LATEST SUGAR QUOTATIONS MAILS NEXT WEEK By request of the Navy Department no mention of movement of vessel Cent Dollars will be made In future In the MAUI par lb. per Ua NEWS. m&tti Today's Quotation 6.005 $120.10 Last Previous 6.00 118.40

NINETEENTH YEAR WAILUKU, MAUI CO., HAWAII, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918. NUMF.ER 952 SIX YOUNG GARDENERS High School Girls To Mule Drags Boy By "Enlist" In Cannery HUNS SINK 13 BOATS Leg InWild Dash WILL GOTO BIG FAIR IN. AMERICAN The girls of the Maui High Lad Had Tied Animal To Leg In Order WATERS School have announced (heir To Play- intention of doing their part to -Is Badly Bruised But Is help win the war by working U-Bo- Five Boys And One Girl Go To Honolulu This Week Recovering Rapidly at during the summer vacation in Raiders Operating Close Off Atlantic Shore the Haiku cannery. As Winners In Garden Contest Will Spend Week It is reported that practically Dragged by the leg by a frightened -C- onfidence Expressed every girl in (he school bVs mule for almost two blocks, little Transportation Of Men There Judges Make Report On Adults' Contest agreed to do this. Most of these David Kaumeheiwn, the 10 year old And girls have never done any real son of Rev. I,. H. Kaumeheiwn. of tin Supplies To Europe Will Not Be Interrupted Many work in their lives outside of Kaahunianu Church, escaped death as Also Splendid Gardens This Year the school room or their homes, by a miracle, on last Mondav after Big Hun Drive Is Stopped but they seem quite determined noon. to do some now. The mule was checked in its mad CHILDREN'S GARDEN CONTEST K. Matsuda, Paholel Camp, Grove Work In the cannery is not course down Main street bv Mrs. E AMERICAN'S PROVING GOOD CENTRAL MAUI Ranch. heavy or unplensant, but it is R. Bevins, who s:iw the impending SCRAPPERS American Army 7- ni'v John Costa, Haiku Cannery. lleadqttariors, Juno -At I'k-.- m,-i.,- . , First Prize Trip to Honolulu Fair monotonous and the hours are trageuy and waved her arms in front - Naoki Matsuda, Haiku School. A. C. Pereira, Paia School. long. But the work must he of the animal causing it to swerve marines attacked at dawn and gained 3j kilometers ., a four kilometer .Nasura Teshima, Kihel School. Third Prizes $5 Cash. done, and the high school girls north on Church street where it was I rent and captured a hundred prisoners. The lighting started John Andrade, Paia School. Antone Camara, Keahua Camp. will be deserving of high credit caught by Charlie Bailey about half in (lie morning and tlie John Orellas, Haiku. Americans had gained their objective ' Second Prizes $5 Worth of Merchan- if they carry through their way down that street. I hey pr:ss d tr.c Mrs. Jessie Tavares, Makawao. resolve. injurect Germans so hard thai ;hc wa, forced to throw dise. ine child was rushed to t nee new Alfred Carvalho, Keahua School. Fourth Prizes $2.50 Cash. Malulani hospital where it was found divisions ot their host troops into line during the last three Mrs. Manuel Sunriano, Paholel tn.-- (lays. 1 he Yasuo Sato, Haiku School. no hones wore broken Americans were like timers and t'-- e Camp, Grove and that hard to hold hack even Minoru Fukuda, Puunene School. Ranch. n-- nis nuns consisted of bruises and vounded hemj; ragcr to light. Th-- y Frank Martins, Puunene School. cleared tlu Germans out of Veuil-!- v Third Prizes $2.50 Worth of scratches on all most all parts of his - - woods vesterdav evenim-" - .m.1 v.m it,,. .i- M. Ferreira, Haiku School. anatomy. rr. . nwmr.i. oils morning. Fifth Prizes $1 Cash. Hey cleared np a group of Sadie Rios, Hamakuapoko School. List Maui Teachers Tied Rope To Leg mounted l.'hlans killing 34 and cat turin-th- e Antone Camp. Ame,-;,-,,-, Yoshio Tanaka, Paia School. Carvalho, Keahua ine noy had been holding the rest. "Don't let one escape" shouted a hhr i ,, i Joe Rodrigues, Paia Camp. ropo Flora Tavares, Makawao School. picket while the mule grazed (.aught a scouting party of eieht German sli.-ir- sl,,,t..rc .,',! ;'ti...i .i,...,. John M. Brown, Camp 1 t LAHAINA DISTRICT School. Named For Next oacK oi ins home on Main street. Alfred Ferreira, Keahua Camp. Year Finally, having occasion to use his At ,i First Prize Trip to Honolulu Fair. Joe Fevella, Keahua Camp. hands some Chateau Thierrv the French and Ainerl.vms George Lindsay, Kamehameha III in game on the ground nrnry Lopez, Keahua Camp. with some other children, he disposed captung 1M) prisoners. The Amerir:ms h..U li School. Next 3 in order Appointments Made By Commission oi ine muie ny tying the rone which ligh ground northwest of Chateau Thierrv. .,'.! Second Prize $5 Worth of Merchan- Mhi uel Monez, Keahji Ump held it by the dise. ers Last Week Some Places neck to his leg. The on this sector at five vesterdav afternoon and Ar'l ur Lizaro, Keahua samp. Yet sudden blowing of an old klaxhorn the hattle was still Manuel Arial, Honokahau School. Vani.el Cambra, Keah Canv by one of the raging at nightfall. Third Prize $2.50 Worth of To Be Filled And Others Subject children frightened the Five Maui boys will leave by the animal and it dashed out of the yard GERMANS UN UISE HARD DRESSED To Conditions and down Main Prcnch 1 Antone Ariel, Honokahau School. Claudine tomorrow night for Hono street with the child Army Icaduuarcrs, kmc Continued Corm.-- lulu to spend a week at the big Ter dragged behind. The boy managed to extend line on the Uise to draw met disastrous repulse on Wednesday. They HANA DISTRICT ritorial Fair as guests of the Maui himself to a sitting position tr-e- The Department of Public InRtrnc- - and to get hold to get around Pout Ecvcsque and crossed the Uise at Carclpont First Prize Trip to Honolulu Fair. County Fair & Racing Association. Uon of the rope with his is now giving out the list of nn- - hands, and was thus able to keep woods, hut French repulsed them and the left lines at the Allies I,,.. Toshl Tasaki, Hana School. They are the winners of the first pointments as decided upon his No prize winners prizes in the second garden at the head from the pavement most of the came active betwen Uis and Aisne. Small second or third children's meeting of the Commissioners Pub- groups of prisoners were reported. contest conducted by the Association of time, and thus probably prevented (.aptured most of lic Instruction, which was held oa ms whom were terribly fatigued. Escaped French pri- MOLOKAI DISTRICT A. mains irom being dashed out on Charles Puck, of the Alexander Monday and Tuesday of last week. tne hard roadway. soner said the Germans guarding him had not received rations sine.- - No report yet received. House Settlement has been designat-e- As May usual, all of these appointments 2lh and an unmaikd letter found on an officer on other t ,,f to go with the party and to super were made .subjects to the condition the line told the same storv of food shortage.- ADULT GARDEN CONTEST vise their holiday. He is taking his they . " w o that are all tentative, and that licrhn, (Ulhcial), First Prizes $25 Cash. automobile with him, and the young no contracts are to be issued until Some June Situation unchamrod. We cantnred Manuel A. Deas, Camp 10, Puunene. gardeners will undoubtedly have the alter tne final grade examinations Changes Made earth works and trenches near Pontoise Savieres. Since Mav 27th young Luck You, Camp 2, Puunene. time of their lives, visiting the are over, when contracts shall be is more than 55,000 prisoners have been taken of whom 1500 were officers. Joe E. Ferreira, Haiku. sued as soon as possible, except in 656 guns and 2,000 machine guns also (Continued Page cases where In Loan Fund captured. Second Prizes $15 Cash. on Two.) marked inadequacy of Items 4,OIX),000,()00 the examination results or violation NEEDED IN 1919 of the rules make it appear best to Washington, June 7 Communique announces that the AmenV.-m- s withhold action until the next meet Maui Still Has Some Money For Roads and the French advanced their lines yesterday north-we- st of Chateau ing of the Commissioners; also except .merry capturing prisoners and lnthcting severe losses. Business On Maui Maui Guardsmen To ing all cases where teachers are And Wharves If Anyone Will Buy to summer War Department announces that more than a million and n h.nlf attend school or take ex Bonds County Do J aminations. No teacher, who should Most Of Work rifles have been produced since entering the war. Hard HitBy Draft Sail Sunday Night have taken the teachers' examinations JUaeAdoo has recommended the Kitchin amendment to revenue and who fails to do so, shall be By amendment to the loan fund net laws to raise one third of twenty-fou- r billion dollars, the estimated ex- the special session of the leuishitnrn penditures for 1919, by taxation. National Guard Call Has Crippled After Week Of Hard Work Local While most of the reauests mde bv made the following sums available for teachers for transfers were granted, Maui improvements, provided J.orglum, examined bv Gregory. Hughes and 1'rierson but no niib- - Handicap Ac- Is Ready bonds Many Industries Battalion Expected it was impossible to arranee all of for the purpose can he floated licity. these at present. The remaining re- Wharves and 1 robably German is cepted Cheerfully Business Must Boys Will Go Into Fort Armstrong quests harbor im attack impending at St. Miheil, patrols refill will, however, be considered provements $ 75,000 ing troop trams passing westward of Toul. Slow Up Women And Children And Later To Schofield whenever suitable occasion occurs, equipment of present ar- Admission made by military correspondent Xei- - and there are, undoubtedly, a number mories 5,000 is of the Vossiche Will Help of teachers on the lists given out who Belt road from end of pies tung that the big offensive has spent its force and that armies can not The three central Maui companies ent macadamized Kuiaha he expected to proceed now against the new ly strcngdieiied Allied lines. of (Continued on Page Six.) The calling out of the' Nation! Guard the 2nd Battalion,, 2nd Regiment, Homestead Road eastward CONFER ES SHIP STRIKES MINE National Guard, are under orders to towards Kakipi Gulch on Hague, 7 Hospital shit) Koningin Segentes has hit Maui pretty hard, notwith original survey of the June carrvinir delegates proceed to belt Anglo-Germa- n standing the fact that it was expect Honolulu on Sunday even road id the war prisoners conference here struck mine off the ing 75,000 ed and that its effects had been in a from Kahului. It is presumed that Kidding National Road and bridge, Alelele, English coast. Four firemen were killed but all others were taken off. measure anticipated. Almost every an Inter-Islan- d boat will be seht for Makawao 15.J00 PDANSJOR DANE ENTERTAINMENT the men. The Lahaina company will Iao Valley Road 20,000 Honolulu, 7 There will be no public business concern has lost one or more Belt road, Kailua June reception for Prince probably go down Sunday night or Guard Is Serious eastward.. 100,000 is of Its employees. Some have been Lining Olinda Reservoir 5,000 Aithur of Connaught who expected enroute to Japan. It is possible practically stripped. The Moir Gar Monday on another steamer. Kula pipeline extension to that Secretary Dane's party will arrive with P.ritish roval travelers. The Maui companies Keokea-Waiohu- age, for instance lost 4 out of 5 men have been at Kokomo Man Gets In Bad With beach Plans for the Dane entertainment discussed. Governor's lawn fete lots . . semi-publi- when the guard companies were must work all week getting ready. They 1,000 tomorrow, and a series of public and c receptions after return Uncle Sam When He Told Guards- Completion Olinda Reservoir. 30,000 ered on last Saturday. Gesner' are already in .Uncle Sam's service, leaves on I The road work and bridges and the lrom Hawaii planned. Party lor lido Wednesday. looked Garage lost its only man, H. M. Ges their status having changed last Sat- men Germans ner the manager being away on the Would Make Sausage Kula pipeline extension are to he built to accompany party are Kuluo, .McCarthy, Ri cnburgh, Pinkham, urday morning with the mob- coast. The place is being looked af- call for Of Them under direction of the county board Mthur Smith, lrwm, larnngton and .Malhcson. Dane may be expect- - ilization. of supervisors. 1 ter by friends. The Olinda reservoir 1 to open the hair. he exact date ot the arrival of Pane and of his It is now pretty definitely known work is to continue Cant. W. S. Chillingworth, court under dir'Ttion of desires are know n only to Pinkham. stenographer, un that the Guard is intended only for Joe Botelho, of Kokomo. is in Ho the loan fund commission. has left his desk garrison duty prob- occupied. The police force has lost on Oahu. It will nolulu under arrest under the federal ably take the place of regular troops espionage act, on Thursday iirH.xi.xt; a number of men. Both the Bank of already, or account of remarks Maui and the Baldwin National Bank about to be withdrawn he is alleged to have made derogatory GOVERNOR TO RECEIVE NO FEAR FOR ARMY SUPPLIES from Schofield or Shafter. There is to the national guard 1 - are short handed, the former losing also a report and American Washing. o::, une 0 C".!hii .liscu:.;.d :.;thir.arine s;tu::tii'".. Ih- Mr. Bridgeford, its insurance man, that the guadsmen will forces and in praise of the German Invitations were received bv Maui be drawn upon up said food : v. ply is uninterrupted, is any fe;.r in and the latter W. H. Engle, assistant to fill to full war troops. people this week to a garden fete to ver avmy's nor there strength various infantry regiments Botelho was be given by Governor Pinkham to that regard. cashier. on Oahu. at Paia on Mondav The Kahului Railroad has lost 70 Should this be the case it while the national guardsmen were morrow afternoon at his home, the STEAMER SL'NK OFF VIRGINIA SHORE will mean that some of the guardsmen ot men. The Wailuku Sugar Co., the drilling preparatory to leaving for resiuence Ur. and Mrs. C'has. B. Navy Department announced Norwegian steamer Eidsvold had Puunene plantation,- and the Maui at least will probably have a chance Honolulu. He made the remark to Cooper, in Honolulu. The affair is to see foreign service with these other a guardsmen presence a reception in honor of Hon. Frank- Leon sunk yesterday afternoon 40 miles off Virginia coast; which was Agricultural Co., have all lost import- organizations. in of others, to ant office men and clerks, besides enect mat "tne Germans will make lin K. Lane, secretary of the interior, raider's last known position and closest know n approach in shore. Naval It is mince-mea- large numbers of laborers. also believed that the men of t out of you fellows when and party, who are due to arrive to- (Continued on I aye r.ujlit.) class A-- l of the draft will be used in you get over to morrow morning for their ollitial visit John Watt, county agent for the so France." This was food commission, left for Honolulu on far as needed to recruit up the reported to the county authorities and to the Islands. strength of the guard companies. Botelho was Inasmuch as a large number of Monday night to join his company. Busy arrested and lodged in Week For Everybody the Wailuku jail. U. S. Marshal Maui residents will be in the capital WIRELESS MARKET QUOTATIONS (Continued on Page Eight.) ine week has been a busy one for Smithies in Honolulu was notified, tomorrow to attend the big fair, it is and Deputy probable that this island will be well (Continued Marshal H. E. Parrish on Page Eight.) arrived on Wednesday and took the represented at the reception. SESSION 10:30 A. M. JUNE 7 1918. ANOTHER "DRIVE" FOR prisoner to Honolulu the same even- SLACKERS LOOMING UP ing. WAILUKU MAN Company 2s.r0 JOINED Botelho declares that he was simnlv IN HONOR OF SENIOR CLASS Ewa Plantation Ag soon as the two regiments of RED CROSS joking when he made the remarks Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co the National Guard have completed which got him into trouble. The no- - The faculty of the Maui Hii;h McBryde Sugar Company ' their mobilization, a round-u- p of draft Seabury Short, of the Wailuku Su lice also School, on Thursday gar Company, take this view of the mat- evening of last Oahu Sugar Company 31.' deserters will be started by selective has resigned his posi ter, but what the outcome of the case week, gave a 'Colonial dinner" to the anu Sugar Company i draft officials. The round-u- will be tion leaves ton Honolulu tonight will be remains to be seen. Botelho senior class. The Domestic Science Olaa where he will up "4-A- conducted under Instructions received take active work is a " (with dependent family) lanai was decorated for the occasion Pioneer Mill Company 29.', Xrom the provost marshal general's lor the Red Cross. He will be for draft man. a nil music was furnished by Taveres' Waiakia Agricultural Company I'.'i 0 office Washington. Every local the time being an assistant in the in ore lies Int. Honolulu Brewing & Malting Company 10, man of draft age will be required to Red Cross canteen which has been After the dinner dancing opened Earning Thrift Stamps by was the Products Company show his classification card, and will for the benefit of the national getting order of the evening and the dinner Mineral probably be taken into custody if he guard troops at Fort Armstrong. Lat-- r subscribers to the MAUI NEWS is party was Honolulu Consolidated Oil Company . . hopes somewhat augmented by fails to produce it. he to be sent to France. easy and honorable. The boy or girl the arrival of other guests. Eugels Copper Company n- - who will work and stick to it can I he following were among those Mountain King Mine present: Mr. and Mrs. W. S. CHANGES IN KAHULUI MAUI DOCTORS CALLED earn War Savings Stamp Beeman, Hawaiian Sugar Company 31.. Prizes. Miss Mary J. Couch, Miss Bar- - RAILROAD CO'S TO Mary STAFF JOIN COLORS ten, Mile. Cecyl Hollidav. Miss Onomea Sugar Company Blanche Mast, Miss Vivian Gardiser, Hawaiian Pineapple Company J. Patterson, for several years sta- Dr. Fletcher G. Sanborn, of Kauna- - SHRINERS NOT COMING .mi. aim Mrs. k. E. Pleasant. Miss Railway & Company tion agent for the Kahului Railroad kakai, Molokal, and Dr. Frank K. Oahu Land An. a Karrer, Miss Elizabeth Lindsay, Mutual Telephone Company at Wailuku, has been promoted to the Missner, of Kahului, received notice A regular meeting of Shriners was .Santera Walker, Miss Lois Murdoch, 20 00 position foreign freight and ex- - last week they of that had been called held in Honolulu, on June 1st, at Miss Miy Yoshizawa, Miss Ruth Par- San Carlos preBg agent with headquarters at Ka-- ' from the army medical reserve corps which time it was decided not to come ker, Kapohawimohewa, Honokaa place Wailuku hac been to report duty Miss hulul. His at for active in Honolulu. to Maui in July. Orie' '), Richard Linton, Miss Montana Bingham filled by T. U. Linton, until the first Dr. Sanborn goes into service with The next session will probably be Ir "(iss thlg cir- Rita Rosecrans. Madera of month clerk of the second rank of captain, while Dr. Missner is held in Honolulu during the month of D 'Mollis Hardy. Alfred cuit court. a first lieutenant. November. i.mus;iy. TWO THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918.

