptaroa, "Your MagiB are perfectly glorl itta, had Imlf a chunce to talk. Wtmt * Curtiss, You Ufa a were alone In our suite of do a thing like I did tonight and yet diBfl ppolnl merit In hla BJ rooms at the hotel. The excitement I coald without the slightest twinge "N;i i nraMy. • • x.-• pt 1 hud rather Of pjlBflag rouletlei, of BBBoalg Kllie of ' •• Iciani e." '•e'd have ,i Utile piirt.v all Bf again ami the little -frisk" at Tiro's "l.ut. It's qtiitc almpla, By argu­ OOnolVBO, "Ui llo-re", he BOtBtBd D9 WHERE PRICES and QVAILTY APPEAL had had a stimulating effect. It was ing with myself that life In abort und the Cofo da Porla with its many lit- Iui|rOt.lhle for BM U) |B tO slee|>. How­ thai we an* only human and that He tBUeti •fleniniivK white under tho ever. 1 und re-sod gad sll pi >ed into youth If fh i ting. You know, the •tare. "It'i too lovely a nlfhi to May bad Btafgriag to BMdltata BBBBJ tin- same oh] Btotrf." I •nricluiled with a grimace. "I'd like . i is- dapefidatdo "But honey, jroy dBBl ^eetn to alirrlag events. and fine like foil '• gj i -i," i GROCERIES - FRUITS mHai BUe, my very A slight tap ut tba door aa addod beat 11 tlss,, in (I less ing gown and hllppers. "Nonsense," he broke, in, -'when it "Tin MrtX I ihui't mean to ortb oaaaa lato taj roon and, ensconcing COOMB light down lo 'ian charity IhB pirtv." bo apolBglBBd, "my rtiini himself in I cOBf I hair bOBBM m« ami bJBJnBBB of gp GBB*1 even in.' you to mv-lt I- tho BBBBlty fOO bad, bogan to talk, ills DUB was in touch the baaj "i garaMOl M love you uo," lie the Bhadow ».1st bf the ••al] raad' VEGETABLES i Jiese other things. • 'v.- aald ba e\ pli illl it. lag li^-iit inn i notir.'d thai ba looked fOTB, are comimrui iv.-lv little, its Just Ami thOB 111 He nrrlve,! with n waa' > and deprosed, an unusuaJ that thaf mean DUMB DO BM booBUBBi (Htion for Curtiaa. wboaa traonncM I 'vi1 leariu'd bf hard knocks I hat one Our stock always fresh, our service second to nitne, and our "Mr. and MM LoaMfl IioWlKht." for Lira ordinarily gave an animated 'jin'i fa on bataaj n character pro She latrodBQBd a r.tuimln^ COBJplO agpfaaaaaB to MB faaa. c rast Inn tor and get real, hlg things Bbon iho •zplataod, were orlflaaUy "What's the matter. sweetie-. rt V out of living. Hooiier or later you'll prices the lowest consistent with quality. Sanitation our hobby. fron Bootoa bat had raatdad bBjyj Didn't you have a good liuie st ICUIe's BBB the value nf what I'm saying, eooogfa in Parti to "live it ttowa lit thi frisk V I uutteod you didn't other words. Moved, wo mast ' Mrs. iie\Vii,ht waa prematurely dam e." • i renet hen the nbtBg of our moral In­ Kray, tha Wrl nf snowy ft a J 1MB! "No, I might ns well tie frank witli tellect Just, as surely as wo achieve OBBBBd Df • terrific and Hilddeji BBOCh jou. Salie, I had a perfet?tly rotten mentid flaaoaaa or physical prewaaa Bar taultless coiffure framed young ; liuie. T.i 1H«HIII with, I'm not at all The latter two are develojxsl l»y exor and interestingly pretty fnco, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^enthusiastic over Kllie you know^ -•ising our thought, and also our ho Iho waa gowned ta toniw of nine-1 She's too lutid and it didn't make ni*i dlo0, the former by doing tho things thyst with earrlngH and other pre-]«»y moro comfortahlo when you turn to imiich her costume.' ed me down flat to danco with liar Mr. iieWiuht, • lyiiica. aagMnBtilln. rfnytnn Ptaroa,*1 was bandlag low BBBB my hand. • Whe,*!" I exclaimed, I'm so glad. •And I his —- this U Barring I on ' Now. I've had my revengef Barrlng- Heard Flm Worda PhlB 4MB IHaVBB] Thaa you did rcniemlMT In the flii-kerlng llglit of the open 'his name, didn't you dear?" Chambers' Market doorway, i loohad up lo gVBBt the! ('urii* Iortftinly I waa losing I fooad BafBalf HtumWIng over the mv ndnd. polite oaatoaoa I had iBOffhaBleBlly MWhal aa enrth are yon talking Most complete line of fresh and smoked meats in city. Home framed. As his hand met mine, in ft atroiit?" ho asked, I ilon't understand firm handi last. I merely smiled. 1 what's ao remarkahle nbout my rem- 1 think tba reason for my sudden ( emisTing PtatOBs He didn'r take his dressed poultry a specialty. MBOflraaamoBt was that I was COB eyes off of you ihe entire time Bat, scions of looking Into the f SB of u what, I ask you, Is BB unuminl ahout man w hose feature** unit BapCBBBtl D i ei ailing a nn me? I know you put were of smh unearthly Iwisuty that me ou the shelf tonight hut I didn't they wspe«>lAlljr BiBOB be'a uo awfully Wall ^^.^^•fjIffgaMTBli im dear and IH a savu lo ItU CBIoMV, kOOWB. lo lonlght bBteffB dinner I Dr. Thomaa A WmUon, who lint he > | liiiol'ple really, ood tho- told yon I'd make atorutN>iie aotlev me worked with Alexander Graham roughlf unhpolled." BO MOCB thnt you'd at leaiat reiuoiu- Bell Inventing the telephone, heard F.J.CHAMBERS u I li. - n i nn rurther ehanco to ask ls>r hi* nnm^. the flrat sound or word ever trans­ New York Arcane St. Cloud, Florida her the nature of Ids abaortdng ear-j In Bplta of himself, ha sen I led. mitted bf wire. En the tost. Mr. BBB, Ifa hud reached Hire's and , "tSallie, you AHK a Child I But Ball epoke over the phone laying. found a tahle iu the amart aupi«r Jrurt tbe same day you're going tn "Come here, Watson, I want you. aaoM a/bara rumanrca, tragadiea, ad- t\ri\+ t< daatlBcliaa with y«»ar tsotn- A tablet wo." recently unveiled com* vi'tiiiiir" hold rohherlea and even lining wayo. Let me see it 1'vo got memorating tbe MRh ennl versa if Nitlcides nre eoucooted over tta famous yon right. Just to make Me Jealnua 0*f this great fOrOrttAe marvel, the bota d'otivroe. vou dellhomtaly flirt ad with Pharea." telephone 1926 JANUARY 1926

Sun Mon Tu». Wed. Thu. Fr i. S»t. 1 2 5 4 5 6 7 5 9 SECTION D 10 11 12 15 14 15 16 «7 l<5 10 20 21 22 23 | % 25 26 27 20 29 30




Tho FoUofWiBf article in from the rcputJit ion of being MHO of the heal GLbariotte IN. C. i QUeet IBLS batag nn in Ui* ciuss iu Bxfortta Ograllaa. interview an I -omit ol sMBBOb Of Mi Slnre he sold hn BBggg two fBBrl IV Hudson MPrleet, who c unluclcil •go, ba has bsan conouetinn: nawa* a Baaoasafnl HrrulaclBB eampB.UjB for piipei- contest in North 1'arollna, Fh«r- 'I'he St. OlOOd 'I'rlloiTU' one yi>ur BBJO Uta, Virtiiniii, New Jersey and \.-w aud lias m.iiiy nieiuls iu SI. Clmul.l Vori,, ,'nd with markad sun ess, ^J evidenced bj aumaraua st rot "New i•iirli Git/ In on an even moQlala, Hla latest carn^lgn on tha gpoat.T DOOBB Hi"" Klorida." said i.'oci i. • Bavlea la Maw Iforh went Mr. it. II. Doprtaal ^forejarig editor ovar big, ending near Chriattnaa atiMl pObijBhar Of The Shelhy High IN- baa the Obaarvar follow him on haudcr nml NaWB hut now :i BeWB LUa roaada ami la ana of bia Haunrh amjM-t iiuin Bf Neai forb and rioildu. I'l'h'Uil.s, | |e PKprOBBPa liinc - i; arho wns I ii TO It.oid.iy, U the 10*01 lighted with tin- great growth tl hi a*da Btoqoeot prineipal Hi-liking of North Slnte La under going, ami proud [#>• gay at tha arJao'i dab noon of tho wonderful Ajtgio-aaxon lav lumlniui Heel si orb, "a boaa pro, •• th marvel of ethnology in thla (•eotury." -\ew Tort City," BBM Mr Da i M. "i. not only breaklag tha IMI ICSI \tl. VSXM IAIION world's racord LB r***,I aetata raloei " MOM) MKITINti ou hftiuhattan Island. Ion Ita people* * expanding out into Queeui i Th*-re war u rneatlng of the Inter- «*. Broui ni the rale of amujid B00, «late tiasoclatlon, i ot re- aaJO a yi'iir. Tin* population inrre.'i t piesoiitiitlvc of New \<>rU. \\\u | in tho borough ot (o)uceoi Laat raat iv.inia. New Jeraey, Delaware! \\.. wna graatac than tha total papula D C. Weal Virginia, Tenne**- Won i if lil iu mi !• 'lot it hi and QueoDI BBBi a ml Keiii in by met Tuesday a tafouc has u greater population thati the city park in the XVmrial clab 4 Am AageiOB, <':iliformo Vet the house, and electing the new I'­ oaftahfa world bean bul little of - ll. Frnnk Kenny, rtee-preaident Btrs, owighi.v boruagB or greater New fork Nettle i lark, B»cretai> Air. BelUiett, ' ety traaauTer Airs, fohibar god plawdai 1 I >-' (gllta niy i»o aversion H i M, Dunnang. 'i'he najgi meet 'iiiin«d' |n»piilnifons. I have fallen In Lag Mil ba held the second 1 Bayo with Nev\ \<*vk fit... The umit In Fohi'iiary with a ph-iuc dinner. The BBBl HUH ill !• howBTer, la no) mall] • ofTea and Lr|moaUigi w ih i- nwied up In the 'ineltinc DOf BBOBa i;\ lili' lis.soeillt Ion. tt will la> riiiniil if that e\cr hup, AII raaldeai aa arall a-- hMiiiat in lit. it unfortunately doe* have vga. he cit> are cordially Invited to coma Hivmeniv of IU life thai ara alien In With w all filled I'llskets a,,.I | BBBBai and UlOUghl to Ihe old Anierl day with IN • in IV]H>. which founded ami built n| our i narowmarglo nf at. hit<" t un- Whleh will lime BO of which nfforded much enjoyed, Minn manj paiH preaideni In anyone Htgr found in any BOOt Of BUBtUar BUM on the iM.ulevnrd which is to he l.uilt i-ictorv of 8 i" 7 over the quintal of aa soon us the new dredge which '• . .pnl in Central FooHaa. It •> MM Comtanee Bantiorn, of btoatreal, gava lafl to eel<• i.r,11!• each oihota birtndey BBtth. Th"*- beautiful glrla BBOM tbe OBeoola bis heehool Iho uirls' Intention tu provide nonieroua water I 'i a ut it'll II;. tWO piano -selecl ems in inch Joyoua bappj was fioin all over America, fcliae Beatrice i i to ba in operation, »uah1ng tba lame troa • Ua trhllo too Iffdepond- BBBbBTtS, a- btlBa ICBB York. who R , "iii i-i\iii.- BBtwooa tbe two ritJej i-.- n-elly the most baautifnl girl at Hu­ talted in n ^'.i t.i ,-, rietorv c,,,- um nt Atlaatlc City paaaaat, is ETOM K! —iiiiiii,-,' .Hilnt'.t Tbaga Tin' bo**fl BOOM laiaaoli tin- tire "Opaaklof of baautlfoj th ST. CLOUD W. C. T U. TEMPLE 'it'll BCl It \v:i- hiinl finiKlit froin <-rk riiv. dasBna it- iliri-iiti-11,-,1 Inn u.-v,.r ni,] ,jui-|11K (i,e vast Bndlajaatad mass of allena, who BUoa, t'urnUh nine tenths af Ihe cdy .- . .hue Walter, wim ptatad first a aaajtOI I BaUSVB the dtv will untiiniilely tot st. i-inuii end latac in tho ri nt BBBMB ItSaU i'f much of Ul criiniuiil K Conrart paaltioa, ooUoctod -i isilnts i^eiuent." mi i»n float Kmiis, wiiii,. Josoaon, has Klorida KulJiiisiitHt i irward fat st. oload added aaothat * lxiint--- on two fioiii Boala. Mi-n,.n Mr. liel'rlent la nlwnys | ) ster aid, li-ft fnrwsnl fur KiN.-,iiniiM,. xvns for hi.s •home town,'' wherever it UM S.|I1IIII'M muni pohil Kttincr. cnl- rwiy he lie N also nu eiithii leetlaf I IHIIUIM found climate in throw route. the world, and I axaari ultimately to Whoa tht tills leanti of tin- iwo MgBgB there and pttbUflb I daily news Uajfe BBBool took bao aatlM f„ the l*|a*r, I.ul 1 must admit Ihat Khiriuu r lii'Mt L-iini,. of tin- ev.-nliiK, BSUaf ex. lo.s UM flncM wilder clinuiie I turn­ BOCtOd Kissiiiun,-,- in win an BB07 (So. over BanarlMMad. :"n Tim visitors lisil s won tnloed "Florida la tho nnthnis |ga| fron- iiuinti-t wlifi'h the final aaato, 7 to 7, tlor, and rcinimls BJB very niu.-h oi BBxtWxBj, tin' west,> in its aeaemhuge •I 1 1»'«' from all over the I nitcil wiii-ii tin. BaaxSaaaasa Ittrtaaas Wtatea, Florida haa few fof-algl fnciil Hi,, HI. «T,in,l's In the Ut* folba are nearly nl) good \ lliiril Kami- or Bat I'K-nlnt'. I lie funs • tlliH I like all sections of Plot in (itti-nilanix- wore DtBttOd M BOStB I ui the Interior, around Ititeahjurgb, real rxi-lteiiienl. 'iim,. nlli-r Haaj II"' gaaatla, Orlando, Kiaalnuaaa, st. lOrTthlaa BMBt] tlin.UKh the ilefi-nse of tlie HI. i I,mil BSBBll HII.'IK nl the Ooud, lake Wale-.. Sehrin-r nnd BBBlnee . Ity. to my mind pi, tuiHiii't wort traxBsaal aad HM Ki-wim- fur graatar opportunltlei f»r aavalop 1 BBBBB bOOh Uie oin-Mile.1 aBBM l..v ll WW'ul und investment than the OVSC Mixin* of ^11 to ."». I'll,y, i-s who ininli- IIBX ran agal und west cogabaN tho iniin af MM BBOxlatraos Ttnibxtai "The Florida boon will some day WOTCI Kiiil. .lean sml .Im-k ll/ua. rajBafa, of ooaraaj bat tba pimMbn Hon lli-K«j, Wood Tyner, LadVMOBa* •Mt BrograaB of thai BMrvaloajg atata nml .Ml,-,i Bf OH OBrtalB ns tin* prusapj-rity ol I aj Haalf." U.VITT* TIMB ilTKU Hi DarVtaal left New York Christ AMI BIK MITH ASI> Mtfia tiny hy iiutoniohile for Moulheru aMVirhhi, whore IIIH BBBMBl OfBJBBBMV uraaa RACK 111 etiuiin l*im tuiM a nniuher of UCWHIMMHT cam aailu'tiN to conduct ,niid he liaa IMHMI With user 1-oBrsr- s^xV, aad liars •h I Hlielhy, vial ting Ida old home, en n-ute. BSSB ii.'isn u* ud,i tsrixiitxtssw ti BBB I'hrUUims tlass. ohe yoenB; set ef St. He WHH for three BBBMJ the nhle Miss ru-rlli- Tss. IlllnU'r, Mwl Croat This ls llu' W. 0, T. V. Ti-intili- one llrs. A. K. Ili.u-ii'iiinn tn rl«!it. ,.f Mrs. Kwlimli- Sinllli nl lafl nf iloor I'loisl waa on.- rtmnd nsiu'ryniisit from biHtiuiuu af Ihe Slate i'naw AMHO- Nurse, with bunilqoai'U'rs lu \f. O, of llin vt-ij few 1>IIII,IIII«M ol lis- tin.I dnor, «a.i> |."ilHl whlcli lii'lpe* • Bastion, and hla BafMBBjUMg had tlie BjBaMaal «.f It

CRAWFORD Dayson's Cafe ELECTRIC St. Cloud's Newest Place To Eat SHOP--

Seven years a success in Kissim­ EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL a^a mee, now a fixture in St. Cloud Ranges Home Cooking


Service—Quality—Moderate Prices For Quality Don't Forget Westinghousc Modga Lamps G.R.DAYSON,Prop. Crawlord Electric Shop GENERAL BLECTBICAL CONTHACTllll


•v The St. Cloud Hudson-Essex Company JOHN F. BAILEY, Realtor JOHN F. BAILEY, Resident Owner Real Estate in All of Its Branches

A better ear, B more stylish cur. Building lots 50x150 ft, located mar ,!x lake and right in Ai. iiiiliasnd mi', n M\ cylinder car, the center of the bet. developemcnts iii St. Cloud, tor $750.00 on A oar with more service and comfort, easy terms.

\ tu "illi less upksap, and more :.. lage thaa you ever Call at the office and let me show tlieni to vou. thought possthlci A car for less money than you eYO though! possible, For Irs than a lliuusaml dollars, (M B -'mail down payment ami the balance in monthly payments. Three I'ii.c doulile Cornell close to the Husincss Section. Fine THE ESSEX SIX CY1 IMM.II I OACH locations for Apartment Houses t low prices and reasonahle terms. Call at tlir office, firsl door V HI f Peoples Bank snd ask for DEMONSTRATION and complete informatioii,

Furnished house and corner lot tl Nov York Avenue and I Mil Hudson Six Coach for i ami d the balatro fti.OOO.OO. Cash. in monthly payments, and tlie | i Hudson Bntogham, [A HK.U'l \ \ Super 0. To ride in one is to want one. Came and let IU ihoi* you. House and three its. good well, electric li'dit. fruit and shade The price is lo** and tlie termi Four blocks (tom High School. On easy ternis at &-J.OO0.OO

Of oofutsa, w< have the Hudson Super •; Sedan, Seven Fasten .mis. I'm- \\ ;i v l< ss than any other car in its class. The same small down payment and balance monthly. TilTCe and three-fourth acres, si I bo trees, bananas, etc. Seve . Will hare • complete service parage as soon aa we can gat room house with hath, electric light, harns, poulto houses, etc. (In material to I.mid with. easy turns. Just at the city limits. The price is only $.>,000.00.

Call and Gel Acquainted with JOHN F. BAILEY

First Door North of The Peoples Bank, St. Cloud, Florida. I I i; *. - i •uoeM THI'RSI'.Y. JANUARY 21. W* THE ST. CI.OITD TKIBUNE, ST. CLOITT). FLOllIDA PAliK KOI'R—SECTION "•

—Jj STOCK HOIJ IK KS MKKTINli IMFI-MIO ItllJ.S KIN S.W. PORTER NOW \V\NT IMS IMII»Y EUROPE GOES TO SALT WATIK Kisil ! m 666 nnd A reej pioneer " > •*• rteT*ejitJ B. HI K1K1> Al IKI.IM KIN WINTER RESORTS lll; w Porter, «In M\ ifo Lefl is a priwiriplion for KKKSII wvrKK FISH Nutli-i' Is OOOfef Sio'" ' ih.. brlghl III btn ot New Tort Cll| D vi iv •naual nstttlni ol the stockholder! ol PABADRNA, Gel. Jen I I Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, BBd boutbl :i ii< kel '" Bt Oloud end whil 1 E. I'OSTIK HI Clood Abotracl l'o trill bo i» Id nn it in remove tbe bod WASHINOTOM. D S '' Bilious Fever and .Miliaria. Next lo iiriii i ta Bokory •as stii'-f liitii II C<>DKIsteal Mid per K .*...:», ImmorUllied In hletorj nnd miadonlsts lu Ai srlco ^ ro In ii,,. ,| t offli-s ni s. •ieteni booster ol Osceola*! II kllll 11M- u.-rtiiH. n II Ploridt "ii Moodiy, January IS, IBBI fiction BB "Buffalo B1U," from Ita fU-i-inc rr. .in MOW BBd i"' ' .lly. ,M Jir at T:M P M m work bere eu us .1 re rrude, Uiimsrkod RTS »'• ' Deuvet lili in.: ' sllfoni .i Europs I- mat Misral M-slut i" v.iii i (HMD CLEAN HAGS WANTED Wat, UBdiaa, Satrtxarjr, itivt* "i" iti«' Heioinole Load i,. t lay li.'Mi.- (OU n, 1 (Ml) TBIBCNE 0KK1CE BSd * .-mi-iinv iln- piiirnl Wyouilu* is being rtsorouadJy o|, 'ylanda .-IIIIHIIU Uio snowt of ths FOR OVER at the Miil.-iurni of St Cloud town ,•,>*,•,! I x Julia Cod] Alps, tho r.Mvm-i'- and the » • ml BdJUOx Mt farm tracts, « 'ii'''1 Cxxtilillll. ila. n.:n> «ar att an>, iMliviiiuni bolder) Mrs. Oowdman residing «l nor artn Isilug packnl. and stla, skates aod to ZOO YEARS tor lii'im- IHI e, baa la iinohed a coun i i lor i hs tin- a-*•> 11 > 1 any, ter moveuaonl to bere the ureal ludlau •porta carnivals thai oosla tsla haarlcm oil has been a world­ 1',,-ii,:' 1 maii of «l "'ii MH eroufi • '•' Waal jn.'iiiii. wide remedy for kidney, liver and II Sll.-.-s Queen Quality 1 loud 11 pi ' i' C., for inn ini ni ArtluifUin oeuieUM > -si. Moa-ltt, oldest ii•>nl i""';| <•'" bladder disorders, rheumatism, eutereil la 1 - R roBltor, Bad si • re ol 1I1 .i'l pn *ld«ui •• , II^ ,.r ISumpe's « Inter aportt 11 nter . lumbago and uric acid conditions. Mill huhiv trOltdnOtl :i v.'iy I., ami otber lUuetr, euU ol i-; o|HMilnj ths ttaaon \\iiii a ssrlot ofl FERGUSON'S [trufititble reel ettB • l»ui B< BB, 1 Aiii.'iii .1. I »J, i" 1"' l'.'ll"«'''l |" iiinni- in a large WSJI the vrrltlna *>t ,; AIIMTK'HII PI BtUaa Miat in\ Ji i• x lit ih.' Kiir.'inMii ?-ui hulletin •ri,.- rn.i r sii'i'i- ot Bt, CUtaid n, B in-iii'.'iii. i-. Bous foott I •• ' hniii the preBBfll Porter buiytm brotber did iiwre tben k 111 bufrr. loo* i. tho Washliiaton, D C, hoaa I1RV (iCIOMS. I I IITIIIM. ami BSataS Bou*ie hla •'* riiiii'iis nnd this TniiMlim ami Bplnjf iii-iiaiis." deiHeren etra. nusrters ot too Katloaal i iraphl' •ta>Uffla todttj BB :• li-.i-I- r in t li*• IBOTB- I Ooodejntn. v" v'.irs- old. inn a nenrrn S,H -il-I.V. N.-w York A» ,-iiu.- Uncle .1"-* lapmeul ol tho bvatiteBa •ssjtlos, of tbe ttoet feejaeer iu nteMrtnllty and j'h.v A Tiny VillnRe in Summer ifntertial troubles, stimuIabBxHtal 11 % Mi r... 1. r bfl ' Liuf tod bobl rUque, Bletton Qoloproot •i nu' NIIIM i.Hik i-lossly IHI tho map Three sixes. All druggist*. Insist Issftj tbatl B ill BUl tl 1>> llio LSBTS. tot •Mi- iiii maii> aoiudrona «>t" United o| BxvUaariaad '" flad Bt. atorlts ll s-igiiial gcuuiuc GOLD MIUAL, Bala llosk-ry ,,,,, .'1 tf or hnms Strsarr i In »ii\ property, states troops Into tin- Ittdlon-lnfeatcMl is niiiiiiiiT "f thoas placaa orhoot Sunt acreafe ami clirue BToeejg, fit Le territory utd ejnvn aaufa condud tu » I in.-, f.-n- mil iiisi.-nii-cii lis iruttUi In j Hei II BB "iln hiMi'iin -'f iiii>nii:it i'>M' Kreal hi'si of empire bullden otet tae BopOlatlnO If vi'lll- 1.1:111 Is llll'BI- ,i> reterdi reJuea BQU location In thin BUSINESS DIRECTORY ii,.iins nf Kebfueka, KfTrwr and t'tuh .•in.nnii. bawovor, .vim will i;i yur. Jeetice *>r the pnnee, MILIAR'S VARIETY ntDit ii'.nii II milt .ii'iivi' SIMI ir\i-i. Klstlmmee Florida 1 member uf tbe, present city help • i" iinik,' Ita .-111111111- Bovsro. eommlftlon, bernos i»erved with dlfl STORE "I'l-nsi iii sun r art n"i mi tlnol Ion in all. Fifteen reAra Bfo W. atflar ami known, in fm-i. tha natlvea hart • l-ut Jnlinsl.'ii *l. Pi n rates cheerfully furnished t - «. ittaxr wiiii .Iix. oold, liiiuiii l-"iiil:i\ eiellill^ eurli tbe] ire proud, htr, aftler i-^ nlao the dart ii'"' ;ilni"sl 00 tlinws. Iins «l QY tnir iniM COUI' month. cu ner »»f i fuU-beartnjS orunaUJ trove trartod ta iis rlaka aad tlod rant •* nuniliitorv con if nearly twenty nrrea which reiiulret . h;ini|ii"lis BOd .'liUnl-iili-ls nf willl.r UPPBR <:. A It. BALL duel -\e nuicti "i bia i l«s?i i -•! Its era n Bporta i'r all otat tha world. In ji r, Ait.MS't-iti IMI, WoroalaM Musl.'r The Oldest 'Agency in the City proTeo e/B are in Florida ami be juel b rufl n -,\iiiT.i- hs poaalatloo It aatpa taas capable of Biruns* doobled, while the BOtsBborias tlUaaaa \ I COWOBB. Btnttary lag and hn^e/lnc ,'i i ,'i,'in;t. (aotpfor tod I'"- Vltlthag llriillur W.-lioiiu- v.iiir iii*-t rod loan J. W. SAGE I'l'iii-ni i.v ih,. overflow. in a nuuinei thai ! One "f tbe freatii*! contrlbutora to I'riil.-ilril Inim Wimls O. O. r. S. W. PORTER will '.\in foot tbe npbulldiag of Bt, Cloud is hue "St. M.Irii/ ii.M-f. or Vlllaaja, oaol peaiee, factorf of .1. w. Sam-, where ceaneui li'S in :t sin.n\. wi-ll sh,'!h-risl 1 1. St. Cloud l-odasi REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE I blocks, i-i'ini'iit l.rii-ks anil Bfjeclnl un tho aorta hank of Bt atorita Laka, SB, L.O.OJT. Icemeni couunodltlea are manufat'turexl i\ iiti-iiiii^- ..I lit,- BtVOB Inn- 'Ill'' BtBBhl l-v.'l-.V TlS's- NOTARY PUBLIC iin Bupydf i he (real deuiand la tba loonatalaa proxad ii from Baoaaa • in Iln- Immediately to keep pace with order* Ini; brotheri welcome, I I'l'i-i- Bncadlne diauii i. Tha UU I • JOHN 11 IRM8TRONO, V <1. i ad. H: Haga U one oi Bt ^ -s of i:..i,.|. md < ii.ui-ts. >\ .,'ii tall i i; IU i'i I i \s, Boe-y. largest atnployera *if labor iliureb spires ssttihUUI otot itn'in. v hi. ii win be im-i' "• oapa h;i\, a •', .isini: aspeci when aooo lIMIIITIUs or KKKK.KAIIS «ity .if tin- plum is sularged, thus from tho um ny patbi wlndlna op tin- MA HI III: « \i Is. I II. s .; making bis coucern i to St in. ni ni ii in siiirs. in bock of ovary Mils, JULIA FKBNCI1 Hexrotary, Cloud. picture, too, are ths atrratad poBlri "t St. dood 1 i.UTH of llr- Hume of the prettiest dealgna in eon tho Borniai alpt, tbe rockt "i h.'k.-ili in,-.-t I'.IIV -i ill ,-in,l ftuirll, crete for construction material Is iii> i-n- Ipirss mui the Mu« • talnad «n Monday in th.- Odd raUotra iisii. produd of (IH* plum whli h • l.n.-s ol L-IIII iir Weloome, dueed by esgeartn Lu Uuric Ui '., .-i^.tiiisi their white .vint'-r maotet. to tbo>*e contemplating building we ••in addition to catering i" tho tour- recommend Mr. Huge nnd bia products Its] and Invalid ttodo. tht uatii ORDER EASTERN STAR earjeclally to those who destre beauty lli.-ii- sin.[is t'iin- W.UMI SI. C'louil , hunter No. 16 ami duration ooiuUtted t-arvinaB, ruroitaro, wahroldai'y, pot­ M.'.'ls in 0, A I Hull Klrst. anil htr, stage has an aaoPerieStoa <«f to ior* and plcturoa. Xbt W.KKI >,t ilu­ Third Tharaday Breniaaa, visitors yeuafB la the an oi teniaui work and st iiini'. i.iii.ii oroani in Broad pro Invili-.l. la a masiiT in his Una. LUte aiany lnsi.'ii nr..t'ui tht iboreo >.f tha Hi Palm Theatre othura ba is an addition by the unJ ih lake • • tally auitaMo for Hi I I'' OoWfl r. W.irlh.T M.itroa Mrs. l.ini' BT, Ithi, Uinuii, Sc-riHittry gran) route, halPng freaa Klaaouri MII America luin-iiis art amoos C. B. CALKINS, Prop. - Bra yean ago. Un- chief pun bt •• of Bit lottar, <* i bapa i scauae II la a, t iln f,-\\ Walt.ri Harris -•ii which there It int.. II t PALM THEATRE Sli,Mini; Vii,- A BSBBSBS si. Clouds oldeel temple of autuae* "Before Hit tlaya "i" tbe alrplam iii'tiit.-ii BooaahoM riataraa for the iiiitii iii-- Paia rill-am', is now Lu .iii.l Hi • automobile Bt alorltt offer Bath it...-rn WHERE THEY ALL GO the b**lght <»f a vi r> prtieja?roua aea- • •' - • ' .1'- lis rum TIN WliltK aun judgfug from the large audiencea i'' uofrgan Bun, i\ hlch N'.-:ir Huh nml l-'lnriila Ave. .hily ul thi resort. dropt ni i In UtraBrquartera Manager Plains, who has always 1 III .".s v For endeavored to offer only the beel al uuchiuj USJ.-I ABSTRACTS OP TITLE tractlooB, Btatea thai apou tha as> than TU mill-.-, nn boar it pi ration of ins preseul fllra contract a track ti t experts, bul there Till; KIsslMMI.i: AIBSTKAJCT ii produce booh l I'ln.l .-\. tti u ni aplenty .' bill rjBBBrsjnr, inr. iperior t<» BJ his pa-

