■ r^ V ‘X'‘ ■ ^.A' : t ■A'-;

■ V.., "y . V Tt®SDAY,-9CTOTER 18, J958 p a g e ■', \ A rtnre Dally Net Proas Ron ^ A^tratlfipatW O w ning Far tka WaekRadeS Tho WosthiR; n -D et. IE ' ' - A ., F aftinoM aS 0|> B. Waatfeac R a n s a ' o r l i . _ Hospital. Mambecs who arO .to county group T h if -propilaea to be- ^ me^et Mt8. Rikcr Gucst participate are reminded to bring M em ^rshipJTea ' " a delightful affair, Meettog other 1 1 . ' .Maatly Mendy apS oM teMgMt » t t t T o w i i Episcopal Church w ill meet Friday a t 5 p.m. in the parish house. The 1 . • A . l , . * their costumes and report at th'e women of the cbpiuy-in a charm­ AMCSITE DRIVfWi le>ir> afar '’40. Gnadual etaarlBg guest speaker w ill be M in iSdna Of Wat€i8 JtOJttlffht Home of President Mrs. Barbara Rpr GOP WomM in g 200 year ehfhptqe. i Thniwday beeeinlag parSy cleody EKM K. Duffy, of Fdx of Hartford, formerly of this I : v - . o Thompson,, tomorraw a t '6 p .m . , -Any othertntereited Republican EXfiHar iN srauab ■ ter u u l . AM O cU to d 7 ly itl) > _____ .\ , / A / / a w ^ a h ttln j iraw^ town, who, .will' show pictures of Weighing tonight will be at womap i^lsb'lnvited to attend. Grading__ »lsc£lae Spread — Fottia Set MtauJumtitr^^A City of ViUage Charm T) m B / m i i uKl 'preacntly odltor Base A . > ,her trip to -Europe the- past sum­ Manchester W.a t e * ' w ill hold thV.usual time, 7 :3 0 and tha gusat / Members of the Manctae'ater Re­ Also: Parking LoU v* Teania€o«rta —.Waua; jof tbe H am o^ Titnea, ^-tH apm mer. Hostesses w ill be Mm. ^ e ly n their a-eekiy meetingXohight at 8 speaker at'the'; meeting w ill be publican Wom«fh’a Club ire cor­ HICBT TONIGIIT Terms A rriaged;«- Dealr*d \ on •.'Curront JW«ot»”- at the n»o«T Schofield. M^s. Dorothy Brown. o'clock In Tinker ' M il. when re; Mrs. A. Laurence Rihir, 680 dially invitad to a nfaniberahlp tea, preseniitlves of im ^ridtlp mid , 10% FOR CASH •transactions , In r o< the Ooamo^olJUn CTub M rs . E2 aine Bagge anA Mrs. Ethel poiM .wlIl -be presented, on the Spring St., who 11 show film s of k *0) PWCE; day af^nlbon at o'^ock hi tn* to be ^ven by'the Hartford Ooui Xivlb, organizettons’ are reminded AlX INSTAI-LATIOIW SUPERVISED B* CENTS ■/ 2 C a r ls o ^ ■' successful, two-W ghl performance her vacation tripe. Federation Room of tit*, Cehter of "Tons of.Fuft’’ at the VerplanckJ * ty Republican Women's of the meeUng\tpnight , at 8 V OoncncatlOnal CJiurch. ' The Educational aub w ill hpM audltoilum. MEET TOMORBOW 'Ihuraday afternoon at tha h^a-of o'clock at the Amehlcan pegiPo DEMAIO W.W,. its first meeting of the year tomor- Tomorr^ night a' 75-m ln u te The- M ary McCliire group of the Mrs, John Mottbchl, 1588

- 4 4.4 4/'':¥;4:,;!/:;*K4'a;,4'454%,;^:,'4*^ ,4; ■ i.‘. 4 4 ; :^ , ; . 4 ;, 4 f ,: 'y:4y4- ,;yr;4yi,4',>:' MANCHESTER EVENn^G HERALD; MANCHESTEI^. CGNN., WEDNESDAY, OCTbBER i^ , ■ - |r' ^ - *- ' • ■/'...... ■• ■ ' • ...... ■> T 7 T f V MANCHESTER EVElP^ifii MANCHESTER. CONN,^WEDNESDAy, OCTOBER 19, 1955 ■1“ Pi^G E F IV E The Tontine;; D ennis, aA du n t l e firia started in the boiler room. The .. ^ Mams; Dolan,. HaapiMl of 1 C y M I ./ Angels; Wouk, Msrjoria Morning-" the purpose of receiving Ertel in chargb. Group 5 , City Hoapllal to Mr. and Mra. Ed­ star; Yerby, The Treasure of Pleas­ Grdeers CCoperatlv^lnc., one of inclusion, o f Omer Matters Johhaon,inson, wishingwiBiung well;wen; atra.Mra. unar-Char­ processing ali types of member- William Otto as leader ward Stme, 19 8 Union St. ^ The twoirroupe meet each Ttiee- V r i l B N MVOopxtfyM tM x \ | lo ttete QranviUe, “ ...... 4shita, elephant; 4w « - ^ ant Yelley.,: • . ' the, biggest wholesale Yrocery- out - : y A rriUp applications. / \ tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock. New Patlehta Include Donna' inantJM^’aSw l^W ndpSi Riciurfi•hard diy d “ evenini i n i *at 7 :S0 p.m. 'in_ the M rs.a. Anna Ingram,'whoieaale; Mrs. lie Good WtU'CIub of St. John’s Hammlngway. - RFD, Rockville', Non-fIcUon titles Includs Angle, lets in Western Connecticut. It Rockville, Get. (Special )--Itq>; era reelected aa follows: John H. ^ yFWActlvIUea ^ B MathW will aarve as dhalrnsan dhal L- — hall of Sacred Hea^t Church in .Bridgeport; p te tA t (Pi—Vlriti^ ' f M artan ria n MeadowerofL hotasehold Episcbpal Church, will meet this' and. Arthur Carlton, 5 Alien Dr.,' By The'se Words; Crane, Rvery- supplies retail stores throughout was'reported at the meeting of the, 'pPeters,, . chairman'; F. Leroy flailbtt, Frank Badatuebner Pott No, 7 „ _ _ ' recognition of Vernon iinder the guidance of the kgtlcma. Bionington, induatrtahst, h in ts ; h[ra. M a rjo rie B row n , "idee evbningTat 8 o'clock at the home V ern o n , X' -; of this town’s thing and the Kitchen S in k ; Litchfield County, High School Building Committee secrptkry; Francis 8 . Rdppracht. 2090, IfFW; will hold a regular '.7 - - 7 " UnIted'Nation’s Day./The lOthAn- r #v . J. Ralph Kelly, pastor of the. orations; Mrs. Patricia Maharan, of Mrs. Jqhn Lukacdc. The Wom- Flescii. Why Johnny'Can’t ftead,' . All Torrington'flre departments, in a talk Iccyed to the recent flood \ last evening that the Selectmen treaatu'cr. The ward chairman ar 8 businesa ^eetjfig Monday, at the "niversary df P»e ynlted .Nations two churches. LocAl youths who advertialng; Mra. John C a d m a n, eh'z Miasii^Qroup will meet at 8 AdVertiaemeht-L,;- • - . j - ' Giants, Scrap Fun fof.Bverybody; aided by companies from^ outlying diaaetera, advised'.Rotary C lu b V; had been requested to* ohll a town F. Butler, First Ward; Mat­ hom on ElHrSt. \ will be celebrate^'on a world-wide rcguire a rids', to the meetings k itc h e n . r o’clock at tM home of Mr*. .An-, WoodiiWklng and furnlHire fin­ i-' Pealii. A Guide to Confident Liv­ BurrAnlle ' and Bast Litchfield, members here yMterday to'.‘'go meeting for the conaideratibn of thew Allen. Second Ward; Joseph >.4: \ basis.on‘^Mond^ " 'have been invited to meet at the ing; .Schindler, How to Live 36.1 . Harvest BunSr .^e Post hold a HalioweeA drew M- \ ^ ishing. 2 2 ' ye ars pi the" beat. fought th( blaxe less than half a horns and plant a tree** if thay.ra- ' an appropriation oT 8 34, ^ Wi p u r- P. McManus, *rhird Ward; Freder­ Mrs. .Thom|S Bentley; who is as-, factory ,t 7 :1 0 p m. on Tuesdays. Days ■ Year; Floop, Miracle of the N o v . 5 has Men aelected by the maaquemde nndNjance at the home The immac^te Oonwption Dwyer Procmeta, West St.,' Bol­ ihtle west of the city’s, osntral ally want to put an end ‘‘^6 these ■’ chase the Olk-AberW property on ick W. McKone, Fourth Ward. O c t. 29. There jh'Ul he prises for to n . M I 8 - 5S26;r sisUng In IpCal arrangemenu. at- Children —Photographed Hills snd' Wallis, Stories on Stone. 'West St., aa the site forvthe pro- The chairmen .will constitute k 4 -H Town Committee Of Vernon Mother's Olrrie unm eet. tOiUghf square.. terrible recurrent flooda.” She the besL most orl^dl, npd fun­ 8 tended a jfteeUng called by ^ v , Darling Studios. l.«ngmesdow. Discharged from Hoepllal 1 posed new High School. I* rhe publicity committee with Allen for the harvest bazaar. and sup­ a t o'clock at'the^fipme of Jean­ •shanr RUdcOK at the SUtc A .garage and a houss, flanking made a strong plea fdr cpncarted niest costumes. Bl»4 H e w ttt’e ette Barll. -4 'H - All Talcotmmi and Vernon Mass:, took indit’ldusl pictures' of Mrs. Maurice Spencer, and Infant the building on either■ her aide, pid not action td'halt aoil erosion'And con­ amount approved'by'Um Board of chairman. Rupprecht was ap­ per. Mrs. Doris JohnSon la, chair-, *to> recently to plan V.S. D ay all school children-yesterday. The daughter, Robin Gail, ..were dis­ man in charge of.'Ohe bakaar, and orchestra wilt hirniah'"m.u»lc for The Sisterhood .Wnaptarael wUl nowa Uems are novf being handled al aim of’ the celebration wUl appear immediately threatCijed: serve the aute’s natural'rt- ; Finance iaat week. / pointed chairman of the Finance the daitce, which "is open, to meet tonight at 8 :1 6 atthiyitecren- ttirongh The Mnneheator Evening C e f pictures arb taken annually for charged from Manchester --Me- ; Franklin G. 'WeU^, selectman, Committee and ia also in charge of Mra. Wanda peLong 7'Wlll be chair­ be to\ereate a better understapd- Firemen said they thbiighf the' 'Iburtea.”, . i ^ N E D . I007o WOOL ■pubUp:" R efres h m e n ts tlon Hall on Talcott Ave. Dw Beh- Herald, Rotbivllle Bureau, located the school records for whli)h there mori.al Hospital Tuesday. They will ^ , who is also a rtem wr of the S^C, securing : election headquarters. man tor the^pper. The event lag of'the aims. achlevemenU and served.s e rV M . jarnin Spector, ofthod,ontiaK of at t*^ Market Ht., teleplibiu Rock'- Is no charge. . Prlntp will be sent spend 'some time at the home of ’ aaid that no\dat^' for this special Herbert I. Paganl, flrat aelectman, will M held at Ine Vernon Elemen­ ^ 'b U i^ e f United NaUona. Readingling DieDiarusNinn Hartford, will speak and'a 'dii r ille T R 5- 8 18 8 . V . \ to the parenft'ln the near future Mrs. Spencer’s parents, Mr. and town meeting^ad beeh set, as the. is in chargei-;of ttknaportatlon. tary School. / Jtfi.' w itter f. BlUdtt is also a and may be purchaaed If the par­ Mrs. V. Chandler Foster, on South . Raymond \Rarns 4 ^uild w ill m e et to­ been canceled due to lllneia. Mrs. I.AC has been iU for several weeks y . the Iteny/ln the town budget which wire from the rear of a Ipcal lum Tha ohae of 'Ulsdisiavs Munds, Albert N. Hemingway, preaident of RAGLAN or SE/|N SLEEVES the fact thaLMias Agnes VYooda, and plans vylB he completed for will be discussed with teachers night a^jSO'At the Union Congre­ -1 ' 4 0 , of Manchester was the only and was recergly discharged from was recommitted to the Board of 'presi(Jent, cinild secure no, guaran­ th a achooi, hil3 announced the next' Manchester- Memorial Hospital, . Finance, 'ht the.Town Meeting,on the institution of the new Council, during a meeting at the\Northesai gational ..Cnufch, with a pot-kick ber plaoLTht wire was yamovedl — item an the docket of local Justice tee that train serVicS wouljd'be rC' which Is'how’ Scheduled for Nov. 6.. School. All parents are nn-lted to supper preceding the buainese aes- from poles where la was ^00 fr,om the school budget. stored' to:' normal by that time. The Council ia still open fpr attend any oij all of the ^aatona •lon. Mrs, David MUU la hooteas. a 850 voU (firpult. Policeman Arthur Harvey cm a many flowers,' gifts and cards re­ meeting, tuition J coata w ^ ceived during her Illness 4 ohn Talcott Tr., chairman of the F all. Fyilowahlp Svpper charge of speeding. Munds wea dropped to Kficenu per aesalon/ef The fall Fellowship flipper - will presented in court on a charge of SBC, reported that while the op- fefctlve for the pfelpd, beglrmlng be held at the-. Union' Congrega> vloUtlOB of the rules of the toad. ,ndlnr Advertisement— tleins for the property undqr con­ y%\yfL. pro' . Woodworking and furniture fin- sideration, Were not In the hands tionai Church Tueabay evening., SKSST gram In^un^hfenllatlng the falhe^ald will iahing. 22 years ^of the best. GENUINE IMPb^T^l5 of the Committee, tt was expected 6 :3 0 o’clooR, with ,"the iVdmen's ,..74 ■■ ■r:-k be Initiated immedlata)y. .The men 8 that they would be signed and re­ Guild, Mra. Ruby H W itt in charge, i»He pleaded guiity through his Dwyer Products, West t., B ol- \ will be cajlsd upon w alphabeticSi ip n . M I * - 93 26, HARRIS ’TWEI tu rn e d ud th lh S' d a y o r ifwo'. / • 7 serving a. chicken Supper. attomsy. Anthony Oryk of Following the simper .. a film, chester, and was fined lie. Tnel order to aaalat hr cleaning the A letter from .the SBC la being 8 ‘ Secret of the^Olft," will be shown. Justice John Swaneoh presided end claaaropm each >mday aflamoon. MSnebaater Bvenlbg H f r a I d D/nUK-TONil sent to the Common (Council, for w *. Renata Oocconl was prosecutor. ^ New lihniry iBooka Bolton iawrespondenl, .Mrs. Joseph . consideration aU'lhe, meeting toj B aasal’ S a tu rd a y A Holy'Namo.Speaker Rseant a^Uona - tJO/ t h e book D’ltalla. felephpnb Mitchell S-.9945. night, calling attention to the vote Mrs. George Rialey, 'g e n e ra l, The Rev. Bernard McOurk. for­ Mielvea at the Public Library In­ - i taken,at the last meeting of the chairman for the harvest bazaar to U.3 . magnesium metsl produc­ .A . -ifc SBC asking that the city dump be mer paator rt St. James Tsrlsh clude fiction titles "by A d a m s , '4 A be held' by the Women's (Council of In llMichBSter. will be gumt Grandfather Stories; Banning, tion Kot a big boost In iB 39 w hen moved atXhe. termination of the the First Congregational Church . 7 ' it WBs discovered that German ./X preaenfMase. \ of Vernon Center, starting nt 1 :3 0 fe tN ^ gpeSker at tha meeting of the T h e JDowty'. Baron; The Golden jiewly-orgenlted Holy Name So­ P ^ n e e a a ; iBowen. Sidestreet; military planes were using large Bet Oatirus Date I/.. ciety of St. Maurice Oiepel to- And, Outlaw Breed; ' Coetaln. amo'.ints of the metal, x The Republican City Committee 7 .'! nighh The meeUag will Im held Nov. IS as the date for its .a t the fapwry at 8 pjn. and ia opM •7 T iis to nominsite candidates for ^ all interested men. / the Hty election. Rev. MoGurk 1* a t p i ^ n t • y A cdni^mlttee to cpntact poeafble Special! I dlrecdOf of the Hblj^Nam e ./ candidat^^^ tvas .named and in­ 3 D A Y 5 0 N L Y , 8 <)elcty and is ph the star at-St, yt: cludes th ^ officers of the (Jlty . " X ' IhUrtciro Cathedral. thx^Norwldi. Committee. "Raymond E. Hunt, town chnirmalK the ward chair- 19S3 PLYHOUTH / gen'a'' Amtlllary ^ the mItuiniip/Hohdigv A w 1 nlg>t Tha UDc b ity , drive. Very low mllenge. - ' of fMna 8ualam?NManchetUr In- O fliee ra .0* th e C ity m m itte e P / dacorator, wha moat inter- \ / . X' to tha group.^^bhca and 0 /' . ■ '. ^ vgaipstlag were d ls ^ jw in iiku^ .X $ Q Q & D I . , . / ^feaSonof the U }k the wia N o n c e s dt*d to ask qucstiona. . sjr report dallcioua fefreah- ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS r iO No wonder more and more,of our customers prCfet p / ■ ■'■- aieata..were ;.erved during tha ae- /. Adsm Hats in the popular Dusky Tones.' They’re ric^ J Card of Thanks, elal hour by Mrs. Pater MasaeUnt. Wi./- / ' itooking and definitely new . fit for any occasion. A nd^^t i.„ / \ ' ' iUMENE, '' ’A Mrs. MmsfR P s s ^ Mrs. C. B. Par- W# to ...... thank *our nflfhbora. ClUtdh" Rtqmoidt md for you — in style and oasy comfort Remsmber -- youcin pair wlatlveR for their acts of 1841 4 CCENTER E N ST. ;/ kindnei^ and sympathy shown us in l l AtANCHESIER N C H . Mrs. B f^ s R ilM lB g . twice as much fetr a hat — hut you can’t tell it frplfi^^ADAM. our r#»nt bereavement, the daath of a s m * MssCiiV rriday our wifc And mother. Mrs. John E. Your DbdgeD b d ^^ andl Plymouth • AIF by Fameut Makers! Tbs anunl iM atinrof the Oon- Choose yours today — in Charcoal Bfown o r^ trc o s l Grey. W rifh k / ' enter. . x IrtgntloBaJ ^ u rc h will be hel^'^ ■ / j John E; Wriaht^ and family. • AlKl955"s ntwtsf fashions! Slumbertime Specials , , 6 t HE:R ADAM HATS AT/K.QO Friday beginning -^th a poh-lu . - X ' " 4^. aupBnr.dt d ;8 0 p.^ Te^daYn T" / ^ All i 955's ncwasl colors! •nnanusmsBt that, it yweuld he Octobeij 22 — 8:30 P.M. \ Ksid Thursday was Inr^arror, In preferred Cotton Challi^ / Pepin Blected • All |955's nowost stylos i /Richard Peplp;" aon of M r. and . kollister Street* JCrs. Alexis of Rt. 4 4 A , w as 6 GREAT DAYS! < • 1 ' rsosntly. stsdtsd ' co-chairman of . Schdol Auditorium / GET DOUBLE THE WEAR 2 the Cathme Youth Ofganlsatinns OCT. 17-22 at* only $ *^® R i Of St. MaurieoCO Chaps:ChspsI and Bacrbd W IT H T A N E Y Hsari Church in Vamon. Jsrry MONDAY thru SATURDAY MfckolstU of Vsriion shares the M E ^ S S H O P f FOR COLD NIGHTS J post wUh him. Barbers Biiah - ' f O T~ (MH ST. — W ILDON lUILDIHd 100 % w o o l L ind- Kathy HlUs, of Vamon, serve Admission Free I All with eozyiongJ. tieeyes , . . and f iasticizBci wrists^ as vies chairman and sicrstary, ra- I Royal blua or radpiii dots on wbita . . dalic^ spscttvely. AneUisr local bojl, Y o u mMAL WEAR FOR HIRE . lA ul Sheridan, sen of Dr. and Mrs Are Cordially Invited ■ )y touched with ambroidarad heart tri Bernard J.'Sheridan ef Hebron 2-PANT SUITS 8 '^eontrait bindin« and latin ribbdir tir' ^ ■\ Rd., la treastirdr. ■T' 7 ■■■■ 7 > Mizes. Styles ineTuda: i 0 0 % Wool flannels in Cliatcoal, gray and brow n. // Y6u'II See : I Mother. Hubbard Fulljadggth Pa}ama . "Look For Qur Ad In Life • 1 0 0 ^ .Wool sharkskins. > Baby Doll Pajamas.^ Stock Upl MU4Tt-e|fBP0 8 l * luxury caxhmuru blundst d r e a m IS w e e • 1 0 0 7 c Wool splash^weaves. ANTisiimc a ,* lob*/n Wool ehlnchlllaxl ! W a ltz A ir s iz c s FREE 7 s s s £ L MOUTHWASH filongs. shorts, regulars, stouts and ahOrt\ * lOOVo wool flooeoii 'Btouts. ’ *- alterations ASPIRIN run'S-iraln M ltli. Misr 100'( * *emt Mllluni’lloudl . Stf' SSc PINT. Sif. 7«C A A 9 semt wool Morlinodl for 2 m 8 0 ( . 5 0 2 t«< S im i amtlNS SieoMSt. tm tlilni S»4< mb, b IM _UWJM IK m m i psa-cap plmtic M N iiiv t t i»i . wsurereei. V4» n w . ttw ’ ■! JSt StXUl SSIN aSTISIPTIC tor Cut». Sltrlclist. 1 Bi. JLM g «l< bus OP naSNEtlAmtecld. mlld u««tl»t. Bint H« -MONaetT TSllITS tor P»ln StIltK I f i ______, 4.M a iia u PSNOVITt VITSMIN btPtUUS wits Mlntnli. lao k ij< «EUU taccHuiN Tasurt.T **U r u inm. loo’i ir t f st4 W riin .'100'i..St|. 4} , 1 ror.4t< la irtln. lOM'i. P4|. 1.01 t lw IJ t iilii! VI inin, lOOO't. Sti. 1 ;> H o f4JT 1 if«ln. ie00't. S«i. 14 1 L te L lM \ IX le tiT PlM.- H4l4s CmwH. fti. ot.tiQMd. Sfentt or biKt / ac»rO» 114 EMBRAGEA^E ‘ 1.M SUITINO psnsn**' asrlwn#, liwndet. Gtfdw Solet 2 ter 1.H ts< (LITE UNtNPOUNO PaPES •, INVILOPIt. Sir^ ' I far M 4 . 1 1 .95/ BLACK SOEDE BONUS BUYS I * Catcasi CHRISTMAS Nat as l< tilt PIM, t T IM tf l€ RAIUINSl I..' VdiM!> •» BUY DOLL a pHT CARDS 34**. drest«d.' PASTEI N«e, critt( ilotpt. y smirf 3 .7 7 DWn ar des'iRs. ' chlorophyll with 30 csrdt ;2.tS ValMl Piotll and envtioptt Anti-Enaymoi. CIIDDLE lEAR 1.41 IS", fo«in| tftt, Valao! 2 for 61c rtdbow*. » JLf tPEciai 1 1 .0 / •EiilH StI 2 for 1.20 Electrex HEATINfi: ChrisbHsTrit Li|kts e e f c ^ g h t 7 ii|kt<. T t( aiElUO aNTUEPTIC . ‘ ooch hums weuTMwaiH. pim. n » . i*< P^jHttbbidoptfldoittl/. i.NaoBiENNE CPEant. a M n U ^ F U -L . AMrovH. 1 GHATEAU All-Purposd. Cald. 2.11 vaiM 12.95 Clfinimi. H»n4 3 • * 0 pretty; so BLACK SUEDE Floral ElOtie or vilw! t'i>iht Mt Hew 1.78 B L A C K C A L F All wool coat with wanti inter­ wodd^ Csstnet, Brown Aatw riaf . •. Hrawinf'adm irinf ^ghce* wEerever you go. R E D C A L K lining and big .patch pockets. 4 o r -Sforl.H 2 a s £ PLASTIC AlJtO LOW HEEL 1.M UlilICNfIt tUDtlD lETTERSI. JUTES Wonderful for driving and - itn riI CU. 7 flatttrini QUIK’BANDS—, , lOOwhlto B L A C K C A L F tsadr 3 fo r I.D t f shMts 3 .■Watch f m iW kom HVftkm w ty it fe«k . . . lefter, easier and outdoor activities. In solid Plain Of mtreur; Watch S' • Pioili color, Rail- LpagM .*“4. \ onas-t Itttof More fantiy luKurtoui than any ihoe etfer felt before. gray.s and' Charcoal .splR.sh ? e K B g K lIN ZO bit. waterproof. a nott si20. weaves. A handsome, rugged 4 1 ft V K h im k by the name “Red Oroei Shoes” . . . whose finger-tip coUt at a hand.sonie, TOOTHBRUSHES N .n C ^ ^ 'S c A D R IE N N E ! low Regal price. , - Nylon briitits, ’’ makers have turned the dreanu of smart Amerkart women - ■ ■ \ . N • cheico of $ C fiftm FEVER 1 1.95 popular ttylai* Mary M ilt •tf. DD< CACH Attartf* THERMOMETERS^ i Into the lairgest'telling brand of fine footwear in the world. BLACK SUEDE B L A C K C A L F CHOCOLi 2f*r4P( All Dark or All Mt^k. 7 It. 0« l 4f rtclil BROWN SUEDE .95 assortment. tip tl. ill UirgMl toRng brood »f fins 0 9 f 1 0 9 5 Maay m n Ht n i a tv • • tic C4M. nKtagaarTmr •«f. i.n ■leohwoerlo She world. Sfytsi from O tO I A ------Imm WkT.59 SIZES td rt~ A A A A to EEE WIDTHS •iah) r«Mry*d )• Hmi> Dricoa auhiict P.od9f t Toe wlioro «aali»iht>. 1 1 ' r L . *“ ’ ■* **I ’ * •“S*' ' , , t. Y O U C A M DEPEND ON ANT DRUG PRODUCT .. t t L* , ...... r..SJ THAT BEARS THE NAMEG ! ! 3 $A,99 4 CONVENIENT WAYS Tp SHOP: '5AXON\ ■’ , l i ^ ' 1 1 100% WOOL ’ I Ra^uldriy m - • $LOAN';S SHOE CLUB PLAN i rc ula r 'co rding f ; - T h i p , . f c i . c k • C H A R G E 7 -I t m . FLANNEL TROUSERS W W 4.pj,.„db,i,w. _44 • LAYAWAY / 1r charcoal, medium gray, lig)it gray, tan and blue, FREE ALTERATIONS ♦ ra • • 0 t C A l H '; ^ '■■'■y'A: X - '■i>r S H 0 E S P H A R M A C t • Sizat-'iO:^ TA •25’ MAIN ST.,’ MANCHESTER 4 DEPOT SQO AD I PREI DEUYiRY r r • . / r 7. x 4j , . , t . 4 ;.;'- 4/ 7 :;,:44t • 4

'.■; i t. ■ ' ' X - , ■/' ' X f ' X '’" X".- ■ V / •I' .. -..Vl-’ ’-a -• -y 4 ' L/X '.-.V ’.*-c y ■ ’'. ' ■ ■’■'' 7 :.. 1 V ."'O y k i i '■ tV*. r- - z r-- r '-, ' V *.>.■‘t , /-:• l y 1% J. ■iS', ■ ■ ;X . ■,:X. ./X MANCHESTER EVEaUNG ^R A LD . M A K ^ B S T ^ CONN* WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 19^ , f a d e . SEVEN •y ■■ MANCHESTER EVENING HigRAL^ AtANCHESTEK. CONN^ WEDNESDAY, 19, 1965 ■eipi PAGSSIX ■ ♦ V-'’* ■ '**■■'■ ..V •ir IttHoy B. Oehtor S t, a aaleainan adto h ^ V Tber* are five Miilei:. Brothers and Mrik Sherwood Wkldrim. . f i^ ea departmant and. told them MMH AddrefiseiTTA I had some- experience In real eetate about it. And they went out and §an ,JiiRn Rabbit with the atate police. Relreatoienta will be.iiiryed In. appraiaiU.^ 11ie mayor edld .other A M E S I T E d r i v e w a y s F o r m e r took ^ w n the Plena.'’ •- .The oldgeV Jbeeph A . Miller .Jr:, . Outlines Pfdji Grange to Hend riiarge Mr. and M fa'TtaoifiU Gi^iij^to Board appolntmenta-wouldId be announced.' ^ Vaiiisbini^Breecl Joined aav'en .jieara ago> dftar a JjoMaiiln, Mr. and Mrs. James . IXPianY INSTAIUBS Veiy aoon thereafter, he be* hitch ity the Wavy. And as brothers F M n m r — - n u R i i i . Doyte. and Mr. and Mrs. Robert /»OAPITAL BTOCIf BBOOOTlfMf came w c f*erry: lectuter on picki. Robert, Leonard, Richard and Ocr- .. About 75 moqibere and friends Gi^oup to Bfeetii Shnpoon. Mayor HtiroM A> Turkington an­ Base Grading Msolitis Bprssd — Farms Set ^ Secs ,^Dippii^ pockete to the Scotland Tard ^Hartford, Qet. 19(F»—The chalr- ^ / X . Also: Pwldag Lots — TMnle Courts . « tVsIlR . Harrisburg, Pa \ Memorial Hospital Mondayday after- necticut State Orange sytll open Sclden Clapp snd/M r. and Mre. tse,. a repreaenUUve group b s ^ Br WARD CANNKI, a theater there in 19d6 and picked Pennsylvania has just jolii^ the .hi noon. .Mrs, Alexander Manuella,*' forpMd to advise the aaebaiKir and thsi capital atock be reduced from list of states banning the Importa­ rarely get together. at 'FooE Guard Hall tomorrow Melvin ©ornelluMn will be In $35' to $12.50 a share.'-'Thia would ■MAIO BROTHERS a wallet that had claarifled In­ \ president, and Mri|. 'Merrill Rubi- Charge of refydshments. (he Arm which la now cohducUng N«w Totfc-rmem- a property revaluetlon fn'town.' mean, explained Lester E. Shippee, BSTABUBHKD IBM . MgfMt thief U heck in town. Bomb Test. And,. I always say Pedro because of his bad habits ■ Gentlemen's night, spdnsored by that each stockholder would - re­ . * CAM, wow - ANTTOm ' X vOimunlttee, -welcomed tho new berv\from Wappin^Orange are ths Ladiea Aid, will be hkld Friday ■ Tbe appointees so: far are Joseph hMVlns »l*h« that make women ‘patrloUam.^ first-'* So I returned and a fatal weakness. ■ membcra,and tfie'chairmen of the Dyer, 45 F elrview fit, a State ein- ceive One additional share for ea*b M^GHBal'BH\|in^ 7g8t — HABTP0 U > OHsIpM T -a ll2- and children ehlver nnd etronj planning to atlen^Donald. Peck, nlrfht a y s o'clock at the*C6m- aharo held. theil^’allet, -the money/, and the The San Juan rabbit no}, dniy is . various -volunteer services gays state master, y^WjuiVt charge of ploye end a hdmeowner; Ernest huUdins* (jiiake. • dochments." hard on:the farmer's crops! but his muiUty House. Dr. A. B. PTlend outlines of their'projects. ~ of Manchester will be the epeakeir Johnson of Johnson Bros.; William Hie ^ e U Vic Perry. He A couple of {tips OH prevenling nocturnal digging encourages/ero- Mrs. Charles JacomKip, chainnan the meeUngs/wi^h will be held O'Hara, 88'Main St., an official of •Unda aU-fodt-one. welfha 310 your pocket from beinf picked f elon.' And worst of all, like Euro- ^ Arthiir Drug. S$prM of the program committeq, intro- tomorrow, Friday and Saturday. , and will show eolorefL'Slidee.of/nls the-Oonnecticut Power Oo. a t Mid- Doupda and haa picked idore Perry llsti them In.thta way. pean rabhlta he’s-subject to myxo- < ..duee^ Mrs. C. Blmore WbtWns, Tomorrow/morning , oOmmittOea travels. . dletoam.n George Deearnter. head p ^ e U than f»et»r pver picked If yoy'carry your bills loose, matosi*, the dread viriis that has ■ho showed the many Interesting will be namd. state MasterFeck ofXDeCormler Ifotor .Sales. John plcklea.. He heaved a alfh o f dla- putr loose coins between them to virtually cleared Wiatem Europe ai^kheautfiUl colored glides which will give Jils annual address fol­ Msooheei^ Evening' Herald Furdy o f .Purdy-|*errls Oo.: Mrs. (u ^ aendinff nnell ripplea.vp and act as a burflar alarm. Or else, of hares* / , ■ she and Mr; Watkins took during lowed b y the Imports, of the state Wapping ‘ eorreapondent, Mr^ Hplen' Leander, T Lewis St, a Sown hia china. >• , put a layer of peanut Shells on — r*— ^^elr trip to the Holy L«nd and the oAcers/In the evemng the sixth Annie Oolllna , telephone, Mltetien homeowner; Madeline Smith, a "Ifa fruhby.’* he aald. "There top of the money. The dip can Mediterranean last spring. ''8-44t». - . - ■ • -X ■- inh’t one ptck^ket In a hun­ X degreeVui be comerred. All candl- real eetate agent; Cherlee WIgiren, get ., his hand in and clasped .X The afternoon was concluded daley are requested tu be at Foot' IS Stephen St., a retired te*eh« dred theae^ daj'a wbo’a adept and around the money, but he won’t Fiv« Miller Boys ■x" A s m Ai x BioAhrr? ‘ U i^-flnfered anoOvh to work with a aociaKhour tea ar­ Guard Hall by 7:45 ^.m., so that end homeowner,..'. b« able to get hts hand out again. ranged by Mrs.^^^n Cbeney Jr. ,thw can berin promptly at 8. Houston. Tex. „ . take the wallet and the pin in one the lh>eied limits anywhere between flowers. Ibe.hospital dini: Connseticuti to the' Whjt«"^House principal address and there will be as'H ^ton. ‘My brethw to the ! pass. But I m umiSual.” Atlantic Oty and PrinOelon or on LEATHER B was decorated for the occasion Conferenegi on BdiicMIpn iind also a speclat program presented by •6h,'\eald the caUer. "I wae LIT US TEST S' "ara becoming nothing more 1 . the New' Ji'eriey Turnpike there Is Igans.” ^ witK ihiriato your r0S|^n$e to X with eolofed leaves, pumpkins itor of the West Hartford News, State Lecturer Gertrude Platt afraid itV xs something ■erioua.'' Ymir Watch Fra# . tkaB common hoollj The\best babbitt metals for a good chance youHl get a ticket ears of i o n by Mrs. Charles Ham with the announcement of the mp a I bear{hgr/are M to 90 percent tlii. by" a state Uoupfr named Miller. iar nam * plat* FRI l^ peak on I’What Are We Try- Ib '3D SoeoBdt •camp flitting from pocket to 'X" Uton. , ,. In'K ^ Db .M BMucatloh” at the Comhfiunity Service .ponteet win­ West 'Vlrl ihla haa 8,800 miles of purse, filching valuables whjle reguh^.meetinig of the Highland ners. .- i- . ■ ,..i V-' railroad. X mllUons cheer. From where Perry z Park tonight at 8 o'clock in Saturday morning will be Jaken ■tandsi looking ovSr his puffy the..^choblXu»ditorium. > up with .Reports and busl'neMf-fol­ s: ebMka. It takes three or four men . -yL Name Mrg. Tyler x 'xH e U alsiKm director i>f the Con­ lowed In the afteriioon hyXiuvenlle to pick one pocket. And even then Awfully Busy Ferioo? necticut E d l^ a l Aasn. and was Grange program with installationa Aoisiftttifie priated reoord mads Head of Auxilia^y^ formerly a: contributing editor to -of the newly elected-mcere in the eleetronlosUy will tell yen the they need a crowd for cover.' ■ X evening. . / — - "If. did it out, in the open." SO 'nme Magasihe an E u rop ^ true eoadMon and rats of yonT free lancer for inam^.y*er•. FaU u^ Night CMEIQl wsteb. Re said, "you'd tte nauseous at how WE NOW OPEN AT 7:00 A.M. X Mi^ Elva E. Tyler. Ml Tanner The Sou^ > Windsor Kinder­ Rhimsy they are." , EXPERT WATCH REPAIRS YOU CAN DROP THOSE CLOTHES St., ' was re-elected^chairman of garten AMu;, will have a fathers' OIL umi It eeema to work this way; the Women’s Auxiliary of Boy more tablbe oC players home. PROMPT Two "Wock-men" close ln\ on Jhat ydui\ X night prom m this evening at 8 BOONOMirAl. RBRVIOB OFF ON THE W AY TO WORK Scout'Troop N o.^ , which held the between now qnd Nov. o’clo e X It, we Wimping Commu­ SOIVICI tkS victim in a enrerd and pin tUa Store-Hours; 7 to 6 Daily— 7 to fl Thun*.—1 to first msatlngxof its > third season time the procebda are nity HouM. The kindergarten ehtl- •riBB. A third, called a "dip," takM }VE ALSO rlCKt’P-AND DELIVER - last evening in Center 'Church fn. The prize tot the in haye prepared a display for CALL the wallet and paeeea it to eotne- at each table .will bs furnlihi ene elaa and fhen everybody ecat- .\ ''House. ;.Mr8. Janet Everett was' fathers . and Mrs. Helen us right off ^ l e c ^ eebretary and treasurer the Auxiliary. . ., . teachcr.'\wtll talk' oii "The WIUIAMS ters. At the e"d of.the day: they TURKBIKE CLEANERS Mrs. Simone Zollo, publicity A cake -sale for early in 196d ia sActlylUes of the Kindergarten.” together, have eupper, divide another- project planned. OIL SERVICI loot go hoUM to watch detee- 190 W . M IDDLE TURNPIKE Call M I ,T*>665 Chairman. Ttilaiwlll -be followed by a work- N stories dn telekiaion. One of the llrst activities will be shop forx(be purpose of making erry began pi^^g pockete our feet a series of card parties. Each mem­ U.s. tiOQ bills oarry.'^oturea of easels end painting the desks. The M I-9-4548 785 MAIN ST. wrag 10. And It was not TURIM! I l l A R E I T L E D T O A \ W (l£^'UU’M.(l^CfiC4J DRUG STORE

