The Republican Journal. VOLUME 58. BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1886. NUMBER 38.

FARM. GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD Clams in Various Styles. The Childless Home. raised to hi- and brimmintr wit!i tears made Maine Matters. The Saloon in Politics. Neal Dow Exposes Himself. News and Notes. i'iiAl liLICAN .101 -• hi- heart heat as it never had done before. Literary iiNAL.j \h! lie was brave, and -wet t That was the of it. MAYS ANl) OOSSII* FROM A LI. OYKR TI1K ST ATM. hy <;koi:<;i: ri:i:i>i:Ri< parsons. < bonnie. and hegiimini? For thi' depart incut brief 'ULmi -'lions. fart', ii<>\\ hurt '(limits. < in pint of clams. The curious ami interestinir intervi. w with m u \ !i \\ M' •;:V im; n\ mi M \ Jim! I Tom that time a hut Matthew Arnohl eontrihute- to the October only darling, -my little scarcely day passed What have tin* seven thousand saloons of j and r\peri ner are >olirit«-d Iron* housokeep- l«mr ounces ‘>i -alt four medium -i/e tin: .maim: state fair. Neal Dow. in Tribune. in which In- pork, po- With a wealth of low in hi- heart Owen Itainsford found his way to the Went- Saturday's number of The < entun a on **< ommon « i'. farm, i' loyal paper an.I uardeinTs. A.hire" \aii- New York done for her? have fas- 1 tato. -. uvn -mall onions. -i\ -Heed tomatoes Kor the world all new to him. worths. Cousin Harriet noticed it. How The State Fair at Lewiston city They states reasons for thcVourse taken him. St. nltmai din Journal Ollier. It had. .\J. opened Sept. by hy School- Abroml.** could she help it: Hut. then, he was her son 14. The entries in tin* stock and horse tened upon her citizens the most •n 1 two pilot Hi-euit-. Put the • lam- over the depart- shamefully •John ami other le nlers of the new third Kill lie seam ly entered it.- open door, Tom's most intimate friend, and a talented party | ments exceeded anythin#ever in Maine. There ever endured a com- The New Moon for Auau-t i- late in makina lii- in their ow n hoil two or three min- lie knew of it< aaiii or loss, corrupt government hy at the North. D A few Proliibi- ! Glean bars from the American Agricul- Ihjtior. nothing voting man of spotless reputation, so he was were Shorthorns from Starks, Farmin#ton, important. : never in the illusion that it was it- lmt a- usual i.- full of interest- il.iTioii in and -. lie had battled with toil and sin. munity indulging appearance, City County. ute- and strain. nin_r boih aside until wanted perfectly welcome. Fairtield and Searsport. Tin* Hereford* and tionistsare cranks, or hinlinu' of the Demo- | turist. ( >r lifted a hcax y cross. I lie weeks went ina -torie- ami New Moon l’uh. mr days and by, and lTue's their were the in numbers. free; ‘hey have almost made it impossible for miseellany. lurther u-i Let a fryin. pan mi hot: #radcs lar#est era tic party: men of that sort will make all the \ i-it unw to an end. With a she I i; \|s. I a a>h atiei-. on a ear: Win \\l I *« »N I 11 A \ I A I AlU I UN ^ I Alt. from liis innocent pain;- Burlei#h A Bodwell had lohead, F. K. Holmes, an honest, educated man to touch local herself that she was not half seven, of they |>iral NVit h m \'ei* a shadow or thought of fear. acknowledged and Atkinson Xorrid#ewoek 14. I a. \!.:• i aii Aai i* a'iuri't for much less take have the I** rank I!. Stock ton ha- a >rpteinher. al-o rut small an 1 do so eauer to return as she ouirht to be, when A the were otliee; they degraded bad. a I arm* of the a tual written serial novel fry liuhtlv, hut not let The ana< !> took him to live with them. moil# other exhibitors Hilton of But very proportion I i. a- I *-n. im iv "lie i lull ■, in piiMi'hin_ it' Fair Lid. Of tlire, she reei,lleeted how patiently her father and New Portland. Parker A: Otis of conduct of a Hairs to their own low lev- for The ( to in November ami 'ays: either <»f them i Thompson Fay- el: have run twelve It e : •! ,11. i• rti.M- \ fi.»•■»!.a < t 'pi•ndeni' tul- of ihuir. ami when cooked add tin they brutalized every institution they sincere men, who in* an t*» do tln-ir I thromrli numbers. will be eallr.l injtior 1 fondle his .-Iorkill”'s an I pretty kills. ••1 am “oinu away to-morrow.'* -he said to ette, of In Holsteins, duty. ■■|.i a -• •' a- a full .one r* Shepherd Skowhe#an. ardma lie matter, li\<- lumdn d fi'om tin e'am-. ie have had to do with: have and "The llmnlresith Man.” nearly tomatoes, the potatoes rut And t'.ie enrls onee -horn from hi- re.-tle-s Owen Itainsford as they stood before the open Carville (»f Lewiston, Bradley of Saco. Berry they perverted them it is of the jrreatest importance t*» know 't I* :!n! m- •'i*' w :l 1 I-.- Id in omtie' thi' in the head: urate oin morninu. A- of the Democratic a ■ (Her. h-a-t hit rarli of mare, Thurlow New Gloucester made spoiled hiss- whether the against I' I- a iv. ..-r i...> :/ ii^eni 1. the j thyme and #rand system, making crusade tin* lb-pub!i.-an Tie current number-I the con- Kor mother- unm -tramre and fanciful “(ioinu awa\ !" he it 'Then exhibits. of a of Kuok-Kuyer III.'' "iinii.' w lii. h ha\e no fail-' an to la-!- t repeated blankly. Libby Saccarappa, had herd and a of American 1" PP,,r ook -low!) until the ing reproach citizenship party, to w hi**h they are in\ it*-*l. has just cause tain- a I»ouaM <1. Mitchell, author ■. pota- are lie to her and said : portrait \ -Am. I: II. \\ In n their little box dead. turned -uddenly A#ui.*hires: I). NY. Clark of Portland, Guern- a rn s and the « Slat* Tin p a; dom It dare i- ll"t suHYage, sham- or honest If see Si. a I as •, U uu 111 Ik. Uoll^h juice add **l>ear little ITue, day by day your face lias sey*. 'The Maine were in force. True establishing political purpose. they that Dow, of the ••ib-srrit of Ikichclor" but now aray- so Jerseys < And l listen with bated breath, mi A -I K. -!• a. in i;.ir;t\ "I tin “in 'an" umwii into heart until note I is to ivpln 'ay a or m i. -d In.i v. •. add the my every play of Litchfield, of Thomaston, Gardi- bles, pandering the worst vices of the worst dohn ami other nmvcis in that eru'aile, are uu- simply eup Now \- a hild's lie. 1 n. ar. Whitney liaird ami mhblle-aaeil. < \\ ,t lif'l »l. tlootsteps patter for some to love me ner of Boekland of "!!" r:»i* Mhnt • you. Only promise day ami Bri##s Auburn had decent and 1 hy are hmis ent u if thi eiafkers broken small, (»r a shout riii”.s out on the summer ail. classes, detiling everything pure candid and are saerilieint;’ the «-au>e of Prohibi- i- a- 1 l"\<* animals. American were tir-t ellbrt will 1 dearly you." #ood Jerseys repre- Lanny l>avenp'.rt*> literary ■, I i; n.a V.m.. held. .11 1 a ul.-am of hum. r \ml dream m\ i< here. with their ribald and at i'i"iia!!y Invak' and om tip i-.'e h of d d m am or serve seltish ends, tin- happiness by Owen, North gratify spite be pi inte.l in the Krooklyn Magazine for Octo- ■ t'n mom i"ii\ t I In- \ -<■< out the uirl, as she listened to tilese tervals. as of their iv'poiise'. \‘-Mra^ka slock. l a-!- a i! i; a-oned. I’m never at moi iiina. noon, or swept Leeds. Bri##* of Auburn, Locke of West proof quality, tendencies, voter.' who believe in Prohibition will act in- .lie’. > *.. propei'i) du-k, really ber. The actress’- article i- a viaoruu- re \ trsjrillir -.1 from pi <■ ni wop!-, ditVereiit anything she had Paris. K of Paris, and others. G. II. Maxim and haiu’e-’i. inli-t state llie >ri’r'poml.- writ.': ••Our Brooklyn Ma -'lie will he two \ear- >l)owitm. hut I e.u/t help it. W. d,.\vn eupfui ith* aum <1 lieaiiriful eyes. “I am u"inu ask your father Sussex. The exhibit of #rades of all broods Mr. Dow i' not candid in his tv\nw of tin- or f’. -h la u-ed a are the results of the combination between tic- ma) instead ft- -h om (>nlx to reek him at twilight hour. if lie will some day let me have you. If In* of and fat cattle, steers, cows and ohl next month. 1-Mitli M. Thoina-. lbnr\ If flue ut.JJee ft the ili. world thi' year "ii li"_'. -an i. and e .rm" workin# | of Prohihitioii in Maim-. His own let- >«»' r. \ deii* ions elam i- mad*- \n ! ,-afe in >a\ it too!** saloon and the politicians, it i> not jiM to hold history ..e i:■>• li -mp by i.ild him hi- downx bed: -ays ‘yes.* will you heifer* was enormous. town teams War I Ih e -hi r ami Mr-. Iv-eeher. William II. 11 i|..-r. 1 'nun .air '•■ W Ei#ht ters convicted him. L*» than a a_fo In -unty in ^t \ ir- iui w ai. e\.rth< iii'e a la rt of ''am- in the latter for all the mischief year v li- i “i- in-tan. piillimj «j their To linger the o’t-told stories o'er. Such a low. faint reply came from ITue! were entered. responsible they «*, I "id < n;r wrote, “The Maim-law D as well i-vented a- !'n > r. !• ai: V-dui-.ii i' no nnoa 1 Mr. ow ■; I a of \\ at. r. >oii a- cause. In truth, are the result of condi- Uitleiiiir. I'mniy v.mport, I Talmaae aiM all -ai.seri|.tif|i .- *-» p"d \- And lr ar hi- er said. lint it sal is tied him. Tin* horse embraced the best they j.aitl Iron uipht-prax department on our statut*■'.’’ week, in too mil'll iih' m a u a u .'tin-ut A < excuse his warfare auaiii't the aii'i -i i;-< i: 11; .'11r;*r'p'•:i i.i v. fit.-' : \\ hav i;o -kimn.rd. lake i ie m out wiili a >li!\ to look at 111- ha/. eye-. and it is unreasonable to blame the Ib-pubii- colander dip- when <*w i-ii It iin-foi d a-kr I to his numbers. There was a exhibit of product < >• to!., r numb' r. > marry lar#e sheep, i.» -i.i mini rm 11: tail a: ■: a I i- i* a iva'oii o I*, from mid. the battered brim while to c;in In wr*»t*-. “Tin- volume of tin- in't all.-id per: 'dee- them mm. and then r* turn l<> the pin- •anulite;-. |[ i-mld 1 .< t be refusing interfere with the generating party, li«pi"i 11. ’. possible! Why. embraein# Coltswold. Le*ieesters, Oxford, ii -ii •-eril.ri ;n ai ;•«•. r- "In \o dr ! i,, | ..a.- »; his misused i*.it. oi to hear his laii”h: The for t ra Hi** has not be* u at all r* dma-d w it bin l!u run. Ir.ia t ill! -a; : -.nice pan. with a fid of onion. I‘i lie been awa\ 111r< *■ agencies. saloon is an arrangement I ;i Tin Liili Mature -.i M.m : \ Life Mon w tea-pool .Imp pei| lead -<-areriy months, I towns. South l>owns. Merinos, i11 t|f -mu- lue N 1 Shropshires last In *• \»• in Maim •.i / m in t lii' \\ a r mueh i I liked, a l»it of m-. ai.»! 1 *11; the house i- -till and the maintenance and of the worst twenty year'. ry «-i!y 11»Ty par-!< prim. in \aiu the >miu man pleaded that he was and Horned I>oi\*ets. In swine there was a propagation b\ 1». v < •>.. the of I*, « \ in tin- publi-he.l I.otbrop subject hind tin loin-'." In tin 'inn Mat ;• r vice with which ?; atllicted: a vie. tier lb-publican rule. pt Porllaml. •’•way simiie f. tit;, n minub’s. In the m* antime willinu to wait f<»r \ears, if he iniirht he exhibit. The was humanity t. ! i'er t ie J iv nut. X- ■ a 11 of boo!-. only #ood poultry exhibit beyond n o 11 -; 11! 11 I a u '■ e a? hur-h a:."i: 1:1 a ample muddy law has been ami D iunor* d." V b\ pi of -mall J...' h i, v. lillle a: W i! !. blitter the -i. of all e_ j. -re which elevating inlluenc kills ab'.ilutely opl.- Very .p.-t'i in 1 P> milted to her in tie meantime. The* destroys every i: .. il! i: fi /»•* 1 I ■ r**ia-i v e -H11-. vi 1 *r 'vhiltI in”- -eatt. red over tin- iloor: precedent. course w hieli m-etl' an tint nl \t t- *-.\- J loalt. I', an a Id' “N fan thi- ar. Out .n* w i.-< <• shame, manhood, ambition, atlcctiou, ruth: pret mean-, i- in« i• I«• 111a 11\ ili-eu--« I. ami -oiue y. w ii. :.t a iied. -lir I u e\.-n te.s-poou- de:ie..n 1 *itt« l\ himself for having I he new too small. The family plain t•.i the on.11 X" litter of 1. \ s oil the kiteheli shelf, reproached buildin# proved eii'c In- un-n. ha n a!., ■< O.r \ ; ar." I roin \. I"l'- 1 ul- ol mm. and add slow!\ a of honor, all that makes life worth a vice it will not lomr chosen hy upright \ imi-. y pint hot miik. < hi- danuhler to fall into the hands exhibits were and excellent, llav- living: truth- brought :• raid on the > stole. permitted dairy lar#e -• i iad Ili. ;al in pailtrx which fosters In onlt-r 1** mak this t< \t un*r* -i• ej,>.i-. I \ I. \ Pi ini- u- “.\d fair t!ii' "e.v ll to !:: -t e. If th’ *'1:1111- are 1« ill* r, of the brutality, sel f-induigencc, ami pr* L-t-.m vei) Philistines, the latter heintr represented in# no show in City Hall it was feared that the u'oo.l n :el« a ■ ■: Mr. D.*w that in Main haw r-. The throiuhout i-a 1 : I ini ilam a!> oil il.“ I :i do not a.i*| them lint'! before -. all the train of ignoble and degrading 1»a—i»> 1.- says Ib-publh-ans mail) -tor) pi-iy.-d jit-' viim, leav- I’.m a d.-olate, darkened house. b\ this -elo-mi uir fort ma -hill.ti r. Of course household and decorative arts would be a 4 only i"lad.* w< an t"i.i oi I n Auim:i' t : aiul inclinations. Now. the and mi« refii'i *1 t*> enact am* mlnn-nts m-i-essary i" mak -t rona one. M !! a .unity ing the onion l rook for lifteen minutes in That mourns in silenee for little Jim. il wa- her the \ounu fellow wanted. failure, but there was a purpO'C j money creditable display. law m : ;n N !an »;n ,-n : held in thi' Flit on* .- the of the saloon heiiur what il i', the in.- in -'i i\. uni r.-nun. ic nai omity. p.pior. i|e will never, never return to me, The that Itainsford miulit In- Keene A Brown of No. Turner. Maine develop- 1 po--il«i!it\ really di*p!a\ Tim nmnlu r uf t It. 111 i_r«*r 11i-t«*ri«nI 1 1 miiiii- !{• 1 * I i aim haw- aim-in I In- law -1111> .1 » io ti iu winn \\. a nvn." Id tin : i:. A i' ments noted are what ou-'ht to have pi: In! c: >yt me .jin-dim Pl->d i-■ j■ d dam- tii:d i- \»-r\ j ibit I I -hall ”•>» to him ! in lo\( did le t enter her father's head. How made chairs; the Wrench Co., the simply •" ; Au#u*ta Iiiin at tip- of I’roiiHl'iti.'iii't'. In hi' a lim '11■(• <>| V\ iiat da!. a I'. \a;i :• ntleinan wrile': mu di likt I nre- i- made lik. :.. been when so la fire a share in the ri-«|m->t .Ma-'a/im* | i",trait Major by p th •.»\.'. Lillian (in y, in <.o.i.l I eoiild In in that short time: Why. lie himself North Tool ( o.. and the Banner Stone expected t bni-ekeepiiie. Wayne “(> 11. t In-'.- aim-minn ut< < i i> 1 not a mo uni • a 'i < .. !n-u o- id....n .ai:.. "-in are .a of the was t- pliml M \ i.:i't- i• 1 that all' r -iuimeiiiu tin elam-. i m. had uoue to sir her mother for live be- Ware Co. had The Auburn jrovernment country permitted i; r:il John l'o ik« o| lii'i uit. w hioli i> a* years #ood displays. Jo an .tliiu-.*' Hut tin-, wa r .-a<-li ami ail -I-- M f u a M 1 ’. Idr r:n. in I .ill. .!!, ... IViiii.. >. Ml' t" mid Ilia" for lifteen n.imites. t .e-\ an be seized this sinister The Ann I-ar-Ie) fore Iw had a-ked her to him. and Turner had by agency. ri-^ -■ a *• marry #ran#cs tasteful exhibit*. ani.-1 ‘-s umiuoir "t him ami hi' '! M II I»\ Low ami oil). 1 *r<»11i!• lL 11 'ini «•''. \' an I ■ d 1 |-a i; II I' -traiuetl out. Tin i- I in n r. ean of is mamii-.l Mr. bis.pie iirulal to j It did not matter to him how much his The c ntries numbered 7’joo in all. The* exhibit system government theoretically w r* at 'li'li!'. \ !"!!• f fro! Jol. ■:. ini- in irk* I warden.” P.ett* r th tin .a Tim D 'aeon's Desire. sound. The means of education are accessible ami «•:«iTi ami all *•!ainn•-1 tin- 1* lull, ft HI. of Mo>' with ] int cadi of hot -lock, ami a- eon-in Harriet thought of the voting man. of the Pomolo#icfd in the main build- ■ Society tiim- 11> l>«- of vital m tvs'iu If Mr. Low tln-n timi- in \• inn >.. Wi'.. w:Jl.'l*e, W'r mm Ii ream u miik. Make a ... a- to all. lint when our children have l»o|'o. 1TS'». a '.o t.-li of tin IliH’k ami !\ i:!•• nr,. 1 \i. Vi : n!»o\i Sli*- wa- a woman and ea-il\ deceived. Noth- in# on the state fair #rouml* is the admiration passed family ■ **< tlioiuiit tln-M* aim-mlnn-nt' wouM amount •rin. Mir l.’ir i' a -u.*.-. —. \\ wit ii : he milk !-.lore ad dim: it t*. t In >ea' 'on I a the schools and enter into ac- VI 1*1. S li.jiiorand I 11‘- favorite quotation at praxer inu -lie emd 1 -a\ «*n the -ubjeer would have of all. President calls it one of the through public olh« r art .-h■> .;ik• an o\tviloM niimhor. •’ Pope u L■ ■ •:i t> up 111 -. '-on -< tive life, if soiin-t iiinu. Lilt win tli«-\ hml .i !"S .re i'l-.oii til. .•'tat.-, whi. h in a-"ii with n 1 Pa-- water J>i-• ui! i- wish to take in I iff < :•>!:. Ip' pepper. meet inn' was the we|| any elleet. Ill the most deei-i\ and -wa-epinu lar#est the socictx has ever made. they part public "* hymn: *:-<‘'t*nt 1 \ «!i'i-o\t-rni that tin "-li.l m>t amount I -n an I Mat. w itli it. affairs must descend to the saloon for in- 1 i'o a i. i; I-' pr-.'p.-nui' populous terms, therefore, he let Owen Itainsford know The exercises consisted of a base ball they In>olii i' a h.-autiftil s ultimo -pot* > 'Iu-i I In earried to the skie- day’s of •IF- nm > o a ha' on \\ in» struction in n same t<- In- Ins shown sm-ii a want .nitty hi'di Ini' Ml w. l'o mak a htm st. w -« t tin mire that never auail.. Word i»l* deed. Was he to won polities, and the institution anything," < »n Ho\\ rr\ bed- of ease. by #inn:, by tin* Yarmouth*, and the races. tm up for hi. r .lamahti r> of tho t->n i.i'i t 1 »o the ti. al >» ii'i- that .;:i- family “is hav.1 \\ from a of dan.- on t!*•• lir •. skim ami ad.I -- foreign immiarauts must graduate before pra' ll.-pumh may BELFAST DIRECTORY. p...o* any." pint While otln r- loinrlit t<> win tin- attempt to addia hi- daughter. The •J.J7 race is the prize. pronounced by experts la !..■ 1 >\ on •, \. w .1 1 < can tii'i- now uui.h il hi- notion'. IVrh w lio)n th tho fin ami itln." ill. in III. -t th>'roimt\. From in »in- e am-, rut -mail, and a int of hot w atcr. •" they exercise the ri-ht of ij piatty ni'hinu'' ] And -aile I tlimu-h bloo !y -e.i- I.lit Mir yoimy man wa- not one to lie so j best exer trotted on this track. Ten horses eiti/enship. < These are <>nr tin- •-hanut-s In- now wants, if t rinl. woiiM !. : “W. h ..ok for had an In nr. Ihukcn with I political schools, in fact, and Iut i»ii'!iiu_' of tin lioiiso. tho i■ tit• rtaimnnit t.t 1 -low!) d is j"'-i'i 1 of. Inti! lie hear hi- fate started and remained in the race to the last .1 V\ ! i. M I I s In l.i''S u xva- the in which he ea-ily to •';’ '.■"innI' or .i*:*• ■ only poetry the totle to ollf state. fouml “not t-» amount ami i- *ii. Thi' min- rolled crude r and -ea-oi, with -alt, pepper I rum Pnc*- own lie would not consider it The i* they Li'iVe politics, city, anythin^.” |>. 1 ■ lip.- heat. the score: ami tin- i.Iii»•_ of r»-on alioiis f..r ;. •. .... in. l i. < folloxvin# i«■ a 1 to tlu-ia i- oompaiiy. pros :_lit hn nm :h. a't .lire* <-.i ini' a I ■ r. c\.t indulged. »m look, however, at tin* and national. The candidate for otliee linds it h:»i.' pra.-t p.-oph- ivlil'nt rnlopl ty. y advrrii'* 1 ami lump ■! 111 Ih-il up oin ad pour j d< eah'd. In- -aid. Perhaps if Pi lie had told (liven Horse*—rur«c sKM). ail', tin so. Mr. Low « ho •'<■' to th*- \..miofr 'i-1• r- in'o ml. d to *Ti- -. t«* "make himself solid with" th- > thouuht i'laithot-' ami ami tin ir 'ay rxhih’l -| .-XI• i' .-hallow plot* -torn, soiemn fare of the plod, -ill' t-re. earne-t. h r father tint with all her heart -he lvoed indispensable > i I mi' -. < ( rum lie a ilitl.-ivnt oustrm*t.i<>n on t' r«• f11-aI : I\ .d 0 New >rl. Wiili < m a \i. < lam- with <•:•.. :n mak. a level.iuiI tlirl. F. s. Tdden, Oakland.2 1111 power, must lmy the favor of the put hit ml'. A hook t-srp, uii. la Is will ssaiii ..a |; Of! .;:i: 11 ., n.l at > Pain-ford, tliiny- miyht have Ikch different, *■ j old man w «ii ild lia\ e < onv i nerd mu r. ->t nt I o. a oti tii.- *i«i.• on any j Hamlet. < '. F. (ianlim-r...... 1222 2 He must fri these M'scrts that tht art not honi-'t in.-a .»r :uv f. V. carry inu rihhon* Imi.-h or breakfast di-h. I’m 'stackpoie, saloon-keepers. .pient llfl.l l.aM. r) apj.eti/iim lint -he wa- too timid to acknowledge it in the places a' 'o-m i' 'ho 'i it. I >. I .• A < .. t: m. fruiN Kate IF. J. 1’. Fdmunds, IHxlield.2 2 2 2 2 and flatter the tool' o| ho". i 11II' in- atlii a:' a. t hfop pill and timhi r." 'In juic« o\er 1 lie lire, I when it has lx u that wiih hi' tips only did lie utter them laec (.f his stern indiy nation, m vv it h trend »liny vanity of those who mil her --iitpior ('iislmoe, .). 11. < Want, .uiyusta .I I l dis v> U :■ .-hie I. M skimm.-d add there. Throii-h them h. must obtain the llonm v. ... I *W I \< ! IX N l< a 'Ill butter the si/e of an <_:•_• and a v. »rd', Imt with all tin of hi< heart. -lie said Her lover took tlie stark. .1. \V Portland.2 dis strength lip- *'yood-l»ye.-' Ilutchiuys. hoiioraMi- man an a Prohibit ami'!.” m t h• I an.I If’.,.- of Hour w.-t with <•• I Votes of the idle, the \ ieiolls. tile -1 lllilia!, d. !ahl.’-p.»onlul water:] littii hand in hi- hr the la-l time and -aid: t.eii. Shields. I »• v liale\.dis It•• 'oiT' Maja/im I• r < a 'lot h I- i-,. ,-r:-.. I -le o. aii'i ‘Ida 0. f ,\\]s hav til*- of !>• k lhe \ ilinm 'loie, a* hi' h-" i' h\ a:. i --ali' an!' \ r-toh.-r Inn .pialilv I>aatJ, j 1 '■lasses. He must lieeoiiie familiar with all ••ruh-.l .-lew fortise miiiute-. add a eupiumd l.oi.iuj “I will never for_o t von. and if ever send ( raw fore Maid. Nelson rou-'liop-.’* ... a and ii o hr you « 1 M ■ 'dim:, may e!a-i in four tat la r done hcfoie him. were the ward "strikers" m. He nm-t nulliti'-' tin law.” L«»i i!L ani.l iik. ; !:• ras in o:,'i.l. r tho l.iiios," ami t! n it er.-am. -.-a-oii :.u I nr o\er -ma!! of had hut ■ liest time, 2.2-1 and loaf- •- p. i"f me. 1 will 11n, to von. thouyh it should n i! «-I w I::p :'. pie. j lay I ird. >ill- he d at the caucuses which are of a 'im-.-!. anLi. 1 1.a o! ;-r :.!••• tw for loa-ird I ead an ;■ Ii -'piai e. dilVi-ia lit m-w lr. Mil tla-n. There was no in ad he to the end- of tin- earth.” Then he Went represcl'.t. spt-pch m|o|-oi| patio; tin- ssork-tal-h "to ! ■' v n- '.-1 o_ t h ! i;|ek-> 2.27 Class- Purse of s22(l. in.... M..I-I j .an i'll, held where drink aPoiio-1'. IP* mud Id:I I t:>. iam fritters n. .dr an a j aw always "!•" i-ojii-.. at; -1 ion in M "o A min ii'iaii' am1 ijl.ll) a ay. >' liub. L.C. Kverson. Lewiston 112 o I iiiuM hamim-ia-tl-hra" la it- i'a-I at > L< a !n-ni' in \ him io i.a a'liie "lit -iiuar ainl lilo!a"e>. a' defer (o the \ ieWs of lliell the vauario' hi' f> a>w -<-ii i/.t-m* i.a\. i. ;u nie. -ide di-h at dinm r. and :: whole bn tkfad 1‘eaeon lia--. it himself of lowest = '• e..nyrat tilated that Mollie Miteliell. Pittst'-n. I ! 2 2. -o '• n ,. > lo t I in d ar. .!,-1 iiiuui'hed ('ooper, to !»•- w .1 k :o\s .r: a ihh l«mI• i. —'i/« .--1- lh i'..arri. il lie iar-m-. -• intelli-. ilia He mii't suPseribr to louuvr follow, ami who ha« tin r.-fop popn■ y hy ii 1 with -I* w I id' in had d*■».e. Then- wen- Ic.i'V'clerks *..» 1 :t>-e..iji;>:111i• potato.-- and Ind pan hi had saved his dauyhter and L. P. Villa.-d. I | platforms :•'■!. ‘On •' in In k'. dr promptly, Mikado, Hawkins, !■ and « drawn and Is point• "onr ami sna..- hma.ii'p >.f hi' -.t m- •I 'It : .1 s .ppinu mulliu-. tim- a -i! <•!' I-. A. Lew iston. 2 2 •> 2 up hy demauo-ues tiiiie-s.-r\ers. -I o| -hi ;at. '.*im- lilt .I- * » •- hop up! hard lam-. io do it now. for the Mon* had Town with tin? r -olved that never ayain -hould -he Itememln-r, Hale, I’.a o. mile-. ti»r*»li"h the town- I lr ii-. >- ro'i-1. 1 In i-»' inwardly llm-ma r a a 'd Maud 1L In 2 2 il wonder that in”- men so often H 1; 1< id tin- and a- inmdi milk, i leav e hi- -iy lit. I. Leonard. Monroe. any self-respect oii'_r..s : ir a st-n s. Krai.hi 1 ■’ •' th. 1 .. eup'n! v iii“'. llio i_■ 1 it for svhioli 11 i! r _• Thirl. Tin- ilia-v. ami with the \c« of tin s r. w I, :- n- j.. two P. ption s<|uiie I ittle Jim, .1. s. Jordan. Portland. • ; shrink from these ordeals, and lVr tin- 11 i' thi' 'aim- M 1 'ow h" .-m !-n-t l»a A-. a. an ii _- and Hour einmuii Jo make a pr< •• tin N\ hit* -< r• 'l« I s i’t It a” art- ,-\, h. lop-Uiioi' i’.!:n k I’oli'h. a man 'rii iekamlu-an, Mudyett. lit Hast.. r, p of life a career that "l. .lohn i' s.'iii jM• r iiLht f"i akim !*'• i' faiii* O', n it. r t Inn il ... a? .. i- IMooi. I '•at I. r a- for 11 i11- -. "ill an en n then was n-.t richer for miles annual ohseurity private to political pai.l la;- 1 -' a-poou- The winter wa- a hard one that and it ; F I v. -. n-j !■ ■■ I year ( Auluirn.II a s In s n I ieu-Spau^h Pol- am-riss, Haskell, such I’rohihiti .ii ln in Maim am 1 > o I... I. ;. T a. .. tir.v 1 11. fI. "i .-i-a loam thrmi^h the I* demandin.ii- saeritiee and such dePase- 'p*-t 11' a I. a 111 11 •ia I,. iuu m\\ iit'S tit! W Hour, drop imo than 1 a "li l»a"att. Hi' fortune Innl n -ee med to tell o|| Pile's delieate e. .list it lit ion. !• s '-y l'd. hit.* I’oli'h. ii d wlm h hav, ,.\- Cray Kayle, Whitney. Forth mi. II 7 pi in Xiuimta ami l!:ii,:..r I*, an-, ill 'um 'j.|if ■ iin• iit ? The foreigner who land' in thi' spi-ak lal in -mail 1 a ’ll |'r\ ■ '1 I";i!inj a-,. mi Win n the would eotne. -lie would he M '. s «-li country I'rar.k i'• •- ■ do11!>I• or «juiek- a <>nld spriny Maud ., Jami Waterville. 7 I uo-ih-t. “Mari :.n*' l'a'liioiia v ... -e. re -. ■. _ I. I: i. t v. i. .-oiuhs. tin- 1 udilin I t'ot 'tn i. r.Oldi'. in too. for tin- smallest child wa- not I’.iil M. -lohn w.>- -a !. -I a brow m In-m-stly obtain' his lirst ideas of it' rnniental '.ipt « to a'oldeii better, sic >aid. tie eatue and -till liest 2.21*e s. .• "a: ! I;. ■ "I 1) lint time, ...... 1 rt M..iil\ ill.. l\il. I 1 in- oil;, .it f.** .•!!:■! j-1uI m trii'P-d :n in- at hi'>toic. Yet system from the saloon. There he is int.-o- y. la!o, “Miimtto,** hy > ’y Imy -In -eelJU d to '* -a -ai A n._i -la. ! e\ Mi* * t ■ ••-ii.:- droop. races were The *:i;i;. aii.I t; II. i, !: i; i'. Wednesday's fair. following dueed to the lowest f e..n- \ otors. I'ln \ hi'! i;"1 In-u i■ he in!ri-lies of ictional l’r'oo"or i»o111oii• -. hi tlii' numh.-r, sso al- I I ie. .'it'i'i 'Li' a* \m ha :•'!- lik. with i: ill, a hard. ”. sterner man could not I>eaeou lias-atP- - Y li -; .ii in yranted. W it h a feat closed i-ja-r-ui ■• hi. tn-1 low i- ! y dyli of relief hi' a ia limi hint' of ih.- an at iliiiij' I ’.-torsoii"* Hull..lxI. I. I I |, iixl n < > ... d. With him if a t hiiur w a.' not for oi' s2oo: ariot \. or tha! In- will i!<• • n .1 im- any In ?111:»• m SV..UI- i -1 >,\ \, |‘t ! !. purse and aim of polities is to make :i' much a> -i*»; — the account book, baek hi- chair and I... Ii .• '.v tilted ■ Iran.-.. -11 111. .lit or l-ifur- \ \ -I ;i\ -n„ k ai narki‘1 I.-" for mu- nLht*' talk nior. than mo-; i' i- nom •••ar. ami an lit r to '■ ml :-• I In. Il.-t liritllU -1 attic, 117*»; u.i-w a in. Tli.-n- w.-rc no half-way measures, starH.i/.er.I 1 1 possible for tile "Workers." Tiler, he i' <-n- pai.l i' math- ■ looked around the room with yratilied k 1 oi-I•■■;•! ii. nnlini. iit- I .a a: T A i;. •. \ pride. ii. A m.»n_ ;.|| is.rn; aa!-. Mi; < .leiia nn. 2 2 2 listed into one or the other of or-an- imlti'lrioiis nn-n i-arn a month*' h .r 1 work. e the meat l-> a 'i oi ii. fft o. |.. an\ \s I" l:• t a — 1! a> man 1 in his establishment \t la-t had aehieved tleyreat wish of his i-hinu up M. ’!.<• n- a N ry (.ili.retii's Maid.2 2 .r» < -. iIu.-iimIi ili- i"\' i:.- I tni. -inipix -pro. in .1 employ i/.atioii' which ha\e reduced to Y«-l t hi' 'aim- >t. -I >lm i' tin- In a. I ! a e\i-!i ii'v: Prude me w as a woman. party polities 1111• I- :* 1.1 1 !;,>• af. I ! < 11: Ha-sat! rich Nellie M.I 2 ohih. I»>" I* 1 ill t lie 'ilmlr-«*.ti||l.r*l L. I'' 'll |». di'tim innh-rsto. d. battles for to tm nt to .|p.'Tro\ t In- in ,; t -. .ami j IM ii !.•-•! ui Jo tly r periodical plunder, eonto'ts for Ih-puhli, p .• a! I!:.-I ;U I J in ini) 51 lho wei-nt IvMra At the end of the lie would leave the .7 I Am I'm I k. k Mi. \\ it. -J a* •! a- year surprise. 1 j 1*1 k -am-h wife lived it tin to misgovern. There he learns huihi up a party I- •! I*\ hint'. !i ami 1 mw l.. * ..-tin li: -i pia!i!\ 1 7- |-j l’crhap- if hi> tair. _. utlc had -t »re forever and devote all his time to her for Puritan.1; 4 opportunity >f A Ita : \ Mors of ht ! I 'la i" hi'. < 1- rliai aril 1 l/r.| I 111-I ;•.|- Mirk "in man win* want' I;i- ],|||- _'.2i» 2.20. that honor and are "inoia"i’- pi-r uiulit n.. ..., re lit. wa' th. the r< inainder of hi- vv a- a Time. ‘{,, 2.22. principle simply <. ... | iii n -as u ii:i_!' have him di tic She only life. He not nii-er- Mi '. J. r- Miiith. ;!i- N. sv V. Ih rahl ith ainhovv tinl-. an i •nl' a link ■ to a- ami am»lln-r who I-a-k. I 'a:.': .ry am -■ 1. ... catch llies." a notorious onei t-r'hij'. I. Tliin iv man: i‘ was < ►; 1 politician i;ij ’• •- not lor the mere alone The 2.20 class, of slot), won b\ k- _• Ml 1 III* Ill'll*. I.-.I Ml \\ ,|| .-li. who \mid.'i'tood hi' Mat lll'e. money lull’s,- m man\ w r s — '•' -. ,'l ITl V .l.M .;! rii.JU'ed d it. Tin re he is to •'land ann-mlnn-nt'i'f hi'own law in am. Tho t it. in' in t hi''toi-s rt-'U 1; t that lie had tln-e expiV'M made und< 'ay': air! w I'll, i « •- !■-' i111• ■1 toiled all weary vears, land (lirl in three straiylit heats. Time, 2.2.7. f.a-a I |ir\ Mir lat'n-I 111 lr Ik 1 ‘r.irlii«*i; Fallow early e ami now allirni' that all of ilmm. no! i; liul ral >.in Mai h lnorniiij.. w In u the >n..w that he is not \ peel el to t Hi 11 k fo|* huilself. to tho I,,n I 'lam I -.1 \. -up o- tr < ’. ly and late: it wa-all for now lie had 2.21 2.2s 2-4. am! a It-: H -. 7 I Min tv Fallow her. And 1-4, <• pt '• i** • \* l*« :M'.I I f. whit- of a;v-. Til' >1 i 1;- hut that hi must the amount t anyt liin-u.** To t'o:I<• \\ 'in !i i• k m J I !•' a. :ai n-. !,*, •a a< on hill' tin- Idl’d' hi -innin- ai what lie had undertaken. Prue The four old race, -inn. was won obey implicitly party i• w of' "W Ml Mil*! '.n M*.. .: Ill-Ill Mil w — skin.-. ineltiii-' the and ei.mpli-lud yeat purse < :tli atilt'"' "I h r maaiiiina. J Ilk'* ,M. I ! |. \ 11 mandates, reverence the ot hi' a'tIn-'P. tm-rt .>\ r. im n ar- aLo I to 'tin <• nIt r p!"J ••'*'<.. i. ni I .i "• M lai" -kin-, T.V. '.oar- d -kin-. need never have a wish d for the 1 an. rime, 2.22, 2.22. saloon-keepers •lain-i.aii- an him*. I W miyra!ilh hy >v ■ ■ _h m m-. iii; an.I to .-iiirp :• 11111• 'in laid her tiny- irl i:i hi' arms ward, submit hini'clf to hi' "boss.'* National .ml Mat* •_ ruim-ni to tin L i-1*> " t ii inr. 'ipm tli .-t. T!i. ; h milch s is hi m ii.M nl I'** •' in w ant "i nioiiev. A of the events of and Fri- humbly J I w k -i a -i. I;'ir, I \, m' .11 fi.-. a ml report Thursday prats. a!w a\ fop- oil-a i. in i I !••: : lio •;..!■ ,f Wo-t, Ml liool >o h-w faint and on election he thankful that he .an or.|t-i of am! 'aid. oil; ton.!, riy. and in siidi So with a sense (if ea-e he leaned back and will he found on the second day pusyur ili->oriptit»n ami tin- oai n ty for rtatf* -• ... it i■ :1.■ < 1 •• ■ day pay. I at, Him: ,- I.•!; w. k :ia U it u a '<•11 his \ote for a of dollar' or a de- th-'troy tin- L-pnLn-an >r_-nnL .mm. I'.>r Low couple a •- eaiv "1 little d himself in dreams of tic future. ::mI '; tir : an I a .• inn It- a’.,. ii, I'l a -. ra "a1 a. a o 11. lam': ••y.adok. dear. lake my indtil.y They t in 1.auok mot hu:s in hath. imij. won! | i- t hitootnro. of!t .p I- at j., j, ”i.i i> were i, I iii all' bauch on Pad whiskey. This i- no fanciful frankly a-lniit- tin! In- <\p< !- ii. L-" n I ■ were broiiyht toaueinl t he cut ranee a:- u Ml. a'!--,. ii'j| | j|, -: nor -Ira.a: Pm lor I alia -uital.lo Pa .In id l"i me. from (juiekly by p-.-" 1 t\ oi,. | a 1 a f -a!. < n r< 15“i"u' i:it', "-a "ioi;* o ;mj*h. .-son). 1\. op la r unspotted \ special to the Portland Press s:iy-: Tin- picture. There i' not' a ii'ideraI. ity in ,Vput*! n It rl iln!. pi ami maanilioi-m I Mi. I '"It. ,lc an-,-! I n.Ill I -• t- pH. It, live of Mr-. Wentworth. I«:* 'ii* r. ami tin* .*•_•' 1' i. 11 *_i i: strike is sort the l nite<| Nates in which Mites • li'Pn .'iiri of hi' liai a> :.-! am I -, -p o. 1 t la- World." S|| died l: a 1 ninhl. here Hath’s first in this -••m Thf .Li.' at formula! imp -' •. !. .it '• 'Ian "I tic Po-t all !• won a!. < otisin Harriet.” he e experience purchased allompt i. iv k ai" M'. ,. I ml. :n|e«| for “Why. vclaincd, that a- of The men on the street cor- are not east the thousand at I..- ition- .lamauiuu to him. w ith tin pram- *>i. 111:i 2 Ii Tt trade 'I lirn mii in tie \\ ,- h !i* I •'/.*ll. rat iir r th.ii, ,-\ ill' li'p-'t; you 'im-.-: i- oti-i-' of Maim t Inn t hat w ii h hi'tory ., ners not ant election, and tlies,- Notes are almost in- ami If'-. ti: Wo-!.-: Hi,- a: I If f. 7 l.o. n the hoii-er” an-very well hchuxcd.and the city is ui"!. : ■ t v -- '' In Mai !. low S ; ix, 0. 1 u over and over h<- -aid th m M r. I low I !ii't! I in' iu:nh N N 1 i I s\ ith im t-s i-i.-m «• of a.limn i.» .. 11. » t M.:rS,.-t Mini ,.p. ; -to the la- a | : i« \\ --.or d I ( those mis. < likely to become other than orderly throuyh \ariaMy hony'lit and paid for in and through s;-ii'in•• ■' 1 on-in Harriet shook hand- with him and ,. I! u■ fa ! ii fowl' t in ; tin- of the strikers. The of he saloon. .- ..nil, to him--If. I low was he to ke. p hi little-Tr'in au-vveivd in the alliruiai ive. liaviny doinys employes ;1 "o'ii if it ami tho “ it-.'* Tho min at is 11';■ : Mi-l il« a Ip!. Then, .>in- ;.•-. In.-li.-n in 11TI» the Iron Works have cause to the situa- It is absurd to c\pi .-t that mi-h r 'mh a state w -• ati d her-ell ill one of the VV she lvyret II I ■!*...! 1'• •• M k,, |- I an ! nr t l.o ,-i U, k m da!P tia wori i am! not of the orld-*' oodcil chairs, Acrid at. oloim tit' of iuton't ami tin |!tii,. \, I Ifoliti-a an!. yet tion, do not of either their of thiinrs .-iii hr but Frightful I*"".many io» beyan : They eomplait: j>o!itirs anylhiiw corrupt. Ml-.r all ill. o' I.I 1 a'ii \r, ■ a I I I 1 ii 1a abruptly krill in.:. I.\. I.. tlnmulit w ould 1 or It is ahsiir.l i.. in iiaraoltf' an- 't on.-1' a-'i_iit i •, \ .o,-t ras I. ry -ly marry treatment. in look, ■ j a.a W and I •■-. 11 into “< oii-iii wiiat been way Tlu-y spoke only praise parlies dependent upon «*1.1.minx \ 1. !M.n ill | !’ '—I v i; •' i a mm.'' i; ill. I lltli .( Ml- sin-,-,1 111;' j /.adok. you doiny sunn- seii- ot and the directors. tin s;ih*oi for eiiIi 'lithe look- a- if she would not live Superintendent Hyde patriotism, pro I i: \IN \ ! Ill Ml I- I I i'l \ ! 1 Ii" \l>. iiarpi 1‘rothi ; '\vi> o! an\ Oi Ii: I' ? o of 11 ♦»1! — .; t • I' by Ip- Pol .ia .*, -, at Cm Tln-ir has heen tin- same as that of the ur«"i\e | olieies. oi real -are for tlm xv« I- | .ami,- * I; I Ml !' 