t roaUt ainotber contemplated lnno> ;i- • BOOOBI 1 aad 3, Bi iman r.iiiidlsn THE BEST PICTURES! i on by hint fur tin' near Pn i i- nighl Iy cha nge "f piel urea lu Lieu - ;i ..II the Cn Pbooi ui the tri weekly program aa at pre- Is i.iii.II-,-, I I..rlilt •ant, thus affording * greater dtvoi jH-rii i,. . . ,h, the list* alon «•* acreen ontertainuient l.reatlili - - thrill i I kiwu ii- Mr. and afra. CalkJna who a/ere Ic 'I tUI sd, SIH.W l.iiliUnl . foTUMf residents «if Wlscom-in, bav< our < 'i botu II. <'. IIAItll IV •tale M its .-v, in. bean down among the orange bl lliuriht-tre Varmint' Iniphtiunnls, Bar tha INIM six yaura aad Leva Ll "There art other .>ni.i BBS i. ..-is BM BttCbed I.. IK.rsi- t.iinis Baal BO rldtai nil BOH tin- haadacapa, w- """I narida PHONB 74 itaaxtratB mi'l slM.ntlni;. Thu liitl.T Iptxtttati ,r ih,, Bjoat oolorfu] Seats, Nice Music, Snappy liny your Papers, Ms«iizbasa, Ts>- | Hi|-'lllS uf till- IXXtOrt. haeeo Ohrart, Frnlts, Post Cards, Slav- In BBB ' il* p. liriu-inu nlr, sml lUinary, Peaniikx a ( s;:^y at the Kt. nun.I Ir.'iitiuus sivtrtu tin- (IJI.V BBBBBS I lou.l News MUIIMU HATTON TIIJJK" Service. uuiiiiiy. AH iln- ..'tunc sun laacaaa OxVtl til., .-.iu oasad lutrlaoa tha mooataia i"i« m-.i bauaa*armsd bota datalini N. It. (AIJJKM'KB whit,' t,, a Miutinnuil tJjUBBSi uf prls- Attorney at Isaw m.iti" il.u-.v. l-'r.iiii Ih.- il.-plhs ..r tin A 3VSy VvoKH vaUay tho uiu<- thadowt croop ilowly lleninan Illllliliuir /S A NAPPY 0#£ >' up. iiiuii th.'.v ftnally anaxju. took K18RIMMKE, 1 ItSBaSM ippad priiii. Tlrad but t tj trouat ut plaaaata s.-i-k.-t-s attka their THIS La tba ihani >. tsty t.. their botela I ho It. il Ksritts Insurance tina* of i he y.iir e/hen iiiiiiiiil by tha dear, oold Ihjht of the fnikM aeknowlsuguj tin-ir slurs nn.I tha yallow shafts the wia- SAM' LUPFER n i nu.- frosaa Big Pictures-—Small Prices uiaiilfuld hle»Hlnga< Oni "i BM Broadway •urface of the mow." KIN.SIM\II:I:. I.'I.A. • ;ii< -t I".ma In a fam­ Local Ititxii'Misiiniiv,- N.-vr York Life ily's lite 1." good, ;•; DIt. \. W. HALL TO HI ll'I.V In in 11,. .. Co. uolirered •Juiij'. 10 cents and 25 cents Always ri»:si(viKKIAN I'li.i'ir . I'.-.-. ' • Callan, i ST CLOUD ICF CO \ Baator of thi Presbyter! hur.-li who Is as u antral luur. Dr. A. W. TRICKLE & GEE Controlled bj Beelm Ii-o Co Iliill has h.'1-ii ,-liuHcn lu HIIJI|IIV Hi.- KNOIISHKRfl Iiiilist. Bt will pr.'ii.-h nun Hunilny D. B. ArattSroas, Local Mjr BL Uoud, Florida iiinrnlim mui Baa, A. I,. Uraml will Paving Municipal Work atllHIMIIIMIIII ,» conduct the evening service. Iiiuluuiro Hnrvoya PAi;K KIVR-SK1T10N D. TUUBMIAY. .IANIAEY 1920 THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOTTO. FLORIDA

i.aks in a (XHII dear pool. ready oarrisd In the Hrsl of the bogs, I .-ini; unntil" to undi-rstanil I'urtlss PEED'S GROCERY CUEAN RAGS WANTED "Well lit Last tM .lo«n anil l.'ll ln< protest to wait. your plight." 'ih,it oar hoBotst wai no ordtaary In Lookln| '»v» r th-' , nf slunly ,; 1 toll* h.-r BOOUt tin- iin.'il" "ti-il |n isoll v.iiH ,li 'III. .11.-st i-.-i t.'.i hy the Wit­ KenturlUans »\<' find s., P«od who On at III" hotell nml sin- wns ty nml gracafUl niiinni |- in Walob -sh" arrived five .VHII-H igo, Mr. Past] much smooed. She Insisted, whoa i greeted *lurtloa at the dooi. III ill-Li I'lllillillK SI. OlOwraafssi hail finished thai w-«- tboold slot. "So you .1. li.1.! VatS ami 1:1 nn- 011 future niui pin 1 hi.'-ti iin* prtni] \. nn h:T until M)I" . .ml.I li" tin- ]', i, .\i." stii- .- st. Cloud urni its poopla, Nillie nml t'nriis* Stilts in Puris 1 inn,, tatotal >-""..i fii.ii'is "v.-r Healdos thiT.- was oothlag Bias bo BO. after tii" <>r «ift",i people, sh" Bhs InslBttd sll OUT sgala mui tturt 11,1.1 accrodltad to S..111 VIN. \ v.ry wliiniHl.-llI ..uiui-tli- I- IDS Int.', lull IIH I ni'l.v to Inmi tlo'lll LL THK performance was BoUUaa ta .1" imt SH.V how- wa "Java, s|„'\ a j h," wbltporod KADIO PSOGKAM K\.Mr\Kl> U\ full- mill li.vrl.v r'nllli-e. 1*001 inn I mi: 11,, us rn bats to as! thalr soUnasst lent u res people demand appreciated h.-r klndnsea ami that Pd I'liinss as sh" i,i-is-"il",l us 1,1,1 to the Mr.MI.xKKS OF \V. f. T. li, C^fi in |>>il. In 11H.I.- nn.I in. .id, sli.' |i is- fioin the A I'i.nn Bapraaa, so, UM of radio—distance, selec­ call Oqrtiaa from tin- aaa, link, balcony which gave ou the para. taataa • varlaty of ii>.lii.-»-m*'iitw which IUIII'II lis I .llslik.' Hie iilcn. I k-'l'-ss tivity, tone, volume, and "rati »lo." aha tmiialaitxli 'niui wa 1 was ilsllgfilad with in-, approval Tlic ladlH of tlie W. <*. T. V. wen- BBSBS nn IMIIHSSS Utroaa ..f pttBuaars. yoiii- BUtt) I'lillicls liiun h is I lie BBBl the rest—can be summed Will have a hit.' of In, aklli-l I kimw fur no wthi-ri' wns 11 imssll.iiity of Invited to iln' IsOsssj *-f Mr. anal Ura. ni inr bses aad Ball i.i'i iifn-r all." up in just two simplj .vou'i" in.sit Ht.arv.-il aft<-r illiinei- lust 1,1111 bohsg ]K''.l t.i I..- Mi-. Iluu Mil hiln, K> I vn. >,:! I As mir trnlli M|WMI lli|-.'tti:li ttet e.lrl.v • ..,i>: I.I 1.1.'. Iln,' St I.ill.' " I B»vS words I At water Kent. nlitl.i on 11 y-oiuii tniln. I'll BSBd ii-J.s' gSHUS gad I .otlhliri iiiuiKiii" any inn' to 1 njoy a radio .tronram. Tills fraohaeta of tbe skoroiaj I i-..t i.-.-1 the drivo* tba sSstsaas aad ofter a I'ti.'i.tii' the lilies. OOBsa rltht tiin..- more oariiar,Mng than living in u i- ii sploiHlid moiiuis of fcivuig plc«4- Iln- iiiiisll.- t.iiu'li nf I li.' I' |«'"- latuj Bad .iri-iilt"iiH roiiio. ITS SS Luck will, your hin.han.1 and I'll liuve icl.-lirat.-.! slnir.'i-'N own honii'. sun- t«i 011«n frh'iid'*, OtOtfOOO i-, >»'t pl.'. diaolayed Baas la taolf un rlrad in f'"iit of a uhaflas okl Iho .-off,-.* piiJiik' hot." i'o IK- I oiitiiiiiiil ;i \\ •'ij.Ji-rl'ul Britain. iii-.'ii'iiii.'iis torsos. 'I'll.- voflotsblet I si- wh"-. si.ii-'s of ivroiu.'hl I oarrl ii th.- |.i"tiir.' sh" hnil I'liuic ATWATEB wars piiini.-ii wiih palBttaldnt otro ii.m tVOrlokOd 11 ininiiillll'i- l»irk. on ray mlad^i aye as I i-<-iunn'ii m .nili rarlety all to Itaalf in orderly .Insl Hi.- BOOM for I simi.-i-,'' I th" car, First of ul] slie wns 1111 im- •qoarei looktotx for oil ui,. troraa, KENT tn l.-iii I .'v.-it.'illv. Ii.'k-inniim t" f.«'l AiiM-ri.-iui. BBjg, BBS WUSIL'I like Uttle htnderchleft bid oal in I Hi, ;ilni,.s|.li"i I tin- BlBOO "I'll BS bsaatlfttl BS th*' worl.l eounts hcnnly Iln- sun In Sly. un. iii.iiey. bsaaoaa Ifs rstaaf saris in Imt th.-'-. wan a s|inrklliiK ijunllty Barn ttUaat as, pooood osta snik- Hit- iii.illllliK fur 11 strilllK.- 1111111 to |H' iil'.nil her BBOI is in than Btsrs Iniri.v plctureeque. 'I'll.' tatallaat KM- .hikitii: ti call, uliiiiiitinui.-.>.l " lifauty ot B '' SI xliah'il .li.irin 11..11 yni-.l boaatlai • profoaloB af Safe- iti.-iitii." be resiled .-lioi-i-fully. CRAWFORD nml h.-r durk luuiimms oyus Elaobod , inn iini.i.' raBvorvatloaa, in- repeated, tng-lnnlni t" i»- • i from your ' .1 bf MU.\int: BS ALL KINDS OF FEED dot root?" 1 aaked OorUss wbaa tha Than I ftallied thai sh.- waa try Would BS .11 and thank lu-r au.l tli.n OWN cbaaffeur takod in Kr.-n, li .. I tag ta ball at thai Mis Doak .ail al.oth.-.- inr, I. 1, in,,- h.i I si Ill Ilk.- to U" at l'i-i-:ikl.isi. We carry everything in our line. Our Gas Plant "N... I ili.uil ilnnk it ns ".I.- . ..iniu.-ii.l," I SOBIIHBl hSV Baal sni-y this inn,, of llio yriir --. w,-'ll IKIMU acrlbbllas s oobt oa axy ostxl sanitary tnarket always stocked with best llllltlHIIMIHIIHIMII' f&KZAMER Ki» BB BBB BoBBd, lis i-i-nlntl vou • Barrtagton Ptaroa waata us t„ Native and Western Meats. l.m.w 'r.-11 1 aiIII. will you ,1, ni '•" .. h ..ther." I". ' \\ ,- 111-" + + GASMAJZER I BB?a tin- ilinsli»>n in niy 11.nn- -tr.'iinit .1 ami iln* protpod of tleop- * roB RKAI, iWKSTwrrvrs •• M*sn ti posiiblr lo bsv* s fool Litibfn fs»l a hoi clean, inrlprniixi gat tin miltti too iN-ri.-.-l I'l.-in-li lull llu- taxi .»l^ >n a l.i'iiih ll: Iln- Jiark BBSBM * IN lI'KK.ltiK, Kl.SIMKSS + BMrw fat r.m Inr I mm lit* PiMM-Klfl^. KKSIIIKMI.S, •» bating In il mil. umkini Savtt timt. too. + VACANT lArTfi, SKE— + Peed's Market & Grocery I ijrhi anv iittvr liumti anil a chat tilar tlir..ii,.-ii stns-l- will, r.-iuilliar OBSeSS ropathetie hotel propletor who Bihjhi •:• flame is trad*. Tuto loaf for timmmui WO IIITIVISI iii ii-ont of nn 11 -.- |« 1 --mull .1 !.. talco 11s bl I Salii" * + an hiili aa >uu winl. •:- H. Give us a Trial iniiiiiiii}.' utii.-ii ...-is th,. Otand. Wriuht.' Thais'* « Svinnn Cat Mskrr Cor sv.rf •> ROOM 2 arf'ii borma, j|>stlai«ni boutta. holds, torn- "I'll IM' I-IKIU link." I'lii-tlss float 1.1 ;i tear n ni- the in" ansniiirB a MrCIUlKV IU.1VO. Hume IS St. Cloud, Fla. Unit for booklfi. "Tht Horns CoBvrnicni." nv-r his slioiiliti-r .tl 11.i- lis In- tlis- irrlvod iinui* loylal in s|iirlt nn-l + NIS.MMxH.l-. 11. A SKINNER MACHINERY CO., appoared tbreoati tin' door mail'' 111" aaderstond thai I was t., tui + 36 BrtMhdwsiy, Dunrdin, Ha. iiotit. iim it wns BOOTS thaa flfteaa p in. + Offlee Keel dence 1111n 111,--. before In- ri-iuiiiisl. w hurriedly baNejaJh .1 + I'bnxis 214 Pboae 'JUG "Nntblaa dotaa thorn,- be tlr-clared Bnjoara ball and oh throush • I + • tbaklna ins hood. "Aad ni..i;- woros I ii .1. .1-.. IIIL; I.I.nil ftiralohOd, II"- I HIM Mill Illl IIMI IH lint, thora'a SOI a room Iii ,-i lU.'-nt .-oi'iliiii: to tin .1 Parlt ta ba had tta aoj li and Mali.' An . .-i.-lt". 1 faull rot not wiriu; ahead i. .1 Llilll).s" ..I 1 .,(" ..I 1 tn|M-- FLORIDA urisi by \uiriis.i tin- crowd • 11...I .-halls ia soft ji.i~t.-l sh.. Baths li.-n..-." ..I..- fell Misiiii. iiu-iy thai each plaoo "Il.ix.. llii-y Iriixl star] Bhtl " i"i.'-nihrii.- iu tha had a ini" Broka in. "iiu- Clarldao, ih.- ta :. 11 ..f bttti 1..111.111"... 11.- III.- >.-\.litli. III." Molll i. '-." I ,-UUItl.T- cupyiBB "H" sunshiny ooroor was a Citrus utc.i |ii«,s's wiiii wall known larft gTBod-piano sod anuria was "No .: .ll'. .1. 1. 1 in plaao, tai'h'.s .imi rJaratj BaManaj ..n ..r toaaa tad t...y wore iTowdod to ih.-ir .,,.,.rs." Tii.-ti w, "inn,, to 1 bright Ullto 1 thoashl fat • si oat Waal which .nie in th.- Bark, A Fruit shoul.t in- Sol l! . erfii '.ly waa B tor- jjir!. who was tasted al Hi I of i.ini ractaSioa to rauattt m t 1 daintily appotnotd btoaJrfaal tobla, 111 III.' wort. 1 .- aliii.'-t hiil.1.ui by yi-ll.iw asaayj. "1111.• For Shipment 11.1 IBI 1 tBsadaatj .ui iiu- ttdowolk forward bt grool osa, looklaa HI the BBSBOUIIBI BJOBOS af "im s.i .".-.. vi-i-.i- baapy laal poa whlrh .-i-"\v,iisi th.- -: i.iui.- in ni.-." sh,. snlil. "You must by the Box top Bad ....-it owril in lo th, til down ..11.1 Join Bl • B| 1 in OjOjOII- BBBl l.,l..w. 'I'll,' ,-linri ur I illod, "potU, rory pstl' nuwf and AaMarfetd H<>\en i-i.... root hat sad dotaauded unly <•>.IT--., Bjaraulado sod r.ais . Pacfead hi 11 ny wny dlreetloDt from tin-. 11 lo Ins,-i..ns iK-.n-s," . iiMtmiii r ilcfcires for . U all, Ili.-r.'S only •, is for an..,h"|- Blaos I • shipment think of to do," I naally said, "I bava I," s..( |K-S|,|.. IHI- ,., ,, 1 oard ..iiii i-'ii.-u lMiii is- n.Mi.-ss ..11 "riiuiik yon M touch hut I have Will 1-.' I'll,m led 1" htiii'i;.* ii. ci'.n 1.. in,, tiv Barrtafton Pierce, another data Cor breakfaat, Paj ;, torn oarioad -iiuum-m* Air* i Klci.t nt tha u.i'iii sh.' is ;h" only fiKiu iln- ftara tUM moomom, Ift with m '.' 1 ex iliink of who BxtC9t hnvi' ' ' I. s 0111 U, ;li,- I 1 B tSassUaa rWaf ot* OLntonou m..null infllli II .- tO •:.-: n-, •v - 1 ui.-.1. a deeliout, ripply lit­ Duntile Plant l»«ih*> a ol' h.'i.'i. SUIIJMW.- we i'i. thare." is water ruunituj re arc now equipped to supply all kinds of G. C. Outlaw '«' »i . 1 « 11 I- I. 1 .1 > . 1 . ivy I • 1. -. I. . Iv/,.-, I. - 1 IJrmvrr ami Hblisjier ot Fruils uud Tasataaeaa, DUNTILE CEMENT BLOCKS For Information and Bargains in in all sizes bated in all class of building.

Rlr?HT HERE WE WOULD Real Estate consult Sec Us for • | LIKE TO MENTION- WE ARE CEMENT BRICK, LIME, SAND, CEMENT AND HOCK xSrUDfNTSJ Of PRE! W. 8. King OR J. E. Phillips New York Ave., opposite St. Cloud Hotel J. W. SAGE A fine bungalow on Connecticut Ave. near ,Ct.vSWiJ eighth street; furnished and nearly new for T Phone 21 St. Cloud Florida \^K*vA^ $1750. A new five room cottage and garage on Vermont Ave. t-n eighth and ninth streets. LjLfa inicsH that 11 H|1lnlr .«- wa iirv.i. Hist nn niiiici. nf This is fully equipped with electric lights and Bt.slBllleii Is wni'tli a iionnil ..! bath. Seeing Ls believing tore ut ooarss yos raaltas • im a ii' iii.< BtasaHns st yoa* Two nice lots on Delaware Avenue for limy..' It BOl llilo Iln- props* stills. 11 this tillii'' liiii.i only $400. lu-r nf .vnlir liniiscli',1.1 may in.I fail 1.1 ni tooas iiii'.' Salt .vti.v One hundred feet on Jersey Avenue $12,- n..l BBTS (ti-iL vluiuliin^ -:L . 1 .1 000 near ninth stn. b ed lu ul BBSS! lleautiful lot un Florida Ave.. $1900 for quick sale. Fruit trees. Eight minutes walk from Post Office. Ideal spot to build.


What a Paradise *&r Sportsmen/

The superb year-round climate, one of the chief attractions of Mount Plymouth, offers the outdoor devotee recreation unequaled in Florida. No sleet, nor snow, nor blizzard to interfere with his game, whatever it may be. And not only is it true in the winter months, but in summer also the temperature is exceedingly comfortable, as many have found to their great surprise, after spending a-twelve-months here. The club house, golf course and lake are the pivotal points of Mount Plymouth, around which the greatest activity will center. This entire development, in fact, was conceived and landscaped with those things uppermost in mind. The magnificent club house now under construction is situated on the loftiest eleva­ tion in this highland city. From its wide verandas you behold a distant panorama of semi-tropical grandeur to be found only in this notable orange region which ships one-seventh of all citrus fruits grown in Florida. An 18-hole golf course, laid out by one of America's foremost golf architects, will be maintained from a special fund set aside from the sale of Mount Plymouth lots. Ex­ perts who have inspected this course pronounce it one of the sportiest in the state. Truly it is a Sportsman's Paradise, which embraces within its own city limits, as Mount Plymouth does, the full complement of outdoor pastimes—Golf, Tennis, Fish­ ing, Swimming, Rowing, and Motoring. ZMount Plymouth

A pleasure city in every sense, is Mount Plymouth, every other business pursuit was well provided for by but not discriminating in its relation to the substantial those whn planned this townsite. environment of business activity and home life, which The sections are ideally located. Hundreds also are essential to the development of any prosperous front on the golf course. The entire 4V4 miles shore community. line surrounding the beautiful laaa ll rootrvsd lot A large section of Mount Plymouth skirting the At­ homes anil ploaaurt-parkt fronting on a magnificent lantic Coast Line Railway, is reserved sttictly for com­ body of fresh water, already stocked with the gati. mercial use, Stores, shops, bakeries, gas stations and fish—the black ! 'Values Will Enhance ^Rfipidly It is a foregone conclusion that investment in Mount Plymouth lots at this stage of develop­ ment, will net handsome returns—if you should desire to sell. But we counsel you not to buy with that intention, but to hold—and build. You want to live in Florida, and here is the opportunity to obtain one of the most charming home-sites in the state at a very nominal sum—if secured now.

Descriptive literature will be sent on request. -\', P (fthuntPlijmou. yn the Solid Central Section" of ^loridct MOUNT PLYMOUTH CORPORATION G^D ORLANDO-FLORIDA & AMENDOLA Grcniers Office, 107 Broadway, Kissimmee KISSIMMEE AND ST. CLOUD AGENTS Conn's Building, St. Cloud TIUrWIMY, JA.NUt.Ry St, UM THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA PAliE SKVKN—SECTION D.

clow rnrtfco, 1 am prespaml to bellere *-vt»ry wet ion of the rtouth will hone- MXIE AND U. S. ererviMni; thut ll sold con^rniiitf fit 12 tno oyjsortunity 1« properly WELL SOLD ON Florida, provided tho a»tAt«'meiit« are capitalized. Florida has spent mil­ DUE FLORIDA liN-jjllmtd," Mr. Miller tmya, In sura- lions for advertlcrinjr and having SUNNY STATE mliiA up his lnavreNHlonA. "I am uot fouipl it profltahle. continues to in­ TAM.AIIAWHKM, Jan. T>— KBOOSaSS "Good Things to Eat" A LARGE DEBT in syiniwiUiy wlthi tho rrltUw who con- crease appropriations for mitiomil whlrh Klnrlil.'i him TIMX-IVIMI from domn Klorida und Florida mothodH cani|«iiKiis. One humlrod million dol­ olh«rs awtloriH f>t thi- iiinntry, en- The manager of the Ashevlllc i-ham- bfS'HUHp of hif(b hit ndl«l i*ra< I lars would he a eonrsorvutive estliuillv vioos assaaSS of Its priwperity. has Bennett's Groceteria lier nf 'imun.'i-,',' r.iiu,- down In find unHutUfftetn-ry i*ondltl<>im wlih-h Ihoy of tlit> BapBsBBBt that Florida will in not hnnnixj. it. run* 'inly wt-rvxl tn Hi,- trnlli about Florida an.l went BAM dlr*ti>ver»»d In OOftMla MMPOftlOB- vest lu national publicity dnrtng tno I.iui-.- tin- HtMte oo its mi-ltli-. F. N. BENNETT, Proprietor baek' nml t.ilil them all that i.l l()oeliiJitt.. Tills 1J]M- of irlticlwrn next 12 BMBKhl, OoUAtlOMI taOx«lOBJBfJi This is the onlninn of I,. S. Hun. eooanttally riorlda ii «.vi ami tonus from tho**e who aeoopt tlif ex- are pouring lutio the BOBjIll. week In is SSffot'di vl(.--|>r«-«lilrllt of tin- rulliiuin Staple and Fancy Groceries s.niiiil, Unit Ktiiti'iiM-nt- for and tnionliimr.v MB lyplnii. find the npr hornets, investments, huMlnttw i>p|M»rt I'omjiauy, ss I'xprifisiHl on n .lslt hen-. OCT Inst must In- localiood to bt true. pltoBtloa of UiiH Uioor.v lu Florida in unities. Florida .'.verthduji; hroUKhr A<-i-i.iii]>snlixl hy n. r. CSaaaaas, Ohl- 1 .Fancy Western Meats I Inn ^.(MM) miles' motor lour nf the jn.-t OH liki .y t.o lend In im* tiSif lion thorn. Another great American iiiigrn <-tiK'>. tuiHHifliin-r troffli- ins,u»(ri»r, and -.Isle lni.l enlisted lilm iiirtlinsl. ihi- Ml i hi* ot in*i. In mm if of (.IM* liois'ln lion )IHH otM i oil. taBrMO imuiherH of W. M. OaatfA Allanl.-i HinHTinti'iiili'iit, critics ami knockers ..f Klorida. iln visitor miiy MZBMei H.-JIIII OBOftBM/i people are >envir«r cllmntlc rxtremes th<- ofHetSJ vlsllwl TsllahnswH'. call­ Once a mother hen fot bum iln- monster, F Roger Miller, I*- jiHliffi'ii'iit sorvVr Mod onorlillanl nml over p*ipi;laiisi OBOBBi hi search of ing iirMin (rovi-rnor Martin aad Natliun ni-il II long slilll'llinil In Ills <>r- i-hariJoN, IMII*. in the majority ot hobBU milder h*m'lH*ratnn*a and more attnic- M.-i.vo, (VininilHslonor oS A^rli-ultun-. Thought a family she icon Id raise tfiinl/Jltlon vvhii-h sent him 'o spy v\ith which 1 um fumlli«r, the cue.t ttVM oi»:*ortiinitle*. Othei OBOtiOBal of The thiil- ivi-n- nint.iirliirf tliri.iinh She tat xtetuly on tlie fob, .ml tin- load, III whl. li lie iniik.'s will niviv OOHrtBOUB > .niNhlenilioii •he BDBOB will heuefit tO tile .'Ment thin BBOtlop, Kit. tlii-y sslll, ihdy i-oulil } 1 Counted all the dreary days 1'inin iiu- fiii't tiint western North • Ml] will fliul thiil tint mtes are pea- tiiat they pn>fit >y KloiidH's OBBBr U-tti-r oaOBTvO It. Carolina has il lot lo gel from Klor­ •MBWMM. In rsoiue hniilitlea, vtslt'irrt prise and BatfrOJlOIWB. W«-Rt. Klurlils wos described hy Mr. But when the first sliell opened. ida Unit IN good nml profitable, that are luiniNMetl b> |»erIntent wol ttstnto "Many niilllona of dollars, made Iliinitirfiiril U a BtaStOa which "Is She teas fooled, it was a duck. N,.rth OaroUna sad all tha sonth win -nhAllien. In other ttMiummilJes till** in Florida dovelopiiwntM, linve DBBH sure to roroe." Always trade at GROCETERIA Store baaoflt train Florida't development. iiui'thv in frowned upon, ami vhd- la^PMBbBi in other ws-tlons of the "A lirh soil, low prii-ps: you could nnd Unit till* mate is Ihe sooth's t< M »re not re,iiinJod aj* i>roHpe<'to *oiith. We BBTB BBaOBfMMBJ ami n*^t- niit ki-cp it Isn-L," hi- ili-.lnt-1-.l. And you'll have no such luck. jjreMti'xt publicity num. Il<' sxiya: iMitii they volutarily Indiitite a MeMttM uhle example of this In North QBfO "A(!ri'-ultirril iHwriit-llliicK of Uie Trutli I mil I -• .• for i.iforiiatttloii In •OMM •BGttOflBl llmi It ta BatfcBMttSal that Fh.ridifliiH statxi nml partSfiolarly UIIH aoeaoa am "Having studied the sltuotinn nt promotion Meliomei* of the wi-destt nort have investi-sl Boon than flight mil­ Kniil. ' tin- I'lllllnall "ffii-lnl i">lillnn Bailey's Old Stand Phone 89 h;i\e IMH'11 at tompliHl. In OflaMBs? BBw" lion dollars In Ashevlllo and vicinity i.l. "Vim l.i*r so niui li of I'lorhls tionjl It la r««ilil> BppMTOdt that the duriiiff the eurrent year. Tin* estimate evcrywlii'.-i' nnil tho statu II.-HTV.-H ST> CI OUD. FI.A. NEW HOTEL ST. CLOUD <(,-vcl-.piiielit muler way or |H BfOBpACl is 'ow, for It dot>j* otit In.imto tnuiH I'vi'rylhini; irixnl that l« IN-IIIK dsliniil hUK heetl well MtBMMtll MBaf that It seetitaia that are small hi eompari- for It. 1 lmvo boao OVIT the eoBt For ItfWfl nionlliH pnut tho Ht. M Oloud Hotel bail baaa dndergolin i^- •uXapaWBBtl I'.v sound lOflBl and BMBB O0H \vi«h the nuhw BitfMOting puhlic Booat aad tiiiinmii ii,.- aouthana i >r- "The Store thai Keeps Prices Down" moil NCIIHC. It Ls UIIMil BMtJ niil'jiir tii-n or tin- HIJIUI. DsValopnBal U •tH lriiNsforiMjitlniiM whieh will eml aftentlori. hot \nri**i hi Bg^QBBrc in nhk'e Kloi-hla hy tlie hijrh »>»** volume. Florida tmtOOton have ro winiiiiti'i-fnl IIIKI pri ara not aboto nt ini I'litly 4mbt wllli llio miimnnee- RppOMrtag her-- ;in«I toMssTM OM tSM *Bf> penMedly demtiriKtmlisl their OOB^ul MB, Hint fell e\cellenl lu.Ni.'lry will what ia hy tin- vnloes hack (.no of tlo* Htii|M'n*ld n'JLHO.i to bOBBl without liny illtfliultx BENNETT'S GROCER^ tort IM-'H iiii-ltT w:i> f<" MH ttBHI that western Nortli QBJMtlUB BBB BB« miTl'.H KXI'KBT RAYS "On my ri-eent fliKlit we carried -aj i The whole shintnrv will imuieaHunihlv art a dire»1. ivnult of I .!,>.-loprnent," Mr. Miller coint* FUiriifa'n favtirtte BniBIBBT play Ool I. A. Bambtotaa af Bolthnora TERIA •merflo iisinl,»ri>l—il to too Lut! ihigiwi MTBBBd Tht* int.iituits' friendship IH- Nl'lW YIIHK, Jsn B. Anthony II. continued. 'VW are due the IVIIIUKU nnd his wife nnil .Inmi T. Trn.^. riot Wi-i I'nlin Hi'inli has lost quite a Ing lninii pom IN i" i»i" tWOBB the t.wtt H«*'Mons Is a Ball In i Ktalo an 01 pi BBBl IIM of gTotitoda 11. Kokk.T, fiuiioiiH Doteh aircraft ir»- • of the Colonial Air Trans­ number of Us Ini i Miami In fit dlmiil expenditure "t" ^1 wot\ tOUk ol mime- Interest nhrond and «»f prMo nnd sjitls KlKner hlis ]00t ix-lurnid to rei-w tOd .'ojimiemhitlon I tl ITIUO- port .Inc., of New York. ThSOS 111 tin- ri'ieiil BaSt, one of whom is in Ha .vl-.iUilihihoii. faction at hoirrtv Kloriila am! Nortli York from lis aortal survey nf Kli.r- n.-r wiih snine oilier 1'". M 11.-inielt who lateral months riii.-r imofli UM iiNi>nivnuinonweall hs may city In his newest tlir.s- snglaad Ma a line ta I inixe ragsaatad aad thai ur. ..-i-\ autl ri" iiristemil it tl..- Iten- a hut li tn orory MM of In N PMMMBI lion COtafrOBttMl with •similar prohleniH. conitider and apply with profit, and raxotaoaor airliner .-nnl vlsinxl all the M will IIMI- my thr.x- aostatd iilrliners. nel llriHx'i'tei-iu with an up-lo-duto . niii. Iv nr\v furnishinjeM IhfOUfhOWt, aftorldM IB OOntribnltel more tJuiii ttM BBBjOfllB are uiulually .nvirtniit .-iit-s in tlie sonth Jrart how soon this service will he- in. .it in iik.'l :n I'oiiix-Uon. BOUBd proof OsaTpMOl in nl' hallvrii.Vr. ,ni, i.ihcr BafBBQ] or i-onihlnatlon of Inff- which Hix> locatod on the proposed pin opi'raiii.ii Stpoasa to a stoat ta> Mr. Iteni'i'tt is a former resilient, of st ml list* 11 v iniiior iiiiin'iVi'iiii'iitH for tin' to tin- BBUM 0f niilional un "The hiiMhiesw onranisuttioiiti of airline betwix-n Now York and Miami, tent on how quickly we i-sn I'onstruct Ohio, having sjient six years in Klor- .•onvenleiier «.*' Ihi' 1 ravelin., punllr Hy linriihl Lfl all nietluir wliiier visl Florida are Ntpijojhnff with |BlillloMiB Fin. the plane*. We nre iniikini: two of BSJ >.ri. . in .inning to St. Cloud Tho trtll rotMB. in btbMj iMdmnBliI torn from every sitiioii inT the I nihil that are BOW and oooapUOBted, Tliey Bo told I'nlverwil Service Hist he similar type for the Ketroil. Arctic wli.M.- lie hns hei-oino n iieriiliinent •i ml when finished will IH' a torn -In Sl-nti's. The N.»v». lin^liimi BBMs^BT, t he BIM doinj; all that ls humanly postd- '-.uialilcred Florida a loiilcal place ICxiN'illtion Bad they have 00 kS SS" fixture Iii Ihe business circles of tha tirm from nn nrtimi.- Nl;nnl|mlrit In Iowa faiMo-r (tie TOMIS nierchairt and Mo BB BjBBl BBB a in tho proper tnnn- for aid routes liecaose rnllroad faclll- Uvxired beforo the end of the uionili. city. lie Is a firm believer ln Florida future tBla (leimrlnient will MM run the lytiiiiMuma planter meet for tile iner. Their coarse nml dftrriuirui ti.i, are HO poor and the growth of nml St Cloud In particular, und de­ lu illivcL OOOtOOC/tikOO. ittt th« NoArMw l time, with IntMWIBJ m whhh to tlon roronMind the admiration of tlie tho state so rapid. last year fires In Ihe United States votes much time and energy la St. il,.ml nml umlor n nuiimpin -nl cicluiiitfc o|>inioiis and to noxjulro an most skeptit-al, when the a. hoh truth Tainpo. Jacksonville, Wost Palm destroyed lfi/HSI llviw Ingured thou- spreaiilni: uowa of the grcot jkisslblll- tlint M ill BBBUM not hiIIJ: to nuiko It liilelllcelit, a more MJMMJMtbBtlO umler- la known. I have no patience with He.nh. Miami, Kort afyers, and 8t. tiiniU of others and wiped oat over tics he sees In the state of bis adop­ miik ruiioiiii thi' DMft I'-o' hih-liy will rtMBdltH of BBOttsOMMl i-rohlenn*. Thl« unylhlnx that HO/OP**-* jealousy of 1'elershurg all are thriving enough to 1100,000,000 worth of property. Pre­ tion. nlso bf M UHMICIIMI, n-fiinifrihisl and Mirt of thliiR to hnpjieiiiiu; every hour their suceeaa, for it has betm BBTBBjt. anpuort a well organised air route vention could have prevented a Inrge niAdo I "••omf.v" part of llio hotel. Oi tho dny in « thoimand place* wlioro Fa<4n*r tbo enrtalnty of similar de»- he saicL" It would he ha7onlonH, how part of this penality of carelesiness. Its owner*, Dr. < .onion K. llenr.,- men ctnt(rr<*rmte, nml the immeiliato v.lopiniMit In the Land of tsBO Wky, Star, to attempt to start such 0 Mae A survey by the American Tree As- nnd H. 1''. I'liUon, formerly Of Tt nn.-s remilt IH a moro hit Invite fellowship we will do well to profit by the os> wlthairxilaneei powered with only one en BaaJaUoa shows that ill states have t*'o, ii'iilu*lii*j; HI. OkOOoVt future nn- in a BBBBl ami gruwiai; aVaMMttOBM BMttBttOBB of our friends in the l*aud nine, ,'iecanac the territory over whloh Seventy-sit high schools of Klorida state forests, :ia havo forestry deixart- Islaimiiitc to kevp pa en with tho growth liri'thciiHKNl. af Sunshine.' tliese planes would have to fly Is ex­ were filaei-d ii|M.n the accredited list mi'iits, IU have state nurserties, and • >f th, city, aud whon Iho liuproTe- Ileal PuMirJly MMO tremely had and forced landings moat by the Association of (Vllcges and that millions of dollars are being niontH now IM'IIIK nunlo ar** eoixlnded "FlnrhUi la doinjr, inore to odror- Two-pants suits just Increase the he avoided If public confidence Is to Secondary Si-fanols of the southern spent on reforestation. Florida haa the Now HL Otosja] win be clawed tfn tin* Houth tiian all tho rent of difficulty of remembering where the be retained. A three encjned plane Nt.xtee at the recent meeting of that not yet taken sterst to reforest cot- , tiraoiiK Florida's l>«**t haO miuthi'rn ntati » t«omt>iiHvl and kef Is. Is Ideal for such a line and a rofru- oragnlzation at Charleston, S. C. lover lands. NEW HOTEL ST. CLOUD ST. CLOUDS LEADING HOTEL — OPEN ALL YEAR Just Remodeled and Refurnished Everything New Throughout


