The profiles in this book are presented with permission from individuals profiled. While Those Who Inspire Ltd has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of quotes and background information provided, the company cannot be held responsible for misquotes, factual errors, or information that is no longer up-to-date. The statements made by participating individuals are the opinions of said individuals alone and do not represent the views of Those Who Inspire Ltd. The company accepts no liability in the case of personal grievances or damages arising from these statements.

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All rights reserved. Those Who Inspire Ltd

Produced, written and published by Those Who Inspire Ltd

Those Who Inspire™ is a registered Trade Mark of Those Who Inspire Ltd

Edited by Gregory Frye & Allison Body Research by Domitila Modesti NIGERIA Designed by Félix Durand

Printed in the UAE by Emirates Printing Press, Dubai

Date: September 2015 ISBN: 978-9948-18-666-3 Facebook: ThoseWhoInspireNigeria Instagram: thosewhoinspireco @ThoseWhoInspire

Those Who Inspire Ltd — [email protected] — Registration Number UK: 05418400 ThoseWhoInspireTM We hope you enjoy reading Those Who Inspire: Nigeria as much as we have enjoyed writing it, and we offer our sincere thanks to everyone in Nigeria for their kindness, helpfulness and gracious hospitality.

We extend our special thanks to The Federal Ministry of Education, Growing Business Foundation (GBF) and all the members of “The Circle of Influence”; without their commitment, this book would have never been possible.

We thank for their camaraderie and support during both good and tough times: Awesome, Laura, Ali, Kevin, Kurt, Dennis, Iffat, Domitila, John, Tope, Schola, Pablo, Natalia, Hassan, Godknows and so many more.

Finally, we wish to express our admiration and appreciation to all the extraordinary people portrayed in our book. Why This Book Collection?

We believe in touching lives of the youth by sharing local inspiring stories.

We had been trotting the globe for almost two decades, and by 2010, our life and work as an international communication agency had taken us to more than eighty countries.

After spending a month or two on projects with government leaders, local entrepreneurs and business executives, it was time to move to the next country. Our job was exciting and full of opportunities to see so many new places and cultures, and business was great.

However, we were both itching for a deeper experience. We wanted a different kind of adventure, one that would allow us to learn more about the people from the various countries we had come to love; we wanted to contribute more, somehow, to the people of those countries.

7 But how? Young or old, there is no age limit to be inspired. And we knew This is our story… deep down that although this book would inspire people at any age, we especially wanted it to reach the youth, those young While visiting Oman in 2010, we came across a suggestion given minds that comprise the future of every single country. to us by our dear friend, the ex-Minister of Manpower and the Architect for Omanisation, Dr. Juma Ali Juma: “Why not write Over the years we had heard from so many different leaders from a book?” around the world that the youth were not motivated enough, that they had no idea what their elders had to go through to be where You should have seen our faces. A book? What would we write a they are today. For some, these lost stories were about building book about? a country from scratch in less than 50 years; for others, it was about being brought up in very poor families with little access to As time passed we didn’t really talk about the suggestion anymore education, or boldly elevating family tradition toward new paths, until one day we discovered we’d both been thinking about it. and for some it was about having survived wars or famines. The idea had inspired us more than we’d realized. Sure, we loved what we had been doing, but here was a chance to cultivate our From that pivotal moment, as the concept of the book came to desire for a fascinating new adventure, one that would speak to light, we knew that our challenge was to write something that our passions. would inspire the youth by sharing stories of people from all walks of life. Not everybody can or wants to be a doctor or an With a book in mind, we started reflecting on our experiences in entrepreneur; we had to give the youth different types of role Oman and around the world. After months of brainstorming we models. And who’s to say that through the beauty of cross- were finally able to define what would be our purpose, our cause pollination an aspiring banker, for instance, can’t find inspiration and belief so that we could contribute beyond ourselves, so that from a scientist or an artist? So we decided to portray people, we could inspire. mentors from very different backgrounds.

We were cognizant of inspiration being a constant spark throughout In fact, people portrayed in our books would have three things in our own careers. But what, we asked ourselves, does it mean to common: those who follow their passion, contribute to society, actually inspire? There are few words that evoke such a strong and who are mentors or ready to become mentors. emotional response. Every idea, project, or venture starts with inspiration, and it is what sees us through challenges, connects We believe that success, passion and happiness are not about how people, and enables us to progress. much money you make or the chair you sit in, but about the art of fulfilment and social engagement. All of us can call to mind people who have inspired us throughout our lives, as many of us have no doubt inspired others. We are From our experience around the world we know that every convinced that when somebody shares with you the right thing at country is different. Even neighbouring countries are different, the right time, it can impact the decisions you make and change if we classify the world by regions like Europe, the Middle East, the course of your life. , or the Americas. We all agree that is different from

8 9 Germany as much as Oman is different from the UAE, Nigeria ending process. We were afraid and stressed at times as we from or the U.S. from Canada. were leaving behind a lucrative business we knew from inside- out in order to embark fully and passionately into Those Who So we decided it would be one book per country where we would Inspire. And here we are, five years later; we are truly fulfilled portray only local citizens. In other words, before we even had to be sharing with you the third book of our collection, this one our first book, we knew we had the makings of a collection! celebrating Nigeria, and soon, hopefully more of the collection to come. Which countries? Follow us on We were and are convinced that story is more powerful if you can to find out more. identify yourself to someone from your country instead of looking up to some foreign icon that comes from a completely different Delphine Barets Marlène Plomik culture. This conviction gave the drive behind our mission even Founding Partner Founding Partner more clarity. & Publisher & Publisher

We would go to a country, meet with the most amazing people we could find, and share their stories with as many local youth as possible. Our book would be authentic, genuine and cross- generational. And to make sure we would reach the maximum amount of people in the country it would be in English and the local language when possible.

Almost nine months after laying out our plans, it was time to jump into this new journey. We started our first book Those Who Inspire: Oman. It was a book that finally gave an opportunity to young Omani to read about someone from their own region or village, a book that allowed this young generation to see that anything is possible.

It took us eighteen months to produce our first book. We launched Those Who Inspire: Oman in December 2012 in English and Arabic. Two years later, in October 2014, we published our second book Those Who Inspire: UAE also in English and Arabic, and 2015 is the year of Those Who Inspire: Nigeria.

This journey has been fuelled by passion every step of the way. It is intense, complicated, fascinating, emotional and a never-

10 11 To start off, we knew what we didn‘t want. Unlike other The Circle of Influence publications, we didn‘t want advertising, and we didn‘t want anybody paying to be featured in Those Who Inspire.

Just as important – and one of our main values, in fact – is that no young person would have to pay to receive a copy of a Those Who Inspire book from their own country.

After some time carefully reflecting on both of these crucial questions, we orchestrated a solution to meet the book’s financing needs and at the same time reach the youth. We shaped The Circle of Influence during our quest to answer two crucial questions: We would pre-sell the books to entities and companies. And they, in turn, would contribute to inspiring the youth by donating those purchased books to their young employees and training centres, allowing us to reach the young workforce. -How can we finance this crazy social In order to reach students, and as part of our social entrepreneurship entrepreneurship adventure in a world where so vision, Those Who Inspire Ltd in turn donates an equivalent many people say books are a thing of the past? amount of those books purchased to universities and colleges around the country, with the endorsement and collaboration of -How can we ensure the books reach the youth, the Ministry of Education. our main focus being the students and the young workforce? This is how The Circle of Influence was created.

In working with us to inspire, The Circle of Influence impacts the lives of countless young adults. First in Oman, then in the UAE, and now Nigeria.

A special thanks to the Nigerian members of The Circle of Influence, without them Those Who Inspire: Nigeria would not have been possible. 12 13 Why Those Who Inspire Nigeria?

We believe in touching lives of the youth by sharing local inspiring stories.

Dear reader,

Each of the books in the Those Who Inspire collection is a celebration of a country’s people who contribute to make that country a better place. They share their life stories, beliefs, emotions, vulnerabilities, ambitions and vision in order to connect and inspire the youth.

Until a few decades ago, this mode of sharing and storytelling was the primary pastime among most societies; friends and families used to sit together, intently listening as their elders shared and passed down their stories…and the youngsters would look up to them and would want to emulate them, building on lessons learned as they carved out a blueprint for their own future.

In today‘s fast-moving world of rapidly changing technology, where do we find this intergenerational dynamic? How do mentors connect and inspire the younger generation?

15 Those Who Inspire: Nigeria is a radical new book where young Those Who Inspire: Nigeria is a cross-section of the country’s Nigerians can find inspiring life stories from Nigerian mentors. leading people: artists, teachers, scientists, entrepreneurs, You can read about someone from your own region or village, humanitarians, and other exemplary citizens – ordinary individuals stories that show you how anything is possible. who are passionate and driven about the contributions they make to their country and people. At TWI, as storytellers, we create connections between those who inspire, those who lead, angel advisers, mentors and the youth. We want to stress that the following showcase of Nigeria’s inspiring citizens is by no means exhaustive. This is a humble Throughout the following pages you will connect with 90 beginning to a living document; one which we hope will grow Nigerians, discovering what gets them out of bed every morning, alongside this great nation, catalysing change and innovation for their purpose, their beliefs, and their motivation. Through generations to come. example, you will find inspiration, feel this sense of worthiness and compassion – how they forged the courage to become who And so we dedicate this third volume of the Those Who Inspire they are today. collection to you, the Nigerian youth – the true treasure of Nigeria. We believe this book will inspire you to pursue that one thing that gives you life – your desired vocation. Learn from the successes This book is like a portable mentor. Many of the people profiled and failures of those who have chased their own dreams, and in these pages consider mentorship an utmost virtue of society tomorrow it may be you who will inspire others to greatness. and desire to give back by acting as mentors themselves, passing on the torch of inspiration. As once noted, “Sometimes it falls upon a generation to be great; you can be that generation.” Our experiences in Nigeria have also been an inspiration. We‘ve had the chance to meet so many inspiring Nigerians from different Contribute to the Those Who Inspire movement; become a TWI backgrounds. Nigeria’s heterogeneity can be one of the country’s Ambassador and share those stories around you. greatest challenges at times. But once people accept and even celebrate their differences – as many who are profiled in this book will attest to – a new world opens up: one of solidarity, ideation, and problem solving. Delphine Barets Marlène Plomik Founding Partner Founding Partner & Publisher & Publisher Like most countries, Nigeria has its share of problems. However, one of the most common philosophies we encountered while exchanging with hundreds of extraordinary people for this book was that there are no problems – only challenges to be overcome. Pilar Carrasco Luisa Carrasco And it is through embracing these challenges that a citizen can be Producer Co-Producer a part of realizing the country’s potential. TWI Nigeria TWI Nigeria

16 17 We Like & We Don’t Like

We ask all the mentors portrayed We Like in our books to share three things they like and three things they • Challenges & Adventure • Contributing Beyond Ourselves don’t like; • Nigeria

it’s a difficult exercise to select only three for each; We Don’t Like • Injustice so Those Who Inspire shall do • Extremism • Wahala the same.

18 19 Nigeria: the Giant of Africa

Nigeria – the vibrant, colourful Giant of Africa – a country ripe with potential and brimming with contrasts. These The Path to Political Sustainability differences provide Nigerians with opportunities to learn, discover, and collaborate, but they can also cause the Just as in many countries, politics has been a sensitive topic for friction slowing the country’s path to progress. Nigerians. Ever since the postcolonial outbreak of the Nigerian Just as Nigeria has many good things going for it, it also has Civil War in 1967, the country had regularly shifted between its share of difficulties that often thrust the country onto the civilian and military rule. Political power in Nigeria has often international stage for the wrong reasons. While the violence been the subject of misuse with destructive results. and good governance issues that have plagued Nigeria for so long pose very real challenges, it is difficult to garner The country’s return to democracy in 1999 marked the beginning two important factors from the frequent media reports: the of a new era still unfolding today. Several people in Nigeria’s historical context that illuminates Nigeria’s current situation political scene have begun to catch the country’s attention with and the positive forces – many of whom are profiled in this their fervent stance against bad governance and their commitment book – working to usher in a better future for Nigeria. to integrity, justice, and a passionate desire to keep the country on the track of progress. This group, these catalysts of posterity, are the type of people who see the certainty of solutions and opportunities in problems. They prefer action over circular discussion or The message coming from both within and outside of the political complaining. Most of all, these are the Nigerians who – no scene – and expounded on by many people throughout these matter how difficult a situation may become – remain utterly pages – is that the absence of the rule of law, be it in business or optimistic and determined. As Nigeria continues to define politics, is not sustainable. its relationship with the twenty-first century, these agents of progress are increasing in number – which is good news for a country with one of the largest and most promising An Upswing of Economic Optimism youth populations in the world. Nigeria became the largest economy in Africa in 2014 following Although Nigerians still have a lot of work to do to actualize the country’s potential, the progress Nigeria has made since the rebasing of its economy to a GDP of $510 billion. For many, its independence in 1960 is nothing short of remarkable. For especially those who worked to bolster the country’s economic this population of over 170 million people from hundreds standing, it was a victorious milestone for the country. More of ethnic groups, forcibly merged together at the hand of importantly, this moment of triumph was a strong step forward, British colonization, many challenges remain on the horizon proving to the world that Nigerians have what it takes to enter the – and yet the only direction is upward. top 20 global economies by 2020 – as many experts predict.

20 21 Emergences in banking, telecommunications, and the willingness to build experience over time in order to add value entertainment industry are just a few major areas where Nigeria is to society. gaining momentum. This upswing is veritable proof that Nigeria is not content with depending on its oil reserves alone. What’s more, A Culture of Plenty there is still plenty of room for growth in other sectors, such as agriculture and services, but for the optimistic at heart, this only With more than two hundred ethnic groups, Nigeria’s diverse means more opportunities; at this moment, there are a variety of culture might be one of its greatest sources of wealth. Citizens can initiatives underway aimed at improving the industries that have take pride in both a rich traditional heritage as well as more recent fallen behind. For example, power services were a great concern contributions to world literature and music. Nigerian culture has in Nigeria, but with the ongoing reforms and privatization of the been preserved and developed by not only a myriad of artists and sector, there is hope that things will change for the better. entrepreneurs, but also through a distinct passion Nigerians have for their homeland. With continued adjustments in economic policy designed to help Nigeria better manage all of its key sectors, the country’s Every person portrayed in this book spoke of Nigeria with a capacity to harness its wealth of native talent and resources is strong sense of pride, revealing an immeasurable passion for their more enhanced. country and their fellow Nigerians. One cannot help but feel that this passion is particular to citizens who have gone through difficult times together, and who now are harnessing the opportunities of An Entrepreneurial Mindset the present for the sake of posterity. As the country continues its ascent to global influence, the rest of the world will benefit from Another encouraging trend for the Nigerian economy is the exposure to its diverse culture. unparalleled growth of entrepreneurial thinking. Instead of waiting for an opportunity to be handed to them, young Nigerians are realizing the value of going out and making their own The Development of Education opportunities. In addition, the rise of micro-finance banks has further catalysed the situation to where people are actualizing Nigeria is home to a number of excellent schools, colleges and their dreams, making a living for themselves in unprecedented universities, some of which are distinguished with international numbers. prestige. At the same time, the overall state of Nigeria’s educational system is no stranger to criticism, particularly in Entrepreneurship has long been a typical component of the rural areas, where schools often lack the facilities and resources Nigerian mindset, but now it is taking off so much that elders, to give children a decent education. But yet even in this sector, people with a lifetime of experience in both public and private monumental efforts are underway to revolutionize and unify a sector work, are encouraging young Nigerians to break the trend disparate school system in all thirty-six states into an institutional of expecting a cushy government job. Instead, they’re telling pillar for the country, one that stands strong next to the country’s the next generation to combine education, work ethic, and a growing economy.

22 23 Equally important is the growing number of organizations and Building Global Relationships foundations designed to educate young Nigerians and to empower them in their areas of interest. Similarly, some of Nigeria’s more Ever since its independence in 1960, Nigeria has been a significant successful individuals are starting to roll up their sleeves and open player in foreign relations, particularly concerning African unity their bank accounts alongside established foundations to support and especially in its efforts to liberate South Africa from apartheid. schools in need of financial assistance. Nigerians are realizing In addition to participating in the African Union, Nigeria is also now more than ever that if the country is going to be a major a member of the Economic Community of West African States, player on the global stage in the coming years, education must be the Commonwealth of Nations, and the Non-Aligned Movement. a top priority. Nigeria’s involvement on the international stage over the past five and a half decades reveals a pattern, a consistent effort to add The Battle for Healthcare value at the global level. This sincere desire to be a global force for good is apparent in the individuals profiled in this book, many of whom have long records of international experience. Their Improvement in healthcare is another area where Nigeria is sense of cooperation and world citizenship stand in clear contrast starting to experience momentum. Just as with the reform of other to the negative headlines so prevalent today. sectors, Nigeria is seeing cases where average citizens dissatisfied with the status quo – usually after experiencing the inadequacy of the healthcare system first-hand – are doing whatever it takes In spite of its struggles, Nigeria maintains favourable relations to catalyse change: a mother creating a foundation designed to with numerous countries, some of which are committed to helping increase the sanitation of birthing environments so that others actualize the country’s potential, just as Nigeria has assisted other do not have to experience the same pain of losing an infant; a countries over the years. college student along with her family and friends establishing an organization to lobby for better logistics and response times among hospitals after she nearly lost her life in a recent bomb Achieving the Impossible blast. These and other examples demonstrate the grassroots reform efforts beginning to stir in Nigeria. With its great diversity and enormous population, Nigeria is a country that is practically bursting at the seams. During However, not all of Nigeria’s healthcare improvements have both good and bad times, the country and its people have been happening from the bottom-up. We can also find inspiration managed to hold everything together, and the situation is no from the top-down – for instance, in Nigeria’s globally influential different with the country’s present-day challenges. Nigeria battle against counterfeit pharmaceuticals. The broad range of has achieved the impossible before, and if the inspiring reform efforts proves that with the right amount of preparation, personalities portrayed here – as well as so many more determination and communication, Nigeria is a fertile ground for throughout the world – have anything to say about it, the anybody who wants to step up and make a difference. country will certainly do so again.

24 25 90 Nigerians 216 pages Infinite Inspiration

The following profiles are in alphabetical order. Mohammed Kaoje Commissioner Inspectorate National Pension Commission Abubakar, OON, FAS (PENCOM) A

at Usman dan Fodio University. experiencing one’s share of life’s Date of Birth “The whole reason why I got into challenges is vital to gaining 19/10/1959 academics in the first place was experience. “You have to go through because I had a very good memory the ups and downs to be able to and knew I had potential. It was appreciate what life is,” he advises. easy for me to read and grasp things, “You have to have experienced Education and I thought that I could teach poverty, for example, in order to Ph.D. in Biochemistry effortlessly,” he explains. appreciate it, to know it.” University of Essex A few years later, Abubakar Although Abubakar has UK, 1994 hen people ask Professor the only option. “My parents were pursued his master’s at Ahmadu excelled and added value to his My Words of Mohammed Kaoje not well off, and we went through Bello University on scholarship community through administrative Abubakar how he initially untold hardships,” Abubakar recalls, before ultimately earning his Ph.D. roles, his true legacy lies in the M.Sc. in Biochemistry Wcame to study biochemistry, his adding that his father, who never had in 1994 at the University of Essex students who have passed through Ahmadu Bello Wisdom: answer usually surprises them. “I the opportunity to go to school, was on a State Government scholarship. his classroom. “Looking back, University had a flair for sciences, the study happy beyond measure to see his “I consider myself one of the lucky I think I have done very well,” Zaria “If you don’t of nature and how things work – son succeed in academia. Nigerians to have gotten funding he reflects. “I have produced Nigeria, 1989 but it was my curiosity as a student “My father told me that I had to for my education from the Nigerian professors, doctors – some of my in secondary school that led me to use what I had seen and experienced people,” Abubakar notes. “This students have even gone on to be contribute biochemistry,” he explains. “One day in life along with the power of my country, along with my Creator, has Vice Chancellors, and they all went I was browsing in the library when a education to become a champion of provided me with an environment through me.” Languages your quota book on comparative biochemistry the poor, to assist people as much as I that enabled me to fully manifest my Hausa, English caught my attention. I don’t know can,” Abubakar notes. “Today this is potential. I have had the opportunity In Short: to the how much of it I really understood, now part of my personal motivation, to attain my current position despite Professor but it sparked the beginning of a a lifelong societal project. If you the odds.” Mohammed Kaoje Abubakar I Like lifelong interest.” don’t contribute your quota to the While Abubakar may consider rose from an impoverished • Reading Although Abubakar had development of society, then why himself lucky, his rise from a development background to pursue a • Hunting considered studying medicine take the trouble to do so many other humble background to reach his career in academics. Many • Meeting intelligent of society, in university, his concern for his things in life?” full potential also involved a lot of of his students have gone on family led him down a path that Abubakar’s passion for serving hard work and keeping a cool head to become influential figures people suited his youthful curiosity for others would eventually take him in the face of adversity. “Problems in their communities, and then why biochemistry. “My parents had gone beyond the average teaching career. and challenges are a daily fact of Abubakar’s success in the through enough trouble – I didn’t He ultimately went on to earn life. When they arise, I sit down and academic world has also earned want them to wait another seven a number of key public servant crack my head over the best way I Don’t Like take the years while I studied medicine,” roles, including his appointment as to solve them,” Abubakar says. “I him prominent government • Dishonesty Abubakar explains. “I wanted to Director General in Kebbi State, have never been overwhelmed by positions, such as Minister of • People who trouble to finish university quickly, so I could followed by appointments as a problem. If and when an issue Science and Technology and patronize others come back and be of assistance to Permanent Secretary and presently arises, I try my best, but there are Commissioner Inspectorate • Losing sleep my parents and siblings.” Commissioner Inspectorate for the no guarantees. At the very least in Kebbi State. “Opportunities do so many Abubakar had a first-hand National Pension Commission. you want to know that – whatever are things you stumble into understanding of what it meant to live He also served for a short period the problem – you did your best to while working hard – what you other things in destitution from his childhood in on President ’s solve it within the limits of your call serendipity in science,” Contacts Kebbi State. Born in a home with no cabinet as Minister of Science and abilities or the circumstances of he suggests. “In other words, electricity or running water, he knew Technology. your environment.” there is no shortcut. The rule of [email protected] in life?” poverty well enough to believe that Yet it all stemmed from a And even when problems can’t thumb is to work hard and be Facebook: Mohammed returning to help out his family was simple teaching career, which began be solved, Abubakar maintains, honest.” Kaoje Abubakar 28 29 Ahmed Adamu Chairperson Commonwealth Youth Council (CYC) A thought I could become the first experience and networks of friends Date of Birth Chairperson!” he mentions. “In fact, across the world.” 03/03/1985 at the beginning of the application Ahmed, whose position has process, I told myself I was too allowed him to travel widely, busy studying for my Ph.D. But in meeting with presidents and heads the end, I couldn’t resist, and after of states of the Commonwealth Education a period of vigorous campaigning, I countries, as well as with Her Ph.D. in Petroleum was elected.” Majesty the Queen, believes that his Economics Suddenly, as the first position with the CYC is a source Newcastle University hmed Adamu is living led to his nomination for the Chairperson of CYC, Ahmed of encouragement to other young UK, 2015 proof that a young person 2011 Commonwealth Youth was faced with the daunting task Nigerians. “They see me in this My Top Tip: can go from student union Forum in Australia. “That was of laying the groundwork for an position and realize they, too, can Aleadership at university to leading my first engagement with the organization that would represent do something similar. It only takes over 1.2 billion youth from around Commonwealth, and I loved the 1.2 billion young people from fifty- confidence and courage, and to Master’s in “Always the world as Chairperson of the exchange of ideas and making new three countries across six continents. have those, you have to believe in Oil & Gas Economics Commonwealth Youth Council contacts – the experience inspired “With such great diversity, you yourself,” Ahmed advises. “If you University of Dundee (CYC) – with a stop as an NGO me to expand my network of young, have different needs. We had to believe in yourself, then you can be UK, 2011 try – any founder along the way. “After motivated individuals.” decide how we would address these whatever you want to be. Always try graduating, I went back home But Ahmed didn’t only meet needs, what resources we could call – any dream you have in your mind dream you and set up an NGO called League with peers while he was in Australia. upon, and whom we could employ,” – give it a shot and imbue whatever for Democratic Youth,” he notes. He was also selected to meet with Ahmed explains. “If you don’t you’re doing with passion.” Languages “Democracy in Nigeria had been Her Majesty the Queen of have somebody who came before Hausa, English revived just seven years before, to present the Youth Resolution, you, there’s nobody to ask, and it have in your and many Nigerians were still which summarized what the young can be difficult. We’ve had a lot of uncomfortable with the system. people at the forum had decided challenges, made some mistakes, In Short: Ahmed Adamu During the era of military rule, they wanted from their leaders. but we are constantly learning and mind – just never imagined he would I Like people had become indifferent to “Meeting with Her Majesty was improving.” become the first Chairperson • Simplicity politics; they hardly voted, and many another experience that instilled a Things got easier after of the Commonwealth Youth give it a shot were unaware of their democratic lot of confidence in me,” Ahmed navigating first-year challenges, and Council, an organization • Humility rights.” recalls, adding that the proposal to the CYC is off to a rolling success. representing 1.2 billion people • Jokes Ahmed saw a need to sensitize establish the CYC was accepted and “We now have an international staff in fifty-three countries across and imbue young people and encourage them endorsed by the Queen and heads of working in two offices, in London the world. However, this to be active in their communities. governments during the Australia and Sri Lanka. We are building, position is a natural progression “With the NGO, we showed people meeting. It would be the perfect networking, and connecting,” of his passion to engage with I Don’t Like whatever how they could influence change platform to represent young people he notes, adding that the CYC the community around him, • Arrogance through dialogue with government at high-level decision-making has initiated within Nigeria a starting with student leadership • Complex people representatives,” he explains. processes, but Ahmed didn’t see his campaign against election violence. at the university level, then • People that don’t you’re “We’ve organized so many events official involvement going further. “Nigerians are proud to have progressing to establishing and meetings with policymakers. Upon returning from Australia, one of their own as the first-ever his own NGO, League for smile People immediately saw the Ahmed continued with his NGO Chairperson of the CYC, and if I am Democratic Youth, designed to doing with significance of what we were doing, and started teaching at a secondary successful, people will remember encourage democratic thinking and similar initiatives began to school, later becoming a lecturer at that the first was from Nigeria.” among young people. “Be form.” the state university, but still keeping He adds, “Being in this position absolutely engaged in whatever Contacts passion.” The success of Ahmed’s in touch with forum contacts via has exposed me and other young you believe in; don’t just do it NGO earned him a spot on the Facebook. “I’d been following Nigerians to so many opportunities, halfway. Do it with full strength Facebook: ahmed.adamu.188 Nigerian Youth Parliament, which the conversation, but I never and it has enhanced my diplomatic and commitment.” @AhmedAdamu 30 31 Olajumoke Founding Partner AD Consulting Ltd Adenowo Founder & Coordinator A Awesome Treasures

ministers are easy to tune out, but into this world, so it doesn’t matter Date of Birth a popular song, for example, can if I’ve reached thousands or millions 16/10/1968 catch the attention of the entire on the radio – I’m accountable for country with its message,” she those two. So I put my family first.” Special Appointment remarks. “I’ve had quite a few The catalysing factor behind M.Sc. Dist. in youths who have passed through the all of these priorities, Adenowo Architecture lajumoke Adenowo is vision for Awesome Treasures. The Foundation and have moved on to adds, is the support she receives a believer in intrinsic Foundation has made a difference in Obafemi Awolowo become an assistant to a governor, from her husband. “African women University My Goal: motivation, finding that thousands of lives through regular or an activist, or a social media have to marry right. Because it is Ospark inside oneself and using it to focus groups, seminars, and summits. IIe-Ife, Nigeria, 1991 enthusiast – whatever your gift possible for a man to frustrate all be an agent of change. “If you wait “Whether it’s through our business is, we all have our platforms for your dreams, derail you, and force “We are for people to encourage you, you’ll seminars for women entrepreneurs making a difference.” you to choose between your family B.Sc. Hons. in never do anything. You have to be or through groups centred around In addition to Awesome and your vision,” Adenowo advises. Architecture working self-motivated. You have to find that issues like health, legal or education Treasures, Adenowo has several “So if you want to be married, find Obafemi Awolowo something inside yourself that will resources, the underlying message other platforms from which to the right man! Marry for the right University push you to do amazing things,” she remains the same,” Adenowo spread her positive influence. She’s reasons! It has nothing to do with Ile-Ife, Nigeria, 1988 toward a says. “We each have a gift to share explains. “We are working toward been interviewed on CNN, she ran how rich or handsome he is, it’s with the world, and it’s a matter of a national renaissance by teaching a blog for many years, and now about finding a partner who will be discovering that gift, developing it people to share their abilities for the Languages national she produces her own podcast. “If supportive.” Yoruba, English and deploying it to make a social greater good.” you’re not part of the solution, then impact.” Too many people, in Adenowo’s you’re part of the problem. And renaissance Several years ago, Adenowo opinion, have yet to realize or at the end of the day life is about In Short: Olajumoke I Like began to realize this need to deploy cultivate their unique gift, or maybe the impact you make,” Adenowo Adenowo distinguished herself • People her own gift after she’d built a they are using it for selfish reasons believes. “What inspires me are early on as an architect, but • My family by teaching successful career as an architect. instead of making a difference in people who leave a legacy, people for her the perfect career and • Faith She was a founding partner of the the world. “You were not born in who haven’t just found something a happy family were only part young people firm AD Consulting Ltd, and was this country by accident – there is to live for, they’ve found something of the equation. Determined also happily married to a supportive a specific gift that you possess that to die for.” to be part of the solution to I Don’t Like husband with whom she had two this generation of Nigerians needs, Naturally, Adenowo’s schedule Nigeria’s numerous challenges, • Lies to share their beautiful sons. “I had accomplished and until you deploy it, you have not keeps her quite busy, but the balance she founded the Awesome • Inequity so much in my life, yet I was still succeeded, no matter how rich or she maintains all comes down to a Treasures Foundation, which • Nigeria not incomplete. And that’s when my famous you are,” Adenowo states. sense of purpose. “The earlier in has gone on to empower respective vision to do more began to take “True leadership is the ability to optimizing its life you realize your purpose, the thousands of young people to potential shape,” she explains. “I began to have a positive influence on people. sooner you learn how to say no! I discover, develop and deploy abilities for use my consulting firm to fund It has nothing to do with an elected set a goal for where I’m going, and their gifts in life. “Only a life what would become the Awesome position, as many might think.” everything else is a distraction. Other lived for others is a life worth Contacts Treasures Foundation.” Adenowo suggests that the opportunities may come along, and living. We are only going to be the greater Making an impact and best way to reach people is by using they might be good opportunities, remembered for the impact we awesometreasure cultivating a sense of purpose – your gift to build a platform on but only a few of those things may have on those around us. That’s good.” which has been a driving force in which to stand, much like she used be right for me,” she notes. “And I what I teach all the time – live @jumokeadenowo Adenowo’s life since the start of her own firm as a launching point know that no matter what I do, my your life every day like you’re Linkedin: Olajumoke her career – is at the core of the for Awesome Treasures. “Elected family is key. I brought two children leaving a legacy.” Adenowo 32 33 Ambassador Ambassador at Large of the Republic of Burundi Obinna Adim A

biggest efforts to date for youth of the best mentorship platforms in Date of Birth empowerment attempts to address Africa today, to create a programme 16/03/1970 the root of this issue. that provides a channel between For the past two years, Adim youth and mentors.” has been working with a group While Adim continues to of consultants to put together an devote his life to empowering indexing system to assess youth youth, he maintains that the next Special Appointment development initiatives throughout generation must also find it in Ambassador at Large s a Pan-Africanist, Obinna only in 1994 that the genocide the country. “Nobody has done this themselves to bring about change. My Belief: Adim has travelled to forty happened. Looking at the rate of before in Nigeria. So when I came “The youth make up more than of the Republic of the continent’s countries – ’s growth since then – I call in the first thing I did was to bring sixty percent of this country, which of Burundi Acomparing cultures, gathering ideas it a miracle.” in these consultants and organize is a lot. Young Nigerians have the “Young and reaping inspiration along the Adim suggests that such a think tank. We would sit three power to do whatever they want to way. From his role as Ambassador inspiring leaders among African times a week to look at the problem, make positive change, to bring in at Large for Burundi to his position countries are unfortunately a to analyse what had gone wrong,” the right people to rule them, and to Nigerians as Special Adviser to former rarity. “The problem we have in Adim explains. “There are plenty of hold political leaders accountable to Languages President Goodluck Jonathan on Africa today is that some people youth development programmes up their promises.” English, Igbo Youth Empowerment, Adim has want leadership positions because and running, yet we still have youth have the continuously grown in his passion they feel it is their right,” he says. issues. Things are not moving, the as an advocate for positive change. “However, they usually don’t have youth are not empowered, are not He has also been encouraged by proper vision, and I believe that employed – so we began developing many other voices for change along a person without a vision for his indexes that would show the way In Short: power to do Obinna Adim’s I Like his own career path. Of the various people shouldn’t aim for an elected forward.” travels and experiences have • Travelling African leaders Adim has met position. We have so many cases The indexes, still in the led him to a highly informed whatever outside Nigeria, Pierre Nkurunziza, like this in Africa, and that is why development phase, assess everything perspective on Africa. As • Family values President of Burundi, whom he we don’t see the desired change.” from leadership, to entrepreneurship, Ambassador at Large of • Abstract things began working with in 2006, This desire for change is a to skills acquisition, and more. “We Burundi and through youth inspires him most. “Nkurunziza’s lifelong passion for Adim, a passion they want can score states and programmes. It empowerment, he strives ability to bring the communities that he brings to the table in his will enable these programmes to have to actualize his sense of together in the country – to mend capacity as Special Adviser to the a sincere impact,” Adim mentions. awareness mixed with passion, to make the strife between the Hutu and the President on Youth Empowerment. Adim has also played a Tutsis in such a short amount of time “The passion inside of me to enact part in developing the Integrated dissatisfaction with the status I Don’t Like – is something you don’t see very change is what brought me to this Youth Economic Empowerment quo, and positive outlook for • Corruption and Nigeria and the rest of Africa. positive often,” Adim notes. position,” Adim discloses. “People Programme, which utilizes the “PP dishonesty Adim also points to President could clearly see the burning desire concept,” establishing partnerships “It’s time for the youth to • Untidiness Paul Kagame in neighbouring in my heart.” between the private and public awaken from their slumber and • Tacky things change.” Rwanda as an inspirational African In his campaign for youth sectors to develop solutions for begin to think positively – to leader. “He has not only encouraged empowerment, one of the primary specific youth issues. “The first think beyond themselves, for the people of his country to find problems Adim found is a lack of thing we wanted to focus on is the younger generation, their value in unity as a way of moving proper foundations for the upcoming mentorship, a key element in life children,” Adim encourages. the nation forward, but he has also generations. “It is something the that Nigerian youth don’t really have “Nigeria has very intelligent spurred economic development in past governments and regimes failed the resources or tools to access,” people. If you move them in the Contacts Rwanda, a country that has gone to include in their master plans,” Adim notes. “So we partnered with right direction, our country will [email protected] through hell,” Adim says. “It was he mentions, adding that one of his the Mara Foundation, which has one absolutely shine.” 34 35 Olisa Agbakoba Senior Partner OON, SAN, LLD FCIArb Olisa Agbakoba & Associates A

to reaching the pinnacle of his ability to shine, you will illuminate Date of Birth profession by becoming a Senior brilliantly, but if you spend all your 29/04/1953 Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), time looking at another star, you Agbakoba also became the President will do nothing.” of the Nigerian Bar Association, a In regards to success, position he held for two years. Agbakoba sees building a successful Education However, his impressive career as an incremental ladder. “I LL.D. legal career somewhat pales in have climbed four steps in my life: University of Nigeria comparison to his work with human you start as a professional, which Nsukka lisa Agbakoba, known could and that anything was possible rights, which includes his founding is your base. Then you become an Nigeria, 2012 around the world for his provided that I stay the course.” of the Civil Liberties Organization. expert, then an authority, and then My Vision: human rights advocacy, has Agbakoba’s vision of what he In 1998, his human rights activism finally you become a master,” he Obeen fighting for a better Nigeria thought Nigeria should be began landed him in prison after protesting explains. “Becoming a master can for forty years – fifty – if you count to take shape during his formative the Sani Abacha regime. “We had take twenty years, thirty years, and “Why should all the way back to when he was a years spent attending various organized a demonstration called in some cases forty. Be sure of what LL.M. London School thirteen-year-old soldier during the schools throughout the country. the Five Million Man March,” you want to do, and slowly but of Economics & Biafran War. “For so many years I Pointedly, all those years of moving Agbakoba recalls, “and we were surely you will get there.” Political Science we settle for have been continuously shouting around gave Agbakoba what he massively beaten, tear-gassed and UK, 1980 and talking, trying to forge a system refers to as a Pan-Nigerian view. arrested. We spent the next six that will allow things to work,” he “I understand the various concerns months in prison until Abacha died. In Short: Known mediocrity says. “I agree that Nigeria’s biggest of people in the different regions, I wasn’t eating much, and I think at throughout Africa as “The problem is not corruption, but and I can empathize with them,” one point I didn’t eat for a whole Father of Human Rights,” Olisa Languages mediocrity.” he notes. “What’s more, I believe month – only water.” Agbakoba will be remembered Igbo, Hausa, English when we Indeed, throughout all the years in a very strong, united Nigeria, a In hindsight, Agbakoba as one of Nigeria’s foremost and decades of fighting for a country Nigeria that accommodates various attributes his ability to cope with human rights activists. In his he loves so much, one question has ethnicities and religions. If you can’t such difficult times to spirituality. quest to free Nigerians from can strive for persisted in Agbakoba’s heart: “Why accommodate, it’s going to be a “It’s like what Bruce Lee called greed and hypocrisy, he has I Like should we settle for mediocrity when constant put off for everybody and emotional contact, or when you persevered through bloodshed • Loyalty we can strive for excellence?” there will always be trouble.” have those priests and monks who and prison time to become the • Competence excellence?” In 1968, after fighting in the After being called to the can live on the ground or in the street founder of the Civil Liberties • Honesty Civil War for two years, a fifteen- Nigerian bar in 1978, Agbakoba for two years – a sort of spiritual Organization and the NGO year-old Agbakoba was imprisoned would go on to specialize in Maritime aloofness,” he discloses. “It’s all in Human Rights Law Services. along with many others from Law at the prestigious London the mind, you see. I was convinced Alongside his human rights . He was not released until School of Economics & Political that I was doing the right thing, and I campaign, Agbakoba has also I Don’t Like January 1970, at which point he Science. His legal knowledge of had nothing to worry about because cultivated a monumental career • Disloyalty was faced with the challenge of the seas would pave the way for of my strong Catholic faith and very in Maritime Law. He founded the rebuilding his life, a struggle many Agbakoba to boldly carve out a niche strong family support, especially Nigerian Shipping Chamber of • Incompetence Nigerians encountered after the in the Nigerian Maritime industry my wife.” Commerce and is the founding • Laziness war. At the time, Agbakoba’s father, where he would become the founder Looking back on the ups and partner of Olisa Agbakoba & who would later become a Chief and first president of the Nigerian downs of his life, Agbakoba advises Associates. “What drives me is Justice, continued to be the beacon Chamber of Shipping (NSC). young Nigerians, above all, to be excellence – for Nigeria to be in young Agbakoba’s life that he Over the last four decades careful of envy: “Don’t be envious excellent,” he says. “I cannot Contacts had been throughout his childhood. Agbakoba has grown from strength of anybody; you are your own star, stand incompetence and “My father was there to encourage to strength in his chosen vocation. and each star shines differently,” disloyalty, especially in a country @DrOlisaAgbakoba me, telling me to achieve all that I From founding his own law firm he says. “If you focus on your own of such great opportunity.” @OlisaAgbakoba 36 37 Ferdinand Agu Chairman of the Governing Council and Pro-Chancellor of the Federal University A of Health Sciences

the momentum forward, involving modernity with our indigenous Date of Birth himself in student unions and heritage.” 26/07/1960 political activities during university. When it comes to learning from Upon graduating, he worked his way previous generations, Agu advises up in the public sector, eventually young people to keep an open ear helping to develop the country’s and strive to understand both their ntil recently Ferdinand formative years outside of Nigeria maritime industry before moving potential and their parameters. Education Agu worked inside what not only gave me a perspective on on to his current position. “I’ve “You have to constantly search B.Arch. Hons. he called the engine room another part of Africa, but it also been involved in both simple and for meaning and know that the University of Nigeria My Top Tip: Uof the government – the Office of made me appreciate my Nigerian complex organizations, and I’ve world isn’t all about you and your Enugu the Secretary to the Government of essence,” he recalls. “Growing up come to understand that the critical opinions,” he says. “If you can find Nigeria, 1983 the Federation. It was a quiet but in a distant place like that, I learned thing is to do your bit, and to do it the real meaning in your actions, the “If you can significant position Agu enjoyed to see every Nigerian as a brother. It the best you can – and then after you likelihood of being drawn along by because it allowed him to be part also compelled me to develop a very have done it, go the extra mile,” he bad influences will be reduced. With of the decision-making process in strong Nigerian identity because in advises. “It doesn’t matter whether parameters like that, you can live a search for Nigeria. He has since moved on to the eyes of my classmates, I was a there are any immediate rewards, or beautiful life as a young person, and the Federal University of Health representative of Nigeria.” praise, or people taking notice. In in the fullness of time contribute Languages Sciences, but his path remains that Growing up in also the end, it’s all about the satisfaction even more to the development of Igbo, English, Swahili meaning of someone who has spent a lifetime introduced Agu to an entirely at having done something good.” our society.” attuned to the call to do good in different political system. “Kenya at If everybody did their own society. the time was democratic. So while part, Agu continues, society would in your Ever since his youth, Agu has my peers back home were under be on a much straighter path to In Short: Ferdinand Agu had a keen interest in public affairs a military regime, I was already progress. “But if you don’t do your has lived a life of service and I Like and the desire to be involved and experiencing democracy in action,” part because you think that nobody actions, the contribution to the common • Reading to serve. “Public service is often he recalls. “And because of the will notice or praise you, then good. After working as Special mistaken for public leadership. active politicking I observed at such you have not only failed yourself, • Adventure Assistant to the President in the • Challenges likelihood of The truth is that you have a lot of a young age, I had an urge to be part but you have failed the collective Office of the Secretary to the people who are privileged enough of public service.” effort,” Agu suggests. “And in any Government of the Federation, to be in a leadership position, yet The all-boys school Agu case, if you don’t do the best you he has taken on a new being drawn they don’t embody the essence of attended in further fostered can, you can never realize your service,” Agu explains. “I’m more his early professional desires with its potential in life.” leadership role with the Federal concerned with serving than merely emphasis on discipline and service. Of the many places Agu has University of Health Sciences. I Don’t Like He encourages Nigerian youth along by bad being in a leadership position. In “We were instilled with the adage found inspiration to reach his own • The “A beg” fact, everything I’ve done from my that to whom much is given, much is potential, including books, teachers, to learn what they can from their elders and to discover generation childhood until now is part of my expected,” Agu notes. “We were also colleagues and mentors – the • Injustice influences desire to serve, to give back, to seek ingrained with the knowledge that generation of his parents stands out. their own unique joy in serving. opportunities for my country, and to society faced specific challenges, “This is an incredible generation as “There are times when young • Prejudice build a better community.” and as we became adults, we would most of them were born in what you people must break from the will be Agu began to realize this join the effort to grapple with those might call ‘rural societies’ but they crowd and find themselves, and passion not long after the Nigerian challenges.” learned to embrace new influences if they do it in an earnest spirit Civil War, when he received a Agu returned to Nigeria in and come to terms with the modern of seeking meaning, then they reduced.” government scholarship in 1972 1977 with the call for service already world,” Agu observes. “They set our will become those leaders that Contacts to study in Kenya. “Spending my kindled inside of him. He carried country on the path to synthesizing we are looking for tomorrow.” [email protected] 38 39 Sandra Aguebor- Founder Lady Mechanic Initiative Ekperuoh, MFR, NPOM A

bring a second income into their that new outlook to their fathers by Date of Birth households – we are creating jobs simply changing a flat tire.” 16/07/- and reducing poverty.” Aguebor is also expanding the For those who might think that programme into other countries, Education auto mechanics is more of a man’s as there is plenty of demand for CEM: Certificate of world due to the need for physical good mechanics anywhere cars are Entrepreneurship strength, Aguebor points out that being manufactured. But no matter Pan-African University technology makes it easy today the desired vocation, Aguebor , Nigeria, 2012 hen Sandra Aguebor on the side of the road – sometimes for women to work unhindered by encourages all young girls to focus decided to become a in dangerous places,” Aguebor heavy lifting. “There are definitely on cultivating a profession. “Don’t HND: Higher National My Advice: professional mechanic, explains. “I realized I could do much tools to make the job easier, but fall into the trap of depending solely Diploma Mechanical Wnobody took her seriously, and more for women by teaching them to ultimately the most important on boyfriends to give you money – Engineering many openly laughed at her. “It was become mechanics.” thing is you – the confidence you do it yourself. In households where Auchi Polytechnic a big taboo then for a woman to say LMI has flourished since its “Ultimately have, the interest you have, and the both the husband and wife are Nigeria, 1998 she wanted to work in a garage – it inception more than ten years ago. passion,” she says. “Even when you making money, there’s harmony, still is,” she mentions. “People tried What started as a simple initiative are carrying the heavy stuff, you happiness and respect. So choose the most to intimidate me, humiliate me; to teach women how to fix their don’t find it heavy because you have the one thing you’d like to do for Mechanical Engineering nobody wanted to be close to me. cars has turned into something that passion, that drive.” the rest of your life, concentrate, Auchi Polytechnic But that gave me enough room to much bigger than Aguebor could The drive in Aguebor’s own and make it happen.” Nigeria, 1994 important focus on my chosen vocation.” have imagined. “Lady Mechanic life is crystal clear. “A lot of people After finishing school, trainees are now the preferred may identify success with monetary Languages she worked a few jobs, gaining choice among car companies and wealth or material things, how In Short: When Sandra English, Bini, German thing is experience, but before long decided services because they come to many cars or houses you have – but Aguebor decided to devote to open her own shop. “My mother the job with both practical and I see success quite differently,” she her professional life to being was so scared that an engine would theoretical knowledge,” Aguebor remarks. “For me success is about I Like a mechanic – the first female • Fast-moving fall on me! She couldn’t understand notes. “As soon as you employ one having inner peace, waking up mechanic in Nigeria – she you – the why I would want to be fixing cars, of them, they start fixing cars for vehicles every morning with a sense of joy ignored those who ridiculed but I honestly believed it was what you immediately, increasing the about what you are contributing to • Fashion her ambition. In fact, she God wanted me to do,” Aguebor bottom line.” the world and the people around • Makeup confidence remembers. “She tried to discourage The success of the programme you. Success is the happiness of would go on to establish the me while I was in school by giving has begun to garner international being able to lift somebody from the Lady Mechanic Initiative, me extra chores to do after my long attention, accompanied by support ground and give them hope.” training more than seven I Don’t Like you have, the shift at the garage, thinking I would from several foundations abroad and LMI continues to grow in hundred women to be the best • People that don’t be too tired to go back to work the even a letter of commendation from all sorts of ways. Aguebor plans mechanics in Nigeria. Ten years keep their word next day.” German Chancellor Angela Merkel. on building a full training facility in, the initiative continues to • Men deceving interest you But Aguebor, the first female But the true measure of LMI’s equipped with hostels for the girls grow along with the women women mechanic in Nigeria, stuck with it. success can be found in the lives who have nowhere else to stay. it has empowered. “When • Women who are you empower somebody, And in the process, she has enabled of the Lady Mechanics themselves. And she has also started to expand depending on men have, and the more than seven hundred Nigerian “We equip these women to become the project into after-school clubs you are building the nation girls and women to become independent, to become not just for high school students. “We are economically, socially, and mechanics as well through the Lady entrepreneurs, but successful leaders giving these girls early exposure technologically – you contribute Contacts passion.” Mechanic Initiative (LMI). “The idea in their trade,” Aguebor says. to working in a garage, changing to creating an environment for this came from helping so many “We’ve taken girls off the streets, mindsets from early on. They can where crime and social vices @ladymechanics women with their cars broken down and we’ve also enabled women to go home, for example, and spread are reduced.” Linkedin: Sandra Aguebor 40 41 General Martin Former Chairman SURE-P Luther Agwai, CFR A