\ ANCHESTER’S NEWEST and MOST IIIL l K, /• X- ’IIIE, '(LkBitill / POPULAR PRICED STORE - ‘X DESIONBB|/POR TH« SUPBR-HIOHW AY AOB MIFLIIE k ' MS X SHER' offers outstanding V A LU E S for every member of • ' ■ .... , ' /• : PMI OF f f r a (Litnii i) ■ / the family, as well as Household Needs, Hardware, V V' Vi Cosrrie(ics,^Candy, Greeting Cards, Toys, Games l i l . l l f 9 liiHM and rtidrtyy many other wonderful itemsxAII priced WM (Limit I) ^81 MAIN STREET-MANCHESTER V-i aL usuaj LOW' FAIRWAY PRICES . OF SODA .'V'- i:N in n M A ii / " - , ' / ■ FORMERLY XIT r^AIN ST. n U TE , (Lioutif put.TO THE BAD WEATHER LAST WEEK WE ARE 4 os. If- y\ -X HOE LACES9.7C VITAMINS! CALAMINE CONTINUING OUR SALE It HURS., FRI., SAT., OCT 20, 21, 22 ■ / 27-inch length. « § LOTION 1.1 ITRP MEDICINE CHEST TRUCK LOAD OF W ALLPAPER 1-3 OFF Wafa er MeffleMeff ] -'■4 \ OVfR 200 PAnERNS X^iiDERS SALR Buy 2 HMims and get a free wallpaper kit worth I|2.49 Curad Plmtic • • ' - ^ X j - , . / • |i- -A EXTENSION LADDERS z; Tin of X « ( [ Vakx -yfi please come to see us often 7 / . 33, only . . . f ^ - v - .'f* With Rope* and Pulleys P M t S 24* - • 28’ ‘‘ ‘ Hnof84*»6Dc Paltowf Mfl* ■X gaHon and brih^ the family, too. 1.90 I r pen tin e y y r i O ur welcome mat is always other Sizes At Low Pijcea / ' lO-FlECE NEW Push-Button Driying. . . NEW 255 V-8 Horsepower Specials On CUTLERY SET out for people as nice as Ifft STEP LADDERS Ptuh-button driving 18 here Never^^ haa any autQmobiie TMPM BRUSHES you and yOii and you now, on the 1956 DeSoto.i boasted ^Buch tremendous U.S.P. Quahtr ' Mlfonriseoni r $ 2 .9 8 5’ 4” Famous Make $C*99 , An rxrellent dirUtnuu gift. Revolutionary in design "get-un-and-go” . De Soto’s HYDROGEN BRbMO ISaNlaiy N.vlon. Reg. $7.75 P superbly simple . . , you just new V-6 power (up to 255 .BLACK FAXTHER- touch a button and ... . Go! hpV givee you **out front” PEROXIDE »LTZER r Pure Brislle. $4>*^9 ACiAIN WE SAY THANKS 2 ' - $ L 9 8 4 ' - $ 3 . 4 9 Bowling A lley . That’s all there is to it... nd' > TOrfqrmance at any *8peed. J6-OS. $-OM. keg. $3.ao. A : levers to get in yoiir wav. SizzlingizzUng "high torque take« bottle 19“ boHlo 5 7 * 3 ' - $ 2 . 6 9 6 ' - $ 4 . 6 9 4” Bristle N ^eta. $.B .99 W ax lb. 59c Ir ^ - Push-button control is safely offs” . . . lightning fast ejner- <3 I'slii. - 1 ' located on the left side of gency "step down” bower l*ez. ...' _ ,4 TR . IODINE boni., 15‘ HMD^ the instrument panel. A light for quicker, safer p^ing. R«r.'s s rkoiiea ta'aolve.aU your. touch of Vour finger lip arid Peiformance' aa£e^. Flight’ ha|r oolortag problems. '. ■■ .'1 " n o D Y ' : V ^ PAPER JUST OUT—7-PIECE LARGE CELLULOSE ', you’re off. . . jyrt like that! Sump styling, De aptoli got . Zinc Oxide IS* Snowy whbt c«lw* SPONBE HOP See the new 1956 De Soto it in 1956. Now more than DROP CLOTHS .SCRAfERSET SPONGE X / with push-button driving, at ever before—/Drive A' CASTOR OIL botue 39'’1 MI*s Morqoi«t Whit* your De Soto Dealer’s ndw. DeSoto Before You|£|edde! 25!i 98c: 8 7c ‘ Ifaa Many U aefi,ilO ^ Hair rolortag expert from the Reg. $1.49. , , 7 Q C “ 98c VaTue 4 S n C Bandage %I'-xlOVi IHB NIW fOUWAnp IG Roux Corapray I MORE SPECIALS T H E S T O R E i LIQUOR DEPARTMENT I PARKCR’H RI^KRVE 9 QR I 975 MAIN ST. k ^ i I- •'

titiuiiNn., MANCHB^ -X’ ..:X h^' .' * «• j - f ‘.'j ^ -c - ' . ■». 7- -■ ' t- i - i ' ■.f-: • ■ 1 •* ■>v- ■ " f- .•t'- I '- - ■ 'S' :X. 'S, '•* ■ ^ MANCHESTEB EVENING HEBALo/M ANCHiiiyE. OONNw WEDK^^PAY. OCTOBER 19. 198B X" ■j' EIGHT X • jl/^CEE&TEB, OONIL'WEDNE^ OCTOBER PAGE mirnl farmer have we been pracUdng heav«i,'* they srp uttering pftl- B • B.B B B.B B«B B • »B*B«#j|* . tiott. for ■ drastic' ehahgea in per­ Ss beoamd led'to'thetr new dr as follows: Boston S3, Providence the tteory that his prosperity proodles sonal relationa and-'in the preasnt raaki mode oif tnansportaMon. .H6ld 51,. Nantucket 51, New Haven 51* Dumaine Elected miist be effectually guaranteed, $cranhn Suffer th e : romiMiny, to .concord, N. H-;'.47, Burlington 48. ; By BOOEB PtypB aodial order. . . , Thai i j ^ r a i d by. tfie natlon;as a whole-. And, •riius We Diuet do penahCe be­ at a deAcit, In Setbaek P{ay Portland. 47, Eaatport 47, Qreen- Chalrmak p( Pack again, cmy with certain farmer^ fore .God for racial segregation the" WhOn UtiUty Corn- villa 43, caribou:*r 41. 'OIC. with all ita Injustice and cruelty.’ OfDrawtt-aut^ransit Strike dor an'inerfsee In fares. It At Boston tha normal maxinimh Ggt 825 f 850^ IB I TMpt for that i^atter. . ' • ^ ^ Red Mali’s Lodge holds the IPad Especially miist we cry to God for cost 18 cents a ride when the buses tmperatur* during this period la Bt. James' Ciib Rcodt 'P ^k igb. MMs. b Phone.fot 1-tripioen. VpsniipeSesI, But even If we can pick flawi 8r-snd the normal ' ' S enesa for- Ihe^ appalling Scranton, Pg.,' Oct. 19-(Jf^'Tlib.'srprk or be eomeyrh'ebe at a certain were, yuuhlng. in the aettock tournament at the 1minimum tern- 120 hss Selected the foUowth|[ com­ pick up cash. Loaii eustom'ileiierod to in - Governor Foss’ analc^, we ice of segregation within the perature is 45, 24.25 rity of IjMl,000 population hat ^aan 'stnji. It'a ciutomary, howeiwever,. for Red Beii'a a u b on Brainard PI, mittee to berve for the eOining your needs, iiKome. ConsSlidSle kilM iUUjU cannot deny its m ain'p^t,. Wa iah Church Itself, and hasten Precipitation during this period 38-06 with our B ill CdhaallBaHoM B arak a . wlthoui\ public riders to hsmd over a gratuity.' pdtQta. . year: Roger ,E. Dumaine, ckikiv- IWylRBRlt 8BVB8 can even turn it around, l't,we Will, to bring forth fruits of penitence. -• .y'- ■:/ maw Will oh the^average total over Vi A IbbA bI 1100 f. .Forreft I. Boley' who lai sistant Cubmoster. MltahsHt-dlMoAriifori 3 0 8 1 (i£|^T«l7 Stick' doesn't ',expect many people wlU 'sti^ylng the ecattering of neu­ The oonunittee will meet irith ing to haVa to apply' in other ;an eye for ah eye. and place our But they were all at 10:15. Luncheon''Will be 'eerved perature In NeW\Engl6niJ during ; / _ OKN THUMDAV IVININOt ru I rat. leatKm at •rills clever Droodle sent ih by dependence upon the prevention eg- •be'willing to. prave>the^ bitter the next Ave days, Wednesday trons used to bombard tha nucleus' 'Die den mothers Wednesday eve­ 1mm m k M mUMti d tS io IV or settli' ‘ ' " ~ Scranton winter when/traneporta- at noon, roserva^ns- for which . tula pa|M phases. If we guarantee, an indus­ Robert Li, Foster of V/lchlta, Kan- crime and the detention of driml- 'diffetent. ahotild-be made? today by woWn through Bunday, will pverage 2 to -of an atom.' ning at 8 cfelock to allecata new publUhed ^ try which happens to be located nals for the purpose of curing and Uon la hncertaln.' * ' 5 degrees below normsl with no Cubs'to thsir rsspseUvs dsns and ibUcMloD ^ >1 set, gives me, ad . Idea for curing \ 'if, the laborer, the of kecond Oongregational Chud '..in the fielda 'againet loss, there restoring them as good members of \ drlvqr, /CM^atoTC. owner—all have ' *50 deepen the gray of the :plc- through MrS(''Joseplf Martln'i/.pre important dgy to day change. North ^^arololtfia has 4,334 mllas to furthsr plah tha aetlytias for f ^1 a n the couiitry'a traffic problemi Why Some norinals for the period ere of railroad. tha coming ysar.Y ^ ^ Advertise In The Hicrali c'Kn be no luting reason why we society. - :'s' sufferi ture, bo,th cOmP^^iy imlon offi­ Ident of the Women’s League. ' ' / PHTR 9 ^ Mrrto* cu«i not do away with kil forms pf . _ ■ Kirby Page cials fear that even with a reator- Mrs. airland Waggoner of shi^'jiot guarantee ah industry aurvey of\downtowh mer- transportation except Pogo Sticks! Sponsored By The Manchester revealed allnost' unaftimous ation of service, there will be a Storrs 00longregational Church will r which happens to be located^ih a Auto Corinpadlro could retool and Council of Churches. ■ . Jiusihess had -drop in thS/dally uee of the buses, speak'on "Woman Power,” and the ^aW BuSgit?- or city aghihsv loss. If we-hotel the 'turn out liard-^SopTwo-tone Pogo ticulariy. "they aay jhany persons who Wve Ray/' William ppllpot of Hartford SOKB. ______- Individual .farmer ta an individual Sticks or\ even \ Station Wagon V.- declined atik^ply. be^n dbliirod to do without b^ses win'.n 'tell of the ^ rk at the Char- jter Oak < Community Center, ' ■V who ought to be-protected against Models with ■ simulated Knotty Patking Problem will not go back to them, having Pine Poler. .Think of. the fun fami- Dstvers face ^ a daily- battle "X. loss, we ro"***’^ ^opever ’ preten ies would have getting together USED agaipsi'^Otlker.motorisU for park­ there Is something basjcally,.dif- - Sunday \Aftsrno6n' and going ing ipaca and the qutek trip to Or. ferent in the case of the Inj^ldual for a bophee' in the country. Play- PIANO from the center of tovTO is a thing, •dvcctMB« te a m boyi> could buy low slung Pogos ^•ho hWidens to work in a fhetory, Can't Be Told From New! of tha past iii the mondng and eve^ -- 1 ^ 1“ with two-foot poles and TeChtgers ning rush hours. It’s a daily battle 'V Tp^se the argument of Gov­ Could build thefr own Hot-Rod CikHl Oai.V • Months that police aay they have been able ernor Foss, we could Just keep on Pogos. And remember, for the' *T took, this In trade on the to solve only fairly aatlefactoriiy. m.%uTsda^ ^ c e of one car, you can buy 1 Agoing deeper Slid deeper into what Hew Conn, ^lectrlo orga*.” EVt*^ mention of the reopening 'ogo Sticks. That should be enough, would amount to goveriiment aub- Pog of npgoUatibns between the tran­ to keep you "Hoppy” for the rest sit rompgAy and the A ^ transit ns. sidisation and guarantee of every- of your life. ■ Only ^ 4 2 5 workepa union brings quick specu­ W«dne»lay, October 19 thinif:' ^om the faihner’e price to lation that a. return to normal isn't tmi;'stockholder'^ profit to the far away — speculation, that has IPoor Littk Princes* ^ labiiroris wage. Perhaps ws ^ are WARD KRAUSE elided '’continually as fast as it ./ yl A Thought for Today 87 WAI-NUT ,ST. starts.' ' T n b a p a thOr* la no rigid right alrtsdy doing all this to.a greater The union members, -Who now ar wrong whitii, for lu own take, extent than any of us reallsea. Salem roi operate "courtesy" cars' to aid •riie Tnak of the Church the former bua users, are operating abould b« oonaldarod all powerful But, under the. Bieenhower ad ministration, we have at le u t The primary task of the Chris­ ■\ on reduced family budgets. They In deterntlnlng the final outcome tian Church la to win individuals want to return to work badly. o( the romance between Princeu been taking a loOk at this situs- ” , / But they hold oUt adamantly GAUON Uoh, and making aome effort to to total allegiance to God through SpexJatf 24 against company offera, now un­ Colors: gCaigaret and CSaptaln Town- complete surrender to Jesus Christ known, to increase their average ifw i. Perhapa the Princess should draw back from it, to lighten our 3 0 A ^ O N t Y Watkins Reprodu^tiofi Is one • outside white X Value 84jn O ' l ^ ^ ' national commitment to. it, to re as Lord and Master, and to hind hourly pay which was Zl.So’iMfore ba considered entitled 4o freedom you ’ll be proudgive as a the strike. The union originally • flat white (. • bara' , VncondUtonal Guarantee Introduce -Bome Idea of tome re them In the fellowship of God’# i Y from the laws of family, and of co-workerS In hastening the 19S3/I1YMOIITH gift, or to elfish as your sought A 35-cent increase. The • ihteripr gI6m 6r enamel Mtmey will bs refunded if'-qe- ■ponaibllity being Ipft . to enter dnirch, i t aha really desires that coming of his kingdom on earth. own. Scoopefr Windsor seat, company asked .the men to take • porch an4 deck«Kray sirable reentts are not.«)btaln^ prise Itasir.__ 2^ It is not enough to help men and 7-DpOr Nedan. Hm everyth a cut. Both sides are known to tn ^ om . . bent spines, black finish, Piei^ps this effort to draw women to bicome decent and re­ icimtng tinted gtaaa.aad.ot have modifiedXtheir deman^. But, svan If traditiona , and rtVe. Very low mUeage, ' d^bations. Reg. $^3.50. IHAMQNt^- ^ ____ ^ bSfA out of the government'i le- spectable. They miist be, led ro OourteSy Cars . Wbdso are ignored, they have a render the fiiir measure of their The 'courtesy cars operate only sponslbiuty for everything Is 111 anty of demanding their price: devoUoQ to the God. and Father of with full loads. And they dOn't fated. Perhaps It la Impossible. our Lord Jeiua Chrlat, until In all/ AND ■eea If the Princess is proclaimed begin to match the scheduled tim­ That Is, we suppose, what is now their ireiatlons they live aa^gopd X ing or reUability of the buses. The iraa merely to seek her own hap- fashioned by ^aine erafisme^ :^ 997 MAIN" M A N C ^ T E R being debsted and determined, members of the divine home. 'Wey ' “ courtesy cara offer rider free of piasao, \|>er situation does not must make Oiristlikenesa /ihelt 9 9 5 ch ar^ to people who must-get to unrest over the Eisenhower farm 'ttareby baooine automatically aim in personial life, and the re­ program axpressea Itself even A. // aarafraa. Bh* la. not, we submit, quirement of the Kingdotn of God through good Republican gov. on. earth the standard by which SOLIMENE,*^^ /Table and four chairs 129'^ to choose happiness. Her ernors. they judge alb aocla^nsUtutlona. SS4 c e n t e r 8T. ^ is i^ly between two •riiSy come to the roahaatibn that But, white wa haye perhaps this MANCHESTER Reg. $159.30, Rugged maple and birch from the hills of . unhappiness. It when they pray/ the familiar Your Dodge and Plymouth fighting chanca of drawing back are used in fashioning these quaint pieces. 44-inch, round a't ba that wag^or a beauti­ words, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy Dealer from a future world' in which wlU be done' 0^1 earth, ,aa it la in table (extends to 60”) 2 captains and 2 mates,chairs in­ ful, Un-apiritad yopng Princess. ■ / every kind Of enterprise would be clude'’ But it isN ;^ way. \ % guaranteed free , of risk, by the One w ays^ e has tha unhappi- government, we should at laast ^ R«9. $139.00 42-inch Hutch. 112.00 sharp and tragic consider our alternatives. And in that may be, df denying an emo- hta very argument in favor of the \ • ■ . ■ . tlan, which may^for all we know, farmer. Governor Foes succeeds in ba JoTf. or infataatmiv.dr merely presenting the issue in the way in Polished brass lamps 16.50 aran an instinct toNMcape. This; ,/C' which it ought to ba* vlewi way afae^mlght, for alV We know, BUther we retrace a IttUe, to spi Watkins lamp.s are known for their hro with a sharp pang im the rat kind* o^ compromise, or we gp^or of her life, u she moulds flmt life tailored beauty. The Junior lamp shov ward toward tull eventual subr k . to whht tr^tlon expects o^er, matching swing bridge with beige aidltaUon of everybddy. shades, have 3-Way lighting. Reg. Ihe other way, she has the / b^piness of trying to make life with thp CiQitaln good enough' Thanks To Hie Enemies and wonderful enough to justify vin French po)itlca, one learnt tha sacrifices involved In getting e reaultf/without too much / B B U B B / tt. She must, whatever she feels, pryihg into tJie reasons for them. / keep up Um valiant pretense of For tBe rekapne are uauai^ com­ PmE/LENOX PHARMACY . being hajppy ,not for a honeymTOn plex. full of contradictions, but for future decadea end any molonged atudy of them 299 EAST CENTER ST; TEL Ml 9.089$ Dress your floors with If aha does not have the Ci^i- leads to- the eonclualon Uiat tain, she has the-right to be un­ FTOneh p o litic fukcUona morS by PINE PHARMACY III happy. But if she takes him, she /rontpadictloha \^ a n by. straight Wilton BroMloom loses that human right, no matte^r logic. $44 CENTER ST. ;<■ TEL. Ml 9-9814. \ w b ^ occurs. Premier Faure ,ikpn, oh *fuea- Before aha chooses, she might day. a aurprlsing v^ e of conft thlpk of what she may kppw of / dence,. -which gives govern­ 7 " Reg. $16.50 square yard tha eventual ieontent of^/Mother ment at least another ^onth of NEW EXOTINC life which once .madeym a choice life; And it ia just.aa w alltp take ./ all for.love. We haro^othing but this pa perhapf A fortunaj^fact, / admiration for J^i^/way In which ‘and not examine it too closely. For X bar uniels, ha You've nevey seen such luxurious car- W CRINOLINE COAT made hie choiro, close mcamination would reveal 'TOW X WHIRL" \ tely vaiikiit and that • some of - those who -should peF for SO IrHle! The leaf design, sooragsous trying to build Bo fa uely full efclrted you can wear H over even ypur greaUtt hays supported hiS crucial, poBeiea OPEN EVERY made of all wool it woven, with high - Ufa which contant and mean- akirUi'Fakrfc-of-Francerfc-qf-Friuice “ "aeaI’>'U aia V /ia a thriUUig,thriliUig, naw ^lendblend of Alaakaa in North Africa, which are gradual THURSDAY EVENING cut pile and low uncut beckground in ana\finaet virgin wt ' oven In -France ^ exeiuaively for liUt i ti-g. Wa, that life, non'ethe moderation, ' votqd against him. / X Ann coats, EleganUy deta^d In lueh Normandy velvet'and atar- empty and tragic. / CLOSED MONDAYS gros-pbint style, giving a deep, richly bright AuatrtAn .hand-cut rhinestonae. Black or rad. From euT while those who hate the idea of- sculptured effect. Choose yours-from jieiv's tha dress that's set up a storm of comhient. among rewjers of the Sep- wonderful collection of young, exciting Lilli Anna for young ex­ If- ■ Ma 8^ the woman he loved are, moderation in North Africa with !.00 ' tember HARPER'S BAZAAR. It's "Town Whirl," another Slsed-to-Hetghl-' suspect, the unhappiest two in citing women of all ages. SUei 10-10. everting in their touts eomehoW our stock 12 tt. rolls for "flt-ypbr-room Exclusive that’s fashion-perfect, fit-perfect. Jewelled butjont, sharply-notched '-X' ...X . ;S world. O O O ' O o collar knd:Murray White's very own famous 20-gore skirt make this cott>dr«sa managed to vote for Him. o A 0 rug sizes, or well*to-wall barpeting. Perhapa tha choice for Princess your nrst choice for (own doings. Ip'^Burllngton's "D.ramata," a beatuifully •niere'.were_perhai^ Mveral rea^^ 2 - s p r i n g ; 2 mattresses! Gray, Seawater-Green or Nutria- textured, black-striped, 100% chropiepun acetate faille. $95 BCargarct, ia nothing better than O -d -O H ! with Ona between k sharp pang, now, aona: why hla enemies voted for Beige. . 1 sad a long dull ache lasting the him. . One -was that the Geneva Reg. $129-50. Al/ready to have yoqr youngsters \ / Conference of Foroign Ministers Y-U. ,rsst of her Bfe. Poor litUe Prin- THAT ;56 OLDS craw! in for the night! Springs, cotton-felt fnat- y .4 - '• esss, ws.,say. She ought to have is coming up, and that France thesses, gua^d rail and ladder included. Separates might as well be represented aome fairy godmother, Co wave a x w r tA T !a C A R l to make twd standard twin beds. „ » ■ wand, and create happihess out of ■there. But perhapy a . key reason tmposhibiliUca. was that, if Faure ahould fall, 8E SURE TO SEE IT ON "OH DAY" NOV. 3 MendeS-France might soom back /- THORSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ONLY! toward pqktr. The coriServatlves Subsidize Eveiybody? It’s New!—(And about time!) fear hla policies lA' North Africa- MANCHESTER MOTOR SALES A NICE GROUP OF ^ *Zf labor has thS advantage of a more than they, fear those of 61? WEST CENXr.R sV., AT HARITORD ROAD \ c c n c ( guaranteed annual wage, and' Faure, 'which they , have, so -far, " ■ tatflaroa. has fair trade laws and been able to. sabotage in the field o o o o o o o o o o o Truly IfghL si^aidiM, the farmer should have anyway. They are afraid that, the LIFE : NEW WINTER 'aa aqual arooiu^^^of aupportr'' pext'tirne he comes to power, he comfortable control That waa povcirnOr Joe Foss of won't be thrown out easily. dMkw Ii.dhkm »d NUF-MIIE SPEOIAL is V ^ * Anniversary Values . Beuth Dakota, the former war ace, So Faure stored his ''triumph.” COATS and SUITS SbooUng from the hip at the ic- basicSlly because . his' etfemies TRLIT for the STOUT eent masting of Repubhean farm feared and- detested some thi| State governors, at Des Moines'. more'than they feared and det< forThe nursery • f brie lo w p r ic e fo r thia a v a n t Orily! Tbis is not an entirely accurate ed him. TJhis kind of thinj Q i U n K (oeaparirob- public may pay ^uently happens. In politics V There’s i touch of wixardry in-the way Formfit t o r tha guaranteed annual wage; where, not merely In France', But SIWS lAeKBARD has combined sure .c^trdl with aetion-free $ 4 7 . 8 8 tatba-end, and-ltmay pay-tor fair tt can hardly produce strong, Af­ AND rORWANO . ■ ■ Utads laws' and, for subsidies to AC-DC Air Cwl«4 Meter l-Tair Gribs 39 '®^ »ens 19 comfort in this light, supple Life Girdle. fective-government anj-where, '-A letTMlMtH 3 9 . 9 5 -boalneea too. bu^ It. at le w pays leader 'who is kep,t in- power b’y his Rerttoli ” CenlU but firmly flattens midriff and tummy, Regularly .up to $59.98 Keusd lokfcie ( - -f(8rj--them-oiilT’once, instead of eijenites Is on a short halter, 'j fire Syesf Cestrel fart* regularly $46.50 regularly $24.50 slims inches-frora waist and hipa.-triinajhifhy le.bbiiL Wiefer. / - lifraeleit twiee- it takes no appropriation and bark. Tbe Life Bra is lailhred with extra- ^ junior, missy or htilf aizee. from the government to maintain Smell Henf Wkesl Meaty As baby-grows,: the spring in Here's,a new Thayer playpen Sewisf leitruttiwu - ' deep quilled pockets ;io give a younger lift, aa annual wage, or . to keep prices Rtfiaiai- that folds automatically and Many new-famoua name fabrics.^ D«r»i, Meae(tiim eef »-_thi$ new Thayer crib lower$ to wider separation, belter support »o tbe full at fair trade levels- We taxpfayera (Jet Your_Winter Supply Of Imbri^ert Witkeut it'Nat A;tir*-nfiiti ^ SrilidtAI -YTx~different-pqsrtiohsrlt is ex­ compactly by pressing the toe htist. Comc be fitted for oomfoft by ottr ob- Bo riilp in to make up the amount tra braced with snap-fast metal ' USE PVR BUDGET PLAN OR . of money the government hands 5 0 pedal. Not necessary to remove derslanding corsetierea! ^ /POTATOE? Home Demonetratinn Only Coneolt* to industry,, when we write off stabilizing bars. The full front the. pad. Peri flooring is 8 inches - ""CHARGE PLAN" i right at- the farm. The old-fash­ V No J0bllgatlon.._ H*. 47S0, lire aiNM • . Ba-ae Caxea " industry might othervYike ioned, mealy Green Mountnin panel is decorated with a color­ Portahle ■ ■ * ^3 9 ® ° off floor. Plastic top rail and Bntittf ia i lata d - Lay-away'or Cath. P«y- But wa have not yet com* to potatB ful mother goose design. Dou­ lightly hmeJ hath.' tka point where wei . the iMc^le, iTNIS IS BRAND NEW ' New I.OW Priro. ble'drop' sioes' operated ylt.h ‘ABC twirl decorations. Ngn- Bat) that wa^nuut guarantee pros- l- 8».*6 Weekly Bufdiel $ T « 0 0 NOT A REBUILT ■ - h • After Small bar-typp toe teadle. Pfastic rail toxic waxed birch finish, Pad 18 " and 17" Laagtb This avant will positivaly laat only 3 days.' pattty to eyary buHvidual wbtk- i Down Payment XMS and kvery individual pro- tops.;,' - . '■ - included at this price! damr.! no,matter how many of WM.SGHUTEIUN SEWING 'if t r I aia ead iro m atter how GH6^74 Dart Hill BoeB^Wappiag STORES 1 9 . 9 5 Use Watkins Lay'Away Payment Plan I tkegr pnduM. Only with the Mb qMpseei .v l Alatn bt. iBarUOrd boowroro*) i. ■ . / r t ° ' *B't 1 • , ■ -5 ' XX", X-- f'- -i. • ^^■'” V. ■'.'J-t-V:*' ' • y.'.l . -' „ '. Vv- • ■■■’f ' ■• .*• ...*^ r ; . •-V , v . •• ■ • '• ■ •, ..• } - .•V. 'V, ■; ■ i;v : EVENING HERALD. 'MAKC L QONNw WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1965 ELEVEN

MAKCHESTEK EySapJG kEBALD, Mjiin2WSWER, CONNi WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19S8 'able to aaalat wtUiFtinKMUaelepi^ non-farm famlliea which will en­ MSter, principal of tiip ’W ri^t- 'lUMM TEM wonir4si» ihg and with atonia wtndowa, Iceifl' title them to 'receive -the leteat Denny.'Schpul In Char|eatiiW; 4-H E vent 'LiEts dby. of CkHtnecUcuL of Education a f the UnlveraIt^\Ot Ware|KUta|Jli^e« ,, p n jfifM WHAV«-8li w ^ lt Dhy acUvlliec wUl hegte / Soaufi’ BatertaiRed. Virginia, requesting her codperkv G R £ E N S c h ^ u l Talk by Camper with A It of acrambTod Richard Leon ' ei(tertefned. a tion by iftlling out a queetioiinairc. >vered B ribes 1h% MUMUaii pragram pcbliflulasyl : ^ « s » A .r ', IbpdOBKt the aoclal group of lExplorer .Scouts recently Under the guidance of the Unlver­ room' of Z at 8 ajp., fol- with a weekend et his'Zhore cot­ eity of Virginia, M otw is planning STAMPS ara iiagj^aga by-Uis. radio manags- RAY—Joeom Tbaat4r^ .... , X / ------SHELL rOSHrOn. DEUVEBdEB ■ - Ihunadey, Ot. v L A S T 3 : d a y s Andever, Oct. 19 (Special)— lowed by As ipramraerv- tage a t Point Judith. ThaAnya en­ a atudy of ’’PracUciB Basic to W «w. M ««. (/Pf r- Frank H. m e ^ and ara .sublet to ciiangs Ice. 'MkraUphone joyed m otorboatlng, .cM m t-algking,. Good Parent RarticipaUqa in Ele­ M l d n i K b t>2 a;m...... Volunteer* Mee^eA ' IC—Otia Man e, Famtly / Barbara Qraf of Manafleld; will .he u rowm D iu ncET and ^smnat 8ESVI0B C h M V C r , 96, a Contractor who re* a;m.-4 a.i*. . , i ...... Floy^Chapmap;. ■-/’ sriUmot aoUea.. Uib nmln apeaker a t the 4>H and are turf-fishing xfld a li^eter dinner^ mentary Schpola” '. V' tUrM to nin a fUIing atatlon. hope* ; ' Mary.BdylBL SngiBcVMlt, Slid M re. SIm peiNLlteea'eefUig Z Moler wrote to Mre. ,-z m xnaa bdbnbb m m eICE' ' ',v' ■ --r. to gat aomebOdy to takC over hi*' J'auni-d a.m...... ,,....,..U ....V o»n te*r* I^ e d . . ,/ Achieraipeiit Night at the An- 6 a^^ a,m. Harry ReWorn. ' *'w h a|—Musks MtrciMuit V ' .if-^*olk* Party dqver iUZmentary School Saturday Cbnnle PBrlia. , . ^ Mrs. Kenneav> 8 impaon, AndoVer lain that the Andover M a.at#tlo'n aome -day — *o he can is h e r. WCCt^ReCOid Revue \ ' " Mvciling Good-Music 'Lake, ta recuheratliig froftl an at­ been eelected to participate W ^ e \ RIIL OIL m aM a tour of all the covered 8 a.m.-tO., a.m. ____ .Clifford,- WIWB-Jae Glrand \ - ,l’e Nest at -7:S0.. Gifts-.TCMiViM , kV t b f ID a.m'.-Nb v e l ^ M c C a u l e y , G l o r i a I/' WTIU—lUMlacss verMUoB She wag on# of four young peo^' workera will be cf ------tack of viriisf pneumonia. • , . ■urvey. becauee he had "leirned W Y M A N ’ r VICI brldfca In - Net*.- England. That’* wDRQkriMby . \ First OobtiNraUd Program - that you and your echool have been 86 MAIN ST. ciiaevcr'a hobby— covesed bridgeis,; , gai;iey. ... WQTH—Waawork*, J Bon J<*p • pie ael'ectiMl to represent QondecU' N o o n -2 pjn,.-.... .'.\'rd. 011v*,Chartter. •:U- be presented at-a. (Qatrtei ZAlly irrytng on an annual teaUqg.pro- pareht-parttetpatiqn program ?’ ' 1 Thare’a apecial rtaaoii, he/wys. t 2 p . ih .-4 p . m . WHAY—Muste Mirebast Tn Waahington, D, t / this paat ^ n n ls Rodney, James Horgen. .WCUC—Record Revue ^^^^GcodMuM,, which will be held et taa Buiitaclt _ ram.-The Ckulfornia AcW«Yemeni why N«!W Englander* developed'! ♦. p.m.-D p.m; WKNB-Joe Qlrand year, the hlgbeiit hoftm any.club I « p . m .-8 p . m , fCeleste King, Robert King./ member ciur get. , / , , ‘ Auditorium that' afterwim at j TbnHi given to Grades''4, 5. 6, 7 Advertlaemertt— i* the Idea of leaving opening* on WTlU-iriReUa IMUa* iversation o’clock. e •- ' th« aide*. In winter, anow wa* 8 p'.m:-lO p.m .'Josenh Marcin, l.eQ, Plecliy. . ? W D R O -^ Melby -hnny Dollar ' ' Mias Graf U a ikhiim at .the Uhlr end 8.>uradea 4, 6 and 8 receive , W dodworklng and furniture Rn- n ^ b d on the bridge* to enable 1®. p . m . - M i d i j i g h t .Dorothy and York Strani^eld. ' RTORR HOVlMi WG/H-WiaWork* ■ang Boaien;" 'N' ' ' verslty of Cjonne^cut. She worked Nichelean Named the CMlUbnila IntelUgenca-rTeet i s h l n g . 22 -year* of the MAt. ______. p of Manchester Police Station. .E. Monday-Baturday 8:88 to 8:88 M caiarlee Ntcholaon. Bpaton which evatu^a mentiU' maturity. Dwyer Product!, W est 8 L, horses to pull alelgh* thi^ugh. The lliartday 8:89 to 8:80 - *‘ tfelY.i-|Utty Kimball ,.Y-y.Pcilta Party VZ:'-,- . aa a 4'H agent^in New York tli^ Openings allowed snow to drift in Middle Turnpike: Volunteaf* may reglater at Civil Defense Head-- WCCO^Recvrd - Revue paat aummer and . ho(|ea .to con­ Hill Rd.. has been nameo/AndOvar If the teacher^Ieiirea R, the Gates t o n . M I 8 -5326. ______Jir . chairman o f the meiphereiMp drlM. Reading Reitdinata^' and kntelU- dttrtng-*now*tonns. quarter*. Municipal Building, Maorquartere, Municipal Building, Man 'WKNB-Joe GIrand . fO:TH—Bentab'a Bidaaway tinue' in 4-B work following gradu­ WTIC-Wldder Bniwa o f the Farm Bureau. Niehoiaon ra- ence Quotient ra it ie given in Manelteeter Evening Herald An­ Friday, from 1-9 p.m, ' - . ‘ Yevr ovoirwhfKning rMpons* t « our g fo InfiiHery hofboW i WDRC—^ Kolby ' •:l ation. She la^currently au6atltuUng WOTH—waxwork* - mAY-Pcma Party asaoclaie Tolland Opunty club ferretkto the Bureau at a Srefy rade 1. dover obrreepondent, Mre. Pnnl 4;U— - . ■ / g PfnMttehl, 4eleph9ne,-PilfT) and a Congresa- near Fisherman’s' island. Three WOCC—Record Review. WGTH—Benspn’a Hideaway Zen a leava of abeence to 4^ minutes later a Coast Guard pat-, Solo oolho somo hiqh nofo. Hurry Sbnmkiy nigirtfer mofo root luyol]^ WKNB-Joe Girand I tend claaaea at Columbia UnlvZr good support in P**at years and we ford-Binet intelligence teat raOtrw- I t Fifth; Geiierktihn mah. Grandfather got hla certlfl- WTIC—Pepper Young' * '^ ^ Y -^Nlgbt Watch hope to have'an Increased member­ c a t e I n 18M., Father w a* the only rol boat was underway to render ___ You Bet Your Ufa \ \ •ity.. ly-; tng a special examination a t ^ s - WDKC--Cai Kolby WDRC—Jack Carson ■ ^ ship. tott University^ Mrs. Oorta ope not. hawed John Jamea Allen- sssistsnee. W ithin five mimites a . WGTH—Waxwork# - . WGTH-I^World of Sports Each of the 4-H groups in "An­ bouy tender waa off to help. The Ijee- -.'I, ■ ' ■ dover will have a booth to display He added that an associate m'em- Chamberlain, Andover principal.' Flncastle, tra.-DB ~ John James He was William ' Allen, *IIS— berahtp ie evailkble for . women of 1862 Navy asnt a helieopur/ - WHAY-Becord Rodeo WHAY—Night Watch their projecta, and will present a has received a letter from James Alien has oh his ofll^* licenced to practice lii , T h e W(XC—Record Review , WTIC—YoiTbet Your Ufa , Mar^mdax eertlflcates of his great-great- present John Jsmes Allen got his Then cam e the ethbarrasslng re­ WmtB—Matinee ^ WDROI-Bing Crosbv Z rZport of their' activltiee. port: the ‘'aWarhped’’yveaael was \ WTIC—Guy Limbardo WGTH—Say It With Muafc! : Z A ll of the girls’, groups will-par' . grandfatheri hi*, grandfather, hie, ^ertlDcate >q^l9.I2 ^WDRC—Newa. iVa A8EN0Y - • lather and himself. The oldest was ■>'' v only the barnacled bDll of a long 3TH—Bob and Ray 8bow • iie - ticipate in a dreba reviaw. 18 As!|^ni Stn Hartrdrd ■x made out in 1760 and the .sei-ond, tABDR .DOST abandoned boat. WHAY-Nila Watch .1 A tocial period will follow.with _ .erenade .. WTIC—Truth or Conaequesices H l% DESI6NS in ’ 1818, His greatTgrandfa.ther’* la . ------. The buoy lender removed It ae Wb WDRC—Amos n Andy—Music Ball cider and doughnuts- for refresh- TcLC^pel 7-5857 Norfolk. Va. (g^--A Navy plan* a menare to navigation. wc ;-iR«cord Review WGTH—Iflncent LopeSy mente. agpyialiy interestlnjg. he Was ______!______■ ■ ■ ---- WiUlB-Miune* 9:4*- * / 01)1 oil ifB m t'X Authorized Afrants For AU /V tim e—lOSOl^dio Lane WHAY-Nlte Watrh , Raagers Ekwt Head* WDRt> ’’ ’The Rangers 4-H d u b held an Rail, Air and MteaBiship \.' WGTH—Bob and^tay Show WTIC—Truth or Cunaequencej WDRC—Amos ’n Andv-Muaie Hall election of otficera at the home of Linss I'.as— .. \ ■ WGTH-e-VIncent Lopex AVI.VHAY—Suburban Serehnde ie*ee— Billy Provost on Monday evening. "iK-'C—B^ rd Review ^ WHAY—Nile Watch Richard. Shaw waa named preai^ HAROLD EEL I WTIC—McGee and Mollla dent and will be aatiated by Walter Manchester Agent I 9 0 l i 4 H B A D A N D WtIC--liw. W io L a n e WDRC—Romance Moods WDRO-%ar £5by WGTH—E. F. Morgan Mortlock, vice pfeeldent, Billy Fyb teLMI9>7442 WGTH—Bob and' Ray. 8bow !#:!»- . voet, secretary*, and Danny Nichdl-f lit-41—. — UY-Nita Watch WHAY—Suburban SeKnade 3C—8tal* Bar Assn. Banquet •on, reporter. Gu^ OtiUaw assisted WCCC—Re^rd Review Romance "Moods the members in preparing their mHQw WiWB—MXUnee rights - program for Achievement Night Paint it yourseif! Ckiaaeneel* WTIC—1U«U Radio teuie .. ie;ge— ' HaAtMf t'er. 82.8I WDRC—Cal Kblby , WHAY-Nile Watch Aeetetlng FelloYrahlp HgTH—Bob and Ray Show WTIC-dUsari* In Action MrZ. Walter F.«Moh.tie Sr;, hag Sp^eiaff .WDR(>-Rpmanca Moods tlia new on iho * ’lrHAY-hlewa WGTH— r accepted a temporary assignment' SOAVSetNLY \ WCCC—Good Kvening GoodyMuste tet4*- . ■ . aa an aaslatant to Mrs. Max Reim- '/ . WKNB—Today In SporU ^ WHAY'-New*; Nita Watdi , •r, adult leader of the Senior ]ftl> WTiC-Newa WTIC-CapItol Keja . ' ilHaniing WDRC—Newa^ ■ WDRC—Country Doctor / grim F'ellowahlp. 19S3 OHEVROLET Reg. 39c. Cfhplce'crf rsney ! WGTH—Ne^ WGTH—Sounding Board ^ Workfre Available / patterns. All 'vat-dye^ ccol- . Telephone committee members ^ P l a n t e r 4-Door -Nedan. Radio heater, I'SIS *\‘y?HAY,-J t^ta. ' WHAY-Nlte Watch , a . J etc. Deirk blue. ‘ ; 2 .9 8 H A N N E L ors. Sizes lO to 13, ^ \WCC%y-Qb<>d Evening Good Muste WTIC—News of the Senio:- Pilgrim Fellowahin fr. C«*qp«' \WKKB—Serenade ■ WDRC—News \ met yesterday aftembon pit the Ha*elne Trcyt $2.88 pr. DUSTERS STRnCHNVtOl MEN'S . W^W—SlriCUy Sports' WGTH—News ^ all-purpoae vt>om of the Elemen- -Plat* WDRO—Horae Race l l i l » - tan* School to complete/mrange- y»u ran woah wHh som 89WVW pn€WWYwf- DRESS SHIRTS WGTH—Conn. Sport Light WHAY-NIte Watch\ 6'Sd— mlnta for contacting u e towrrs- A lovely 10 in. btaZk metal plate, WHAY—Dinner Dale people in connection with the Work REG. 2.98 \ . WeeC—Good Kvening Good .Muale wHh gold (pray decoration on a iG H T CIW I - WKKB-Serenade lilt Day .for. Chriat Youhg. peopla of . WTTc—K Cnie Glee Chib WHAY—Symphony In the Night the Fellowship group will be avail- rim, Mdi^r % lo r r . 0 0 WDRG—Guv l..ombarao ' WTlC—SiarllghI Serenade todied. Tiie doiign it Mpneiled . O U JpAR ils iW TH —BlU-Stam..__ .:______WDRC—Night Owl ______. ' 1 / .. . / in pf-«6-8tar-fcl*tr*' Msi'a'iHietedi . 82,80 " MANGHEBTER It ripe*, plaid*. 12 to. 18, seems. Petite, Avge., Tall. ■/ WDHO-- Thomas ’ ______■ Z' ' ’ Strongly made with doubU WGTH—Meet the Artist t PIANO TUMNO 4 Tour-Dodge .and riymouth liH-' X ■ ' ' Dealer stitched Ka.m* and rivet*' MEN'S WHAY—lihicore Theater N ^ MEN'S RIB \ WCCC—Gnbd Kvening Good Music GENERAL at point* of strain. 6 to 16 FLANNEL SH|I ^KNB-Serehade t KEMP'S, liie. ^ W«tt* laAsl KNIT BRIEFS WTIC—AnSwerNMan ■ WMOJ-Tenn Krnl' TRII WGTH-lFulton Lek TV SERVICE Rtg. 1:M- ' \ OeA leAs* /I WHAY--^cor«, Xheal^ Daya ITALIAN • , WCCC—Good Kvening Good Music Nights B9c WKNB—Evening Serenade A SHIRT Colorful. new woven W IC —Your Sue TEL. M l S-5I94 plaids, fully cut fo r com­ Comfortable, aoft co.tton. WDRC—Tenn Ernie / HanqkiqPiAv* \ izet WGTH—Vandercopk SALE fort. Sizes 8. H, L. Tnr $2.88 MKS'H TEE SHIRTS * ’^ A Y —Kneore rheiler XhtirA, Oct. 20-i-9 A. M. WCCC—Good KvenInZ.G >od Mualc '■Z Hlzea 86 to 44. ' IWKNB—Evening Serenade Reg. 89c. WTIC-News Ml th'e World COSMITfCS 1 ^ t . Mary's Parish House 79c WDRC—Bine Crosby WGTH—Gabriel Heatler Wc Carry All the ,Top UnZe Locust St. Entrance y TelcYision ProarrsniB;; St. Mary’s Women*a A'uxlUS^ E; A. Johnson Roiiit Col^ AiHwr Diiis 4 899 MAIN STREET I MANCHESTER / On Pr» 8 Two • / > A O ^ IkZA V