$1,000,000... For a Man

WANT to find a man who can determine the relative value of two widely I separated pieces of property after having investigated only one of them, who can sit down here, read newspaper advertisements, tell me what property is like without inspecting it . . . Give its stratagic location . . . Value of surrounding country . . . Visualize its topography ... Its present growth and development ... Its future possibilities . . . You say "Absurd!" ... Of course it's absurd . . . Such a man would not be a man at all . . . He would be a Miracle . . . Such a man would be worth more than $1,000,000 a year to me . . . And yet some people apparently are doing just this thing without getting paid for it. . . But I find that I can intelligently decide upon a development investment I must spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and weeks and months of time to arrive at a definite conclusion regarding its permanent possibilities . . . Have you seen Haines City? . . . Its surrounding country . . . Its back country • . . Beautiful homsites . . . High rolling hills and clear, sparkling, spring-fed lakes with white sand bottoms? . . . Haines City is on the main line of the Alantic Coast Line Railroad . . . Eighteen passenger trains daily . . . Five main automobile highways passj through it . . . Plenty of beautiful water-front lots ... 221 feet above sea-leve . . . That's 195 feet higher than New York City . . . 152 feet higher than Bos" ton . . . 136 feet higher than San Francisco . .. And Haines City is in Florida .. • Haines City is in Polk County . . . The richest county per capita in the entire United States ... Its 80,000 acres of citrus fruit trees annually bring its growers more than $10,000,000 . . . The yearly revenue from its phosphate mines is $12,135,000 ... Its manufactured products are worth $10,000,000 a year . . . That's what I call a good Back County . . . Did you know that? . . . My devejopment program to occupy five years totals $50,000,000 in and around Haines City ... I have invested already more than $450,000 in office buildings, transportation equipment, etc., as the nucleus of my sales and development machinery for this mammoth development . . . This is the best assurance that I can give you of my confidence in Haines City and my belief in its future growth . . . Haines City is a young, growing community . . . "Grow with a young growing community" is good advice to any investor . . . That's what I'm doing . . . How do you know without seeing it that my developments in and around Haines City do not offer you a better opportunity for a home or an investment? . . . Unless you are this million dollar man you ought to see Haines City . . . If you are this man you do not need to see . . . But if you are not this man I will be glad to have you come to Haines City as my guest . . . Call at my office in the Tampa Terrace Hotel and make your reservation for the journey . . . Maybe you would like to bring along a friend . . . I have branch offices in West Palm Beach, St. Petersburg, Orlando, Daytona, Eustis, Arcadia, Lakeland, Sarasota and Clearwater. J926 .JANUARY 1926 Sua. Men. Tu» ViW Tho. FrlSa 1 2 5 4 3 0 7 5 9 SECTION E 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 13 10 20 21 22 23 % 25 26 27 20 29 30

VOM'MIC MKVKNTKKN ST. < UM 1>, liM-Mll.x COINTY, Till KSIIAV, JANUARY 21, 1»M Nl MltUt TWRNTV-TWO KISSIMMEE. COUNTY SEAT OF OSCEOLA COUNTY SI NI1AV ArTKRNOON man, representing the Shingle Creek and Campbell Station RANKIN-SHINE SHOW HANI) t'UNCKKTS «AIN- I Ml IN rOI't'UIRITY A Few of Original County Officers section; II. P. Suhl. representing one of the Kissimmee NEW MODEL section; II. O. Partin represting the other Kissimniee sec­ CARS 'I'll,' day iM-inir tlu'in \vn Are Still Residents of the County, tion; A. F. Bass from St. (.loud and E. T. Minor from Ken- nniiiliiils ill Ihi' illy |inrk b) tojo) an.iville. iiu- aaaoorl slvsa bf tha M JCloai Although Many Changes Have June R. (xiinn is county agricultural agent and has Thi- show •rniiiii nl' l! Shin Orobaatral baad, Ihls brlost paopb liiinl Kinii ileal".- will !»• Just lllinlil from all I lie ll.-iil'liy el'"-" wlin in. Been Made in the Past Few Years charge of inspection of all groves and truck farms in the II inKl |Mi|inliir I'hlix- In till' eitv Ihla inmi iii iiiuii pralaa of ihi" boui <> county, assisting in every way the fruit and truck grower l,i, f.'ilsl. l.nsl Si.mliiy Hi" '-"li week. Potd Nnliiunil Slmw Week in making a success of their efforts. asateS npi'iii'ii riH-i'iHly. lius brought ran inn tha boss srtaa ihls ssaaoa ..iii tin' Btsatasl eahtbil In iln- history with tha oaa tauapll which »ns | Kissimmee is tilt- county sent of Oseeola county find of Gerald Ash-ton is county road supervisor and has served nl' Ihi' Fni-tl Mnlin- I'IIIII|IIIII.I . Nut i.111\ iroal ,iisii|i|i.iiuiin"iii w hi'n atri course, tlie county court house ,-intl offices of all tlie county very efficiently in this capacity for several years. in a full Mm' '•! Improved rata lielin: llnzul Witn.•}• Ki.lli'. the s.'lnlst fiiih'i imployees is located there. St. Cloud has long heen ii rival shown. Inn Ihi' trim lim-s of the vnr- I'l ll|, .'111 ns nil |ll"Vlll"s .IIIIISIIHIS Joe K. Johnston is county surveyor, while his brother, lulls tvi.'S BIB eiiluiiiee.l hy MIIIII mis .1.1.1 hefiue Hie ili'slinr liilluU'i with Kissimmee for the claims of size as far as population Fat Johnston is attorney for the county board as well as 1 BtBMjlatBieata aa top bool nnil KVP- Tin- Slur Siuini! "'! Iliinnei . XI i '.rocs, iintl prohahly exceeded Kissimniee in voting I'or county prosecuting attorney for Osceola county. BOf fiirlii ins. windshield whins nml Soia Bshod thai tho BDdloaco halo officials some six years ago. Hut every time a St. Clout) with the baad in siiutiim "Brigbtei There are several other deputies and assistants in the windshield tftpof supplied af Un' man gets elected to n county office they have to finally lord Motor l'IIIII|IMII.V. Tills n|M-rlnl the fi.iner Whi'le A .-n Al"" whhli various county departments, some of whom have been in i-i|in|inii'nl is being exlilhlt.-d for tin1 board with ptoaaata bt s shin ra mine to Kissimmee to he located conveniently to their offices service for several years. fnsl ti In 1'inil National Sh"i\ si'v.iiil s,|nmis oway. Siun.lliini; ra in the county court house. mariettas thai tlthouch lbs waatbar Week nml shi'iilil prOvS Bjlghtf In KU> (KOSS I 11 xl'I'KK WITH ST. CUH'II KKxITOKS. MKKT bad I " sinuiewliiil i-hill iluiina th' Kissiiumee was an Indian trading post away hack when leroi-liiiu even In til' SI' Willi II. Ill MISS ItlKI II IKK III NTER, ptisi M.'i-k thai at Suadaj camo tin roads driving lavneovBd oara. Florida consisted of only four counties, am' what is now M K.SK DOING SI'I.KMUl) U'HKK Kri.iny, Tanaarf lnth wot the re- In jiiillliin In tin- mi's nml s|iei Illl oaa su waaotod Iho un- mahias i' known as the city of Orlando, was the county seal of a raal RUllir mOSttOf of the .St. Oload Ileal- plensnui (at all m sll mil III tho ties', ri'pri'si-nint ii i' i \ | M-S nf Kuril tun Sin." the employment of a Hed bUB lliiunl. .MeellliK wus hehl In tho link tin.I enjoy l In- uiiisi" mui nt In territory running from a point cast ami west about where ti'iii'iiH nml Kiintsiiii tractors witn Crooa at in MI Olotjd t]•• • SM i-llfe Bf Nt Oload Hotel, « here aftlT l.TVnls Ihe MUI'IU! luuir San ford is now located, to Key West and called Mosipiito both iuil nit rial mui ,'iifrli liltiirt.l equip­ Cms-; im- ti*-"ii II real factor In tlit- the lllliehenn was sx'lveil, liielr hllsl- ment Will ll" llh.pls.vcd county. In 1887 a slice of some other counties was taken to ostf nf laiutxrtod liaollb ooaoHtlmia BOOS VVIIM triin.sui'teil. Ari'niuremenl* fur tin- ivii-k's ills- RKV. HM. l.ANDISS make a new county called Osceola, and Kissiminte was chosen In nn.I firimiiil tho "ity - in Bhooaeo of it. i,. rMaoa, BBxoridaat, ,jny in'ii' r#sas iiimli- bs tin- Jaeraroa Fortune!", linti-i-il. were u-i- to se- wh.i .nine In Inter. O, C Hunter was x i) i. In••".! h nf ihi' Kuril Motor I'.'Ui- as the "county seat", and the then governor of Florida ap Ht> Wm. l.uilliisl.iilSiiss cara.ainte to St .'lir.' tlii' Ni'rvlee of Mlaf* Bertie I*e i-hiisen In BftTB ii.i teiniHiriiry ehnlr- pass " l nil szfclbtta In I'lnliil whi'le In s,i,,.,| lint til nil v Bad pointed tlie first county officials. Of these first officials, IIIIIIIIT for tin- si nil y.-iir. her ai- IIIHII. Thiise |ii-est'iit were: l>r. Wm. s ,'i,'i\ iluaii . s sbtfxf mem III the w.ii iiu. M.ih.Hiisi stpltcosal church Henry X. Hratton is the only one still making Kissimmee eomplishmsats In tho, wiiy of the LsadhtJi - W, I'orter. T. O. Moore. iniuxi states. Tiir patpaoa uf the BOOM! of tho K.-li.Kil thll'lr.-n aa well O 0, lltinler, H. A. Ilnym.iker. H. I.. dfsgtas is tu Kin- tin- paopla of 8t. (Bf four mi.) I Imlf years. IMirlng Ins Mats and Cot R. B. Rose, new state chemist at Talla­ which time ho tooh sa sotlaa tmrt in as gsxttra ii|»s. Tlmi rat ta .l«i»- «»- Ui'ilwin. .1. II. Itnlley, H S. Ilaivle.i. Ohmd an i»i»|ii-t-imili> in bsceaaS Is-t hassee is the only other member of that original hoard still Mrs. Himi'iithiil. Mlaa K K l.lnilsliy. nil ottos ..iileipilses wlil.h l.uik.'.l fur have hail no e[ii(leinlrH, line to tht: tur iii'i|iialiiliil with tin. ini|iruvi-il ilniliuii' nf MINS lliiiilr It. Frank I'atton, II. I,, steen and C. : iiite'est nf the Bttf BS WB1 living. Kuril BSSa Kuril SITVII'1' su tIn*i-i,tii;li Evtsooco of ih" rapid itotria of si. • steen. Iy envois Hi,' illy Hint there is n uf tin- itriuip ui n thai aoaasad Passing through all the trials ami trihulations of a I he elty pink wlil.h is BOW the eeiili r t'loinl nn i'iii]ihiisir.iiiK th" tn-i-il fnr n The .iiliunille" thin wils :i|i|Kllnteil slum riKini nun ,-iil.-in tn prii.tlenlly Datura] growing city in a newly discovered country, Kissim­ now si-li'i',1 liiiil.liinr U tin- fni.- aotrourai rShxnrta thai lbs botSJO tni'ihle here In .si. OtSSSI OS dasnga nnil iiinsli ui'lii.ii nml raat 00 me "In-ulnt Int. :ilsn tis -.- ,-si ,l, >n i ,,i ii,.- lli'l < ri'ss ChBpoM w hit 1. luis The present roster of county officials is as follows: "hil.ll-ell orO ilnlllk' 111 'I- li llii'le -litis nil to whom freight is betas "UiaUjn- ri'flin'iiiiiits in.nn wiiiiuuiiii'il than faotOtf .Mirk 00000 'he Keil Cress "'I have I n Stpstlallf iiri'inpt In BO- liny iiuul" In iln- bletorf "C tii" Model ii nu su niui-h toward tho pi"t.'"tli.u t>[ County Clerk. Hon. J. I,. Overstreet. who has served I'l'llllll ...lullllnus in um- sehuul nml nurse BBS iM-en il'illiK work In iho lietdlBB tl ins here in St I'l.rn,I •f aaaasss sinmaali toonsaadt w for sixteen years in a county office. Bt ClOOd sell,,i,Is. iiml Hint there lire ii" «'is i" thaa pieoood with tho iiii's" IBOBIIIIBII oars mi' la oparatloa ; ii.- .i Dai aid of suit", in^ nil in IT 11." County Sheriff. I.. R. Farmer, who has proven him­ no fiilllir.-M In the "IMKK xnl'i. Sinee tills "ill "I Hi" i BittSS SlUl wln-ii they •ill nvi-r 111 nil v ill |]i,. i , ial At iim laal u tun: uf the st. < loud wiiii; hns IK'I nine ei unly will, 'I Iiim thill shinilil the e-uer- mm', there in-., still iimny portion Bl i li "is Hunrjl. he wns ii* "hi t.-il to self very efficient since he was elected sheriff in 1916 after i", ..mii/eil ns II nieiliiini of •oacf II rise that all he BOOdo tn .1... whn IIIIVI' not hll.l OppOTtanlt. tn vli'W siiT.'tai} "(' III" Isimil. si'iilnu- in serving as chief deputy for several years. heiillh nml ba|inlll0oa in Ihe e.iiiiny is tn niitify the hoai'il nml, if Un, ti niiix- iln" nml uupect III detail 11.-- s.i eoparitj in tho n> o If the e.iltnl.v ".'iiiiulssi'inei's bBVO BX- .'ITS.1 liiun. I,I on. w.irsi. that will (lie liupniveineiils whli-li In,,,. «,, County Tax Collector, C. L. Bandy, who has seen oraaBtasd Si, i toutl \ hoi rod i ntt JU'I'SSIHI llu'ir SrllllnSBOaa In alve in.i," Ihroxt off thatr aashi ,,,,,1 j,,,^, n.. gtoatlf htcreaaed lbs nopojarltt of ;sn.\, which hns prnvei, to l»e OBB twelve years' sen ice. !<< 111.' ;lj>|U'<>Jirint ii'll Inr I Ile i-elllil., ILste ih" "million. Kuril mil nf the Is s| Ins] It iitiniis .'HI,-1 iim lli,- County Tax Assessor. \V. I. Barber, elected from St. henllli is.ol, for the i iiiiiinu y-'iir. 1" Iln- ".ui 111 um „r Hi,. hinhwn.vH from 'llu' flrsl Impression ,,r H,,. I,„,I tin- I'hill.iliei- ot I'.iuiineri" ,lihe. thi l'ii I,..,,. j), i,.,mi luoulht. Cloud in 1818 and still un Iho job. Kiaahuuoa i" ti uiii iiu,. paaofas • ins rat UM is ..ii,' nf im rot., ,i baau Ill . I. i- ; li,. |, Bl I"': nl the lie,] l'less ui'ik \\:is iii,linl",l .., n through SI. ClOOd wns tho nf t\ nnil snniitiii'ss Itri.lii-s sre longer mill -. Im,.I , In ss in Ihe County School Superintendent Sam Brammar, elected «ns ii.,i ooooooarf to bava ih" ataal inui'li deSCUOOtoS roOUltUxf in ilu> fol- .iii.l lower, i • -ii. t. is in, nir lost over the •it... from St. Cloud and still un the job. Red Croat •-• >iI . ml Srlva in si i Hon I !' >'..IIL' .....inmi,.,. brio, up, ,,ii,i,.„ J|. aad Biased ears tre s A When im im- norblnj "is,- tt .1 • County Judge. .1. \V. Oliver, out of the oldest in point Ihi- yi-ur. ''' lar, i. C, Ranter, s w Pa In rli-li harmonious color schemes., 'ni- -. idor sll loud lei nml III- Wm. I.miilis.. srhlcb lire um baanti la sol n b, ooaiit. to of service as an attomey-at law in the county. member I dulexl Uealty llillll.'i s me till iVlli !.;, i " to appear before ihe eountv com ii fit bt tbo rodealantiia. i "mil County Commissioners E, I.. J). Overstreet. chair­ made uer aeituitliiti si.iii-is mui ascertain if soma Inuaadl- ,'iilnfiiti hns IH-.-li wiili'l- '"'' actloa "iiiin.ii IM totton in n palr- sals mui greater logr Nevi of i cnlence bsve n tremendous traffla III. "I l'"t:iti'il in I Ins,. i„-.\ . .II I',,. ' blfhwai is mahlos BBsulitia look \a now flllad tn ii .' Imimsalble. eiile lit" i in I tn th" .'pi B l\ ["•-. ''"'"' ' -i" " imporraol eoauauu. ' llu- ri-iillii .-I door nl 'li" 'I' I n't- in ll s laatlon arers rood, .-nlt-.x nml sail without disturbing tii.- I'l-.ini aaal pat • ng. Roth traaa- UK. ( AKI.Ids SI'OKK IN - • i,,l i II i " lie. i i" lis im i ,• IMI. ll\M)M\\S I'l.At I'I There wus un unusually Interesting -ngram tiv.-n ,u n,,. \v. rj. -r r. III IS 1 ( AHIiOl 1. meeting si the Templs ..;, Blventb St., "" lool i'ri-i.iv aftero Uro, Ju­ Kills, 1' Carroll ,nm dge 1.. M. Parker, win, attended Iiii) I'llslll.SS llll'll t'l s,-|,., | si. oi j sa National w r. T. I Convention nt liia fli'l.l "f oparatl in froai Apple hii-iut. Mil I, . save ii iplsadld roport, tun. wis. nml hns opaaod • rsSI "smi" which lemis real sathoahum and brokarasa StBoa Id tii" /aha K. itni- new Impetuo in ,;„. ntembert ..f iim l.'.V hllililills ..)) New V,,rk Ait'lni". Union here till- Ih,. Jems wink BlrOBd. Sir. Curriill luis bota lu DBS leu' 00- in- cm-liiin. „r Lennox Oallage, lilt" liusllu'SM in ApnletOO fin i"«»'. gate n very luteresUng nml lier nf .ii'ms, Inn i,n BCCOUBl "I Hi" in Ipful addrost on prohibition. lie. revere tottham winter* waa obliged Ivor O, llvmliiiiiii, »|u, wns li. SB I. n "ni'iii.T iliini.l". nml linviin.' I!l Bl nils meeting wus n,,i Btaoaat, • is lu St. Clood located bt ra bavins heen Invitsd in oatlol in He is uiii'iu In his pralaa of si Inylng of tho rarnoc ttono <.f tha 1 'inmi. lis paopla mui .-.• 11• • 111,t.• i> Hiiliil nml Ills lulu, |„ MI. Cloud's Uethodlal ehareh nt M.II no, V Mleel lillle ilu|ilessi V e servl.'O riiluri' In ,,f ||„. kinii Hull j;,„.n lu ' in.iiiuii picture sunn with their milk" Iln- attlBBB W" waul il.ills.

TAKDS OKK RAT TO T1IK AMKKK'AN I.KilON I MIKIIIV 1'iiriTs I'll" Anieriiun I,• uimi .if s, C|,„i,| raal eansc-tottaat (or 1998 Oaa •nu> followtas is nn satrad ,.i .-, "1 tha inmiy thlBBB) la I., iry mui lul.,i Ittter I'l'iln I.,-" Sihuri'initn ,.r several members i.> the Legion I i uiii, N.'ii. to MI .Mm lit Rasp, ut rentlon In bfaf nml bava it posslbta all i Inmi. Ihe St. Clouil OivheKti-il Bond I'l .Iniiiuirv I I. I'I '., help pill over n no,),) ml vei I isenieut I l"i i- Aunt Muni fur ,S|. Clouil. A BBOd lime Mill bt W" ratal ba thaa) roa rnr tba Iiml hy illl ineinlM-rs niuk.ii.; Ihe trip. lui.-l.v IMIX nf .initial's mui also for lliu 'I'he LoStta also IH w.uklni; for n kindly Ihiiuuhl of us. wliKh pr pted fine h.iine. Sli.mlii Bt I 1,'inl gtOO M thu si'ii.iiui' \vu ui" sajasioa theoi n "ity or twenty Hvo I h.uisiiiul in aad iiiinii 'imi' BIB rar tapsrlor toI fifteen nr ttntatf years, | I^'ulmi ths Oallforoli broad: BO B bome wouhl he mx-ilixl mi,I th.,. '»" H'l lis 1 inn ll I no lime like Ihe 0000001 In net stall- California I tier, tins •tatnmenl ns • ii inr such u borne, it is desired t" 1" Ih" i|UMlll- DOthlOa, nf bava ii basts that would i«- beneficial in si. i load mil which would \>llll III" help In Ileum Ify Id" ell.y. i II ul' inv ln< ' I'n help • • i„.,