11 nr -\\ »:* "■ i\ a ..-a! perhaps, No redaction has been mentioned, I'are of the nation. The cmuitrx is mwv in a j r-'.-n’li {• ; ••:•*< f|*|,: »|;\t. Idle deacon to hi- ft i. hi- face a-heii carpenters. n. Wo-; re some -prany Our Stan E'.c'-ti.ui 1, Ill •_>. 1 n-«.. I'M i.mvl -mu |* Hi- IP i", 11 .^ aio OM-.|in- Imlola l- !ii' 1 i: 1 i• in..' in-rless child : and tln-n-w and had followed their own inelinations defenseless rendition. All the riehes of i!s h\ •a.lli-ioii •■! a Niaaata i ;: ,i-• -i•,11 train A ■' I taii: a it l> ii worm with terror, and eauyht her eonvnisi\ the they .'.Ml.. \ t roiii' :• tt> live u lauded at tin-rdauii'P ely by 1 eiyiit, would not one of them would have struck. sea-hoard eitie> li,- at the niercx of anx tiflh- n > of the -ood 'i'lers of his ohimdi that Superin- -Ml! "i _i 1 arm. aini a lo. ai ; i. iali! I rain mi N mk i I ’ia! oi.iiil. tli* i'i.-kim A I'1 ! a a a ■. a »-i*-• i but a tritP >r 1‘iii' i-"!.!■ of !lit un .11• -I all thin-' tendent is linn in his stand, and without rate power with which wi to » k" .• < Hyde may happen a 11 11' : !, i n olli.'l- '••■ii. a. ;. 1, .. ii niiP.oi- u o -i\,- t In- ha\. oust nti d to oi.H'ole him and at the ••Harriet Wentworth.” lie **vvliat do madly ya>pcd. A t it i.• Itailroal. I 11 r. \|.. It. I'll, am \v 11n i'■ mi, : •' ■' the least bitterness toward the quarrel. has hem r«*u• i*!. hill | a Main.' ..M i;, I. u Mia •-• i,. ‘!' ..I. \\ Ml_ till 111 to I .- W < -!. a la! Il-M 111- II-I.I in mean?” expressing impossible 'atm- iinn- i,.k> eliar-o of the handsome house* you ( 1 •' of Labor. He the works will oiiaress tu action. \\ Idle throw ilia' its, it a on a ■ w I'; ...... in v M-* tin -a;!’-.,., Kniyhts says tourtlmr in rill nnar. K111*.n. I i- ■•v« m «' I: I a at iiral. \ -nm* -t it-, if for lin- Work, nH'boiu" she Wa- startled by the ell'eet of her Words. 1' It Im ii t p"! it al aiti in '' lot 1 bill, in r-. si continue to run if there is hut one man at with feverish zeal into struuahs over k Ml I; i, a — ami t dire I the shaieali t In- 'lore. place ,. \| I! 1 i.l-'t 11 V« 1 > of 1; S. "ppO'ife and answered -o •jhinyly. “It i- very I 1 l’»rt w r tin < s wr-i' 'ii ...a. ail \\ .: n ■in -im tin' i.'.'tioii oi m-l. I mm ; M:. ■*■: T. tor lnai-o-. likely men do return and while exhibit inir ii I "'. O work, and that if the not their patronage, dcmaa'oaie 1 !'i a'.” k mi an.I all Hut tl.e doac..n himself never dr.-amed le be a little ■ la. pi'.*— may lonely. a M.!' til IIV, l- only will Im* tilled. He will discriminate eairerness in ill”- till funds Harris of Ihr !'r« iah!. ami ! l.rir li: in. ; i. i til' -'•!'■ :• :■ I in a- national !. I ion of tw o ■' a in*' '• .. w iii. Ii w ill inakr Hut I believe in In art she i- for places squalldfl puhlie !■„ 1 \ l;.M-u>:ir 11>-h a 111i11. How e.mid In* think of anolln !’ my pininy •• ayainst no one, hut will those in his em- upon unnecessary local works, ii has shown it- Ihrin-rl\r- l-v 'l l1 a o a j It" l a ! ! I i, M ll. t ill*. W .rill- '.-a r.'il <)vven Ibiinsford.** protect hnnpiua. > TI;. yartv ha- ari'rn with it' »!• 1- A to Testator.,. wii-- vvia-n h- fma- hi' wa' that indifferent to i» ■ 1 Warning eya always Tin* is deserted. The marine self this vital lei' question: .■ in M.. ..j ||i' trunk, in w lii. ii : “she has never mentioned his name once ploy. shipyard t'1 1 i: da i; f’’o! 11 ; ax Uu- '. -, I 1:, ton. labor. Men to been desiron* oulv of thf -niokin ar. hi I: w I Jin' i* nn- i': ::in 1 it' :i:Ii*•' ami il it' k Mr- j.u i’i. ••! ok! .ir;.. 1. or .Mis. Wdntworth shook her head. “Prue is presumably ) plant* |. I’ior In- earrie-l a heart that vv a' vv.-Il-niirh to enact measures •• ••• Hath last week elaiminy have been enyayed imr redounding to their per- "Mi. "it fa I.; '..mi t,in< In n i.|. \* otiior- ■ I. 1a a: Par \\ 1 a\ -m il a little and believes -<» I lo til. T il. .a ia ill tlm I ui: 11 n r in 111 a ;i**'t i. nn -I in all P I < of were shy tliiny, implicit- hay.a.:- 'iipta n.;m) part-- only .I ikeii when the -aval elods earth at s2.20 (Mi learniny the situation, sonal or ad\aiitaav. A t on”r« 'S w hieh m !■ k,- r• ai... r per day. part} < a,j*.mml 111* trunk ainl in that I do not wonder she does not -niokin. ar wa- ni"-t Inriov, in. I,. |i a -, Hi! loved one. ly you. s of t Mai Iln i:1 I i -: 11' Pumht In I" -dii':;;- '-fa 1, i,_ i, \. i,t- l.ord t- thrown tin- eotlin of hi' and briny the not to yo rcfusi to in\estimate tin trallie, and will :ij« I.i w .th -toll! lark. I ir -■ of him. Hut -he will never toryet him.” reijiiested hy Kniyhts liqin-r VV Si- II >.-nt for his M i" I’ri'eiii a 1J.-1" a 11. speak !*n a •■!>••■! i I’i u'ill, iof P ain'- I r :;!n*1J- 1 '■ sister. to work, \ The not authorize tin iieces.-arx pi ulp, -• itl- II -n d Im ;-, tin returned to Portland. p,r mm- -h n ! a. Iir I : r- ! ,*i \, ,. in .1 um | at"' -till I | a I doa;mio|ll. Peaeou Ha—at! hurried a cross tic road. appropriations ll V a lm: \ '-wr. of 1 h* air ak -. j who out hi' views in i-r- t i• *ii i' niim i.t 1 »r p.r im u tant certainly carried regard of Labor otlered to thein xpen*rs. the defense of the en;|s|> aaaillst ’o|-( iun elK- imp: •ml •.. : i, Ir .ir-) w k in -f tli am I ,’.<•! " "• o W a- it all Kniyhts pa\ oi' -,n:, ,•> I m ’»il- tP no Imi* 1 >i i!,;m I 1m- \. outors to p"--i!>Ie that for this he had toiled thr rar.•,| th.-ni*. ia li. ialioj ;-i toiiii'. mu rat m n '• rai'in- ehildieii. She loved the little sides are no mies, i- in one sense a li i- am! o; ;»■*'. I tin a-1 i'f ..... :: I.’* -'n'l;.! m.r! k dearly Hotii waitiny development*, and pattern legislature, v !)••.'• .i!i• i. \ n' •*. mmi- or n- lii- life |ony‘r Could it be true that hi- little -rat- inilijv a: l 11 -1 \. "1 i a a a I'll. II To w it lii;i In ir ii ;;•! r- :m I I’rudem-e. Imt. Iik<- her hroth.-r. >he never al- a !",• it' poll' on t In j,-'. it' mi-', in t 1 ''■ 'I1* ‘'la- !•<• po\\ (.or Pap- tin-it* ehaitye i> for some pattern, that is to -ay. of the U-i that can Mni :na; foijii-l i:ii.I. r tin 11, .-.mi ixj|h ,| |.\ blossom vv• *11Id never Use the which he anticipated days. raillr a trrrihk' -im-T follow.1.1 hv a -m.i-hiw lowed Inr alh-et ion to -h-.vv its.-It. Striet and money l he future of looks chirk, d in he nd from th«- saloon in It -Hi't t" tlm < nltin^ allair, im I.ii 1 ur* r> T m "Ml MM la a t hp m I: a '• t n t did io- m d> lin-j Mi-. I Itoti and t In- .sliipbuildiny expo, politic-. •1 |- Wfi had all hi- time in lnakiny? of will'iow- an! i'"oh of ar- ai: ! all v. a- a 1 v s. 't. I'll had l-eell t he I’eli-iotis J ra ill of hot h t lie spent ran he it- pi'otni-. imi'li I.. 11 flir l*r< -. i«-nt i ! Of ‘‘\ .-1 in.-’ decline- in both foreiyn and coast fiviyhts inci- relied upon Jo plot, ej the rum pnwer. 1 ■ M-:.!li'_ 1 lirlM hi ! W I-. '■liildn n of ifi .i -•:< With back the nia-- of l. |, i i; -lin.aiin. i. I; v 11 U i. M Illut lind aindPi r '. re warn n<- treinhlin.y hand- he pu.-hed 1 ami hnn: I i Hu ami i. w ■ ak mammona lit ! mat imial a :- Iad>‘- d- a.-on and In I If. Tin eompi-mii'.- dental to unsettled conditions of c om- It cannot he relied upon to deft lid tin r• >i1111 r\ i'liin a :• w ai in- \\ ..r. o| i• partly n • o\ .-r. .1 w n .■ k p, >. M-Tt: liar.l al-od' on li\ i,,,| i> in it her u half-opened door, and entered the room where Mr wall l»|. I | ur- _a i- • I:.■ da)'- with Salin in regard to eith.-: dresi. or deport- merce to aaainst invasion from or m-rail) non, par.. wit ii inanam ■ and trade, and compe- without M V \ !.!.«'•» I .. in <■;- { M --at. hr •!. .. m h ti" n wa- partly foreiyn corruption '. I -w j.} U|.ol, j.i'Mia:- i' ti) dou!,i ilial iii -n id* ration of |pc of I’rmlem-e -iltiiiy. W ith a pany Ic noticed "lilta- strum, vvhilr mi am alh tin in an all amit "I tin i. ,n- \nIhii 1 In out mllnl 1'1 ment. Anythimr that savor.-d worldly de- has decreased the demand for s, :i from w it him AI lanti*-. put-!: ill til rl .... ! tition, deep September a v w i* \- a- i!r i'»n- of In 1 it< « :.p»iio| I’elton to how very and trayile she looked. -i'l' th"-o ho w i. in-'a::ti\ kitlni.w-! I ..<• sire-* or lle-iiy vanities warn stricken out of their pale while tin* call for \essels is _o\ ruin' nt. "'M'- ft tli! ! t a- t !'.'. A M tonnaye. eoastiny r< -. v > -pra -I Mil a I l.ii u Pi'-ii a", ?io and n< t *rioii.- “I itth Prm .” he -aid. a< he bent low over r.i oui of all human ml. am I Im un !- I'Ji" ; nn i. ! !.\ l! v. _•/, !;• ,«-«r p,i* live'. insutlieient to 2ou men alony tin- whole ''pill'llmin iv 'pl.iili.ii'. at 'in \' im I'r n- r i. airI w al»■ j* 'i1 i1 a •• ■«»11 i-i• •:i i- the employ r. rraw of .lrhi w ia --i-ti II a 11 pn.—ilde. ples" u a> a part of Inr creed. >* she 'ti-rnly is tin- most careful that proplr t n !"!'r i milt "t I Ii- .at! Ii- ami w .m a I "-I in ** Mm m into h. !i\ a only hy manayvment N- l;. In'. Wt _• r\ mr*in-of ilia I!n i-.t'iai Mr. i iPP n*- will w:i- A crimson blush over her face. “<>h, hrililimr. If., on w hit'll to lav I Im -!• a.I ami \. nn -pra\ JrutP tin- •:!"W. red at tin- had little hoys who 'at ill the swept the New has Txvo months auo the liof'es xvhit h had been liiiii'i If. Ili' ma.". I 11' :. i I i t m r ;om a" ■ '■ Knyland Sliipbuildiny (ompaii\ 'i,! "kill- -ML. ila t III I .'I .!p>|' "I oi "W ninu vim ■! a in.-il ion father.” she nn-vveied, “I could not «l \ inir. ami tlitl all in th. ir w. t o i: k. llopr pi* pro.-m-t which l>n--k hem-hes. The that there niiaht help fate of ot |*t oii'p»ii nuns ; man in t In lat< *.-»nip:>i_it». Hi' 1 •■■ a t: »;• .'.Mi in,-.-? I... .!-"ir possibility escaped the her ship and been tested and not found xvanlinu on minor tra k- i >1 at. will I.*«!•_:«- in tin <-\ of ’w \ *1 and a--o- it.” yards, of tlm woiimlnl til! lln* irrival i\-p'T| olim alii-na’cd Pi- e -nllrriny- In-' w rn'i ii I n... r-••. ■ «■ 1. .me a ood ones annum th.-iu in-va r enter, d enabled to do some little 'P> po\\. rt ln r> M MMI.' Th' iirw i i:»! 1 h .I p '• i"‘t I' in I’or a was Imildiny. nmtlmal siiil. A- thr -niok r wa- li I. ■• I wit a applr-. appir- I'ti-in.— and in IP- course w eiv all How moment the-tern old man silent. irathereil at Detroit. The mretin” was ;i j-,- in j"i|. a in l tin- r uf l! * * • miio.-t at i- politic-. In-r head. (>f t In-y had. President (Joss ‘’Last March w <■ (op-, p"\' A — —, — —. 'ays: yield- *• ill into thr intrrior of Mr d a mi lid ol c \ 1 :n a Then lie look her in to -mile ini'll tin n an iin:r_im .1. I.• in 11.. r — pi. I'd j; r illUclIllitN, v v hand his and tried -ult |Vot "i l Im n\ !,«■!« "iuii n ami I In- n n eon Id t he help it with 'iieh raisin-' a- tin ed » tin- demands of the- Kniyhts oi Labor, markahle one. The attendance was xci) larae, p: \ him I.•. iii I-- -•• I\ i. a a 1 ;i;■}■ rH', rti\. j-oi-onr.l, "i:*ai.!• •'t profound l!i m.dii and intricate a- lie -aid hu-kilv : •*! have chaine d my mind rar- row .ItM 1 ami 11. -1 to m-l w w hi It 1 Im I :m ami hi- a n r- ■•! i.i uu plo't- had ! and raised the schedule of wayes. This ulti- tiuiml. M i• anti there was much o\t r the hard _i. M- ta-k. Iir ti'i-. It :n i• am! am yoiny enthusiasm r-fSI strain min. i' -I W liil hr rri. oi op Sir*ni»l -inall Ivin-a ill c\i• c111 i\ .ictcniiina- v. baek to the to tell him to pill, a_ tin-' I InUii. P) Y- •!. vv In n the 11• i' ra-vd in tin- villa-’. ami city and we lost Mount ot p r. .villain lit, fruit. i"11 a' ri!n al eotne and -ee o-. tic In- mately proved premature, money W Oil Si: lot 1 all'! 'Ivina 111 a11 a. -' 1,0 I I n W up.>:i nionicnl-for a>-ii ,ii. iP d enter Cousin Harriet tell- fought races. Then came the brilliant meetiua I M..m m III! II 'I '• ! I' pPmin few vv.-re found vviilimr to the infected tin- move. \\ e di I not the demaml '■ !" hy c-xpeet ■ t'*: III i iilll to he I mill k. Inil 111 ■t I" ttfi'evut il of tlia i' a v wort oiiny man.” oiirr aw fill siml horrihlt i a _! m it Hr- w a < di-po- hulk of ili- o;-,-at < -'. front. I'rom cry hy y ox ";u r." Im n; '< rv n-f n tin man •;*i•_ n. h n .Mi" l’ri>ci!!a came to the s>. soon, Imt Intel to ways er tin fast t rack at < It vela ml. xv lie re t In I ’alo i; .ii.ii* ram- »iiui»!\ w.i-hit awa\. .-•» l-.r A eves. planned pav hiyher tlm r\t ur-i.'ii train w a- tonn i. w pf'M"d't.N puldia II-C-. Put never Wa- le.-o- ie-ii'e to house 'In went, vv itii in.mrishin- food -iirpri-ed. "hai-uv look came into her < M -p- akm. I mm n in "tit'', am; of iltmiiL: t In* summer. \> e wtnilil pay *>ur Alto a ret- mail) h-M ; ii. '•< r,„t ; tr |ra-i « in u-iiiir t ftiou !, n, Mil Pc >iie laid her i'iii't k run -i v 1 po Thr hi. !i"i*. -''ti' died -Pill i J _• it P* t In-di-efcl of I land, she -aid : ,,Vuii are the dearest father ort I of 2 :11; i-| in a finish with lb-lie nia.Ir rlaini that hr han onlrr- to 1. i: •. ■ ion biiminn blow- with her cool, steady hand. would We the value of la- desperate I 11 t in' III In 'I pl'ai'f for In* I! *t mi I i>_ a'. permit. appreciate ( irl i.arrii r-. to rut tin* I li: _* !,!:* ai ai v, in.a. in t .k • in all llie world.” r« *'k ill' 1 ah-'W hr r\. us- .ii ; w ha t n. •" pr- •-ji:ii pains l’nideiue Ha-sat! to womanhood, IIamlin, and xx lu re Man x W ilkes reduced his a in I 11 ? t il Ii nn hmh In ;. im t .'--it i-n. 1 yrew pure bor, and I think it i- more in Hath than "! " I- n paid a. a * ■ MM I hr trrr t-; i* Put i 11—I iii- own 1 I *eae.>ii lias-alt*- to I’.a. r. i: ;- thouant. I'.-ari :a > K -pin. if) kindn-d. ml look in. -weei. like a fair little* hare-lull, visit the city, however, I’ll v 11 o'liinii I" umii tin- I < ■: I 1 < li.air- M and lonely ever before, the of every t him:'else con- record to 2 :1 1 The in the n pa; or.I ai 4*nii.i I In* 11 m.k- eon-train I mrr\ ,-iit wa- all in vain. Owen Pain-ford eonld not he prices third link eireuit si- Soot * pain-to Pis pi:rpt»4 al elinninn w it h all ii minlit to the r.-rapr. 11; > i * ! « :' tfi |" a t. t "iv ni/ it i"ii. ;,I: yentle yreat sidered. One winter we Si per In chain was the en tloek- 'krai. I iir, t: ■: t hi- ant o! hrl* lil.ail- delinil. ti n, or in anv found, lie had "one hi- friend- paid day. Uullalo. ami wd' which rallit tlorkillL I I olll >il V t'|' an k. halt lull- an) delinite wax. roeks. A little with a< to Kurope. < ":n i m.'l. | in mpa i_ o \\ :t !i u i'.iom a ml m- ■ stony dainty lady, eyes the following summer we S'J.oO. The l.n_ I'm :• ... .Mm \ in I'-.'Ml. "* I i'r S t paid etl to the course reminded the \i t. ran obserxer ■ n, |; i mi i- a pm- .. ; -r oinni* im said. and lliev eould not "ive hi- address aw am! at on. !>. aan w mk :. a-ii m m 1 iMil.ii i-lu- -oft a- ln r dead mother's. She never just a;. am i' ! i. r pa t :iol "N\ ar ! iiii.inu ■ l: ■ 'and righted itself tin n, and would in>\\ if the a -1) tiling of the scenes witnessed win u the f..r •: ——t ||_. llr: i and i-riti'-i-iu. in »<»n>j.It-rnti<>n of tho-r u-e- tlun. lint the deacon did not abandon his purses | i ism.i-:. companion except -.ptire*- youny Kniulits of l abor did not interfere. It i- tle-e met s d n, -c sinale tin_ of four dax amount ;i- — i' •11111 11|| if |! MIV 11 * --1 t} thou-and tiollars. :i\• •> thr ami in ,.i M ■ j .;i_\ !.» I In* liMinci if■ to tin- am unit of -i ;al mil- that little face at home. So, week al'tei week, ami l»ar-. tii-rlo-inu i.rni-«•«i "I i. tin -1111. .• !:••••. pM't le. ii. “-o 1'rmn that time Prudence had none on dosed faetorie-. and our schooners tin in 'tmimtlu It a.i' haml'oim'l) in “1'•;‘■ '• ■ "i w carry An excellent meet ill”' was held it Ib11'ht s11■ ■ iih It i.* e e l*« i- lion dollar-. aliiioli-h there M a he went to the at last ietter 1*0. li' l\ ilia ilollhlt .1 r oi: >• tainly max no i. I ln r and for the deacon was ej|y, till l’rile*- •Jr.I up A It.i am I n\ i r imm i mil ion ni i' it"' 11an way. lonely ipiiet, no more coal.” \x a< i, T' < ami the race huh at t ,| he most at tent ion n. .! \ ... i:«». u \•;< vm m. il, -’ii and !• i•.| or thresh m-an-of «-ntli* Thr w m-imr- soon ar 'i. n a. Hie that inten-F It add- ai.- careful of hi- friends. •• -hapr. ".a mat Im Ik will a sturlii t imuri- 1 very daughter'.- We have built in Hath tor was x\ ... A I" .11 ! ! twenty-one year-, the 2:1T eia- in Inch the nixsterious ami ■i i, .i i. MU... .loilJ. I i II I l'd he | lit le L mill lei t till other to th- iujuim. lahlr Hack over the ureat waters eanie a click- anir.l i>\ I\ inil-all in a -p. rial a \\ it • < j warnings to men of I ieacon P.a--att had one desire. I Util that and labor lias all i- in it. We !ia\e | Supl. t r it of tin- M ;;»<•. imik". a : mark tin oim- ..i ; i1; I Ua; liil.a of ..It <;ot tln-re much xauntt.l Arab, from < aiil'ornia. was -ila> r*• 1111*• 'ii,. ;!" liua*. wamlei r* -a I > r* o in: ine--aa. : next steam- 1 hr sii-- \v: <>rk-“while it i- x< t d a and tin hi- time to else, 't ears before he had of mu I'.ni'i mi n liii- n i» ,\"i mi.i -. \t- -.;I.:. IvM'. n- *»!• i.a anythiun and we are crushed. If the men will heat with lb lie At this nu lh>n- mm!) !" H ii ■! imieli a* .-all •an Ve- a finally Hamlin. liiia I'll, romliml -r of Im in a lit t rain : ’i'lii lie->li they J Ip-Ills. I -III rx jse t lie exeeiit ion of t Ip i." With pleasi d smile the deacon laid the itrasin. Tin le-i'Ianir. \n ii1 Iv a mm- I morn than >|. M-mV ni a** V. !!. made up his mind just ln»vv many thousands not submit to a reduction, or if better ♦ !’|- Tali prices iiie .Met.reiror made his stallion re< "id ol 1 to hiU'. Till are pro.'. I-. \i\\ 'i -.rk Herald. words in the little blue-veined hand. ii. h;nl oi'lrr- pass tlr r\rur-iou train imial ".vn_! a. im n nr a tn-mu it' nmm- !.i. ill. II.;' -II". >l|hjie-lee|, were necessary to make Prudein a rich woman are not otic red for Olir Ve-.-els, We shall be A. Mali) e.iiid;!: Ii- ire ami his record ul 2 :17 l-L'. At l ti<-;i :111< 1 ( W :i.. e|eei. i«*dl S UlllaVoJ- “I am so *_dad,” she -aid “1 wanted (}. >il\ rr in k. I' ourtri'li ]i»T.-''ll- I k i III l»T' who :nv r n n»« ■« I in 1«• i i:»I i«»n ami >i i< I before lie would waste one moment in simply. t" wind \p. The.a no •! hi• pleasure, obliged lip the business.*’ Albanx less interest w is taken in tin met tinas. i‘i near Hie uroiiml. to see him once auain.” [ tlm ili-a-t. r ami I w rl\r in'mia horses, xvorn the lo'.ur xven* bejna 11;d -I- whieli ih. ii* President, that iiaviii-- learned that an coniine of the vo—el, |,\ some means to Aii Lnoeh ease in al- campaign, I r« 111' "i r Mat. v\ • I ••; ii.i; am > ■! a in -ayiiil; Zadok Ha-satl wa- a v isit from his hoping Arden Portland T" im --tin I. h I" surprised by passed I resteil up for 11 a 11 ford. The Internatioiiil !:.i p«11»11• iallv. is restore Pruc to health. The the-teamer a ■ .a .it : ." .a a in j' etlorl i- I•*-iiur uia !e to ol.tain a for eou-i;i, I larriet Wentworth. day most unnoticed election ni^lit in the midst of n a 11 \ i •111' i) |ookim_ "i tin n-'iill "I <■-!< i'e- pardon I lie meet 111 il at I tail lord Was a meat one, h'irHol ImiU'. lliroat and was ■ I'li it-* railt' mi'al pa*- with expected to arrive he went up to the the excitement. A were mar- i:ni;i. vm*’> 1»i.!;i i<» \mi i:«« \ in \ v< 11 11 n■. •ia\'' n "to we '1'inl In r for tlm nr- .t! darn. i >. Fish, lie a-k- le;i\e to to the •'l*ni p»inn to take your litth nirl home city, political couple eolite>t for of -• old-1 I— I* of|. n i. pre-elit and tile tile pills. tell tliousaiid illi' lii;. i-n niihntn.- '|.oli>ihle for to Prue, a- he bid her "ood-bve. “I ried there in |ssi), and in 1ns*2 the husband dis- « '•ill 'll ||.- r. 11~ ot aiiif a; ■ letter- me. Cousin Zadok.** she said emphatically. saying MM I I.I:" 1;I \I.LI I'. ,.'S1.11 h- -• •>'. < lie*. ..| a ! *. President eertain fact-and which have dollar- will Ii\• loiiu in tin- memories of all whieli in ■ will brine him bark with me.” lb •; > p|-e\ail Prudence does not look v stroii.n, and cer- appeared. returned .Monday niirht and i. of 1 nif to I in-uirm.l ul-i i 11 ami it- pnmiplr-. ‘it ii’iii \\ not vet appeal'd in the failure of (Irani »V ery who witne.'sed it. The • lenient of Tin- London I .ra/h >ept. Id mi\', amlerinu around in the heal IP never brought him back. There wa- a in uncertainty w mi \'« needs a elianne from the humdrum life somrht out the home of his wife. Looking Mi Iiaxi- fo'.ijlit a i ti ;'! ami a mori- aid. II.- Ip- ha- no de-ire to hinder Mr. tainly was a vei \ a. tin- element until the last heal «• hi't. I he auiuiah heeonn \e-r\ -ay- message : ■ thirsty. instead, awaitiii" him, statin,"' that at the window he saw a that, as iit•>riall> on- II ! >rx. Mfliat. i 1 i ,• .i tin wax ! •: *1 Ii. r- rv \ mit i >ii'in Malm*. I a- -In ha- been lea.linn.’’ family jrroup niluraljiraani/r > '*• i-h from aaininu hi- li!>. hut tip re i- a • was trotted. It was the l.cst li .• heat ran ■!>k I and im»r- di-ea-e than rty. •vven Pa in-lord be t ore the ■ Humdrum life! Deacon llassatt stared in had died on the dav In* said next day, made him feel ••lonely.** lie W III a v from :i pat! ;<• j i»;T f i« \\ t" I'.-I!-.xx. \- Iiaxf d>m f\ft\ Norlhfrn I' -i ii ;i_ I In- di-po-iti.»i t put all the Maine on him ( M ard), thus far placed on reeoi.l 2 : Id d I. I l-l. -lahhle with h-> i< *av- \ -s.-l arrived. weld hunted for a found one. re- uT'-| 111 :i t lli>' "!tatf max 11»* 1 -11* >..' do. and m t a II ! amazement. It was tin* same life that In* had away, eluh, po\\- .'.I.I .■! II i. ii. 1 he t to w a>te a! lie de-ire- to lie heard. ’I he President return- 2 :11» l-t. 2:H! I-t. 2:1s1. Tin- eiivuil elosed at 'pi;M tile hllllu-hoje. HoW he reached home lie never knew. Ash- turned to the walked *ra\e hus- colors I" < »n r u fi' > "I' !i a ill I..- nut l.x a .-r a- -•. ■•! ■ hi- father had lived before hou-e, in and tlm front. the otln liaml. il of fin- did po\\ •I .. in I \ \ 1*1 lar ed uii-xx t-r that hi- would he eoiisidered always lived, and on I Outside of t!ncircuit re.jiiesl en lie his -r* at spriimlield riiiay. -* .. > and i*i :\* a' v >ntsi 11: oi: r«ii:\. it was for her. pah moped way into the sunny band No. •_*. a terrible boat ini:, almost killing >ati'f:utoi l'< mo lln .raft ol a-lit 11 m lull r' itTf -i-I ddf a- 111 a! :a t in if xx' ii if h rn-hf d Itefore net ion \va- taken. him. and therefore nood cnouyh there has keen som» _ootti!.m in loom where > Kentucky > -< Priscilla stood I \ .. i: ;; VI »1 I. n I i-.n. of continued anxiou-lv awaiting him, in fact. This feat Ln It tlioroimhiv nmlof'!oo.t in tin- 1 nitrd Sta!< -. tlif fflm "f v the aye my Alice.** accomplished. our he-i fanners projiO'. j0 adopt ••sin-i-jii-t for him. and <'alifornia. i*l I. i. I' l: i' 5 n T, A I Mrs. Wentworth, ••and I am sure will quietly took a seat in the midst of the brok- Ilnre m ii' ti> u> 'oini tiiiii'. strange in i!t«• folon d in.a. ; tli. > -litIt am! t !;.• it i.a i.- o| (hr ‘-al aii*l peas as a .*wh*lit life-. in for rorn. they The horses wliieli stand out .on-idcm.uslx pail, “He i- dead,” "It is \. Pure Moo.| j- at,-dutch in order toes.- hot h t he v .** "loaned the deacon. en furniture and other evidence of I lie conflict. idea oj tin \im i'i. ail'. \vho'. 'liim I North xx iil I., xx i: i nt pm. Ih want* a he that ean he sown necessary enjoy i.-it are Olix.-r l\.. 2: Hi l-l: ; na\yi' \ i.i N Ilain. erop. -ay*. mv fault. 1 have lamb.” Ilelle I'.. 2:1A 1-1 joy perfeei health. Hood’s "a r.-a I la At tirst tin* deacon wa- killed my little lie calmly looked at his wife and finally said: to -rontlo ridicule i\.u 1>\ t * 111 * ! '■-•in-: lo ptllili. a n- ! >1 aim xx. .-..m: rat it! it. ...j 1 ■ with a an ! eui pari purilie- strenuously opposed j I. 'M / .:!'•< 11. ><•' ivlaiA drill with a reaper ami thresh- a I’riu.v Wilke.-, 2:20 1-4: Man/anita. 2 .In. r.- I l.e hloud and st rcn.i; I lien.- I he sy-lcm. the unheard-of lie thanked his For moment the room seemed to reel > ou’re 1 swear!’* With altlo to turn out am! kandir’a aolit \\ 11i• Ii in x i'-t'-rx ami tlit N a ||. if,-ii.-. a to proceedin';, •Lydia, homely enough, Upon your-plondid au-pi>ioii- ed hy steam eiiume, ami i- H a l*. cousin hut said he preferred to partinir thirty t>pfiiiim pivliminarx early eiioiiuh to he followed winte r wheat. I’lie-e are hard time-.’ -aid tin- yotmjr di-ht e.d very -litly. sorted her. 2:1(5: (iuy Wilke-. 2 :1V |-|; Aral.. 2:17 1-5: hy Then she up afternoon In* said : “1 am -ati-li -.1, of m;i ran ! mi J ill. 1 ►« -1 \ e"t ! ilial ran hr 111 an of !ss>. N .■ u ha\. done Your t. 11 ... I./! a \j. ''I. ns, NT >r leeioi- “Kxerx 1 went t t>. da x I \\ as his dauyhter at home, ami away from spoke bravely: Tuesday i nobly. I sheep, the 'i aw from oat> ami peas make s plaee rc.|iie-l keep .Mamin ino Sparkle. 2 :!7 : l'.elle Hamlin. 2:1- “Xadok, no earthly jiovver could have -avi d and there’ll be no coldness between u-. out auaiiul li- r from tSicm- 'lion l.o\. i-'Oi \\ ill rinu through f\.r\ Stair am! x .*ur • \< vlle-m foelde-r. Ami if ed to call a.irain. tint one. and that xx a xxlun I the follies of city life. Hut Mrs Wentworth hope l-l: 2:1!» l-t: .1. prai-f> you uet a heav\ our even if Spotlord, Koiiita. 2:1" 1-2: i- .1 « V nil \'M HI VIIiin in to -ee mx uarl." New Oi lcan Times be balked. Prudence, -he had her lover, for as handsome as she was once, and tlir in Liuhmd ran m \er for.;, t how will .x our l»r< ! h*rti ex.rx- growth it smother' the and le-nve-s the dropped was not to Lydia's just ome Turner. 2 :1A and l’alo pastime rviinplf in-pin- II / \ I a i■!i• NTIT. we-.’.|* she never was d-4. Alto. 2 :2n l-l. i.I ; \. !,\ I'ikn, I >em..cral. ••Let her c.une with me. Zadok," she -hone. What you did von I ^liess slic’d be more with iieorjre. 1 11; Atiierirans ? a 11 u h t ii' alim M our allies! x\ lii if to miitf -olidix n pr> for tla laml e leaner for wheat than an eiat or plead- happy 'The fastest mile has keen made llarrx parati.-n t.l N HU In harley >• C thought wa- for the best. Mid she will never not drunk after I made the row, tln-n I solieivd hy Ir-Mins a' io thr faults p. fmmd in mir in i ^ lit if out--t txxox.-ar- in th.- future. ■ it is for her more < -111 h i 11 e. 1 ha v Ul*e»wn ■ at' ed. ••Indeed, .nood. >henrovv- s. only ''Nil '.»■»•»I .... Ii' VI. >«m II V and peas. ami 1 To tin* (itizeus of Kansas CM). v W'ilk* 2 :11 d-4. and at this time it look- as if blame ou.” up, then 1 not drunk airain, and now I’m oil’.*’ of \r"( \\ lull !| |s.‘,| tin >, i.T l\. 'i.a -i Journal. I’ a-: >:ini.i«• existing t> i1' y I' M.i n.-ii.-.-u hiuhly rop: if made a <>i the the 2 :Id 1-4 of Kurils would mu beaten dur- H.ivinv .complete examination him falter, Somehow tie re came t.> the poor broken Lnoeh admitted that he had done well over w hi«-li oulra- r-i oiu- i\.rk'. a: 11 That last sunne-thm made pretty -- yadi! \ —'ll -la. 'lioiilel eoiitinm- to he a- pool-as it ha> hce*n for •Moxie \ rve Food." t an -tan- Fiat I d-> noi lie.d the sea-on. uni. Mr. Koiiiier should -tart heart of the deacon a of comfort at tln-e ing a w a> I a l, \ —• »• n• >n •> I’• Ma lie remembered how her mother, with the ray while away, hut streincd to feel that he had I he A111*-ri‘ In ’iniur tin i,I i:-* soi year* p isi, many fanne rs. like my friend, it to contain any -iili-tanec xvhatexcr that would tic Maud S. against her oxvn record of 2 :<»s d-4. Tur Family. words. Willi tremblill" followed • ■, Emory .! >!.‘1-Iiauii la.. I II t''!l. •! -. -line -wee! a lx u 11 .■ had steps lie belter his lie nave no w hi.ii thru a I 11 'oim linn- lik< a mi'ler- w id he im-iim 1 t<» less e-orn ami sow mon- injurious to health. I can further -ax that i! is disposition I ye ways, keep money, explana- N. w York 1 Jerald. plant Priscilla the stairs to where his darliii"' tion of what led him leave home. man t w e net a I de and e..ntuin- m> alcnh->!: al-o, before hi- e-. up lay. to The naiion in Ii. Liuli'h rim-'. hut did :-t oats ami purcl;. faded ey d-. -if m la til of John ami A nlhoiix \ i: 'I VIM ill I Im.i i;- \ I\i I-»s pea.*. As entered tin room. her The Pinery that I consider ii a nerve touie. a more was they Prue turned is under medical treatment. fail to >er tin- our ri\ a 1'' huild If We- do lili'. We !l \ e to ;ruo«l So, after little it pounded >uperii»rilof I; .1 \|. a. !■'■■* i'll M. I»i'tin : I l> Wall shall ll keep ino|V per-ua-ioh. .|*11 r W .|( *M -. toward the door. “1- lie he Id Ih- ir -i\th anmiai reunion in the M* iotia- **he* >ijfned. M decided, and when Cousin Harriet went back eyes expectantly and to imitate her m»od points. i'atai I’..i•a111 i. p and tatten them in w inter. e>r raise- more- /’/•>./'. Perils of the Oceau. I iritl nii.-/ '/> «•// // ii-nl ('In in in f\t'n coniine?” sin* asked “Shall 1 see him o- 1 imlf/f 1stri/ softly. I’ritisli lia\e since th ,! d nn 1 mht- a xxa- ! !• Iti, l.v fat lainhs. Those to town. Prudence went with her: but not yachts an. II. Hie attendant Mi •:!*,<. it \'n» fanner* who keep lar^e* sis I'il Miilhiil From to Pmstoii, >ept. ii ('olh't/f. soon ?” Opulence Poverty. edl\ altered in eolM nir| I > U 1 ml, !*: "-I'li-It!. A'i'OJl 1 -‘* k- of --he without a silent in her father's The which ha- arriv- ion, hill hr drfrat !;aili, i II ep. e-*pe of the mutton many prayer har.pi' Mary (iraham, lie x. Pine rx. of N. xx lmr- N 't .. ejally 'The deacon could not answer, but with a larue. Unfit- \f a. V >! Ill \ u -H Mr-. < at heart that she not be led the of the (hiii'ia and Malatra makes ii '..mi hived', lind that tile Hea d inmv and !ia.-o|>i :non—“Uoxx i- the euisiue y.-ur miylit away by L’iehard d ottnjr, of Lower Merioii, Pa., at a * pastille, -" -ob oil ed Liverpool. Limlaml. from Om-her. had x. >amm ! A <. Ill 111 \l "<» III 1 la' M. h1 -1. -1 Mr-, ---the xx«.tr" Mrs. Cham of thi- wicked irreat dropped down his knees bv the ilollht fill if the, lia\r h. Ill allrivd el.mull. and afte r prayer l*\ K» we 11::I! Iia\. i<. >ee-.j land m .• startup pomp and vanities world. presided, Ireepi.-nt- airo was worth lie was !*i v .. ii! a.a-vv nV M I-. M M .Ilia, k the en-ine." Mi I don't little white bed and buried hi- face in hi- hands. twenty years S40/HM). very adventurous She was hul.-n with Idle members of tin New York Y a»• 111 « 1III > *o ura** .m«l ejov.-r. and k« n pinion startup At tirst, the bustle of city life confused the voyage. of Taunton, ami the readim: a Iy loiiu- Hopkins Ptm-ry, Ilo •!- i.iia mi pitde.w kii"\\ I ain't -e.-m none tml the eookin' is .Miss Priscilla looked at tin wan, yet: maiden. a time she wished wi-tful face of the lie had two sisters-- -he are indefat imiahle in tmniiu out \ a.-lit s with im-fitim l»\ tlifS. r- er. I hi*, while whe al i* *o le»w ami labor *e> .jUiet, shy Many justice peace. tiiiiher. Durinu the voyage picked up the o| the minute-of the la-t '«•-! elegantT!p- Kamlder. and a mist came ov er In r herself back with her silent, father, and eyes. every improvement that seieitre ran 'imur-t. 1‘htniia- J P.uierx. of lio-ton. the Pre-i- hiuh. I* hy no mean* .. *li*a«l\ antaim. If re-el pre- Sarah and Margaret -both inheriting :i eom- Norwegian boat Oeean, with two men who ivtary, I>- not as wore “'les, dear.” she softly irentlv. It i' from tin- late contests that we Ie»\ r should tail, wlie-u mayn *o Ire -infer from Siek Headache a moment cise Aunt Priscilla. Hut days away answered, plain deill ”a\e a brief -keteh of the pan aloirx of 1 1 ■ i'icn.-i- :i | ta-te in Up' ejm ntly see 'The brother became addicted to were er<*.-> month, -al. ionip-r. Ii l- not nccc-.-an ( ariei's Filth- “you will him very soon.” pcteiiey. trying to the Atlautie. 'Fliev were have to tak, oil! one oi two h-a\,s of the hook wv an sow Alsik- an-1 w hite e-love-r e»e-e-a*ie»n- Fixer thinys altered. the family The elfftiull «d ollieer- for the fli- 1 -i. feel and man, romeiiteu loou came -tupid Pills \\ it! cure x on. Hose, .me little A It « Mic a Menioon ncr coiiMii :;c«- c;i me hiim mu into llu* \ tolet now lives in utter at u* ill s of our victors if wear* to for *!’• * pill. dnijr- f. and Trea-tu « r.'l’honia- her father. have just died in neglect. 'Flu* Oeean liicasiMvd live -i\ in ivt:ii\\ 1* i' «. I. n M. .In IM- “The Farmers' Guide.” Owen who is to our new feet indie- ( ! Poultry Raising puts mi hi-llannel- in the morning or doon't put Pain-ford, going try Sarah was old. The doctor J. of llo.-pm: P\enitixf A>iinnitt«-« “Prue," he “will 1 sixty-se\en years Pinery, them on ui-ht he hadn't in tin* church: and Tom In- will gasped, you forgive me? e before night. organ say- found her and crouehed in a luv.nltli and II feet in length. One *»f the The Maine Election. Until- Pnierx. of N xx i-iiri:, N Y., Thomas J. I was doing it for Put it dirty ragged, of a new take us. if we thought good. — This i- I In till** and \aluahle book hurry." your was lio-ton. Mm k P. .of Portland. 1 corner in the kitchen. Richard intoxicat- men on tin small boat told tin : Pinery,of Pinery — Hr Vour Own Doctor! \va> all a following story ,. a1' > in* la e- all dreadful mistake." .in I 'I 1" »-t ssnoO. In tin confusion, I’rue noticed the Later returns from Maine show that the \ i Me..‘i'lioina- P-. of tireeii-horo. < dm*. >»n poultr\ raising for profit. This book an- hardly ed. The doetor left medicine but on the next The Ocean started on the voyage on *_'dth. Pinery, fatn t- and art all | It Won t eo-J you one half a- lii'ieh. Do imt de- who was introduced to "Why, father," she answered in tender tones, .May pipes plats dark-eyed -(ranger the woman had not taken it. Jo-iah t•. Pnierx. of \\ illianisport, Penn.. Mat- ‘Wit* in advance c\cr\ in send three wo eent lor and ha\e been visit found that and then called at M \eral Norwegian ports, li i" e\eu nmre >\\i th in tie .»t ; e! tin door,lion- tin are possible question lay stamp po-tage, ln r: and in a few minutes, under her cousin ">oti always good to me." buy epiim liyuiv- apartment on in a tilthv room, thew (i. Pnierx. of M a-hinutoti. l-'rami- P. we will send yon Dr. i\aufm.tnn'> great w oi k. line She was the third lloor then proceeded to cross the ocean, and all went work dopair. Then in* tried but the heavy g i\ in the u. aimer all iirnl- > church. pray, pray- ( A. plainest possible home nne. A Idre--. A I’. Ol'dwa A ( o., Do-ton. the other sister, was struck them will ..I Id.non, and may reach II.- Me., >. II. I dm* rx, .1 r., of oneoial. Stephen ers that be could deliver so meet- .Margaret, seventy years gales and lasted until the Uth. plurality ; d in-i met ion-. ti» enable In or old Mas.