■ r^ V ‘X'‘ ■ ^.A' : t ■A'-; ■ V.., "y . V Tt®SDAY,-9CTOTER 18, J958 p a g e ■', \ A rtnre Dally Net Proas Ron ^ A^tratlfipatW O w ning Far tka WaekRadeS Tho WosthiR; n -D et. IE ' ' - A ., F aftinoM aS 0|> B. Waatfeac R a n s a ' o r l i . _ Hospital. Mambecs who arO .to county group T h if -propilaea to be- ^ me^et Mt8. Rikcr Gucst participate are reminded to bring M em ^rshipJTea ' " a delightful affair, Meettog other 1 1 . ' .Maatly Mendy apS oM teMgMt » t t t T o w i i Episcopal Church w ill meet Friday a t 5 p.m. in the parish house. The 1 . • A . l , . * their costumes and report at th'e women of the cbpiuy-in a charm­ AMCSITE DRIVfWi le>ir> afar '’40. Gnadual etaarlBg guest speaker w ill be M in iSdna Of Wat€i8 JtOJttlffht Home of President Mrs. Barbara Rpr GOP WomM in g 200 year ehfhptqe. i Thniwday beeeinlag parSy cleody EKM K. Duffy, of Fdx of Hartford, formerly of this I : v - . o Thompson,, tomorraw a t '6 p .m . , -Any othertntereited Republican EXfiHar iN srauab ■ ter u u l . AM O cU to d 7 ly itl) > _____ .\ , / A / / a w ^ a h ttln j iraw^ town, who, .will' show pictures of Weighing tonight will be at womap i^lsb'lnvited to attend. Grading__ »lsc£lae Spread — Fottia Set MtauJumtitr^^A City of ViUage Charm T) m B / m i i uKl 'preacntly odltor Base A . > ,her trip to -Europe the- past sum­ Manchester W.a t e * ' w ill hold thV.usual time, 7 :3 0 and tha gusat / Members of the Manctae'ater Re­ Also: Parking LoU v* Teania€o«rta —.Waua; jof tbe H am o^ Titnea, ^-tH apm mer. Hostesses w ill be Mm. ^ e ly n their a-eekiy meetingXohight at 8 speaker at'the'; meeting w ill be publican Wom«fh’a Club ire cor­ HICBT TONIGIIT Terms A rriaged;«- Dealr*d \ on •.'Curront JW«ot»”- at the n»o«T Schofield. M^s. Dorothy Brown. o'clock In Tinker ' M il. when re; Mrs. A. Laurence Rihir, 680 dially invitad to a nfaniberahlp tea, preseniitlves of im ^ridtlp mid , 10% FOR CASH •transactions , In r o< the Ooamo^olJUn CTub M rs . E2 aine Bagge anA Mrs. Ethel poiM .wlIl -be presented, on the Spring St., who 11 show film s of k *0) PWCE; day af^nlbon at o'^ock hi tn* to be ^ven by'the Hartford Ooui Xivlb, organizettons’ are reminded AlX INSTAI-LATIOIW SUPERVISED B* CENTS ■/ 2 C a r ls o ^ ■' successful, two-W ghl performance her vacation tripe. Federation Room of tit*, Cehter of "Tons of.Fuft’’ at the VerplanckJ * ty Republican Women's of the meeUng\tpnight , at 8 V OoncncatlOnal CJiurch. ' The Educational aub w ill hpM audltoilum. MEET TOMORBOW 'Ihuraday afternoon at tha h^a-of o'clock at the Amehlcan pegiPo DEMAIO W.W,. its first meeting of the year tomor- Tomorr^ night a' 75-m ln u te The- M ary McCliire group of the Mrs, John Mottbchl, 1588<Mebron. Hp/iie to formulate plah^for the / ESTABLISHED 1920 , . Dean WUfred B. Young of the' program ..m aolO-part'a knd dahOea Second Congregational Women's Aye.. Glaetonbury, tro p (^:3 0 to obserV'ance- of Veterans'-Day on / CALL NOW — ANYTIMB-, X Cbllege of Agriculture, Univeralty j-ow aftertioon at 3:3 0 in the audi­ torium of the Nathan Hale School. from the show will be. pre^nted League <^Ut meet - tomorrow at 8 5 o'clock. ■ N o v , 11'. The matter of form liig a MANCHESTER MI-6-7691 — HARTFORD CHapel 7-6617 of OonnecUcut, w ill be the guest- The meeting, to be conducted .by for the entertainment or the pa­ p.m. with'Mee- pari Rohrbach, 101. Member! of the Mimdieeter club permanent coinmiitee w ill also^be f speaker at the meeting of the the preaident, Mrs. Charles-Glpson. tient! at tha Newington Veterans W aahiitgtoh St.” aj-e automatlcallyiBiihbera of-the brought up at th li meeting. Qtaatonbury. Oct 19 qn— K iw a n ls C3ub ThucMay noon at wW include,.! dlscuislDn of the re- 1 2 :1 5 at the OounUy Club. As Om* of the nation'! laiv* viked conatitutlon knd ' other gen- J \ pqwar equipment buUdafo ia yciwioils Farm and ;<aty Week is eru business. All members are 1 being observed - this week,, ■ each invoatigatlng poasibiUty of urged to attend and friends gre,| locaUng a factory in this area member is hivite^ to W ing a farm ­ cordially invited. er to thd dinner as his guest ■ ' ■ where it would bund and re­ ,,,■ ________ , process atomic reactors. ?