Wa had null u til • mnl ii •ii.l.ij -| Iiii the in.-in,.i ii , nt II. « I'" h v., i i," srortb tei inn. A I s.ii'i'"" ,1'iiir winters nr.- always snow i:,.solium" will he gl. u iu Klurlilii. mui nn rati irlnil for I I'ehruiir.v 1^ BBd un eleven reel mov­ nnv Bst Hull .'iiu H whllu ing pieluro will he ahnwii, , I,.;,,. n. III. I-.'1.' I SeeiHM Mliowiiur Intefesling View, uf Osceola ClSBll's (.'utile linliwlry thut dull-. Till KSI> .IV BHSWAM 21 IV* •PACK TWO .SUCTION F. THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. 8T. CLOUD. FLORIDA of air U'twiHii the two BtaM iHotiios* 11 number of food hotaU in DeLand. FLORIDA WINNING FAME AS A YEAR- •i m tha ynnaaotna, affotl to DaX*fUad i^ a woiidorfnl motoring COOe teimli/.e tenip.1 a t nres and uive Da] tor and is annually the obotoa of hnn- ROUND HAVEN FOR MOTORISTS tuna I;H coo!log braefljaa. with the drada <-f JH«»:OI tt>iirlatai as « eenUnr iroal itluitic Oeaan ami Haitfai ii from whieh tit tour tho stato lm roi nctlng oa water oqualloara, il la prorod hlgbwayi radiate to nil aae- Halifax Cities lftxr.m,|saUTUile IIY «. Hi WKM.S v.'ry May ta nn4arajlaUHl whf the tioaa and tanned wlUi both bcaachea The C|UM Ol '! 'iinnnii •mitef lit iilnvin. AulotitoJule Club • oountry |v--r -e- Itl reiimrK ei iiie EMxla Htojiway, with tha of America, My Ox.inhi'io ill! nf th« RppOalfl tluit nhlt eltmato, it bl only a qoooUo*: >f Miami 1 he-hoe Iliuhwav. the Na I lona I nuiy IM> Bf/OOd ><>».ira|oly In tin* vnr- flit' Vntled WQt/tOt is noted afcf • in HI ii B UaUfns eouato wtU Utyhway and all auto louten from i\i, rp: : i-'S. Situated with ,., I , MoVtori Of tho stale EUN s It- r.-.. n'tr vi rate-in? Hy LU one isf 1 i.i i.l.l to nil se« 1,011s Of the 00*00 |«i IN rnnflnog -ii-' IHMIIV summer an.! Inrtoai i- iioie a cowmaaitj wiii.ii the leadiim MUiismor r. orta of tha COUl bin OK U t opllslles for I rj Wjrfctlcr 11••in'... wlm h annually draw i niie.i Btatea rMntVriTiag Ua io> Th» ill.v ts tho apes of the f.nn pftj l Pom .very !. :ni.l 00000* ti mer unit winter Pacrtwtlon .ii.nlxil'h* eliuialf Ji re oiany other ail oaa IftUIon Dollar lyianffuhu Drlra [fj fjoea thin eomiimnitv. llaytoOA, fliese resort >. however, me limited x.inlnKos, any one of wiiieh would ha one of tho irrontoM Jo> s to 1'hoidn .son hree e DaytOM Beacn o/hiefa ira Mi. their •ttrmotlon of the. eouoide-rad u distinri itaaaC in any und baa In addition yrq - now eomhiiiixl Uld -itihil I 'M.v.'iN fssOs tbill they are eilher summer Of eoiuiiMinity. <-t ochor oqitally diarmJnf oi onu.rnri Md Uirmoad Baad, \itgtici playground centers ii" a/here I iaest lleaHi in tlw World hour drives lo onah mtorostliiK nolnts aud Poii Orataaa, ti.e Ipoorporatod k/tni will, it- tin- i iin-il Kiikirs of the It is f.euerial vc.-oyiir/itd tiial the ns the fainotis DoLaoa Ltpriajga, V'n- Middle West, tu tin* Canadian pit.; eitifjsi which fonipri-e this invunii •icneh, on nhk'h Oi nil r4 I'a.M< aa 1 'vrpri-et where atony ol the i'no . iniiiiinity, st rei.liiiu Matuj th* aaraund*. in the Pacific Ooaai from beach, Beabrctiaa end Orna*Ad, i^ the jn'i'ii iio'dlity. (irover I'UA .1, in haokj of tin* baautifuJ llalifav IIM-I, \syi(-iiuu'r Io Kail I »iogit. and yon will moat reninrk.ii.le In Mi* world. Wit*" joMph JiMeisxii nad otben of pto- and Mnnhfim the maleotlc a.tlani ic, iimi bi tj the limited appeal ta either it • wonderful thlrt) mile su-etrh. .".IMI lidueine epaol ma.iy winter*> Euf*tto, oit-ntiv .in enrlahle iwrdt'on .imofiH tl"' ( « winter op HMIUMMT pl:iy«ronml. l'eet whle ilurinj.' low lido, it attraVB C'reacenl Olty, and other VI^M.'IO gai> •mule Ul Mute the winter nvrciliim fop idea! noma litv doriiig tha tatn- this baach the opaad reeoriis oi the Anni'iii •• plf. The mer •ii.d w:*.trr. world ha v o bOOOj Dado and it w | - In ten itlni Qrot a Bpj Imj - The St. oohoa charm aod appeal • making 'n»e Hali'.iv eountiy kpffaOja OfOJJ here thot the p>nt.i | ,a b bt ACOrd ot John Bcenli1 l!iyfaway, noa Irelna com­ I i the -m miner playground more UH a MI miner report than ii tiiroa :uii(.» la laaa th*u one rgnlaote pleted, le tie' shoiie>i routi north aaji I rum I'U'i.v itatM HI iho ,'nioii. in ,! .. . a., a winter resort. 'I I WOj initio NO nth throDfh Klorida. le 'in. ni: ling 'luding C;il if H ii in, tourist* 00000 !•» lion po-.e!*s4fi jx. ail inr to 'llio baaoh offers mi'isual Imthln^ In ,1a'I.s.n\ (lie and Tiimita, with IH* I-).. ihroiorij tha sun wormed wf|i- Itself and shanil by aa ether OOOBV cdvantaajtaOi and htscauae ver In I. iiid"s fine, unl \ n rlaltan eoaja la nertdo irraphloii location. Ui on To.' lr;iie* peniii: ''a i-oile. \Ml rt of formly ihadl i Dd i bit^sajb diTty si'icri ;i plane to MH.V ai I!K reoi'i-ii'lon-'ii facllltiea, Ita health | which la nisi, called the million doi the eetatee, orange froroe aod wooA •angle tropical Bunohlne nnd ooonery coDdlttoaa, its pore watar and • lar triiuiKuint- route, itarta :it Doj lauoi 11 the euhnrban oectliani. eaoet their detdrefi where Dior*' are mat hetiiity. While all ol n>aaa a-i lona ind onaaoo r*l«ri*la Uinmirh SVNKOItn AMJ'lo f.Milli'-.s POT ir- It'll!;.!!!. pleas vmtt.mes an- uuiiMial j. "hap- the ni Lea nf v. :•:-. i, »iratajM, • •'• Sanford is on the s-'iith itda i>f •nil ourrouadlnea and tooaooalaj pao- laoOJ pr.-iiiinetit li that and Ililisitoreiun. known as tba lain Lake Monroe, nf the head of imvi- oile with whom to OBOOcleto. Ma iliiii.iii I' i ; a I'IV.' -mini ha i. seeiion, and conatdarod the .m.-t boaa latton .1 the st. John** river, it IIUN. \V. .1. SKAK.S ;iie veur tha paopla of tba Halifax 11 fnl soxion in II- .rn la The Ugh Murida in known chiefly u H via- U an inowrtaiit railroad .i-nter nnd (ongreiHoannn from l*V V'tmnii Florida Deotrtot, erhe laamoai m Ivissiimmy. country live most emiifnrtahly ;m • it ,'i»ij Ua summer appeal li .i> wayi nre all hard .siirtaeod and in ilao tho larmmna of the piyde Una) «*1 joy the :nl win Hues ilenitvl opjpay iH'i*n appreciated. Thaai vha excellent condition nil the way. ei Btoamare plylnt taatwean Jackaon* :IM nrod I'Miuiiniiltie... Many Cootota portonltioN for romplnti repuee and are flftx>»u foot in whlth. All theee liovo II-IHO in tho whiter; ha v un St.niuir. at Daytaon. the trunk vijie and ftoaftird, T'ie st Joha'ai enter Into tlie limiting of this oaojl restful roefaathM, Tho hoaaUj board« ronds- arc earofuU/ graded nnd pam fortunately for tiMtneolvaa fisUlod to line blsThway goeo wcat to Heiami riv-r is • faroiita villi r 1 .1 Id i an M'-. had »C ti: N tba m-.-nt- lajg hoiiiso. and homes, •haltered by st/.king COTO hns 00001 IUKMI in their • etna in to enjoy what tlio common DSLAMt) 1 fsstntord haa beet DM tin* i ot nre tTOsfla winds whiih .ire cim- sinlel.v tnsts, Niirroiind"-.! hy fUrWef Jraliiat \VOHlth offer* M I MiininiT play- Itel.and is the iiuinty sisit of Vol- I--- araal enmben • tinnaily Mow in,:, and which y (ardano, uiw the place I oaoat pic* Tolk t'oimty Ilea In tho p*.th of ajrOvnd, wWle its cttlaooal have laeao: unty aad tha t^aunerclaJ con the ahjoyment * f « rnyada on taa I ureaojaa 00900*01 travel fo*aa tfai Dorthern r^etoa Hiini;i'iiu'r too modaal la rWanpmg tha die iiimuto, wiiiie otrfatf •orliotnt W-r of a well i»"d iraal inland waterway of 1- lorlde, Orlanato in Hnrldn. aith all that of the atato to Feat Myaea and the ..traines of their beiiefm tloae. arc Mweltei-itij: oador the hoat San- seeti.ui. it iiUM a narmanent papula Kino hatala and oatonaj (>pportnnltv for satlsfioH tho eiiHitiiro caOBfOCta and lower wool ooaojl and to Tampa. the treat itata offers untold nrt- siroixes ,-ir< mikn tvvn t> tne Ilall- tion of abeai 4,INMI paopla. This is oatdoor enjoj oaajH in ihe ideal jii- aesthetic MatOO if her gitcf-tK, hut with ( hni-wuier. Rt lVlci>hurg aud thnt •x fop summer recreation. Up, f;iv euiritry. The yearroun.l raOgflja auamaatod ooaaiti] i" tnosot hy tour- mah of thtl vielnlty are pTOTldad Kloriila'n natural leuuty uiusp llt.l. Mtiou of tho omot caaat AM waa> ;:IKI down the aoal coaat, boacfa r»> Oi the t heinii:nieler doaa tmt pa BaHrVa lata nnd student* attending tho uni­ i:\eelleiit fishing and btuitiuK ,1111 ta M FatOI ' •rhindo th,e route 1000 south ini, to i D of tha tMnJe Highway. aorta Bhoal their appeal of pleasure to. Mtitl even then tho tfjiiiM-t-nis versity. Stetson I'niversity, with a found in Sauford. whieh paiaMl thronajl nrlnndo anil nad comfort. From Atlantic aud I*a- Bstajaana laajaa the ImpresNion of n plant of airqatqqa biHisliiiaa. aad In- There Is a food road running from Ihrnajgi the tntor^awJag aaull rtl- KisKlmm.H-. outer l'olk county i»onio tJo hasWebaa, near Jacksonville, flows nmeh lOWac tln-r;uointer. In the win­ roatmeal Of more thnn $1.(XK),000, [9 Saiifon] duo eaajl thpnuh Sorrento li.goH of l'liie ObOtlO .unl Tafl, l«ni\'- , hrhl mlloe onaM "f the latter polaJ Ihroiuti the boachM of Nt. Augimtim-, ter time (hiring tha most illaagiaq locatod bora, riafainl has a delight­ to Mount Don nnd Knstis. eonnoiiiiiK Ing Orange county and cut or in;: I le« and obonl two ml'cx-i east of the inill- dnnnnii. Seabroeoe, Daytoaa IUM, h, •JHa waather. ilmaiuaaHii t-.iro ful linnate tbe year round, rjoillf tfitll the I.eeshnri;-*: K-ala OOCtioil. eeolu caoajty to KItif/oTirairt town or I,om:himiti. ui l'olk county. Hew .sin a :; il, Titusv lie. Tort ly Boca in-low 40, KivhiK a tnege of aottaatad at tin hiKhlands of central Thore a re also poejtoa from Snuforit h:.SSI>|MK> Thence it traveXi la irOuAwootorly lofHKlorflali'. Palm BOICh Ohd Miami tap thrn 60 rjek'rex* the veai r« und. I'lorida, surtoumled by forest, intei- ta in-hiiido. the main trnnK line pa- KiHsimmeo. sltnatisl on the tumks of lice eh. advar tajot that cJin be found Tliere If no reeoni of aay heat pros­ mlnaiad with ommja and irapafrutt ing through Altamonto and the op LahO Tohopckaliga whieh Is one of tho dlrOI thoi. nOOellH through Davenport, in no other plm-e in the world jtliouml. tration in riorlda. proves. Her si ieei , tit- well lytvod tional oafaal through tli'iirwi and Oi I otiutiful cliiun tlwit finds (ridlot iiaines i ity Lno-i.u.- Park, stlocaOkCO 4taag the WOO! e.tjist in St. pot- A ji'iysical (hctor that has much and ln-autifully shaded with niatssive eidn. thri ugh Oaln -.-ilnitehU* river into Villa. Wilder Haven. IC/iglo 1-aki' lo ortharf, Tanii>n, SaraKola, Irailon to Lta with these tra«le wiml~ || tf.-« oaks. The verituMo no!willh of new AI.TAMONTK the liulf. It ia ln tlie midst of lm- Bartow, the oaaaty scat Fnnn itnr- ton, I'nnta Oorda. Fort Myrrs. | .u- fart that Dafti na nnd -ho i.ther l.riek and nsphalt pavement en.erin: Altamonte is uotisi for its oaftayj poaOal 000000 and so, i•ninnlun;, ns low. this pood run" almost duo south i»fni fsapHasfJ Hint niiuiy ./iiier oqoailj • ' the Halifax ecuiitry are HeUiiid from i very dbOCUon IH fast of paaaal water, sprinir-fed lakes, |>ine w eird and wild us exist on thi - 000 throagh 1« dm. 1 nnd Knrt Moado lii-cnt An Intel, '-din- side tiro »s • I • 'onminnltie.i ran he foutnl loe.ned on tlie narrow,-st part Of the making this eity one of Florida's oavafad hill.-, and pjood raada it IM tn Howl imt Oraott, Kast uf lauigh- ile tmanaa ami rpcn*atloaai that bava P< ..insula. Lfroa the A thin tie i*f»n-.t moot attractive iv < rts to the toui>t ideal M a winter loone. Qolf, tennis t ini u.di the eanala nnd Kissii.imo * man It eoaJoOMOa wiih the noithorn IHaeed KloriiU in a pOOlttoa w lore to the Oifif --i Vevoo, i,s 'j i orooi and honiosiiki-r. The CoUoga Arm:' nnd Ifo.vliiig are pta^tdod. Tliere is nvir to [dftha OlaXochobea, thriwah tha porth-n Of tola route ov.l the hrlck- li/ It takes aetMind plftei tu no other BlOa, is • 'ittle more ti:;m loo mlhaj; fstf aavfoa, irUeh la pnUlc, is one a roUoa otajafja uro\o, Eeae to oaaaati t alooaahoirhlr. peal Forto Th.aniwon i.ived system of H;ghlands eounl.v lo tMttoa, thaa piof/tsjaasf a o «nstart oartoat of the best in the Sotilh. There nre Of the Attotnouto, a nd 1 icn.iinl. f.imous in the Sv-muiole tha south Totla is i ni1aa»raot aa- WINTKB PARK atajoj, to Foit fatyera, Tin- hontlni phnit thoroa,rhfare when- it janswa Winter l'ark is in the midst of bloaj tiii"ir,'h mi this reaTtoa are 11 Pollt county. I'harwater I-jike raojasj nnd ha> a uarlvahsl. In and ul out Klsvimims' At Hal nee Oty thi Leo and ,Uek- waoJth of semi tropieal plants and thc-ia are brich ami aipxhalt Mobwayo blghway :i flflten foot road, lo-wers. Itulllns Oollagq IK loeatod ciiiiiectiM; with other nejirhy phice- binmhee M hm of the nix­ here, :itTorOajth 1''lorldji. ,\ pood g"U corns.' ie highway and siiik.-s alnioMt due edTinfeaaai nad .ittracts many fand II ri|M'U to visitor*. toward Tstoopa, Atter pe,HKing lies to this resort during thO v.iiitor. Th onazi tow H-; poooed afbti lode Ihnumh Iwikr Alfred ind Aushurhdale, Iiarge Acreage - Small Acreage - Reports and Surveys - Invest­ Excellent hotels gtn ampla ftccorar Laaj KisMiuuii i- i ia the tran the larteal toora In Polk ooaaty, .some modatlona. Tba palf Itnaa eompiiae •ale olajiwaj ara C^mpbala, i. imh ;\ miles west irf I i i.itu ml I lie loud ments - Lake Frontage - Orange Groves - Banana Planta­ a sporty, well kept OOOLTOe Of 'Uht"eu i i: i: i aim i Oil enpl 11 to I lalm.s I it... eonneota with the paved road system d ;i IOM o| raonoua nine bole HUNKS MTV of HilhstMroual I which gives tions - Improved F.innf - Vacant Loti - Subdivuioo Thmpa nut Iho paved road course. Tln» first hole only is rOO t'iiy |i ira rurq • s |•• \ Tate n;ou tO l-illi Oonraa and stalls at the I iln leadliiR from Tampa bo var- o iy to toe beau Khlande Propertief - Business Properties. ( lubbouoa, which i.s adjacent to th • i. town In \\ ilea, High­ If you want quick anil reliable representation either as buyer and tha many miles .,f titled itde ihe coo; connantad a IIb land iwrk, i'rooked Lake and Froat- perfoctly ohadad hy glaal lite preOaf, in Poth county. By hrnnchlng i'Vi-i v . I j:i i tow ii ini-' or seller see us. aad water OOjrJ, ptanted more than 'I'o dah I iel hlnfl more I o oft al Lake hTaJaa. am coma to Boo forty vayi looti moka an anlntarrupi IHUHMNI tu.- i.ecn expended afoa the M rides and Tciiiplciown, Hiild to bo ed natural pari tronod nnd ani'-n^ hliihfing of tho Ti-ii. count* i<>:nl ihe meoaajt grove la the world. Frnoa the nearhy lakes, whi.]] have l»rn i 111 s.vstein 'riicie are fi total of Froetproof ihe pood leadi oejala "i- proved und beantlfnl to i blajh de j Consultation Free i> more than Sod nth of aophall rar -.iiit ii i" I.TIII a eoom •• 1 t'feis unriviileil op fau i 'i rot da, cm orinf tba count v hk • lion with iiu- hifhwayo m this aoe- a aifjantlc apidat Ofeh lmf>roved tloa of iiighinmis ronnty, loading to ri.nds are rmiooth and free from doe. Avon l'ark mui S-'Iri .. FrOOl laiko- GILBERT SALES AND at nil •easvone ami have no mud. taad a nJna-fooi aophall road iead« to SFCURITIES CO. The :. | in hi :Uv. ij Ihi "uii Ih. Kathleen, Boernni and Polk Olty In oouaiy between the primHpal u im.s (Contlnnod on Pago Three s^- i • Largest Listings in Central Florida Oaa of the paal aVvotopato. and n«- *eta ot ('••"o,a ononty is iho Gilbert Baloa end Se'iir!th*n Company. Ft, *'ll bartaj oaaaMoM. wiih uffltaa at I No transaction considered closed until ymi are entirely satisfied. e IT, who *oHidos rondtJctltiff n oaaja irnl raaltgV hiisiucss make • •t*acUiltj' oi 'M(o't:' pf loane and the writing of foe insiiraii'i' 'J'ho Hn<"ooHHful ih raj oaaaaajt "f KuhdivljaJnToa forme the major part of tba eoaapajqr'i x&S^Sfio^SSa erra lun-inoss. At pre writ the develop roi'tii of Qflhafi Part aa oax^iiaite suhiirhnn project. J»HI. south of the city of Ki.-sl.uhieo ia reeelvln,; much of their a I re.ii loa. Tin* baaatlfol -ito is now bainj highly Losproi i d >ind WBBBM finished will IH- on-' Of IllO siiow plaeea af • j*i^ ..aatloB. Irother high laaa davelojvnent daimin" tbeii attention [• the raniphell TOM are on GILBERT tie Dixie whhh la also holng rapidly tvanaformad into another of Iflorida'j hoiiuty ipota, .Sides in iMd.h uf 1 boaa dc\elo[anoctH whhh liavc (wen \ (.JIII Inr from the Iw^lnnlng, h«v» miehed a volume highly raitlafactory to th"ir Sales & Securities Co. promotan and from paaoOBfi indicji lioim will OOeaj add pJ tlio Iwialy of H'huida'N landrsiatm UN pleiincd hy REALTORS Lholr fur-Mighind orlglnatora. The QUbert <'omimny In «l«n Kales in.iiuu-cr for ultra ox amlwh timianlaaq liif- excluelTeneiw to be Members of National Association of Real Estate Boards 'ii Joyed hy HIOHC who roe Id e In Mild hinHllllful section. The QUaoatl ' .omiuiny le BUH* n pri'itentJitive •** the wtssnt. Farn Aunnejr, U10 largoM ronllj con-ein hi the *varld, wha IIHTO exteiwlve hold HON. JOHN L OVhlt.Sl'KKK'-r I iaxa in thin Noctioa of Florida. Oeujity Mcj-h IMOE THRKB-,SE(TION K. THIIRSOAY. JANUARY 21. It* TTTF, ST. CXOTm THTBT7NK ST. CT.OTTD. FT,OTvTT>A

throngi itai low, where it, erooooo the DbrJo btfhway t<» Muiheiry, wbaro ii HOLOPAW, FLA. tru latOOl the BOCtk nnd vonth mini We want you to artery In tne west part of the county ; .Mr. Ohaa, f Melbourne, thence In n nothweaterly direction to spoal Toeedoj olgbl O/ltb I, U. li«w e'liiic, i u iih 1 IllUboroufh counl i thiirlii'. . lyotea near fJoronot, in that Mr Robert Roaos, tor r drag itor. make this test <"mui \ ^i\ [naj cannot tlon i brooajfa raanagor bora, la -i rlalrot la sst pin ut City with Tampa und the pari We want etery weak, puny, Of the WOOl i ".'i i \ Wnlli-rK, uf St. Cloud, HIKMII faggf'ln.ut mar. and woman in %JUtM \i KK.;I> siiiiiin.v «itn bit parents bora. America to make this teat: buy Mrs. .1. II Hawtborao is oooilood one bottle of 'fnnlac at your drug­ Lake Ufred la l icated III th i «'l I gist's, tulie It according to direc­ in bar i»-'i srltb "S1»". of oovoral deen lakeo, which offer the tions for one week and aee how u- mil v. nti r aporti Mr. tad Mi Baa Barrloon left quickly yon get etarted bock to i -in rounded by t.000 acrea of i Itrui Isf for ilit-ir ni'w booaa la full strength and vigor. I grove 'l lore a re model ti bol i .\!:.l.illllll. We know what we are talking In Lake Ufred. im Saturday olghl btlao Uialo about. Teniae bai helped Miliums. I \l.l I AM) Jones lotortalaod ;i cratrd ot l"-r In our hk-a are more than 100,000 i nkoll nd j .i X-M ily situated in a young Crlendt from eerea imt 11 tea • of pruUo from grateful users. country of rolling btlli -'-'T tool above , elock. Nambat of ganoo ajeta ulay- ...I mi.I delidout refreebaiontt wore Don't confuse Tanlac with or­ ••( i level, s of tin- iii,. ii orange dinary patent nostrums. It la and grapefruit groveo are to bo Pound MT\ I'll. Mr. w.Kiii'ii, of BUsslsalpal, Ui bare Nature's own tonic and builder, lu tblH locality. I* uial reds af lakes, ronipoiinded from root*, hark., and nu Dutloeot ooasacttd arltta Mm Brlf- Hotel Man un. of w ho h :ire w iihin the city herbs that we anther at pieat ex­ limits, nml ui><>unding In black 0000, Un 1 IIMIHT Oo. pense from thu four corner, ot Recovers Ha h Tbere will bo ptajar Brootlag everf afford, in edition t oflahlug, onnaual the earth. Iff . *.. ntf din- opporfunltleo for •wtnunlng, baAtini Thuradty nlglit. Brery bodf oomo Tanlac Roes straight to tho scat 1 --le tf'.l In I., d I- • .mi of your trouble; cleanses and puri­ ... :.... 1. •• ••! |. i.mi other v/atar spurts. Le*kelen4 w • .• bo*l conbidered r too moot cnarmlog 'iiu- donos flveo rriiin.v olgbl bf fies tbe blond stream; puts your die* stlon ln proper shape. Flrtt TaroloK- htwttodflTdl i'.'xkonlln pucaa la ooutfa contra] i-ioitua. Miss Pssrl .li'iinM'n. wit-' groatif oo- ... '.,. '. •' ',-f -i-nx. . f'l.wftihf > tbl .K you know yon have an ap­ lofed bf .ni preoeDt, Musi.- barad ,\i.nd psap u> ,. tin,;ball play* Poootbly no pooplo on earth today petite like a starred child. You • .1 bf Un' it Oload Orchestra. TLA.S- ,1 appreciate tha value of recreation no rest at night and your whole body I47HN, . do the AiiiericiiiiK. Witness the re begins to feel the stir of strength HAI'TIST tlil 1UII NOTKS x. lunilAis, OUdJ coodo In ail brancben af competitive and energy. si.orts atid note the prepolidcianee of Don't you be dlscourageoV Darlog tin' Ids Taaro ars t»v" caodldobos Boot completed a inodern clnbhou a, Joel iwaltlng iiiii'ii-in Tbe rburdi l* i" a --toiies I hnc.i from t he ):i lo . god •lulling an eiactrla beater io orarm can finish your round and than plungO wiiii-r nsiil in iiu- bsptlatrf, Boudt * oiHll.V i IHIIltl . Into tba Idear WOtOtl Of I.nUe Par logaod bf ii..' . ini.'. ii for roaradeUng kar. nml trdgigdaa Un- building bOTt been I'll- conroo has elghtoen holaa that M.III tu iiu' BBtoual nf fOOOO, Wa still r1irRir\ WINNING FAME pr-selit to t he llio-t eMiel I ll- Imi,' SOOal SoSOU "'inn Inr sill.', is AS A ootAtfJ KOI M» I »i \io Hssghwa] lO I' ort Mi-iule. KriUll IT the diversified ] I ml ; in sin-it iii $11.) .Irm.'iiiiiiiiiiin ur iinti's fact, ovary dUb in your Iwig will In- 1IWKS Mill MHTOKISTS l.iikelaiid runs a l.ttHoou I".*., a^phnil nml BHaSxBS li j.-r II nt inlcri'Sl. l>ll>• found useful. QraOO greens kept in' si'inl nuuualiy, nuiilnMiI'lc ami rood enothnaotrrlj lot 14 ml nilai bo Hteiitibaod from i .tgo Pwo Hoc. K) excel leal ei unlit it ui, are other hi ecu ruanbxg 6rom six to tvn fOOgg, It" yon Bartow, the OOBOMJJ **etfit. ti>cs, You will lind the proft nri* iBtOtBOJtod in ''in- nr OBgffS "f Brancfatapj off ti*« boo aad lack ever rejidy lo nli^iii correcting that the ' ithwi'stern cod of Polk rottaty. tin's,- H*-I' tl..' | eon highwn> at i*..k* uiiti. this rood aoUoo, and no luck of partner.-. ... rem A 00W road project, it is now nn- Tin' WI.I.S.II Mr Will ililss BOO eonneeta with UK> I'.irV llighwny in ploto the fnuraoma. Hclpated. win give connection from nilliil n nii'tilng of tlio class for tin- Hailow iiinf oaskbi-M tno oriiiclpiil ave in addition to tho oxoolleat course . in to the border line of Pa* . lot tlon ,,i' ... » offlooro, Our sttaad niie of tntvet fpOOl UM- lower west o 'oiititi ami opOO thi> oocttoal lying on Lake Parker, tbOM are no loss Once runs nt present a little ovir nxi. north and w.sdt fpun Pol k eon niy coaat, •• rOoeo>ed thningh Polk coun­ than srwu other courses easy bat taora bi roonl fur raaar inure. Wo Southward from lakeland a nine tool ty, to THmpa aad jM*ii*to< tu thnt vic- stsBstanfO Of l.akelund me BOW making .. rstesoatla itadf HHphoill road leado pool Lakeland i.ilty. TbtfJ r*a.oi. tM'g*«'her with tin • il tlie Dotpel nf Matthew. empbasUdnf portion ol th** DtoOj llt^hway In Polk A survey hy the American Tree Aa- I lluld.imci. through Medulla and I lie in particular tbo dlspensstlonal fen 'ouiity, IVfTDOO a ato«*iittle "T" conter- ooelatlon ohowi thai LA otatao have pbOoVphaie eenter of Mulberry, Pierce Hues withi'iit which tin- hook ctraM od uioon thO county, with Bartow, the state forests, :t.! have forestry aaOOuro Brew*ter Bradley Junction aad Ohi* lit.rilly IN- .iniU-rttooil. All rtttlgln rut 4 oboojBBJ 0000) al ilka? i-»Mi.'. where the iniuits, Id have atato nur-erties, and ••"ia in Che rHHitfa portiob of th >un- gBlxlleoa <.f ut;e °r craed are trol M tnre,. ungleH 00001 that mi 11 tons of dollars are being i> lietween I' In the eoUth in thiN daoo UmKht Bf tin- pastnr nml From I Jake Wall** +n the Scenic raOOOrl on rcforestiitioa. Florida has weOt psirtlon of the county, and Front not yet taken OtoBOl to [QfOlOOt cut- still rosOttUg in the (1. A. It. llnl! nn loghlaiids l.JKhwuv .* time fmjt u«nUalt iironf. iu the affrnthaiOl pOrtioa. con over lands. til the oburob ls eonipleted. All utlier mmaool is had hy means of a nlne- road runs ntnta*--! directly west rial-si's DJOO! in ttii' . hnnll, Mrs. K. I is superintendent of tbe OMMILA CCHJNT* eai» 200 new faldfag chair., which will he NEW HNttLANI* SOtlKTV t if ut Bacrojd solo. Flute nolo bf IVft.. nsisl in the imllcry until the perman­ Momlay .l.uiiinry 11th, ihe New Todd. ent chairs arrive. Knftiond lodot] MOH in the ODpot <: Mis. Wcllmilll IN t.» liavr the pO^- Next Siinitiiy morning the I'nster i It. hull (it SoS9 P in. Mectint: BoU- (BOO] fat I'Yhruarv. Hev. Iili^eFt, • ti mi "Hniini'ss aad oataofi H t«> orilir bf »itiirinir "Aincrirn" inatlc • few renin rk. Qoood by »inar- ficHii-'ii ns rufuaoaf ra the Icrlpturoo Pro/of by Hoo*, ciu-tcrcr of Boodt ft Ing sun- Bpaaoied Bonnoi IOOM '""Is MIIV nml inon's wn>." lane!. Miimtcs of loot meeting d mi tin' OOCOnd UoOrdOj in KclTim;, The rfroolag service u ill i.c turaod .md tpOTOVOd. Treilsui'i r's fODOrl 1'. U. Knllcr, i'i'. ss Oorn ip< ::»*• 'ivci* in tho Hihle Oruoadoro f<.r the rood ii'id ai'ivpte4l. Mrs-. UUott P«tr nf tbe quootloa fS Btu- BOOtod 07t DOT0 11 hn.s .' alii.y COmmit- ltiti'.n and whether tin- sami- shoiau boi io Intel Btfrongeni at tin- door, •• KISSIMMEE LAUNDRY BOOM In- taught in our public scboolgi 'rin-ri' they WIMJM fBsoo all are wolcotne, wll bo throe ragstasonattlaaa of tha which wn^ port I I y v nc. McmlaiueN COMPANY Holly nnd Ash \\i-n- appototed for Uie BJbta <','is League preseat Dr. v .ir. era to*ot OMOOH BJ I to,** HARDWARE \. 1 I'.ri.wii. bt I» ted s^-i *'lil is, 00x1 DonHi. Our Pobruory picnic <*nii i ity of IHaudnuneo - tha laooV oil ftniii tooaldorable dl well kiii.wn uroushonl England and dry which d iheol (Not Real Estate) \i.'is loft tn tbo decloloa of i iln- Dnltod B a, will bondlo tho linn* Iffo miilcr I enl in it tec. eompooed ol IfoaaeHi Btont*, frnm 11 . lot • I •1 A. I'.. U Bancroft aod Bolly, Roll ol view. Following ii SOT. I. Bl it IH kin- i reoultod in 2fl Uotao, 10 Htm Baakp- O. olorony, l». l>., trill spook upon tbo BB the i reig it en • t ablroi Vormont -i. bfaaaarhnantti 11- i nl' this i. with all ni".. i unity Tools Builders Paints taland i, OonBoctlcnt -i, and ti.iu n moral and i needed tu inofcfl • there wore 2fl from otaer etob Saab I levoes imint nl' view BBOB tho iniinls of .nil' BBO> Carpratar ; will bo ii greal ini.- i 'ii'«Mt I)ii|>nlils of Mi i.'i'i lil rkliiv. r 1). sirs lily fur the people "I si I » liolin. Two lints* p, Todd, Moores t'lnllit 1. Ihlo deuari tnei L M Plasterer Ilarilwarc i ijano 'i ' onip I Ilia!. « as Mrs. I Oils Mill) Machiniat Koofino. Who slj'n.l n ml.r In imn .• . ve, -Mrs, Dr I'is nil that I the i . an All Other ftlaasj Varnishes 11.cut thOf nil! l.iuhe. i og for '\ hooo cm ' | .iihip Beginning witli next We. you." Roadlng by Elder Hpalding I Nl. chanics Seraen Wire Brushes niu'ht. the Booh Bf I..'Vniiilhin will lie snd mind your ow.i bual- for th. inkeii n|i for Study lit tin- inhl week BOOB." Mis.-' Larenco Mng, "In un The * oujnan} nu ... ioo • i..:..ver II.. stings ni the church. All old fuHliionciI tiiwis " l*i;niist W-KS . .v nervlee and I i on y aa laterootod In ibis great i !:.i-< ii.'ii nml for encore I I he P ,n crtjl of the Bible nre in.iie.i to attend 111.—. s.iiritual.v Itro. ooh fave Jafro. where nil work left will b iotij« Stoves Michelm Tires Pipe se'vic". The pouter will 1 ndi ttor 1 1Candlo' l lecture "On bottom.," ami .••iini foe and ;ii i Fiftin^'s llinke ;i sillily nf Ihe l.iinl,. Florrin'.- Rest ChaStar Of I'lnlliter. ifivini; nil 1111 SS> l'ir lection Hinn' Shape *.'n) iiul portunltf to link queotlont or to .•. Allie-rt Laa liU^i TIIIHS Threii.ted press tin••:• rlOWS aL niiy of ill. u M Coleman Inns. Four luetics The Inl.r iiieilinle It. Y. ]'. t'. Is W' toSSS oVtBUrl Rlert.l In . mining the list of 11; • jilene.-rs •mil All.-r Hinl Mr. .1 M KliynellM'. luis Ottttod I" tl"' Wllllls of ll"' txs' of KlBBtnuLoeo the Neinon it* tlty t'nm- eouatf Bttaadaaoo ..fn.'.-r. Uko ttorj p f Klssln s- ill the luinl-ci no piinv wot] hood the Itoti tot during; other lilll"' in Klorida lOOdOqUOtO hillliiers' lini'. At IliM ino.1.a the tOssfB « hen tin- PNHM •£•(* clt.V school housing, ii garilue being 00000- mom wnioiiei) in it*, iwaddl >K elothoa oil int.. service in whlc* trort twootf plant tOdOf lini.h activity is sis'll us ue find the bBatnnlai "f ti i reliable • nu. pupils. Thi- reveal vilHl lUSOdlOt of bll I'loilil'l firin oil n nunilK-r of cases "f hook worm, iBto llu- channels of I UirSS t ril.l.'. um, I. of which bolag "-el m tin- Kri'iii • Bioaaor hiHrlnnlns ttiis cooj I wiih tin- sBoJataato of Dr. Pur- mem balldlas program ol bit eltr. pony boa grown t" be rtoaeod a« one kuxOOO, II Is hoped this siliuilloii Will Mr Kii-.lel is lllllliln'1 'cl I Of KIs nf Klssiniinee's leii'ii:": InatltlltlonOt ba oradlootod. •*•> by ftiir daollna mil tn.ti. tlmmoo'o sooojrooolTo ritlteut who For Sa/ef has il.nie niui h lor ihe ailvan. • moot at iiny oooti too adoptionm (JaOanldoB rule in hUBlnoaa bOVtng paid richly THK KI'NKKAI. Of bit oily I" lis present rank m If BOO OOMK.xl>B I.KMI Kl, WILLIAM iu ilivitleinlv |Mlih BMMltlOn .'llnl in iiuiniii|»iiiii.-s of riorlda, pfootlajo. i'he pontldenov of thto firm Ttir fmii'iai nf Oaauudo Lemuel IN fin-reii. tiiiik'. and Ita field of activ­ Willhlllls ul this i'il.V WHS llrlil III 111.' MRS. M. V. BOYER ity eiiverilllf us it dOOB H client ile .;, A. it. Mail. Prtdaj laaoarf HS III III.' irool ileH'lo|ilnenl of Klsslin nitich rornajnlana lota«frity for it* at :i o'cloi'k Willi a vi-i'y lurin- alli-ii- re*iI worth. llll'l' IH seen th.' hliml Of BfS. *• I'aini- Of tlnisi' who OSOBO t" il" h"ii"l approximately three hundred acres of riie lists of the oonspony oontolo V lloyor. one or Hull cilv't' wi.le io ono of Iii.- "Botu Who Wore tbe city Bnd snhnrlmn BsTOporty, BCMOOB) 1 awake raaltO« who lor IT fOOfB liss Him'." 'rin-ix- trots ilium! "in haadrod excellent land, starting less than half a nml citrus ttrtives, nn JISS.I tinent fo liken I luollllnellt port. COfOlBg ami twi'lily of tin- ..til vi'trl'ilns anil suit tlie iBVOOtOt whelhei Ins ili'iiltillil fi i Missouri, she tins "-llown" lie. mi'iulii'i's of iho I'nst to which Com- mile from the city limits of St. Cloud he ffOOt BC sniilll. The WllllBsl «' nlitlily ns a ili-velopor bf tbo •UOBOOt rado wiiiiains iN'i.'imi'ii. also u larsa fire innunim-e Is BJBO tin IttaportOJII fill iiuinii. r In ivhlih Kile nirrii-il 1" and fronting more than half a mile on dolegottoa of Daugtatort 'if Xficians conchisliu Ihe ilevelo|iineiit of Man feature, the business of litis de »irt of which rTatOO \N')IManis Is ll mi'iii- nient hft*oa| IHH'H II volun irious BM nolia Pork, a siili-illvlHloii wlileh Is bor iM-siiic, boo ninny aofsusara nml the Kenansville road which is expected to (liirhitf the past year. one of Iln- altraclloiw of Unit l-ily frarads of ihe raaoUf. The firm. BnajBojoood ol roooaro XV. She Is now liuslly i-iigng."! Ir Un* be bricked within the next few months. I, itinl C II. .Nelson, tornietly of Kun- 'nu- otrrtaas m ihe lmii waro toff ili'ii'ioiiiiii'iit of Bolgbba an- MIS, have many frlemb in St. Cloud inijircssivi' iii ivhicii tin- dlfforoal Otaor suhilli ision which iir'.iulws to who .|oin (hove of KIKMIIHII. . in wish- orilcrs took jmri. eiliial Of oulilviil tlie foriner niuti-r Some few acres are cleared; has a num­ IIIK ihter t-oiitiumsi pro portly. A iji.i.rTi'l i•oaodatlas of Mrs. Siniih. tnkiim. Mrs. Ht'licilict. Mr Kowli't' unit Mr. Mrs. Hover ooours the usual realty ber of bearing orange trees. Hll.f.l-1 sung "llisl Will Tilki' 1'aic .if fielil anil her lisl lints of clly pro-, KISSIMMEE ABSTRACT \nu" nlso "In the Swcci Bf nml Hy" ei'ty ami acrellite Is varleil Sad xvell lie. rai'kor lisl in prnyer. ltcv. chosen. A s|KS'lalty Is niilile of elt The price is $125.00 per acre on terms COMPANY Brows rood Hot oblluory. Bat. Browu rus groves Hint eoloiiliwtloB II.II.IH, IHT Th«> great activity in raal Batata of Brown's I'lnipi'i I'.HC II short int- "llerluus elnhrncliiii loaiiy opporlllin of half cash and the balance in one and ilriss in whicti In- tpnaa in li'iiilcr .•Ii i-i.--. of Kissiiiim.x- is rodlaeosd in ii,'.~ for wis,, larootun saoa u arajor two years with interest at the rate of tin- InisincsK of the KtBOtBUBOO Al.-t- btratt "f Uie fnllliful solillcr, who hail •calo, met Company, which luis baoB in ix rdtoa to much dorotioo i" his ia* l try in ii^ lini.• "f iici'il al.-.. "f Nutoo S /c per annum. ist.'ii.x |f .iiniv Ootobor nf is.t TtdKlsr I'M l« IMM •• year AK 11 lieglnncr ISO SOlUSM of Willintn's untiring work in minister How call \M ke Ihe To.ulst clntx gpotaosa ooosias It tins BOW MUOWB liiK lo . ootrudo OfllHaino tbrougb his o nior iforUble lor our BOJOOtl lOBg S-ickllCSS. Tllcri- Wc.'"' el Ill-Is of slums Hi i><>piiiiintv mui tccoptoaca Hies,- chilly OTOOlOaul 'I'h's is u xeii This tract is as free of waste land as Illl' I'osl Who s|s>ke klll'llv of Ihe do upon lis fji'lil ,,f emlonvor vital pupation ju-i ooor. paftad. bin rbottf prsai-bi'd • tliort I'n.l.-r Iho iiinimirono'iit of krUll I-'. Hr. Mill lias ncUFOd (OUT Oil flovet. any of its size to be found in this section. hill iinpi'essive selllloll llller "hi!. Davis, ut* pn-siili'iit. sml ('. \. l-ar- |,.i use. Iln- I'.-sl thai '-"ill'l bt .tone the rest took caarga wltb tottr hem riss. ns man.ij.-cr. tOO c limy bos .il prooOOt, hut even 00, it is really llful xeniie i iliiel bf reiiirii-h • I'. We have many bargains in acreage I'njl.y.'il hi] I'm .,1 pnispi'iil'. loo cohl for gUOOta IO Had any ]l)eil- satisf.i -lory in lis lerutporttort In patf aad ('IHHIIIIIMI. •.iii-i- In k'lillierlni! adjacent to Kissimmee. sotjaf i" facilitate 1 fsst fir -wliiii Oooorado Bafaioud tonodod Topo. Why not build 0 chimney ami ;i it husini-ws llir i-ompnny Ins six-lire 1 Ihe Son,'- liciiMtiriil tioral pitses BJUto In a lHri;e slove. so thai lli" i.o.,i.-tI services nf c • llilfrin nml T. B. placeil on (lie eakel which was ilrir.-il inicht have a coiiifortalile 00000) in L Cart.r who aaou Ood lone ooporl Willi the flag. Which I" inis't 111 Ihe evenings. I'Orp mui atu export. In ttit* ]ln.> <»i Ahull! tWBSBtf cms in i-l. up Ih" If. as WO hear rllluoieil. taSSS ii" al.slnii'li •!-. Prior 10 his 0O-.JUS fcO nrwtasliwi whicii rolloxrtd too bono i-i i, H- oawrgins tao club house m rthaSai.r.8*, MaimgiT Ki.rrist cniluot lo Mounl I'i'Hce OoOBOtOTJ wioie Ihe Ihe iieai future. Why mil linve, nl cd s sbutlar boatatoa ' r sugar years bOdf "f 11 vell'1',111 of Ih,. ('illl Ual ieasl. 111. plans ilrawn noiv. so Hull lu HI'/JIIHI unit Is vfil tarorl In the was raid lu iis tnst resume staoa lo, allon of chimney ooiilil !«• ilcter laws oi nl«traet4ng of Florins. •-Never Ihe spirit was bora, Uie spun mliieil ami clinnicv laiill wlllle n.s'ilisl shall ecus,' to bO 00*00*, so iinicli. RED I Itoss MUSKS Never was tlim- It was not it nml The isunfori of the tourists is ofior NELSON REALTY COMPANY VISIT TOIIOI K x si n. HII roBjtaatag ass drooraa, all Ihe Is-st iiilvei liselueut for rJU ltlrthli-., ami ilinlhloss anil chunsi- 1 louil. On last tVisini'siiay, Miss Sylvia less, reliiiiinilli the spirit forever. No doubt eueh anil everyone belong- Realtors Kissimmee, Fla. Brfe Kissimniee, red cross nurse sml Heath halli imt t,,i„ |,,s! it nil, .lead BO) to Ihe Tourist dull woulil !»• will- Miss Bertie I,. Hunter, St. lloml nsl tho the limits- of it seems."—Kroxn it, K to pfOU OtBBOBBBOSJ loivurils tile ex­ eross nurse, went to Tobopka for •The SUM .Vli'sllsl". pense of healing Ihe .Inn house.