-. iw.ts “Let me down here." Prudence, promptly in of Nexvton: tit t oinmit- -> I thon-ht t:,e ginners stay pleaded old and from rheumatism and entire- < >n loth another over them and A. Pim ry, tiealoirieal : .;,a; Mr- ll-ltm doctor* failed and bis refused to move. suffering duly gale swept ooo. while the voP- will not e\e. I hand- to earn oil the bu-ine-s a- to go up to the organ loft. ing him, lips Prohibitory John v. of lio-ton. >. Ill-f '-ill looks W ell now successfully, they prepared The neighbors and authori- carried their mast. On in lat- tff. Until- Pim rx, Pnierx-. 1,11. j T.ii I »r A on ha e recent inherited a nice The shadow on the wall ly helpless. poor away duly 20th, and make mone\. It desire tu know how ly lump “I will wait in one of the pews for in- grew deeper. The the estimates of Monday idylii. The Demo- N. IP. Pdw ill *-.i«- .11 A tier tin- liM'l-.r- ;';iw n|> lirr rase you you: ties were informed, but before arrived itude .*>.*} north and 2'd west, I heir boat P. J. Pnierx-, of (ireelltieId. of money from your uncle. Why don't you pay white fell lower, till the lashes almost they longitude cratic vote is less than that ’! lvs-_>, e in. I > and J" make heii- the how to tal- deed, I would much rather." eyelids the only of New I ied ford. T. J. Pimrx. ..f Pos- Piero-'-•|',:.vontc prc-eriplion* lay year round; me ( ii-toiner I hat* show. I Sarah had died. There was no food in the was hut to her Pnierx, all outward the cheek. .Mis> Priscilla capsized, they managed right, whieh can I** ja _■ ia ;tei aw I h 'at• I i.ei -n\ not i' n market how to div-- ba-hful little Prue." swept looked des- year made, < (no. ri^ht ;• poultry quickly: and don't want it to be -aid that “Why. y<*u laughed was tilth. The who comparisons fairly ton, < \Y. ot antt rlnirx. N IP, my newly -acquired at the deacon. Put no bouse. Everything pimple again and sailed on their way. Shortly after Pirn-ry. |. i.. a-.".. 111: t -he hadn't !• !( so wd, in twenty and sell in obtain the liiglie-1 Alice. Put tin let her have ln r wi-li. pairingly words came. and the Republican plurality of that year will ( After tran-a -tiim •hip puiilln eggs wealth ha eau-ed a departure from my former y the woman for burial found things this she was the steamer of P. lark. «»f Unhhardston. >. ow n rose to Cousin prepared spoken by City -sin- her ok and -a; that lile -; how to habit-." With hands Pru- Suddenly then; Alice tin* re- be doubled, showing while the Re- pile hllild inexpensive hen houses simple clasped lightly together. in a horrible condition. from New for nearly some minor business an adjournment took plan -Ml- w 1 til I. v in- at I.'I -t AN 11 .' -aid -he, I Jed membrance of Owen Chicago York Liverpool. and .aids: lmw to cure dence lias-all looked with awe around the something Uainsford bad publican party has made decided uains. the discover, prevent and While was on died. All a and tiie time xx a- dexoted t»» soeial interetmr-e. a- it I had been raised from tin' dea I, almo.-t.' An lUlluhlc House, tin; before Prue went She this going Margaret Prom August 1st to August sth was very all diseases of how to select and Kill<*iprising, beautiful church, so ditbreiit from with sung night home. Democratic party has not ipiite held it- own. -at n to Hi in:ir ehoi- etlii of poultry; any been exhausted, Fine eotlius Pater, the dow to dinner. [l»o-ton 1 |lion -and a11« aey II. softly commenced to while their money had unfavorable week, and on the morning of the family obtain choice breeds; and how men and wo- If. Moody ran always be relied upon, not only w hich sin had been accustomed. 1 >own t It rough sing, her tears were In other word", the third party ! _Ti reined foi leliinle w eakne-.-. pro were furnished the ollieials, and the dlh were end over end, Prohibitory Journal. to carry in -lock the best o| every but to se- by county they again capsized, movement has not a tier ted the ri «• -. ii n O'ai li men of in the business make thing, the great stained windows the sun fell in a falling: Republican party ii imrat loll, leinao i if sir k lie--. long experience women were buried at Chureh w ithout their boat to the of the sea. The cure the Agency for such article.- as ha\c well- Eeidy's leaving mercy to : it M.-akn. of -loinaeh. tendein t > eaneet'oiis dis tie n send at once for a of The mellow at her feet., and on tlm in Maine any appreciable extent has gain- > money, copy known im rit. and an* the light glittered Ait thou weary, arl thou languid funeral whatever. There were anchor was carried and slut popular with people, any ceremony rope away, lay ed in of it. This i- to tlx Storms in the Steamer Routes. e.i-e, m on- prostrat ion, general debility and kin Fanners' Raising (iuide, chancel rails. Art thou soiv distress'd ? strength spite due European Poultry published by thereby sn-taining the nqmtation of being always no mourners, yet a short time ago the women broadside to the sea for do hours before she di ed a Meet ions. < a ‘'Come to saiili “and faith which the of Maine have in the I. S. Johnson ty o.. 22 Custom House St., and ever reliable. Having secured Suddenly then; fell upon her ear such me,” one, coining— well-to-do The 11th people enterprising, were respectable, people. could he bailed out. Oil the they were in While ilir Atlantic has not Poston. Mass. Price 2o cents, 'i’liis book is the for the celebrated Dr. New hurst of music that she held her breath. Pe at rest.” Republican position regard to the taritl' and extra-tropical Agency King's fairly women spent all their money for laudanum. sighted by the Knglish barque Mary (iraham, The chestnut -■•omr is said to have been invent- illustrated with of model Discovery for Consumption, will sell it on a posi- Louder and tin.* notes of the organ other industrial um-tions. There can be lm been e\<-r»ivcly stormy this season, the rec- profusely engravings grander Such a happy look came over Prim's face and How they lived during the past six months is and were taken on hoard. veteran bast; ball runs, of tive guarantee. Il will surely cure any and every and then sank to low sweet tones, doubt that to tin.1 discussion of the tarilV issue ed by Harry Wriulit. the poultry houses and also many the best pealed forth, the hand more a had been For had ords of show that it will a flection of and and to show thin clasped tightly that of her mystery. Everything spent. On August 10th. three days after they Kuropean steamships er. Tin lias \ hi- linn breeds of Throat, Lungs, (best, silence. and the attitude of the democratic Mouse toward pla\ little nuisance ieldcd hells, ducks, turkeys aild geese. Tills and tinally died away into months their house was closed and their our confidence, we invite you to call and get a father. been on hoard, a heavy gale struck the barque. it soon he enough. McKay, com- in I’hii s2o,0tH> in less than two month-. work a matter of The on her cheeks to a ear- the Republican success is to he attributed. rough Captain idelphia presents supreme impor- Trial Ifottle free. pink deepened Then there fell a silence in tin* room. Out- misery ba ked in with themselves unknown to The Mary (iraham was running before a hur- tance to but to nation as she listened, The free trade ideas were iie\or popular in New the Cunard steamer Scrvia, makes an everybody, especially women, breathlessly. side the bees wen- the Their is the wor>t of its ricane and a sea which manding ■ humming and the birds neighbors. story shipped tremendous I >i -1 i. ati di-eases of either -e\. how e\er in children and for there is no Kditor fresh Was it there could be sounds like Kurland, and the election in Maine proves that of encountering, wotof the invalids, probably experienced Anything today?" possible were 1 in a slow kind that ever came to in carried her smashed in the front interesting report of i- wittering sleepy fashion. Near- light Montgomery away boats, less so ad- da.-.'I -peed:!; and permanently cured hook w l>\ w hich a small but constant cash income New Man It rumored that .links is going to re that oil earth? they are now than ever before. [Ro>- Newfoundland Hanks, the eyelom which ay er and nearer the shadow on the wall as of her cabin and cleared out all its contents, particular- l'i cent.- in .-tamps. Address, World’s • sign." •Who i- .links?" “An olliee leader of crept county. ton Journal. vanced eoa*ts in the latter of •an be secured with so little eflbrt as by keep- When the music censed, the merry party of the from our part Medical A-soeiation, MS? .Main Street, some kind, shall 1 see if It i- so?" “No use wast- the sun went down. Put another shadow had Richard, the last survivor wretched spoiling all the provisions hut a few canned I>i-peii,-ar\ and for hens. From now until next came down stairs. Put Prudence -till sat Aimu*t. The storm was apparentlx of conti- V ^ ing caring it entered a unseen is was tirst hnllalo, ing time. I»cny the room, still, presence, and family, reported dying. things. The captain killed and the that fur- March the of eggs will advance* silent in the pew All through the Maine canvass The New nental origin, but it is barely possible price higher quietly, with a smile on her lips, tired little otlicer with one man washed overboard. Most and each mouth. Do not. An Wanted. “Well, said “have fallen York Times worked for the ther max show it to have be* n connect- higher therefore, Answer Prue," Alice, you Prue at rest. Codlishare to he on the (»rand of the crew wen* one man industriously reports Kxaminat ions in fay [Peterson's Magazine. reported plenty severely injured, was no xvith a The Nerxiu was in of damaged property (’hurles- but send at once and a of this us a ease or How did like Mr. Painsford’s Democratic candidates. There Demo- ed tropical cyclone. delay, get copy Can any one bring of Kidney Liver asleep? you Hanks, hut the mackerel fleet in the eastern having his leg and another his arm broken. ton developed a much greater lo-- in several valuable book. the season of that Kleetrie Hitters will not cratic oriran inside the State that strove harder a blowing seventy miles an During high Complaint speedily playing?" waters is Mill with little success. The deek load of timber was also washed over- southeasterly gab* iii-taiices than was Tile estimate of can as thousands of case's meeting than this one outside the State tv* defeat the hour. This is severe for a expected. prices the hens should be kept busy. For (JO cure? We say they not, Prudence did not answer, hut there was a The which divides hoard. enough cyclone w ho are ree- Saulshury-Payard tight, in live millions as the total loss is now thought to rts. in Johnson A; Co. w ill send already permanently cured and about the sensitive mouth, and tin* blue Maine Yet now that the election from the American continent Vu- stamps post- daily quiver turns the most .excruciat- Republicans. coming he oinmcndtng Kleetrie Hitters, will prove. Height's the* Delaware democracy, now in favor \ suffered from rheumatism been of ex- rather low. paid a copy of The Farmers* Raising eyes had grown dark with emotion. has held it remarks that “the Democratic gust. Hut commanders steamships may Poultry Disease, Diabetes, Weak Hack, or any urinarv ing pain for three mouths, lost flesh and (iuide and two 2*>-ct. of Sheridan's Pow- With tact Owen Painsford said. of Mr. Payard owing to the withdraw! of Con- appetite, Orders have been issued by the Acting Su- canvass was conducted without brains." This pect soon to encounter ocean born cyclone*, packs complaint quickly cured. They purify the blond, ready “Sup- and was almost helpless. One bottle of Atldoplio- in or we a Lore, the Saulsbiirv candidate for of Police of New York to the is the worst blow the intellectual from the tropic-, which will test Kxperinicnts long distance telephoning be- der to make liens lay, they will send a 2 1-4 regulate the bowels, and act direetlv on the diseas- pose go and ask the sexton for glass of gressman ros relieved me. and though I am weak I am gain perintendent city department coming fully the Cnited States hut the Sauls- of the to the erection of of The 'I’imes ever received. It is a the of their niachinerv. York tween Hartford, New York and Scranton were pound tin can of Powder at regular rate (*1.20) ed parts. Kvery bottle guaranteed. For sale at water. The church is too hot.” Senatorship, lug every day. Mrs. H. F. Brown, Vineyard Haven, Captains precincts stop stinirer strength [New are of more in the limits. very successful. and a copy of the (inide free. f*Oc. a nottle by It. II. Moody. Something in the look of those sweet eyes Imrys still full tight. Mass. any telegraph poles city from the inside. [New York Tribune. Herald. wiiat rm: The Political Panorama. iwrats say. Hon. I. 0. The Fair at Libby Congratulated. South Branch Grange Cattle Show and Waldo County Fair. Monroe. The Reunion of the "i'll*■ able democratic who REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. Kmery Family. News of Belfast and <;<>\ i:u\«u: politicians paid 1:1.1 < m»i>w 1:1.1.< \ti i.atkh Fair. The annual cattle show ami of Vicinity. John I*. St. John sjo a for UK IS SERENADED BY CITIZENS OF TIIE TOWNS Tin; annual Cattle show and fair of tin; eighteenth fair since the article from the Boston .Journal on the i>v 11 is l- ia.ia night speaking »\v ( uzi:n>. the Waldo and '1 In* and against the republican ticket in .Maim*, are now IN HIS REPRESENTATIVE CLASS. SPEECHES Waldo Penobscot Agricultural was on flays nights are of equal length. BELFAST, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER23, 1886. Saturday was a gala day in Prospect, the County Agricultural society began at the Society Kmery reunion, printed the first page, was in Wednesday ni.nht >cpt. I.T lion. .1. U. liod- engage* 1 in trying to figure out how much lug- BY MESSRS. LIBBY, MURRAY, LEONARD AND held at Monroe on and event of the in fair and will Monday Tuesday last. Like type wc have received tin* from a The Helfast teachers attended the Kdiicationnl w lP- the have been if HATCH. MUSIC BY THE UNITY CORNET BAND year coining then the annual grounds, Belfast, Wednesday following report fellow citizen- tendered him their eon- ger republican majority would its it was a' predecessors llnancial success. There member ol the The Oth annual reunion of meeting at last week. there had been two Si. Johns. lUULlSUKD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY TIIE AND A GOOD TIME GENERALLY. Cattle Show and Fair of South Branch continue through to-day. The attend- family Winterport _ratulation- at his home in [Philadelphia Grange, opening was a Hallowed. Houses Pres.*. large attendance both days, ami Tuesday the Kmery family was held in the Meionian, Bos- wa-re irailv illuminated and in all the Hull. T. C. was The management had wisely postponed the ance was fair but not so large a* the show Sidney I.ow e cut ids hand badly Saturday w hile principal What of Libby, Representative-elect, more, than 5,000 people were in ide the ton, 11th. ha> become St. John? lie lias not grounds. Tuesday, Sept. Representatives of the a *!re t- -trim:- of Chinese lanterns before the a festival from and a line and the deserved. '1 he hall entries were slow in com- operating circular saw at Mathews Hro-.’ sash been heard from state Republican Journal Co. given rousing serenade at his residence in Thursday, day The exhibits were The di since he left this in dis- Publishing agricultural light. show lie rent branches of the were from hriiriitly lighted residence-. ira\e the town a to the cold weather family present and blind factory. gust because toward tin* Host1 of his tour CHARLES A. P1LSBURY.EDITOR. Riirnham Saturday evening Sept. 18th under co-operation of the farmers of Prospect, Stock- ing in, owing partly very of stock was good, hut it was all removed the the states of mo-i test i \ e appearam-e. Lire work* were coii- Maine, New Hampshire, Massachu- his dollars a were not in ad- The fifty night paid RUSSELL the direction of Mr. John About 7 Wednesday The show of cattle is first and was seen soldiers monument fund amounts to $1200. "t: 11»11 \ and the old cannon, which (_». DYER.Local Editor. Clifford. ton, Frankfort and Searsport rewarded them. morning. day, not by the 5,000 people who setts, Connecticut, Ohio, New York and displayed vance. When he calm* to Maine to ••smash" Pennsyl izAauoanaHHnnHHBBHMBHMaHi the It is that will lie raised to has figured ii! a similar occasion, tired o’clock some four or live hundred of the lead- The attendance was the finest ever seen on these grounds and in visited the on This is a mis- vunia. Before hoped enough money man) the he too a con- very large, making grounds Tuesday. the meeting was called to order the Republican party took large erect the salutes from the riverside. At s o'clock a pro- fact as fine as can be seen where. There take. The stock should on monument next year. tract. [Bangor Whig. The Grand Kesult. ing citizens of Riirnham. Troy and Unity as- little village seem quite populous for the time. any be kept the grounds time was spent in social intercourse, friendly e-sion was formed at the City Hall, and the A retired sea captain living in Ward Two. sembled in front of Charles Sherman’s store were thoroughbred Purhams, Herefords, Jer- throughout fair. The display of fancy articles and examination of the The carriage season is about fiver ami Mr. Han marched through the principal -ireets. The There were representatives from every town greetings (Jenealugy. At now UO years old or more, on east the Chairman Manley telegraphed llie New York in the hall was but farm in the son will now his attention to I to line w a-headed the* Hallowed hand. Two Monday and were formed in line Mr. and seys, ►Shorthorns, and of all good, the products 11 o’clock the was called to order tlit give sleighs. p hy tirst vote of his life. It is by Clifford, in Eastern Waldo. To many an opportunity Holsteins, grades meeting by needless‘to say he Tribune IT the final result of the Maine second hall were What was this date Mr. Hanson has sold transparencies carried in the rank- horc tl:e Sept. these and some fine of Sussex. very meagre. exhibit President, Rev. Rufus of N. carriages. voted for Bo«lwell. Times. headed by the Unity cornet band and Hanked to see so friends is alone worth the effort specimen grade Kmery, Newburgh, \ j [Bath many was of excellent followim: inscription-: “its.oOO -olid liodwell election, as follows: ‘‘Official returns from ed, however, quality. People at- was mure are The town of in this on •1 P. Parker, Belfast, had a herd of ten Prayer offered by Rev. S. IK 1). I>., of ! Haiti parties negotiating with Mr. n.-n :** I' Cambridge county ought either side by an immense of ladies to attend. Kmery. **Iloiic-t labor kim::" “No association throng tend the Monroe fair much as do meet to have a silk banner. Then* w:i> not a every city, town and in the State cattle two they camp Taunton, Mass. of various committee.- Cottrell in this city for another vessel, the with crank-:" ls,'»n-isst;. Hallowed. (Governor split plantation marched in front of Mr. headed by thoroughbred Hereford Reports duplicate ticket up Libby’s residence, The show of stock was inferior to ing, because else does. It is a thrown there last Monday. over perhaps everybody period were offered and for next of the harkentine Priscilla. like Mr. Cultrcl Bodwcll." [Kairlield give Bodwell 14,000 plurality Edwards. when bulls, followed and approved and otlieers j They Journal. the band immediately struck up playing. that of but in several by thoroughbred grade of hand and the renewal of After ino\ over a route m preceding fairs, particu- shaking acquaintances. year elected, as follows Rev. Rufus vessels. inu arly three mile- (>ur plurality on Congressmen is 17,000. The cows and President, The majority of over hoi) against the Republi- When the music ceased Mr. Clifford calves. Mr. Parker is a believer in The usual number of ! in length, the proee-'ion halted in front of the proposed lars it was good. Of special interest were a peddlers, hawkers, and eat- Kmery, Newburgh, N. Y.; and Treas., Thos. can candidate in this means among other Republicans elect 14s members of the legisla- the white faced stock Sec’y Capt. Frank I Irani hall's little daughter is now i 1 hou-e tin- city three cheers for Mr. our and exhibited them at stands were on the * of (iuVi-rnor-elect. A crowd had al- Libby, representative- live ing grounds. •J. ( St., Boston; Kxeeutive ( mu things that Bangor is not for was months old calf weighing 520 pounds, Kmery, ongress ; Helfast from \ n ready prohibition ture. the Democrats 35. A special effort a isit to (tlouccMer. she was with ady collected ihere and thepeoph had taken elect, and were with a vim which Lewiston where lie took several premiums. On the first day there was a -how of stallion- mil tee. R.v. 1 yet. [Bangor Commercial. they given owned J. F. Gould’s Rufus Kmery, Thos. .1. Kmery, the l'l-.e.-s on the law n. w here the\ could 1-est -ee made by tile Democrats to capture the legisla- by Hervcy Partridge; party who -aw the sea serpent at H>>ekporl •s unerset never elected seven rep- made the welkin The band then L. A.Pow,of Sears port, exhibited six cuttle, with their stock ; breeding marcs w itli their stock : Mark P. Kmery, Portland, Me.. Thos. R. I and hear. After the hand a -elec- republican ring. played herd of and and Hereford Kmery, Mass. played resentatives to tin until thi- ture and defeat Mr. Hale, but he will be re- Galloway Galloway an exhibition of three L legislature year. thoroughbred Purhams. Mr. Dow had a herd and four years old stallions, Ohio, .Jo-iah Kmerv, Williams ! tion. < neral < W. Tilden introduced Mayor another piece, when Mr. Libby came forward stock, head in three <.reen-bon>ugh, twenty-one all, including 1 d"h’i •: [Reporter. nominated by acclamation and elected by the one, two, three and four old or Pa., M. 1). smith arriveii at It. Hast, discharge d Lord who pre-ided over the exercise-. Mavor and was introduced to the of his cattle at the State fair live years geldings lilly l>ort. Kmery, Washington, ('., T. T. roi\ s. assembly by Mr. yoke of five cows to S. taking premi- a Lord called Dr. to deliver an vote ever known in Maine for United oxen; dairy belonging colts. Ii: the afternoon there was a show ol’ town Kmerv. Boston. cargo c.iai, loaih <1 :t Hangor for Philadelphia, upon Thompson largest ums on seven cattle. He sold one heifer there Noah Id:.cry. Bangor, s. II. Km l lie Maine Democrats a for Clifford. He was with S. G. and arrived at the add re— of welcome and in a few paid bur price State' Senator. < Mir greeted prolonged Trevett; Edw. Clifford’s J-year old short teams, a trial of trained and trained steers, latter place on Sunday -all in appropriate victory, taking it all in all, for and colts, ery, Concord, Mass., Stephen A. Kmery, Boston. words l)r. of the oera-ion their St. ,loh» whistle. and was then called on for remarks. horn SlOO, another at home on the recom- two week Thomp-on spoke cheers, Durham bull; and a Hock of South-down an exhibition of draft horses and a trial of the I.ewis (ieo. three coimtio in the 'tali fail t-» i' the greatest Republican triumph ever achiev- Kmery, .Jr., Bradford, Pa., \\ Kmery. | which ha«l called so man) to the pla<*e, and in only irivc mendation of the animals exhibited. At a He responded in a Hfteen minutes speech of the of Barak Littlelield. We strength ol' draft oxen. On the second limn >ea \ Mass., (,eo. K. Palestine • republican vain- with Vi. ed in Maine." sheep, property da;, iew, Kmery, J.\r.n, Ma.--., j (dminantiery will make an c\eur>ioii onelutlimr hi- remark* called for three cheer* compared recent fair in the which we a as follows: Kentucky Purhams captured was a show of matched horses, for Mr. Bodwcll. and the cheer- were _iveu ('Imrles K. I.ittlelield *»t li<>< kland is named give synopsis missed the usual large herd of Jerseys from family carriage Henry Kmery. Lowell, Mass., Kmery Cleaves, to Vinalhaven Thursday o. t. |p! are.•mpanie.I a- a ••andidale for many first with a will. Mr. Bodwcll was then Speaker of tin House. Fellow I to prizes. horses, etc., Imt tiie feature was the Treinont st Boston, a hand of music. Pin .•• introduced. The Portland defalcation, of which mention Citizens: hardly know how Evergreen Farm, the proprietor being unable principal (h-ncalogieu! Committee, by a-i..i» w; He the in A- the (ioxernor Mr. 1 toil well carried his own town a ma- M. II. Harris, exhibited his thor- horse newdy-cleetcd appeared up- by express iny gratitude for this friendly call Belfast, trots. The.-e were late and .-low. Be\ Bufti- Kim N. ’t Tims. ,|. stitutioii of the at Via t;! 1;. ,1 of ( is made in our Maine news, has created a de- to exhibit them this tediou.-ly Newburgh, emnmandery on the of th' house, lie was «riwn a most jority and o|. Edward-’ town by .*»7. from friends, on so humble a citizen year. -teps you. my 1 Holstein bull, whose clean cut black There was on and Tuc- s oughbred dancing Monday !a> Kmery, Congress m.. Ronton, .Jim. s. I.mery, IA-t Mi Fred M. Francis last cntlm*iastir 'The was re- That old democratic war horse Hon. d. C. cided sensation in that c and in lesser de- as and as as Journal readers will remember F. week put tw ;: ..-k reception. eheerin#r ity myself which is unprecedented far Partridge’'- The State Talbot of East will he of the and white sides contrasted with the evenings. weather was cold and rough. The •'t., Boston, R K. J. ille, N into his new'd and the was and lonir Machias, leader our town of Burnham goes. It is satis- a trial of sharply Kmery,(iivetu trmit aquarium. The ti-h wer. H,•antics applause hearty gree throughout the State. Maine has been very challenge, inviting strength between i Monroe hand in the next house. oilier cattle. This is a new played from the grand stand be- IK, Kdwin New Mas- ( W continued. Mr. BodwcT spoke briefly. and at minority factory to realize that my election is due to breed for Waldo Kmery. Bedford, Fr< 1 v o v e r 11 i s e comparatively free from men who have be- a yoke of oxen belonging to him and any team tween the heat-. the elo-e of his remarks wa- Tlie political proliihiiioni-ts who arc trying both I received trotting Kmery, Canterbury, N. IK. Rev. (b o. |-. < lark. ajrain warmly ap- political parties. having nearly county and is the first time a thoroughbred died, however, and Fred put mi -nek el. th and and cheered. Mr. Bodwell’s remark* to "kill the republican party” are simply saw- trayed their trusts and confidence has half as Democratic as of two horsen in town. tie re.-ult The are the entries of all articles l>lauded great many votes Republican. Perhaps Holstein lias following of IIubbardston, Mass. All persons of the name are ashes. in.: oil'tin limit astride of which lin are. been shown here. follow : y therefor** been in our This idea endears to me tla* does not of rrrs>/.. placed hanks and other you by strongest settle the question horses stock, etc., outside the hall show urgently requested to correspond with sonic mem < ( Tin ive >o far / ihnr '///.; /,> only Prohibition llepresentai ties of who have known me Walker A Littlefield, of Montville, left their The man; friends in this cit; of In- A..lark As i< ease friendship:'you oxen, but for the the horses are the Fat ( attic —\\ n, 1-. ( has. II. her of the < a I t ommitree. Tin- in tile Slate has been elected at corporations. generally the else- present lilack, Scarspori .miealogii Subscription^ reception you hav tendered lie this reported Presipie all my lib*. 1 having lived in since a lad Sussex bull at Monroe. -nu. -a Last .lert’ersui’. will he to am Troy II- thoroughbred home, but instead Llwcll, lor tin pained evenin': is so Hal lerin- that 1 am at a l-'e. M r. s. ( I'. smith. Hut he i- a I temoerat. where Mr. (iould is one of the last men who of nine of champions, since M. Haley’s team out- (,cnealog\ should be sent to Kmerv very loss years age and in Burnham the last Fat Caive.- -Mott (..add ami (. II. Partridge. iii.- severe dine.-- from idood rceci\ed in and was elected a coalition of Democrats brought a thoroughbred black bull, a < poi.-ouiny for lan-uaiio to express to you 1 n\ appreeiation by would have been suspected of wrong doing. eleven years. You voted for no stranger. My pulled the oxen. We shall expect to^hear of Jersey Pro.-nci : leaves, Tren. m; St.. Coshm The President and Prohibitionists. performiny a |1 umrtem. lie had a narrow e- in a manner which the oiva'ion dcs..*-\es. < oiu- faults and virtues are well known to I line looking animal. A pen contained six vear- Fat one year olds- IF W Ma\o, Monroe made a statement of the of the Ccnea The Press says of him: “He belongs to a you. Evergreen again. progress inu is ii does from tin* citizens of "Pro." Pratt, who was postmaster have Fat two years old -Win. 1- IF.u k m u '•ape from death. Hallowed, appointed mingled in business with those who gave liny calves, the yet of Missex Box crossed with -port. logical Committee in the | so The horse occurred in Draft -im It. It. Pixm < compiling family history of makes it all the more "f Phillips sotne time airo. hut whose papers family identified with the hanking interests me their been raised racing the afternoon. oxen,nn\ Dollin', uir, irrespective party, suffrages. Having by \. ami the Sell. IJldyew .m. I. of d.iek.— n\ i' 1 I ow In 1 •; were idl'd until alter election, received native cattle. They are very handsome and McKinney, Monroe. Win. I-. Itl.e U. searsport. uryretI necessity of tin1 niemotr- -ending in gratify in". Sllspi of the of Portland, that even the mention poor but honorable parents 1 know how to In two straight heats Joseph Colson’s g. g. city Arno- Kendall, dark-on. tncir records. After l;r. L'Kny’.e, arrh ed at He 1 fast ‘-atuida- from ar>a_o this month 1 came to his eommis-ien iiiirht. after the attracted much attention. also exhibited some discit-shm about the Twenty y this Monday polls sympathize with poor people. 1 know the Jim B. They Draft seven leer or under IF It. Dollin'. of the. name has been sufficient to suggest up- won, with Fdward Front'* w. g. Ned o\en, , Haiti:.tore sin- will i.r and tin- ever Were closed. a list ami of the tlmrouyhh repaired here eitywith my fami’y people have effort of earning dollar's worth of Hour and the stallion Moryan Knox, by old Hen. Knox, Dixmont. C. A. M> K■•nn •; Monroe. Wm lllauk. subscription publication t.cnealouy Idle Pan: .r Commercial that the rightness in of trust. He re- second. An exhibition heat was trotted • artel* < extended t" me the hand of friendship and Daily says positions was of debts. in life I had a bitter by r. searsport, s. A Kami. Thorndike. the company adjourned to the hall where h\ A Tlii- Jirm has d a larye r.-paii paying Early s. a dinin': election of a Democratic Sherill'in that i- the h. Keutuckv Wonder, owned by Howe very promisiny horse. Four »|1 o\eu- Wm. Itlaek J have expressed tome invariably words of kind- city garded as the most cashier in Port- lesson that made a temperance man of me. years searsport. i an almmlaut I iny lmslm-ss this snmmer and now lur e four\es *• capable of Frankfort. Air. entertainment wn- pro\ided Tufts ness and encouragement. If I have in return dm* |s:*.i i!y to an apprehension that she 11c- which I. have I Ihnery Finery's beautiful Simon A. of Belfast, had a thor- s. A. Kami, Thorndike. ( II. Liwell. Monroe was as principle always advocated. Rayson. sols yo on the radw land, and his integrity little doubted as matched of black horses were 'i hree ear- old steers- -1- red n W umierthe direction of Cleaves,,,! C,,.-ton. a; for lli"'- kind acts don*- to deserve pnhliean tuipht, if eh-*ted. enforce the prohibi- have to learn tin* taste of alcoholic pair admired by j Fly n. ir.tcrpor!. Lmery anythin-’ yet liquors. owyhbrod shorthorned hull, also several Aaron korna Wm. law." his all lovers of horse flesh. yrade Id, Dixmont, Itiack seals After dinner were ma When t':n- was lor tae \\ a: recognition *,f this kin-1, then I have to say it is tory ability.” The causes of his downfall are You. of the Republican and Democratic party, spec■!»«•■- |e by Mr. miiiih earth reime.ed 11 E\-il»le\ -hoe I n \ ey.-ta ratify yet fully revealed, hut it would appear represent you legislature Two ea 1 old sleet John l.omlwi :. Muni e. f Lmery, an to hi- eount-out ber of from Stockton feel uti'li-r still ureaP-r than mauiliii.- opportunity havi two h players being present. IT L. Patterson. a < « ally obligations that he lias been years ago, whit duty 1 performed to the Waldo, exhibited liylit flic ear old steers IF W M;r ••. M mroe. Ho: W. >f Ma--.-,. mi t: Ik tion iium. diatel; started from tin- uall-lwa he l« in was nu living beyond his means and The ended with a social dance Lmery e\. r to f< How .-iti/.eiis. ]"di- y Maine indm-ed. mile-sly cut best of In that House wen* day's pleasures ( arlton. W my my ability. thirty- colored hull. interport. >• U. of .Ma— a< h ;~« tt-, Hr. L < ..ok, of helow III.' -II!•:;iIt is tin- -eed ha- i the Democratic voters i’i till Second < m- he no doubt resorted to to in the grange hall. thorouyhhred dersey Liner;, -uppo-ed Never hav in- desired tie- puldieoiii. es that y speculation sustain live Democrats, with of whom 1 formed steer alms \\ |;. j Twoinbh M-un. many h.-eu i' .• >••<(:• d I'.n r —ional 1 >i-trict. The hall would have been more in- desse of exhibited a herd two mar- '••m.m. Mr. H. hi, of V-u Imp s. II Linen I; dormant since tin tin' have !icon tend* red m*-. invariably a-aiiM my him*elf. It is suggested that the defalcation very friendly relations. My record then 1 am* display Frye, Molitville, Trained steer.-, old or un-na Join. |.ma. if there had been a ’t W Horace ton some eai ** <•< Idle I; iea 11S ha\( dei 5! •!! t heir candidates teresting number of ork, diterport. l.ane. Franktort. ol ( Ik .1. •■! do/.eu ay wishes, 1 el that tin pr« lit *a«iou is r- epll!»] willing to discuss. 1 did all I could against larger of eleven thorouyhhred Durham cows ami L'(|., oiicoril, Lmery, \cw Camp may l»e larger than first ami sullicietit Town Team-, Win, sear- *, ter senators in Aroostook reported, entries in field fruit, and ciyht yoke- Itiack, a hi-li and and eoiinty oilicers tin* saw-dust bill, a measure crops, vegetables, shire ami M in. ol New York. After -Hu n. taiilly very mipliimeit. especially so-called, against three a» line a lot of cattle as can Im- 'I', w n of Monroe. Lmery. A di-pe.ted •luestion ..f boundur; line tween with the of siierilV. and nun- to absorb tb«.