Six Young Gardeners Canadian Troops In A Trench In Northern France Co. Will Go To Big Fair Jimo 3able Jialiumi Slailroad k Daily Passenger Train Schedule (Except Sunday) El If'fe 141 : I. W 1 1 K7"t x WW (Continued from Page One.) Ml ISM m 'l'lt following schedule went into effect June 4th , 3 Fair and seeing the Bights of the TOWAUU8 AllLKU TOWAHDK HAIKU capital city. Distance Girl Goes Too liltllCl 2 4 Miss Margaret Cabral, of Hana, (1 who was one of the prize winners in Mill! STATICNS Mllis last year's contest, but who was un- M P M V M a'm m r m t m p m able to make the Honolulu trip at the A 1 time, been allowed by the commit- 5 33 3 $0 258 42 6 3.1 ..Wailuku.. L 6 4.!8 50 jo' j 35 j 31 has 3o.ft "53 ;.a o 6 3 tee to take her prize nt this time. She 3 . 3 2l'!' '5,8 5 c. 50 9 00 40 45 j 4 left on Wednesday by the Mauna Loa .. Kahului .. 6 1 accompanied by her sister. The ex- S 203 17, 27 12.0 ,.. i i 52 42 3 47 of Fair Asso- 7 8 "A 7 02 1 3 ecutive committee the 5 03 '7 - 52 57 meeting on Tuesday Spreck- ciation, at its " eisi!le "j afternoon, decided that, the young lady S 09 3 05 15 8.4 ..9 7 3 ' 53 3 S8 her prize now, 2 was entitled to take 5 o 55l I8 5 L.. ..A 9.8 7 '5 05 4 10 and inasmuch as no other girls have l'am permit to go A.. won lirst prizes, to her 4 5 2 8 ..I, 7 2 to Honolulu at the Association's ex- 53 03 '7 2 074 pense accompanied by her sister. S a 47 7 57 7 24 2 14 4 If "kunpoko A Big Success 34 "j ".9 Contest 4 46 7 5&j-- 7 25 2 15 4 20 The children's gardens contest, 5ia a big 4 45 '2 4o 5 L.. ..A! 7 33 2 23 4 28 which is just closing, has been .. .. committees which 1.4 '3-- success, and the a.. ruti ..i. 2 did the final judging last week were 4 44; Si 7 49 7 35 25)4 30 amazed at the extent of the interest 4 40 2 35 7 45e o II... Haiku ..A 15.3 7 40I...... 2 304 j5 which has been taken in most of the districts. In many places a great many obstacles have been overcome PUUiMENE DIVISION by tiie youthful agriculturists, and the results accomplished in a number TOWARDS PLUINKNE TOWARDS of instances have been truly amaz- kahului ing. 3 2 4 As an example, Naoki Matsuda, of STATIONS fastsnjir Passantir tittaica listaiea Piisiitir the Haiku School, one of the first " PntMr I'm, niinirifr1iMf-i'-'-'i Ti it t niiBhaiiirtiMiiMiBiiiiiffiiiriiii inniiaiiHriitifr' AA-i- hTt JPatiiifra prize winners, had created a remark- M m MII11 "HUM P7m pm" ably systematic garden in an old taro in part by This photograph shows a trench the northern of France occupied some of the Canadian troops 6 00 2. 5 t '22 3 16 patch below Pauwela. It was one of .0 A..I'uunene..L that have made such a fine record for bravery and skillful fighting. I the very best gardens that the judges 3 00 6 10 2.5 0 f 11 3 05 looked at, and besides this the boy's a 1. All trains daily except Sundays. record of his work was in itself A Protective Policy Firm In The Faith masterpiece. 2. A Special (Labor Train) will leave Wailuku daily, except Sundays, bookkeeping Memorial Day Is Well A colored recruit said he intended A colored minister of the Raptist Train .lames Lindsay, head of the Haiku 5:30 a. m., arriving Kahului at 6:50 a. m., and connecting with boy to take out the full limit of Govern- Church, so runs the in order at at committee, states that another Maunaolu to strengthen and confirm the faith the 6:00 a. m. for Puunene. had even a better chance that Naoki, Observed At ment insurance, $10,000. On being train his of his congregation, took as his text: 3. BAGGAGE RATES: 150 pounds of personal baggage will be carried fr but had been obliged to abandon told by a fellow noldier that he would "In those days came John the Bap garden the moving of the Pauwe- of charge on each whole ticket, and 75 pounds on each half ticket, when with The pupils of Maunaolu Seminary be foolish to pay on so much when tist, preaching, in the wilderness of la caiyiery to Haiku. baggage is In charge of and on the same train as the holder of the ticket. last Thursday afternoon gave a patri he was likely to be shot In the Judea. "Oh," said he, "how I like Cchool Department Approves to read these precious words in the For excess baggage 25 cents per 100 pounds or part thereof will be Memorial Day program. replied: I The committee received a letter otic trenches, he 'Huh! reckon blessed Bible! You don't read any- charged. from Superintendent Kinney, of the Songs, recitations, exercises and I knows what I's doin'. You-al- l don't where about John the Presbyterian, For Ticket Fares and other Information see Local Passenger Tariff I. C. C. school department, advising that readings all brought home most fore- - s'pose Uncle Sam is gWine to put a or John the Methodist, or John the p 3, would be no objection to the ., . ... j first-lin- e No. or inquire at any of the Depots. there ioiy me meaning ui .urnuiiwi $10,000 man in the trenches, Episcopalian. No, brethren, it is prize winning boys being excused do you?" Boston Transcript. John the Baptist." The Argonaut. from their studies to make the Hono- and the necessities of the present lulu trip, provided their school work time. was satisfactory. It is understood In respomo to the question "What every case these i hat in practically you doing this year to show boys are among the best students in have been the schools. that you are loyal citizens," the fol Adult Garden Contest lowing list was given by the children: The adults' garden contest, in- Saving food, wheatless days, Thrift augurated for the first time this year, Stamps, meatless days, Red Cross brought to a close last week, faith-fullv- , was also work, war gardens, studying and the final judging done. The prizes which will be paid in cash, and War Saving Stamps, no waste amount to about $300 in all, have been food or clothing, Belgian baby (they provided by the County Fair associa- sunnort a Belgian orphan), Letters D. Baldwin, who has tion and Dr. W. (thev wrote many letters home and taken a very special interest in gar- friends telling of the need of con- The generally. to Show den work on Maui Greatest Reports from other districts than servation and thrift). Central Maui have not yet been re- The children voted to continue their ceived. loyalty work during vacation. n- - The following urogram was given Ever Staged In Hawaii by the pupils of Maunaolu Seminary: Memorial Dav Program Song "Star-Spangle- Banner. Lahaina Items Flag Salute. Why do we have a Memorial Day? Reading Primaries The following articles were made Eva Enamoto, Evangeline liaiston, by the Lahaina Red Cross during the Wiiilehna. month of May: Song "Battle Hymn of the Republic" 124 suits pajamas. Fourth Grade. One week of thrilling, hair-raisin- g, military and cow- 24 flannel shirts. Exercise "Memorial Day in ar 71 pillows. Times" 8 hot water bag covers. Esther Fearey, Lilinoe Rowland, Surgical Dressings Rose Chun, Ellen Luke. boy stunts. A remarkable show of Hawaii's Industries. otiOO 8 x 4 compresses. Song "America the Beautiliu 84 5 yard, rolls. Memorial Day Fourth .raue. Knitting. Reading "Lincoln's Gettysburg Ad Many big surprises. 37 sweaters. dress" 21 helmets. TTMivntieth Tnite. 3 pair socks. Recital "Hats off, the Flag is Passing 4 mufflers. By" 1 pair wristlets. Elsie Goldstone. Heading Primaries A Nurse's Plans Change 'The Blue and the Gray Letters have been received from Rose Chun. Mrs. Charles V. Latimer, who, before Song "Keep the Home Fires Burn her marriage was MirsLoret a Shearer. ing-- Miss Shearer was the head nurse, for Question What are you going to to some months of the Pioneer planta- this summer to snow uiai j tion hospital. She left Lahaina in good citizens? TERRITORIAL February to go to France with the Soing "America", 5 stanzas. Denver Red Cross Unit, hut her plans (5th stanza) changed! Her husband, Captain "God bless our spienuiu men, Latimer of the signal Corps is at pres- Send them safe home again, ent stationed at Vancouver Barracks, Cod save our men! in the State of Washington. Happy and glorious Dauntless and chivalrous The public is cordially invited to Winners of freedom, the closing exercises of the Lahaina-lun- a God save our men." School, which will be held on U- - Thursday, 13, 10 a. m. FAIR June at LAND SUIT NOW Mrs fiossin. of Baldwin Home went DECIDED FOR PLAINTIp r over to Kula on Sunday to spend two MAY BE APPEALED or three weeks wittt Mrs. jones. Tin it hunded down a decision this week in the case of David K. Ka-llplt- e Committee Tliihi and Kin Choy, Honolulu, 10 15. Promotion court to plaintiff. The June finding for the holds the title or tne property m n Urges Local Travel vests in the plaintiff, but that it is subject to a leasehold interest of the defendant Plaintiff is also to re- Fred. L. Halton, secretary of the cover the sum of $642.80 as rental. i Promotion Committee, gave an ex It is understood that the case will exceedingly interesting illustrated be appealed. talk at the Paia Community House, Thw man was once before through Fair will be opened exactly on time. on Tuesday evening, which was heard the courts, the decision of the circuit bv some 300 residents of central Maul court that time being for tne j Wednesday evening he showed sev- hut nn anneal to the supreme of afternoon eral reels of splendid new pictures of court was remanded for trial. . Change program every and evening. the volcano, surf riding at Waikiki, and scenes along the coast of the is- lands at the Wailuku Orpheuin, and MRS. MOIR SUFFERS PAINFUL fascinated the audience. It is easy INJURY AT LAHAINA WHARF to imagine that the same pictures should create a sensation on the main Mrs. John T. Moir, Jr., who arrived land. Last night Mr. Halton talked with her husband on last Monday at I.ahaina. night from Hilo, was painfully injured The Promotion Committee is not when landing from the ship's boat at doing active work to bring tourists to Lahaina by having her hand caught Hawaii at present owing to transpor between the gunwale of the boat and tation ditliculties, but it is keeping its one of the stanchions of the wharf. lines of communication open with Her injury was later dressed at the tourist agencies, and others against Malulani hospital in Wailuku. She H the day when the war will be over will probably lose a finger nail, but or more adequate shipping be avail- her finger will be saved. m able. In the meantime Mr. Halton is c pushing a campaign of "See Hawaii First" lor our own people. He states Earning Thrift Stamps by getting that he has been able to get low rates subscribers to the MAUI NEWS is to teachers and others on all of the easy The boy or girl islands, and the outlook for a very and honorable. considerable volume of this kind of who will work and stick to it can travel this summer is very good. earn War Savings Stamp Prizes. 4 THE MAUI NEWS, I RIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918. THREE Program For Fair County Agent's McCarthy Soon To Inspect Lands Week Sounds Good Weekly Report Shortly nfter his inauguration Gov- ernor Charles J. McCarthy, accom- Military Sports And Work Have Im- Kula panied by land Commissioner B. G. General crop conditions good. Talk- a surveyor stenog-- portant Place Hawaiian Rodeo Kivcnburch, and a i ed with H. Saida regarding the advis- rapher will visit all government lands M ability of having a community exhibit Will Be Exciting Feature Secre- in tite islands with a view to ascer- WAM-- at the Fair. He agreed to call a taining their condition before provid- tary Lane May Open Fair meeting of farmers to discuss the ing ways and means for throwing matter. them open to homesteaders. Report of last week misquoted The new covernor has announced Honolulu, June 4 The big which stated "Abe's beans looking ' program thai a speedy bomesteading of lands of events for the Territorial good" instead of "being harvested," will be one of his first acts, and this Fair next week is practically com- as given in the Weekly Letter. will include those government lands TO W1M plete. A few changes may bo neces- Kailua upon which lenses have expired or sary hut it will remain substantially In a trip through the Kailua dis- are about to expire. The governor-des-- ! ns arranged now. The Army and trict found much improvement in ignate points out that surveys of all Navy has made it possible offer to acreage under cultivation. i rovernment In.nds have been made the greatest array of spectacles, sus- Hawaiians growing taro in the o taining jand are now matter of record. interest through an entire gulches. The new ditch camp labor- These plans were announced by week, that ever has been offered an ers planning to raise taro and veg- Island public, Colonel McCarthy Saturday in view of while the collections etables for their own consumption. a resolution passed by the house of of displays in a score of mammoth representatives urging exhibit liuildings at Kapiolani Park, Lahainaluna School an immediate really The boys are getting a fine exhibit survey of nil government lands for will be wonderful shows in into shape for the Fair. l.r.mesteading put poses. themselves. Under the general homesteading It is hoped to have Hon. Franklin Meetings The County Agent met with the U. plan, however. Colonel McCarthy does K. Lane, Secretary of the Interior, rot think there will be nny sugar formally open the on Monday S. Boys' Working Reserve Committee Fair ( j'vnt ion n noon, 10. Hp and later with all the bakers. onsi the lands whose June should arrive at li ases have expired. Honolulu from the Coast next Satur- Haiku Fair out day. In this connection he points The committee of the Honolulu The Haiku Farmers Association that if tlies" government lands, now Chamber of Commerce and the Terri- held a fair to show what is being planted to sugar, are homesteaded, torial Government which has been ap- done in this section. The exhibits much of the cane will undoubtedly be pointed to receive' the Cabinet mem- were a credit to the people of Haiku. mm lest because of the fact that home- ber, cabled him last week, asking him Many of these exhibits will be shown Jfflw steaders do not have to go onto the 10 open the Fair, but no reply has at the Territorial Fair in June. Much one or possibly two years. though in improved and land for been received at this writing, interest all methods With the land uncultivated in the in- it Is expected at nny hour. advanced ideas which will help in any , terim, he say--.