1.98 ORLON IP CARDIGANS z . BOXER In Men’s Faxons It Is The / LONGIES -y 1/ ^Arhoo) girls’ 7-14. Cash­ 1 mere-like interlock kiPL. r*9 1 . 7 7 // 100% sVirglh hl-bulk' 1.98 ^ J L m yarns. Slm-dy long-wear cordu­ *CoM*n naiHwIatto : CORDUROY roy ibnglea. Sizes 3 to A PRINT PAJAMAS SLACKS ■- / BOTA3VY 500 •/ 6 V Spuciol ■V . ^ ealuif. itylet; full 2 4 Buy the »l«k s .get the *hirt $5.00 eut;'^/ongly (titched leami.^izet 34 to 40. FREEy-Weahable cordu­ roy (dick* in late»r taper-, X-: Mothar HvlilMrd Ouwns e ^ t y lf. Black only. 10- l.tl value. Coib(ort- cut. Pattt|>. 14 (o' 12. |$t y ^ 8. Reg. 1.59 Jtriped ihirt.* lY DOLLY SCHOOLGIRLS' AND ME unu ioY$' . • • . ■ . / ; SPORT SHIRTS In leek-ol/k. Iroaka > SHINY SET X There is an appearance tofJay which is ! a 8 ' " i s ! • ” Colorful cotton flannel, Set Iricludes Jlule girl’t tecoghired everywhere as the mark of the long sleeves, 7 t o '14. Dacron-cofton, quick-dry, frock, the dpll and match^ ne-iron. French cuffs,- ing frpek^hromspun grra links, tie. Sizes 3-7. pique’ jirmt. Sizes 3 to 6x. modern man ..It's the “ Modem Lookj* • with emphasis on more natural*, comfortably '■ \ ' V ■ 'V’ , flattering lines. Daroff tailoring, in our new ADJUSTABLE ‘ B O TAN Y’ ‘500’ clothing captures the essence IRO N IN G TABLE 4.99 All matal Arvin of this new look: the Botany fabrics ajCj handsomely receptive to this newer, smarter BATH TOWEL styliiig idea. We are how featuring the' Yellow perforated top and ' ‘ r .V » turquoise leg* plea»r„the eie. Six-position adj'uit- “ Modern Look’’ ,in ‘B O TAN Y’ ‘500’ suila and; Extra absorbent ,22x44 , e • ' . V ' i. ahili’D' ra«c. your ironing. assorted colors of.pink, ifbid, aqua .and emerald" topcoats—expressly for you. — green. NO D O W N Hand TonelZ 3 for $1.0® IMPORTED PAYMENT , SUITS S45.D0 ALUMINUMWARE FALL TIME C O ttO N REMNANTS With A Grant ' TOPCOATS $59;95 litaal piHa. t.98 Valve* Credit (Coupon -Account II -....a...... i z ' I Just All out a simple,ap­ I : . plication. ' ^ ’11 supply Rtg. 44c : # e ' .. - - - 8 8 ‘ you with dpupons to , LARGE SELECTION OF STYLES IN OTHER apend lik^,Caa .SpricialU priced tqi fttiT Kitten soft #anforiz*d d>Uoh.Ilannel„beauUIul.prmla:aa4... TOPCOATS S45.95 exrni Silrni 'butlrr*-. cm- solids. Remnant length# Up to 15 yard*. 38 Inches wide, RAYON-NYLON In regifler, longs and shorts. HtzcZ’ 38 to 50. Raglan and d> di*he». »er\ing plate*; eet-ln sleeves and some With zIp-lW wool liner*.’ r / manv more' Vladr in Italy. c h e n A le BLANKET l.-_ EDSPREAOS RAYON REMNANTS Rtg. s:98 Ita afwcial - cptiiilrycUon Rtg, S9e ; yard F t n o t v ^ r W w provides exceptional wearing qualities due to miracle -nyldn. Size 72x84. Beautiful aseortment of prints and eolid*. Up to 15 yard iFbr twin and double bed. lengtha , A i i 3 ^ W E G I ^ b F e N STAMfPG 815 Main St;, Mancheatcr ■-fc • ■ istss;.. ■ 'i V-. ‘ - i . ■'1- -V ■ ■ ‘ t - ' ' i . ' i

■ i /-• .**■ \' •f> ' V M' y* N* - L e '* •- 4 , V ‘ ,y. ■V'?' MANCHESTSB EVENING H ERALR i^NCHfe^SgEyt OQHW» W EDNESDAY, bCTOBER 19, 1958' H A N C H ^ T E R e v e n i n g h e r a l d . M ANCHESTER. CONN. W ED^DAY„.OCTOB£R^ 19, I95K PAGE *;-7f PAGE TW ELVE 2 : annually at thla Bait to Nsw M asy W ««r : / Rep. ^eely-Brown League to Open raiae (unOs to carry out Hs /pro­ Food Process Plant Plans Wifh Firm 3S Years gram bn. the nationali state and FALSE For Ik^’s Brother i a i I«ical levels.'N ^al peraone who are latereatto the woric of the t >} : Wiiku«H*W' ' I ' LiCague to pramota political re- hventry mg iht, talk. iBUsn or I gf^-g)g ' Isbanon, bet. 19 OP)—Rep. M rs; Irving Bayer, Rnah^' chair­ aponeibllity and adtlve participa­ TBL. Mtl f -8181 tion of citlsena In'* government are Horace' Beelv-Brow* HR*Conn) told man' o(. the Litfgu'4' <4 tuiLtm piatM flnntr and ^ Voters of Manchester, anm Invited to contribute to the League. h a i N i t . MANGHKOTER Canatry, Oet, l* (SjH»ci»lHr*tic and tht Hartfwd Uve Poultry the Lebanon Viromen’s Rfspublican N fortabir- TWa plaasant David Small of B y t Hartford.^ Market, where they aill be put that there Will be a kick-off gunUBT. foetr,----- Mpt* Of TMi] thrbugh a cooking and chopping Club*at‘ a meeting hera last i Ing to open the annual Bot&'t Eauae-. tnkteS of CJonneoUcut By-Prod*, - (Dcneeie),. operation. The result w ill be. a that "ihe coiuitry would be campMgn of the local League rake' ovei* Lead\ , lemtun bi \ / 1 nets. Inc.,' has announced that a meal of high ;>rotein content which served" If Milton Etaeudwerythe lowing a daSsert at her home, 14 S07 cn ic new (ood procabsin( cOrporaUon will be packed apd rent off to President's brother, Stephen St., Friday, Oct. 21. at 1 Jn Elks Tourne)^ w ill begin (aperatlOM in Coventry, poultry and dog food manufactur- prteid ent n ext y e a r, ahi p.m . by January on the Hop River site e rs. dent EtS^nhoWpr not ' Mrs. Jay Rubinow,- a member of it has parcbased. It is believed to Small said the miU preaently on of bfi health. the jstate boafd and formerly Leading/the Elks 'setback epn- be the first plant of its type ad uP the alte will house the operation Seely-Brown said t^ t "thia' la president of th* Manchesten teat aft^ 'g lx seselona of play in in the state. until plane are tjrrmulated • for not the lime to be tmking candi- League w ill speak'at the meeting. Coughliii'asAll Start 'with 14B8 X* The site, containing about seven building a plant sometime in the datea, when our thoivhts and prny- Members of th4 committee are; points. - \ acres of land and a m ill lies along future. Mschlnery to be moved in brs are cOncentratto upon the Mrs. Bayer, chairman; Mra. Allah Other scorah. after the . play at the Hop River by the Hop River ihcludee large pressure Unks for ■pcedy knd complete reco very of Bourn,: Mrs. Jtrry Brettachneider, the/Elks''. home-OsiSt' night 'Were: BridfO on the Ooventry.Columbla cooking the a%ide materials and the President," ^ut added, ."When Mrs.'/Edmund Cox, 'Mrs. Betty Renns Tavern,.l,z()|6; Hooda, 1,184; / town line. The new coocam bought hammft mills for,. cruslng them the time comeiyhowever, the coun­ Dorr, ' Mrs. Louis l^srd, Mrs: Anderson, L180; Lathrop, 1,162; the property from the Bristol Steel into meal:. try cannot overlook the availabil­ Ralph 'gr-Herman. Mrs. Jules Garden Restaurant, ^ 6 8 1 P a tte n , B i l l Co. a t aln estim ated price of To Small's knowledge there isn't ity of Ike’s/younger brother . , Karp. Mra, H. F. ibipball. Mrs,^ 1,181: 4XXKX, l.lM i View’s, aver glO,000.. s, similar plant in the sUte. Vp ^ Mark R. lOAViU. Mra JMeph Ko- 1,133; Paul, 1.136: Larabec, 1,121; Recommended to Coventry by now^-'Weste m ate ria ls from bujeh- ■ - ---- ' f ------wsll. Mrs.’ Otol Lingenfelier, Mr». Manchester W a M p a p e r, 1,121; the State Development Commia- erlng plants have I>een std^pdd Dallas at iShow ' Jack McCarthy, Mrs. 'Willism Oliva's,' 1,118; Peterman's, 1,099; sioB, and attracted* by the Town down south for aniibal foo4, pro* Peck. Mrs. Edward Radtkc, Mra. Glssso, 1,097; Lehman's, 1,000; Planning, and Zoning t^mmlaelon'a Speefqlf cessing. X HaroM R. 0«rmalne Jnne Uneeln Merrill Ribinow, Mrs. Walter The HeigbU, 1,075; 8MFD No. 4, lesig-range ^program tO establUh 'laniiedf by Elks Schaxdt, Mrs. Sanol .Solomon and 1,060; Capitol Equipment, 1,064; Industry in town, the new concern, V 3 DAYS a Harold R..GermaJne, 106' Ben Announcement has been made of M reJw. E. Taylor. Ray Henryi 1,015;- O’Brien, 1,011; which w ill specialise in proccaptbg Zion Lajii^s Hold The League conducts- a fUiancs Manchester ’IVust, 987. ton St., claim agent of the Con ary Dunphy of 26 Greenlayvn the engageme'ht of Mias Jane fJii- animal wastes from butchering '■ "v ■ . ' ' . 1053 GH EVRO ^ plants, CKpressad willingness to necticut Co., completed 80 years t.; B ut Hartford, will dance at coin, daughter of Louis A. Lin­ \. tniylhe property last May, on con­ of 8<|rvice with the company toda^ the Manchester I-odga of Elks flrst coln of Sharon, Mass., and the late 4-Door midaa, Radio heai^ dition that the Hop River Bridge minstrel show to be staged Nov. 4 Mrs. Liheoln.'to H. Crane Miller, etc. Dhrk Une. ^ reinforced. u . FCniitriyv, engaged in publicly The L«diei Aid Society bf Zion and newkpapec work, , which /in­ end 6 at the Waddell School son of Mr. and Mrs. .Jacob F, cost of the reinforcement auditorium. X wad eatimated at .10,000 byx'the Uitheran Church, Cooper St„ w ill cluded sev^ i years with /The M iller, 103 Adelaide Road.' Herald, he lehsthe paper /o be­ She specfalises in ballet-toe, tap SU^ Highway Department, hold Its quarterly meeting ..thla - Miss Lincoln is a gradual^ of evening at 7:30 in the Sunday come an Investl^tor for Jme law and modern ballroom dancing, and X cordlhgly, .Town Meetings ih Cov­ has a studio in the Britiah Ameri­ the Beaver County Day School, w h e e l a l i g n m e n t — w h e e l b a l a n c in g entry and Columbia voted 97,000 School room. diTartm ent .o'f^the utlllty.borpora- The wirltuai project for the tion on Oct. 10, 1920. IW was ap­ can Club, 78 Maple St. She has per­ CSieetnut H ill, Masa., and ie Tiow X r a d ia t o r r e p a i r i n g a n d r e c o r in g ' and 99.000 reQ>ecUveIy for the formed .lit several Connecticut pdrpoee. year is i"Women Who Serve with pointed a claim agent/lbJ026. A attending sitriith College, North­ COM PLETE b r a k e S E R V IC E 'native of sNew Jo rli CltyK Ger­ supper clubs doing Adagio' Work Brtdge Widened \ Gladness.", The topic” for this ampton, Mass. ' ' \- month Is "The Sh.imsnite Worn- maine has b^n a recent. ofM.an- Joseph Macalone is directing the SEE w ■\ The land is located about 800 minstrel show.

JACKETS .^Low 8 6 d9 S i a n L O W ^ ^ C MAR LOW 3 ,„*100 McGLURE ' PONtlAC, Inc FURNITURE DEPARTMENT WHY NOT LAYAWAY NOW SAVINGS i $7$ MAtaf BTBEig» —|MAKOHgS YE » , : . &S/S-. ■ ■ ■ •■ ■ t ■ r't' •/ ' , '•-•A.- '. - ‘ • •'1- "■■I ft-. •IV; i VX- M :-i ,7 X . liANCHKSTEk EVENING BEHALD. MANCHESTEB. ^ N N . WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 19^5 p a g e sEVENT g lg f MANCHE8TEB EVENING HERALD, MANCBBS1 C O N N ., W E D N E S D A Y , O C T O B E R » , 19B5 ^ ^ — ------— ------— ------" ' that oontrlbuttbna be asado to 0 tha otoposM Isgt late poUtlea, said he'U.eoatteue the a Which has niarly three ehariUbls eguat in his m*mory/i wqiaa Wslboma ^ tors* Opinions .FttHed | Zoners Hear Friend* msy call at th* Wdn- Board Glints ot the Amendment, th* le go. as economlcajly as commission has not rsbslvsd and with W* own personal stsln Mortuary, «40 Jarmtngton f t Ave., Hai^ord, from 7:Sfl-toi(lghU one. WENDELL ANDERSON is opposing Ksyoc Irv' Khofla Plans Atty. Joron^ 1 Walib, On Assessit^ Setver Cetefe | V M U t o g Prebs*. a socialist. * \ c . JtaMtt. seRUng tho .gasmiiib' stT 1«rs. talma Ladlnlg Ruoff of ton who Are saskteg Um town's^Sktet^hrid ^ u n U M * for ^4otikm ^ In tAuwbi BOAo—m. Mi kton 18 E x i t o R u le 1^1^ Zones Extraded) ment that woulfl permit! Opinions among------7 Seek N Seat P 0 B 148 Hills St, East Hartford, a tor- m cliy^ad last nigkt mer r*at( display msrchandte* or o^ lervlco Oo., a uUlHy serving four I n B One Chsnge; Building on gas-pump islands and _ Whather it is fair to aaasaa Mah^eg' ooatlausd^ Insist ^ flood stricken ciUeaVweiit to work wtflaiLhoinl pumping staUons, forced mAlaa, Pm * o«*) th* telahds and tha frb ^ ’ costs to prtqierty owners on as today, their strike which 4*ApartmeBt Building ' BOm In, , M ne^Al^ration Oenied th* Station. Ah. aefisAgo bAsla after tbs owners, trunk-sewsra sad similar fabllltlea . 7 . had bech'Set for 8 la.m.Ncalled off lSM,,sh* had lived hearing, hsvs been i n pArt of fho town’s paint and )MBk n r > / M ■wiMwriw (or both ford for 45 yearq, a mem- General CorrOaetor ... ---- corridor*. at least ffemporarily. , Frederick Kndfla, general con­ The *Towi nates worked out on their coat should- be born* Iby all r Weary negpUatora for thacom' tractor, wilt-aak permission of the ber of th* Hookani Mothetot Sira, in an' exsqstlvo saaston the cust^ers of the .water and \ ; aBiuUr OBOOfh votes for Church and tha B|L_,___ C|rang*. ftiTOQv V - - pany and the Utility Workers of Zoning Board of Appeals Monday night, granted four rtqt>e*te .f( A M r \ ’hsAted '' At Mwer departmante. , v , t# o-th lt« Biijo'ri^. Amtrlca (QIQ) Went to bid 'St night to erect a 828,000, 4-fhmiiy Th* widow of Edwin M/'Ruoff, End tlmes^sw^ lsst( ir two hours, Ha xpointed to watar^ pumping United Stete* sUklM she leaves a son, Osorga E. Ruoff sons changes but denied a request' ■tatlona for which beneflUng ] POR THi NEW AND ENLARGED. dawn after an all-night aeesloni' apartment house oh the northwest ths Odniraii itponed A de- •>- on a PhiUppin* vlct< but planned to reeumc talks before bomcr of B. Middle I^ke. and of East Hartford; two brothers, for a building lina altaratlon. cision I ded tbymset In- erty owners Ute base he is using for Accardln^ste hi* planb, th* pror afternoon at 2 o'clock at tho Nhw- tira operators greater, freedom ta Sts., .including A portton/ .^a who do lim put their, roar TuMsUvla. A British spokesman posed balldlng\^ll contain four 4> klrk and Whitney Funeral jfama, coat of a pumping s ^ o n . and to uses which require sfw- TMiMlavia. A* britirii spokesnijan A two^day tour of Falrneld Oouim, the. display of -their merchandls*— fouthWMt of htrt. room units, saclvOf which will ex­ 818 Bumalda .Av*., East idurtfOrd. was not aeted.on last night. rsna Pngs Ons) foroed main, a rigbt-ofwAy and a VlOA \ 7 7 BeSed reporU hi* delefatlon wi|s ceed in space therescribed s5,- meeting W -voiced no atrraueu* ,V •ad bssa approached: said work will begin.iWKthe build­ home tonight fronv-f to 8 o'clock Extend s Business. 21ra* which, also aoteusod cralg ^ dou- 818, of which $75,818 ia iseeaaable oppoelUon to jm* adaaasmeBte. 7 1 Informed aourcOa said ths^Biit- and tomorrow from 8 to 5 and t ing "shortly." It is to bbsof brick th* south side of W. MlddlX hls-crossing -th* unlbn: to .thOvinora/fhan lOfl- beneflUngvj,- . \ — ^-----aL— — —— T O R / ' Ish acted despite repeated appeals construction:, snd off-street park­ to 8 p.m. proper^bwmsrs. ,i ’ ‘V.S. otficlala that they temk ___ \ west of Broad St., for 370 feet to ‘T am very much pteaasd that / / i ing space will bb provided. . the west and to.a d e ^ of 150 Director Phillip] Harriton' Ar­ e RiUIpplnes. GfusHea A. Ositmi Mr. Rsfuthsr has aoosdsd to bur S Mrs. Robert Reid, 201 Maln'-St., feet. The land was laXiural Ratl- request and ordered no more vio- gued hotly th a t"if a naw'System Pai URSEirSTIEW IND ElMRaED to wit) request pehnisslon to sreetNa Th* funeral of .Charles A. Car- dencs Zone. Ihe arailcstlon was is put into affect, it should be rpn, former resident of this town lenc* lUi the part of V A W -d O 3-car gSrage which wilt- be abour filed by Alexander Jarvis. members. henceforth and not rstroacUve.” ^R ^iicoff to Inspect 21 feet abpve ground level. 3-feet ^.o died Friday, wlUs be held to- Extend a Bustn^ee Zone II on contended that It la morally Sick\M ®torisL E BONE BY •rrow raeming at 8:80. from the "Th e remainder of Mr. ReUther’e pis higher than the property Zone A the south aide of 'tolIandTpke., op­ telegram, btcaus* of its falsity, teoorrect to aaseas on'on* basis \' . ' ' ' regulations allow. T, P, Holloran flineral posite McNall. St.; for ISO feet to ’--x R i ( % ^ i e l d I n d u s t r y Center St., and at'8 o'l will not b* dignified by slUicr com­ >pfter holding a public hearing at Howsid fBtlljm Ernest Richardson will apply for the east ahd, with a depth of 850 ment or shewer. / which Asasaaments wSrs made pub­ Rd., a local realtor, was Admitted (OesiUmed from Page One) peimlsalon to btilld a dw*|llng on Jamea’N^urch. Burial feet, and fqr 506 feet to the west St. M a r^ Cemetery, ' "Our only poslUra te to msui- lic .oh^ another basis. to MAnchestsrxMifflorW Hospital .- f l o o d H i t C r i t i i c a U y his Garth Rd. Idt. 13 feet from the with a depth of 250. feet. Th* land tsin law anff-protact life and prop­ I f the town uses th* traditional in criticAl cou p on iMtey AfUr V ■ the Geneva Summit Cbnfer* east sideline, which is two feet ford; formerly/waa in rural Realdehce Friend# may call at tlieuruniii erty.” front foot plan, the majority of he suffered a heWrt attpek whU*' FRANK DAMATO ft^NS ence.' the Praiident said each closer than the Zone A A regula­ and Reridenca Zone AA. The C. !*. OoK Wiioox called in his .own I Page Oae) side — tha U.8., : J8«taln arid tions covering the lot permit horn# from 7 anUl 18 lohlghl.T owners would pay more—-about driving on E. Mlddle^^Tpka, ■* fla l* Construction ^Cb. was the ap- military sU ff for a rundown on 800 more for a 50-foot lot. 'Under- Patrolmen SamuAX MMtempo Prance on tha one, hand and the Oiarles 'Morrison wilt ayk per­ Bom In Holyoke; Mass.,. he .re­ pUcant. ' U HOMtlTiAD ST_T1L. Ml t-H H industry, but Odded Soviet Union on the other had sided here for many }raara and was ths strike- situation, which > h tho acreage plan, a few 'Broad and WUlIsm Cook* mission to have a free-standing, tend an Industrial Zona on b *^ quiet since 1i riot at tho 'new oxygen to HasUng* on th* way t ^ that 'aTthls time of year lu v* ''assured the other that it in­ lighted ground sign 1.0 fset from employed as a cai^nter for the street owners, mOatly commercial, the horth side Of Mitchell Dr. for CSMla piston ring foundry wound­ would pay twice ag much aa the the. hospital. They wet* soEhT' ' ouantltie^Of nickel silver are tended to purinit a new spirit of the street line aV88S Center St, a New Haven Railroad before his re­ A diataoce of 200 feet to the north takan. by aUvsrware com- conciliation and cooperation in -its tirement. A naval veteran of ed eight peirsbnr just two 'Omeks 1953 eatimat*. moned to the ecene where hp'Aoi-^. Ruslneas Zone/2 addraas. { ^and 200 feet to the west. James -ago. / \ lapsed about 13:25 p.m., polio* t contacts with ths other." -Bisen* Vandsi-brtiDk Ntirserie* is' rs- . he aerVj^ While th* Idea of assessing ths Applicant. "As far as tlio prbvlsions o f the coat of such installation a* pump­ said. ' \ . i It is the ICMwNif thU business. bower added: qucatlng extension of. permission USS Grebe. He waS also; sr^ormer VChange to a Residence Zone A \ Tsriy flsld, which 'causes specisl "Now, of course, w# siye pro­ member of the VFW poet hi court coneernlng/^cketing, there ing staUona.te fairly new In MSh- Dr. Robert ButUrfiald eXAmhtefll Flooring foundly hopeful that ^thesa aa- to have/fl frse-standlng ground He leavea three sfeters, land on the north aide of Hilliard has been nothing but law and orfler chaater. It has been applied to Ui* Heating* and said the oxygon WAsr eoBoem,. and which wiU fotm the sign alX36 Lydall St., Ih Residence St. that was in Rural 'Residence baste M flte talk with aurancaa wlU b# falUifully carried Viola Parker of Beat HartforiL atnc* wa arrived,” Wilcox said. | vast aewer project for the w»*t end what he needed but could offer noS^ out....The.acid test should begin Zone A. :7T Mrs. Violet Legue of Hertford, Vt> Zone. The cmmgs inchides alt Tha union has kept, no tttfre of Center St, which will be fh- further explanation bayosid say-^ PactoSs in the fleymour Henry G. De'Veau Is requesting rai land located , about 5oO feet iBSsii. addTsrry, are hea^ next October because then the and Mrs. Nan Raymond of Hart­ than five .pickets, th* limit set by ■talled when ' the State repaves ing HasUnga had suffaretf a haart« v i^i|«iss which coat from |4D0,< next meeting occurt; It will be a permission to hiiv# a limitad re-s ford; three brothers, Hsnry Car- it of Adaipa St. And west of the an Aug. 1 court injunetton, at tfle and relocates tfle highway there. attack. r FOR URSENB NEW MB EIMROEII fleWiOOO sach; furnaces whirii ^ meeting of the foreign mlnlalera. pairar'a license- at 184 East Cen­ ron of Coventry, Earle Carron of It line of land oTXthe Eighth’ foundry her* since th* riot by some The only argument against that Chief Herman O. SOhandri aald- up to |35fl.000:. cost motors which Then te when real conclllaton ter St., in 'Btinnssa Zony/l- Maoichestar and Roy Carron of School and Utilitiee District. d.OOOXympAthisora Oct 5. \ policy cama from Director Walter this waa the pecoad time police!^' power tha nu^tnery and .com* aotne giving on aach .hfda will Hartford; and several niece* and UAO Opposed ‘ Mahoney, who ..ineisted the toWn had been aununoned to aid Haa->' HMDW8RE STORE DONE BY ^ The ^plicant denied the tinge. The other time wpS' about" xpUeeted electrical control panels be tety neceesaiy.’V; nephews, must'adopt a standard and atick - 7 , M fl powar supply aystama. Accompalaed By Aide only one temeet oppoalUonAt the by it so that it will be the aame nix months ago at his boma. A - ONridat Move AB BqdipmeBt D iflles'S ^ accompanied from Oct. 8 hesmg. It was Hied by for everybody. paaaerby called police today when Z W ashUigti^by' Livingston mer­ Obitiiaiy Polite. Arrests ^ conpsAy 'inanaga "Juat getting ready for Geneva. St., d i^ la a t night at his be assessed their portion of the Coppw Co., wboea IlO wo^sra age The foremost Jthought with all ,night oii the - proposed . Zoning ford, by Patrolmkn John Krlnjak, eat hobo style. A quia program will . y ' r - A t a Waddngton news confar- after a shbri illness. present waa certain to be-the ro­ cost. They were tfle only Directors te another feature, and’ a brief - agam Idla, said hla probleaui ware enca yesterday, Dulles said he Bom D*eS24, 18M, he Regulatlone amendment because It charged with speeding: and Jopn FjDR URSEN’S NEW AND alaiUar, on a amalltr ecale, tb Uioee mance between Margaret and the ultimately who continued to hold business meeting. All marrjed ’ agrees with Vli»^Pr**ld*nt Nixon a resident of mhneheater lor .the ’‘requires further study," Wilfred W, koaickr, 17, of ;|3 Lockwood that'view. «g T ir ^ s . 4^y’ear-pld RAF grbup captain, St., charged with passing a stop couples of the church are urged to' that there la moreehance for prac past Bb years. He vas employed as Maxwell, town planning adminis­ Directors Jacob Miller and Gil­ Join the Merri-Weds, age make* " "We bed besii la p e rt^ opera* ' and Whit- fighter pilot herd in the Battle of trator, said today. As the admlhle- sign. Patrolman Joseph Sartor llcal/stepa-to ease East-Waat ten­ an assembler at Brlta|n and father of two-eons. bert Bkmea argued that if the no difference, although when or­ HARDWARE BTORE D0N| BY tion for about two weeks,* he said. sions at the Osneva in feren ce ney Aircraft. . . ment was -submitted,"the woiollng made this arrest. , "But wa can't operate today." Wltlt the mounting furors in town falls to assess some owners ganized years ago the name was than at any other such meeting ' He was a fine baseball player was considered “too loose” by the The arrest of Anthony Maculal- becaus* others have not paid' their the “Young Married' Couples - This company’s ioiasa aa a re* In hia‘ youth and for mahy yaara press and public over whether the \ i Ih the last 10 year*. , / princess ^ u ld flout laws of the TPG. Chairman Martin Atvord4 Haven, charged with share, the next group of owners aub." suit of Aug. IP flood, said tfle was one of Connecticut's besMuck aald it might open the way to the improper signiulng Monday, was apokeeman. have never been fully ' Bine* Dullss conferred tytth the Church by\narrylng a divorced could contwid they , too should te President at the hospital a week pin bowlqr*. During the pa*t\15 display of merchandise never in­ made public today. Patrolman exempt from paying because the Th* Infant Jesus of Fragu* E.V. MUOHLiNft SON determined but were, ha added, yeara, ha umpired many baseball man, all the dinner guests liktiy M * yotterdoy, the chief executive Wduld observe oiecreet silence on tended. Allan Smith made the.arrest after last Roup was. ^ Mothers Circle will iraet tonight "satenalve." and softball gamss In the u ea he flnished his investigation of a "Our main concern waa to fl*t has Rwd* considerably more pro- embarraseingXubJect. But this Awah New Versloo Miller and others argued fiu-ther at the home 'o f Mrs. grsaaln convalescence from the as'a member Uf the Northern Con- The planners. Who appealred to Monday automobile accident, po­ that, at the May 1952 nearing, thA Ipxinga, 195 Spruce Bt. Mrs. James > ROORNG CONTRACTORS beck Into operation," ha said,/"for nectlut Board of Approved Baa*- lot preclude ehUrely private the ealte of our employes as well as heart attack he suffered Sspt. 2#. ka Among the prinripala, eltlMr hava no quarrel with the Intent of lice said. owners iver* aware tt\ey would te Barry .will te co-hostess. For txahiple, flasenhowef lately ball Umpirea. For the