contributions in his post-military “A lot of people get the wrong idea Date of Birth life was his role as the Chairman about leadership; when they think 08/11/1948 for the Presidential Committee of a leader, they think of a president, on Subsidy Reinvestment and for example,” Agwai notes. “The Empowerment Programme, better truth is that there are calls to Education known as SURE-P. The government- leadership all around us, whether M.Sc. in National sponsored programme is mandated it’s in your locality or simply your Resource Strategy with overseeing Infrastructural family.” National Defense n 1969, an unexpected encounter positions he held include the Deputy Development – projects include If local or family leaders knew University confirmed General Martin Luther Force Commander for the United revitalizing Nigeria’s railway just how significant their roles Washington DC Agwai’s intuition that military Nations Mission in , system and modernizing its road were, Agwai continues, it would U.S., 2000 My Mantra: Ilife was the path for him. He was Chief of Army Staff of the Nigerian networks. SURE-P also oversees make a huge difference. “When working with a land survey team in Army, Chief of Defence Staff of the Social Safety Nets, consisting of we look at leadership from the top, the wild countryside, when he and Nigerian Armed Forces and Force many welfare programmes. One then we tend to blame the top, not “There are his team were waylaid by a troop Commander of the African Union/ of such is the Maternal Child knowing that the foundation is not Post Graduate Diploma of baboons while returning from an Hybrid Operations Healthcare (MCH) programme, solid. But if all the leaders from the in Public Administration assignment. The frightened team in Darfur. which recruits midwives and trains lowest level knew what they were Administrative Staff calls to made the wise choice to continue on This extraordinary military Community Health Extension doing and were accountable for College of Nigeria – while the baboons followed them career was built one day at a time, Workers (CHEW), as well as their actions or inactions, then you (ASCON), Badagry for three kilometres. Realizing he developed through Agwai’s value village health workers who are would find that society would be far Nigeria, 1985 leadership was lucky to have escaped without system of hard work, diligence, deployed throughout communities better.” harm, Agwai’s thoughts quickly discipline, honesty and integrity. and villages. It has also helped went to an idea he had considered “My military career shows how one provide clean, potable water to over In Short: General Languages all around before: if he had military training can rise from humble beginnings five hundred primary health centres Martin Luther Agwai’s love Jaba, Hausa, English and was properly armed, he would to achieve legitimate dreams,” he through provision of motorized for adventure has turned have been in a position to defend points out. “I learned how important boreholes. into a distinguished military us, whether himself if necessary. “That was what it is to follow those dreams without In addition to contributing really fuelled my desire to go into being distracted, to follow my to the development of these career that has allowed him I Like the military, a direction I had already instincts and to think big – there is a communities, what Agwai loved to serve the country he loves • Music on an international level. it’s in your been thinking about since my boy kind of magic in doing that.” most about his position with • Wildlife scouting experience in secondary At the end of Agwai’s military SURE-P is that it offered him the Even after retirement, the adventure continues through • Hardworking school,” Agwai explains. “As a boy career in 2009, he soon realized there opportunity to work alongside the people locality or scout, I got the taste of adventure, was still much more to achieve. He younger generations. “I try to build his involvement in numerous and I believed that joining the has since been involved in various up young people, help them to projects, as he calls on Nigerians military would offer plenty of it.” projects such as his work in Geneva discover their talents and use those to find leadership opportunities simply your Throughout the years of service with the Committee on Security talents for general betterment of the from the bottom level up. I Don’t Like that followed, Agwai would certainly Sector Reform (SSR). “Because society,” Agwai notes. “I also like to “Nigeria – the most populous • Dishonesty country in Africa, with its vast family.” find the adventure he had set out for. people know I am retired they in turn mentor some of them, especially in • Laziness By 1972, he was commissioned as a think I have a lot of extra time on my leadership development.” human and mineral resources • Uncooked food Second Lieutenant into the Nigerian hands, so every day I have someone When it comes to leadership – presents her citizens with Army Armoured Corps. By the knocking on my door asking me to in particular, Agwai believes that boundless possibilities and end of his military career in 2009, participate in this or that. Never a people are not always aware of the opportunities; thus instilling he had risen to the rank of a four- dull moment!” sheer number of leadership roles pride in those of us privileged to Contacts star General. A few of the many One of Agwai’s most significant around them that need to be filled. be born Nigerians.” [email protected] 42 43 Kadaria Ahmed Journalist & Consultant Reinvent Media Ltd A

memorable time at the BBC as a poetry but work at a bank, you Date of Birth blessing; it was a chance to make a can go to poetry clubs or open- 13/12/- living doing what she loved while mic nights,” she suggests. “This working with other professionals is the sort of balanced pragmatism and picking up experience that required when it comes to working Education she would be able to use once she in Nigeria.” M.A. in Television returned to Nigeria. And while Whatever somebody chooses Documentary adaria Ahmed grew up in a “Some of the fights I used to get into journalism remains a passion, to do in life, Ahmed believes that Goldsmiths’ College household that encouraged within the BBC are famous because Ahmed has had to find other means there is one value above all that University of London My Mantra: education and independent of how upset I would become,” she of work to supplement her income everybody must remember: “Put UK Kthought. Her father taught her and laughs. “I was young, and I had a bit back in Nigeria. “In Nigeria it is people first in everything you do, her sisters to speak their minds of a chip on my shoulder because much harder for a journalist to make and you’ll never go wrong. This B.A. in Mass “Put people in a community where girls were I knew I was slightly different, a living, especially when they refuse goes for professional and personal Communications supposed to be seen, not heard. and I always took criticism a little to accept bribes,” Ahmed notes. relationships,” she advises. “Human Bayero University “My father taught us to be the best too personally instead of using it “But Nigeria is still my home. This beings innately have a certain Kano, Nigeria first in that we could be, and both of my constructively.” is where I feel most comfortable; it goodness, and when we become parents were very big on education,” Indeed, it took the young is part of my identity.” corrupted this creates pain. But I Ahmed notes. “Education has meant Ahmed some time to get used to Ahmed has broadened her believe people can be better – I Languages everything everything for me and has made working in journalism, where she career in Nigeria to include plenty honestly, sincerely do.” English, Hausa me who I am – it has led me to my always seemed to be different in of other things – all utilizing the passions in life.” more ways than one. “I would skills that she had picked up as you do, and Ahmed’s education would go into the BBC newsroom, for a journalist and producer – such In Short: Kadaria I Like eventually take her to the UK, example, and more often than not as book editing and publishing. Ahmed’s career as a journalist • Music where she earned her Master’s in be the only black woman there with From her own experience in the has been matched by few • People that make you’ll never Television Documentary and began fifteen white men,” she explains. workplace, she extends a word of Nigerian women. While she me laugh working with the BBC for the next “Or when I came back to Nigeria caution to young Nigerians just considers herself fortunate • Reading eight years. “I grew up listening in 2008, running a newsroom for starting out in their careers: “If I to have made a living from go wrong. to the BBC World Service; it was NEXT and 234NEXT, I was the only were addressing a UK audience, journalism while gaining basically what would wake me up female editor and many times the I would say go for something you tremendous experience with I Don’t Like every morning,” she reflects. “I only Northerner in the newsroom.” love, but the problem in Nigeria the BBC on shows like Focus on • Not being thought it would be an interesting According to Ahmed, being is that there are so few jobs here. This goes for Africa and Network Africa, she disciplined with job, and that’s how I settled on able to take criticism, no matter the Young people get out of university food journalism – and to be honest, I reason, is an incredibly valuable and they, unfortunately, have a advises young Nigerians these days to be practical in their job professional haven’t regretted it.” skill that involves a bit of growing difficult time finding work,” she • Marmite After starting her career with up intertwined with grace. “Over says. “So my advice when it comes searches, but to consistently • Religious the BBC, journalism quickly became time you develop a thick skin and to a career is to grab whatever is cultivate their true passion on extremists a full-fledged passion for Ahmed. learn to allow criticism to wash over available, but always do the things the side. “Your passion in life and personal She worked as a journalist and senior you,” she suggests. “Eventually, if you love on the side.” isn’t necessarily going to pay producer for the newsroom as well you stick to what you are doing long Ahmed emphasizes the need the bills. But even if you have Contacts as the programmes Focus on Africa enough, your work begins to speak to always make room for one’s to get a job just to make ends [email protected] relationships.” and Network Africa. As a young for you, and those early critics start passion in life, adding that it meet, you can still make time kadariaahmed@ professional, Ahmed admits to to show respect.” doesn’t always have to amount to for what you love – which leads having been temperamental at times. Today, Ahmed sees her a pay check. “If you love writing to a healthy balance.” 44 45 Mary Akpobome Executive Director Heritage Banking Company Limited A

excellent group for mentorship to fly out of the country tonight, my Date of Birth because it is well structured. It husband would bring my suitcase 11/07/1968 includes a large membership and passport from home. I wouldn’t network for women and places be here without him. It’s as simple young ladies into valuable mentor as that. You don’t get to where I relationships,” Akpobome notes. am without having that level of Education “Apart from that I do a little extra support.” MBA fter earning a degree in oriented philosophy while climbing mentoring on the side, but not as Because of this support from theatre arts, Mary Akpobome her way to the top to become much as I would like. I wish I could her husband, Akpobome has been Nigeria, 2000 My Advice: took an unexpected turn in Executive Director of Heritage get more than twenty-four hours in able to grow as a professional over Aher career path. She was entertaining Banking Company Limited. a day to give more attention to a the years. In every task or space she options for her obligatory year of “Nobody visits a bank simply number of the young ladies around has found herself in, she has been “When you’re Youth Service and one day found because they have nothing better to me!” able to apply herself to become the B.A. Hons. herself sitting in the lobby of a do,” she suggests. “They are here Finding a good mentor and very best. “Whatever job you’re in Theatre Arts seeking bank, waiting for an interview. “I because they have a need and want role model, Akpobome advises, is doing, be the best at it,” she advises. University of was waiting there for hours, and something done, and if you have a crucial for any young person. “And “Don’t get caught up in who you’re Nigeria, 1991 the whole time I was observing positive outlook when it comes to when you’re seeking out those working for, just be the best, and out those the people in customer service. I providing a service – in this case the mentorship opportunities, make you will be rewarded. Even the stars was fascinated by how they were service is banking – it can be quite sure the other person knows that will rise up and bless you for it.” mentorship attending to the customers’ needs,” fulfilling to help people solve their your aspirations are honourable,” Akpobome remembers. “I was problems.” she notes. “Finding a mentor is Languages impressed by how these customers Akpobome likes to inspire not about idolizing the size of a In Short: Mary Ibibo, English opportunities, would come in with their burdens, similar thinking among her person’s house or how many cars Akpobome took a left turn and walk away smiling.” colleagues, especially the younger they have – because really you don’t when she began to work for Akpobome decided then and ones. “People don’t quite understand know the stories behind those things a bank instead of pursuing a make sure I Like there that she wanted to be in a what it means when you say the and how they were acquired. Good career in theatre arts. By doing position where she could have ‘customer is king.’ So I put it in a mentorship is about connecting with so, she seized the opportunity • My family the other the same impact on people. She way that makes it easier to relate someone of personal substance, to make others happy through • Prayer got the job with the bank and has to,” she explains. “If royalty came to and it’s about the principles that lie the art of customer service. Her • Laughter been acting on her desire to help visit you, how would you treat them? within the other person.” sincere and steady efforts to person knows customers with their problems ever Do you roll out the red carpet? Do And of course Akpobome please clients have fuelled her since. “From that early age I made it you wear something nice? Do you doesn’t only offer her advice to rise to the top of her sector as that your a point to do my best so that anybody cook the best meal? That mentality young ladies. In fact, a lot of young I Don’t Like who came to me would walk away of respect and attention is extremely men ask for her insight on how she is Executive Director of Heritage Banking Company Limited. • Being taken for with a good feeling,” she explains. important to this organization.” able to manage the home and build granted aspirations “Even if I wasn’t able to solve their Inspiring younger professionals a career at the same time. “The truth “You can’t fake it. On the inside problem on the spot, they would in the workplace or within mentoring is that I have an absolutely fantastic you have to be a person who • Dishonesty are at least know that I tried, and they groups is a particular joy for husband. So when young men ask wants to give without expecting • Sloppiness would leave with a sense that they Akpobome. She works closely with me about how I as a woman keep anything in return. Sure rewards had gained something from meeting one of Nigeria’s largest mentoring that balance, I use the opportunity may come your way, but you honourable.” with me.” groups – Women in Management, to appeal to them to allow their own can’t do it for that purpose, no Over the years Akpobome has Business and Public Service wives to blossom,” she shares. “For matter what kind of business Contacts continuously cultivated this service- (WIMBIZ). “WIMBIZ is an example, if I got a call now and had you’re in.” 46 47 Bolanle Olubunmi Founder & Managing Director Terra Kulture Ltd Austen-Peters A

home, and it’s the place I’d rather in trouble,” she cautions. “You’re Date of Birth be more than anywhere else in the not going to make it like that; fear 04/02/1969 world. I thought it would be nice to is the most crippling thing that can share that passion and have a place happen to a person.” where Nigerians and foreigners While the fear of failure can could come learn a bit about the indeed be a common source of Education country,” she explains. “So the inaction for many, Austen-Peters LL.M. Merit, London challenge became how to put all adds that the best thing is to School of Economics & that together in a business plan – remember that each person has their Political Science appiness has always been Commission for Human Rights in how to translate my enthusiasm own intrinsic worth that stems from UK, 1995 a top priority in Bolanle Geneva, and after a few years found for Nigerian culture into an actual, maintaining their values. “Holding My Vision for Austen-Peters’s life, but herself working in Ethiopia for the sustainable business.” your values close is what makes a Hbefore entering university she had no United Nations High Commissioner What Austen-Peters ultimately difference. It’s not always about the Future: idea what kind of career path would for Refugees. “I noticed that I was a came up with were the blueprints how much money you make,” she LL.B. Hons., University make her happy. Unsure of what to lot happier out in the field, dealing for Terra Kulture, a premier advises. “Whatever it is that you are of Lagos study, she chose law simply because with real issues,” Austen-Peters location for Nigerian cuisine, art, doing at the moment, it’s important Nigeria, 1990 “Whatever her father was a lawyer. By the time recalls. “I realized that my path was history, and cultural events. Ten to know that you can always be so she graduated and started practicing not office work, but direct work with years in, the business is a multi- much better. We can all add so much law, however, she realized it wasn’t human beings.” million-naira operation. Of course, worth, we can rise above our station it is that you something she was particularly After Austen-Peters got Austen-Peters couldn’t have done and rise above ourselves to realize Languages passionate about. A change was in married, she decided to switch to a all that by herself. “There were our true potential.” English order. “saner” job and took a position with some great people I was fortunate are doing at It would not be the last time that the United Nations Development to come across in the process of Austen-Peters would find herself Programme (UNDP), opting for building this business, people who In Short: the moment, in need of a career change. And a post in over New York. were there to mentor me and offer It may have I Like whenever the time for change did “I knew I wanted to stay in Africa, me encouragement,” she recollects. taken Bolanle Austen-Peters a • Food come, she was always unapologetic and Namibia is such a beautiful, “I had a mentor who pushed me to few career changes to find her • Swimming place, but she never gave up, it’s important about these necessary shifts. developed country – but I disliked make this whole project sustainable. • Sleep “Happiness and joy must be there the job. The position involved a lot He taught me the importance of never settled in her search for in everything I do,” she explains. more paperwork than I expected, too generating enough funds internally happiness. Now she’s her own to know “A lot of people believe that they much for my taste. I knew I wanted instead of depending on grants or boss, following her passion for have to stay in a situation, whether out, so I came back to Nigeria and institutions for support. My husband people, culture, and Nigeria. Her business Terra Kulture is I Don’t Like it’s a marriage or a job. But I’m not got a job as a consultant to UNDP. was also always there to back me ten years old and going strong. • Wall geckos like that. If it’s not giving me joy – I But the hours for that job were so up and push me when I needed it that you can “I’ve reached a place in my • Laziness leave.” demanding that I was sleeping every most.” life where I don’t let problems So instead of continuing as a day at work!” Austen-Peters also believes • Obsession with bother me anymore. Once I can money always be so lawyer, Austen-Peters decided to go Once again miserable with that a good support network can go safely rule out that something is for her master’s at the London School her job situation, Austen-Peters a long way in overcoming fear of not going to kill me – generally a of Economics and Political Science, communicated this to her husband, failure – a necessary step towards worst-case scenario – then I can much better.” utilizing the educational boost to who asked her what she would achievement. “Once you are fearful handle anything with a much become more people-oriented in her prefer most. She knew that she liked of failure, you are fearful of success, more positive attitude, knowing Contacts professional focus. She then started people, loved her culture, and loved fearful of falling, fearful of what that with time everything [email protected] working for the United Nations High being Nigerian. “Nigeria is my people will say – and then you are moves.” @BolaBap 48 49 Dr. Olu Ehiz Ayewoh Education Consultant A helping out with education research must tailor the ideas to the needs, and development.” peculiarities and circumstances of The position in Edo State today’s Nigerian.” didn’t last long, as the government But Dr. Ayewoh is undaunted soon changed, but Ayewoh had by nuanced problems. “When caught the attention of the Nigerian facing any challenge, it’s important Date of Birth Governor’s Forum. “They invited to realize that however complex 20/09/1955 me to join them as their consultant the problem is, the answer lies in and policy adviser on education, its simplicity,” he says. “If you and we spent the next two and a can break the problem down into Education half years touring all thirty-six smaller parts, address the individual Ed.D. in Educational s a child, Dr. Olu Ehiz was able to obtain some financial states of the country, engaging with issues, you will have addressed the Administration & My Belief: Ayewoh spent a lot of time support,” he explains. governments and stakeholders about problem in its entirety.” Supervision with his grandparents, After graduating, Dr. Ayewoh the status of the education system For instance, when considering Clark Atlanta University “Set up right, Aworking with his grandfather on the spent the next twenty years climbing and how to improve it,” Ayewoh the situation surrounding Nigerian Atlanta, Georgia farm and helping his grandmother his way up the school system in says. “That first-hand experience youth, Ayewoh believes that the U.S., 1992 sell akara in the marketplace. His the U.S., earning his Ed.D in 1992 led me to develop a reform package root of the problem is that the youth education biggest influence, however, was his and ultimately being appointed the for the entire Nigerian education are not engaged and are therefore father, who stirred Ayewoh’s passion first African school principal in the system. And when the new Minister underutilized. “Most of them have has for education, paving the way for the state of Georgia. “I considered it a came in, he brought me on as an become redundant because they M.Sc. in Education impact he would one day have on great recognition with awesome Education Consultant to help with are not properly empowered in Curriculum & Nigeria’s education system. responsibilities. Failure was not an his quest to improve the sector, meaningful and sustainable ways,” Instruction immeasurable “The influence of my father option,” Ayewoh said. By 2007, keying into the Transformation he suggests. “Our youth make up Mansfield University was a natural progression for me, however, he knew it was time Agenda of President Goodluck the most energetic sector of society; Pennsylvania multiplier because as a teacher and lecturer, he to return to Nigeria, a decision Ebele Jonathan.” we need to functionally engage this U.S., 1986 would bring schoolwork home and partially influenced by visits from Ayewoh had a hand in critical mass, invest more in them, effects on have me correct advanced essays and two prominent Nigerians. “One was developing the four-year strategic challenge them and expand the engage me in lesson preparation,” the first lady at the time, the late plan currently in place within scope of their aspirations.” Languages generations Ayewoh explains. “A lot of people Stella Obasanjo. She came to my Nigerian education, which includes Esan, English have inspired me throughout my school, saw what I was doing, and initiatives such as creating more life, but my father was number one. wondered why I had not considered access to quality education, In Short: After living in unborn. It is He had a great mind, and I saw how returning home to help improve the expanding the attendance formula the U.S. for more than twenty- people were consistently attentive Nigerian education sector,” Ayewoh to include kindergarten, placing seven years, Dr. Olu Ehiz Ayewoh I Like a gift that to what he had to say. Every time recollects. “Later, Architect Mike more emphasis on reading as a abandoned his comfortable • People he spoke, you could hear a pin drop. Onolememen, who is currently subject, and more prominent use of career to focus on improving • Building human keeps giving The respect people showed my the Minister of Works, also visited the mother tongue in classrooms. the education system in Nigeria. capacity “If you are looking to have a father made a lasting impression on me and intimated that my school Having been a part of the • Music and a power me.” restructuring efforts would be Nigerian diaspora, Ayewoh lot of money, then education is After earning his bachelor’s valuable in Nigeria.” naturally had returned to Nigeria not the right place to be,” he degree, Ayewoh worked a Dr. Ayewoh admits that it with many new ideas. Yet he found notes. “Education is truly about that keeps government job for a few years wasn’t until a few years after those that after so many years abroad, it contributing to people’s lives. It I Don’t Like before going to the U.S. to further visits that he finally decided to was vital to rediscover his home is about creating opportunities • Drugs empowering. his education. He ended up in return, after being convinced by his country. “You will not find the same for socio-economic liberation. It • Smoking Mansfield, Pennsylvania, to pursue daughter. “She pointed out that I had country that you left. If you come is about providing skill sets for • Alcohol Education is a Master’s Degree in Education, helped fix schools in the States and here and try to impose ideas that you sustainable poverty alleviation. Curriculum and Instruction with the asked why I couldn’t do the same in picked up in America, you’re going Put simply, it is about developing help of U.S. government funding. Nigeria,” he says. “So I abandoned to run into problems,” he advises. human capacity with a view to life.” “Because I was the only black a rather cushy position in the U.S. “You can’t simply transplant ideas improving the human condition Contacts student in the graduate school, I and ended up working in Edo State, from one country to another – you in a predictable way.” [email protected] 50 51 Senator Yusuf Founder & Pro-Chancellor Baze University Datti Baba-Ahmed B Ph.D. FSAN

of character; secondly, I noticed an to encourage Western education,” Date of Birth opportunity within the education Baba-Ahmed mentions. “He was 07/07/1969 sector,” he says. “The third factor originally from Mauritania and he was that I saw all of this as a way came to Nigeria in 1921, settling to further the legacy of my family, here for the rest of his life. He was particularly my late father.” part of the zero generation, coming Education Once Baba-Ahmed began the here alone, making friends, raising Ph.D. in Economics process of filing the paperwork, his family, and creating an impact University of ome of the biggest politics, Baba-Ahmed was well applying for the university on the country. He was a true Westminster achievements in Senator known throughout the community commission and for the plot of inspiration to me.” London My View: Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed’s due to his efforts in development land, there was no stopping him. This long-lasting paternal UK, 2006 Slife, particularly during his career and construction. “As soon as I got “I was able to accelerate a lot of inspiration continues to fuel in politics and his work with Baze the chance to invest, I set my sights different bureaucratic aspects, but Baba-Ahmed’s day-to-day drive. “I always University, have come about through on real estate,” he explains. “Most that’s not to say I wasn’t financially “I always see a need to fill a gap. dissatisfaction with the status quo of the designs were mine through challenged many times along the There’s so much out there that MBA and a desire for change. “If we want the architects and engineers, and way,” he recalls. “In order to make remains to be done, that needs to be University of Wales see a need change, we have to bring it about they were very well received by ends meet, I sold most of my assets done. That’s what drives me: if we Cardiff ourselves,” he states. “I certainly tenants and other investors buying and mortgaged the rest, including don’t do it, nobody else will do it,” UK, 1996 don’t expect people from outside of properties from me.” my house. I borrowed what I needed he says. “My overall aspiration is, to fill a gap. Nigeria to come in and bring it for The sojourn into real estate to, and I made a success of the simply put, to succeed to the fullest us.” proved to be a smart way for Baba- project.” in everything I touch.” Languages It was with this attitude that Ahmed to build on his education in By 2011, Baze University Hausa, English There’s so Baba-Ahmed entered into politics economics and business. But more began to accept its first students – in 2002, joining the opposition importantly, it set the framework seventy in all during that opening In Short: party to counter what he saw for what would be his greatest year. Today the institution has Senator Yusuf much out as a government that was not accomplishment to date: Baze grown to thirteen hundred students Datti Baba-Ahmed’s goal in life I Like accomplishing its goals. “I was fully University. “I started to form the and counting. “The most important is to achieve absolute success in every challenge he embraces. convinced that the government at the idea of creating a private university thing is not simply numbers; it • Precision So far he is accomplishing just there that time was not on course to develop back in 1996, and over the years I is about quality. We maintain • Order that. His ventures in real estate, • Inspiration Nigeria. I saw abuses of power and conducted a significant amount of international standards, and our his progress in politics, and his mismanagement of the economy – research,” he notes. “In 2008 I got faculty is comprised of leading remains to impact on education through but I happened to be in just the right to the point where I needed to take academics from around the world,” the founding of Baze University age bracket with the right amount stock of all my assets to truly decide Baba-Ahmed emphasizes. “Our all illustrate the capability of I Don’t Like of qualifications to get involved and if I was capable of launching this system is free of harassment and a man determined to make • Dishonesty be done, make change.” project.” corrupt practices. Integrity and high his country a better place. He Upon entering the House of Baba-Ahmed cites several expectations are paramount.” believes young Nigerians are • Disorder Representatives in 2003, Baba- other considerations that led him to Baba-Ahmed himself equally capable so long as they • Deception remains to Ahmed started to make several move beyond the feasibility study continues to oversee the university remain focused. “Keep it real, contributions to the system, ranging phase when it came to establishing in terms of financing, construction, and take life seriously. Stay from enhancements in medical care the university. “A combination key appointments, policy, and so away from drugs and antisocial be done.” to boosting Nigeria’s relationships of three factors motivated me to forth, keeping the legacy of his behaviour. My advice is to use Contacts with international financial begin the paperwork: firstly, I knew father burning bright. “My father your knowledge and strength to inquiries@ organizations. But even before I had it in me in terms of strength was one of those who struggled follow your dreams.” 52 53 Senator Prof. Robert Chairman Senate Committee on Science & Technology Ajayi Boroffice, OON National Assembly B & Asiwaju of Akoko Land background in the area of space. am too passionate about our space Date of Birth The formation of the space agency agency to stay away!” 23/04/1949 was a project very close to my The impressive scope of heart because of my involvement Boroffice’s accomplishments, in discussions about space on an however, comes from a deep international level through the UN.” passion for his country. In 2011, he Education Before Boroffice established took to the political stage, elected Ph.D. in Genetics NASRDA, he had played an Senator for Ondo North, in Ondo University of ew have contributed as much had ever done a Ph.D. in this area, active part in the United Nations State. “I have a dream for a Nigeria Nigeria, 1975 to Nigeria’s advancement in making my thesis the first of its kind Committee on the Peaceful Uses that is peaceful, where there is My Vision for science and technology as in this country,” he notes. “I focused of Outer Space. “Nigeria had equal opportunity for everybody for FSenator and Professor Robert Ajayi my research on chromosome previously been a member of the self-improvement. I want to see a Boroffice. He has what he calls a abnormalities in children and committee but participation was country that is economically viable, the Future: “youthful exuberance,” which has worked at the University College weak with no real commitment,” a country that is socially secured B.Sc. Hons. Second fuelled his love for challenges. It is Hospital in Ibadan.” Boroffice says. “I made it a point and politically stable and with the Class Upper Division a love that has defined his life and After several years as a senior to attend conferences and seminars resources available to the people,” University of Ibadan “We must career, a career that saw the launch lecturer at the University of Ibadan, where I educated myself and met he says. “We don’t want to see our Nigeria, 1971 of Nigeria’s first satellites. Boroffice went on to become a big names in the field, people who young Nigerians going abroad. Boroffice’s positive outlook professor at University were ready to assist us.” Instead, we must make Nigeria a make was evident even as a child growing in the mid-80s. In 1992, the federal Eventually, Boroffice convinced place where young Nigerians would up in Oka-Akoko, Ondo State. “My government invited Boroffice to the government to form a space want to live.” Languages childhood was exciting! I was part become Coordinating Director of agency, but first he had to persuade Yoruba, English Nigeria a of the culture, community, and the the National Agency for Science the Nigerian people. “It was so tradition of my people, and I took and Engineering Infrastructure difficult to convince the public that In Short: Senator all of that in,” Boroffice remembers. (NASENI) to assist in developing we had the capability. The idea and Professor Robert Ajayi place where “I had mentors and role models, and the country’s science infrastructure. of an African country launching Boroffice has accomplished I knew I wanted to be a university In his newly appointed capacity, satellites was preposterous to them,” an incredible amount in his I Like young lecturer, which inspired me to study Boroffice zeroed in on specific areas, Boroffice explains. “But we finally life. He has been a key figure • Music hard.” ultimately acting as a “midwife” got the approval, so we put together in developing Nigeria’s science • Nollywood The excellence that Boroffice for three new agencies: the space a programme and a policy and infrastructure, particularly as • Religion had achieved in the classroom, in fact, agency (NASRDA), the National eventually established the agency. the first Director General of Nigerians earned him a university scholarship Biotechnology Development It was a huge challenge because the National Space Research from the German government. Agency (NABDA), and the I am a biologist; yet staying with Boroffice’s academic diligence also National Information Technology biotechnology would have been too and Development Agency, would want earned him yet another scholarship, Development Agency (NITDA). easy.” launching the first ever Nigerian I Don’t Like satellites. Having now taken his this one awarded by the Bulgarian Of course, Boroffice couldn’t With Boroffice at the helm, • Liars government, while studying for his work as the head of all three, so NASRDA launched two satellites, ambitions to the political sector, Boroffice is striving to realize • Arrogance to live.” Ph.D. at the University of Ibadan in he chose to work primarily with and before he stepped down in 2008 • Injustice 1975. the space agency – demonstrating he signed an agreement for two his dream of a peaceful Nigeria When it came time to decide yet again his inability to resist a more, both of which were launched where opportunity for young on the focus of his Ph.D., Boroffice challenge. “To me it was more in 2011. “I am extremely happy and people abounds. “You must opted for the most challenging challenging because I am not an proud that the legacy is enduring,” work hard, stay focused, set subject he could find – Human engineer,” Boroffice explains. he says, adding that he is still goals and, above all, you must Contacts Genetics. “Nobody in Nigeria “That’s not to say I had no involved with the programme. “I believe in yourself.” 54 55 Annkio Briggs Founder & President AGAPE Birth Rights Organization Spokesperson, Ijaw B Republican Assembly

they have come to understand helps to think about what kind of Date of Birth her passion. “When it comes to tomorrow you want for yourself. If 29/07/1952 promoting a cause I believe in and you truly want a better tomorrow fighting issues of injustice, I don’t you have to do what’s right.” let go until something gives. I did Briggs reminds that people what I believed I had to do for succumb to corruption all the he moment that I knew a lot around the creeks and the my people, for my region, and the time, but even with the immediate “ I was going to be part of mangroves and by the riverside,” constant travel involved definitely financial payoff, it is never worth it. the process of definitively she fondly reflects. “I played a lot affected my children,” she reveals. “If you plan evil things, then that is Languages My Mantra: English, Kalabari, Igbo changingT the injustice that my with fish and crabs and periwinkles “But now that they’re grown up exactly what you are going to get,” people suffer was the day that Ken and oysters – it was a very peaceful, and in university, I don’t hear any she suggests. “The people who “You must Saro-Wiwa was killed,” Annkio environmental childhood.” bitterness or anger. They are amazed are doing bad today know within Briggs recalls. It was a pivotal After the war, she finished at what I do, and they are proud.” themselves something is wrong, moment in the minds and hearts of secondary school and went back One of Briggs’s hopes is that the and they cannot sleep peacefully. always many Nigerians, and for Briggs in to the UK to further her education. work she has done and the example They live their lives in a state of particular, a breaking point in a long By the time she returned to Nigeria, she has set will encourage her constant fear. But once you do the I Like children and other young Nigerians right thing, this fear goes away. In line of injustices witnessed as early the same place that had provided so • Bright colours be able as her childhood during the Nigerian many colourful memories for her to take up the mantle of being better fact, the fear runs away when justice • Travel Civil War. in her youth had been ravaged with people for the future. “A lot of the prevails.” “I hated to see so many people pollution – another monumental youth have grown up in a Nigeria • Time with my to follow suffer on both sides during the injustice to Briggs’s mind. “When I where all their experiences are of children war, especially the many children close my eyes, I can see what this the badness of the world: poverty In Short: Like a lot of through who died,” she remembers. Briggs place once was. I can hear the trill and neglect, people doing the wrong Nigerians, Annkio Briggs has herself was no stranger to suffering of laughter and playful splashing in things, politicians that cannot be witnessed first-hand enough at the time, having experienced the the water,” she notes. “But when I trusted,” she notes. “My message injustice in her beloved country with what trauma of being separated from open my eyes, it’s all gone. It is very to youth anywhere is to first know to feel that she had no other the rest of her family and needing painful and frustrating to have these right from wrong. You must know choice but to rise up and do her to have her appendix removed. “I childhood memories violently stolen the depth and the consequences of part to contribute to a better I Don’t Like is right, no was so lost during the war. I walked from me. This is why I became an both sides of an issue, and you must Nigeria. She has acted on this • Injustice hundreds of kilometres looking for environmental activist.” always be able to follow through motivation and done much more • Lies through her work in founding members of my family. I know what Environmental justice is a with what is right, no matter how • People who do matter how and managing the AGAPE difficult it might seem.” not play by the it is to be excruciatingly thirsty, to be primary focus of Briggs’s role Birth Rights Organization so hungry that you feel both sides of as a spokesperson for the Ijaw There comes a time, Briggs while also positioning herself rules difficult your stomach stuck together.” Republican Assembly as well as a continues, when we are all as a spokesperson for the Ijaw The wartime experience was pillar of her AGAPE Birth Rights confronted with a decision between people. “Everybody has the a sharp contrast to Briggs’s early Organization, which also focuses right and wrong. “Even when the capacity to be good, even the it might childhood in the Delta where on human and development rights. wrong choice may seem like a best, so long as you aspire and her father, a native Ijaw, brought These are all causes that Briggs better or easier option, it is not,” she keep working in that direction. her to live four years after she was has devoted her life to during the advises. “In the beginning it can be It is all a matter of choice, and seem.” born in England. “I was surrounded past few decades, sometimes even difficult to resist corruption, to turn the choices we make in life are Contacts by water growing up. I played at the expense of family – though your back on handsome bribes. It extremely powerful.” 56 57 Professor Odinkalu Chairman National Human Rights Anselm Chidi Commission C

to look toward Nigeria’s future, services, which has been a big Date of Birth not its past. As the Chairman challenge for us.” 12/06/1968 for the National Human Rights The key to handling any Commission, he is pushing hard challenge, Chidi advises, is to for change, both outside of the remain impartial and try to manage commission and within. “All of my the situation thoughtfully. “If there Education Ph.D. in Law predecessors were retired Supreme is one thing we don’t do well in London School of he driving force of Professor a meagre portion of cornmeal mixed Court Justices, so coming in at Nigeria, it is management, going Economics & Political Odinkalu Anselm Chidi’s life with a few dried prawns and cod the age of forty, I bring a different from stage one, to stage two, to Science in two words? Young people. liver oil – if he was lucky. “It was temperament to the commission. stage three. We like big things; My Vision for UK, 2007 TBetween his own children and the a time of displacement, destitution, This commission is supposed to we like to dream big and talk big,” youths he has adopted, he has plenty desperation, and it was perverse. have authority as the conscience of Chidi notes. “But really, life is lived the Future: of experience with the up-and- There were so many children around Nigeria and be able to push back on in details and in slices. We don’t do coming generations. “We’ve got a us dropping dead like flies,” he some of the things that debilitate this well enough. We have to be able LL.M. very young, mobile population, but grimly recalls. “Those kids who the country – hopefully making it to rethink and reimagine, which isn’t University of Lagos “We have to a population that the country cannot didn’t make it have become my possible for people to realize the easy. And therein lies the value of Nigeria, 1990 provide for,” Chidi states. “They mission – they deserve a voice.” best of what they can,” Chidi notes. rigour. In a country like ours, where are asking questions that Nigeria This terrible era, Chidi With a limited budget, Chidi things need to be turned around be able to has never heard before, has not explains, propelled much of his admits the job is not easy. One of the properly and sometimes hastily – anticipated, and cannot answer.” generation into protest mode by primary focuses has revolved around we cannot sacrifice rigour.” Languages Finding the answers to these the time he had finished university. the insurgency in the Northeast Igbo, English, French rethink and questions, Chidi believes, is the path They were tired of both the civilian along with the conduct of uniformed to progress. “Look, this country is and military governments, and by services. “We try to ensure that In Short: Social justice not lacking in excellence; what is 1993 – when the military nullified there are levels of accountability. lies at the heart of Professor reimagine, lacking is the capacity to nurture that the elections – they realized the All sides have to respect important Odinkalu Anselm Chidi’s I Like excellence, sustain it, and encourage situation wasn’t getting any better. obligations to international law,” mission in life. As Chairman • Character which isn’t people to know that it pays to do the “We were incredulous. Who did says Chidi, whose familiarity with for the National Human Rights • Motor racing right thing,” he notes. “That sense these people think they were?! international law is evident in his Commission, his devotion to • Fitness of the right thing is really what it’s In July of that year we took to the extensive publications on human Nigeria is revealed not only easy. And about. You can’t teach a sixty-year- streets in demonstration and the rights and the accompanying legal in his human rights efforts, old to do the right thing, but you can country actually listened to us – but implications. He has also been but also in his focus on the young people around him, teach a four-year-old, a seventeen- the problem was we did not have involved in a variety of human I Don’t Like providing mentorship, a means • Sliminess therein lies year-old, even a twenty-year-old any affirmative programme; we did rights organizations throughout his of education, and a solid work • Lack of to do the right thing. So that sense not have a proposal for where our career, including the Centre for the ethic. “Nothing can stop us if of the future is encapsulated in our country could go,” Chidi remembers. Legal Protection of Human Rights we are willing to put in the work character the value of country’s youth.” After this, he ended up living in the in London and as Human Rights that is required, but you’ve got • Dirt This notion of doing the right UK for ten years only to realize that Adviser to the United Nations to have faith in yourself. You thing was planted in Chidi’s heart Nigeria was the only country that Observer Mission in Sierra Leone. have the right to make mistakes rigour.” at a young age. Born during the gave him a sense of mission. He had “During times of national difficulty, and learn from them. You have second half of the Nigerian Civil to come back and serve. such as the current insurgency, the right to hope, and you have Contacts War, his earliest memories are of the Now, as a lawyer and a human people have a natural tendency to the right to dream and to build [email protected] humanitarian queues, waiting to get rights practitioner, Chidi prefers offer uncritical support to the armed your imagination.” @chairmanNHRC 58 59 Chief Ositadinma Former Honorable Minister of Aviation Benjamin C Chidoka, OFR “You can compare the records hasn’t built a framework to handle Date of Birth yourself and then choose the best the capacity from below. Once you 18/07/1971 airline, clicking straight on through focus on building that, the workload to their site to book your tickets,” reduces.” he says, adding that his team Another important factor when Education also launched an anticorruption it comes to accomplishing things is Master’s in Transport campaign to stop extortion, beefed focus. “Being able to concentrate Policy & Logistics hen Chief Osita Chidoka a little progress – and they actually up their social media presence is so important, but a lot of people School of Public joined the Federal Road rated us as average.” to respond to complaints, and do just the opposite. Many young Policy, George Mason My Words of Safety Corps (FRSC), he Getting involved with the drastically enhanced procedures people are in a hurry. They get a University Wremembers Nigeria ranking around World Bank turned out to be a smart such as reporting aircraft or wonderful education, then they Fairfax, Virginia ninety-fourth in road safety. His alliance because they began to help acquiring landing rights. want to do this and that – but there U.S., 2005 Wisdom: goal: to make Nigeria’s roads among finance road projects, Chidoka A lot of Chidoka’s competence is value to focusing on one task,” he the best in the world by 2020. Not points out. “We bought ambulance comes from the gradual building of advises. “There is value to setting a a trivial endeavour in a country systems and positioned them on the experience, but he also attributes a goal and staying the course. And if B.Sc. in Management “Being notorious for poor road conditions highways to make rescues possible. good portion of it to the influence you stick to it, you are likely to learn University of Nigeria and careless drivers. We brought in a call centre and a of his father. As early as secondary how to sustain your efforts even in Nsukka However, the common sense toll-free number for people to dial school, Chidoka had been priming the face of failure.” Nigeria, 1995 able to initiatives that Chidoka and his and report crashes on the highway,” himself for a bold career in public team devised and implemented he enumerates. “Four years into this, service based on his father’s proved quite successful. “The first the World Bank rated the FRSC as guidance. “My father was constantly Languages concentrate initiative was to transform our driver the best example of a lead agency in furnishing me with reading material, In Short: Chief Osita Igbo, English licencing system. Before, anyone Africa.” newspapers and magazines – he Chidoka knew from a young could get a licence. There wasn’t After seven years with FRSC wanted me to have a global mind, age that he wanted to commit is so even a database,” he recalls. “So we – and still at a relatively young age and he was investing in me that I himself to a dynamic career I Like introduced a single-point biometric – Chidoka was named Honourable might one day make a difference in public service. He started • Results driver’s licence that was top-of-the- Minister of Aviation with the in Nigeria,” Chidoka reflects. “He out by modernizing Nigeria’s • Listening important, line. It had a huge database behind expectation that he would modernize instilled within me to always think approach to traffic safety and • Traveling it, including facial recognition and this sector just as he had done with about posterity. He impressed upon is now doing the same thing fingerprints.” road safety. “Any project I tackle me that it wasn’t money or power in the aviation sector. He has but a lot Another aspect of this starts with acquiring the data, so that defined a person, but what you shifted bureaucratic mountains I Don’t Like monumental task involved putting that everything can be evidence- do with these things that people with his ability to concentrate, • Lack of beauty all of Nigeria’s registered vehicles in based and transparent,” he explains. remember.” build strong teams, and create • Lack of of people the database. “Now if somebody runs “So we began conducting studies of Looking at all that Chidoka evidence-based initiatives consideration a red light and the camera captures airlines and found that customers has accomplished, it’s no wonder through methodical data their plates, we are able to pinpoint were not happy with the frequent that people ask him how he’s done gathering. The projects he’s • People that do not do just the exactly who the car belongs to. That flight delays, airport security so much in such a short amount taken on have come with a lot stand up for their wasn’t available when I initially corruption, and lack of cleanliness of time. His answer is simple. of work and no shortage of ideas took over,” Chidoka notes. “Because – we noted anything that was bad.” “Teamwork is the key. Once your challenge. “When challenges opposite.” of all the work we were doing, we From there, Chidoka had his team is up and running, you have do arise, just remain calm. If eventually invited the World Bank to team develop a web portal that allows less work to do,” he reveals. “When you panic, you tend to make Contacts come in and do a country capacity people to track flight departures, I see somebody running about their mistakes. So stay calm and take @benossy review on road safety, hoping to see landings, and delays in real time. work helter-skelter, I know he your time.” 60 61 Mustafa Chike-Obi CEO & Managing Director Asset Management Corporation of Nigeria (AMCON) C