BOYER REALTY CO. Abstracts of Title REALTOR 475 Acres-Beautiful Lake Front

Tha Correct Pedigree of Four Real Estate Assures Stisfaction Offered for Thirty Dnys ,-it


ABSTRACT CO. Kothing final in Florida Close to County Si-it and Other Good Towns. INCUHl'IIKA'J'KU

OX HIGHWAY Rooms 2 and 3. Beaman Building Box 204 High Rolling Land—Dotted with Wide Spreading Oaks, making Fairy Land Building Lots

WHITE SAND BEACH PHONE 330 Assures Bathing every day in the year. Absolutely the finest and cheapest Lakefront Sub-division on the market.

We Appreciate Your Business c5x3^Sx2s*^53»


lame for Ilieir kind OBUftOBf in glv- Versailles-, and s)M-ctnciilni- BUOBO lifter .HIM. UATTIK AlitKKTKON IMilhy; also the beiiullfiil singing OSCEOLA GUARANTEE IIIK tin- entertainment 'JANICE MEREDITH' lJ|i'S-lnculilr scene, until one heglna to furnished hy Mr. BUBQOU, of Oinalis. After a lingering Illness. Mrs Mat This finish,il Ihe bUflaOOO S0S0BBB. wonder whether all the Hjiectaculur Bab., Mr- /. Smith, Mrs. lieu.sll. I. tie Alherlson pased svvsy ut midnight TITLE CO. Tun liltle glrlsw-lth hohllliK llu-lr FILM OF ROMANCE sc-ii'" iiMiilnl'le hadn't Is-eil .Mr. 1'owier, nnd Mrs. Hitrlier iironi mid und pat Illl" Ihi". one 11Iiu. on Inst Saturday, She comt here iu Ill the I'S-luhllshlm-nt "f the < isccola Id( dolls sunn ll sweet lill-lu MIIIK, 11.^1 from HIchmoiMl, Ind., to live pSOial ; ami th" many friends who Hut lilstorlcal events. no mutter fluiirnllK'.' Tllle I oiniviiiiv, a BrUal Miss Iloffln playnl the sivuupani Marion Darles Superb bi l^ive Slor)' with her uncle nml ailul, Mr. anil Mrs. j fnrulshod satomobUaoi aad the dear inenl on tl ninu 'Iln- is-rlol inaiux' bow faithfully and lavishly ami l.rll steji was taken tmviu-ils the protee. of the Revolution. Jamas BandoU. on rforth Florldt l-eys who wore the Hue for their aer- 1 in nt I y ilone. jirohnhly never cuu vie tl f 111.' In priipertl.'s of wn.i hearlily ptuload. Avenue l-'or sollie months she has I vices: und the several lodaoa and on the screen with the i Ian nilngly ile Mils Mine, t'oining to riorlda '!*> Mrs Smith tho speiikcr heen In falling health nn.l has I n g| | friends wh" steaded and liirnishcl Manlce MOrodlth," wliich comes lo lliiented love affair of n .lushing ile years sgu .lauit-i M. JottastoB, lis prat for tlie hour, t'r. t'nrlloi. president of the honie of Mr. and Mrs. Potgtf on II overs : anil also lo Klselstein Is.nair Imi, nml a lienutiful. uiprlclelis iilent god roiilnler. nillile a sluiiy ol Lenox OoltOBO OrxSjUB IN'UU: BbtO n Hie Popular Tlienler lii'.uuiry i">. U'li. Dili stiss-t w iiere 0S1 ORBO ul the time '.irolhcrs for Ihe many courtesies nml ami ulti'iiy i lot i nil ile maid. Its i-lllnste. resources unit |n,s,.|t»'li l» I. , BBd nolisl I,-.Hirer on mntiv tflll.- ba. so much boautf ami roroaaoo in of her death. Since ci.ming In St sympathy shown. tiiv, illl'l settleil in Klsslinu II"' .llM'ts. Ilr .'i' ill.." i.. Kinii glory gndamaxlng land Us the lov hetwts'll .Innlce. wll'. Qroud • ii bo - •-: I haroolf to iiis son, xiiio HUMMUS, of Bt, Hull never was chatiii in il. Hull even , iimiiy rriends win, did nil they could l.ouie of his c.aupmiy which bat OB lag Hint he liroiurlii win, him is Marlon Dnvlee. mid (iinrles l' "\v l'.'iul. Mliiu.. nml dauitblers, Mrs. .Min .1 llnrdelleii reviewer is oi -en-onii- Bf for her during her Hloknesn, .she Jtiyetl u|»vvants af two dr-OBdOO of Ho- "Proverbial Barrol" "f ootoi "" lie. who is Harrison Kurd. Hint hits alo Not Pierre, s. i... ami Rn Ho- • hOOt iniiclill'ici li'-a "f this picture. roads all arrangements rot ibe funeral Sllcess lllirlnr. Ills lonj; ri'siilelice ll. .ni. i,. oi suhjis'ts ti.. iiml Botalng on you light where most BSBJOJOSS BfO Boaa Jaiaiaiii Nowlta, s Dofe., ix.uhi BO one who. tOCruUf, would like knowing that the end was nelll*. She tills, se.'llou he bat won ille full COU- Hie Hllhjeel fur tbO 'I'.' '111.' Alll- nml la.utile. nil he pitlOOMl hill Ihcir hellHs well- to take a trill to tin- IIIIM.II, or who. aolocted Dr. Ivor Q. Byndaasa to fi.l.-i.'C "I ll'- M'ople. a nntul-ill re- roraarf "f the Btgtotoentli Ainemi- aoro, much more to th" point, would like .Miss HuvioH, who hns ts'en recoftn prcaiil the Kt'i-mon giving .lohn 14th wsril of Inteerily ami Hal, ami in He ni.'til," and not limine, known in ad­ MRS Iv L WILLIAMS to bate the It."oiniiomiry War done BBBl as one of Hie reigning iK-aulies ns suh.ieci nml ulso ouestlng t lm I ltev. approval of iloi umeiits his guaruuteo vance iimi in- waa i" pent.. I old AVni l.andiss, a former pastor, sing. A1U. and Mils. I'll 1011 I.UYYIS. over again for his own delectal Ion ,f the world ,-ince she first swnui 1. ihe hist ...ail in safely, a tartar only civ,, II lii'iel' lalk "ii sol I the The funeral wns held III Ihe Metho­ the war la'lng jOOl a multicolored Into poMlC ken, Is as irresistible In xxtiicli hits liiillilisl tor him a business pood Hiiims whhh had reouttod from dist church ut ^ti'lii o'clock Tussdaf EI-V1N H. TAVLOK liackground for n h.-arl-alirrliig love her netInj- ax she always ban l>eii. In x>f which he Is justly |irollll. ihe paaaing of ibe Kighieenih Amend- h.-r charm, Mr. fiord ajgat bo tbo v.ilh lnlerrmelit In Ml. Peace. Blvln 8. Taylor onme Into the inenl. Cootparlaa tin- Btfaqftoa of nfflllr betwix'ii the most henutlfiil Mr is a native of Bo> lieail Ideul of any girl. 11,,1,n «-•,', cliurcti from Bnrloalaol'tai seventeen girl in the world mid n mail xvliom I'ARII Of THANKS feraska. Ian is n consistent Is,osier the BOxtatt] now with of sUty .years ago. la'ciunlng minister of the she, at least, dlda'l t ti ink was the Blinn might lie tin. OpOOtOi scenleo v il ami has iloiic much for the .en- m/o. lir. . arlt'in iiii'.- a most chnri h 111 Ht. Oloud, Noleuilier l»»2f>. slllle of homeliest of Ihe goadSr can affoi'l linn of [inv one for all lime. WO wish to express inr thanks to blS Uliollllon • aeipfui ami burptrttboj tuaraoirf of Plant art Ix'lng lllsillsooil and fluids not ht BOO ".latilci- Meredith," snd .lanlix' Mei'.Klltb'' IK a guilt j.lotn." our mnny friends .or tbelr kjadnoos | Ho icii.i t I tbloaja bad re- raised for the erection of a modern Marlou Ilnvies. who is Ihe astonish­ —If It isn't the greatest. liial sylnli'illiy In this lime of DOBOOTO OOltOd I'ri'lii tbo lias^niK "I' Hie Vol .till church building in the near future, Dot, I'ATIIKKINK SAdiHOIK ingly beautiful star of it. lueiil ln .'he loss of our dear biistiaud [act. II.- also nicnlioniHl in: 11v nf the 11 is ,i OooOBOpoUtao pi."nre OotBBO- as the present stl-llclllr.' is Inadispinto Ur. Iiilhcrliic S''f ealiie lo anil fallier. Lemuel Willliims. tbjaaa which i btatafbl oboul the There's Ihe Boston Tea Party, the - for the rapidly growing needs. Fl.n-i.ln fi-oin I'iiicfiili-itl, Ohio, ahout Wbj would tbnnk lu pnrtleiilai l.r Uiil, Bl 1'nill Itevere. the Battle of dlrortod hy E. ttaooo Bofotrr, i.tilic fourteen years !iui with her tnisl'iniil Kis-lu.'eiiili AUK iiilineiil. first (he Lexington, the lillltle of Trenton. Iliiywnril ina.le the film tdBPUtlOB l.islds. 111'. l'llcketl 'Foster, Kcv. BBd ion anil Inenl.xl on a bountiful w i'. i'. r wiiii tbolr uotiriug i >i«ir Shook] America join the World's Washington ero*slng the Delaware. of I'auI LiOkJOObtr Ford's novel. The BroWU, Hev. Kenney an I Hev. West gr..v" iiciii Naroouoooe. After sofa,. lor leui|H' nuns'. 1IH- churches. the Court? W'hnt do you think about it? ltcujauiln Kruuklln ut the Court of sellings' were by Joseph 1'rbuu. POtt, for Ihelr kind words and sx in BOarO of ,|.liet life mill ilesll'llij.' t" world «nr ami others, lie BpokO of ret'.ru lo the active BSStil ami he in rruacoa i: milard as the groohsal SOBll I- Btrot I lie public, ileclilct statastuaa "f her bjate, lie guru a tn ain-ml Hie I'lilmer School of i lilr text from re.e'alion as n niotto for f'praclic at DotOUport, IOW0, where Ihe |HS,pie. "Ilohl I'nsl Hint which -®~ •a**" .tu- graduated mui rooulrtBg her dl Thou II ist". In. I'lirlion's ill- rw 0fo* pliiin.-i a- a doctor "t i'iihopriicii. tla. was lielpful and most OOrouragelagT, I i '". Iln .\n iiiical i I' l h sh'.winc a clear BUdarotandlug "f his bOard "I' I'l' I'l' Ll. she open, ,| )),, siil.jeel mui WBI UBJCh appreciated by ilffi, e ui I h< I ' am ' ulhliiiL- i I- ' nil i.eseni. win. pate him a rising efforts have BOOB Clownell Willi sucie-s i"le of lllankv BBd Hie 1.1:11,1 who li;n, IH eivcil re lie- Urol on the |,r"s-raiu was n BM mil he.Mill lire III,' I, si civil atianrl io Mrf) rMrber •) BOB in Always a Wise tfOatOOUt. Ur. Snckhoff is II niy toOdOBCO at Hie <'oi.venlloi, llix'iiseij Our..printer in iBOOOlo loiin al Detroit WtrOrO she went as a ,l,]c l.v Kale with five other aBSOBaSSS from Klorido. She lohl of Bil IdlBg lluiny WOMAN'S t'HKISTIAN distlngulKli ins.ple and BOOrbafl many •rOBI tem|ierniu e sjienkers-. TKMI'KKAM'K UNION ^Investment The sunshine olferinir iinumntlng to over ten dollar., was donated toward The reirulur nut-ting of the W. 0. caring for one of the member* of T. tl., Krlilay iln- flftis-ntli „f Janu­ tin union who Is critically III. ary, wns well ntte:„le.l forty elfbl Mist Ini; clowd with la-neillction. OOOSBOOrl BOBaS present, Better than ever before Mrs. .lennle W'nnl eiiniltuteil ft••«> «IKI. KVANIiFl.INT Ti) oawottaaor, iteiniiug of ralaatsa of VISIT WHOI.r last meeting was followed by troas urer's r.'IKirt blowing S14.IW in hank SANTA AN'A. (si.. Inn. »—Beosie Mr. Shores read report of tralidlag Mae Itamlell. HBBBJI old BtaaaaUot, • •oinnilttee with *N17, Jiaiil on new has lett her local temple in carry her tiulldlng to date. Mr. Shores alan BxoasaaS af the "four-NOuare gosjH'l" Dodge Brothers, Inc. have announced astonish- Ktn1.1l that the > hiimliilleis fur the around the world. temple would

kin.liy oftorod "> add tie- pi' lure, to si. ii iim, h l-' a of :, rtl oilier Bood tblasa, ihe paper would lost lie has . , i, '. ,--iineo gmw to buyer—in the form of a price reduction that stag­ .•oniain. Br si,,,,. nisde -i motion .mil Hs Ins gered the industry. to linve .'I I >iil 111.' ,| I'lhe I'll i lit 11 torj a- he rupoato is a trooooro wben ihe Tribuat Tala was rotM upon lelll • mil oorrlod .iin.11iin,Mi-i v. In liili-r icars when prOOporil Those who chose Dodge Brothers Motor Car in the Mi- ami Mi s \|, | .,,,,. D( I',,,,,,,, | "li Horiiln "Mack" laid ashl ' \i...... No II I. win an in \ I in H'.' uiiirni f II guardian of paa. past invested their money wisely. '""I i 'iiih.-i- .,i ,,„ sod tbolr ami snttrod the real eslale li hi ,,„ | Irleiids to iitiend a radio entertain mads a SIO.CSH ol il. II,- bat main Today they invest more wisely than ever before. iiioill al their home Tuesday e'eiiiai; for iiu- latootor in .-iiy prop Hie inih of .laiiiiini. a rtlver offering erl.v. orange groves ami acri-agc. and I" lie tabOO nml |>r,,,,,-,l , ,,uhl lie Ins knowledge or (Isccola coinilv OlJPrice New Price rSoua toward ihe w. Q J» p liuihl BBd local ion caused |,, |,,. Ing fund. This iinllalioii was accept long residem-o in Klssinnnee is hel| ill wiih Iliilliks In BUT, sad Mi- Mc lul to ihose who boooaaa his clients. t Touring Car - - - *1104 0 $960 Roadster .••.-. |'101 5 955 Type-B Sedan - - 1250 1100 I Special Type-A Sedan 1405 1250 1150 1035 LAKE FRONT .Coupe - - - - [Panel Commercial Car 1090 1028 11 1-2 ACBKS AT A BASOAIN [Screen Commercial Car! 102Q 945 1 Chassis -•»•-•' 880 805



••Home of Good Siuxic"

Grulbranaea Piaraos Hiuivswi.-k Rao] i

Victor Phonograph um! Recrjrss . W KISSIMMEE, FLA.

A VIEW ON liKOAI»VYAi \r KMWIMMKK arm Ing ;it it Cloud at 1:80 p • appealed t<» ui and art' BOW tocabag Wo abirppad al the Havaa nportiiMsai ll Big MHK.S.1. Inisetls \\inue, So, 1. • (..,,i- or Art) aUlaa f" it'" bridge Toon in. Drov* bo Hendernon for brook' :i a. in. Md detoura froaa Oraj bo C baaae aad went bouaa bunting ai the winter. w, ri..-'-.-.l tlii- Hii'K'ui. From then tiKt. Started i«< talp and rontraaecl ktacoa and from M.- >"> DO Perry, tbo DIXFIELD MAN' mvca aitac ••' ooaple of dayi of aoarch' Frank ftgl •>sj weal through Wool Paint, tbo a/sj paaaed through main being rougn oil day atet awuij lag am tiimiiy brand i plaoa ajhlnh st. rbnid. riorlda. noma <-f tbo ''. §. ICttttftry ttcoAtoof , in.I arriving at S'.iilhcrii DIARY OF FLA. TRIP touriota taturaing from I lorlda. ataay Which was very Lntereating, wiih lis • etajajMl rrrtb atr aad alaa. Frank BraalOS Of Dtsflald Norman Itaraas, At two o'ciocb wa poannt and arwaal potato flalda paaa* The Sun It this trip to ITorldS Btl tin.- ^r.iuiMis and pororanMati MUM II'JS We went lY'illl there lI.iWll ill-' id ta raacb tbia place aa tho ed. .'-iMii' the uigbt nt B h"t«'l in lllK that tills is the BOOt route BO BOS Bpadu were gottlng allpnary, Bad BOOB tnkell nml IBIIIIIIIIIOadO it I" Mora King Mgbway to Nabury, anage Asahnrii. Mil ugx EB1 mtlca. in :i imiirliis; fata Jill the way tfaaOng.1 • i i burch aid itoeiety. aTUa others orho m.iy to atotorlas Booth. S'OTOUlber 11 l^'I't Aslitmin at 7 Ban i.;i Mr. Stanley in stujini; Si St. Oload. itu- Delaware Water Gas* anal Ita a. ui. Afti'i- riding w miles bad His diary follow* : Portland Canaan! Works at Bangor. Bfovamber 18. Although it cleared 1 at ii eal'e. The roit'K OOB \\. .-n joyed th«' w.mdi'irul ride whieh Mstuaatsr I: Wo left BOOM oa tbo rff m thi ulgbl wa waited B da| for tin nod rough until are arrlred al Hit b in.irnlUK Of NoveinN-r .". ro.lo to I'oi-I- would pay any on.' froan law Bam She ' lay roadi i" dry oat ; paoepfl tba Hpringa, Via. Whole CamUioi of dark' lu ml to take. Fi-o-ii there we veil. hud umi sfaiud tho tiffcl wiih A. s day Witli the .MII'IIH, Lcl'-..-t Wood- n digging m tab aweal Hinds. The next niornilli; we Lit !verr.->. r 18: I^*ft Caim-sville night at the hotel. Called oa John At lento wn, liU'adiup. Bdnnoajataff und eg (ott'M, uvana aeaab grovea, wntalnr* nffer brmkfnat Kvei;thiiin looki like linns, an old frieiiil of Klnsftold who York 1'ri.r.siMl the Snsnu'*hann:i Lag ml), -x of i PI en, Hiougb it a aaai si-jnmei- barti I-ots of iiult trees ls in the t'.lothlni: nn.l (lent'* Kuni- river at <'olumTtia. i-xpoili'ii-inK OOOl ta ranply tba whola r. B. Wo arriv­ flllad with orani.1 r-\ crajM' inili and Wilnt business, ttlnaoa for Ih* day. n:irating. Oranaad QM line into Mnry- ed at Aiki-n, s <-.. jit :.::.o, Ondtag IJII ri;" fields of st ra W ber- 180 miles. hind near Hlin-w-siMiix t»iwl llBffnnal tiie nm,is ingad, Wo atoppad al UM ri .s yaari BaaaanaaciBg to fruit. November 7 : Lef t I'almer at 7 :30. ffir the night at Towson. The hotel Birdwood bstraae, attai it. M. Caafae, ilea li li fid fiowe; s. -In ai bin-TV and going tlirouih SntlBflold MUSS, Bart- tlitri' OTst full so \v,» hn»l tn Btafj .it proprletorcaa' ar*£ommodatlona Una wonxiLMtul BagBjaaaaagg all along tho ted and Hilliliury. I'olin. Foui.d >; I a privntt- taajaa. Tba hotel was snid \ith i-ath mid apaa fire ia oar rooata, HON. A. &*. BASH w;.y A fine eountry with Usbag <>ii roads and woollier fine but reel. tn bam IMVU built In 17S*> of atone. County romnuK*.ionrr from the SL CMIMI OintHrt of OweMo Cotmty. aa Norembar 10: I. ft Aiken at 7:45. ale. Wa aaaaad tbravgh htt, T< ok .on breakfast by the roadotdo Weather cold here, mioagt ir>7. ho lookftl in l'J\: whwi ht* WHS rl.-^t.dl the first tuiu-. lie hao aern rr-xt>loctcsJ It crminanoad to raja sin.i-.iy after lx»ra «ad OrUindo, :hv ciiy beautiful, every two yeurn elm«. Just before we (rot Into Bprlngflold. Nwv.'mtuT 10: Left Ttiwson iifti-r hav- we had goaa throagb Lugaistai Qa. We arrived nt Drowsier, N". Y., at iim tvaaanat nt a .-(.ft*, at 8 o'dock. I'l on i tii ere Ot] the Md rlay r.mdH 3:30 p. m., sUyluit at a private house WaatC Uaffongn BalHatora and Wash- were very illppery. about two mllaa for the niRlit. BBOBBSB iK-inE 114. It intod, I*. Ot Oaa| rldiiiR this morn­ ; fler leavlnK Milledffeville, our tiir eommeni'i-d to rain no wc had To stOJB ing. Waal through Ah'xaiiclria and Nit wed intn tba Two darkle^ for the day at the hotel. It wns lull ,it rr<"Ji'r:.ks()iir^, siopid-d for oil, ate. rama aiony and bejpad ns out. We of tourists waiting for the mud to Going on to Npottxylvtinin HrrliinR at raturaad to tbe botal at MlHadgeelHe' dni up. .1 p. m. We iiuitifiliat 8:;to. v.'e had oat brookfoal al NBB> groarta ti inaai nag baa akaaaaa "i dy reaaa. MITraaa for the day. uax skill. N. Y. Sunday mornliiK mile in oi raara pvavanted ma Crom Bocating >.»\-ri]hir 10: I..-.M Mlllodgevilla ui c^o^3f?eaa2?» rolll. We went fn in there OOOf 111' many famlllaf parts. Wa ooald raaJra llear mounliiln hri.:^,. wlil-h wns a out aoBaa of the bra mil ttM wonderful ride. The road luisted Moody ftngla rrblot waa inarkad bj BOOxOad 'he DtOt of Ih.' inoiintui:i. BUl a iii.'iiniiM-nt. Tala waa tba first i«it AUTREY MOTOR ™ out of tile BOlId loasa The r,K-l; token tit iu\ ragtaaaal waa la and in the grant ataay of gbrd dealera out oil tie- n|MM-r BUM was 111 111 hack iMiiif iL.-ivii.v. it. una n7,*i Buraaaa waa tbronajbonl tba narlna i>. L Autray BB the lower side for a dlOtOBOO Of i bora, i if waa • barber tor nl KiMlmrneffi com mauds a recpecteel In I.t'WiMmi. w i-ia.-e iii* catning froni i boob i" iii*' Rpottaylrania botal and igo and Uie aatabttshnu M. B GRIFFITH CO. il !•!'•'i for tbo night. Our nana la* )'].-- i am • macn to ihe r'roai the irrandi-nr nf cloded Virginia fried disclrea • tif car i Autrey Motor Co. t-nmc Mrs. M. It. Griffith to Iln- land i baatata bJncolt, This In adoptloa i h motto . We vialtad il «• Better Herrice," be has nevai tlon ni old < '''in i b 'ii-*' aad j" on tbua tugul- M-1* ll.-lllM-. tbo botal - adquar- fled wa •.nt. MM. t.rirf.ilt !; Oeaeral Uot *\' Of Tord CO AUTHORIZED frnm • former location on Do Mil. thi ti and Mi" I ordaon, " • Latl * abnoat •• .1 ier and ta While con­ iok oar i ul it bo ducting J naneffal i lulu ii ;ii Dntcb eai , - • - in city I rata law many ir**;i pa ; .••nil suburban prop rty •rhlcn •! i ottoa ot' L'omblned with Aul maboa prOmiJoxaHM [Milt Ul t!l>' ! tba Roaaoaa rivar Inta Worth Caro- one, Lin301 FOrdSOn • • ii.-i rn. In her Lletingn nil-1 I td pat op at rlorllna for tba 'ii in tin- dvle ^oPQ|Pg?% ^/ i Dnabaff af atain ra of ids iit\. tlwaya atandlng :. JI all l" -ml M. iBTx itOf whether THE IJMVUOBAL CAR rtoada One i 160 u behind • D a (aa tba ;•!.md in- largo ur r-uiall. l-«'fl Norllna at 7 a. b*at ter man i ol i. At praaant ba is -i iiiinre s efficient Cbambar of Oumarce and ajnong the ra be ol tbe Klwa nla * lub< DEALER M. B. GRIFFITH * Licensed Real Estate Broker Cars : Trucks : Tractors HOUSE LOTS Accessories—Parts—Supplies GROVES ACREAGE Phone 165 Fine main street corner which will double Kissimmee, Florida in value—See it.

Call and Sec Vs at 45 Main St. tSS^se^-Sjfr KISSIMMEE, FLA. HON. HAM IIRVMMAK For ynam a lurrmhful mrnhant in St. I', win time mayor of lllr rily, priM.lil.-iit of Ihe lloiu-d of Trade and lir.iniiiu.nt In all civil, affairs. Mr. Ilrammar Is now County Mup«rintend- .nt of ritbools. J THI'ttSDAV. JAM'ART tl. 1»38 THE ST. CLOITD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOTfD. FLORIDA PAIJK SEVEN—SECTION K. WILDER'S STUDIO Mr 1-1 IM; OK I* I.. MIT aoBBBBxoV ooaxUasT TORTH Krom a aaaall begraalng M yaara 1.. I,. Mlleliell Relief l'l. »i No. 12 ago, wild* gs windie. at Klaatannaai n IIMH giaara in '*•• gM or iimt alty*a niet in momlBI sixwion .1 miliary 14th leading institution* in the handling ot wlili the ProtldaBI Miiry AnderHon nnitdiriai Inat rumen to and OBBSBBOU ill tile ehllir. Thin papular store ia a IHI-KC tlltfrl- All oflleers Iwllh i| xci-ptlon of butor nf tbo well known Culbraimoii .'iinpinin) wora otoaoBt. juaiii" lu its aaaaral atylaa, Vlagag wk\% Mrs. [atfOll'l ninu.' was lidded to Btanawtok pbonogranba ami other fOlntTtJ our lint sin- 00OMB I" at by transfer. iiislrimicnls of iiiusie ZOi offirtai Malilila Treat was clistcl to bO- in iLaaatng with tbe growth of ids i-oine il BBBatbot of our older. baarinaaa iiw itara IM now ixdng fit Nniionai Qaeoral Ordaro No. 4 till with iinio"\ i-Mieiits to nmke it were nnd by Ihe .sisrelin'y rank BJBjyng I lie gnat A Igfgjn HMOII.V . I.HJI inn., of aadltlns roinniltlee bnjoaay fur djaalaji porajaaaa will add rtportod I ks well kenl nnd OotJBS in • nueh to Ihe htore'H Interior, under 5 JV [27 gt» iiiade Where ens taaanag may play aad Bglact plumo- ajbortaoa who was oaa .'f the our Krnph riM-oi'da Wltboal in ter fen m •• MZL: l.,\al workers who pOOOOd to the )<&• •n yond Krl.lny night .laiiuarv sth. She Mr. Wilder in II native of Kriitueky im - - : will IK. grcally nilawxl In our i'nrps and a veteran of tin- world war with 21! 1* room, but wc would )»• worth BO little Hervlee in I ram .•. who with Mi's lure If we are not UI1HS

r a COMPANY time relieved a preMwbijf Baad of apace Boeing a fnrthar U,MH. of toots an adjoining IrntMinjj WIIH hxiiHCxl and is Novelty Works and iwdiiK reinod.'iett ami annagad to tba ground floor, whieh should for a Lumber Yard time meet tlio apace rexiulrouaenta of this fast Krowlnn Mtore. Th* htirinff <>f furniture upon In House Bills a Specinlty atalliiM- - i ' n large part ot the VhTKRANS ASSOCIATION hero. A motion wa« ofCOrod to have Comroda ts'i^ii-ott related stootal MKTHODIST KPISCOPAI. All Interior Finish twni':i -II i ' v'oie, a feature whieh OB .lilliiuir.v Hlli, I'letddent A. 8. Un- uxKodatlon wud Brottlnga t» her x-. afiMtaa .Mr*. Ifaoosa Illli-y gnve n ahort teroaUna and inntrut-tive talk ln a saosoad aad lVoaident I.ailirnp pre- does a church choir, nnd it IK with •waa honored by the Methodist eon talk anil bold the anillenee that tho . erv iileaHiiiff manlier. s.iiUil him with a amnll iiume of tbiH memory In view that the Hi-nior frreirntion hy abacttag lilin «H tniiHiirei had re, .'lllly reeeive.i II letter fl.illi atra. Mel.aln ronderod wvertl aelec- eight dollara and forty-two BtBai aid BBJOMy in rliar^e of this snpix-r in «>f tha

Incorporated A. D. 1019.


Abstracts and Title searches to lands in Osceola County

We represent Tbe New York Title and Mortgage Company,

Assets $30,000,000.00, tlie largest Title Insurance Company in

CXDR the room where you spend America. ihe most working hourt—the kitchen.