- the weeds will have With the exception of events, way the the work is shown. three killed the stools of cane. Star-Bulleti- practically every feature on the Fair's n entertainment program will have a i distinctly military flavor. These three features are of unusual interest 7th Grade Entertains however. They are the Hawaiian Supreme Court To Hear Kodeo, the r tournament and Maunaolu Graduates the track and field meet. Several Maui Cases In the first, of these, arranged by Eben Low and Angus McPhee, the Thursday evening. May 30th, the Islands' champion cow ropers and 7th grade girls of Maunaolu Seminary, The following cases from Maul will broncho busters will compete again Paia, gave a dinner in honor of.the bo before the territorial supreme for the Hawaiian championship. Ikua two graduates of the class of 1918, court at its June session: Purdy, acknowledged world's champ- the trustees, the faculty and a few Anlone Hernandez, Jr. vs. Sociedado ion cow roper in 1908, Archie Kaaua. others, thirty-si- x in all being seated Lusitana B, do Hawaii, a corporation. who won third place at Cheyenne the at the long tables In the dining room Error to Circuit Court, Second Cir-rui- t. plaintiff-appellant- ; , same year, and Maikal Keliilike, pres- of Baldwin Hall. E. Murphy for ent Island champion, have promised It was an unique event, for the ex- E. C. Peters for defendant-appe- l to enter the lists again. cellent three-cours- e dinner was cook- lee. Low said this week that he has re- ed entirely by the girls and proved Territory of Hawaii vs. Alfred Fer- ceived assurances several likely young the best of demonstrations of their nandez. Exceptions from Circuit cowmen and broncho riders from the vocational training under the direc- Court, Second Circuit. Attorney Gen- other islands will enter the event, tion of the matron, Miss Hill. A eral and County Attorney of Maui for and it is certain that a number of ex- most rapid service of the different plaintiff-appellee- : E. Murphy for defe- pert horsemen frhom the Fourth Caval- viands was rendered by the Gth grade, ndant-appellant. ry-will compete in the riding tests. girls clad in aprons and caps of County of Maui vs. Mary do Rego, The first part of the Rodeo will be waitresses. rt. al. Erros to Circuit Court, Second held as the final event of the first An elaborate address of welcome Circuit. County Attorney of Maui for afternoon's program, and will be open was most, clearly given by one of the plaintiff-appellee- ; E. Murphy for de- to all comers. The final?, beginning older girls and Mrs. A. C. Bowdish fendantsEllen K. and W. T. Robin- 'at about the same hour the following spoke in an, interesting manner upon son appellants. day, will be open only to those who "The Future Woman." In the Matter of the Petition of qualified Monday. This will be one Later in the evening an amusing Mary Ah Sam for Support of Her of the big spectacles of the thrilling play portraying the dream of a little Bastard Child. James Akina, defend- events on Kamehameha Day. girl who rebelled against household ant in error. Error to Circuit Judge, Twelve teams have been signed up tasks was d in the school Second Circuit. E. Murphy for plain- and the schedule completed for the lanai play-hous- The remainder of tiff in error: Attorney General and tug-of-w- tournament. Two pulls the evening was devoted to dancing. County Attorney of Maui for defend- President Wilson says: "I call upon the able-bodie- boys to will take place every evening in front It was a most enjoyable and sucess-fu- l ant in error. of the land turn in hosts lothe farms and make of the grandstand, beginning at 8 erent. In the Matter of the Application of certain that no pains and no labor is lacking in this matter." o'clock, the final tug, to decide the Among those present in addition Grand Hotel Co., Ltd., et. al. for a coming Saiurday even- Mr. of against T. B. championship, to the faculty and students were Writ Mandamus Mr. Hoover says: "In order to count on a maximum production of food in we ing. Comparative strength of the Mrs. H. W. Rice, Rev. Mrs. Lyons, et. al. Resclrvc.d Questions this country not only have and and to race substitution for the lost by putting teams is entirely unknown, and prob- A. C. Bowdish, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. from Circuit Judge, Second Circuit. units our men at the front. Every boy in active productive service in ably the final result will be doubtful Sloggett, Rev. and Mrs. R. B. Dodge, C. II. McBride and E. Murphy for pe- the United States will oppose a similar working hoy in Germany. The United States Boys' Working Re- until the last pull. The teams in the" Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hardy, Mrs. Kim- titioners; County Attorney of Maui serve must be the dominant organization in the effort to mobilize the workiig boys of the United Stales." tournament are the Honolulu Iron ball, Dr. W. D. Baldwin, D. C. Lind- and Frear, Prosser, Anderson & Marx Works, Stevedores, Second Infantry, say, Mr. Judd, and others. for respondent. Fourth Cavalry, 25th. Infantry, 32nd. The annual graduation of 8- - Infantry, Engineers, Coast Artillery, the Seminary will take place at 10 Hawaiian Team, National Guard, o'clock, a. m., June 8th. (tomorrow). School Makes Marines and Navy. Wailuku Chairman Howard N. Mosher, in charge of the track and field meet, Good Thrift Stamp Record believec that nearly 300 athletes will Fourth Liberty Loan in games Saturday participate in the 4, S, 7 8. of Wai- 15. More Grades and the afternoon, June interest Comes In Late Fall public school have 100 percent has been shown in amateur athletics luku year ever before, record in the purchase of Liberty here the last than Bonds, War Savings nnd Thrift BOYS! ability and athletes of unusual have Washington, D. C. June 2 The Stamps, every pupil and teacher of been discovered and developed by the Fourth Liberty Loan campaign will having The army units, with these grades some of these different clubs. be held some time in the autumn. The securities on May 31. The total in- many recruits direct from eastern information comes from the treasury vestment for the school amounted to colleges, have also given a great im- department which reports that govern- racing nnd field work. $2096.75 the first of this month. petus to foot ment expenditures have increased Following is the complete record The track meet program contains $300,000,000 in the past month and Uncle of all grades: .Sam occupy W twenty will the ants events and that the monthly expenditures now major portion of the afternoon, though total more than $1,500,000,000 which Liberty the daylight features of the Fair will includes loans to Allies. The cost of E Bonds end with a chariot race, between two the war averages $50,000,000 a day. 55 calls teams from the Fourth Cavalry and This figure sets a new high record as Grade Total Your Country you to active service. You can do one from the Quartermaster Corps, compared with the expenses of the of Honolulu. other belligerent nations. Still greater e. re 3 O full share in The complete program, as at pres- outlay ig forecast for the next six H a helping win the war. All boys who are ent compiled, is ns follows: months. VIII 92 15 4 $298.00 Monday, June 10 VII 100 45 3 2 500.00 not less than 1 6 years nor more than 2 1 years of age are urged to en- Opening of Fair. 15 216.50 Formal The Test VI lrtti Address by Hon. Franklin K. Lane V 199 15 2 274.75 roll in the United States Boys' and the Governor (Tentptive). Small Brother "Bet he'd kiss ynti IV 245 18 4 351.25 Working Reserve for active duty in a Butts Manual, with Music. i' I weren't here!" III 253 9 108.25 The Soldier and His Pup Tent. Sister "You bad boy! Run awn; II 219 7 1 139.75 food producing industry. Every working member will receive pay. Equipment Race. this very instant!" Awgwan. I A 25 3 1 71.25 Centipede Race. IB 91 1 27.75 This is where you work to win. It is the Gas Mask Race. I C 57 9 1 109.25 Job Over Here to Help Hawaiian Rodeo. Preliminary. Exhibition by Boys' Clubs of Hono- Total No. 1447 137 15 Monday Evening lulu. 'Over There". Don't be a slacker. Enroll Iland Concert and Moving Pictures. Massed Band Concert. T. V. $361.75 $685 $300 $750 $2,096.75 Two Tugs-of-Wa- Thursday, June 13 VMrr purchasers Mob Singing. Demonstrations in Food Conserva- Grade VIII. Night Attack. tion Building. Grade VII. SVlade SMow V. Registrations Music. Being Tuesday, June 11 Butts Manual, with Grade Demonstrations and Lectures in Bayonet Drill. Grade JV. Food Conservation Duildiig. Shoe Race. -- 8- Boys, this is your chance to serve Uncle Sam and earn money during your vacation and at the same time Sack Race. Live Stock Parade. get good, healthful, outdoor Formal Opening of Flower Show. Mad Minute Race. exercise. The Principal of your school or the Agent for your County can give Butts Manual, with Music. Drivers' Contest. RED CROSS ITEMS you full information about the Two Hours iih Fourth Cavalry: Thursday Evening Pony Express Race. Band Concert and Moving Pictures. Roman Race. Two Tugs-of-Wa- The following units h.ive turned in Rescue Race. Twenty Fifth Infantry Entertain- for the month of May, tJiose amounts Potato Race. ment. M finished work: Steeplechase. Friday, June 14 Keahua U. S. Boys' - Working Lecture in Food Biuld- til suits Pajamas. Reserve Overland Stage Holdup. Conservation Roman Chariot Race. ing. 3 mufflers. Hawaiian Rodeo. Finals. Butts Manual, with Music. Feirt (Mrs. Rosecrans' Unit meeting U. S. Ambulance in Action. in two sections). Department of Labor Tuesday Evening Train Moving IT. S. Marines at Work 75 bed jackets. Band Concert and Pictures. Half Mile 4'l pajamas. Tugs-of-Wa- Flat Race. suits Two o Roman Chariot Race. SCHOOL PRINCIPALS THROUGHOUT THE TERRITORY HAVE "A Word Picture of the Western Friday Evening .1" under shins. BEEN APPOINTED ENROLLING OFFICERS front," by W. J. Sherman. Band Concert and Moving Pictures. 2S0 kit bags. Wednesday, June 12 Two Tugs-of-Wa- 16 pairs operating hgnins. JAY O. WARNER, Executive Secretary. Honolulu. r. W. I'. I1LUETT, Demonstration and Lecture in Food Kohala. Hawaii County, Director for Night Attack. 13 pairs, hospital so. KEN C. IiRYAN, Honolulu, County Director for Oahu. Kohula. Conservation Building. Saturday, June 15 2 suits pajamas. C. V. LOOMIS, Eleelo, Kauai, County Director H. Butts Manual, with Music. Auction Sales in Exhibit Buildings, 1 sweater. for Kauai. J. MIDKIEF. Kealakekua, Hawaii County, Director for Army Bridge Building. chiefly for benefit of Red Cross. Grove Ranch VM. W. G. MOIR, Papaikou, Director for Hilo, Hamakua. Kona, Kau. Mounted Cavalry Drill. (In front of Grandstand) Butts 49 pairs trench drawers. Hand Grenade Throwing Manual, with Music. JOHN M. WATT. Wailuku, Maui, County Director for Maui lotio-Yar- Flag Relay ' Track and Field Meet. Habit Boy Scout Demons Chariot Race. "What's the noise?" W. R. EARRING TON, Honolulu. Territorial Director, Hawaiian Division. Wednesday Evenin Saturday Evening "The barber is shaving himself." Band Concert r ires. Band Concert and Moving Pictures. "itut why the argument?" Judging in D Tug-of-Wa- Finals. "He is trying to persuade himself Two Tugs-o- f A Night in Old Japan. to have a shampoo." Record. 1

FOUR THE MAUI NEWS, 1' HI DAY, JUNE 7, 1918. THE MAUI NEWS HOW MAUI IS FEEDING HERSELF While it is generally known that all of the plantations of the ter- Entered at the Tost Office at Wailuku. Maui. Hawaii, as second-cla- s matter. ritory, and of Maui in particular have accomplished a great deal towards ORDER IT BY MAIL! solving the local food problem, it is probable that many do not realize s, how extensive this work lias been. The Pioneer Mill la ex- .4 Republican Paper Published in the Interest of the People Company has Our MAIL ORDER. DEPARTMENT just prepared an outline of what il has done and is doing in this con- - ceptionally equipped to liandla all your Issued Every Friday. well ncction which is of much interest, and is illustrative of Maui's efforts Drug and Toilet wants thoroughly and at once. MAUI PUBLISHING COMPANY, LIMITED, us a whole. It is as follows: We will pay postage on all orders of EOe Proprietors and Fublishera Sixty-Fiv- e Aeres In War Gardens. Laborers arc encouraged by and over, except the following: the plantation to raise own vegetables. is Subscription Rates, ?2.50 ter Year in Advance. their Laborer allowed as much Mineral Waters, Baby Foods, Glassware land as he is rtble to cultivate in his spare time. Whenever possible, and articles of unusual weight and small Talue. WILL. J. COOPER EDITOR AND MANAGER land is plowed for the laborer by the plantation. Water for irrigation Alcohol, Strychnine, purposes may be obtained for war gardens on every Sunday. All that Rat Poisons, Iodine, Ant Poison, Mercury FRIDAY JUXE 7, 1918 the plantation expects in return is that the laborer docs his best to Antlieptlo Tablets, Lysol, Carbolic Acid, produce food. Gasoline, Turpentine, Benzine and all Two Dairies Are Operated By The Plantation. Absolutely nr other poisonous or Inflammable articles. imported feed is provided for the cows. Mill home-grow- n HAWAII WILL MEET THE TEST If your order Is Tery heary or contains feed and pasture constitute the entire ration. Milk is provided to the liquid, we suggest you sent laborers at cost. much that hare It Tlie calling out of the National Guard has in some ways brought by freight. the war closer home to Hawaii than am thing else l as ilone. It has A Herd Of Beef Cattle Is Maintained By The Plantation. These home-grow- touched almost even- industry, bu.-incs- s, and social activity in the U cattle are fed entirely on n feed. in Pigs Arc Raised By The Plantation. Mill and home- V Scarcely an olliri . store, work shop, or phnt.'lion division Benson, Smith Co., Ltd. tiie islands hut has lost some part of its working slalT. Some indeed grown concentrates make up the entire ration. SERVICE EVERY SECOND have heeti entirely depleted and have been closed or are being looked The Work Stock Of Pioneer Mill Company, Ltd., Is Fed Usually after by friends or newly hired workers. On Home-Crow- n Feed, Mill ts And Canctops. In a few THE REXALL STORE HONOLULU And when the draft call is made the conditions today will be stiil months, enough home-grow- n feed wiil be available to eliminate entirely further aggravated. the feeding of imported food. Rut Hawaii can and will rise to the emergency as France and Eng- The Plantation Laborers Are Encouraged To Keep Pigs. Hun- land have done and as the United States is beginning to do. Men are dreds of 'igs are raised on kitchen and garden refuse. iriding that they can in many cases do th' work of two or three. Many A Truck Farm Is Operated As A Part Of The Plantation. One (.' the women of the Islands, followi' e example of their sisters hundred and fifty acres are under staple food crops, such as com, beans, abroad are willingly stepping into phu '!icii :ofore lilled only by men. sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes. Produce is sold to the laborers at T!i3 Henry Watorliouse Trust Co., Ltd. School boys and even girls, who never i . fore thought of anything but cost. plav dunng their summer vacations, are eagerly awaiting the closing i.f school in order to join the industrial army. DON'T COMMERCIALIZE THE BOYS BUYS AND SELLS REAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND BONDS. The to the crll for worke rs is as inspiring, as gratifying, WRITES FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE. a the call to arms. Hawaii is helping win the war LOANS AND MORTGAGES. was the answer to The U. S. Roys' Working Reserve movement, inaugurated by the NEGOTIATES men, her money, with women, her boys and girls all con- SECURES INVESTMENTS. :th her lur Department of Lalior, and now being launched in the Islands is one secrated to the patriotic cause of liberty. oi the big ideas of the times, li aims to organize the boy-pow- of the A list of High Grade Securities Mailed on Application. nation for effective work towards winning the war. CUT IT OUT! The movement is first of all a patriotic owe. This must not be CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. boys do so in order to help the sight of. The who enlist for this work HONOLULU, HAWAII P. O. BOX 346. In normal times, perhaps, quarreling and calling names in the nation. They are paid for their work, but the money should be the legislature may be overlooked even if it does reflect on the dignity of Last consideration not the first. tiie law making body and of the territory. Rut the sort of talk indulged There is great danger that thi point may be lost sight of. Labor in by Speaker Ilolstein, in his closing address in the House, last week is scarce. Rut that is no reason why plantations and other unployers is so distinctly out of place that it cannot lie excused. Ilolstein was should bid against each other for the available supply of boy labor, or referring to the senate as a body and to Senator A. E. Castle specifical- why the directors of the Roys' Reserve should permit anything of the ly when he delivered himself as follows: kind being done. Make Your Butter Go Twice As Far "It is unpleasant for me to make reference to that august Roy work in the Islands is not new. Roys have been in the past body which admits that it has a monopoly on all the legislative and are at present working on plantations, in canneries, and other wisdom within the boundaries of our beloved territory, and places all over the territory. Thiir status does not have to be establish- Two pounds of merged butter from one pound proves conclusively, by the declaration of one of its wise men, ed. Last year boys were an invaluable assistance on all of the plant-- : of butter and one pint of milk, is possible with clothed at present in khaki and glory, that the memlrtrs of lions and" no boy needed to go far from home lo find work. This is s. because reports have been circulat- the house of representatives are a lot of pro-Hun- Notwith- all the more true this year, and yet, standing the Jeremiads of this censor, I am ed of high wages lo be obtained at different places, boys on Maui at proud to have been the speaker of this house. Your patriotism least, are clamoring to go to these places. According lo a circular dis- The Wonder swivel-cha- Maui, some are oftcring to is as near 100 per cent pure as that of the ir patriot tributed in the past few days on employers f who made the attack on you." pay boys man's wages. This is wrong and decidedly mischievous. It Si? to Speaker Holstein has made a brilliant record in the past dozen v. ill have a tendency to upset things just when they can least afford years, but he dimmed that record by a nastly, slurring attack on a man be disturbed. A boy is not a man. It is not a kindness to him and Butter Merger who is doing a highly useful work and of whose motives he can have is an injustice to grown men to pay him a man's wage. no means of knowing. Xo one has reflected upon Mr. Ilolstein's The great Boy Scout movement deals with boy psychology. It Simple and specially constructed, it merges butter loyalty. Xo one doubts it. Xeither do they doubt Mr. Castle's. And demands useful service of