I ^ 7 ' % ^ - . - V ' * * ...... ■ •■. - '4.V.1 "v'? ■\., ’7'r'‘■.?■,."■-“ •.i-'.-.r; ■"( ■ t \ 1 A If A N C k ia ra t ^iEvi^IN G ' WEpNESiptA\% fe^C^BER ^9^ 1955 rAQ&^EIG^EN. EVENING h e r a l d . NANCHRSTE WEDNtiSbAY, OGtOBER^^ ' ;yy * PAGiW^INETiSBN loss of advertisers. Marginal new,s> one of ths great mediums of infor* Secs Dulles papers ars vary sarlously affected. msuon and adnaUdU so w seiiitlal A-Sf^ienee in Big Stride \.. 'T urge that the State Depart* uMtfi our form of govsnupent. I m ment protest against this Incrs'asS urge that immediste action bp it \ . X.' To Prolesi Cost of and'that a program be devised by taken id this matter to preyenf re* t e ‘ our geveriuhent that will be pro- sulU harmful to Uie neweptipers of X- l^ticle to *Aniii ^ (:^nada: Newsprint tectlvef**t>f the intereats' of thei ouf Country.’/ < .. \ TiiWipipwiKTfOr'Ciiimlry: x\ '*1 lui’dw it Is pnnfceessry for me l^asic Unit of A ll M at ■ Boetoh, Oct. I f iP i-R ep . Mc­ to call to your attention, the vital Cormack (O-HaaSi. House ins}or- Importance of ndwapapera in a OWN! CLEANERS R y floor leader. hsS asked .Secre­ democracy. As you know they are / iNH r«c« om) School; Legion itome and the high t e of State Dullee to protest a / •Ischool. r e o w Increase In the price of A which included Dr. Owen Each party wiU fsature a grand Canadian newsprint, . ■ K <^»iwhTUin, Dr: Emilio Secre. march prises and movies; Bags of In alalegram to Dullss'yester-, KAN&E Dr. C9yd* iRflefend and Dr. ThomM tseata wdl ^ *’*'**' day. McCormack s^d: ■ ' > \ f : 'W o x . fidJidL, Tp(inah& pt^uced the new paf- ■ drsn: “ I have read with ftirpriae fhfl ./X ticte'hy toomb*r«“ <** ***“ pu t^to. operation by Canadiai\ In- GASOLINE A3 billion volte. Music will be provided by l ffs . Charles RownowakI lt\ln bauillj themselves in sdeh a predicament. Dp thpy. hide t^fp e t? On the ^ p h tr^ , they anpdunce rays, which are eneripp' as die- ehSrg# of prises. Michael McDo 1 tianuiahed from.matteX^ hell and W illis^ PItken ars in I t ^ large ods plainly advising the public, they 0|«^^ovefh^ded''-ar they 'bought too much" » n , Heretofore s c 1 e^11 s t a have ebargs of securing filihs. STORM WINDOWS! .X sought the unUpydtoh In cosmic o n ^ o n t you to take the"stuff" off their h p ^s. Wpll, in order to reducP out inventory be­ riys high abovXthe earth. These 0is c o im T l ■ Si| fays include speeding atomic par* tides having energies even great* CORDUROY 'GARDS go on fore n ^ 'S o Oldsmobiles arrive^ Joe Wileys^ndw cor manager Ppd RW pvryer, used cor mand~ ar than the bevatron can produce, r n O H A L L nad off In a Jiffy. Banners and anritoou praiectilea for atom Winning number! oxchislve "g point Insialla- gerw^ll ^ b in e ih e ir, soles staffs in or^dr to offet t ^ hpying o sole which will re “ pang. •tton" assures snug St wHh- lOBillT SCHAUER WILUAM SCHALLER I I \ o ,r T i f l r c oot shirting or wrinkling. I pons of possible antiproton UST PRICES I ^ I ^ go down in mitomptive history os ORpthot can't be surphfsedi Vle«aFv«tMMt \ iverles have been made by the PrMdMt -jv-'X^x , ■ ■ X - ■ ^u«.„ic rsya experts. One of them. .. '..X* ; X UfMig M iainB CORDUROY/GARD.S ars ' / ... ■■■ ■ Dr. Jiarcel Schein, of University of Chicago, reported in July, 1M4, . and Fri. Until 9 pro-shrunk . , . washable Open stwl . . .. dnmblo , . luxurious- ) We respect the confidencejydu hove in us, "Bob" Schoiler Phd w ^ ^ mody fo^ye the peo­ recordings of a cosmic ray ^event^ i » D f o high over Tmtas which ha otllty^ i ly textured . . color/fsat HOT e x a c t l y , to involve the annihilation)^/a' TUPLE CM IIEL . . . highly styled. AS ILLUSTRATED ple pfi'hit area o real hohejd^p-goodness sole of oil our iised edr stoch^ rr^c^ wi|t be sloshed partids of maliter by pit ahtl- CeN radar Iw X" .X itoB. Other reaearchsra repdrtsd >14 to the l ^ e on every co ~ mar cosmic ray gndlngk tout QUALI ^csrefeults were not ooaduslve.. ;^.jtnHp»>t(m8, Dr. L a w r^ a ^ a iiL are » » » articlee. Ttos/Big .Jieva* tron. workmg hard, ppodnced pnly Ohs avsry Ito minute^ The number AWNING CO. V of antlprotoniKln nature, however: jm im T O R L la not lmportiht. -Tha tmportaat 19S W. CENTER ST. thing. Lawranct shM, la that anti- Ail MAIN ST. TEL Ml 3.A71 protons exist, giving sdahUsti a TEL. Ml 9.3091 ’V-/' Inner underatandlngNXthe atom and encouraging .sail ggaatar-re* m i WE WILL m i TO THE PUBLIC A L aaerch efforts. *\ /- ...... -...... ^...... — ------...... HalioWeei^Parti Set fjw Schooli / \. ' >. r l l RATp ^ FINANCE MAN ^ •REMISES

Stock No. \ ■tbdk'Ne. Radio, Haitar, Giramattc ) v;- 19G4 OLDSMOBILE 88 HolMoy Codf Blue and whita RAH, Myc^ramafic Whitewa 4 I3 A ^19S3 DODGE Convortlblo Coronot \ / GrabnX G ra y\ V ^ rtqatar, Dynaflbw, Powor WinJdVt / n i f 1954 FORD Custom 8 2 Door Gray > RAH, Fordoltjatic . 463A rn 3 8UICK Supor Convortlblo 1953 OLDSMOBILE S88 4 D< Turqupisa Radio, Heater) W 454A/ 1953 CHEVROLET lEL AIR 4 Door 2 Toni Tan \ Ramq) Heatar, Powar^^da 4\8A '1953 OLDSMOBILE 88 2 Dot. Black-Whita RAH, Hydramatic, Power Brakes - \ 4 1 ^ 1952^ERCURY Montoroy 4 Door . ,TPoor ,2 Tone Green RAH, Hydrhnniatic 446A 1952 OLbSDAOMLE S88 4 Door pray-Whita Radio, naat4r, Hydr^otic, P.S., T.G* V' I20A\; 1953 OLDSMOBILES88 4poor Dark______Blue RAH, Hydramatic 222A Blaak Radio and Hetatar, M^romntle 3 BIG NIGHTS X42A 1952 OLDSMOBILE S88 4 Door 1953 OLDSMOBiti 588 4 D ^ r Blue and Blapk RAH, Hydramatic, P.B., T.G . > / 1952 0LD5M 08IU $88 4 Doer Black Radio, Heatar H^ramaflc, P.S. , ^ 3I4A THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURD AY 2 Tone Blu# RAH; Hydramatic, P.S., P.B. X SPONSORED RY THE 1953 OLDSMOBILE DIx. 98 Hd. Cpo. ■ i 383A OCTOBER 20.21-22 2 Tone Blue/ Radio and Heatar 1952 OLDSMOBILE DIx. 9S 4 Door Turquois4 Radio and HeotiUr, Hydramalie; CORNERSTONE CLUI. ST. IRIDGET'S CHURCH 1953^pNTlAC Chioftoin 8 4 Door 231A 2 Tone Green RAH, Hydramatic 4I7A\ 1952 CHEVROLET StyMino 2 Door Blue Radio and HawlV $A95 1953.POlNnAC Chioftoin DIx. 8 4 Dr. Black Radio, Haati^ P ^ a r Glide ’ ■ \ . 464A KIDDIE MATINEE 1953 FORD SuiiHno Conv. 4 Doot Red / ■ RAH, Fordomatic • x 3I7A 1952 CHEVROLET Do Luxe 2 Door \\ 1952 CHEVROLET Do Uxo 4 Dobr 2 Tone Gray Radio, Hea|er> Powec Glida • X 4 6 1A SATURDAY AFTERNOON / 1 953 PLYMOUTH Cronbraok 4 Door Gray Radio and Heater X 5895 264A •X Blue and White Radio and^eatar ^ S 3 I5 A -• \ 1953 PLYMOUTH Cronbrook 4 Door Blacic Radio and Heater _ 375A 1952 DODGE Coronet 4 boor Mdnthester Free Driving Satisflcl , /X Stock Ne. X Stock No. '■ / / ' / ■ ■ ' \ 1951 OLDSMOBILE DIx. 98 4 Door Black. RMio, Hiatar, Hydramatic I85A 1952 BUICK Reodmostor Hardtop . Black Radidf, Heater, Dyn'aflow, T.G . 430A 3618 SOMETHING DOING EVERY NIGHT 1952 BUICK Special Hardtop Green-White Radio,” Heater, Vvhitewalls ' 377A 1951 CHBVROUET Styleline DIx. 4 Dr. Black / Radio, Heater, Power Glide 1952 FORD Crestline Green-White Radio and Heater, Whitewalls . - 4I2 A 1951 CHEVROLET De Luxe 2 Door Black Radio;'Heater,'' Powfr Glide 4448 . 1952FORDMbinline84Dopr ^ > Green Radio and Heater ,$o.95 7I6R 1951 MERCURY Montoroy 4 Door "j Blue 7~ Radio, HaOtfr • X ‘ ' 5595 7I7R Radio, Heater, Hydramatic . 451A • BINGO ■ REFREI HMENT 1952 STUDEBAKER Comm. Sport Cpe. Green ' 1951 FO im A C Chieftain 84 Om p .G ray ■/ Radio, Heater', Hydramatic 344A Radio and Heateij, T.G . $695 •- 7I5R 1952 PLYMOUTH Cronbrook 4 Dobr Green 1951 DObGE Pordnet 4 Door Gray<^ X P«^io, Heater, FirOdorne 42TA • HOMEMADE CANDIES BAKED DOODiS WmH 1951 OLDSMOBILE 588 4 Deer / Green Radio, Heater, Hydramatic 5995 , 325A Blue Radio, Heater, Fordomatic 3678 1951 OLDSMOBILE 588 4 Door 2 Tone Green Radio, Heater, Hydramatic 466A 1951 FORDOustomline 8 2 Door - • COUNTRY SIDRE CYO BOOTH 467A • 1951 OLDSMOBILE 588 Holiday Cpo. Turq.-Black * Radio, Heater, Hydramatic, 3898 1951 FORD Customiine 8 Victoria 2 Tone Brown Radjo, Heater $745 356B • DOLL BOOTH APRON BOOTH 1951 OLDSMOBILE DIx. 98 Hoi. Cpe. Rlack Radio, Heatef, Hydram ati^ W .W , 403B 1951 PLYMOUTH Cronbrook 4 Door Green Radio and Heater • RELfOIOUS ARTICLES THIS-’N-THAT BOOTH 1951 OLDSMOBILE DIx. 98 4.boor Green Radio, Heater, Hydramatic \ 307B 19f1 HENRY J Do Luxe 3 Door Green Rqdio, Hieatar, Overdrive X 4 3 7 B /• \

Lotids Of Fun For ’EyerYone! ^ ■•j*- Stm k No. Stoek’Ne. 1950 OLDSMOBILE DIx. 76 Club Cpe. Gray Radio, Heatdr, Hydramatic 5595 20A 194lP0NTIAC Straight 8 Club Cpe. Black Radio, Heater, Hydramatic ’ 26IB 352B 1950 OLDSMOBILE De Luxe 88 4 Door Green Radio, Heater, Hyd*‘*"'®fic ‘ X "♦^2A> 1949 PACKARD Clipper 4 D o o r-- Black Radio and Haater \ ^ ~ 4248 KIDDrE MATlHEE SATURDAY T-S P^M: 1950 OLDSMOBILE De Luxe 98 4 Ddpr Greeii------Radio, Heater, Hydramatic, ' • I81A 1949 MERCURY Custom 2 Door • - Green Radio,’Heater, Overdrive 1950 OLDSMOBILE De Luxe 98 4 Door Light Green ; Radio, Heqter, Hydramatic 7 41 SB 1948 HUDSON Spociql 4 Door Gray Radio and Haatet $195 323C V ■■:■ ■ v’ ■■ " . ' ' ■ 'I' ■" 380B 1950 OLDSMOBILE De Luxe 98 4 Door 2 Tone Bide Radio and Heater $495 378B 1948 DODGE Custom Convertible Yellow Radio and| Haater $145 43IB Saturday Afternoon and Evening 1950 CADJILLAC Mod. 61 DIx. 4 Door ' Blue Radio, Heater, Hydramatic 439B 1947 CHEVROLET Heetmoster 4 poor Black Radio and Heater [ $93 305B 1950 FORD Customline 8 2 Door Green Radio and Heater * ^ .42 IB 1946 FORD Special 2 Door > Maroon Radio and Heater 396C 1949 PONTIAC Chieftain 8 4 Do6^ Tan Radio, Heater, Hydramatic $395 -335B 1946 DODGE dustom Club Coupe • ’ Green Radio., Heefer, Firedome X I22C Meet "Uncle Jim‘ 1949 PONTIAC Straight 6 Club Cpe. Black Radio, Heater, Hydramatic 468A 1946 OLDSMOBILE DIx. 76 2 Door Green Radio, Heater, Hydramatic ■ . h «■ 1

A former Ringling Brothers-B•Barnum and Bailey clown — “Uncle Jim," nowwtirjMJ—-will wil reggle the kiddies (and MJtNCHtSTE* MOro.a SMfS grow n-ups, too) ri>ijih' his side-splitJiinK antidsri-Saturday afternoon and evening. A BIG attraction for this RIG Haziest Fair.’Don’^ miss it! ' ' i: • ,, , a. COME . . . ANO ^BRING THE FAMILY : / : V . ‘-m ■.f . :i Listen to Manchester Motor Soles i"Si*ORTS ROUNDUP" over WHAY every day LANE ROAD Z% * Mondoy through Friday at 6:15 P. M. « Ml9-5295 ★M ia

tr- :.‘r r. '■ • ■ ... •' ■'■j.) ;r ■.. ■ 1 SrXTi • * .•■V • 1* 'X \ ■ I - / ’: f- /'■ Y'./.'Xx' X V J'- Xi'i '' ' X, ' *3-... ' . Vy - .'. S ' - i '♦‘n: • % : i . y ■? f H \.t‘' 'I ■ Y ^ v' '■’'Y'' ' ' ' ‘ ■ 4’ .. ' f V.’ ;■ ,.f; MANCHESTER fiVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CXJNN^ T^pNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1955 'MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD.t A L D , MAIVCHESTER; CONN, W EDNESDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1955 PAGETW ENTY-ONii ^ 01 TVTENTf 'X'- urday in tbs aftsmoon and avs- tend a footbaO jam a Oct..8f at the Bowan. M rs.'Frsdsrlek Mohr, Mrs. ■cImkU uiuMr Ui* diracUon at Mn. has. donated l?S fo r prises , for the different grades In the school tak­ nlng in- tha firshouse. tinivsrsity. of OdnhecticUL Tiefcats Robert E. Clapp, . Mrs. Martin Covemry Stephen IjOjrsim. v, Pina and Oeorga H. Oour. - A covar deiicn aubmlttad b y ing part in the. Firs Prevention . FeUowahlp Danes ware given hy J. -O; ChrlsCtsn. di- Bhlrlay Gould b u bam ^ a cU d for Week- contesta. Principal Flaher Tha Sscond Oo.igregstionsl rsetbr of athletics at the uhWtr- VeSeiTgese Seirgery - ^hool to 'Iloid "Tha RobaiiUon Baaeon," the said the winners would b* sslsctad CburM Pllgrtm Fellowstalfi. w ill sity. ilie boys can attend wdy Dsuna Nlelaen, daughter of Mfs. a^bbTpaperlKpW es to be iaauad as e ^ as poeatble, ghso r ,s a q u a ra ^lmifca J ! k h iM - a t 4ipon,aetuteii-jeem ladoit -o f,, purr Ssndr Coventry, Oct !• (Special)— Guilford, facujty advisor: Lynn about a iaonth. r. LaJsuns, N. O.: spent'the weekend Additional sports equipment has Roeeptlon Sunday maeting-will be Nov. SO J l the Tta pro*joat report* made by the Vaher, -Shlrley^ Gould, co-editora; Hie postponed rscsotton wel­ at hisAohie in waterfront Park. teachera ^or the flrat two montha M ary Jane Toothsker, school notei recently been secured for use in home of Mr. and Mrs. Marry R. the program. coming the Rev, C. Arthur Brad­ R y a n J r . eC tha Robartaon School year w ill editor; Sharon Johansen. ley will be hdd Sunday from 8 Advertisei be given during canferoncea with Andrews, art editors; Rex Holmes, Prlnclpsl and Mra. Fisher, Mrs. Cte-ep kfselMbg Woodworkltig and furniture fin­ Barbara Dayton and Mrs. B. S. to 5 p.m. in tha Church Oommun- 'paienta. according to Principal humor editor;, • Benjamin Ma- ity. Houac.' The parent-meniberX of Oo- ishing. 23' yaixa at th e b e s t myal^O. FUhar, gowah. business ntanager. Deubener recently attended the opcratlve. Niiraery and kindergar­ Dwyer Products, \W sst -gtT,. Bol­ sU-stste reading conference in New Cub Hoouto Note -ThoM confarancaa w ill be held AddiUonsl helpers Include Betty ten wlII.mett/fKh^M at-8 p.m. in ton. M I 8^ 28^ ^ ^ -'\^ ;, Haven Hlgjj. School.' Stveral committeemen of Cub in the flrirt two weeKa in November Loti Leonard, Alan Phllllpa, room the eikssroM In the Nathaa Mala reporters; Roberta Wheeler, New Constabiea Scout Pack 57 arc planning to at­ Cmnmunijy Center. aa a part of the achool'a obaerv. tend the round-tabts disciifsloa XM sneli'sster. Evaulng'M ruM Oev^ anee of American Education Week. Rlvek vt., cojreiponding reporter. Hie Board, of. Selectman have Thenr ia a vacanpy hi thi appointed Willlan A. Smith, Oct. 28 in -W llllngton. Those'plan­ Ftaher pointed out that ainCe Other school room reporters lu-e ning to attend kre 'Tohn Mac-. y class which meets each teachera drill-have^many confer- Joy PeCosta. Richard Wilcox,. Bet­ Howard A. Craft and John Pits As a / and Thursday morplng. constables for a «-month period. Qu'own, H r.' SDd 'Mra. Herman Le- apeea. parenta are abked to help ty Leonard. Ckirol H ill. B e^r e r I y Doyt, Oscar' M iliar and Charles others assisting Mrs. Burton Formosa has a peculation h f 8,- V achadunng ihaetihga early ae Taylor, Carol Craft, Pamela fli- F o o d S a le Moore, teschet- w ith ths clsis ss 748,00(taa inersaae of ^,658,881 in Hw Garden Club will have a Chambers. ., . . poeitble.t- , lanskv. Palricta Carlin. J a n e t ''The iflibs and chaperons srlll at- tht* week Inctfi'de Mrs. Robert P. thi^ jist eight years. ' \ Schultheiss. David Vlara, Chither- food sale Saturday from 11 am. , 1110 1 le the aecocM year thia aya- to 3 p.m. at H ill's Pharntady with teht haa been In operation in tha In# Solensky, Susan WeHes, Linda X X Earl.e W,; Rose aa chstrman. v_ ’'i pbbllc BCboeU. . Doggart, Marcus Tlllon. D s v ld UL f t A e e t N o t ^ Tavernier, James Luft,- Donna Baaaar Saturday . T Tha South Coventry Fire Aaan. A Savlnga Stamp prM rain arill Bnmestt/and. Led Beth Karasinskl. / ■ get underway thia 'Weeas in tha The^uth Coventry Firs Asan. AuklHary basaar w ill be held Sat- \- PINE P ■X X 66f CENTER STREET M l 9-98>» M-


A LEN THURSDAY, OCT. 299’ EAST CENTER ST., COR. OF T E L . M l 9 - 0 9 9 5


, V A-

js th e p fil^ CHRISTMAS FEATURING THE LARGEST S Ruartiri will iMfl^ut l i ppliatlio oar motto—


puenem u.T iis -Valui \ li'flM rtsidf of Hi# support in by our nlaiiy eintoiMft X . F t of TOY W# pMfliNp ^*«vlRrytlihi9 posslU# f# c#mI^ 9# pl#M8#l m eet factory representative \-iV \i

for ra il IN STR U aiO N $ \ ■X WEDNESDAY Pure 5 p a in ta b itts . 2 m w nM iK Quick-diuolvini, FOR ^RE6. AND fatt-wortufli. ADHESIVE IjiASKETBAU HOOF [ * u wood 3 9 c » 6 u ; MUSIC BO \ lO O -tablat All rubber M vinyl head, ront- , Tom the omak, see t h / picture Q e t 19 ond 20 P* M. to 9 P. M. 5 5 c TAPE! ed hair aad Itt? taH. Beautifully • move, hear the mualb KegulatlaB oiu.. i FOLDINQ CHAIR m 5 4 c EACH \ Weterproef, dretaed. ^ \ . V, t BeUa" o r-‘Where Kae My U nie .RH-^tOmiOFMEferMf Doggie .OeBe." / / REFRESHMENTS RetlKOlored,- R E G . f I L O O REG. $1.90 ^ 1 Ttm’U bw artmUrtwd at flexible. REG. $1.49^ 0W / ■■ X N ttd tse . (M I08IY FHW. m et CinwIL r ^ e f tlwed.*MeM« w MlM I c« I t , cutter. ’i 98 EPAtL^lgirt ttm " ABOIOl nAWm WIAW, 10 et. I fe?T8i V iis c h tOiffWE BATHRoo/Vj b y S y ird t. 2 9 / 88«fthtiiNatrt8m waefDinnFH.50'» e iw w ? 48f MIAU AWHIinAlHNE TAILET81m CeHt, » 'i Iter M f M I L K O F RES. Q c Y^.lhey aiiuiixMTCOW Mh>0«ITW Ifor Mr ro e * n 78* « r r r r r iiT ia AWmiriK. Ruby-tM iseuthwMli. Piwt 2lor N« MAGNESU I B I N 6 / ti* jWtartHiWLin Iw Fi D liM t. 25’«^ 2 for 34« Cueidi CHRISnUS iihmlKif m4 isiM Y' 33« worn WBi Alrtn^ic Ilf CeU. MnMisi. 1 er. 2 (of M l lnk>vo/orroli»fo( s : M f K M U tACCNAMN TA8 LETS, H r l • ^ lO C t J l o T W t . hjrptr-Kidity of AlCOHdL itomoeh ontf tompor- CARDS ^ r iin . lOITi, Rt|. 4$f 2 for 48f H r i i " . lOOCTi. Rt|. $1.08 2 for 1J 8 ary toiuttipihoa. Soothing body For Halloween! p ilo , lOOO'o, R tg $128 2 for 127 1 aroin. lOOO’t. Reg. $1.48 2 for 198 Nea, ori|iMl i Just/fn Vt R f l , 4$ f «id matsagt. GET YOUR REDBMFtlON KIDDIE 198 AMIEIMC CtCAlB, AltFurpsH, Cold, ^mmlsi Hw8 2f0f/91 ne e id ia o d ' • • •: A ■T - 4 4 ' efeiioei. - iramo)^imlAiL iNolNi

Nat aa l< Safa Mali. R t C . 6 9 f A U . N r 80X 2 f o r 6 1 ^ -I BIG BONUS BUYS hvt TtKIUne BAMOAINS. BAGEBAU/AND DiAVy CROOK to f. 1.T8I.T8 \ BaOXEIE88X DOUBLE GREEN jp a v s f s e i u tT a a -w N m ^qR t h e $oN 198 OECTREX ^ (NOTALLSto)^ \ OH OMH pit CHAiOX SM et^UKSDAY ANI 5 ^ / — • •SI UlYDOU L i n i R S M '. iretMO. ' T O O T H M S T HEATINB PAD DUSTING Nfitlur eeW M r el W rtffiy , b-ikroH wHNL A N O T R i • • • • ‘'‘•WUTR.TJ wm'Mn, JumkeSw ItssePANOVITE ^eg^3.98, S4.98, $5.98 SPEm L N O W you CM hav* btauiiful MW tile I ,» f V oM ol PUUN l•n^llM. OWa IfMO a m 100 POWDERS witA Miiwnls w a lls wBflrevI cMeeU iM w ilU is peecttCsUy no time at a ll... eenleeet, lettw /• x : e U O D U lE M cklwMSlII, I'M. vellim. Adrienne, Lavender if you do if joutm lf with Interlock, levWIt If*, ImM .M l HUM U.l. O'Hill, am HmrUf sewwto i M im m or Garden Spice M w t thee yeur ire fo eaw to im tell that even ama- owe 1.00 ViSn .ettly l•l•lfMla ■\ teuncM waprofcaaional joh. When tO ftIK 1 . 6 7 i 3r.r7.r89( 9 8 < C h o e u y o u r reniiranniter. fivoriti fripanci •Itemlni en<\ you think of outtiM on clean, easy- of a detirttful 11 nlfiereli. \ CHMKTMAS TREE CIHtam W i l t MiiyAliHA$$ORTa leOlM' to>do w allt, dunk ofritubureh Inter­ K ttM PtASTK aftorbim X M Ire*. rifrctliirl ^ !) OFF OUR RIGUUll lock — the "Oo-lt-YouncIT' Plattic U 6 H T S THERMOM! CHOCOUTES 7 liyliU, QUICK-BANDS W a llT U e , - RED. 1.90 2 Not List Prices ButReguw^ricesf •Hcii keni WitWWMf, 7 Ml. e( , inotomoyattr. •II Deni er I EACH DAVY MiUt MONEY-SAVERS M i e m u TWCTHM if MO u v tse w tads a iis Ots kvt WONDUUUl BUYS I INHU. 1 it t 'w a ti UWetSt,ee«of4celuiltwMO • COM E AND GET AN APPLICATION tOi m u m uTieii, MO uaiiiw t rk t sewoti, 0 tenet Ifw lti Sctslir w CtewreueO, iPUNnk NYION NOSIEItIr N8MEY A H8RCM08N8 8R8F$, OM foiMea fin e r 2 Ibt. M r i4 t em u eet iivn eiC~ * ^e» . Iter Ml • CO LO R GINNY’S PICTURE TO W IN riret euellty »l L . . II Oeelw alts pint ifwue t\ \ * Slei* w OtrX .Mteu. le«tly eSeect.. 8M 8F H.P8PS, iiidividutlly ctllo m ri^ 2 f o r 4 lf MO aMftnw tsons usiTKin, r The snW > ^ e t aee e m u SMMpar, 0 eunce 1 fw a ci 0 lu tttrsit M t i . ~. y ihr M t MO VelM Stir saw K 'S r * i* S 1 MmaAL OR. Rcxail, Pint 2 fe r M ( ■ ---- \ o t V * teR< fieoMiful Dblls For . tJoyetM.Stlr j 'JJ* 1.76 MNERAl OR. N txin; Quart 2 for 121 lo W t* FREE PRESCRir . IN R E A L., MEX-SaT|aTA8lETR^„^^^ . 2 f o r | lf ©n . -J------lit PRIZE $25 QUEEN DOLL GOLD TRIM AIIOSBI A ll M F I I t illR Dkayt, S ey. 2 for 128 M l 9 - 0 8 9 6 FACIAl TISSUBS IA8TCMAU,UTI0Ndr0R Z f o r l l f wsnt, M ti... 2nd PRIZE $6 GINNY DRESSED DOLL let etre*(. OteeS' Maty tflw r Hoow mw eo te le — t M i n : i eo t*a leHtl Srliet e*S)ect le SeOertl Tee sOwre n o HceSle. M l 9 - 9 8 1 4 e te e M N 2*. 39c lif S I rteeratO te Unit eeentWet. 3rd PRIZE $5 GINNV DRESSED DOLL 'T:


'■ „ . '*-4'