business was to help the stumbling “Or, from modern times, I am Date of Birth bank industry back to its feet. And incredibly inspired by Einstein. 05/12/1955 while the banks are in good shape The thought process he utilized to for now, there is still plenty of work convert matter into energy is mind- to be done. “Collecting on debts boggling!” is a consistent problem, getting When it comes to heroes Education Nigerians to understand that when in Nigeria, Chike-Obi sees an MBA, Stanford ustafa Chike-Obi spent unfolded as it did,” Chike-Obi you borrow money from the bank interesting – albeit dubious – University, Stanford My Goal: more than fifteen years explains. “So I feel every day that I you have to pay it back,” Chike-Obi pattern. “As Nigerians, we do not California living in the U.S., need to make a statement, that I need notes. “It is important, and we will like heroes in this country. We try to U.S., 1984 Mworking as a successful investment to add value to Nigeria, to ensure keep doing that. I am very proud chain them down, so there is rarely “I feel that banker for big-time firms such as that things here are developing for of this organization because we anybody who has been held up as Goldman Sachs, Bear Stearns, and the better.” created it from nothing – from an a hero in Nigeria,” he suggests. Guggenheim Partners. In fact, things Chike-Obi’s desire to give idea on a piece of paper – and it has “We have had plenty of heroes but B.Sc. in Maths I need to were going so well that there was a rather than take from Nigeria gone on to do exactly what it was we don’t keep them up there long First Class Honours stretch where he didn’t think he is inherent in how he manages meant to do.” enough, which is a huge loss to all of University of Lagos would ever return to Nigeria. AMCON. “The organization is quite When addressing the regular us. I think, for the sake of posterity, Nigeria, 1978 add value But in 2010, he found himself liquid – we have funds, but have problems and challenges that we ought to start enshrining our back in his home country to attend chosen, materialistically, to maintain come with his position, Chike-Obi heroes.” the burial of his mother. It was a sad very simple lifestyles at the top,” he favours an approach of realistic to Nigeria, occasion, as was the fact that Nigeria says. “You will not see an AMCON tenacity. “Sometimes you can’t Languages was still reeling from the financial executive, for example, with a ten- English, Igbo solve certain problems, and you In Short: crisis. It occurred then to Chike- car convoy. This is something you have to accept that. But if you think After several to ensure Obi that instead of toiling away in notice a lot of executives doing even you can solve the problem, then you years living abroad among the Nigerian diaspora, Mustafa the U.S., he ought to be contributing when they can’t afford it. Although give it your best effort – you put Chike-Obi returned to the back in Nigeria, helping the country we can afford it, there is such an work, creativity and ingenuity into I Like country in 2010, sensing that he that things recover. After a few meetings, some unnecessary amount of wastage solving it,” he advises. “And if you could make a positive impact. • Sleep of which involved the Central Bank involved.” have done your best, but you still He immediately began to do • Watching sports of Nigeria Governor at the time, Chike-Obi maintains that such here are can’t solve it, it’s okay. Some math just that, taking on a position • Music Chike-Obi was given the opportunity ostentatious and lavish lifestyles problems took thousands of years to as CEO and Managing Director to help form and oversee a new achieve little in the grand scheme solve, but people kept trying until of AMCON, where to this day organization that the government of things. “You don’t have to show they got it.” he continues his mission to developing would later announce as the Asset people that you are ‘the big man’ The historical reference is set the national tone for fiscal I Don’t Like Management Corporation of Nigeria with such pomp and circumstance, quite natural for Chike-Obi, since responsibility, accountability • Being bothered (AMCON). but you can be a big man in the some of his biggest influences for the and efficiency. “Avoid the • Unfair people The role was pivotal and functional sense,” he wisely come from history. “As a historical ostentatious lifestyle; it is not • Laziness challenging enough to satisfy Chike- suggests. “You can be extremely figure, Jesus Christ has had a huge sustainable,” he advises the better.” Obi’s need to give back. “One of the functional and do important things influence on my life. He had such youth. “Dependence on foreign things that motivates me is guilt at without playing it up.” an unbelievable amount of courage. goods is not sustainable either. having lived abroad for so many Chike-Obi has been running Alexander the Great is another one; Let’s do things our own way, years, leading a comfortable life AMCON with a pennywise mentality he achieved what people considered and let’s hold our leaders Contacts while the situation in my country since day one, when the first order of to be impossible,” Chike-Obi says. accountable.” 62 63 Tonye Patrick Cole Executive Director Sahara Group C

offices in Africa and other parts of impact on the people I have met.” Date of Birth the world, a level of success that In fact, the time Cole spends 11/01/1967 can be attributed to the creative with the younger generation has brilliance and insightful business proven to be one of his biggest acumen of Cole and his partners. motivations in life. “Each time I Education A lot of Cole’s success and have a discussion with children Foundation & creative prowess can be traced back or teenagers, I see a lot of Advanced Course for to the autonomy developed during intelligence, a lot of belief, a lot Portuguese Language My Goal: or Tonye Cole, ‘potential’ of his interests. “When it was time his childhood. Growing up in a large of hope for tomorrow, and I get a Universidade de is not a very useful notion. to go to university, architecture house full of relatives and cousins, lot of inspiration from that,” Cole Brasilia Instead of speculating on was the only course that combined Cole was mostly left to his own explains. “Growing up, I had to Brazil, 1991 “I would Fpotential and what might happen the subjects that I liked: a mixture devices. “In a way, I had to fend for discover so many things on my in the future, Cole prefers to think of science and art,” he reflects. myself at a young age. We learned own about the kind of future that about the possibilities of the present “Once I started learning more about very early on to deal with our own was possible for me. So now it B.E. & B.Arch. Merit like to be – the power of now. “Every single architecture, I found that it was issues. And that is what I did,” Cole is important to me to provide Hons. in Architecture thing that we need to create a great something that I would have devoted remembers. “So basically, I trained the younger generation with the University of Lagos nation already exists. In other myself to much earlier had I thought myself to internalize my own guidance I lacked – to help shape Nigeria, 1990 remembered words, we must move from potential about it.” problems, which doesn’t work so them, turn them into something to actualization,” he suggests. In 1993, after returning to well in life as you have to be able to great and make them actually “We need people who will stand Nigeria, Cole proved that his skill communicate to other people what see for themselves what they can Languages as a person up and make things happen. No set ranged far beyond architecture. you’re thinking.” achieve.” English, Portuguese complaining, no arguing, just getting He was recruited as Director of Never really having had a up and doing what is required.” Operations for a Brazilian civil mentor or role model, Cole gained who made Looking back on Cole’s engineering company and tasked bits and pieces of inspiration from In Short: After earning I Like impressive career, he is clearly a with setting up the Nigerian office. numerous people throughout his life. his degree in architecture, Tonye • Travel credible source on what it means During this time, Cole worked Today, on the other hand, he finds Cole worked hard to catapult • Inspiring and a positive to make things happen. After with the team to execute multi- greater value in mentorship than his career from architect to Executive Director of Sahara influencing people completing his formal education million-dollar contracts for the ever before. He views mentorship • Reading in architecture at the University of Lagos State and Anambra State as a way of truly making an impact Group, but his true passion lies in encouraging young Africans. impact on the Lagos and then studying Portuguese Water Corporations – more valuable on lives. “Sure you can give money “Life is like a jigsaw puzzle. You at the Universidade de Brasília, experience that would serve him to people, but it won’t make a true see the picture, you know what I Don’t Like Cole joined the top-tier Brazilian well in his next endeavour. difference in who they are. They people I have it is meant to look like, and from • Dishonesty architectural firm Grupo Quartro in Three years later, in 1996, forget you in seconds and will just there you start putting the pieces 1990. With the firm, Cole gained Cole went on to co-found Sahara look for the next person to pay for • Apathy together. If you are patient and • Extravagance met.” priceless experience, helping to Energy Resource Limited, which their next meal,” Cole notes. “What diligent, you will actualize that plan and develop from scratch the started out as an oil and gas really counts is when you find time picture. The good thing about capital city of Palmas in the state of company trading excess fuel oil to sit down and talk with people, Nigeria is that every piece of Tocantins, Brazil. from Nigeria’s refineries. However, help them discover who they are the puzzle is there – maybe in Contacts Thinking back on his decision the company quickly grew beyond and set them on the path that will the wrong place, but there. You to become an architect, Cole reflects these transactions, diversifying turn out to change their lives. That is just have to understand what @tonyecole1 that it was not so much a conscious into storage depots, vessels, and how I would like to be remembered you want and put the pieces Facebook: choice, but a natural culmination upstream assets. Today Sahara has – as a person who made a positive together!” tonye p. cole 64 65 Senator Daisy Former Senator & Executive Vice Chairman Ehanire Danjuma SAPETRO D

and Children’s Rights Committee politically active as a member of the Date of Birth as well as the Senate Committee Board of Trustees for the People’s 06/08/1952 Chairman on Women Affairs and Democratic Party. Political Youth Development and as a activism remains close to her heart member of the Commonwealth as she sees so much opportunity Education Parliament. for change in Nigeria, particularly CEP, Lagos Business One of Daisy’s biggest when it comes to calling on the School, Nigeria, 2008 t was all but inevitable that developed the professional acumen achievements as a politician was youth and women. “You have to Senator Daisy Ehanire Danjuma and wisdom with which to give to raise awareness regarding the involve them. The youth must My would one day become a lawyer, back to the workplace in any perils of female genital mutilation work with us now to have a better Ia popular profession in a family challenge or project. (FGM), which led to the ban of future. If we don’t integrate them B.L., Nigeria Law Philosophy: that also has its share of doctors and But Daisy needed a nudge FGM in her constituency. “I held in this way, they’re not going to School, Lagos engineers. It is a family that sets to transition from law to politics. a big campaign, inviting friends learn,” Daisy suggests. “You don’t Nigeria, 1977 high standards for education and “When the late Chief Bola Ige, who who were parliamentarians from have to be forty to be something. “We need to values, creating a background for was Federal Minister of Justice at other countries, the traditional There are motivational speakers Daisy that has left a mark not only the time, suggested that I should ruler of Benin, representatives of who are in their twenties now. We LL.B., Ahmadu Bello on her choice of career but, more get into politics, I wasn’t too keen the church, doctors, nurses, women need to engage our youth now if we University, Zaria engage our importantly, on her actions. on the idea. But then he encouraged from the market, mothers and want them to grow into a system of Nigeria, 1976 Looking back on those me, saying that we needed more youth throughout the community,” sustainable development.” formative years, Daisy traces the educated women on the forefront of Daisy remembers. “We showed youth now if family’s roots in education to her politics in Nigeria,” Daisy recalls. graphic illustrations of FGM, grandfather. “My grandfather was When Daisy heard soon after explained its hazards and how it Languages one of the first Christians in Edo, that there would be a vacancy for affected the future of these women. In Short: Senator Daisy English, Edo, Igbo we want them so my family was one of the first a Senate seat in her constituency We even had male youth leaders, Ehanire Danjuma has worked Hausa, Yoruba, Hsekiri to enjoy Western education,” she from Dr. Nwodo and Dr. Chris boys, come out to explain that they very hard in her career to make explains. “My father would always Ngige, officers of her party, she didn’t want to marry women who things happen, to effect positive say that the best insurance one could decided to seize the opportunity. “I were circumcised.” to grow into change and foster meaningful I Like give to a child was education.” went to Benin City, registered in the Daisy took her efforts even connections with people in her After finishing her education, ward, attended political meetings further beyond the intensive • Integrity community. “When I went to • Hospitality Daisy began work as a lawyer, and declared my intentions,” she awareness raising campaign, business school in Barcelona, we a system of fulfilling her Youth Service explains. Daisy would go on to win • Humility reaching out to the women who had a professor who taught us requirements as a public prosecutor a seat in the Senate from 2003 to perform the FGM procedure. “I that there are three phrases that in Lagos State, and later as a 2007, a win that she attributes to her knew that even with a ban, these sustainable pioneer counsel for the Legal Aid multilingual ability, which allowed women would continue to do it make relationships in business Council. Thereafter she worked her to truly connect with people in because it was their source of successful: thank you, please I Don’t Like with the investment bank, Nigerian various communities. “My biggest income,” Daisy explains. “So and I’m sorry. If you go with that • Dishonesty development.” Acceptances Ltd (NAL), before personal gain as a politician was I decided we should find them attitude to your workplace, you • Disrespect spending ten years with Nigeria the opportunity to get to know, alternative means of income. We are bound to succeed. It’s not • Arrogance Television Authority as company understand, and interact with gave them money to go start new about how much money you secretary and legal adviser. people. businesses, so that they wouldn’t have, but that you have integrity, Daisy also served as Chairman Once elected, Daisy served encourage women to do this good relations and teamwork. of SAPETRO from 1999 to 2003. on numerous committees, most procedure anymore.” Without a good name and Contacts With the accumulated years notably as Chairman of the Though now out of the respect for others, nobody will of experience, Daisy steadily ECOWAS Parliament’s Women National Assembly, Daisy remains appreciate you.” [email protected] 66 67 Sola David-Borha Chief Executive Stanbic IBTC Holdings Plc D a banker, a movie star, an athlete, or explains. “Secondly is competence. a politician,” David-Borha believes. Obviously the person must be Date of Birth “Look at star athletes for example. skilled or have some value to add. 07/12/1960 Even when they appear young, And finally I look at the person’s chances are they started practicing ability to collaborate – if they can as young as three or four years old. work with others and if they have So by the time they are twenty-five, the right attitude. Because you can Education they’ve had at least twenty years of have somebody who has character MBA, Manchester experience.” and competence, yet from a team Business School According to David-Borha, the perspective they can be a complete UK, 1984 or Sola David-Borha, the precious experience through her twenty-year mark of experience in disaster, which could destabilize the best starting point is a work in various departments. The a field or skill is the right amount whole team.” good education. “Going incredible diligence and tenacity of time to be really successful at David-Borha admits that the My Belief: B.Sc. Hons. in Fto university or any higher form that she brought to the workplace something. “You cannot run away one thing that experience can’t of education will help train your did not go unnoticed. When the from the years you need to put in – improve is the daily struggle of Economics “Don’t be in mind to learn. It won’t teach you Nigerian government began to issue and as long as you are applying the balancing work and family. “You The University of everything, but you’ll know how to new banking licences for the first same skills it doesn’t all have to be never get better at it, but you make Ibadan develop yourself and develop your time in decades, David-Borha was in the same industry,” she suggests. sure you are available for the Nigeria, 1981 a hurry to way of thinking,” she notes. “At the approached by one of her unit bosses, “So don’t be in a hurry to rush important moments, and that you end of the day, what you need are Atedo N.A. Peterside. He invited her toward the top; you have to be able take time out for holidays,” she skills that will carry you forward in to join him as one of the pioneering to last the distance, work hard, and advises, adding that having a spouse Languages rush toward life – success isn’t just about having staff of Investment Banking & Trust keep on learning as you go.” who supports you is just as vital. English, Yoruba a certain title or position, but skills Company – the legacy institution of David-Borha points out that that will help you create a living, a Stanbic IBTC – where she’s been the top; you successful entrepreneurs are often career, or a business.” working since 1989. a perfect example of this. “You In Short: Sola David- After getting an education, During these past twenty-five see that a lot of times they started Borha started at the bottom of I Like David-Borha maintains that one years, David-Borha has been a vital out with a small business before Nigeria’s banking industry and • Reading the Bible have to be must follow his or her passion. asset to the bank. “The industry has expanding. Along the way they climbed her way up to become • Spending time “Think about what you’re good changed significantly and our bank would make many mistakes – in the Chief Executive of Stanbic with family able to last at and what you enjoy doing – along with it. We have expanded fact, you learn more from your hopefully something that can also be into retail banking and commercial mistakes – before finally finding IBTC Holdings Plc. She has been • Travelling and monetized,” she says. David-Borha banking, and have become the success and continued growth,” she a constant source of inspiration discovering new the distance, discovered her own passion after country’s largest pension fund says. “The knowledge that you gain to her colleagues and to young places being introduced to economics in administrators and asset managers,” during these years of experience Nigerians through her strength, high school. At university she earned she notes. “What started out as and learning from your failures will integrity and determination in work hard, her Economics Degree and went on a boutique investment banking act as your base. It will inform you the face of challenge. “There to earn an MBA at the University of institution has grown to become a in making important decisions, such is no problem or challenge I Don’t Like Manchester during which time she universal banking business, and it’s as expanding or hiring staff.” that there is not a solution for, • Dishonesty and keep on decided she wanted to be a banker. been very interesting to watch the When it comes to hiring staff, but you need to know how to • No governance or Immediately after finishing her transformation.” David-Borha, with her years of go about solving the problem, organization postgraduate work, she returned to Naturally, the success that experience, has developed three which involves gaining as • Oily food learning as Nigeria in 1984 to secure an entry- Sola David-Borha enjoys today as criteria. “The first thing is the much information about it as level position with NAL Merchant Chief Executive of Stanbic IBTC character of the person – determining possible. Most importantly, you Bank. did not come without years of hard if they have a sense of integrity. have to want to do the right you go.” During the next four years, work. “There is no such thing as You don’t want to hire somebody thing no matter how difficult Contacts David-Borha would accumulate overnight success, whether you are who has the wrong values,” she the outcome is.” 68 69 Dr. Pascal Gabriel Chairman New Nigeria Foundation Dozie, OON, CON D

him tremendous success when he their God-given potential,” he Date of Birth began attracting substantial clients says. “And you have to do that in 09/04/1939 such as Nestlé and Pfizer. In the a way that doesn’t impose on the 1980s, he noticed that a lot of the person, but allows them to realize traders were struggling to handle their potential themselves. There significant amounts of cash when are so many people who can do Education travelling back and forth to Lagos. amazing things, but they have no M.Sc. in Business Often times they were ambushed access to opportunity, so we create Administration s Chairman of the New Nigeria. “I would see other people and robbed of their hard-earned those opportunities. We try to help City University Nigeria Foundation, Dr. who were successful, people from money. He proposed the simple idea them appreciate their own inner London Pascal Gabriel Dozie the Shell compound, for example, of establishing electronic transfers qualities.” UK, 1968 My Belief: Aoversees an organization with wearing nice clothes and driving in Nigeria, so the traders wouldn’t This process of self-realization, core values similar to his own: nice cars – and I wanted to know have to carry their money. Dozie adds, is essential for the integrity, transparency, accountability, what they had to do to reach that For Dozie, the simplicity of the youth. “When we are young, it is B.Sc. in Economics “You professionalism, teamwork, and level.” idea is essential. “Life is so simple, very important that we begin to try London School respect for diversity. The central focus Although his family was but we make it complicated. The and understand ourselves, which is of the Foundation is to strengthen poor, they cherished education and most common things in life are the first step in learning the best way of Economics must add communities throughout Nigeria made sure that Dozie got the best, the most wonderful,” he suggests. for you to add value to society,” he UK, 1966 to achieve sustainable economic sending him off to the London “Even my motivation in life is suggests. “You must add value and value and development. School of Economics for university. simple: to attempt at making life contribute to your society. It all Community has a special place He graduated with a degree in better for everybody.” starts from the self, but it doesn’t Languages in Dozie’s heart, taking him back econometrics before moving on to Dozie’s experience with stop there.” Igbo, English to his childhood. He remembers it City University in London to study electronic cash transfers indeed contribute to as a time when society was more business administration. “I was made life better for many Nigerians, community-oriented. “We had extremely motivated throughout and it ultimately led him to found In Short: Dr. Pascal your society. several mothers and several fathers, all of my studies, because where I Diamond Bank Plc with a group Gabriel Dozie has spent a I Like so to speak. You never lacked come from, education was highly of professionals in 1991. During lifetime personally investing • Music company,” he remembers. valued,” Dozie explains. “There was that same decade, Dozie set out to himself in the advancement of • Quality Growing up, Dozie attended a societal respect for anybody who find investors for MTN Nigeria. Nigeria and the empowerment It all starts Catholic school, a place he enjoyed exhibited a prowess for learning and Unfortunately, most of the people conversation of its people. He has toiled on the • Simplicity and simply for the sheer amount of discipline.” Dozie approached had no faith in front lines of every sector, from discipline from the self, learning. “Even though the teachers Dozie upheld this prowess the venture, but he was not deterred. banking to telecommunications, didn’t have very high qualifications, even after school. After earning Today, MTN is Nigeria’s leading with fruitful results. More their impact was felt,” Dozie recalls. his master’s, Dozie entered the cellular telecommunications importantly, his work across “For us, they were larger-than-life. consulting business where he company – Dozie is the Chairman. Nigeria’s various industries has I Don’t Like but it doesn’t If we saw one coming along the worked for the National Economic Over the years, Dozie has been made a positive difference in the road we would hide to avoid being Development Office in London. involved in countless commissions, lives of countless people. “You • Injustice reprimanded for not studying or The experience was an invaluable initiatives, projects and ventures, all can only harness opportunity • Irresponsibility stop there.” helping our parents!” arena where the young Dozie could geared toward developing Nigeria. when people work together,” • Lies During Dozie’s time in sharpen his skills before returning to He has consistently played a front- he advises. “No one person’s secondary school, he had yet to fully Nigeria in the early 70s. line role in facilitating the betterment success is his or her own doing. discover his ambitions. “We didn’t In 1972, Dozie established the of the country. “The greatest asset You don’t achieve success on have a lot of vocational guidance,” African Development Consulting a country has is its people, and it your own, but only with the help Contacts Dozie says of his upbringing in Group, a venture that would net is vital that we help them realize of others.” 70 71 Donald Duke Former Governor of Cross River State D

late 1980s. “I realized that I would “Regardless of how successful you Date of Birth never achieve my full potential in are, there ought to be some role 30/09/1961 the United States,” Duke notes. model you look up to,” Duke says. “The system there can absorb you. “Yes, at first I did not want to be a You get married, buy a house, pay commissioner, but once I got there your mortgage. This is how a lot of I saw things differently. I came Education people define success there, which to appreciate the value of public LL.M. in Business Law I found really inhibitive in a lot of service.” & Admiralty University ways.” Today, Duke sees a good of Pennsylvania “ t wasn’t until my father’s person. If I hadn’t gone through that, When Duke did return to mentor-protégé dynamic as an Philadelphia demise that I came to appreciate maybe my views of Nigeria would Nigeria, it was a difficult era for the invaluable extension of one’s formal U.S., 1984 how much he moulded me,” have turned out differently. Today, country, but nevertheless he saw education. And a great education, he saysI Donald Duke, former Governor however, I see myself as a balanced immense opportunity everywhere believes, is the best thing a person of Cross River State, Nigeria. “There Nigerian.” My Advice: just as he sees it today. “If you’re can do for oneself. “There is no were five of us growing up and we Duke ended up staying in the from a virgin continent like alternative to a great education,” B.L., Nigeria Law were constantly reminded not only North all the way through university Africa, there are a whole lot of he advises. “Get as much exposure School to look out for each other but also to level. During these pivotal years “Regardless opportunities. And with Nigeria as you can, and better still get it Lagos have a goal in life.” he found himself submerged in a even more opportunity,” he suggests while you are young! This exposure Nigeria, 1983 While still shaping what would predominantly Muslim culture, as of the country’s as well as the will become a part of you – your become his own, inspiring goals in opposed to his upbringing in the greater continent’s potential. “There background, your foundation.” of how life, the young Duke was adamant Christian-oriented South. “When is so much that has not been done, about going to one of the more elite you live with people who were that needs to be done. So for me, Languages institutions in Lagos as he prepared brought up with different beliefs Nigeria and indeed Africa represent In Short: After receiving English successful to enter secondary school. “Indeed, than you, you end up finding out the future.” most of his education in my father thought the choice would that human beings are the same Upon returning to Nigeria, northern Nigeria, Donald be academically sound, but he also wherever you go,” Duke explains as Duke became relatively successful you are, there felt that I did not know the country he reflects on the valuable lessons in the business sector. He actually Duke moved to the U.S. for his well enough. So he sent me and my learned during his school years and had little inclination to involve postgraduate in law. He opted I Like brother to school in Sokoto, way up beyond. “We don’t choose where himself with politics, but the future to return to Nigeria in order to • Beauty ought to be in northern Nigeria.” we come from, so we find ourselves had other things in store. By the age fulfil his potential, where he • Foresightedness Duke can still remember under different circumstances. of thirty he had been appointed as would later become one of the • Music standing at the rail terminal on a Regardless, we are all the same.” Commissioner of Finance in his youngest elected governors some role Saturday morning, his father having Duke’s perspective of equality home state, Cross River State. The in the country. Now that he is further decided that it would be a among all people, no matter new governor had been urging him out of politics, he has taken his passion back to the private much more formative and enriching their religious beliefs or ethnic for a while to sign on, and Duke I Don’t Like model you sector. “Make things happen. experience to cross the country background, was reaffirmed when finally committed at the insistence • Vulgarity by train as opposed to flying. “We he moved to the United States to of a valued mentor. Seven years Although money helps, it’s not • Disorder were boarding this train along with study law. Living, studying, and later, Duke would become one of always about that. It’s more look up to.” cattle, chicken… I was convinced working abroad would prove to be the youngest elected governors in about your will, determination • Slyness then that the man did not like me!” another worthwhile experience, Nigeria’s history. and focus,” he says. “Believe Duke laughs, adding that by the bolstering Duke for greater things Looking back, Duke points in yourself and have a clear end of the three-day journey they to come. However, as much as he out that had it not been for his vision of what you want to do reached Sokoto exhausted and filthy. liked the U.S., he decided that it mentor, his life would have perhaps – no matter how outlandish it Contacts “In hindsight, it made me a better was time to return to Nigeria in the taken a completely different path. may seem.” 72 73 Mitchell Elegbe Founder & Group Managing Director Interswitch Limited E

quite naturally to me.” you’ll find that there are always Date of Birth Elegbe continued to cultivate better and more efficient ways to 14/11/1972 his capacity for dreaming while achieve your end goal, ways to push he attended university, studying to the envelope and stay focused at the be an electrical engineer. His first same time.” position after graduating was with As a positive thinker, Elegbe Computer Systems Associates, firmly believes that, with the right Education but after just six months he amount of focus, Nigeria has the B.Eng. Hons. would quickly progress to a more basic ingredients to potentially Electronic Engineering “ think that every situation, no need to check your optimism with substantial position with TELNET. become a world power. “We have got University of Benin My Words of matter how bad it is, has a a sense of steadfast preparation, Naturally, the ideas didn’t stop as he people with the right focus, the right Nigeria, 1996 solution – you just have to otherwise you’ll face a lot of continued to apply them in both his drive and the right entrepreneurial Wisdom: keepI your eyes open and look for it,” disappointments, and suffering one professional life and with personal spirit,” he suggests. “The day when says Mitchell Elegbe. “If you allow disappointment after another is the projects. we can realize a situation in which the challenge or problem to disturb easiest way to kill your dreams.” Though Elegbe acknowledges everybody in the value chain, “When you you, you won’t see as clearly.” Growing up, Elegbe was a that many of the ideas he came up including the government, is well- As Group Managing Director of big dreamer himself. “I wasn’t just with were failures, he has also had connected and moving in the same Languages Interswitch Limited, an integrated living day to day, but was always his fair share of successes, especially direction, will be the day when you English, French fully embrace payment and transaction company, thinking of the future. I had a view the idea for Interswitch. “I was just will find that a lot will happen with Elegbe encounters problems to of what I wanted to do, which of four years out of school and was ease in this country.” be solved on a daily basis. Yet he course changed over time, but I able to raise over one million dollars challenge doesn’t consider them problems at was always very particular about to start up this business. That was a all but challenges. “When you fully what my future was going to look huge responsibility that could have In Short: Mitchell Elegbe I Like embrace challenges you begin to see like,” he explains. “I would occupy easily gone bad like a lot of other you begin is a modern-day innovator with • Dancing other opportunities, doors that have myself with dreams of the kind of startups did at the time,” Elegbe • Music been open all along,” he notes. “So life I was going to live, what kind of recalls. “Looking back, it’s amazing an entrepreneurial edge. As to see other when you go through one door, you family I was going to have, even the to see how the business has grown Founder and Group Managing • Mentoring keep an eye on all the other doors opportunities I would like to see my to almost three hundred employees. Director for Interswitch Limited, that are open – with such a range children have!” We were recently nominated as one he has streamlined the financial opportunities, of possibility you’ll see that every Elegbe’s propensity for of the fastest-growing companies in transactions of Nigerians, problem already has a solution!” dreaming was the result of an Africa!” but more importantly he has This philosophy of solutions independent childhood. His father However, when it comes to reached a position where he I Don’t Like doors that and open doors is part of Elegbe’s passed away before he was born, dreaming, developing, and pursuing will continue to inspire with • Disloyalty his message of humility and trademark optimism. And while so he grew up living with his uncle, ideas, Elegbe refers back to his • Critics who only positivity. “I put a lot of effort he is not a person to dwell on the a move that would ensure a good wariness of naive optimism which complain have been negative, he cautions young people education for the young Elegbe. can bring with it a rigid mentality: into getting the results I want, against what he refers to as unbridled “My uncle was a huge inspiration in “Don’t be a slave to your ideas which is what I call winning,” • Insincerity open all optimism. “It is indeed good to be my life, a father figure who had a big and decisions. Always keep your he says. “Don’t sit and criticize optimistic. However, through the influence on me,” he notes. “I was end goal in view, but at the same Nigeria when your energy mentoring I have done, I’ve seen put into situations where I had to be time keep an open mind, especially could be better spent in a more along.” a lot of youths come up with ideas independent. I had responsibilities, if logic starts pointing you in a productive way. Keep looking without having completely thought and studying was one of those things different direction,” he advises. “If for those open doors if you Contacts them through,” he says. “So you you did in order to get on. It came you strive to continuously improve, really want to make a change.” 74 75 Ndidi Emefiele Professional Artist E

when she won first place at a national their kids wouldn’t stop drawing Date of Birth art competition. “It was the first time and they didn’t know what to do,” 12/06/1987 that the competition was televised Ndidi shares. “So I asked these kids nationally, so when my parents’ how much they love art. Because friends saw it, they all started calling when you’re passionate about to offer words of congratulations something, you’re going to be told Education and encouragement,” Ndidi recalls. to work hard at it. So you should Master’s in Fine Art “That was a turning point – I only pursue something that you University College suddenly had people telling me to really love – because then you are London move forward with this.” prepared to give it everything you UK, 2014 or Ndidi Emefiele there was arts, nothing else really appealed The second big milestone have.” My Mantra: never any other choice but to me. My parents thought it was a came when Al Jazeera interviewed Indeed, hard work is a core to pursue her passion for phase that I would probably grow Ndidi for a feature on her work. “It principle in Ndidi’s career. Not only Ffine arts. Even when others tried out of, but instead I grew deeper into was a significant moment, one that as an effort to ward off becoming the Bachelor of Fine Arts “Only pursue to dissuade her from becoming an it.” exposed me to the outside world,” prototypical starving artist, but as a Delta State University Abraka artist, she knew herself well enough Outside of school, Ndidi’s she says. “As an artist you want to matter of philosophy. “Whatever is Nigeria, 2007 something to understand what they didn’t: that upbringing in has left her be received not only at home, but worth doing is worth doing well or she loved art to the point where she with memories of the state during abroad as well.” not at all. If you’re going to do it, was willing to put in the work it its initial years of existence. Today Ndidi’s career continues you’ve got to give it one hundred to gain momentum; her works of percent.” that you demands. “Let’s just say nobody was “Unlike the hustle and bustle you Languages excited in the beginning about my see there today, Abuja was very mixed-media are curated in solo English choice to be an artist,” she recalls. quiet and rather undeveloped,” she and group exhibitions throughout really love “A lot of people had a preconceived remembers. “People were moving Nigeria and elsewhere in the world. In Short: Ndidi Emefiele notion of how things typically turn in from different parts of the country Through her hard work she strives to knew from the beginning that out for artists, and it wasn’t a pretty and settling here, but the University break the stereotype of the “female arts was the only path for her. I Like picture.” of Abuja did not offer a fine arts artist.” “Society has a tendency to This strong degree of self- – because • Happiness In spite of this bleak career programme, so I had to go to Delta impose its ideas on artists; it can awareness has come with a • Individualism outlook painted for her by so many, State University for my bachelor’s.” put you in a box and categorize sense of purpose, enabling her then you are Ndidi was never discouraged. “I Along the way, Ndidi began you,” Ndidi explains. “I try to use to work hard and persevere • Success knew deep down I was going to be an to find a source of much-needed my works to transcend that. I’ve even when others doubted artist, and I was ready for anything encouragement in people who experimented with exhibitions her vision for herself. Today prepared that came with it,” she reflects. “If shared her love of the arts. “People where I remain absent from the her unwavering pursuit of her it wasn’t so glamorous or pleasant, I began to tell me that if this is what space so that people can absorb the dream has yielded an audience I Don’t Like didn’t care. I just knew for me there I loved, I ought to stick with it no art without equating it to the fact for her work throughout Nigeria • Stereotypes to give it was nothing else. I couldn’t imagine matter what,” she mentions. “And that it was produced by a female.” and abroad. “I always knew • Disappointment myself in any other line of work.” there were others who actually As her work is starting to that this was what I wanted to • Anything Even throughout her primary became mentors, giving me support receive more attention, Ndidi do, and while others may have monotonous everything and secondary education in Abuja, when I needed it.” has been taking advantage of perceived it as risky, I would Ndidi felt the continual pull of her Ndidi’s career as an artist has opportunities to mentor other have done it even if it wouldn’t artistic inclinations. “Instead of also been bolstered by the milestones aspiring artists. “I’ve had parents have worked out, rather than you have.” taking notes in class I would end she has realized over the years. The come up to me to tell me how knowing that I didn’t do it at all. Contacts up sketching the teachers as they first major achievement was during confused they were by their So I was ready for whatever was [email protected] taught,” she laughs. “Outside of fine her last year of secondary school, children’s tendency toward art, that going to come.” 76 77 Florence Executive Director TY Danjuma Foundation Etta-AkinAina E

“Try and try again, and if you fail talking about the philosophy of Date of Birth – be sure to learn from the failure.” science – which was never taught to 11/09/1956 When it comes to failure, Etta- us, yet he learned it in sociology!” AkinAina is a firm believer that Etta-AkinAina would go on to successful people generally fail earn her Master’s in Psychology of more often because they try more. Education, specializing in guidance Education “Oh boy, have I failed in so many and counselling. She later moved Ph.D. in Cognitive y driving force is to I can leave the world a better place.” things! But do not be afraid of to London for her Ph.D., beginning Psychology “ make life better for those When Etta-AkinAina thinks failure; embrace it as a meaningful her twenty-five year career abroad University of London Institute of Education who have no voice, no about all of the world’s problems, learning opportunity,” she says. before returning to Nigeria to UK, 1988 My Recipe for powerM or position,” says Florence she admits that her never-ending “When we succeed, we don’t learn begin work with the TY Danjuma Etta-AkinAina, who has spent the work is not easy. “On the one hand it as much. It’s a lesson that many Foundation. Success: last twenty-five years adhering to is very depressing, but on the other young people don’t understand, “The Foundation and what it this mission of selfless dynamism.“I hand I am an incurable optimist!” so they respond to failure with stands for is the kind of commitment M.Ed. in Psychology have a voice; I’ve been trained; I can she explains. “In this world you discouragement. Success makes us I’m cut out for,” Etta-AkinAina of Education “Do not reach people and call on resources – have to be an optimist, otherwise happy, but failure can bring you to a says of her current position. “It is as University of Lagos I’ll do whatever I can with what I you won’t want to wake up in the state of introspection.” if I have been preparing all my life Nigeria, 1982 have for those who can’t do so for morning. You have to be an optimist Like many people, Etta- for this position, and I don’t think I be afraid themselves.” to see the degrees of deprivation I’ve AkinAina’s first taste of failure could be doing any other job at this As Executive Director of the seen and still go to work.” came during her school years point that is as good as this one.” TY Danjuma Foundation, Etta- Etta-AkinAina has spent a when she was shocked at having Languages of failure; AkinAina uses her resourcefulness lot of time working outside of underperformed on her “A” levels. Ikom, English, Yoruba and energy to orchestrate initiatives Nigeria. Throughout her career However, her exam results were In Short: Florence French for bolstering access to health and she has taken on assignments with enough to motivate this small-town Etta-AkinAina’s position as embrace it as education services. “When people a variety of organizations abroad, girl to work harder at her studies. In the Executive Director of the are in a difficult situation, it’s not both governmental and non- university, she initially cultivated an TY Danjuma Foundation is yet I Like a meaningful because they are powerless, but governmental. This includes her interest in science, graduating with another stage of her epic career because they don’t have the necessary work from 1999 to 2006 with the a Bachelor’s Degree in Zoology in working to do her part in the • Nature opportunities, which makes them feel Canadian International Development Education. world. As a self-proclaimed • A good laugh learning powerless to act,” Etta-AkinAina Research Centre for Eastern and But when it came time to incurable optimist, she has • Good food suggests. “The truth is we all depend Southern Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, earn her master’s, Etta-AkinAina built a career and a life out of on each other.” and her stint as President of the pursued a different kind of helping people, and it has taken opportunity.” Throughout her career, Etta- African Evaluation Association. degree at the encouragement of her to various countries in AkinAina has committed herself to At each of her many posts, Etta- her future husband, who was a Africa and other points around I Don’t Like a number of causes. “I have fought AkinAina has endeavoured to make graduate assistant in the Sociology the globe. Now back in Nigeria, • Snakes for gender equality, environmental a difference through her trademark Department at the time. “At least she continues to strive each • Mediocrity issues, access to technology – all diligence and discipline. “Hard one of my science professors was day to do her part in any way • Dishonesty nationally and internationally,” Etta- work doesn’t hurt anybody – it can a bit shocked and disappointed she can. To young Nigerians, AkinAina notes. “I am humbled by only make you stronger. If you’re that I’d converted to sociology of she advises: “When it comes the vastness of the world’s needs, passionate about something or if education, but I’d grown bored to pursuing your own career, but I think that if I do my little bit, you have a good idea, I suggest you with science,” she explains. “I was do not hesitate to follow your Contacts wherever I find myself, then maybe pursue it,” Etta-AkinAina advises. intrigued when I heard my husband passion.” 78 79 Member H. Feese Senior Supervisor Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) F

of her way to visit survivors and but she knows that many Nigerians Date of Birth their families in the hospital. “My are left without such an option when 03/10/1987 goal is to give them hope, to show it is most needed. Through Team them that life still goes on in spite of Member, one of the first questions their situations,” she notes. “Most she asked when meeting with Education of the people injured are quite poor relevant government agencies was M.A. in Poverty & and often have lost their sense of if they had learned any lessons from Development livelihood, but I remind them that the bomb incident. If a better system University of Sussex the most important thing is life and were in place, she told them, people Brighton n August 26, 2011, Member “I survived that day; I survived a the ability to go on, that God will would not have to suffer so much. UK, 2013 My Recipe for Feese walked into the UN horrible accident, and if God did provide another way for them.” As Member continues to fight Building in Abuja to conduct not want me to survive, he would’ve Aside from Member’s inspiring for a better Nigeria, she refuses Oresearch for her Master’s Degree in taken my life then,” she explains of recovery, something else was born to be discouraged. “If you have a B.Sc. Hons. Success: Poverty and Development. She was her positive energy. “So there’s no from the rubble of that bomb blast in vision or dream, don’t ever give in Economics still in the reception area when the point sitting around and wallowing August 2011. After witnessing first- up – fight for it. It may take a year; & International bomb exploded. The blast ripped in self-pity.” hand the inadequacy of the Nigerian it may take five or six years. But Development “If you have through the building, taking the One of Member’s biggest healthcare system, Member and her my message to young people is to University of Bath lives of at least twenty people that assets during her recovery has friends started an NGO called Team never let anybody demoralize you UK, 2009 day. Dozens more were severely been her family and friends, who Member, a name her friends coined or discourage you – fight for your a vision or injured, including Member, whose have been by her side every step of before she regained consciousness. dream and try your best to achieve life would be forever changed. the way. “I never knew I had such “Team Member was initially it.” Languages Instead of working on the a fantastic support system until formed by my friends to campaign English dream, don’t research that she hoped would after the incident. They say when for blood donations and provide one day make a difference in something bad happens, that’s when information to other friends on In Short: Through what I Like Nigeria, this young, enthusiastic, you discover your true friends,” she my situation,” Member explains. many would view as a cruel ever give up and cheerful student was suddenly mentions. “For me, I knew I had “But then it evolved into a way twist of fate, Member Feese • Working to facing life-threatening injuries. good friends, but I didn’t know what to navigate the confusion, lack of has thrived since the bomb alleviate poverty The doctors told Member’s family they were capable of and how far information, and lapses that we attack that nearly took her life • Giving a voice to – fight for it.” that she had only a slim chance they would go to support me.” continually discovered within the in 2011. Today, she continues to the voiceless of surviving. Of course, had they Even Member’s university got system.” work toward a career in tackling • Giving hope known she was a fighter, they behind her. They offered her the Team Member continues to poverty and also to make a would’ve given her better odds. option of either dropping out and advocate for quality healthcare difference through her NGO, When Member awoke from still taking a diploma or resuming services for Nigerians and intends Team Member, advocating I Don’t Like her coma three weeks later, her when she was ready. Ever the to expand its scope to other social for better services and social • Sense of family was concerned about how warrior, Member chose the latter services. “As citizens we have amenities throughout Nigeria. helplessness she would react to the news of what option, taking some time off to a right to the provision of good “Nigerians must be aware had happened: her left leg had been recover before returning to school to quality services, yet we tend to not of their rights and make • Doing nothing to amputated and her brain had suffered finish her dissertation. When she did demand our rights; we just step demands for them – from the change situations traumatic injuries, which meant that graduate, the school applauded her back and accept lower standards,” right to efficient emergency • Self-pity she would have to learn to do most inspiring tenacity, but for Member Member observes. response services all the way things all over again. it was just the beginning of her Member counts herself to education. This also includes Nobody could fathom the mission. fortunate to have had the support to the right to fight for your Contacts resilience and optimism Member Today, with bombings still be flown abroad to receive the best dreams without letting anybody [email protected] would display in her comeback. plaguing Nigeria, Member goes out possible treatment for her injuries, or anything discourage you.” Facebook: Team Member 80 81 Rear Admiral Managing Director & CEO Navy Building Itunu Hotonu & Construction Company Limited H FSS, MSS, psc fwc FNIA upbringing was quite different than attainable, Hotonu continues, was Date of Birth the background of most people I the unwavering support of her 18/01/1959 met,” she notes. “Because I carry husband, also an architect. “If it a different set of ideals, it created wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have made some friction. For example, if I tried it this far. He said to me, look, if you to do volunteer work, people would are not happy you can’t make me Education simply think I was attempting to happy,” she notes. “He is an unusual MSS: Master’s in show them up, or when I wanted person, because most people are not Strategic Studies things to be almost perfect, people like that, but then again we are both University of Ibadan hen Itunu Hotonu through which I discovered a love might think I was showing off – artists, and artists are very unusual Nigeria, 2005 first started studying of architecture, and from then on which wasn’t true.” people. We’ve been married thirty- My Vision for architecture, she never that was all I wanted to do,” she This contrast also hindered two years now.” Wimagined that she would one day notes. “Even in my capacity as an Hotonu’s efforts to succeed as a While she acknowledges that it the Future: become the first female Rear Admiral officer with the Navy, I am still an woman in a man’s world. “I was has been a difficult career, Hotonu B.Arch. in the Nigerian Navy – and the first architect.” brought up in an environment adds that it has been well worth University of Nigeria female Rear Admiral (senior grade, Hotonu believes that her where it was not unusual to see a it. “Because of the path that I’ve Nsukka “Because of two-star) in all of Africa. In fact, she natural tendency to be a “tomboy” woman succeed, but in this other paved, it will be easier for the next Nigeria, 1982 comes from a family historically was one of her first nudges world, people often see a woman generation. Sure, I’ve made a lot of devoted to academics. Both of her towards the Navy. “I’ve always striving for success and think sacrifices, but I would do it again in the path that parents worked in education, and liked taking on challenges and ‘how dare she?’ – there is a sense a heartbeat for that reason alone.” all four of her grandparents were experiencing new things, so after of incredulity,” Hotonu observes. Languages teachers as well as members of I became professionally qualified “This is not something you can fight English, Yoruba, Igbo I’ve paved, it the Anglican clergy. “I basically as an architect, I got the idea to do because there are too many people. French grew up at the university where my something different,” she explains. What I tried to do was work harder In Short: Rear Admiral parents worked,” Hotonu recalls. “The Navy was taking architects for than everybody else – but that often Itunu Hotonu is the first woman will be easier By the age of thirteen, the the first time, so I applied and got in. fuelled the problem.” in both Nigeria and all of Africa young Hotonu had set her mind on My mother didn’t quite understand Compared to the uphill battle to reach such a distinguished I Like for the next a career in architecture thanks to the at first. She wanted me to follow at work, balancing her career with rank in the Navy. Her career was • Chocolates encouragement of her father. “At the family tradition of getting my family obligations was the easy a complete divergence from • Being an architect the time I knew that my two best master’s and Ph.D. But for me, a part. “Early on, my husband and her family’s expectations, but • Travel generation.” subjects in school were fine arts career in the Navy was something I decided that the children would she persevered nonetheless, and mathematics, and I remember different, something nobody I knew always attend school in Lagos satiating her desire for wondering how was I going to keep had done before – so I wanted to try where the family is based. They challenge. Her path to success drawing and keep doing math!” she it.” would spend the holidays with me has not been easy, but she has I Don’t Like explains. “It was my father who Hotonu was trained as an wherever I was posted, and I would remained determined to work pointed out that architecture would officer and appointed to the logistics come see them every two weeks, so hard and demonstrate her • Dishonesty provide a perfect combination of the branch. She approached her duties it was kind of like boarding school,” worth. “You’ve got to believe in • Untidiness two.” with the same tenacity and attention Hotonu explains. “It turned out that yourself. Don’t ever let anybody • Lazy people The notion was interesting to detail she had applied to her I didn’t get posted outside of Lagos put you down. Even when it enough to pique Hotonu’s interest, studies, but quickly found that Navy until my youngest was eight, so it gets really rough – don’t give and so her father arranged a brief life would be much more demanding worked out rather well.” up, because somewhere along internship at a nearby architecture than she had expected. “I found What made this balance the line you’re going to get Contacts firm. “That was a valuable experience that my British upper-middle-class between work and family so where you need to be.” [email protected] 82 83 Innocent Ujah Idibia Singer & Songwriter Record Producer “2face Idibia” I

