LATEST SUGAR QUOTATIONS MAILS NEXT WEEK By request of the Navy Department no mention of movement of vessel Cent Dollars will be made In future In the MAUI par lb. per Ua NEWS. m&tti Today's Quotation 6.005 $120.10 Last Previous 6.00 118.40 NINETEENTH YEAR WAILUKU, MAUI CO., HAWAII, FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1918. NUMF.ER 952 SIX YOUNG GARDENERS High School Girls To Mule Drags Boy By "Enlist" In Cannery HUNS SINK 13 BOATS Leg InWild Dash WILL GOTO BIG FAIR IN. AMERICAN The girls of the Maui High Lad Had Tied Animal To Leg In Order WATERS School have announced (heir To Play- intention of doing their part to -Is Badly Bruised But Is help win the war by working U-Bo- Five Boys And One Girl Go To Honolulu This Week Recovering Rapidly at during the summer vacation in Raiders Operating Close Off Atlantic Shore the Haiku cannery. As Winners In Garden Contest Will Spend Week It is reported that practically Dragged by the leg by a frightened -C- onfidence Expressed every girl in (he school bVs mule for almost two blocks, little Transportation Of Men There Judges Make Report On Adults' Contest agreed to do this. Most of these David Kaumeheiwn, the 10 year old And girls have never done any real son of Rev. I,. H. Kaumeheiwn. of tin Supplies To Europe Will Not Be Interrupted Many work in their lives outside of Kaahunianu Church, escaped death as Also Splendid Gardens This Year the school room or their homes, by a miracle, on last Mondav after Big Hun Drive Is Stopped but they seem quite determined noon. to do some now. The mule was checked in its mad CHILDREN'S GARDEN CONTEST K. Matsuda, Paholel Camp, Grove Work In the cannery is not course down Main street bv Mrs. E AMERICAN'S PROVING GOOD CENTRAL MAUI Ranch. heavy or unplensant, but it is R. Bevins, who s:iw the impending SCRAPPERS American Army 7- ni'v John Costa, Haiku Cannery. lleadqttariors, Juno -At I'k-.- m,-i.,- . , First Prize Trip to Honolulu Fair monotonous and the hours are trageuy and waved her arms in front - Naoki Matsuda, Haiku School. A. C. Pereira, Paia School. long. But the work must he of the animal causing it to swerve marines attacked at dawn and gained 3j kilometers ., a four kilometer .Nasura Teshima, Kihel School. Third Prizes $5 Cash. done, and the high school girls north on Church street where it was I rent and captured a hundred prisoners. The lighting started John Andrade, Paia School. Antone Camara, Keahua Camp. will be deserving of high credit caught by Charlie Bailey about half in (lie morning and tlie John Orellas, Haiku. Americans had gained their objective ' Second Prizes $5 Worth of Merchan- if they carry through their way down that street. I hey pr:ss d tr.c Mrs. Jessie Tavares, Makawao. resolve. injurect Germans so hard thai ;hc wa, forced to throw dise. ine child was rushed to t nee new Alfred Carvalho, Keahua School. Fourth Prizes $2.50 Cash. Malulani hospital where it was found divisions ot their host troops into line during the last three Mrs. Manuel Sunriano, Paholel tn.-- (lays. 1 he Yasuo Sato, Haiku School. no hones wore broken Americans were like timers and t'-- e Camp, Grove and that hard to hold hack even Minoru Fukuda, Puunene School. Ranch. n-- nis nuns consisted of bruises and vounded hemj; ragcr to light. Th-- y Frank Martins, Puunene School. cleared tlu Germans out of Veuil-!- v Third Prizes $2.50 Worth of scratches on all most all parts of his - - woods vesterdav evenim-" - .m.1 v.m it,,. .i- M. Ferreira, Haiku School. anatomy. rr. i.it nwmr.i. oils morning. Fifth Prizes $1 Cash. Hey cleared np a group of Sadie Rios, Hamakuapoko School. List Maui Teachers Tied Rope To Leg mounted l.'hlans killing 34 and cat turin-th- e Antone Camp. Ame,-;,-,,-, Yoshio Tanaka, Paia School. Carvalho, Keahua ine noy had been holding the rest. "Don't let one escape" shouted a hhr i ,, i Joe Rodrigues, Paia Camp. ropo Flora Tavares, Makawao School. picket while the mule grazed (.aught a scouting party of eieht German sli.