Republican Journal: Vol. 58, No. 38
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The Republican Journal. VOLUME 58. BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1886. NUMBER 38. FARM. GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD Clams in Various Styles. The Childless Home. raised to hi- and brimmintr wit!i tears made Maine Matters. The Saloon in Politics. Neal Dow Exposes Himself. News and Notes. i'iiAl liLICAN .101 -• hi- heart heat as it never had done before. Literary iiNAL.j \h! lie was brave, and -wet t That was the of it. MAYS ANl) OOSSII* FROM A LI. OYKR TI1K ST ATM. hy <;koi:<;i: ri:i:i>i:Ri< parsons. < bonnie. and hegiimini? For thi' depart incut brief 'ULmi -'lions. fart', ii<>\\ hurt '(limits. < in pint of clams. The curious ami interestinir intervi. w with m u \ !i \\ M' •;:V im; n\ mi M \ Jim! I Tom that time a hut Matthew Arnohl eontrihute- to the October only darling, -my little scarcely day passed What have tin* seven thousand saloons of j and r\peri ner are >olirit«-d Iron* housokeep- l«mr ounces ‘>i -alt four medium -i/e tin: .maim: state fair. Neal Dow. in Tribune. in which In- pork, po- With a wealth of low in hi- heart Owen Itainsford found his way to the Went- Saturday's number of The < entun a on **< ommon « i'. farm, i' loyal paper an.I uardeinTs. A.hire" \aii- New York done for her? have fas- 1 tato. -. uvn -mall onions. -i\ -Heed tomatoes Kor the world all new to him. worths. Cousin Harriet noticed it. How The State Fair at Lewiston city They states reasons for thcVourse taken him. St. nltmai din Journal Ollier. It had. .\J. opened Sept. by hy School- Abroml.** could she help it: Hut. then, he was her son 14. The entries in tin* stock and horse tened upon her citizens the most •n 1 two pilot Hi-euit-. Put the • lam- over the depart- shamefully •John ami other le nlers of the new third Kill lie seam ly entered it.- open door, Tom's most intimate friend, and a talented party | ments exceeded anythin#ever in Maine. There ever endured a com- The New Moon for Auau-t i- late in makina lii- in their ow n hoil two or three min- lie knew of it< aaiii or loss, corrupt government hy at the North. D A few Proliibi- ! Glean bars from the American Agricul- Ihjtior. nothing voting man of spotless reputation, so he was were Shorthorns from Starks, Farmin#ton, important. : never in the illusion that it was it- lmt a- usual i.- full of interest- il.iTioii in and -. lie had battled with toil and sin. munity indulging appearance, City County. ute- and strain. nin_r boih aside until wanted perfectly welcome. Fairtield and Searsport. Tin* Hereford* and tionistsare cranks, or hinlinu' of the Demo- | turist. ( >r lifted a hcax y cross. I lie weeks went ina -torie- ami New Moon l’uh. mr days and by, and lTue's their were the in numbers. free; ‘hey have almost made it impossible for miseellany. lurther u-i Let a fryin. pan mi hot: #radcs lar#est era tic party: men of that sort will make all the \ i-it unw to an end. With a she I i; \|s. I a a>h atiei-. on a ear: Win \\l I *« »N I 11 A \ I A I AlU I UN ^ I Alt. from liis innocent pain;- Burlei#h A Bodwell had lohead, F. K. Holmes, an honest, educated man to touch local <o.. Lowell. Mass. in it tin rut in I*nt -traiirht joyoii- play. polities, trouble can, whet her tic it- caust D ”oo*l or a e\ l"1l "I tlu* pla<a pork dire, add the onions t<> herself that she was not half seven, of they |>iral NVit h m \'ei* a shadow or thought of fear. acknowledged and Atkinson Xorrid#ewoek 14. I a. \!.:• i aii Aai i* a'iuri't for much less take have the I** rank I!. Stock ton ha- a >rpteinher. al-o rut small an 1 do so eauer to return as she ouirht to be, when A the were otliee; they degraded bad. a I arm* of the a tual written serial novel fry liuhtlv, hut not let The ana< !