•■ ■ ■ ■ ' The semi-annual rveting of VieJ The monthly meeting of the In- First choice centers on . a Woman's Auxiliary to the Hert­ 500-acre block of land weal of asfmiiA Class of the Church of the ford County Medical Association | Ifazuene w ill be held this evening i X l I ligM in , crnnparalon MSip St., and extending to tha w ill be held Tuesday,' Oct. 35. a t .Ridgefield,/Oct. 19 (;P) —■ OonnecUcut River between Old a t 7 :45-at the Youth center, ^rs. the Shuttle Meadow' Country Club I /-.Gov, Rlbicoff, who get out by Au^. n damage, the pot l^iJU R. OrjalA a missionary for loaaek^.^poaad the highly Maid's Lane and Dug Rd. Thla in New Britain. Registration w ill | ROOM SET IS ‘ helicopter at mid^moniing for years in Haiti, will be guest take' place at 11 a .m . ' ' X- problent<of survival. ■■ location la in .South Glaatoir- ‘ tr . ^embers may bring a his second day of inspecting The plaht w’hich employe about bury north 01 Portland line tliey are also reminded to Anderson-Shea Post, No. 2 0 4 6 ,1 the fiood-mauled dectipns of 750 ’ workers -fo th# production of v,and is opposite Rocky Hill. It a few mtlea upriver from eyeglasses and old Issues V rw / aind iocla, membsra will Conhecticut, was headed for a Industrial metils, “is completely Test Votes leraid of Holiness." m e e t/ to n ig h t a t 8 o’clock at the out' of production,", according to Srqmas, site of the federal 8 Seen/ Poet to elect members to V A drama - charged cotiference Terry. govbrament's Hartford atomic \ Dr.. Ruth'B.'Y'anta has returned serve on the Poard Of Goveriiora. / with the heads of twp Sey­ The-New Haven: Copper Co., a proJeV noW being built; iCrom S w ap^tt Mass., where IX i* Important' that all officera be | mour induiitries this after-1 copper-rolling mill With payroll TheNleveloper of the GIm -’ Give- Faure /'■ tonbury/rqject le combuation ing he attended the annual Chirop(^y p re se n t- noon. / of 110 workers, la also "out of I .Seaaipn bf the. National production," after about two Weeks engineering Incorporated of Betbre he Ittt his temporary New York '^ty. a tlo n ' o t Chiroj^lata, New Manchester Grange w ill follow | hka^quarterq/here, Rlbicoff aaW of operation following recovery Month Rest ISnglknd Region I. Tnia convey- ita meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m . in froth the Aug. 19 flomi, a company In conOdenlJal meeting with hg-^-ill viaiL by apecial requeat, Glastonbury oKficiala, a com­ tian. acoordihg ter Dr. FanU. ein- Orahge Hall with an auction ini the 'Seymour Mfg.'^ Co. and the spokesman'saliL / ' 'J pbaaiaed the'importance of. chirop­ Tsvty had tma to aay to'a news- pany spokeamahs already has/ Paris, Oct. 19 (4>) — Twice charge Of the Home. Economics I *Jfew Haven CbppSr Co., both bad-, Denver, Oct. 19 , ody and, F odlk^' wa a vaiuabla comMttee. A ll membars are urged | , ly b a tte r^ by the Aug.-19 and; .m an:' / , outlined a $lo\ million victor in National Ass,embly healing Ft^aasi^. Several tvsll- to attend and to'-bring miscellane­ "We were under 15 feet of water plant and activiUea--.connected loleg on hia North African retary of State Dulles i Oct. IS flo^a. with IL known tnembera d^ the ihediOal ous artlclM fruits or vagstables | X He , aeid'he. was "deeply con­ apd suffered about $1,000,000 daiii- ter a 25-;ninute age In August. This Urns wa hsd 15 policies, Premier Edgar and Aihiropodical prpfeesion lec^ fo r the auction table.' XI A cerned" over the apeefal problems Faure apj^ared able today to Tuith President V t ‘ on foot dlaorderi and treat-, voiced by the heads of these tWo inches/of water and the visible wteta aa ifeU ds on therapy ahd ' Manchester. Emblem Club, No. damage is about $160,000. look forward to a- month’s today th at they fliBZD " • All Furiltilrt RtMlvid iy Us Ouriig This TraMn Salt Will Ba Givea to a Wdrthy Causa industries in thdlr Celephbne ' re­ m easui^ hope” for concrete - foot hygiene.* New' acientlde 351,^111 hold a Halloween costume | X quests for a conference witn-hlm. > J. B®g^kig Caa CoUapse respite from ''jiarliamentary m ethod in the iield of chtropodical party tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Tink­ /. Meanwhile, Val P.. Pelerebo, "But, becauas of-the eroeiva ac­ attack. \ results at the forthcominv therapy were introduced and dla- er Hall.xPrizaS'.will' be awarded! federal Civil Defense administra­ tion of this flood, We face the pos­ The premier won hie lateat vic­ Geneva foreign ministers cusaed, , , — for the prHtleat, most original and I tor, wiU rejoin Gov.
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