with Nigeria specifically, I really stay dedicated and inspired me to Date of Birth want to be a force that unites. I want grow.” 18/09/1975 to be an agent of change that ignites Finding the right role models and reorients the Nigerian mindset.” and reaching the proper levels of Awards As much as Innocent loves focus and determination, Innocent 2011, Best Int´l Artiste- Nigeria, and perhaps because of this continues, are all instrumental in Africa, BET Award love, he is not afraid to point out the achieving your dreams. “Life is what country’s faults. “So many years of you choose to make of it. But at the nnocent Ujah Idibia – famously African residing in Africa to win corruption, people not following same time, you always have to be 2010, Best Male Artiste known by his stage name 2face at the MTV Europe Music Awards due process to make things considerate and respectful toward & Artiste of the year My Words of Idibia – has had a musical mind – that was a game changer,” he happen, everybody wanting to take other people,” he notes. “You can MTV MAMA Ifrom an extremely young age. remarks. “Music has since opened shortcuts,” he enumerates. “Sadly, either be a criminal or a legitimate Wisdom: “Music came to me quite naturally; up a lot of doors for me. My success most young people today are not person. You can be heartless or you 2008, World Music I’ve always had a flair for it,” he in the industry has allowed me to really trying to build themselves; can be conscientious. This fork in Award notes. “I never dreamed of doing invest in a couple of businesses, they just want to be something the road can be a dicey area for some “Whatever anything other than music – so it and I’ve gotten to meet people that instantly.” people, which is why you’ve got to 2007, Best African Act isn’t surprising for people who know I wouldn’t have normally been able Innocent cautions the Nigerian clear your mind and really focus MOBO me to see what I’ve been doing with to meet and go places that I had only youth to eliminate any shortcut on life as a human being. Learn the mentalities that they might be culture of building yourself up from you want to my life.” dreamt of going to before.” 2005, Best African Act holding. “Whatever you want to an early age.” Born in Jos, Innocent was the Innocent has actually earned MTV Europe Awards second child in a family of four numerous awards, many of them do in this world, you have to start do in this boys. He remembers that his parents on an international scale, as well gradually and build yourself as you weren’t the wealthiest people in as nationally and within Africa. go, and that comes with having the Languages Idoma, English town, but they always managed Yet even in the face of such right role models in your life as In Short: world, you to keep food on the table and the distinguished accolades, he has well,” he advises. “A lot of young Innocent children in school. “My parents never been one to rest on his laurels. people here are starting to look Ujah Idibia devoted himself to I Like music at quite a young age. have always been the driving force “Each award gives me a huge sense up to criminals as role models, • Music have to start in my life. I was brought up in a of responsibility. I think to myself: which has had a devastating effect Harnessing the live and let live mentality instilled in him by his • Peaceful people house where we were taught to live ‘Well, okay, I’m carrying my people on the psyche of many Nigerians. • Beautiful people and let live,” Innocent explains of out there with me and this is great,’” Remember that your dignity will parents, he challenged himself inside and out gradually and his childhood environment. “As he reveals. “But at the same time always be more important than to pursue a music career to the children we were always taught it really is more responsibility, and monetary wealth.” best of his abilities. In doing to do our own thing, and that has it pushes me to work harder to get The role models in Innocent’s so, he has made a name for I Don’t Like build yourself been a key mentality throughout my to the next level in order to not own life have come from within himself in Nigeria, Africa and • Fake people whole life. I have always wanted to disappoint the people who’ve started the music industry as well as from other parts of the world, and • Violence just do my own thing and do it to the to believe in me.” outside. “Like a lot of performers, he is proud to represent Nigeria • Over-controlling and as you go.” best of my ability.” Representing Nigeria as an I was influenced by figures like on a global level. His biggest over-possessive hope, however, is to have a life- Putting so much focus on his artist, Innocent can’t help but feel Michael Jackson or Bob Marley,” he people music has brought Innocent steadily honoured at the opportunity to be mentions. “There have also been a changing impact on the young increasing success in Nigeria, an ambassador for his country in couple of people who weren’t really people in his country. “I want to Africa, and even in Europe. “The the entertainment world. “Nigeria involved in music but have inspired be the future; I want to be that Contacts moment that changed everything is everything for me. These are my me to keep moving and keep doing spark, that revolution within the Facebook: 2faceofficial for me was when I became the first roots, my DNA,” he states. “And my thing. They encouraged me to mindsets of young Nigerians.” @2faceidibia 84 85 Ambassador Permanent Secretary Federal Ministry of Power Godknows Boladei I Ph.D. Igali, Foreign Service as Nigeria’s reputation started to take hold and Date of Birth ambassador to the Scandinavian every boss wanted me. I had taught 04/04/1960 countries: Sweden, Denmark, myself everything I needed, and all Finland and Norway. Compared to the hard work I had put in further what he’d been doing in Bayelsa, strengthened my foundation.” Education Igali saw his time in Scandinavia This work ethic and constant Ph.D. in Politics & as a chance to relax, joking that hunger to learn is what has allowed International Studies he could finally catch up on sleep. Igali to continue to expand in his life University of Venezuela But really, he was as productive as and career. “I am also an academic. Caracas fter the International Court different countries and represent ever, embarking on a number of I have a Ph.D., and I write books – Venezuela, 1998 My View: of Justice (ICJ) ruled that my own,” he explains. “I quickly initiatives and economic missions you can be a civil servant and also the Bakassi Peninsula learned that each country is to encourage trade between be accomplished in other ways. Abelonged to Cameroon, thousands of unique in its own set of difficulties Scandinavia and Nigeria. People will notice these unique M.A. in International “No matter Nigerians who had been displaced and challenges. For example, I The excellence Igali had qualities in you, and they will want Law & Diplomacy into Cameroon for several years started my diplomatic career in achieved in public service landed to work with you,” he notes, before as a result of civil crisis suddenly Czechoslovakia. I was very young him his appointment as Permanent adding a final piece of advice: “But University of Lagos how hard found themselves facing a new at the time and it was a communist Secretary for the Federal Ministry no matter how hard you work, one Nigeria, 1989 period of uncertainty. The man who government – a completely different of Water, and he has since thing everybody needs in life is you work, would successfully negotiate and environment for me. After that it transitioned to Permanent Secretary people. Don’t ever take other people initiate their return to Nigeria was was , and then Venezuela, with the Federal Ministry of Power. for granted.” Languages Ambassador Godknows Boladei which allowed me to travel to even In both positions he has continued English, Ijaw, Spanish one thing Igali. Over the course of 2003 to more countries. I was in charge of his career-long pattern of getting French, German 2005, Igali worked with the United Colombia and Ecuador, and I would things done and building the greater In Short: Ambassador Nations High Commission for also go to Argentina and Brazil.” good of Nigeria. “I’ve contributed Godknows Boladei Igali became everybody Refugees, supervising the return Thereafter Igali found himself so much to building the public a diplomat for the sake of I Like of over 200,000 people. It was a in Cameroon as Nigeria’s Consul sector, and it may not have resulted adventure, but it quickly turned • Philanthropy mission he took personally, going General based in Buea for six in personal monetary wealth, but into something bigger. Over the needs in life above and beyond the call of duty. tough years. After his Cameroon I have a lot of impact on critical years Nigeria has continuously • Hard work “The ICJ judgment brought assignment, Igali served as Special sectors,” he reveals. “I get a lot of called upon him for civil service • People about a lot of clashes, so we had to Assistant in the Nigerian Presidential chances to bring about results for is people. manage the repatriation carefully,” Villa as well as Secretary to the Nigeria and its people.” abroad and at home, and he says Igali, who worked in Cameroon Presidential Committee on Money Reflecting on the number of has always been there to make as the Nigerian Consul General. “I Laundering and Financial Crimes. assignments he has held throughout a difference. Whether it was I Don’t Like Don’t ever rode along with every single convoy He was later appointed Secretary to his career, Igali believes that there through helping bring Nigerian • Unkind people to ensure the refugees’ safe return to the Bayelsa State Government and, are several key factors that have refugees back into the country, • Ungenerous take other Nigeria. We only had to cross eight simultaneously, Honorary Adviser made him such a sought-after civil working for peace in the Niger people kilometres of territory, but each trip and Peace Envoy to the President servant. “The first thing is deep Delta, or enhancing Nigeria’s • Unforgiving took an entire day because of the on the Niger Delta. It was an intense devotion to God and then secondary, water and power resources, people people for mountainous terrain.” period, a time during which Igali hard work. I have learned that he has readily put the country For Igali, the experience was helped negotiate the release of when you work hard at whatever before himself. “When you difficult, yet one of the highlights of kidnapped victims and advocated you do, it might not be appreciated work hard, and when you work granted.” his years of civil service. “Initially, for amnesty as a means of ending immediately, but after some time selflessly, people respect you Contacts I wanted to be a diplomat because conflict. people begin to notice,” he advises. and see that you have qualities it would allow me to travel, to see In 2008, Igali returned to “When I was a young diplomat, my to contribute.” [email protected] 86 87 Ene Ijegwa-Adaji MD & CEO - IA&G Partners Ltd Design and Construction I

including contract workers, Ene but you just have to go out there Date of Birth maintains that she has no problems and do it – take control of your life 02/09/1981 working in a field that is very much and circumstances,” she advises. a man’s world. “When people “With the right amount of ambition believe in you, they will follow you. and focus, you can move in any It doesn’t matter that I am female, direction. And once you take the Education ne Ijegwa-Adaji was a good environment, she knew she needed because the men that I employ can first step it will be fine, but you’ve B.Sc. in Architecture student, but while studying to leave. see my vision, and what I want to got to give yourself a chance. Don’t Obafemi Awolowo architecture at university, Her work ethic, however, had do is so clear that there are not a lot be too hard on yourself; making University My Recipe for Eher studies were compromised caught the attention of a previous of challenges.” mistakes is how you learn.” Ile-Ife by an unexpected situation, one client. He had remembered a job With this strong sense of vision One thing that helps Ene Nigeria, 2006 Success: that was dramatic enough to hurt where she worked all night to prepare bringing successful results, Ene still as she continues to persevere in her academic performance. As a a brief for him, so after he found out stands by the values with which her own work is something she result, she graduated third-class, a Ene had quit the firm, he approached she started. “My father taught me believes everyone should have: a “You just ranking that would make it next to her directly for a new assignment. that honesty always pays off. He personal word. Her word? Freedom. Languages impossible for the average Nigerian “When I work on something, it’s taught me to never compromise, “Whatever I am doing, I have to English, Idoma to find a job. Yet Ene has never been always 120 percent. Anything I do, I to always keep true to what I am be free. I will not compromise my have to go one to settle for average, even in give it my best shot,” she notes. about,” she notes. “Through his own standards, because that would lead the face of obstacles outside of her Ene leveraged the momentum hardworking example he showed to cover-ups. I always do my best control. from that first independent contract me that integrity is sustainable.” because I like to be free and happy.” out there and Upon graduating, Ene to create more opportunities for Ene keeps these engrained I Like consciously decided not to let the herself. She continued to land one lessons from childhood close to her • Reading academic setback affect her career. contract after another, all of them heart, but at the same time finds • Bob Marley do it - take If anything, she was more motivated high-paying. Today, she is Managing new inspiration from the people she In Short: Integrity, • Saturday by what had happened. “I decided Director and CEO of her own works with today. “The work I do humility, freedom, hard work mornings to create my own job opportunities design and construction firm, IA&G exposes me to very successful men, – values on which Ene Ijegwa- control of and lifestyle,” she explains. “I ended Partners Ltd – a position that allows and from them I’ve learned that Adaji has built the foundation up landing my first job because my her to ensure that her standards for everything is possible,” she shares. of her success as an architect employers could see that I wasn’t excellence are constantly upheld. “Most of them are self-made, and and entrepreneur. Looking your life and I Don’t Like third-class material.” “The construction aspect of I’ve learned from them that this all back on the experiences and • Traffic Naturally, Ene counted herself the company came about because I starts in the mind – if you believe, attitudes that have served her • Delayed flights blessed to have found work, but wanted to protect the integrity of my you can achieve. Yet they’ve also so well, she encourages young circumstances.” after a couple of years, her integrity designs,” Ene explains. “Previously, taught me the importance of being Nigerians to go for what they • Stereotyping demanded she quit this first job: I had a problem with designing humble about what you have, which want in life as well. “It is possible “I had done a set of drawings for something only to find that whoever in turn helps you grow more.” to succeed on your own terms, construction and had made a mistake, was building it didn’t really care Humility, Ene continues, can just as I have done. Regardless which nobody corrected. Knowing I about the original plans. The end go a long way in helping a young of being a woman or a man, it is Contacts had made a mistake, I took it to my result would be something different person psychologically relax when possible so long as you believe [email protected] boss, but he shrugged it off,” recalls than what I had envisioned.” they are first starting out. “The in yourself, have ambition and [email protected] Ene. Sensing a disingenuous work With a core staff of twelve, not world can be difficult and unfair, are focused.” 88 89 Monsignor Professor Director Catholic Institute for Development Obiora Ike Justice & Peace I

in a world of no hope,” Monsignor world for better – because the world Date of Birth says. “The law here is difficult, the is beautiful.” 07/04/1956 justice system isn’t moving, and In Monsignor’s office, there is a there’s a lot of corruption – all of sign that reads “I want results. No ifs, which make it very easy for the no buts – Perform.” It is a deterrent Education chaplains to give up. It is vitally to ward off his few dislikes in life: Doctor of Theology important to sustain those who give mediocrity, excuses and time wasting. Social Ethics (DD) hope.” When he gives advice to young Rheinische Friedrich Aside from optimism, hope, people, he likes to keep it simple, Wilhelms Universitaet Bonn faith and laughter there is the key quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson: Germany, 1986 My Words of onsignor Professor Obiora be happy at having been given the matter of education. “Education “Sow a thought and reap an act; sow Ike does not consider chance to try. gives us access to knowledge, an act and reap a habit; sow a habit Wisdom: himself an achiever but Monsignor also finds value which gives us access to mastering and reap a character; sow a character Doctor of Philosophy Mmerely a servant. Yet he has done in not taking oneself too seriously. the environment, and because you and reap a destiny.” Dissertation so much for the good of Nigeria and “This is where the laughter of life know you can lead others to know,” The primary thing is the Jurisprudence “You have its people, spreading a message of comes from, and you have to be able Monsignor notes. “These are the thought, Monsignor says, good Rheinische Friedrich love, faith, hope and optimism. “My to laugh at yourself, to be able to things that make us human, a person thoughts will lead you toward good Wilhelms Universitaet personal goal is to leave an impact pick yourself up whenever you fall,” with dignity and value.” Monsignor action – and excellence is the key Bonn to be able everywhere I go and on everyone he suggests. “It is certainly a better goes on to emphasize that he would thing for which we must strive in Germany, 1985 whom I meet,” he says. “Whether alternative to crying and feeling bad sell the tires off his car if it meant everything we do. “Don’t ever say to laugh at it’s cleaning up a dirty place, all the time.” paying somebody’s way through that excellence is not possible. It is educating the illiterate, or turning In fact, Monsignor considers his school. “The other day I realized that always possible with faith and hard Languages cries into laughter. These are the ability to make people laugh in even the every year I pay the school fees for work. And love, by the way, makes Igbo, Hausa, English yourself, to things that make life real for people, most difficult of circumstances as one more than fifteen hundred people, it easier.” French, German showing them what it means to be a of his greatest joys. A perfect example and I have no idea where the money Hebrew, Latin, Greek be able to human being.” of this lies in his work as a prison comes from. This has been going In confronting the many chaplain with more than seventeen on for the last twenty-five years, In Short: Monsignor I Like struggles that life presents, hundred inmates, many of whom have whether it is elementary school Professor Obiora Ike, in all pick yourself Monsignor maintains that a sense of been locked up and forgotten about or secondary school or university, his humility, is a paragon of • Hard work optimism is a key factor. “Everything for a very long time. “Whenever I the line is long,” Monsignor excellence and servitude. His • Education is a gift. Every gift is a call. Every call walk into the prisons, I make sure I says, mentioning the scholarship message of love, optimism • People up whenever is an opportunity. Every opportunity don’t leave without having heard that programme he started to ensure as and faith accentuate all that is is a challenge. Every challenge is a laughter,” he explains. “The language many educations as possible. beautiful in Nigeria as well as the you fall.” cross and the cross is victory. We are is hope.” It is education that can lead rest of the world. His laughter I Don’t Like constantly being given the chance This desire to spread the people to asking themselves what and his words illuminate the • Laziness Monsignor considers the one true pathways to embracing life’s • Mediocrity to refine ourselves through pain or message of hope is part of what led challenges. “My driving force • Dishonesty through vocation,” he notes. “This Monsignor to organize the Africa question, a question that summarizes has always been to reach out is what we mean by the optimism of Association for Prison Chaplains, his entire life and work: “How and transform, help, assist, life, and it is the only way to reach bringing chaplains from over 150 can we use the power of the mind change and motivate,” he says. victory.” He adds that even when prisons in Nigeria under one roof. and spirit? How can we use it in a “This is possible because the Contacts we fail to achieve the aims we are “It was a way to encourage the positive way to confront society, faith of God is not founded on [email protected] reaching for, there is still reason to chaplains, because they were living and to confront evil, to change the sentiment but on solid rock.” 90 91 Constance C. Ikokwu Journalist & Media Strategist I Monetary Fund (IMF), the generation to also contemplate their Date of Birth White House, the UN, the State guiding purpose in life. “The first 22/05/1976 Department and several think thing any young person needs to do tanks. “The DC assignment was a is to sit down and ask themselves: wonderful opportunity in my career ‘Why am I here on earth? What am to grow at the international level I doing here?’ If you don’t know Education and to broaden my horizons,” she who you are or where you should be LL.M. International Law notes. heading, it’s entirely possible that & International Relations Not long after covering the you will lose a lot of years moving Lancaster University hen I started out as a worked very hard. Nothing was 2008 presidential elections in the in the wrong direction.” UK, 2004 “ cub journalist, it never handed to me.” U.S., Constance got the call from She goes on to explain the My Belief: occurred to me that I After her first couple of years Nigeria. She’d been promoted to benefits of having some direction wouldW come this far. It was and still at the newspaper, Constance took a Deputy Editor and it was time to in life: “It’s easier for you to move is a male-dominated profession in break to pursue a Master’s Degree come back. Just a few months later, fast when you are doing the right “When you Nigeria, especially as you rise up in International Law & International she was moved again to Abuja thing. You find yourself in the right B.Sc. in Political Science the ranks,” says Constance Ikokwu, Relations in the UK. Although she where she held the double title of place, asking the right questions,” Lagos State University former Deputy Editor at THISDAY didn’t have enough funds for school, Deputy Editor and Abuja Bureau she suggests. “And because you’re Nigeria, 1998 have a desire “newspapers”, a national daily in she remained undaunted by the Chief. doing what you are meant to, you Nigeria. Looking at what she has challenge. “It was one of the most While being moved around so are more likely to find happiness.” accomplished, it is no coincidence difficult experiences of my life. I much was not easy for Constance, Constance extends this message to to give back, that Constance is a woman of many arrived in England during winter. she embraced the challenge as budding journalists in particular, Languages firsts. She was the first female It was freezing and studies were a way to give back to Nigeria. emphasizing her own fulfilment in Igbo, English, French Foreign Editor at THISDAY, the first extremely demanding – countless “Giving back is how society the field and her belief in the critical you discover female Deputy Editor for the daily assignments and a long list of regenerates itself. If you only take role of journalists in society. paper, the first female Washington recommended reading, but I was and don’t give, society gradually Bureau Chief and first female Online determined not to fail,” she reflects. dies,” she believes. “When you In Short: Constance I Like opportunities Editor. She was also at various times “In addition, I had to work to make have a desire to give back, you • Travelling the Enugu Bureau Chief and a extra income – imagine toiling on discover opportunities in the midst Ikokwu’s groundbreaking career in journalism has emboldened • Reading member of the Editorial Board. winter nights when all your body of challenges.” countless female Nigerians to The early days of her career wants is a warm blanket and a cup of This desire to give back • Aerobics in the follow in her wake. But she is were not easy, Constance notes, hot chocolate.” has kept Constance hard at work also an inspiration to all young adding that she was the only woman After finishing her master’s, throughout her career, leading up Nigerians pursuing their dream midst of writing about politics for the Sunday Constance returned to THISDAY to her previous position as Media careers: “Nigeria is not an easy paper at the time. “It was tough: in Lagos, where she was promoted Adviser to Minister of Finance Dr. country, because we are still I Don’t Like sleepless nights, time-consuming to the post of Foreign Editor. She Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala. The position struggling as a nation to build, • Dishonesty challenges.” research, lots of reading, extensive was soon thereafter moved to brought with it a responsibility that but don’t give up. Keep working • Unreliability field work and focused writing in Washington DC as Bureau Chief. speaks to Constance’s core values. at it. I have travelled to countries • Pessimism order to meet deadlines,” she recalls. “At first I wasn’t keen on going,” she “I’ve always thought that I must that are highly developed, yet “The odd hours made it even more remembers. “But then my father told have an impact on my generation, if you look at their history, you intense – we had to spend the night me that when you get an opportunity, reminding myself that whatever will find that their forefathers in the office on Fridays in order you take it. If I got there and didn’t I do, I have to do it well,” she also fought hard to develop their Contacts to get parts of the paper ready by like it, I could always come back.” explains. “What keeps me focused land. Together, we need to build Saturday morning. We would leave Constance ended up staying for is my belief that I must live to this country for now and the Linkedin: as late as six o’clock in the morning over two years, covering stories on positively affect other people.” future. No one else will do it for Chiogor Constance and return to the office by ten. I the World Bank, the International Constance advises the younger us.” Ikokwu 92 93 Florence Ilaka Deputy General Manager Deepwater Geosciences & Assets Management Development & Planning I Total E&P Nigeria Limited

mind that she would ultimately Before long, you come to a logical Date of Birth return to Nigeria. “I always keep my solution.” 13/09/1972 mind open for possible opportunities This is the same mode abroad, but I also know that I am of operation that enables the still going to be relevant whenever tremendous balance that Ilaka Education n her professional and personal things are changing now because I come back to Nigeria because of has achieved between work and M.Sc. in Petroleum life, Florence Ilaka has achieved we’re seeing more women succeed the field that I’m in,” she says. “This family. “It’s a lot of planning and Engineering & Project a balance that many would envy. in various occupations,” Ilaka is important to me because Nigeria prioritizing. You have to establish Development IBy the time she graduated with a observes. “So with engineering for is a country where the opportunity the basis for the family from the Institut Francais du My View: Bachelor’s Degree in Chemical example, we are no longer trapped is enormous and we are still beginning and know the direction Petrole Engineering, she was already in the mentality that it is a field for developing in so many ways. If too you want your family to go. And Paris married and a mother of two. “My men. It is actually open to everyone many of us leave, there will be a gap when you are spending time with France, 2004 “A lot of friends were amazed at how I could – but you have to prove yourself.” between the generation that has the your children, you have to be there juggle so many responsibilities,” After working in Nigeria for experience and the new generation.” one hundred percent, knowing she recalls. “But because I had such a couple of years, Ilaka moved to Today, now a mother of that whatever needs to be done at times what a supportive husband, my grades France for her master’s degree, four and working as Deputy the office will be carried out in its B.Sc. in Chemical actually improved!” which her company helped fund. General Manager for Deepwater own time. As I tell my children, life Engineering During Ilaka’s National Youth “I had to do a crash course in Geosciences & Assets Management, requires striving and effort – on all University of Lagos we think are Service, she interned with Total the French language because the Ilaka continues to thrive. “I come fronts.” Nigeria, 1997 in Port Harcourt where she was master’s programme was in French,” to work every morning and am subsequently hired on as the first she recalls. The French lessons came really happy that I’m part of a team In Short: Florence female in the production engineering to good use when she returned to that contributes to the success and Languages challenges Ilaka’s life is an inspiring model department. “It was exciting because Paris a few years later, family in continuity of the company,” she Igbo, English, French I was hired to fill a new position, tow, having climbed her way up to mentions. “I want to one day leave for Nigerian women and men which allowed me to both learn the position of Petroleum Architect the company in great shape for the who desire to grow a career and are not simultaneously raise a family. about other parts of the company and in the company’s head office. future generation.” I Like develop new procedures myself,” With her husband spending Through methodical planning, For Ilaka, this kind of success • My family always as she says of the experience. “At the approximately half of his time with includes a mentality of teamwork prioritizing, and choosing work same time, there were a lot of other the family in Paris because of his and a willingness to involve others that she is passionate about, • My job females blazing the trail in other job, Ilaka continued to skilfully when it comes to problem solving. Ilaka has achieved her dreams • My country serious as departments, so it was easy to look balance motherhood and work. In “When problems come along, you both in her personal life and up to them for inspiration.” fact, her career was flourishing more have to be able to look at them in career. “I always tell my own Ilaka has always been one to than ever. “From the head office in a different light. My golden rule is children to go for their dreams, I Don’t Like we initially draw inspiration from those around Paris, I had the opportunity to work to first stand back and reassess the and that they will succeed if • Laziness her, whether it’s a female colleague or on projects in the Netherlands and situation, because a lot of times they work at it. If you work • Insincerity hard you will see the results anyone else achieving success in her Russia,” she notes. “It was a very what we think are challenges are • Corruption believe.” field. But with women in particular, exciting opportunity and I had a not always as serious as we initially and you will be happier in the she sees great things happening in wonderful team.” believe,” she explains. “I then end, especially if you keep an many different sectors. “A lot of Even while Ilaka was talk to people who have been in open mind toward other people, people still see so many fields as accomplishing so much in Europe, the same situation, and I find out and toward opportunities and Contacts male-dominated environments, but there was never any doubt in her how they worked on the problem. possibilities.” [email protected] 94 95 Comrade Jude Former SSA to the President on Youth & Student Matters Gabriel Imagwe, MON I

Once he got to university, By August of 2011, Comrade Date of Birth Comrade discovered a new side of had completed his term as President 12/07/1978 himself, a passion for independence of NANS, and by October he was and involvement that drove him to made a member of the Order of the join the Student Union Government Niger. of the university. It was a role In July 2012, Comrade Education he took seriously, becoming the was appointed as Senior Special Master’s in omrade Jude Gabriel Imagwe nobody distinguished between Igbo youngest ever electoral chairman Assistant to the President on Youth Environmental & Public once imagined that meeting or Hausa or Yoruba backgrounds,” for the organization. “Generally and Student Matters. He also served Health My with the president of a Comrade explains. “We loved each I developed a good followership, as Deputy Secretary General of the University of Benin Ccountry would be an intimidating other and we shared together. There simultaneously surprising Pan African Youth Union (PYU) Nigeria, 2011 experience – one that would make were no fences that separated us.” everybody with my ability to until December 2014. Philosophy: him melt before he could even However, perpetually moving change the status quo despite my While Comrade continues to speak. But his regular meetings from one state to another became small stature at the time,” Comrade play an active role in the community, with former President Goodluck too impractical for the family, so notes, adding that he was elected challenging the status quo, he B.Sc. Hons. in “To serve Jonathan as Senior Special Assistant they settled in Rivers State while his National President of the National himself is constantly inspired by Microbiology to the President on Youth and father continued to relocate, visiting Association of Science Students of the people around him who have University of Benin Student Matters proved to be quite home periodically. “This shifted the Nigeria before graduating. the power to implement change Nigeria, 2001 humanity is the contrary. burden of raising all of us children Comrade’s participation in for the better. It is something that “Former President Jonathan to my mother. It was really intense student leadership continued while he too hopes to be remembered for taught me the meaning of humility for her with five of us to look after,” he was studying for his Master’s in one day. “It’s like when President the essence and patience, of being prayerful Comrade recalls. “This was coupled Environmental and Public Health. Mandela died. Nobody discussed Languages and full of expectations, and above with the fact that in order to make In fact, he was the first postgraduate the amount he had in his bank Edo, Hausa, English all what it means to be sincere and ends meet financially she had to start student to become President of the account or that he died in one of of our transparent,” Comrade says. “I am trading, which kept her constantly National Association of Nigerian the best hospitals,” Comrade says. continually impressed by how calm moving between the North and the Students (NANS). “I had seen a “People were discussing the legacy and humble he is, and I feel there are South selling and buying goods.” lot of room for improvement in the he left behind, the number of lives I Like existence.” traits I must emulate in this man. I When it came time to enter organization, mistakes that I hadn’t he had affected while he was living. • Driving must also learn to tolerate, to be university, Comrade was obligated had the opportunity to correct as an To serve humanity is the essence of • Cooking patient, and most importantly, to to push his dreams of becoming a undergraduate student,” Comrade our existence.” • Playing soccer always lead a humble life and never Catholic priest aside due to his father’s explains. forget where I came from.” insistence that he study medicine. One of the more remarkable In Short: Indeed, Comrade came from “That was a very difficult impasse achievements Comrade attained Comrade Jude Gabriel Imagwe continues to a very humble background. As his in my life and not an easy moment during his tenure as President of I Don’t Like father was a military man, Comrade between me and my father,” recollects NANS involved a proposal to advocate for the youth of his • Failure spent much of his early childhood Comrade, who would go on to study the government to establish more nation by continually working moving around the country with his microbiology. “Part of my father’s federal universities. The proposal to bring about his vision of a • Women crying family of seven, living in one military insistence had to do with the fact was enough to put him on the ruling better Nigeria. “Great and brave • Disunity installation after another. Life that we could barely afford school. administration’s radar, and it led men defend our country, while amongst the other military families My mother, though, was absolutely to the establishment of nine new others try to destroy it,” he says. submerged Comrade in a milieu of determined to see me get a higher federal universities. “In the country “It is our responsibility to always mixed backgrounds and religious education, and even sold off all of her today, virtually all of the states have strive to leave the country better Contacts beliefs. “It was a community where jewellery to help pay for school.” a federal university,” Comrade notes. than how we found it.” [email protected] 96 97 Colins Edozie Imoh P4P Project Manager Foundation for Partnership Initiatives in the Niger Delta (PIND) I

This notion of seeing a need in of thought and planning. If we can Date of Birth society and working to fill it would shift our mentality, then there is a 22/10/1970 continue to pattern itself throughout chance that peace can take root in Imoh’s life. During the 2011 the community. In an atmosphere elections in Nigeria, for instance, of violence, economic development Education Imoh helped organize a democracy cannot thrive, and you will M.A. in Conflict fair, which included the participation have increased poverty. To have Transformation of different political parties, the development, we need to imbibe the & Organizational olins Imoh’s life revolves based organizations throughout police, and the Independent National culture of peace.” Leadership, Eastern around a simple passion: Africa. Aside from the experience Electoral Commission (INEC). “We Indeed, some of history’s Mennonite University transforming young people he gained, Imoh also saw how the got everybody together so that the biggest peacemakers serve as Center for Justice My Cinto advocates for peace. “Helping African Network helped others who public could come and ask any an inspiration to Imoh. “When & Peacebuilding young people was always something were involved. “People who were questions – to the political parties, I think about Gandhi, I admire Harrisonburg Philosophy: I wanted to do, but I never dreamed working in the network at the time to the police about security, or to his persistence – his nonviolent, Virginia I’d take it this far,” he says of his have moved on to make an impact in the INEC on how to vote,” Imoh peaceful stands that created entire U.S., 2012 life’s work. “I am humbled when so many different places throughout explains. “The whole idea was to social movements,” Imoh says. “If the I look back now on how much has the world,” Imoh notes. “This tells mobilize people for change.” “And when I look at Mandela, I see been accomplished.” me that the African Network actually Another project close to patience and tolerance. If we can M.Phil. in younger Imoh’s journey to inspire empowers a lot of young people to Imoh’s heart has been organizing start thinking about these things, we Environmental started while he was involved with be agents of improvement not only the annual Peace Camp, designed to can transform an entire country.” Management generations Young Christian Students (YCS). He in Africa but globally.” educate secondary school students University of Cape Town was invited to participate with forty After Holland, Imoh returned on how to live peacefully with South Africa, 2005 other young people from various to Cape Town to work on a others and even start peace projects imbibe the In Short: Colins parts of Africa at the 2001 ‘African Master’s Degree in Environmental in their own schools. “If the younger Imoh, in his quest to inspire generations imbibe the culture of Languages Youths for a Culture of Peace’ Management in 2004. Living there, peace among young people living peacefully, then there is a Igbo, English, Edo culture conference in Cape Town, organized Imoh found that post-apartheid throughout Nigeria and Africa, by the United Network of Young South Africa was still very much chance that they can be transformed Peacebuilders (UNOY). At the end trying to figure itself out, ten years from within. When you get old you has continuously displayed of living of the conference, Imoh was among after gaining independence. “I are fixed with your ideas, but the innovative, selfless thinking I Like those selected to begin work the noticed there was no sense of African young people – they can make a with remarkable results. His • Classic music peacefully, following year in the UNOY office spirit on campus; there seemed difference.” devotion to solidarity is evident • Nature in his work and the numerous in the Netherlands, specifically as to be a reluctance for people to Currently, Imoh works as • Travelling then there is African Desk Coordinator. His job identify themselves as Africans, so I Partners for Peace (P4P) Project projects designed to engage was to organize the African Network formed the Awake the African Spirit Manager under the Foundation for young people throughout the of Young Peacebuilders (ANYP). Society, which was sponsored by Partnership Initiatives in the Niger continent. His advice to young I Don’t Like a chance that Nigerians is simple: “Believe “My duty was to translate an idea the African Studies Department, the Delta (PIND). “It’s a big project in • Extravagance which we involve many different in yourself and your abilities. from paper to reality,” Imoh notes. International Academic Programme • Seeing people they can be “It was a tremendous challenge on Office (IAPO) and the Deputy Vice stakeholders – the government, But also roll up your sleeves many levels. I was living outside Chancellor’s office,” Imoh recalls. businesses, and people at the and work hard if you want to suffer transformed the country for the first time, yet “We got people thinking about grassroots level – to consider and be successful. And don’t be • Poverty travelling almost every other week to Africa, what the African identity act on bringing about peaceful intimidated by any problems you different countries, helping to set up was, and really how to aid the livelihoods,” Imoh explains. “War encounter; remember that they from within.” projects and bring in benefactors.” transformation of the South African and violence start in the heart and happen for a reason – nothing Contacts By the time Imoh left society. It was a serious movement mind – it isn’t something that you is by chance, especially if you [email protected] Holland, ANYP was working with toward promoting discourse about just wake up in the morning and remember that there is always [email protected] approximately two hundred youth- what the African spirit means.” decide to act on – it involves a lot something to be learned.” @BeInSolidarity 98 99 Stanley Jegede Co-Founder & CEO Phase3 Telecom Limited J

Dangote. “These are just a few of is my backbone in life. Time with Date of Birth the names I came across when I my wife and children is what keeps 25/12/- was living abroad, and I wanted me going more than anything, and to be like them. I wanted to give what inspires me most to want to back,” he remarks. “I’m inspired do more,” he shares. “That balance by success, education, and intellect. though, is crucial. Otherwise, Education But I’m also inspired by humility someday when my life’s work is M.Sc. in Business and culture. The more cultured you finished – then what?” Information Technology hen Stanley Jegede left physical infrastructure with which are, the more doors will open for Whether engaging with work Middlesex University Nigeria, he was eager to to connect cities, towns and villages you – while always being humble or family, Jegede maintains that UK, 1996 My Dream: gain new experiences, throughout Nigeria. Were they going and respectful.” patience is the number one virtue. Whungry for a strong education, to wait for the government to build Jegede’s appreciation for “You need to be patient in life if you “I see the and in search of opportunities. Yet this infrastructure?” humility has also shaped his want to keep away anxiety. Anxiety B.Sc. Hons. in throughout his time studying in the Having identified this rather definition of success: “Success for is eighty percent of every human Business Information UK and during the valuable years large gap, Jegede knew it was time me is not necessarily monetary, being’s struggles,” he advises. “If Systems challenges of work experience in the U.S., to head home. “I was going to find but achievement within a chosen you’re able to be patient, you can University of North Jegede always knew that he would a way to be that national backbone, career,” he explains. “You could believe that all is going to be well, London return to Nigeria when he was ready, that physical infrastructure that be making toothpicks, but if you that all is going to fall in line – and UK, 1995 that Nigeria planning to one day give back to his everybody would ride on,” he are able to successfully make only then can you keep moving home in a big way. For more than explains. “I knew that I had the toothpicks, market them, and forward.” faces as ten years now he’s been doing just experience to make it happen in distribute them – then to me you’re that through his company Phase3 Nigeria. I saw the opportunity successful. This mentality is part Languages Hausa, Yoruba, English Telecom. and I came forward. I’ve since of what has fuelled me in my own In Short: diamonds Through Phase3, Jegede has connected countless people through path.” Through equipped Nigeria and a few other telecommunications. But it all The other considerable factor his company Phase3 Telecom, and gold, countries in West Africa with the started with a dream, a vision, and in Jegede’s drive is his passion; the Stanley Jegede has built a regional telecommunications infrastructure just as important: focus.” fiery determination that launched infrastructural backbone in I Like they’d never had. Today, Nigeria’s Jegede has been inspired to give him into the beginning of his career telecommunications, connecting • Fruit n’ Fibre so to speak biggest networks and internet back to Nigeria because the country is very much alive today. “I still the whole of Nigeria and a cereals service providers depend on this itself continues to inspire him in so haven’t gotten to where I want to few other countries in West • Nature – rare infrastructure to keep people many ways. “I see the challenges be; I still have a long way to go, Africa. This infrastructure has • Positive people connected. But for Jegede, the that Nigeria faces as diamonds and and that mentality is what drives me played a pivotal role in Nigeria’s vision for this crucial component of gold, so to speak – rare opportunities today,” he reveals. “I am also still modernization. “I want to opportunities Nigeria’s ascension into the modern that this country offers,” he says. propelled by the fear of failure, the connect people; I want to put era started while he was still living “Indeed, there is room for us to do fear of not achieving my goals. This smiles on the faces of Nigerians I Don’t Like that this and working in the States. better than we are currently doing, fear is what keeps me focused. That and West Africans. I want us • Negativity “I was in America, working in but there’s no such thing as a perfect focus is important because Phase3 to be comparable to other • Arrogance the Washington DC area, reading society. Even roses, as they say, was a long-term vision and a long- developed countries, those • Rudeness country about the Nigerian government have thorns.” term goal from the beginning.” that have been able to achieve deregulating the telecom industry to The determination behind Although Jegede’s focus on an infrastructure that works offers.” various telecom operators who were Jegede’s efforts also comes from his career keeps him quite busy, for them, that has improved promising to come in and build their the same inspiration he feels when he is also a father of three and is their GDP – this is the vision Contacts networks,” Jegede explains. “I knew he looks at figures like Richard careful to maintain the balance that makes me want to work so that these operators did not have the Branson, Bill Gates or Aliko between work and family. “Family hard.” @StanleyJegede 100 101 Asma’u Joda Executive Chair Centre for Women & Adolescent Empowerment J

to stop child marriages; we work everybody involved toward social with respected members of the business,” she reflects. “That is me, Date of Birth community to get them to intercede and I have always been like that.” 11/05/1956 for the girls,” Asma’u explains. “It’s When it comes to searching a problem that everybody knows out one’s own career path, Asma’u exists, but intervention needs to maintains that happiness is a critical Education come from the right person.” component. She cautions young B.Sc. in Business Although Asma’u admits that Nigerians against expectations of a Administration ith much of Adamawa “After we train the trainers, we hope stopping a child marriage can be cushy government job. “There are Ahmadu Bello State and the surrounding to reach out to people traumatized a difficult process, she senses an too many people in government at the University areas gripped by shock by abductions, sexual abuse, or the altered perception throughout the moment and a lack of inspiration,” Zaria My Mantra: Wand fear in the midst of a violent death of a loved one,” she says. Muslim community in which she she suggests. “It doesn’t make sense Nigeria, 1978 insurgency, Asma’u Joda continues “The first part of our objective is lives. “Parents now think twice just to earn money for the sake of to face the situation with clear- to counsel them. We then make before they marry their girls off, earning money. Earn money while “People minded courage. She has made it her sure they’re able to seek necessary and at the same time they know doing something that makes you mission to support those who have medical and emotional support.” the justice system is prepared to happy and motivates you. Then you Languages suffered most during a time of strife Asma’u maintains that getting support these girls when necessary, can really move forward. You’ll be Fulfulde, Hausa assume and uncertainty. to people as soon as possible is a vital but that’s because we’ve worked for able to enjoy yourself, enjoy your English, French Asma’u has received funds first step in the healing process. “If it,” Asma’u emphasizes. “People work, and when that happens the both locally and internationally you don’t counsel the community, assume change won’t happen, that sky is the limit.” change won’t through her Yola-based NGO, the they are likely to believe that these change is not possible, so they just I Like Centre for Women & Adolescent tragic circumstances are what God don’t bother to push for it.” Empowerment, to work with civil meant for them, which prolongs Considering her lifelong • To be happy happen, that society members from Borno, Yobe their devastation,” Asma’u explains. passion for human rights, Asma’u In Short: Through • To have different and Adamawa – states most affected “Once you get stuck in that kind can’t help but laugh when she The Centre for Women & food every day by the insurgency. Part of this of mentality, you can be paralyzed thinks about how she came Adolescent Empowerment, • The smile of a change is funding will go to a course called unless something is done.” from a background in business Asma’u Joda continues to do woman whose life ‘Trainers of Trainers in Trauma While Asma’u didn’t always administration. “I am indeed what makes her most happy: I have touched Counselling’ to reach people who plan on working to counter the fallout business-minded, but I never filling the lives of others not possible, have been affected by the violence of an insurgency, she is no stranger think in terms of my own with happiness. She has and need counselling to try to to social justice. “This has always profit,” Asma’u reveals. “For displayed a lifelong thirst for I Don’t Like emotionally rebalance. This mission been a passion of mine. Even as a example, I am currently part of social justice and service to so they just that Asma’u and her team have taken child, I joined the Brownies and the an organization that concentrates the community, particularly • The patriarchal upon themselves leads them literally Red Cross,” she recollects. “I think a on estate management, and I when it comes to empowering system into the heart of darkness, but they lot of it was initially inspired by my have convinced them to construct women, adolescents and • Being forced to do don’t bother are not alone. grandparents’ attitude toward social housing for young people who children. “I want to see more what I don’t want The community has accepted justice, especially for women.” have no jobs.” women out there because they to do these internally displaced persons Over the years, Asma’u This housing project falls make better leaders. If women • Men that think that into their homes, and the Centre has worked with a number of into the continuing pattern of what are kept out of the business to push for they can make for Women & Adolescent other socially-oriented initiatives Asma’u has brought to a number of of government, Nigeria isn’t Empowerment, the Adamawa throughout Nigeria and abroad, business collaborations throughout going anywhere. The few decisions for me Peacemakers Initiative, the Red with her prominent focus revolving the years. “I get into a business women who are in government it.” Cross, and other organizations and around the treatment of women and and understand it from a sensible, are unfortunately acting like individuals have made sure that children in Muslim communities. business-oriented point of view men, but we need women who Contacts they receive the necessary support. “One of my special areas is trying – but without realizing it I divert can do business as women.” [email protected] 102 103 Nwankwo Kanu Footballer & Founder of Kanu Heart Foundation K

into sending these patients abroad work hard, but those who work even Date of Birth for their treatment. The money we harder become the best.” 01/08/1976 use to send one person out of the But then, as Kanu advises country for surgery could pay for the young athletes in his football Awards five operations in Nigeria – and academy, work ethic is only half of Olympic Gold Medal there’s a long waiting list,” Kanu the equation. “Discipline and hard Atlanta, U.S., 1996 reveals. “So I have this dream to work are important, but you also one day build a hospital for them have to develop integrity,” Kanu World Cup Gold Medal right here in Nigeria, a facility explains. “The friends that you , 1993 wankwo Kanu was leaving difficult moment in his life. He was where children can come for free choose go a long way in influencing his hotel room when a thankful that he’d had the money to receive the proper treatment that the kind of life you live. The best International Clubs rather desperate looking to pay for top healthcare abroad they deserve. Nigeria is the Giant thing is to use your parents as filters; Portsmouth F.C. My Mantra: Nmother approached him with her and knew that there were many of Africa, so I believe we can have let them guide you, because if you England, 2007 - 2011 daughter. Before the mother could Nigerians who weren’t so lucky. “A hospitals like this here.” have bad friends, you end up bad. Nigerian Super Eagles even tell Kanu her story, the little lot of Nigerians have heart problems Kanu also finds other ways to If you have good friends, you end (Captain) 1994 - 2010 “We can’t girl fainted – she had a serious heart but don’t even realize it because give back, particularly through his up good – it’s as simple as that. defect and needed a surgery that the they can’t afford to go to the hospital football academy where he works Surround yourself with people who West Bomich Albon family could not afford. “I had just for checkups,” Kanu notes. “This is with young athletes. “Now that I’ve will push you to be honest and to England, 2005 - 2006 always have launched the Kanu Heart Foundation a big deal because a lot of times the retired, I enjoy the time I have to live a righteous life.” in Nigeria, aimed toward helping symptoms can go unnoticed or be pass my experience on to the young Arsenal F.C. less privileged children with heart confused with malaria or typhoid.” ones,” he mentions. “It’s a chance England, 1999 - 2004 the easy problems,” Kanu explains, “and The contrast that Kanu saw for me to act as a mentor and to show I promised this mother that her between the medical care he them, for instance, that Kanu didn’t In Short: Nwankwo Inter Milan daughter would be the first patient received in Europe and the reality wake up one morning and become Kanu worked hard to establish Italy, 1996 - 1998 road, so you the Foundation would help.” he knew in Nigeria was a wake-up Kanu. I went through a lot of rough himself as one of Nigeria’s Ajax F.C. This was back in 2000, and call. “I saw this as a way for me to times, periods where I couldn’t even most recognized footballers, Holland, 1994 - 1995 have to fight, Kanu was in Nigeria, playing in give back. I had a famous name, and afford shoes or jerseys – but those but not long after leading the African Cup of Nations – just I had a little money – so that’s what things didn’t weigh me down.” the Nigeria team to the gold medal in the 1996 Olympics, Languages three years after his own heart led to me starting the Foundation in Whatever the target in life Igbo, English surgery, which came about not 2000,” he explains. “But I believe may be, you have to stay focused he was diagnosed with a heart and you have condition and needed surgery. long after he, as captain, had led that no matter who you are, giving on the goal, remain disciplined I Like the Nigerian team to Olympic gold back is an absolute must. One way and believe in your dream, Kanu Thankfully, Kanu made a complete recovery and was • Family in 1996. “After I was diagnosed or another you have to give back to continues. “And you always have to work really back on the field in a matter • Football with that heart problem, the whole society.” to be positive. Because in life, of months. The life-changing • Doing good country was praying for me,” Kanu Since its inception, the Kanu sometimes things don’t go the way experience led him to start hard.” remembers of that scary time when Heart Foundation, in addition you want, but it doesn’t mean that the Kanu Heart Foundation, not just his career, but his life was to raising awareness about heart you cannot achieve,” he advises. I Don’t Like raising awareness about heart • Religious war in jeopardy. “God came through; he health, has helped almost two “Those are testing periods, difficult health and helping young turned everything around for me, hundred Nigerians receive necessary times that allow you to know your Nigerians receive treatment • Dishonesty and I even saw my football career treatment and surgeries. But for character, to know if you are strong. for heart conditions. “Each • Laziness improve after that!” Kanu this is still just a first step. We can’t always have the easy road, and every person must find a Naturally, Kanu felt very “The biggest challenge with the so you have to fight, and you have way to give back in some way, Contacts fortunate after overcoming such a Foundation is the expense that goes to work really hard. Many people shape, or form to this country.” 104 105 Comrade Preye J. Vice President World Assembly of Youth (WAY) Ketebu-Brown K