* entire reserve fund of the* bank. dairy products. Those who contributed yrades, poi:. when I have been tendered tin- highest -dliee exception eotimy all the mill owners, large and small, on the spared Farm stock, le ad -W 15. F'. I’w America ami the the bem-dd tarn no to make eiylit omldy, and I>..xo|ojry A. i\. 1 ’. Moore ami I P. Loyan. >>: tin- it; u -• missioni'r. Plaek Hawk a Democrat, the fair a success. Aluch found. ii- this r. Cooke ami the ha- heel, elected sh' itV. and 11. Kim#*, Tin* race credit is due to the otlicers of the A." by family heard at the oiliee of I..-loim-oii last week. majority. It is a compliment that I P el very do-eph yacht at Newport Saturday was a was pushed by the large ice corporations. I (irange. F. A. Cray, of Morrill, had fourthorouyh- .Mdeli Cow with ( all'- Wm. Itiack. searsport. — The next reunion w ill take in ii..- 1 I a 1 *enn>eraf. eonind ioiier. A. Finn, master, and Airs. X. F. Fred Leonard. New lHTse.l. place adye lln'olui: i, id \V. m ei .port. wa.-referee I'll.- much embarrasses at n <-ei\in-. am I it places county failure. The start was made* a vote*l against the Doctor's hill. This bill was to Ferrity, Imry. with fresh W m. bred Durham" -one hull and three heifers. Ei< ctioi*. in secretary, to II. II. marshal of the ! stock Cow with sioek --W. It. F. I'w J toll, 1SS7. < nn- in p.-sjtion v. avery. exhibited a herd of searsport. LTeuerally office: it pin*** in unless educated and having a diploma. I told Searsporl, was referred. We umi. -laud tlie partn-- lm\" two no m \\ were We below the awards of a* New bury. The Local to fe. i still ter ami year- am. Imt recruit- added a drifting match. as to time, them some of were give premiums Kxliibits at the State Fair. position responsibility Reports results, my neighbors spiritualists yrade Hereford.*. Two old heifer- eoiiu to w 1“ < b\ the several We years Fred Leonard, N- woury an ayri'eaient, iiieii will he reported dis. 1,.. -* of their rank-. Mi tin; other hand, a reported. committees. did anxiety that I may the duties the life-lonjr etc., are and if wished to I wanted them to have tin- I file ear old luifer— W. It. F. Twoinbh ot conflicting, but it appears that the they not receive !>. N. K. Waldo, two ( \ t: the n-ioher term of < oiirt. ■ in a maimer tin* ihis •I"iii'ii-rat voted the -traLhl ticket. any report in class Cilley. yoke >earliny; that people -state republican privilege of employing any physician they MiUiroe. W m. Itlaek. s»ear>port. He was a t crossed the line a ahead of steers. yrade one steer Shorthorns—I. \ I )ow Se in ;■ ; r- will *-n«lors(. ami will 1*.- foi :h« _p atest -uod I'nioji -o|«!ier. and he present admiu- Mayflower length choose. This bill was defeated. I voted for cattj.k. Ilerefords. yoke calves, Heifer ea Ives \. It. Lilia. Monroe. Mott < emld. ir-p..rt. Mr. dames toiie. who has heea tin- the O » opcratn.j i-tration i- •<* -tron_!\ w -. I hcilVr-, I calf, I hcr-l. of the greatest numb. r. i- tainted with rebel rule the (ialalea ami was the winner. It was ten hour law. which a yrad- I two I’rospeel. '• passed tin* House by Draft oxen. l*t: J. F. Miriiams, and heifers, yrade Here- I rcloiil- Parker A <>(;-. •; well m.e iiiin in tiii- ha- *uyr!11 tin- for him. d Kelly Nickerson, ( Cdlast, I r-. l.oiiny city, While 1 am a aim ha* -e.-n he )»:*<>t.iI»it.• ;-y party ra-t thro votes was Thorouylibred Di rbam stock. Cow \\i;h ail Republic;,! neither cutter nor but defeated in the* Senate. ! 1 \t.,-‘5 J ■ sloop weather. The Stran- large majority (ionld, 2d. ford*. Fli C. We-f Frankfort. --yr-., cows. heifi r-. I her.i. appara from Mr. Isenm ; lie ha- had ■. it nt from the birth of the ami I am -am a- at the last election. party, proud 1 introduced a bill on Railroad tariff which 1 Dairv cows. J. !•’. S. S. won the Fihl»\, 1st; Trevett. d. It. Thorouylibred Hereford Stock, row with -t-ck- i!'»i;si: 111-1v\ utm* x r. -m eess in water and has a numhej- \ that lhi' is tie ease, and w Idle I am am- ger clip for second-class and Littlefield, Brooks, yrade Hereford reaehiny proud sloops failed to carry through hut which was referred ('. A 2d. Mci\imie\ Monro, .■stallions tiiree »»!*! — < of the -real acts of tin* i feel cutters calves. years \V. Marshal:. Pel ontrae! on hand. He eaudrid a tin- .-d many and tin* Cetcna the; schooner The to the next and later received — -a;-In party, yet Maine Matters. cup. Legislature, pub- Jer*e s, J year old John Shut' 1st ; ( has. Thorouylibred Durham two cars old heifer I n last. b. Prime \V it hers. that ! am bound obligations which will lic from the Maine Central Railroad < ’. W loin of aa well, le.-s than JU ie. by (*a!atea will sail a match with the in promises Littlefield, 2d. 2 year old- S. S. Trevett. l*t; Kddie Clement, Morrill, yrade di r-. ys. e-t, Frankfort I in mil ordinal;. deep, <*auso nn* to a« t M.W- \M> (.;< s-Ji- ;;o.M M l. o'. KK Mil. Mayflower Ptin- interest of ali. SI'ATK. Co. to correct the abuses. I for tin* t\\< oar old iioiict !. 1. ■ irrespeet- voted Ex- J. F. 2d. 1 old- Cum- Thorouylibred Jersey, -t .1. w a iio111 r, i:.o j the r- -ek II. 11a.- a -; ■ m, ■; I Massachusetts and will then he laid at (ionld, year Albert Israel Morrill, exhibited four y .i iv.- of and -n at aim will lx* to make Ray up Station, an enactment for Woodbury, Itiektord, 1 Mxmont. Lillie- four v.-;p party. my periment petitioned Calves —Arthur \V. m ;>r-: all. Ik fa -t. !. mings. Haley. om- ear ed a ol till- kin oi W. M Pri. :. administration m.o men ot in: si \ t: ah.*. New of oxen. Thorouylibred Jersey old heifer- L. I s. t j- my that both parties York for the winter. by the farmers all over the State. I lent my 1 Mirhatn hull. L. F. ( yoke ears—\V. ( M lillbrd. Itiektord. I >ixniont. !>. sliall endorse. Tile e\. to a sum of e,;; y- |o- d o\ fit he 1 1 i:t of the two tir-t day’s an* uivcii in support appropriate liberal money Bull—J. F. (ionld. Cow and Daniel of Morrill. had on the Durham calf Klil 1'iie (; ...umi-sb'i Falloways. Weymouth, 'I’liorotiylibred Wc-i, Frank L:! I ic.-. tw o a (.. 1 desire to « -ratittido r«» the Re- the Maine i.«-w— mi 1 i-t for the use of our and time I,’. 1.!l: Cd a i. xj-n-ss my the paue. It rained worthy honored heifer—J F. (ionld. C:df- fort. and ae of the late Wii!';ae. Hern t l.'lk «d Me elsewhere a llervey Partridge. -rounds his mammoth oxen w* as Lillie-, one year AY. < P.d ! .»T this w j, have -iven m. print report of the serenade soldiers to in which iyh, a, fad publicans Iduir-day, ami tlie programme wa- set ahead enjoy themselves Portland. My Hereford cow and heifer. J. F. (ionld. Thorouyhbred dor.-*\ Cnlf-C. M. si< eu-ou. ■ "inn !■ four;-, !a-t week, and found eventhiny in yood sie-l; a haml'onn* *»t■ in this lection, ami I • t" Hon. I. ('. 1.11*1 of on stands in 4lsti No DKf Ain Ml x I me day. Tin* Imihlinz- oi the ground were *y Rurnham, which record that Legislature always against Best stock of cows. J. F. S. S. pair, pounds. handsomer cattle than Simpson’- ’orner. (ionld, l*t; tile la-t -essioiis ol desire a so ; thanks to and in favor of the Hereford ( all’—C. A. McKinnc. \m I latch. | oid« and the Work posted t express my hearty ihroup d. Hon. d. 11. Po lwell. Covenior- '"'•■a^ioii lie received the congratulations of his monopolies working class- Trevett. 2d. these were shown at the State fair. Thorouylibred >l:fopshi!v .Licks.-n, .tck 1 those of tin in tiii- who < es. Now as am to this Monroe. buck laml" ewa -J vr-., ewe- I vr .w c the ( ••nr;-. Mi-- wa- in loan look iny al'tei -.pposite party city ele.'t. arri\ed in mip. ny w.iii lion, d. 11. 1 represent you coming Best exhibition of of oxen. C. Herr; friend* on his strength K. For draft oxen Durham bull- -W .lt. lambs. hav * be* ii m .-uianimotis a- to splendid in his dames Fuller, dr. of Sears- 'riioroiiyldirct Liliot, Mon i- vet throw aside Manley, at ll.e fair jrou:;.d-. d lnirsday morn- victory carrying ! session I give you my word that I will look af- 1st; J. F. 2d. her 1 dr-, s'., -a Mr H r-; ; ill Nickerson, Foul'd. roe, two old, W. it. k Twoinid\, .Monroe, Fli Lat Amos Hatch, Jackson, ; .\ and uive nn th -ir 1 ‘■la** ter of and F. C. Cross, same* town, year sheep- ,.<>1 party pr.jmii.-e support im:. dined with t ol. II. S. Col. the canvas all interests without to riont, exhibited e .v death, in a short Thi-y (.-p.o'l. l*y lifiy-three majority although your regard par- Farm stock, not less than live head. J. F. C. Wi -t. Fra nk tw o and three car- old. c I ew es 1 \ r>.. ! from il -Inn of her hu-hand'- it lias for;, sheep, 1 y r. lambs feel that m»1 been b«*eaus«- they hav. lark >. Edward- \\a- in ihe as our necessities arc all mutual, and I cor- • a -iiy. Thursday, showed o\< r two hundred against him. Mr. ty. (ionld. l>t: S. S. 2-1. aeli line of cattle. These were entered Thorouylibred bull—C. M. Co, ant. Win rime -lie w ill m >. to Ituruh .m and make her home chan-, d Trevett, pair Jersey IAIN I IN I ll tln-ir political views. nor because they Imt did not arrive at the around- at the dinner. dially invite you all to call on meat Augusta L. I. Itiektord. Dixmont. TOWN a M. for 1 he terport, wisli to * Libby receive*! ;ii<* entire vote of pulliny match. p \ MU1""': I >d I’.i 1 on nt w itli In. r daoyhfer par;i'-ul.-.i iy- ndorse tin lb-publican He \ i-it.-d hi- m. >uperinti ndent of ihe i. w- Republican and v isit tin* State Capital and look over your Thorouylibred Hereford bulk- ( A. M, Ivenn\, t, ,... W. C. Tilt! Ic. |>. I' a -t. a• ■< but that it w as dom- as ai:« of Ids town ami as we own it. Best town team. Tlie farmer." Monroe |el' iarn |k: p .; party, xpression i-toii school-, and was at tlie fair grounds in tin* votes of over sixty Detno- property, all The last of the'ses- Prospect. of Waldo county have shown -mi riai in iiik Wi.h|.«, Mr-. W.K M.-ri-ou. tln*ir towards me. Durham bull call’- Kli < We.-t. m an.i \vi> \\p« This result ami the demonstration of enterprise in the matter of stock, and Frankfort. o t hi-eit ami lie:--i>ti r Mis- Mattie Pendleton, To all my fellow ejti/.cns of liallowell, as oilier, where chairman J. 11. Mank of the there as we have some Mi-- L. Hunt. Thorn.Ikc. -ilk omit y days frequently lively ea sie Mary * to hist alike attest the Alatehed horse*. Howe Fmcrv, 1st: Joslma a fanner Thorouylibred bull f—C. M cii-nn, were a .»l w ii as t In oili< i' hi tIn- atunlay night popularity an of I scarcely hut has thorouyhhred ani- Jersey Miss Minnie L. Parker ( am ,m ot -earsp.M. dri\iny thmuyh piece many parts Hi publican Committee and Hun. d. 11. debates, instance which will relate. At < -a. Liltletield. 2d. Simp-on’- oi'iier. work. of tin State who have voted form- and have ( Mr. and the estimate of as one time mals of some 1 delVer-ou la-t when two Poi|Well, the .overilor-rlect. to hi Libby his worth while discussing the establishing of kind. a native can be I b reford bull n 1 f A. MeKeu wood- in La-t week, happened horse. s. H. W est. Hardly Tliorouyhbred d to me their h on < were Family carriage *-xpress, arty -ittina. ol. Edward- wa- introduced to Mr. a citizen. tin* Experiment Station two lawyers d< seen on Monroe. Tin: imci mh \t> \w w:\ \w. m.nh an and then Waldo county is fortunate in again 1'our old. Jas. Clark, Dt; W. 11. (imn. their farms. ney, tramp- appearance -topped my election. 1 wish to xp-ml my sima-ie who m turn introduced him to one* for and one Tin* first yr. Crude bull calve- 11. I‘art rid ye. t. Manley, Mr. bating, agaiusL- |*ro-pc, The follow in ir 'acre a a r I l cxliibi 1' .■ w men did m-t lose their securing hi* services :is ntative to the The show in the hall was not la on premium- hor.-e pre-cnee thanks. I trust wiil never r* -t their Rcpre** the John Moore. Monroe. Fred Leonard. Newb; _• •• -. they Podwrll. All had a plea-aut ehal together. claimed that his judgment was superior in agri- rye rs 11• -in this rti n Lor stallion Two old. Blanchard. 1st: W.H. < mind. Mi-- Mattie -tmek tin lmr-e with a ink -• yr. Fugeiie Matched hor.-es- Jeremiah am! I-.. action. Neitle r had eii each other be fort it wa- a Legislature. cultural matt* rs as he owned a farm. In an- openiny Amony the most attractive of Itowen, to Prince \V it her-. ..w iu I a \Y. < Ma -Lad. 2 day. I (iinn. 1. Felker, Monroe, K. Steven-. nit\ am -. the r- :::- The Inn-n A' I have m* furtlier p.-li;i«*al aspuafi-uis lnei tin-, which was much swer tin* other said in loud tones that he had P*c! fast. lien !• t I kail ,: d while s11 M« ri-on handled idea-.,nl enjoyed by vr. the yarden were sexen varieties of Imr-e- -Mi-s IF M. Kicli. Jack .me a One old. L. L. Calderwood. l*t; 11. B. products Family earriaye to Parker A < Mi-, CelLisi ; .■ „„ than P rm. ! am d in to a t tile-: three i lie trotted out a rooster last had in been < !eare.i i!ie i'.ut for tin-:r a« plae* position prominent parties Jo the recent Prog. Age experience farming, having raised I. Sweei-cr, just tramp-, prompi and in adminis- I Ieagan.2d. tomatoes raised by .Mr. Willis IT Hamilton, of son, ro.xford, Newbury, lirniy. shropdiires. _M f..r one ear dn-k. I : f•.i !.m ;< independently unselfishly my contest. Week and and worked on his father's farm until In* was I lion the ha.e he. n a--aulted. congratulated the “indomitable Dem- Two old colt. J. !•'. lampden. lamb, l-t lor ewe .me y ear. am I J. i I .rev. e laml Iniylit tration. and vvhatev.-r may '.-em in my jinlu- Tlie annual motiii:: of tlie Mali of Said he. “1 between yr. trotting Libby. Belfast. DraIt horses-—Jeremiah Itowen. A^rieultur- age. literally, grew up Monroe. to Am*'- I latch, .1 acksou. Tie m •: veil ;' < 1. -<*o ociat*” their in this s >f. Mr. M < Mar-ii ii h i- meiit for the | of tin- 1 shall en- al hi id d at upon victory county. In two corn rows." **A CROPS. Stallions for and u-ewith their A Nl'-.w mum>1 peopl* hur-day ni.-ht i.i wi-toii pumpkin, by thunder," In the butter department .Mrs. I >. Wadlin, dri\iny yeneral of apple- for Wahlo euunty. l-t. si", M. L. Carl deavor t•. s,, far as lie- in stock--D. Hamilton. Swanville. ( H. Tburlow. w ere.-t proinop- my power. elected Ulifus Prill' pl'esiilent ; A. L. Peimi- conclusion our contemporary modestly remark- shouted his opponent, which *dlcnecd him amid Wheat and oats. F. ielt. La-t Hixim.nt 2d. Mr-. \. C "trnCard, houyiit Ilaraden's w harf in thi- eit;. and ill Partridge. of |'||(. was < 1 a^ain l.liank on. fellow eiti/cns. most -ir.cer.- "Xorthport, excelled. butter not .Monroe. Levi Kidi. Jaek.-on. I-., Itrook-. Mon:..- < o., Ik iu y -oin P. E. Pri__i-. H< a-iirer: Vlmi- : roars of Now friends, ( Penvy, Craekell A a-t, awanle.l .Inu a •ridmu-i for in- eorn and -ecri-tary: ed “Perhaps we mav claim some little credit laughter. thanking you Beans. Yellow-eyed S. S. Trevett, l*t: A. K Fletcher. Monroe. larye -hi| and bid you a w«-!*-«une In n* tonight. /■> >. (.. for kind token of I excellent in hut. was S-'L'.n lot- a re olviuv I.. o»k 11 I. i. li, the 11.. w e !y. In-arty Libby. derrard. Peiijamin Hilton, again this your regards wel- II. Littlelield, 2d. C. II. Littlelield. only quality wrouyht into The w i!i he ;>li h\ i'.n feel lb to tin* party The has Kidney Trottiuy stallions with lock W. It. Feryu.-on, • .Mr- A. C. carried piny hii-im-.-s. buildiny Ili-v. la l.acln-iir of Portland foi lowed (.. \V. Praeki tt. tru-l< organ.” Certainly. Age eonn* to home when* will ever find Six lepartment, Stratdrd, orp- you my you weeks’ beans—C. 11. Littlefield. crosses, wren! h". A:e. with the art of a Dixmont, II; a: L. Hal' .. W Andrew Mr. and sculptor. interport. oil' the follow inv premium- < ut il.avn-, _’ml oil the Iloor, twenty live feet u .-i- and eapa de .d I»o*lWell spoke f*u* about lift* *-n Th around \\ i- ven mud !.. and ground out strictly orthodox Democratic, tune* the latch on the outside. Peas. S. S. F. Jackson. < II. Tliurlow and A. K Friday. string 'Trevett. l*t: Partridge. 2d. Mudyctt, Itlh -. i-i -an:hemu: d: a- afternoon there was of •Lapan ehry -ee. mi minutes. II, r.*T<-rr*• > di-per-ed, po>ed hr s> of Relfast. and the of which I a I»I i:s AND (i I'N : We meet here to- 'Turnip*, Partridge. Itrecdiny with LI,is. i:;a.r\si r.\im-.i i« m;-. I"* aiike t<> tin- the exhibit of the In ring hull-". Mr. I. \\ Park, w ;il nuild Hie -h>rehoii-e acceptable Republican party closing fair. tlie after- F. Partridge, l*t: II. L. < lillbrd, Holden, owned Samuel < Mis. won. Levi Kicli, Jackson, ( ha-. L. I lonicnt- ami John. The and ot he is t In* night for u sort of Now Pumpkins. by Belfast, l..-w i-ton .Journal -ay <.f tw>. exhibit- in the friends temperance. noon occurred two race- and three horses ruling spirit. jollification. jollifica- 2d. Tasker. Monroe, W W. Dolliif, DiMmmt. and ha- a y.iny; at work. means a Mr. la l.a'-ln-iir was p Mowed lb v. .1. tion simply loud deinnnstra‘;on of In the class Tliarkambaw owned c. the line art- department by S. made heal.- for tie- -ilver « up. Clem.mi mad- joy. J. and c. 11. two-forty by Lour year old colts F. Kohiuson, Newbury. shorn*! w* is it one man Squash. Libby Littlelield. Mr \\;, \.( u ho a shirt t.b dhill ami W. F, < of Why he joyous; that IF M. I foilin’. Dixmont. C. Da vi-. Lina. A new '.ijik. ..pened Ma'-'ton, ifitor the a mil*- in J..7: l.awtei,«v in |--j: DC;.nor, While 1 he Pel last committee on water Perfect \. A. Finn, Mmlyett Bros.. Belfast, took the first two idea iu pin vraph -:l -:•.■ in tin sup- is elected over another? gem squash. gratuity. — < llnilowell Re-i't*t. and the •"> No. not this wholly. 'I’lirec year «»l«l c«dts A Fcryii.-mi. Dixmont. art yrallei It is a e..|h-ctiou ■! diina ate- 111 tor in ;l.i cit; two ; ear- ayo, is now mai nfaetur in-vvly-el<.-etc*I repre- I-d. Mowing is tin* score "ere B; cts. S. S. 'Trevett. l*t: F. 2d. but C. B. pi ply iii Rockland last week it was inciden- It is Partridge. heats, Wellinytoifs !>. m. lolanthe, Frank ( arnud. Tim-. A. Mm, .m < sentative io tin- j.« -isl.-iiure. and should he the triumph of the princi- Kobin-on, Pitcher, photographs h made In \\ In!: I. :■ 1 tin hade lie the ma ■ my pai j«'*hh:i y hu; Tim -minute ela— pur-e Ibu. Fourd. Margaret Mudgeit. roc, ( F F. IF•'•in-on. New Cel last, tin •\n. Fred Flvuu. Winterport. W. If. Llli-, Moia oe. iny: the photographic art. It ma\ lot be lima thetii to tin- dead in iml ,.i d Ic- friends. and the celebration closed alter havin- .:: «1 i- for otliee then we choose between the men. hut Libby. .Iidiny s. < '•cut. ( II. Hr-»>ks, I!. 1 Winter fere we -hall haw the mails .m tie-.jin i | i i; in. >;• k la id I .ill.: | 1 1 kinds. The same result would have been m. tlx- of the fair will Keynold-. Hale>. family p' -ue. e — on the if two men kr nr. principal trottiny take 11 i, hi« U W'oi id. d —tul. yii in.: been a- -lie, • In! in a- the contrary are up for otliee Janies Work-. Itrook-. tier the t.iii, !_> c\ery particular Ilc'i tiiiK'. attained port. plates, and dear weld!, mb.-d album- be here* but for the of those and difierent then First conn s the race of of who that will our II. Prince, -laek-on. H. Tnurlow. M-mroe. J. There are two ->i rose-, .me a l.a-kd if e-. irre>pccti\e party, eould have A. W bracket!. iC.un'ke. .! a 7 I eared more for a lew petty offices than for carry way varieties: 2d. F. Crocker. 2* varieties; olds; next the two x car olds. to linish with the pieces maker-. \ i.r .1 at i.ar_. I -: he will enl.irye hi- of Tin* Carland. W K. Monroe, ( 1 one- o\ erturued. t he other a "-w wished. M. < I M'laii". 1 A thinking. principles that divide the J F. 24 varieties. Newbury. Iturye--. pink I of ddu l-.lclio.2 'Ii' tlie welfare of the l, Partridge, oi-. in addition to the loom be- city. Kach hundred thou- two yrand fur a purse of Jack-on. John York. W. H. blossoms These m d A. tahll-huient. iip;ny I.. !’. Jiavv kin-, Mikado .7 I I i great political parties to-day is the Mrs. Joshua Littlelield. sweepstakes, lloody, Wiiiterport. Percy II. AIN I A I.K I liOM III 1: laxKI.\M) OPINION. Largest apple*. J a iiu ( ate John -n sand Kvder. Monroe, and L Jack- C.nfa-r, and >h"W line •’•cc i v ] »w the entile -e. oiid of tin (. lark huiidiu-.: ( iI. \< l.'on.\. 1 2 I 2 •’> dollars thus refunded would have saved 1'irijf. We as Republicans believe in pro- Waldo. 1st: F. Partridge. 2 1. We yo to press in i},,. midst of the fair am! -tor; -iln. IF Llli-. Itdla-l. ■ Mr. Hobbs and hi- .1. !; lieutenant- who managed l-.Hiii”\\«•• 1. black i" >k..7i | .7 all our varied a 1 ,1 -.-el lie M :.‘i el. four eiitier- -ibnou annum in tecting industries reas- > 11 i per interest to the city. by Winter apples. 1 ra Ward. are unable to a li"t of all the ar- Trained it 17 •loin. •1 k-■ n. flip1', the ndeiit misealled “labor" movement I,’. <.. < orni'l, black Trimv.>'< :! *i ! 7 onable tariff whether it yive complete indepi supports'the gov- Bell llowcr. Airs. Alfred Finn. 1-t: J. liar- < olts tinder one ear M I'.. I I'!.. The lurht Pilgrim. •! m.m; non i;: .k• Mr. lark is a ver; on in i. U suillivan. « M-aior llcelcv.7 7 iHe." on exhibition. this eoiinty. showed how inueh ernment or not, while the leaders of the <.. I.. ( lenient an l .1 ■> lt \I •. sincerity in the .Maine news on the rimati. 21. Witeliie, '. d sneer— I»«*-t time. '2.• J** first will he •• iny niiiy ma;, a desen e-the he page Last week Id ow ..i rpi there i- in their pndV--ion-. by their votes for Democratic believe in on Tin? sii.,\v a one and deserves liberal W \\ 1 lollin'. I >i\m.'lit. Window mitei found an account of party putting just Winter sweet. A\erv. l-t: Ira Ward, good governor. < The ha^e hall a' the of labor u t !r-- < ha- won. T'liey generally voted for lark, the .name rcMiltcd follows: Yar- beginning taritl" enough to support the government with- 2d. Sheep in lloeks thai i_dc W. W 1 yacht Pilgrim. through the a mm of t!.<■ .1..: .• 1 patronage. eandidate. and a number of mouth' Hates 1. trouble.- at Hath. There has no Twomhh. Monroe. prohibition quite been change out any regard to protecting the* industry to Plums. Mrs. II. J. Ward, II. L. < lleugo -1 W !.. l-t: iill'urd, l»uek—Winslow IF vr ami \\ W. I l Jam V 5 ,N« > TP-. I ke ( T' ■ eollcy rluh ha" 1 liei> satellites 1 id likt wi-e. Now are not \va> a <*«»Id and about two which the class of (.trade j they .Monday o111 side- are tin; rocker. Thoroughbred I’ntek—I*, (i.l-ergu ,l»i\; the following letP-r from Mr. Bragg. an be no that there was of -M'» l;i" for amount mu' to sl’oo >i\ firm, shipyard i> that we have a will Ik !fu-1 t'ssi* -ia-*a, aiv the ti).* pretence anythin” purses joyful elected man who when < rah apple-. Mr*. s. S. Trevett, l-t: Mrs. lett, of Hope. l.oar -17 II. Kenni 'ton. :: I > mmt. win, battery. .'* whi h talk -o mueh about, in horses 'farted. Mollie Mitchell, owned and he to Your ehalleiyge in the Journal remivod \m “prinejj,!, they by dc-cried, several vessel- seeking repairs gets Augusta will vote for a 1. S. Senator Alfn d Ginn. 2d. Wreeding Sou K. II. Kenni-ton, I>i\» latr.-r pit *m s' ai d the fortm *:11.• l:• •: and 15 tain. < < < to in t hat ( 1» La { t heir n- for lark. T!m make no secret of coper of I’ittson, won. Tina 2.‘M 1 whose \ote in the Senate will lie The. friends and of Dr. Bart show of Fowls, including all k.:• I-. w :tI; -a; reply apt. -1.ip " ill have to go elsewhere. first, last and Northern L. II. l-t: II. L. nlatives and Mr-. piem of tlii- s.:t- entered ( "I Many ship carpen- spy. Crocker, I Lilian la>t month, so w e are unable t<* .• ! l-rank i.ilmore. rity.vv: their mm ivc so •- There were four iu and -I —( larenee Moore and Franklin in neiinu-. They -ay that they starters i!ie fm for ev< time for I believe that seven- ( imns£2 ry protection. iill'urd. 2d. leti.of met at their residence to dat« thi- mar. buttru-t we run arrang- t -e.u-on on tie* ter- have left Hath to look for work in Hope, >ept. loth, i,. M. Ste\i-iis I > n. a. I- you s 1 t *. -1 Vi'•emu n I !e play d hi- Wanted p. make a- much show a> possible for all rare fora purse of *r»no. .lack >prati won other of the of Maine would he for Chase, Monroe, n, 11. j eighths people Grapes. K. Partridge. in tin.* similar rare in '7. 1 have no doubt hut -"urn om- wa- tirst lnone\. participate festivities of a golden wedding. Wrowii, .Jaekson. .lunmr-... .Tin nine went t>- show lic^aii any candidate that to the old Starua/er second, and s.Tewdriv «t place.-, and tin* business of the is if understood it in down the v e e tn I. j (e!; oppos'd city already protection they properly \ hay will gi your little utter a I UOMI-SI IC. The Dr. and his estimable same .special pri niiutus breeding and gi third. Time- 2.27 1-1. 2.2!* 1-4. Tin all its Mr. lady occupy the think the our>e mi a one. uui "at sit'd a a.mi were deleated thirteen to live. Tise injuriously affected. workings. Maine made tin1 state- F. F. Wieli, Newlmrg. ; prop. good e-p.-- I hi- as w total of were in •'>(» in a >. K r, indicates clearly cnms^ii to hat receipts tlie fair *b!.7!4.!»4. ment at that the ‘‘accumulations of Putter. Mrs. I>.«nl. homestead which they began hou-ekeeping e. team a..d ttnv •- .aid won' I 1:kt I’anaor had a ease last week. The practitioner, having to lirst, ss to -croud and s4 to third nieeutric- t.» male an c\ ha-emus.. Neiilu little party of veld, h can be the !. bigamy :r. Knox county: “I pon the whole there is slaves, was spj.immi.Omo.oou and that in lsso Hand—Jennie Fane. they ing to ( from the a. part i«-' were Thomas Pooler, and a :rl eighteen practice which lie ha-devoted himself with an were W Marshall, Wclfa-t, -tallion. Prim hear Uorkhud y L H>- tigged >t -ee Were hie f da The which eai*. in their so to it was an \Va_*a I they carry pocket-, -Teat reason for our friends to feel s4b.o,oou. increase of almost 1 W ither-; W. A. II ithoin. h. m.. (.ra\ kKk. and seldom found. His Tai the t a.ur-e-■ p- i;.. L.;41.•: aronmi We have that kind of Perry, 400 ability fidelity labors llowing :.t■ 1 wa.-t.P\ 11. and Pul-.'* :m*"'.M'Uin -peak. aiways oppo-ed per cent, in 20 years, and that the main F. s. Allen l'.. and 12. I.. ...u (h. r;. — irI was d a sist«*r of Pooler and with tin* result, and Wohinson, g., a democratic we eiiijiloN- by locally and we Tidies of various Haiti. Maiden. have been crowned with an unusual measure of Ma'tnir Island and hark am m around party and -hall a'ways op- gene?ally, policy of the government of the former pattern- Melbraino. Suuiman ! K :nit a I»• -: 1 •.\: 11 .\ few day a^o Ms an ae. !’ P; -t _e: tile, w 00 ed in trip to Haniror where a marriage was play rebelled atrainsi the rule of a to our ceremony of the for the ett, 2d; Aletta Freeman. S. A. Gurtis. 2d; Fs- Prince Withers.I 2 2 Staple- put yet laim that Knox is hut it steady policy government last outspoken in his convictions, moderate; in his l-lesboro and baek ;!*.* p aut'ur all ti lei I and broke hi- performed by a iii'tbe. Saturday niuht the fully regenerated, telle II. A. Snow. Aland Melbraino. 17.; am, hi; political neck under tin foot of a Hobbs. I n- period of 20 under rule was Thompson. Gould, j mother of the air), w ho chanced to he in i- on years Republican kind hearted and he wa- de- F.. 2 1 1 The Pilgrim returned m Th last Jr.m u like and anta”oni-tii- a- l»an- praying ground.” 2>l: Airs. Geo. Clifford. Mr-. 11. Ginn. charge.-, sympathetic, Allen I ir-lay the Bourbon demo- protection.” 11 vM1:1; V > 1 * >n the mast: line of the It. *v -or, met sahra ai a Main street 'tore, w hen the signed nature for the mission he has tilled. Al- Time. 2.0*>, 7.12. :{.lo. cruise to the ea-t.w ard. d.» i.:t Belia-i M | cratic ha lers and the -o-eal!ed labor party Now. take the statement of Fir pillow—Ada Aludgett, Wendell Alarden. by latter astonished In 7 ilit l’odueili” gentlemen, history The four year-old race w a.- fora pur-e of s->np, p, ('.. siient- and trau-ters hava m-eu IcaOer- are. are. v* alike iti completely by The Maine election are Sofa Airs. C. II. Partridge. Mrs. himself so to his afternoon b'Uh iu-t itid -.Lb i euli't ly ar mud Ml they judire. this returns about all in. and fact, and analyze it and see it' there is any pillow though devoting assiduously pro lirst, £ In to second, and £.’> to third. 1 lie entrie- j -Mr. Pooler. Mrs. knew noiliiim of the mad. a- follow «, to date from Del. 1. IS-it a, t. belli be Perry Robert Killman. Iksert Island, tow a t\\» ft temi.-r respect. That they desire to bo--es. I In* nut** will stand 27 1 encouragement for a free trader. fcs-ion, In has fo ind time to and cultivate were ('. W. Wellingom, 7. g. Tree Trade, I ing an-' -top intentions of Sahra to i:ii- and never Republicans to manage j I Inik-\ previous Knit skirt- .Mrs. F. P. r. m. Mark I. la he us to he Fsv-t Pilot .-tcainci IV e,unity can -et aion- very well without In looking over tin* election returns of our Coop< !>:i\i~. e. m. Mollie Morton; Wieker. 7. pmg over one night each a; ( a-tim Bar liar' dreamed that sin* entertained ideas of mar- Democrats. The House will have 122 sucrc-.-fully a large farm, to plant an orchard in Hood—Aland in. ( F. 7:i -1 < Political bosses. Hiockland any Republi- of Waldo nvc see that A. .1. Gould. Thishe; -1. 11. Sa vward. I». >appho: IF ! n. h ;. *i apt. P -ei-ii Ira l*'a 1 s.-w ••rth opinion. Said she: county Hidings which be I and Bluehiil. dm made tin nil of Mu mile- in riage. cans, 2s 1 )>*inocrats 1 Alls. may found the choicest varieties of ap- son. g. Welle .1.. M. N. Sevens. 7. -. ( \ and Taxpayer. Republi- who iias been valiant in the for Lambrequin Daniel Thompson. g. iipp. .ad Pilot steamer v'e-e nn: i:< >r.\< ti:s or m: .. u.k. 1 always light hour-. Belfast t-- < to lVm»h-eot, apt. “Why, s-ihra. would rather have buried Banner— Airs. < K. Hill. ples, pears and -mall fruit, to adorn hi- ground withdrawn except Five Trade and Thisl.o. ti j eN.aetiy twenty rigid can- will have a on has been defeated a small s-e. ballot of lib. temperance > *. I. p W I as A It to he mi •bn democratic in tin ^:i:< i- in ee- v on.” majority joint by owners of the hor-.. claiming that the-,- t\\ line, two hour- < a-rme t<. B ilarb. r. t< u 1-our- II. pl.iu paper for Thistle wreath—Susie Bachelder. with shade tree-, -in short, to so combine the useful | | majority Senator, which we much re- •• old. Altct the lirst heat 'Kei' o\e|- the election. 'll i- the iTo-p ->i\e motile.." » the dalle liter. very animals were ti\ years I Mot s;.*i e< s' l\ a' did in. i I !o ard \iey IP *w "Why. plied 'Fable cover—Airs. II. L. Clilford. Bar 11 arb< t> Blm ill. •.. u ii.• i;i -. ai i Biin hL 1 W hen tlu? were Also that R. W. who has so and beautiful, the natural and a- to Mollie Morton again entered the r.n e. > ;mmar\ “What arrangements made for a gret. Rogers, per- artificial, give ■ -t 1 Aue of Belfast. The cause of it- is two- do you mean?" asked Pooler indig- Photo frame—Persis ill \: 1 ■-. ri II. raid fold : the moo-.- trot on the sistently gallantly prosecuted that peculiar charm which is only to be found in a election of of the democratic nantly. Stale the moose (* v '•*. ... to he apart Fairgrounds sellers of tin* lias suffered defeat. 1 love box—Susie Ginn. Free Trade.1 2 A "’ll:;. .John \ IP.-tiler "eeolid ticket in Wahlo and the And for a moment or two there w as a county rural home. At the close of a -ay enmity, insignificance .piict wa- not and the moose Chair lovely September's Mollie Morton 7 7 7 im.'V 1se•!■-:*..1 vie.* Tie.lea- Itirmnsu' consulted, did not trot. have no doubt it was the rum interest cover—Alargaret Aludgett. < Met. of little sensation through ’l .mill an tl- a: n-«t -o ft -pa nl w a tew the third part; vote. That a democratic during wiiidi Pooler and Airs. 'Foilet set Fstelie as the Iasi of the sun were Time. 2..*>07, 7.Ill, 2. ie It wa.- that he was Thompson, Lizzie Wil- day, rays setting ting- o'. h» • in very poor amooseinent. defeated, for it would he cheaper weeks ag-.. m! I'u. -dav -'.te.ii'-. ! Ida. there J am. .). It Patter-on t. 1 r-*i«_rht 'erk-hamer orican should rejoice at the discomfiture of the Perry eyed each other an extremely 11rpri— son. Susie Paehelder. The stallion race was fora purse of p. tir.-t. to him out otliee make a ing the distant mountain and the trees east •am--tlie enter ; rum m>a;it lb*- get of than to tops, \\r Pilgrim, hailing ie>* W. .1. ( .la nt K imlall to third bnthreii -e-ms but <:«l and unlriendh pilgrim- < £20 to second and s|n to thed. The enlrte- ; *eii."•!. ..•]•» party paradoxical: way. Mats—Air-. W. urtis, C. Al. Snow. Fstelie tou. oil a r..m 'a-tiae. iitoin M mu: age to Huston or have business in New York shadows in the waters of lake e. Cm < Pant U W. of invitation The Damari.-cotta Herald otfice filled long placid and A. I\. Fletcher, Monroe, he W -Ii atm l\..’ •; dtn. ee P. Fla nayi n. this hit rea-oninu’ from the Progressive Aixc I’pon tin mother accompanied the liftv- Airs. Robert Killman. l>e-«*rt t he •Pilgrim. live I. l- wm-d am! atehman court Thompson. -. during week. from far and near to Ferguson, Piximmt. b. l’aelum p,o\ .John Wo..dv it : to tiie home of the Mamm's. where thev pond, carriages began arrive, -v Id \\ \\ .It oVV I, •. > explain- couple -i ordei for tickets. Damariseotta is Table scarf work Al. -ailed IP d PM ;y p. \ .. .. Peu'Miiiitiu' t uioii'ow. ".pi. :i. -learner.- wilt -plit Kensington Airs. lack -on, I • -. ( dad -tone, a n I ( II. Wal l'\\ Me were boarding, and remarks nvc re also made -I I ui-.-; k -at h “The lb-publican party not fur- reinaiued for half Appropriate by l-t: and as their and S ■ Pitt Pa., ami belong- t-■ 1 he B-- ha\in^any perhaps not iu the Belfast customs Ilichborn, Airs. W. II. Ilarriman. 2d. occupants alighted exchanged roe. h. .I.edo. This was a good rae,-. u u u i;; P■ ■, P ’.'ll for p.-da ■! Moll. Ia Tm -da -. an hour. she also a district strange, to i-n i' 1 u!•. Mr < <. Bing, of -nth P. -t.u.. ..-1.- ther fear of |o-iii” the I'rohibitioni.-t.- by aban- visited them yam. At a Hon. Orrin Learned. A. 1*. work—FI vena Jennie F. and of I.edo.I 1 I Hatch and others, Grant. I-t: friendly greeting- words welcome were -• Crazy lii sailing- The ha- eh.t leiiged 1 nut I*i and Frida; an I *-u and after Momia d«»iii11;_r the attempt at enforcement, and the third visit she wa* informed by a lady at the say. Friend. 2d. t ieu. < .rant.2 2 2 Pilgrim any with music tin* hand. being spoken, we could restrain desire to two f.