every boy. But it does not permit him to and milk into a truly delicious and creamy product. as is generally known, Mr. Castle as head of the Hawaiian Red Cross is accept pay for this service. It could not live on any other basis. Tastes like Country Butter. invaluable service to the nation. Perhaps Mr. Ilolstein is A boy is an idealist. He will break himself in working for an tendering man, doing as much in some more obscure way. ideal. And if ever there was a high ideal for every boy, for every for every right-thinkin- g human being to work for, we have it now. one size only, $1.25 Why spoij that ideal? WANTED A BLUE SKY LAW o . PROBLEM E O. Hall & Son, Ltd. glib-tongu- EN ?" THE STUDENT'S About every other month Hawaii is visited by one or more "SHOULD I LIST t' The house of dependable merchandise. Honolulu, T. H. gentlemen with sure-thin- g propositions which they are con- finish my college course?" it descendingly willing to let local people in on, simply because they love "Shall I enlist or asked by thousands of young men every- Usually it is a mine of some kind, or an oil well, though oc- This is the question being us so! solve the question of where their duty casionally it is a real estate or agricultural scheme in some distant place. where boys who are trying to whatever it is, it is always guaranteed to pay anywhere from lies. Rut be Stay in school. When Uncle Sam needs 25 several hundred percent on the investment. And the certificates The answer should to he has enough men without you you will and prospectus are beautiful specimens of the printer's and engraver's you he will send for you. If be doing a more patriotic, albeit more prosaic duty, by bending ail of r.rts and very convincing. work in the world. MEN'S TAN jjjl bubbles burst in due time, and a lot of Is- your energies to preparing yourself to do a big man's Of course most of the before men 3 they been stung. Almost al- America will need big men after the war as she never did BifimHSj land people wake up to the fact that have affairs. ARMY and children. Rut under our laws educated and trained in mind and body for directing industrial SHOES ways the collapse involves widows a young and nobody's fault. The law has no interest It is about the easiest and most natural thing in tne world tor that is their misfortune as this, but if his going Caveat emptor let the buyer beware is its attitude. man to want to join the army at such a time AAUNSON LAST m the matter. duty should be clear. of suckers comes on apace and the pickings for the gold will III keeping some other man back, his And the crop men into the army as fast as to be luscious. The draft system is designed to get brick men continue in order that they opinion has broken up this sort of thing in they can be used. Moreover it aims to take men the MADE OF SPECIAL CHROME TAX UPPERS Enlightened public is therefore the fairest today. There the people have demanded that their laws can best be spared from civil pursuits, and WITH GENUINE OAK SOKES. many states could be devised. When your country shall protect the weak from the strong, the ignorant from the unscrupu- and most democratic plan that know, go giactiy. tne meantime WE COMMEND THIS SHOE TO THOSE WHO lous; and that legitimate enterprise shall not have to compete with wants you it will let you incn in never worked before for your own, for your nation s ARE LOOKING FOR REAL VALUE. wild-ca- t, or criminal schemes of whatever sort. No one work as you is permitted to sell shares of any kind of proposition until it has stood future. o the scrutiny of experts appointed for the purposes. Hawaii needs such a law. Can we get it from the next legislature? SOMEDAY ALL SIZES AND ORDER FILLED SAME DAY AS RECEIVED. r j t 1 . i 1: ...:n 1 until ilmrr ic n nipr ibre. CHILD LABOR LAW DECISION trrt THE Too many boats have swamped to make the present method of landing popular unless oatmng suns anu iuc un...... To the big-heart- men and women who have been working for i)iuvti5 United States from conscienceless every boat-tri- p. Star-Bulleti- n. years to save the children of the o Manufacturers' Shoe Co,, Ltd. exploitation, the announcement that the U. S. supreme court has found Honolulu very properly calls upon Jack Balch and 1051 Fort Street : : HONOLULU. the child labor law unconstitutional, will come as a heavy blow. This The Service, of inter-stat- L'.ob scrapping or else go to France if thty simply act denied to manufacturers and producers the privileges of e Shingle to quit their is well taken. iTo one doubts the patriotism ot or foreign commerce for any product in which children under 14 years must ligbt. The point cithr-- r nn,l. thprp is rn-tainl- nothine to be trained by quarreling age had been used in its production, or on which children between 14 mnn....., M- - J of unintentional indiscretion on oliingic s part. and 16 years of age had been permitted to work more than 8 hours per over what at worst was an day, or before 7 o'clock in the morning or after 6 o'clock at night. bickering is nuts for Hun :rop.;ginciisH. v.i the nasty mud sunging :n the legisla- - The law became operative September 1, 1917. And the same talk applies KVV 51 E one of the most enlightened measures of the century. It ture by Holstein and Castlo. y It was enough to do licking the Huns with- expressed the recognition of American pople that the children of the Let's cut it out. We have in ney re nere in scrapping among ourselves. nation are its chief asset for the future. It placed a bulwark between out wasting an ounce of energy rapacious Greed and the child. It denied the right of ignorant or venal o parents to sell their children into industrial slavery; and it took hun- When U12 President signs the bill pnssed this week in the Congress, the dreds of thousands of such little ones from the bondage of the cotton the Haw. man voters will have the iover to pumii. the women ot mines, canneries and sweat-shop- s all over the country and placed is lialc question that Hawaii's women wnl Trscto mills, Islands to vote also. There rs w...--. them' in the fresh air and sunlight. It made the children of the land Le exercising this privilege within another year or two. It there the nation instead of the pitiful tools of short-sighte- d withholding the franchise from women, it rtm the wards of ever any sound ground for ST Selfishness. has been swept aside since the war began by the place woimn has taken rn oacly for been success. delivery But the labor of years that secured the law has not wasted. n almost every field of activity, with such marked The passage of the act in itself was an expression of the opinion of o of the United States. That opinion is even firmer today Ask for demonstration the people Some Maui citizens had to be jogged before they remembered to on your own it was two years ago when the child labor bill was successfully than uncover when the Flag went by in the Memorial Day parade. Ibis through the Congress, and it will still find a way to attain its coun- ground fought of forget fulness has become inexusable m most parts ot the object. The supreme court decision is as a dam in a swelling river sort it rising flood which try- it may check for the moment, but cannot stop the o SOLE SELLING AGENTS V1R TERRITORY in the end will flow on resistlessly. "Food Will Win the War!" Whose food, German or American? The world awaits your answer. o Honolulu Iron Co. The Allies' front line trenches in the Reims-Soisson- s sector is sup V;ks we are selfish or even carekss, we are disloyal; we are the enemy nosed to be a pretty warm place, but certain Kauai draftees will prob If HONOLULU, them in preference to the chill of the Oahu at home! ably have cause to long for - vs concentration camp. A good citizen is known by the food he eats. THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918. FIVE

terms as the men, and the bill is now the time of said hearing. before the President. That it will b" Dated at Wailuku, this May 29, In The Churches Our Island signed is a foregone conclusion, as 1918. On the President also Is on record in the I). II. CASE, The Other Islands Contemporaries matter of woman's suffrage. Then Secretary Board of License Com- a look out! P. C. Advertiser. missioners, County of Maui. MAKAWAO UNION CHURCH tx (May 31; June 7, 14, 21.) Dentist . . Found Guilty military seaplane which was piloted A. Craig Bowdish, Minister. Honolulu, Juno 1 Dr. II. domi- by Major Harold Clark nnd which Aw! Go To'Europe! A public meeting of the Board of was forced to descend near Kaiwikl, 10:00 Sunday School. nions, local dentist was convicted by Torn between our esteem for Jack BY AUTHORITY ty of Maui, will bo hold in the Town a jury in Circuit Judge Hecn's court Hawaii. The plane is reported to be 11.'CO Morning Service Hall, in Wailuku, Maui, on Friday lying in 7V4 Baleh and our regard for Bob Shingle, today on a charge of permitting the dense trees mihs from In recognition of "Fathers' Hay." wo A public meeting tho 2Sth day of June, 1918, at 9:00 employment or the sea coast at an elevation of 3'!7) feel like making a noise like No of the Board of unlicensed dentist.!. 6:45 Christian Endeavor. Man's Land. License Commissioners for the Coun- A. M for the purpose of considera- Clemmens will lie sentenced tomor- feet, near a tributary of Honolii river. ty of Maui, will be tion nnd passing upon tho applica- row The Japanese salvaged the ob- 6:45 Discussion Club. These gentlemen have been fight- held in the Town morning. have ing. Hall, in Wailuku, Maui, on Frhdav tion of CUING .IIP, for a license of Six server's camera. They also blazed a A cordiil invitation is given to wor- informations have been filed Mr. Baleh accuses Mr. Shingle of the 28th day of June, 1918, at 9:00 the second class (saloon) to sell In- against Clemmens, all trail from the place where they found ship here. alleging that h" n A. M., for the purpose toxicating liquors, at Waiakoa, Ktlla, unlawfully the seaplane to the open country, having been more or less overtly of considera- permitted unlicensed den- Mr. Shingle indignantly tion and passing upon the applica- County of Maui, under tho provisions making it possible to get at the ma- A and tists to practise. The two dentists in THE VISION OF refutes the charge. tion of W. II. FIELD, for a license of Chapter 122 or the Revised Laws question are em- chine and attempt to salvage it. It ' GREAT PROPHET said to have heen We hold Mr. Baleh in high esteem of the second class (Hotel) to sell in- of Hawaii, 1915, and all amendments ployed in Clemmens' dental establish- is possible that the motor may be brought say By Rev. J. Charles Villiers for his manly Americanism and his toxicating liquors at Wailuku. Coun- thereto. ment on Fort street. out of the forests, the ty of Maui, Territory All protests and objections against Japanese, is believed a contract (Church of the Good Shepherd.) utter fearlessness in standing up for of Hawaii, under and it 'things the provisions of Chapter 122, the issuance of a license under said may There is, perhaps no more remark- - United States at all times. of tho Censorship Lid On for the work be lot. Revised Laws application shall be filed with the Shipping News able word-pictur- in the Old Test- Mr. Shingle wo hold in high regarfi of Hawaii, 1915, nnd Honolulu, June 1 because we at absolutely of all amendments thereto. Secretary of the Board at or before Orders received Killing Due To ament than that in which Isaiah is assured by Commodore Dennis Malum, Of Girl his Americanism absolutely! They All protests and objections against the time of said hearing. chief seen, at tho threshold of his great 29, 1 Driver's Carelessness the of Dated at Wailuku, this May cable censor of the Honolulu navi prophetic ministry in tho Temple re- 'make the very best kind of Americans issuance a license under said 1 Kiyo Saga a application 1918. district, from the cable censor at San Honolulu, June a. ceiving of God nnd call where Mr. Shingle came from that's shall be filed wiih the in- his vision bis D. H. CASE, Francisco, instruct the former to Japanese girl, who was almost to service as a prophet to Judah. The Wyoming and Mr. Shingle is one of Secretary of the Board at or before notify all newspapers and periodicals stantly killed last Sunday after being them. the time of said hearing. Secretary Board of License Com- . story of the vision nnd call was not which publish movements pnd loca- struck by an nutomohi!-;- driven by We'll bet our pile that "Bob" Shin- Dated at Wailuku, this May 29, missioners, County of Maui. written by Isaiah until he had passed (May 31; 7, 14, 21.) tion of shipping to discontinue such Frank Panaewa, came to her death through several years experience as gle is American through and through 1918. Juno Of heed-es- s D. information. The orders sweep- as the result the careless and a. un- from the tip of tho one hair crown- H. CASE, are according prophet, and was better able to ing, prohibiting the publication of any driving of ranvwa, to derstand its meaning. It occurred in ing his pate to the tip of his or No. Secretary Board of License Com- Item or advertisement which "in any the verdict of a coroner's nuy yester- the year that King Uzziah died, a lis. If Bob Shingle is missioners, Countv of Maui. The Hun Invades Nursery Rime charged, grand-mo- (May 31; degree indicates the location or move- day morning. Pan.:iwa with king whose reign extended over fifty then we wouldn't trust our own t June 7, 14, 21.) Th' ie wa! a little Hun, manslaughter, is und.-- r heavy tail ments of vessels." The orders take ears, and until well-nig- its close her. And ho had a little gun, and wll be given a preliminary hear- However, point effect immediately. was one of. increasing popularity. An the is: These two A public And his bullets were all dumdum, ing in the polU'j A-- l meeting of the Board of Mil' tonioinw. ct of indiscretion when tiie firstclass Americans have been dumdum ; wilful fighting! License Commissioners for the Coun Murder Charge Against Buick king was over seventy years of age. ty of Maui, will be held He shinned up a tree Draft Will Take 65 Teachers Fie on the very both of them! What in the Town To what could Honolulu. June 1 Ito Suzuki, the the result of which was disastrous to Hall, in Wailuku, Maui, on Fri.lav snipe he see. onolulu, June 4 Approximately 65 htm, was regarded by the people joy they must, he affording the Hun it now he is in kingdom come-come- - Japanese whom D. C. P.uick. well and by the 28th day of Juno, 1918, at 9:00 I1' sub- He heart the display made last week! A AT : .1 known local athlete, is charged with teachers in the public schools are of Judah as a national calamity. - fnT thn nti onie! a To How in thunder do either or both i.. It. M. "Odes to Trifles." shooting near Red I fill months ago, ject to the draft, and will have to died a little later leper's death. tion and passing upon the applica- Eassie, leave the schools if the call comes Isaiah, who was just ready to begin of them expect to whip the Bocho if died at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon they going to waste their time tion of GRAND HOTEL COMPANY, at Lea hi home where he was taken before June 28. The department has his life work the king's death was a LIMITED, for a license of the second also lost a large number of women id event, greatly to be deplored. Had fighting between themselves? four days ago from the Queen's hospi- Shame on them! class (Hotel) to sell intoxicating tal. teachers who have married army there been less religious and moral liquors at Wailuku. County of Maul, GRAND HOTEL men and departed for the mainland. laxity among the people, he seems to The moral of the whole proceeding Huick denied all knowledge in the is : under the provisions of Chapter 122, affair, claiming he had been unable have reasoned with himself, there of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, 191.", WAILUKU, MAUI, T. H. vould have been an atmosphere in If they want to fight, they ought to to sleep and had walked nut to Moana Status Of Many Germans GO TO EUROPE! The Service. and all amendments thereto. lua. V. T. Carden is his attorney. In Islands To Be Probed the nation that would have, probably, All protests and objections against Reasonable Rates king r.uch wilful Ihiick, a few months ago, passed 3 deterred the from the issuance of a license under said Honolulu, June U.. S. District presumption. His life would have the tent to join the aviation corps of Attorney Huber has announced that Flag Saluting Patriotism application shall bo filed with tho Dinner parties qiven special the U. S. army, but been been prolonged, and his death, when Secretary of the Board or attention. has unable persons of German birth who were There can be possible excuse at before to join because of the charges again"! granted special rights of citizenship it had taken place would have been for tho time of said hearing. .Wider happier circumstances. failure to pay the proper respect for him. by the provisional government of Ha- far Dated at Wailuku, this May 29, When the young prophet thought tho Flag on such an occasion as yes- 1918. waii and who have proceeded on the terday. At same privilege gave about the national corruption, and the time, there were D. H. CASE, Rubber Planter Off For War assumption that this it the national right a good many citizens yesterday loud them the status of citizens of the contrasted with Secretary Board of License Com- - Honolulu, June 1 Captain John eousness tnal mignt nave ueen, ne in their indignation over the failure missioners, County Maui, Addley Smuts, of United States when Hawaii became a of a few of cousin the famous confessed that he, himself, had not individuals to uncover who (May 31; June 7, 14, 21.) Boer leader, General Jan Smuts, is Territory, without formal naturaliza- escaped the insidious influences of themselves gave less to the Red in Honolulu, en route from his rubber tion, are not citizens, but German corruption. Standing in the Cross than their average weekly cigar aliens. As such they will be subject that plantation in the Federated Malay Temple, with deep sorrow and genuine bill; who own no Liberty Bonds nor A public meeting of the Board of Th to the same restrictions placed on : States, to England, where he hopes contrition he acknowledge-- his own War Savings Stamps, and who grudge License Commissioners for the Coun- to bo assigned battery other German aliens. regularly on Mr. to a of heavy many unworthinoss in these words: Woe Hoover. It is a fine ty of Maui, will be held in the Town field artillery. Captain is ac- It is not known how such I thing to salute Flag, Smuts Territory, but is me! for I am undone; because tho but that's a Hall, in Wailuku, Maui, on Frklay companied by his wile, who before her persons there in the lips, and I dwell mighty poor place to limit your pa- the 2Sth day Iltiber thinks there are many. These am a man of unclean of June, 1918. at 9:00 marriage was May Vohe, famous sing- in the midst of a peop.e of unclean triotism. P. C. Advertiser. A. M for the purpose of considera- Regal question were given spec-cia- l er. Mrs. Smuts is an American. Germans in lips: for mine eyes have soon me tion, and passing upon the applica- voting privileges by old Ha- . Captain the Ho:-.