and assessed, and how strategies social media, but Nigerian youths Date of Birth can be put into place to achieve still lack the tools to convert this 17/04/1977 global goals locally.” information and develop skills for a Today, Comrade continues to productive career path in life.” commit himself to strengthening Comrade hopes to see youth the capacity of youth councils and development institutions provide Education organizations, as well as Nigerian facilities for career counselling B.Sc. First Degree and African youth leaders. “The programmes where mentorship can Accounting hen Comrade Preye J. about the national peace and unity essence of leadership is to guide occur at peer group levels, providing Rivers State University Ketebu-Brown was elected of Nigeria,” he notes. “In reaction your followers to give their best to the Nigerian youth with guidance of Science & Chairman of the Bayelsa to a religious crisis in the North in society, and that goes back to my for education and a fulfilling life. Technology My WState Youth Council, he suspected 2003, I initiated a ‘National Youth tenure as Chairman of National “Education is key. Youths have to Port Harcourt that it would be a life-altering Peace Tour’ under the auspices Youth Council of Nigeria in Bayelsa look inwards and identify what they Nigeria, 2002 Philosophy: experience, but he had no idea just of ‘All Nigeria Youth Volunteers State,” he says. “My vision for the are best at – the earlier the better. how all-consuming the position for Peace and Good Governance’ next decade is to work to ensure This is where the relevance of youth would be. “What should have been (Youth4Peace) that took a message that the next generation of Nigerian organizations comes in, providing “The part-time work – something on the of peace and unity to then Sultan leaders will be equipped to lead with members with exposure to a world Languages side – swallowed me up. I met so of Sokoto Muhammadu Maccido, integrity, selflessness and sincerity of experiences in youth work and English many young people in Bayelsa State CFR.” of purpose.” new opportunities to identify their essence of with a lot of challenges but who At the peak of the Niger Delta Comrade strives to realize talents.” lacked an enabling environment,” militancy era in 2007, Comrade this goal at WAY, working with Comrade explains. “They had so facilitated a meeting between Niger his fellow executives to organize I Like leadership is much energy and talent, and they Delta militant youths and then leadership training programmes In Short: needed opportunities to funnel all of Minister for Youth Development and conferences where young Comrade • The countryside these qualities into their dreams and Dr. Mrs. Salome Jankada. The people can sharpen leadership Preye J. Ketebu-Brown has • Travelling to guide your visions.” Niger Delta youths negotiated skills, such as report writing, public devoted his life to serving the • Reading dailies youth. Since being elected Comrade would spend the next amnesty and empowerment from speaking, and representing their about international Vice President of WAY, he eight years giving back to Bayelsa the government as a condition for peers effectively – without fear continues to advocate for affairs State in this capacity, coordinating laying down their arms, a move that followers to or favours. “Our exchange and young people locally as well youth activities, engaging young has helped actualize enduring peace volunteer programmes globally as globally. “Nigeria needs to people, and interfacing between in the Niger Delta. connect youths so they can network upgrade strategies to teach give their the youth and government. “I When Comrade was elected and cross-pollinate ideas and youth leadership, offer career I Don’t Like completely surrendered myself to it. Vice President of the World opportunities,” Comrade notes. guidance and foster mentoring. • Arrogance Any time a young person brought a Assembly of Youth (WAY), he Referring to the Nigerian We need to encourage local • Indiscipline best to problem to me, I rose to their need considered it an indicator of the way youth specifically, Comrade sees and international youth • Filth – whatever the challenge posed,” he forward. Aside from providing a rare a lot of room for improvement by exchange programmes to explains. “Mostly at my personal opportunity to represent Nigeria in implementing capacity building better appreciate cultural society.” expense, I travelled sometimes even a global youth activism arena, “the and mentorship programmes diversity, deepen peace out of state and would deploy my all position was a giant step to fulfilling at an institutional level. “We education and further open to overcome that challenge!” my dream of serving young people at need to furnish the youth with our local community to the Contacts During this period, he also got the global level,” Comrade explains. more opportunities to identify world. Society owes our youth [email protected] involved in a lot of activities that “Now, after attending international and harness their potential,” he this much to ensure that they broadened his horizons. “In addition conferences, I understand how suggests. “Young people today are make the best of this short Facebook: Ketebu- to youth affairs, I was passionate development issues are perceived spearheading globalization through life!” Brown JP 106 107 Dauda Lawal Executive Director First Bank of Nigeria Ltd Public Sector North L

headlines coming out of Nigeria When challenges in the Date of Birth are negative, yet there are so many workplace do arise, Lawal likes to 02/09/1965 positive things about this country,” be consistently prepared. One of his Lawal observes. “Like everything, methods for preparation is to create there is a process at play here. It’s and have ready a variety of options only a matter of time until Nigeria for surmounting any problems that Education develops into one of the greatest may come along. “I always make M.Sc. in Political economies in the world.” sure to have strategies in place to Science & International For Lawal, this level of handle obstacles, and I always have Relations auda Lawal is a man of deal of commitment, commitment success – or any type of success a plan B if all else fails,” he explains. Ahmadu Bello University Zaria goals, commitment, and to making an actual difference for that matter – is impossible to “More importantly, you have to Nigeria, 1992 My Vision for action. When he sets his eyes in the Nigerian society by doing achieve without the development keep thinking ahead, and whenever Don a target, inspiration takes hold, what is right in this industry and of solid teamwork. “I like to call issues do come up, you’ve got to be the Future: followed by strategy, effort, and gaining people’s trust,” Lawal notes. it active participation. This kind able to analyze them yourself, find a hard work. “You must always have “Considering the challenges that of philosophy involves providing solution and move forward. That is B.Sc. Hons. an objective – goals that you’ve come with a job like this, a high support for other members of your the reality of life when dealing with Ahmadu Bello University “It’s only a established for yourself,” he advises. degree of commitment is the only team or for people who work below any problem in any situation.” Zaria “Once you have those goals, the way to uphold the standards I’ve set you, particularly by giving them an Nigeria, 1987 next step is for you to sit down and for myself and the people who work integral role to fill,” he explains. matter of carefully design how you can go with me.” “When people start to understand about achieving them. And if you As an established leader in the that they are important to the overall In Short: After working want to maintain that all-important banking industry, Lawal has a keen effort, when they have a sense of for the Nigerian Embassy in Languages time until drive to achieve, you must willfully sense not only of the day-to-day belonging, their determination and Washington DC for ten years, Hausa, English uphold a level of dedication, challenges in banking, but also the level of commitment become all the Dauda Lawal came back to Nigeria commitment, and determination to vital role that the financial sector more dynamic. This is when people Nigeria and in 2003 began get there. But most of all, you have plays in any country’s economy. really start to achieve their absolute working with First Bank of to believe in yourself!” “Nigerian banking has undergone potential.” Nigeria Ltd. Over the next I Like develops Having built a career filled with a lot of reforms recently and the Lawal has implemented a decade he steadily climbed • Honesty the valuable experience of setting industry is much stronger as a similar model of active participation the corporate ladder to • Dedication and achieving one goal after another, result. People now have a lot more in his work with First Bank of become an Executive Director, • Success into one of Lawal knows a little something confidence in the banks here, which Nigeria Ltd and can attest to its simultaneously establishing about “getting there.” In just over has resulted in a huge boost for the measurable potency in the business himself as a leading figure ten years he has diligently carved economy,” Lawal explains. “No world. “Empowering and building in the finance sector. His the greatest out a position for himself among country in the world can develop up my team like this has led to style of enabling employees, I Don’t Like the Nigerian banking industry’s without a financial sector – it is the extremely successful results for integrating them into a team, • Lack of elite as the Executive Director backbone of any good economy, and our bank,” he notes. “The Nigerian has played a crucial role in his commitment economies in in charge of the Public Sector the economy is the backbone of the banking sector is a performance success. His message to the • Lying North at the First Bank of Nigeria nation.” driven industry, and I am quite youth: “With commitment and • Dirt Ltd. Throughout his successful As for his own nation, Lawal proud of how my people have determination there is nothing the world.” career in the banking sector, he is proud to be a Nigerian, and he contributed. We are always on time that you cannot do in life. has maintained a philosophy of sees great potential in the country, in achieving the goals that we set Believe in yourself, be focused unshakable dedication and integrity. potential that will continue to unfold for ourselves, and there is still much and pursue your objectives Contacts “This job inspires within me a great over time. “A lot of the international more room for positive growth.” with all your energy.” 108 109 Muhammad A Trustee of the Islamic Education Trust Nuruddeen Lemu (IET) L

has been well accepted in many if you actually enjoy offering the Date of Birth parts of the world, so much so that service, it’s not really a sacrifice at 27/11/1970 we don’t even have time to meet all.” the demand,” he says. “We put a Helping others can range from Education lot of effort into feedback, and I am simple tasks, to career paths, to M.Sc. in Resource proud of the amount of research and tremendous humanitarian efforts. reading we handle to find effective But, according to Lemu, it all starts Management uhammad Nuruddeen his Master’s Degree in Resource solutions to religious extremism.” with self-preparation. “If you want to Edinburgh University Lemu has always been Management, Lemu took his The innovative and add value to the lives of others, you UK, 1996 interested in both social interest in comparative religion even groundbreaking effort to continue need to build yourself – financially, My Words of Mjustice and the value of education further. “Then I became interested moving the Trust forward is not intellectually, emotionally, socially B.Sc. in Agriculture – a mindset that would ultimately in interfaith dialogues and debates, without challenges. Whenever and most importantly, spiritually,” Ahmadu Bello Wisdom: shape his monumental pursuit of listening to the criticisms and problems do come along – in any he says. “By spiritual growth I mean University interfaith engagement. It all started answers of each side. Gradually, I aspect of life – Lemu finds value in working to make your conscience Zaria with the impact that his parents had began to find more significance not keeping a humble attitude. “With more sensitive and selfless. You Nigeria, 1994 “Helping on him throughout his formative in winning the debates, but in trying problems comes the opportunity to have to be able to identify wrong years. “My parents instilled within to understand the other side.” show your best side, to grow and and how to avoid it, identify good me an awareness of my own feelings For Lemu, these interfaith to solve an issue,” Lemu suggests. and how to support it, and identify people, being – if you’re not comfortable about dialogues turned into something “One thing that Islam teaches – and opportunities for growth and how to Languages something, say so. If you’re not more than simply identifying where I’m sure that many other religions take advantage of them.” English, Hausa, Arabic convinced of something, make that the religions differed, or who was teach similar things – is to look at Nupe useful, and clear and ask questions,” he recalls. right or wrong. “I started to look problems as tests of faith, to trust His mother, originally from toward a peaceful coexistence. What that there is something good in it, England, always emphasized broad were the things that we agreed on? and not to keep focusing on the In Short: Muhammad I Like adding value learning while Lemu was growing The need to promote justice, the negative. You learn to absorb the Nuruddeen Lemu, through his • New, useful up. “She came from a different need to solve poverty, the need to hurt and look for the blessing in focus on interfaith dialogue paradigm-shifting to the lives background; she grew up with care for the environment, the need disguise – even if you can’t see it via the Islamic Education Trust ideas horseback riding and sailing. It was to defend animal rights, the need to at first. This mentality allows you to as well as a number of other • The company of because of her that we had a lot of protect minorities,” Lemu explains. hold on to hope a little longer and pursuits, has found that true good people different experiences,” says Lemu, “I became passionate about all of serves as the best shock-absorber happiness comes from serving of others adding that it was his mother’s this, and I saw a need to get more • Fishing for life’s problems.” others. “If you want to be influence which left him with an people involved and to train them in One “blessing in disguise” that happy, look for something that innate sense of curiosity. “Because this area, which is what I spend most Lemu has found is that dealing with make up is a service, but also make sure I Don’t Like of her, our family got to see a bit of my time doing now.” life’s problems cultivates empathy • A disturbed more than the average Nigerian.” Through the Islamic Education and a desire to help others going that it is a contribution that the ultimate During his time in university, Trust, an organization founded by through similar situations. “Helping you find pleasure and passion conscience Lemu’s sense of curiosity led his parents, Lemu has taken part in people, being useful, and adding in doing,” he advises. “From • Duplicity to interests in philosophy and expanding the capacity for inter- and value to the lives of others make up there, grow in your capability • Confusion from recipe for comparative religion. “I spent a lot intra-faith dialogue throughout the the ultimate recipe for happiness,” to do that and look for people lack preparation of time with the Muslim Students world via the “Train the Trainers” Lemu believes. “Happiness is not who are also doing it, so you Society, explaining Islam to course. As the Research and Training something you strive for; it’s a by- can support them – and if you happiness.” Muslims as well as non-Muslims – Coordinator, Lemu has helped train product of trying to make others gradually become good at some Contacts Christians in particular,” he notes. more than sixty-five thousand people happier. It’s a by-product of service, aspects, you’ll find people ready [email protected] When he moved to Scotland for in various countries. “The course sometimes of sacrifice. Although to support you.” 110 111 Mallam Bello Chief Executive Officer FBN Holdings Plc Mohammed M Maccido Maccido with the monumental task we have, and if people really paid Date of Birth Wakilin Sokoto of organizing the new framework zakat, it would create circulation, 05/08/1961 for all the subsidiary companies a lot of which could be channelled involved in the group. In other to the youth,” he suggests. “Just by words, Maccido is presently offering something small, the elite Education overseeing a complete revolution in in this country can truly change MBA how the bank system operates. lives.” Wayne State University ello Maccido has diligently upon myself to demonstrate that While Maccido continues to When it comes to money, on Detroit, Michigan worked his way to the top our people can work with others, progress in the business world, he the other hand, Maccido cautions U.S., 1989 My Wiew: of Nigeria’s finance sector, contribute and make a difference,” also believes in the importance of young Nigerians to avoid the Bwhere he continues to toil away in an he explains. “And that’s how I philanthropy; a big part of Maccido’s shortcut mentality of trying to get effort to better the country. Yet even worked my way up. No shortcuts; Muslim faith involves giving rich quick. “For me it really isn’t LL.B. Hons. as he helps shape the new direction no free lunches. I held almost every back. “When my uncle, Sultan about getting rich at all, but about Ahmadu Bello “For me it of Nigeria, he simultaneously position before I got to the level of Muhammadu Sa’ad Abubakar, being successful in what you do,” University represents the old world as a member Acting Managing Director.” challenged those who could afford Maccido shares. “If you strive for Zaira really isn’t of the Sokoto ruling family – his After working his way through it to adopt a school, I couldn’t resist. that kind of success, and you give Nigeria, 1984 late father was the former Sultan of the ranks, Maccido temporarily Now every year I pick a project that all the effort that is required, you’ll Sokoto, now succeeded by his uncle. left the banking industry in 2004 will be useful for the school I’ve find that wealth will accrue naturally about getting This traditional background has to start a company called Legacy adopted, and I fund it,” Maccido over time.” moulded Maccido’s personality in Pension, which built upon the newly notes, adding that he recently Languages ways that have positively impacted announced Pension Reform Act. “I funded a complete renovation as Hausa, English rich at all, but both his career and personal life. “To started this company from ground well as the construction of a medical be honest, my biggest strength is my zero, working out of my car!” dispensary. humility, which seems to surprise a Maccido laughs, before enumerating After his first few philanthropic In Short: Bello Maccido I Like about being lot of people when they learn about the bigger, more significant projects, Maccido is beginning to comes from a traditional ruling • Modesty my heritage and background,” he challenges he faced along the way, call on friends who are equally family of the Sokoto Caliphate, • Traditional notes. “My family has been ruling such as recruiting staff. “It wasn’t privileged to do their part as well. “I a background that has instilled customs successful the Caliphate since the 1800s, easy to convince people to leave want to prove that we can actually in him modesty, integrity, and a • Sports, especially and the reason people accept us is their stable jobs and come work support a community through desire to not only succeed and basketball because we blend perfectly with the with me, but the company started to private efforts; we don’t always give back to his community, but in what you locals. It’s a matter of respecting become profitable, and after the fifth have to rely on government,” he to show others that they too others.” year I had raised it to over seventy- explains. “Instead of being involved can do the same. “People have I Don’t Like This ability to blend contributed five billion naira in assets as the in the blame game, let’s actually to take a long-term view of life • Immodesty do.” to Maccido’s early career success pioneer CEO.” do something. If you travel first as opposed to looking for a • Seeing people when he first moved to Lagos after Once he reached a point where class several times per year, why shortcut. If you are hardworking finishing his studies in law and he was assured that the company was not downgrade to business class and consistent in what you do, suffer business. He entered the banking stable and in good hands, Maccido and use the extra money to make a you will be successful. The • People who give industry at the bottom rung of the rejoined the banking industry as an difference in society?” important thing is to determine too many excuses ladder, determined to prove himself Executive Director with First Bank. Maccido reminds that Muslims, the career that is right for you. from day one. “At Ecobank, where I After about two years, the bank in fact, have a religious duty to pay Even if you’re going to be a started, I was the only Muslim and decided to adopt a financial holding alms, referred to as zakat. “You can’t shoe shiner, you should be the Contacts Northerner at the time, so I took it company structure, challenging imagine how many rich Muslims best shoe shiner in the world!” 112 113 Ledum Mitee Chairman, Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative & Legal Practitioner M

Mitee’s brother called the environmental rights of the Niger Date of Birth police, who arrested the seller along Delta. “We were well aware of the 03/05/1957 with the student who had initially dangers involved,” Mitee says of sold him the stolen book. Although going against the military regime the thief was charged, he was later at the time. “I ended up in jail at released due to unclear technical least fifteen times, often locked up Education reasons. “We were so confused and in unsanitary conditions. We were B.L., Nigerian Law saddened by this sense of injustice,” beaten, ill-treated, and several of us School edum Mitee’s early childhood Ogoni people and the oil companies. Mitee recalls. “But as I was sitting were killed.” Lagos memories are filled with “I remember several occasions there in the courtroom, watching In the face of grave resistance, Nigeria, 1981 My lush, fertile greenscapes where there were problems in the the lawyers argue, I realized that I Mitee helped enact Nigeria’s first Lsurrounding the Ogoni community community because locals demanded needed to be part of the process, that environmental impact assessment farms along with frequent fishing jobs, even menial jobs, but instead I could help people because of the law. “Looking back, I see how we Philosophy: in the nearby river, but even in his the companies were coming in with unjust environment in which I had were able to call attention to key LL.B. Hons., University childhood he was aware of how all their people from the outside,” grown up.” environmental issues in this country; of Nigeria fragile that beauty could be. Mitee says Mitee, whose father was the After earning his law degree, it was our way to add value to the Nsukka “If you want was also born around the same time chief of the community. “My father Mitee went on to join a private system,” he says before offering a Nigeria, 1980 the oil companies came, an event and the other chiefs were detained practice for eight years before final remark: “If you want to leave to leave your that would violently alter the destiny a couple of times when our people founding his own firm, with which your footprints in the sands of time, of Nigeria at great expense to the went on strike. I also saw one of my he continues to practice today. you have to have done something Ogoni people. elder half-brothers jailed for going However, his career and life for humanity.” Languages footprints in “I still recall with some pain on strike.” were dramatically changed by his Gokana, English my earliest memories of the oil Though oil drilling had its relationship with the late Ken Saro- company. The first explosion was big way with Ogoniland and the three- Wiwa, the Ogoni author and activist In Short: Hailing from the sands enough to shake the whole football year Civil War also left its own who was hanged in 1995 by the Sani Ogoni in the Niger Delta, pitch at school,” Mitee remembers devastating toll, Mitee did his best to Abacha dictatorship. Ledum Mitee saw first-hand I Like of those early days. “Some of my make something of his life. Leading “I was sleeping one day and the impact oil companies had • A good laugh of time, classmates were so scared that they up to university, he had been planning Ken showed up at my house and on the environment and the • Reading ran away, saying they would never on studying medicine, engineering, said, ‘How can you be sleeping Nigerian people. As a result, • Speaking with return. I can still see the fear in their or something else in the sciences. in the afternoon when people are he grew up with an acute people you have to faces.” But these plans changed after Mitee dying?’ Ken wasn’t even from an awareness of justice, which Soon after that, less than one was struck by an injustice done to area directly impacted by oil, while guided him in establishing a career in law. Also, inspired by hundred metres from the school, an his brother. Although slight, it was my own village was the source of his friend and fellow activist oil well was sunk, Mitee recalls, as an event he saw as a microcosm have done seventy percent of the oil in Ogoni,” Ken Saro-Wiwa, he risked I Don’t Like well as a newly-constructed flow of the greater situation between Mitee explains. “I felt guilty. I his life to raise awareness of • Dishonesty station about two hundred metres Ogoni and the oil interests. “My realized that I too had to take up the the Ogoni plight. “Anything • Laziness something for from the school. “They made so older brother had one of his school issue. From there we started meeting you gain through a quick fix • Ostentation much noise that the teachers had books stolen. So my father gave him people and organizing what led to does not leave you fulfilled or to shout for us to hear,” he notes. enough money to buy a second-hand the Movement for the Survival of inspire others. The same can humanity.” “From then on, that’s what I grew up replacement,” Mitee reflects. “When the Ogoni People (MOSOP).” be said for wealth and material with.” my brother went to the market, he Using the plight of the Ogoni possessions – people don’t In the ensuing years, Mitee found the same book that had been as their platform, Mitee and the remember you for these things Contacts watched conflict unfold between the stolen from him.” others began their struggle for the in the end.” [email protected] 114 115 Dr. Nuruddeen Former Honorable Minister of State II, Ministry of Muhammad Foreign Affairs M

left before my appointment for my exams to qualify as a Fellow of Date of Birth postgraduate fellowship.” the National Postgraduate Medical 20/08/1976 While still training at the College in Psychiatry. Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital, Nuruddeen recently resigned Nuruddeen was officially sworn from his ministerial duties to pursue Education in as the Minister of State II for his political ambitions, running Fellow in Psychiatry the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at for Deputy Governor in the 2015 FMCPsych the age of thirty-four. It was a job elections. “This is a country that National Postgraduate that had him travelling across five will go places – an experiment of Medical College Lagos r. Nuruddeen Muhammad inspired to politically engage with continents, interacting with leaders a kind. No other place on earth has Nigeria, 2013 My View: has been living a double life. the community around him. As from around the world. All of that this diverse mix of cultures that are His passions for both politics a teenager he started regularly experience abroad, however, taught determined to stay together, and I am Dand medicine have kept him busy attending political rallies up until him something about his home inspired by this,” he explains. “We Bachelor of Medicine “A lot of over the past few years, but he has the fourth year of medical school, country. “I gained an objective view have to dream, and it is important Bachelor of Surgery continued to achieve on both fronts. when his studies became too time of Nigeria,” he mentions. “I realized to focus on that dream. A lot of MBBS He is the youngest person to be consuming. that a lot of what we perceive as disappointments will come along, Bayero University what we appointed as a government minister Although Nuruddeen had impossible could be made into but don’t get distracted. If you can Kano since Nigeria’s return to democracy reached a point in school where he reality in Nigeria. Throughout its stay focused, delay gratification, Nigeria, 2003 in 1999, yet the inspiration of his no longer had the time to actively history, this country has achieved and deal with the frustrations and perceive as father has kept him committed to participate in politics, it was a part of the impossible before. The setbacks, then there is nothing you completing his postgraduate medical him that refused to quiet down. “I had challenge now is to build a national cannot achieve.” Languages education even during his political this huge political consciousness, so culture, which demands a lot of Hausa, English impossible career. I had to find other ways to channel introspection, tolerance, patience Nuruddeen’s father was a it – like writing and debating,” he and forbearance.” In Short: Dr. Nuruddeen headmaster at a local school and recalls. “People told me that I didn’t Although he was deeply Muhammad has followed his I Like could be would bring the young Nuruddeen talk like a doctor, but a politician. involved in politics when he political zeal to extraordinary • Being physically to classes as early as four years old. And then in 2008 I published an open qualified as Medical Doctor in heights while continuously active cultivating a background in Education had become a guiding letter to the Jigawa State governor at 2003, his passion for education was • Thinking time and made into great enough that he could not deny medicine. Politics, however, principle from the beginning. the time.” quiet moments “My father was a schoolteacher The governor read Nuruddeen’s himself the prospect of postgraduate remains his greatest passion, • Intellectually even though he didn’t have a lot article and within a week invited him work. “It was time to decide which a way to have a positive impact reality in of academic experience, which he for a chat. “And that’s how I became field of medicine to specialize in, and on the community around him. inclined analytical always regretted,” Nuruddeen notes. a full partisan politician. I became I wanted a specialty that would best As the youngest appointed debates “Seeing that, I wanted to make sure a very active member of the ruling suit my political consciousness,” he minister in Nigeria’s present era of democracy, his quest Nigeria.” I didn’t grow up to have the same party and was eventually nominated explains. “Psychiatry was perfect is not only to engage Nigerian kind of regret.” to be a minister during the final because it would allow me the time I Don’t Like politics, but to take part in • Pettiness In addition to this early months of my postgraduate training,” to remain politically active and the process of actualizing enthusiasm for education, Nuruddeen explains. “But at the would further hone my ability to talk the potential of his country. • Injustice Nuruddeen became politically active same time, despite my zeal, I knew to people and interpret both verbal “Nigeria has a vast amount • Materialism at the age of eleven when he was that there was no telling how long and nonverbal communications.” of opportunity that can be hired on as a secretary for a political my political career would last, so I In 2013, Dr. Nuruddeen had been difficult for people to see, but group in his ward. Although his job decided to complete my dissertation, sitting as a minister for two and a I know it’s there because it Contacts was only to take notes, he became which was the only requirement half years when he took his final inspires me every day.” [email protected] 116 117 Dr. Abdu Mukhtar Founder & Chairman Grassroot Microfinance Bank M

companies for the next two years. we have actually impacted the lives Date of Birth By then he’d been in the U.S. for of so many people.” 10/10/1967 ten years and could no longer deny Mukhtar maintains that one the urge to come back home to can leave a legacy in many different Nigeria. “Nigeria is the love of my ways. The important thing is to Education life, and I felt compelled to come have a positive attitude and to MPA (2013) back because this is where I belong. always pursue passion over money. MBA (2001) he path of Dr. Abdu instilled in us the importance of This is a place where you can do so “If you chase money, you’re not Mukhtar’s career consists of giving back to the community. He much to positively impact the lives likely to get it. But if you follow Cambridge My Top Tip: a steady climb with plenty also taught us core values such as of people – whatever you’re doing.” your passion, the money will come Massachusetts, U.S. Tof twists and turns. As he segued integrity, honesty, and respect for Since returning to Nigeria, because you will be doing what you from medicine to business, he took other people.” Mukhtar has certainly had an love and doing it well,” he advises. “If you chase with him the same driving force to These are all values that saw impact in more ways than one. He “Remember also that nothing is Ph.D. in Pathology & excel and to touch people’s lives Mukhtar through medical school has held a number of positions in impossible so long as you work Laboratory Medicine that has guided all of his vocational and his two years of practice in both public and private sectors, hard and engage in activities that Boston University money, choices. The bouquet of experiences Nigeria. “I enjoyed clinical medical such as Adviser to a Minister and help you develop as a person, such School of Medicine he has gathered along the way is a practice, but it became a bit too Group Managing Director and CEO as reading. Most of the things I Massachusetts testament to his ability to succeed repetitive for me – one patient after at Abuja Investments Company Ltd. have been able to do in my life are U.S., 1999 you’re not and serve a community throughout the next,” Mukhtar remembers. “I One accomplishment he is truly because I read a lot. The main thing a diverse professional life. wanted new things; I wanted to proud of, however, is the Grassroot is to never stop learning, developing His initial choice to study discover and innovate, so I went into Microfinance Bank, of which he is and challenging yourself.” Languages likely to get medicine, Mukhtar explains, came research, moving to the U.S. to do the founder and Chairman. Hausa, English about despite his preference for a Ph.D. programme in immunology The whole concept behind the mathematics. “I was good at all and pathology.” micro-finance movement, Mukhtar In Short: Dr. Abdu it. But if you of the subjects, but there was a While doing his Ph.D., says, is that it’s better to teach Mukhtar’s career shows that I Like definite element of prestige that Mukhtar began collaborating people how to fish than to give it is possible to not only make • Travelling came with studying medicine. More with biotechnology companies, people fish to eat. “For instance, a living doing what you love, • Reading but at the same time to have follow your importantly, there was a shortage furthering his research on industrial every year people will come and ask • Spending time of doctors in Kano at the time,” and commercial applications of for money to send their children to an impact on society. Coupling his passion with a knack for with family and he reflects. “So the expectation at medical technology. The exposure school,” he notes. “So it’s important friends passion, the the time was that the best students to the corporate world provided a to make them self-reliant by doing hard work and continual self- development, no problem or should go on to study medicine – the new experience, and it got Mukhtar something that will help them make challenge has proven too big toughest field – because we needed interested in business. So, realizing a living year after year.” money will for him. “I see problems and I Don’t Like doctors.” he didn’t have any business skills, Using his own personal struggles as opportunities for Mukhtar had no qualms about Mukhtar decided to get his MBA – savings and partnering with friends, • Laziness growth. Obstacles are actually • Dishonesty come.” giving up his inclination to study at none other than Harvard Business Mukhtar got the bank started, and stepping stones for doing engineering or mathematics for the School. today it serves over thirty-eight things better or creating new • Cold weather sake of public service, one of the With the MBA under his thousand customers, ninety percent ways of doing things. In fact, core values passed on to him by belt, Mukhtar began to combine of them women. “We gave them problems make me excited his father, who also happens to be business with his background in very small loans, enough to set up because I love challenges, and Contacts the longest serving traditional ruler medicine, acting as a consultant for a small business selling tomatoes, I know that they will make me [email protected] in Nigeria at present. “My father pharmaceutical and biotechnology bread, or cow milk, and through that stronger, bigger and better.” 118 119 Artist Genevieve Nnaji, MFR N

to help my family,” she remembers. are now afraid to be sweet or nice, Date of Birth “I figured it would be something I which is wrong – we should try 03/05/1979 would do on the side until I finished to be good,” she says. “If you are my studies. But at the same time I good and you work honestly, you knew that if I enjoyed it enough, I will derive a sense of dignity from Awards would give it my all and the money what you do, and you will respect 2005 Best Actress would follow.” yourself. You will know which way African Movie Acting worked out better than to go and which way not to go, Academy Awards she had expected – and the money because you’ll have pride and self- (AMAA) enevieve Nnaji is a believer past because I wasn’t ready or didn’t did follow. But Genevieve doesn’t worth.” My View: in karma – the idea that what recognize them, and there have been believe in pursuing money and fame Pride and self-worth, goes around comes around. opportunities that I thought were for their own sake. “Money is only Genevieve maintains, could be 2003 Best Actress G“Fear of karma is the beginning of mine but weren’t,” Genevieve notes. good for the things it can change. more prevalent in society today, Nigerian Census Board “Do unto wisdom,” she suggests. “In other “What I’ve realized is that when you It shouldn’t change you; you especially in how young Nigerians words, do unto others what you start a journey, if you do it right as should use money to change your approach their work. “The youth would have them do to you. If you opposed to going through the back surroundings,” she mentions. “It’s need to be more intuitive when it others what treat someone with love, love will door, a lot of other horizons open up important to think about the ways comes to creating, entrepreneurship, 2001 Best Actress come back to you.” for you.” you can have a positive impact on and working in general,” she City People Awards This is just one of the many Genevieve’s talent and work people and touch lives. For me, believes. “Work for a cause; work you would guiding principles that has kept ethic as an actress have garnered that’s what legacy is all about and because you want to belong to Genevieve grounded throughout her her plenty of successes, making her why I work so hard.” society and not just be a statistic.” Languages have them ascent to fame. As an actress she a big name in Nollywood. Although Genevieve believes in the English, Igbo, Yoruba has received her share of accolades she initially began to teach herself power of reflecting not only on while engaging in a number of the craft by absorbing classic how a person affects their own In Short: Genevieve exciting projects, both on and off the Hollywood films, she remains environment, but how their Nnaji has climbed her way up do to you. I Like screen, but each day she continues to Nigerian to the core. “Nigeria is environment can affect them. “You in the acting world to become a show up to work with her trademark everything to me; it is the basis of are what you surround yourself top figure in Nollywood and has • Honesty If you treat down-to-earth mentality. “I never who I am today, who I’ve become,” with – if you associate with success also branched out into music • Loyalty thought of myself as ambitious, and she shares. “I can’t imagine being you will be successful. If you and fashion. However, her air • Integrity while I want to say that it’s the fear from anywhere else.” associate with haters, you will is not one of celebrity but of someone of failure that keeps me motivated, Imagination is actually one of forever be hateful. It’s your choice,” dignity and grounded wisdom perhaps it is more than that,” Genevieve’s strong suits. As a child she advises. “It is vital not to be gained through years of hard I Don’t Like with love, she reflects. “I feel that anything she would often find herself acting influenced by the wrong things. If a work and surrounding herself • Negativity worth doing is worth doing well, out her own little dramas while person is shaping you in a negative with positive influences. “The • Bullies and what I start I need to finish – I playing house, or engaging in other way, that person is bad for you. You people you surround yourself • Injustice love will believe in seizing every moment and artistic activities such as painting or have to move on.” with have a profound impact opportunity.” singing. Ironically, however, at the From her own experience, on who you are and how you Opportunity, Genevieve outset of her career Genevieve did Genevieve has discovered that often think. You have to be able to come back to continues, is more about being not view acting as a potential long- characteristics which ought to be recognize and avoid negative Contacts prepared than being lucky. “When term occupation. “I was planning to considered positives are mistaken influences, and if you want to info@genevieveofficial you.” opportunity comes, it’s up to you to study law, but shortly after secondary for negatives – goodness mistaken be successful then you have take it and make something out of it. school I went for an audition as a for softness, or politeness for to surround yourself with I’m sure I’ve lost opportunities in the temporary means of making money weakness. “It’s almost as if people successful people.” @genevieveofficial 120 121 Dr. Ndidi Founder Growing Businesses Foundation (GBF) Nnoli-Edozien N furniture design and manufacturing inspiring role models to look up business.” to,” she says. “Nigeria’s traditional Date of Birth Looking to address the obvious apprenticeship systems should 31/07/1972 growing pains of entrepreneurial complement our educational system businesses, not unlike the challenges in order to truly equip youth for life her father faced, Ndidi resigned outside of the ‘classroom.’” Education from her job running an asset Ndidi points to history’s Ph.D. in Ownership management firm in 1999 to focus greatest leaders such as Nelson & Management on GBF. It took twenty months for Mandela, Alexander the Great, and Structures o Dr. Ndidi Nnoli-Edozien’s summon the courage to grasp our her to convince a leading Nigerian Jesus Christ as the ultimate role Johann Wolfgang mind, everybody is a leader – vision of the future with both hands.” bank to risk investing in micro and models who unified their people to Goethe University not just the ‘Oga at the Top.’ Ndidi’s inspiring words form small businesses. However, once achieve the ‘impossible.’ This kind Frankfurt My Advice: T“At every level, our people must the philosophy at the core of the GBF proved the viability of micro- of transformation, she suggests, Germany, 2006 rise up to their leadership potential Growing Businesses Foundation finance as a means to promote follows a clear vision and the and seek opportunities in their (GBF), which she founded in sustainable economic development ability to communicate a message “Visualize fields,” she says. “Leadership means 1999. GBF’s mission is to support and inclusive growth, this opened people can believe in, unite for, taking responsibility; it means being sustainable economic development up financial access for a tier of and implement. “Our challenge B.Sc. in Economics & accountable.” led by socially responsible Nigerians previously considered is to move beyond the potential International Relations what you The concepts of responsibility businesses and individuals. “We unbankable. of transformation to achieve London School of and accountability, Ndidi work tirelessly to productively Soon thereafter Ndidi began sustainable impact.” Economics & Political emphasizes, are extremely relevant connect the public sector and private working closely with policymakers Science believe this to Nigeria. “We tend to point at the sector with Nigeria’s entrepreneurs to enact further change. This led UK, 1994 government as primarily responsible, at the ‘Base of the Pyramid,’ thereby to her involvement in government when in actuality, we must all hold building a more inclusive society,” programmes centred on job country can ourselves jointly accountable for she explains. “GBF has been praised creation, agriculture and financial In Short: Dr. Ndidi Nnoli- Languages our country’s future,” she notes. for ‘investing in the poor,’ but we inclusion. Then in 2008 she founded Edozien’s career of empowering English, German “We live in an innovative, creative don’t see Nigerians at the ‘Bottom Strategy & Execution Ltd (S&E), a Nigerian entrepreneurs and French be, what it and entrepreneurial environment. of the Pyramid’ as ‘poor’ people. consulting firm which focuses on advocating for inclusive The country challenges us to rise up We instead see social innovators building functional public-private policy initiatives through the beyond the limits of our potential.” waiting for opportunities to emerge partnerships and bridging the gap government has positively I Like between the strategy and execution should be – Ndidi encourages Nigeria’s as successful entrepreneurs.” affected countless lives. As • Sunshine and light youth to cultivate their talents and A lot of Ndidi’s desire to of good ideas. “The role of the founder of invaluable dare to dream. “Visualize what you assist, empower and develop government,” she says of the S&E entities such as Growing • The colour black for therein believe this country can be, what entrepreneurs derives from having vision, “is critical as a catalyst for Businesses Foundation and • Coffee it should be – for therein lies your watched the struggles of her father, growing businesses to sustainably Strategy & Execution Ltd, greatest opportunity. Instead of whom she remembers as a brilliant spur national development.” she passes on a powerful lies your aspiring to go to another country, and compassionate entrepreneur. To achieve sustainability, message of transformation I Don’t Like adapt the ideas which make that “His passion for manufacturing Ndidi adds, there must be a balance and sustainability to Nigeria’s • Arrogant ignorance country so attractive here, in creative, innovative, functional and of innovative change and heritage, youth: “Never be daunted by • Poverty greatest Nigeria,” she suggests. “Advocate perfectly engineered products was a way to harness the wisdom a problem. Each new challenge • Violence your ideals, share your hopes via unparalleled,” she recalls. “Sadly, inherent across the generations to is merely a hurdle that enables storytelling and social media, adopt inadequate access to affordable address contemporary issues of the you to rise higher. Appropriate opportunity.” mentors – anything and everything capital, poor infrastructure and economy, environment, culture and solutions will always avail to rally support for your vision. the overly expensive ‘route to politics. One of the most crucial themselves to you given Contacts We find the support we need once market’ for ‘Proudly Nigerian’ components in this balance is enough persistence and focus. [email protected] we truly believe in our ideas and products crippled his world-class mentorship. “Our youth yearn for Believe!” 122 123 Adaobi Tricia Novelist & Essayist Journalist & Humorist Obinne Nwaubani N

Lagos, the New York Times asked her English,” she explains. “So I’ve Date of Birth to write about the Jos crisis in 2010. since come to realize my passion for 28/03/1976 “It was an unexpected invitation, but education. Someday I would like to I was happy to contribute because I found schools in rural areas so that saw that so few media outlets were I can have a wider impact. Nothing reporting on the story, including our fancy, just teaching the basics.” own newspaper,” she recalls. “After As Adaobi continues to Education that I started to receive requests discover new passions through her B.Sc. in Psychology lot of people look at Adaobi contrast the solemn tone of the other from various publications, and that writing and her work to bring the University of Ibadan Nwaubani’s career as a African books she had read. “Over is how my essay writing started.” outside world to underprivileged Nigeria, 1998 My View: writer – her internationally the years I had been asking myself Some of Adaobi’s articles Nigerian children, she maintains Aacclaimed novel, her regular why these fantastic writers were have been considered controversial, that her faith is at the core of her publications with BBC, CNN, the always so serious. Obviously there but they have generated a lot drive. “The main reason I decided “You can New York Times, and the Guardian are a lot of serious issues in Africa, of attention and conversation. to look into myself, share my – and automatically assume that but I like funny things; I like to “Gradually I’ve come to find that talents, and do things for people she’s writing about Nigeria from laugh. So that’s how my vision for my passion is nonfiction, writing is because of my faith. Without it, Languages be Nigerian the comfortable vantage point of the book started,” Adaobi explains. about specific issues, expressing I’d be content to sit in a big house, English, Igbo America or the UK. But the truth is “Then in 2006, I read Angela’s Ashes my thoughts – dealing with real have a few charities, and just watch she’s fully based in Nigeria. by Frank McCourt, which is full of life situations,” Adaobi says. “I’m the world go by – but instead I am and reach Adaobi points out that a lot sordid experiences, yet funny in so always discovering new things I’m called to something greater.” of Nigerians have the mistaken many ways.” passionate about.” mentality that in order to achieve Always a voracious reader, this Another great passion of success they must live abroad.“You book gave Adaobi the inspiration I Like the world, Adaobi’s is young people, and she’s In Short: can be Nigerian and reach the to finally begin writing her own looking to develop more projects Adaobi • Beautiful people world, change the world even, novel, the story of a young Nigerian focused on children and teenagers. Nwaubani’s career as a writer • Laughter change the without leaving your country,” she man caught in a moral dilemma “For instance, I’m working on a sets a powerful example for • Faith encourages. “I was born and bred concerning email scams when all script for an animation movie set young Nigerians. The acclaim she has received from her here, was educated here – you he wants is to make something of in Nigeria – probably the first of novel and regular contributions world even, don’t have to leave to realize your his life. “People from France, from its kind,” she reveals, adding that to major publications shows dreams.” Germany, from the U.S. have all she hopes to merge it with another people that you don’t have to While Adaobi’s current success found it funny, and to me that is project she’s doing: “I go to villages without live abroad to find success, but I Don’t Like as a writer would be a dream for an accomplishment – to be able to and show cartoons to children who instead dreams can be achieved • Disloyalty any aspiring wordsmith, she admits provide entertainment even while live twenty minutes away from within Nigeria’s borders. Her leaving your that she never consciously chose the writing about a serious issue,” Abuja – and have never seen a work also exemplifies how • Ignorance profession. It happened organically. Adaobi notes. “This has become the cartoon!” opportunity can be found • Poverty She won her first writing competition trademark of my writing.” Through Adaobi’s interaction through an open mind and an country.” at the age of thirteen, but didn’t take After the success of the with the village children, she attitude of discovery. “I discover the craft seriously until writing her novel, which included the 2010 has come to understand how something new about myself debut novel, I Do Not Come to You Commonwealth Writers’ Prize for undeveloped their education often every day. I never planned on by Chance, published in 2009. Best First Book, Adaobi began to is. “You speak to them and they being a writer. My going into The genesis of the book receive invitations to write for major don’t know anything about the writing was purely accidental – I Contacts was Adaobi’s inclination to write publications. While she was working outside world – not Mandela, knew I had a talent, so I simply [email protected] something about Africa that would as an editor for NEXT newspaper in not Obama, and they can’t speak decided to use it.” 124 125 Frank Nweke II Chairman ONTV Media Network N

“It is certainly a flattering bring about a resolution as soon Date of Birth experience when people come up to as possible. When problems linger 18/09/1965 me like that, but more importantly, they can become more complicated it signifies the thirst for quality and lead to greater losses, so early leadership, for ethical leadership, recognition and a focused approach Education and for committed leadership,” are absolutely paramount.” Master’s in Public Nweke suggests. “It’s no secret that Nweke goes on to emphasize Policy & Administration in Nigeria quality of governance that in terms of Nigeria’s problems, Harvard University rank Nweke II has special am proud that I have been ethical and and corruption are problems today.” the government and the people have Kennedy School My Top Tip: insight into what it means to extremely dedicated in the discharge With regards to corruption, a shared responsibility. For him, of Government be a public servant. For him of my duties,” Nweke explains. “I Nweke believes that if ethical young Nigerians especially are a Cambridge Fit is a responsibility that can breed have demonstrated clearly that you standards were upheld in business big part of moving forward. “Young Massachusetts “Problems passion, grace and integrity. He can come to public service without and government, three-quarters people in particular, through hard U.S., 2008 began to discover this experience for sacrificing your values; you can of Nigeria’s problems would be work and a dedicated pursuit of himself when initially invited to fill come to public service and really solved. “When you have been a clear vision, can achieve their must be a government position as a resident do what public service is all about, corrupt and unethical in the conduct goals,” he believes. “Only you can Master’s in Public consultant with Enugu State in 1999. which is to serve.” of public or even private business, stop yourself. The moment that you Administration approached Since then, Nweke has Mr. Nweke’s most recent you lose any moral authority to doubt anything you have failed at it. University of Maiduguri continued to fill one public service position was Director General of the hold other citizens accountable,” So don’t doubt, but instead prepare, Nigeria, 1995 role after another, with each position Nigerian Economics Summit Group Nweke reasons. “If there is no sense believe, and achieve.” with offering a chance for him to serve (NESG), a private sector think tank of accountability then ultimately to the best of his abilities. “Nothing dedicated to developing a globally the entire society is in jeopardy – Languages gives me greater joy than to deploy competitive Nigerian economy security, infrastructure, even lives.” In Short: Frank Nweke II Igbo, Yoruba clearheaded public policy in an effort to bring through policy advocacy, research, Corruption, like any problem discovered his passion to serve Hausa, English change and improve the quality of communication and education. big or small, must first be when he first took on a role life for the greatest possible number Since taking the position in 2009, recognized, according to Nweke. that directly impacted public courage and of people,” Nweke notes. “I was Nweke worked tirelessly to elevate “After you have recognized the policy at the state level. His I Like born to serve.” the NESG to the world-class entity problem, you must next consider zeal for serving soon led him • Knowledge intent to Nweke’s willingness to that it is today while simultaneously your options. You decide if you to become a minister for the • Helping others serve did not go unnoticed by his serving on a multitude of boards and can handle it by yourself or if you Obasanjo Administration. From • Travelling superiors. By 2001 he had been chair positions for private interests. need help, and then you approach the start, his tenure as a public bring about appointed Chief of Staff to the He decided recently to step down it,” he advises. “Whatever the case, servant has been characterized Governor of Enugu State, where he from the role in order to further you must always confront your by honesty and fair dealings. “I I Don’t Like stayed on until 2003 when he was pursue his political aspirations. problems; you cannot afford to run would never trade my integrity a resolution called upon to serve as a minister for The Nigerian people are away from them.” for anything in the whole wide • Disorder the Obasanjo Administration. certainly aware of the work that Nweke notes that problems are world. My motivation in life has • Dishonesty as soon as But regardless of whether the Nweke has done both as a public a regular part of life, and everyone always been to simply put a • Unpredictability role was at the state or federal level, servant and with the NESG. On must face them in their different smile on the faces of people. I Nweke has brought an equal sense many occasions people even come ways – be they economic, social, love to make people happy, to possible.” of tenacity to each position. “I have up to him and thank him for things health, academic, or other issues. help them realize their dreams Contacts put forth my best efforts on every he did eight years ago while serving “Problems must be approached with and to inspire them to be the Facebook: FNwekell assignment I have been given, and I under the Obasanjo Administration. clearheaded courage and intent to best they can be.” @Loyaltyfnj 126 127 Founder & Director, LEAP Africa Ndidi Nwuneli, MFR Co-Founder, AACE Foods Partner, Sahel Capital N Partners & Advisory

mentions. “We also place a lot of outlets and is gradually displacing Date of Birth emphasis on integrity and ethics, imports. It is also improving the 22/03/1975 and we have an employability livelihoods of farmers.” programme to prepare unemployed Ndidi is eager to inspire young Education youth for meaningful jobs.” LEAP people to commit to the values of Master’s in Business lthough Ndidi Nwuneli is management consulting firm has also published ten pioneering hard work and integrity. “People see Administration, Harvard excited about the present- when she got a call from Nigeria books on a range of topics including others who’ve gotten rich quickly, Business School day rise of Africa, she to come home and set up the succession, governance and ethics, and they think that’s their path,” she Boston, Massachusetts My Dream: Abelieves that there are still many FATE Foundation, working with which it uses for training youth and observes. “But nothing can replace U.S., 1999 more chapters to the continent’s unemployed graduates and helping entrepreneurs. sheer hard work and values. You story. “I see a widening gap between them become entrepreneurs. At just The list of Ndidi’s have to develop a moral compass “I’m not those who have and those who twenty-five years old, it was an offer accomplishments and initiatives with established boundaries, a B.Sc. in Multinational & have not – Africa’s growth has not the young Ndidi could not refuse. goes on. In addition to serving on a clear code of conduct that governs Strategic Management been inclusive and this widening A lot of people thought she was number of boards, she also started your life and is set by your faith. Wharton School satisfied gap between the rich and poor is a crazy to resign from her high-paying another non-profit called NIA – a You have to have values so that of the University ticking time bomb if we continue to job, but today Ndidi still believes name formed from the Igbo words people will know you as a person of of Pennsylvania ignore it,” she notes. “This is a huge it was the best decision she’s for life, strength, and wealth. integrity – your word has to be your Philadelphia with Africa’s obligation for my generation – we ever made, one of those decisions This organization empowers bond; you have to be accountable.” U.S., 1995 have to do something about it.” that would lead to even greater young women, another part of the For Ndidi, this obligation has opportunities and achievements. population Ndidi focuses on, to Languages current level, become a way of life, a sense of “After FATE, I started LEAP, reach their highest potential. In Short: English, Igbo, French urgency that keeps her working. which stands for Leadership, Ndidi has also spearheaded Ndidi Nwuneli “My faith inspires me, but I’m also Effectiveness, Accountability, and efforts to trace problems even left a comfortable life in the and I am inspired and challenged by all of Professionalism,” she notes, adding further back to their roots. She is the U.S. to return to Nigeria and I Like the problems I see, problems which that the overall mission is to create co-founder of ACEE Foods, a social make a difference with social • God other people don’t necessarily notice an army of social change agents, enterprise that sources produce from enterprises such as LEAP • My family compelled Africa and ACEE Foods. – such as poverty or hunger. These training people to go out and start local farmers, processing them into • Africa situations make me feel upset and their own initiatives to improve spices, spreads and complementary Through her tireless efforts, even angry. I’m not satisfied with the lives of others. “The focus of food, which is distributed to she has transformed and to make a Africa’s current level, and I am LEAP is to inspire, empower, and FMCG companies, wholesalers and inspired countless Nigerians I Don’t Like compelled to make a difference equip people to be African leaders, retailers across Nigeria. “The goal to join her in her mission, and • Corrupt rulers difference within the continent.” helping them initiate personal and is to support smallholder farmers, will continue to do so for years • Poverty Before Ndidi began her quest community transformation by giving providing them with micro- to come. “My mantra is an • Ignorance to make an impact by working for them the skills and tools they need.” finance, inputs and training. We African proverb – if you want and founding a series of non-profits Another focus of LEAP is then source our raw materials from to go fast, go alone; if you within the and private companies, she was entrepreneurship and preparing these farmers, giving them a steady want to go far, go with others. Contacts living a successful business life in people to build enduring companies. stream of income,” she explains. In other words, it’s nice to the U. S. that many would envy. She “Many companies die with their “We started this because of the high go fast, but if you do it all by continent.” had graduated from some highly founders, but our goal is to help rates of post-harvest losses and yourself, it’s not sustainable. esteemed business schools and these entrepreneurs build companies malnutrition in Nigeria. AACE is You have to bring others along Facebook: leapafrica was working with a distinguished that will outlive them,” Ndidi currently in Nigeria’s leading retail as you go forward.” @ndidinwuneli 128 129 H.E. Olusegun Founder Olusegun Obasanjo Foundation Obasanjo O