-et water line a race lr-uii I'rohibitionisis bein-- thus shown too few and house* that Pooler had another wife in Stock- interspersed by Supper scarcely (Wad-tone..17 2 twenty r *.’7. will leave lit I fa -t 'or p.-toti Monday Sachet -( Al. Snow. ground, inum 1 1-1- is Nvas then announced and all the which were ojfcred within Wo\. 7 4 1 N.-rtliport .amp any unintlueiitial in numhers to secure ton. and. more than that, had a son 0 old. “A which can obtain that could he hospitalities Purlieu \\ e. 1111 ->i. 1 v -. TI 111 t'-da ! The tout anythin- years community good water Pin cushion—J. A. Curtis, Air-, (i. W. Dow. thi- mouth. >h. tin a galoot wim, ".atUi'da;,-. 'i'ime, 2.1 2. JO, 2 hi. pa-.-ed ugh \ An old acntlcman who lor the beauties which < like a i‘_rorou- enforcement, this whole ma- boarded there continu- croNvded into tin* were a were lavished without. The oil- A ia -! < » be: -• iei n a v\. 1 a 11.1 1 1. 1 w ill ronti 11ne 11111sI Mn works house Nvith Airs. A. A. Ginn. ■ Pap- h.'.i dr-o k ny reasonably should not do without them,'* provided The three minute class wa.- lor a pnr-« --in t>. trip- chine for total abstinent ed this while the woman added that she l*r. has two into and made tin- u Tin in I. n i. ua -. making people by story Sofa cover Mr.-. Ada l-t: Mr>. children both Mr. \V. • port, -day e ■ the Rockland Free bountiful repast while those on the outside were Aludgett, W. living, married, lir-t, £20 to sceoiul and 1 (• thin I. The entrie- 1 1 »e; !-. a! I! 11 i.. t s|e;iinei Katuhdin and le-al suasion will. w«- be now believed that Pooler had three w ives in ail. says Press. having t«- heat through the end of _gin predict, gradual- II. 1 2d. If Bartlett a b.-auliful residence U el-e II. M P-ean. I a Hide U. 1). IM. W' \ W. Kgg.-m- to a larriman, occupy mg nearly .Yt-n -• Petiob-e .t will leave a UeriiaU Wedne- see This information treated liberal of fruit. The com- • Beach 'P!i-• Pilgrim let- t- "f ly Monday. ly abandoned. And we hope Pi thi- fanat- startled the mother and supply ( ollar—Inez (ii.111. Laura (rocket t. Wellington. \ II.bud 1>. Watmoekh n hara p-.«m op]*osito his father’s on what wa part keel and lead inside, and i- 'milt die 1- it I'romhotli p..-ton; iml Patsy *r.... Tu- sdav I lie originally -• upon and ical and impractical policy abandoned and the morniii” she went to the Marshal's Democratic Clerk of the National House pany broke up at about 10 r. m. well satisfied Russia needle-work- Fmma Alarden. ( li.apinan, Wuek-port, b. torn. I lane, ek. .11 -I. day i'rd.iy of the and Mr-. M. '■utter principle. and swore out a w homestead, wife of \. .lark-on. h. •_ sterile; W i!km .. ! done y io<| -< rv i. u rational policy of n -trietion adopted." i'die.* arrant against Pooler. a Merrill 1st: Mrs. Dayson, Cates, ’i.mng. lie F i'e-t W llieh reports strong demand for the* renominatiou Nvith their and also with Afghan—Mrs. lliehhorn. j I So the of the The latter that somethin” of the evening's jollification, who with her husband reside- with A I itl le lie Id. Montx ille. ii. -. Moi-gan Knox ; '1 repeal prohibitory law i- the suspectina: H. 2d. Henry Dayson, lie It. A. p. S. ( o 111 a 11 *. lit will lea I te 11 a of <'leveland. Staples, l>. in.\ I’aehen; .1. \ 1\ p eousiinunation most for the kind wa> in the wind moved some of his }><•- Cleveland is willing. the tendered them Hon. I. her I',aton, Plymouth, devoutly hoped by hospitality by outline II. K. parent-. « ■ In 1 -r to It- •-toss. an.: Splasher Ileagan. Milton. 11 art land. h. g. \ iet. u I-.. W ■! k r. ! u The Water »Bi. yet Libby. fully doth Ginn. Among guests present Drn- e. 11 i 11 -1 d \ lark, g Wiaek u' d I" he re The Democratic are 'Fray Mary gor. g. I'nit;. will leave Bo-tou "V iy IT I*.island the third men in that in,a: searched for elsewhere rowed with his papers endeavoring to Baker and Mr--: M P. w; ! \\ party county'’co-operated Nvere die ton, Mr. and Mrs. (.’has. Mrs. Amelia ''trap. Thc\ all startl'd m the race and in tie 7t Mayor across people present. i’.VINTIMi. Demlleton, t to lief o w ner- The -tca me!* h.n*e n ( it y with the democrats and about bride t he Penobscot and made his obtain some ■ ilrued brought the yood comfort from the Maine* elections, there were some line stepper-. Mill-ide won the Pitcher, il. P. \ !\. p ■. •. \ \. ; Jameson, Mi-- Carrie Jameson, Mrs. Kllen Jamc Thompson election of democratic officers, thus escape. Hand painting on china J. l\ race, Wannoeklmrn 2, \ '.or 7 I'ime, 2..11. 2.4w, ti* take the plan* of the ( ini Inin on the Ilaiiijor and county hut it is cold comfort. Death of plaques—Mrs. Howe-.J the committee on water vi-;t: I be Pooler i' about very Charles Treadwell. situ. Mr. and Mrs. James Mis- Kmnm Bar- 2.12. -upn leaving the law to enforced by it- worst thirty-live years old. Sahra (Jerrity. j Burns, !t:;r Hai l.or rout.* M0:1'lay she vv ill A race between nine enemies. Press. i-, as the mother says, a minded airl, Kensington Aim s. rett, Mrs. J. T. Mr. Nathan T. running 7; ljoekland [Portland simple Mr. Treadwell ilied at the resilience of his painting—Dedia ! Dockland; Barrett, on tin* an.anytm nt until il-painting on glass—Wemlell Maiden. Stanley, that eitv. They ailed upon \. I-L ( eke:., l -.p. HLAINK STKo\(ii;i{ THAN I N 1*11. Barrett. Mis- Minnie .Mr. and Mrs. L. II. o daughter, Mrs. stoekhain, in on the Barrett, owned h' .Mori i- lluse. called hlenhu:.!. attraet. d will hey 11 making Ivv trii a nek Th. -'an several years. ha- been is not a candidate for the Philadelphia, Hand Snow. | tin Bockland suggested, painted panels—Ilattie ; much attention. No Name won b\ a neck in in-: President of t/auidcn and Water A letter was received loth inst. Ileal, Mr. T. 15. Ileal. Mi-- Dora Mrs. Daniel we: I m' private Thursday, aged over s‘l years. He Nvas horn at Lustre Hattie Alarden. Ileal, er silv is* "ta.its.: Pit t-t pi hy <'.*ij W I .(DU! I>, C V SI II I'.I{ l'l lt, A DI IAI!. I KK. Portsmouth, II., April in, so:*, and came to painted picture frame-Mrs. L. (J. Slat- Tin* 2.27 class was foi a pursi of -I" to lir-t. £20 which the occurs: panie 1 the visitors about the ity. au-l -h-vved following lan^na-v “Mr. Mr. Wm. F. Mr. D. F. w « n- I \. fast in 1S27, after in the manufac- Bartlett, Bartlett, Miss I.iz- to -eeond and £bi to third. The entries Isle a *i Hau' route u \t week ami tak the pine <*1 ihe First National Hank, of shortly engaging water wa- i.of Blaine i- very much elateil at the result of the Portland, has Waldo Baptist Association. Oil s. Isaac A.; W. \. I.’ohin.n. them every atlentioii. The turned painted hoards Airs. Sarah Nason. /ie Mrs. Orison Adams, Tlunnasloii, g. 11 < discovered that William K. ture of carriages, and was the first man to build a key Bartlett, Bartlett, Mr. Aimer Dim- the Flo ii* nee i*etvve. Beliu-t and a-tilie, while election in Maine, and in a letter received by (Jould, its cashier, Oil of F. Carmel, g. g. Watcher Wo\ ; \. I>. Wunip-. Thorn on full fore-1, but two stream- vv. thrown ov. rl la* Waldo painting Longfellow—J. (Jerrity. b>n, Mrs. K. A. Aii.-s sh,- to me Ibis mornip.- lie the is a defaulter. The directors believe after Baptist Association, organized fifty carriage in Helfast. Later he took into partner- Dayson, Nan. Dayson, Miss dike. 1). s. Castle Dare. W. A. Leonard, Monroe, g. the latter 1.- heitm t*.-paired, will then y acknowledges receipt Picture and frame shown John P. the custom house from one hydrant through oi.e examination that the loss to seven held its last session by Gray. •‘■■ar;ih Mr. Mrs. in. Maud I.. of a congratulatory teh- ram as the outcome the hank will not years ago, at Windsor, ship Mr. Newell Mansfield, and the firm «>f Tread Barrett, and Natii'l (iardner and Summary I tally -r h* he made ready for a trip to Flor.da. KIMS. and a ipiarter inch no/./.h--. Tne var'nm- uses to of will exceed **7.000. The of the hank is 14th and Kith. Isaac A.I 1 l < Monday’s election. Nothin”- prevent capital Sept. Rev. Ihi Finery, of China, well A: Mansfield continued the carriage business .Mr.and Mrs. Nath'l Alford. Hope. Mr.and Mrs.T. Parhour intend) nr to y out in I hi about »-*t and 2 2 2 which the water is -mdi a- mining -«-w iug (apt the Maine statesman from before the *1,000,000 the surplus i> *:!00.0;i0. The "as chosen and Knit -Susan L. (Jinn, l-t: Melinda Maud I. put. jroini' moderator, Rev. (ieo. F. Tufts, of in connection witli general blacksmith work, in Gray,2d. K.siui.niton. Mrs. Beverage and Mr. B. V .TI. steamer MI-u: Mav I- -till n-ed !*v the < J Witliington, Wov. 7 7 7 > I I of the < urrenev has been notified. Yarn Mrs. Sarah P. Watcher machines and -. v. re al-o 1 >.»ked nominating convention in isss. and believe (unptroller Bel clerk. The Ilarriman, age 7L printing prc--. last, introductory sermon was ls4!l Mr. Treadwell in with Cawdni; Mr. Aubrey Dnnton, Haverhill, Mass.; ('a stlc Dare..M Penohseol "team ( heivveen lie will be stronger than ever. There is no The business of the hank will in no wise be company Cyrus Rowe, Rag Mrs. T. W. Twiss, l-t: Airs. Flla Lit- iiit-u and the emninittee returned lnmu- -atidied Naviyatioii oiiipanv Rev. I. and Solomon Wm. Air. Seldom Dnnton I Time 2 24 h. affected. Mr. (build is held preached by Finery, the ses- Heath, S. Heath, Amos and Miss Carrie n 1 a Itotli the l-ma and t Is 1 question that lie can command the undivided under arrest, in a during Campbell, tletield, 2d. | Dnnton, that there is no bettet water -t m i the state liana- ml \\ interpoit. 1 iir-t. -y civil suit the hank await in” of sion- sermons were Revs. .S. < >. II. E. A. V. A Mr. Mrs. The sweepstakes was for a purse of sl27 labtfr vote, this fact been demonstrated by the action preached by Whit- Pierce and Parker went to California, tapestry rug was shown by F. W. Grindle. ion; and Fred B. Dnnton, Lincoln villi*; boat (*> iitinm* to do a !ir-t ela— lmsine-s mi ihe having to ami In to third. The cut ie- w ere than that of Bockland. A- oin- :. -nit of the visit the Mr. Could has stood I A. II. .1. Air. £77 second, £ in Monday's contest. Of course it is problem- Comptroller. always ten, Vinal, White and K. Tufts. The overland. Mr. Treadwell came home after a short YARN. ami Mrs. (ico. Ames and Mr. and Mis. Daniel 11«> 1 ii- rout.* \ lint lookina; of men. vv earing ed Mudgett Wro-. Wrlfast. h. Thaekamhau ; the Bockland men wi-lnd to up and look hosly atical as to the balance of tin; but in ainoiiLT tiie first men in the and on State letters from the A. country, city churches the associa- hut returned to California about 1S.V2 and re- Wadlin, Nortliport ; Mrs. Darker Liurniuville. ltevnolds, I'nitv. b. s. Wiaek Woek;Cha-. Wurketi. mi their hat-, hoarded tlis* steamer comprising stay, Mrs. John M). over our and were . Killman, age 7'i company sat. down to a table Peiioh-eot at Pel fast ’ll 1 it i-* lay They were m- 111 ed it. the battle ground will be New York IN GKNKKAL. Margaret in. Surprise; A. W. Wraekett. h. s. Woanokr. IF-a Saturday Biv-ioi.t n-ekct: and din 't"i since tie* last annual such ^Blankettilling decorated with and as benevo- cessful than the first. beautifully Mowers, w on A. Tine k Keirimeht and -d Maine Pat State. Prom tin best sources I have it that gathering, I groaning tioke the race, Surprise 2d. luiey 2d, were hers of tin* lih Mtiine The Summit House;, Green Bird and Whitt1 ••ante t.«» I;. Hast and taken t<> Mountain, dosed lent increase or of varn—Airs. Richard Killman. under its load of to which amhaii 4th. Time 2.221 2.20‘.l. 2.7,.'). Mr. Blaine, whether nominated or not, will contributions, decrease in mem- Mr. Treadwell married Isabella II., daughter of Variety luxuries, amide justice terv. returnimr from the reunion at Brook- to their >ej)t. Jo. 'File season has been Blue mixed—Alls. S. S. 1st: Mrs. Mix'-r Bond and the shaw springs. Our commit make a most active canvass in the very prosper- Sabbath etc. Rev. I>r. 'Frcvctt, was done. In one room we were shown some of Kmpire ous. bership, schools, Ricker, John and Elizabeth Durham, who died 14, homes in < aindcn, IM Vasal .and points beyond. Aug. Richard Killman.2d. from Hit* Hub. tee 1:;: not I'tTli idle meanwhile. Imt h:i> held fit the benefit of the of in* Spokes State for party which he of the Maine — : iiniucs \vi;ii \\ Mien was A Woman's has been Sec'y Baptist missionary convention, Is74. He leaves three children Mrs. Isabella J. Double mittens and Housekeeping negun- The included (Ml. Walker, a yill.aui oili.vr. is the foremost leader.*’ Auxiliary society single mittens- -Airs. iliu nt niecting> and is giving the -ulde.-t -tiin the v.-yape down the hay the veterans < V ! i. ntion. Mr. IVrey M. Blake, of Bo-ton, auat- T1IK VOIKO] li( KSI'OJM AND KK< >NA. Rockland. the work done the The Ladies’ men’s hose — dlc-stirk, snuffers and bellows, of the which wa- during past year. object of and William C. of hose, Mrs. Melinda tray, crockery beat, -oh a .. ard Pole i,.i- Philadelphia, Pa., Treadwell, Everybody complained ,• f. uulit their hat; I. yam "tew The coal are engineer win* ha submitted a proposition to The of the voD* in Bangor yards illuminated by <>i tins imam is to am tceole in ware, etc., all well but for all the in cfleets. Bucksport Clipper says churches supporting IjOuis, 31 o. in accordance wiin me wish of Gray. kept looking prostrating its on tin* Penobscot. I Mi 1 so his linan resiinied hi-duties board that t< vn: the electric light that work can be carried city, arrived here Tuesday intuiting and The whole number thrown for the and also to semi missionaries into des- BEI> ami III.A.NK I. IS. world as though might have come over in the on at gospel, Mr. Treadwell his remains were buried in this IJPILTS they Tlie Oild Fellow w ith the return his vacation the duties of the iiave Governor was which is about three-fifths then; night. city, j Encampment, rial barker was to arrive From general imr position 37*. titute of the Mate. The Mayflower. In the same room was a and ye tenia} M r. < ireenleaf of < )t was portions means are sup- here Silk quilt. Mrs. Devcreaux, 1st, Mrs. | piano from sea.-ide and mountains, tilled the \le\;indei of that at the last election. There is a Joseph isticld recoil t- arriving Monday morning accompanied hy Ralph ing throngs Belfast will have an abundant water h: eii sues -fudy perforisu'il hy Mr. slight S. stool once appearances Iv found dead on the of his plied in contributions from the churches M. >1 udgctt, 2d. owned and used by (Jen. Henry Knox lion cl .’*uo..i off in the vote, but—we grave wife, who part by the son. The interment took at Grove Cem- I hotels to overflowing. The (tuiney son. stew w ho iia- had hmsr e\ falling Republican place Patch Mrs. supply 11\ tins time nex t ear. 1 »:nv tin* -e«*ond ard. died a few years ago. and in from the income of trust funds. The work quilt. Lydia Mudgctt. 1st, and said to hi* the first piano ever brought into the write from memory—the Democratic vote must part at 10.30 when Masonic ser- the visiting odd Fellows. the hu-iiic ...When the Pen- h.-eot Norton A of etery Tuesday morning Mrs. Fannie \\ 2d. perieiiee in Ik; 175 or more less than that of last election. Purington Waterville are fur- late ex-Govcrnor donated ilson, j state of Maine. !t is about two-thirds the size of Coburn, by bequest, vices were held Chase of which Death on Poekland Isu-t P. M thevve.ith 40,000 bricks for the new Maine by Timothy Lodge, Log-cabin quilts. Mrs. 11. L. ('litlord. 1st; the And by the way, the grow th of The (>tiinc\ in the Shipboard. arrived at Thursday The vote of Verona is still more surprising, nishing daily tlie income of modern instrument with legs the size of those $100,000, which is to be expended the was a Leonora 2d. si storm at Boston * Central being erected in that town. deceased charter member. McMan, j few is It now has **oo rooms er was threatening; and reported viz: for Bodwcll and <> for Edwards. This shops of a dining table. We were also shown a eontineu- past years surprising. V. 'AS was rreei1. ed last week o', the tie. til ot It contracts annually. The amount of invested funds, not in A was shown .Mrs. until 1 \. w. 's between a fifth a of its usual is said that the* for the construc- Soon after the death of his wife Mr. Treadwell pretty quilt by Mary in its and cuisine is second to no and the hoat remained at the .wharf and sixth vote. tal date of 1770 and appointments ot If t-i Me. Istli tion of the Lake road be Gov. Coburn's to become Goodwin. 70. Others Mrs. S. A. script, bearing and of the value of (•apt. Wilson U. Young \ug The causes for tlii- state of allairs must be Megantic will let in eluding bequest (soon went to to reside with his aged by | indeed it does not lead them It wa-then foyy ami when White Mead Philadelphia daughter, < cents. The hotel at the hub—if when .rl Friday. about two or three weeks. is about This fund urtis, Mrs. T. W. Twiss, Mrs. Ellen llarri- j <»(!-; Doctor ami his wife were the re- on board sell. M. B. Milieu day- out from the The fact available) $25,000. frequently but each summer returned to Belfast for a visit. sea w a- running ingii ami me w him gleaned political journals. man. Mrs. H. C. Mrs. all. The establishment has the close personal at- u a- passed the F. N. Whittier, of Farmington has Partridge. Richard cipients from their guests, as tokens of from Sat-ill.i, (hi., on the pa -age t«* Uio. The that something i- the matter is before us. and Falls, receives additions, and during the past year one | friendship ami it w as deemed best to been elected instructor at Bowdoin He was last here in 1884. Mr. Treadwell looked Killman exhibited a bed blanket. tention of the proprietors, and if there is a busier increasing in violence, however the to comment Gymnasi- in | and esteem, of some elegant presents, \esstd lias been recently eoiumamletl by (apt. strong temptation person the Waldo Association donated $2,000. among \t <*• M a mti.imI -tart was um. He was of the victorious crew of forward to these annual visits with great pleasure, Patch-work. Wendell II. Partridge. man in Boston than Mr. Mann we should not know return t< lb>eklaml. and prophecy on tin* causes that led to the re- captain The Woman’s Home Mission for | which were gold, silver and glassware, gold and Frank K. Dyer, of I’.elfast. but the latter w as oil* a ’85. Baptist Society 111i- time the I’enobseot went through. sults of the of the democrats of and always received a cordial welcome from his AND .TELLIES. whereto find him. Those w lm patronize the Quin- made, ami larger portion the to destitute fields in the PRESERVES | -silver coins, stuffed chairs, etc. iit Mt. Desert, ami (apt. \ oung, his father- The revenue cutter Dallas has on the sending gospel chiefly trip noon, B<*>ton these two towns to disfranchise themselves, gone friends, who included about all the citizens of Bel- once are sure to make it their borne when in The t‘«.g did m-t lift until \rrivingat far I An hour or two was in social chat, cy in-law. was in the vc-sel No particular- of the our as an marine railway at Portland for extensive re- west, was represented Miss Alice B. Mcr- Greatest of Mrs. II. .1. Ward. spent singing and the maybe, position independent paper by fast. The summer excursions down the bay were variety jellies. Boston. ;it •; v. m Friday the freight was discharged Tin; vessel will have a new deck and be of Preserves—crab currant. Held straw- and piano music, and brief remarks were made Heath have yet h. eu reeeivetl other than it oeeurretl will not allow an indulgence. It is a cold day pairs. riain, Boston, who gave a brief report of the without Mr. Treadwell and his chowder apple, | boat loaded and under way on the return trip in incomplete lever. ( has on to here, and the seems over- recoppered. work in and of its needs. mis- berry (2d), blackberry, raspberry— Mrs. Etta by Ibm. T. 1L Sinannton, Hon. Abner Dunton and Tin* growth of the Globe and the rivalry be- from malarial apt. Dyer gone political sky quite progress Over 700 kettle. None could excel him in the art of four hours. It was quick work. Tim trip down, down-cast, the The annual game of foot ball between the making Field cultivated straw- it the Herald are town talk. to take eoiiimand of the vc>-cl. east—or democracy not taking sionaries and other laborers are in this Littlefield; strawberry, I). A. Wadlin. After the usual handshaking and tween and Certainly Uio Janeiro broad he the was stud ('apt. to service reform as ami Freshmen and Sophomore classes was a iisli chowder and was always the life of mostly by daylight, very pleasant. kindly civil set forth played In berry, blackberry (2d), plum, blueberry, rasp- were the the Herald i- by far the best newspaper of the two, ( Young lived upon a handsome farm in Held. Dakota alone, the Baptist Home Mission good byes spoken company separated apt. to gi\ e the carried out by the and Ills at Brunswick. Sept. 17 and won by the Sopho- partv. Politically Mr. Treadwell was an unswerv- berry (2d)—Airs' II. J. Ward. ran close In t" Monhegaii pas president appointees. well with the entertainment, w. and one is led to wonder w hat the see in the oil' from the main road from Ingraham more class. The won 33 and has and he was a un- I pleased evening's public Trenton, just leading Freshmen the rope pull Society supports missionaries, organiz- ing lie, nibliean, socially genial, Pickles. Mrs. S. S. Trevctt. a view of this picturesque island, IN WALDO COI NTV'. sengers good INTIMIDATION ed 70 and 31 man. lie has many sincere mourners in Globe to it the preference. It is a sloppy sort lillsworth to the Mt. Desert He was a Saturday. churches built meeting bouses. The assuming give bridge. summer resort .... Belfast. MISCELLANEOUS. which is now becoming quite a is a Democratic town in Waldo Mr. C. H. Nelson, of that he A Belfast Decorated the of of a and in editorial does not rank and for com- Troy county, Waterville, says Society spent last year over $300,000. The women’s I Boy by Emperor paper, ability successful shipmaster many years the boats of the It. \ I*. which voted at the last election. Bod- has been ottered for his stallion Dictator It is often remarked that Maine, $<>.000 of the Mission was Board ornamented with metal tags. Wendell China. with the Journal, Herald or Advei tiser. The Post manded the vessel on board of w hich he died. He department Foreign Society of the Maine Central. 1 o. sets of oilieers. and it be said well, Edwards, 102. The town Chief and $3,500 for his mare Aubinc. Both Winter Schedule s. t have line may 103; report represented by Miss Ahhic S. Russell. Collections Marden, 1st; Willis Gilman, 2d. is in and is said to have a w His was about .V) 1 improved many ways gain- leaves ife ami family. age fortunate in its made in March showed 230 polls. A Massachu- are three years old. were taken for all of the above objects. The As- J. F. Air. M. Patterson writes to the Journal from that the company is equally agents. The winter schedule of the Maine Central will Crockery. Libby. ed under the new management, but there is noth A Trenton correspondent of the Kllsworth setts man, who was present election day, said The Kennebec Agricultural Society i> to have sociation will hold its next meeting at Morrill, and curious Mrs. M. .1. China, under date 4: As years. One of the most popular is Mr. ('. K. U eeks, the into effect Oct. 24th. The trains will Antique crockery. Shanghae, August you that one of the Democratic Selectmen its fair at Kcadtield on 2S, 20, and the second week in 1887. go through ing more difficult tTian building up newspaper American of the deceased: lb* will be much man in frequent- September •luring September Trevett, Mary Mudgctt, Mrs. Ella Littlefield, like items of news relative to Belfast I a. says dockland agent, w ho is evidently the right the as last hut hoys,” that has to seed. Mr. I'uiitzcr did that with ly pressed the votes into the box by putting his 30, and the Cumberland Farmers1 Club at West run on about same time winter, Mrs. Robt. Killman. gone missed as a citi/.cn, who was interested in educa- Mount Desert business is send you one which will interest some of your the New York World, but Pulitzers are scarce. the right place_The hand and that the cheek list was Cumberland on 20 and 30. Rood Notes. an on tow in, passed about September Templar there is to be additional train from Ban- Mrs. Robt. Killman. 1 tional matters and in the of his n, put Fungus. prosperity over for the season, and the steamer Mount the near The Maine Eastern readers: Capt. M. V. Lancaster (son of V. K. about among Democrats the desk. Two Christian Conference is to Portland and which will leave Ban- stand. A. M. ! Christian brother and a kind father. Last M. J. of gor Boston, Cologne Thompson. Office Extension Contract Awarded. as a soon otT the Bar Harbor route and before the election a Democrat of promi- to hold its annual session with the church at Monday evening Dow, Brooks, Lancaster) has just been decorated by Imperial The Post Desert w ill go days gor at 12.15 I*. M. This train is to he an accommo- Collection of buttons. Miss F. L. Trevett, to an old man on at hall in Belmont in the interest of t he dockland w ill take her Tin latter steam nence sent word who had lived in Stetson, commencing Tuesday, October 12. spoke Grange 340 varieties. Mandate, with the Fourth Order of the Double for the extension to the place. dation, connecting at Portland with the quick ex- The contract building More Karth(|u:tke Shocks, the town two years that if he would vote tie* Rev. Criah Drew of Bangor will make the the (iood Templars. F. I. Wilson at the I lair Mrs. Ella Littlefield. er has done a good excursion business this season. presided wreath. Di agon, for his services while in attendance on Belfast Post office and Custom House lias been ticket lie would him a annual address. press for Boston, arriving at Boston at 11.34) i*. m. Democratic give dollar. and remarks were made M. B. Doll. Helen There have been occasional tremors felt at .The Penobscot had a oig passenger list on her meeting by Hunt, Gerrity. ttie 7th Prince (the Kmperor’s father,) when mak- of contract- The man that if he voted lie would vote The furnaces at Katahdin Iron Works are The train now Portland at 7.10 a. m. for awarded to Foster & .Son, Watcrville, replied Mr. Mariner and others. It is now to leaving Dried grasses. Mrs. U. lieed. ( liarleston s. (’., and vicinity since the great earth outward trip Monday. Ninety eight went on board proposed ing his late tour of of the northern builders. There w ere three bids in : the Republican ticket. Sunday morning the now running full blast after being shut down Watervillc will to Other novelties were shown Mrs. (’. P. inspection ors and put move Golden Chain from E. Belmont to that go through Bangor, arriving by and about .*» o’clock morn at Belfast, of them to Boston to wit- letter was found under the door of a week for are about lo'lfc'C The is of silver on which two Drag- T. Pottle of and quake shocks, Tuesday many going following repairs. They producing thereabout 12.15 r. m. The new train from Ban- Hill, Mrs. F. Partridge, Bertha Partridge,. ports. jewel I. W. Parker and Janies Belfast, was a shock sullicent to awake those ness the great Odd Fellow parade w hich took place the house where he boards: eighteen tons per day more than was ever place. Mrs. Henrietta Ginn, Mrs. G. W. J. F, ons are engraved, with a blue stone in the center Foster & of Watcrville. Mr. Pottle’s bill was ing there gor for Portland will make connection with trains Dow, Son, an Mr. S.—: You had better not go to the Town turned out before. Some was done. Savannah was on Wednesday .. We saw recently impression regularly Tuesday evening Marcellus J. Dow, G. C. T., Libby, II. H. Libby, Mrs. Frank Marden. it©designate the rank. It is suspended by a blue the Mr. Parker was somewhat asleep. damage House tomorrow, they are very much excited in of Bangor & Piscataquis Railroad, also with mixed highest—$13,000— of lvatahdin, made also somewhat shaken, subterranean thunder was from an old wood cut steamer the town about your hear, and they say if spoke at the anniversary of Mystic, Tie lodge of RABIES. aibbon, worked with silver Dragons, and has a less than $12,000, and Foster & Son but $10,001. *l>cing it that 10 were killed the train from Mattawamkeag. These trains will he a | boat on this route. It would will make trouble for and if vou appears persons by heard at Columbia, anti shocks were felt at several when she was a new you go they you, Good Templars which be instituted live years ago. on babies decided’ .fiilv-T and is to be worn on left lappel ol Mr. Foster is a builder of large experience and collision on the Nickel of which an ac- great accommodation to Bangor and Augusta peo- A voluntary committee p clasp of Forest The would avoid it, you had better not go, it is for Plate, in South Carolina anti The death answer very well for a cut the City. count is on the first The that both Willie Dill and Emmie Wilson were J coat, on visits of A with built the Eastern Normal school house at Castine. places Georgia. your interest and also Mrs. H—to stay away. given page. engineer ple, and the mail facilities will he improved as ceremony. parchment, (iazette office.Purser Marlin irons In Irons. entitled to first c. v. R. list in Charleston last week from the effects of ex- block is in the Courier The old man wanted to vote the of the freight train, who was supposed to have premiums. 3 seal, accompanies the jewel. Capt. Lun Republican a through locked mail will he sent in the Imperial is a tonsorial artist of run to for disobedi- probably one of duties of man is to was 40 GO in the week. llanscome of the Penobscot ticket, but after be this letter he dared not away escape punishment is in of one of the finest of tin Believing posure against previous got Martin Irons lias been taken to St. Louis under car to Portland and Boston on these new ij caster command ence of he was baggage General B. F. Butler to General make home we advise him to present to the is Ask Mr. bis office mate, if it do it. This is a case of intimidation which orders, says injured and went arrest. A long, sad lias intervened since gave Roger happy A scarcity of skilled brick-layvrs and plasterers great merit. Cooper, chapter and a mail will he sent to coast steamers belonging to the “China Merchant.* of his and sorrows a box of Swedish would have done credit to South Carolina. home, and denies that he is responsible for t lie Martin Irons was last heard of in St, Louis. trains, through Bangor A. Pryor his opinion that President Cleveland partner joys Is not so. jj Stove Polish. reported. [Boston Journal. disaster. | Portland Press. on the train leaving Portland at 7.10 a. m. could not be re-elected if renominated. Steam Navigation Company.” l arge numbers <>t Belfast Odd Fellows are in I MTV. Peoples C’rosbv, :i smart old gentleman sandy l*oint. I'ndiuc Lodge of Good Templars Boston this week. Scarsport Locals. Waldo. Waldo and lirooks Agricultural So- Rio anein Sept. 10. Ar. barque Tidings, j of St) years, voted for .1. R. Rod we 11 on election of Prospect was entertained right Pro- Baltimore. royally by ciety will not have their show and fair this year Berry, [Before reported overdue.] e He has the h made in this vicinity night, to the day. voted Republican ticket since the gressive at their last Aspinwall. Sept. o. Arrive*l brig II. C. Siblev, Tuesday Lodge regular meeting week. Sch. Woodhull has discharged a cargo of coal A number of our members will unite with the hm was Ilichborn, Boston. Hood’s kness of window glass. party organized; lias voted for every Republi- A bountiful and an supper interesting program for Lane. Waldo and and make their show Kong, 8. Sailed bark Abbie Sarsaparilla can County Society try Hong Aug. Carver, President and hopes to vote for James a. were <.«"is** Hiver on the lower provided — Mr. Augustus is ill from Pendleton, Callao. Sailed Aug. 9, ship Lucy A. Combines, in a manner peculiar to itself, the bridge Searsport road, Staples John F. Carver has a in Metcalf's more successful than in years past. We have some. Illainc in isss. .. sends position drug Nickels, Nichols, for Victoria, B. R. R. Thom- in Belfast, is for and travel that is [Our Unity correspondent typhoid fever.... Mrs. Jefferson now of best blood-purifying and reme- up repair-, way Goodwin, Boston. stock within our limits-X. It. as, for do. strengthening us a of the serenade to Hon. 1. C. but store, very good (jilley Nichols, until father notire. report Libby, Prospect, is here renewing the of 10. dies of the vegetable kingdom. You will find -impended acquaintances and wife attended the state Fair at last Dover, Kng., Sept. Passed by ship 1*. G. we had received a •John Lewiston previously fuller account from her former home... Mrs. Frank Johnson of Man- Lancaster carried a full load of passengers Blanchard, Norman, Hull, Kng., for New York. this wonderful remedy effective where other Mr. < d of this week — Mrs. M. A. who has been Hall, city, has procured another another source.—Ed. to the llcwes, visiting Journal.] chester, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lois French. Monroe fair Tuesday. Cadiz, Sept. 15. Sailed barque John Runyan, medicines have failed. Try it now. It will -1 :1 r and !Mi A. I*. in crop hay will lie harvested in this town_Lambs Manstield, of this city, are tive of this place, died at X. The steam sclir. Maynard Summer will go to “Hood’s Sarsaparilla did me great good. term of court.... Rev. Mr. Washburn preached at Frederiekton, lb, Sep- Ceo. W. \rw 1 ork and Hammons has gone to New York to work are selling higher than for the past few years. An Bath and have her taken out. I was out Boston markets selecting new tember his recent attack of machinery tired from overwork, and it toned the North church last Sunda\ At the lose of the 12th, bleeding at the Barstow of • *:oi-d I for the Beef advance in lambs and wool makes the outlook more Captain Joseph Damariseotta ship me They will return the last of the week. fatal. Chicago Company. up.” Mrs. U. E. Simmons, Cohoes, N. Y. forenoon service, he administered the rite of lungs proving Mr. Shute went from here Norris on bis last voyage picked up at sea the crew, sdi. Hattie Mctl. Buck is promising for those engaged in sheep sixteen of I suffered three from blood 'I Arnold Harris, of this after a sureess- mure than being thoroughly over- husbandry. men, the abandoned British barque Min- years poison. city, baptism to one candidate, and the Hand of twenty years ago. He established a j Right hauled and .