> took him to live with them. moil# other exhibitors Hilton of But very proportion I i. a- I *-n. im iv "lie i lull ■, in piiMi'hin_ it' Fair Lid. Of tlire, she reei,lleeted how patiently her father and New Portland. Parker A: Otis of conduct of a Hairs to their own low lev- for The ( to in November ami 'ays: either <»f them i<!M\\ n : stir in two And 1 1 am here! Belfast, public or possible Prohibition voter' are tipriuht ami euttiry, beam .1 in. t. -1 :e \\. k. an- ±.i tablrspoon- lonely •»n« I\ -ilia awaited her <••-! •< 1 Aunt I’ris return. of Livermore. I’nderwood of -• ~• thoii'und who hav- written u> Thompson Fay- el: have run twelve It e : •! ,11. i• rti.M- \ fi.»•■»!.a < t 'pi•ndeni' tul- of ihuir. ami when cooked add tin they brutalized every institution they sincere men, who in* an t*» do tln-ir I thromrli numbers. will be eallr.l injtior 1 fondle his .-Iorkill”'s an I pretty kills. ••1 am “oinu away to-morrow.'* -he said to ette, of In Holsteins, duty. ■■|.i a -• •' a- a full .one r* Shepherd Skowhe#an. ardma lie matter, li\<- lumdn d fi'om tin e'am-. ie have had to do with: have and "The llmnlresith Man.” nearly tomatoes, the potatoes rut And t'.ie enrls onee -horn from hi- re.-tle-s Owen Itainsford as they stood before the open Carville (»f Lewiston, Bradley of Saco. Berry they perverted them it is of the jrreatest importance t*» know 't I* :!n! m- •'i*' w :l 1 I-.- Id in omtie' thi' in the head: urate oin morninu. A- of the Democratic a ■ (Her. h-a-t hit rarli of mare, Thurlow New Gloucester made spoiled hiss- whether the against I' I- a iv. ..-r i...> :/ ii^eni 1. the j thyme and #rand system, making crusade tin* lb-pub!i.-an Tie current number-I the con- Kor mother- unm -tramre and fanciful “(ioinu awa\ !" he it 'Then exhibits. of a of Kuok-Kuyer III.'' "iinii.' w lii. h ha\e no fail-' an to la-!- t repeated blankly. Libby Saccarappa, had herd and a of American 1" PP,,r ook -low!) until the ing reproach citizenship party, to w hi**h they are in\ it*-*l. has just cause tain- a I»ouaM <1. Mitchell, author ■. pota- are lie to her and said : portrait \ -Am. I: II. \\ In n their little box dead. turned -uddenly A#ui.*hires: I). NY. Clark of Portland, Guern- a rn s and the « Slat* Tin p a; dom It dare i- ll"t suHYage, sham- or honest If see Si. a I as •, U uu 111 Ik. Uoll^h juice add **l>ear little ITue, day by day your face lias sey*. 'The Maine were in force. True establishing political purpose. they that Dow, of the ••ib-srrit of Ikichclor" but now aray- so Jerseys < And l listen with bated breath, mi A -I K. -!• a. in i;.ir;t\ "I tin “in 'an" umwii into heart until note I is to ivpln 'ay a or m i. -d In.i v. •. add the my every play of Litchfield, of Thomaston, Gardi- bles, pandering the worst vices of the worst dohn ami other nmvcis in that eru'aile, are uu- simply eup Now \- a hild's lie. 1 n. ar. Whitney liaird ami mhblle-aaeil. < \\ ,t lif'l »l. tlootsteps patter for some to love me ner of Boekland of "!!" r:»i* Mh<T'ui\. a reaxm w m>nt • you. Only promise day ami Bri##s Auburn had decent and 1 hy are hmis ent u if thi eiafkers broken small, (»r a shout riii”.s out on the summer ail. classes, detiling everything pure candid and are saerilieint;’ the «-au>e of Prohibi- i- a- 1 l"\<* animals. American were tir-t ellbrt will 1 dearly you." #ood Jerseys repre- Lanny l>avenp'.rt*> literary ■, I i; n.a V.m.. held. .11 1 a ul.-am of hum. r \ml dream m\ i< here. with their ribald and at i'i"iia!!y Invak' and om tip i-.'e h of d d m am <r milk and boy A ur< at wave of wonder and sented Haskell of Cobb of scotling, producing in- tion t*> or serve seltish ends, tin- happiness by Owen, North gratify spite be pi inte.l in the Krooklyn Magazine for Octo- ■ t'n mom i"ii\ t I In- \ -<■< out the uirl, as she listened to tilese tervals. as of their iv'poiise'. \‘-Mra^ka slock. l a-!- a i! i; a-oned. I’m never at moi iiina. noon, or swept Leeds. Bri##* of Auburn, Locke of West proof quality, tendencies, voter.' who believe in Prohibition will act in- .lie’. > *.. propei'i) du-k, really ber. The actress’- article i- a viaoruu- re \ trsjrillir -.1 from pi <■ ni wop!-, ditVereiit anything she had Paris. K of Paris, and others. G. II. Maxim and haiu’e-’i. inli-t state llie >ri’r'poml.- writ.': ••Our <mini;, fair is Pia f< r tie hard -In !' elam-. although the soft |t\ niahl or day does the .beam true : in# power, such abominable scandals as that It is on this that | v r heard.