St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 22, January 21, 1926
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University of Central Florida STARS St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida 1-21-1926 St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 22, January 21, 1926 St. Cloud Tribune Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in St. Cloud Tribune by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 22, January 21, 1926" (1926). St. Cloud Tribune. 164. bad JANUARY 1936 NT. CLOUD TRMTKRATCBUI Thursday. January U fitt—33 I 2 Krld:ly, Junuury U fl Saturday, Jnnuury 10 . 7 S490750 Sunday, January 17 Ml <;:. 10 II 12 13 14 IS 10 Monday, January 1H 7S M 1/ 15 10 20 21 22 23 Tuesday. Jnuu.irv III 7<)—48 % 23 20 27 25 29 30 Wednesday, January 80 s VOLUME SKVKNTKKN ST. ( OSCBOLA COUNTY. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, ISM NUMBKR TWENTY TWO • :-: PEOPLE WHO ARE MAKING ST. CLOUD A CITY :-: CHAMBER COMMERCE AND BAND TO 48 Pages of News, Views and Photos of Some PEOPLES BANK INSTALLS ATTEND ANNIVERSARY MEET AT STUART of St. Cloud's Prominent Business "M'CLINTOCK" BURGLAR ALARM Men and Women The Peoples Bank, of St Cloud an and cloaerf circuit* being; used, «o The largest aad mart InthusUmic 28th and ItHh, 1020. nounces the Installation of a new bur t'.iat any attempt to cut cables or THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE TODAY wires, drill through the valuta lin aneeUng of the Ut. \Ooud chamber This celebration, which will be at glar alarm sy»;em known as the "Mc ings or doors, or the use of the o»y- *f coauaeree wax held at the business tended by the Governor, hi* staff and This little edition of the St. Cloud Tribune is issued C'llntocka." ncetykme name, would Immediately •owiliii, aau bouquet at noon WHIU,'» cabinet, will N> unique In the annuals in order to take care of the jrreat demand of our business This system has been installed, dur turn In an hlarm. of our (treat state. day people for space that cannot be taken care of in our limited ing the past 20 years by Banks and The system has Its own electrical Trust Companies, in Federal Reserve There were throe long tables ser PRBMinHNT. energy, not depending: on any out* issues of a weekly paper, while we are doing our utmost to Itanks. Hub-Treasuries and Federal Mdc soorce. This electrical energy is ved and refilled, during which time Mm. Ihiwley announced that the get into our new building and get the new machinery in Iluildlngs. It Is one of the moat com installed inside the vault, as la every- festival committee n»> getting along members of the Orchestral band plete systems |fut out, and during thing else connected with the system, furnished mgslr, which was received fine and requested thnt any one hav stalled for our daily. We have no anologies to offer for the appearance of this issue, but we feel proud of the advertis the past twenty years not one of the except the big alarm gongs. •With wonderful appreciation. The ing anything or wishing to make «r thousands of these In operation has The system has proved so success •{new* Introduced were Miss tJenerlvr rang-envcut* for display of any kind, ing patronge accorded us for this week, for the biggest edi every failed to do Its duty -, al,hough ful that it has become recognised by ttwlft and mother. Mrs. Lucy Hwlft, to consult her at the chamber of com- tion of a newspaper that has ever been issued in Osceola burglars have attempted in every con •ill vault engineers, bank architects, ceivable way to defeat it, they have «T tinmil Rapid*. Mich., by B. L. •MM ri>om Is-tweeu four and five county, either by a daily or weekly, special edition or other eiiderwrltecH, and bankers themselves, never got beyond their flrat attempts. as the ouly real protection a pi Inst ffceen ; Mrs. Alme Wunaer. Hunting each afternoon. wise. ton, I/mg Island. N. Y.. by Mrs. May- The system Is so complete that no lurglary and is highly recommended II. A. Ootwta, i-halrman of com one part of the vsnlt or doors has by all rttatcs, and the National Bank torn; Mrs Iaola Roelker sod l>r. Hark- So rapid has been the growth of St. Cloud and Os- mittee to rnlse funds for new band a single form of protection, the