Your kitchen can now be com­ pletely furnished with the Hoosier We have always given the l>est service possible and shall con- and at little cost. trniic to give yon the best that we hare. Mears Furniture Company PHONE 10 KISSIMMEE^ FLORIDA RIVERS' BUILDING JQSSntMFE. FLORIDA

I l TmRSOAY. JANtABV 81. 1** PAGE E1C.IIT—SUCTION R, THE ST. C!LOxJD TRIBUNg, ST. CI^OUD. FltOtHDA KISSIMMEE AUTO. CO lemi-nlixl OBBO O. Mrxan whose B> MM' ill Haines Cltv lOSl month east a THE EVERGLADES An imi»oi"tunt link .n tht« aaauaaf* pal! of torrOO OtOI Klorida where he PRESS CO. •mi chain of KlaaUaaaaa u tin* LUB- sroa ptBOSarlf kaowo ai taa time Down at fyouithninn Is located "tie fttaaaaaa Auto x oaaaauaf tocm,*,! aa of his dcalh Mr. Hr.v.'in ixns the I0O- ot Oaeoolt . oiiniy.s troatool botal lOWaf Hrnnilw iiy, t'miixliMl about! flva i-rnl m,mater Of the 'Irysoa illl.'rests brtea, the ttaaoftitlart "f cyoooaa luni- \fiirs BtJO bf N, Q Hrynn un nl.l in Ihe ureal de\ I'lopinent Of Haines i.-i bf the HlOHlBllOO I'yi.resw C.uii- ptoaatr «>f thai cttjf. Macs Ita aa City BBd viiliitl.v where his loss is BtB) '.lii'll is iH-ii.linu otorj effnrt to «inni 11 K 1 ii i ^ wrii liiiown compaay baft deeply Celt. Bttjdpad « vary Bj^oaporona bnataMu i,,,ti„ i- iiu- rrool .i.'.<'i'"ii.-'-iii tool hat rmoe i" States bj operatlai aatd today li • lafaa tUatrlbataf of WHAT KUlKlHA IS IMHMQ on*» of AintTicii's totamoai aatoatobllaa ll> plant III full esnodtf to ni's-t the and for ils prOdOCt. 'I'll'- •<>»' —th*' Htnii-t'imkiT. Mr. Bryan wat The 1'nnerse Cily (Mieli). It "I mill of ihls ooaotro is nuolera in allotad ih,' arhola of OacaoU county I-aule BU s , in tha will- of this aapotaf oai tad eieiy rtopool and nnaiinll. CUta niany "Florida should he given credit for Billion, of tool of is-si "f uproos lata- I .n itt 1 MII.S n Barrioa dapartaaaat waart |i,i^ bh] sahcnt fuel , It Is tboOrtat i» 1 rrhlafe finds an btttonl inarBot, THE 1 A rica for the first linic. Mi* Ir.i.lbli's «if tha Si uilxh 1 »,ii own am. h "f wliitli is iiiaii'ifaetiii-i-ii Int.i the value of land. IT arft WrtOCad to I mini muni Bt to shinnies ami lath. I'l"' lOUOOBOO liaaa ana! taat, la st Oload, wa*r« -I'he hnportilliiv of real eslnle has ptoolas '"I" "f the •ttBtfUulao olaal many uf hla oaia aft hi ba aaai aa neier yet BBBl iully I tl IBjnlBB^ tO ,, 1 BfOfa a ITOBl eul|>lU whicll 1s rt'pri'stnti'il by Mr. I V Mt.'nrv thil eoiintr;.. 'I'heie B01 Is'ell so a.Hell i-llh'fly eonsi^l- If lloorini;. eeilliu!, ns nlaaaaaa, who raporta • trary aft*> InnI. anil there N -lil! so h of , ra in:,- ,1 nl.- hialerlal. etc. lafactory bualoaM batof float La t ii i*-» Hull Intnl. Il-al II- w .nl li has las-li The ErOtfrtadOO C poof, of whlell . lllllllmlBWl Hat there is OBtJ so .1. W'l.l,- ru.l.ei Is pre-idem and lien lunch hind, and .villi tht rapid iciovvlh OoaaAaaf bo Daalaaftaaa •" yaart ago oral manaucr. with \V I' Lot lis lls- of population Ihe vain, of Unit limit­ from Qaorffta, affr. Bryan raakt M ttttoat, own vast are:'s of inn-lit tiin- ed commodity Is bound to vise higher etaa af baa raal atoaaan of thai cttjf. htt l.lliels ill Hull BBCtloa Wlileh arc 1,mi Blfhor, korotoi tin- taaaaal tl Do-that, HH' long partod bt baa it> reaelnii hy I well planiasl network 0* I11111I il,-ir,iMe BOCOOOO Ot fertility or BasftaJ Bshart Bit band baa baan baaady .steam trni.iYv-nys whieh supply the (fit in ovary mova ewada tba baa bat- location er .-limine i- hat » Bjoethai BBSS nu it of cypress Ions utislisl of the ivllolc. beraaaal tad ftd^actaaaat <>f hi* ooan- in tho "isi.nli n of the mill. lutinlly. In 1913 li'j si-rvril Kissim- "Ooslrablo Inmi is htoBlBlBl a 1110- rnie eompaay alaa opofatao n IHTKC BftBt ns ii > iitiiyor with 11 rttOfd BOpaif in nil llui'iensi'ly neh eoiinlry, Imlilile 1-stnlillshnient of .several dNsiacaarlatftt <>f ant aaftti « parfac, deorJood bo bo lm tool? popalouo. ilepartineiils tor the , oniclili'liix' Of oaa fat many yaatn ha ana aroai- "I'ei,|ile lis lllev bOrOOM SOttlOd ill Its workers and the pOOptO of Is.lllfh- ineiitly iilint Iliad ns atna Of llu* lta4< life an,I 1,insider Ihe prisarioiis lm ii.iiit. a first clsss ilruit store t>eliiK a 1 ii •- 1 i' v interim: ti» lure of many kinds of wealth ai-i|ilil-e BBOdOl leal nie Everglade the daily wunts nml nocnaalllea of .1 in 101 tSspSCi for Mother Karlh lor lavft patroaana who rpmanibtr bim oilier ItqitlHt. 1"" "I'lie land," they fm* liN 111:1 ii y ki ml in*--• while :i M-II- sny. 'vvlll always ht I here." Anil HOLOPAW FLORIDA il-.r Of f L with the land, ihev lealize. Mr E, K. lVrkln^. if a>ldgt!aad. cerlaili slallis of res|M-eta lility. and Mis baaaaty and Integrity, couplad I . riirtd Btaatthy iftai^oaa, Mr. KOli.lit.i-, in hlioiatpl nnd .-..eiety. mil with siii«Ti it y. mot raeognJaad ta IBM lVrkins will l.«' tht BlajW l"i.iiiiin. nt -jiiilnI.I.- ,,| lu-rwlsc. Sn they lend whoa iiu' rohan ->f Oacaola county Mr. Chat MdJ! hn> UOVad his fnmil* to hot land. -I'm baa, i" MlaaafTT* us • nambar ill our iniilHt |tad t«> hnvc Mr. nml of tht Qoaaa <»f Rapfanentattraa. Aa "Fieri,la I,slay is , u>hini: ia rlehly bTro. M iy with ns. „ II further laOOajnIUOB Of Ins good on lids aorakOBlBS iipiir.sinlion. '1'hcre Th.' niiii raftrhad its baaaaai tad MTviri' na 1 iiM'iuiH-r of timt body ha Is lianily a suite or etiaiinunlty in laai wirk PaachJaf oaat .1 uiii'h-n the .-.unit r.v Ihat may n.,| bOOBtfM hy wns lataiaitd bo Thllahttttaj tot tare BBOI np m aad x-lKhth uf January. the same |vy<'holoiS>' that send In- nun* tajacatal*re tcnib whhl'B.xWM'rr Brlttoa NKIPII 1ms rfvirned tn tooton io Klorldii. if eliizens will faithfully •-t'lvt'.l during the years •rh .1.1 iiftiT aatjaaaaa] iua hclidai'* riallzi- the value of ilieir own land Ulll .in.l IMS During tbe la*. ti*rni with bia j-.-•' nts baaa, und tell others about It." uf his Her* ni» us a U'jfislutor bo woa Mr .and Mrs. ISr.»wn fr<'in Missis tht juiiiiinitimi of tht paopla of aftoC" •Ippi, Hrrivtnl In llulnpaw few » etutnti-s uf tha adjata, ha al tht ttaaa eaattttd yat auuay HUK'S. I.ut in flood to Inr bad with rnhl. baaaj ,-iiiiiruiiin nf tha coaaaalttaa aa tho laatj run yinflll wtft] nil thnt tha Mr .liniHiU- WVlti* is ou the sick u'iniK?rftnr.'. Thi* law- WHS JI broad i ynh > iimi tha IM»SS1 mists laaaV* lisi ii Lhta tvrlttiiK- step ti».\.iiiN tba laallaailot af tha Thert «*>» a xlancp ut tin- |airk nn iNh Aiui'mlnicnt.^v, BBBl when kivnii UtThert sfafcal «if the St. August im* Tiiil ty aighl which was, i'nj«'yi»0 b; turn will provt •< tatter "t tha na- ItiHiird, BaVftJ that "v. lu>n tin- wnrhl nil. thin. His hiii In tha laaTtalatara was Bttftaa ba ba ptlM aaaaftaai yon, just Mr J. Huff has rWunn-tl from a tht oaaaa of a bonittc Flajhl backed turn aroaad nml c«' with bat wortd.*' lintlBBtal tup to Athiiun. (Jft. by baa tinn paavatfuj liquor Interval Wa ftft kiii-i tn bavt "ur baarhafft ia • Bf, ii« ni, but fladitUia bach, at Whan ti i* is kilh'd hy nn iiu- back. School opaaaJ nn M Janoarj thini with a lurm- atftaaaV ptatda wart .11 itdhn>, bt aantapd 1 raojalrad tn SIH-IKI aaa boat alaaa with ( III*!'. victor Of tha Ira.v anil Ihi' law a tin' lorpsi'. Mr, IU*n Ilarrisuii had nsiRni.1 hi* ity. an li-.imr of wlihh Lfct i- ,iu-t aaattloa baaa, tad win rttarn tn ly pnniil. This hit nf pbiloaopby is froui tUt- UlwtpplppL Wa r'-'^m ti Laaal "-i Mr. Bryaa is n(. fatbat -»f tht St. sluajaatlna Beeotd i Elarriaaa and ftuuii>

Manufacturers of Why Siudebaker Rates on Time Purchases are Lowest Cypress Lumber, Cypress Lath

Three sboker utlllv raaoarceo to aaabtu .my stn.i Cypress Shingles r anil liberal nil

IND TODA. NO < \K IN THK WOKI II oil I Its LOWES RATES TO TOT TIMK I'l Kl IIA-sKK III \N -ll 111 i;\hi:it PLANING MILL PLANT :ne rates wl,i.i[ n,,,.i competitive Cttt CBBBOl approaeh .,r, ina.le ;».. ,t,le liy lliese ., lm

.sml,iniy ,.r siinieiiaker wiih .,;;, boodred DflUloa dollai ,i MI tooota, BO boaood tieiit. ami no lunik loarM losaraaet thai no Studebokot orUI soot "neenm on erg,him. .' O I >••;.! -iii I um ,-nl lo a nun in l,y SI baker's No-KOtri) Mod.-Is' i.die.i. Specializing in

O Iiilfinsie woilh of the 1 "nit IE 11 iIt Sn. -i.-li tBtaaa tkOai stay s,,|,I

A iinerrofii prion which neaa thai 'in- onrciiaaot in.- an otfsUt so toAotaatlal ~ thai he will 111,1 sniriliis' 11. Siding Flooring Ceiling

C It.- -ale val'i'- Batiatolaod bj tj -li.^l Stinlehukers sold nailer III'- famnlls I'i.'i:-, ,, I ,. 1 , ,, Shed Covering Car Strips

THESE ii,,- in, 1,,1 s cdnatltata tie Mefiile you l.nv any ,nr out oT im,line on vvlii-li luniks of Ih,- I'nin ,1 StOtOO 1 ulielli.-r It Is in Ih,- field of the Sinn Orange Crates ii piov'iie ett-dii ,-u Umoal ratal third Mix OOBOtl nl *lllin or the I'.i. for the baton ol Slinl, lnil.i 1 . Six A MtS), find 0111 exaelly dll 1- |, .11 your how niueli 1,1 your total |m,. - the esr itself, nnd BOxt niueli r,.r inler- llisisis.ll I lll.ilie;!, ( 11. • itnl l|s| i„l Anepl r - ' i'li'l.i iil'.'e, ele. nttee ('iirpora I Ion. which la . Illsilely ill BBBl ,1.- of ears. 'I'h'-n ^.1 lornopoadlai atodobokor "iirselr why .von -In,aid new and used. MllOBlll Si ndelniLer mm) rot tho sheer Mi ilealei in/, raU'S. J. WADE TUCKER, W. C. LEE, Vice-Pres. & Gen'l Mgr. Asst. Gen'1 Mgr. KISSIMMEE AUTO CO. .1. V >lt( AKY

I'ilO M-U I.'. Ki.OItlDA See Your Dealer For Prices

•aoo). . _mJ ' 1926 JANUARY 1926 •w»Mos.r«« xxvtTKiFrt aa I 2 3 A S O 7 5 O SECTION F IO II 12 13 14 13 Id 17 13 10 20 21 22 23 St 23 26 27 25 20 30


O. c. HINTLH •Wliler .« l/u- Jlnnli-r Hotel nnil blntli ou Ni-» York Avenue ilrxelutH-r uf l.alion l..u-ileus in Cloud. Nix- story "A Kntl limlili." I Section It. Came to Ht from Fort Wayne. Ind. Is now serving Ihe city oa Chief of Pollen. H. W. PORTEB « Ity (imunission. former nmyxir, also oldest real estate broker located ha .St. Cloud.


Ht. Cloud's First Mayor-Commissioner

KKKTKAM V rKxWFOBU Came tn St. Cloud from Norwulk. •xin::.. with his parents. Captain ami Bfrs. J. II. Crawford. hVceull) t'oltl manlier or St. ( I,mil l'nst No. Sll. Aanrrirau l.reiuiL MRS. CATIIKKINTC SACKOFF Chiropractor, whose offires arc in BASKET BULL SCHKIH'LE Iln- (OHII lluilitinr. •Jnmuu-x a JOHN II. (01 1.INS «t Cloud. '.'0 Mellsiunie. I (Hi- Clerk Boooot tli(> present lily SIII.I.KIII KNIv -Ul I ill SN •I.11111.. i > 1,\ C.ininiiisioti. and for several years Miss laioriiie shellmurne und Lewis St. timid. I Ivissllll'iiee. | JOHN J. JOHNSTON .1 Kiu'lilea. of St. Cloud were united January JJ heforc UIIIIIT Uu- old form of covrrn- Winter Harden at St. (loud iiionl: was BBTBBBBI rlly rlerh iunlBBPaai City Csi.iuiiissioiier. was find; rily lu BtoriaSO io BUsaUuDtoo, Tuesday, ilcrU. whi.i rily of St. Cloud was in­ Itev W. .1. M.irey, um I.- of Uio brldo. January .'9 in* r..i.-r:il luuhliii; ami; otflctatfag. W. Oload .at Sstiford BBBBBBtBf, Mr. Collins i-.unr oo St. corporated, in mercantile, busi­ February 5 (loud in I9IH from IJx-nver. Coin., ness said to be th.1 first Ki-neral rorr- St. COMBi nl Hi llM.arue WOMAN'S MH'liOi KMKNT CLUB where ha was with tile <-ity health eantile establishment opened here, anil Fetiruary 1! The |O*0soaa"l lili|irovement .'luh Joaoford al si. cloud III-INIrxiiN'i.l miller Hi. Shartdry. Me then was appointed noslinastrr hy will have a sliver t.-u at tin- library ou nniosdiiy, JiiiHiar.v SS from 3 tn February 10 nilered the pul.dc senior in SI. Cloud Pn».idnit Wilson, serving far nine ., i , lisl; to whieh tourists nnd all St Cloud at Winter (lardeti in I III 7 and is llu- l>es( |Kist,xl man years. Now doits; a tenor.I real others interested are invited I .-In a in 28 i limit rlly affairs now in uffiix'. estate business. OU«ftiniui,s' a I St. Cloud <;. K. utraiT, Sac, i

n;i l» 11 KKNNKY

Cashier Peoples Hank of St. Clood.


( a I'IKK Assistant aa the office af her husband, ex Major Plhe. Picture flood's '.ciu'lur riintotrnplier who nuns here from Chicago and was OSCAH TYSON , thaw, mayor nr the rlly. Ilia old homo wat formerly In MIchigajB hoaoocl ef roses presented to her by IIM sun Frank, st* Cliicnax), of Uie plctureo In this INSUO woro produced from Ht. Clonda Mite C.'ismplon Sprinter. Made K.x'xjrd at State Tonrnnment by lit. I'lBo. Mother's Day. St Uahj.-sTSIn THIRSDAV. JAMARY M. •»*• PAHK. TWO—SK.ITION F. THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA

1 so nulelly BootsM thst the rn'iiin ssine.i tin- coataraaoa of BBOBOOOI aata GRIFFIN LUMBER CO. Hide of the task, hns bOOO overlooked in Ills is,nincl.s with them J. 0. COWGtR ll was uol long before he mot John Sf. ChMMl*l . rowffijr 8pv*?i.t*H>n milot to tht firmthfttftt nf N'>t many of us knivw that 0000ola boi owner* of the tern- in m t ti-iith strrl, » hnviMi for LUP Bt Clouil, near the <*roR8 BUtc High eonuty boasts n tnwiiii'l einploj InK lory. Mr, BlodfOtt saw in (Iriffin un niitliirl^t when tronbiV llinc sirrit**,*. •way, toward MclUmrnn, h* the ever­ seven hundred men. iiiu'lvlnt; a Ini-ge in-1 um eiil tot mjiiiuf'ii'l.iring his Tlio Tlr*» Bhop is finclr t"x|iilpya»ii to BALLOON ASCENSIONS uttOOOOtOOt, d.sp. iislni! i inthly lsiy- brown lufnnt iiulus-:.. of OtCOOla linilHT. Mr. BlodfOtl never entered li-iiilor i^|«>nt IIMI! illicit NOIV.«'.> Comity. Jot Gfttfbl ram** tn Ki ii.ii of, Bnnuiaetattas ».- the saw mill field in his MUUBOth> hi iho rtmpott «»f tinv*. mui it n l»ri;(» 000,000 of long leaf nloe luuxbst each t\(iiin^ at St. C'KHHI, Fin. New thriller. inw In .ruin.irv r.-'Jl, wit hunt ;iny ]ii belli,ll",s til. ugh no en..'listed tirlf- dlatrtbator of now tin"-, hnvinn tho • n-li month and imiranntlos II unl.' UMitinfE aC dranai or blaja of trump tra! fit, with the nisniifneturi- of s large Agency foi CM* AI.IX tlMM mi'l ttAoo eitv ,f two thousand toola. iioi»i>a» whloh nro n*t,*odziilR,Ml ns sonu* of tho Red. while and liluc ii'iraohute drop. Doot lM' WBK u:ihrriild.xl Mini his •! ••' I nu body of tlmlier on n UBlCtntafB BtoiSi was l.uilt hy Jot 'Inrflll. All of his worlil''* bl i "if BOOBVO :>i:iii:taln8 a tfvriK, but quhUl anaal ha wort, la tho llnrliu: iwel.e -ears thlt relationship miss it. workers ami their families sre lodged i|o]»artiiu-iit for the n* iharglD* of ln*art of <'sctMla's virgin long ladf i Hi II.-.1 mini (irillin -old his l.nsi- in his eoiiiiniiii s ho.i-.-s. ooaSj >f li.iI ti-rlrs, wblcb forms a ({roat port pine ttajaat and huilt a saw mill In BOM, lock, stork mil hnrrel to Crosby which is squlapod with water BJOKSI of his .nisin«"*s. lotord tiiux*. nu ftaaoaaaUataiaant was aid Kolund, unions: the lsrin-st .'porn- FRI., JAN 22—SAT., JAN. 23 and ehsiii, lipids. Vlay Kriaimls are tora In the Mississippi pint' halt Mr. i'owjior, who is an old t.vpojrni provided bit UM ">»***«•» Theft »rt After selling the BlOOBOtt tliBeU j.lji^ nl BBMUII !'*:* LrtCQ 111 VlorUlfl for i lii.-ielie- ind s. hools for tin vvliile .5:30 r. M. on lot in front of station. Brinu tlppl .ii-eriitlon-. Mr. (iriffin rentere.1 si'von \oais ,hnVIIIK formerly ro-.idiii and ottered. The J. M. (iriffin Lum in Illinois. your friends and enjoy the hig balloon as­ bor Ooeapaay oBOBBtao a aopartaaeat the iBOnnlH l>ll>ill< —- in the sll.HI leflf district at Baraohtoi aUeoSsetDpl Hav­ •tore for Ihe henefit "f its employee-. cension. ing worked in N0B| Itaf pine all his Tht town is owned hy tin- .1. M. .liif life, the sn,,; leaf optrOtteS hi Hum- A. S. MCKAY I in LSBSBOf < oinjuiny nud COBdttCtod side 'ihi II, i affsal to him. nils imsi- Aiioihor ..!»! Inmlnijtrk in St. ClouoVfl i"i- the wlf'ire ol iniil COtBSBuxr'l liess. niter Iwo yia.s ol IIIUIIIIIIK and iiionhiindisiiiiz wtuld is A. S. Mc ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA FOR , ni;il, yoes. niHTutiiig. wss sold io Kiynolils and sortjtio-iit of now stt-tk is rnrrio-i hy .hs- (.rlffin first saw the liitlil of Wosi. n I'exus firm of long Btondntg MM ".MSiind-toiiid" nuui, mud*? po»- day from a little Georgia farm house end grout wealth. sildo Uy his t'vt.'iisU,' doalinu in fnrni- OOStlhn in tin- sun.i Mils of Tattnall Griffin had b.^prd ol ih" JWdien- turo of th.- B-MOI tsTpe. A "if' hrt SALE count.!. Qeorgia. Early ..issiitisfied Ing of Florida from her sluniix-rs. Al- st rtiiMMif of now stock IN I'liriod h> xv.tli M,e roiitine "I aerieidture, he wi.ys ijulek l'i -ensc o|.nortltliilies. his fell LttOMtj I nit lie --iviviiili/i'- -n II-UNI went III work as ,i w:n,-r hoy at ; wonderful fa. nil." for lecltloo, tpood'.- 1'iii'iiit ur*' ixlltl tin•iii-'li iuii-x nn I f<>r 'ho One three room plastered house. .10 nearhy saw .mill. Tho rvsourci'lnl Iy Ilium hod him in his utiderliikltig t\\ elvo -i-iirs ho hnr calcn «i t<» th..- lies- aud BBOraTi whieli , on-titute his PObUc tho liittn- rJun Ims profxM i»r«> feet lot en-t front. RarRaiD if taken at llolopaiv I'll IM- ,,l BO who have oatotaadlog OBaraatertetlc early •>• tlOttaS Ins lo.vli 111 -enie BOBOSBSB ap­ I'itntih- it* tiiin und a convi'tiloii'v to at once. into evidel He 0OM raiiidly ad pro, ial" his great effort. i BWM wiin luvo IMM'II his i n-tAuiort*. vainisl io ii.i>ilioii> i,t MBPOBOI btilty II K said thut .1. If, (iriffin l.iim- Mis. Mclviy ;iihi lior m' pcrsonali• Threo one hundred foot lots mini In- Is..inn- -onnei'isl with tin l-,i Coniiailiy's. patroll is the largest t.\ Lttfl niltiod iniu'li lo tho suooos*- N, uiheiii It.nlway a-* a hi in htr in- handled i-.l BO) Oft i '.'inr BJ .'.uy whli-li p\OM anno tu ihis i»o*nilar r*(oro In,I ana Avenue, one l*»k from the WM. S. WARD s|h',-l,ir. im li iiu in Klorida. it Is BBlta nil Mr. nnd Mrs. MCKHV ftirmorly resM- His ii.-w iluliev oaiBOtf him to south •i in roniisylvjiiiln. Lake for J 1000.00. Also a number of BOOK I" 'he isilllity to have i.n iusiilii- era attsataslppl ahcro, tor several lien whhh turns looae tOOOMMO pt' The Huston Upholsterer h..s been .awarded con­ 100 ft lots oa MteMflBB and Virgins ii nr.--. he r,-.oiled lor his roail tin joar in payrolls nlotic. St. Cloud nnd GIVEN r. Mctwitr: tiroduet of Mississippi's forests. Al for $1000.00 00OB. These arc bargains. KlHslmm.s. benefit largely from Crs Krai Kstate i:ruber Ihe time of in., advent into Missis tract from the Arnistronjr-Sinilen Co., of New York, source. Kiirthermii., ihe .1. M. liiii .st. ciouii. Florida. -ippi, Ihe souiheast jKirtiou was Btlni tin Lumber Company butt heavily a' In .1. I". Iliiili'J s office. ptoaootod hy saw rain men. Aw.ii-.en St. Oload and Kissinunee. Let it be Resideuco: Jersey Av.-nue. for the Ames BuirHinsr heinfr erected at Orlando. The PAUL K FRAKES iai- lo the opportunities presented bj s»lii for them that thi y are grea: His undeveloped territory, '.is ru­ [xtlrOBO of home institutirns. We hap­ Desk 4. I. ¥. Dailey's office tins! ihe manufacturing field xvith pen to know that (his firm buys WE HAVE LISTED cmtraet calls for 1000 yards Sinilen eem .^d with a "hay win." sawmill, (iriffin oat evrr.iihing It can within Ihe confines .inn-:;;, ill- had vision. .Move all he of Os In county. We are told that had COOtoaa rtnd Unlimited energy. uy originate^ lu an effort heavy felt paper, to lie completed by February 10, 1926. His first venture was a bowling sue FOR SALE to cultivate friendliness und to ce- eess. He not only made money. Imt nieiii cordial relations 111 III tho I lllotill of the ionic county. The in.iuty. it 0 lots on Massachusetts Avenue. self, is not unmindful ,,| these liene- >'i's As an appreciation of this in- -1'isi ry ihe ,-ounty is p,,w making 4 lots on New York Avenue. .'ii effort In construct four miles of hard road, iiiiiiieeiiiig 'no J. M. •J well looatisl Isike Kront Lots in Griffin i.iiini.i'r Coiiipiiii i,, iin- \iei Gallon OatsV FOR SALE bourne Iliglnvny. Thin inav BO tOBM -elfish on Iiu part of ihe .-i.llll Grocery and meat market. Besi location in town. ty hOCaUOO of tile BfcatOf ease with o00 ft on Dixie llinlnv.y und rail- u-lii.-li !lie iH'ople of llolopaw run r.snl near Wnter Works. visit St, Cloud und Klstlmmto, Al lining' a fine meat SickiiiM asu. Pot sell­ Read Carefully- (he same .iuio. th.' county w-nis the I M liiil'fin l.unil.T i oippany to ing. 80 acres A-No. 1 I.ami. kn, u ihat it has a toollaf "I" wll i mt'.i GALION GARDENS ItV.x ll.->:i, St. Cloud, Floiida. 21-lt RMf Is [s-ople .llli1 li..llllfi--t thla e\ 1 1-4 mile from city of which 4.5 acres is proaolnn in the road building Bador- Hon York Avenue Phonp 87 splendid producing grove. taktaa We longriitalate Mr .iriilin DDOB M remaining acres rich soil for vege­ l'i- siliieve II at llolopaw. Wo in.- table-.. ylad t,. him- this magnificent plan: ir Ihe enmity. W< tn .lii'l lo liale ill people "I II dopun aii.olig us. w. 10 room furnished house with light and .Mini Mr -iriffin md .ii,"-- connected water, stock and tools, etc. '.villi him In know Hint wo do not un dor - a! r new DI lotih 'r. li Money making investment. Wo toko pride in Inning mini who hod the vision and oonotroc We also have homes, acres and lots at III ,- lone I i p;',e., li appfOlOO < Is prices you can afford to pay. BBOla't of virgin long lOOf I'ine anil. .1 ll • 'old tlio IIII.I fortitude i" art •• i ut a ttnpen d indiisiry. liiough eoiifronl.d b) C'uiiic and talk this over with Hie dilfieiilties aie! ha nl- li '|is alli'inl- np; n nil a -ti'. : lea de. eloping •'I-- II.- Iride. tjjyjr

(.(Mil.' IIU-JAN Bstsstl W.xMKO W. 8. King OR J. E. Phillips IRIKINK OFFICE New York Ave., opposite St. Cloud Hotel Ntrru t BSla inr Aoooaeor tot the yoaf ISBS ivid he raatttad hy Hal OoaaBuaatoa imiil .laniuiry 'j:tnl. Too 'oiiiinKsioiii'i- rooorta the rlsbl •, to rejeii any and ill] 001 Qfere i;. II MI i. inor.i,, f < in ktaaafar, 21 l&l cMe jflve~ St. Cloud is the home of people who have traveled the world over, who have money to -j i, live where they wish, and whose choice has rested here. Warm climate; really good schools, healthful recrea­ tion and companionship of the right sort for both adult and child, commercial and industrial opportunities for yourself and the son just out of college; a few orange- trees and a little garden where father may fulfill long cherished desires and live longer and happier. They are all to be found in and near St. Cloud in the ••' Solid Central Section of Florida. Good roads lead everywhere, a score of cities within a half-day's run offer music, good theatres, metropolitan hotels and shop*. Friendly cities where you will be welcomed and remembered. Surrounding St. Cloud is a "back country" offering health, wealth and happiness. Interesting literature on request. Chamber of Commerce, St. Cloud, Fla.

"Whoro a Welcome as denial BO the Sunahlnn Awaits You'



IHE timbers are all Dense Long Leaf cut from an Osceola County Virgin Pine forest and are practically ALL HEART. We have 600 million feet of Timber in Osceola County assuring our cus­ tomers a steady supply of uniform quality for the next 12 years or more.

We employ 650 to 700 men constantly. Our town represents a population of 2000 souls—all saw­ mill employees and their families. Visit us when near Holopaw.

When you Desire the Best, Specify GRIFFIN GRADE.


,f.OoGlEAFY£UOWPn!i -ii THVKNIVxY. JANl'ARY «. '*» TAfiK FOI'R—SfcCTION V. ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA JOHN F BAILEY MISS BERTIE L. HUNTER MI. Bertie lit BoBoat whet* "t'oming to Kh>nda for my hcitlth IIBlntOB ronsltUi of oat .xn-ir m Vao- in 1,(17, md we-hii i- ba riin.w the -nin- iirriiuiii ualtorsltj Boapttol InUOj i.icr climate I ami i li • In K ll, two roan IB w.nisn's h<.H|S»trl duly NO i would know, i. firal baud, of state "f "POBI -' trtlnlus whooa, »\luit tic we.uhci- nail.. I M M BOBi •varcd to tie- d0SM Ol Lttf I n-bero too Braduatexl io loauarj 16. had lived In. T«a Tact that I na' e [918, Baa aneoptod " i«i'il"'i ao |lf»d hei'r •olitimiously llasCt ...,,.. i,..,: in Un- '1'M.iiota, time .Migiii t<> ba a coavinciBg aawwor in- iTiimliiixl iiv.i years .•'•oloai- •is tn my aptal ii d Horl h dirnata h'u I,, enter tbo nrin.v eerrlci Aftsr POQ tta et< . I Of my health. I haw NKHxIrlni iii i iinri-i' rii'iii the iirtta, to make tbifl stalcnicnt In order to i iiriviii.- (Inly In I'nllfni BS ha inidi i >io-.,i is no one Llwl l'l.-.i tho rttaraea* i» Obattai es n « woiilii CM r tblOsa 1 came •j-. im . as oBtstual BaoteotBl iii ia* let" on accoinit of III hcuh b Kexvoll't bospltal, Uix.i|.-niii|t nt/r pusltino tliere tn SPonTt Ibe imrlMoai 'T travehsl all over the si;.," hj li.-ii Crooo aano la at, .'Ussa rati and by 1". t. .tial \\aiiti".g to f»ee Miir.ii asth load the B. I.xMIt W. ' ARROWKMIiH "I eng'tged In the bus pualasOna. WillllSal IN IIKxVTV lYesident Serrelaiy Trraaurrr driving l-'i'g hours ..ver (KM. read- and and th,; writing nf fire msutmne. BBBB I'IIIIIIII" ami iBtarl I'lx In alt kinds; of weather, for live \i-urs, For the convenience of the public he QooS Ai-ii.'ii nml u Ooad snuih iota; a very fine dinner Wtta served by Mr. then tt.ri.ed h |ff*Vx work and tnnk isava Intel IT • swretca fof the prop* r intent! Story ing lis*. p mpled with his* activities farming In peraTng n For.lson ST. CLOUD BUILDING • "vriiiu a long period in Floiida. Dayson. to one hundn-d nml fifty. ex'N-uiion oi leaae . iiinrtganya. derda tractor 1 wma injured to the extent II ini , ofttracta, all ef wbhw oaaiea Ssiurday Mrht Kjtet tally adapts liim to carry on in the tables were sjtecntIIK. hrs «* ing the then large colony from the branch ef his concern, like the Nftttf An Aiiii'rl. nn Sl.ny by Ileint; (irjroniKNl for the BSSpSas ef smitJi fees, hat. had many years expert- were lead and approved. The treas­ f aatl among its citizenship this well- end, toy>. ha«* proven a gn>a atMCOea buying projierty t» be improved hy nee along hi.s chotieu line which is urer's report was read und aeoapted. AmrrirmiH for AnoiTirnns k e un aSffVa. WbO ta ir.c.nientlv alnca its eatahilihaaHnl a short time the htilMJiie of vionit^ f"r the. ureal Uiiig put into successful execution The committee on rules and regula­ Only on* .bow eacb 'iy «u thiM plr- identified as one Of its leading rtal- BBO many of hi* ears to he aPM Influx of new residents, this pro-Kretv in the building of and beautlfication tions asked for an extentiou uf time, mi- 7 .10. tor*. Although only ti-n lUxHitbs aid daily lawi "ur ttSBOtm, In x oiutne:it Mve firm fins jiiii-r aitrni toii-tm.- .it M Cloud. which was granted to them. AdaaJostoa ~Ti nnil ort cola. his Mislnests is antnbofed among the ing upon his nuto agency Mr. l'nllev tion tOxiny twcnt.r-tbree nice h» SMSi Seeretary Kdwards. a 'Cracker" by COlfl KAIll.V K(IK GOOD SKAT, Election of offices was next in -aieeet-sful ont* whone transac- says he chose the Hudson. Ksscx ears *ome nearinc the i-ompleted nativity, fits well into the organiza­ order. The association elected by t.o'is frequently reach a wale of the Iwsinis'* in tbelr sub be didn't nave M&ge nr<»n Home of the BsaSt «leelv-s. able biphluic sites in Uie city. Great BaaaSSf has seen nearly two decades "THK II xKVIIK ident. Mr. Winder ls a man of wide I ennxvirauia H'-tel sud lonn bttlldlni Mr. Ilathy is a>e >f r*nn.r the only candidate. The secretary phases. !nur.ii:g a specialty of rentals tho i,ni"-:i u. A Flri-t Atinirtlon ao suited to Florida and it?» tropbtl prove interesting entertainment. was inptnuted to net the (allott for ciimate. The Trlbnne and the people of St. him. The following officers were Thi* jrnanlivitfon ha* almo-t I < loud point with pride to the great also all elected In the same manner. waiting list ol pr«-speeuve hwtn al Waft, the Corporation h?.« under way Mrs. Letetla Htighc*.:, Secret*, ry : faomcfl, which with tha BUttS mate tit aud that to come under its able mana- Ber. <;. W. Brown, Chaplain; Mrs. inquiries r>pella the wondrme* twees* grment. Carrie Knool, Treasurer: Conrad ceininjr. tfl It* ntrfatak i.iundew WHO Verily, their record in an enviable Deputy, Choirster. A st -iT>»*inr- vote of will go down ln history tu* Kraut fac­ one. thanks was rendered to Comrade tors iu Ihe building of St. (loud. liolden who has served M faithfully President Lumb was .-itrtact'-d N ASSOCIATION as president of thia association for 4 Florida sixteen years ago, saetUu the past four year*- X from UaKhington, P. C, to cast his On January in about eleven A. M. A fine program had been prepared lot In UM Sunshine (Suite. His ! thS the Ohio people began to assemble at but owing to the lateness ot the hour experience in the real estate and build­ the tourists house in the park. Af'er It was postponed.