\ number of our farmers have enough mixed nie Carmichael. I took Hood's and think I am hii'ines.' career of successful repaired by Master Dunbar. Sarsaparilla thirty two years, has retired. to >e\eral ...Miss. Lizzie 1!. Stevens is business, and was a esteemed The Tribune denies that the *2800 Fellowship highly grain and corn to last them a year. We have not Chicago ton cured.” Mrs. M. J. AUTUMN ANNOUNCEMENT! Davis, Broekport, N. Y. II will spend the winter- in < alifornia with his citizen ol Frederiekton. His Hon. Seth L. Milliken and (ieo. <). schooner built at Bath Me., is the in the I at the Maine (ieneral Hospital at Portland to re- mother, widow of Bailey took of largest been able to see for a number years any good as an*l there are a. and the summers in B dfast. tin* late Zctham dinner at the country asserted, says larger reive treatment... Isaac Morse is him a Shute, Fs<|.,and a brother and sis- Searsport House last Monday. j building reason why so much Western corn should be car schooners on the lakes. The schooner Golden Age, ! the Blood ter reside here. He a Purifies I ll" -I. was elected house this to a bird leaves widow and children. There will he for instance, built at Milan, Ohio, in has a Lyons, republiean. rep- fall—getting ready rage proba- a social hop at Union Hall this lied into the When we could raise and 188*2, 11 is age was about country. for 3300 tons. She is *287 feet I nt a t: e in the \ inalha\rn class, over O. \V bly.I W. Plummer has returned to Mass. forty-live years. Music freight capacity long, Hood’s Sarsaparilla is characterized (Thursday) evening. by (Jilmore, five pieces. sell potatoes and beans at a profit, there was some 38 feet 8 inches beam, and *20 feet hold. by im. one Palkkmo. Mr. Luke three : 1st. the combination of by plurality. Our correspondent last lit < ivs in >k t. The Jaqueth, known There has been no in the peculiarities cadets of the East 'I tine l on- familiarly Daniel Devereaux lias gone t<» Bath, where excuse for buying corn, hut when we have only hay* Freights. improvement k tin* as Lider condition of tin* general market the remedial the 3d, the Just Received a Line of reported Hemoerat elected. ferener their Jnqueth, died at his residence in this he to sell we should feed our and sell if in the during past agents; 2d, proportion; Splendid j Seminary completed organization on has a situation with the New laiglaud Ship- hay week the Circular of Snow »V t«»\vn. the 12th says Weekly Freight process of securing the active medicinal M ""i.i v. "• li.m r,-t timed from Boston with Saturday la-t. as follows Major, S. P. LaCros>: Sunday Inst., aged ih* years, 7 mos. building Co. form of beef, mutton and dairy products,and raise Burgess', New York, for the week ending Sept. 18th. I’* The result is a medicine of unusual i«.- days. fl he deceased was born in The River Plate trade re 11 cots some qualities. lai! in millinery Miss ept. Torrey Sergeant, Higgins; the on South are making at $13a$13.50 ! Send for ars notwithstanding stage the Bangor end is lx.ok containing additional evidence. I eh. oil ia ,i.ested t-. take notice. ! ( »> M. Heath. Co. A y ago on the farm where he died, lit was a Wills Filed. from Atlantic and $13.50g814 from Gulf To ' ommissary Sergeant. late. ports. “Hood’s tones st re n; a > occasionally Brazil arc some up my system, son 1 v t ra< lc, and a one as man v shippers exhibiting interest, both Sarsaparilla d If' Ml M"m-. I lie lion -t has had verv trreat Captain, II li. I t Lieutenant, F. li. good too, purifies my Mood, sharpens mv anu Peabody; The The following wills were llleil at the September for general cargo and lumber tonnage, and rates appetite, ■ ui a cellar wall which usual crowd attended the fair at Monroe seems to make me over.” J. In- .ranch -tore at Bar Harbor this 1V nd let on 2d O. W. he laid in this will arc Hi m. The outward 1*. Tnosir;joN, year. Lieutenant, 'Tapley ; M-rgeant", vicinity term ol the Probate Court in tliis last week generally quoted trade to *• '”im -c;m miley. iggins. Corporal'-. II. Clark. J. his wife, Betsc\ S. Downs, $50 ami one-half the there is little attraction to captains ami owners in its weight in gold.” T. Barrington, bh cai c. ami M b. 130 Bank I>. W cut worth. M. II Ri'leout. Co. II V w'a an acti\e member of the North Hubert Woodruff landed three cargoes of that line. The coastwise lumber trade continues Street, New York City. All tu niter of Captain, income of the home farm her natural tmeh-^s cur- tin during life; but as vessels are not church fur lie was spool timber on Lane’s wharf from in quiet, very abundant, there < T. 1 i'l Lieutenant. AW. Hulls; 2«I Lieu Jkaptist man; years, twice Bangor ten hi morning recently a to the following named children hegi. es $5 each lias occurred no material change in rates, the basis Hood’s ‘.‘•e.r i. 1 Koeb II. li I married, and bis widow who 5~ now 7s of days, and \v Ithout hut once. 8*1.75 from Jacksonville to New York. Sarsaparilla ante nt*M-n in one cliis >ergeants. Howard, years towing Melissa Scressa Curtis, Wattin being Coni Fmerson, Uenj. Sold all six for " H. < age. cannot tell w hen lie first to are dull, and in instances the minimum by druggists. $1 ; $5. Made I -it- t he enforced. arren. I. A. Partridge, Hill, I Itryant. began prenen. lit- Messrs. Nickerson A Colcord, who have resided P. freights ugiii Down-, Joshua K. Downs, Delia Noalley, Locl- rate* of the association has been shaded, in cither C. I. HOOD & Mass. W. wa~ a licentiate but one who only by CO., Lowell, In all and conceivable shade. Corporal-. II lilodgett. A. Chase. I Higgins. tody knew him well veral year-on ( apt. .J. ( Nickels* island farm in la \. B and N icola '1'. Downs. In no has the qualities every It .Hand. M i- last week t.-liic, addition departments special change occurred, I». Farnum. The cadets are with ■'aid. “lie was always a hard working man, and Hancock movement being light, with rates no vari- supplied equip count;.. moved back here the past week. lie give.- to the lot named $5o when she shall be- showing IOO Doses One Dollar. lie barge "I CUlhc/z. ation. Local Charters : Sell l’alatka, 408 tons from meats from tin- Mate, and the drill i- meeting preached whenever he got a chance." 1 Le took cold Iyr30 \ loual Bank,and is held It pu/./lo our people to know how Mr. Black at come twenty-one .ear- of age or when she is mar- Hoboken to Belfast coal 85 cts and discharge, and with !a\ r in tin town of gi at among the student.*-. attending meeting March ISS-j, fJ(„n ried. K. for Brunswick to New York or Boston lumber, $0. <-f<>r<- tiie t .ramI dmy. the American express otlice here can sell tickets To his son Joshua Downs, he gives the which In- never rallied. The funeral took place at Brig Ned White, 551 tons hence to Rio Janeiro, gen- to all ot the 'Vest and so of hi- and said Joshua S\V WMI.I.!.. John W Hold,- ol Monroe, ha- parts South much cheaper remaining portion property, oral cargo, sum. Sclir. Flora *210 ii >uuday rv■entna will j his residenc tbi 14th fustRev. G. <’. Sheldon of lump Condon, than the are from Perth to nioveti into a regular rates. K. and Amos Hall, of \Vinterport, named exe- tons, Amboy Portsmouth, Coal, 81 ;; M. house belonging to .L.-dah Nicker I a.lie. Tin* wind Mew i Liberty, oflhiating. and discharge. Sclir. Lackawana, 15»; from Oiu'oi cutors. tons, -on. Hi has al> * rente«] the -t .,v ouriorril dealers ordered wa la ;:\ and aeenmpanied by umicr ( ulining by telephone a Perth Amboy to Portsmouth, Coal, 90cents and dis- Id i:\II VM I'll before election d. ill) Hut late of Monroe, after some small ham's hall ami they she to Black and her heirs. Unity, Sept. 15, by Ware, Mr.Chas. * winning whereupon house, gives Nancy H. of and attractive. ct in lier breast riches M r. N even pay for a T. I >. or the tobacco to in is executor. Abben, Springvale, York Co., Me., and Miss long Mr 1 h or a Hi pipe, go i:, Fred Black appointed mud that he had a \or\ promising ! Cora F. Winters, of Unity. removed the it lived onlv a short time at any of the stores. Avan- Piper, late of Fineolnville. gives to each picket up at hi> hou.-e and it would Ik* mueh In Freedom, 17,‘at the residence of the A w ii. oi this eit\. ha\e heaun to very j of hi-daughters. susan M. Knight, and Martha F. Sept. \ Nick, r-oii an ! i; \. Br»w;i have tailed Tin* bride's I. II. against hi- will to name the Western I'nion Co. arc distribut- hi- wife. F. father, by Thompson, Fs<|., Mr. Fred ■*. Tln-\ young hopeful after Telegraph Bankin $lonu. To Mary Piper, lie Southworth will raise about i.Vi j their machine- Thev S. Rich, of Thorndike, and Miss Mac I). Cowin, of Miss are-lung report grain a:i\ Hie Mutual nion all the household furniture, and all the in b good. Uepubliean. hut lie would he ti> take ing poles from the line that for- gives Freedom. than last oar. Tin Ma*sa- willing j u-e of Mr-. Lmma Sttiekmau in town at went oiiie. occupation, and profit all the remain- vi-iting the elianees and name Id-- for tin* merly through Swamille. are to be set In Camden, Sept. 11, Ceo. F. of Cam- > ••1 a\ one hoy successful They der of tin* the term of her natural Marshall, '. op am! property during and Susie Has returned her mother's, Mrs. hldridge Nickerson ... Lew j on the line between den. M. Lcland, <»r West Trenton. just from Boston with a candidate. We are now informed that the !»o will 1 here and Bangor. life. If said income i- uotsullicicut to support her I..-■ a;on! hiirh. In Appleton, Sept. 7, Wilder and Al Perkins, of Monrot*. lost a work lien so much as i- shall be sold for that Wellman, good horse while ‘"lie to his hash the necessary matin X. both by name of I. < Libby_Mv. Two youngsters to worms Holbrook, of Hope. ■ A Muller, of this • employed dig angle purpo-c. At the decease of hi.-wife the remain- Me> threshing at 11. Ileal's. A log broke lotting the I. < has tor In Thomaston, September 15.Charles GOOD Libby nearlv completed 4<>n rods of fence. -ameol our local sportsmen went out one der of the estate to lie equally divided between his Creighton, ASSORTMENT !.•'! w :;i w rockers w lm the night and Lois M< L. both of an hors- -1 wn through and breaking hi< two Susan M. and Martha F. Ilyler, Thomaston. instantly 1 iie Imre is built tvvo iron rod.-'in alter the recent rain and in a daughters, Knight In ’• by :uscrling little overall hour t), Rev. C. [. a w •! Roekport, September by Mills, !i. 'hi iadel;-liia. for s:i.*7.'. no, no Bankin. His wife and are executors. We have now on a stock of ASTRACIIAN JACK- k 'I soeiot;. ei,mpo-iiig The Kree Will a bed rock on daughter- S. and Lizzie exhibition which the ends of tin* rails rests. pi< !.«••! up over three quarts of worms. Joseph Raebelder, Marshall, both of large 1 ■■•--! \v»1! tow to New York and doubtless Camden. B.t| ti-: irterlv meeting nn-et here this week. are Toggles bored and slipped on to tliesi rods lu* < inpmeeting services arc held at the M. K. News of the Granges. In Rockland. September, 8, Calvin M. ETS and WRAPS for Autumn and Winter wear. An Inti,- vv 1 ,o meeiiiig. >atunla\. eve. ('apt. inspection Saturdaj tvv« mi each set of rails. One mile of this fence of smith and < li'-ivch this week Kcv. ('. I.. Rogers, Thomaston, Lizzie Wood v\ a id on account of the above by Haskell, assisted worth, of Roekland. ahtmn.a a ln.!i a Ki;ifcdae'- hill. Mii.da; meeting i< on a direct line-We e There were about tents of lj rangers on the th ink we hav a prett' b\ B. sixty of these beautiful solicited. Kcv-. ( Wentworth, A. s. I.add, s. I.. Hans- In Warren, 4, Isaac E. and goods ;iw'ii. mi 11 "i," p„ d Meet there will no lodge at swan Lake (irotmd iston week. September. Starred, el! .ion. \ithlir meeting lodge 'mart representative from our class. On the eve Mate Fair at Lew last F. «om. \. A. Lewis, A.r. Anderson. II. <,. Ilarbutt Ruby stone, both of Warren. ■ It i- a :vr. of « apt Philip Piereo, leli over a -aturday not po-itivclv known when after election Mr. In Rluchill, 4, Mr. Robert Lihhy waited at the h ie and others. state Master Robin is expected to be present at Sept. Howard, and low \V. .Jenkins will here Miss J. both of Riuehill. into .ft oid 'paarr;. ami was terribP preach again, but oili- c until !• o’clock when hi< Lydia Kridgcs, -AM)- graph election w:i, the next meetingof W aldo County Pomona (1 range, In i lie carpenters who have been at work on the lthiebill, Sept. II, Mr. W. IVrkins. I- i- !."t km>w n v. Iietln r lie w iil live or not. dm notice w ill be given in this paper. Sewai! insured. 1 b* Llewellyn then took tin* I’ullman train for wiiieh will lie 11e 1«« with at Freedom of IVnobseot, and Miss L. Jones of Ilrigh large four master I>irigo («range Margaret Hail iman i- building a good -i/od carriage repair King Philip, of which ,L ( Rrooksville. I*' m new i'.-irkeniiiie Priscilla, just ton, where the following day ii«* of gin * Oct. 1-2. disposed much of thi was master TRIMMINGS n ii a nr t ae — place arrived CARPETS! I'.. i.i*i. arri\ed ere osterdav to iiooi house in l»is. No. d .Jame- builder, *p lead of cattle am! b'UM) sheep, returning home all 'iitli at I». >ar,aents' ""iis lioime.*. lllaek his band while home Tuesday. The King Philip is die only four Seaside Orange, wiiieh met in the Knights of La jammed severely working fre-li and readv for business. Mr. of d "he tiie line-t e\er buii: ill a Maim Libby informs masted DIEIL3 every kind now out in fall goods for -1 11 Lnicr-oii last week. center board vessel in the world. bor Hall in tills city, lias taken up its quarters in and at;\ one who t* an admirer ot line a- that at present lie has An men buying'lock for ■•■.II aid! b\ a isit to the Pt i-mlla tile Penobscot I lull'll’, brown's Corner, Northport. removed our to a more commodious and paid him in tiii' ■"scarsport is Hie banner Republican town, In this Is', Annie of Mr. Having Carpets BET- 1 of tho State and that it re :lie eireula having city, Sept. 10., daughter !'■ a: i: n* in p"i;. P.alt^or X\ ilia loti:. 1».•. Adam-, Bangor The< log piires La.-! tliis received furiii-hcd and elected one of the Senators for Saturday evening t.range eight and Mrs. Charles l{. Harrison, aged 4 years, 5 inos. ti"U "f sHMi.oun to run his business... .The funeral icai ha- e|o-ed hi- labors a- pastor of en- and i:t AND LADIES room and added new v >oinin:.ry, for and lias days. PLEASE M nr: h I.a.* op* i. ■.! a l*raneh store at Waldo county, and the for. proposals membership evidently NOTICE, TER LIGHTED having recently -el ier- of < < given < u William !erk o? a.arts of W aldo representative In Ivm• x i:j, Mrs. A nanda II. of tin liui -d this tow u and r= tune <1 to hi- Berry. tered an era of Sept. Yose,wife I <><•:. i.'. ill pn»d> at ln*r-t"r«* w ill be our class !s7 an 1 a resident of upon prosperity. doli ( N'ose -ID x months and Id eoiintv. was held at the Free < httreh in majority, though aged years, days. to our we are to show the trade stmlie- ill pleat lied his a 1* ■<' s I, v -or' uii 111 Uapti.-t In goods already large stock, prepared i*i■ .unt < o'. :n lit r\!•; Pel of the Iher towns ran him ahead of his Mr. A. I. brown of be 1 fast, will Brooks, Sept. 17, Henry 11. Payson, aged Id MISS CROCKER Burnham. tlx I itli in1lit- to Look preached and I month. ■ li. gone years *i a fill I line ..| mtmieal instrument*, ticket. visit Farmers Pride next the assortment and LOWEST PRICES in Eastern Maine. tin* disc mrse. A circle of relative.-* wen* Orange, Lincolnville, In 1 ;, diaries Treadwell, largest ,| t! « I'M California for t!ie benefit nt hi- health. large Philadelphia, Sept. n 11 v oiti w illi is tile week in NEW YORK to atteml the .ii: instrument* and < Saturday evening; Harvest Moon Thorn- aged s; months and !ieriiV t.Mtarlerh sen 'ec will be held at Orange, years, days IL is allii.ted with a tr-m'de.... Notices ar>- meeting the — lung N. H., < A *ei -hear*. »Ye dike. afternoon Sept. 2'.», and in the papers please copy.j I. \TER >I’EN IN<■ s, ami will return canu* from Belfa.-t to sv with the bereaved M. L. church next Service to be conduct Wednesday In d in town :or u even- mpathi/.e Suiida; Kno\, Sept, lb, Cyrus henney. aged s2 years. po-ti niccii'ig-nc\t Saturday evening Dirigi Orange of Freedom; Thursday -pomient oi the i’ortlaml Pre~* re family Alary. ;,roiirs« ot cd by Rev. ( L. LIder will also In Wakelield, Mass., Sep 14, Mrs. Martha II. Brussels at $1,00 t eon-ider w heth• l' *.r :io! it w ill be adv isable pe.ijdc wen-present. Libby. Libby Body per yard. ing < 1 evening Sept.tlu, stream Orange, unningham, aged df5 11 months, 2H SEPT. P M’t a v, "f *••;•!■ l.nis \ ‘ha "ii'lucl the service at Sandy Cnity. years, days. pie*, a Quarterly North Searsport I lit>l-i town tail L to be Imped that -uHi* ieiit Ltniao i. 1 dee;ion over; dead ducks picked up. In Palermo, Sept. 12, Bev. Luke daipiith, aged !»2 -ailt*! iV«.m Ualtiiiiore thre** n '■><> week" air f. m. to In* followed a Sundav school con on years, 7 months and 12 “ “ will be to warrant a and nave -cttlcd down to busine-s. by Ashore Ragged Island. days. with a selected assortment of m»\ cities in neonlageuieiit given good people again In carefully "■•t. and not *im-e hearil from. < apt cert in the evening. Cnity, Sept. 17, Mrs. Sarah Small aged 7'.' Brussels at 82 l-2c. J fair. The meet i-t.. I. at the < -tore_ "Lvrrv p?‘o-11c«■ and onlv man is vile." Tapestry ing danga pleases The bark diaries Stewart, ( Orant, went years. II i \! her*, la*' week in the schooner aptain Hod I b. s». 'Ir. I In -■ -i m N. well ran i. i i hi- \ ieket in thi town, lull M. savarv lias us one .-l i- uiid< Tgoillg given number a.-hore oil Ragged Island morning. She Sept. aged "i "f l.t' k* -m ill- whieh he brought to Saturday years. j we do not tIdnk there i*- another town in the stale o| stakes loiind him in the meadow near thorough repair-, and Inc. w«n much needed. by the was loaded with Tot) tons id' eoal from In ■ b.r tv (.ilasgow, Boekland. Id, Albert P., son of pairs in which the vote wa> >o rvenlv divided. Treat farm which were cut and driven the September aii. n, s 1, averay* dira i; vote was ago. four inches and TKIM MINGS. pie.-t are rotting'v. Ibpa! through steamer Ralph Ross was at mice engaged by T. ,F. 7)7 years. r \ ..a a. and arrive'! here on the return we about inches trip -.«train is being tIm-lied :md the yield is re pm t 11;: remain a IJeimidiean town In 2-lu of eighteen long, and bears the mark of Stewart A Co., of bangor. who represented the In Boekland. September 12. M.rtha Kli/.aheth. e--el w lien a of d We therefore he at e* *.\ e *. The three t hate I "in vote. On we t-" *' tii ot the animal.-. there, and sloop employed and des- daughter 10. \V. and Sarah Thurlow, aged shall eualileil to furnish any "undaj. rip* '•d as large T1: bulk of -Law ...Will. L. Park- tlx* wlxd gain one over two The dam from which at MARVELLOUS LOW PRICES. ! patched to tin- island where it wa- found that the months, 12 selling t u h air- n 11 days. time Hats or Helmets in tile YKliY I. \TKST anil h :i.:th. -ailed for ia rt the I >c.rials lose A. Tweiitv ihi< was taken must have been a one and in:' ! la- -old he I’,n rsonagi larnu mar the >‘\ai- large t'urk w as in a lair position, but full of w ater, all the In Boekland. September 12. (apt. Win. Yea toil, 1' < NKWKST anil at the a ; sierdat .XV edlie*da\ and ; il< am I a large territon There are crew -ate. movable, sails, U2 7. months, In style cheapest possible rates. town t > Me- i \\ |{ >vv ..Mrs. He/.ekiaii Kepubiican' ited tor Mood and cigh: Demo the remains of everything rigging, aged years, days. Hurt to r.-turii oi "iim!a\ another on chains, etc. have been taken oil. and it. is hoped In Thomnston, September 12, Hattie M., daugh- Klclrkei ’till, ha.' lieel) lit relative- ill a it Liiii, while Iweiitv-one Democrats voted the Porter stream near by. The limit visiting that it w ill be pos-ible to lighten tier enough to get ter of Daniel and Kva McDonald, aged 1 year, it t'ALL AM) SEE CS. 1 Id; i. ■ — "I t hc-c animals was a 'Ir: l:a* leased t!i• -tore on Main t>wu. 1 a returned t" I."Wtl!. M.t Miss Lida hi i not o' cut him_ quite source of revenue her oil. but at thi.- time it i- not know n that -lie can months. t«> be one In -. i! lo 1..iw n the settler-. Their sued. Ragged Island is of the extreme Thomaston, September 12, Ada L daughter npi' by himself, Mi. «»«.•'•;i.-11. Mr- Kit telmi-'s nice;-. .m. her. lb oi Belmont, Mass i capture required consider mpauie- out-idc islands and is some thirty miles from Rock- of Kugene and Ahhie Kales, aged d months, 12 A. F. SOVTJI if OltTH. Main St. BLANKETS 4 COMFORTABLES! ubi -: ( -kill, and is said to have been ! Ml I -t -tarletl in Imsim-* la ; The writer v « vi'itingat A. 1*. argil I'- ...We arc to state carried on -p-iim p'n:,-ml all- last sorry land near Matinicus rock. It i- a rough place. The days. !*• tied something alter thi- wi.-e. A wa- at own ■ir-. 'itn-taiu’e*. lo-imr hi* tirsi 11 of a i, r-iin lw of In- funner nci-dibors and the telegraph line through this village will hunter furnished bark built belfa-t in 1S77, w a-U-lu tons, In Boekland, Septemher II, Mary Harrington, wiili an ice i’d Maine and New York w ith no insur- aged r.d years. io -I n- alien ■ 1 chisel lashed to a handle four or by parties :iinbr-dae. bili 'Iitimatt irieud- Mr. tl N. -. I ■'tar- numbered the that were. live hdwnrd among tiling- ance. Tb" e. fed I'uig would g-* the bank ml at -w n Id* pn--cut ipiarter-. pon. and Mr. 1 M. lb hi it- of New p..»rt. Mr. i.-ipauv are at work taking down the wires along striking the ice, Just received at GREAT BARGAINS. I a *o*m .-,>!!• « between here Hie sound the blow larri- st.•-« I-ertwas a m« ml.e. «.f the gallant .-id It!, Me. amt \ugu-t:i. It will he a cold dav produced by informing him Insolvency Court. w B and wa- f‘*r 1 hi when we io-,' it. We have made biui he was one of their subterranean SALE made I-' the manner opposite SPECIAL haj | eordiai piae* No new cases came before ihc Insolvency Court in wltieh '■ *'iv cil'ort to retain the line but as vet without h"iiscs. W hen one was a was cut V *r~ dd daughter ot M r. li (ht viteran- d hi- Beg!, were re discovered hole in this city last week. 'I'lie lirsf meeting of credit -OB’ We would the mind that strenuous a-.ill .. W .L K Itoa through the ice to impress upon public through i: If. of mis cit' died on v *! tilt eiti/i n- .a Brook- at II e reunion has bought tlx-old rake large enough admit a full grow n Harrison, ors in the cast* .1 oi William A. Monroe, of Waldo he ami we learn lie intends to in ;im r. The search was continued until a- I..--!- .miner the child had tall and ior.v engage the many efforts we have our was held. 'I’he second of creditors in the closed out stock, remnants and all, and :*t.4n;ii;• "I tlh* of retreat meeting spring •a. t:i ••• ■; 'liar bone, tilt* was Hot spring l»ed.. lolm Sheridan, tin* place- was discovered as possible. Childrens, altlmuah ease of Luther W. of ■■ •: m -i.T. w .1- a ::; 11 11 11 ! I om Use | I the Frederick, Winterport was *-ept >. l.tyc or.x li* for the bur voars. iia- moved Hiring time the most expert hunters were thus are now to show a stock of NEW' FRESH •e r n-11*111 illness. \ -itracon wa* pn~t prepared very large aid I i! M. lie; I., liie !i ii. folll masted srbooiu oe< held, and insolvent and took tin? to WhHcbeld .W. IL Hunt and uj-ied the others were into the appeared pre led ;• n nine a- it w as not *uppo*ed there wifi* are -pend busy breaking j hiua- ot i;:; m oath, in the matter of John I*. Boys, Phillip. | t she will he uinmaud tew it I'cumt houses. The beavers limiuary Oil more GOODS to the trade at that all will esteem as GREAT a It ii"'.i^lit Inw death n suit* d t my A-k l*oiic. K no\ count v... .Tin alarmed at the in- prices truly 1 '•< A M. IM. ! 'i ... Ma of Waldo, the look the and tiled a ; 'I'!. | .i x lb lief < are to a vasion of their to petitioner oath, im a: ieiit. ! 11 parents have the *; mpat.le. j orp- have fair and enter- dwellings take the water and j 'V li«-n »\ :>« i. A real Indian f petition for discharge returnable in October. All Youths, BARGAINS ■•i I 'm «*» 111 j■‘im ipnily ■■at •ii' 1 a (>. toher \ brother of !.. M\ini with surprising swiftness to their retreats j .illliltt; eases the I i...i il m i\\ ( other continued. is eaniji in am ien, 1 I i'e-ei s in the of the >t i, rota the wisi i visit i n g that gentle edge hank, hut their entrance is he \i- im miitrriiv -iiIisi-i•iin s in (in- ; d re--, o ■, ! ••• .-t "*n m c-cot in — i\iu— l’liil "'an at til llaue.\ \. Hall ami wife are 1ruM-d to tli.' hunters their hole-* in the and Men’s 1 watching The ... niir: -'.’.vets t..i tilt- n«>l: Fourth Maine Regiment. a:*. ’•* a P id j lip. in.a mlant that tribe. Mood oj» tlm 'v'tli then ii |. Mrs. at ice h\ the motion and discoloration of tin* water. 1 -laughter Medway, Nor I- vi o] tin- .J, i; hi s| \\k 11 WtlMi'W l; g d. ck t lie hooiaa ,[ i. b. and its soon a- -Im Tin- At the annual meeting of the Itli .Maine regiment iv woel, .....Mr (,. ii. ( o\. on tin* Plain-. i> entrance i- instantly closed with stakes id' Call at 81 & 83 Main Block. l1 n i.imiliiinis- ul \tin-rioti, the carrier ; -'att: a- 'iv pm association and-id Me. was held at Ilrooks St., eoiitainin-. instead of mm < ourier is "ood. and the heaver in Mattery City i'■ building a small stead of finding-afetv in 1:. -1 a ■ 1 •■! drliv ering the t o t he sub ! !"•: papers ■ on HATS ! mi from of last week. T he oilieers were 1 water Mount 11■ i. Bristol. house mi the Norton road ju^t beyond F. F. hi eav e is made prisoner and destroyed. Monday following i■ i" i--- w m a |.. !.i .a j.; igl.t paper- hd .. )i m elected, President, W. V t imer, Rockland; u ot the proliihilion -enti- Mitchell's. (’apt. Iai( Xa. / ( 'ft i/iln n's Huts nut'/ U7>r. m u" tin- -id.walk A neu airier has been m | •i M Mu- ,'i I Pie 'Ii- I-!;., d. About a th"U-- Nice Presidents, Capt. A. I>. Mean, Melfast, Ceil. 1 PIJosim.i r. Mrs. c iianh T\ let* am I Mi Keheeea II. I>. Shaw reports some good slock. "• to 11:; v«• tin* .a deli ‘fed GEO. W. B¥BK£TT. plopo-e | per- •••• :«11 d )•-«•(■!. it it. tin lauiiehiua. including' the Mavis Tillson, Rockland; Chaplin, Rev. I. L. C. tilitten.i Freedom, are ;ii Due of -teers, 1 old and well matched, ■■■■ ■’ I a 1 -1,." m- < visiting Mr. and Mrs. pair years any aning- ii tin- part of the ...... •■w ... I '!' hum and Pi >\ idenee The 'i sawyer, Tro\, N. Y.: Treasurer, W. W. timer, •; -,,r I. F. (.otild's-Mr. W A of girt feet strong, and one odd steer:* years old, f» it r* •; ■ '«••! To t! •• all u iil n<- remedied. Montrose, Lynn. POWDER in ( oilft > f I’rol.atc, In Id at lid j Im nit; ta u iiehl in M. auntieook Hall Rockland; W. A. Rockland. PROBATE NOTICES. l|r\UM)S>. feet in inches. He .... Secretary, Maker, Pure. Ma. -.. w as i-;t ing Mr- M limi At,rn ami < >. J;. also has an extra stock cow Absolutely Alsu r/t'iii-i- s/i/frs t ’/i i/il i'i it's, l.i-i. .mi tin -.*.■>mi*I Tue~da\ .»t September. lit -1 Nl''ll S. ■ i. in.-red ta. -ta'.'lm-l < *• ; .he! 7. .ii tlie ladie- of We-t Camden. Work -till continues on the dam at Smith’s 1"';. Kltkh ATWii'M), \dmini~tra:..r la-; week.L'liflob i- here Mill-, never A (,ra> xpeeted This nowder varies. marvel of At a Probate Court hold within ■ .!••! .'.!■•• k. <•« ti.t i\ -n :uul > 1 aid' I. e id are in\ to make purity, mill Mins, ut fi'Jr., 7-;/‘. at Relfa-t. and for tad- l-.D.Ml M>x \TW(a»l>, late of M-aiday night, -p iyre ited and it seems likclv to he a SHIR Jlui/s Winterport, I l’l'in 111 i;rhtoii. Mas .. t hi- v. e.-k... .1 job for the town NEWS. strength and \vl»olesomene>s. More eeonomiral tin* of on tin* -t omid Tin lurty members costly County Waldo, -day of in -aid ( otinty, dec. a -ed. Iia\ in;r presented hi- tir-t -iim i. a- 1 "tm- »!id earriag.-. shire which am -end :rf. le- to he sold for the he a lit of and < a com- our than the ordinary kinds, mint he sold in /It m Still 1 lilts A I >. issc. »• ti l mline L -dge* »>i l. mplars ol 1’rospeet, paid a by the time Selectmen get through ...Rescue Hm n>>1)1)11 s/i/lt-s September. u l a I aeroimt ot a-imiiii.-t ration of -aid e-tate 1 ■■ a 'ae iio-. il ,m.e Women. .. -ale with the multitude of the low test, short them Mi-. .M«-i p: foraged 1 I. «>. of (.. T. is in a petition M. 11 I A I. I». widow ,.| J.\MI> for allow auee. \i-it to the members ct Pr*-_:re‘-si\e ;il Lodge prosperous condition PORT OF Mi; LF A ST. alum or Sail/ in ■ Lodge weight, phosphate powders, <>n/i/ ut 7.7/., *l.nn. -y/.iH, S/.~,n, ->'/.7->, f'j.nn 1 ■' i-h* > III eit- :• -ue. e— to II K A KD. late oi in iid <'•• of Wal Ordered. I aat noli, e tie.--, of l.e -iu three Ha V HIM- !. i k»i wn a tin I'm- fair pr"ini-c- At a recent MAKOARKT Troy, inty Miid\ Point Iasi week am) were meeting “sides were chosen,” one to mil's. il<)\ \l. Hakim; 1'nwiiKU (’«>., lot; Wall Sf., very cordially re AltKIV i:i». il", di'iva-rd, having pre.-ented a petition that N .Yeek- -ueees.-i ely. in tile Kepuidi-al) .lourual. in n'' in a < i.uai a roan .Charles II lluhh.ird and wife N. V. 1-4*2 i-p.-t ’-I i- dark furnish the exercises one and the ly I..- d in lielfa-t. in -aid < that all i'ed. A i-otinliiul supper was provided and all literary night sept. I*',, sell. Puritan. Sargent, MiMe-crt. -|| :<>: ||- K. W KYM< d'TII, o| -aid Troy, may appoint. o print oiinty, per-ons .. n d I idt imc P. 1.. a < on a to ( i-igiit id! and a halt »isi: his lather and other the so administrator of -aid deceased's e-tate. interested may attend a’ a I’roluite ourt. to l.e w re highl. plea-ed w.tli taeii visit.... \\'« learn next and on alternately. This Lodge sept. Is. seh. Ci'o. 11. Ferguson, R\der Portland. mot her i'!m .| -t U Ordered, That the -aid noiiee held at I tel fa-i, on the see.Mill ol October n' _• ii a .: a nf I <77 m ml-. The I’hos. Bower-. drowned has alldrded to sept. 1!'. Seh. A. Ilayford, Jones llangor; A. .Margaret M.jrixc Tuesday tha! the late from great privileges the young people next, it' li.-hing party North Nearsport Patter-hall. Annie L. Me- RE LIVED ANOTHER LARGE to all pet sons intere-ted eau-in^ a copy of this ami show eau-e, any they lias e, wiiy the ■ in * amde' itaiiMM. Richardson, Plymouth; HAVE JUST liy i.ige ua a pi:;m. ." rut d>»w n. -idebar. "till -mpt. 7'!.. wa- found M u da\ of this for the seven not in -aid account -Irud.l not he allowed'. have sold their entire lot of ii -h, coii-isting of seal. place pa>t years, only Keen. Mahoney. New York; Fannie A Ldilh, War order to be published three weeks -ucee--ively in i- morniui; at -unri-r h\ .1. (.1 >. I. .)(»IIN>( »\. -j*i .ii-a r > i. v :i .ill., VelVd. M 1 rip;,, on tie western its iniluen. upon their lives and characters, lead- ren, Portsmouth. LOT OF the Republican Journal printed at R«dl'a.-t. that .Iml^e. I'bi-, lloiinder- etc., to a of that lie I Granger place, Is. Sell. Ilo>ton. at a Probate Court, to be held at A t rue ropy. \tte-t I!. Kit l.l». Ih-ri-ler tiicm to bee one men Sept. Ridgewood, Weaver, they may appear ill rn II N' ib-v 4 -. W l ie; ..I Ii ha- e ing temperate and women, but Igor pork nough in the well to l'r. them, and all Sept. Seh. K. L. W arren. Colson, do. Relfa.-t within and for -aid ( ounty. mi the nd < 'll'.. -I P Bu-i. of | ie f. >o It w a- S>.~ In ( ■ Mi ft of iield at lie I i* •- < v •:•!!> im \: ] telephoned it lias before them each week one of the of October next, at ten of the clock be- 1’tobnte, p i*1 do.ivh Clanger- are in\ ited to call ami placed & lien's Tuesday cordially partake-. saiikd. Childrens, Youths, ta-t. on the second Tue-dav ot and w a on tlm a bout -e cu o'elork and at .nee best Boys, fore noon, and show cau-e. if thc\ havi \vh\ nTAl.l>'> x-pteiubcr, :I m- nil g The a-aal -pot opportunities for social and intellectual cul- any monthly Pi"spi t is a town faMireel with threshing ma the of -aid mu Ism: -\Ml kk klNkM'd k* V K xe.iitor of t tie last 17. Uabboni —— praver petition -hmiid he mantel. empanelled jur\ li.dipi \\ <'urriertlu ture, and if one has talent for or Sept. Brig Bangor. w .d A m- Ini .On trt.Ti’. eompan in e- speaking writing, (.Id ». K. J(> 11N >o N. ill doit l -IIM V late of M. n il!, in said meeting enough m aeee.mmodate the public. Then Sept. is. Seh Holmes, Boston; Puri- Ji.d.ue. ti Bower-, te-tilied that t was one o'eloek, \. no better could lie found for its dev Byan, A Attest — R. P. < ■unity, defteased, having prc-entc-I hi- tir-t ae 'a >:ti l.o\r fra-t were four place elopment. Mt. \V. trueeopv. Kii:i.n, Register -lay machine- in town at time. IJcdlielel tan, sargent, He-ert; A. Kills, Ferguson, .‘i nut of admiui-tration -ot in! til boat. As to tlie arci I ! I'.-.i' :«• J I. I a 7..; New t ork. lug M., and ia the Pluuimer ami Win. 1-. Llli- have one ami rvsTiNK. J. W. Dresser has sold his ship chand CLOTHING! am e. each, At a Prohate Court, held it and fm- dent te-tilied \ at half wa aero.-- Tom lit. Sell. Man Farrow, Condon. Relfa-t, within hi, I* L... Sept. Bangor; trdered, Thai notice thereof he iciven, three Tim -imiret Fred Fames ha.- iw d work-(.rain yields well lory business to (J. II. Hoopin', who will continue < tdell, Wade, Frankfort. the County of W aldo, on the second Tuesday of -aid Im would row. I t 'id him to he careful and week- .-iieee-.-ivelv, in tin I.Vpubli. au .J.MirtUil, a. -• s,| ii tie i nr. r-ali-r luireii b»r the season. biminess at same *21. Sell. J. Bulloek, Boston. And at that competition, September, A. I >. is,sc. dry !.. .J. ('ahlerwooil rcceiveel the stand, and also contemplates Sept. Ponder, Jr., selling prices defy prin'ed at Itella-i in-aid ( .Mint \. that all p.-r-.uis not t: tin boat o\er. lie not up and mu-! have j. o' a. it nn at iIh- aim oilman. widow ..r j< >n\ v <,11 inlere-te-l attend at a Probate ourt, to he Vi Ii!. coder, largest yield o| oats yet heard from in town. keeping groceries in connection with his other AMKUICAN l’OUTS. may d on tin -ide of tin boat, wliieh went bottom MAN. latent Waldo, in -aid < of W'a! -. 'A 1: .-tepo, Don’t a dollar for clothing until you have M minty held in l>elfa-t. <»n the .Mid Tuesda\ of oeto lit'.a i,m mail. ... I he corn crop will I e a one... .The in trade. It is not that Mr. Dresser will < spend good fair thought Boston, r>. Arrived sell. Abide Stubbs, do, deceased, a for anal ■ I a aider her. Heard Tom sa ■>;.