-ir- sl,,,t..rc .,',! ;'ti...i .i,...,. John M. Brown, Camp 1 t LAHAINA DISTRICT School. Named For Next oacK oi ins home on Main street. Alfred Ferreira, Keahua Camp. Year Finally, having occasion to use his At ,i First Prize Trip to Honolulu Fair. Joe Fevella, Keahua Camp. hands some Chateau Thierrv the French and Ainerl.vms George Lindsay, Kamehameha III in game on the ground nrnry Lopez, Keahua Camp. with some other children, he disposed captung 1M) prisoners. The Amerir:ms h..U li School. Next 3 in order Appointments Made By Commission oi ine muie ny tying the rone which ligh ground northwest of Chateau Thierrv. .,'.! Second Prize $5 Worth of Merchan- Mhi uel Monez, Keahji Ump held it by the dise. ers Last Week Some Places neck to his leg. The on this sector at five vesterdav afternoon and Ar'l ur Lizaro, Keahua samp. Yet sudden blowing of an old klaxhorn the hattle was still Manuel Arial, Honokahau School. Vani.el Cambra, Keah Canv by one of the raging at nightfall. Third Prize $2.50 Worth of To Be Filled And Others Subject children frightened the Five Maui boys will leave by the animal and it dashed out of the yard GERMANS UN UISE HARD DRESSED To Conditions and down Main Prcnch 1 Antone Ariel, Honokahau School. Claudine tomorrow night for Hono street with the child Army Icaduuarcrs, kmc Continued Corm.-- lulu to spend a week at the big Ter dragged behind. The boy managed to extend line on the Uise to draw met disastrous repulse on Wednesday. They HANA DISTRICT ritorial Fair as guests of the Maui himself to a sitting position tr-e- The Department of Public InRtrnc- - and to get hold to get around Pout Ecvcsque and crossed the Uise at Carclpont First Prize Trip to Honolulu Fair. County Fair & Racing Association. Uon of the rope with his is now giving out the list of nn- - hands, and was thus able to keep woods, hut French repulsed them and the left lines at the Allies I,,.. Toshl Tasaki, Hana School. They are the winners of the first pointments as decided upon his No prize winners prizes in the second garden at the head from the pavement most of the came active betwen Uis and Aisne. Small second or third children's meeting of the Commissioners Pub- groups of prisoners were reported. contest conducted by the Association of time, and thus probably prevented (.aptured most of lic Instruction, which was held oa ms whom were terribly fatigued. Escaped French pri- MOLOKAI DISTRICT A. mains irom being dashed out on Charles Puck, of the Alexander Monday and Tuesday of last week. tne hard roadway. soner said the Germans guarding him had not received rations sine.- - No report yet received. House Settlement has been designat-e- As May usual, all of these appointments 2lh and an unmaikd letter found on an officer on other i.ru-- t ,,f to go with the party and to super were made .subjects to the condition the line told the same storv of food shortage.- ADULT GARDEN CONTEST vise their holiday. He is taking his they . " w o that are all tentative, and that licrhn, (Ulhcial), First Prizes $25 Cash. automobile with him, and the young no contracts are to be issued until Some June Situation unchamrod. We cantnred Manuel A. Deas, Camp 10, Puunene. gardeners will undoubtedly have the alter tne final grade examinations Changes Made earth works and trenches near Pontoise Savieres. Since Mav 27th young Luck You, Camp 2, Puunene. time of their lives, visiting the are over, when contracts shall be is more than 55,000 prisoners have been taken of whom 1500 were officers. Joe E. Ferreira, Haiku. sued as soon as possible, except in 656 guns and 2,000 machine guns also (Continued Page cases where In Loan Fund captured. Second Prizes $15 Cash. on Two.) marked inadequacy of Items 4,OIX),000,()00 the examination results or violation NEEDED IN 1919 of the rules make it appear best to Washington, June 7 Communique announces that the AmenV.-m- s withhold action until the next meet Maui Still Has Some Money For Roads and the French advanced their lines yesterday north-we- st of Chateau ing of the Commissioners; also except .merry capturing prisoners and lnthcting severe losses. Business On Maui Maui Guardsmen To ing all cases where teachers are And Wharves If Anyone Will Buy to summer War Department announces that more than a million and n h.nlf attend school or take ex Bonds County Do J aminations. No teacher, who should Most Of Work rifles have been produced since entering the war. Hard HitBy Draft Sail Sunday Night have taken the teachers' examinations JUaeAdoo has recommended the Kitchin amendment to revenue and who fails to do so, shall be By amendment to the loan fund net laws to raise one third of twenty-fou- r billion dollars, the estimated ex- the special session of the leuishitnrn penditures for 1919, by taxation. National Guard Call Has Crippled After Week Of Hard Work Local While most of the reauests mde bv made the following sums available for teachers for transfers were granted, Maui improvements, provided J.orglum, examined bv Gregory. Hughes and 1'rierson but no niib- - Handicap Ac- Is Ready bonds Many Industries Battalion Expected it was impossible to arranee all of for the purpose can he floated licity.
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