Today Obasanjo is still called an environment that encourages Date of Birth upon for critical situations of our youth to realize that they must 05/03/1938 diplomacy and still fighting for the take part in the process of creating betterment of the country through opportunities in our society,” he his Foundation, and he has as much states. Education faith and love for Nigeria as ever Obasanjo is a living example Engineering before. “When it comes to Nigeria of the dynamic challenge of Indian Army School of o most Nigerians, Olusegun first commander had made on him. I am an incurable optimist!” he embracing and cultivating Engineering Obasanjo needs no “He was strict in every sense of the exclaims. “Nigeria has the largest opportunity. “When you have an Pune introduction. Since the 1950s, word – quite a contrast from civilian population of the black race, a opportunity, take advantage of it to India, 1966 My Advice: Tthe former military general, ruler life! He was immaculately dressed, fact that obligates us to uphold a the best of your abilities, not only and President of Nigeria has spent and he was proficient in every certain level of leadership that we for yourself but also for the people his life serving the country and the subject,” Obasanjo recollects. “He are not currently maintaining. The whom you have to serve, and for Royal College of “Unless continent. always said to us: ‘There is no easy sooner we correct that, the sooner God. Because when God gives you Defence Studies To this day, Obasanjo continues way to success. If you want to get far we can reach our destiny of a better opportunity, he expects the best London to make an impact through projects in the world, you must work hard. If Nigeria.” from you,” Obasanjo advises. “I put UK, 1959 you know such as building the Presidential you work hard, the only limit is your One of the most critical my best into everything, and if I do Library complex in his hometown ambition.’” components to the country’s destiny, not succeed it won’t be because I of Abeokuta and establishing the After officer training, Obasanjo Obasanjo believes, are the Nigerian haven’t tried. If you fail, you have Languages the root of African Leadership Forum. He has followed that advice, working hard youth. But he is also aware of the to realize that it wasn’t for you and Yoruba, Hausa, English also founded the Olusegun Obasanjo to ascend the ranks. When the Biafra challenges they face. He points out move on to the next opportunity.” Foundation (OOF) with initiatives conflict arose, he led a commando that while there are more educational a problem, I Like focusing on public health and division stationed on the Biafran institutions than ever before, there In Short: welfare, youth empowerment, and front in southeastern Nigeria. Six are fewer opportunities for young Olusegun • lnteracting with education for girls. years after the war, leadership of the Nigerians. “When I was old enough Obasanjo, military general, people who have leading diplomat, and the trying to When it comes to tackling such country was passed on to Obasanjo, to go to university in Nigeria, there former President of Nigeria, ideas was only one. Today there are about significant issues through OOF, as who returned the country to civilian has devoted his entire life to • Travelling well as problems in any context, rule in 1978. one hundred fifty universities in a vision of peace, democracy, • Helping people in solve it is this country. What’s more, when Obasanjo maintains that the key is to Over the ensuing years, education and opportunity need locate the heart of the issue. “Unless Obasanjo held various teaching I left secondary school – without for his beloved country. For you know the root of a problem, positions and diplomatic posts, most even going to university – I had five several decades he has been like boxing trying to solve it is like boxing notably with the United Nations. different appointments offered to a prominent voice throughout I Don’t Like blindfolded,” he explains. “You In 1995, he was imprisoned for me,” Obasanjo remembers. “Today Nigeria and Africa, and have to think about whether or not three years after being accused of when anybody graduates university, • Injustice blindfolded.” today he is as active as ever, • Inequity to confront the problem head-on or organizing a coup against General no matter how brilliant they are, he particularly through his to approach it from the side. Think Sani Abacha. After Abacha’s death or she will be extremely lucky to get Foundation. The underlying • Marginalization about if you need help and who Obasanjo joined the People’s one or two job offers.” pattern has always been the might help you. And you must react Democratic Party shortly before Obasanjo emphasizes that same – helping and serving quickly before things get worse.” serving two successive four-year while more opportunities need to others: “I have always loved Contacts Obasanjo’s extraordinary terms as President of Nigeria, be created, young Nigerians should coming to the aid of people @Obasanjofoundation career in problem solving began fighting against poverty and not simply wait for something to be who need help. Anywhere in @OOFoundation when he joined the army in 1958. He corruption while striving to given to them. “I believe that we the world you go, there is no info@olusegun remembers the strong impression his reintegrate a democratic system. have to educate, orientate and create shortage of people in need.” 130 131 Prof. Godswill Former Executive Secretary Chief Executive Officer Obioma Nigerian Educational Research O & Development Council

trek from his village Amaokpu Nkpa scholarship. Date of Birth in Bende Local Government Area “Even now when I face 12/12/1953 to a high school in Old Umuahia. challenges, I pray about it, I think “The war had left no public about it, I get inspired – I keep my transportation, let alone money for eye on the target,” Obioma says. transport,” Obioma notes. “I would “My driving force is to make the Education athematics professor and every term I was sent back home for start off on a Sunday morning, best of life, to meet my targets and Ph.D. in Measurement internationally renowned not having paid – and often flogged carrying a little load on my head as to excel in whatever I am doing, to & Evaluation My Recipe for education expert Godswill by the head teacher in the process. I walked. It took from six o’clock show a distinction between myself University of Nigeria MObioma learned early on that he My father would end up having to in the morning until four in the and the next person.” Nsukka would have to distinguish himself borrow money from his friends to afternoon to arrive!” This element of distinction Nigeria, 1985 Success: in order to transcend poverty. He pay the fees.” During the week, Obioma finds its way into everything Obioma would have to struggle through Luckily for Obioma and his would stay at a house near the high does. “I always like to do something years of abject penury, a war, and parents, he was consistently the top school belonging to his church’s in a different and positive way. How “When I face miles upon miles of walking to student in his class, skipping two pastor, and each weekend he would do you think I became President M.Ed. in Measurement eventually earn his Ph.D. This grades in primary school and earning return home to replenish his meagre of the Governing Council of the & Evaluation challenges, mentality of striving for excellence the Eastern Nigerian Government supply of food donated by family UNESCO International Bureau of University of Nigeria first began when Obioma discovered scholarship for secondary school. and friends and earn a small stipend Education in Geneva?” he says. “I Nsukka that distinguishing himself was the “For secondary school, I took by selling firewood at the railway made a conscious choice going into Nigeria, 1982 only key to an education. entrance exams and passed them stop. “My only hope was that I the meetings that I would listen I pray about Obioma and his eight siblings all, but I had no way of getting to would still have that scholarship to everybody present their ideas were raised in a remote community school from the village,” Obioma money from before the war,” he and impress each of them with my it, I think in Abia State. Before the Civil War, explains. “My uncle, who was living explains. “So I got creative and own. I am passionate about giving Languages his parents lived in the commercial in Lagos at the time, recognized my wrote a letter of appeal to the then impoverished students opportunities Igbo, English city of Aba. “We were so poor that academic potential and promised to East Central State, inquiring about to rise through education. Because I my mother sold akara in a rickety supplement the scholarship with any the status of my scholarship, and, know the background I’m coming about it, I makeshift stall on a street corner and assistance he could provide.” surprisingly, they replied! After two from. If I hadn’t distinguished my father would try to sell second- That lasted until July 1967, months, they informed me that the myself from that background I I Like get inspired hand clothes in the market since when the Civil War began. scholarship was still there.” would not be where I am today.” • Music he could not own a store himself,” “Structures and institutions While Obioma continued • Travelling to distinguish himself, he also Obioma remembers. “It was really collapsed completely and part of • Making friends bad! I was born into a very poor our country was ravaged – I was continued to encounter obstacles – I keep my heritage.” stranded academically until January hindering his academic pursuits, In Short: Professor Neither of Obioma’s parents 1970,” Obioma grimly recalls. including an inability to pay for all Godswill Obioma has achieved went to school, but they wanted “After the war, finding a way to get of the university examinations he his life’s goal of rising above I Don’t Like eye on the education for their children. “I back to school was a huge problem. had passed. However, he found an his impoverished background started school when I was four, My father had lost everything, my opportunity to study at an advanced through creativity, determination, • Telling lies and as young as five, I would trek uncle had come back from Lagos, teachers training college funded focus and hard work. “I tell my • Injustice target.” alone into the city for school from and I had eight other siblings – all by UNESCO – his mother actually children to never take anything • Greediness the remote places where we stayed of whom had to come out of school had to sell her only wrapper to pay for granted,” he says. “Work – about half a mile each way,” for my family to get me back into for his transport to the college – hard, apologize for your mistakes, Obioma recalls. “Even the most school!” and ultimately went on to earn his remain focused and set targets basic education required school fees, So in January 1970, Obioma Ph.D. at the University of Nigeria, for yourself that you know you Contacts which my father couldn’t afford. So began what would become a weekly Nsukka, on a federal government can strive to achieve.” [email protected] 132 133 Phillips Oduoza Chief Executive Officer & Group Managing Director United Bank for Africa Plc (UBA) O

a lot of opportunities, people first solution that comes to mind,” Date of Birth with a lot of potential and great he explains. “First of all, I need to 24/08/1962 talent. If all of these elements are understand the situation, the cause properly harnessed, the result will of the problem, the various options be a dramatic transformation of the – as you never have just one solution Education country as a whole.” to any particular challenge.” Master’s in Business oday, as Chief Executive Naturally, Oduoza’s years of Oduoza experienced a different In general, Oduoza prefers Administration & Officer and Group Managing valuable experience came with lots type of confusion than what most to avoid hasty decisions in his Finance My View: Director of United Bank for of hard work. “My friends say that I might expect when he was faced approach as a manager. “You have University of Lagos TAfrica (UBA), Phillips Oduoza am a workaholic, but the truth of the with the prospect of choosing a to give things time. For example, Nigeria, 1988 knows a lot about banking, an matter is that I simply like to work,” course of study at the university – there have been instances where “I see industry in which he has accumulated Oduoza explains. “I look forward to he saw too many opportunities. The employees weren’t performing many years of experience. “When work every morning because there is love for reading he had cultivated very well, and instead of simply B.Sc. Hons. in Civil I started working in the banking quite a lot to do. I have a very busy since early childhood had opened asking them to leave, I would Nigeria as industry, you would have thought schedule that never really ends.” his mind to an immense variety coach them and help them restore Engineering with First it was a crime for anybody to stay Addressing young Nigerians on of possibilities. “I wanted to be their confidence,” he remarks. Class longer than six years at any one the matter of work, Oduoza advises: an astronomer; I wanted to be an “Sometimes when people are not University of Lagos a country particular bank. Many people in the “You have to work extremely hard aeronautical engineer; I wanted to performing well, it’s because they Nigeria, 1983 industry were jumping from one if you want to get ahead, whether be a medical doctor; I wanted to be have lost confidence in themselves.” that has bank to another in order to climb you are a student or an employee – an engineer; I wanted to be a lawyer the career ladder more quickly,” he you must put in a lot, you must be – the number of potential paths was Languages recalls. committed and above all, you must very confusing for me,” he admits. English quite a lot of “I, however, spent fourteen like what you are doing.” He ended up bagging a In Short: With more years at one bank, working with a When it comes to choosing the Bachelor’s Degree in Civil than two decades of experience, group of other young people – about right career, Oduoza believes that Engineering, but soon thereafter Phillips Oduoza has ascended I Like five of us. This bank, which we had a lot of young people can easily be he came to the realization that a opportunities, to the top of Nigeria’s banking • Working started from day one with a fresh lost in the process of making such career in engineering was not for industry, becoming the Chief • Playing golf licence, is today one of the most an important decision. “I think a him. Fortunately, Oduoza had the Executive Officer and Group people with successful banks in Nigeria.” lot of people are not sure what to prescience and confidence to go for Managing Director of United • Time with friends It is obvious that Oduoza is do. They may be very talented, but an MBA in Finance after his stint in Bank for Africa (UBA) in 2010. and family a lot of not a man who believes in shortcuts they are confused and don’t see the engineering, which paved the way His contributions to the finance when it comes to career growth. opportunities,” he says. He adds to his successful banking career. sector are bolstered by a work “You cannot expect to just grow that with the challenges Nigeria Since then, he has risen to the ethic imbued with integrity, I Don’t Like potential and up overnight. People need to learn faces today, ranging from the lack top of the Nigerian financial world. diligence and discipline. He is • Lack of integrity the ropes, and they need to exercise of employment prospects to an And along the way, Odouza avoided inspired by Nigeria’s future, • Lazy people patience,” he says. “You want to environment that is inconducive any shortcuts in his career, which which he believes holds potential • Going on water great talent.” avoid climbing up too many levels for startups, opportunity can allowed him to gain the necessary waiting to be harnessed. “The at once, otherwise you might find indeed be difficult to come by. experience to become deeply key is work. Avoid idleness and yourself in a situation where you are As a result, a lot of extremely adept in management, leadership keep yourself engaged properly lacking in competence, or you can’t talented people have yet to realize and problem solving. “When I see at all times,” he says. “Hard work Contacts do much because you don’t have the their aspirations. “However, I see problems – and I see them all the doesn’t kill, and in a lot of cases, it right level of experience.” Nigeria as a country that has quite time – I don’t just jump toward the results in rewarding outcomes.” [email protected] 134 135 Gabriel Ogbechie Managing Director Rainoil Limited O

do business with me, already of investments to be made where Date of Birth had everything arranged with the you get the kind of double-digit 28/05/1966 purchasing manager. But when I growth that isn’t possible in more went to pick up the purchase order, developed economies like the U.S. I was told the General Manager or the UK.” did not want to sign!” Ogbechie Although Ogbechie has remembers. “So I went to his office, gained much from participating in Education abriel Ifeanyi Ogbechie This “something” would turn rushed past his secretary and barged this growth, he maintains that it’s B.Sc. in Production is more than passionate out to be Rainoil Ltd, a company in. At first he refused to sign, saying not about money at this point. “For Engineering My Vision for about his work. “I get to that thrives today. However, much that the company only bought diesel me it’s now about going back to University of Benin Gthe office at times, and my staff is like Ogbechie himself, Rainoil Ltd from suppliers with established add value to the system, to inspire Nigeria, 1987 the Future: flabbergasted about having received had a very humble start: one man names. I practically begged him to people and to teach people in any e-mails at three in the morning,” with an idea. give me a chance. I had come too far way I can,” he explains. Ogbechie he laughs. “As long as my eyes are It was 1996, and Ogbechie to take ‘no’ for an answer!” does just that on a regular basis “With Nigeria open, I am at work, be it at the office had already been working at Ascon In the end, the GM gave the through the DayStar Business or at home. When I wake up in the Oil Company for a few years when there is young Ogbechie his chance. Better Academy, a programme sponsored Languages middle of the night, I’ll go to check he realized that if he could raise still, Ogbechie ended up making by his church. Here he mentors English my e-mails really quick and end up enough money to buy and sell one more money on the deal than he’d entrepreneurs of various experience enormous working for like thirty minutes.” truck of diesel in a month, he would calculated due to prices having levels on how they can be successful. This passion is a big part of make enough to cover what he was changed and sold another truck of “For those of us who have gone potential what has allowed Ogbechie to rise already making in salary. “People diesel within two months. Within six down that road, it is important that from very humble beginnings. “As tend to have too much attachment months, business was good enough we set an example, that we enable because a kid I would sell bread – what we to employment,” Ogbechie believes. that he decided it was safe to quit others who are trying to navigate I Like call petty trading – to help augment “If you can find a way to cover your his day job and focus on Rainoil their own entrepreneurial journeys.” • Tennis it is still a my parents’ income so we could go salary by doing something else – Ltd full-time. Today the company • Good food to school,” he recollects. “Although then great! Just don’t plunge in with has risen to great prominence in • Hard work my parents had a limited education, both feet until you’ve tested the Nigeria. In Short: Gabriel developing they insisted and ensured that all six waters.” Ogbechie uses the astonishing Ogbechie is a modern-day rags of us kids received a good education As logical as Ogbechie’s success of his company to illustrate to riches success who started country and went to university.” business idea may have seemed at the the opportunities that Nigerians have out selling bread as a child to help support his family. Today It was in school that Ogbechie time, he could not find anybody to before them. “It is entirely possible that precious value of humility I Don’t Like where discovered his love for mathematics back him financially. “There I learnt to create something out of nothing! still carries him forward, along • Liars thanks to a persistent teacher who my first lesson – people rarely give Look at the giants like Ford, General with his zeal for hard work and a • Laziness saw his potential. “I went from being money to those who don’t have it,” Motors, or Shell – these companies strong sense of integrity. “There challenge is • Gossip one of the worst math students to the he recalls, adding that it would take didn’t just drop out of the sky. At will always be challenges embraced as best, and it was because of my love him two years to eventually come one point somebody conceptualized and stumbling blocks. I take for math that I got into engineering,” up with the necessary $2,000-worth each one of them,” Ogbechie notes. things in their stride, always Ogbechie explains. “But also as a kid in naira to actualize his idea. But “With Nigeria specifically there remembering that the only way opportunity.” to go is forward,” Ogbechie I knew I wanted to get into business. even then the obstacles did not stop is enormous potential because says. “Whatever challenge you I grew up trading and always knew coming. it is still a developing country face, you must keep striving. Contacts that someday I would do something “I had already identified the where challenge is embraced as Don’t let it bother you, and stay [email protected] for myself.” first company that was going to opportunity. Here, there are a lot focused on the goal.” @GabrielOgbechie 136 137 Godwin Ogechukwu Violinist “Godwin Strings” O

to gain recognition. He made it money from doing this, especially Date of Birth all the way to the grand finale of considering the state of the country 25/08/1992 the first season of Nigeria’s Got with so many people in need,” Talent, which was followed by even Godwin admits. “But then I finally more high-profile opportunities, got a team that believed in me, my such as the 2012 Koko Concert, work, and my talent, and it’s been Education the Ebony Life TV Launch, an awesome from there. They really B.A. Hons. in Arsenal FC championship match motivate me with all their effort and Lingustics & African he violin is not a popular disappointed Godwin didn’t want to and a performance for President energy, so now I can’t give up!” Languages My Top Tip: instrument in Nigeria. But go to university at all. But his father Goodluck Jonathan. Godwin insists that work University of Benin then again, young violinist encouraged him to pursue linguistic As with any profession, being ethic and focus, while important, Nigeria, 2012 TGodwin Strings – born Godwin studies, reasoning that Godwin a violinist has its share of ups and are only half the story. “I believe “If you’re Ogechukwu – sees Nigeria as a place could use the degree to study law downs, challenges to overcome that hard work is vital, but I can’t of new frontiers for achievement. afterwards. and problems to solve. “Sometimes depend only on that. I also need “Nigeria is made for great people; During Godwin’s first when I’m practicing, scoring some the grace and favour of God,” he Languages committed it opens your mind to the beauty of academic year, he experienced an songs, or trying to get some notes says. “A lot of people work hard, English, Igbo life and adventure; it educates you unexpected merging of language to sound different, I can get stuck at but that doesn’t mean good things and builds your faith in yourself,” he and music: “For me it was like certain spots and become upset or will come their way. For me, work to doing believes. “To be honest, I don’t think those two things were in line. I was frustrated,” Godwin discloses. “But has to be coupled with grace. That’s I could have survived in any other learning violin and at the same time when that happens, I take a deep when things will fly fast for you and I Like country.” studying language, studying about breath and reassure myself that I you’ll see where your life can go.” • Music something Godwin first began playing the people, learning about their cultures am meant for this, because if you’re • Food violin in 2006 while studying at his and their music,” Godwin says. “I committed to doing something • Video games father’s music school. He actually was suddenly a lot more interested that you’re meant to do, you can In Short: Godwin that you’re started out with the keyboard, but in linguistics – it all made sense!” overcome any problem.” Ogechukwu, better known he couldn’t get into it – there was This formative period in The important thing with as Godwin Strings, at the no spark, no passion. But when he Godwin’s life explains the problems in any facet of life, young age of twenty-two, is I Don’t Like meant to saw a video of professional violinist multicultural approach to music for Godwin continues, is to face them reintroducing Nigeria to the • Unnecessary Karen Briggs, he had a new goal in which he is so well known today. “I rather than worrying about them passionate sound of violin. pressure do, you can life and a new instrument to learn. got to know the language of music all the time. “Worrying about Through his penchant for “Her videos motivated me to pick and how to address people, how to problems creates more problems,” world music, Godwin’s playing • Heat up the violin. I wanted to be at the perform different notes in different he suggests. “It all comes down to harnesses styles ranging from • When someone overcome point where she was,” he recalls. tones or scales,” he remarks. focus, hard work and commitment if Afrobeat, to rock, to blues. He disturbs my sleep “The inspiration was strong enough “Because I learned how other you truly want to handle a problem hopes to one day inspire young to really speed up my learning, and cultures interpreted their languages in any aspect of life – be it marriage, musicians just as he himself any she still inspires me today.” and how they related to their music, I work, family – anything.” has been inspired. “I want to Back then, however, Godwin’s was able to apply that to the violin.” Wise words from the young be a mentor and an icon. I want Contacts early ambition was to become a After graduating in 2012, Godwin, lessons learned during my name to be synonymous bookings@ problem.” lawyer as opposed to a professional Godwin continued with music a time early in his career when he with violin in Nigeria – for young musician. So when he was admitted instead of going to law school. had doubts about his path. “It got people interested in music to @godwinstrings to study linguistics instead of law Approaching the violin as his nine- to a point where I was actually look up to me and think, ‘I want at the University of Benin, the to-five job, it didn’t take him long wondering if I’d ever make to play like that person.’” godwinstrings 138 139 Chief Michael Founder Elizade Group of Companies Ade Ojo, OON O

a list of all of the company officers graduating from university. “One Date of Birth who weren’t insured.” thing I made sure of was to never 14/06/1938 For the next few months, waste money,” Ojo says of his Ojo would work at the office for early days in business. “Aside from two hours, then go out and sell making sure my family was taken insurance. “Not only was I able to care of, every penny that I earned Education go directly to uninsured people, went back into the business.” Honorary Doctorate but as a tax officer I was able to Over the next four decades, University of Nigeria hen Chief Michael the company after graduation, so he explain to them that with insurance he would grow the business into Nsukka Ade Ojo was studying did not bother with any other job they would save money on taxes,” a group of companies, today Nigeria, 1999 My Wiew: business administration at interviews. “When I finished school, he discloses. “So that’s what I did employing approximately fifteen Wthe University of Nigeria, Nsukka, the company surprised me by saying instead of just sleeping – and I was hundred people. “A lot of young he had a professor who constantly that the sponsorship had been freely very successful at it.” Nigerians want to get rich without “You cannot Bachelor in Business declared that the students would one offered and there was no obligation,” That summer, Ojo landed a working at all, which is a mentality Administration day become the top business people Ojo remembers. “Seeing as how I job with British Petroleum Nigeria I strive to re-orientate through University of Nigeria in Nigeria. Ojo, however, used to hadn’t interviewed anywhere else, I Limited (now African Petroleum). Elizade University,” Ojo says of reap what Nsukka make jests at such remarks. was luckily able to convince them to “I still had this ten-year goal in the thriving institution he founded Nigeria, 1965 “I often challenged his high hire me!” mind, so I was selling for them one in Ondo State. “You cannot reap you do not expectations. I couldn’t understand The job was an introduction to hundred percent, but eventually I what you do not plant, so plant what where he expected me to get the the art of selling cars. “I proved to be started selling insurance on the side you want, because who you will be money to do business!” Ojo recalls. quite good at it, and I won a contract again,” Ojo notes. tomorrow starts today.” Languages plant, so “But, as we were exposed to the for twenty vehicles to be sold to After more than four years at English, Yoruba curriculum, reading articles and the Electricity Power Authority,” BP, Ojo had, despite becoming the business books, I gradually became he says. “But when the day came top sales representative, reached In Short: Chief Michael plant what inspired.” to collect the purchase order, the an impasse with the company and Ade Ojo’s impressive career in By his last year of university, manager took all the credit for what decided to take a leave of absence business and sales is a lesson I Like Ojo had made it his goal to occupy was considered a big contract in to try selling cars again. Little did in what it means to stay true to • Dressing well you want, the workforce no longer than those days. I was so frustrated – and he know that the Elizade brand oneself and pursue long-term • Eating well ten years before starting his own more than happy when they decided was about to take off. “I went to goals with persistence and business. His girlfriend and future not to renew my employment R.T. Briscoe, the sole distributor of ingenuity. He has never been • Being near God because who wife was also in on the pact. And contract.” Toyota in Nigeria at that time, and content to rest on his laurels though they had yet to decide on Ojo ended up finding his next proposed that I sell their cars on a and today his legacy is shining the nature of the company, they job through somebody he had sold freelance basis, being paid only bright through the Elizade I Don’t Like you will be already had a name: ‘Elizade’ – a a car to – the head of Federal Inland through commission,” Ojo explains. brand and Elizade University, combination of their own names. Revenue. Yet working as a civil “In four weeks, I sold forty cars and where he endeavours to ensure • Lies Confident from the beginning, Ojo servant left Ojo’s sense of ambition found that through commission the coming generations are • Cheating tomorrow would arrive at his ambitious goal unsatisfied. “After two months of alone I’d made more in one month prepared and able, ready to take • Stealing well before the ten-year mark. wasting time in the office, I decided than a whole year at BP!” on the challenges of tomorrow. Firstly, Ojo finished his to take advantage of the situation,” For Ojo, it was enough “The biggest danger in one’s starts today.” last two years of school thanks Ojo reveals. “Utilizing what I had incentive to resign from the BP job life is self-deceit,” he advises. to the assistance of a company learned about insurance while and start his own business selling “You must work hard to achieve Contacts scholarship. He assumed that he selling cars, I began going through Toyotas under the Elizade banner what you want and don’t expect [email protected] would then be required to work for the Inland Revenue registry, making in August 1971 – six years after things to happen by accident.” 140 141 Prince Julius Chairman & CEO Shamah Emporium Ltd Okojie O

up a branch in Abuja, giving me an and for his help in negotiations, Date of Birth official car with a driver as well as because they value his experience. 05/07/1965 a house. Within six months I was “If it’s a bad deal or a scam, I advise given a best salesman award, and so them to walk away. If it’s genuine, I it continued. I was always number help negotiate for a better price and one in the company.” as a ‘thank you’ they’ll send me a By 1998, after ten years with check out of appreciation.” rince Julius Okojie remembers but I knew I needed a formal the company, Julius decided it was Before pursuing material his childhood in a small job that could provide me with a time to part ways to begin his own wealth, Julius encourages Nigerian Languages My Recipe for Nigerian village vividly: a consistent stream of income,” Julius business ventures. As soon as he youth to develop their own sense of Edo, Hausa, English Ppolygamist family with twenty other remembers. “Around that time I resigned from Niger Insurance, righteousness, to always do the right Success: children, scarce money and plenty of heard that Niger Insurance Plc was he set up a private insurance thing. “Righteousness, hard work, farm work. One night he came home looking for young men capable in brokerage outfit and a real estate integrity – this is what has made “I worked from the field to find his mother in marketing.” company. After the initial struggles me successful today,” he explains. the kitchen, trying to cook. The roof Recalling his successful associated with new business, these “When you pursue righteousness, it was leaking; water was cascading experiences helping his mother companies were tremendously attracts money. I tell people, making diligently down, continually extinguishing the to sell in the village marketplace, successful, and Julius was finally money is the easiest thing, but first fire and frustrating her efforts. “She Julius signed up for the training. able to accomplish his lifelong you have to do the right thing, so I Like because was crying, saying she had no help,” “It was a six-week sales training ambition of helping his entire people know you can be trusted.” Julius sadly remembers. “I told her programme, but after four weeks I family. • Humanity not to worry, that I would help her.” was the only one left,” he recalls. “It Today, Julius continues to flourish • Exercise I wanted It was a promise that the young was difficult work – a lot of trekking, as an independent businessman. • Travelling Julius would keep the rest of his wearing a tie and learning how to However, he maintains that money In Short: Prince Julius to make mother’s life. One day he would smile even when there is no food was never his driving force, but Okojie, who came from a huge even make enough money to help in your stomach. The experience rather he was motivated by integrity. family in a small farming village, sure that I out the entire family. But in order was so challenging because there “It all starts with righteousness. is the epitome of a rags-to- to do that, he would have to leave was no salary attached to the job; I When I was a young man, I worked riches story. Getting his start the small village for the big city. On had to generate my income through diligently because I wanted to in the insurance business, he implemented the day he finished secondary school commissions only.” make sure that I implemented the quickly became a top salesman in 1984, he came home and told Julius, however, remained value system I had gained from my before ultimately venturing I Don’t Like the value his mother his plans to seek bigger determined to see the experience upbringing,” he shares. “Though out to run his own business. • Liars and better opportunities away from through, knowing he was destined my parents were poor, they were Throughout his history of • Deception system I home. “I said: ‘Mom, if I go I may to prosper. Eventually he did start people of integrity. Throughout financial success, he maintains • Noise be happy; if I remain here we all making commission, and in three my father’s lifetime, he never did that righteousness has always sink together.’” years he was making more money anything in the dark. I learned from been the core value. “If you had gained Julius was gone by sunrise the than the manager of the company. him the way to do things right and think of yourself as a money next morning. He had saved enough At the same time, he enrolled at a the importance of hard work.” person and only pursue money, from my money to pay for his fare to Lagos, polytechnic school while continuing With his sense of integrity, nobody will trust you in life,” he where he boarded with an aunt for to excel as a salesman. “A time came Julius has earned the trust of advises. “Righteousness comes upbringing.” a few weeks until he had outstayed when the company offered to hire developers and investors throughout first. Everything you do should his welcome. “I then found myself me on as a full-time staff member,” Abuja and other areas. They come revolve around righteousness – Contacts in where I began to hustle, Julius recalls. “They sent me to set to him for his advice on land deals standing up for what is right.” [email protected] 142 143 Onajite Paul Group Managing Director & Group CEO Okoloko Notore Chemical Industries Plc O

in business. “With any company, into sustainable businesses,” he Date of Birth you always have to have a variety says. “But in Nigeria it is possible 22/02/1966 of talents: the visionaries, the to build businesses because of the operational people, the financial natural and mineral resources and experts, consultants – there is a role also the intellectual capacity of the for everybody.” people. The country has a large Education Okoloko’s own role in business population and a growing market Owner/President as an entrepreneur has been inspired – what more could you want when Management Program najite Paul Okoloko is a man the ground. “Don’t ever be afraid to by other successful businesses, developing a business?” Harvard Business who often sees opportunity follow your dream, but at the same such as international companies In addition to his remarkable School, Cambridge My Top Tip: in overlooked places. The time always be truthful to yourself,” that have come to Nigeria with work with Notore, Okoloko in Massachusetts Ogenesis of his company, Notore Okoloko advises. “You must be practical visions. “When I watched recent years has served as Director U.S., 2008 Chemical Industries Plc, is a perfect realistic: recognize your strengths these businesses thrive, I knew that of Union Bank of Nigeria and “Don’t ever case in point. “We started with a and develop them to your maximum indigenous companies could just as as an appointed member of the plant that had been abandoned for ability, but also be aware of your easily succeed if properly equipped Presidential Committee on Oil & over ten years, completely left to the weaknesses.” with opportunity and access to Gas. In 2011, he was recognized for B.Sc. in Economics & be afraid to elements. Nobody thought it could This kind of self-awareness, capital,” Okoloko says. his business prowess and innovation Statistics have been revived or rehabilitated,” Okoloko suggests, can lead to In fact, when Okoloko when he was the first to win Ernst & University of Benin Okoloko remembers, adding that a stronger sense of vision and returned to Nigeria in 1994 after Young’s ‘Entrepreneur of the Year’ Nigeria, 1986 follow your today the facility runs at one hundred persistence. “Do everything you can several years spent working in award for emerging entrepreneurs percent capacity. to keep going and do not be afraid the U.S., he was motivated by the in the West Africa region. It is around this once of failure,” he encourages. “Failure economic progress he found. “The dream, but abandoned plant that Okoloko has is no excuse to quit. When mistakes banking revolution had started and Languages built a top-shelf business with five occur, you learn from them, you there were young corporate people In Short: Onajite Paul English hundred employees and another pull up your bootstraps, and you all over the place. I could see the Okoloko and his career as an at the same thousand jobs created through continue. Life can be tough, but middle class beginning to emerge entrepreneur serve as evidence subcontractors. Notore specializes that’s how it is.” because of job opportunities, of the growing number of in fertilizer, seeds, and education For Okoloko, the notion and new government policies business opportunities in I Like time always in the agricultural sector. “We are of being truthful and realistic in were encouraging investments Nigeria, for both Nigerians • Good food making a positive impact in helping business is equally significant when in Nigeria,” he recollects. “With and international investors. • Good wine farmers improve crop yields,” he it comes to problem solving. “One Nigeria’s vast resources, there The key components of his • Intelligent people be truthful to notes. “This plays a big part in of the biggest challenges businesses were – and still are – a lot of success have always been to helping Nigeria to one day become face, be it in Nigeria or globally, opportunities largely untapped, maintain a truthful and realistic self-sufficient in production.” occurs when an organization is not which is why I made the decision mentality and to work hard. yourself.” While the ability to recognize truthful with itself,” he explains. to come back. I wanted to be a part “Knowing your strengths and I Don’t Like opportunity has brought Okoloko “When there are challenges, you of this.” weaknesses will serve as a a degree of professional success in have to be able to recognize them. Okoloko wasted no time after strong foundation from which • Poor quality wines his quest to add value to Nigeria, it More specifically, you have to repatriating, starting businesses to build. What’s more, this • Lazy people is only part of the equation. Being identify and deal with the root cause – such as Oando Energy Services type of self-awareness offers a • Time wasted able to bring ideas to fruition of the problem as opposed to just or Ocean and Oil Group – that vital component that will allow comes from years of cultivating treating the symptoms.” have since grown to world- you to determine the role you strong business acumen, gaining Teamwork, according to class companies. “It was a lot need to play when it comes to experience as an entrepreneur, and Okoloko, is also paramount in of hard work, searching for real making the most of opportunity Contacts keeping both feet firmly planted on handling day-to-day challenges opportunities and converting them and embracing challenge.” 144 145 Alex Okosi Senior Vice-President & Managing Director International Media O Networks Africa

would not only showcase Africa’s between Johannesburg and Lagos, Date of Birth vibrant music and youth culture, Alex is responsible for managing 11/09/1974 but that would also deliver profits,” the development of the business. Alex says. And as a staunch champion of The CEO was receptive to African youth culture, he still finds Education Alex’s innovative ideas, and in time to get involved with initiatives Bachelor in Business lex Okosi was just twelve continues, is part of how to establish May 2003, Alex was seconded such as “MTV Choose or Lose,” a Administration years old when he travelled a solid foundation in life. “Be to the International Strategy and campaign that encourages young & Economics to the U.S. to visit his hungry for opportunities that will Business Development group people to vote. He also mentors My Recipe for St. Michael’s College Aolder brothers and convinced his allow you to hone your skills, even based in London to help drive young musicians. “A lot of our Colchester, Vermont parents to let him stay. He ended if the financial benefits are not great MTV Networks’ global expansion young artists aspire to be a big hit U.S., 1998 Success: up getting into a distinguished prep – like internships,” he advises. “To and develop the business plan for in the United States, but it doesn’t school, Phillips Exeter Academy in become great at anything you have launching MTV in Africa. “It was quite work like that,” Alex reveals. “To become New Hampshire, which he claims to be dedicated, hardworking, and not easy, because I had to develop a “I don’t dissuade them from global amplified his passion for learning. passionate about what you do.” plan that encompassed our revenue ambitions, but you’ve got to become Languages “The school was amazing because The next step in Alex’s career and cost models and that promoted a hit in your own country first. I English, Igbo great at it was academically rigorous and was an integrated marketing the development of quality content. tell our young artists to focus on offered me the opportunity to position at MTV in . In Africa at the time, there were improving their music and finding learn with students from diverse At twenty-two years old, he was a very few quality music videos, so success here, and then the world anything you countries,” Alex recalls. marketing executive responsible for we had to lay the groundwork for will hear about them.” I Like For university, he attended a pitching content and event ideas to improvement of the visual content • My son small Catholic school in Vermont on help brands authentically connect by facilitating workshops for • Sports have to be a basketball scholarship, graduating with the young adult demographic. directors and artists in ten different In Short: Alex Okosi • Making a at the top of his business and After a few years, Alex relocated to countries,” he explains. “It was aimed for success at a very difference dedicated, economics classes before landing to join the affiliate sales important that African music had young age. At just twelve years a job at MTV. “I convinced MTV and marketing department at the an opportunity to travel across the old, when he moved to the U.S. to hire me because I had a strong parent company, MTV Networks, continent and overseas. Today, to live with his brother, he was hardworking, resume for a recent graduate. In where he worked on securing the contemporary African artists are thinking ahead to ensure he I Don’t Like addition to being an athlete with distribution of new brands, such having their music played all over got an education there, but • Lazy people excellent grades, I was also a as MTV 2 and CMT. During that the world, and I believe MTV’s he was also focusing on each step as it came. He made it a • Clutter and resident adviser, and the internships period, Alex delivered great results work has served as a key catalyst to point to excel in whatever he • Conflicts I held enabled me to gain real for the company and was introduced this new reality.” was doing, and he strived to passionate experience that I could apply to my to the Global CEO by his boss as Alex now helms Viacom gain as much experience as he work at MTV,” Alex reveals. “This a star performer. The CEO, after International Media Networks could. One milestone at a time, is why I tell young people, if you hearing about Alex’s success, Africa (formerly MTV Networks he climbed his way up to a job Contacts about what want to be great, you’ve got to put suggested they meet for lunch. “It Africa) and has launched several with MTV that eventually led to Linkedin: Alex Okosi your all into whatever you’re doing was an opportunity that I grabbed other channels in addition to MTV him launching MTV Africa. The at the moment so that you’re ready with both hands, and a few weeks Base (Africa). The network now philosophy that got him there? you do.” to seize any opportunity that comes later, I started pitching him the idea encompasses ten multi-media “Be the best at whatever you’re up.” of MTV in Africa. I had to articulate brands such as , doing at any point in time and This kind of effort, Alex how we could build a business that and BET. Based more opportunities will arise.” 146 147 Dr. Ngozi Former Honorable Minister of Finance Okonjo-Iweala O that Nigeria could handle the tough that she was building a better future Date of Birth reforms necessary for debt relief,” for Nigeria gave her the strength to 13/06/1954 Okonjo-Iweala notes. “And, sure persevere. enough, we delivered.” Through the course of her Education It wasn’t just external career Okonjo-Iweala has found General Manager’s stakeholders that Okonjo-Iweala inspiration in many of the world’s Course Certificate needed to convince. She also had leaders, past and present. She carries from Graduate to win backing from Nigerians who their lessons with her and uses them School of Business were sceptical. However, Okonjo- to shape her approach to life and Administration Iweala, determined to see through policy. One of her favourites has Harvard University gozi Okonjo-Iweala closes us that education is paramount. her economic plan and her pledge always been Dr. Martin Luther Boston, Massachusetts My View: her eyes and can see back to Imagine losing everything in your to the people of Nigeria, pushed King. “If you read through some of U.S., 1997 when she was fifteen, living forties, having to start again, and yet through an ambitious programme. Dr. King’s speeches, you’ll see that Nin the squalid remains of the family still being able to smile and to show Okonjo-Iweala has earned he had some very profound things Ph.D. in Field- “Almost home during the months following your children the beauty of life. That much acclaim for her role in steering to say,” notes Okonjo-Iweala. “He Regional Economic the Civil War. She can still see her taught me a lot.” Nigeria’s economy toward growth speaks of critical issues that people Development father sitting in what used to be the Contrasting the country’s war- and stability. Still, she insists that even today are not really focusing Massachusetts every sector living room, a cement block for a torn era with the present booming it takes a team to achieve success. on. There is incredible poignancy Institute of Technology chair. She couldn’t understand how economy, one can see a resonance “You cannot succeed by yourself,” in his belief that if you are rich but Cambridge, U.S., 1981 he could smile and carry on despite in her father’s enduring resilience. she explains. “From the secretary your neighbour is poor, then you’re A.B. Field Economics in Nigeria is having lost everything. “There is so much happening here to the driver, everybody matters. not really rich at all.” Magna cum Laude One day, almost in frustration, now, so much potential for change,” Regardless of hierarchy everybody Harvard University Okonjo-Iweala inquired into her Okonjo-Iweala says. “Almost every makes up the team, everybody plays Cambridge, U.S., 1976 bursting with father’s disposition, and he taught sector in Nigeria is bursting with a role.”

her something she would never creativity and possibility.” Okonjo- As the top economist in the In Short: Coming from a Languages forget. “He told me that all you Iweala actually deserves much of the country, Okonjo-Iweala is often family that had lost everything Igbo, Yoruba, English creativity and need in life is your head,” she says. credit for her country’s astounding approached by young Nigerians during the Civil War, Ngozi French “Material possessions come and go, transformation and rise to economic curious about choosing a career. Okonjo-Iweala rose to become possibility.” but as long as your head is attached might. Her advice is always the same: find a leading figure in global I Like to your body you have everything.” She took over the helm at the something you love. “Make sure economic policy. As Minister • Writing Her father explained to her that Ministry of Finance while Nigeria that at least seventy-five percent of of Finance for Nigeria, she was • Reading he would work hard and regain was still reeling in the wake of the the time you find yourself wanting a major force in helping the • Swimming everything that had been lost to global financial crisis, weighed to get out of bed to go to work,” country climb out of debt to the ravages of war. In three to four down further by heavy debts. “I she advises. “You don’t want to become the strongest economy I Don’t Like years’ time, he would do just that. came in, I mapped out an action plan cultivate a career of drudgery, but of in Africa. Her remarkable • Hypocrisy Her father’s example really for debt relief, we followed it, and passion, something you can commit commitment to Nigeria and its shaped Okonjo-Iweala’s life. we earned it,” she explains. “It was yourself to and at times have fun.” people can be traced back to • Mediocrity Although he was a renowned hard work – my hair went grey, but And even during the times her father’s belief that serving • Lack of passion university professor, he was not we succeeded in reducing the debt!” when her work wasn’t so fun, when one’s country is the highest for one’s job one to lecture his own children. Okonjo-Iweala had to work it challenged her endurance to honour and the best application “My father simply demanded the hard to prove to finance ministries the extreme, she would recall her of knowledge. “I have used my Contacts best of us,” Okonjo-Iweala recalls around the world that Nigeria father’s philosophy that “working mind to try and help my country [email protected] today. “He showed us the value of not only needed but had earned a to serve others is a privilege and an by working through the right Facebook: honesty and transparency, taught reduction in its debt. “I told them honour.” This and the knowledge policies.” ngoziokonjoiweala 148 149 Chief. Mrs. Oyenike CEO of Nike Art Limited & Nike Centre for Art and Culture Davies-Okundaye O