\e me. Sept. having pre-ented petition her next, and show cause, if ai.y thev has *, wli\ showed one Pendleton, Biehmond, Yu.: Fannie A. examined my goods and prices. e.-tate of la.. a t -, in York, a la l Prospect thing for e-ertain—the best h ave town, but vvilf have an ollice and attend to Corlinm, lowauce from the personal said dee ‘.used. the -aid accoi.m should not he ailowe.l. ae -wa: and -aw him i;o down. <.«*t Philadelphia. That the J. -< liei ! e-rop- ami this hi.- Wideli, Ordered, said Mary N. -I udire. p'aia be tile prop-.-.- 1 J'ubiir garden vegetable, year were fishing line Imsiness, which requires the most of seh. hack to ip. lmar an-i ,-ot hold of tlm how. Called | Brunswick, Coo., Sept. Id. Arrived Nellie dent to a bili -us suite oT the systi m, put !i a* Diz- to all person- interc-ted bycat,-itiu a copy n| thi- A true Attest -lh I*. I !I t.i». Ih•^i-t.-r. grown e.u ground well iln-.-.-ed and well cp;. •id a- III. III be -1; .nutted to the i-are«l for. his time. Mr. Augustus IVrkins, one of the s. Pickering, MeKccn, New York. ziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress afrt r eating. ordertobc three* weeks suece.-’-i in ft.! Pi! near the NEW BOSTON CLOTHING STORE, pulili-hed ely ip pleketl Ilp If. rapt — Now i- !he to t. sell.-. Sadie most time put mi the for Providence, sept.. I Arrived Poll, Pain in the Side, &c. While their rmiuric- the Journal, at Relfa-t, that k -uli rider hcrcio < mui. .• to all 'a I'll. Alin 11 a .V. elressing the* prominent lm.-inc-- men of the place, is quite ill Republican printed m puhlie by ih aid there was no disturbance he Baltimore; Karl P. Nieker.-on Nor 1, ..« plmw 1 in a fpii >pinda- m*.\l A 1 We-t. Mason, able success been curing they may appear at Probate mtrt. to be held at I ncerned. that I"- lia~ heen 1 1 year's ganlen spot. is a with a duly 1 'I II book 1. ||\ good garden great fever. Dr. Flanders, of Belfast, has hcen MARK ANDREWS, < appointed w n t;e in, a e ai.out a and in. folk. Rropr., Rella.-t, within and for said on the -ecomt and taken himself the tru-t of Administrator di-put<• jrirl liijtior. besiilcs 'minty upon 11vat, it out the* Ih'iir harn-l ... Put n-r called to see him M. seh. Fannie A: he '• a a -on. ; ii ie I la -ement > ai. help- twice-The Rev. Dr. Sheldon, Portsmouth, Sept. Arrived Tuesday of Oetoher next, at ten of the clock of the estate -d !t !• hr... _d ui in ;im te-timon> that Bowers cent Bondout. i-2o )ier Hi. itow.aml >*ow .- that an* ■I W Kdith. Warren, 11 Mr. fore noon, and show cau-e, if any they have, why did v oi giunite w tii -late roof, good ),.■•• atervillc, preached at the Lnitarian church last J'/urnir llnir, Ile/ftrsl, VKAII M. late of lie!last, h el a mania foi row in- late after the store 14. Sailed sell. Mark Pen- the of said lie t'Ol.UNS nights formers at the an* in «h-mand at Newburyport, Sept. praver petition should‘not mauled.’ ■ '• pail Mr. II. ( closed his house > I a ;11 i,v| il w t'or 1’. 1 fust and good price.- Sunday... Williams, dleton, Pendleton, for an eastern Old >. IP Ji HINsoN. Judm in til. < Mini', of \\ aid". •;> ea-ed. h\ >;.•. i: u hond was shut The decided that it was a ease port. SICK up. jury 'The lineiN trained of horses to 1.7. bark Kdw. ( u.-li- nrt« r'sLittle I it Tillbare equally a-tin- law directs; he \ le-refor. all a i_ M iw < pair belonging M. on Nautilus, and left on .The Pensacola. Sept. cleared Iloadache.yet A true copy. Attest R. P. Kll-M.n, Rcm-tcr. re.|iie-t- per \er> handsome Tin sliuiat- ! ideutal I Thursday... cottages drow nil.- I.etween the hour.- of and Biekmore. valuable in Constipation, curing and soils who if indebted to .-aid decca-cd estate to IP ILihy. pair of climbers on a stone ing. PhihuUdpliia. preventing ■1 -i W. rk to iannediate regular of Mes>rs. W",»d, .side, and McLaughlin, at Dice’s this while also correct oagiit begin 1 7th, the of the boat Tacoma, 7. in port Alden Be-se, annoying complaint, they At a Probate Court held at Relfa.-t, within and for make immediate payment. and tho.-e w In. have an;, pt. by up-ettin- beat (he oxen Sept. bartpic ■ k drag, There* is k Head still remain Mrs. >' all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver Boston and M I la p it in a bid fairday. pluc enough open. Doddcnovv, still < Brieii, for Hong Kong, j Would touch at Ksijui the County of Wald'*, mi the .-croud Tue-day m demands thereon. h> exhibit the same for settle 11:i• -liiliiui: place-. The body was found in and thr* b.evt K i; n if tin cured Bangor left for another trial in the contest_WV0 Chinese.) regulate y only Co. September, A. I>. ls.-c. m. t to him kkUAll k. silt MAN \ Ida -i < making improvements mtriiinslii|> \-i vii ms i:i;\\ \i:i>i t». apt. j ai.out the -ame location where the blind clairvoy- Baltimore. Sept. lb. Arrived seh. lads V. < hap Se*pt.-iuth, the-i.'itli of the of on her house and A line sea \ A RCI A K. DORAT1IY, Ouardian of MINNIK * anniversary marriage grounds. wall is be J •'-••• Mai. nn I >. r» re w le-. Jack-onville. -uhs.-ridor n.-tiee to all .. tin- rit ha* t-i\ i*.| from j it. \ id la ai. of Belfast, h mated it, but that Boss, A. lx>R.\ I’ll Y. late of R urn in -aid < min. here!.;, yio- puhlie Mr. ami ?*Ir~. L. Fme-rsoii. a vv lU ham, rpilk 1 variety built, hieli both her lot and that of her Id. Sailed from Fort -he a we'leling ing joints •Jacksonville, Sept. Ceorge of 1 concerned, that ha- been .Inly appointed lb ! -a ram: mt a liie.h! a- a l«*-t: 'Mi.d wa- -one over last a sub-marine Fall ty Waldo, deeca-ed. having pre-enti*d a petition gold Friday by will he held at limit- sell. New York; Path, clean'd Arrangement. residetic-e in Si-arsport. Mr. brother. Mr. L. L. Brown. Peiiob-eot, Carter, lora license to sell certain real e-tate of -aid minor and taken upon herself the trust, of Adinini-tra*rix nd ■- M.n u- I for tew ami p.i->eng.-r- from without -nee. The mother of Bowers seh. Herald, ( ray, Quincy Point, Mass. of tin* e-tate ■■! Lme-rson was a sohlier in the late war. ami is now Ache would ••■t pi. l« -* t«> those who -ittutted in -aid Rurnham. and know n as tin* ioim !.i1 New Haven, Sept. la. Arrived sell. Sarah K. they -’e.inm Oregon in Maieli la-t. The •‘’dd not -ee the body but was -hen a piere ofthe Vin vuiavi.n. Tin* outlook for work here is not antler from this di- but reiu- stead of -aid Dor:it by deceased* at public >r pri IHikMAi; (ill.klA a11 of Isle-hofo, out of health, and anything will be I >av is. Kucclaiid. itessiug complaint; '- acceptable. Bangor. and 1 Iiom- vale sale. bd gold t i- -i/a-id' a dollar it It v. a- imried in .Mountain -treet The nately their goodnef do* s nor. end here, in the .Mint\ of Waldo, deceased, bond twenty gold eef.ietery. .Mi-. F. es a cordial invitation bright. granite company say they have no Fall Uiver, IT Arrived seh. Karkauana, by irivinjf gi\ to all in town, ii Sept. who once them will find t hcse iinh .Its till- Ordered, 'That the said Marcia IP m\c i, .. ■ oa m try as the law din ; -he therefore reipiests all per -idc a igncttc of Victoria work the = Closson. Phila. Quern will be* a with the* except joh now imdervva v, which oil! :; t able in so that v iil not be witnng lice to all interested eau-imr a of Wi\ri uh'.isf. I’ll, Wald.. Co. Teaeher’s \-S(,. pie-iiie supper exception of the- New York, 1C. Cleared bark Fvuncll, Col- many ways they person.-. by copy ns w ho are indebted t<» lid deceased's estate to usi-j ..*tto \ i. <. sept. t .* lead this order to be w eck-- toi ia l> Urban hist over ten days. A number of cutters were dis- to do without them*. Put alter ail publi-hed three tier.---ivc- mak. immedia.. incut, and those who haveaii\ at. met at on Frida', turkey and meats.Mrs. Horace- LRtleMiehl is vi-it cord. Hamilton; brig Ilavilah, Hogan. Bueno- Av pa> Winterporl and Saturday, Iv in the Repuhliean Journal, printed at Relfa-t. lb j." I I* <>n tile reverse side i- a charged last week. Moses Wchstcr and L. I*. res; 17th, arrived Louis Walsh. Pendleton, demand- thcrc. to the same for settle friends in Boston. ship that at a to be "'pi. iTth and i-tli. under tlm direction of ing they may appear Probate Court. held to her. .MAIM’IIA .J. t.Ikkl-A ■ in Stipt. Havre, 41 in ballast; cleared same dav for .An with the word.- •’iTe-eiited bv Walker attended the State fair last week-Sehr. .J. days, at w ithin and tm-said ( mi the -ce A 25, 1886, Relfa-t, outily. A I ma-o| \ as-a I Moj o and Prof. P. Woodl.uvj Stockton. A se\e*iv frost the lMiiladi Ipliia; IS*. «deared sells. Win. Buinam. Lai Commencing Sept. b:iti-n o.\ .-j nnient for the Lives «•; Monday night, R. Bod vv ill lias loaded -tone for oral Tuesday of October next, at ten..! I In- dock Saving < rough Bhiladelphia, Castiue; Parker, st. Thomas. Steamers will leave Belfast as follows: Fort am- many l.\ es that litre is where we Mondays, Wednesdays, the of -aid should’mu be ni'.'Mi :.t w hich tin convention was ganlen stufl'— the loth the and at about J.dn o'clock i\ why prayer petition b organized Wednesday Hood don, Burgess, Portsmouth. make our boast. Our cure it while Thursdays Saturdays a pi till' name and the dale of the rese ne sehr. Harvester stone for Boston.Sehr. Lnmia great pills granted. Notice cf Petition ter ad the t' a• h. assi-ned to their Is. Sailed I>avid m., or arrival of steamer fiom Bangor. place- of enter- Templars had a sociable ami nctte-el ^12.•>."». The- Portland, Sept. brig Bugbee, ei hers do not. upon CKO. K. JOHNSON. Jnd-e. Discharge. it. |s>o The inrd.-.l is handsome and M I )yer has arriv ed from the (iulf of St. Lawrence Stevens, Buenos For stale of of very The afternoon Ayres. Carter’s Little Liver Tills are very small and Searsport, Bucksport, Winterport, Hampden A Att*st—R. P. Maine. Waldo ss. Court Insolvency. session opened at 1 ..'to, i-iiti-rtainim-nt consisted of dialogue-, de'clama- Abner and trueeopv. KlKI.D, Retfiste’r. a orn on the Hatch chain, and w il! make an from a with Ma- San Francisco, sept. 17. Chartered, ships to take. One or two lulls make a dose. and Bangor, Tuesdays, Wednesdays. Fridays fishing trip, poor success_The very easy tin nine ./O/f X S. ti /. Vie. Piv- \\ P. Pimnells Pemarks b\ e re, or Ant at about 0 o'clock a. or arrival In / .MO /.*A', of JHi/i/o, presiding. tioiis, singing, tc. The is in a Coburn, and st. David, for Cork, Hav are amt do not or Saturdays m., upon .ii p> the waleh and .-bail, bulge* llouri.-hing sonie Hall is about The furniture will They strictly vegetable gripe At a Probate Court held at lielfa.-t. within and for hi noire nt Debtor. 'iiip. pice-- completed. New \ ork or •_’<>- dd. 10th. of steamer from Boston. V A I .lire on “The I »i.Strirt S\ .-tnii." Address eomlitieai ami has about werp, at do-; Liverpool. purge, but by their gentle act ion please all who b by ninety me'iiihe-rs, ami for the ('ounty of Waldo, on the -croud 'I ucsda;. of d I., apt. Malmm-v for -aving the erew soon arrive from Boston. The following officers Arrived ship John B. Kelley, Cihbons. Cardiff. use them. In vials at 23 cents; five for $1. Sold TO v<>Ti< !■: i" in:i:i:m <.i\ i.n that the >ai-i Prof. mi < lhe RF.TF RNINt; BF.I.FAST. A. I). Issi;. Woodhuiw ’*Methods of ondmdin- Pcci laf four-C'lif. Fletcher has to Smith, Foss, Bangor. Tuesdays, Thursdays, *AI\FF1FI.I> FRYK, named K\eeutor in a as aforesaid, lias tiled in said Court for -aid 1'; -:. board of Trud.- “Temperance gone I.. W. l*. M. r.-eeiitiy awarded testi. Arey, W. M.; Moses Young, S.W.; Fred L. and Fridays at certain instrument to be the last < "i Wal'io, tition f• a from lead Mi-.- F. I). Moore ami W. B I niott, Me. to work for the* winter. FOUKICN POUTS. CARTER MEDICINE CO., purporting •>unt> pi discharge 1 by Bunnells, Maitland From Rockland, t • < apt. Maimi-.. for -« n ire- rendered Carver, .1. W.; S. D.; Wm. Tuesdays, Wednesday-, Fridays will and testament ot I.I t Y F. RolilNSON. late all hi' debts pnoalde und< r the Insolvent Art Llewellyn Arey, N. s. bark Penob- Now York t'» followed by discussion bv Messrs. Luce, Miller, Lafolly ami Lancaster have gemc to Poston Sydney, W., July do. Sailed City and Saturdays at A. m., or upon arrival of steam- of lielfast. in said of W of >aid Mate of Maim and amendments thereto, -; mm Manly J. K. County aldo, deeca-ed, iregon. Jameson, D.; C. Bowman, See.. Robert Diaeh, scot. Kabul, Hong Kong. er from Boston, touching at Camden. Bowden, Lovcjoy Mitchell and Miss Svveetzer. lor the winter... Dr. ( has. Mitchel and >amucl lyi-41 having presented -aid will lor Probate. and for a certilieat• thereof; ami that a hearing' L. \N Calcutta. in. Arrived bark Adolph Obrig, From at < ■ i.'»»\ v!. < apt. .1 1 » •mint ami wife of this Treas., Smith, T-The Grand Juror for the Sept. Bangor, touching Hampden, Winterport, Ordered, That the said Frye give notice to all upon the same is ordered to be had at Probate »i- Oas> Recitation in Arithmetic, Subject, i'ercentage, (dillin completed their \isits home and returned ( arlobm. New 'l ork. and Searsport, interested 1 term of court is Alexander II. Bucksport Monday-, Wednesdays, persons by rau-ing.a eop\ of this order lice, in P.ellast, in said County of Waldo, on Wed (imlen last week to witncs- the launch September Blood. Id. Arrived st. Nicholas, at \. m. conducted by Miss Ada Colson. to Boston .Fred ( leaves has been visit Yokohama, Sept. ship Thursdays ami Saturdays II to be puhlisheil three week- -urre--i\ in the lie. nesdav. tlu Pith of October, A. P., |ss<;. at ten Evening meeting Monday... Traverse S. James A. Davis ely day Mir uiasted srh. jurors George Carver, Crocker, New ^ ork. Ho Tick ets sold to all points and baggage check- at lielfast, that lhc\ o'clock in the King Philip_Mr. at I uion Hail. with Rev. A. in town... Freeman publican .Journal, printed ma> forenoon, when and where you mas Opened prayer by A. ing (.rant, the market man, and Eliot 14. Arrived ship Sumner B. ed Pr. a M>- -i < of tile IMlo Uix J. 'Polman....( E. Bowman and Boulton Sourabaya, Sept. through. appear at a bate t ourt, to be held at l.elfa-t, attend and show cause, if any you have, why the Robbins, Hollse, I- " is. THE BEST I a Address moved hac k to Pai ks. 1 singing by quartette. hy Prof. Jackson, Me. last Saturday. Mead, Penang. within and for -aid ( ounty, on the -croud Tue-da\ said should not he U. Ifa i. • ■' *• to Bierce are in Boston at the odd Fellows celebra- I). LANK, Agent.Belfast. praverof petition granted. gone Wiiu’oiisin for a numtli ... Id. Ar. Oneida, MeCilvery, Woodbury or. “Duties of Parents.” box Lanthrop has built a new at the Fovvey, sept. ship ( ALVIN AUSTIN, Agent. Boston. of October next, at ten of the clo-k before noon, -' Mte't IS. P. KIII.P, M Query chimney poor tion. • "mIi.t l-i.-ltl, i.i Bitston, i- in Belfast on a 1 lav re. II. Ben. and show ran r, if an\ the have, u h\ the -ame of said Court for said ot Waldo. and answered farm.I oh n II. Ames has W ILLIAM HILL, Jr., Manager.Boston. lleg'ister County opened questions by Mr. Luce. got home from Prospect Sept. 2. In port, sclis. Joseph Farwell, should not be and allowed. M- l-iitii-U I’; k-. ■' Laguna, proved, appro\ed Bangui. press session a. m. Bkook.s. Anna of Schaefer, for New c. Sar- >aturday at !I.O0 papers read by Immtv-A1 Kelley is puttingin a whole new out- Kay, Manchester, N. II., has York; Wyer Sargent. i.Ko. lb b dl N -»>\, .ludge. mi ‘ii the Boston bouts, wii at.I. II. Kahn’s for do. Mi*"- P"iid of Pella St, “Oral Lessons in lit at the mill and been a series of at the ! gent, A true copy. Attest —li. P. Fiki.d, Register. 1 usotrent Court, Term, ISSti. subject intends this winter to take logs holding meetings (Quaker Melbourne, 17. In Car Sej>t. a --ii.* -it Mr-..!. H. ! sept. port, ship Iceberg, Kaler, .■science ;:nd R. D. McKcen of sub- from tin1 bouse. She is welcome (o a Brooks au- IS by Swanville, farmers hereabouts for <'aleutta. and saw them into always ver, Ata Probate Court held at lielfast, \\ ithiu and for In the matter of \\ 1 \Y V. I. I.M A N, of P.elmoiit, in M "l M*-. H ■ K ill r. of this went to B. Mil- SOLD BY ATRIAL city, j ieet “Penaltii s in School >n a before ashore near this • Ilantlsomi; v. 1MtKI>strument to be the last will an I vi-ii ...Mr. Daniel Burgess, Mr. Miller of W Committee on nominu he carries tin* was also at the service. She is from New York, reported Car/tifu per purporting ( reditors of said Insolvent is to be held interport. out program_Mrs. Ten.a present regular 5c @o- testament of >1 ARY lil.ACK. late of Monroe, in appointed d:,.',. Noyes port, was limited after discharging part id' cargo. ^ at the Probate Court Uootu in l.elfast, in said i-iting friemls in Belfast_The tion-. the ofiircrs for the cn- has been from spending a few with Mrs. E. \V Dow who is -araosTONfe- a'f said ( of d reported following just up Vinalhaven on a visit ... days In 0, bark Adam W. Field, N. W yard ounty Waldo, deceased, having pre-cub •• port Aug. Spies, of Waldo, on the Pith of II <•'•*!«• '••tvs 1 ler B. v.el! said will for Probate County Wednesday, day Wasgutt, sinnu y ear Pres...I. \V. Miller, Winterport; V. 1\, Kloric Mardcu is now in her sister-The hoys of the 4th Maine Kegiment October, A. D. Issc, at ■_* o’clock in the afternoon. visiting Vinalhaven_ the i« m o in l-.astern N< Ordered, That said Fred Illaek give notice to Knglandand the I’rovinees .1 Mitchell. Sc-.. Eli/.alieth D. Mon Jim Treat, Levi (irillin and and 2ml Maine iiad a time hen; the You will govern yourself accordingly. Belfast; Moore, Will Nichols went Battery good all interested a of t hi or- persons by causing copy (.liven under hand and the order of said < ourt nil>".;t oili- ha- entered the of i'" E\. torn.. A. E. down the l*»th and Kith ilists. Various wen; G. W. BURKETT’S. der to be my employ >wcctzer, Sears port; T. ('. among islands seal in sports indulged published three week- sueres-ively in the of 1 hunting Tuesday this loth dav September, A. D. ISM!. ill* •• railroad. He .Journal, at lielfast. that l-ttrg goes with the best •Smalt, swanville. .1. W* Mitchell, E. O. the sloop Pet,to be gone all tin* in to please the people who gathered, hut the old Republican printed they It. P. KIKI.P, Belfast; week_Finery at a Probate to 1 1 may appear Court, be held at lit-1- in ml-.' I »i. (,. |*. Lombard soldiers care more to meet eaeli 1 wUS Kegister c*f said Insolvent Court. E<»gg. .Jackson: E. <. Hussey’, Waldo. Com. on (irillin lias ju>t completed a little fishing sloop of other and talk fasr, within and for said County, on the second n-1 t «• — ! Mill ha i* their on the over old times than for of that Ii "W^lNrTIEID of October at ten*of the clock be- cottage j Professional Reading. I>. K. Drake, Frankfort. about three tons which he will launch in a few days, anything kind. Tuesday next, l‘ at the was a fore noon, and show cause, if any have. \\ h\ Brooks House for The follow ing resolutions were read and lie* built a very quiet, orderly crowd. Jason Evans they adopted temporary extension on his harn and the same should not be and al- Insolrrnt Court, Srpl, Trntl, /S\(i, iter ••t.iora* Custom Coat Makers, proved, approved K. Bia' kelt, of this eity, has Resolved 1st, That the school district is built her there and foolishly ran in one of the races until he fainted lowed. system will haul her to the shore with If tlm matter«»f HA UN A HI> N( >KT» >\. of 1 1 !, ,! Who desire and high Palermo, *>'••• tin* trustees of the State away with exhaustion and it was he steady employment UKo. F. .JOHNSON. .Judge. against the best interests of schools in this state and oxen....(irent exertions are being made for the com- thought Also in tlu* ( ount\ of Waldo, Insolvent Debtor. wages. A true Attest:—It. P. Fi:-;i.l>, i. ultura! \--oriati«*n. Mr. Brackett had would die. lie is said to be however. copy. Register. K i> that with tin- charge is largely responsible for their present condition, fair for Oct.. 7, and the ladies is not improving, hereby given approval ing department of the 1 1 he hail exhibits this year.Mr. The Monroe hand which in One Assistant Custom Pressman. NOTHof tlm Judge Court of Insolvency for and Mrs. and we the to abolish it. to be The ladies took the lead at was attendance and urge incoming legislature likely neglected. At a Probate Court held at Belfast. \\ irhin and for -aid County of Waldo, the second meeting of the 11 H ddiard, of K. are discoursed line music for the occasion took occas- 4138 R. Providence, I., visiting 2nd, That we wish to emphasize the importance of Prospect. The stock was fine but there was a very (HAS. MASON, the County of Waldo, on the second Tuesday of Creditors of said Insolvent is appointed to he held 1 n in Belfast...Mr. ami ion in the to serenade Dr. A. 135, 137 k 131! Water Street, Augusta, Me. A. I> lsst>. at the Prohate t ourt Loom in Itelfast, in said <'oun Mrs. Patsy Hall,of New temperance instruction in our common schools and small of one lien and mam- evening \V. Rich, September, showing poultry; large mi 1 named ecu* ty of Waldo, Wednesday, the l.’Uh of Octo- h tine to Belfast we Senator-elect from this The doctor \> It. DOW NS, and another Ex day last week to visit friends commend .Julia Coleman’s “Alcnlnd and Hygi- moth rooster and two handsome Pekin ducks were county. per- JOSHUA *J tors in a instrument to ber, A. D. Issi't. at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. Yon ;i-t certain purporting be Kridaj Mr. and Mrs. Tucker cclo ene” as one of the best text books on this till I saw sonally a very popular man as tin* recent, vote will Payson subject. in that line, and 1 noticed that the ladies IN o w Openings jit the lastwilland testament of BENI AMIN I>< >W NS. govern yourself accordingly. ati d J. Civen tinder hand and the order of said Court their silver wedding, at their residence in Jhd, That we extend our thunks to the citizens of out but few of the useful of the shows....M. Dow, Esq., hv some mishap got late of Winterport, in said County of Waldo, de- my brought things this l.’.th das ol September, A. D. lsxi. in a another smashed the other ceased, having presented said will for Probate. Portland, very ijuiet way. They were the Winterport for their cordial and the but the ornamental w as wagon day. Sunset, It. P. hospitality household, part well dis- HERVEY’S JEWELRY Ordered, That the said Joshua It. give notice to KIKI.D, of courtesies and kindnesses however, saw him with a new double-seated car- STORE, 1 w.’t.'S said Insolvent Court. recipients very many elegant presents and many at their^homes. played. Two handsome but no eats or all persons interested by a copy of this or- ICegisterof kittens, Accordians, Harmonicas, Vio- causing ■ them was a That a of these resolutions be which is the for Ins nice or der to be published three weeks in .uoiig large case containing a com 4th, copy published dogs were on exhibition, nor doves or birds riage, just thing span successively singing the Journal, at that o “Castorla is so well to children that Castorla cures Colic, Constipation, Republican printed Belfast, le >et of knives, forks and spoons in solid sil- in tin* Republican .Journal. R. J. M. or other colts to try their mettle on-Isaiah Bryant is adapted lins, Ilries, Base Viol, Violin, Woodbury, pets. People having these things should Sour Stomach, I>iarrhoBa, Eructation. they may appear at a Probate Court, to be held at the of Isaac & Son into l recommend it os superior to any di- Notice of Assignee of His from of the on prescription and for said on employes Maine Central ...Mrs. Mitchell, committee resolutions. ..Mr.and Mrs. not forget to them out at our fair. The putting shop .Staples good Killa Worms, gives sleep, and promotes Guitar and Banjo Strings, Belfast,Within County, the second Appoinlinent. get display known to me.” IL A. M. At Itelfast, in the of Waldo and State of < h.-trles A. He took the to move the old store and Archer, D., Tuesday of October next, at ten of the clock be- County Pilsbiiry lias returned from a sum- A. E. Femald returned from their California trip of fruit and was excellent at siiape. job gestion. <(-c. the ltith of A. D. lssti. vegetables Prospect Ill So. Oxford N. T. Without medication. Rosin, Bridges, fore noon, and show cause, if any they have, whv Maine, day September, mer's ollicc of J. s. Huxfordto a lot on the St., Brooklyn, injurious sojourn in Canada, and is at the Brooks on Tuesday of last week, and on evening !ind it is doubtful if w e can do so well. The post ('apt. the same should not be proved, approved and al- fPIlK undersigned uol-iec of his Thursday’ young strings arc the finest imported. Don’t hereby gives ap House Knox road and to it into for Th* C*ntaub Company, 182 Fulton Street, N. Y. My quality lowed. 1 as of the estate of WIL- ...lion. Fred Atwood, of Winterpoit, was the members of the Post and with some in artists brought out their plaques and and put good condition fall to them. pointment Assignee Corps panels try CEO. E. LIAM A. of :,t them, it was an old is JOHNSON, Judge. MoMiOK, Waldo, in said County of The Quincy, Boston, last week. ..Tyler Kl- vited them a R. work on satin and landmark and missed on guests gave reception at the G. A. plush addinggreatly to the gener- A true copy. Attest:—B. 1‘. Fita.n, Register. Waldo, Insolvent Debtor, who has been declared well. of the corner. Tilton Elliot who owns the Aroostook county, formerly of Belfast, is hull. The meeting was called to order hy Mr. I>. al beauty and instruction of the exhibition. It is to corner lot an Insolvent upon his own petition by the Court of hen on a intends to much in VELVET subscriber notice to all for the of Waldo.’ visit-Dr. and Mrs. Flanders, A. I). M. who in behalf of the extend- be that so many of our artists arc very improVe it, however, the hereby gives public Insolvency County Spencer company regretted young 2w:>S WAY LAND near 1MIEconcerned, that he. has been duly appointed KNOWI.TOX, Assignee. Phase ami Mrs. Chase and Miss Annie Wildes left ed a home so diflidciit about out their future....Clias. Bowen and Will Boody have hearty welcome to Capt. and Mrs. bringing small efforts. FELTING. and taken upon himself the trust of‘Executor of Belfast for a few visit at which was to them. that the is started their threshing machines and will now the last will of Tuesday morning day’s Femald, responded hy Sing- They forget object to encourage begin- ly ril8 ( Tradei<»is. si 1, |>m;. i •diouM some Is Prof. Horsford’s Boston j*t Bostonian to to me Bread and get repeat Preparation, made by the only process Bangor (comrades of tin* IN the city of hatlh* y< ars, '••me of the many things that are told as the Htosmixliip <;«>. AVIk-u lighting was our rail**! that a of sayings of Isaac <>. Barnes, an old produces baking powder any nutritive value. <», you who charge with loyai Iumts politician and citizen of the Huh. He was for a number ‘(Jains! many a gay brigade! "1 years clerk of the I'nited States Court. A It the S ummer Tis joy to gra>|» again the hand. supplies nutritious and re- Arrangement. high lalsi tto voice was one of his strength-giving phosphates *2 to A box e kick me for an hour and the carnival: stay at home.’ It was June 2G, gauze No more along the lines e\idem that riding on horseback had^not Commencing 188G, undervests. grappling *• -•tc s H14-1 \\ ill lrax lirlfa-t a- follow Fort am I >Ntils th»* crimson d« w ;t-Tc» d with his anatomy.” \ 1 h ii. If •rklaii-1 ;n a I I’»"'!• mi. «• .• if SunMa good article for twenty-live cents. No bloody siege and bursting Auotl.i r story that my Boston friend told me UNEXCELLED BY ANY, Mail} | miiiesj ai al*oi.| •_* oVlo. k r. M or up. u' a n ixa! <*1 Miami r (> ei A\ helm s wa-of a fond father who went to the Hoy jn Him*. Mr. Barnes from I'.amror. for advice, ■■ SHOPPING BAGS! saying: ‘‘Barnes. I have a son as Sure to I -< liii'k-p *rt. NN :. I. I la Im No bullets hi'S : Give Satisfaction. p*-rf. rpi.j;. mp* deadly to-night ■ > you know, who is a little inclined to he wild. ami I :.i •_ * \« 1 I a p I M al>o|il A new stock rccchcd from New No shown rs of shut and shell: just York. You know the world pretty well and 1 want o’l lm I,, or upon arrival *•! .-framer from W storm no mon th« leMani'd height. your advice a- lo what I shall do with the General I.’K I I i:\INi. TO Ifi l.FA-l 'I id Avild con f* Office, Illon, N. Y. derail* yu 1!: young man.” Barnes started oil* in his Glass and high- ■ < *•’••>< l.l ’• i«' >111!' ia '. at I a XI. Crockeiy, yellow Ware. i he long-roll wale s the m> mon* \rrpt camp and shrill voice, which a .. keyed reached picre- I 1! If |. <•% \r. \|o, M The conflict to n n< w New York Office, iI8I> Broadway. Mil} pi ing pdeh at t he conclusion: “If I had such a a I .. .| Hirliili^ a! < iimirn. TrS/OTSTIKL^ ! No enishin columns hi! her pour said was TTor .:. ;. hoy.** lie. “and in your place I would hi al 1 ia lupMci*. \\ ihl* rp.M I, H ;*(i'!a toga. Also an endle-v \urH .3 »! take him out to the theatre with me. I would (*\'rpl Tin* fort and in ndi and grim n doubt, Wanted. have him into the me Agents 1>. L\NK. ! >. '*|)-grooving hill and dale go library with after din- Buying Airen(.Itt-ii', ner \I.\IN \IM|>, >ci:d and would offer him a good cigar and sit 1 Vtirnl .ItoMoi:. 5 and 10 Cent Counter Goods, forth no mon tin victors’ shout V> 11.11 %'l II. down ami smoke with him. If it was HILL. .Ir (.('if. Vanatfcr. Uovian. vor I'oemnn’s w ail: good less than other 'ou will falling requires shortening any powder. always tlnd a full stock and ai prices as N" Neither i would take him upon the roof and TO low as stricken comrade in his i*aie. SECURE A REMINGTON 58th the YEAR. lowest. Please ghc us a call. 'moke there. ! would walk I*' ‘|!icath> the Iasi adieu. up him around Excursions ; am! out the houses of Blank and It is rccoinnien led eminent No m*.n* tin* torn and ilin point Blank by physicians. 'Double and Action) -FROM B. F. gluMly p and Blank, and I would tell him Triplo WELLS. Tiiain St. And ing in Hluc. | how they rose dy boy' in Site their !’•• 11 ;i !. by unaided efforts, and I would try .)ul;. • and A\ watch m* more lIn h* ;* a.iid inti rest him in It contains no cream or adulteration whatever. * Isieshoro, Casline. Broonsville sidiej*, their histories.a> example.* tartar, alum, any C : 11 l ; ? ib y oini ihe out! r Ii,,- : "f what lie ought to do. and all the time I J i !>• ]T; 3 < >ls SI I'Zi.V' No midnighl < / 77 1//. The REMINGTON PIMP is Fong sin« in pean withdrew : -HIM. so help me Moses.*’ ahead For sale all dealers. of all No 111* *! to Ii i 11 !|s foes ill grey ii i' t'< te.i <>i .*lr. lumies on another oeea- by competition in working easily No nn*re as ~ in lili.e. 'i 'li that a colored went to t«» and Hoy clergyman him Cook llnok five. K’uiufonl ('hr-miral Work- 1‘j K. i 1 rJ" rapidly. t'k subscription for building a elmreli. It is secure from and never FLORENCE, I In I>i\ :iac liiV' iu •..11-« r feezing; iCi n. bad an inveterate dislike of black men. I uni: .im m. ism;. 'i'li*' needs priming. mountain pa-- Inr. lii was *'• 1 always expre-S'ing it in scum: form nr I M* >\ * h oaxr F.i-o a I l«* \* '-ain 1 In 1 r< .:!•!.riur- in-w Wi; rrrMsii \tt ■ timi;nts to tuh •ihi r. lie looked at the clergy man for a while I i.* rini>«'::« <1 l.» : j 183611 iSWIFT’S riTMPs to rrr tui;m \ <■.: with wind tlio -<-:i and then 'aid. in hi' shrill voire. “I will give SPECIFIC.! Ii 1886 I In- dii-lri ii■ — >»ivli ir-N win MIJ.L. I.'r * r-' ’I -I rijM-n X"U soOO." He stopped t •» take otr llis glasses • hu a iim Iron- tlew j Ti l:si* < \\ ,;i i.- .v ,• i- u ^ IF,., II. a!t'-i.!ioii to them and indue time finished his “' Tim T: a Vi; i ! ii. id i- -: i« -1 m-v. ; | CfeA HALF A CENTURY u Address, ■ *• aiem 11 w ill be to one S S B With tin of tin -. I. *-‘ix'. i; :V i.m al' J l.. *•*» v condition, S'S^S hi-imiii'j Tin a,' Tin i: It -r ivud- tin v, ;,r ! y subject pvt a; ia w«\r.-." The eolored brother hastened to RELIEVING SUFFERING HUMANITY! I i p arr- a .a! o\ Wln-iv !■••!*> batimdi-- u-.-d to REMINGTON AG'L n y I i i: P.t irw .lot i:\ai i: t «i. u ;.-th led him'elf CO,, nion, I m 1 U ill i. ; -, m |; ( ... ‘l I; ! -A I that any condition attached to i: nr1'- .1. a i. i 1 broad: j New \ ^ Orr volutin It i- i. s\ t' .. ii'-* ji!i 'lioiild In carried out. where- I ‘is.’? Ilroiulway prinP-1 fr,.• ii Willi llai o-t -Imam- lln \al<-> a tv ri;. faithfully — •' sss II i Hain.-' : ••Well. I >o. M\ I sis I Io< :i:i I it- mo. !,• 11. " \\ ai rank 1' ura w. n-joim-d hope Is pn , I t*\> pa- AGEN'Fs? AVANTKI). ‘■"Hditi -n is that darkex that f It !. W!i bim- and aiw uu \ «• lib- for lift-. every joins the niJIv i. 111111!«-11. |Y lav. hur di shall be in " ll n w- w m i; -\ in I’,lm-. baptized scalding* water." "i ■ * l. N At. u; There xvu'nr\cr am eal! for the immex. Miuiiun I" |■ r< i.i v< -'Him Wi.; :■ I-!. ■ If ( x,