-,"- Smuts has the distinction of government, King, the Lord of There was tion of PIONEER HOTEL COMPANY, having fought in the Iioer war against waiian provisional with- in Setting Them Right LIMITED, out requiring them to renounce their no hypocrisy, no hollowness that for a license of the first our national his cousin. confession of Isaiah. It was a true, The affidavits presented at tho dis- class (Wholesale) to soli intoxicating German allegiance or granting them rent, confession, a con trict board meeting last night put the liquors Hawaiian citizenship. sincere such at Lahaina, County of Maui, Resigns From Food Board fession as is always good for the soul. Selwyn Robinson case formally be- under the provisions of Chapter 122, aay fore Hawaii as one of alleged slack-eris- of Honolulu, June 1 A. V. Neoly, In the conduct of Isaiah that the Revised Laws of Hawaii, 1915, Much Sugar Piling Up in the Temple we have a gooa ex- - and all amendments thereto. Shoe member of the food commission and Honolulu, June 5 There is now on ample not of tho arrogant and defiant That has been the widespread opin- All protests and objections against major of the 3rd battalion, 1st regi- sorry ion ever since ment, Hawaii National Guard, has hand awaiting shipment to the states sinner, but of the sinner who is millionaire influence the issuance of a license under said resignation 114,713 tons of sugar which is an In- lis sin, and humbled ay me went to work to get this young Kauai application shall be filed with the tendered his from the man out of Class 1A. commission. Major Neely's action is crease of 28,520 tons over a month i"jeht of it. Any man with such Secretary of the Board at or before ago. of conscience that drives Robinson is declared to be not the time of said hearing. prompted by the expectancy that the sensitiveness Mail orders care-full- y guard The figures show that sugar In stor- him, like Isaiah, by inward compul- merely to the Niihau Dated at Wailuku, this May 29, will soon be mobilized for serv- of stand- ranch, but a supernumerary ice and he desires to give the gover- age here is increasing far ahead sion to God'B house, in which, around 1918. the rate of shipment. ing before God, he keeps nothing there. He is declared not to be the D. H. CASE, nor plenty of time in which to choose soul real manager, nor even exercising filled a successor. It is expected, however, that with back, but in true simplicity of Secretary Board of License Com- the progress of the ship building pro- acknowledges, and wrestles with the real powers. missioners, County of Maui. availa- craving What has happened in the Selwyn Boy Dives To Death In Pool gram more chips will soon be darkness that is within htm, (May 31; June 7, 14, 21.) ble for the Hawaii trade. seeking forgiveness and new Robinson case makes it imperative 2 aged for and Hilo, June Juan Morales, life and light from God, is eo near to that the Aylmer Robinson case be re- 13 years, dived into a pool of kingdom of heaven, yea, is so opened. A public meeting of the Board of water near Olaa, yesterday morning, Secretary Lane Will the Make Tour Of Islands far in it a3 to be close to the throne If an attempt has been made to mis- License Commissioners for the Coun- struck his head upon the rocky bot- mercy grace; aDie n represent one, has it been successful ty of Maui, will be held 5 Governor Pink-ham- , of Divine and in the Town tom, and failed to come to the sur- Honolulu, June God, to hear in the case of the others? Hall, in Wailuku, Maui, on Friday Regal Shoe Governor-designat- e C. Mc- n'uition to see and his face. A number of the boy's compan- J. speaks in tones and terms At any rate, tho district board is the 28th day of June, 1918, at 9: no ions ran leaving probably Carthy, Delegate J. K. Kalanianaole voice as He lor aid the of grace and love of cleansing from exactly right in its move to get Wash- A. M for the purpose of considera- Store stunned lad in the water. A physician and Senator R. W. Shingle have been power ington to reopen the case of Selwyn's passing upon applica- on plans wel- sin, and of commission to and tion and the arriving later was unable to resusci- In conference for the brother, who was successful in secur- tion of J. M. MEDEIROS, a come and entertainment of Secretary for, His service. for HONOLULU tate the little victim. While it is trua "that no man nam ing a deferred classification. license of the first class (Wholesale) of the Interior Franklin K. Lane and It has been said on behalf of these Satur- seen uoa at any ume, uu is to sell intoxicating liquors at I'aia, Accused Of Slamming Red Cross party due to arrive here next young men that they are not mainly County of Maui, day. "ohiective 'reality, because Goa is Territory of Hawaii, Hilo, June 1 F. Auld, cash no appeal to objec responsible for the atmosphere of under provisions of Chapter 122, Robert It is planned to have the secretary Spirit and makes the ler of the Hilo Mercantile Company tive sight, yet it is also true mat as slackerism in their cases that they of the Revised Laws of Hawaii, 1915, and his party make a tour of the is- are dominated by father. Per- of that city, is charged by the Hawaii vis Spirit He so responds to faith, their and all amendments thereto. Vigilance Corps of Do lands during the early part of the love, the haps so. All protests objections against the American it, beginning probably about four days devotion, and that and fense Society with making alleged man who truly gives those to Him Let the draft board, the provost the issuance of a license under said ! arrival. A delegation of marshal-genera- derogatory expressions about the Red after their may say, speaking subjectively, l l and the president application shall be filed with the Cross. representative citizens and officials Lord." lake care of the cases of the boys mo or f You can greatly relieve will mret the party at the dock. The have seen and heard the secreiary oi isoaru at ueioro Letters sent to him requesting that It is impossible for a man to think public opinion in Hawaii will take the timo of said hearing. the stenographer in tlic niat-- l a answering the visitors will then be taken to the home God know care of the rest of them. Star-Bulleti- May 29, he make statement B. governor's seriously and deeply about Dated at Wailuku, this - chiirges ignored never of Mat. C. Cooper, the 1918. ter of dictating and impor- have been and residence, where a reception will be ing that ho has come into the Divine Auld is so well known in Moses, know-whatev- D. CASE. answered. held. Quarters for visitors have presence, just as II. taut letter writing, lty writing Hilo that the charges against him the his perplexity of mind The Father's Course Secretary Board of License Com- been secured at the Seaside Hotel. ? those letters yourself, at have created a sensation. He is saiC may have been that he was in the From Kauai comes the report that missioners, County of Maui. to be planning to leave Hilo. Diving presence when he stood before Aubrey Robinson, father of Aylmer (May 31; June 7, 14, 21.) I home, on a For France - Ten Nurses the burning buih and reverently com- and slwyn is bitterly shaken by the McCarthy Inauguration Is Honolulu, June 5 Ten Red Cross muned with God. What ho saw he wi1n,,rinK f criticism and the 1 Set For June 22 nurses of Honolulu have volunteered saw suojecuveiy, uui it u .m charges of "slackerism" hurled at A public meeting of the Board of Honolulu, Juno 2 In the event thai their services for work in France in pressive symbol of a glorious reality, him and his family. License Commissioners for the Coun- CoroNA present plans are not changed. Gov response to the government's call and it. became to him, as in the case Resentful of the widespread critic- ty of Maui, will be held in the Town ernor-designat- L. field new Maui, on Friday e McCarthy will be in- They have notified A. Castle, of Isaiah, the starting point of a ism throughout the territory, he Is Hall, in Wailuku, augurated on June 22. The long do director of the Red Cross, that they beginning ill his life. particularly stung by the flings that the 28th day of June, 1918, at 9:Q0 Typewriter layed commission for the new Gover- are ready to go. Such visions or God enanio men io reach him from his neighbors on that A. M.t for the purpose of considera- nor arrived in the mail Friday and, Transportation to San Francisco see me wona ana uieir uui) m n island where he has lived for years tion and passing upon the applica- The personal writing machine after a conference with Governor may be arranged for them by the Ha- with clearer apprehension then they almost as an uncrowned king. It is tion of the KAPPAKALUA WINE & ' Pinkham, it was decided to hold the waii chapter of the Red Cross. would have without them. They be- Ithe frank expression of indigna-- ' LIQUOR COMPANY, LIMITED, for You can take it any place, Dob- great their inaugural services on the makai step:-o- The volunteers are Miss Reba come to them the means of a tion, after years when he was deferred a license of the Fimr'ih Class, (that the Capitol building on the morn son, Miss Agnes Maynara, miss Jean- hope, and the inspiration to purpose to like a superior being, that seems is to sell wine manufactured by the at any time. ing of June 22 in the event that the ette Dewar, Miss Elizabeth Frans-wort- in service. The thought ot me vision to have bitten through his licensee from grapes grown in the arrival of Secretary Lane does not Miss Elizabeth McMenamin. and call of God in the Temple enabled and reached the quick, Territory by the licensee or others) change these preparations. Miss Z. Dupuis, Miss Margaret Pep Isaiah to hold on to the great meals Robinson cannot win back Hawaii's at the Winery of said Company per, Young, cant- - Maui, I HAWAIIAN HEWS Miss Mary Miss Grace of life in the face of the moral 'esteem and respect by fighting to ex-- 1 situate at Kaupakalua, under Buys Ferguson and Miss Mabel Doub. uess and discouragement which lie empt his sons from Class 1A of the the provisions of Chapter 122 of the Pineapple Company encountered in the nation Revised Laws of Hawaii, 1915, and Sisal Plantation '.ftcrward draft. He cannot regain the friend- j 00., LTD. By to which he wns a prophet. There all amendments thereto. 2 In a repre- Prowler Shot Guard ship of his neighbors by attempting Honolulu, June deal is a power in such visions of God that All protests and objections against : senting the transfer of $250,000, con Honolulu, June 4 Following a long to use his hitherto strong influence HONOLULU, T. II. series of raids and depredations com nothing elae can supply, incy stimu- for special favors to the Robinson the issuance of a license under said trol of tho Hawaiian Fiber Company to faith and fidelity in the application shall be filed with the yesterday to mitted at the apiaries of St. John Gil late us family. Nor will tho territory stop to sisal growers, passed o we are called upon, to wage stung Secretary of tho Board at or before Hawaiian Pineapple Company bert at Puuloa, John Figuera, a Portu powers grieve because he is to tho !(rcr!c(icorxj the guese Sunday by against tho principalities and quick by the reproach of abetting the time of said hearing. The fiber company had about 18ml was shot and killed to determine to be May 29, T. Une, a Japanese guard who had of darkness, and slackerism. No, such a course will Dated at Wailuku, this acres of land located at Hoaeae ant. conquest over them. -- ! been engaged, by Gilbert to protect on the side of not rebuild his place in the power 1918. MI'""',""" l"" ill,, at Sisal, near Ew.i. About 1000 ac res One need have no hesitation in say- I). II. CASE, planted to sisal, ami his property. and opinion of Kauai or tho territory of the land was ing that the man who gives no as Secretary Board of License Com- has, since the beginning of the world God, a whole. thought to tho claims of and A frank acknowledgment that he missioners, County of Maui. war enjoyed a considerable degree of Did Von Damm Renounce whose soul has never been permeat- wrong; (May 31; June 7, 14, 21.) prosperity. His Citizenship was a frank statement that ed with His call to service lacks one he sees tho light; a frank willingness, Ib.b.cJ Weinrich, present manager pur- William Honolulu, June 5 Whether or not of the grcr.t essentials to moral coun- is re- to work and to sacrifice for the The California Remedy of the fiber plantation, to be Betrani von Damm, former manager pose and power. Such a man is apt sup j A public meeting of 1 ho Board of manager by the Hawaiian try which has given him haven, tained as of the insurance department of H to think that the world is to be saved port and riches, would be tho begin- License Commissioners for the Coun- A Boon Pineapple Company. & by routine, and to Hackfeld Company, renounced his and uplifted rule and ning of his rehabilitation. Star-Bul-cti- ty of Maui, will be held in the Town The prevailing high price of sisal American citizenship when he was not by the dynamic of tho Holy 'Hall, in Wailuku, Maui, on Friday Stomach is said to have been the reason which stationed in Stockholm during part Spirit. the 28th day of June, 1918. at 9:00 urged the pineapple company to take of 1914 and 1915 has been a subject There is no great task, no great A. M., for the purpose of consider- up the new industry. Plans have been of official investigation by a special duty to be done, and no great sacrifice Women Will Vote ation and passing upon the applica- Sufferers made so that if there should be a department on the Coast for at least to be made, but which will bo better Unless politicians of Hawaii tion of MAUI WINE COMPANY, the war, the Reconstructive decline in sisal prices after .the past five or six weeks, says Dis lone, or bettor made, if done or made go back now upon the repeated prom-se- s LIMITED, for a license of the first System KuilJer the land can be planted to pineapples. Attorney S. C. C,oi trict Huber. in fellowship with Without and pledges they have made, the class (Wholesale) to sell intoxicat- Mild LWer Tonic and Laxative The principal owners in the fiber was be- we si;:ht The investigation, started such fellowship shall lose women of Hawaii will be marching ing liquors at Wailuku, County of Fine KiJney anJ BlaJder RemeJy company were L. T. Peck, G. N. Wil- cause of an intimation by H. A of, or lower, our ideals. If we are into the polling booths to exercise Maui, under the provisions of Chap-- , cox and Lawrence, Mark and Allen Nemarkal'le I'.leod Cleanser Schroeder, former secretary to the to know and understand the real their right of franchise at the first tor 122 of the Revised Laws of Ha- Cam Khrumalum nd MUiil AilmenH Robinson. Honolulu German consul, Georg Ro-die- of life, and are to have ses- business election held after the regular waii, 1915, and all amendment.' there- $1 .00 fir tittn. - . that von Damm had had to re-- scope, and plan, and purpose, and sion of the 1919 legislature. Yester- to. Clark's Seaplane Found All Druggists, Plantation nounce his American citizenship in power, in doing it we must cultivate day the United States senate voted All protests and objections against Stores and Dealers. Hilo, June 2 Si niggling through order to serve Germany and H. Hack communion with God, and make it to permit the Hawaiian legislature to the issuance of a license under said the dense tropical undergrowth, Jap- feld & Company, as an attache of the the fixed and settled determination enlarge the franchise in tho Islands application shall bo filed with t!i anese hunters yesterday found the German embassy In Stockholm. of our lives to do His will. to include the women on the same Secretary of the Board at or before