Years Of Unused Mileage A guaranteed used Ford car, purchased from any Authorized Ford Dealer, is a good investment. Ford cars accepted in trade by Authorized Ford Dealers and offered as guaranteed used cara are thoroughly re­ conditioned and backed with a liberal guarantee. You can buy a used Ford car from an Authorized Ford Dealer with assurance that it will give you thousands of miles of good performance. His knowledge of Ford value and his interest in Ford cars and Ford owners makes him the best man in the community with whom to deal. A small cash payment will get you immediate delivery of a guaranteed used Ford. The balance can be paid in small monthly payments. And when you are ready to ' Hfosnerity Has Suilt on buy a new car, vou are assured a fair trade-in allowance from your Authorized Ford Dealer.

^J Jirm Joundations in «^55«a^r4£>*'^ OK ""^^t^V*! Detroit, Mich. *r St. Cloud, Florida GUARANTEED It has built on the basic value of the soil; on educa­ tional, social and religious lines; on healthful recrea­ : tions; on commerce and industry. <&fcr c6 Through soil, climate and rainfall, in every part of the "back country", growers of fruit and vegetables profit by the fertility of the soil. Living and climatic conditions used cannot be excelled. The man with small capital here can watch his savings grow into a fortune; the capital­ ist may buy at front foot rates, city property whose value- cars is based on pedestrian traffic. Good roads thread this section and new highways are opening up new lands. Here is a particularly good place for investment. TEN ACRES AND INDEPENDENCE Interesting literature on request. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, ST. CLOUD, FLA "VUiere a Welcome as (Ionia! an tho Sunshine Awaits You" RANKIN-SHINE MOTOR CO. Authorized Ford Dealer. St c|oud morida Tm'Rsnsv. .MVIIARY II, ins THB ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD. FTiORTT>A PAflK KIVR-SMTION F.


We are now establishing St. Cloud's largest LUMBER YARD and Building Supply Depot

Lumber, Laths, Sash and Doors, Lime and Cement, Roofing, Nails, Builders9 Hardware, Brick, Tile, Sand, Stone, Gravel, Etc. Capital Stock $100,000.00

We expect in a few days to have a full stock and will fill orders from a cartload to a carload at prices under the market, quality considered.

We Have Come To Stay

When in need of Lumber and Building Supplies, call on us for estimates. Our lumber will consist of Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Cypress and Fir—the cheap­ est in the long run.