/ . - r - MANG^OCSTEB* OONN, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER :^9. 1955 fiiO|6WENTY.'mO IIANqiESTSR EVENING . StAiNdRESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER,.\}qNN.. WWE EDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1ft,. 1985 PAGE TW E^.TH B »I will hsvs mors tims to think wall \ A irMMiiw la « ccramony in aeama • apaadler Sannutraaa wkteh n'Ritn loaaaa his bast frisntl o f thain. «■ * , John •Kubneka. of the PFAFT AT40 TWV y«*fKINf by,BStrt7 ln f her; ' O;; SEWING CBNTSiR In J. W. HALE im MMism e/ W i N a p s e m e It is not mfceiuairy for a business Aluwtr to ProviMi Putslol CORP. will repair and .modsrnisa m^fim ynu9/s- Oiva lass thought to niiat pao* to grow bigger, but is is naceasary O lid P«oplt U U IJ ( 'J I lult-JLl I l ^ U U C t your present aawtng mschlna. Ha " iTi^ Meuirw ^a aw thliiktnf^^-yoa“«nryiart.i®Pt'^t'^®™^^lP'®'*^ battsr. ? I ULini J I U LJU I ULULIU will be, happy, 'alad to' a h ^ ybu sola. Ona' t W way to this taahlae’a I u a n i a ■ l i l i u ■ i iLtiziLi ,.th4 new automatic P F A F f port- M 4 I P / , Ha had Ufcan his youngast son uiiH liiucjiarj tjuiw to the pet sboK^ pick out n puppy desk ha hfqipMiad to notlca how ACBOtS . D o w n .Able 4uid cdnsols modsla .whose rjcanuu uiJULwri acepmpUeunapte will amssa yoqi iui n birthday pnaant and Uia lad tha ita n ^ a s ahtaalNl on hU ehoek: C A R N I V A L BY DICK TURNER t SpanUh Jar nurjULi ULiuau FRIDAY, OCT. 21> 9:30 A. M. spent half an hoiit looking over the | • ^ — ; ^ al*ijlng aoul." Polka al iFalslflsd kuSULI L iU U assortinent of d o^ ea in the win S D ^ d s u u n u u k s There main types of dow. lioma'’ \ ULJCJurj riULtuu riothing plastic and veg- How did you gat along 4-----.N e v ^ (4 Pay Father—Decided whi<* one jfou wifa in that argumant? S taval UUUULl UUUblU atabte. Initially more NORTH METHODIST CHURCH want T h,.sba cams.crawling' • Stalk • Sea nymph tauu I'JULiLJU j u i -j u ;p«nsiv«^ laste through Son—Yea (pointing tot^ne pi ar kneaa. ,> UPklaelMtaS MI'JUUJ ■ UCdU ■ U U U U eral vyaahM. Plastic starches SPONL BY tH E W4i.iaS, 7 Mineral rode CKJL3UIULJO I IJLliai-J djich was wagging W s ^ tl an Man-r-XTeahT What did ahb II Always "riila WUl Help Y o o ^ ias4 Coata You’ll Really liv e Ri ' A FtetteiteK PanMuieiit, shirald bf uiMtil Ughtiy 03 dry fet)- OF t h e N( METHODIST CHURCH •X. • sup I iuuulnae.'|uLjuc:j If you’va ayar "^Aud youraalf’ A Hobby— NBtdfSpaintiiig Thal'W ondtrful Shtath tTOsiasticaliy) the ons with the sayT UPartdtaa . •Sm all monkey A small but. dUUncUve grplip of ! 80 great haii been the d< rics,Nrageuble atarehee should be haMy ending. Friend—She called sm a coward iSPamilt for fprgftUng a^fnand'a birthday W IN TE R CXIATS are to be been in for the cold wave HEILElNp; used damp fabricA lOItaaound 25Unclosad 41 Tret trunks or annivaraaiiyr step into HAR- .\i and dared me^ to coma oiit from SlEagla'a nest 42 Expectorate 2268 CORBT CASUALS, 867 ^ in St TIS FERMANBNT, 17.45,1 that AND 9 B t USES THESi ^ nder the bad. **GeoMe ^ * * ’ ” ^°**” * ' Riso$rs,;s48 Mam s t who win The new etralght.sUhoueUe ia evi­ SCHULTZ BEAUTY. SALDN, 3^ Y ell G ^ ssad V i70u,rtisn 37rtigns 43 Arm bona pFteenryou with a HALUdARK Farants nowadays rarely shush . 31 Egf-diapad 44 Jointed grass dent' in handsomely tailored, Mil- Main Street, wlU fattend for 8 ' Plan Words that once mads grandma^ im cpnifort^a chairs be* M Purina bast ia^«uin g ■DATE BOOK for 1S5«. It'will help lum-tlned TW EED and CAM EL limited time their appointment 3« Healthy 44 Impolite you camamber important dktaa aa blush, ' tlques. Thk comfortable >0 Spanish 31 Girdle 47 Story H A IR riMite, s.tyied With vented bookings, for this' popular-' hair ly-compte! For if thsy did. so, quits a |sw worn out by uaa. in a W^l aa personal appointments, so­ backa.'rbbmy pockets, and an easy­ "beauty package". It Includes- » C / A o ra n c e lIDsSy*” •* Marina 33 Jtomsn river 41 "Bmarald Iste" cial engagements. ..There te space r t M CA Would have to shush dear g t M i- tion. 34 Several babies 50 Wdman-’s , going smartness to flt easily over skillful' HAIRCRIT, a sUmulatlng * LQUNGE, mm too. X.^ poiaon^S;;*’*’^ " ' to Jot down family and relative all your clothes. PLA ID BOY SHAMPOO and tht most’ becoming 25% OH 01 All Dlkiai fleom FuraHiiA 40X3irl's nams name. clothing sixes to spaed up your Tpu’II enjoy a Eur Ark., has 37C COATS, are puhsjuated .wdth shinV STYLE SET. all for 57.46 com­ of well-being Bill—Can you shave yourself as streets'and'hot i ingle onweroasas . gantlaman gift Shopteng. It's d gay, colorful buttons. F U R -U K t; COATB wrap plete. Call MI. 3-8951 and be ready S w i m MMPM c o m p t o t * M t * r « r r r Ii booklet overflowing w}th Ipter- you >teitap Into well as a barber can shave you? anothcr.\Jamea ga'Jr.,'^a: .24 Ha livadein r r r you in tebulous luxury with no to welcbnle the Thanksgiving holi­ PerhaR^ your part Jim--1 think eo, but'the trouble homq Clt:^Okla, eatinS, enlightening data, Det storage worries and no forbidding tha’Oardan ' days looking )radlantly lovely. drink a\toaat to t is I hate to talk to myself. r 1 r yours, tomorrow. ; price tag. ■'^Corduroy, \Tapestry of Eden Sion; In WWch case CHAMBERS FURMITURMHLES He’s a wise man whoNfoaa not ■ H U 37 Plant Tweed and Cottcfti Poplib R A IN ­ . New Open at New Location Men are bom with two eyas, but grieve for th^things that'ha has 5 l i ' b COATS with MATCHING HATS ’the tC(Uous task. of moving is furnished ^OOCXT; Low OvsriMod —> YeufovE. 30 Each BIgkta Explra to your fh^edii with one tongue, in orddr that they not but re jo t^ in those ^ ic h Tour Southern New jEngtend prepate you 4bionably for New over. Anjr Inconvenience caused 32Dadieatad r jrd you’ll be ueh SOI E. Middio Tunmiho—YoL Ml M il? should see twice as much ss they he has. 34 Critic . r TelAphohe Company rights expire England’s changeable weather. For yo(u during this transitional period say., , ■ ■ skating fadx, sports enthusiaets is deeply regretted, but now fullK*«t tebleNand eenred leteiire-^ jOpoo DoHy 10:00-S:0M v o n lii« t 7:3 0 4 :30^ 35 Beast i i October 33tb. Top ihould exet^iae ly or promptly M^ypur time allows. Men, like taciks, useful only V 36 Compass point them as tbsy are valuable. OQr and' Career girls, Jhe' LODAN SHERWIN • WILLIAMS COM­ a ' man went Into a restaurant if they have good hi s and are BURN A MIDDLEBROOK, INC. CLOTH coats /(made in Bavaria P A N Y te happily established at •In any ea|A the raid will be skill­ 37SmsU straam fl 0 IT fully prs^ted to reach you at ite and had a "sissling ‘platter" of pointed In the right rection. 3t Bovina mala i M l Main Street .\ since 450 A.D;) are exceptionally 981 lyiain St,, in attractively dec­ lOBewUdarad ST toasty warnr and the rain drops orated location, bigger and room­ moat appeUitWg beat\ can’t get A foot hold on this fab­ ier to serve you better. An ex- BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE wUh . MAJOR 41 Babylonian Bixpart an Bair Coloring IMre •od r V • > ric. Wded - ARTISTS’ , SUPPLY § Tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 9 DEPT., is' well-stbdked with all 43 Ocean swell '■i p.m. you have an opportunity to of Oa> and BbonY^paii r f l . t t / \India’s Cliicken manner of fascinating hobbies. HOLLO, t o o t h e r d e a S/* 4SAUot; f donau!^ with Margaret White who up-t Abundant STORE, M2 Main St. tp explain, f^OLp AFTER A DAV O f- TOIL, ^6e6AR-i6MHU6 1 ' UP CHrIC KEN frpih' LYN N paintings In addition to DEVOE of WATKINS. 935 Main St. Llk’E A PlLe O' 51 Sailor i i r vs y IT to Malp you, to answer your ques­ find END TABLES, atee OC AMO FiNCiiMe s o o H e c e c o m - SSATrow poiMO r 1 U LTR Yr FARMS.F, 605 Main St. end QRUMBACHER art'applies. MV CI6 AR5 A4 FA6T LEAV66/i~^ *- tions about the many top-notch Brown well in b u t t ^ add >4 cup All the fine prodnets, all the help­ TA IL and CORNER TABLES VCW'RE 6 'P 0 6 B B r 0 53 Bara r 1 ROUX H A llf (XJLORlNp prod­ water, 2 tablespoOna gingef mar­ ful. • friendly services of SHER­ 383.50 now 333.30 each. AM iMCINECATOe, ISMT 54 High priest ucts and wh'st they can do for you. E)CACTLY THE,60AU Of^ ' ■ UlM'.HOH? malade and 'J-i tesipoon salt. W IN -W ILLIAM S CO., combine to •7 ^---- naisaaiwaa 51 Small ST sv . Tou needn’t stay unhappy aboqt Don't waah/eggs before storing. (M D/56AM ^.'->- ^ AT OOIM' 4 o ^ (Jover and rimmer about 45 min­ serve you to your complete satis­ iTimM* Fed jMe chililran your premature gray hair. Any utes. ■ ’ / ' faction. Washing (Mtroys Ui4 protectivo ' HAK-KAFF.',' \ SSMaltdrinks s r 5i> SI personal questions that may " c a t c h e r If film whtcit/keapa out air and odors. WHV THE ‘ k V i Iw rdtum tiW th ttw o r r ta g tiMiI < ti^totelioel \"70rientai coin trouble you about hair care wilt be " 'f~ — “ ^ . A FEVI ThepAAre two generW schools A Lovriy Mteror V/lSiT-**- Xv \ I ^ ‘'SMsyt thrnatMt tSi capably answered by Margaret ,00061M6 - OAy6? o f tKought on clothes;'ha.ve lots W ill please the Autumn Bride White who la thoroughly trained 'OT^eni at small cost ^ have tew and remind he'r c o n s ta t^ of yoqr O deaervas occasion­ AP<354ef . and experienced. al, ..^i^x'vibnal TUNING to koop pop Quiislt Chonge BT AL VERBIEER out be sure there’s quality present. good / wishes. See the l a i ^ aelri;- pHiscu^ s Something to be said for both. In tioh at J. A. ■WHITE O L A S S '^ M - performing harmonloutly for Hot-water atarches are prepared either case, it’s good taste that P A N Y , at their spacious stOrA 6l ir added pleMure. lO D IP’S. by adding boilirtg water to ^;otd- Use your leisure m om en^' for counts. Bisaell St. Custom-cut MIRRORS, m e . T8S Main St. with their water paste solution. Precooked the hobby o f. needlepainting. En­ . "\ ■ clear and unclouded fo r" living trained, capable staff will handla starches are usually dissolved, in hance .your home with this hand­ Halleween Refreshmpnta • room, dining room or to (it a closet, your call with . promptness and special design tap water. . Prepared liquids are some himting scene cipbroMered in , A t t h e p i n e PASTRY, 668 of bathroom door ere excellent gift satisfaction. Wind and string. IN ­ iiv'h ^ l^ —tha popular .1; mixed with an amount pf w ^ er rich colors an'd simple stitches. CTenter St., there are more delicious choices, fo r a new hbme. Keep love­ STRUMENTS REPAIRED also; Pattern No. 2 2 ^ contains hot- HALLOW EEN COOKIES and ly furniture new looking with cut- coioil 8-8880.,, ‘ according to solution desired and ona used. '■ ~ iron transfer M design approxi­ Ca KES than you Can shake- a to-flt GLASS TOPS. mately 12 ” m 15"; ' o o jir. chart; bjxwnMtlck gt. The ,, y'outhlul Pattei U va Laager stitch iliusteatiohs. ‘‘trick'or treat" callers will appre- Get Youreeif Out o f the House 14,16.18, fnan o f ihe hMise need not Well-etoeked, Yet Uncluttered. Send 26c in coins, your name, ad­ ciate i crisp, deltclocs cookie Durirtg October’s, "bright' blue 35-Inch. 'V / ■ J iy overstrain, if you let TOUR TARN SHOP, 60 Cot­ dress and the Pattern Number to shaped hkOo Witch, a Cat. an Owl westher" is no time to spend in­ For this patlpph Mnd 88 cants POWER HANDLE take tage St is . an attractive shop' ANNE CABOT, THE .MAkCHES- or Bat. Center yOur party tabic doors. Take a day off and. have In Coins, your xutmt, addreis, sis# tho wo* )f yard cart. Avall- where you can relax and get pro­ TEX EVENING HERALD, 1156 with a festive cake and remember lunch at KOPPBR KETTIE desired, and the Pkttefp Numhaf abl# in I DW’S, 867 Main S t ^ wdit ! She'S coming Until she speaks fessional, free- instruction in the AVE. AMERICAS, NEW YORK that the PIE S' yoU like to serve RESTAURANT. 829 Mkln St. to SUE « l it la an 1 on a handla that , Shes Isavin^ top Fop in her hurry OHEfmER/EVENINa' ^ s h e ^ home aejain. , .those doleful words? a srt -of sny qew needlework that 86. N. Y. I , your family as' another autumn You’ll be treated as s guest should fSJtons f in plaeo ready for |ie-il U5ROTH6CLV J th* moyiDs fascinatu you. Tou are invited o4- Now available— the 1955 Needle­ rolls krotmd are oven frerh daily; be, and yo.u’ll-enjoy chopsing: from itso a m e r ic Ab, Ne w action 01 bra Lawnmower, A REUMlOtJ’ ^' You slt^n a littW To kis' Rap Once more your World ••Oosh. I f o r ^ t N. y . ^ is sunny. the m o n e y -* ^ perially to their niursday evening work Album printed in attractive Pumpkin ^quaah, and Mince. (the varied^menu skillfully prepared Snow p Rkigo-Trimmor, or Si<^h ^o< L SOCIAL HOUR with Wtriola colors. It conteina Sfl pages bf love­ to please you. ThpPiew fall and wintar '55' Tlllor. . ^ ' Mr. C. 0. Lossal BY V. T. HAMLIN Kurland of W KNB radioi/bn hand ly draikhs :— plus 3 gift patterns, For the “ Trick or Trewt", Crowd Fashloir, ,j>ur compl COTTON WOODS BY RAY GOnO to greet you and owney^katherine directions printed in book. Only Lively HALLOWEEN DECOR- The use of yellow-enameled arn magazine la filled with 1VELL. UBrel Giblln serving refreshments. 25c a copy! : ATKJNS an<*vPARTY SUPPLIES bulbp in the light fixtures on the , ‘active, saw-easy atyles to deJUght (Cups, N a p k l^ , Favors) are con­ -beginner and expert. Don’t mlsa it eofiSE WONMUS, so i f COTTON CAN Here It Pays to\ Walt pofch can reduce the, atiractioi WHAT LPdUR CHANCES, tirin g in^skndowlandT veniently displayed Just inside ,the for .inaecte o f the UghL —^^send 25 cents today for your WANTS. W/M, Some people never see clearly, JACK’S COFFEE SHOP in the /ront dqpr at , W. T, G RAN T CX). copy. Andrews Bldg, is constantly in­ 813 Main St. Realistic inexpensive brightly, ..t’s as though they lived every Table Will Look Liov^rr troducing unusual', unexpected COSTUME.S o. rayvn" taffeta Sava $19 on 3'xlS' Ruga ' in a conttbual shadow. Th.e four Thanksgiving holidays a ^ Just services that mrp capturing the fabric to masquarade your little great ‘'Shadows'.’ that^ impair hu- one calendar page away/'; Home­ It’s lika tiptoeing without mean. public’s fancy And, winning him ones Into a "Jet Pilot” , a. "Space Ing to, whan, you waltr acroaa any men . tiering 'are nearsightedness,, coming reunions, mske it an friends as well gs satisfied custom­ Rocket Commander", a "Pirate" or one of the AXM INSTER WOOL faisvhtedness, astigmatism, and ers. For instance, while you wait especially happy day/’ .one for ddubls vision. So unnecessary, too a "Mechanical Man" and many BLEND 9’xl2 ’ RUGS rag. $88.60 Jo have your TAKE OUT ORDER other perd'onaltttes are 51.69 to which, you are, jfierhapa already -tbaaajuse these defectp 4;an,near­ planning the p r o ;^ aetting. If now 869.60 at MANCHESTER assetnbled, you rhay enjoy a cup 52.19, Then there are NOISE- C A R PE T CSCNTER. 308 Main St. ly always be overedme by o good of coffee oip a soda "on the house;” new dishes are on yeur ‘T o Buy'” eyesight examination and a pair of MAKERS. MASKS, and a delicious list, do see the FRANCONIA You’ll find 18 attractive patterns Isn’t this an unparalleled expres­ assortment of GANDIES. "The gob­ pfescription glasses. It’s easy to. CHINA DINNERWARE .In Including modern leaf dasigna, lux- sion of GOOD w ILL. JACK'S lins will get you if you don’t stoqk urio-js textures snd cheerful tons- t c ^ e out of. the. shadow. Your c o f f e e SHOP absorbs the ex­ M ATH ER’.S A THE CENTER. up soon. ' , \/- v Lovely patterns of genuine artistic on-tone effects, in an appealing ar­ euy doctor's prescription is'care- pense of containers for your "taHA ray of colors. A tough RUBBER­ ftflly Ailed ,.>y expert OPTICIAN out” coffee. You pay only lOc for merit harpi’onlse with both modern Boys! Dre(M-up \Oat(ite and treditiorial .saltings. The IZED COATINO on bsck prolongs LESLIE CHRZSTENEN, of delicious coffee' wtlh rich 1S% For Sunday ^ h ool and CSiurch, the rug'a wear and provides ad- UNION OPTICAL CORP.' 7g5 cream. Notice 'the modern .RE­ gleaming e1egsn(te' pf . HOLLO­ for the Thanksgiving apd Christ­ W ARE further'-ttfaipaCzes the ^ lo n a l resilient cushioning. With Precious BY EDGAR MARTIN Main SL in Gpudet Jewelry Store. FRIGERATED Salad and Deasert mas holidays ahead, yOur young labir. A .CHIPPENDALE BOWL 'Thanksgiving holidsys Just a feW f U N IT that keeps fob«l kppetizing- man, age 4-.12, will be as well- weeks away, a-new rug can tay \ \N»6 WWS7W.\Wi» TO BUZ SAWYER BY RgV-CRANE Jewelry foe Day or Evening ly fresh. holds food or stands alone beauti­ OA.SUS'.’TVIfc dressed as they con.e> in an im- fully, vvhile the FOOl'ED CEN- “ Welcoifie Home" beautifully. ,.,i SNPPWW.'E 7:«ElOMe/3 V THE WNOS CARWIHS X I f you think thdre is "nothing oeccably . tailored "CHIPS'! SUIT new under the sun,’’ step into Carrot sticks can Be given a new 'TEK BOWL punctuates a -table VNWVOAYCM MAO W\VU HIM ABAYl IFHES from Boys’ De^it. of C. E. HOUSE center effectively. Seiwe the staff Keen Feet Cosy Warm and. Dry MATHER’S AT THE CENTER to taste if they stand overnight in UPME TOW OWE (WCTCVSSL STILL UNCONSClOUSf A SON. The Wool Flannel' and of life elegantly from any/one of Ward off the sniffloe With a pair see the many imaginatively de­ liquid drained from dill pickles. Rayon-Nylon 'blends are tagged the symmetrical BREAD-TRAYS. of easy- to-carry, easy-to-put-on HE COULD DROWN signed NECKLACE A N p. EAR­ 519.95 to 523.95. For t h f older k t o Ae 1 reach \- Just srriVed-ls "SILVER SW IRL” PLASTIC BOOTS, 11.98, that fit RING SETS.J The one a set with Like Getting a Raise In Pay boy, size .13-20 "C7HIPS" Rayon-- FLATWARE PATTERN newly all heel heights in DOWN8TAII HIM. Acetate blends are 635.50 and up; BLACK DIAMONDS eXudes mys­ Your,'money goes twice as far create(i by WXLLACBl, famous fPr SHOE DEPT, of C. E. HOUl tery and drama. You must have this week during "Rexali" Ic Sale smooth-textured 'and apjash pat­ designing "Third Dimension SON. Even in below zdro 1 one and you can if you.’ Just whis­ at PIN E LENOX PHARMACTY. terns In IQO^i Wool are priced Beauty," that is beauty that flPws the Beecy warm Si 532.50, AUtMANtUVttS per one subtle hint. A circle of 299 E. Center St., and THE PIN E from front, to side, to back, com­ wrap you ankle dee Mxwarmth, to p i n on your ispel, or CPDfSnSATttY PHARMACY. 664 Center St. Ypu pletely encircling- each piece. This with their close flttli "fur;’ cuffs. TO MNO NIAS •'a t your throat adds eye-catching get twice as mUch for one penny Where do' you keep .your hate ? will be {he choice of many 1956 Available in black, vv e, red 85.50. color besides bringing' you . luck, more', 'and best 6( ail you can de­ In a heap on the cioset shelf'? brides, tise the L A Y -A W A Y - THE SPOT MURE Each should be nested in its own HE THINKS Egyptian lore aays; 'matching ear­ pend on any drug product that PLAN. T>te«.0P< rings Available. White gora shells bears the name "REDCALL.” so do tissue paper in its own hat box Prepare near MINOS'CHUTE centered with BLUB ICE are ­ plan to stock up now on MEDI­ for longest.wear and good'looks; booking possible. They 1 owvrt Will STRIKE Save Money on Shoes Io4e • in food elehtenU PH OR. 0|»r. <»SH>*A»wate4. Iws. , THE WATER.' ed into a BRACELET tq encircle CINE CHEST NEED.S; Aspirin, LPSHONsaX . your pretty wrist. Your "LIBRA” (k>ugh SyrUp, Nose, Drops,’ Cold Things of E.vc-Catching Beaut.v Theie are SHOE .BARGAINS wheb /or allowed to stand friends would be eapeciallv pleased Tablets. There Are BEAUTY F. E. BRAY. Manche'ter's old­ for every one in the ,famiiy during after ItAvc -been peeled or B Y P E T E R H O F F M A N with a BIRTHSTONE RING sert BUYS you need all yesr: iJdodor- est establUhed JEW ELER,. >737 w a r d WEEK s a l e continuing cut through Saturday at MONTGOM­ MICKEY FINN A Spemlist! BY Lank le^ ard with October*e Opal or Rose Zircon. snts, Cologne, Talcum and ' Pace Main St. (State Theater Bldg.) has F o r'that jipecfal:fal nman. sec the dls- Powders, Lipsticks, Diibble Baths. returned from t' e Boston Jewelers' ERY WARD COMPANY. Chil­ lm.a Coamspolttei} Moat dren's good quality >.‘G r e e tlnctive TIErii s l i d e s , and boldly (Your CJhristraaa gift!-money goes Show bringing back an appealing Band" SCHOOL SHOES (P at^s arrtved/st HARRISON’S, ’^WSEE.ISEYEGOT dram*tlc. CUFFC LINKS, some twice as ter now. if you have the group of JEW ELRY gift items for 849 Main St. ia the "Gay Fad” line everyone on vour Christmas list. Loafers. Oxfords) size's 8'-j/lo 3 TOGETSOME8CWIIMO' . centerfd with a White Zircon for foresight to act bv Haturday.) of handsome DECANTERS, 51.98 conservative elekanile e . CHIL­ There are SAVINGS ON STA­ New ly- designed HOLLOWARE are . now S3.3‘! regu lsriy/53.98. aenruvmestYNi amm* ... now! es;cb, handsomely emboMcd with lOOIE.lOOS! AN WDIAN! y^GQSH! HAS NEVER PLAVERGOlFf DREN LOVEE .JEWELRY.JEWELB of their TIONERY, SHAVING \NEBDS serving pieces by Poole, Rogers Co.nfortabfe leather and suede STRAP BALLET and B'A S U A L AUTHENTIC STATE SEALS NE MUST KM T H THE / FEATHERS ANP rueh q D £ 0 4 ! very won. See the many rings, and many V ITA M IN VALUES, and X*dmmunity ma'k4. Impressive, black and-gold. • Each'grace­ am aaer# amtemnf lockets, crosses on dainty chains, practical gifts. Use the L A Y ­ PUMPS lor (Jlrls/kUd Women, ROPEOAT THE arena! A EVEINTHING! plus a w-ealth of bargains too good ful glass stopper bears an impres-., cJXfcm-^-iP to mi.ss. Shop now and POCKET A W A Y -P LA N to budget your holi­ sizes 4-9, are only/S2.44 regularly 7 y / / A v identification bracelets and watch­ CoteJ alve "8 " for Scotch, "R ’’ for Rya; N E U K THE PERFECT GWj iOLTSfAMCtt es for boys and girls. THE DIFFERENCE. day purch(ues. Right now an ex- .53^8 . in hlgh-Styte Avocado, TOTESTyaiRCUMSf, MUM tenrive collection of HALLOW ­ fee Fro.st, Cranberry Red also "O ” for. Gin or " fi" for .Bourbon. maesmt Black Buy An extra pair for/the' Why not give him the complete jumsT EEN and ,T H A N K.S GIVING CARDS are displayed. Thankagij^g iiolidays 'set of four decantera-to include all Tou gh ,/lon g - wearing 48 state seals. Available ' also A '.Satisfying .Hobby' WOBJU SHOES with, neoprene, oll- are matehing HIG H BALL glasses, You'll enJoF painting on an ivt' outer soles and cushioned 55.98 for set of 8 and double OLD apron, a pair of,kitchen curtains, inner .sole for dsy-long comfort are FASHIONS,(56.98 for set'of 8. napkins, pillow cases, and hand^ 6.98, reg. 57.98 in sizes 6 JO' 12, Tht STREETS OF THE WEEK ars: kerchiefs, when yon see, the qui widths E to triple Ek /Baby 8weate>| Kite plea.surable results you get w ith a ■ M4k« a warm, daint)/ NYLO N minimum of tlrhe >nif effort Jn- Choose from / 324 Colors r* HENRY and CAMPFIELD Whatever your decorating plans 'CARDIGAN for ■ that. aweet new c APTAIN EASY Into The Trap BY LESI.IE TURNER pRECRLES AND HIS FIMBND9 O ne F la w ' RY MERRILL C, RLOSSBR volved. Everything you, need to get baby that’s due. All the mate­ you off to a speedy start-of accom­ are, your painted walls and wood­ work, may now harmoptec correct- rial and directions you need J.q HStt TNsy cows, W-WEtU,j SflAmnsioJ HHSH lif n e A s mR AS Z CAN That I have to plishment ,1s contained in a make a' lovely sweater complete OWf lU lit MMT ^BeSTSa*OOU IN THE SEE TUeRCS only Ano PRANG TEXTILE 'PAINTING Iv if you visH P A U L’S P A I N T COlUUSTKAGaLAla N TH' CANVOKl iSN FRANKS THAT WIU-' MY WHOLE PAV I with cute design of a bunny, dog, state— Sesr o r o a n - ONE THIN6 WnoNd- THAT SET, 5^ from JOHNSON PAINT S U PPLY CO.,. 645 Main 'St. The Asour Fisrv i TH* TRAIU. S AiTSliPTVS r DOVWU.tAJW. NOW \ BE HARP Far or lamb in front la contained in WANT YOUTO fW RSAL. | P A N & ^ iz e o — BcsT PACULTr*., »s Co., 699 Main St. Place' a ready- K YA N IZE c o l o r b a r gives you SHMJPy wKBApyTO •KSNALACSOSa f MOPERN TEAOaNO the "Bear Brand" BABY SW EAT­ _ _ B?VCB> ■neCAMiKNWAT FRANK WITH Me.-WMAr / MW., , I cut stencil over the fabric and a choice of 324 colora In any fin- LOTHES SHANMISSAFS 6 MR>N6 HeaeAT _ A WItSONr ■ METHOPS—-sesr _ Y simply paint in the dcsjgn. It .Ish you desire (flat; gloss, enamel, ER KIT. 51.98 in Yarn 'Dept, of EQUIPMeNr— " ■ semi-gloss) for your indoor snd J,.W. H ALE CORP. Because it Is around a ;t^ , -L would take hours of embroidery to AlOTiCIfICTMS get the same colorful effect you outdoor p'ainting needs. Eteckuse A L L NYLON, the finished garment P N ^n y liiDW. f lktlER PRY CLEANSERS INC. arWeTt-'ln 'mtmrterwlth' a'PR'ANO the ■scienl if ic formvda is • on ■ back Is ■ -shrinkproof- .and - mothproof, 325 BROAD , STREET, MAINCHESTER TETIXLE PAINTING^ SET. In of every color card, you. arc as­ washes : easily and dries like a one afternoon , you can make sured an exact match, should you hanky. i ' I f you live on the above streets in hlan- dozens of gift items that will sell wish to touch up scuffed areas in chester, you are entitled t e a '35%-it^ASM (jiiickiy xt X church haraar, ‘ ' the future/ t Even a discerning adult finds discount on all dry cleaning (minlmiim ______^ it hard to .tell if prepared nijnfat | 31.00) this week! Call our driver at Ml dfy milk solida' are mixed h alf' 9-7111 this week only! HURRY! and hySlf with whole milk. It's, Save Closet Space— Store Summer Clothes CAPITAL'S OCTOBIR AND an economy moVe, but hard to tell tm-. tMl k. I . 7k M. Mh. y.l alt Winter—Cleaning Plus SOc Per Garment if mixture.i« good and cold. ttti- im . ■ ■ ■ ■ Or . HOVEMBER RELEASES. 33V3 RPM Evarythlag for Baby BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE YeS, ‘‘Chicken!" BY WII.SON SCRUGGS i c FLINT Niliucio Discovera •RING THIS COUPON KEMP'S RECORD d e p a r t m e n t Every 'day,' brand new .and pre­ lacdcsssssa---- cious ’ bundles from heaven’ are er-' you ooMTysNTTO ^ a e o a ^ f j " . . t ...... J, g a r l a n d X e m t r UNPBRSTANPIX ioaay, buddvc m o So d v \ PLiAsa/ MISS SHOW BUSINE.SS ...... riving.,The Infante’ Dept, of TOT^ CASH and ’ j ' Harry James HI-FI VC. NOT ASN6UI n o t ANI.NUNZIO P k CLI blLOVViP BACKSTAee. IX CO%« N TEENS, »W6 Main St. is well- TtesuiDaaeMAAujR*/TO t b l l OUmAN CAUy.AND IT WIA» SnU.HS OaSSBVfPACUBTiAlNl CARRY NOW ! C10LLEGE CLASSICS ...... LES BROWN stocked with everything for Baby's SURaBfu.TMSSMCMge.THe , HB SAN* BBAUriPUaV/J obb. sowaaopsr ^'-'leeay: sleeping, and waking-comfort, isnd (minimum $ 1 .0 0 )- The t-ee Brown AH Stars ACnMe..,fVW(VTMM»/ N M M O h k fW O / J TMAT?^ Dance (o Duke j- I' wetl-beirtg. '^Whether you’re aa- aemhling a complete layette or. ' m ■ ■ on on/ dsaning STAN KENTON Just looking fp r'a practical or an extravagisnt expression of your ilS H ill PHY CLEANSEIIS iNCe good wishes, t Ct s 'if-TEENS TN- FANT. DEPT. Catf serve you. 1 8 2 3 BrS a D str e e t, MANCHESTER Right now, chill-cbasln# CORDU- ROY CRAW LERS are in demand; you’ir.flnd them amply stocked in L SAME DAY SERVICE , I N CO R PO R ,^T E D d variety bf colors complete with /. ll IN iY 10 OUT iV 5 V AT,«EG0 U » MICfcS | FURNITURE and MUSlt: . HOME OF FRlGlDAIRE matching JACKETS AN D HATS tb make a comfortable, 763 M aiii 8 t;.y G r^ Stamps Given Tel. Ml-3-5680 $|ie