Lanai: Miss Mary Knuharo. Lahaina Is Treated To List Maui Teachers Kamalo: Mrs. Frank Foster. Kaluaaha: Miss Katie Cook, Mrs. Who 14-Inni- Those Great Game Named For Next Year Amoy Duvaiirhelle. Travel Waialua: Edward Knupu. AUTO PARTS and SUPPLIES Halawa: David K. Kalanti. The lmsi'luill l;ms wi-i- o t ro.i I od to (Continued from Tape One.) Pelekunu: Mrs. Hattie Kahele. Departed hiiih-t-las- n rouplo of s lust Sun-l:i- Kalae: Miss Carrie L. Dunn. .1. mimrs By Mauna Kea, May 31 Miss C. j FOR ALL MAKES OF MACHINES lie new :u U I.iilinina. bavid :l in will be able to secure their transfers Kaunakakai: Kaai. .11 S . I or Keil, .MISS 11. XVils A. j. Till' lilst miliii pl'iycd lielwoell before school opens in September, as Kalaupapa: J. Kauhaihao. Fernandez, Coo Kwai, D. 15. Knhns, (lie Town Tr;nii ;iiul the Pioneers these lists are subject to constant re- Mrs. J. S. Walker. I!. E. Wright, Miss Tires, Tubas, Gasoline, Oil, Accessories of ( riant at ion Team). Ihi latter winninc vision during the summer months. Olava Hansen. Dr. F. M issuer, L. H. liy a score of S to 7. The list for Maui as it now stands) Big Fair To Award Crawford, F. N. Lulkin. Mrs. J. A. All Kinds Tin' m iihkI amo wliicli was jilayi'd is as follows: Wilson and 2 children, M. Kurosumi. by tin- was the Filipinos and .lapant'so Maui High: YV. S. Herman, Miss the most intoi est inu longest, fastest, Mary J. Couch, Miss Hlanche Mast, Many Fine Prizes liosl yatno over witness- and the l'all Miss Gladys Lemon, Miss Cecil Hol-lida- DIED Uchida Auto Supply in Store ed Latin ina. Tile crowd was ution Miss Vivien Gardiser, Miss ils tool most of the time, and the Honolulu. June 4 More than twen- In 29, PHONE, UCIIIDA, MARKET WA1EUKU. Georgia Itetitley, Miss Anna Karrer. ty MaclNTYRE Honolulu, Mav STREET. many yellini: for their respective silver cups of all sizes, an equal 1918, Malcolm T. Maclntyre, Sr., of Honokohau: Mrs. Catherine Coc-ket- or teams made the iiaine th" more i number gold, silver and bronze 2383 Vancouver Highway, Manoa, At the end of the font teentli . medals, a scor of ribbons in all the general superintendent of Moanalua intiin.u hy uuoil team work and with Honokowai: Mis. Kowena K lies of the rainbow, and historic cups Ranch, native of Scotland, 78 vears the jaiod luck, the Filipinos won hy Hose, Miss Elizabeth Kamai. and medals of the fairs held in Ho- old. a score of 1" to ! Nalu.molo and nolulu fifty and seventy years ago, Puukolii: Joe N. Souza, Miss K. M I T.iiiiaavva pi.cae.l for the ,J;ip;ii'e.-o-. (ieriliule P.llchanall, fo.m an interesting Territ'orial Kan AHELOXA In Honolulu. Mav 30, "PENNSYLVANIA" ilookauo. .iis 1918, George B. of 398 v. kite Si ;i to lir.i l. ,1 for the Filipinos. Miss Saffery. exhibit in the window of Henry M y Mahelona A Lawn Mower that lias been well tried and stood the lest is )i Eva & rc.-u- Company on Fort street North Vineyard street, married, The l hv inninu was as follows: Kamehameha III: B. O. Wist, this' week. x the mower to luty. You need not look further. The lVnnsyl- - : 1 new-cup- s of Maui, 42 1 '2 t i; s it in 12 i. 1 - u To these will be added other stevedore, native Hana, t n , Mrs. B. O. Wist, Miss Annie vania has in use still in !; .Japanese as rapidly as engravers ran years old. j leen here for years, and they are use P. Cluing. Miss Lilly Apo, Miss Tstl-la- ;5 all 1 :; 1 (i 11 11 11 (i 11 11 11 11 - !t finish their work, num- on our Parks, Lawns and School Grounds. !: V. ('hoy, Mrs. Rose Mookini, Mrs. until the total MOKITI.A In Honolulu, June 2. ber of cups alone amounts to 191S, Wc carry a till line. : l'ilipinos Mary A. Lee, Miss Annie N. T. Ho, nearly John Mokunla, of Henry ' 1 1 11 n 1 1 - fifty. A. copy of 2 2 1 1" Miss Lorny Amy, Mrs. Lucy Furtndo, the several hundred Street, married, painter, native of PENNSYLVANIA JR. B. B. beautifully engraved diplomas sixty-on- Miss Mae E. Dunn, Miss Hose T. Oka-mur- which Maui, years old. Buri"d 5 STANDARD will be presented to winning exhibit- PENNSYLVANIA $ William K. Werner, , in Puea cemetery. A 9. ors, also will be placed in 1 ho collec- PENNSYLVANIA GREAT AMERICAN The Week's Weather tion. The display will remain in the . PENNSYLVANIA RED CLOUD 9 Olowalu: Gus Webling, Mrs. Marie window until Fair week, boginnim: PENNSYLVANIA ELECTRA. Webling. Juno 10. and possibly through $ he week end a part ! '? us if you interested. Weather report lor Kihei: .1. Patrick Cockelt, Miss of all of that week. fiaaclu'u Winlessls reduce Write are i,e, .May ."i: !;i; Dollie A. Lee. Of the ribbons, approximately 3500 Grass Catchers to fit all mowers; Grass and Hedge Shears; WAILUKU REPORT Waikapu: Miss Leilani Weight will be given at the "coming dem- Sarket Qco(2tioji5 Garden tools of all kinds. ft onstration for first, Miss Crickard, second, third, Wailuku: Lida championship and special premiums. JrV g , , Mrs. Annie V. Crockett, I Tenip'ture All of the cups are specials, awarded IGSUED BY THE TERRITORIAL Lewers Cooke, Ltd. Miss Mary Myhand, Miss Margaret in addition to MARKETING DIVISON. LUMBER AND BUILDING MATERIALS Seong, Miss Crowell, Mrs. the ribbons, and have ;r Elsie been donated by 6 lh 9-- 1 77 So. : : Carolyn Weight, Manuel Joseph, Mrs. individuals or busi- Wholesale only. King Street HONOLULU SB ness firms. A al- Wil-- number of specials Week ending, 3, 191S Edith Wilmington, Mrs. Sigrid ' so are by June bur. offered various breeders' 5 5 .5 associations in the states. One spe- Sinill coniumers cannct buy it these t t L. Waihee: Mrs. Ella Austin, Miss cials prize is a $50 Liberty Bond, of- prices. "II S2 7ii .on N. L. "h ir Achoy Ahu, Miss Edith L. Dunn, Miss fered by Fred L. Waldron, Ltd.. for :il So 7n .no X. K. (',,,( Ah Moy Ahu. the neatest and best collective exhib- Island butter, lb 40 to .45 1 M (Ifl .hp X. K. lear Kahakuloa: L. K. Kaalouahi. it in the livestock show. Egys, select, doz 58 2 7!t 7ii .en X. f leaf Kahului: Mrs. Pearl S. Engle, Miss --tt Eggs, No. 1, doz 55 " i SI til! .00 N. K. leal- Lizzie Kalino, Miss Aoe V. Chuck. Eggs, duck, doz 15 to .50 JEFHiEY MFG. CO.'S t S2 t;:l .mi X. K. Cl'-a- r Spreckelsville: Mrs. Laura A Keeping Up The Payments Young roosters, lb 50 to .55 a SI? (12 .(in X. E. Clear Sabey, Miss Maud E. Cheda, Miss Mrs. Gaiby "Does your hurhand liens, lb 35 to .38 Link Chains Avorasr' Total. Lueilo La Croix, Miss Isabel Miller, ever get behind in his alimony?" Ducks, Pekin, lb 35 lelt SI Ii7 .110 John M. Brown, Miss Pearl llans- - Mrs. Golitoly "X'o, indeed! I've Ducks, Haw. doz 8.00 Conveying Machinery borough. threatened to go hack to him instam-l- if he did." Judge Vegetables And Produce Pulverizea's a Camp 10: Manuel A. Dias, Mrs. Beans, string, green 03 to .0? Mathilda II. Barrus. Beans, string, wax 04 Algarobn Kenn, Lima, Puunene: Elmer A. Brown, Miss Entered Of Record Beans, Lima in pod 03 M-- Coral, Alfalfa. Gertrude Seong, Mrs. J. 13. Medeiros, BY AUTHORITY Beans, Maui red 9.00 to 10.00 Mrs. Flora H. Brown, Miss Afoon L. while 11.00 to 11.50 Nin, Beans, small Ah Miss Lucy Wilcox, Mrs. Forest Reserve Hearing I'eas, dry Is. cwt 8.50 to 9.00 DISTRIBUTORS: Deeds Sarah Buck, Miss Teal, Miss Esther i "is, dozen belies '20 KKKDO A: HSUS. to . A. llrummoml, Hansen, Mrs. Sylvia M. Maples, Frank N'otice is hereby given that under i '.".rrots, dozen belts. 40 int. in II. P. ",2'2'., Koolau, liana. Martins, Miss Lillian Dana, Miss Rose the provisions or Chapter 37, It. L. Cabbage, cwt 2.00 .Maui. M;1v 2a, !)1X. $1nil. Schrepfer, Miss Aline A. rendergrast. II. 1915, public Catton, Neill & Co., Ltd. a hearing will be held Corn 100 ears 2.50 to 3.00 .1. sweet I. XAKKI.LA W'K to V. Kantaktin i Keahua: . Fred Murphy, , by the Governor of the Territory and Rice, cwt 8.00 - Haw. seed, ENGINEERS HONOLULU n. V. all:, Kill. r.iCl.VH Ktiwela, Jlo- Miss Olava Hansen, Miss Margaret the Board of Commissioners of Agri- peppers, bell, 06 .08 M. Green to lokai. An?. P,l. 1!I17, U and love and Gautier, Miss Lora Williams. culture and Forestry on Wednesday, Green peppers, chili 05 affect ion. H. M. Wells, Miss Ruby Paia: the 19th day of June, 1918, at nine Potatoes, Is. 1 2.00 to 2.50 TIlLKi'A O. V. ltLLLI"i:.f Fitch, Miss Olive Villiers, Miss Har- o'clock a. m. in the office of said i'otataos, sweet, cwt 1.75 to o. in i( . Stanley, C. Sankitchi int. riet John Gonsalves, Mrs. Board at the Government Nursery. Taro, cwt 2.00 131S do Andrade-- land, Hooleia, Molokai, June Lima Miss Belle Power, King Street, Honolulu, to consider I'iro, 15 $1(10. Miss Hazel West, Miss bunch Constance the defining of the limits and the Tomatoes 08 to .09 Garments MKS. CUZAKKTII K. PRATT to Kinney, Antohny C. Perreira, Miss setting apart as forest reserves of that arc often thought ruined clean beautifully pr. Wrigley, Green peas, lb 10 to .12 Sankitchi Kumisliiro, int. Ethel Miss Mary Crutchfleld, certain government and other lands, Cucumbers, doz 35 to .40 if properly cleaned. land, Molokai, ,lit"e '!. Miss C. llooleia, Maria Rodrigues, Miss Lillian more particularly as follows: Pumpkins, lb 01l,& liHS. ?1iiii. Whitford. 1. Island of Kauai, District of ,i A. KALIKO KALKIU'A H.H. to Makawao: Frederick W. Hardy, Kona. Land of Kalaheo (Papapahola-hol- a Fruit Faultless Dry Cleaning Thomas Krueser, int. in ft P. V 1 8 i S. Medeiros, Miss En Kyau Yap, Miss Spring), area 54 acres, more or never fails to give satisfaction in cleaning anything that's dry Kul. 17.".!) and IX. V. 42.r,6 Kui. ".r;-C- . Amelia Tain Yau. Manuel G. Anjo. less. Bananas, Chinese, lb. green 01 Maui, .lun :;, l'U- - SI. Kealahou: J. Vincent, Miss Ellen 2. or Bananas, cooking, bch 1 i'5 cleanable. Island Oahti. District of Figs, 100 1.00 PETER HALE fc W'K. et. als to T. Copp, , , . (Waiaho-le)- , Land of Waiahole 08 P.. Lyons, int. in Jt. P. r.Bfil, Kul Keokea: D. Kapohakimohewa, Mrs area 11G9 acres, Grapes. Isabella, lb more or less. 100 50 ?,r2, Alamilii. Lahaina, Maui, Feb. Julia Kapohakimohewa, Miss Ah 3. Ha- Limes, FRENCH Island of Maui, District of 02 ABADIE'S LAUNDRY 16, 1918. $100. Lung Lau, Miss K. Aoe Ah Sing. makuapoko, (Ad- Pap.iias, lb. Land of Makawao 2.50 D. Souza, Paia Agent M. Mortgages Halehaku: Miss Rachael T. Kia-kon- dition to Makawao Forest Reserve), Pineapples, cwt Jno. Uyeno, Kahului Agent Strawberries 20 to .25 HAN' A HIIIIO & HSU. (J. K.) to T. Miss Christine Emmsley. area i;C3 acres, more or less. Jack Linton, Wailuku Agent. n. Lyons, n. P. lo2 Kul. 432. Waika-pu- . i Huelo: Miss Julia Maltson. 4. Island of Hawaii, District or Livestock 7, 1917. Keanae: Miss Helen K. Awai, Miss Puna, (Keauoha-na- , Wailuku, Maui, July Land of Keauohana sheep not bought $75. Roslind Haia. area 272 acres, more or less: Cattle und are t Kaeleku: Joseph Cravalho, Miss and to consider lire weight. They aro slaughtered Notices the withdrawal from ,"nd on I'lOX'EER MILL CO., LTD., by Attys. Marie V. Estrella. the existing Honolulu Watershed For- paid for a dressed nxirht Applet! for Key. Title of 5.77 Acres Hana: John J. Thennes, Mrs. est Reserve, District of Honolulu, Is- bnali. Mitchell-Kahananu- H BANK T. ta land, Lahaina, Maui, May 27, 1918. Dorothy Miss land of Oahu, of three small parcels Dreited Meats THIS IS FULLY AND WPT rOTTII'PKn -- it Elsio Chalmers, Mrs. J. A. Medeiros. of hind on Tantalus Heights, having Hog", 150 lb. lb. over 20 to .21 TO HANDLE EVERY PHASE OF Haou: William P. Haia, Mrs. Eli- areas of 1.52, 0.137 and 0.103 acres Beef, lb 11 to .15 VILLA NOW A PROHIBITIONIST zabeth Haia. respectively. Veal, 11) 15 Ulupalakua: Miss Dollie A. Keike. Maps and descriptions of the said Mutton, lb 18 to .20 General Banking Juarez, Mexico, May 25 Francisco Makena: R. L. Ogilvie. lands are on file in the office of the Pork, lb 25 to .27 Villa is the newest recruit to the Hamakuapoko: . Miss Mary E. Superintendent of Forestry where cause of in ohihition. I'a:'on;:eri ar- Fleming. Mrs. Louise V. Boyuni, Miss they are open to the inspection of the Hides. Wet 8alted Insurance in all Branches riving hero recently from Chihua- Helen Tilleman, Miss Dora Tilleman, public. Steer, No. 2, lb 10 hua City say. Villa, who is roaming Mrs. Cora D. Foster, Manuel Craval- At the said time and place all per- Steer, hair slip 09 and over the Chihuahua plains and moun- ho sons who so desire will he given full Steer, No. 1 11) 10 Domestic Foreign Exchange tains, Rave orders that no more so-to- l, Kaupakalua: Roy I. Ganfleld, Miss opportunity to be heard upon the sub- Kips, lb 12 tequila or mescal should hp manu- L. Pali. ject matter of this notice and to prc3 Goat, white 20 to .30 Stocks, Bonds and Securities factured in the hills which are scat- Haiku: Herbert A. Wade, Mrs. enl tvidence and arguments in per-sii- i, tered through the mountain districts. Roby Blanrhard, Miss Hazel Pestor, by proxy, or by letter, either for Feed He gave the dealers until May 1 to Mrs. Mary N. Wade, Miss Eva F. New- or against the setting apart of said Corn, lg. yel. ton 100.00 dispose of their stock and told th m man, Miss Rosabelle K. Coolho. lands as forest reserves or the 'elimi- Corn, cracked, ton 105.00 not to sell any more after that date. Kuiaha: Mrs. Ellen B. O'Brien. nation of said lands from the exist- Scratch food, ton 100.00 to 105.00 BANK OF MAUI, Ltd. The penalty was fixed tit death for Kipahulu: Mrs. Ruth Gibbs, Mrs. ing i serve. Oats, ton 80.00 to 80.00 the maker, his wife, family, horses, ' Julia Kapoi. Signed) LUCIUS E. TINKHAM, Barley, ton 78.50 to 82.50 WAILUKU LAHAINA PAIA dogs, goats and chickens, according Kaupo: Mrs. L. A. Marciel, Mrs. Governor of Hawaii. Hay, wheat, ton 47.00 to 52.00 to Villa's crude manifesto. Mary C. Marques. The Capitol, Honolulu, June 3rd, 1918 Hay, afah'a, ton 42.00 to 47.00'

1 LB YOU THE WAR Let our TRUST DEPARTMENT help YOU Make your will or create a trust and name the HAW AIIAN TRUST COMPANY as Executor or Trustee. You will thus be relieved from many cares and anxieties, while serving our country. REAI, ESTATE You may intend to reside in Honolulu, if so, write to our Real Estate Department. We will gladly furnish information concerning property for sale or rent. There arc many choice residence sites offered for sale in the foot hills and suburbs of the city. INSURANCE We represent companies writing the following lines: Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Automobile, Burglary, Tourist, Compensation, Liability, Plate-glTts- s, Elevator, Marine, and Surety Bonds. STOCKS AND BONDS We will be pleased to give all available information concerning any stocks or bonds dealt in by the Honolulu Exchange or on the Main- land. SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT Visitors to Honolulu are invited to call and see the LargVst, Strongest and most Up-to-Da- te Safe Deposit Vault in this Territory. The twelve ton door is one of the most interesting sights in the city. If If PTT IT a rsr JL wanan U Limited 120 S. King Street ir Honolulu, T. H. Telephone 1255. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS S500,()00.00. Authorized by Law to act as Executors, Tru-.ti.e- Administrators and Guardians. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: President E. I). TENNEY Vice-Presiden- ts J. R. GALT, C. II. COOKE, C. H. ATIIERTON Treasurer H. II. WALKER Assistant Treasurers R A N N E Y SCOTT, F. W. JAM1ESON Secretary S. G. WILDER Assistant Secretary P. K. McLEAN Directors-- F. C. ATIIERTON, GEORGE I. BROWN, R.B.ANDERSON.