“Mama Nike” raising a child and working two or thousand naira and get to work Date of Birth three jobs,” says Davies-Okundaye, again. I started making batik, men’s 23/05/1951 who today has more than one tops, skirts – they were creative, hundred fifty students in Europe and original, wearable art!” the U.S. “And I saw masterpieces With continuous persistence painted by women, brilliant work and unending patience, she was able Education that simply amazed me. So when to gradually grow a customer base. Honorary Doctorate I came back, I was inspired to She continued teaching workshops Degree in Art work harder and take more risks as well, her fame ascending to the Stanton University hief Oyenike Davies- to come up with the money for her as an artist, experimenting with point where she began establishing Florida My Belief: Okundaye is one of the own primary school fees, which watercolour, pencil, ink, and with art centres offering free courses U.S., 1996 most celebrated artists in her made her rough childhood all the beads – this is what allowed me to to young Nigerians. “In Nigeria Chome country of Nigeria as well more difficult. “In order to pay for achieve something financially.” we have something called ‘tsuru’, “Know what as on the west coast of Africa. Her school, I worked for my neighbours, The trip to the U.S. also allowed which means patience and honesty,” creative energy expands beyond her carrying stone, which was very Davies-Okundaye to transcend a Davies-Okundaye notes, reflecting Primary level 6 colourful textiles and paintings and tough,” she recollects. “During that few long-outdated taboos from her on the arc of her career. “This is you want to into her philosophies on life and into time I also taught myself to speak own culture. “Where I come from the kind of mentality that enables the very art of survival. Through the English little by little.” it used to be that women were not you to stay focused, set goals and Nike Centre for Art and Culture she While these formative years allowed to read or write – so I sent achieve them. Know what you want Languages do, package has enabled thousands of Nigerians instilled in Davies-Okundaye a my daughter to the U.S. Virgin to do, package it well, and you will Okun, Yoruba, English to not only hone their artistic skills sense of steadfast resilience that Islands to learn those things,” get there.” but also to use these skills as a would serve her well in the years Davies-Okundaye reveals. “All it well, and means of creating income. to come, today she prefers to look the things she was limited from Raised by her aunt and great- forward through a lens of optimism doing here are possible there. But In Short: Chief Oyenike I Like grandmother, Davies-Okundaye and hope. “I always believe that I am females are starting to become you will get Davies-Okundaye has played a • People comes from the most humble of going to make it. In times of struggle more empowered in Nigeria. For vital role in reviving aspects of • Food instance, we have a female Chief backgrounds. While her childhood it can be easy to get depressed, but traditional Nigerian craftwork • Travel was far from easy, it was an you can’t let it scare you,” she Justice for the first time ever. I want among the country’s youth. Her there.” upbringing that shaped her view remarks. “Not having money can to see more of that. I would like to work as an artist and a teacher of the world as an artist. “Both of actually enhance your creativity. see a female governor and a female combined with a commitment my parents were craftspeople, and What motivates me every day is my president.” to positivity and making the education in those days involved work. I wake up very early, excited The same resilience and most of life has lifted Davies- I Don’t Like passing on skills from one generation to get started, or even in the middle dissatisfaction with the status quo Okundaye from her humble • Dishonesty to the next,” Davies-Okundaye says of the night sometimes if I dream of is evident in Davies-Okundaye’s beginnings. It is a remarkable • People cheating of her heritage. “My father was my work.” business smarts as an artist. On journey that will continue to • Sickness a leather worker. He made shoes One of Davies-Okundaye’s one occasion, for instance, she and inspire young artists locally and bags. And my mother was a biggest opportunities as an artist four fellow artists had mounted a and internationally. “My art has fifth generation textile artist. What came when she was selected by the show in the U.S. but were unable helped me a lot throughout my I learned from both parents was a U.S. government to join a delegation to make any sales. “It was a setback life,” she says. “The important Contacts huge inspiration to me.” of teachers to lead workshops in the that wiped us out financially, but I thing is to be honest and to After her mother and States. “Visiting the U.S., above all, refused to be discouraged,” Davies- have patience, to do your best Facebook: NikeArtCentre grandmother passed away, the inspired me to work even more. I Okundaye shares. “I went back and know that it will all work out @NikeArt1 young Davies-Okundaye was forced saw a young woman, for example, home and was able to save three in the end.” @NikeArtGallery 150 151 Spencer O. Onosode Managing Director & CEO Pillar Oil Limited O

nothing could stop him from uplift the masses from hopelessness, Date of Birth following his business intuition. but I believe that day will surely 21/05/1964 “Quite frankly, when I started out come.” with Pillar Oil, I didn’t have much In spite of the various problems reference point; I just did what made and challenges Nigeria faces sense to me,” he notes. “Of course today, Onosode wants to remind there were some people who did not the younger generation that there Education see things my way, but when you is always hope for the future. He B.A. in Economics hen looking back on student and could have gone in any are focused on a vision that is based advises the youth of Nigeria today Baylor University My Words of his career, Spencer O. direction,” he recollects. “I ended up on faith and hope, you can generally to look to the past for reassurance Waco, Texas Onosode remembers choosing economics simply because expect some level of reward.” that their efforts will eventually bear U.S., 1981 Wisdom: Wwhen the concept of building a my father was an investment Today the company has fruit: “Each generation has its share business around small oil fields banker.” successfully grown to command of challenges, and if you look at first came to him in 1995 as one of It was his father’s work that multi - million - dollar drilling history you’ll see how they tackled “Each those “light bulb moments” in his provided a comfortable childhood projects. However, Onosode does those challenges,” Onosode says. life. He had held various positions for Onosode and his siblings, an not consider this monetary success “I have no doubt that the youth of Languages in multinational oil companies upbringing that afforded him the and positive growth an achievement Nigeria will rise to the occasion, Urhobo, English generation throughout the years leading up to opportunity to study in the United of any particular significance. “We fulfil their destinies, and face up to the decision to start his own oil firm, States, where he remained for five started as a small company and the challenges of the present day.” has its but he had never been able to shake years after graduating from Baylor have worked our way through the his own managerial urges. “The one University in Waco, Texas. “Though corporate web, employing people thing that I was always certain about I worked as a programme engineer and exploring, developing and In Short: While it took I Like share of was that I would one day run my with a software data processing producing oil – trying to add value to Spencer O. Onosode a few • Grilled fowl own enterprise,” he says. Over time firm, I spent those years playing the industry while keeping our long- years to develop the vision that challenges, the valuable experience Onosode the social circuit and seemingly term objectives firmly in view,” he would lead to the formation of • Travelling gained throughout his jobs for enjoying myself, until one day I says. Pillar Oil Limited, it was a vision • Reading different companies would add up decided that it was time to return to While Onosode sees the growth that he has actualized through autobiographies and if you and help him eventually shape the Nigeria and get more focused on my of Pillar Oil as following the right hard work and focus. And while entrepreneurial vision that simmered career. I was twenty-five years old trajectory, he hopes to take his life others may see Nigeria itself look at in the back of his mind. at the time.” Onosode explains. “I and work in Nigeria to the next step. as having a lot of potential, However, knowing just what came back home and got a job with “There are things I would like to do Onosode suggests that the that enterprise would be eluded PricewaterhouseCoopers, and then in the future, particularly when it country has transitioned from I Don’t Like history you’ll Onosode for many years during his I moved to DuPont (now Conoco comes to empowering the youth,” he the realm of uncertain potential • Dishonesty education and career. Throughout Phillips) and later on I worked for explains. “There is rampant poverty to the reality of achievable • Dirty environments university and even during the Statoil/BP, where I spent about six out there, and I think, outside of see how they opportunities. “The key is to • Bananas immediate years after graduation, years.” government, those of us in positions remain focused on what you’re Onosode admits that he really had While Onosode was climbing of influence must fashion practical doing and to leave the world tackled those no idea what he wanted to do with his way up the corporate ladder, solutions to uplift and empower a better place than how you his life. “In high school, it took the desire to run his own business young Nigerians. I’m not sure how found it,” he says. “There is challenges.” vexatious thought to decide what I steadily grew stronger. In 1997, long we can continue to remain at the no time like the present to get would study at university because I when he finally decided to fringes of ignorance and mediocrity. busy – time for us to give back Contacts had generally been a well-rounded incorporate Pillar Oil Limited, Much work still needs to be done to to society.” 152 153 Prof. Chidiebere Founder & Managing Partner Center for Education Reform R.Onyia O

on to them the message of values says. “A good way to maintain this Date of Birth – how truth, respect and love are balance is to associate with good 05/02/1969 something that every human being people, friends who can mentor you needs,” Onyia says. “Some of these and strengthen your spiritual life. children have gone their whole lives Hanging out with the wrong people, Education without somebody telling them that on the other hand, can change your MBA International they love them, instead receiving life for the worse no matter how old Business only negative messages. If you can you are.” Argosy University rofessor Chidiebere Onyia position in a high-risk school district demonstrate love to a child, you’ll Onyia also endeavours to Orange County grew up in an environment in Los Angeles County, unburdening be surprised at how you can change teach the students that they must California My Words of where education was highly himself of his student debt in the a life. I knew that for every single have a deep desire for excellence, U.S., 2011 Pvalued and accompanied by equally process. “The government offers kid, for every single teacher that I a critical component that he sees Wisdom: high expectations. To make his an incentive for teachers who are was able to reach, that they would deteriorating among today’s youth. father happy, he earned a degree willing to risk working in these later touch other lives. This is why “Because of time constraints and a in Parasitology and Entomology at areas, forgiving their student loans I chose education as a profession.” desire for immediate gain, a lot of Ph.D. in Education “Success is university – only to realize medicine in twenty-five percent increments By 2010, Onyia was ready to young people settle for mediocre Argosy University was not the career he wanted to every year,” Onyia explains. return to Nigeria. He sensed it was performance, which prevents them Orange County pursue. While Onyia enjoyed the time for him to give something back from excelling and becoming California not always “At first there was a period of economic advantage of the to his own country, using all the people of quality,” Onyia suggests. U.S., 2005 hopelessness,” he remembers of government incentive, the intense experience he had gained in the U.S. “I want to ensure that I intentionally those first months after graduation. experience of working in such a Upon returning, he immediately add value to Nigeria and striving about “The one thing I knew was that I violent school district proved to be established the Berkeley for excellence is a big part of that. Languages wanted to get out of my hometown; even more life changing. “Some of International Science Magnet group I take this country very seriously, Igbo, English I wanted to explore.” Onyia wound my students would come to school of schools in Lagos, offering a especially when it comes to the material up moving to live with his uncle in one day, and the next they would be tuition free private education to the younger generations.” Lagos, where he began buying and gone – shot or killed. It was such poorest students in the community. selling cars to keep busy, unsure of a high-risk situation,” he grimly The schools provide scholarships all I Like acquisitions, what else to do. recalls. “Just us being there and the way through secondary school In Short: Professor • Travelling Opportunity struck in 1998, engaging with these young people – and, if the students continue to Chidiebere Onyia has worked • Bookstores when Onyia attended a religious talking to them and listening – was perform well, university. extensively with youth in • Hanging out with conference in the U.S. “The family sometimes the difference between Today the system has grown Nigeria and throughout the family but I stayed with offered to help me life and death for them.” to two schools with three hundred U.S. In addition to founding the with my papers and change my visa Onyia spent the ensuing years students, another sixty on the Berkeley International Science status, which would allow me to go climbing the ranks in the school waiting list, and one hundred twenty Magnet group of schools, he something back to school in the U.S.,” Onyia district, rising from classroom faculty and staff. Onyia views the is also a founding partner I Don’t Like explains. “It was a huge chance teacher all the way to principal and group of schools as a way to enable and Chairman of OrgLearning • Prejudice Consult Nigeria, as well as the for me to follow my real passion: director. At that point he began to youth through education and to have • Procrastination that occurs a positive impact on their lives. “I Center for Education Reform education. I knew I wanted to impact take on even greater leadership and Sustainability Initiative. He • Careless people lives through knowledge, but my responsibilities in the U.S., serving on strive to communicate to them that has devoted his life and career previous training had not allowed advisory boards for the Department success is not always about material to having a positive impact at multiple me to do that.” of Education in Washington DC. He acquisitions, but something that on younger generations. “The Contacts With his papers in order, Onyia also began teaching teachers. “Once occurs at multiple levels. You can Nigerian youth are so excellent. levels.” then migrated to California to attend I started teaching in the graduate be successful as a businessman We just have to give them an classes at Argosy University. After schools, it gave me an opportunity yet a failure as a family man – it opportunity to exhibit those gifts @Onyia1 graduating, he took up a teaching to speak to new teachers, to pass is always about balance,” Onyia that they have inside.” @ChidiOnyia 154 155 Evelyn Ndali Chairman Ovie Brume Foundation Oputu O “I believe he would be very excited special desk for women who wanted Date of Birth about what we’re doing here. to borrow money,” Oputu notes. 13/08/1949 We have this project called ‘No “People who ordinarily would not Excuses’ where people can sponsor have gone into a bank were suddenly a child, help pay for their school fees able to create wealth. This alone had and food,” she says. “It is through a huge impact on many lives.” Education programmes like this that we have Her rise as a role model and Diploma in General actually managed to change lives. enabler of other women through Management, Harvard We want to renew hope in people, banking is no doubt a result of Business School ven in the face of mind, Oputu set up the Ovie Brume help them rise above the corruption the values her father had instilled Boston, Massachusetts My Vision for overwhelming obstacles, Foundation (OBF) in his name. for which Nigeria is so notorious.” within her at an early age. “I come U.S., 1987 Evelyn Ndali Oputu has “We started with the Youth Centre This battle to imbue weary from a community that could be the Future: Eachieved the balance so many because I wanted to provide children Nigerians with hope was equally very chauvinistic, believing that women strive for: a strong mother, with a stimulating environment that evident in Oputu’s banking career, women should be seen and not B.Sc. in Business successful career woman, and would allow them to thrive,” Oputu particularly the latter phase. Right heard, but my father was different,” Administration “We want community activist. Her proudest notes. “I used my house on Victoria around the time she launched OBF, she reveals. “He always had very University of Lagos achievement, aside from her brilliant Island as a centre where these kids Oputu was appointed as Managing strong views about things and raised Nigeria, 1975 banking career, is having raised from state schools could receive the Director for the Bank of Industry us with the mentality that we could to renew four children alone. After leaving attention they deserved.” (BOI). It was a position Oputu was do anything we wanted to in life if her husband, she worked especially With about eighty children well-qualified for, having been we were willing to work hard and hard to make sure they got the best attending on a daily basis, OBF one of the first women in Nigeria take charge of ourselves.” Languages hope in education. However, when her today has grown to include a wide to enter and rise to the top of the English only son passed away at the age of range of programmes and activities investment banking field. people, help twenty-nine, it absolutely shattered designed to give young Nigerians a While BOI was certainly in her. leg up in the world. OBF provides need of Oputu’s expertise, she saw In Short: After the tragic “We had been living together a variety of opportunities, including the new position as a chance to do passing of her son, Evelyn Ndali I Like them rise for a year and a half after he scholarships, mentor programmes, her part in reinvigorating Nigeria’s Oputu made a huge personal • Grounded, graduated from Harvard, and his summer camps, art and literacy middle class. “I felt that for Nigeria loss bear fruit for others by creative people passing was the one thing in my life workshops, sports projects and to change, Nigerians themselves establishing the Ovie Brume • Arts, music and above the that has ever broken me,” Oputu community health seminars. have to own the productive assets. Foundation, which empowers creative activities discloses, adding that once he “It’s a project that continues to They have to work to change children and youth. Through both • Gardening was gone she knew she had to do give me tremendous satisfaction,” the country themselves,” Oputu her work with the Foundation corruption something in his memory. “My son Oputu mentions, citing the explains. “So I shifted the model. and her groundbreaking efforts believed that the future of Nigeria significance of volunteers in what We started directing our loans in the banking sector, Oputu has for which would depend on the young people, has become a true community effort. toward SMEs, small businesses that infused Nigerians young and I Don’t Like that young people should be more “I even bought some land and we would utilize local materials and old with a new sense of hope. • Insincerity entrepreneurial, more ambitious just got approval to build, so we’ll create jobs up to the village level.” But she offers priceless advice • Lack of character Nigeria is so and more willing to put forth the soon have better facilities to host It took four years for Oputu from her years of experience • Laziness necessary effort. He believed that if all the things that we do with these to change and implement her new specifically to the younger Nigeria’s youth could realize their children.” model, but in the end it substantially generation: “Although we live in notorious.” true potential, then they would be According to Oputu, the entire increased the bank’s performance a material world, finding the best able to choose good leaders from driving force behind the Foundation while simultaneously empowering in this life is not about money. Contacts among themselves.” is her desire to do something that small businesses. “The change I It’s about integrity, honour, hard info@ Keeping her late son’s vision in her son would have been proud of. was most proud of was creating a work and staying centred.” 156 157 Dr. Paul Director General B. Orhii National Agency for Food & Drug Administration O JD, MD, Ph.D. & Control (NAFDAC)

the lawyers could not understand in cutting-edge technologies for Date of Birth medical evidence, and the doctors fighting counterfeit medicines, 09/05/1960 who testified could not understand with Nigeria’s NAFDAC rising to the legal terminology,” Orhii notes. a ranking among the top twenty “I understood that I could have medicines regulatory agencies in Education an impact in the legal sector, so the world. In recognition for this, Juris Doctorate eventually I resigned from my job Orhii was unanimously elected Thurgood Marshall “ ’ve never experienced but my father wanted me to be a and went to law school in Houston, the first Chairman of the Steering School of Law My Dream: prejudice, because I’ve lawyer because my uncle was one Texas.” Committee of the newly created Texas Southern consistently sought to of the first lawyers from our region Orhii had been practicing WHO membership mechanism University distinguishI myself and was in Nigeria, later becoming the law for two years before receiving of Spurious Substandard, Falsely Houston, Texas “I look at recognized for it – equally so in Chief Justice of Nigeria,” he a call in 2009 to take his current Labelled, Falsified Counterfeit U.S., 2006 Russia, in the U.S., and here in notes. “I excelled in the sciences job as Director General of the Medical Products. Nigeria.” Bold words from Dr. Paul and liberal arts, so I had my pick. National Agency for Food & This kind of progress what will B. Orhii, yet ones that carry weight In the end, my uncle decided that we Drug Administration & Control aligns with Orhii’s overarching coming from a man whose prolific needed a doctor in the family.” (NAFDAC) in Nigeria. Since then, professional goals: “I look at what Ph.D. in career has spanned medicine, Orhii earned his medical he has begun to revolutionize will make a maximum impact Neuropharmacology make a law, and government – on three degree with honours in Nigeria’s pharmaceutical industry. in the lives of Nigerians and the State Medical Institute different continents, in four different 1989 and immediately after “My immediate goal is to make rest of the world. I know what it’s Stavropol languages. studied for a Ph.D. in Chrono- sure that Nigeria has good quality like to struggle through a humble Russia, 1992 Orhii’s successes were hard- Neuropsychopharmacology, also medicines available to all,” he beginning, and I want to give people maximum earned given his early life. Growing in Russia, finishing in 1992. He explains. the opportunity to realize their own up, he watched his father lose then returned to Nigeria, ready to Orhii has focused on working potential.” Languages impact in everything in the early 1960s in the give back. But after spending his with Nigerian laboratories to meet Tiv, English, Russian turbulence of Nigeria beginning to year of National Service teaching international standards and gain In Short: Hausa forge itself as a nation. “For some pharmacology, the school went on approval from the World Health Dr. Paul B. Orhii time my father could not even pay for strike, and Orhii began to consider Organization. He has also placed broke through the limitations of the lives of my school fees,” Orhii remembers, job offers from abroad. He decided himself at the forefront of the fight an impoverished background to achieve numerous goals I Like adding that when he did make it into on the U.S., and in November 1993 against counterfeit medicines. “We in science, medicine, and • Good food primary school he quickly rose to found himself in San Antonio, Texas. are working to abolish counterfeit law. Now, in his capacity as my fellow the top of his class. Orhii spent the next ten years products from the market because • Good music Director General of NAFDAC, • Good friends For secondary school, Orhii in San Antonio, first working as a fake medicines have been killing he has embarked on an was forced to wait another two years university scientist on a number many people in this region,” Orhii inspiring campaign to clean up Nigerians for tuition money, but by 1980 he of projects such as developing explains. “So I have introduced the pharmaceutical industry. had graduated with distinction – and medications for postmenopausal technology to put the power of “Nigeria means everything to I Don’t Like again waited two years for university. osteoporosis and prostate cancer. detecting counterfeit medicines me. Whatever I’m doing in life, I • Dishonesty and the rest But finally, in 1982, he immigrated Little did he know that the previous in the hands of more than eighty strive to be a shining example, a • Laziness to Russia to study medicine, first fork in the road between law and million Nigerian consumers role model to show other people • Lies spending a year learning Russian medicine was about to re-emerge. through the use of their mobile what is possible no matter where of the world.” before he could begin classes at the He began to reconsider law phones.” This, together with the you come from, no matter what State Medical Institute. while following the famous O.J. use of TruScan, a handheld device race you are – your dreams are Contacts Orhii had debated whether to Simpson murder trial, in which the that enables the agency to identify valid. And if you work very hard study medicine or law, he explains. athlete and actor had been accused counterfeit medicines on-the-spot, and focus, you can realize those “I had always wanted to be a doctor, of murdering his ex-wife. “I saw that has made Nigeria a global leader dreams.” [email protected] 158 159 Adenike Oshinowo Chief Executive & Creative Director “Nike” AOE Events & Entertainment Ltd O

shipping tycoon Aristotle Onassis – away from them because I know that Date of Birth Jackie O’s second husband. “I once if I run, they’re just going to turn 19/12/1965 read a book about his daughter, around and bite me when I am not Christina Onassis, and she became looking,” she remarks. “I strategize my inspiration for how not to live and I tackle whatever the issue is bit ard work, hard work, hard In 1990, while home for a holiday, my life. She showed me that instead by bit until it is dealt with and I can Education My Wiew: work – Nike Oshinowo Nike competed in the Most Beautiful of pursuing money, it is better to move on.” B.Sc. in Political repeats it like a mantra, Girl in Nigeria pageant – and won. pursue satisfaction and happiness, And although Nike spent her Science University of Hwhich it is. It is a philosophy, a Looking back on the which is what I have done.” school years in England, the time Essex “Instead of mentality, a way of life – one that experience, Nike is proud of One of the happiest moments outside of Nigeria taught her to UK, 1992 has led this woman from beauty becoming a National Beauty Queen, of Nike’s life came recently when enjoy her home all the more. “After queen to business leader. “Each and more so because of what she she became the mother of twins being away, my love for Nigeria is pursuing and every person determines their has since accomplished. “Countless with the aid of a gestational carrier. even more intense,” she explains. Languages lot in life through hard work,” she women have been crowned beauty For most of her life, she has been “Because of that contrast, I know English, Yoruba, French believes. “And if you couple that queens, but why is it that twenty-five plagued with endometriosis, so for what it means to be in a place where Spanish, Japanese money, it with education, success is inevitable; years later I am still relevant?” she her the miracle of motherhood has I am one hundred percent accepted failure is not an option.” says. “I honestly don’t think there is an extra shine. “Those twins have and free from discrimination. There is better While pursuing her own anything special about me other than become the biggest achievement in is no height I cannot reach within education at a boarding school in that I work really hard, and I never my life,” she shares. “Going from a the borders of my home country.” I Like Shropshire, England, Nike felt her take no for an answer!” young lady that was not supposed to • Beautiful vacations to pursue way around for a possible career After her year-long reign be able to have children to becoming path – something that would speak as beauty queen, Nike landed a a mother at close to fifty years of In Short: Winning • Spending time to her sense of ambition and her sponsorship deal and was tapped age is nothing short of amazing.” the 1990 Most Beautiful Girl with my children satisfaction appetite to make things happen. to host a fashion and beauty show As Nike reflects on her life’s in Nigeria pageant was an • Achieving goals “For a while I wanted to be a doctor on television. Taking advantage of journey, she can’t help but be unexpected surprise that could have easily been the high-water grateful for what has been and what and – until I discovered I didn’t like her growing profile, she eventually mark of Nike Oshinowo’s life, dissecting animals in biology,” she began to launch a number of business will come. “I’ve done things my but on the contrary it was a I Don’t Like remembers. “So I started looking at ventures, including a restaurant and way, and with God’s permission and spark for greater achievements happiness, other possibilities and couldn’t help a spa, before deciding to establish guidance, I made things happen,” to come. The business success • Liars but gravitate toward the business her own line of beauty products. In she notes. “Even in business, there she has gone on to realize in • Women not mindset that I had cultivated while 2010 she was featured in the first are no glass ceilings for me. When the twenty-five years since is supporting other which is working for my father.” ever celebrity workout video in I decide to take on a project, for paralleled by her penchant for women Although Nike had inherited Nigeria and, more impressively, that instance, it is because it’s something hard work and determination to • Lack of discretion a business mind from her father, it same year she took over the reins of I want to do, and I go after it and find satisfaction and happiness what I have didn’t stop her from going in her the Miss Nigeria Franchise. achieve it.” in all that she does. “Life should never be about pursuing money. own direction. She would go on to With a career that combines Like any entrepreneur, Nike It should be about doing what done.” study politics at the University of elements of fashion, beauty, and has certainly faced her share of you love and what makes you Contacts Essex, but something unexpected business, Nike pulls inspiration from challenges and problems along the happy – but we have to work adenike.oshinowo@ happened before she graduated that icons of both worlds, such as Donald way. And when problems arise, she hard and we have to support would alter the course of her life. Trump, Jacqueline Onassis, and faces them head-on. “I don’t shy each other.” 160 161 Ayisha Osori CEO The Nigerian Women´s Trust Fund (WF) O teams.” Osori proved so successful that the people who are doing well Date of Birth that after two years, the company are the ones breaking the law, the 03/08/1972 decided she had outgrown the role, ones who don’t care about society and she was promoted to Regulatory but are milking it for all it’s worth Affairs Manager for West Africa, – these are the people in leadership Education yet another opportunity to exercise roles.” MPA her versatility. Osori’s remedy to this is Harvard Kennedy By this point, Osori had simple: reading. “This is what School of Government already proved that she could allows young people to look beyond Cambridge fter pursuing a career that U.S. earning her LLM at Harvard move easily between law and the shores of Nigeria – or whatever Massachusetts My has bridged both corporate and gaining experience as a lawyer communications, and these previous other boundaries surround them – U.S., 2010 law and communications, in New York. “I studied law because shifts had nudged her towards her for inspiration. Gandhi wasn’t from Philosophy: AAyisha Osori has come to realize that I like the idea of being a crusader,” next frontier: politics. Following Nigeria. Martin Luther King wasn’t she can make her mark in politics as she reveals. “Any type of injustice her interest in public affairs, Osori from Nigeria. But these are just a well. Through her capacity as CEO does not sit well with me. I don’t took a year off between positions at few of the role models I grew up LL.B. “Reading is of the Nigerian Women’s Trust Fund like bullies or people who misuse British American Tobacco in 2009 reading about, and when you read University of Lagos (WF), she encourages other women power.” to return to Harvard, where she about people like that it lets you Nigeria, 1996 what allows to also step into the political arena By 2006, Osori had been back earned a Master’s Degree in Public know that human beings can be with a classic truism: “Plato said in Nigeria for four years and was Administration. higher. We can walk tall, do good, young people the result of not getting involved not entirely satisfied with her job. This fruitful career trajectory, and stand for something other than Languages in politics is that your inferiors will She heard that British American however, is only part of Osori’s ourselves.” Hausa, English, Yoruba to look make decisions for you. And that’s Tobacco was recruiting and secured work. Aside from her corporate what we have in Nigeria right now – an interview for a legal position – an pursuits, Osori has developed the best people going into corporate interview that would unexpectedly additional outlets for her abilities. beyond the and the worst people going into lead to her first career shift. “During She is the founder of Advocates In Short: After working I Like government.” my conversation with the director, for Change & Social Justice and as a corporate lawyer, Ayisha • Books shores of Osori has known for some she thought I would actually be a an active writer, publishing regular Osori’s life took a professional • Ice cream time that she could bring value to better fit for a different position: columns on law and leadership, as twist when she was offered • Talking Nigeria – or Nigerian politics. “With my legal internal communications,” Osori well as children’s books. Now as the an opportunity to take her background and experience in a recalls. “I didn’t even know what CEO of WF, Osori is adding more expertise beyond the legal field corporate setting, I could see how that meant at first, but the director value to the community than ever as and into communications. The whatever laws impacted our bottom line,” explained that it’s like acting as a she strives to strengthen the balance resulting momentum has led I Don’t Like she explains, mentioning all of PR person for the company, but of women involved in Nigeria’s her to participate in elevating • Telephones other the government-imposed costs a internally.” governance. equality in her country through • Irresponsible business faces, whether it’s a myriad Osori agreed to think about The position with WF is the Nigerian Women’s Trust public officials boundaries of taxes, licencing requirements or the suggestion, and diligently went actually an extension of Osori’s Fund. “Don’t let anybody tell you • People you cannot discrepancies in utility payments. home to research. “I read a book proudest achievement: remaining that you can’t do something. All trust surround “I experienced a gradual awareness on internal communications and true to her principles in a country my life I’ve been told I couldn’t of how important government was decided to give it a try,” she says. where it seems to her that so many do this or do that – I’ve heard it to the business sector, and it woke It turned out that Osori loved it. people are for sale. “Being able so many times and yet I went them – for me up to how much of an effect bad “It was all about talking and self- to stick to a strong belief system out and did what I supposedly Contacts government policy can have.” expression, bringing the employees comes from having inspiring role couldn’t do. Listen to all the aosori@ inspiration.” Osori’s versatile career in and the management together – models, which today’s Nigerian advice you can get, and then Nigeria began after four years in the almost like a mediator between two youth don’t see a lot of. They see follow your gut.” @naijavote 162 163 Founder Dr. Alex Otti, OFR Laz & Rose Otti Foundation O

solution and build on that solution. With regards to the youth, Date of Birth Your ability to do this is what will Otti believes that if more attention 18/02/1965 separate you from those who cave in is paid to education, young people when confronted with challenges.” can learn how to create jobs for Otti adds that when it comes themselves as well as for others. to excelling in any job or project, “Diamond Bank, for example, does Education perseverance is everything. And the as much as possible to encourage Master’s in Business r. Alex Otti greets the Bank’s success in the past three ability to persevere, he maintains, entrepreneurship, supporting SMEs Administration beginning of every day with years. “When I joined in 2011, only comes with a strong foundation. and retail banking,” he says. “The University of Lagos My Belief: the conviction that he will the bank was confronted by many “Anything that is built on a shaky world is not lacking in resources, Nigeria, 1994 Dmake an impact. Each morning challenges and had lost its lustre. foundation will not stand; it will only ideas. If you have a good starts with a mantra: “Today I’m However, in just those three years collapse once there is a little wind,” idea, financial support is available. Otti suggests, emphasizing that the People just need to keep thinking of “For me going to conquer new grounds! I’m we were able to reposition the bank B.Sc. in Economics going to help people solve problems, substantially. Today Diamond is soundness of a person’s foundation ways to make life better for others. First Class Honours bringing solutions to my customers, number six in Nigeria and knocking comes through education. “Learning That is where you find value: University of Port my staff and others who depend on at number five,” he says. “Diamond can be in different forms, such as research and development, thinking challenges Harcourt me.” has amazing people who don’t reading, for example, or looking at and more thinking.” As the former Group Managing see impossibilities, so whatever other people who have done well Nigeria, 1988 are a chance Director and CEO of Diamond needed to be achieved, we sat down, and trying to understand what they Bank, Otti had approximately twelve discussed it, came up with a solution do, trying to improve on what they In Short: Dr. Alex Otti, as thousand employees whom he led and moved into action. We tried to do – I think we’ve gotten to a level former Group Managing Director Languages to exercise directly. “Sometimes managing that keep everybody moving in the same where many people have abandoned and CEO of Diamond Bank, is Igbo, English large of a workforce is a Herculean direction.” these kinds of values.” a true gem in his own right for task, but I had very good people One of Otti’s best qualities as Otti admits that when Nigeria and Africa. Through my intellect for whom I tried to set an example, a leader is his ability to embrace interviewing potential employees, his energy and leadership because that is what leadership is all the day-to-day challenges that he meets a lot of applicants who don’t skills, he strives to make an I Like about,” he notes. “A leader needs to any organization worth its salt seem to know much of anything, impact on anybody he meets. • Squash be the one who shows the light so encounters on a regular basis. who are unable to put together in thinking His passion for expanding the that people can follow.” Whenever a challenge comes his correct sentences or reason properly. • Working Of course, Otti’s management way, he perks up at the promise of “Those of us now occupying self through education and • Reading style isn’t only about the leader, but opportunity: “For me challenges positions of responsibility must embracing challenges will have outside the focuses significantly on harnessing are a chance to exercise my intellect take it upon ourselves to ensure a huge influence on the next the power of teamwork. “When in thinking outside the box. I think that the youth actually go through generation’s own capacity for working together we are able to deal about how I can deal with the the necessary crucibles so that they self-empowerment, leadership, I Don’t Like box.” with all the issues that come our challenge, how I can rise above the become the kind of people that we and entrepreneurship. “People • Lies way,” he says. “Obviously things challenge, and how I can use it as want them to become,” Otti states. should be thinking of sustainable • Laziness don’t always turn out as planned, a stepping stone to get to the next “The youth of today will lead the vocations that they can latch • Filth and when that happens you either level,” he explains. “Whenever I country of tomorrow, so if we do onto as a job and eventually deal with it if you have a solution, approach issues in this manner, I am not pay attention to the quality of develop into a big business. or you go around it and just keep almost always able to resolve them. leadership that we are building in There have been people who moving on.” You want to take on challenges that them, it is going to be a question of started from their garages and Contacts Otti cites teamwork as a provide you with an opportunity to time before everything will come today they run multi-billion- major contributor to Diamond rise above the occasion, to create a down.” dollar companies!” Linkedin: Dr. Alex Otti 164 165 Chairman, Honeywell Group Dr. Oba Otudeko, CFR Chairman, FBN Holdings Plc O

Otudeko’s continued guidance as with rich minerals, soil resources Date of Birth Chairman. and tremendous agricultural 18/08/1943 The success of the Honeywell opportunities.” Group comprises a major part of However, Nigeria’s most Education Otudeko’s legacy, and, as he points valuable asset is its people, Doctor of Science out, a solid mixture of teamwork emphasizes Otudeko, who has Honoris Causa r. Oba Otudeko is one of that constantly motivated me to and self-confidence has always been also established a foundation in Olabisi Onabanjo My Advice: Nigeria’s top entrepreneurs aim for the top and consequently part of the status quo. “I am always his name with initiatives including University, Ago Iwoye and investors. As a to excel,” Otudeko recalls of his a good team player, and I love to human capacity development and Nigeria, 2001 DChartered Accountant, Chartered childhood. “It was a breeding ground have people around. I’m a man who education. The entire project is deeply cares for orderliness and an inspiring effort that builds on “If you Banker and Corporate Secretary, his for excellence that has shaped my Fellowship of the professional prowess is far-reaching. life up to date.” cleanliness – a peaceful environment the valuable experience Otudeko Institute of Chartered & Yet behind the remarkable exterior At the heart of Otudeko’s where fairness is the standard,” he gained while serving as Chancellor Corporate Accountants explains of his professional vitality. of Olabisi Onabanjo University envision of his distinguished career and keen motivation-infused upbringing was with Honours “Self-confidence is also significant. from 2001 to 2010. “Nigerians are business acumen, Otudeko is a man the leader of the family, his father. (FCCA), 1968 of even more remarkable substance. “My father was a wealthy man with As long as you have faith and very good people, and we are a properly, “My primary motivation in a great heart; he was a wonderful and confidence in yourself, you can loving people. Most of all, we love life is to continue to inspire people warm gentleman. Above all, he had achieve good results in every effort. our nation,” he remarks. “Nigeria Fellowship of the as a moral leader and to embody a passion for people – he was always The only limit in life is yourself.” means everything to me. For me this Chartered Institute of strategize the classic principle that Nigerians willing to lend a helping hand to In addition to his position with country is gold, it’s a diamond – it’s Bankers (FCIB), 1964 possess the inherent ability to make the entire community,” Otudeko Honeywell Group, Otudeko is also the very best.” the best of their environment,” remembers. “It was he who always the Chairman of FBN Holdings, Languages diligently, Otudeko notes of his vision to have encouraged a healthy sense of the oldest Financial Services Group English, Yoruba an impact on society. “The truth is competition in us while growing up, in Nigeria. He has also chaired In Short: Instilled with that we are all a product of our own not only among one another but also several other corporations as well a strong sense of competition I Like and execute efforts. If you envision properly, to be the best in the community.” as having been a former President and excellence early in life, Dr. • Adding value strategize diligently, and execute The inspiration Otudeko and Chairman of the Council of the Oba Otudeko ascended the • Building leadership efficiently, the results can only be derived from his father gave him Nigerian Stock Exchange. corporate ladder in the banking capabilities efficiently, the best.” an integral foundation on top of Having climbed up the career sector before branching out into Otudeko’s tried-and-true which he would strive to cultivate ladder to earn so many distinguished other ambitious ventures, most • Mentoring recipe for success goes even an exemplary banking career. But leadership positions, Otudeko, notably founding and chairing budding the results further, harnessing values such Otudeko didn’t stop there. Never from the vantage point of his own Honeywell Group. The success entrepreneurs as determination, passion for content to rest on his laurels, he experience, sees a lot of hope and of his entire career is the result excellence, and indefatigable used his experience and education to beauty in Nigeria. “For me, Nigeria of strong values, including self- I Don’t Like can only be resilience. These are all valuable expand beyond the banking world. is an especially inspiring nation, determination and discipline. • Indolence uniquely blessed and endowed characteristics a young Otudeko In 1972, building on his mother´s “Discipline is very important • Pessimism developed during his formative business, Otudeko founded the with abundant human and material for every level of achievement • Wastefulness the best.” years, growing up in a large Honeywell Group, which started resources; a land rich in talent because without pain there is no polygamist family. “We had a out as a simple trading company, and opportunities, especially for gain. And I hope, because of my natural competition among the but rapidly grew into a premier the discerning,” he says of the own pursuit of discipline, that I Contacts children from different wives, which Nigerian conglomerate, which today country’s vast potential. “We have will be remembered as someone [email protected] made it a compelling environment operates in several key sectors under an extremely diverse land blessed who left Nigeria a better place.” 166 167 Dr. Isa Ali Ibrahim Chief Imam Lecturer at Abubakar Pantami Tafawa-Balewa University P Professor at University of Madina

At the same time, Pantami is do something that will make our Date of Birth not all interior faith and no action. society develop and grow, which 20/10/1972 “When I see a problem, I do not will make our country progress.” simply fold my arms and do nothing! It is along these lines of Education “ y childhood was very humanity.” I strive to see how I can overcome working together for the common Ph.D. in Computing productive, because I Looking back on his life it, because believing in God does good that Pantami brings forth his & Information Systems My Vision for grew up in a house of pursuit of knowledge, including his not mean that you should stand by ultimate piece of advice: “If we are Robert Gordon knowledgeM and religion,” recalls Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees and watch,” he suggests. “One of unable to control our great avarice, University, Aberdeen Dr. Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami, who in Computer Science, his MBA in the advantages of cultivating your if we remain greedy people, then we UK, 2013 the Future: has dedicated himself to both of Technology Management, and his knowledge is that you may use it will continue looting the resources these values throughout his life. Ph.D. in Computing and Information to solve problems. You can use of the country and our people will “My parents also taught me to be Systems, Pantami – now a lecturer, knowledge to do all sorts of things continue growing poorer,” he MSC: Master’s in “We must independent, trustworthy, just, to writer and teacher at the university that are beneficial to you as long as suggests. “Instead of elevating our Computer Science be kind to all – Muslims and non- level – can’t help but feel blessed. “In they’re legal and legitimate.” personal issues or demands higher Abubakar Tafawa- Muslims alike – and to help people spite of the fact that my parents were When it comes to challenge, than the needs of our community, Balewa University aim for self- whenever the chance arises.” poor and they had no resources, I Pantami believes that no conundrum we have to sacrifice our enjoyment Bauchi This mentality has engrafted managed, I struggled and I achieved is too big to be solved. “I believe so that others may enjoy. This is Nigeria, 2008 reliance, and in Pantami an open mind and a all of these things, so I am very that there is no challenge that how the country can progress.” voracious appetite to learn as much grateful,” he explains. “To stand up could remain forever harmful to Languages as possible. “I cherish knowledge. and acquire knowledge in a country mankind,” he notes. “As long as Hausa, English, Arabic I believe that all of us, no matter like Nigeria – where even potable we collectively stand up and face In Short: Dr. Isa Ali Fulfude we must where we find ourselves, must drinking water is a problem, where whatever the challenge is, it will Ibrahim Pantami has dedicated constantly seek learning – keeping there is no constant electricity, and have an end.” in mind that knowledge can be either where people are so often suffering One of the challenges that his life to three interconnected I Like pillars: religion, knowledge, and work hard if harmful or beneficial depending on – is something of a feat. A lot of Pantami sees Nigeria facing today • Company of how it’s used,” he advises. “If you people begin to pursue their first is the lack of independence among putting the needs of society before his own. He is so devoted good people seek knowledge and use it to serve degree and give up because life can a lot of the youth. “They don’t • Perfume we want to humanity, people will admire and be so difficult here. I hope that in my to these values that they define want to work. They want to get • Living in peace cherish your work.” work as an educator I can help begin everything easily without acquiring his existence and imbue his Pantami’s own pursuit of to overturn that mentality.” knowledge, without making any everyday mindset with joy and find lasting learning began quite early in life. By It is exactly because of life’s sacrifice,” Pantami observes. “We humility. He encourages other I Don’t Like the age of eleven he had memorized difficulties that Pantami finds so must aim for self-reliance, and we Nigerians to do the same: be • Conspiracy the entire Quran and would go on much value in his faith. “Whenever must work hard if we want to find kind to each other, accept • Injustice success.” each other, pursue knowledge, to become a Chief Imam. “At the something bad happens, I calm lasting success.” • Instability same time I was also acquiring myself, and I know that I have a Equally important for Pantami and work together for a better worldly knowledge: mathematics, Creator who is ready to help me,” is not only self-reliance, but working future. “I am so proud of Nigeria English, science…” he remembers. he shares. “So I believe that nothing together as a society. “Do nothing that I will sacrifice my wealth, Contacts “I always maintained an intentional will happen to me in this world that would bring harm to society. my knowledge, my energy, my isaaliibrahim balance between the religious and unless it is destined. I believe that if Such negativity only destroys wisdom – everything I have at the worldly, which has allowed I am in trouble and I pray to God, he what we’re trying to build,” he my disposal – in order to see my Facebook: Sheikh Isa me to serve both my Creator and will rescue me.” advises. “We must always try and country move forward.” Ali Pantami 168 169 Dr. Muhammad Founder & Chairman Chigari Foundation Ali Pate P Chigarin Misau

character, a standard toward which Let’s inspire and enable the youth Date of Birth all young people should aspire,” to have higher aspirations and be 06/09/1968 Pate advises. “Traits like honesty, even better than us in the future.” integrity, courage – these things cost As a parent, Pate finds Education nothing and yet they are the values inspiration for the future as well MBA in General that determine your success. So as the present through enjoying his Management & Health the youth should focus on building family life just as much as work. Sector Concentration hen Dr. Muhammad all that experience is what enables good character and associate with “You have to have a balance. You Duke University My Top Tip: Ali Pate was hired as Pate to continue his efforts, now others who have good character.” cannot sacrifice one at the expense Durham, North Carolina Executive Director of as a stakeholder and a citizen, to Working with youth in his of the other and do it sustainably U.S., 2006 Wthe National Primary Health Care make the world and Nigeria a better region is the heart of the Chigari over a long period of time, so “Honesty, Development Agency in 2008, place. “Nigeria, being the largest, Foundation, which Pate founded you have to always use your time the polio outbreak was at its peak, most populous, and most promising as a starting point to address the wisely,” he notes. “Time is one thing M.Sc. in Health particularly in the Northeast, his country in Africa, is a core driver tremendous challenges the region we can never get back, so whether I Systems, London integrity, home region. One of his first moves of where this continent is headed,” faces. “The Foundation has the am resting, spending time with my School of Hygiene & was to implement a policy that he believes. “The diversity that this triple objective of helping to family or friends, or working to Tropical Medicine UK, 2000 courage – would engage traditional rulers country offers is a great strength educate, energize and empower make the world a better place, I try regarding the importance of proper that has implications beyond the youth, and we also host an to make sure that I never waste the immunization. As a result of Pate the geographical boundaries of annual colloquium to bring people time I do have.” Medical Degree these things and the agency’s proactive work, Nigeria.” together and stimulate dialogue,” Ahmadu Bello polio cases dropped from 803 at the The successes Pate has achieved Pate explains. “One of our current University, Zaria end of 2008 to only eleven in 2010. for Nigeria were sparked by an early projects is the building of the largest Nigeria, 1990 cost nothing Pate’s impact on healthcare appetite for education, which was privately-funded community and In Short: Dr. Muhammad youth resource centre in Northeast Ali Pate throughout his career in Nigeria does not stop with encouraged by his father. “My father Languages the eradication of polio. He has didn’t have a lot of capital, but the Nigeria.” has played a major role in and yet transforming key aspects of Fulfude, Hausa pioneered a number of initiatives one thing that he wanted to ensure The Foundation and the lives English, Arabic, French and policy changes that have he left behind for his children was it will impact are the fruition of the Nigeria’s healthcare sector, as collectively saved hundreds of education,” says Pate, the eldest same action-oriented, problem- well as made strides in youth they are the empowerment efforts. His thousands of lives. “I’ve always sibling of a very large family. “So solving approach Pate has been I Like mission in both medicine and known that I wanted to contribute right from early childhood I focused implementing all throughout his youth development is all about • My family career. “My philosophy is that if values that to make the world a better place, on getting a quality education and improving the world around him, • Meditation and figuring out how to do that has being the best that I could in my you have a lot of despair, a lot of starting with Nigeria. “At the • The colour white been part of my thinking throughout studies. As I progressed in life I blackness, then you need to light end of my career, if I can look determine my career,” he explains. “First as pursued education vigorously. It was your own candle and find other back and see I’ve contributed a medical doctor, then as a health my means to build human capital, people in a similar situation,” he to alleviating the suffering of I Don’t Like your systems and health policy expert, which would ultimately translate shares. “You can’t just complain some other being, I think I would • Dishonesty then as a development practitioner into well-being for me, my family, about it; you have to actually do have achieved the goal I have • Darkness with the World Bank, and finally as and for the rest of society.” something about it. So I said, let’s set for myself. My goals are • Flamboyance success.” a minister, where I have been able to On the other hand, Pate believes do something where we can train not anchored around material see government in its totality and the that the secret to success is much our youth – give them skills and or physical things, but rather ways it can effectively help people.” more intrinsic than education. “The confidence, and connect them in making this world a better Contacts The perspective gained after foundation of success in life is good to each other through networks. place.” [email protected] 170 171 Atedo N.A. Founder & President ANAP Foundation Peterside, CON furniture, hiring staff etc. The latter of IBTC and became Chairman P point was the most critical for of Stanbic IBTC Bank right after Peterside. “At the end of the day, the merge with Stanbic Bank Date of Birth the business is only as good as the in 2007. By then, it was time to 12/07/1955 people you surround yourself with,” execute the next stage of his plan, he advises. “Finding good human to give back to Nigeria. Completely beings to bring in as employees is separate from his banking career, the key to being able to execute your he created ANAP Foundation, the Education business plans seamlessly. One bad focus of which is to promote good M.Sc. in Economics person can destroy the whole thing governance in Nigeria and beyond. London School of whereas working with people whom “We are involved in all manners Economics you trust is much less stressful.” of projects and activities that will & Political Science hen Atedo N.A. Peterside In Peterside’s mind, to have Peterside’s other ingredients help to bring good governance, UK, 1977 My Advice: formed Investment Banking accepted bribes or kickbacks would to success firstly include pursuing because it is through good & Trust Company Limited have been a measure of greed. “If projects or positions where governance that you can improve “In any W(IBTC) – an Investment Bank – in you’re doing well and earning a he already has an advantage, the lives of Nigerians and others,” 1989, the biggest challenge came good income, do you have to start experience, knowledge and special he says of the Foundation. “I am B.Sc. in Economics industry, with deciding to build a proper going around breaking the law just insight. “It has to be something totally committed to improving The City University business. “I had no interest in shady so that you can be richer still?” he where you’ve already done your my country. It is a very personal London working your deals, corruption, paying bribes – if asks. “Don’t forget that extra wealth homework; you completely commitment and much more UK, 1976 you build a business in that way, you comes with a price. In my case I understand the nature of the terrain fulfilling than owning and running way up from have not really built anything but could sleep well at night, because I from where you can compete and your own bank. At the end of my merely executed a scam,” he says. knew I didn’t break any law.” where you cannot. This includes life I don’t want to be remembered the bottom is “On the other hand, if you establish Peterside had known since being able to identify areas where as a guy that just made some money Languages a genuine business and a solid brand, university he wanted to establish you are probably even better than for himself but somebody who also English, Kalabari very helpful. people will be happy to do business his own investment bank and so those in the business already,” he spent the rest of his life trying to with you at a market-determined meticulously fulfilled the then- notes. “Obviously when I started an improve Nigeria and Africa.” price. I was interested in building required ten years’ banking investment bank in Nigeria, I knew I Like You get a a legitimate investment bank – experience before one could become the business thoroughly because I • Being surrounded chance to efficient and respectable and capable the CEO of a bank. “In any industry, had spent ten years working for an In Short: Atedo N.A. of attracting real customers.” working your way up from the institution that was competing in Peterside built a career – and by good people learn more Peterside admits trying to do bottom is very helpful. You get that same market segment.” a bank – on values such as • Managing my business responsibly and ethically in a chance to learn more about the One other fundamental integrity, honesty, responsibility, expectations a marketplace where so many were business, to make your mistakes aspect to Peterside’s professional discipline, and commitment. His • Being stress-free about the trying to cut corners wasn’t always early, and to understand how it’s mindset is to avoid complacency. confident nature and his ability easy. “Naturally we sometimes done,” he explains. “Ten years is “Whatever principles lead you to to transcend fear allowed him business, to lost business, refusing to be a enough time to become an expert in being successful, you’ve got to to forge a path that will inspire make your part of any bribes or kickbacks or just about anything.” continuously apply those same millions of Nigerians for years I Don’t Like illegal commission payments,” Indeed, at his previous post principles every day,” Peterside to come. Since retiring from • Untrustworthy Peterside notes. “But at the same Peterside had risen to Acting suggests. “Don’t start getting banking, he has shifted focus people mistakes time we established a reputation for General Manager before leaving to complacent because people are to his ANAP Foundation, which ourselves. People realized that IBTC start IBTC. When he did make the telling you how wonderful a job is dedicated towards promoting • “I can’t suffer early, and to was for real, a bank that people shift he was just thirty-three years you’re doing; don’t relax and stop good governance in Nigeria fools” could trust when it came to honesty old – the youngest CEO in Nigeria’s doing your homework – you’ve got and beyond. “I have always • Snakes understand and integrity. Perhaps I was lucky in banking industry at the time. Despite to keep enforcing those disciplines wanted to be able to contribute the sense that, by sticking to what his young age, Atedo Peterside had that you started with on day one to improve Nigeria as a place, how it’s I knew was right, we achieved real enough know-how to navigate the otherwise you will go from being and the only way you’re going success and so there was never any necessary steps to start a bank from on top straight back to the bottom.” to improve Nigeria significantly Contacts done.” need to contemplate doing things scratch, which included raising A couple of years after turning is by helping to institute good any other way.” capital, purchasing computers and fifty, Peterside resigned as CEO governance.” @AtedoPeterside 172 173 Nuhu Ribadu Founder Nuhu Ribadu Foundation R