H erald A ngle Pay Per Game PlEintmen wjth Punch . ' wy Sets Pace N«m Qerical Cricket ' Iroeb; BAI^i W. YOST MissiMippI i(R ai^ G iiii .,«Sli(/ ...... 104 IM, *4 Smith Plan Expected ScCoi ylipcris Editor Low ? ' In Pro 4M SIS 4M ISIO Ahi* Mrloudh from Arfhy dutlcf, First Idletbwn’s S To Be Passed Jebs'a (S> s m y n mBEMB m m . AND T m D E Ill 107 lot M4 Peckott Brulolnf Toiorlle\Ovwll Stick*. ■Trinl yet he w*e voted' l/^ull «h*re of. »re*i’•tnlak ...... ?]on - »6,«98 III Cinci After last eck'a post^namentwByrd/haS an off dgy. I would say I ' New Tork, Oct 19-0P>—A etag- Philadelphia, O ct 19 UPl—. id a 9.38 avsrage. iTtUadelplUa’a H - , ^ rO ttd e k l...... II with rival Eaek' Harttord " due to he ja about d.u*'foV one." ' \ faring total of 89,000,000 for four Amacha U making A runaway of iby Thomason Bdovad- Into'nee- Plocha ludren II 8. Rul N 114 100 m Plummer - Cincinnati, Oct. 19 (AV-Wallai the rainy weath^ High football F ast' and Strong gavas could accrue to th* major the ground gaiiUag competlUon Up) ond place ahea^'^ Washington’s therfine footbell coaches. Walker Briggs and -Tony But Byrd 1* not the only back leafut Players* Panslon FTuid as a the NaUonal FootbaU Laagu*. ToUla 418 SO* 4*8 1(86 pOWtM^ o w b t t picked «P .cjt I* unb^eten to date. (BudI Smith, a young f*llon\who /: t- U d la Totals •**#*•**« for o «.B per yerdage ha* vet to cash in financially oiflhe Altbrio were allotted #n egtri ! ^ a t Manchester will have to con- feault’ of' pay-aa-yoo-go World . The former Wisconsin atAr^ SpearJ^dihd the club la veterran week to p'pepare thelr'^diana f ’’tain. *171* other three Middle . Beries talevisioh. Attorney J. Nog- number one- draft cboica of th# ThoHhaaoiyhas completed 44 pf M. ladiks «1> Junior halfback Geor{ q»ut»i*rt>ack Lou M*ifnoII. fael'he i* lightweight boxing cham­ SuIUvsn ...... H. Smith ...... 10* ^ M e r la aecond to the _ 19! the forthcoming battle aaglnat/tie starter*,' Ed Wayiodk, Joe Ml man LeWie said today, ^ BalUmore Coftts, haa gained 476 78 for fniA hrdai five'TDs and an SI*rA«eIy .., x f e i pion of the world, make* hi* Brat ;«------.Vawia, who handle* the player#’> averaM^Sr 8.95. LeBaron is third WIttke ...... V/..'. in pound SUcka with . 276 V^rdei/ RawIInga - Sporting Good* defense of the crown tonight undefeated and hlgh-scoring^id- and Fred Duval have* alao yarda on 77 attcrapta for an affr- HMIund .. dl'atown Tiger*. The hon-CCjlSxon- major rrfes in the Tigers’ Urenien' 1 Interests in deallni^ with the age of 6.3. Howard Ferguson Ot with J0T for 66. 512 yarda, four milipe ... gained in 65 rushea for a five y*W reportaNthe iargeit foot'baii, against Jimmy CJarler, a three- McCarthy ...... Mmmon* . time holder of the title. . teat will be played S a tu rd ^ after­ dous inicccas to date. BoUkWaenti ( V owners, addM that most of the Grean Bay, la a'distant socond wlUi4 TDa yWd a 7.76 yard average. atewert ,. .... Vi Molumphy fa r try average. Kelleher u„i/arm it h»» ever / been called ' Nno^lC in/he entertainmant busl- haa had only ohe pass aoB of a Springfield «port* writer j to mkke meamred a* follo'«’*: ' Smith, a Chnclnnatlan. won^the noon at 2 o’clool- in Middletown and Duval are very fast^ d strong 331 yarils gained on 67 carriee for lUfmondo > Big problem cohfronnng Briggs .nd- the Tiger* have m outatand- hCM eOEFBCt the Feoeral Govern- h.AJavtrag*. ' 'l - respted while Graham and Le- ...... /lC"449 6S0 k .Oiarterbock Bobby * a.r L ------J ------— championship from Carter, a New 8t*a UeMieraii (1> Touts ..... Yorker, in a bqiit In Boston' last and Alibrlo la h o w ^ o 'a to p th* j«g pass receiver in end Fred mrot/io approve pay-ae-)^u-go TV Amechc, who starrad in the rtin each have lost three. of Coach Dan Jeaaee'a ifhdefeated i pani*. Ilie uniform waa evqniiially. He has numerous cloa* Ten aa g line cruncher, hae l< Otli^ leaders; ' < ' H. Hemplon lOt 10* M and untied Bantam* p u completed j not made for OHerble Dledrlch, a June -29, , ^ Tigers’ '* elusive. 1 l^und ' 'scat-' ci^uifhi. And to ,/make. matters c. Hampton ;...... SI ta a back, Jerry Byrd, n three games'; w or^ C oach /Walnd Fiilback mectiona with show businesa/ no'ha of his drive and power 'Billy Howton of Green-Bay In .H.------Hei;aen . , in ij lu - m I 96 pasaee in 31 ^ in ^ a tot 468 er but for Iferble Dledrlch. a ’The two ’ sharp-punching Ne- Lorensen pOunder ‘ — - grbes willi g o '15 rounds or less ha to date the Negro speedster, al*1-1 clalm*\th*t he'ha* one of his If this ^rpe of telocislon’ goes pro. He picked up 78 yard! Jdat toasaing. caught for 345 yards; U. Hampton ..... M »S lO pard*. Aldo, thh owrhead star 33.6 MundCf from Dundee Sunday a ^ n a t tha Chicago 1 Vio Janowlct of WashlQgton in (IlUnoia)nla) .CommiinlCommiinl'ity High School. the (^nclhnstl Carden. 'The boilT ready labeled /b y mahy as the j st,rong*sK Unek in many aeaaons. jnto effect-r-KHl it may be the kaa heaved lO'^oaiOa which went best back in/state schoolboy cir­ 'There’s ^ tle doubt that thh In- ultimate anawer-fo all TV—we in a loauig eausc.’ Plttjriwrgh's scoring .wIthSfour touchdowns. 10 SOI SIS S41 18*1 for touchdp^w. Whpt" "tnltf* Lea Blngaman. the‘ All-Pro guard at lO'p.m. will be .televised nation- ConVeratOna, two field goaifs for 40 for many year* wlth\the Detroit elly (ABCI but with the arena cles, has personally led. Middle- dians have.-'henefited by the poat- think a ravenue oK85,’0Q0,000 a Fran Rogcl with 282 y a m on 73 A iexand^ ‘BM percentage #11 town to convinejing triumphs over ponemenf. It naa given backs Ron-' me could be realised," said attempts and a 8.0 avfndge ranks points; Norman ' Van Brocklln of SeMk M*Ue4i*t Ne.1 '•> 5 a 118** remarkapte fa' the fact Lion* in the National Football within a 75-mlle radius of Cincin­ Loa Aogeles in punting on a 45.1 *1 19 League wore a *1** 66 i* ri^ and nati blacked out. , Wlndhanr'^^ 32-ti, Bristol 20-6 and nl* BraflU, DIeV. aiW-'lrv wla. " , third among the ball egmara. 5i»e of the/four Trin game* Hall 27^. Against the Whippets, August a 'Ghanc^tb recuperate ‘•Here la how we flgura: ' In the peiaslnf depM ^aht, "old” avarage; Joo Heap p t the Hew oecr S T played .under homble weath* a »i»e 62 pant*. Ed. Nole.\The re­ . The most prevalent guesses were, S York Giants in.punt returns with a Banka ...... lt| port I*."that Dundee hiU nOt been that there would be a crowd of ByrdyiKored ai^ five of his team ’s from peaky Injuriee,; Braidt' In­ 46 mUion Sots Olto'. Qrahiin of A ha Cleveland Low Man^.IT _ conditl^. Wonder what six-pointers.'-He/allied two of the jured hla knee agalnstlHall -while "Right now there ar* about 40 Browns still yhovfs the way. The 9.6 average; Jerry Norton, Phila­ Alaaander will do on a dry day? ■ ■ penallied once thi* fall for having 9,000 or so on hand for a direct NFL’* ssiconii 1956 istiie of the delphia. in kickoff returns lylth a Totals 4*1 TSi 12 men on the held when Dledricn view of the scrap, 'Pre^mqtar—Ssfu _ers’ three ’TD*' against Bristol VTrlght and Auguat were hurt, in TV aeta in the country. By 1957, Aietandei- ii ** good a Pkwer <“ d two of Middletowji’s /four the opener against Bristoi\Wright, the year the nCw Seriei TV con- weekly statiaiuM, shows Graham 47.8 average, and Willard Sherman Coster Cease* la eiDiw Dean LoucKa ^and Di^k 1* in action. ^ Becker stiil 'Was hopeful, however, 'touchdowns against the. Warriors. with 85 oom^etiotia of 57 pass** of in iiitarce^on* li!i*k th ft he' would be able to sell all or the junior fullback who haa\*hown frfet gda* into effect, there should Brown ly 18 W lptethauer.'Tale’a No. 1 and J>^0^ Difficult to lAtch a great deal of promlie in^ac- for 531 ygm,\thrde touchdowns >ylth e'eveni/ ^ 'Big' Arnic Portocarerro of the' most of the Garden’s. 15/100 sests: be about 50 ’mlilton. C»rlinnv\...... v^..-*‘T{5i SO n - IM non. \ A* for SUcTt*. he * the At^Uca wasn’t a big winner on Definitely a difficult target to ties sessions, apralhed an mH^le "If lO talUion of thaie were ioc Ckudreaa running behind T*r§hk D’Agoetino, 233-pound tackle, f Eddie A'rcaro, 'igroatest of .{he ataet aU arotind email Oollege Thriv-TlnM* Champ the mwnd thi* paat aeaaon in the Carter generally was being rated catch once past the line of scrim-, the fiut time he carried againi turned on at * cost of 50 cents per was Auburn'4 principal hope In its bQf game with Georgia Tech in At- face riders, isn’t always in front S*sie£ — loi m football pwyer I have ever had Americ*h>L**gue but he won a mage the speedy halfback went 80 the Bell Towner*. August, who ran ■at, that would be 86,000,000 per as'this race-'in the “Belmont im Park the pleaauri of watching. He a one k slight betting favorite to become lanU. ToUls 4N 8S8 miSlO Kan*a* p t|r beauty. Patricia the first four-lime champion iifthe yards against Windham for his quite well in the season’s. Udlifter, erical collart^hOw for what game. If the Beries went paat four ua Vwell/ demonstrates. a thouaand. Turner. ' "Miais^anaas City of longest scoring jaunt, while hli has been handicapped with an in- gamaa, it wpuld go past 820,000,- T Eonoi* Gerry Planutis division In history, Heealready Is shortest scoring. gain was eight kbid. of a 7natc)( the Rev, John at. N ^'s <41^ 1005," and the Aiperican League the first three-timer. jury to his )eft leg. MartrnJiiU d^ned equipment. He 000. N*)m« . luck pitcher In the Amer­ pitcher were marriedOaat 'Satur­ yards against (lie Bell Towner*. "But on the, basis of 820,000,000, tf tin Uit^ for Tyrpli Corey . T he finances of the fight were He has averaged a laudable 36,2 / Interesting Attembon competed ^Ith other English H i White ican League laet eeason waa Billy day, TyRushing leader tt k ^ e Ivy as straqge as Carter’s up-snd-down extra layoff ha# alao ac­ about 25 per cent would have to Jaycees Secure 1,000 Weither League i* none other than yards on hie hine* touchdown runs. AngelicaH<-^urch Clergymen at be paid to the networks. That Pierce of the Chicago White Sox. record. \ . Eagle Day appears- to be passing on one Ihg, b ^ opponents will corded Briggs more opportunity to Southg^e, I^ngland. ;T- Hansen % I h e MUthpdw finiahed with a rec­ ( ^ e Menace) McOlll of T( Briggs and his Red and White would leave 815,000,000 for base­ Tickets for Grid Tilt ' Promoter "Becker had quite- a tell you that the Mlssissljiprquarterhlick throws and/run* on two good ■quad were on ha)id for the Mld- acquaint his squad with the ’’belly- ...... _ n 7 111 814U1S ord of 15 wlh* and 10 defeata. Four Eli halfback has pfeked up i^ith the lAtemational Box- pin*- Day.il a eorker out of the split T. series'' which he had Intended to ball, and under the terms of the Ex-Gham^ /Quits New York, Oct, 19 (87 — Full-»h* aj>arked. Navy tq,-a 84-14 trt- yard* on the ggopnd while team­ djetown-Hall contest , and they -pension agreement,.. the, players Oo-Chalriman .Frank Budln- James Me, 4 <*> Totals 4** m d n iiM of hla a a th a d ti^ r e 1-0 game*»*Md jmd dub before he got th* 'fight 'T use agatiist the Hornets. With a back Gerry PlanutU of Mldhigan umph ov*r\Penn ^Lata. Th* 22- (iBcnon ...... l6l H I* • n \ r - mate AI Ward ia setting the pace know what to e:;pect. "He certain­ would’ get 60 per: cent, or 89,00(7,- year-old MidaMpmAii set th*th# Nlt- soak of the Manchester Jayoees HUaebreiMl .101 101 119 iis Mhmaa’e (P IkMie Robinaon. Johnny Kuj^ a >><1 had a pay day- aa title holder and, Besides, past racjtt^ mean againrain, than Wallace connected gin over Navy’s Georgs Wal'Ah Perth State termed the Navy betwertl Yale and Colgate. 8am •4.I. iamaayha, ■- * (4) Olympic Game* next y**r."j... or he’s lost. He has e-ceptional deal by Hank Greenberg, gbnersi aa far as/ Lewla is concerned, opened the door of opportunity to­ whose . forward psaaes crushed quarterback'the moat acObmplish- Pierson la co-chairman *f this 1(16 US BeePa ' Andy Carey. .The Duke of Coach Hal Lahan of Colgate even though he Is the cMmp, his ■peed, is very shifty and has the Itttf* when the two^yaie, get to­ manager of the'Cleveland Didlans, With anotheri right and it waa all •BflIlllO » lyn, Duke Snider, and Detroit’a 91<; guarantee from Becker 'of 80,000 to fthird, where he wes\ safe on a gether. If they didivt Ivin a game that's all right with him. day lo another British light heavy- over.. / . , Pehn 'State. ed paaacr in coliag* football today. project, p4*^e*o#**ea rlalnns his current editton of the New York, Oct. 19 (/P) —For *1 knack of stopping on a dime when to. buy the San Francisim Seals “Wliatever method they decide It waa a contast betwaen two Planutis and Welsh were not the J. llWbea •oiaoa****** yaar.«ld Al Kaline, have been^BecoOted cluded, "but he still broke'away to severalT'*''^ conteat has Turpin, th* former world mid- Ray/rta a TKO just 64 days later, the AP poll. Boy and'Ctth SroatK YIW par­ mldtowd Milwaukee. Hig. only; ...u ... agreement on the sale,” said- the p*y-aa-you go TV.” dlewei^t champion, announced Walsh. , - ChUdMaa Prabed - ty will leave Mnnfchpster nt 11 (Unanter ...... h " Sporting Nswa The decision waa o f betviwM 40,000 and. 50,000 foot­ Then there Is the question of chore, was'to stay there until the : Borne, ^thout drawing auhro ■core on dashes of 31 and 10 yards heen,.^* biggest one,'and the one Greenberg last nigl^ after . ooii- H Fgotgot smother chance at the title Preliminary Oonferencea# hia reUrement last night after he in 1953 but loat on points to Robo Savage U a* Bveksi Fullback Joe Childress Of Au­ a/m. Kickoff wIH'"'^ at 2 'pjo. B(irk* . •*r , ~ 7 8 " 4 » «•#••*»*******• raachad after a pcdl of 165 mana­ ball fanali^urday afternoon when \yho, If anyone, wtll get a mana­ Braves had won seven'games In a 'Aug. 23, at Chicago.) We'll just have to hope that our they most want to w-in, on High’s ferring with Damonf Milter, presi­ ’ F rick . already has had preUml- A national televtalon audience burn was' prMsed for hU work in QUIUtch M-0<7v1m /•***#••#•*• 1 gers, piayere, umpires and baae- Colgate Invh^iNew Haven for a ger’s share-of Smlth’a purs*. His 3. Pitcher Don Newcombe of the boys are; up for tperam e and that schedule. was knocked out in the fourth Tllson. Hal. / 'a i t e s o n ...... flOlfn^A, sw4*e##*6#*a**'l row. . dent of the Little Ckirp., control­ nary (^inferences concerning thel saw Planutia oyarpenvar the; Notre Auburn's 14-12 oipset of Georgia \ - KDCktr '■f'aa'aaaaaaaoaa 11 i ball writer*. Robin Roharta of meeting wlth^ale. current managers of record—Car­ Dodgers belted a loiig drive toXthe ling the Seals franchise in ths Pa­ round by Gordon Wallace, an, . Last year, Turpin lost hid Euro­ Blehonaer aix days before the campaign top of the right center field screen, new contract, which will have to known Canadian. , ' Dame line with savage line bucks Tech..:Ha ran for 64 yard* and a N. Vlttner-r^ Phil* waa judged the top (IJlP- New Haven NSUI again have a mine Oraslano *i»d Tony Ferrentr cloeed, he came down. The Braves cific Coast League.; be ilgned by aprlng. The current pean middleweight title to Italy’s as the Snartans moved to. their standout on defense, including an '«»**a****a***a Kg' dm d In the National whll* Eddie representative iV the alx-team —have been under Investigation |h ’iiie ball landed In the street al^d Miller, who struggled with slump­ contract is -for about 81,000,000, Promoter Jack Solomons, .who 'nberio Mltri. It took Mitrl 66 aec- Tout* ...... >40 It? Mi lMO Baatcm Hockey tAggue thla ***- had not been able to come up with * circled the base*. had plana to match Turpln/with winning -TD In the third i^riod. interception at a crucial moment. One Team Net of th* Tanka waa picked aa Pennsylvania because of thbir a afven-game streak and, natiiraj- Gobd Defense Main Reason ing attendance and'growing debts meaning the penalon fund get* onda to- fInlrti Turpin and the bout It waa fitting for Mm to buck over In addition he donveriid both vital Bmaasel LnUirsa (|> njEJiST tka, leading pitcher in the Alnerl- ■on. Th* Elm aty^lade* Will associations. Cardinals argued that the ball ha, ail last season, broke into a big World Light -HeavywelghyCham became known 'as "The One-Punch Noren...lu 11 . wn#* launch workout* Monddy at the ly,it was too late then. phased through a-KoIe in the screen about 8800,000 out of each aerie* for the vital points because it extra points and, in the huddle, A. Andereon oui loop As a .result Smith signed the grin. Whether ifa four gSnies or aeven. pton Archl* Mre, m ad^a quick Fight" In European boxing circles. wiped out the bitter memory of •uggOeted his quarterback call the To Balance Benson New Haven Arena under l i e eye* Crasy,? Maybe. But that's and were upheld. Under thegrounj-' to TuiRth returned to the ring this present fight, contract on/hia ^wn nothing 'cblnpared to. many other 'Tve gone over all the booksi but Pay-aa-you-go 'TV or not, the switch 4nd threw hla Jmcklng 1954 when he failed to convert play thgt resulted in Auburn’y first ng plnch-hlttere in the of Player-Coach Don P trr^ F e rry and George Murphy, SfCretary of rules, the blow became a doul^. For Success of Top Clubs Pompey, a hard p u ^ spring as a light heavy' eight and i* the foriner badman of\ the unusual and bizarre Incidents ttiat However, three days later aiv In­ there are still people and things./' contract Frick negotiate# thia time twice and the Irii^ took a 20-19 touchdown. / , Green Manor, Tiny’s All-Stars lor leagues last yaar were the Cincinnati Boxing Commission, I w-ant to know before coming to' probably wUl be a lot fatter than Deserve# a Break won his f ^ t four outings until he Victory. QuartOrback Somny Jurgensen n o i m ’ sH/ Vah) of th# Kansas City Springfield Indlah* in the Aih«^* took place in the major leagues vestigation developed that /there went up JigSinst Wallace. and Harm’s Cafiieta ahop war* th* T o t^ Said ths check for^nilth’s share Boston, Oct. 19 (/PI >—Defense is>*' Syracuse moved with a fumble a . definite decision," Greenberg 8i.ooo.oipo. "I am cabling Mpbre right away Hot only dldPlanutih go over for of Duke, Vvho tallied the winning only team# st the Bualnesamen’a Athldllcs and rnudde Baumhotts can-Hockey League. Three meihf in 1955. ' ; waa no hole anywhere In the vicin­ kirtg in college football this year recovery and ah interested pass with terra* for a''litle (Hfens# in \MotKi H*«k*di*4^s. ber* of l**t year’s team, Claud*'* of the purse would -be made out to For example.;did .voii know that: ity of where Newcombe'* . drive said. If all turns out as expected, Lewis is aware of thli and said the winning ^Ouchdown, b u t he bet TD against Ohio State, vriis Baaketb#i1 Vdagoe meeting laat «( th a t^ c a g o Cub*. Th* vataran fighter alone. ^.that’s why Michigan a)»d Mary- to upset Army 13-0. Washington Greenberg said he would nuke a he'liaa the utmost faith in Frick. London on J a n .^ ," said So'o"’®***- the. stag* ,?6r MSU'a final TD iq praised, tool aa was Don Watsi^n, Athlctl^outflelder poatsd a .462 BdUeau, John Sbarban and Tvan 1. A pitoker worked four acore- was hit (June 4 a t BrogOklytt-1 surprised Southern California 7-0 night At the Eaat Blda Rec. Four Chasle, piu* Perry, will form the a to, Smith add Carter them- iese inning* with f fractured 4. Baltimore lefty Art Schalleck landX are setting the mid-October press conference annoiicement to­ \ ' "There’s no do.ubt a good deal "Pompey deserve a break.” U nbeaten Jlarricrs the S partin's 21-7 triumph by re- who scored twice in Texas AAM’s team# ar/ desired to start the ‘ r* Vh subatltute roles and and Texas AAM shocked Texas %an be made." he commented. Pompey knocked out Yvon Du- Bonham ...... -k I' nucleus of th* '1955-66 squad.. selvhA both - expressed confidence. w rist? ll started against Kaqsaa City. On pace.X day. co'vering 'an Irish fumble on the 19-16 upset oVer Texas Christian. oh Nov. 15. Henna gjhimmolts'Mt^ • mark to The\ Wolverine* and the Terra­ Christian 19-16 wl^h superior Ifne 8400,000 "However, since the pension fund lelle, the /Canadian light heavy- Notre Dame 16 in the last quar- Others nominated included Tom­ ~ ' mal Leagu* pinch- Publicist at the New Haven Aren* Smitlr^iated yeaterdsy that Car­ 2. A nmner scored from first the first pitch, Vlv/’Power of the Trounce Bulkeley game* Will b# played on again thi* season la CharH* Kel­ ter coun»’t hurt him seriously. pin* tqp the nation's grid giants \play, particularly' on defense. The offer majle' to Greenberg, gets 60 per cent of the revenue, the w ei^t’ champion in two minutes ter< And he converted all three m y McDonald of dklahoma: John ...... u t j m Rub arup in th# Amari- on a bunt? Athletic iingled tO left. Schajlock Further proof that defense! are Tuesday /night Ahd all ptayert' • m Mi Ml logg, sport* editor of th* New "I took^ds best shots the last then complained,Of a twinge In his by maklSg their breaks while on , defense* are Miller said, /As-ould be a 8100,OM /players desire the privilege of ex- of th* Seventh round' of a ached- points A fter the game Iw wea Roach of Southern Methodist; ToUte ean Laogtta to\VaIe waa pitcher 8. A batter hit a legltlma^ defertee wnd capitalizing on them. | tougher he* in the fact '^amining the agreement before the awarded the ball by-his teamma­ must be Recreation memb*ra..’ji1t# UKtmlf...... -"ig **» Bab L ein^ ok. th* Cleveland Haven RegisUr.. .alnt Frank and time/and cbhtinued to go right home run and only .waa credlteji left shoulder add asked to be re­ deal. H an > ^ ’ould have to amUme uled H) on the aame cSrd as the For (he fifth time Ihi* fail. Cap Frank Sarno of Washington State; league can handle aa many a# six ...... 8 .../... - Vandy Kirk each scored four after-hlni." heNMid. lieved. P o w ^ eventually scored You can^ prove their Strength by ‘“at 92 games have b^n play^ *6 a ISO.OOfT bank note, pa.v off 830,- . contracts are signed. Turpln-Wallac* affair,: - He Idoked tain Bob Vinton paced the un­ tes for his tremendous work. - John (Drums l Majors of Tennes­ teams and ahj^ne Interested may ClQljf ■•(••**'* re's 1 T^aaa wlwN^^ * .444 mark. with a double? (k.i,. 1 this season In which at least 000 Mill owed the Pacific C o a s t/ "One thing the players do in- Where PlanutU stayed on . the see and Jone Arnett of Southern lll^70 «e#*sy«*r** JttfU another nttfW , Don New- touchdowns In' on* gam# for Yale, •Not T ^Tough* ' 4. A starling pitcher made the flrayot /three A’s runs. Balti­ Werful, indeed, opening up hi* beaten High croAe country squad to Co'ntact Dob p i BatUato, at the PublicUt CharUe Loftua report*. Carter said he was ovei-confldent more nOver'Caught up, so Schallock In rIts lTIkst (hi-three games MirhiMichl- “te of ^ the^eam ^ i waa this held stage score-' the League, apd purchase' 100 per cent alst — that shut ins not be ^u t ,/ponent with a body attack, then an easy 15-40 triumph over HarU ground, Welsh took to thy -Air aa California. -aothh af the B n ^ ^ Dodgers, only one pitch, yet w,im charged cut. Regardless of what sort of 'TV Enat Side Rec or be at tha next 1 1 --waa riumtrup in the aiMor olccult Fiwnk, a t\Co-llme All-AmerlcA in th* last 'bout dna-Added. "He's w as^arjged with the loss. (Aug. 3 pn has scored only one of eight A ^ of- the common stock, which is nishing him off w ltb-tw p rifh t ford'Bulkeley oyOr the locAl courae meeting. ■election, performed the .feet in w ith a defeat ? _ worth 820,000.’’ Miliar said. method is used, they want the, T0 U la -..> l...... »** dM ; ta thla department on OM hasla of tough but not too tmigb. in my 5. A shortstop got kayoedvgo- at-Baltimore). * touchdowns on a lonff drive. Four ! • * uppercuts. yeate^ay afterntA d d ^A L a ,181 average.. .BllIyXMartln Ing for a grounder? preferred stockholders In thq. Lit­ and inatttutlons for the car* ‘■ 27 played with but 30 gipOaaXwith ecomdill four touchdowns against The Cincinnati Boxing C<^min- 5. p'on Northey of the White Sox ble recoveries, one by an intercept- 0 ! „ l , W i n was a aad end, to a fine career. ered the coi-rse Ir)'13:52, 20 sec­ I^avy'g Welsh Neu/LeaHer South Pasadena, Calif., /Oct, 19 Tuft* in 1946. 6. A "hunt” dfhible woa a game. tiaehed a grounder over second tle Corp\ organized tvvo years ago Children and the aged." S a New Tailt Tankee* ■lon has waived Its mandatory Let’s examine these more Closely. ed pasa and another by a blocked DOOieiB W ill When he outpointed Sugar Ray onds ahead of teainmate Rlli Mac- (87—Ralph XDsPsdma,, 72, \who eight-count knockdown ~ nile'-.ifor base. Kansas Qty ehortstop Jerry kick. The six ustially were with- _.g' ^ _ to keep Skp Francispo in organized Ardle. T* 1. Cincinnati righthander Bud baseball. “I. have no intention of HOLYOKE BOUT Robinson in 1951, he became, the earned i'4 miflton dollars dt^ng the fight and also said tonighlA Schplnekl and aecond baseman Jim in 25 yards of the enemy goal. H o m e, l.o ilie st z-0 first Briton to win the world mid­ Three otljer members of Coach hla 27 yearahs'an auto race driver, ymrontf ..a..*.•*•*... tl 101 ■ l i t JpT — —— #*##***a###^ Fodbletsn slid Into second base in Flnlgan collided aa they went for freezing them jpul.’I...... ■ Holyoke, Mass,. Oct- W5— In Total Yardagb Qhined scrap would not be stopped be^ 'the third Inning against Brooklyn Today's grid hope.* are most Greenberg said he expected to Former Welterweight /Champion dleweight Utle In 60 year*. Paul Phinhe.v’s etrong equad remained in near (iritlcal condltiOu TotAU ...... ' S #10 " i i life ToUU ...... *#*«••••• cause of cuts. Carter suffered the ball. Schplnskl momentarily safely entrusted to resolute young crossed -the finish line before the ■ . ' '"■■■'■ /■ ' today following hiead surgery. The' “ Nerth M sasdgt 11) \ — ■ ah^ hurt his right .wrist. Despite was knocked unconscious and left be president of the Seals club. But Johnny Saxton and Ja^ie O’Brien, , But he ha* been on th* down­ fade cuts In the last fight that re­ men who are trained, primarily In Scoring both goals In the second Connecticut .147-pounil titlist from grade elnce, and hia loa* to Wal­ losera’ Pete Bailey who finished New York. Oct. 19 (87—G*orge(fcent/of 2 0 '^ more attempts for veteran racer tired pf hospital Ufe Ji! S i OMMh PhU WataoB a t tha H«ar sonie^ pall), he remained In thethe game with minor injuries. would remain In Cleveland with DkSrtiwe ...... •*••••% iR m p r a f ^ quired 20 stitches to close. the art of harassing enemy run­ quarter, the High aoccer team the American League club. Meriden, Conn., iviU/meet in a 10- lace'cdnvlnced hirh to 'hang up. hla sixth, 'fommy LaForge, Milt Dore- Welsh’a spectacular aerial display that'kind pf yqrdage liut night, howaver, and took NwimiAii ••#***#•'*•• 11 It A ll Comes Out game' .knd pitched scoreless ball Northey got a double (Sept. 26 at blanked Newington 2-0 yesterday a .oAb home, unkown to,hla wrtfe or 'TvArtLx •••••••*•**•«*• /10 WoMlay will ba tlw b*rt gosMs Is The referee will have nothing to ners and passers until they commit . "The important thing' ia to get round bout next ^liesday at the mus and Scott Clendaniel wound against Penn State has vaulted the tvith kta tothi of 634 yards rush­ g until tl^ seventh.. X-rays the Kansas Oty).' afternoon at Mt, Nebo. T he nbn- gloves. , dhetor. -DePalma also Ipih phsu- s.. Chappell * th# Nattootl Bodliijr L**- ^ a bunt down the'third base line. Michl^n, for example, has forcing the switch to Nebo. We offense list* in aa many w eeks point m ust bSsIs. 'The winner of DeMarco M Boston next Monday. eighth) and Jimmy Soeviile (10th) 2. C?hlCO Carrksnuel of \t>e Andy Carey of New York let the forced four opponents to fumble The .Win waa the Indians’ third man I .place here tc run the club." ^^’It"w*a Wallaca’a firat right In Despite the damp weather, the The other pace-settere were Joe a round automatically gets ' 10 White Sok was on flrirt. when N ^ i ball roll and It hit the bag. By the 19 times and haa recovered on II Greenberg, in his negotiation DeMarco/Won the crown from Sax­ the second round that did th* dam­ Rival Windham will be hereVri 164-p(>unil . Middle - q u a rte rb a ^ Clements, Texas. Claud* Benham, lints and the loaer any number of the season and second In a. row A Fox bunted down the 'third ba he,picked It up. ^ rsa ll waa occasions. The Wolve.s have In­ as. agalhat two defeats. Rea'ervea rounds, talked with Claire Good­ ton on/a 14th round TKO lest age.’ I could aee all thoe* rights day to ‘ race the ,New England completed 15 to 20 pane* for .285 Columbia, and Art Luppino, Ari- § der that. line. Qus Triandos, Beltlmork made(l for second and lie got there tercepted eight passes and all(jwed Dick Perlebaqh and John Dormer win, PCL president, and Paul I. A pril.^ut then lost it to BasIliO on coming, but tragically, 1 could not Champions. But at the present oniy^ yards rand tw o‘touchdoWpi, wnd Bona. rter fi'rat won the champion­ «ahely. He scored on ’a sacrifice only 12 'completions of the 46 Fagan, former Seals owner and a 12th round TKO 70 days later. get out of the way.” East Hartford appears strong added three yarda on th* ground Luppino, second in total bffenae 111 third lacker, left , third scored tjie Red and Whit* goals. It ■till owner of Seals Stadium. . ship from Ike WUllams on May 25, In making the play on in d ^ fie ld hit. Red Sox won, 10-5 aerials' Isihjched against them. wax PerlebaC)^ third of the fall, Hie manager G eo^e Middleton, enough) to'challenge the Indians’ for a 288-yard total, top ipmvtih>al With 606 jrards, maintained Ms LOOKIH&FQR 1951. \sihce-'ihen bai lost It to ('JUIy'4 at New York). They have >delded\a mere two Happy to CWperate /The largest fish ever landed In winning, streak which has reached fert'of the yeaL and W* second grip in rushing with Ih# skme -rasquel rounded aecond. he tied Ernie Elb for scoring lead­ "I'll be happy to cooperate, with ■ Bermuda waters on rod and reel added; Laitn-o Saias and Paddy. DeMarco touchdowns. '' ership, each having three. It 'was Have No Excuse* 27 straight. The also unbeaten beaUpaseing show in tfve years. number of yard*. A new pass lead­ but regained it fronix them In ra- Mr. Greenberg," said Fagan. Fagan , 'w-aa a 345-pound-blue marlin. Hornets ar* here Monday, Oct. 31 \ Completed 26.'of 25 er waa unveiled, however, in Dart- A harrowing 13-12 opener with Dormer's second tally of the cur­ noted that taxes on the stadiurq "We 'have no excuses. Turpin MAIN ST. matches. Missouri convinced M^yland of rent .season. . ^ ^ put hi* heart and soul into train­ In 1950, John Fprd of Hardln- moUth'i'Bill ..' ± v t had Ineresaed and said, "It will be', Second baseman Billy Martin of Slmmonit; completed 20 Of 25 .Completiona Count Merchants^in G am e the need, to niakh Adjualments. Today at 3 d'cloCk at N i^ , the all right with me if they w-anl to ing for this fight.”. • / With revamped defenses the Terps Indians were scheXluled -to play Vjrpln hit th* deck three time* the Ner/ York Yankees won a box­ heaves fOi* 2^ yards against .The D a r^ o u th quarterback hit R alph K ilter Signs take those off my hand*.’’ -i ing championihip at the Jams* Ariaona Stat^'That was th* only on 19 of 4o throws for 278 yarda CARTER won a hone-iatUirig 7-0 decision host to rival Rockville in .qnother Goodwin said other club owners before he went down froin a ter­ rific right to the head. He tried to Kenny playground in San Fran- other time In Five years any major In th* Indians' losing > effort to Against New Lo C lu b over 'fayored UGl.A' Sept. 24. nonrieague encounter.' The Conteat already had given unanim'ous ap­ ck-eo during hi# boyhood day*. colihge p ^ e r completed 75 per Lafayette. ' Executive C ontract The key play of that gaiqe came was rained out last Friday/ proval of, Greenberg's entry into Carter's rise at nine, but couldn’t quite when Maryland cfrtter Boo\Pelll- Manchester (2) Neytnigtoa the ' Pacific Coast League. make i t .' ■ \ Taking th* roadv for-the'eecpnd-^tn determining lim 11 nyihlcal grinl alanimed Into UCLA's Roug Sweet Langvilie, "The league wofi.ld 1» fortunate Wallace wasn’t -in command all £ San,-Diego,'GWif., Oct; 19,(A*»- time this season. Ae Manchester j State semi-pro UuK e ting the Peters Who was about to dive \jie G Ho have in it a man of Greenberg'i WORK CLOTHES the way and at the start of the Former - NaUtmal -I^gu# slugger tljie goal. line, aoparated, h ^ P'Oi Schaller ___ atrbwakf Ichow-how and enthusiasm," Goo;) \ ' ' !' third, h i 'wae floored tpr a slx- V: i t Ralph Kiner—his holhe run hitting Merchants travel to Morgan .Park ; newly • o r g a n i z e a ^etow n ccex*ary the Bruins' vaunted ground game LB Carpenters, Plumbera Wallace was dared end had to be MACHINE SHOPS AND STORES OPEN SATURDAY manager of t.*ie San Diego Pacific 2 o'clock.. For the past two years horses to dethrone , Coach to a minus 21 yarda -runnlng the DQri§ H art D eci«e§ led to'hi* corner. dosst Leaguej clqb. ih * locals have teemed tq -reach Salvucci's club. •••••• R i f But he already had knocked Tur­ " KInerv 32, 'yesterday signed a slick UCLA reverses which had pin down' twice In the .second 100 their peak 'performance, agalnat Betteniwurt May ■ Play averaged nine yards a try in '.54. Lindsay To JoiirP ro l a i i k s Our Cars Are % ReeptulHitated/ one-year contract, as fiont-olfic* the Whaling O ty eleven. Last fall CTi round, and he rallied again In the Another possibility In Sunday’ aryland’s five game rushing de- HUM’S fourth. At the start of the round, PMPARE NOW! • Motor Tuno-ap, ComprsMon Tested, Stcsai Clesiicd boss of the Coait League Padrei in a Uii-ifler from beginning to end, skirmish la that • acatback Joey Austin ..... at a repqrteu salary of 825,000.. the Merchant* /iSrevailed 39-20/ fenae average is 39.8 yards — best he ebook Turpin with a right, then • Anti-Freeze Tested imwDronKht to Adeqostg StrOngth. Bettencourt,-;M e r c h a n t s’ top in the countrj-. LH Miami Beach. Fla^ Oct. 19 (IP- ; F ^ S A F E CAREFREE DRIVING He pro(nplly hired his old P itts­ ,Nmv London ajao dropped the 1953 Fisher .,.. . O'Connell The rank.s of UniMd States ama­ • Steering Inspected and Adjusted ground gainer In '53^4; may per Of Maryland’s 14 touchdowns, burg leartimate, Bob Elliott, 39, to errcountcr 26-19. i ! fo'rm with the Pequota. Since coiri ' \ teur tennis wer/further thinned • Rraken Checked snd/AdJasted 5 be field, madibger. of the club, fpi, TIcJieia (Ml Sale, I'xxarily jtiX were launched by intercepted Stephens . SchwagstS today with the Announcement that pleting his career at UConn, the passea, one by a blocked punt and AUTO- •ATTERIES • Tires RcpUced m n M eassrjr the" second year; Bhiott piloted th« Tlie, Merchants have refeived popular Bettencourt hqs made it a IR Doris Hart, the /hation's- No. 1 Padres lo second place In tb< 300 ,tf« kela aa part of their guar­ another by a bad pass from center Biardi ,... Giangrave FOR D EPf JABLE. EASY STARTING • liightB Checked. A ir Adeessories Tested habit to play at leant one game a on an opponenfs/onrth down play '.woman player,'hid turned profex- standings lit 1955. antee, and 8(lk Town fans planning season vrilh the New, Londoners Vonal. / • Chatais Greased and Oil Changed- ‘ Klner, former National. League -to attend Sunday'a conteat ■ are and the Pequota' management has whick put the Terps in art advan­ BJib ...... Borawski Mias Hart, an active amateur FIRESTONE • AUTO-LITE^ MAUORY • Pain “Luster Sealed” to Protect Flniifc tageous position, . '< ■ ■■' home run king, finished his playing, iiGted to purchase t.heir dvicaits contacted Joey In regards to play IL fdr 20 years and winner of all the • Interior Inspected, aiid'Cleansd days with the Cleveland Iix^ana locklly. Tickets are already on sale . Unbeaten . Oklahoma, , ranked Dubanoskt Gai: BUCK IGNITION J ing agalnat hla old -teammates. / world's major , women’* 'tennis • Test Driven this year. He was released by the^ at Naaalff Arms and Deci'a Drive- definite answer ,is ekpected before third in the current AP poll, trav-. OL titles,, will become a teaching pro Indians to take the San Diego of- In. Also, Sunday morning fans eled only 34 and seven yards for Goals ^ o r e d by Dorber, Perle- • ACSfARKPLUGS Frlda.V- ' .. at the Flamingo Hotel here. SUPER itEicH ^ounr fer from the rliih’e neA. owner*, nhay buy tickets at the West Side Meanwhile.'the. Merchant* will two touchdowns in Us important bach. Just a week ago Tony Trabert, 1951 FORD 1953 CHEVROUT^ the A’eetgaie - California T u'n a Orval froift 10:30 until noon. practice tonight and again Friday 20- 9, victory over Texas becayae Substitutes: Manchester: Perle- the Men’s- Amateur champion, CHAMPION* # DEFROSTER TUMNG. Club Coupe. RadioA C 4-Ooor. Radio, ’iMBttr, 2-Door Da IduM Packlng'Oo.- Unbeaten but once tied In four at 6:15 at th* Igeat Sid* Oval. of pass thievery. •< . bach. Dormer, Kohen, .'Daigje, turned professional a t Los An- and heater. Nkw (» e.'^ a w 9 ModaL Has pownr- $ 8 9 5 outings this fall, the. Merchant* - Beat -Job of Season Handler,^ Jp.IfU# IVilliam^^ HESTERS, THERMOSTATS guarantee ^ ' $ 1 1 4 5 gUde. risk another record against the And for the Best throttle'job df ■geie*...... ', Ofbrge;M'uhge'i‘,~aM[ied to return McBride, B. Snilth, Gates, Toomey, Mias Hart, who waa considered to the major leagues with the Pitts­ Pequota. Thi locals have not Idst the young jeaaon.'.look at Navy'* Jurba. Newington: Gaudet, Pres­ 6 Q0 x H .... I ^ TRICO W I F E r i t ^ ^ ^ 1953 ClHiVROlLiT 195bCHi^lJt 1949 OlOSMOiNJ to a state rival in 10 meetings the Rec Senior League sickly almost from birth, took up 2-Door. iUdlo, heater, white- burgh'Pirates next le ^ n , pitched 2 1- 0 victory over a fine pitt team. cott, Smith, Weid, l-ach. ' " the game at Henderson Park In RsMIo and beater. Perfect d-Door- Ha* hydiBBsaWn hi* first viftorj'. in- the m aipri in past three seasons. Sunday^* en­ The Middle# held Pitt to 59 rush­ 4 7 0 x 1 5 6 » 6 • « $ 1 2 * 9 5 walla; tinted' gin**i 2-tone pntet. Matton wVgmr. All at#H body, 1943 w’ith the St. Louis Cardinals. counter may also go a long way ing yards, gave the quarterback Miami at the age of 10, following aignal llgbia, aent rovers. Perfect aeoeier • A Itfcludes Six (Jiibs an operation. I ■ time to try only one pass which LastN ighV s Fights 7 4 0 x 1 5 ...... i. $ 1 4 . 9 5 ^ PRESTlONE •O u r Mo^ I m Shop Cem Pkm* Hpptteaa - - C I O A C $ 7 9 5 was intercepted and t'urned loose "While I still love tennis, the ^ condition. ^ I Six^teams will- compete ,ln the end* Ron Beagle and Earl, Smith strain of competing is getting to 1950 CHEVROLET ,A.|whlrl through the automatic washer and they’re fre*h a» ^>ew. be * jittie too much." Doris told " With old c*alng-r-plua Federal and State Taxea I ANTI-FREEZE •Huoids to PruvMit L«okU9«. iw i M neuav i Styled to be both practical and comfortable, they have a' nylon Rec Senior Baiketball League thla for their kick-blocking Toullne. , London —, Gordon Wallafce. 4-Door. Efolppad. • 7 0 C 4-Deor.' N#w • " $ 5 9 5 Defense has reached a highly-re­ Canada, .knocked out Randy 'Tur­ newsmen -at a limcheon yesterday. 1953 CHEVROLET inner qiiiltlng that provides weightless. Yarnith. For men and ■eason. Entriea will be known aa C taui tferoBgbent. .V TUBELESS^ TtRE fined' level of conata'nt shift*, pin. Great Britain, 4. (Light ’’Besides, there . are *.alwaya the Alio WHITEWALLS AT BIS SAVIH0$ '?-Ton Pick-tfp Box. “ i»y*. In many masculine color* with sm>rtly