FOOD COMMISSION BULLETINS LODGE MAUI, NO. M, A. F. A A. M. ON FILE ATTRACTIONS FOR THIS WEEK AT THE X K Coliies of all bulletins issued bv the LIBERTY CATERING I nited States Food Commission, in- No. 48. cluding many receipts, are received regularly by the Maui Chamber of BY MAU WOMEN ommcrce, and are on file in the As Stated meetings will be held at ! sociation Rooms. Masonic Hall, Kahulul, on the first A Of Economy Intended To Serve A Patriotic These documents are available to Saturday night of each month at 7:30 Department Domestic P. M. In Conserving Food Needed By The Allied Armies In Europe the Fublic for inspection during Purpose Saturday, June 8th. Tuesday, June 11th. business hours. Visiting brethren are cordially in PARAMOUNT PROGRAM GEORGE WALSH in Also literature pertaining to the vited to attend. Territorial Fair. F. W. PEACOCK. R W. M. ST. FRANCIS WHEATLESS BREAD Vx cup chopped nuts. VIVIAN MARTIN In "SOME BOY" JAMES CUMMING, Secretary. And, two good comedies. D. H. CASE, The recipe for the St. Francis wheat teaspoon cinnamon. "MOLLY ENTANGLES" Secretary. less bread, as given by Chef Victor 2 cups barley flour. Also, "Who Is Number One?" (Zt) 2 teaspoons baking powder. Wednesday, June 3.2th. ALOHA LODGE NO. 3 KNIGHT Hlrtzler, Is as follows: And, "House Of lb. rye flour. V teaspoon cloves. Terrible Scandal", PARAMOUNT PROGRAM OF PYTHIAS. Fox Comedy. lb. barley flour. Combine the ingredients as for cake MARGUERITE CLARK in BY AUTHORITY lb. white corn flour. add enough barley flour to make a "BAB'S MATINEE IDOL" dough stiff enough to he rolled. Roll lb. rice flour. Sunday, June 9th. Also, "Vengeance And The Woman" NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERN. 2 oz. yeast. thin, shape with small cookie cutter MARY ANDERSON in And, MENT LEASE. 1 oz. salt. and bake on tin sheet. "Pathe News" "THE FLAMING OMEN" . 2 oz. sugar. Steamed Barley Pudding At 12 o'clock, noon. Saturday. 1 egg. Thursday, June lHth. June 1 oz. shortening. And, "STINC.AREE" 15th, 1918, at the front door of the Regular meetings will be held at luke-war- 1 cup MARGUERITE SNOW IN 1 quart water. molasses. Capitol Building, Honolulu, H., the Knights of Pythias Hall. Walla- - warm 1 cup T. Dilute the yeast In the luke sour milk. "THE UPSTART" there will be sold at public auction dough with all the 1 teaspoon soda. Monday, June 10th. ku, on the second and fourth Friday water and make a Also, Pearl White in "The Fatal Ring under Section 380 of the Revised of each month. ingredients. Let It raise two hours. '4 teaspoon salt. EXTRA SPECIAL Laws general two cup corn meal. And, "Pathe News" of Hawaii of 1915. a All visiting members are cordially Put In tins and again let raise MABEL TALIAFERRO in lease to the following fish oven. 1 cup barley flour. described Invited to attend. hours. IJake In a moderate "" Friday, June 14th. ponds: For the St. Francis wheatless rye 1 cup chopped raisins. H. S. PERRY, C. C. and The picture of the hour, for all true CHARLES RAY In Kapaakea, Kamiloloa, Kakakupaia bread : n?!t egA add molasses, mrk and Kawela Fish Ponds, situate on J. C. BLAIH, K. R. & S. 2 lbs. rye flour. sod.1 dissolved in a little cold water Americans. No battle scenes. "THE MILLIONAIRE VAGRANT" barley and the Island of Molokai, together with 1 lb. rice flour. ift corn meal and flour rights-of-wa- y with first. such as may be neces COURT VALLEY ISLAND NO. 9239 2 oz. yeast. salt together and combine sary to insure ingress and egress to 1 oz. salt. mixtuie. Add chopped raisins, and ANCIENT ORDER FORESTERS pour greased baking powder and from the ponds: term of lease. 2 oz. sugar. into well 20 years from July 1st, 1918; upset Regular meetings will be held at 1 oz. shortening. tins or popover cups. If the latter Moose Hall, Kahulul, on the first and cup a rental, $50. per annum, payable semi 1 quart water. are used, cover eacn witn well annually in advance. third Thursday of each month, at 7:30 1 ninch caraway seeds. greased paper. Steam two hou:s I'. M. Waffles The purchaser shall be required to cordially Mix and bake same way as the St. Barley spend not less $500. per year All visit ine aiftbers are 2 cups barley flour. than Francis wheatless bread. during the first 10 years of the lease invited to attend. Vi e;ispoon salt. CARL F. N. ROSE, teaspoons baking powder. in repairing and rehabilitating the Secretary. Barley Recipes Which Are Absolute- said ponds, and shall be required to Financial 1 cup milk. ly Wheatless. put up a bond in the sum of f500 Who has been asking for a steamed 2 cgf.g. which shall be satisfactory to the brown bread which is both wheatless :i tn-.i- spoons melted fat. a Sift Ory Ingredients together, end Commissioner of Public Lands, to in and ryeless? Who was it wanted Bure Buch expenditure. Said improve new cookie? Who wanted a dessert add blowly the milk, beaten egij oM?s an individual car - ments shall start within 90 days from MAUI which should be a real pudding, but jnd melted fat. Fold in sillily li at- BOOKSTORE e.n thoroughly a the date of the lease, or the rental made without any wheat flour? Here whites. Beat for BOOKS, STATIONERY and cook in hot well greased and bond shall be forfeited. is just what you want. minute To the very smallest detail, the Chevrolet The purchaser shall pay the cost NEW8 DEALER8 Steamed Brown Bread waffle irons. reflects the ideals of the makers to produce of advertising. 1V4 cups corn meal. For maps and further information, M Hawaiian Views and Post Cards 1 cups barley "TWO EQUAL THINGS" high-grad- e flour. a really car at a popular price. apply at the office of the Commission Souvenir-Jewelr-y 2 teaspoons baking powder. "Two things which are equal to the same thing are equal to each oth- er of Public Lands, Capitol Building, Kodaks and Films 4 teaspoon salt. That the Chevrolet is more commonly Honolulu, T. H. Koa Novelties V teaspoon ginger. er." No rodent steals from this coun- try's resources enough to count at compared with cars selling at much higher WALTER A. ENGLE, Fine Candles 1 teaspoon soda. Acting Commissioner of Ukuleles 2 cups sour milk. all in the total. Yet all the rats prices is justification for extent the conscientious Public Lands. v. cud molasses. together steal annually to the MAUI flour, baking of $200,000,000. No rat gives back, effort of its manufacturer.. Dated at Honolulu, WAILUKU, Sift corn meal, barley May 7th, 1918. powder, salt and ginger. Dissolve in any form of service, the value of The new model (May 10, 24, June 7, 14.) isfitlMt soda in a little cold water, and the his theft. He is only and solely a Chevrolet "Four Ninety" Am fiour milk and molasses. Combine pest. Touring Car and Roadster, attain a stan- the linuid with the dry ingredients No hoarder steals from this coun- dard of excellence uncommon of cars at a beat well, and steam in well greased try's food supply enough to make these prices. This is a claim we would he or baking powder difference in the total. Yet enough brown bread tin delighted to we could no Amateurs Here's your cans from 5 to 6 hours, depending up hoarders could play havoc with our prove ask on the size of the tin. food supply, defeat the Allies, and greater favor than to do so. chance to learn how to make country has . Hermits wound the honor of a that good pictures cup fat. said it will keep enough at home to Would you have a good-lookin- g car? cup sugar. feed its own people. The hoarder The Chevrolet has it in full measure. TUB PHOTO cup chopped raisins. does not give back, in any form of Would you have strength? Vanadium steel MINIATURE SERIBS 1 egg. patriotism, the value of this theft. He is used wherever unusual strength is re- 2 tablespoons milk. is only and solely a slacker. of 166 booklets covers so quired. Would you have comfort? Proper many subjects in Photo- spring suspension together with comfor- graphy that it would require arrange plenty of Brooks will to have table upholstering and roominess meet your larger space to enumerate reporters present. comfort-wishe- s How the plan is carried out and to the fullest degree. them. Each booklet is con- AT THE THEATERS Would have power and low upkeep? Bkiadbll would have succeeded had not an yu fined to one subject. We have valve-in-hea- Newest.Coolest Motel in Hawaii English nobleman come at the tlnw The wonderful d moter with complete write for appointed to per Fori Street. Honolulu the series, ask Bab's father's which each Chevrolet is equipped provides complete list. Mabel Taliaferro In "Draft 258", mission to marry Leila, and been power in excess of ordinary requirement forcibly thrown out, while the actor Cabanne's Sequel to "" the Seven Parts was made to spend a whole day at or emergency; and Dcmolulu flboto Supple William , whom hard manual labor, makes a situation principle insures maximum power Company you remember as the author and of unusul fun and interest. on minimum fuel. Twenty-fiv- e miles per director of "The Slacker," featuring "Molly Entangled" is a story of gallon is a common thing for this Chevnv N. SANO 1059 Fort St. Honolulu. produced hay-field- s, Emily Stevens, has another flowing spreading shade let. And the car is fully equipped. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER special feature for the Metro program trees, cooing doves and the lovo of 258 " presents a Suppose you let us demonstrate that we titled "Draft It colleen for her brawny "broth of Just received a new stock of theme that holds an interest for all a boy," It is a happy tale filled with have not overstated Chevrolet quality. old and young. The title suggests Irish wit, Irish jovialty and good fel Mattresses, poultry netting, the theme. It is not any better, but lowship. It was Vivian Martin's Irish paints and oils, furniture, etc. it Is just as good as Mr. Cabanne's blue eyes and open smile that won "Four Ninety" Touring, Trice $635, f. Coffins and General Hardware. production of "The Slacker" which her tho part of "Molly." As we o. b. Flint, Mich. was highly commended by critics and see itio picture unfold, we feel it Phone public alike. Mabel Taliaferro, the must have been such girls as "Molly Market Street Walluku accomplished little actress who has who caused the Irish to write so v furnished entertainment for the mil- many beautiful melodies. , lions on the speaking stage and who Although he tries his best to be a Royal Hawaiian Garage has been seen on the screen In some villain, G. S. Spaulding in the part of of Metro's best productions, is in the "Jim Barry,' 'turns out to bo a hero featured role. Walter Miller, who at the end of the play. It is he who F. H. LOCEY played opposite Miss Stevens as "the unites "Molly" anJ her strapping Blacker" in the picture of the same Local Representative. Crisco "Barney" for better or for worse. It principal male role op- In War Time title has the is ho who relieves tho pain and an-guis- posite Miss Taliaferro in "Draft 258." she has been suffering as the best remembrance for the Others in the supporting cast are: result of a wedding pronounced by a the Eale Drunswick, , Sun priest at the hour of midnight. ones "over there" and the ones Balfour. William H. Tooker, Camilla "at home" Is your photo Inside a Baby Ivy Ward, Sidney But, you will have to sco dainty Dalberg, Vivir.n Martin in tho part to really transparent handled pocket knife. D'Albrook, Robert Anderson and Ed enjoy a win Boring. Miss Taliaferro presents it. Advt. Fifty different styles and sizes role of Mary Alden who lives of knives, razors, etc. the FOR FRYING with her mother and two brothers. GEO. W. BAILEY. WAILUKU, will She, one of her brothers, and her FOrt SHORTENING, sweetheart. John Graham, are em Canadian Soldiers Gioing Over The Top take your order. ployed in a department store. Mary FOR CAKE MAKING is a true patriot. Matthew, her In A Charge On The Germans In Flanders brother, is a "soap-bo- x orator, and In his speeches he argues against the K. MACHIDARP6 store Government's action in declaring war. He is discharged from the store. He ICE CREAM is urged to enlist but scoffs at the The Best In Town idea. When the draft numbers are And a Soda Fountain announced, George Alden, Mary's oth- Give Us a Trial MARKET STREET, : WAILUKU. er brother, holds the first number jWM. 258" and fails to report for examina tion. Mary goes herself and tries to enlist In his place. What happens to her two brothers f THE HOME OF THE $ YOU TOO should Join Amer- and how they are made tho best pa- ica's Service Army of over three triots by Mary is told in this most in Sicinwoy mm ?j teresting war drama. At the Maui Starr million women using Electric ' theaters next week. PIANOS I Irons Delightful Marguerite Clark as Bab Archibald is a somewhat hoydenish schoolgirl who greatly resents the privileges allowed her only slightly older sister, Just because she is mere twtnty months older and "debutante." Resolving to marry Leila her sister HOT IN A MINUTE off at any cost, she proceeds to spoil Special any chance Leila might have had In a strange and extremely humorous 6' pound Westinghouse Iron manner. She is not often allowed to go to the theater and it is not strange $2.95 EACH that on going with some of her school "OVER THERE" lovo mates she should fancy herself in They depend on you to save with the leading man. Hearing that the play is failing, FUEL, FOOD, TIME, LABOR Bab calls in the aid of her old friend Buy Savings Stamps. and standby. Carter Brooks. HeJ.i We have a large 'tftock of War publicity man, and after thinking few moments concocts the following Inside Vnyer PI?no W. W. Dimond & Co., plan. Adrian ,tho leading man, shall ' ., at fair prices and easy t'erms. a position . j-i.r.- - '.'..i-'Ai',"--rt- apply to Bab's father for NLua .. -- t.r- ,J- We take old pianos in exch ange. Limited. in his factory, repeating one of 'he Jt. lines from the play, "the world owes Piano Co., Md "The House of Housewares" it." Her Thayer 53-6- mo a living and I must have This spirited photograph, taken in Flanders, shows Canadian troops swarming out of a trench, over which King Street father will forcibly throw him out HONOLLU, HAWAII. HONOLULU, : HAWAII and the actor and the play will be shrapnel is bursting, for a charge on the Huns. hronirht into the newsoaaers as EIGHT THE MAUI NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918.

Business On Maui 8 Liquor Litigation To Personal Mention Latest News By Wireless Pertinent Paragraphs Hard Hit By Draft Be Dropped Now (Continued from rage One.) Joseph Welch, of Wailuku, a bible The annual meeting of thp Women?' In view of the approval by student of Hartford College Con- Aid Society of the Chuich will the (Continued from Page One.) ship saved crew. It is becoming increasingly evident that raider is I'nion president recently of the Sheppard necticut, conducted services in the avoiding be held next Tuesday afternoon, June No one hns as yet been appointed to Kaumakapili church, Honolulu, on armed ships. 11th, at the home of Mrs. R. B. Dodge. prohibition bill indications are that position. his last Sunday. SUBS SAVING TORPEDOES FOR TROOP SHIPS' The June term of the second cir- the litigation now pending su- The pulilie schools have lost Super- In the Fred J. Halton, secretary of the New York, June 6 Total of submarine victims is now 8 schooners cuit court will open in Lahaina on preme court over the vising Principal George S. Raymond, Wednesday, 19. resolution of Promotion Committee, who hns been and 5 steamers, including the Eidsvold. Sinking of latter ind-cale- s Juno who is first lieutenant in the Wailuku The monthly meeting of the the Maul liquor license board where- Joseph, voca- giving illustrated talks on Maul this raiders are moving it board company, and Manuel week, will to tonight. southward. Xo torpedoes have been used, and of supervisors will begin next Wed- by the board will issue no more li- of Wailuku pub- return Honolulu tional instructor the :s presumed they are saving these for troop ships. Mengles, master nesday, June 12, and continue several censes after July 1 will be discontinu- lic school has also joined the colors. Dr. J. H. Raymond returned home Hono- said submarine commander told him he had destroyed 3 schooners and days. ed When the draft goes into effect the last Saturday afternoon from regular within a short time. lulu where he spent several days on 3 steamers on Saturday but no reports of losses that day have been re- The meeting of the directors situation will be still more serious. of the Maui Attorney C. H. McBride one of the Ha- business. ceived. So Chamber of Commerce Manager Frank Ilaldwin, of the far as is know only 16 deaths, and all of these from Car- will be held next Thursday afternoon counsel for the Maui liquor men, has waiian Commercial & Sugar Company H. B. Penhallow, manager of the olina's life boat which capasized. in Wailuku. announced that he has received a let- stales that with the Guard and the Wailuku Sugar Company, was In Ho- The Thrift Stamp AMERICANS MAKING GOOD and War Savings ter from Attorney Eugene Murphy, as- ."ruftees taken his plantation will nolulu this week on business. Stamp drive on Maui is to 111 Paris, 6 Germans last night crossed the Oise in vicinity of continue have lost approximately percent of Mrs. C. J. Schoening, of June 28. sociate counsel, stating that the Maui Honolulu, ( ampigny until June its total working force. returned home last Saturday after but were driven back by French. North of Aisnc French A suit in equity for the partition- board rescinded the resolution last "It will mean a slowing down of spending on Maui visiting improved positions in in ing two weeks neighborhood Ilautebray. Heavy artillety of certain lands, has been filed in Saturday and voted to grant all li- production", Mr. Baldwin remarked friends. the second by un- neighborhood of Veuilly la Poteri, where Americans are in action. An circuit court Jacintha censes applied Such, in speaking of the situation, "But da Cambra, et. nl. vs. Joe for. licenses, no should Dr. F. R. Missner, of Kahului, went American machine gun hatralion accounted for approximately 1000 da Camhra, der the circumstances one to Saturday et. nl. however, would remain in effect only up to do Honolulu last where he Germans while holding Thierry, lost only I kill- object. It is to Islands their has been called into service as 1st bridge at Chateau and The final examinations or the Maui from June 1 until August 25, the date part. If I can manage to keep my of- ed Lieutenant of the medical reserve and a few wounded. High School will begin this year on on which the Sheppard bill goes Into fice from being too badly depleted, Official Monday, June 17, been corps of the army. French note describes Americans under fire: "Have won and will not'bc con- effect in Hawaii. I'll be satisfied. Otlice work has cluded until Thursday, June 27. greatly by the volume of F. N. Lufkin, cashier of the Lahai-n- a admiration of French. They arc full of enthusiasm, and arc ardent The According to Attorney McBride increased seniorn are practically the only Will hp n government reports and statistics now branch of the Bank of Maul, was fighters. We may hope everything from them". class there nrohablv nnlv foir lln. a passenger to Satur- that has examinations during the first uor dealers on Maui who will apply required, and it is no easy thing to Honolulu last American men and women of Y. M. C. A. in heroic acts during week of the period. a crippled day. ror licenses in view of the short time handle this with staff'. ret teat east of Soissons. Women particularly distinguished themselves. Augustine Knos, of Wailuku has ac- they same attitude is taken by prac- Miss Olava Hansen is visiting will be permitted to run. The cepted the position of conductor on "Following thl trrnntlllff nf lifonona tically all heads of business enter- friends in Honolulu. TRAIN MOVEMENTS MAY PRESAGE NEW ACTION passenger the train of the Kahului I shall probably