sss < a ■ •> Tin- « M r. for l. .1.,- ii■ «*l'i auiji mini i- «.\ «•,*•.•■ 1 ,.’t H irm-s had a friend who w:i' iil. ile xvent slsis ii.'ihh :;ti'! ’lit. <•>! in:, w oki s 1 i„ -: t' "it. I- a " it ii m:intIit• lm-h and \ in lo the 'irk man and after all about P* x. v. v. .it! hearing -■ !.'•••. ’A lit link". :i- v t«• n « I• t " In iv uhiv tin hdc of !*:,!! it b nv hi' < ;!'•■ i>'iled the edict that the discomforting w '• u I a. a a If N\ :i1 Mil I It-I .151 ! W 11 I In li N' w In d tin ;•< •!'•<-!ill kiln-. man would m \« r t well. The physician xx as >prii:i!t y < sss i'll.- hi,I,, k. I and III"- In in I in rvtiv ur-nit :i 11-! t,P *-!-a, d|,d-. tin pi. j.atli. i-re'i-nt spok- up: ••Why. Humes. our worthy i- ; f.oai- a m :r_ \\ r-t 'o Am! Ii:iin]«*t- ri-* am w lia mi i' ; o! had :i' live. llis extremities Treasurers Notice. l to'arli ,.i ,.fi < ., t.; .a a [s;s|s pri.-r in w hi«*li M:iit;«- mm >n m- •. : Noilkj |, < W inr*- da-in-d tin rai' in in bi- u .a! Ii. a: •• xx am You u- xer heard of a man in » a III p .M. IM w !.. being •• 1 "i :i nr litnl. IP • •"tii/im_ ?!•■• ,i .m. •. V*'!.- n w. w. n ivs iinn*: Ii;:t• ■*-?" ■« im; .... !*>• in Him danger •»f death whose extremities saKuaaas.'flawH'xrwTu.fca^BiBBmneserr—r- u«au« rnnKsn •nitff If',;/./... / .... Kills (.{><> w w arm. ha\. on-" of :i_: imltuiv. it will !i;ill hr n-<-o -in/." My. i!« r- :■ Thai lmli-'l bamn r. \ b-torx « nw'ir.l. th‘ thirtieth To. ..f .hum, I,,- e. "1|S '111so mm h t hat lie disappointed the I'n.i'I ihy Maine Central R R. All riddii-d lin*ii_h ami hnm_h. 11I«• el :hat '!;i!e ami now remain i:n|»ai«l; ami 1'i'e iif!: -ii ami gel Well. Y. Tribune. hi.:;- [\. I" herein ver, *!i;it it the -a i ! taxi in ’l ln -ioriuir llau \' ra*i'n 1 n-iitni an.I li' ■>. porin' :tirl ini'. s i i :- i v 151.5 teir-t ami eharae- are not ml inn the t re a si " In w wmv !' ia Ii!i.. ;. rv of >,-i -a!■ I v. 11111 \ '< I1 I'uf homr !• :i«lir,_• li r:~ <-n nor done' of Florida H going back to town :thin eighteen months from tlm.latc n»1 <• ••• mmitment ••! tin* nine Tina n t In. Iiiia III u ii :i 11:1 li 1 .1. !■ I; • ""da\ .. .-diin- 1’i-din far m ar. •bat to i»n a re-, •]<-ction to tin* Senate .-ahI hill-. ol the Mint i' dour ;i! li.-nit uni :tI• r« :i.I in lln .i~■ ami ••• He -h !V'< I ate la xeti a- will he -aHi-ient I* |>a ! -■ Wmi. '!m- I'..i ... ,i !; •. A:i• I b-r.n in- lii: .main : nit an;, mat in Ionia1 in to 1 purpose- going "I I 11 *. :i 11 mi I i\ .■> n n w j.. ,\ mu L ■ ■ '.menni 'lue therefor, ineln'liim intere-t am I elianm- i j t .•.\\ -mi ,al_. i- in.w tin l-.itti,- r. Ih tioj? and bad health was the cause-. says a ill w ith• ml 1 i: 1 ! v- further m-tme e -.hi t |.uhli< am ;un! <111• .aim: "ion. ''i 'Iweilinir Imu-e in -ahl town, on It. .m. il. N i- a la n -o\, as uiy the i' an!' tin ■ rag. -rninent regards itself Tin- .!< »' |;\ \| Ini* iiaml w itli i »\ an.' i !. •'enr, tir-t 1 t 1 >uiu -o' rumen! in > ■ ■' ■ 1 the matter of the I'l'a uk it-. \\ •i I: ; mm < :. n ■.: | «' > 11.. I .n ^. t •. ! hr Ami ••(Hint tin I'mid- w ln-n .’.j,. b\ -id.- o,..| ha a.-ar I’il hi ml |u .- ,. ,,, o i '"P ! au •'"■re-: aim tax. s 7> < '• N. "II !"ti-j!i; tin l!..\ ,n Hill. treat} eoueeruiug international 1 1 ; !• I. i.i-jtiw a t >: ship canal. i'-l. ~J. 1 J. a 1 These were wonderful No others like them in the I'l'Miik e •'••• s :n -■•••: 11.,' • I" 'it'- and drum in. tin a :irn,*i pills discovery. world. Will positively ,arc I’err I»11 -1 m lot acre'; ,:lm. ■>. .7 |,. -Hi l»r« xx oi has decided that or t. --' .I h i. 1 ••n-l-.iv .7 7- 7 iii«i -I !"■ I;ir I'. II, 11t;ni jr v>". 'i "iir lir. t ia! u ork i- doin-. Topeka relieve all manner of disease. The information around each box is worth ten times the cost of x hiirhwa\ for l»l. s:;.ou. h’ Ai lii- m. (. Topeka and >anta Fe | More, 17 % And linm a!o»\*• .nr I a r< n-•: brow Itailway box of pills. Find out ience. One box will aere s .- :.r.r .... i- lv« 1 n j1 a X !i m 1 In p. xxcr !o 111) (illlf. a;lie. ... ia V. I i.i; ,t- 'b r t ii; « a I- In : aeip.iire about pun them, and you Jo more t o tJ. I la « Ii m>e. n **>ii:;:iii. t j.7 ■: .v a s.**i J<« \i; 11- Santa b\ x purify Ilarry for-1 one hai 7.| ;,ere- : " bia- oil" i-\ <,),.• Fe Hoad inm of its ■ al-ur liiVs 1 diiti 1 will be thank- in • rr;:.. ? barter md bx the laws of the Mate. always blood and cure ehron- i• 11 >•:' I In I u til \ i•»v. m \\ i! It mi V <» ill .i.i v~ I I»ravc nu ll win* w Il C. II Hi- I ma;-.-In-.I itli oil. ful. a One pill dose. io ill health than < '•mu \. ;111• in K n m \\ •••,. 1 ■' A il <• $5 1 ll:.n. \x i ;i-1.- :• 1 rculv. i-rnoriu'. ba fall n out A il- x\ \x iio i- ljscv oi:7w. under ariV't at C< viugton. Parsons Pills contain ‘■i.i. a. in. in. .; in \\* worth of ether < •• In n IJo\- i: H a \ ci < any lull ulllil i. \N i! ii :i-!'• I'•11!'i:I::iin.. v. I.. I I:!I.. »Iu ill .11 1111 s'( (hat he ~ i!> murdered s ■ * are «:v ta\. sj.l.i. '■ nothing harmful, rr-nv wt db; v- W EAR V L r!’ s C C R E K 'r I ■: 11 11 *. I M7 .1 I »•. s 7 ’■“I l’*nj ago \-Ma\ -v Hoxx man ol Fast m. -' fr- 'In M :i in.- in. li in :i;! '; A i. I "on tim-r Mrs. I-.. I * i 11 -t It v 'U.i. '.nv n ,l .. p:: '■ id r> uni- m- iv to i; e-f iU“. he ir aere > .1 M,, | ■, I--id'. I, -it ill-- c-asy take, and ered. cuid Will !•" instigation of a Ifpeoph a I'm. siJo. lax. s-.M.J i' !• ia v.T pa-t. prominent rin I'm r in [in I'uniiv, :t- in ih. n:i>i. u n. I II. vi'!. ! *». Hi ,.|iu i'-'d!x\ ax oili-aal. for which he cause no inconven- be made aliz A-.: I'Meher i I m1 i11‘" 1.. i. received S’d-'XMt. nH.niiili; S|e\ell.- i -t. acr, "boybauH’ CORSE': Kn-tv.I..!.'I 7 : a rank- t liai .•!,.*:• tia n ai lui.Ur ; maim: \ I f u < rs.ct that i:\vsiw ri-;i;. •„ ■ the marvelous of these would walk to a nox not (• i; id > } very I!' i- > .'*u U ill v-- tin lord at !a-t : power pills, they 100 miles grt iTtb y could :st.m Im.m ; \Ain rie-an isliiug s« iio me-r. the: I.' »hert I’ai' > > ■ 11 n 1 Yoriglit. Sent 25 South •• to ! in- n:u ivt .tin In.r- i tv- "'•IT .'.Ml. ;n r. 1 bit on ; Ii. world’- ilium ri'in il' d. xxe iil into a Canadian re- pamphlet port "iiore A\i'Uim; value, .-17". tax. sj.-n. b tl*s *' ■ • port CG°: T I i1 .7 i", |nmm ... ! »f lu-i'M- iri* d trim. j the information is ■ -' .i<• and •Mix in wry valuable. T. S. JOHNSON & CO.. 22 Custom House ftr t. MASS. •!.e-.-ii I iJu• .oh e.-tate. \\ ! am •'•riling tin- 11;\.mm!' ..1 M:iiis. in. n ;ii ■■ disiri". xvjtli rigging carried BOSTON, In I Ini In -1. .7 -jn [n ".7 r, ,,, " ul 1 i\« n-hrim away aim*. c 1 : I f,' "• xx ithout -x ater. Tim steamer s-JJ,; ta. -ief. hiahw a;, tax hr hM.Jne. Faiisdowiie home :unl :iiul in tin- nriuii' w M \ in I nr. !•••.- -mi I'm v 11 I. ’: ! Tin Mai tin a-re- doridii- i;..\* n Him w e \ h’ollin hi aim-. tax. Hue. "tld allow he r amdior. and eu’ilereel he r •iiMUt ! .1 Iii'-I Mina I ■ :i n in.iu \\ I. I> til'll Ifh -;ei lie. iJ. aere- ; value. si.Jo; lit'. a I oiler »••) sea aT-. MIL- I; 1 n ..7 tax. S'J e., |..f. Ilia'llw for l>-|. roastr: St-« *i n .in r. a nor .., ., | a. <•' -* t -r •. i- >*rni"a Haiti :• .. !*•• T :i ..I at: ;• < a le- |.. 11! -.,4i h ! a,"-," ala-'. J|o; tax. her, and arc warn* : e Gc ms of I ramls. a' -t i. in. Thought,. .if!, hiahw.-; for 1 S I sl.'.ij, Every pair s«/I.i v.; '.ara.uti ~ I ■ e--of the i. ititf'l i'l.t n,.,.-i 1: »-1. an- *i,,n >f.M at T.‘» "M* xie Ner\e l'oo.l" Mr-. \ .!. saw ver. ■« Hm It. -m < /a .*.'•• •/ /f :* i- "i ir ,n I if I: imi m -la! ,, I |i " "••n li'.m. i- nil, -l Mi. j., ( cheap :ramiulent imita fin mini ; aloe. ii;•»; tax. sJ.7J. 1 »t ! I*- »• » ii r.v i• \ a si i\ i k i: an-. a of Moxie’s. I"> •'marl. Om om* --r «»r«l. I- mi-lit be asked to at partiele I v r lion- ham; •_’<> aere-. -i, Y -my nuht 'h « I “a 1 •' I li l\t I A a .• -h have a I i he lla oj-i u#. Their v tax. slu.jn; iff. Mai " nli ii'. and tIi« w add not priee nine, ■--•■-'ii; hiahwav lor l"l y tlieuiselvc- p! ot worthle--uess. Men who sneak he ITT •. \ I ! I '■UI •.I 1 ln ir ehmelit. 1086. >pur-eom hiie •! *!e» en; n t.. a ■ p.nation steal market for such Trcnsnt*cr's Notice. t: 11 -1 I linke! hm Imu-e. ol harm -I. I. \' e it •> ••!.! hen-r<.ost ami vour Uliomle-- !'■ a<-r*--. s w iia: i* i. t., t h< u iiet.h pick farm. valtm. s-;:.o; ta\. i! am. lint man h. .1 siv s it ’> h t of* < that M< <\11.'s is on the holt le label X'ut- Ii< T'lirs in tie /:, ■.<>., ji' ■■'N, M I> !•> 1 •'**'*I -I *■- l!:!o. !.• hiahw.r, Ti:- or t hat ! *s -a-teri;. Tinni !,ait n t need to aiisw. r Till. t"lmu in*r list of tax on real of mm-;v-ident o,\ nor- in the fit •: ?'. 11 a .■ northerly arnlw 1>\ lamlof 17. I\ I’re-t t ; ! •: miier-. •'"•.;-< I hi e .a t ~a\ 1 in hill- I ierly hut iii.,ii -hail d\e ... for anythin# before the committed to iJl-.l) \.< \|;|J »lleet.»r<*t -aid (if. on tv,, tho-tuth .1, '. sr.e -OF- — lliy- alite. la \. s|o-j. •■•••’1 I ■: nove "ii- !»eeti "• M. h. r< !■■!••• upon ••Prisoner— D>‘>. has returned him P» me a-rom.uiuinp on the twnin da\ ot .1. >m;. -• R. H. 1 i \ s. II11.1.. I a-nrei et rt lijiert. No. Tf> Stair V.. !’ extreme ot m\ an* let me intere-t and eharires at" not ini. !lio ti-ea-ur\ .1 adr III I iV a ." Pink. -o i h the date of commitment of said hills, mtieh the ri al estate taxed a- w ill he uih. ■ XTeixr Fall _•*.=.i >t, ward- "f i;■ I jc v, jij 1.1 tie Srm U-- I’al.-til ■! v• I !.a.• i r* amount due u w '"111 ! 111 e |-:u t hi' theiad'or. ineludin,u‘inteie--; ami eiiaia.-. :ll fm i;,,;-nop,•, 1, ;n;i. IV:..:'' summer'' vacation with 'hr. <•! < !. hea.lai h*'. Iiiliousia-'s, eoiisli- tion at the vi/: \; tin \ Idetam 11' out 1 d 1: ... I treasurer'-o|He«-, -1; in m t |. ■ Pa. i- .. ..I rile •!ai11- no I’■ 11•.■!i! I m m ■■■' ooiliin in-lie I bo lie- and for e ... O mi. ,-ure.l ’ll less .-j -ril', -‘iii, iv i- ; time, with less 1 »e« mher. !>*•'.. at 2 oh dork P \1. ..If ■!' >i l,n \- 1 _ 111,11 lil- I., u t:. t Ier« 111 •; ■> an.! t-e e- h\ ( nn.LTt. ipf y !in*r>-a'e: and h< r« i' hat money. usiim 'arter's Deiiil " I1' ithhoid- I.:••!•<• t:, i; i- i. 11 M ... I. ; othei means pient ( el it r.11 ii >r nifn 11, ;/«./. "• to f'U'iiil /'• i,/ I’nh'l• u/i p«.\ert>." 11 u 11 S '....! ■ Hats &. •- m-mi u ie> hail travel, .i wltli a -h<.\v for 1 /m {. /,* / r. (if i, a /■*•/< f inti Tin* timer Bonnets 1 Name ot Non I.v-Plent V> of \o. o| I (• 1. u ,<•. 1 y .ini play e.l a ealimp.-. w a< n- laiine.l n i- i.‘. il. I. I »I » ^ I ‘a I. ! owner if known. Div. Lot. \ere-. Ileal I -tat. \ ! "Urn-.l \-r. I > lit >am Nones' re\ me. !.: The i\al tin-' last m- nth ! -1 tin- >T \ l; Old Bill and Ei.s Sou. Mrs. Lottie.I Lot on ea-l -id. a < _'d I I 11 >• < K('cri> Player hi" -’row in# power of Mr. lorn- e.innot be .Mayo. I \ | r. from -1. ] I niakr- m ii I■ 11 •;' w ; •! ni. < ;-•■ Trihune. Park '!>• ; one •' 1 iIn l>r-t I'it'nkin.- w.,' a Moodv. William.. b '.»!» -2 l.aml on ea-t -ule II a r-•;■. 1 ehampioi. I»a- fartuml. In pr-minem iin :r peratioti, in etl'eet tliorou#h. Patterson. (»r-aintts i;-:! II Land h'-ina the V ,t 11 i lot W. i. tin- "la! tin- I;.•!S., \ :• I--*:. -11 twenty years a ■. Hot!; iianl' are ;;n, hounded Whit -m:! I irr u I crip-j 1,1 n.-v.-r '.r. e a man from !_*- ; ; r t llm- i;:i in-' ! 1111 *> .] 1 lie | liii'l #ei'in-- him out that lie is not a Patter-on, A. K.I P'. 2s Land ..a \. -id.- .•! .rt nil,’’!-ill. -II he doi ollt t “eotta#er" (iHIG&GO. iiOSR BLAND & FaCIRG RAILWAY ill in a e U Imre road and We-t .a they put a#aiu. -ide '• ’i ill" ■■ !■•(•' 'n rin '■ -‘11111 v• --ii.i tv of ••lakin- | ry now. iTi ther- i- a Lane between lot |i; .11.d 17. J. 1 ,| Shipbuilding', .1 .i 1 har-li lir-t lit a'Irr- k of the pi:r#ati\e pills They Pole, A ii.nustus K ... ..I 1. a. Imuse and -tald m W. le •pa: ..Id lire hi'; in him e 1 yet. -1• k ani’» j’l 1 ■■ V' --1'11;i .'"ii you constipated. f ( ro— St.. 2d >. o| Main "I 7 Itir.rlir-- N 1 k' '• a l.utie Liver .. ; '•»•! m ••itli.-r I he other '. Pills re#ulate the ho\\c|- ami o !• n, ii ir The he il riled t Iiai Id' Olllio, '! Pole. A list us K. I I'u adj.-inina-tore iot-,-u > \\ 11 >' day »iif Fisheries, a 'I! II A t. i'* I i.. •• y ou well. I>«»se, m- \* la Mr. 1V -I* !e ! .fi ;il.Ti I) e \*a*i lfllt III* !< 1 V. -I..;.n11\. oncapill. eorner Main and 1 io- -o .... 1 | had d hook. 1 j- .. tr->m -ehool. Il a ii a 1 < i< Ml. ‘Min' II J- Laud and build,na- m -• .1- rlliiiL'. all'll ..!; iv« real e i. M :lh " in l.o Men w Phiimey. >ylve.-ter. nip hand. ! a w a if cl t he lad's et urn. N-hmorh. hat puts it in mi ml to 11• a u ', you Park road W oj 1 1 ill In it lie \\ sthotlt -.lie. r* '"P'-,! 1 n little In a'I in- siieh t>» ?" port adi -alutan < iar#r hat #<>t I '.ill I i:: 11 a .ee that \\ ill In* !•• iv sati-fae Manufactures, liusti-.-Un nl. P' land. : >1 )M H11 :11:1-y n -I ii •" !> "W ml*I I then a m e At hnui'i he eaiij lit !•■ a little take t.l'l 'iipj-iim'w aril v in!., IP'ix, Mis A nnie M ... .1 .17 I .ot a ml Imu-e he- I for tin- -:iine m.-in ’. a a lar#e hat ran have?" < a; t he back ard. a, i. I \ ie\\ st.. of t -d. m all a... ,'ia« ami ami i< urn me-. y mipai ba<< hafl did !• lie-eieie Platter. .tinnier,mi i',.; -I -ainpl. taller than he i-. Webster. Mrs. Man 17... 1 -L Lot and lem-e on L. -id, ••! GEORUE T. HEAD. Agrieiiltim, !’* 'aid IMiii kir.'. ( liureli >t. 2d of Miller>1. u» ',-.1.;, i;.|; V-\ha t/dn.j to -vt a tinier That Haby of Mine. Belln-t, Ma h. 1»*1. -l!i "ii tlie raw'hide w :iii Id- 'iitl'ened linni-. t.-:•••«• !; ••nth- lu; = I the >alt rheum so Helfast, Sept. 7. l>Mh— ::w.;7 N. !•'. IK >1 "TON. Tr. a-ipvr-d I:. Pas,. ago The I- “he'-n -• ■ i'iiu O.-oa*. Isianci Route rimniu- nwav from imol haw \- ! was mas.' ol sores, and I had Granges, |. -i v V,,i > 1 >-U:’i u am to i,a Ih, '- !i '"•giii!: !• -<• nl ot 1 PROF.CHS,LUDWIG V ON SEEGER, ,-?• r P adi ,'mr hopes raising him, hut my drug- :• ! ... fro fens .1:1,. idea- how to : -i'; mi.dci Hitters, ami to-da\ he ref 3 fedit inert ti J in ; 'em-- K. ,,\y pri(] h, p.. xdphur jo> jx. x sr .i- !nt ■'11111 Good I■ \u /■ h\>n '- t th chipper a- any iiahy you ever saw Templars, y •-•/•• 1 11 BLANKETS & "• •' F i"t -"re on In- <•'■>« A o/llmilll" .1 \ head, and think , .Ii;i‘ ;,\\ \ mir just -DEALER IN- ■ ay i’.ne. 1 1: * 1 so Order of J,.r. ,. A-./ / //. /. > yiugout much, that a Jew dollars’ Vn, "U ain't ae in. d AMERICAN nr ! -indy, i'.m if nlnir Hitter- -hould cure him.— j... ; (. 7oro/o ;•.: :,v. Am Mrs. BALSAM, dry'h- .,/ > ui «n t wall! to be ! am. ic at ■' •ia< •• 2 ur.i .a.. ■! m /.< ||oo| pit! ilij' U« / .-u.;- Price £5 eta. "!i in.i: ; a- u Bottle. lid lie -an,,- him ij.,- COMFORTABLES per •< collar) !M! I’: ! *•! CO‘S COCA I?E1 F 'i.i :'•! ret urns tomc p a, h ye." pensively from the eemetcrv 1 I “’.'■’Lei Tiot i cor.• .rviedvit’- ?o trashv i‘i re !,. ha- h.-en at the funeral of one CHEAP AT TEit* s •::it. : lohmr. ‘•* _:s;> ; w **« assisting most effect- -1 X/>)’ mix / r ami inoan. and MM XE. ■ :I- nil'. It 1' in T. n«o ,,f ti> \y himp “• : i- ''ienil-. After I ■■ mi! ■ a p-.ter.’t ha\ some moments of profotiml •• v c any Inn." ual Kerned* ever :i -in-1 K hi i.l dv. I am t t:v. ':•••! dr.ion he < .. ifcaLt With remarks -agch \ |t,.r ;,|p >av u |,at am -*•*':! _r an I piiuht l’i,im» wiiii hnj»n>\c* •’ ••Iniu !” roar, CEO. W. BURKETT’S. 4,f Pi -'Pa i. 1 know j? tiot a d hi- father, "u hat ■m v :II. tln*re i- i-ilDVill toe ai ji:° only d'w call -till nothing like death to com 'll" ie el' !!'_• |M n | i |. \\ \ |\ | | \ \\ OUR GEORGE. Mr- >:■ ■:u* \v< •! 1 ll,; und lie rai-. w Tn t-:v' .-.jl, Lea l''--:;:s.s-pies iric-il pr< d hi- to -t ike. I• .ii.-gil-t one with life 1.1N. \vhi*!; a e r< .* 111 vanee a a m >rle n m Albert Route ■ «*!>y hip teiy ti;e ailments men in a'. *1 'I *. Tr. a a- r1.1 'l.iino he lii-jrh COiLiTU- ii'!:ttion>? i* has }'•••.•< ive -1 o a "l •‘ih.a a\ iid i«a-t laielimi. -a.. |1 hall." -ol.hed JUST RECEIVED I'.e ami -ee them Deirn* im "i « arts of •' Johnny. lionet! T f: voi 1. I1 coir- -.ins o' r.< ]'. Hay Fever. below. ■ 1 •• "I»a-e!iall?‘* -aid I’iunkiiis. hi' >L' are 1 .mi-III ilireet ii'ien tin-111 11;. -1 in 'll I V t. it } * i.iTl < Mi'pendin- "•’•k t<11:r• iT!e, ] ,;!:d U h a .: re I have been a !■ 0 1 e.iu e I .i in; "! I •• t ail.; ii. the air. "whi le \ hay fever -ullercr for three year-: -\T- ui .in a> reliaMe a*""I ai a i>.\\ i• ri«•«• ; ^oh. 1 in did m earn to •.< i Tm aii-i n M an a ii I- -'. :r .: n 1: lia w.... v j,are i.'rown pla\ ha'* 1 d ten i: a: < Nor. ifi-i w ith- j genuine Spanish Imperial ha-i hal! !" l lily’s ( ream Halm spoken oi in amle;i-\ 14• ri:i- a-an\ oilier man. i!' am eannot OU1 1 llvl'i lii llitl Sherry bigitc-t term -. did not take mueh -toek in it i»e -• e me ivnuanlier m 1 lial on. w < •’ t | ktc \\' i ei,■,• a*111:::n« Ijh r Invnlv'.hle allvliOare Con T*o\rr.!. •vu-- Imi- a-o." •Her IT inrii-to-:. of tile man; 'punk medieiue-. \ friend per- HERVEY’S JEWELRY STORE, n-. "And beloim i., a F. R. ’•Hi •' Dyspo!.' M a: i os yraem-e. Sanely 1 .1 .-if .: 'in-, 1 ■ for ( IHH i)I • "'t ! I 'ae'. < e I min "iinneml •• zi2 favoeits c-z-s^ic ji—*'•>»- Ulti I'-.' A lid w e’\ beell lily’s team Hahn to all f;;:a. ! *•! >' ’tt hay : in K! \. mid all •' > it I Pi. ow siiil’erer-. ii is, in f! i’ll. !.,*• I '.:a ; l• rnr.’ //. I i‘ M *11 i_ii-!...w Of Harlem." my opinion, a -ure cure, -a, BLACK o •• ’„.'IyinCr,-s, "* Til i; \ t J.« i .'5- j: v nti-l «t’• 11* n. >\ a alllie ted tor 2. > ear-, and never JEWELRY, !.ni.i!y r..rt Skirl. < 1 1 *111 it'' wroiir to y before found y J,1 run away from -.u, .-aid einbol«leiii‘d l»\ ; pr: rillji. yuarunt. ■•! a .... i>.:st s ar- m.: ■! dolnniy. MAY STYLES of IASS. r-:: < hr. JOHN. 151 — tin- murkt ui- hit be r 'it down on the -a wd hurley Aiil .. he home fresh frohtliis io7i;«i. MARBLE WORKER, mek. and again, i'lca-e all ami rxamim*. I)ii*o('( h, ri\vhid. I\ in_: at •* 'e won her said a loud ( inei limit i mother hi- **iTn .-h«»rt Ha:; :t on. .- m M \M I \«"l i:i i; mi What is Said of Tho Journal. f«. Y. Df-not 3R 't,,j,. l: feu-poi ...{ul morir. 1 "l* I" MURRAY STREET. it w :i' :■ -p.ui-e. "1.don't think, de;ir, that ( liar ai-t t hi- wav. The ii ia a-J ...vv -* my in in u'"s, 1 ill -I i* i. a I •: ie nrriisiona !l v till '•‘■“v tie Judies can have the cil'eet of him l*at. and >tnb-to, ,'| doe led o|f vv it Ii a making w-dl. \p; !y e.*p. i.ail;.. •> freslier than lu* was when lie | — 1 P'1'11 left,” was the I < Mi ot hit into tl,< ri -hi lield. 1‘inkv -tom "Id MPl-fT!n-:::i\ appearance son ness oi Monumants. Tablets, Giave IViarks gentleman'- Sun. 1 :i unfeeling reply. [CineinnaP Cm 11 ii’-*:s take iialf a p-a .a ee in i:> i: iihmI new ! i 1,1 >" litre ii, Id. w hi. h Wall 1 1, ;pooiil:l I -I>:i|»t-r. I lour Farm. s|it-ji..M- i yt ik«. < (uni ,i/.i -1 t !aid- r lainate-; applied xternally. Uep.-ni until ni:r /: sum. i ns, and mulled." Advire to Mothers. Papers I in ham! Mn.--I 11..! 1 m •*' t a •: h I reliev. .1. ; 1 M II,,' I., -t il- ,li'l 1,, ;-" Mi: Wivsi.uw's nhitium, -a I;li.'i11 ;i,i.I \ in,., I,-11,1 M.1I I... ;i -II..-IV,I 1 'Itnikiu-. pj p for ehildren Brass ‘*t: *•:. \ soon a ■ t "J1, r.ns—Apply us pos*d- Maim- mw I’*. -1 ':, •! Mi i, ■. a' n« breathed >'•' tm- of cheap Arr hard and hi.- eve- thing oneof the l.e-t female cle. If the '-a, face is 1 SO ■ hemm to pie-eription aw,‘cover wit 11 jio.'i * -ii'tel,. '”trses and in the I'nited Lui'l.t li, llii'liliii nrurlj i,|ii>uslt,‘ I.IIK 1 Ml. M ! Iir Tl_ lit. ,-i a 'll! IlhM IIP W "I Ml he i phy.-ieians stale-, ami has that when drh >1 will loi:u a scab ami b ! re- e (l.,in'> s been used for w •-- liiir, Caurt h ]Ci llu>t. "'P •- i‘iit tin- y ears itli never slice the ii'n-l, ball -plit Iii' time r." forty failing main, applying Bal-am arm:ml i! id ell. It a j' W tii_ am! ( *»i r n v. -’iihi end my agm eliOl|-l|. IbH -o on.'' During Kry.siiu, Ihwp-scated i*.,:... Sprains, -a' the < * ,.t ti.i-i t-rn:,,, proees- oi tot tiling its value is inealettable. It G. W. BURKETT’S. Broken St ill White I A 5iT I• \\ a< im111’> anl ! m -: j' Ih-ti v. i’.oai's, ,l « moiv-I ami the two I'.y g:\ing child it rests the mot her. Bathe thoroughly from three to te; times a !':• •bate, tor I he ei.iint v of Waldo. I dial! -ell at hie of tlm -i im w -paj in th- w. I :: Price .Mr-. N. :' -.l .i., !.• n, j... \ !arlein> iv ama-d a ban. 2-If, a bottle. 1 \4s I! mm ii it .lit-. *. | day. inltained, p on a thin Slip;,, ry P'llrlie auction. Mil the til'ih day ,.| Oetnbci \. |>. other Male, lii- htnomI I*«•> A t*a- \V hat"- t hat Kbn covei. d !' at o it FILO LUSTRA COLORS Poultice, with tiie Balsam. leu el: k in 1111• forenoon, oil the prellli "< i-n:ported that there is a demand in New York SELLE, »li. \ on ain't Poison \ki-n In i;knally—From hall to a all t title a ini, Hie Ot th> Im'sI in 111" eoin.i ha- llv. dad. \ ba-‘- a In'.’don* bo' the right. lid red widen Stephen *■*. paper- y. coinage of half cents. Yerv likelv; he table ami I "Hi' Alhio.jhoros eb« r know F* spoui.iul, give an emetic soon as lain of II fad in -aid eotim dceea-ed. hud 1 | cau-e -o won ,t> Ml* e — l»\ \\ "I til- I I1-'' i. r• — many linaneiers don't have half ly \■ tli«* an. sense, pos-ibb -; e. Bah-am several time a ! i • uud the follow -t.-rlill.” :i- /“■' ‘'• 1 mi-ld have known. <;<> gi\ day iny de-erii-ed real e-iate viz Tle‘Usv',|s’ 't,V'.'." on." anyway. 31<‘tsillie* I5rociulos ! wa in Turcoman and Sili» < uu’il ll. —Turn a f» w drops into • ;e I■ !x•'11 iion -e and lot. -m ailed, -iluaie on the cirlnin<%, \ imrifaii. m-uraly ;:* w h< > in.,-’ at h., "i drove a mow in-' maehim la:.. V‘'v ur.-y 1 he ear. Chi'bhuns—Bathe well an I heat it \\ e- ter 1 >ide o| ( <*niiiion oil'll limI her street in -aid Itellad. * "Mowin■_ ina< him-’r" smiling night and —AT— Mu "! the !a i‘j -! a- u.-l! a- n tin m -t day in. Corns—Pare a to the cover also the Smith -<• at times she is not arly quirk; hott-e and lot. called, situate op fallow Shades, Curtain ATHL0FH0RG8 ,si e-. a -r:i" ••litter Although gay. Fixtures, V:l r:r,v, about half a foot out ••! them with buck skin, saturated with the Bal- posite and Nortlierlv of the of t otnuioti ll»-w -paper- ill ! he Mato. I ia-P l*ll Male. 4 And should you wonder why you meet Mrs. A. B. KNIGHTS, Church St. junction AM) absolutely safe >iim dii,iP -ral.lM i-. and sam. every night ami morning. am I M rket Mnn ;, •> -aid I’.el potato tin two Hi-li- This constant smile, fad. >. ■ l.o\\ regard her teeth. IScIi'ast, Sept. J, lsMi.-tt:;:> Pii.ks— I'hat eKeelle .1 pa pi I- a m I 11 n h J 1 t p"pra pi ; ••ro-sed tile silver ware." "die Apply externaliy, and if necessary, haled 'hi- ! Ith da ot ^epnunber \ I >. |.— UPHOLSTERY HARDWARE. I s a- only laugh- those gems to show AthlOphorOS r*-s !. If(l 'I he silver also by Syringe, or otherwise, internally I M IP' U.'hMAV a: hi i;it\ \VnttT\ ill' ""■nl im I. dnd< i. I ware'" Which s<>/< UK >NT makes white us snow. ..f |.c.i !•• •. trl. 1 Hand v v (or.PIS, IloAlC'IM.sS AND ’A H M.vKK IT IK I)VI Y :jv 1 he'mS.— \duiini-tral of ih, .-date of Stephen S. l.e\\i.-. I rcciniiiia ii.l j; s-• 1 njurn-- plate. Flir-V was doubled willl Fa.-I i-oeoniiiin'om-of tlie !• a lii. Main- pi- for f part..- k Take enough to oil t he throat several times a deeea-ed. .IwdT wli., Iiavr Ix-ou rmvd >k.uny on hi- line llv P, Little ib d and Di. kev Laughter Lends a New (harm ;t*t. by :t if y is huvi day. Stoppages and Jnlluinmat mil ot the GENUINE -. 1 Miinari-eotta IlnaM. "i: Y N S p*-i d t a., llird A any t R it.; merit. yive up the irliost on u swift bounder beniit> w hen it> a set of teeth. Bowels—Live from a to n lalde- iu Ty pretty teaspoonful am! our Hollrr it HlMiuSan), I lunkev. \\ 1. t. i;. —, Moj. i hat be —t '•!' tin- in’. A-“,; y" ‘; dr .o'l-f f.-r when nature lias supplied this element spoonful once in half an hoar, till releivcd. J. F. FRYE & paper.-, UYpinJi Athlo, horon. our D' ilc for:.4ki 1 E.-t 2! -f “riunkevr ot low-line--, he retained life bv Pains in the a CO., him we will s.-Lid it -- \. | may through Side—Take large teaspoonful I anniimtou Journal. ; r* u-ingtlio SOZODONT. Oh' ALL KINDS AT on and a it neces- [ WHOLESALE.! I 81.00 1 ■: 1 •!, Vv ‘A saidthe b<>\ u itli a fragrant imT<»' retiring, several times (lay, Established 1878. ; ;v grin, “that's me.’ < Im >t a r- III ’-lap i'PT.-r that ii 1 and Cholera Morbus—< live hr of tb j pi til i'niii p- y buy it from v*>ur dnaon ini' if •And you took it in?" cried in the sary. >ys4-ntery lyrlli f" tin- fat In r. aeeount <.f the spouting artesian well at ha-n’t it Barrett Streets, Boston. f,'ir/ s i’r/i- f 'it Or mu-pap.: ability >"n are til t<» clip r eolh ge thi- minute. God A. S-5 very Liver Oil, hIUi Hypophospliitcs, Notice! 3>AVIS, ( and II in' ( in at In-riim the m-w-. Maim Fann- { '""r i-ht eon-ignnicnts solicited, torpi’i-. along into the house and tell ahout /•'“>* Special Discust's tin- rest (d tlie lranting of f’hiltfrni, no-ton. Aug. c. lssi;.~lvr-E* er. game to vour mot her and me." Before taking stock and to make room I shall st il 31 CENTRAL MASS. and lle*\ '' here the digestive powers are feeble and the AVE., CHELSEA, went in lo. j.;, d in a together fond To whom all orders should be One of the be-l ln'Wspap.T- that thi.- _■ .-I M.ikoHfflnl” the Moml food does not seem to addressed* pure and you ATW'tX -Me. Tin- largest ami haml-otuoM pap* r pi inf- in V. ■ m w 1 .‘{\v:»7 >1), Winterport, Civil ami tine will l.i the him di -ss a: give invalid 1 When take them-elve- o-tenti- Criminal Licensed Private •_enl!emc!j tin- '-tai. <■•! tin \ _■ Kutiaml. \ 1 nt and he whim a: ! •lilies V« me <- a romantic Spirit ; \igor strength hndy out <>f the preparing story, the -Ynt" i.i'l tioiisly Republican and -lam -eem- —? » ad. 'J.d.e it while on your vat at inn am! t! part} of which is Philadelphia, and the New' York nr I‘nirth r. / r<. I’!n• tmi o\»-el!rill \. I In l.o-l u ■■■•kU p: !'■■■■< 1»« mil and the door ll< raid says that have about as detective Bureau ! Ih.t <>u are unable to behind them with a Philadelphians -• j-l.-.i. if;. violently declara- Holstein ; .-!’ ii; Maine tin Ib-lta-t Joinia1. ’-.Mm 1 a much romance as a bill of indictment. TlwronEiilirefl 1 " ears' t grand jury Cattle, ami )>e-l of reference-. C r-spite fnuu la!„.f, I. ;i means US. Yegetinr, .Mel tion that they are too good for the eiiiy experience party there < re.a-«in.alile. I': A ate Im-incss of all de vr* 1. vs, a the d .! = -_•• LADIES’ harge lb-port.-r. .van VESTS! atiy from l.pidcmics i- abno-t some ion 1:5:: hay-fever reason Kucklen’s Arnica Salve. handled with skill and t om 1-- always personal at the SHROPSHIRE script W and nr s judgment, \ or Fevers. A’- in it-vomhmalinn of SHEEP, — Iliust-r atni InJ t.f I befor. i lllto c:i- ii !<• 11!. an! Tin* Pest Salve in the world for iiiunieatioiis st.rietlv < oiilidential. A particle rmi!'. harks, and t»* 11• t!.« v< elements in which the bottom of their eonduet. The latest Cuts, Utilises, ry exemplifi- The bfj.t 50c. Vest In the country ill 15. t. UMKTUKK. agreeable. I’ric- >n ecnt> at IM-uirgi-t -. i>;. mail, Villi: Mail. (d cation of i- Sores, ( leers, Salt Rheum, Fever Chester S* i;• i : *•:.? l\ Ol \i .Vi", blood is d< ri< ■;< uf. removes cause thi- Dr. Rush A. .Sores, Tetter, White i-'1 * < ^ It t he of and Shank of Lansing, Pigs, ii-u 170 ( Iiulham SI., regi-tcrcd. .'.a.i iiar> livi-. l\l 7 I;I.*« ( happed Hands. Chilblain*, Corns, and all Skin L>nn, Mass. Mas fi-r bc.-l 'in .iiral \v«a t; I'l.'blUhiai’ Buis euro Blood 11 ittnors and skin Diseases, .Mich., who has puhiished a letter Owego, N. V. 1 > i'll formally Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no puv IJRKI> AND FOB \\|.K IJV ]>ruggi*t-, mid as a tonic in Ni rvous no from the ivu> Debility it has equal. withdrawing party and going over to required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- the 1!.' retailer for ti'io Shoo. Ru-ioni-t-. \ plain- t hat hedo«-thi- tion, or money refunded. Price iT cents box. GEO. W. BURKETT’S. W. H. -\sk your Original 03 per HARRIS, Beware of Imitat ions. with great pain and “moved -olelv bv mv For sale by Richard II. Moody. ly>'•><> Jewett stock Farm, Belfast, Me. Konp Genuine uniesa bearing thisSiamp. The Best --use of responsibility as a man and a citizen It i.- no longer fashionable,” a local danc- ami by that spirit of patriotism and says DENTISTS, "AMES MEANS’ S3 SHOE. Immunity ing professor, “for uven to dance in their hare feet near T/•:/,' MS : that has hen lofore and Farm for Sale Dixmont Corner. Made in Button, Congress ant! Lace. 13, st Calf Liver Pills. always inspired guided in Denver ball rooms, and I am in hopes that be READ! READ ! Unexcelled in Dnra- '•if/iS. N >■ .... _ m> political eonduet." The appearance of this lore will cease the habit Farm of 40 acres with comfort- REAdT Masonic 7 'em fir Me. \0 frills fllf llll'rl III/ Care Sick Headache, Const md longtlun disagreeable of pie, //as/. t u. Comfort and Appear- ipotion Files. ha- able house and six tons of !v 1.1 1 iotty epistle the of the tiddler when he breaks a barn, x. A sent to S' Are rnri \ nl. 1 1.. .t.-! 1 a prompted publication shooting string.” postal card •fill III4 -it h> Ill'S' :!.■ If ill. i.|n-ra- cut U I>U. V. o. Ii/If i/;i. tion. ‘Jo o the letter, of what the place this j stu|i|»a|{|*, ST<)|*|»AKI). ill intVnna- cents; box. s, $ 1 .ob. J.. Drc-aisis and by following which the patriotic and bay The Tea & Coffie Co.’s bring you year) adn for small crop, Hampton \ Is-c. iiow to get this Shoe in '•A /'• I" I" r-'ini/ii/ S'lhsri :l" IS. Mail. humane doctor wrote on the 17th of last .June HALE’S HOKEY i the b. C..u-;h Cure, 25, GOc., $1. dressing | pril ;i f for £400. For further particulars, address Agency is now better prepared to lid .duhs 111:m State or Territory. Oeo. Fierce & Co., 30 llanovcr St... Boston. to a fellow comrade in the (2rand : GLENN’S SliL’KIR SOAP heals Army ami beautifies, 25c. 2\\37* Mits. s. L. ItOGEIts, Troy, Me- ever before. .Send for a TK A IIOOK. < & lyrnrmT 2m3l tmar omrade: It has been suggested that I GERMAN CORN REMOVER kills Coras ft Ilur.ions, 25c. J, Means Co,, would make Dissolution of 41 Lincoln St., a Ucpuhhcan candidate tor HILL’S H AI:: Howes' New Cor. Main & Sts. Co-partnership.' i i:m i;^ t<> | ( A WHISKER DYE—Iliac!; ft Drown, 50c. Block, High Boston, Mass. I ongiessthis fall. Now. lam not now a candidate TO LET. J. A. PIKE’S TOOTHACHE DROPS cure Edeecher, M. D., b.rtiie nomination, and I do not write this to ask in 1 Minute, 25c. R. KITTREDGE, M an^per. Art. Nice tenement, and /'Al’T. I.. I'. I li \ A1II A 1.1. 11 a vine tin* lor 1 x eight rooms, * purchased your support, wish would think the DEAN’S RHEUMATIC PILLS are a sure 50c. Belfast, dune 1. |SSt>.—i;m±! you cure, / s hath room. Furnaee. gas, Ac. interest of his partner. I IM.I> A. liAIMM.M \\. matter over ami talk with our mutual frieml-in lvrlO With or without stable. Call at in tli'1 li>h busiucs.-heretofore conducted under the Leslie ahout the matter ami inform me how it just house, corner Court and Pearl .Sts., linn name .»f I’d.* A Mil ALL A- II A IMMM \\, is this looks to you. Yours in I'., (;. and L. ~ “Aurelia, darling.” “Yes, Arthur.” “You know or iniiuire of day dissolved by mutual e.onsent. The undersign- Till-: (ill!- \T Ifi *n A. shank. we are soon to be married.” “Yes.” “And we 4\v35 W. K. MOKISON, 17 Main St. •I'will continue the business at tin- old stand in TMq u the estimation of I*- >. u. M. Coliseum, Machine Girls JLasf Office over H. H. Johnson's lJarne- will In; the Fusion should learn the world. Thou- Store, High St. probable to be economical in small tilings.” Howes’ new block. High Street. All accounts of Rheumatic.LuurDisease & Cure candidate.’ ou the reason it you n/i / Dyspeptic "Yes.” “Hadn’t you better turn down the You can’t afford to the late linn will be settled b\ the subscriber. is/’, maim:. Office Hours—V to 10 A. M. ; 1 1-2 to 5, and 7 gas?” get through your next wash- i Philadelphia Call. without -W A NT K1) A T- L. 1 UK A.MII Price 25c. Sold in Belfast only I:) to HP. M. Night calls answered from Ihe office. day using Aid,. Right deaths believed to he results of the re- I lei last, Sept. It), Issi;.—:{\v.‘$7 3 in.<3 U WM. O. rooit & SON. Belfast, April J, lssf>.—13tf cent earthquake took place in Charleston on Brooks Pants Factory, Saturday. A CARD. STARCHINE. At good Call on or address WANTED! Removal! Toali who arc Saves wages. A suffering from tho errors and time, labor, and money. No cooking, stick- n million dollars i- slated to he about the .JOHN II. Me. t agent to wind, -ale The Improved Shaft Sup- I- subscriber wishes to indiscretions of ing, blistering, or trouble. Elasticity, stillness and OOIIDON, lirook', PENNYROYAL PILLS ^Pll inform her many li icmls amount one class of Charleston'- will youth, nervous weakness, early -\ porter. Liberal -alary to Hu* right man. This 1 and that sin* has removed from the people gloss produced. (Jives Trov finish. Ask vour •Jan, 21, issi;.—tn; “CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. patrons need to assist th< m in and decay, lossof manhood, fcc., I will send a an invention for luddingt arriage shafts prrpcn- rooms over Deo. \\\ i rebuilding repairing. rocipo grocer for Starehine. free for letter Burgos- in Met lintock Block, Sample, stamp. dietdar w hen not in use. Sells at to ncarlv Tlie Original and Only ta nnine. that will euro you, FREE OF CHARGE. Made and sight High street, to the next house on tin* above j This groat guaranteed by TIIK GEO. FOX MTAIUII cM-rv Sar.. ami nlwn> h li.-liaM- U. ’.varc of w ort hie*** Itui!nti"in right Four hundred Indians, the war carriage owner, particularly men. constituting CO., Cincinnati, Ohio. l.iw.m Livery I ii-hMi' I. tin* post office on Franklin street, where site will remedy was discovered by a missionary in South Send cents for bv mail*. Address LADIES. >.ur l»r*iirtil-( j element of the have been removed | PLOWS CHEAP ! fifty sample “t’lilfhwtcr'N ":im I i;tk. i. »; ufi*w welcome till. Those in want of a first -class Dress Apaches, F.nulUli San America. Send a self-addressed to tho NKtKNPOKT KLKCTBO MKti. ( 0., tamp-) to in parti. uln in httet l.v return mulL or Cloak Maker are t«> from the Carlos reservation bv (ieneral envolopo invited call. our entire stock of "'•*> I*. 0. Box 1101. Sears Me. NAME PAPER, t hleheaier < ln oil. nl to.. Miles. ; REV. Joseph T. Station New York Selling regardless cost. port, Mas. M. A. SNOW. INMAN, D, City. E. M. Via I » MuiIUoii Mquure, I Mi 11 ml u.. HALL, '. Belfast, la, 3m37 W. K. MORISON& CO., Mold by where. \--k "( hl. iii. Sept. The trial of the lyr.TT DrofficLtn every great three-cornered Nickel | -DEALER IN—— 47 Main SI. ter'n Euglliih" Pennyroyal SMIL, 'l uk. ii.. otlu r. I ’late JColiseum, Railway foreclosure suit was begun at I >1*4 I Cleveland last week. Millions are SEAMEN For Sale! of dollars in- To WANTED! volved. Let. Dry and Fancy Goods, Ladies’ Gold Watches and Chains. A tenement of live rooms on see For C Or if ill Vrnssrl ROOKS, STATIONERY, PERIODICALS, ETC. cast's P. LOMBARD, Eschanyc for Vrnjiorhj, During a seven* tlmnder storm which ond lloor. House situated on llicli with the host of works, with direct- Coasting. passed Ib with American A over a id^e street. Enquire of lor Ihe arrangements manufacturers. S CO- two-story store and dwelling situated on Com- Richmond, Va., bolt struck and shatter- Agent REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. Single I to JOHN N. ORGAN PIANO Mum. M. W. MCDONALD. am selling at wonderfully low prices at Apply ltANLKTT, 531 TREMONT ST. B0ST0N.MAS3- DENTIST, mercial street, Winterport. ed the spire of a Jewish copied Cor sale. synagogue, pilling up At H. IE Forbes’ house. l. S. Me. SEND MENTION PArER- •*ni37 E. C. AREY. t lie debris in front of edifice. Shipping Commissioner, Bockland, FOR CATALOGUE AND TRICES- Corner Church and Spring Streets, Uelfast, Sept. 13, imm;.—37* WINTEHPOBT, M A1NE. Hervey’s Jewelry Store. July 21), ISSfi.—30tf ly rcowS BELFAST. MAINE. ltf