pro ers' Association, said Mr. F. B. Kenney »u>ff, by Mrs. Foster; K. r>. Taylor, shell and to pay salary of the mem cola county during the past two years that it has taxed the tection on all purls being; either du cashier of the Peoples Bank of St, l*olut Marion, Pa., by .1. K. Conn; bers of the bund who are to give daily capacity of the plant of the St. Cloud Tribune to take care plicate or triiJinito. both the open Cloud this wi-k who were given a warm welcome by concerts for the remainder of the sea son, revolted that 11105 had been of the local work, while at the same time calls have been Che president. raised and the amount necessary yet. made on us from adjoining cities to supply the need of real H..,.retnry Rolfe read the follow1at{ was !es.s than *.">0O, which waa raised developers of Florida. tttvitalion from the (handier of Coin in about ten minute*. Workmen are aoeroc .<t Stuart, Flu, which tru ac- at work this morning on the shell Every member of the Tribune force has been working •pMi i In -..siilont requested Mr. Itolfe t< tiny and night for many nights to try to supply the demand ttocrctary Oliaml>er of Commerce, - M program which la as made on the plant, and the loyalty of the force is responsible *. Cloud, Florida. !aUr>wt) Monday night radio broad Idiir Ht: casting at Winter Park; Tuesday for the success of this extra large paper today. They have The Htuart Ohamlxr of Commerce afternoon la the new u|Mowu shell all been untiring in their efforts to produce the paper on *.dnw the Commissioners and EUtMM corner New York Avenue nmi Tenth time, while at the same time supply the calls for a very large of Martin county In cordially inviting Hlreet; Wcdin>day afternoon same aou uud the mejnl*.|-a of your organ plmv; Ilmr-diiy night at city park ; edition of a state wide publication that is being printed re- isation to participate in the celebra l-'rlday afternoon up-tow-n ; Saturday guiirly in this plant, and the small odds and ends of job tion of tlu-ir first Birthday KeHtlrnl In night uptown nuil Hunday afternoon printing that DOOM to this office. konor of the aqnniy'a distinguished In city park Tills roi-ciied a great •uoiiaor, governor John W. Martin; ovation The first coin-en will |». That St. Cloud has a publishing plant that can supply to be held at Stuart the county scat, Berl Tuesday nfteriioon. Uk) thing that is called fo rin the printing, lithographing or w Thursday and Friday, January engraving line is probably better known throughout the state that to many of the home folks, hence this little article in this little issue today. W'c all did it. We all tried to do the best that we could. If we faued we know you will tell us, but if yon like this effort to show the growth of our little eitv we would also approriate your telling us about "the biggest edition of an Ofceola County paper ever published." LOOSE BATB8 B08BNTHAL ft. U STEKN U>1 Koriiierly of lliinlinglnii, lyting aa> it. I., aiflnn. bora in Daxfaa*. county, . Cloud Post Office Shows land. N. \., I aM(MaM miltor in Mlssoiu-i, raised on | f.-irm in .tewi-it her home cilv. Karly in ll'JI she HUH county, Kansas, tiniglil s liool in Kan pos-silrfnic' in M. Cloud wid pur- -,\s, tiklahoiiui, ainl Missouri: fravol- Increase of 67 Per Cent • Inusetl an int. rest iii the Slurgea eon- iii tor a i-omiiieri-ial line four years; Irarl for the hale of the 6, W. Hop was- in the lauioHs Oherolcea ttrlp kins |H*o|STty in IKccol.i county. Was A'-i-ording tu fiKUrcs just compiled I lot so Race iu IBM when laud mi on every private BM||1|B| Otrd or pic firt-t oitl-siilcr la vnit^r real eajtajtg l-y r*"itmtttf I. it. Culls th, pa thrown ojstn by the Oovernment to the ture po>) curd and to li.ive all news ;:(!ivilies ill I 'lor ,d:i ; hltrl' she Was nipl-i of the I onl i»isl oflii-e for first uian or woman who could run weighiHl L COM mailing if ime of the inror|Mir»lors of Hie Bt, the month of December show an In from the antajfla line tif a «trlp of reus,' ot aiijinn iin.-itel.v 117 pajf i-onl order tha* may i»' dlanatchad ( lumi li< il Kstale A huetmenl Co. fnmi this offl<e without delay. laud 40(1 miles wide and XX) miles Mr the i-moe month of the pcttcMd' ImiK and gel, by any means, to the !j-g year.