'I-/ -sr.v- r .it

- -y<: MANCHESTER EVENINO MANCHEi^TER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19* 1955 . p a g e TWBli# ife8EV»l> MANCHESTER EVENING. EERALD, MANCHESTER; CONN^ WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1MB p a g e TWENTST-SIX i X . B o m m Far Salt. 72 r a r lflls T1 Hobmb Vlof Sal* 77 Legal Notice ment and/olliar cliangea zaflacte Liresto^-rVchielM 42 , ROEMlMli Gw Eb II Room* WltttiNit Boarl II Turnoyer^d^ til* afdnnnlatratioti’a raitaratad THERE OUg IhTA BE/A LAW! By PAGAI.Y and SHORTEN n m tw w w , N E W ------AT A ajURT o r PROBATE /held 88,800 TWO BEDROOM raaeh. jnat Man^eemr. within and for Uik plaaa for aconomlaa ta all govtm* C L O T H I N b WE BUT beef eatOa and eahrea. PLEASANT ROOM for rant, three f i r s t ^ t im e X o n m a r k e t soDooonitod, 'pUSMrad, «U haat. aad Oapa Cod bomea, firaplaeea, LISTINGS WANTED mant department*, saerftaiy of 1901 rOBft Uke . mtautee from Meta. .St. MI., til* iM&s, ftiU eallars garage*, M ^ heeler, on the Ut)i day Defeiijw^nJiiit Costs Pay highest price. MenCheeter lutt eelliHr. oantrally lecatad. Cart, W f iuive available, over 200 the Tfeaeury Humpbrey'wante ti- COLLECTION C la w ^ td truae wlthxMck top, rrao, hskt- Packing Co. 30. 9-J300. new, 933. Phene 8-3193. 3-T51I. MANCHESTER tail W. Rtachlna, Rialtor. 30. 1 and 3 acre lots^^tOge trees, , , Joha.. J. Wallett, Judge. balanc* thb budget by next June* «r White 5nHB.. A-i condition elevatibn, auburtMUi, Carlton w. qualified proepacts for Real Batata at«-of Samuel~iuel J. TUrkthgtdn, tale W hVU iT? the WOS MW AQf 40 A hREr e THE 4AMI0H14. WHO'LL pCLT M3UR • *! M ill. 3Q. 9*4894. In Mid Dltfriet. de- ijiei tram Rag* Om ) e prpgremiwhlch would entel^uU F O R K O R E A throughout, fo r only SMS thia car X, FIVE R003CB Of fln i^ r e aa la.' 'Mutehtaa, Realtoro ML 9-3183, betwean our branch and main of- «IW VMEM « U nR4T ARRIVE-' 'BR4N$ pur MSORf VOU Lf *YEf. v e r t p l e a s a n t , large totHw for In federal-' spending or taqi'eaaee OflMbOr 10*22 CIhcI.I IMimliaenent will ^ v « you n t ^ yaara ol de­ \ I^ouitry gnd SappUca TVhoie ^ aepaate plaMi. No de­ Beautiful six room CoktalaL /♦38M. flcaa. We offer complete Real Ea* The executor ayfni axhlbll«d his livery. P e n w ^ reaiwilACauee me genflamah:, Parklag. laL SdttfL tat* aervic* and ar* participating administration with Mid ea- * .new memorwidum ' provUUng li^ government revenue amounting pendable, low coat^ruwportation. Full basement, hot vrater heat i^th MANCHESTER tat* to ' guldclinas” for efficleney. to 81.700.000.000., ' / ^ c o l l e c t io n d e f o t CLASSIPIBD ADVt | Biu'low- Motora, elg Main" St., to aell, 37 Wadsworth It. 30. fll.865; n V E NOOM colonial. Two* membtra of th* Multtpl* Listing ilowance. It ts MDIHH ^ TMi« It RlCl6/,TieHV AMO USED BROODER etovee, log wood new Q-B- OU burner and fumlee, OIWESEip;ORT tbkt the 'tint day of Wllaon emphasised that no big Wilson said the 934.5 Mllion /iHHfh CloD Mancheater. atovee, feedert grit Iwldere, 9-O097, • ■ . \ - ' ROOM W T ^ kitchen wirilagea 4oir^ \ plaataired waUa, fireplace, open -bar garage, on* acre. Dqllghtful SyaUm, | uctnMr,Octobi 19*8, et~ten e ’clock^Jorenooli,doer ‘ DBPT. HOURS ., 185 School..itr '30. THE REAL ESTATE ^ ^ lldln e in Mid Manchester, be end la planned. a ’’pretty good, tough one.” -Opaa Monday tkrn Bahndar tCM l/f THIt LAOVt egg beakets, water heeters) new < WANTED, \ maeulattiv clean throunout Well the Mme le aulgned for a hearine on IS. aecretery said moat of the He added that “we have .hopes door. Dynaflow, radio\ heater. Tel. 30. S-43M-^ 9-3881. and 30, |*9l8t. the allowance of Mid admlnUtratloif V 9 A.3L to 12 Noom OLD FRltNO OF- roll 3-9 eq. msah 4' wide. Moulfda, landaeiqiM, ell city utuiUes. Very Ranch (thra* geelra /tdfll.. Six CENTER. Inc.” . cUon would reault ffotn "attri* of doing a tittle/better and that Sponsored By Beat trade, loweat down pay­ ■ tHtVlQM’T PI. 3-3498. Very raeeoneble. accounf with m W estate and thia Court CLOSING TIBIB ment, monthly op.'weekljK pay­ LIHCSHV Reliable Honeat Person good location, wanting distance to robnu (three hedrodm8) idu* knotty FIVE ROOM ranch. Full baa** tarecte that notice of tho time, and ■ ■^t'*be normal turnover caueed U why we are making an. extra ef* The United Nationa tlTTLl . TO TAKE OVER Mein street qnd shopping. Imme­ .. Realtors jnace aulcned for said hearing be by Wbc)»rs reaching mandatory niPIBH ADVT. ment!. Douglaa Motora, 833 Main; A|MDrt«8 pine deq. Plastered walla. Interior ia*at, ineulated, plaitered wall*,. given to an pereone known to be Inter- fort” through fhe new “guideltaM” Aeaoctation of Maackaater HRDFRL CMPMlMMfi UNPAID BALANCE •S diate occupancy. Priced for quick end exterior aSwljr painted. Ce*. til* b*th, hot water oil , heat. ManCboster Branch eeted therein to eppeer and bo heard retlremenKMe, real^tag. leaving memoranduiq< N<1 PAYMSatT tUl November 90. ArtidiB For SalF' 45 ,.\ sale. 1.x ramie tile beith, atUrtied garage, ToungatoWn kitchen, firralace. thereon by publtehtng/'a\copr of ihia becaus* of iH-taeOth or dying. By 10:30 A. M. idONTTlLT PAYMENTS . 3S East Canter St.—3 0 3-81SI order in mm e newepaper ttaving a eir- 1958., Naah Stateaman,. two-door,\ FOR SALE-Men'e rebulH End rs- t h r e e YtOOM unfumlabad apart­ radiant heat, hot water, 'oll, veaa- Two week* occupancy, Charle* the aimple procMqre of not replac. SATURDAY 9 A. H. two tone, radio heater. Depend 817.33 ment, vety oentrally located. HEAR YE! HEAR YE! GOod buy* ralaUon In Mid Dtelrict. kt ieaet five tag iheaa, the prein^ civtiien em­ 'K \ lasted shoes. Fine ehepe. Priced \ This is a must. If you are look­ tien blinds, ehimtaum combination Leaperence. 30. 9-7320. days before the day of Mid hearing, able and guaranteed. MI. 9-5194.' reaeonemy. Sam Tuylea, 18 Maple a COMPLETE Heat, hot water and uUUtlee pro­ ing for . a. good six robm home. windowa and doors, etty aewere, •ra by tha gmaa. Call ua It sailing, and,b.v mailing In a certified letter ploye payroll of about lilS4JK)0 vided, M m e s^ y : Write Bea L, sideWiUu, curb, etc. Lot w -jt ISflTf CAPE COD — .SUc ^flnUhed roioma, buyljy, or trading. Hi* -Bllaworth on or before .Octqmr 10. ,1S8S. A.copy could bo cut* 4 . 1955 FORD FMMene cluS aedan, St, Opp. Flrat NaUonal parking. -R0030I OF BRAND HmW contaet|^ - \ ■ *®J{- .^rder to l^ederlc g. Turklng- FURNITURE Herald. Several large trees. Near new two blltllA*full___ balMmei^ very Mitten Agency. 'Realtore, 30. i f Mancheeter. Conn.; The 38,000 reduction between -^iBAClii-PICII IR ' two tone blue "and Ivory, radio, J------f_ convanlentIjF locetod. ibti Excellent ■■ 3-3930. - « Cem*‘rldge 3t.. now end next June 30 waa aati heater, Fprd-O-Matlc, white BOLTON-rBolldtag atone, veneer, Beautiful 'WeatingbouM/'Blectric MODERN THREE a a ttt- Buckley achwl, bus, atoree-'Oecu* ttnplaCb, waB atone, nagatcne. Rafrtgarator ’ CHARLES LESP^RANCE pancy within 24 houra. This ie a condition. Abundant cloeeta end mated from psreantage ^j^*'** ^ TRjPlE-SllDE.u^^w<4^ STORM Pial MI-3-5121 walla, tinted glaaa. There are mint. Quiet restdamtlu neignber- A value at $14,900. XT READY to t m , aril, aXehanga JOHN J. WAIJ,*TT. Judge. Wilson’S/ memorandum. pro- m an^m any extraa 'tfaat go with Alao elate flagging,: Boltan Notch Beautiful Bedroom Bttite hood. Heat, light, hot water, re- \ real bargain, Selltag below^ eoat Quarry. 30. 9-0317., Prompt da- . > M l 9-782^9 For ap'polhtment pleaae cell 9-9078, real * st* ^I, moitgu[*B anrangad. poaed, aa a “ target” goal, that'th* Ford beiMity! See it at Barlow Beautiful Uvtag Suite frtgarator, range,' Venetian Ootuult Howardfowaid / X Hastings, Uvary. Beautiful Dlaatm Set number of workers be reduced 3 Motora, 485 Main St., M anch^er. and TV aatanna, 838. n 3IANGBB8TBR--3 room oldat co* Agant^ lO . %U07. per cent by next Dec. 81,'fnoUter ROYAL AND Smlth-Coroiia port- Beautiful “ De' Luxe” Range Wriu Box F, Herald, CAPE ODD—Well cared forlhoin* lonlal, 3 batiu, enclo*ed porqji, ^ 1981 CHEVROLET Powergllde two , Weibtag Meehtac, Tblevlalon 2 per cent by March 21 end etin Lost and Poand able and atandard typaWritara. of itx rooms on quiet etreet, near GEORGE L. GRAZIADIO cat garage, ameMta drive, extra WE NEED HOUflES ol iOI types another 2 pSr cent by June 80, th* door, etylellne de luxe maroon. All make# ..e^wAdtag machtaea Set, RugA Lamps. Tables, ZNehea, THREE ROOM apartment SarYent, Waddell School. (Jtl heat, autome. Realtor lot, conMaient location, $18,700. iand good teveatmeiit properties. Local Stocks Fully equipped, enow tiree. Very Adults •preferred. Chll '30, 94138 end of the fiscal yeir.- aoid or ranted, tbmura on all Silverware,' Blenkets. tic hot watar. Full, batement. Manchester—3 0 9-BS7t Warren E. Howland, Realtor. 30. Your property m hy oult our buy­ The average pay for a civilian X tjbffr—vicinity t t r*lknor .Drive good condiUon, $598, Owner. MI. ‘‘Free atorege until wanted. Ftm after 8. ers. 'You can find out by calltag, MiiS V«iiilajnr» School. flv« month! makaa, 3lariaw'i ^ Ruaco scream. Price 811,900. 8-3300. employe is estimated at 84,373.. •-9«1Tk dcUvery. Free aet up by out own te­ Lavitt A O’Brian. 30. 9-3230. oM N n u Wtteh. with two white * F.H.A. commitment $9,800 for 25 ‘'Cobom B MMAebraeliu ibm Wilson made It 'plain th» econa* ■ x; LOOK—Old Dutch llable men. p aiRTER 8T, AREA, WeUtagtoa BEAUTIFUL custom built home, msriui 'under chin. Sl&ckle 11^ 1953 m e r c u r y convertible, Merc, year period. Monthly payment ap- ' 1 B..M.9rtiea my drive' will not result, lit - new .white, titanium ^ | 4 J A BoaiaaM LocatieM^--/^ - proximetcly $70. Medellne Smith, Rd. Six room col(mIel, 1% baths, BHck front,. breesawey, garage, ARB YOU CONI Chlldren'n pet. MI. »-53M. ometic. radio, heatei;, white walU, PhonFMe Imma^tely oil hot water heat; autometie hot ■ELUNO YOUR jetUiPBKTTt reductions of military peradnnel. value. 83.93 four' M.48^ For Rtnt 14 Realtor. MI. 9-1942. cabinet kitchen, dish weaher, dii' To a question, Wileoh said ba tinted glaee, electric wlndowe and at Cen poaal, flreplaca, atom seah, de­ water, ineuleted, tot 109 x 148. In­ W* wW appral## your proparty jUD«T—Frid«r. vicinity Miln St. aeata. light blue 1»dy with black gaUon. Free deliver^ HARTFORD CH 7*0388 / expdeted the Army Vmuld b* able " m ai«s, -Udy’* .Bulove ter. SW134. AIR-OONDmONKD BOL’TON—Four room ranch, mod- tached garage. Oonvenlent real* dian Drive. $20,000. Call* agent. fra* stad wuBout Any obligation. rlrtt National iteww top. Ml. 8-5359^after 5 p.m, A ^ 7 p .K.--CH : 3-4390 30.9-8229.. of Manchester 38 to retain 18 or 19 of iu-preaent 90 watch. Pleaae call MI. 100% Mata . fit. location. Parti* em. cabinet- kitchen, full, heated dential nelghboihood. Many Wa ahh> buy . proparty for caah. divisibna despite a cut ta Army 1958 CADILLAC convertible, beau­ BOY'S 90” bicycle, $18. KnAl de See It Day or Night ing. Apply Marloir’a. 83T Hata beaement, large lot 100 x 300. Im­ extrae. $19,(XI0. e- 384NCHE8TEK -*■, Reduced to Pawetesyk Lavetlea Kenneway. Aetna L if e ...... 305 with very low mileage; 11,098. A 34, Rubbleh Removal, . 30. LENNOX itlRNd and warm CARPENTERS Nand helpers waht- del 889.95. No down paymeit, G.E. FOUR buhier alectrie rimt*- 2 Complete Bitths . $12,900 is thie one-story, three bed. / Nolle# le Anna Fawelcayk Lavai- Aejna.Casualty ...... 150 .^nmmeaBcnta Sollmcne, Inc.. 884, Center St. ed. Apply 172 Highland St. ariar Lilta naw. 21 A l ^ t 8 t Honsea For Hcnt 55 MANCHESTER lee Kenneway./ , Conn. U eneral...... ,535 9-9787. air heating. Van Camp. 30. 87.90 monthly, no paymenta until 1 Lavntojry room horns on a qulst, rsiidsntial Upon the complaint of the plelntlff "YM r Dodge and Plymouth Deal­ 9-8344. 3 p.ip. in the above entitled action praying, Hartford Steam Boil. 82 KBIT STORE houra. Munaon’a -V 1953. DEIHt AND BEAR HUNTERS 37 GLENWOOD ST.—3 hedroonr \ attest, but very convenient to Candy Wtchen wtu be open week er,” rURNlTURB Repair Service: BUDGET CENTER 2 Firepkiceg \ ahopping and bus, $10,900. F.H .^ tor reasdns therein set forth, for a Travelera ...... 85 ,9l\ MAN TO pick up and, deliver cue* REFRIGERA' ^*«^Uent condl- HOUSEKEEPING CA3(PS Colonial ta exceptionally good con­ divorco on the ground of Intolerable daya from 9 a.m. to T p.m., Sun- 1983 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR hard­ CbroplAta repalrtai, reflmihtag, tomeracere. 8',-i day V^ek. cteedy 91 Center Street tion. Raaeoiikble m . 3-^18. Recreatio'in Room In Basement ' mortgage available. V.A. poeslbili* cruelty/ returnable before ■ the above PdMIe muitiaa reatoruig on all typea of furniture. dition. 26’ Hying room, new namM Court on the first Turaday of Conn. Light Power i s 4 d a y a l^ Bi 10 a.nl. to 7 p.m. top. ivory over blue, radio, heater, MilljRery-—Drcssmsklng 19 employment. Contact Bruno Me* Four to aix people 8l00 per week> ties. For further inforniation hall Hsm’s a stone window ihat • Stlf-Morlaf siona sssli ead Zlgihitad Qoada, Prop: Formerly WOOLEN REMNANTS and nig Youngstown tiled ceblnet kttchen- -Open Porch Mrs. Johnson, (jtmnectlcut Real October A.D., 19&S.' and now pending Conn. Power .... defrosters, signal - lights, and toll at. Manchester Motbr Sales. Wood and gas atove imd gee lights. dintag rooRf, tiled niodei^ bath end therein, and upon an sppllcaitnn In combiaee the stnaatliiMd batuty scratfls eta assuy rsawivilils fioai ^WAtktaa Broa. Tel. 30. 8-7449. TTONS — Coats, iults, Btrips Mr braiding and hooking. r o u n d , leather top, mahbi Estate Exchange. ork Rockville. TR. 8-8703. ^ clapboard aiding, combination of the defendant Is unknown., and that •Bo. New England name on request. As good aa a aplit rail, aleo red cedar cIoUim G.E. WASHING machine wringer R. T. (30RD0N ■torms end ecreene. Inquire about Vacant 88300—SIX-ROOM HOME, oU hot all reasonable' efforts havv been made gednes! oTMtiudedelnMimim. • Tbm'scoavealaaesiamaiila* Featuring FAMTASTIC VALUES new one, at a big savings. Sea Ceil MI. 9-3333. full tlnie In self-service groc since the InsUtution of paid action to ^ el...... 38Mi 40^ • Yoa gK jem-ptoof epemtloa tio*. sea. . . fross the lop ar Ik* on BRAND-NEW polea erected. Free eetlmete; ' MOTOROLA CAR redl^"^ Ma­ model Good condition. Price 822. Sullivan, Main*—Tel. 41 the low price. ‘ water heat, garage, 2-s acre, aacertain It. and have failed; 'IhAt \ ManntMtnrMit Oamnnalea Bob Oliver 'today, Center Motor 0-8388. V , Knowledge of meats and vc( hogany Duncan Phyfe dfop leaf yset-in. mar-oat. . . becwise elu* bottoas , . . peaeb nay ia ihe MBRCHAKCasE tables. 3«. 3-4433 or MI. 8-71 30. 94403. rw p BEDROOM, completely fur­ Call near bus, Carlton W. Hutchina. notice of the institution of M ia action Am. Hardware ...... 21 >4 28H Seles, 461 Mein M. table, mahogany rouiiff end table. 30 9-8182,30 9-:^ . was given as required by order ■tauua inuasd ^ sm end serein m et poiitiiM yoa selsct. ANTIQUES Reftalahed. RepAlrtag Movinp-—Truckinf after 7:30. nished house, from now to'June EAST CENTER S.T.—7 cpecloue police heretofore Vesued, as of record Arrow, Hart, Heg; . 47 50 ptnelselideMBowUroa weeks ef • Qaeljiy emued by e oMipeap PRIVATELY owned 1934 Nash four ^ n . 9-7273. - . . . . X ' FRIGIDAIRE SO” electric range, McKINNEY BROTHERS. Inc. appears; that the defendant apparently Aeso. Spring ...... 29 3jt done on any furniture, 'neman, Storage 20 8 years old. Phll(;o refrigerator, 18. 1980. Call 30. 9.3588. rooms con'veliteiitly located. living ITER outskirts, off Tol hM not received nollco of the pendency lEAYDO aNttlaspscUl foraaila wboN itpatstioadeiisfraai lifs. COME! BQ>. Bu y and SAVE door super .Ambassador. Radio, ISO South Mata St. Phone 30. SERVICE STATION attendant over P^icTICAUjY NEW 12 gauge room, dining room, kitchen, den Bristol Brass ...... 18 30 sine sUoy that is noa-taiiiaa, non* • Alie eveOsbte •• tagged end on Olfta, Tbole, Aluminum-ware, heater; .Kydramatic, ,10,000 miles. 28. Must be fltoroughly exper­ 11 cu. ft. with deep freeze and St. (jape. Xjod, 3 flniehqd of said action; that notice of the Insti­ ColUne...... *...... 110 /120 8-5343. AUSTIN A. CHA3IBER8 GO., Wibchester model. Jit. 3fl. 9-0313 and.leirge foyer on ist-.flfxir. 2 twin MI3S6060orMI9-3931 >ma, 4 years old. Full bath tution .of tills action, most, likely to suiaiag, virtusUy 'Yrictioa-Trse.'* bceatiful elainiiaiei sieiai doest. Electric AppUucea, Lam pe,^r- Asking fli400. MI. 8r4233. local and tong dtstance movlim, ienced. Part time, nights. SatUr. automatic defroster. PI., 2-7827 Suburban For Rent 55 xom a-tn. her. AtlMtioa -U (hat- heroin*- Em-Hart, * .... -----30 afteob^M p^m.. after 6 ,- : - -.--.-/X.... - hfdroome,-I amaller bedroom and 330 LYDAIX 8T. —Older M x room dbwnr lavatory "2 ‘ hedfOoiiu up. after nreered: It ie Tiden Supldife Jdamlry, ^ DOORB OPENBUX keys ftttAd, packing, storage; Call 30; S*81t7. day and Sunday,-30, 3-1829. sleeping porch. 2 car garage. Un- Fafnir Bearing 44H 47(4 / ■ lu ( S v p p fi, Oardea Furniture, -1982 CHEVROLET. club coupe, FOUR ROOM beaement apartment. house. Attached garage, 3% acres One acre plot. Full price 313 JOO. TRADE ALLOWANCE ON copied, vacuumlyclsanere. Irons, Hartford CH.7-U3t. 43GlAjl^ de luxe carriege, ,818; equeled velt^e at" IIS,900. ' . SubatanUel <;aah required. Phone Landara-Frary- cut. 34 - 3( Dlehee, ete. 4uatrous jet mack finish with guns, ' etc.,c., y yTepaitred t t i Shears, BEEF UP your Income 818 to 8 ^ bassinet,'-new mettrese end liner 69 Vernon AvS,, Rockville. TR. of lend, oil hot water heat, -ItiMco ecUon M jpven the derendaBt by some N. B. Machine Co. i . . . 33 E ACE OLD inO R Sf BASH riedlo,'heater, defrosters. Contrast MANCHESTER Package Delivery. a week. Clean, light delivery work Mnaical Instmmenta 53 8-8382. combination w indow a,anusite 30. 3-6273. Brae-Bum Realty. proper officer or indifferent person Km\emvee, rooweta, etc.,e put into con­ 83, Coliier de luxe stroller 810, (Austng- a true - and. atle/Aed copy of N. Eastern Steel . 084 i WE CAN ACCOMMODATE 1000 ing White wall tlFcs. A certified ditionJiUon 'tor..4tatahtt tor,4»talni heeds. Braith Light trucking and package dellv weekends for Fuller -Brush man. sturdy spring, red end white reck. Call William McBride—*0- 8-4813 drive. Priced at only 814,700. A. R. North end Judd...... 33%' 81 PEOPLE—WO CARS 34,000 mile car, excellent through 'Dependable married man with WUkla and (jompany. 3i^ 9-4388. b e a u t y UNDIMMED thle order-of notice to be publlehed In waits, 8g''Peaiirl Kreet. ety. Refrigerators, waahera and Ing horse 87. All ta excellent con­ MUSIC Instrumental, rental. Com­ Wanted 'To R «ni M the Manchester Evening Herald, a Russell Mfg...... 8% ll BALES START AT T P. M. out. See Bob Oliver today on this atoveSe moring ■pedalty...... Folding rar and references Ijyklg !n Mans­ dition. MI. 9-1603. plete line of taetniments; Rental J. WATSON BEACH snd’CO. BY THE YEARS newapaiwr circulated In- Manchester, Stanley Works 54% 3' one at Canter Motor Salea, 481 L A W ^ and leaves raked end rub-, . Ml. 3-0783. field. ■ Coventry. Gdlumbia Sree, ConilecUcut, once a week for/two suc- chairs for rent applied to purcheee price. Reprs; YOUNG COUPLE, school teacher' MANCHESTER GREEN ceMtve weeks, commencing on or be­ Terry Steam ...,..'* .1 2 5 FIlNMllfMrffNIStiMtl POST AUCTION ROOMS Mata St. ' X ish removed. Trees removed end “Write Box M^Herkld. MAPLE DINETTE set, two kitch­ Realtors Hertford JA 2-2113 Ths gl By Order of theXourt, , U.S. Envelope pfd. * .. 60 7t Firm ypur credit turned down? Don't patios built. Arthur Gay. ML MAN w a n t e d for outside work, tor, weahtag machine. Miscellane­ 3 bedroom ranch, family size 3-Roota Qerrison Colonial designed this epacioua ten room p a in t in g a n d paper hanging. _ _ PYriYlme. MI. 9-0023. , WILUAM F. FEheUBON, Veeder,-Root . . . y .... 57% 31 Route No, 5 BerUn Turnpike give up, see ‘‘Honest” Dougli t s r f i . ous. 30. 9-5150. UPRIGHT PIANO, excellent con­ kitchen. Excellent Mrch cabinets. Hot Water Heat ^. home with, it* superior workman­ ; Aiileum Clerk. 338 Mata. Not a finance compi Repair or new work. First class VETERAN urgently needs 4 or 8 ■ Newington, Conn. dition. Reaaeneble. 30. 3-8303, call room apartment. No children. Ceramic tile bath, tub, eeparate ship, 3 fireplkcci'and 3H bathe, A true copy, . The above quouuoM are not to Opp; Connecticut Light and plan. MELODY RADip»-T.V., phono’s work at reasonable rales. Ray- MAN TO WORK in gaa station \ ahower stall. Basement fireplace; Oil Burner' Attest: James Duffy, ConeUhlr. be construed ae actual, markets. art time, hours 3 to 10 p.m. See after 5. CeU MI. 9-1682, 5:30 to 7:80. Bx- ^ c h dark- oak paneUini; ta the Power C«. Building Night calls. Guaranteed aervlce. irtond Flake. Tel. 30. 9-9387 X 17“ ZENITH T.V, console model garage, 119,900. ;. Warren E. How­ City Water.and Sewer dmtag room. In the 35’ hell and ta 1951 CHEVROLET Style/itaa de an at Van's Service Station, 427 cept^ Wednesday and Friday, _ AT A COURT PROBATE held at Albert McNaney 3 0 9-2280. radio. 30; 8-9739. land, Realtor, 3II. 3-8600.. Birch Kitchen Cablnetf th^aO’ living ■ room with , stone or ALARMING SITUATION luxe aedan. Radio, heater. Jet Hartford Rd. •x~ Coventry, Connecticut, within and for black Bnlah, In axcallent condl- GONDBR'S T.V. Service, aveUable B6nd»—Stock^ - Wearinr Apparel-<-Fi!ra i>7 Birch Flush Doors firbplace and beamed ceiling. The the District ol Coventry, on the 16th Psnbfisis Farmii^nd Land For Sale 71* DELIGHTFUL eta room colonial. den with its fireplace makes a day of October. 1965. Knoxville,/fl'enn. (A’)—Five police 41 SHANNON RD. lAST HARTFORD tlcrn, 1949 Oktsmobita "IS” aedan, any time. Antenna cbnverelnna. ATTENTION / Fireplace > P i — - Mortgages 31 TWO LIONEL Q-gauge train sets Pine panel ejrbloeed porch, lava­ cheerful haven for the gentleman resent Elmore' Turkli^on, Judge. cruisera aftrieked to'e halt ta front WANTED—Ride froim Autumn St.. radio, heater. In vSry g6od condi­ PhUco fectoiy^aupervlied servira. with apeeaaorte*.•». 30. 3-7193. tory dowt^full bath up. laundry Estate of T. Euge:gene Ilubardeon, li . TEL JA E-1N3 apfutudmateiy 8:30 Am. to Oak MOUTpN FUR jacket, size 12. Ex­ LARGE F. within ten mtautee Full Bath—2nd Floor of the house. Family, size kitchen Coventry In eaJdDlctnrt,______deceased, o f a bank, only to Idzm that It tion. bougies Motora, 888 Mata Sti Tel. 30. 9-14tS. FIRST AND Second mortgages WOODWORKERS r Mancheater. Oyer room, gartige and tool ahed. Beau­ \ l a ^ e , Tolland Turnpike. MI. THAYER CARRIAGE, mahogany cellent condition, 835. 30. 9-9027. M the cent Lavatory—1st FloOf with butler’s pantry.'^ere ere 6 The Admlnlstratof having made wrlt- was an inside job. A women tell­ SEE THE EAGLE PIOHBH EFOEm iDmEW, bought’ for our own account. Fast, 100 ''acres, oice development tiful grounds on 100 x 200 foot lot. len application to Mid Court. In ac­ SQUAKE trier 4. . X . 1983 PLYMOUTH suburban two LOAM confidential . service. Mancheater lowboy cedar cheat. Reasonable. Metal Hatchway ' larjte bedrooma Including' the cordance with the statute, for an order er’s skirt got caught ta the bur* CHANNEL 90, AFTER THE flGHTR------EVERYT rtw 1 n A YTEIOKT We'have a.ttracUvS openings for BLUE WINTER coat, year., old, land. Now ctiye and pipduc- Many extras, only 814,900. Phone of M ie of the whale or pan of the glar alarm. ' tone blue, four new tires. This car Investment Oorp.. 344 Meta street. 30. 3-4822. Barbara Wood* Agency. MI. Foldaway Staira To Attic maid’a quarters, plus a dressing fREEDEUVERY FASSENOBRS wanted^ 9 :.. /is youryinswar to.the “ell pur- QUALITY TOT SOIL machine operato^ind aet-up help size 12, $15; 'gray flannel suit, size live dairy fai For details, call room 8 X l6.'sVPerroelum” storm real esUle described therein. It Is 80. 34413. ,0. 8-8418 or hie 9-7702, (jhooae Your Own Decorationa mderod’ ihat Mid-appUcallon bo Heard cr-KariftMd, Peart pose” ymeena' of tren!portat|on. ASK ABpOT OUR In our fumltaCe plan. Good liiay 10,. 85; green eortfuroy ault, rize T. J.O ock etfh t sesh and screens throughout, a SV.lhe Probate Office. Coventry, on the T ~ Building, ale. 30. sWe will gladly guarantee thia ex- 11,000 Coat* 822.28 Monthly and steady/'Employment. We are BaildinK Malerials 47 10, 84; several skirts, size 10, residence *tl. 9-'^ PRICED RIGHT large 2-car garage yvith loft and 81st day of October. 1*65. at 10 o'clock •-9158. ceUdnt Oiryaler product. Barlow QUAKirTY PRICES $1.50. Call mornings, 30. 9-1853. MANCHESTER in (he a.m.: and that notice (hereof be AND THAT’S ALL looking f6 r men with experience FARMLfcT near WUbur Croe* nearly, an acre of grq^mda beau­ gtaen, hy^publl|hlng a copy of this Motors, 485 Main St., Manchester. Nalls (picked up) . .per keg 80-50 8Q Lsurel Street WANIVD-Ride Irpm vtcinity of PROMPT DELIVERY Commission BOY'S storm coat, size 12. Uzed Parkway. Eight roonuMrf aunshin* RAYMOND T. SCHALLER tified with ahnibs and tr^ s valued order In the Manchester Evening Her- . / NO Bonus in vvoHworktag. However, we Stain Grade Doors ‘ Large six room home, two car at aeveral thduaand dollar*: In A A aid. a newepaper havjng a rtrculatinn Rolling Park to Q w nm at , MI 9-2401 two month*, reazonable. - Phone on I 'i acres. Two-caK. g*r*g«. garage, lot 100 X 135; Priced at 218 Parker Street . , in said Olefnol, and by posllrig a Copy y Appraisal Charge . wo(H'd conalder a young applicant from ...... each 83.00 poultry house, ideal hoBM for zone end'lees' than 1 mUe from ■thereof on the, public algn-|^st In th* yfflflm rtford. MI. 9-arg. / Mahogany P lyw ood...... ft. 19c MI. 9-9912. 819,300 <6r quick sale. For appoint­ Manchester, Conn. Auto"^RepainnE— PalntinE' 7 ASHES AND rubbleh removed, also i#'hf la willing to learn and has your children.' Priced 312,400. shopping ;center on high elevation. Town of Coventry In said District st MORIAR' ______niAT. OH 3-HM7 , FrbmiOg end-Sheathing ment to Inspect calt MI. 3-4265 Quiet and secluded. Round the clock lesst ten days before said day of hear* -|tilJfpT Thrae piece trio wanted atUcA'ccHafs and~yards cTeime'dT ehiip ^'expertehce in "pther' field*. Madeline Smith, Realtor. \ 30. Ov^er-Bullder fog. and that return be maot to this for every Saturday algh^. OaU FMA and GI Financing load ...... per M 899.00 and 3 0 9-0788. (Mjmfort. "So,nice to come ,home CAR BURN 0IL7 Prompt, reliable courteous serv­ Apply ’ Rooms Without Board 59 9-1342. M t 3-3198. . \ ice, reeaonabla ratal. 30. 9-2148. V Joint Knotty Pine, 3” .. .ft. 14c HANSEN and CONLON MANCHESTER—Hires milee from to.’’—829,600. , i ' ' A Specialty With " Clear Chtelng ...... ;. . ft. 7c, Center. Six room, home, epproxt- m JmORB TURKINOTON. Judge. Economy Overhaul CONNECTICUT . DOUBLE AND twin • bedrooma, COMPLETE REPAIRS fay Stuart COMMANDEF!>^ No. 2 Redwood '___ per M 8195.00 central, meal if wanted for one 314 ROOM CAPE. Fireplace. 1(ot mately ^ acre, small 'bam and WALTON W. GRANT AqtiBBOliBsf^ Sals "4 Most ell care. Parts and labor m o r t g a g e edcchaN g e SPECIAL FRICE . o.- two girls. 30. 8-3748. water heat, large lot, near bus, chicken coop. New Heating eyttem Realtor , AT A COfejRT OF PROBATE held R. Wolcott on wringer and auto­ Frank Burke (formerly FHA) N o tice achool and shopping. .Assume *1 Manchealei^- vltiiln and for Ih* 849.98. No money down 84.90 matic washing machtaea, electric WOODWORKING CO.. Inc. 2 X. 3 Matched Fir Flcwring And roof. Interior ta go(ta condl DIalrIct of Man^xler, on the llth day jkAirr cu>ER good traoa monthly. All work guaranteed. Mel Redman (fo ^ e riy VA) Andergen Windows FURNISHED ROOM, garage avail­ In accordance with the require­ 1H% State mortgage. Carlton W. tion. Aiklng 811,500. Elva Tyler. 63 East Center St.—MI 3-U53 of October, 1966. 7 « i m m m t s a l e renges, vacuum cleaners, motora, portstian- can't be eeen MOTOR SALE , West Street- Rockville able. Kitchen privilegea. Write Hutchins, Realtor. 30. 9-3132. 30. Pretent. Hon. John J. Wallett, Judge.' ■mail eppHences, welding. 180 We guarantee eheetrock, rock ments of the ^Zoning Regulations Realtor. 30. 9-4489. ..Ktlalo of Paul F, FUxzerald, late of from the it. Look behind our Fordti ChevroleU, etc. ...,8124.98 Box R, HeVald. for the Town of Manchester, 9-M84. NEAR EAST Center Street.. Six Motora, 388 Main. 3tata Street. 30, 9-3378. Help Wanted— Female US lath with any house that we com­ room gerriton colonial, excellent Man^etler, in M id Diefrlct. deceated. 0 « c e . Pbntiaca, Otdsmobllea, etc. 8174.95 Salesmen Wanted 36-A pletely furnish. Conn., the Zoning Board of Ap­ 893(». SIX ROOM, aingle 81,700 The admlnUtratrlz havftu; exhIbUed J. AND A, ELECTRIC and elec­ FURNISHED ROOM, near bath, cash required, pit hot water beat, condition, tile bath plus lavatory, her admliiletraUon account with Mid 1940 truck.: Goc SHIRT Pl^SlSS operator. Must ap­ ' We Carry A Complete Line* for one or two gentlemen. 84 peals win hold' a public hearing hot water beat, leas than year Old, etiale In thia Court for anowahbe, it la ENDS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 No Money Down trical contracting of all kinds. MI. ply ta nerson. New Model Laun­ OPPORTUNITY, old estebltehed 3fondav evening, October 24, 1955 MANCHESTER-\ city water and-eewerage. Garage. $100. MI. 9-1 / -• $7.90 Monthly Of Buckling Materiala High St. Approximately 2-3 of an a cre.^ . only $13,000. Carlton W. Hutchina. ORDERED; That the 3«th day of ob- ir Oak St. 9-9678 before 8 e.m. end’ after dry, 73 Summit -St. food citaipany can use a few home NATIONAL at 8 P.M. in the Hearing Room of lober. 1956. at ten o'clock, forenoon, a't , New Motor Guerentee 4 p.m. service aaleam'en. Excellent work­ A E. ReOty. MI. 0-6297. MI. 30. 9-B1S2, 30. 9-4894. thr Probate Offic* in the- Municipal Hart's yoMr opportuRity tne A. Re(|uest . 33 Rralnard Place. Mtnch^ler. Conn.; SALE PRICE Salao a ^ Servlec, 385 M ^ 2-7249 any time LEGAL SECRETARY. Mencheatet^ placement, umbrellas repaired, MI. 3-5952. > on e 3-yerd dump truck to b r re'- Mrmlsaion to erect ganige for 3 extra*: ■ ' BOLTON—Custom d i a l e d three I*oula iP, Flitgeraid,., Bronkl.vn. St., Btroot. M l 9-4371. Opan avahlnga. Male or female able to main­ fltotor vehicles and storage which BOX MOUNTAIN Drive Vernon- Rockville, Conn.: Heliyira Houae, *6',i W03(EN MOST careful drtacra. men's, shirt coUaTe reversed end Fuel and Feed 49-A ceived ■ by F*rat Selectmim New.rik rpqm ranch, three scree bedroom . ranch.. Youngstown Bleeell at.. Msmrhestrr. Cinii. replaced. Martw'a Little Mend-- OlRL, FOR part time work, eve- tain - equipment. Permanent Chartea A. Robbtna, R;F;D. No.'-1 will be approximately 21' above kitchen, outatanding bathroom, JOHN----- J. WAU.ETT, Judga. four door Nevri- too old to isam. Female in­ SEASONED Hardwood. Firewood T. J. CROCKETT of len'if, fireplace, cerhroic tile structor. Standard ' automatic. Ing Shop. nings,/in cosmetic department. Andover through noon on Nov. ground level which la 3’ higher bath, birch kitchen cabincte, full colored fixtures, car port, ameaite aedan. T ^ beat Bel Air model job, excellent working condi­ ' delivered ta stove, furnace and Real Eatite Broker equipped wlRi radio heater Dual taaured car. w and M Driv­ Apply Arthur Drug, 942 Meta St: lit. 1955. Full ipecification may than regulations allow. - basement, attached garage amea- driva large ahaded lot. Price re­ tions, good pay, paid holidays fireplace lengths, 118 cord. ISiSO be obtained by contacting ,Mr.. Vanderbrook Niirieriea, 23 'Ly- Office 3II 3-5416 \ duced. Warren E. Howland, Real­ pmerglida nid many other qual ing SciMOl. 30. 9-3541. SALESGIRLS wanted, full or for H cord. Pi. 2.6438, evenings Ite tirive. $21,900. Warren E. How­ 98888888888888888888888888 * 2 3 9 5 1 3 9 5 1 1 9 5 tty extrae. A one owner car driven RDildlng— Gontraciing 14 and vacation. Apply in person. Robbln*. ^ ' dall St.. Res'idence Zone A. Re­ R e sid u e MI 9-7751' land, Realtor. MI. 3-8600. tor. 30. 3*3600. \ 1 . • AUTO DRIVINQ tnstfuction. AU pi^t tlmel Apply in person. Kiddje ' after 5:30. The bids will be opened iit the quest extension of permissior. to '4 7 leia than 37,000 . miles and carries Fair, 1089 Main St. SOXmi COVENTRY,/—Attractive .'•1 - *- ■* cair written guarantee. For a truly lessons on insured dual, control STONE. BRICK work and concrete isEASONED ‘ hardwood^ cut any regular meeting ;of the , Boa i d of have free-standing grbund sign. RAN(jH. THREE bedrooms, tile work. Cell Ml. 9-5451 days. 3tl. COMMANDER three bedroom ranch, ' basement ' dependaUe car be certain to see care, . atandard 'or*\automatlc. YOUNG WOMAN to learn tc* length. $18 per cord, delivered. Selectmen on Tueeday. N ov .'1st. Frederick Knofla/ northwest 390 SPRlNQ 8t.—Custom bdilt bath, fireplace, hot water heat, BUICK U' Capabt! experienced tadtfliotore. 3-8042. Valenttao Bellucct. 1953 at 8 r.M. at the Elementary corner Mid.. Tpkf. East and Sum -. three bedrcxim home. Two-car g ideally situated oh secluded 2 garage, hot Watel' Oil heat, com/ thia one. Drive it and you'll buy manage office. Knowledge of WOODWORKING C a . Inc. Dick Noren, Bolton. ' Tel. 30. binatlon aluminum storms. Im­ ’54 BUIQK y n DODUE tt. Bob Oliver haa quality care .at Contaer Auto, School. '30. fdOlO, t.vping, shorthand, . bookkeeping 3-7093. School. 'The board reaervee the m|t St., Reiidence 'Zone B. Re- * rage, amesite drive. Bath ! an acre lot, slightly .levated, with ’50 LINCOLN Center Motor Sales, 461 Main St J A. 7-3380. , \ right to accept or reject any or Iquest permission to erect 4-famliy lavatory, fircp^ce, aun porch, lot large trees and running brook. maculate condition. Fine subtlr- 4-DOOR ' Meadowbroob 4-Doer. S> 34ASON — Fieldetohe a specialty. necessary. Apply In person. Kid­ We.st Street— Rockville bsn Hying, 813,500. Real Estate Hardtop. Stock! No, NTS19.. all hid!. , jdwelling. 1(X> X 300. For appointment -to in­ Suburban. reasonably priced. Stock No. iu t^ . Waa 8595. tone. Stock No. U*597. 1963 PLYMOUTH two door sedan. MORTLOCK'S DRIVING School. Ehntest Toth. 3U. 9-3207. die Fair, 1089 blaln. Carlton W, Hutchins., Realtor, MI. Onter,' 35 East (jenter'St. MI. Was 93495. Garden—Farm— Dairy - Town of Bolton All persons Intereated may at­ spect ceU 30. 8-43*9. A. R. Wilkie Wn* , Original 29.000 n^Ue car. .Equipped Lost confidence quickly, reatored tend this hearing. ' and Oo. • 9-5132, MI. 9-4694. 3-5151 any time. by a skilled, courteous instructor. PALMER AND CARNEY', mason WITHOUT ANY experience you Situations Wanteil—^ Prbduds .SO ' (jbarle! A. Robbins brith radio, 'heater, overdrive, can earn money for your- Xmaa ZONING BOARD OF AFjPEALS License included, tneured, duel contractors. Free estlthatea. No Female , Firit Selectman SIX ROOMS over sized Cape, two MAN(jHESTER-*-Foiir rooms. Oil OLDER H03IE with 'afx well ar­ SALf PRICE SALE PRICE . SALE PRICE tinted'glass, ;white aideWall tire* , shopping, selling Avon coametica PEPPERS, TCG plant, butternut. Dated at Bolton. October 19, William H. Stuek, (jhaTrmaa In excellent condition, two tone controlled'etenderd end hydrame,- job too big or too email. '311. almost finished. Screened beck heat, full basement. Very good* ranged roodia. DriUed well, bath, GIVES A 4-W AY tie cars bn. .9-7893. 3-4793 or ROckvUla TR. 8-4744. [ ' and toiletries in your vicinity. equeSh. 81 bushel. Bring con 1955. Cbarles-S. Towle, Secretary condLltion throughout. City - utill oil furnace, three fireplaces. Large e m n , 1998. 8<4imcne.' Ihc., 834 Full or part time,, MI. 9-3814. tainers. 338 HiHstown Rd. porch, bdsement gprege, combtna- c a p a b l e w o m a n will, baby alt, tion windows. Immediate occu­ Itea. Prtae-110.500. Charlea Easper shade trees, several acres, se- Center St. '“-Your Dodge end Ply- LARSON’S DRIVING .School, GEU4BRAL .'Construction, altera­ majith Dealere;** . WOULD LIKE kind lady in yictaf avenings alter 3. 30: 9-4192,. pancy. MI. 8-5318. anee, 3nj.;9i7390. — . eluded location .89,800. Talcot Ag­ s r a E i E i y Manchester’s only trained end tions, remodeling, plastic ti|e, ency! PI. 2-6800. counter work garage, etd. No Nb ity at Washington School' to take APPLEIS, 50c and'.up a basket, TWO 1981 Plymouths.- Both ta certified Inqtructor. For your safe-. L. M. B ^ ,'2 3 0 BlAh.HlU Rd. - ty we are trained to teach proper­ too small. Bugen# Girardta, 16 care of little girl while mother BOLTON—New four room ranch on la married ar eingl* man | beautiful condition. One- a ‘ two- works. MI. 9-2507. D6g»— 41 L. A. *4114 waman's tired incamas.' * 2 4 5 ■ ess ly. ML 9-3075. Trotter. bU. 9-8809. AMESITE DlUYES large lot overlooking lake;. Haa '4 7 door, ”^430. Was 81595 U-26-2A. , ■ Cycle Shop, lee West Middle Turn­ IMMEpiATTELY Stampa.:' furnishings SALE ta Roaedale faction. Immediate ON HOMl OS CAS 9796. eepUonally clean. To see it. drive pike. 3Q. 9-2C28. call 3U. 9-4421. Was 9l95 in to Barlow 3|otors, 435 Main St., > Free jrlft with purchase of crib TEL Ml T-4143 occupancy. Price 18,300. Liberal 4 . We(p YOU airiN'ANCt Several Fine bpportuniUea For (jOeXER SPANIEL pups, best|tiful PAPER HANOINO / mortgage can be arranged, Ed- Manchester. REBUILT UKE new boy * 28’’ RAY’S ROOFING.CO., shingle and TYjPISTS or carriage. Complete line of fur­ P e ltlN T IMSTALLMINT SALE PRICE ' SALE PRICE , SALE PRICE buff ahd blacks, 823 add 838. niture for the entire home; ward J. Holl, Realtor, 1009 Main c o n t b A'c t s t o h o Uc i bike, 18’’ and 12’’ lidewmlk bikes, built up: roofs, gutter and con­ FIGURERS - rra-fcraoNB TOWN A COUNTRY v o u B p a y m e n t s t o a s u s ' S9S9. FORD .8-cyL atatiofi wagon, ductor work.-Toof,—chimney re­ Rockvill*. TR. 6-7894. CHA3IBERS St. 30. 3-5118. bias, 9 passenger, 52,500 miles.' 3-wheel chain drive trike*, pedal FILE! CLERK M | .t .3 2 U DRAINAGE C O .- J .YOU CAN c o Nv i n i i n t l y car, tricycle*. Priced low for sea­ pairs. Ray Hagenow, Ml 9-2214. GENERAL c l e r ic a l ' FURNITURE SALES ■ . MEET ...... ------Clean, excellent condition, bodyl Ray Jackson, MI 3-8325. 517 Etaet Middle Turnpike completely reftalahed. Radio, son* eliding. 46 Lake'St. Ehct. Ml. ur Personnet.DepartmenUwouId ENGLISH SeTt ER, three months Wanted— Rea! Estate 77 9-489S. , , , . like you; to come in for an Inter­ oldr5nr3-Y080:afteF-»-p,m. Hours 10-5.p.ik. ■ 7:30-8:30 p.m. ^.*>20to*SO O heater, good tires. This is an ex- R(JOFlffiL,"Siding'and carpentzy- WANTED—5-3 room houae, be ceptioiitii buy at only 8495. Alao view anytime between.8:15 a.m. HOTPOINT electric rang* with TAKf ur TO 30 MONTHS TO 8IPAY Alteratlons and additions. O il- anfl 4 pin.—Monday through Fri­ tween $11,500, and 814,300, also 4 * 5 9 5 ’ 6 S 5 1930 YohUec 8 cyl: 2 door, btacK. GIRL’S 28” BICYCLY, like new; tags. Workmanship guaranteed. deep well. In very good condftioB. ’46 OLDSMOBILE " 1 2 9 5 LlTCBtocIi— Vehicles 42 $31.5091 room Under 811,600. Several clients . ■ t Hydnimatic, rai^ , heater. 37,500 3n. 3-4233. I A-. A. Dion, Inc., 299 Autumn day. " • - f price 840. MI. 3-7700. j .1 ll ^ ifUndily Porn*o**8 ^ft ; stock No. VT^Sn. nilea.' Mechanically excellent, SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS with targe down paymenta. (jarl- - ‘ iFftiS I Street. 30. 8-4830. THE C0NNE(*:TICUT WE BUY;-COWS,jesdves and-beef Outefandtag.’S bedroonil epHt level'. 2-car garage, ameeit*. drive. ton W; Hutchins. 30. 9-5132, Was 8185 clean except for rear fenders, cattle. Also horse*, -.^ela Bros. . AND *.8 nSf'^ a w f • » MUTUAL _ ELECTRIC ,8‘TOVEx good condl- Dry Wells—Sewer Liaes 2 ceramic tile bath'plus Uvatory, Is^rge living room with corner 9;4394. ‘ Mt I Rf.tl u .u Mcmy bthan to ChooM From. Out They Go! Look Today « *: •. Ivy ToFIN(1—Speeiaitatag in repair­ Help Waiitad->Male 36 ■ay. Due to freshen ta 10 deya. oil range,, white porcelelin with WARREN ,E. HOWLAND DM MAIM SftiET ' • • Soooed Mew YOUR LINCOLN.3IERCURY D|:i9L£Ov-:Lls^ to Statiosi WRAY Every Night triO*lC ing roob of . ell kinds. Mao new i■■7' ■ \ : V - .'