HEWITT LUMBER & SUPPLY GO. T. J. HEWITT, General Manager Indiana Ave. and 10th St. ST. CLOUD, FLA. TIIIIKMIAV. JANUARY 21. lt» PACK SIX—SKI TION K. THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD. FLORIDA Nirtirc PM Final Itlxchargo Notlre of Application for Tax Deed • Nelire of Applicitlimi for Tux Itevd In the Circuit Court for Mia Seven- Notice of Applieaiion far Tax Iteed. Notice of Application for Tax Deed iv iiii: col HT OF coUNtO) NOTICE IK HEREBY (1IVRN, Thai Miner is in-i;i in U1VI s N'OTICK is HEREBY Oil BM, Thai I lixnlli .linlliiiil t licnii ,f III. Miner IS lll'-IICIIX ' • 11 I'TN. Thut SI.ite of Meridn in .mil for J. v. Htoffei, purcbaoor ot: ,11 rXJB, si xri: nl 1 -i.olilHA. Chariot F. Becker, rfflrcaaaor nf: A. H. I'livn." and II. I 1 ndrloe. pur KennetI h Bloharda, pur<4isser "i IN Till 1 I VI'U OF tl. N. BOB chaoer of i Tat r.iiiri, ui.- \,. 711 71-' dated tbel Oaoaola t uuniy. Tnx Ci'iilfic.iie Nn, IB87 1 BM 11 •-' •:,- No (KM datod lbs It* IIM dated the Brd day af Jaaa, A. ncit. deceased, Osceola Oounty. . IBM aii whoa it may 1 en, thnt si. Cloud; Lol --'4 Block Hid ss Administratrix of ottd eotato sml Oload. m Oecsolt County, Florida, in wn dale >,( 111.* loollBBIO "'" Mtld .xTlifl- ulsu nil ulht-r piiriles Baring nr rliiim- i„.t |fl Block SO; Daknewa i i "i n cate lu flit' nuuics ui' ITnkaowa and J. Ins un iBbtrool ta Dm lands iu this st Clood : Lot* IS .ind HI 11 • ssk (or ibcir approval. tiBta 17 iiml is Bloc* -'411 st. Clood. Hutisi December mil A 0., i»2*. llle.k 24. J. A. I.yn.l: 1 m 11 Block p. Lrotltaaa suit invulveil under 11. F. St. Cloud: 1-nl 17 Block 2S0 St. ,i,i inmi N'iuu aaaaoaod Bl tat Oaleao suid cerlilicstc sliall lie re ('Intnl. CARRIE A. BLOOD. dull' nf tin' issuance Of suid .-crlbi 87 Unknown! I.ot 18 Block M, 0. aud Myrtle II. Reynolds 1 otherwise Kllfoll Lol io Block 28, C. I.. Iti'iiii .!•'iui.1 icootxttats IU law, taa dis'd kaowa us Kbry Mynie Beynulda), ins ' .! lund heiiis BBBaaaed ut (lie Dec. 17 St. Administratrix. cite.- ill lilt' BOOM nf St. I'li'ilil IK'V will BtOJO lli.'l-.uii nu Iiu- 1st dux nf dule Bf 'be BtoaaOOO "f suid n-rtifl 4'.'. Bad W. II. Ilimii'iii in.,I,I : I m III Hack HO, Unknown ; WtSt, nr nlher uf tluuu ixxlm her suns' lm 13 Block S4. .1. Crim: U»l 88 February, A. D. IBM. cataa la taa Batoat "i 0. s. Daotai 8T. Notice of Application for Tax Deed tlulota -mil certificate* -hull ii. re (• tat HOB, aad bus atada tpplieatloo for above entitled suit is a snli to BUM February, A. I> loss, iii., County, Florida, according m tin* plat of the tows of NOTICE ro ( KiiiiiiOKs tax detsl In issue 111 U'cmilunce wiMi Jan. 14—Kill. 11 ('. K. I'. St. rinllil. IX OOORT CK THE COUNTY 1 the title lo the following deocribed ni ei Baal) .1 1. ovu.i!STlti:i'?T rim suid land bolus B80BB0001 at *he property located in Oeeeoli Coonty, Cler'i Cir, uit Cuurl. OBOBBBI luxv. Said certlflcato anabrucoa too JUIic.E. Osceola County State of lollowtatj described proporty, tltuatod .inti' af iln' Boaaaoa of takl oartttl Florida, in xx it: Tiu> sniiiii 'in root County, Flotilla. Notice of Application for Tax Deed. Klorliia. In OotOOlt Cuunly, Ulnrlda .to-wlt: NOTICE IS HKUHIIY OIVatM, That i'llti>s in tlm nulling of Iht' parties set iu re Estate of Munitn Brownlee. nf l.ut I uf Sc.lliill IB, Dec. 31—Jan 28—J. V. s. Lol I Block -'III SI Omul C E. (iiifflii. purchnaer nf: opposite bo sum.'. To sll Crvditora, Uaatooa, Dtotrl- l*wao»lp 88 axMata, oaiast U Baal of In Court ef the Count) Judge, Os­ 1 ,,t ii Block 888 si cloud. Tin Certificate No. 87 ilnti'il tin- 4th Unless suiil certificates shall be re- buU-e. and all Persons having or d Tallahassee Meridian, according to l.ut 1 Block iiu- si. ( lund. day of June. A. ii ISSB, deeaatd txauirtlas to U.xv, tax deed monils against said Betale: the plat of Ibe Scininule l.uinl und ceola County, Stale of Florida. will issue thereon on tile 16th day of lnveNluieiil Ciiiniuiliy's (Incnrporiited) In re Kstnlc of Wilhixlni Walthcr I.m :i Block BM st. cimid. line tllod aid Certificates in my of­ You and each of you, are hereby Tlie -n id hind Islllg assessixl at tbe fice, aud bus made application for Fobraary, A. D. notified snd required to present Kulsilvisiiill uf Ihe said sc'tinn -11, To all Orodltora, 1 tgalooq Dtotrl date of bstoaace of said certifloato ta tux deed to issue in aeeotxtaaca with sny cl.litis and demnnds which you. I fllml in the nffice uf tbe Clerk of the initces and nil POTOOna bavlas ('liilllis (Ol 01 Seel) J. I.. (1VERSTREET. Ctrcull Cuiirt "f osiunin Oooaty, Stato Ibe nnines of I. S. lioffoll ; Will, llent- law. Said oorttftoata aatboaeot the either of ynu, may hax-e against nr liemnnds aKiiinst said Eslnie: t'lirk Circuit Coort Volt, slid each af ynu, are licieliy sehl.e: U. II. KlH'llU", II. .1. POOtO. i, [lowing deocribed Bropatty, tWaaiad the ,'«!.!.• uf tluiigo Brnwnlee, de-' uf h'lni'iilu, Hlui renuded lu l'lftt Oaoaola Oaaaty, Vtorlda. Unless suid ceil ificate shull lie re in Oaoaola County, Florida, to-wtt: ceased. Idle nf Osceola CooOty Klnr- Bunk "B" past Bl. notified und roqulrod to Brooaal Bay .Illii. 14 Feb. 11- A II. P. & 11 T, K. d.s'iui'd accurdfne; to laxv, lax deed Hegiunlnc 17,"i yds N nf BB OOmOt ldo, ui the County Judge uf Osrools WITNESS Ihe llntimul . (I. An- claims nnd demands which you, or Notice of .Aoplteatloa for Tax I teed xvlll Issue llicr ui tlie 1st day of ,if NW 1-1 nf SK It run W i I" nl ( ounly. xvithin one year from the trow, us Judge uf ibe above Ooort, either of you. may hiive aKiiinst the Pobroary, A D. LBM N 175 yds E 140 yds S 175 yds of NOTICa IH HKRKUY GIVEN That dste h.reof. and my name us Clerk thereof, and estate of Willielni Walther dtxvawxl. Ihe tool nf the suid Culll'l St KIs- late of Oaooola Cuitnix, Florida, to tlie (C«. Ot. Seal) J. L. OVRRBTREET. section 18 township 30 smith, rsnite .1 \' Waiisix*. ptuobaser of: Dassd Nureinber 36. A. V. 1925. lit esst. Tax Cinlflcilte NO. ."i"7 dated the Knd sliiiniii'. Ooooota County, Klnilds, ou Cnuuly Judge of OoCOOlt C-nlllily, Clerk Circuit Court OscssiU JBB8IB 11 ROW NUMB, Ibis the Slot day nf DOOttObOr, A. I). Kloridu. xvithin oat yar from the Tlie ssid land btfof aooeooed ut the day of .lune, A. ll. 101S County. Florida. baa fUod suid OotSMcatO In my of- 10-at. Administer 198B, iluie hereof. Dec. Bl .lan M I.. 11. K. date of the iBtlialHB nf -uid certifi­ (Ot Ct. Scull J. I- OVKHSTKl'.KT. cate ln tlm name nf K. A. Shew. nil has uiade application for Hated Iieix-mber 2Sth, A D USA Notice of AppUnttiim for Tax Deed Clerk ( Ircliit Court, Otctola RMI1.IK WALTHER Noltrc To Credltorn. Unless said esrtUlcata shall ot' re- lux med uii'ordlnK to law, tax deed Law, Said certificate embraces the Johnston «. Garrett. xviU issue thereon mi ihe Kith day of fulluwtni: descrilxed liroperly, situated Fred Handle, purchaser of: In Cuurl of the County Judge, Os­ Tax Certiflcoto Nn. 711 74". .luted the Kissiiimiee, Florida. NOTICE ceola County. Stale of Florida. February, A. D. 1936. iu OoeOtla ("utility. Kloridu. tn-wit: Attorney* for Complainants. ljoti. Si and L'-l Block :n. St. 1 IMS. 2nd day of June, A. 11. 1:1111. Seeled blda will N' rceiv.-d by tbe IN HE ESTATE OF Henry L. King. (tt. Ct seoll J. L. OVBRSTRBHT. Ihv. 31—Feb. IS. Clerk t'lixini Ooort, Osueole Tl..' said laud hidiiR aBseased at the has filed said Certificate in my of- Board of Bond Trustees of Atlantic To nil Crodltoro, Logatoea, Iilstrlbu- Oooaty, l ltiridu dilte nf the BOrsaUkOO uf -unl ix'rtifi- fiix-. :iinl has made ButjUrarlaB for Gulf spo-i.i li,,11,1 um1 Brldso 1 >is tees BBd All I'ersulis bavinir Claims Jun. 14—Feb. 11—C. E. s. cate in the iiaiiii1 uf .1. P. Bnnthley. tux dixsl lo issue In accunlunce with Notice of Apolicatlon for Tax Deed trict nf the State uf Klorldn. .11 th. ite Demnnds ngslnst said Ksinte: Cnleaa said certificate skull be rc- law. Bold certificate embrure tbe NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVHN That office of me Secretary uf said Buanl. You. and each of you, are hereby followine ili's.rlNd properly, situated R. W. Newton, purofeaaor of: Netiee of ApplleaUim for Tax Deed. deemed etxxirdrna to laxv. t«x d(x>d RoOttll 1(17 111 Ksriliers' Hunk Build- tintltieil 1,ii.l ttsjuiied 1,1 present auy x-.ill Issue tlierts.n mi tbo lilli day of In Oics.ln Cnuuly, Florida, to-wtt: Tax Certificate No. sin ikn.-ii Hi, Btta ing, Vero Besch, Klorldn. up to Ihe 1 In i 111 s and iteilulllds which Yuu, or NOTi«T, IS HERKBY OITBN, That February, A. I>. liiLii. Lot 17 Block ,U5 St. Cloud; IXK 22 dsy of June. A. D. ISBR. hour of 2 o'clock p. In. .Inuiuiry 38, eiihiT of ynu. may have against Ibe W. . IBM, Tax County, Florida. date nf the Issuance of suid certlfi Special Kosd and Bridco I'l-irni ..f Certificate Nn. 891 dated tbe 'Jni day tnx iiix'd to .-sue in Booordaaea with Jtulire tf tea < onaty Ooort of osceols Jan. 14—Feb. 11—J. F. B. cute in the names of V. W. Cese snd lew. suid , I'l-iifiiwic ojBBaaata tin. Ihe Slate uf Kluriilu. l.n.b Ind shull c iy. Florida, within one )eer of June. A. II. 1919. T. J. Hcln Lacker. he accompanied by Otrtiflod clieik has filed said Certificates in my of- fnllmxlni; deacribod •OBOrty, situated from tbe dale hereof. Notlre re- and all bids. Lot 4 Waters 4 Csrsous Subulvisinn has filed said Certificate in my of­ County, Florida, lernth Judicial Circuit of tbo fice, asd has made aprdlmtlou fur nee. 31- Ian 2S F. R. dulioad acixirdlUK to law. tax deed Hs!d bonds consist nf Five Hun •slate at Klorida in and for of Block ZL and 111 Robert Bass' xx-ill Jasue btorOOB 00 the l.ith day Of Addition tn lxi'-iinjnee City. lax dixxi to Issue iu accordance with dred 11,000 eonpou bondr. dated Sep- Osreola County. February, A. i». ISBS totnbrr 1. 192ft, bearins iniensi ul IN CHAN! BJII law. Said cerlificnte embraces the Notice tf .ApplieoiMn fsr Taut Deed All lot 4 S of A. c 1 Ky Block "P" (Ct. Ot Meal) J. L. OVBRSTRKET, the rate of six per cent per annum, (' W. Griffin. Complainant, versos l'atricks Addltlnu tn Klsaimmev City. fulluwiiiK dexcrll»ed property, situated in Osi.xilii Oooaty, Florida, to-xvit: WOTICR IS HERRBY GIVBN, Thai Clerk Circuit Court Oeceola pax-able semlaunuBlly on March 1 Alex sai.'i. et al, Defendsnl*. Bolt The ssid land hpinfr. asHesspd at the J. E. Ixmr. purchaser of: I^.t 7 Ithsk 14 Marydin. Const.v, Florida. and Scptfiiiticr 1 .f each yeur; both to tlulet Title, order fur I'uliliratauu. date of the issunni'e of said certlfi Tax Certiflcste Nn. 740 dated the 2nd Jan. 14 Koh. 11—It. W. N. prtactpal nnd Interest payable tn the The state tf Klorida to: All heirs. rates in iho names of J. E. Johnston Tlie s:tid land beini; assessed at the day of June. A. I). ISIS date uf the lssuanix? of said certlfi bearer in gold ixdn of the Uulted oOriotrt graatoe* and other claimants and O. E. Parker. baa filed said Certificate ln Bay of- stut's, or Its equivalent, at Unite.I having or claiming any Interest in tbe Unleet .laid certificate* sbsll be re cute In tlie name of W. Harris. tlie, mid has made application for Notice of AaBtttsatian for Tax Dead 1 suid oartlftcata ibaU be re- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVBN. Tbet Ststes Mortgage * Trust Company. lands in 1 his suit Involved, under ilixnned ucixirdiliK to Law, t.i\ fatal tax deed to 'tow in accordance with Next Vnrk ciiy, H, V 'Hie principal said Alex Suls'l. deceased, and also d i'-,l iii'cnriliiiK t" law, lax ii.s-,1 Mrs. Mary Kunuuil, parcateer ofi trfll losue Lbi reon nn the lTdh day law. Said certlflcaile embraces the of said Isiuds matures a. follows : ibe suit,. ,,r Florida to: All other <«• Febroary, A. D. ISSS. will ii>ue taoroon 011 the i."ith day of followlni; deetrlbOd property, situnled Tux CertifV-nte Not L386-13S4-1808 Numbers 1 to 411, boaa Inclusive, port loo baring or claiming uny inter­ (Ct. Ct seal) J. L. OVBttSTRrJBT. February, A. I). IBM, in Osceola County, Klorida, to-wit: 1 100 1 101 .luted the iird duy of June est ln the binds In ibis suit Clerk Circuit Court, OSIXMII. (CI •• ; Seal) J. L. OVEhVSTREET, A. H. lblti. due end payable BeptoBiber 1, 11*30; Lot 4 Block 813 St. i loud. NUSIIMT 41 to SU. botta Inclusive, due under -Hid i dofondaato, or any Conaty, Klorida. •rk Circuit Court, Tbe sit id land being assessed st the has filed said Cerlifimles In my Of und payotuo Boptotnoer !, ISS1 ; Nuni- nf tlicm (waother taBM is- iiccsscd Jan. 14—Keb. 11—W. <5. R. Osceola County, Florida. date of the Issuance of ssid certifi­ lice, and hus made uppllcutlon for l.ers si to 12ii both ,,. lutlVO, due or olive), ur otberwbM ,. c; :. Februai \ 11 1926. Hold pool rating tutted Clerk Clr. uit Court, HH ,I« I Block 888 si. cimid. K.i. Ot, Baal) J. L. OVBRBTRBET, •,, 1: T. BodatOBO, Bsa, 1 P. siininii: :.,,i B Block SbO Bocretory uf Boaixl ol Bond Trustee* feel West of ibe Baal 1 1 tl. * ouiiiy. naiitia 1 • •; Block 288 1. Cloud, 1 I' il. Clr, nil Cniiil. 1 • Houthwi -i i|iuirtcr nt the Norths Jta. 111 to. 11 A M r. ll siiiiiuun. I.,,i .'1 Block 388, M Atlantic Gulf Bpo ' i Brides Hibels; Lol B Block Z80, Cnbnown; Tlm suiil lain] lieiiur assessed nt th. Cnuiilv 1- Imi. In quarter of Section 32, Township duti nf the laBUaOOO 1.1 suid 'XTIificate District Vero Boacb, Plorda. NiHiix. of Applimllini for Tax Deed 1:1.„-i. 110, .1 1. 1:. Hearnden . .Iiu, 1 I l.'li II M. K. ity order of tin. Board of Baad South, 11.1111:1' 88 Bt 1. and 21m 1 NU 1 hi is iii ui 1:1 OIVBM Thai 1.", ,v in Block »ia, w '. 1 in Um inline uf L. (ii'i'in ; K. Ni^sell; North of ihe Suuiii line thereof, run Unknown. Trustee* of AUantlc-GuH Bpeclal Edna 11 i;.,-^ .111,1 Klliel 11. Iti-iil, Lot 7 Block tO, M Krota . Lol B Block Nolior «if Applimlion for lux Deed it.,ml uu,i Bridft Distr;, 1 of Btata of niiiK from 1 hem e Weal bo South Inh'-s -ui.l ceriificuti' shall be re- In f siriH'i one hundred forty thi. jiurclinscr nf: • ': MuniiiTliuin ; Lol Hi Block 80 : s, HMCI is 111:1:1:1.\ HI ', I:N, 'lliut Khiridu. 1 nil', un- Not. ciii'.-:: d • • n lib; I.m 10 lili»-k sn. /. Hertog , 1 according in law, tax deed II. c Mclvlitiii li. purchaser nf: feci, ih,11,, Huutli fitly feet, tbi win laaoo laornnn mi tha 1st day of B. T IIU.lls I n\l:. See. " istwordly one hundred fortl I Ttb day of August, A. Ir ISIS Lol 6 Block 285, 1: \ Ounset Lol r ,, 1 "iiin.nin Nu-. 7L'U 7::II daotd tbo Dec. 17—.Inn. 25—NAV, haa said CerUflcaisa la toy of- 1. -'1*1 ;> D. Halo; Lol I Pobroary, A. D. 1898. •u,i day nf .liiiic A. It 1010, un,I Im-t v one liiiiuli'e,litis 1 111 7 40 : -i-. gad i i ,,i.,,ii- applicatloB fur Block _'i.i .1. Hamilton i.m I Bbx 1, Ml. Ct. Seal) J. I.. OVTuHSTltBBOi, bot filed sllld C,-illl 11 ul, s ill lll.v uf li"'' I'I • 1 i" :i take atandlaf un the ii\ aood '" •ordauoo witk 883, M. s. Eystar; Lots 11 und IJ Clerk Circuit OoUBt, Osceola lu Court of the (ounly Joaaja, Weal 11 1 ., -11, ,1 1,,, I,,., |a width Counlj', Klorida. md hns Bstdo tppllcatloa fi Osreola tiunrtx. jaw, sui'i toabroet tbo Block -'ll I. W. C.iniiiill ; I...I 1 Blook 1UX lll'i'll III issue in n I'duiii-u XXIIII suid -iui,,- being •ltuatod treaty fool 1 illowlog deocribed propi :;17. Iiikiuiwii: Lol 7 I'.l.s-k L'l, II. A 1 I A. \l li. State ul I Si.ulll Of Ihe flrsl 1,1. .,.,.,11,.,1 ' p| Suid curl ill. ut,-s i-nilirin n Hi In re Batata of Corric ( nniclia Cud In ' loooolt County, Florida, t., ix it i nml HI Block -H. Notice ef Application for Tax Deed, •allowing doacrihed property, tltuatod of isV'U in, net North un th Lot 7 Block -•"! st. Cloud. ,viuuii: I..,| 30 Block Bf, H 1 is, I-,,III I •uiiiilx. Mm i.ta. In \. it : ner, Decrensi'il. ^ • 1 "!"• "' unl siieei .. rant) I Nonaa is HEREBY CIVHN. That To all Creditors, legatees, Dlatributee* 1^.1 1:11 Block 28S si. Oload. I ii.x : I.m u, ].],„.k s.t m, iu-i Uvis 21 and 2J Block 298 si. Cloud i" ihe place .,f beginning containtn rlTie said luuii btlag aoaaoaoS at the i..; s:i Block 383 P. Wl nr M. A. HISHI. iiurctiuKi-r of: •; nu.I 84 llh» 1. -lis Si Cloud mui all Poroons hBrbjuj Cutista ur In- ipisre feel ; Ills., tlie |,,ll,,v. (late uf tin- IBBUBIIIO nf said icrtlfl 1 IS Block 818, I 11 1.1 .! l.ix Ccrlill.nte No. l(«tl dat«l the ii,, ;,,,i land battts txaaaaBtJ nt tin nttnds asalnsi sui.i Batata. psreel In Block 7 nf 1 iu ii." mini.- .,f A. AI. Woatot All nf iim abooo Iota Isin^ oaeording Bad 'luy uf July A. II. 11,17. "lute of the LtaaaBOB '»/ lull) ii-ltili I OU, aad • .,, li nf x Bra hereby Roblnton* Addition tn Klssin, end John Boaoolo. tu the pint .,r iln- tawa af st. Oload. bus filed suid Otrtaftaaat In ray of- 1 ihe names nf I.. Whitley und notified und reiiuiieil 1,, BrOOOal iiti.x City. M followt, tO-wll : innun,'i , OalOBB said ..-itifli-ati-i shull la' re­ Tim -unl lumi u-iiii; aaaoauad at the faoa, und ha siuiule application for Unkiiuw ti cbiinis nn,1 demand* wblck yot, at on the West iiu • Ua|n street na deemed according to Law, tax deed dale of the ihsuuiii'i* uf suid ivrlifi- tax fatal to issue in B*sxtaeSBoa with I 11 Ies* su Id ('(Tllflcates s,hall be re- olther uf yon, may have atalnol the a ttakt atandlng 88 reel Weal ,,f tlm will issue thereon 00 tin- l,"nh day of eates iu thu iiamis uf the juirUea set law. Suid cx>rtii(4ste embraces tbe atatatad aaoatatae to inw, tux deed est,He nf Currle Cnl'nelill (ii'lilliir Hue "f ibe South weal quartet 1 ebroary, A. D. 1838. eppoaito to same. fofbiwini: deieiiUsl property, altuatod XX 111 Issue tbel'l'nll nil Hie l.illl day (if deoeosed, bile uf llsceula 1 uuniy, Plor of tht Nuiiliwesi quarter nf Section (Ot. Ct. Kesl) J. L, OVERitntBET, I 11 less said certificates shall be re-: In Onoisils Cuunly. Klorida, to-wlt: February. A. 1) tSBS, bin. lu the c.ninly Juilc OSVXHIIH. 22, Towmhlp 2.1 South, Range BB Cli rk Circuit Court, 1 tBeoohl ' according to law, tax deed Lots 3 and 4 Block 2S4 St. Olood. (Ct Ct Heal) J. I.. ovEiisritEirr, Kbirldu ixiihju nne roar from tbe •aat, nml 130 fool North uf the South Tlio said und helng assessed at the ( ounly, Klorida will issue ther.sin un tbe Inth day of Clark circuit court date BOrOOf. line of said bind, Nu|,| slake la-ing al; Jan. 14— I".li. 11 K 11. (i, try, A. ll. IPOS {dale of the humane* of aald eertifivato Osceola iCounty, Kloridu Datt I'eii-lllber 211, A. D IfSJ the Bouthttsl corner of said Lot <>m, (Ct. Ct 8eal) J. L. OVEttSTKEKT, In the name of C. Itosch. .Ian. 11—Keg. 11— II. M. C aHOROI I' QARDNBR, in Block skveii of ItuliliiHiuis Addition, Notlre of Application tor Tax Deed Clerk Circuit Court Oeceula (Ct. Ct. Soai) J. L. OvaW^rrBITMaa Ailiiiliiefi-iiliuii •I Town ,,f IvIsNlinmee city. Run County, Florida. Clerk Circuit Ooort, Oecaost Jan. 7 rob 25. Dial 1 cm 1 Imi,,' west and pnrallci NOT1CH 18 HEREBY «IVEN That County, Florida. Notice ef AppUcatlon for Tax Deed. 1 \ PogTOad, |WII I llBOOl "f: Jim 14—Feb 11—A. Y. I.. ••" tho Booth iln,. „f HUIII Addition M Dae, :il Jaa 88 liis..i NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN", Thai Nolle* ef Appllnttlou for l-iill and "OOI iiini.-,- North 20 feet tu thu Tax Ceriifli-ui.. Not, 873-T3t-T38-TSg Pott*s> Boo ton, iHinbusiT of: Notice of ITMJIIII ul i'si fsr Tax Deed Notice of Applieaiion for Tax Deed. Free I'ariliHi. Suullin.-i curlier or wild Dit 1 1,. •liilii! Um -'lid day uf JoBO, x D 1' 11'. 1. i'n\ Cortifbatto No. llrjr, dan-.i tbo 8rd Block 7, ibeiice Eastward tn the plain ins tiled -aid 1 era my of- NOPH I. I I liriiEIIY OITBSt That NOTICE IS HI'KKI'.V GIVEN, That day m .inne A. 11 una uf bcgtnnlBS 111'' fii'l inure ., id lias Blade appjlcatlou for \ii. Mary kQmmall, purcbater f: Notice li hereby given iimi 1 still .1 it. iinwi'ii, porabaoor of: baa filed suiil Certlflcato in my of­ '•• 'be Hon. Board uf Pardon 1 last, dooorlbod traot of nix del.I In isi-uc 111 a, oorda rlificiite Nn. ImiJ .Intel But TllV Ceil i lien In Nil 7.Y-' lllltl-d 111,' fice, and hits Hindu application fur "ii in. ',,j I 11 'I liciim BhOWB lllmii Ihe pi,,! ,,,' law. Slid i-erlil'i'-iilt s ciu.M 1 • •.'11,1 day uf .1 im.-. A u 1018, .1 tO issue in in ,'urduli, i' xv it II followlni it'- -(iiii .I 1 ropeti 1 Inn tllod mild Certificate in my of- hns riici :, ,1 1 , 1 tifii'.-ite In my of- I lull ill: nil's Xil'lilinli us l,u| One niui inw'. Suid oertlfloata entbraott the un.1 in-,' pardon and rootoratla 1 HlO I III I r 11121 Of I'.lni'l, Seven I ' uinly. Um ,1 baa mad* appllcai Ion for tnx ,1 baa tii.nle opplleatloa fur reUowtng described property, situated civil right* resulting fr ,, ,1,1 Block 7 Is Miiiiuiuij iu aad is /i l,ui :i Block mill St. 1 'i,.rn, del -I 1,, Issue Ln accordance with low. in- deed to Ut at in tcitordt net xx nh "in (lounl v. i' Lorida, to M it Block 288 si. ( li ml: Lol 'i Bl .-.iiu <•<•! ,ifi< ate eiiilini, ,. Ih,. foUoW* luxv. Suid certlflcato ombrocoa tbe 1 roi 11 1..1 8 Block "i"' Patricks lotion for iim cr of mtirdnr pari of th* s bwotl quarter ,,r the .-ii. Clo 1 loud crtbod in".- tad in I'lllulX'l' Addition lo l\i. Irmnee City 1 emuiii 1,mui pardon for wblrh oaa Nurtbweol quarter of Section id land I" ,1 st tin Count). 1 imiii.i, in . !:i ('.unit v, Plorlda, III .xil . aiiiiiini; NW corner ma B. 80 11 1 lab* at ''""„" Kaoge 38 r.mi 1 eerflf i Lot I : Block '-i" si. 1 Hood, Lol I • , Loud. 110 11 N mi ft w. 14<> ft. Ion, o, tuber , ill Tllllillliissee 11,, uf 11. Tbompson "I land belfl ., m the lid land bell I nt the The «3i 1.1 land l« in 1 nt the ppllcanl tbo Honors We Praoh . Wm. .lulu, "ii ; M li ccrtlli- date ui' tho Lotuaaco nf aald earttfl A issuance "I Hid ictl,li 1 , (ll «'' "f I lie uhovo Cot til Bop cute iii iiu 1 Bkaowa; 'ill'- ill 11 ninu uf Mm li }'.; I ,1-11II I'll In Klin II lie BB- : bt re- 1 eerthfioate aball Is- ro- • I ,', , n too Ifitb day of will laoat Ebaraoa nu tai Bt ilii'ii'un un tlie 1st day of iKimiiiy made, in.. Fobraary, x. i>. 1:121:. will Issue il 1 i.'uu un I li,- I ii, amber, A. D. February, A. 11. LOSS. February, A. II. IBBR, -''"" I * Hi • iii'i'l'iueiiini v petltlona (Ct. Ct Baal 1 .1. I,. 0VER8THJBBT (UU Cl February, A. I>. L888 (lied in connection wiiu ibiH nppiicu (Ct Ct Heal) J. ! •" 1 "i (i j. 1,. ovEitsrntEK'y, ' lark ' in mi Cuurl Oaceol , ilerk t'lrculi r.'uii Oocoolt (Ct, Ot sos;> j. u 8 11'» ** NOTICtC V-J >rint lu IIIiMlt'llV ( 5 I V IJ' N; <*I**>t u ff T NOTLCM 18 llEREBV OIVKXI. Thai NOTICE IS HKRF.IIY HIVKN. Thnt NOTICE IS IIKRF.ltY CIVEN, That P. 11. Nh'hols. tnircUas,'!- of: Notice u hereby Klv.-n and sealed Tax Certificate No. STS4T8-980-S1S- L. It. Stevens, purchaser of: tilds will go riss'lvi",! by the Hoard of (127 7,">s duted ihe 2nd duy ot J cue, Tnx i ertlfl.iite Mr*. 7M-7.W 7ft0-7(lo- Tnx Ccrtifictite No. 70.'1 dutisl the '-"nd .'ounly CniiiuilHHluners lu and for Ol A. D. imp. slrVlOSn 10€O dated tbe 7th day of Juno. A. It. 1010. BBOia County. Florida, up to 10 A. M. has filed sold Certiflcste In my of- day of .Inly, A. D lftl.'l. Tax Certi- has filed snld Cortifaeata In my of­ If You Want to Buy 0. I. Ccismon. tvirchaser of: fice und hns iniule upixlicullnn for tic. Saturday. January 2.'trd. 1P2U, for li.-ate NUM. i>48-AUU-ti07-770 dntisl UM .haiiges tu office Bpaoo in the ( mmty inc. und tints uinile application for deed to issue in accordance with law. (llh duy ..f July. A. IV 11114. Tax Coort House, as Kbown by I'luns anil tnx deed to Issue in ms-oi-ilanie with Bald , ertificitte enibruces the fnliovc- ( vrttlieutc NOB 7H.'M»u>i-:».'i8-!HI7 dntixtl HliiH'iflclllloiis gdofttod by the Hoard law. Said certificate embraces the las descrilHsl prnfM'riy. situnie.1 in If You Want to Sell I following described pro|M>rty. aituntcl UM uti day ot July. A. D ISIS. Tux Copy of H|Ms'ifli.iLlons may he ob­ Oacoola County, Florida, to-wlt: tained from J. I.. Overslreet, Clerk of iu OsixMiin Oooaty, Plorlda, to-wlt: Certificate No. tkl7 dutisl Ihe 71 ii dny I..,t 22 Block 3B8 St. cioud. the Circuit Court. Is.I IH Block 88 St. Cloud: Um •.>:! • B*BEBsi of Aoaoat A D. mm. Tax Oorttfl. Tht sunt land lieing assessed at the The Hoard reserves the right to re­ Block .'111 Bt Cloud : Uit 24 Muck M eate No. lSfal dated the Sod day uf St. Clood; lad In Block ss St. Cloud: mite uj the Issuance of said certifi­ ject any and oil bids, all bids to bl June, A. It. IMS. Tax Certlflcato No. lm I 11 luck 14.'l St. (loud: Lots 1 tu cate iu the name nf it. Sbiimaii delivered to J. 1.. OlBUllQBt, Clerk. T2.1 dated thu 2nd day of June. A. D, Couai-U memberfl of the ST. CLOUD REALTY ? I Inc HbM'k SBO St. Cloud. Unless srild certificate shut, be re- J. L. irVKllHTUKkT, UHO. Tax Certificate N'os. BBS 10-tl The said Inmi lieiuir nssixised ut tin '!'•' me . nrdlng to Law, tsx deed Clerk of the Hoard of County fla rod the 7th day of June. A. It. Itrja BOARD. Thtsy are reliable. Cnmiiiissiniiers of Osceola County, dste of the Issuance of said DtrHfl will issi:. .hereon ui the 2.'lrd dsy of eate in the nam., of c .1 Meiey- iln 1. i filed BEid Certificate* in my of- Fluiida. 20-2L A. D. I known; W. II. HaiiKlilln; O. 1. ngiuin fI 'es and hns made application for Kobrnur. .il) J. I OVRRHTRBKT* II. 0, Rice; j. w. Hharver. M^tux ^ deed to issue in accordance with (Ct ct s Notlce To Creditors Unless said certificate shall ta' re-1"— Clerk Circuit Court. aw Raid certificates embrace the deemed acciii'dlug tu laxx, uix deed ' followin* g described pru|icrty, situated Osceola County, Florida will issue therein nil tin,. 1st (Illy Of 21- Keb. IK—F. 11. N. ln Court of the Cuunly .Indite, lis February, A. D. 11121;. in Osceola Countv, Florida, to-vvit: C. A. BAILEY ceole County, State of Florida. (Ct, Ot. Seal) J. L. OVFiHSTRITT . 't 8 Block -i' Unknown; Um 22 NOTICK TO CREDITOR IN HE-KSTATB of Henry U King Clerk circuit Court Osceolu Itloek 27. J. Cairo; Lot 3 Block *, CITIZENS REALTY CO. Iu Court of the County Judge Os- To all Creditors, Legatees, Dlstrltiu- County, Florida. F. Dell; Lot 11 Block 20, J. F. Kncli t.s-a and All I'.'i'M.iis tin vine Claims Dec. 31—Jan. 2H—C. C. O. leue.-. Uit 22 Block 21), C. R. Piatt; ceolu Oooaty, State of Florida. CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO. or Demands against said Estate: Isit 5 lilock HTi Uiiknnvvn ; Lot 10 In re Katnte of Charles H. Itenham. You, and each of yoo, nre hereby •f Apptirstlen for Tax Deed. Block 88, Unknown ; Lot 24 Itloek 2.S0 To all ( redltor. i.-,.uicc:-. Distribu­ DAWLEY BROTHERS notified and required tu any NOTICE IH HEREBY GIVEN, That Unknown ; Lot !J Block 200. S. Rote- tees and all Persons having CIUIIHH claims und demands which ynu, or R. If Wicker, purchaser nf: int; Lot 10 Hloek H, K. L. Mnlhixvs, oi- Ii, inun,Is against said Estate : G. C. HUNTER either of you, mny have nnuinst the Tsx Certificate Nu*9rtMHI-tll4-!»iri-:ilH Lot K) Block HO, l.nn d& Inv. Ynu, nnd each of yon, tire herby estate of Henr.v U. BBSS Sn "til. iui, 010-1188-1140-1142-1144-llfJO dated thu (o's; Iait li Block 00, J. H. Duncau; nnilfii',1 and regnirixl to present any J. B. TYNKR (Itb dav Of .lulv. A D. 1IH4. Tax Or- Lot !l ItliKk IBS, U. H. Seymour; Lot elniins und BtSBandl which you, or of OBOOOU Cuunly. PlOrUa, tn the •tricu.e No 1101 dated the r.ih duy of 17 mock 88, ',. 0, Looaood; l.s>t 22 either uf you, may have nj-'itinst tbe Judge of tbe ( ounly Cuurl uf (IsccuUt July, A. D. lftir-. f S. W. TORTEB County, Kloriili, wllbln 000 yellr Block tea, II. Bt. Mack ; Lot 22 Hlocl: estate u fhar'es 11. Denhaiu. deceas­ has filed said Certificate* In my of- £r,im tbe date berenf. 1(12, U. M. NewlH'iry; Cut 7 Illock 2x11. ed, inr,' of Oseeulu County, Klnridn. B. L. STEEN CO. l'iis', mui im- naada oppUcattoo for tax Unknown; Lot 22 Hlmk 2.'i7, H. C. to tho Coonty VBOBB of Oscwila Coun­ Dated Decenil*'!' .Mb A. I' I83B, dood to lsue ill ucisirilunce with law. WILLIAM SKAHUIIMit;. Means; Lot 21 Btock 2im, F. M. ty. Klnridn. of suid estate, within JOHN F. BAILEY Said eorttfloatoa embruces tbe follow- two years from the date hcrcuf. Fsecutor. In^ descrils'il. Hitilllled iu Osceolu llcnd; Lot BS Block 280, J. A. lu- I>ec. 24 11 t. Cuunly, i'liu'ldil, tn-wlt: miiii; I-22. Tux Certificate St 111 .ck .".12 st. Cloud; Lot 24 Block Haines; Unkimwii; A. lUiliuvs, A Jan. 14—F'eb. 11—L. R. 8. BBJ si ' Imi.I Isif 1:1 Itlnek :i(m St. No. r.2u cm i;;i7 dated baa 4th day of Haines ; I nkiiuvx n Nolire of Teurbers Kxnmina-lion Ul 1 . Lots IS nml 14 Block Bin si Unless suid cert if icu tes shall be re- June. A. D. IIC'.'I. CI,.11.1 ; Luis IA aud HI Block. 1145 St. MIIIHUMIIIIIlMIMIMItMMMIINHHWIMI dceiii'-u a. eiirilini: to law, tnx deed Tlie Ti'ui'ber's cxiiinlitatiuil f(»r all bus filed .-'iiii ccrtifieutos In my of­ • bod. xx*111 issue taajrooa oa the nth day of (TaOlOO uf certificates will Is- held at fice, and bos made application for '1'hn ssid land being nssesscd lit the Pobroary, A D. MB, the Cuurl lluuse. Kissiiniuee, Klmidu. tax BtttJ lo issue la aoi-oi'duncc with MounUiin, Mich., arl Wlllium A. Den Slate of the issuance of wild certifi­ I'l'liliinliiK at S:.'vll A bt, un Thursday, Law. Suid certificate* oatbraaa tha ST. CLOUD RED CROSS cates lu Ibe liuiiies uf Utikiinivii; A. (Ct. Ct Seal) J. I. OTEBBTttEtTT ham. of 8t. Cloud, Fla., and to all Clerk Circuit Conrt, (isi-eela Iriiiuv mi,I Snliirduy Ftdirunry 4th, folloxvinir aooaoibed propitltt, situated other parties intmcstisl in the estate W. Newmiui, B, P. WIIIIMDIS; M- A. ."ith und (lib, 1112(1. Kiirnllnieiit bbinks iu (is, cola County. Florida, to-wlt. DOING MUCH GOOD Cleveland , C. Alexveiler; Uuknuwil. County, Klorida. of Charles H. Denlmm. deceased, mid will I*' fiiliii-lnsl un :i|'liti.-.l11,'11 nt 1,01 B Mock ISO; I^it 11 Block 58 Unless said cerlificiiles shull be re­ Jan. 7—Feb. 4—B. M W. in the land herein descrllsul. deemed ueeurilltig (o low, tsx deist this office. Applicants (for I'tx.fes. l.ut 1(1 Itlnek BSj I.,,, li! BlOCfe l"l'. Lot Notice is herby civen that William WORK Notice of AiNMirution for Tax Deed will Issue thereon ou the 1st (lay of i" or S'vfhil Cerlificiiles must 111 BtOOfe BBS I Lot 7 Itlnek 28tl; Lots A. Itenham, nilministrator ot tbe es­ The St. Cloud l-hnpter of the Rod February. A D. ISBB. rtonca is RBBBTBT aivasi,-IBSI •aba application to Dta state sti|M-r- 12 and Ul •lock 848; lsd o Block tate uf Cbnrlee H. Deiibam, OOOOaOOd, (rnss has b+^n doing some very fin** (CL OL Seal) J. L. 0VKR8TREET, llcnr.x I his. pitrcliaser of: intenilmil fm- BBTBtuBOlon I" lul.e Ibe 2ii:i; l.ui is Block 1ST; Lol is Blostk has filed In this court his petition work, nltli.mpTli fiw IWBpto npo.m to Clerk Circuit Court, Osceola Tax Ceillflcite Wo, 1177 illiteil Ibe ."itb 4-xn IIIili.-: i i.>ii lllniiks fur this LtuV- 85; Lot II Hlock 888; Ixit 18 Hlock asklnit for autbority to lake poMM tiik,- mmh tBteWMt In tho activities County, Florida. day of July .A . D. IBM. Tax I Btttfl t*,sc Ultly Is- nl'tniiusl frnm the Cmuity BB0; uti of the jibnve bits balag Bocord sion of the fiillowlnic bnid bolooging of tin- cliuptcr, and it. is lott to a Dec. SI—Jan 28-J. J. M. rata NO, K»"' dnlisl the 2nd ilux ,,f SiiiM'rinteiuleiit. PorOOOt ilesirlin: In BtJ m the plat of the town af 8t. to said eslate ia Osceolu Oooaty, Flor­ tOW to IH'HT- llu- n'S|Mtnsihlllty and July, A, D. l'H". Tux Ccrtlficnie No elniiii cxeiii|.timis nil their Klnridn Cloud. ida, for ibe Bttrpooo of Baybaj dobta 1,-M-p the Wdrk OOiOg. This should In the Circuit Court for the Seven imt LM. Tho wnrk IH ton iinpnrtiint to Tills duted tile 2nd dny of Julie. A D. eeitltienli's niitst file sullle xvitb tbe The BOld lund refPf tONOMd at the uxvinu by -uid estnlc on the around lentil Judicial Circuit of Hie tn* sliiUKhu-red hy inotttOtOOjOO, and 1MB, Tux Ceililicutc NO. lOffl duted OOOnty SuiielilltelKlent priur lu Ihe data "i iim IBBUBIII I suid otrtUl. that the Dorooaal oroparty o I Slate of Kloridu in and for Ibe 7th dny of .lune. A 1) 1!I2(I. ex;- tiilliiilI,in. A eel liti, uie of pood cul..- :n llu- iiunic of Uiiknnvvn; J. 11 tin* rtMUltel iittiiiiiril inv of vitjil lm- Osceola County. lule is in siilficieiil to pny suid debts: bus filed suiil I ei-til'leulcs in my ef- ni,,nil .liiiiu.ter slKiicd by txvn re- •K.rtitiHv tO tho P-orOQW ns a whole. IN CHAM l'.RV rooati (i. W, Eodai K. K. Btalot; J Lota in nml 2(i Block UB la tbe ftBOj unit bus uindc ii]ipliciltiui, fur tponslble porooot, tosotJiac with i H. Rich: C. Iliiiiniiit ; Unkiiuxvii; J. A. It Is not iMissllile here tn catii!i>^ Bttj x Wells. Coinpbiinutil in\ dtssi !., issue in accordance with town of st. Cloud, uinridii, aocord- Of the fOllOWtna foot nitlsl ue,"iii|ilili.\ Cfiinsiciui A .1 Fi.-t,.f' B Cougar nil Khnfi has bMO iutNnii-.Ii.-hod hy ssrub K. Boawoll (forntorly Batata '•' ll« tu tile Official 1 'lot Of suiil town bixx Bald certificate! BBtbraco the eocfa u|i|ilic.-il i.m Pot mlml-sinu In the \\*. (J. Kn\x lei': Unl.nuvxn. t In' chii|iti'r, nr In iin:i nn tho value WUson), et gi Dafendantt lull to foUowtna iii—eriU'd proporty, Bltuated mi file III tlie ..ffiee of 111.' clerk ef examination: I'm Third Orade 11.00; Please* shull is' re- Of tliis w.irl; : hut LI.S nie*\.i"n of a t,nilci Title, order tot Publication tooola ' '"Unix. ub,ri,iu. i, ixIt : the ( i nu it i'unit of Oacoola Oooaty, Second Grade 81.60; Flral Ot tdt dootood Bccordlng to luxv. tai dood few inst:iiu-es niiirht IM- iutiMcst inc, The Slile uf llmiilu t„ All heirs, i i Wis II 21*4 Bt. Cloud riorlda und luis 17 mui 48 nf Secthm grantees, nnd other claim- BUM r rj I MB); BpeclaJ 13.80. xiill utina tlieiei.n mi the 2:ird dny of l„i-i suiunicr sum.' Christ .tins bo&t I ,,i \J Blot I. 287 si. Cloud i:i township 2ii South, Bongo : 1 llllin:: nil! illleresl Nniil.X tile COUnty SlIIM'tillli lulelil lul.ruui.v. A. II. L030. wore pre|inriMl :nnl i'urwn rili'il In till' 1 7 Bim I ..s si. Cloud aoordlog to the tohdlxvlol«»n - 10 the hitiils in tliis Bull 1 ',.,,1 nn (Ui ur helure Juliuur.v 38th Il'2li. il "I (i Baal) .1. U. OVBRSTRBET, j roper autb.orltle» for distrihutiui: I.m 21 Block 288 BL - taction by tba s loots Land ami der Barab E Boawelll formarly Barab ( Lerk cnciiit cmiri. osecuiu 1 among the enltflrWl 1111*11 of tin* m-my nl i lie xnii cxi.-ct ti, unroll f,,r U tfamlna lm eslliicnts lu, [BCOrpatOd , lis -liuxxii p, \\ llson 1 nn,i William Boawell, hot rim suid Land boUnj torossed County uiuiiiiu. end nnvv. in »aca* of tbeee begi «• I lull m hy ils iilul Of suiil seel lulls un fih' in liiishumi. or "'""'I' ..r 11,,in Iwbethel lOtO "t I lie i .- inline uf Bald . il iii placed rhe oaa t oaa <>r th« ottloaBa SAM HIIAM.MAR, •in 11. 31 I'l'i-. is i:, it ihe office of tho Clark of tba Circull siiiiii- I*' dacooood ot alive), or other- llles in the untiles of C, U. " '. gh of tin* st, CSood chapter. a torn xvisc claiming nn Interool i il iiu ; \v. r 11, i -, he ; i ajmowu tod i Ciiiinix Buperloteodonl nl' Pu­ ('unit Oaoaola County, tin., aad thai Notice of Application lor Tsx Deed 'l.i>s BJO, Mr AiT'iWsmitli. the tt«J lands, YOU AND EACH OF vol i Baad. blic Intl-ructlon, tho data set for the hearing of aald i-mi NOTICE is HEREBT GIVEN, Thai sii!"i* nf tlie .liu|>!.M. riirivn) | uinsl AUK HERBm cilMM \ Mil-Ill I'II Unlos* said oortlflcabst aball ba m Oocooli ('uuniy. Plorlda. iimi is Saturday the 8th dny of March c. \v. Nolaon, purcaaoor uf; tctereaUiifl ami apprecla. Ire lettar appear In the tbOVB enlitlcd 0BO00 un daoaiod ncciudiii': tu low, taa .bed kO- A. li. 1838, nl ll ffiee of thl ('mm trmn ana of the boft who recelred one the first iiny nf March, -t. D. 1888 win issue therooa mi ;n • 18th daj i ( NOTICE io ( III in 101^ i'u\ Certificate Nn. BTO dated ibe 7th ty .Indue of OtCOOtl Cuunly. tlortdo, TIM iil'uxe ctitilled Hi, 11 in n suit I., County .Imi'*!'. (I- dny ..I' August, A, H. li'Ki Tux Cer­ nf thi'-.-r t 'hrisl IINIS baja. 1,1'iiini.v A 11 10211 In Court uf Bi Kissiniiu.s'. in s;ti,t I'minty at 10 unlet Ihe title uf ei.Iliplililult,! In the tificate N". 1008 dated tbe 2nd dux »)ur Hurst'. Mi'-s I't-rtlni liunter, ha* Hi O Bool' .1. 1 OVERSTREET, I'CIU imi. Slat ,.r Plorlda O'clock A. M . at which lime imi niu.v foUowlnj descrlbcii praperti Located kept aloaa weitoai aver tha totora than cii'i-t. dtoall Ooort, Oocooli Itlehnrd A. Miller. nf July. A. I' H'17 Tux Ceil iii,-ul. apfausr aad ooateol the graatiag of in oseisiiu Oooaty, Plorlda, to-wlt: 111 ^^^^^I'-iiHi' "l ^ 800 aehool dtttdcjra atatieltiif th(> Cuunly, Plorlda I legotoeo, I Hal ri No. BB0-13S] 1l.1i,si the .".i'ii dny of .Iimt suid is'iitinii if ymi s.-e prapaf Batlnnlng al 1 natal BB) feel \\"-i To iill I re.limrs BPfaoola in this part of Oaoaola riiunty, uf the Southeast lunier Of the Smith Imi 11 Fob II 1. li i- BBtlOS Cluiius A. 11. IBIS, Tux Certificate No, n7i Williess niy Illl 11.1. ul Kisilnnicn, ,11,1 ull 1'. ;-, and tn i(iiti> 11 "t oat ot theee leteota oast QTjartor ol tha Norttawoal qaar said Batata . .',72 datod Iim 2nd day of June. A I» Klnridn litis .Iniiu.i iy 18, A H 1030. nr Demands sgtiutl hns baaa inii'i-rnphMi bf any • I'Mhiuir ter nt SiHiiuii Fifteen (IB), Township Nolire of \i>|iliialbii for Tux lied Bob of you, are hereby IBIS Tnx Certlflcato No. 7 I. tuanda which yuu. or • A II "1211. Court Ooooolt ('uuniy. Plorlda, North CK' fool ; I" iJie Rlaalmmee ('i Tnx Oertlfloate N,,s TIB 717 datod the claims unl Uoni of iiu* rttvta irrail care must he tliciiee Boothweol , may have aisainsl tho bus filed suid Cellificntes in my of i-nuiu Brick road; (111; ,luv uf Inly. \ |i IS] I. Tnx either "' ! •" obaarred to pferaBl Ita oul hreiikhen'. erlv aloof, tho told Hi — Inn,i, ,- iii achate Of Ulcliunl A. Miller ,!,-,,:, , ,1 lice, and bus inuile application foi Nolire of Application for Tut Deed Certificate No 1088 datod the 2nd "h« Bad Oroaa cfaaptei has airaady land Brick road in iiu- Boothwaol j lute of (l-eei. nllllly. Kiol'lda, l( ileed !,, i"slie in BCCOrdOBCa xxilb laxx- NOTICE is BBBEBI GIVEN, Thai dux uf July. A, II, IIH7. Tax ( ml takes steps bo LsajMlla rach 0 situ;itiou corner of tbe 8 miilii'iisl ipiurter nf Suid i ell ll'i.ules Clnluviees me follow flcnli' .'. . :::« iII17 (I d the 2nd day ibe County Judge m Osceola Oooaty John A. Bplan, purchaaer „f: KhOUld it iiccur. Hie Ni'itbxvest uunrlcr nf said Set 1 imi lag ,leseiilN'.l lu-uts'tty, tltuatod in lis- lux iVi'lil'iinl,' Nn .Ml doted the ."nil I'il'leeii (16) J thence rim due K.usl tn Of June, A. 1>. HUH. Tnx Cerllflcnte xvilhin mie x.-ii 1- from Ibe date ben- Hook worm has for years hovn • sola Ci'iuil.i. Kbirl'Iu. tO-Wll : iiu \ ,,i July. A :. Mie iilm-e uf bclillinilii: The said No, 7IS dated tho 8th duy tf June, el. Datod January 7th A, i>. 1938 1 QOfta prevalent ln the Smith, and our LOI I. : lllnck .'Ml; I/.U IS Itlnek tins flleil suiil Certllieulc in un ,,• Inn,Is hciim u pint , I 1 "i Thro* un A. D. UBL Al llHKV i;o(lSlt\. iint.\ BAI •••i'l Ita .share It lm.-* only bus film! suid Certlfi, lltes in my uf- ,112: Ini 11 muck 88; I.m ., Block mui Poor ti> nf Payai and Payuo'i Ailniiui-I rul',1' lie. aad im- Bstdo application for fiee. and Iui- inuile appUcatlOB Pot tux 2112: I.m is Hi,.el, 38; I.m Hi Block baaa in raoaol peart that awdtoal Babdlvlaioa of tin Dutheat nit, Lag fsOtd In issue in neeurilullIX' with dood I" i'-ue in ne, erilnliee vxitll luxv. Jun 21 Mnich 11. 211: Carta n und 10 Block 8S8; l.ut 12 sueiiif hns hern nhle to Hureessfully of Ibe Nullbxvesl i|llurl.'|- ef Seel inn luxv. sunt .ci'tirieate embrace* tht Snhi certlftcatoa stnbraoa ihe follow Itlnek BSj Lol lb Block 88; Unl 1." eoinlK'U this Uy tin- iaj>ahl<- Fifteen (15), i'oxvn hl|i Twenty five Nolire of Application for Tax: Demi. following deocribed property, Htuated he dooorlbod proporty, ilbBilatl la Block 2:1: l.u: 2--; Block 21': Lol 84 Insti urticii nf MJSH Hunter ninny ol! (SS), South uf RaiiBu Tiveulx NOTICE IS HI'.iiK.HY UIVION, Thttt in Oseenlu Cmuity. I'luriilu. I u \, , la ('nuni.v. Plorlda, t" wll i Block 2:1, l.ut 7 Itlnek 272: all nf tbe tha i«irents of chlldrea aiflloted by 12111 Ma si. I. I, Sim en-, linn liiiser of : Let III Itloek 2081 Lot B4 Block 388; llbuxc luis iM'in^' lie SjfOg I" the Unl 21 Ul," k SS St. ClOUd. hisik wnriu imn' baaa Ladvoad bn aaa* WITNWSS the ll.innriilili' Krnnk A. I^.ts 22 ami 38 Itlnek 2.r.:l : Lot 211 Tnx Cert iriciUi. Nu. lll'ijllllll DOt0d 'i'he said mud using asoeoood .n the Sniilli. as .Indue of the iihnve ( sort, tata Kivjin; ef tin eaaaaj, i*e- Block 30a i.m 21 Block ;'•":.; Lot L8 Hi,. .,ti, iiii.x- ut .lui.x. A. U. 1910, Tax plat uf 1 In- Iowa uf st. Cloud. dale of the is.-iiuuci' uf sni,| ee.Iii:- and my inline us Clerk thereof, snd laedlaa fr. lag Bccordlatj to tba pint of taa town nf August, A Ii. ISM, l'u\ Cci'iflcnto Unless sui.l , ,'rtii'ieule shull BO l-e- Plorlda, mi this the 'list dny of Doc- of St. Cloud. lilies in III*' ilium's i,f A ('. Newell .1. IX Chuun, many such ease hav» Nn. 701 7(12 7IH duted the 2nd duy of dOOtBOd U'CirdiliK to laxx. lux emiK'i', A. i>. lata, Tin- -:,I,I bind taxing usscssisi nt the It, S BOOCOO; Ullknnxxu; W. 1, Stun baaa treated and RO nuceesfully that j \. u. nun. Taa I ortlftoat* No. xx ill issue tfasrOOU on the 2ilrd ilnv (Ct Ct. S ) J. U. (tVrciiKTIU'lKT dill-' Bf UM ls-lllince Of suid eertifi ley; It. V. Thompson; Unknuxvn ; J. many parents 1I:IVI> 8BBM voluntarily to Clerk Circuit Court Ooooolt IHI:; dated taa fth dny "f June. A. D. ui robroary, A. D. no;. ciiles ill the lillllles of J. Hess; II. tl. Xiuieis.ui. ijnkaowa; DakaowaiC II. ai.k for thir* irvat-nient. County, Klotidn. IPSO. Tu\ Certlflcato Nn. sin thtbsd (Ot. Ct. Seal) J. 1.. OVKItSTHKKT NOObOt; J. Oitiley; ,1. Akills; Un I''l.xiill. A Slelells; .1. u t: r.v : in addition tn this there have h.en Johnston A Cnrrrell, kiiuwii: II. I Mil 'l.'I.V ,,l .lime. A le 11122. •Clerk Circuit Court, Oocoohl ninny K-aso« of d«rf,H-fcl\^ Vision, of UiiknuM II County, 1 Ktaalmmot, linrldn. I tile s suid eerllflcnles sluiil Is' re bus filed aald CertUtcataa in my of­ heiirlnj;, and deft-x-tn unknown to the t niess raid cortiflcateo -lmM be ro Jim. 21 Bab, IS J. A. H. i oiinsei fur Oomplalnaat ileeineil acOOtxSIOtJ tn luvv. tux deed fice it in I tins made appUoattao fur tux pi rents, which have bBM discm'enil will i uc thereon un the Sth dny ul ileeineil BCCOrdlog to laxv. tux BBBtJ '.i rah is ,lee,| I,, isisuc iu BCOOrdODCa xxitb luxv. tlirnunh the nurne tFispiM-tiuiisi, nml ; will isMls tborOOB uii the 2."»I b dsy of Notlre of Application for Tat Deeal. February, \. D. i"'" Said certificate* stoJtrace ibe follow- most of these have ln-vn n-nieilhil and (.t t. ti tool) .1 L. OVERSTREET, LBg I, el-lhed Broptfty, sltuillixl In robroary, A. i>. h*M NOTICE IS HBBEBX OIVEN, Thut Clerk Circuit Cuurl, Osecubl j, v. Btoffol, porcaaaar ot: t hildreli relleveit fiinn aartOWJ llfrt it's Caapet Cleaning OBCOOla < mintx I'lulldu. In xx il ; ice ci leal J J. u. OVBBffTBEyR ir County, Florida Tux Certlfii'iite Nu. 7IS the Tl li lmi« linndienps. Upholstering i I mui g Block 811 : si. Oload i Clerk Circuit Ooort, Jan. 7 Feb. 4— O. It. (isis'iilu ( uunty, linrldn. day nf .liilx. \. H. IBaSL Tux Cerlifi- ii \i.ii baaa seme R(M>d aleaa elataV Unl III BbMk 2(17 st. Clood; Unl II Jan. 21 Feb is c ff, x, eute Nn. 7(l(i dutisl tbe ulh BB] "I in*,' Hint you don't newl, or shites, or IHls-k 2-".S SI. CI,mil; Unl HI lllnck "» BYRNES July. A, D. IBIS, Tax Corlifi.uio N., thiniCi sUUallfle {bf the Imi 11 etaal no IT BM SI I'lmi.U. Unl LO HbM'k 2n!l St. CLEAN RAGS WANTED .Vol ice lo liclrs sud all oilier purtics 540-073 (latisl the 7lb day nf Allitllst, Nil- ll'inter woahl in- Khiil to have 12th St. A Orngiri Are. i-I,,ii,l . Lot Hi Bloc* 207 St. Clntld j Lux 800 St. Cloud Inleresl,.! of Xilniusjslnitnr- prleition A. it. mm. rnx Otrtlficat* No 7. IWJo St. Cloud Abstract Co. Unuiitllln. ktlcbigon; Abie Dibble ami g p IS Peoples Banlt Building (CI CI S.SII) ,1. L. OVWRSTUEET 7 and I 111 s I, US; all OboOB Lot* Is' (CL Ct .SU'a!) J. U OVMltiSTItlClOT BOT bllHliiind, lOveretl Dibble m i nr ins; Bcoordtag to tho ptal of Iho bown ST. CLOUD, fliOIUDA Clerk ('.lixult Court •Clerk Ctrcutt Onrt, Oaaaeaa Osceola County, Florida. inmi:i. Ml, b., Karl It. Dvlihnin. uf ( »ir- ul Bt Cluuil •fT <'o«nfy, FlorWu, 1 Itountala, Mich, and William A. Dea- TIB. '-•' i-'" ' is 1. it R The sold laud being* OSNCSNIMI st tlm jaa bl Pat !»•—Jt v, K. THUtSDAV. JtxsNtAKV tl P UiK KlbHT -."SKITIWN K. THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST C.^OUD. PltOafDA

I Hlli


These Homes Erected By I The St. Cloud Building Corporation i


V. CLYDE EDWARDS W. A. ARROWSMITH Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer

I. B. HAWK, Construction Superintendent