discontinue the liti- prises on Maui. There is no disposi- P. H. Ross, who resigned recently American Army Headquarters, June 6 General Michie, American, 'Railroad. He Maui had until the first of gation in supreme court," Attorney tion to complain or criticise. iis manager of the Wailuku Orpheum, died suddenly on train. Death unexpected as he had not been ill. . the month been an (he in great war. assistant in MclJride says. must do her part the will sever his connection with the Patrols report heavy train in rear of tamp 1 store. fllpfl of in- extraordinary movements There has been In iha onnromn The slowing up of the wheels tonight's performance. A. Pombo has hir, appli- a part of theater after enemy's lines northwest of Toul. withdrawn court by Attorney McBride and At- dustry must be accepted ns He will go to Honolulu tonight on a cation for a renewal of hia license for torney the cost, to be made up as far as may GERMANS REPEATEDLY REPULSED W. F. Frear, the latter repre- short business trip. It is probable thp Aloha Saloon, Wailuku. senting the Maui board, an approved be by doubling up of duties for those that Mr. Ross will continue to make London, June 6 German raids last night repeatedly tried to reach The case of John Keao et' al. vs. stipulation who are left. agreeing that the litiga- workers his home on Maui. Pr'tish at Amiens but all assaults were repulsed. the Olowalu Company, was discon- tion remain in quo May Help status until June Women Dr. and Mrs. George Aiken will Secretary of food ministry Clvnes told house of commons no effort tinued in the circuit court this week 14 ,as prior to that date the Maui It is probable that women workers leave tomorrow for Honolulu to at on motion of the plaintiffs. The case board many posi- of submarines could menace civil population of Britain. Heavy im- will have an onnnrtnnitv tn to. will be called upon to fill tend the Fair. Dr. Aiken will return was a contest between Kuleana own- ceive and pass on any applications tions here that have heretofore been next week, but Mrs. Aiken will visit ports of bacons and hams from America recently. ers and the plantation over a division for licenses may job. This will that come In. If considered as men's friends ir the city for several weeks NEW DRIVES EXPECTED of irrigation water. desired the reserved questions sub- In offices d probably be especially true before returning home. Washington, 6 With third German drive slowed down war Levi Joseph has applied in the'sec-on- mitted bV Circuit .Tlldiro T. T. Ttnrr field work it is June and stores. Even for Capt. K. Hubhenette, of the Kahu department against new portions of the circuit court for a commission to of Maul may be heard in the supreme likely that women and children will expects forceful demonstration practice law In the courts of lui Railroad tug Leslie Baldwin, has districts court on live days' notice. Star-Bulleti- be employed this rummer in much resigned his position and expects to western front. the territory. His license has expied. greater measure than ever before. leave for the coast, next week. The Douglas Campbell, of California, downed 6 Hun planes between Joseph Hannon was this morning They are being appealed to to lend illness of Mrs. Hubhenette, who is April 14 and May 31. granted a divorce from his wife, Mary measure of patri- their assistance as a now on the mainland 1? the reason HONOLULU BAKERIES CLOSED Hannon, by Judge Burr. The decree otism both to the nation and to the of his leaving. lakes effect on June 15. live. Honolulu, 6 Child 'closes bakeries of Young Hotel, Sweet plantations on which they Miss Helen Tarn hu; from the June Owing to the preparations for de- In The Churches Paia Hospital is in Honolulu on a Shop, Alencastre Bakery, and 2 Chinese bakeries, for failure to make parture of the national guard com- vacation and will take in the Terri- weekly returns as required. Must stay closed until returns arc filed. panies, it. has been decided to post- torial Fair. Supervisor Arnold says he has no idea resigning. pone the base ball games scheduled Maui Guardsmen To of for next Sunday. (Continued from page 5) Dr. F. St. Sure, of Wailuku was a parade engineers will place tomor- passenger to Honolulu on Monday Aloha for locally enlisted take In the games on the Wailuku dia- Sail Sunday Night night, returning on Wednesday. row. Seven thousand expected to be in line. mond last Sunday the Wailukun beat WAILUKU UNION CHURCH Mrs. II. A. Baldwin returned this the Puunene by a score of 9 to 4. In Rowland B. Dodge, GETS HIGH PLACE IN SHRINE junior game, won Minister. morning from Honolulu wherf Ehe SUNNY JIM the the Cubs from Miss Mary K. Hoffmann, (Continued from Page One.) Orientals 8 to 3. Organist. has been for several weeks. Atlantic Port, June 6 James McCandless elected high priest and the Mrs. Cvo. N. Weight, Choir Leader. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Steele, of prophet of Imperial Council of Shriners, the fifth ranking position The Mauna Loa is on the Claudine'.s 10:00 A. M. the run this being Bible School. both otlicers and men. A great Paia, returned home this morning and an advance of two towards Imperial Potenteship. Elias Jacoby week, the latter boat 7:00 p. M. Organ Recital. amount of "paper work" lias been go- from the mainland where they have undergoing minor repairs in Hono 7:30 former law partner of Charles W. Fairkanks elected Imperial Potentate. lulu. Public Worship with sermon ing on at battalion and company head- been on a vacation for some months. by Rev. S. Nagata. a graduate of the quarters, while the companies have Mr. and Mrs. Joaquin Garcia, f RAPID OVERSEAS WORK NOW Fred Halton, of the Promotion Com- Pacific School of Religion. 7 mittee, during his lecture the been busy drilling a minimum of Wrilluhu, returned home on Wedni 6 se- at Paia Friday Bright. Washington, June While a million boys registered for the Community House on Tuesday even- after school. Mon- hours per day. Most of the companies day from a three months vacation lective called all day Club under Miss Judd's direction. fully clothed and equipped, and in spent on th mainland, during which draft yesterday, General Crowder upon governors of ing, gave also a Thrift are Stamp during really good condition. time they went east as far as New slates except Arizona to mobilize 200.000 between June 24th and 28th. talk, which it developed I'nion Service will be In audience 300 or more held at the Dr. L. L. Patterson, Major, Medical York city. Mr Garcia represented Also called 40,000 negroes from twenty southern states. This brings that the of Kaahumanu Church Sunday morning Corps, assigned to the sanitary de- the local lodge of Foresters, and also of. there was not one person present who at. 11 total called under draft to 1,595,000. Most these are assigned to did not own Thrift Stamps, War Sav o'clock. The public is most tachment of the 2nd Regiment, has he local Moose organization In the national army camps indicating rapidity of overseas movement. Recent cordially invited. been on Maui all week conducting the national conventions of these societ- ings Stamps, or Liberty Bonds. physical examination of the men. ies. calls were to National Guard camps. Rev. Samuel Nagata, who preaches Most of them are standing this exami- F. G. Krauss, of Haiku went to Ho- Army officials on the Marne report for second time had stepped at the Wailuku Union Chuich Sunday nation well since practically all in nolulu last Saturday to make arrange- will be PROMOTION COMMITTEE ISSUES evening, graduated Germans, but is not believed French now hurl back invaders INTERESTING NEW FOLDER from the Whittier the guard have previously been put ments for Maui's exhibits at the ter- cause German power, is not yet exhausted. College, Cal., in 1915. In 1915 and through similar testn. ritorial fair. He will return home the 1916 The Hawaii promotion he took graduate work in tho Resignations Accepted latter part of next week. FRENCH NOW GAINING GROUND committee University of Southern California. has just issued a handsome new fold- l(i-1- A number of changes have been Mrs. Will. J. Cooper went to Hono- Paris, June 6 All German efforts to advance on the French sector he did graluate work In the evening to the Fair. er advertising the Islands which is to made lately in the officers' personnel lulu last attend were 1 University of California, specializing --t- t repulsed. he French gained ground and took prisoners. take the place of the folders 'hereto- of the guard, including a number of in r.ociology, education nnd philoso- GERMANS PREPARING FRESH ASSAULT ON REIMS fore used, which were getting to be phy. At resignations which have been accept- out of cover the same time he was a stu- by department. New York, June 6 Enemy nowhere progressed yesterday but re- date. The in colors is dent at. the Pacific School ed and published the a striking picture of Waikiki beach of Religion Battalion Sergeant-Majo- r Wm. En-gl- e MY BIVOUAC peatedly assaulted on various sectors suffering heavy losses. No fight- from which he graduated a few weeks with Duke Kahanamoku on a surf ago. He was has been discharged in order to ing of importance along the Marne. Violent bombardment of Reims board in immediate foreground. ordained March 5 this following has been sent the year at the Al- accept a commission as first lieute- The effusion has been resumed probably forecasting infantry attack. The Germans The folder is profusely illustrp'e'i church of which Rev. nant. to a Maui friend by T. L. Kelly, form- bert W. Palmer was recently the min- Hawaii, but who is now were heavily shelled by the Americans at Luneville. Xo resumption with new pictures, and each of the is- ister. The following are among the officers erly of Olaa, lands is covered resigned: Capt. V. Al- a color sergeant of Battery B, Trench of fighting in Flanders or Picardy. separately in the who have P. descriptive matter. Much con- - ston, Capt. O. O. Hansen, 1st Lieute- Mortars, in the British army in Fland- of the AMERICANS NOW IN CENTER OF GREAT FRAY tents of. the whole folder is quotations Earning Thrift Stamps by getting nant Foster Robinson, 1st Lieutenant ers: from experiences Waiwaiole, 2nd Lieutenant Jno. Washington (Official), June 6 French official report says Am- or impressions of subscribers to the MAUI NEWS is J. II. 1st Spasm world prominent WTiters travel-es- , V. 2nd ericans west of Thierry on Sunday, despite a long, march eagerly and Marciel, and Lieutenant Louis It's only some rags and canvas, which form a much stronger easy and honorable. The boy or girl Gillen. Nailed to a blooming tree jumped into the battle within an hour after reaching the front. They who will resign- eulogy for Hawaii that could possibly work and stick to it can earn Lieut. Waiwaiole, although There ain't no name on the fanlight were engaged in other fights north and south of this point and protected be by ed, to proceed to Ho furnished local people. War Savings Stamp Prizes. has had orders Cos there ain't no fanlight see? a Marne, bridge until Allies crossed then fought off Germans causing nolulu and to report to the intelligence It's a shanty knocked up quickly bureau of the Hawaiian Department. With wire and bits of string, sanguinary losses before destroying the bridge. Military chiefs here It ain't no Buck-ha- Palace rejoice because Americans are in the very heart of the conflict. sank one. The"Limit" we calls the thing. Yesterday the Germans were repulsed from attempt to take Vil-lie- rs New York, June 6 P. P. O'Connor says appointment of Campbell TO LECTURE PARENTS AND as chancellor of is TELL STORIES TO CHILDREN and Coterets. Between Ourcq and Oise the French cavalry dis- Ireland an open and violent insult and provocation 2nd Spasm t.i Catholic For my bed an old torn oil sheet, mounted, repulsed foe and then penetrated the German lines for 2000 Nationalists. Under the auspices of the Maui One blanket to roll around, yards. Hardest fighting northwest of Soissons for Choisy Hill which Berlin (Official), June 6 The situation is unchanged. Library Association Mrs. Thorne-Thomse- n Where the ants, the bugs, and the changed hands five times before the French finally held it. ALL GERMAN EFFORTS FRUSTRATED has been engaged to give beetles, French Army, June 6 Enemy's entire pressure appears turned lectures of Maui for the parents and Find a happy hunting ground; NEW SHIPYARD TO BE LARGEST OX PACIFIC story-tellin- against western flank making teachers and two hours. Its spring no, not the mattress! San Francisco (Official), June 6 Large pacific ship building where they are gratest efforts to straighten The first will be in Wailuku, Satur- That's mud the Flanders floor, company has announced plans for another yard larger than any on the line. Much German artillery between Troesnen on north bank Ourcq day, June 22nd, under a committee And for water we beats the navy, and around whole western curve to Moulin to west, thirteen miles H. coast coveting 160 acres, and to cost $20,000,000 with capacity to con- of which Mrs. B. Penhallow is We "Somnic" times gets washed at- 20,000-to- n be- northwest of Soissons and both north and south of Aisne. Every chairman, the second a lecture at Ka-- 1 ashore. struct 10 steel ships simultaneously. Thousands of men uiui on Tuesday, June 25, for parents ing sought for immediate, start on project. 20,000 will be employed tack was frustrated. Allies improved their positions. and teachers under a committee of 3rd Spasm later. FIGHTING OF SMALL IMPORTANCE NOW which Mrs. F. F. Baldwin is chairman, When the boys march past, "Gor-bllm- y London, June 6 Situation on Aisne sector is stable and will re-(tu- story-tellin- g NEW AMERICAN TROOPS DO FINE WORK and the third a hour at a new factor to disturb. Day's operations only of local tactical Hamakuapoko on Wednesday, after- you'll them cay. American Army Headquarters, June 6 On June 5th the American That takes it" hear significance. William Robertson, chief of ap- noon June 26, under a committee of But to me it's a dear old bivvy marines repulsed two determined attacks on the Marne, and tonight Sir western command, which Mrs. H. D. Sloggett is the chair- Where I writes and sleeps and pray, wiped t)ut one large patrol. This morning they charged Germans and pointed temporarily to command forces in Great Britain. man. There's holes in the roof with shrapnel Steamer Kenilworth Castle arrived crippled as the result of a story-tellin- captured machine gun positions. In the afternoon killed many and The admission to the Also the sides as well, collision which caused explosion killing several. Others were drowned hours will be only 10 cents for chil- quiet- look prisoners. The Germans further west before Veuilly woods near Sometimes there's peace and 300 passengers from dren, 25 cents for adults. The lecture ness. Chateau Thierry concentrated for a massed attack and threw a force when lifeboats taken capsized. Had South Africa. will be for adult and a charge of 25 More often there's perfect 'ell. iigainst Americans who mowed down enemy with machine guns. ALL FIRST REGIMENT OFFICERS MUSTERED IN cents will be made. the The attack crumpled, the Germans fleeing in confusion. The American Honolulu, June explosion in cook stove in home 4th S;:aBm Principal Gibson, of the Liliuokalani School, wrecked the stove and ' brunt of attack had recently arrived in France. of I my bivvy, . regiment which bore the loves dear oil cook sensek-s- s for two hours. McMAHON MAY BE For what it's inside contains, They marched directly from training camp to battle field. knocked the Japanese COURT REPORTER There's photos fixed on the canvas, MODERN SURGERY WILL MAKE BIG SALVAGE All officers of the 1st Regiment mustered in, passing physical ex- Of those I may see. again.. Paris, 6 Army surgeons expect 90 percent of the Americans aminations with one exception. His case is held in abeyance. Gen- The position of cturt reporter in On the floor, there' tag,.nds lying, June appearance of regiment. Army the second circuit court has been wounded at Campigny to recover. eral Blockson comments favorably on To waste them would tA a sin. officials wire Washington for authority to wave height requirement tendered by Judge L. L. Burr to P. Tomorrow I'll have t Ipmoke 'em ANOTHER SINKING ON ATLANTIC COAST Maurice McMahon, the well-know- With the aid of a blooding pin. New York, 6 The schooner Samuel Mengel sunk. Was bomb- fearing this will throw out many Orientals. stenographer and poet of Honolulu. June Rom- Color Sergeant T. L. KELLY, ed 170 miles oft' this port on Sunday. Crew of eleven landed yester- Custom officials believe they have discovered a plot to smuggle If Mr. McMahon accepts the place, B Batter', Trench Mortars, anoff crown jewels into America worth $2,000,000. Two government which he applied for some time ago, B. E. day. Captain was told by submarine commander that lie had sunk it will be as a substitute reporter in - - three schooners and three steamers, one of which was 5000 tons. agents suspected of complicity. $150,000 worth of jewels said to have place of Capt. W. S. Chillingworth, Daniels says stream of men and supplies to France is unchecked, navy been located. who has been called out with the na- A MOTHER GOOSJE PARTY V road to France ope".. Is proceeding on theory that many sub- WEDNESDA EVEXIXC tional guard. s ferine IX AMERICAN WATERS -- Miss Edna J. HiUT superintendent marines operates."' SUBMARINES STILL "re e n 5 Subn-ann- toll is now 16 dead and missing; of the junior department in the Mu- - FREaCII ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT OUR BOYS New York, June ': - wirelessed all AKhlVtU kawao I'nion Sumlay School, enter- Washington (Official), June 6 Dispatches from France say press all from the steamer Carolina. Capt. Barbour that others 7 tained the Junior at a "Mother are going sea-war- d By n Matson steamer, June Mrs. is over Americans' fighting. The Matin says, "Americans on ship are aboard incoming steamer. Airplanes H. A. Baldwin, Mrs. Elsie M. Stubbs. Goose" party last Saturday. It must enthusiastic have glaiU-ne- j&e show themselves zealous and spirited in attack and steady as a rock in in battle formation. Mrs. Helen G. Noonan, Mrs. George heart of Mother U-15- crew of 1, which destroyed the Edna told Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Steele. Goose to sce,,'th(. number of children defense. These robust young soldiers in a few weeks have become A member of who responded to her invitation to Enoch Roker, a member of the Edna's' crew, that the at intended DEPARTED tqual to French and British". Pershing rejwts that a patrol of 30 come and iake their mother a visit. t stay until August in American waters. Roker was a prisoner on the 3 Americans jenet rated the 3rd line at Luneville and encountered 200 i By Mauna Kea, June Dr. F. St. The children proved to be loyal Am- 8 days. Carolina's survivors said wireless was received Sure, C. W. Carpenter, W. Duker, Mr. ericans foe instance little Red Riding Germans. The Americans attacked with bayonets, bullets and grenades, submarine for U-3- 7 and Mrs. Yanxashiro, Ah Cook, H. B. Hood waij taking barley and rice iought for 20 minutes, and inflicted severe losses on Germans. The Sunday to watch for submarine 7 which appeared at o'clock and Penhallow, John Watt, Jr., Dr. H. L. cookies t0 her grandmother. After American losses were extremely light. ordered all hands into boats. As they rowed away submarine com Lyon, W. A. Ramsay, E. W. Greene, all the cinidj-e- had given an account 6 freighter from Italy reports it mander called boats back because he had foiled firemen still aboard. Togino, S. Heapy, Charles L. Hall, St. of themsj.-ivc- s they played games un- Atlantic Port, June American at which was set on fire burned. C. Sayres. til five occiock. encountered four submarines during a three week's voyage. Convoy shelled Carolina fnd