.'.7 . 'X ■> ikMNM 1-7 '4f.' 4 . ‘if 7.' ■ ^y:'W 'It':

- r ; ' - 4. , . ’"<>■' . ■t- / WEDNESDAY; GCTOBER 1«, 1988 PAGE TWENTY..EIGHT .. > “'■•.I'- JJIanflfMEtpr ,l|fraU> Vjl t^ •^ /'sL^ * AvtFfifc Dsilv Net Prtsi Ron 4 For toeTVoelc Baied * H it Wtatlier ; Oct. U . 1966 D.' M. WeattiM Barwui 'The WBA Junlora w^Rluiya a cart$' aP U * Com. Roderick Mead from tha Oeorge :>'r. •V c k ^ -aitd nckil; 'leer munity Y Friday night, atarting at Binet Print Collection uraH open at 1 1 , 8 7 5 Tomorrow . flair and 7 okiiock tnatead" of' th*« regular the Student Uokm bttwMhg at the Come In eind The New rA . •J • ■ / ’ Meotobar af^ltoa Andlt . - mild . wltli ' Inerenalng At tlia nhMnuU of Uia Ceiitcr nMbtlng hour of 6 :30. Prlcea will Univeraity of^Connectleut M tur. Bnraan jH^OlRsdatton ■/-. Mgli cfoudlncM during the after- [ Theaplwii «t Center Church MttIK be awarded, for tM bbat and funnl- day, Thel ^ fiiW ti which w ill f ^ •'U Soon. High SS-70. 'ut.coatumea ify bdya and girla, re- open to til* public from 13 "nj M a n ch e e te r "«A City 0/ P'iUqge Charni A. P' HALE’i da^ aveninjp.'K chahge In c u t WM fre hm.enta w ill be aerved and ■ally, will,be/Oil'vlew u n til Moir. g: ' to,; In’,;., ----- »'"-'i"" ■ --- e*M l— . /^IL announced. Tlie par^ ot Joe Wldia. 8 formerly played by Jhn Plerce;.wUl dancing w ilt. be enjoyed., Member* GENERAL E VOL. LXXV, NO. 17 RNTY-FOUR PAGR8—TWO SSCTlQNS) ■7 ? may Invite one or two frienda and Z>Et'jo^ J. Bluko, co; / 4 ANCHESTER. CONN m THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1955 IC kieellled A«V « 9aa* now be poftrayed by VAh IklcQuide. former jtit^mbera are urged-to at- er of n ^ ta l health.. O ^ t y n ) -PRICE nVECEM Ti 'tend. Mr*. Grace Beat. aUte field pOmipiMOner of y ^ a r c i jfbaeph /■ direetor, w ill be a gueet. and. par-, M./Doughlln, commfcaioii^ o f/fi- enti of the Children ariKalao' in^ nMce and conlra, and )naa ^ t h - ' Swede 'I \ I f T o r h i r t vited. Mu. Btule Farria, jM lor dir rine Duhn, ^ p u ty ^ udnntM oner rector, and ''Mr*. Merrill b|Ur( of wtlftttrjmll Join^ve other ex­ R eveals Prise in M^ici^ N o i n r e s b c s ln>FfW liitiitti ■upervUor,. Witt be;i.in charUfe. i pert* in /Uplainiog Oopqectlcut'a V ^ frs THi LAST WORD IM NEW $TYLING h Act' now>^rtor faat relief from tor- elated by Mr. and Mr*. WltberVAu- public ^Welfare a^tOm a t a aeriea I tu ri of jrilelK Don't wait another den. . ' . of thWernber/meetihga arranged ■ Stockholm ______, Lifta$Circlft d ^. Apply PelMoh'a Ointment al / r he Serytte, Bureau for Wotn- F i r m UW illH ead IB The, lira Nobel Pris once. iTila -■cdblmg, aobtWng, u - Th*^ Friendly Circle wHl hold ita OrgynakHona. Tha iQuUnga APPLIANCE DEPT. medicine was awarded to trlngent formula haa given joyful regular monthly^ m em ng a t thi Ije ^ Id at the Ann St'TWCA to Dr. Mugo Thaorcll, a Swej -5C-: relief to IhoiaandaNor <0 yeafa. Bunco Sc'hool tdnigl^'at 1 o'l In Mmford oh Nov. 3, 10 and 17 -iah biDchemiBt, ''for his dis- Rellevea Itching quickly. A ll dnig- All membere Are aOked to eoi fro r< 10-.30 a m. to 3 p^m. Furtjtiar CORK OAK $T. ENTR^UiCR covaHes concerning the nature 1 . lijlWmatton may be obtained from ax and mode of action of oxidatioh coatume aa/k H^oween 'pa^t^ will M A i m IndiAnapoHs, Oct> 20 (4 *)— DAN mVER MUSLIN > (peta. box SOc. Or applicator tube e Seivice Bureau, 056 Main S t„ M ensymels." * , . 75c. Peteraon'e Ointment dellghta be heldylfollqwing th*':>l«i*lheaa Gov. Gfiorge N.. Craig today m e e tii^ Hartford. , • - ''eompany ac­ He will receive ^ a ' record Reg. $2/9— 63x99 . . .. $1,59 or money back. \ /_ Washington, Oct. 20' 4yP)— ** huun nobel cash kward equal to endhd m artial la% in the Per­ “7 Outgoing n Commissioner____ .•__. rniinttnv Xrf eracounting in are invdHad. '3' . ■x Reg, $2.29— 63x108 . . . $1.49 ■T: Existence of the tuLcaac against SM,730.9$ along wipi hla Nobel fect Circle Cort). ^ ik e areae / ■ : s . Reg. $2.49— 72x108 ... $1^99 ' XT Internal Revenue T. Coleman American Fidelity w at^twrted In inalgne from King Gustaf VI but said a rrauced force of Andrews has informed S^re- todSy'jf edition of th* W iwingtoa' Adolf at ceremonies here Dec. 6g. $2.69— 81x108 ... $ 1 .9 9 » i M The money com'ea from k National Guardsmen wiH re- tary of the Tfrasurj^Hiim- Post add. Times (IsrsfU. million, foundation estab­ mfiln in Henry County under eg. 59e-H42x36 C eiei .. 49e; \ ■phrey that the insunmee firm . Under Andrews, the lished by the will of Alfred N- Service ha,c made no change civil control. , he will head when; he leaver -tax claim .againal the company, Nobel, inventor of dynamite,’ ' The Governor announcad hia d ^ •'V I Label the govemmept is iii tax apqketmah for, Vndrcwf sald-^o-' . The SWediah Academy of clsion after 'conferring with Mayor UOYPEPPERELL \ \. TJterature wilf clioose the" lit. a trouble. day» Andrews hlnuelf waa' out ^f 1 "ttry prise winner Oct. 27. Paul F. McCormack of New ptistle Andrewa’ 'oATc>-*aid today An town, in Baltimore, Pnspics and chemistr>’ winners and National Guaqd oificeri. He SUPERFINE MUSUN f ■■ / drewa told Humphrey Jn a letter, Andrews* letter to Humphrey said the p r e r e ^ force of 330 qf-"' ed Aid \ selected by the Swedish fleers and mi Rsg. $2.99— 72x108 ... $2.29 dated O ^. 10 that he though the •aid that “several months ago” he Academy of Science Nov. 2. #S 'would be cut" to Secretary ahoiild know of thia asked the chief counsel of' the A'-coraiintme from the Norwe­ about 150. Rsg. $3.29-i-8lxip8 ... $2.49 yaapect of my leaving." That waa Revenue Service, who prosatutc* gian Parukment select* tha All troops are to br^removed ^ an t a S tic ’ Rsg. $3.69—90x108 ... $2.79 fly* daya I ^ o r e AndreWa - an- caiea in the tax-court in the name peace prise winner. from Hagerstown, in Wayne Coun­ abunced hi* rsalgnation. Ha leave* of the, comn^Saioner, to find out ty. The 150 Guardsmen on duty In Rsg. 69c' 42x36 C sfsi/i' S$€ ^(HW at the. and of thi? month. "how* thia particular cas* tv pro­ Henry O u n ty will be under the • The tax-claim, fufainit Ameri­ gressing . y .” control of kiftyor McCormack in ' Washington Oct. 2 0 ( f f ) ~ / t can Fidelity A ^C a^alty Co., Inc. Andrews skid that because the U.S. the city and Sheriff Robert Pad- FVesh controversy centering UDY PEPPEREU. and SKIRTS and it* Wholly owned subsidiary, company la located at Richmond. c Ih* rest of th* county. on Gen. Ddugflag M iuiArthur American Fidelity 'Fir* 'Hiauranc* Vk. Andrewi* horn* town, "I did ,'Gfalg aaid he did not know how notWraht any doubt on .the part'of long the reduced force of troopa flared today from the Penta­ COMBED PERCALE The most popular, most comfortable outfit to wear to Co., Inc., amounts to 'Spproxbnsta- ly $5.5' miltion, including Mll- anyone that the eaaa waa.thorough­ V ictoc wduld be kept on duty and that he gon’s release of long-secret R s g . $3.09— 72x108 $ 2 .3 9 business, school or at, home. eienclea. Interest and poafible ly developed and. handlad.” . had no word on any negotiation docuii^nta-bearing on Amer­ panalties. When.he.asked the chief counsel Mtinga between tha plitoir ring ican . efforts to bring Ruaaia R s g . $3.39— 81x108 $ 2 .S 9 fll^ and the striking ClO-UnUad \ ' The company has been fighting io takq k look at the case,. Anr into the war against Japan. R g g . $3.89— 90x108. $ 2 .8 9 drew* said in hlk lettar to Hum- U. AutK-Workera fJnlon: the case in-tax court since April, „ vem* May Open Th* documanla racordad Mae- R s g . 79c— 42x3 8 '/j . ...4 SCARFS 1952. That .waa about a year be­ phrey..he asked ih*jegal officer tb Arihur aa twica concurring dlrocUy "make'a^re that th* preparation He aaid the opening of taverns, fore Andrews became chief tax hited 'Nationa, N. Y., Oct. closed und^^ martial law. and th^ J« tha opinion that RUiwa jhould /■ collector in February, 1953, of the ckW Vas as thorough a* 'it t/ gat into the conflict-r once when could be m ad' " 0 (fl^WYugoslavia and the lifting of ciirtewi would,be up to Attorneys for the iiumrance .the-local a u t'^ ...... *n Ju n e,/ concern contend that actually the Andrews’ letter, said this U.S.-fa«cked Philippines dead­ 1946. FITTED SHEETS locked again last night in new Mayor McCorfteck aaid he haa BO TTO M OR TO! company ha* overpaid rather than hik only persona\coQtkCt >rfth the not yet decided wMe he will per­ MacArthur, acknowladging that underpaid, it* taxes. A lawyer in balloting fPr .. a disputed mit tkvema to opened end the h* wantad ih* SovleU to atrik# the case said- technical ^nterpreta- (CoaHaned ea >*!»*) Security Council seat.' JBut curfew. He also said 1** did apt JapaiK right aftar Pearl - \ knovv how long the trMipa will danlM that h* ever agatil' ^vo- DAN R^» M ^ r Russia’s bid tb sext the^ Bel­ * Ruatian «,t^iSSrhOww stay. -t/ v Rsg. $2.49—Tw l^iis ./$1.79 grade ComnmnMs appeared ■The troops were ordered n m after the -Yalta Conference of ■I crippled' by an American flbroary. 1946. when m a t ooo- Rgg. $2.69— Pi^Sixi^ . $li;99 New Castle after a riot Oef, ••••BBa wer# made to Ruasia il State Flood F tm ds^d nuii^uver which placed the which eight persons were wo) , In a aUtement.ln New Yo YugoklAvs ODy another key by. giuiflre.,.....Full, martial Mw waa MacAMur declared the-z M.I / r.N . CouefeiLn c ii. not impoosd until X)ct. la/MUimigh k ^ J f j M j ^ j e p o r t "fnhy con. iJIDY^FEmRELL When voti resignedid in ^ e 60- the troops weye sent^ VAb' night • / natipni^nvG vOeneral cn^rl^ .Assambly,.Assambl Yugo- after the riot. a S u t Xidta *** ^* * conaulted SUPERnNE MUSMir / Slavik—backedivik—backed by-bothbyboth Britain and Craig ended partial law in Bkund by Yalu Richmond Monday' and cut the Rsg. $2.99— Twin Sigs .X$2.29 the Sovieti*t bloc—wasbloc—wkh strongly fa- And he eeld that one# the Yalta Berlin, Oct. 20^(ff^^A special state committee working on^ vvofed to 'wwin,\|nte.reatjn ln ,\|atereat ■ the ouU number of MMps on duty from deciatona wer* mada they became R s 5^3.29— F ull^x^''., $2.49 ■ \ flood recover^y>sas^ it iias found wa>'^a the state cAn help coma waa keen;\8inc«' ke ' aXphtlippine 1,000 to fijOO and this week cut It *H»on Wm ..ee upon other business htft no way to' ^elp the fadividual. Shemlan R. du eat woulduld deal' a heavy^ow to still further to 330. mimenr commandera. He com- the prestige of the Asian; nation’s "This decision was agreed upon, intniDd: . For coat, suits or blouse wear. Square and long stales styles K napp,.^airm an of the StAte Flooia _RecoverjMC^in«it^^ UDYfl^RELL said the committee tried In evaryf;? all-M t U.S. backers. by everyone' attending thia maat- "The attempt to interpret any in colorful prints and solid color. \ to find a loopf|Ole in which After three ballot*, in which, tlng," Craig said. "I believe the atetemenu I may have made In the OOMB^PERCALE State could haiid' out financial neithek side got the n^ded two- ;rituation now can b* Uandlad by «wree of euch poet-Y*lU dtecua- help to the man who lost a home, Firie Fatal to Two thirds majority,' it beganXto lodk loc^' authorities vvith the help of Mona aa reflecting my pre-Yalta' R s g . $3.0' -Twin Sizs .. $2.39 fumiahinga' or property. like a alMdoff, On the 9th and the'troops.” convituona ta wholly un- “I can see no way for the gov­ 1 1 1 final ballM of the two-day aCilei. Tl^governor said the only bear­ R s g . $ 3 =ullSizs ... $2.59 Skid Row Hotel the Fhlllppiinea had 31.^ Votes to MacArthui< aleo'eald In hia atate- v/'- ernment to get Into this deal," ing th ^ telegram from ClG-UAM 5 9 ^ to each Knkpp' t<4d newamen. Ha added Yugoalavla’i\27. ' presidents Walter Rauther hiUI on Chicago, Oct. 20 (JP) —At Ptetiuw Changes HALE'$^RDYW Ei^lOX-$TITCHED that the committee will recommend the declaioq waa that Reuthar did ^•■piere i* not the eUghtcat hint ' to Congreaa that atudy be given laaat two men war* kiliad and The pictureX changed When the ask union iqMbara not to angage or documentation over my Mtna- / A : propoaale for federgiry^underwsU, .-aaven others injimd. aoms be­ United States, ^ver bitter Soviet in. violenee. ,.X\’ tura in the entire Defcnae D ei^t- QUU?TEDED MA1TRmattress paps PACE SETTER- ten disaster tnauYance. lieved' serious,'tonight in a Bre opposition, pushM through a pro- Emiilier ^f%«gea Graig ment report which -erven remotely WITH CORNU EU5TIC ■ Daft Named by RIMeoff which swept through a skid mwal poetponiniK the 3ecuri|ty ReiiUier accused Craig J i u t ^ ' support of these ter- Oouncil election and Mritching to / -f- / The' Knapp'committee was ap­ row hotel in West Madison the dispute for""yoUr myn rit^ el oencesaioha ftp Ruaaja>... A 4 iw ertattd for today’s living pointed by Gov,r. Abraham ■ - ’ ■ A. Ribi- Street. balloting for the B^onomlc political advantage,"\. > ' I lapaaf, had my views bMn coff after the Auguat floods ' to ; An extra alarm was sound­ and Social Council (BCOSQC) and roqueeted OOncerning the secret the Trusteeship Coun^l. \ The Oct. 6 riot inw lvid Tax Revaluation REG. $8.98—89 x 78 TWIN SIZE $ 2 . 5 9 'V.\ kppcrtd Ay-front work up a legikjative program to ed for the blase in the 4-atory strikers inside the Neiy agreementa bearing upon Ruaela'a be presented to the special session Adams Hotal at lOOS W. Madt- On the second ballot,'Yugoslavia foundry' and- 3|000 strike Initial field work in the town’s tax revaluation. . antranca into th* Pacific War 1 ^et_the General Assembly Nov. 9. found herself elected toXECOSOC tedXy whan / gabardine, accented with embroidered'airow detail ■ son St., ahovtly before mid­ izers outside. GoV. representatlvea of Valuation Ataocialea, Ino., "meai^r Ag John J. would have oppoaed tham/aa fen- . Its work now takes in the October night (E8T). - with 46 votes—seven mWe, than quently dam ped full Murphy, at 13 L>enox St, Ronald Glendinhing of Covarttry I taatlc." floods. the required marginv No date was Lynch REG. 84.98.^4 x t,6 FULL SIZE $ 3 4 9 / on the bodice p&:1itt:Jn.r down fire escape*. bodies,' but such distinction is with nesraoce to/Telta Ijsrould I Other popular stvles available in sizes 12-20 and All of the* Injured were ckage and the /company!a offer ’ necUcut Development Qwdlt Corp. t ususily reserved for the big 11 centa. moat emphatleMw have racom- ■ X -A. 53-98 to 58*^® 12B-22B. : be given permission to l$ue bonds I. taken to Cook County Hospi­ powers, T 8 For mended agawatMlaglag the Sovtat and' provide loans to flood dam- i tal. he negotiat^ns broke down ■vfV’ f''XaG. M.««—ZIPPERaO $ 3 . 6 9 A U.S. spokesman said that the Augy 26 over/the company’s rf- into th* PneUB. wer » that lata Z. . /' $ 8 ,9 8 -$ 10 .9 8 aged industry as an aid in the'iri voting had put the Philippines in W*jj$lngton, ’ Cte’CW W — 8*n. date. To hay» white vital coacea- relocation away from rlversldea «comtn#n3inorTTrofoveJ^^TTIe a much atrbnger.position. Sources Chicago,! Oct. 2p (/T)—The search for the ala.vers of three ateiu for teuW.A janpaw would and future expansion. Committee for legislative action; (Contlni I on Pag# Two) Beall^ (R-Md) askad O q-Juatlca bewaaeMnd to m* nwwtic. so smart 1. That th state pay the entire close to the Americans pointed out boya was edneentcated today in the area where they last were REG. 14.69—RUBBER BUTTONS $ 3 . 4 9 Knapp Said no amount for .the that-'a number of smaller states Dapartmant'a AnUtriist DivMlon to­ Y uta/w ea a m eem g^ Presi­ proposed bo'nd Issue was discussed cost of repairing and rebuilding have made plain their feeling* seen alive. F ifty, uniformed policemen and detectives were as­ day to furnish th* fienata Bi dent nSeaevelt, B ritialtFlite Mlii-' at tile closedReeling but last week damaged /chool property, includ­ signed to a housS-to-house canvass of a northwest side latent CmhehlU . and Rusaian pre- semiteen ing equipment and recreational that with Yugoslavia on BCOSOC, 'rommittae with any dnformatlEiii Fun or twin.tied sizes. Real heayy quality mattreM Paiil y. Hayden, president of the it wotfig be unwise and unfair to' Backs section, around Milwaukee; Av*-"*------=------UUL.Ui.vifton obUlna on th? currant miffr ataliWAt a Russian CrtmSaa corporation, Suraested $25 million. facilities. covers that\sdll give years of wear, Seams all hound. give her a seat oh the Security ’’"I.*"'* \ i -EWT aa Jnra • ntwsprint prlc* Incraaae move. knit su it Gov. Ribleoff Vai» endorsed the 2. That th* State pay the entire Council as well. . The victims -^ Robert Peterson, | iX /«« I Ira g»*a 4 I c iim f i BaAll, a-m arnbarof th* commit-, .(Conttnaed n^ Page Mi—) r *’ " — """ ...... **' " . V ' ■ recommendation. coats of repairing and rabuilding \ Russia Bitter ^^teVLiept. on 14, John Schueasler, 13, and' hi*! »T ct41.ctl.4? V JxC talllS tea, said in hia maaoaga to th* J t^ . "I look at thia program as one deraaged to municipally owned brother; Anton, H '— got off a bus ] SUGHT IRREGULARS OF 49e Observers said Russia’s bitter tic* Daparimenctfiat th* commit­ Sparklip]^ New Jewelry i of the most encouraging steps that buildings.. there shortly before 9 p.m. Sqpday tee would ua*.euch materisa tO//de. , can be taken by the coming special (Knapp ■eatimated that th* coat* opposition to hoidigg the ECOSOC night. ' CANNIM HAND mU FADE SIZE TOWELS y . elecUftn before the other balloting ^eipih^^Parley He C leared ’46 tfrmine wdtflhsr congr«6alai)U ac setsion to enequrage industry, to of items 1 and 3 would be about Some time between then and; ttpn mjglit be adviaabi* W ith Dacron and Nylon Reinforced Sclvagea / • . “ rebuitdf damaged facilities out of I $450,000.) was finished proved she was ap­ midnight, lnve?tigators figure, the ■ - / ■ * \ prehensive. that a Yugosla.' vie/ ^ Washington, Oct. 30 (g>)--The 66 lacrMwe No! In ping/carrings and necklaces. Also bracelets. ' the flood^ areas,•' the ' Governor 3. That tha State pay th# cost youths were taken captive, beaten t a l k w i t h H Sfi. "One Canadian newqiriilt produc skid. ■ . : ■ ■ ' tory In that contest might kill Hof Eisenhower adminiptration and and strangled. T P'h' nude bodies VhanceaXto block the Philippines. er ahAounead an'IncrasiM of $6 a / 3 9 c . Each ' ■ ■ . t 7 ' - ■ ■ / . Knapp reported that these were (Continued nn Page Eleven) Sen, George (D-Gaf appeared tq- were found ju*t'4ft>r noon Tues­ ton Tueaday, to a prti^of 9131 da- The Titgbslsvs had long been s day to have patched up their dif­ day in a foi-est preserve four mile*! South Salem, N. T„ Oct. HH5P) - ...... candidate for ECOSOC. But ^ te r livarad in New Tora. and an offl- / a - ferences over hov/ t o ‘meet Red west of the place where they left Henry A.''W allac* h^-'^ited ra-I rVsV M th* Antlti Divlaion aaid BROWNELL TO Same matching colors as bath towels. they received opien ^backing/from the bus. cord* which he. clainla show that then: . , Waehlngton. Oct. $|.00 iQ * 3 ®*® each both the^Russians and BritHh for .China’s demand for a high level The manhunUr?, grim and former Presldcnf Truman gave “W# are'conducting an in ^Atty. flen. Brownell I* the Security'' Council seat;, they conference with the United States. vestigatlon u such but w* ,ar* out to Denver tomorrow i 10,000 Factories Urged formally sinnounced .theiy candi­ methodical, sought^W* I'nJ- Ike I prior approvefto aJ4aw York Cnty REGULAR 49c HRST QUALITY Plua T»\ George called yeat^rday for Red place 'where the younkaters were' speech by Wallace -Mich resulted studying thy newsprint situation." trip ralees epecuiatlon dacy forj that spot. Britain split Chins publicly to renounce the use killed.and to pick up thei’r clothing Preetdeat Ejaenkower may'non^ with the United, Stat^ in the in his dismissal k* 'Becretary of In the post a price rais* by ona CONE bath TOWELS of force before Secretary of State or other clues. (i>mmerc*. Canadiiynewsprint manufacturer w ant tn-disetBa» tke poUttcal alt- Security Council contest on Dulles would agree to m eri with uation with kla top ndviaer to ‘ . \ - For Dixie’s ‘’ Other nfficera were directed tp- Truman, In an’Installment of his customarily haa Signaled a gen­ Chinese Prenier-Foreign Minister question managers o( rldidg memoirs' published In Life Mag*-’ eral /increase. (Canada ' sup^isa that field. It ia generally recog­ (Ooattnued on Page Eleven) Chou En-lal. i abiMt 60 per cent of the newafiriht nised that the Sl-yenr-oM At»'~ Each ' * I ■ stables in the area ort the western line, writes that Wallacs Visited Point Clear, Ala., Oct. 20 (g>)—^road influence in choosing a Demo- In 'Jne With SUte Depti ! edge of the city near^tfie forest him Just before hi*, speech Sept, ~ nBuincd In the United States. torney General Is ‘‘the wizard" Southern governors were ready to- cratic National...... (Convention next *^1* brought the Georgi* Sena­ to pokflral matters for thlz ad- ;\ SALE of BETTER HATS preserve. Th* young .v'lctlms’ eves; 12, 1946, at Madison Square Gar­ Beall’s mesaag* to the Antitrust Six pastel colors in famirus Cone quaiity at a low.price. day to-make the first move'toward tor’; who 1* chairman of the For^ and mouth fead. been taped ihul 'Diviaion said; mtolsirntion, and that the a cooperative southwide‘'program den...... f. Orchid, yeliowi blue, green, pink and rose. , ■ / - fbutiou* on CoAlitibn eign Relations Committee, almost while they were held piisoher but Truman said he had no timer "The threstened increase in the Preeident frequently ttirian ia designed to promote a vast new For the most part the governors squarely in -line with the '^atS him for advic* In auch matters. Genuine, velours, fine quality*'velvets, Q Q News^idbits the tap* hsid been removed before "read-the speech even, in part’'a n d price of newsprint from Canadian jt scientific and industrial develop­ were cautious toward a suggestion Depsttmenl'a attitude toward.any th* bodie* Were found.. added* - mamifacturcra la or viUi concern soft rich fur felts, newest fall style?; ^ ment in Dixie. O ff s „ Dixie__ coalition,,______but_____ there was CulM AP Wires auch meeting. The mark* on their, facie* in<^-i "To niake things worseywhen to Us in our efforts to protect' the $15,(W6 PANBUBY FIRE An Exceptional VtHuel Value.s, to $10.00. i. Southern hopes are for .30 per ; some sentiment favoraW to a pre I t . marked a decided shin in cated the tape was . two inchesas jAVallace' . idelivered the /speech. .dissemination of news to all our Dnnhury, Oct. 20, (SV^An cent of the nation's manufacturing convention ’agreement" on a George's prevlbu?" position, ■ be­ citizens at a reasonable cost. : enriy fire bellevad to facilitlM in another 10'years--and nominee and a platform. | , cause earlier he had said, nothing have been 'caused by a short rir- SUGHT IRREGULARS OF LINEN. Millinery Dept.—Second Floor States Import . 664 hew polio (Continued on Page Nine) I (Continued on P a ^ NWo) ’Th«refort. a* a member of the 'a prograrh aimed In that d^ection Dt. Frank J.- Boday, president ease*, for /week in smallest niim- about the need for any such dec­ ■Senate CIommittee oh Banking and rnlt destroyed th* . XaUcevtow COnON CMd RAYON ' is being pushed by the Southern of the SouUiern Assn, of Science laration of peaceful intent by ' the * Rrotounuil, a popular dining aad Governors (Conference under the ber for comparable week' in' six (Sirrency, I would appreciate it if I and Industry, Ihc., told the gover- years.V isiting Russian news­ Peiping regime. Last July 24. he you would forward me any Infor­ b n w I I.B g retiUiUshraeBt. . to DISH TOWELS direction of. the Southern Assn, of : noTs' the South's industrial output urged s Dulles-Chovi En-lai meet- Hayrslown District today. Dsim- Science and Industry, Inc, men can New York City “most mation which might be brought to I since 1639 has increased from j l , ______mb)e... town in world" and ^g within six month* as the best Royal Family Dignity Loss your attention concerning the age H'ae unofficiaity estimated' • -'Gov. Orval e._y.Kaubu*.,hf . .Ar., .A t — - ...... kansas urged his' colleagues near t biliiona to nearly 60 blHioft dm)ars. Hnvite7Mayor Wagner - to —visit' F o r ! To illustrate the rapidity with Moaepw. ' , (i^nUniM^ on Page .Nineteen) (Coatimied en Pag* Nine) $i.od thi_close j}f the conference to make P IC c h ie f t a i n q u it s wlUch the South is building iu ~ T T the first tnsified effort toward re­ 'o Argentine Roman Catholic Due to Romance Veit NEW FALL FLOWERS manufacturing potential,”' he said, tea expelled by former dic- New Havro. Oct. 20 tff>—It. Colored°t>orderB in red, blue and green. The irregular­ gional-cooper., tion by inlttsting: “the (Sulf South Arqa, Which in­ — — - 1 ’ was reported in New Haven lo»_ /•> 1.- Unlforih report* on new plsnt tatbr Juan Peron leave New York Egypt, Syria Seen ities' are very slight. Wonderfully absorbent and long ' •-i ~ For coat, suit or blouse wear, , cludes Texas, Louisiana. Misaippi, Ida.r for Buenos Aires,,. Gef- b J- h .\ l c io o pe r neid? I* it ndt unfair to the royal Butler Raps GOP da.v that 72-yenr-old Htate Public locations. ' Alabama, and Northwest Florida, London, Oct. 20 (>P) —The family as a wholbTi UtillUm Commissioner Frederick w earing. ' 3. A study of Industries which -an Chancellor Konrad- Adenau’-^ NEW FALL SHADES SKIRTS has accounted for one-sixth of all r'a Wealth reported ateadlly im­ Signing t Arms Pact strongly conservative Daily Tele- ■ "The longer any ijiement of mys­ Prosperity Claims H, Holbrook, of .Madison, has re­ hkv* grown rapidly in the south the industrial construction in the proving graph warned today that the Brit-; tery is allowed to’i linger in this signed from hi* 9IIA26 W year since Wprld War II. ' United States during the past 1ft Ish Royal Family, is suffering a., affsir, • the mdfe deplorable . the post. M ORE^ THOSE WONDUFUL $1.49 VALUE A fine sel^tion of sty^s S. A regional conference on mar­ GoV. fcbicott exprjtsses .belief Cairo. EgVDt Ibct 20 (>^>- Fevnt and colors. Straight, 5 9 ^ 5 | . 0 0 years.” "loss of dignity” by‘its failure to publicity is .Ikely to become.'' Cheyenn*. Wyo.. 'Oct. 20 UP) — HEAVY FLANNEL RACK DRILL, ^ IN SHEER NYLON '■ ■■ I- ket research. Soday recounted th* growth of mover"}**" *"**» ** S^ria were! reported ready' to clarify, the Princes* Margsret-1 Prince** .Margsret. Queen Elisa­ firm an Paul M. Bbtlgr of the ' HTOCK MARKET rfuoYEO Nu jum&i-AiUwwrt gored, flarifed. Sizes 10||20. Faubuk:said; " I l is believed that Southern industry in .recent yegr*. ’' k'*' "" '*’* ••‘•I tJda.v on their Tong Peter TownsCnd mystery. beth II. the Duke of Edinburgh.gnd Democratic national committee New York, Oct. 20 Mb—Tha IRONING BOARD COVERS the auccelsful attainment of these and- then referring ;to the South’! The surprising edHorlal. In the ^the Queen Mother were the diii^r Berided Ra^blican claims of ■etork . market was huoyed today hi ■ y«M| wfklitlwU4 Mrdrab*. limited object ivea during the en vital-indorirlea of flood-mauled , a high oIBcisI said the caliltvtt by roatinued good earningi aad anticipated achievement in (he Seymour.*;, CJonnecticiit. Massa-. had apprOyed plans for the treaty Telegraph, w)ilch supports Prime j kuest* last "night of the Arch- "peace and prosperity” last night. H i ■ kTMU »• «c» |w AH M«4- coming y ^r will serve'a# a start­ next decade, he added: bishop of Canterbury and SO other Addreiaing a party rally, he aaked; ' db'idends in ita jflfth advanclaf Green Stamps Given W ith Cash 'Sales ing point for a more extensive co- chusetts and Rhode Island doctors to be signed in Damascus today, Minister Eden and *ls conceded to Now lower priced than ever. 8 7 e Each vtdNW* kaH mH .... hHcHw n ltn ..Three PlanM A Da.v' convene' in Hartford for briefing' have axesU'ent sources of (informa­ high ranking Church of England 'How. cpn the Republicans claim session. >, 7 HOSIERY 7 operativa progrkm Ih the ygar* and thit a aimilar past - between to have restored prosperity when •( dunf: hxqmHi. pwiwiwH* *r “I t will b* necetanry tokuild ap­ on latest arlentiflc-medical tech- Syria- and Lebanon was under tion from high placss, could be clergymen' at Lambeth Palace; th* ahead." proximately three planU par day nlquea. taken to Imply that__tho - Royal Arrh)ytahop’*| londnn rasidance,,— farmera are at|irarlng n «2..< bmint^ OBITFITH IN HpeitTAL ' W ill outlast lig ih e r weight covers several times. Elastic SO^auge aarjkjwam with reinforced .heel and toe for clMinMl triiMd vM «M* «!«■• study decline in farmincome, when amail Wiwhlngton. Oct: 90 UPH* thiS-pertod.-gr-k toUT '^ , Ps.'/chiatrlc report' now In mak- Informed circles in. Damascus Family alone is responsible for As thee rahkmg pfelat* of the extra wear. Sizes ffs-lL X ^ ' | . 'SMiNW.diHiMn r « c tention to iiidustrial development 10,000 plants in 10 yaarar-JCach In g may t;iv* Hartford Gpuhty businesses are suffering qp main Griffith. SA^year-old prea- ^ as the chief executives wound up reported that Syrian Premier withholding a public, statement church. whitOi dfficiayy* outlaws streets and whan 36 per. cant of ideat of the Washington Na- > -i- sU te on an average' will add 'fSd Htate‘4 Attorney's i^lce aoKner said Gharki wopid sporily fly to which 'Would end the Bpec,ujation the.semarinagC of divorqrd person* th# 2Ist annual Southern Govsr- plants to Us Industrial potential t* problem o t how 'to deal with the automobile fetaUera are losing tioaals' baaelmU.. club, Is' U hors, conference during Iwhlch poll- Saudi Arabia Vlth the text of the over the royal romance.- whose former matas are^llvlng, the money? Georgetown ' Hos|dtal "for a" . 9 8 by 1965.” • . _ case____ _ of Edward'GuinSn______Jr., ac- Egyplaln-Syrlan •' Treaty ■ in the I ’nfair to .Royal fam ily 7 Archbishop, has become pi central tiea waa mixeti.Ubetally with busif Tha future growth of Boutbenw cuaqd 6i murdVr. .. Hurricane pro- "When 13 per cent of our'popi a- eempleto Mt.*’ Griffith, aldestr nesa. ■ hope? of eiiliating that oil king- . '"This “long drawn out business' figure in the talk of a poaalble tion la-being pinched by a drm In aeUva aaetativ* to haeahaB, Is CORK induatry will be auch. Dr. flk>4ay tectibn and' flodd control aubjact dom’a aignatiirir. day after day'muat b* blghly Irk- th c J M ( pair SfMTtewear Thajnoet ahaorbiingTtdpie during aaid, . that Southmra achqpla maat Margarat-Toiynaend marriag*. ‘ farm prices, proaperity i i )’t antfartag m m aanriSa, an to-' coin I OIrla’ D*ptl COMN* : --■ ■•V of fewrth eoaferewe* of ' N e w Tha spawning'network of mlll-> aoma to the two persona , most - H i# aO-yaaf-oM Townaand. an tka thNa-day maetlng wim wbathar graduate* 96,(NM eegieeere each sound.'" •' of a torvfc Eto MAMCHlirm €d NM« NaeiHr f Fleer BeeeM 9l*er' •ginad Eeglew. National . Rivera tary treaties -In tha Mlddla Mast dooely affseted,” said tha VTale- RAF group ew>tain and kero of BUtiar inUd PreaMsnt the Smith will join ih a boxUtlbB andd Hgnrbora a Oongreaa at Hart- "Doss It mot also involv* a kjUoh would havo a mlddle-og-UM- (O aai 6) ford M xt w o tk f (OeMbwe# M FBgo IkiM ). baruta loaa of 'dignity W a wldar (OantnnoA w Pngn ■) « TT - > f "T, <- V i)