the image and perception of Nigeria courtrooms, and now in politics, Date of Birth within a short period of time.” Ribadu has consistently looked to 21/11/1960 Fighting corruption, however, historical figures known for their came with a high level of personal own pursuits of justice; some of cost for Ribadu. “When you fight his biggest inspirations throughout Education corruption, it fights back, and I got his formative years were radicals, LL.M., Ahmadu Bello into trouble with those who were activists, and social crusaders. “On University on the receiving end,” he recalls. an international level, I have a lot of Zaria can go to any length when of Assistant Inspector General of In 2008 Ribadu was forced out of admiration for Nelson Mandela. He Nigeria, 2006 “ necessary to ensure that Police. “Even though it wasn’t the his position with the police and the taught me a lot of things through his My Mantra: justice is achieved,” says best job in terms of monetary gain or EFCC due to the newly-appointed example of tenacity, his courage to NuhuI Ribadu. As the pioneering physical safety, I had the satisfaction Yar’Adua Administration’s reluctance stand up and continue the struggle Chairman of Nigeria’s Economic of doing what I liked,” he reflects. to work with the tenaciously in spite of all the risks,” Ribadu LL.B., Ahmadu Bello “I will take and Financial Crimes Commission “All my life I just wanted to be of justice-oriented Ribadu. “My life says. “He avoided violence and University (EFCC), Ribadu went head-to-head help. I don’t like people who take was in terrible danger at the time bloodshed, but always pursued what Zaria in court with some of the nation’s advantage of power or resources to – I survived three assassination was right, trying to bring peace and Nigeria , 1983 any situation most corrupt individuals. But his intimidate and cheat. It makes me attempts before going into exile.” understanding even where there was distinguished career dedicated to happy to confront such injustices, Looking back on his time with conflict.” bringing peace, order and justice to which working on the police force the EFCC, Ribadu confesses that he Languages Nigeria goes back much earlier to gave me the opportunity to do.” or challenge wasn’t afraid while his life was in Fulfulde, Hausa even rougher roots. As Ribadu ascended the ranks jeopardy. “God just didn’t give me English After working to earn his law in the police force, he also found a fear trigger, so nothing scares me In Short: Nuhu Ribadu’s head-on, degree in the early 80s, Ribadu a way to put his law degree to in terms of problems. I will take entire career has been a made an unusual move: he joined effective use. “Because I was also any situation or challenge head-on, campaign against injustice the police force. “Although it was a lawyer and a prosecutor, I was knowing that I am guided by what is and corruption in Nigeria. His I Like knowing that an unattractive, uncomfortable among those who fought for the right,” he notes. “The days on which devoted time in law enforcement • Nature job with poor compensation and police’s right to prosecute, and we I successfully convicted corrupt and as a prosecutor will inspire • Football no respect, I saw it as a vital way started prosecuting our own cases up individuals were the happiest young Nigerians as they unite • Reading I am guided for me to give back to society,” to the Supreme Court of Nigeria,” moments in my life.” to form a prosperous country Ribadu explains of his decision. Ribadu notes. When Ribadu returned from where integrity reigns. “As a “Peace, rules, and regulations are a In his capacities as a prosecutor, exile in 2010 after the passing of young person, when you’re by what is necessary foundation for any society Ribadu accumulated an unparalleled Yar’Adua, he became involved in going to choose a career, take I Don’t Like to grow and develop. I was prepared amount of convictions over the politics, announcing his intention the path that will make you • Corruption right.” to sacrifice and to do my own part years. By 2003, it was clear to the to run for president in 2011 under happy. Passion for what you’re • Vanity in order to ensure that my country Olusegun Obasanjo administration the Action Congress of Nigeria doing and job satisfaction are • Not having privacy could have law and order, security that he was the man to form and (ACN). But in August 2014 Ribadu really important in life,” he and stability.” lead the EFCC. “For the first time in took a surprising step of cross- advises. “Don’t be driven by the After nearly two years of the history of our country, we were carpeting to the People’s Democratic financial aspects in choosing police training, Ribadu worked as a punishing people for corruption, Party (PDP), later running for the a career, but by the chance to Contacts divisional crime officer in some of and it was working. Through the governorship of his native Adamawa contribute and to do something [email protected] the most notorious parts of Nigeria, EFCC we brought people to justice, state. that will make you proud of ultimately rising to the position returned stolen money, and changed In his work in the police force, yourself.” @NuhuRibadu 174 175 Orode Ryan-Okpu CEO, Exclusive Brands Africa Founder, Pink Pearl Foundation R

wanted to take early on. “I had negativity that women in Nigeria Date of Birth planned on being an entrepreneur face when trying to be independent 31/07/1989 for a long time; I knew that was or build a business. But once you what I was going to do, no matter break through that negativity and how hard it would be,” she notes. eventually start succeeding, people Education “I wanted to do my own thing and begin to respect you for what you’ve Effective Project could never see myself working for done.” Management anyone else. If I had to sit behind a Though she has already Lagos Business School hen Orode Ryan-Okpu A more recent aspect of the desk all day, I would either get fired overcome her own share of Pan-African University was eighteen, studying at campaign includes the production or fight with the boss all the time!” obstacles, Orode still has much Nigeria, 2010 My Mantra: a university in Canada, of a breast cancer awareness film That’s not to say Orode doesn’t more she would like to accomplish. Wshe took on a project to help raise called Living Funeral. have an inclination for hard work. “When people ask me how I do money for breast and cervical cancer. The success of PPF is a In addition to PPF, she currently what I do every day for so long – B.A. Hons. in “It’s But when she returned to Nigeria remarkable accomplishment for runs a few other businesses as especially at my young age – I tell Psychology for the fundraiser, she discovered somebody as young as Orode, well as a production company and them I don’t know how much time I University of Windsor important to that there was a tremendous lack especially given the difficulties she a restaurant. She attributes her have left. I hope I have a lot of years Ontario of knowledge about these types of faced launching the Foundation. ability to successfully balance such ahead of me, but you never know,” Canada, 2009 cancer, an issue that had become “I can’t even begin to tell you how a rigorous workload to the strict Orode mentions. “I want to leave think positive close to her heart. As she puts it: “I much I was turned down initially,” upbringing her parents provided. a legacy behind; I want my name had just lost someone close to the Orode remembers. “People kept “I come from a background of to be remembered and to mean Languages family to breast cancer, so I knew saying that I was too young, that I parents who demanded excellence,” something. I want my children’s English in a world I had to do something to sensitize had to go back to school – nobody Orode notes. “When I was younger children to know that I had an women in this area.” could get behind what I was trying I did not appreciate such serious impact.” Orode’s initial campaign to to do.” parents, but now I’m thankful for where there raise awareness began as a small, Instead of being discouraged how much they pushed me.” I Like humble effort, but over time became by this early resistance, Orode was To this day, Orode’s mother In Short: Orode Ryan- • Food more encompassing. “I found all the more motivated to persevere remains one of her greatest Okpu has accomplished more at • Sleep is a lot of myself doing more and more to try with her vision, to prove those inspirations in life. “Just watching her young age than many do in • Kids a lifetime. Whether it’s through to close this knowledge gap among naysayers wrong and show that she how my mother balanced work her handful of businesses, negativity Nigerian women,” Orode explains. was indeed capable of succeeding. and family had a big impact on me. her production company, or “With time, I also began to see a “It’s important to think positive Even when it became overwhelming the Pink Pearl Foundation, I Don’t Like at times, she was always able to lack in other areas, such as women’s in a world where there is a lot of she continues to achieve with • Phone ring tones and where empowerment and care of children negativity and where people look manage,” Orode reflects. “She the hope of one day being • Dishonesty and orphans, so I started to focus on down on us youth, assuming we showed me what it means to be a remembered as an inspiration those things as well – this was the can’t achieve or won’t amount to strong, powerful woman.” to those around her. For those • Chocolate people look birth of the Pink Pearl Foundation much,” she advises. “You need to The other significant who want to lead inspiring lives (PPF).” learn to be yourself, be comfortable inspiration in Orode’s life is a as well, her advice is simple: PPF has since gone on to impact in your own skin while doing what little more famous: Oprah. “She “Try to see things from a positive Contacts down on us angle. It might not always be thousands of women and children you love.” started in the midst of a lot of easy to do – the environment in Nigeria, Cameroon and South Of course, Orode reminds, it’s negativity about her and where we are in doesn’t give us a lot to youth.” Africa through fundraising concerts, important to know what you want, she was from, yet she was able to work with and can be tough at Facebook: Pink Pearl radio and television programmes, both professionally and personally. break through and succeed,” Orode times – but that doesn’t mean Breast Cancer Foundation seminars, rallies and school tours. In her case, she knew the path she observes. “This is the same type of we should give up.” @PPF_PPF 176 177 H.E. Hajiya Founder & Chairperson I Care – Women & Youth Initiative (Dr.) Amina S Mohammed The population of Kano after her experience attending St. Date of Birth State, H.E. adds, is about fourteen Luke’s Catholic School for her 31/01/1965 Namadi Sambo million – the most populated state secondary education. “They had in Nigeria. “The streets are teeming a lot of Muslims, and religion was with youths who are idle, hopeless, never a part of the curriculum. Education useless, just roaming around. They What they were interested in was Honorary Doctorate in can be picked up and exploited education – how they could impart Public Administration eace, unity, equality, good otherwise go blind because they are for any type of job, positive or knowledge in a moral way to Fountain University education and justice form Her unable to afford treatment on their negative,” she notes. “With I Care, develop disciplined women, and that Osogbo My Goal: Excellency Hajiya (Dr.) Amina own. “We have also been organizing we endeavour to work with them is what the school accomplished,” Nigeria, 2013 PMohammed Namadi Sambo’s vision workshops on maternal mortality and their parents, to sensitize them. H.E. fondly remembers. “Today I for her beloved Nigeria. “My goal reduction and how mothers can We inspire these young people to be am proud to say that any St. Luke’s “My goal every day is to find ways in which I prevent transmitting the HIV virus. something in life, to be productive.” alumna you might come across is a B.Sc. in Political can help the less privileged members We care about our women and The I Care teams work with well-disciplined, educated woman Science of society,” says H.E., who is the children, and because a lot of people the wayward youths one group at with a lot of qualities that anyone Bayero University every day is wife of the former Vice President don’t have access to medical care a time. After collaborating with would be proud of. This is the Kano Namadi Sambo. “I want to see a and are forced to deliver at home, the doctor to remove any toxins level of education that everyone in Nigeria, 1989 society in which people go from they sometimes lose their lives or from their bodies, they are given Nigeria deserves.” to find ways being poor to being independent – lose their babies,” H.E. explains. an education in a specific trade to the point where they are able to “We even go as far as to organize and reintegrated back into society Languages provide for themselves and even ‘big sister’ projects where we have where opportunity awaits. “We Hausa, English, Arabic in which I contribute to the development of our mothers who have experienced also encourage them to speak to In Short: Wife of the country.” giving birth going door to door to others who are drug addicts, which former Vice President, Her The I Care – Women & Youth counsel pregnant women on the has led to them actually becoming Excellency Hajiya (Dr.) Amina I Like can help Initiative, an NGO founded by H.E. in advantages of going to maternity mentors,” H.E. explains. “Every Mohammed Namadi Sambo is • Decency 2007, is designed to address these needs clinics for routine checkups before three months we graduate another known throughout Nigeria as a • Humility the less and so much more. “The initiative they give birth.” set, although it is not easy on us vocal force for unity and equality. • Peaceful, touches upon three areas: education, Through I Care, H.E. has also because it costs millions.” Above all, she is a woman of harmonious society health and empowerment,” says been conducting much-needed H.E.’s efforts to empower action. As Chairperson and H.E., who also serves as Chairperson workshops on substance abuse, which young Nigerians complement her Founder of I Care – Women & privileged for I Care. “We have a direct, she sees as a serious issue in the North. husband’s previous accomplishments Youth Initiative, she has made a I Don’t Like positive impact on disadvantaged “Because of the poverty here, we as Governor of Kaduna State. world of difference in the lives • Injustice members of groups, including widows, orphans, have a lot of young people coming up During this time he worked hand- of countless Nigerians. “We vulnerable children, and the with their own types of intoxicants, in-hand with the educational system need to wake up our youth, • Hypocrisy physically challenged.” whether it’s overdosing on cough and parents to keep kids off the motivate them, and enable • Sycophancy society.” In the health sector, for instance, syrup or inhaling diesel,” H.E. notes, streets. “He was the first to combine them to contribute to society, H.E. and her team have taken on explaining that with such dubious Islamic education and Western to be good citizens, to be law- an inspiring array of significant substances the abusers can go quite education in the schools, a practice abiding. There is no obstacle Contacts projects including raising awareness mad and become a menace to society. now being duplicated throughout you can’t overcome with icarewomenyouth@ on the importance of polio vaccines “In Kano State, where I am from, we Nigeria,” H.E. notes. determination, sincerity, hard and offering free eye operations estimate that we have the highest rate For H.E., a Muslim herself, work, focus, and the inner will to cataract patients, who would of drug consumption in Nigeria.” the combination made perfect sense to truly become something.” [email protected] 178 179 Toyin Ojora Saraki Founder & President The Wellbeing Foundation (WBF) Africa S

(MNCH). As well as advocating for education, accurate information, Date of Birth digitized personal health records, and higher expectation of outcome,” 06/09/1964 WBF Africa provides additional aid, she recollects. “So many people particularly in supplying expecting who go through similar traumas mothers with the MamaKit, which have such low expectations. They contains all of the necessary items just shrug their shoulders and accept Education to turn even a simple hut into a the negative, literally waiting to die LL.M. Hons. challenge should never be an from domestic violence to children’s sterile environment and an equipped or waiting for their child to die.” Kings College “ excuse not to do something,” rights. She has also founded medical facility. Indeed, education is at the very London UK, 1988 My Top Tip: says Toyin Ojora Saraki, proactive charities and foundations “The MamaKit also gets centre of Toyin’s crusade for well- Aformer First Lady of Kwara State. “I that have impacted thousands of lives women thinking about the conditions being. “Health and education go see the challenges in my country as a in Nigeria, starting with Lifestream of the birth. They start considering hand in hand, and having these two “Knowledge reason to rise, a reason to overcome Charity in 1993. Lifestream from the the various options available to things together is what allows for LL.B. Hons. problems and to find solutions – and beginning had several philanthropic them,” Toyin explains. “The most empowerment opportunities,” she SOAS, University a reason to shine.” aims: sponsoring corrective important thing is that they’re able believes. “Information is everything. of London conquers Toyin’s love for Nigeria is surgeries for children with heart to make decisions advantageous to The internet has revolutionized the UK, 1987 intertwined with her sensitivity to deformities, offering scholarships their own health, and in this case to world in this sense. Anytime I don’t the country’s unique pulse. “It’s to destitute students, sending relief avoid possible infection for both the have the knowledge that I need, I fear in any like a heartbeat, a passion you can funds to disaster victims, and mother and the baby.” simply find it.” feel in the air; you can feel it in building schools. In 2002, Toyin The heart of WBF Africa Languages the ground underneath you, a very also helped establish a programme stems from Toyin’s own traumatic Yoruba, English, French strong current,” she says. “I think called Positive Lifeline, designed to childbirth experience back in 1992. situation In Short: what makes or breaks you is your support HIV patients. Her twins were born two months Suffering a response to this current emanating According to Toyin, a lot of her premature; one of them did not make traumatic experience led Toyin from the very foundation of our work involves empowering people it while the other fought for her life. Ojora Saraki to a pivotal moment I Like where you in her life that motivated her • Warmth country.” through the transfer of knowledge “It was not the best way to discover to question the integrity of Toyin’s own response to this – helping them to help themselves. the top-to-bottom inadequacy of the Nigeria’s healthcare system. • Turquoise colour find yourself electrical Nigerian current is one of “Not having information is like country’s healthcare system,” Toyin She continues to do her best • Laughter of expectation and buoyancy. “I wake being blind and disabled,” she notes. recalls. “Once I began to recover to answer these questions with children up every morning with a sense of “Knowledge conquers fear in any from my own feelings of loss and programmes and charities such scared.” optimism, always looking for a situation where you find yourself grief, I tapped into a sense of anger as WBF Africa. The heart of solution, a practical method that scared.” and outrage. I realized that things her mission is not only to give works – anything to properly address Toyin applies this philosophy could’ve ended up a lot worse.” back but to empower people I Don’t Like every little problem or challenge that to one of her biggest philanthropic The traumatic experience was and communities with the • Snakes I see,” Toyin notes. “This approach ventures, the Wellbeing Foundation a turning point in Toyin’s life. She information and knowledge they • Rodents need to make healthy choices. is much better than letting problems Africa (WBF Africa). The put her successful law career on • Sharp noises weigh me down. And when I do find Foundation’s passionate mission hold to dedicate all of her efforts “We all come into this world as blank canvases. What you make these solutions, I like to share them includes work in many fields such toward philanthropy. “Before all of yourself in this life is only half with those who need them most.” as human rights, social welfare that happened, I was living a filtered influenced by the environment Contacts Her efforts in sharing these and education. WBF Africa’s life. And once I had a chance to you were born into. The rest @toyinsaraki solutions have established Toyin most remarkable impact, however, really think about it, I realized is up to you. If you can read, as a catalyst of action. She sits on has been in the improvement of that the core things I wanted to there’s nothing you cannot learn @wellbeingafrica various boards for causes ranging maternal, newborn and child health spread through philanthropy were and know.” 180 181 Moses Chairman & CEO, Mosilo Group Chairman & Founder Siloko Siasia Nigerian Young Professionals S Forum (NYPF)

has employed a critical mass of quality educational programmes, Date of Birth young people and continues to national and global networking, and 06/06/1981 up the ante in human capacity leadership opportunities. development locally. “We’ve done a lot of work Moses has earned several in helping young professionals in local and international honours Nigeria and beyond, trying to affect Education and awards, such as being named as many lives as possible. We have LL.B. oses Siloko Siasia was in at Rivers State University of Science Young African Leader by a United been offering scholarships and University of Bradford secondary school when his & Technology before moving to the Nations organization. He is also a mentoring opportunities, but it’s UK, 2013 My Goal: father died. With eleven U.S. to earn a Master’s in Public Commonwealth Youth Ambassador also about building capacity and Mchildren in the family, he was left Administration, as well as an LL.B. for Peace, and in their 2014 ranking connecting young people,” he notes. with little option but to go around Law Degree from the University of business leaders of tomorrow, the “We bring young people together to B.Sc. in Mass “Wealth is the streets of Port Harcourt, selling of Bradford, UK. When he wasn’t Choiseul Institute for International teach them that we all have a stake Communication oranges and ice blocks to make studying, he was working odd jobs Politics and Geo-economics in the future; the destiny of Nigeria Rivers State University money. The lack of food, toilets and to pay tuition. described him as a young African belongs to us. We must avoid of Science & Technology how many a proper roof over head resulted in Moses next worked in the oil & leader who is reshaping the following the example of some Port Harcourt an illness that almost killed Moses gas sector for a year and a half before continent’s economic scene. of our elders who have destroyed Nigeria, 2004 because there was no money to take starting his own company, but he was According to Choiseul Institute, the legacy of our founding fathers him to the hospital. It was a difficult interested in more than just money. men like Moses Siasia “embody and instead initiate the process of lives I can time, but also a childhood that “Wealth is how many lives I can the vigour and renewal of an entire change.” shaped Moses into someone who affect, how many young people I can continent and carry the hopes of Languages would go on to do incredible things inspire toward greatness,” he notes. an entire generation.” The ranking English, Ijaw, Italian affect, how for Nigeria and the world at large. “I want young people to be seen as highlights the future of Africa, a “The challenges that I faced trustees of prosperity. Leadership future that is shaped through the In Short: Moses Siloko while growing up have enabled should be anchored in good morals, commitment of its young, dynamic Siasia is leading a remarkable many young me to reach where I am today,” good character and good discipline. economic elites. career, one launched from an I Like Moses explains. “I learned to look This kind of inspiration will go a In his effort to develop impoverished background • Working to create at the opportunities instead of the long way to safeguarding Nigeria’s Nigeria’s future, the projects closest through sheer determination positive impact people I challenges, and that translated into future.” to Moses’s heart revolve around to seize opportunity. Now as • Reading hope for the future. So I committed Moses’s company would the progress of young Nigerians. Chairman of the Mosilo Group • Charity myself to changing my situation, grow into a far-reaching group of “We have engaged ourselves in and through his involvement can inspire which meant focusing on education companies – the Mosilo Group – but several efforts to reshape the lives in regional and national youth – meeting people, creating he started small and engaged the of this country’s youth,” he says, programmes, he is working awareness, and having this constant young people who worked for him. explaining that after serving as to impact the lives of young I Don’t Like toward Nigerians so that together they • Deceit desire to learn. It wasn’t easy, but I Today Moses deals as Chairman the coordinator of the Niger Delta may ensure the future of the was driven by the passion to succeed of Mosilo Group, with huge Peace Forum, he moved on to country. “Nothing good comes • Unprofessionalism and to have a positive impact on my investments in engineering, real Chairman of the South-South Youth easy. Anything that comes fast • Insincerity greatness.” generation.” estate, oil & gas, agro processing Leaders Forum. He later conceived will go fast, but anything that Growing up in a community and project management. The Group the Nigerian Young Professionals comes slow will remain. Make where education was not usually a is a wholly-owned, indigenous Forum, an NGO made up primarily sure that you have a goal in life priority, Moses remembers having company with strategic partnerships of young, dynamic and upwardly and that you pursue it with all Contacts to fend for himself, paving his own with some of the world’s leading mobile individuals with innovative manner of sincerity, discipline, way to study mass communication technical companies. Mosilo Group ideas to develop Nigeria through and good morals.” 182 183 Professor Emeritus Professor Obafemi Awolowo University Akinwande Oluwole Nobel Laureate in Literature, 1986 S “Wole” Soyinka Tracing his earlier influences Today, Soyinka is still quite Date of Birth in social consciousness, Soyinka the reader – as evidenced in part 13/07/1934 recalls his uncle’s wife. “While my by the small library he keeps in his uncle inspired me intellectually, car for when he gets stuck in traffic. she inspired me politically, because And while he is constantly finding she was an activist and a leader of inspiration in the written word, he Education women traders who rose against also finds inspiration in Nigeria D.Litt. Hons. rofessor Wole Soyinka into trouble. In 1965 he famously a feudal monarch and a system itself. “Nigeria for me is an artificial University of Leeds recently visited an orphanage took control of the Western Nigeria of unjust taxation. They rebelled construct that Nigerians are trying My Belief: UK, 1972 in Chibok where former Broadcasting Service studio and and resisted the oppression of the to make a reality – which is quite an Pkidnapping victims were living. issued a broadcast of his own, police agents of the feudal monarch, inspiring task,” he says. “This means “There He spent a few minutes talking to protesting the regional elections. He eventually chasing him out of that Nigerians do not take the nation them and then asked a question: was subsequently a political prisoner town,” he notes. “So that was an for granted as a finished business. “When I look at all of you, what do during the Nigerian Civil War, and immense influence on me in terms There is a kind of dynamism about B.A. in English should not be you think I see?” He continues, “A during the Abacha regime, Soyinka of human rights – issues of liberty it which involves obstacles and at Literature few people gave various answers, was forced to live in exile until the and freedom.” the same time a level of creativity University of Leeds too much of a and then I told them what I saw. I ruler’s death. Soyinka was perhaps naturally that is quite challenging in all fields. UK, 1957 saw among them Nobel laureates While Soyinka has gained open to such an influence as So for me, Nigeria is a destination – in medicine, engineering, literature, notoriety for both his writing and his his young mind was constantly not yet a reality.” difference in chemistry, economics – I could see political activism, he reflects on his absorbing whatever he could this enormous human potential in life and achievements with humility. find. “I was always a voracious their eyes, expressions that read: “I hope I have contributed to the reader. From what my parents and In Short: Professor Wole Languages accessibility ‘nothing is impossible for me.’” sense of dignity of the people in my my teachers had told me, I was Soyinka achieved international Yoruba, English, French Soyinka began realizing his environment,” he explains. “I have apparently reading by the age of two fame in 1986 when he became own potential long ago as a professor this constant need to ameliorate the and a half!” he exclaims. “I would the first African to receive to what and writer. And even though in condition of humanity around me. read anything I came across, and it the Nobel Prize in Literature. 1986 he became the first African to I’m distressed when I see beggars; didn’t take me long to work my way However, he admits that the I Like human win the Nobel Prize in Literature, I’m distressed when I see injustice; through my father’s small library. recognition came as a surprise, • Books Soyinka maintains that he never I’m distressed when I see inequality From reading I became intrigued an honourable accolade that • Hunting aspired to be a writer, let alone a on a level that seems to me obscene.” about how words are put together went against the grain of his beings need famous writer. “My aspiration was Soyinka points out that and about how the nature of human preference for anonymity • Flamenco and fado more along the lines of fulfilling while all human beings have beings is explored in books.” and the solitude necessary to music interior desires, exercising my their different talents and beliefs, It was through reading, exercise his creative pursuits. – healthcare, creativity to a satisfying degree.” material differences should not be Soyinka explains, that he made the Nevertheless, it was a well- In addition to creating an so drastic. “To me there should transition to storyteller. “The first deserved recognition that called shelter, immense body of literary work not be too much of a difference in stories I came up with were all oral attention to an individual whose I Don’t Like and inspiring countless students accessibility to what human beings – stories I told to my siblings,” he passions for political truth and • Those who lie during his years as a professor in need – healthcare, shelter, food,” he recalls. “I was never content with social justice landed him in about others food.” the U.S. and Nigeria, Soyinka has suggests. “I feel unfulfilled and even just reading something. I would prison more than once. As he also used his sharp creative abilities guilty if I see too much of a gap always reformulate it in my own has repeated over the years: • Lack of discipline for both humanistic and political between myself and those who are way, changing the characters and “Justice is the first condition of • Being interrupted ends, on occasion getting himself in need.” the action.” humanity.” when I am writing 184 185 Salamatu Hussaini Commissioner for Political Affairs Peace & Security Suleiman ECOWAS Commission S

additional year with NAL Merchant like sewing, knitting, detergent Date of Birth Bank, she accepted an offer to work making, pomade making – trades 27/10/1960 with Aluminium Smelter Company that can give them a leg up living of Nigeria before later moving on in communities where women don’t to Legal Adviser with the Securities ever really get out of the home,” Education alamatu Hussaini Suleiman to be versatile,” she mentions. “I’ve and Exchange Commission. Suleiman explains. “For them to LL.M., London School My Words of is a breaker of boundaries. always been interested in knowing By 2008, Suleiman’s CV had be able to do something different, of Economics & Political Throughout her life and career, more and doing more.” landed on President Yar’adua’s to earn a living even, makes a huge Science Sshe has made it a point to defy After earning her law degree, desk. He was impressed enough difference.” Wisdom: UK, 1987 expectations placed on women in Suleiman continued to break barriers to offer her a position on his Suleiman is eager to lend a hand, the Islamic community while still when she began to work as a lawyer cabinet. When President Goodluck not only because she can empathize “Never give maintaining the core values of her for the Sokoto State Ministry of Jonathan took over, he retained with what it means to grow up in an faith. “I am the daughter of a Sharia Justice. “It was an interesting time Suleiman for his own cabinet inopportune environment, but also LL.B., Ahmadu Bello Court judge, but a very forward because it was so rare for a woman until 2011, naming her Minister of because she embodies the drive to University thinking judge who believed in to practice law in our part of the State for Foreign Affairs. “It was a face difficulties head-on. “Never Zaria up, always progress,” Suleiman explains. “I country,” she reflects. “There were wonderful experience for me, one give up, always remain consistent Nigeria, 1981 was brought up to learn the Islamic so few women in the field, which that opened up new horizons and and true to yourself – never take remain literature while simultaneously made it all the more exciting – I was opportunities,” Suleiman recalls your eyes off the target.” receiving a modern education.” part of a new horizon.” of her time as a minister. “Since Languages In fact, it was her father who As Suleiman continued to carve I was able to contribute in other Hausa, English consistent encouraged education early on out her niche in the legal world, she areas of government as well, Mr. In Short: Salamatu in Suleiman’s life. After she’d quickly grew accustomed to thriving President nominated me for my Hussaini Suleiman has performed well enough on her in male-dominated workplaces. present position after the end of that consistently broken boundaries I Like national common entrance exams, he “It can be lonely at times, but you administration.” in her life and career by and true to sent her to Queen’s College, Lagos, have to be able to hold your head That current position has made • Children pursuing her passion to make a one of the top schools in Nigeria at up and communicate that you are her the first female Commissioner difference. She has cultivated a • Life the time. The experience had a major there to contribute and perform at an for Political Affairs, Peace & • Gardening yourself – impact during the formative years of equitable level. Not to serve tea or to Security (PAPS) of the Economic distinguished law career, served the young Suleiman. “Going to a simply listen and obey,” she advises. Community of West African States on the cabinet of two Nigerian top-notch school like that provided a In 1986, Suleiman took a (ECOWAS). It is a position that presidents, and presently serves never take pillar for me to move up in life,” she break from the Ministry of Justice allows her to further her passion as the Commissioner for PAPS I Don’t Like remembers. to pursue her master’s degree at the for supporting others, which she of ECOWAS. “You will achieve • Pettiness if you persistently go for what your eyes off After graduating from Queen’s London School of Economics and also endeavours to do through an • Cruelty College, when it came time to enrol Political Science. Soon after, she NGO she recently set up. Named you believe in, particularly if it • Injustice and pick a major at Ahmadu Bello embarked on the next chapter of after her father, the Alkali Hussaini enhances people’s lives,” she University, the one thing Suleiman her career, putting her legal skills to Foundation is designed to empower advises young Nigerians. “When the target.” knew was that she had a passion for use in the investment bank industry. women, children and orphans – the you make a difference and add helping people. Her decision to study She would spend the next several less privileged in society. “We’ve value to society, it is so fulfilling Contacts law, however, meant more than just years working with Continental been able to train more than four – you get enormous strength alkalihussaini following in her father’s footsteps. Merchant Bank, climbing her way hundred women so far, providing from places you don’t expect, “For me law offered the opportunity up to Company Secretary. After an literacy classes, training in skills enabling you to do the job.” 186 187 Ambassador Hassan Former Principal Secretary to the President of Nigeria Ardo Tukur, OFR, MFR T

means to carry a lot of responsibility shares. “Whatever knowledge you Date of Birth – but he is consistently up to the acquire can be very useful in life 03/01/1957 challenge. “I take things as they and in work, especially if you have come. My aspiration is to positively an open mind.” contribute to the development Having an open mind is what of Nigeria at all levels,” he says. has allowed Tukur to learn from hen Ambassador Hassan he decided to focus all of his energy “Working for somebody – even the many different world leaders, Education Ardo Tukur was first on making it happen. “Diplomacy is head of state – who has one hundred both historical leaders and ones B.Sc. in Political Science My Words of posted to Equatorial a profession that speaks to the nomad percent confidence in you compels he has met throughout his career. Bayero University WGuinea in the mid-1990s, he couldn’t inside of me,” he discloses. “I enjoy you to do more than necessary. It The trait he admires most in a Kano help but think that he was somehow developing networks, seeing other gives you the motivation, the extra leader is humility. “I’ve worked Nigeria, 1980 Wisdom: being punished. “There was initially parts of the world, and cultivating push to do the best for the person with very humble personalities, a lot of hardship. No telephone, no close relationships between Nigeria you’re working with – and then to leaders who were careful to never water, no electricity – absolutely and other countries.” do the best for your country.” make decisions impulsively but “Whatever zero amenities,” he recalls. “But Tukur remembers his first post The passion that Tukur instead take the time to think things Languages I immediately said to myself that in Saudi Arabia as a dream come harbours for Nigeria is no doubt one through. You learn something from Fulfude, Hausa, Chamba I would turn the situation into a true. “The Holy Mosque in Mecca of his core motivators to go above that,” Tukur advises. “Whoever you knowledge English, Spanish, French positive.” is a place that every Muslim hopes and beyond the call of duty. “In spite meet or work with in life, you can Arabic, Portuguese With renewed determination, for the opportunity to visit at least of the challenges we have, Nigeria learn things big or small that will you acquire Tukur buttoned down, learned the once in their lifetime, and I got to is a country that inspires. We are help you to succeed.” language, and proceeded to get pray there every week for almost a doing a lot, internally as well as in things done. “One of the biggest whole year!” he recalls. “After that I Africa and throughout the world,” can be very tasks I worked on there involved was posted in London, working with he notes. “The true test for us – as I Like demarcating the maritime boundary various departments, before going to with any country or individual – is In Short: Knowing that • Family between Equatorial Guinea and Equatorial Guinea.” how much stronger we become after he wanted to be a diplomat early • Passion about my useful in life Nigeria, which is an extremely For the past four years, in coming out of each challenge. We on allowed Ambassador Hassan difficult thing to do because the addition to his diplomacy work, grew stronger after overcoming the Ardo Tukur to focus his efforts country area has oil deposits straddling the Tukur had been working as the Civil War for instance, and we will in the right direction. Add to the • Helping people and in work, border,” Tukur explains, adding that Principal Secretary for President grow stronger from dealing with the mix his ability to view problems as Chargé d’Affaires, he also helped Goodluck Jonathan. “That was a present security issues.” from a positive angle and an with other projects, such as building whole different ballgame which had Tukur’s positive attitude open-minded mentality, and it’s especially if schools and hospitals. “In the end, I me working with security issues, toward challenge is no coincidence, obvious how he climbed up to turned this difficult situation into a diplomatic issues, national issues, especially when considering the play a significant role in Nigerian I Don’t Like success, and it made me a stronger local issues, global issues,” he impressive individuals who have government. “So long as you • Dishonesty you have an person. This is how it goes when explains. “Because as the Principal influenced him over the years. maintain the urge to be well- • Laziness anyone faces a problem, especially Secretary of President Goodluck “The late Dr. Bala Mohammed, for educated, the opportunities in • Corruption if you can look at it in a different, Jonathan, I had to be wherever example, inspired me intellectually. Nigeria are infinite. The country open mind.” optimistic way to help you address he was, ready to take on any From him I learned that if you is growing fast and there is a the obstacles.” assignments he gave me.” want to excel you have to be lot of work to be done in every When he was still in secondary Between his diplomatic work intellectually sound; you have to sector, but if you want to find school, Tukur knew that he wanted and duties assigned to him by the read widely and have a thirst for your niche you have to keep a Contacts to be a diplomat, so from an early age president, Tukur knows what it acquiring knowledge,” Tukur positive mindset.” 188 189 Patrick Okedinachi Founder & CEO Centre for Values in Leadership Utomi U

immediately returning to Nigeria and commitment to renew and re- Date of Birth after his studies. Once home, Utomi create,” he says of his constant 06/02/1956 was soon enlisted by then Vice efforts to move the country in a President Alex Ekwueme to work positive direction. “I believe that as a consultant on a few public Nigeria is the best chance for policy papers. This in turn led to his African peoples anywhere to get the appointment as Special Assistant respect that is their due.” Education to President , which Utomi’s vision for a developed Ph.D., MPA, MA everal years ago Professor happened to be a time when there he held until the military coup in Nigeria is clear and his passion to Indiana University Patrick Utomi wrote a book was a lot more trust in the system. December 1983. Utomi then joined improve the country is limitless. Bloomington, Indiana My Dream: called To Serve Is to Live – that As a nine-year-old I would travel Volkswagen of Nigeria Limited “We as Nigerians must establish U.S., 1982 Stitle is his motto in life, a motto that alone from Gusau to Kaduna, where as Head of Corporate Affairs in Nigeria firmly, not just as a big or has defined his career, his ambitions I would change trains for Enugu, 1986 and was promoted to Deputy populous country – but as a growing, “For me, and his faith. “The idea is that if you and then get on a bus to Onitsha. Managing Director and Chief economically and politically stable serve, you will be fulfilled, and of Back then everybody looked out Operating Officer two years later, country where social harmony is Languages course if you serve to the best of your for each other; my parents knew eventually becoming acting CEO in the status quo,” he states. “The Igbo, English Nigeria is an abilities, you will be duly rewarded,” that if I needed help I could simply 1991. possibilities are there. Nigeria just Utomi explains. “And I constantly ask another adult. Living in such a After leaving Volkswagen, needs the right kind of leadership ask myself, ‘Am I working towards strong community provided me with Utomi began to further cultivate to leverage such opportunity, to opportunity doing all things I do well?’ That is a very warm childhood.” his career in academia. He had make Nigeria a nation that the the biggest challenge.” By the time Utomi went through already co-founded the Lagos international community respects as I Like A widely renowned academic high school, he was set on becoming to show Business School (now Pan-Atlantic the voice of the African people.” • Hard work in political economics, management an airline pilot, mainly because it University) in 1991, and in 1996 he • Friendship expert, and presidential candidate was a fashionable occupation at the went back to the U.S. to serve as • Study in 2011, Utomi comes from a wide time. But early on in university he scholar-in-residence and research In Short: that Africa ranging Nigerian background, hit a detour: the library. associate at American University in Professor geographically as well as culturally. “It was my father who initially Washington DC as well as Harvard Patrick Utomi is deeply passionate about his country. With his father working for British convinced me to go to university. Business School. “There have has the It is a passion that revolves Petroleum, the family was obligated The plan was to go, make some been so many achievements and around service to others. As I Don’t Like to move from one part of the country good friends, and afterwards go to experiences along the way, but the he continues to develop vital • Narrow-minded to another on a regular basis while flight school. Instead, I wound up biggest thing that makes me proud capacity and organizations along these people Utomi was growing up. His high going to graduate school,” Utomi is people coming up to me and lines, such as the Centre for school education, for instance, remarks. “A lot happened to me communicating how inspired they Values and Leadership, his eyes • Corruption commitment started with Christ the King College during university that changed the are by the things I say and do,” are firmly set on the future of • Irresponsible in Onitsha and ended at Loyola course of my life, but one of the Utomi reflects. Nigeria and its people. “I teach people College in Ibadan. biggest things was my volunteer A lot of this inspiration comes something I call the pedagogy to renew and While many adolescents might work managing the library. Because from Utomi’s regular columns as of the determined, which balk at being uprooted with such I had to be there a lot, I didn’t have well as his involvement in civil suggests that people must have a vision for tomorrow. You can consistency, Utomi managed to see much choice other than to read the society groups such as Transparency then work towards that vision the positive side. “Experiencing so books – and that’s how I became an in Nigeria and Centre for Values Contacts re-create.” by creating an optimal learning much of the country enabled me to academic.” and Leadership, to name a few. climate, by choosing ideas that Facebook: Utomi see the best in the different people For graduate school and his “For me, Nigeria is an opportunity move you in the right direction. of Nigeria,” Utomi notes. “That also Ph.D., Utomi headed to the U.S., to show that Africa has the capacity But it starts with vision.” @UtomiPat 190 191 Chairperson & Founder Maryam Uwais, MFR Isa Wali Empowerment Initiative (IWEI) U reminding people of the women While Uwais enjoys the Date of Birth who had done so much in Islamic “awesome responsibility” of 10/12/1959 history, and then he would ask why having her own firm and employing Islamic communities would make people, for her the most important their women – half the population focus is on raising standards in the Education – so unproductive. He called it an community through IWEI. “For LL.M., Ahmadu Bello extravagance that Islam couldn’t me, the most significant cases I’ve University condone.” worked on involved helping girls Zaria s you grow older, you realize describe it as boring,” she explains. After Uwais’s father passed who were married off early,” she Nigeria, 1985 “ you only have so much time “I want to know that I lived life to on, her mother remarried into a says. “For instance, there was a little on this earth, and it hits you the fullest and did everything I could polygamous family. This shift found girl that I learnt about, in Lagos – A– why waste time worrying about for my community, that I helped the young Uwais in a competitive twelve years old and married off. B.L., Nigeria Law My Vision for things you have no control over?” make people happy.” atmosphere, but her mother She had run away, so I met her, School says Maryam Uwais. Of course, Uwais, in fact, remains tireless remained completely focused on her brought her back to Abuja, fostered Lagos the Future: she makes the most of the things in in her efforts to do her part in the and her siblings, determined that her and put her in school. Now she Nigeria, 1981 life she can control. She surrounds community. She never stops pushing they would get a good education. has just finished secondary school, herself with positive people, and she herself to be the positive change When Uwais performed well in is back on good terms with her “I want to does everything she can to have a she envisions, as demonstrated her exams, she earned a spot at father, and wants to go to university. Languages positive impact on the community. through her work with the Isa Wali what was then the best boarding Working with women and children, Hausa, English There is also a degree of control, she Empowerment Initiative (IWEI) school in Lagos. “Going to Queen’s helping them – that is what gives me know that I maintains, in choosing to persevere and by her work on numerous College in Lagos provided us with fulfilment.” when faced with difficulty or boards and projects. “I ask myself a more cosmopolitan environment I Like challenge. every night, ‘Did you do your best where we could learn not just about • Empowering lived life to A cursory glance at Uwais’s today?’ Because there is nothing academics, but about our country In Short: women and remarkable career history reveals a that gives me greater fulfilment and the different cultures,” Uwais Maryam Uwais has worked hard over the years developing woman who indeed strives to do her than seeing children walking again remembers. “It was an education to build a strong career as a children the fullest best. The trajectory of her career as after overcoming malnourishment, that taught us that we are all human legal practitioner. Yet she was • Music from the a legal practitioner alone warrants or adolescent women reading and beings and we all have the same never content to rest on her 60s and 70s praise. She began as a prosecutor writing when previously they challenges – such as parents who professional accomplishments • Reading and did for the Kano State Ministry of couldn’t even hold a pencil.” struggle to pay school fees – even alone. While cultivating her Justice, followed by work with the For Uwais, this selfless if we call God various names, even distinguished career in law, Uwais has simultaneously Nigerian Law Reform Commission approach to life is part of her Islamic if we speak different languages or I Don’t Like everything I in the 1980s, then nine years with values, which she gained from her have different cultures.” remained committed to the Central Bank of Nigeria before father even though he passed on For university, an elder brother her greatest passion in life, • Dishonesty opening her own practice, Wali- when she was quite young. “Even encouraged Uwais to study law, a her selfless dedication to • People who could for my Uwais & Co, in 2001. though I lost him very early, he was subject in which she would also improving the lives of others, patronize others However, she prefers to use her a big inspiration in my life through go on to earn her master’s degree. particularly through the Isa • Hypocrisy Wali Empowerment Initiative. law degree to focus on human rights all of the articles that he had written Later, she would further submerge “We must commit ourselves to community.” and development issues, rather than and what people said about him,” herself in the world of Nigerian law enhancing our communities. Contacts spending her work week in court or Uwais notes. “I learned how he tried by marrying a judge, who served It is not up to the government [email protected] applying herself to corporate law, to enact a positive transformation of as Nigeria’s Chief Justice for more alone – everybody has a which is the mainstay of her firm’s traditional practices and perceptions. than a decade. “He’s always been responsibility to do something, [email protected] practice. “I don’t want to look back He used to write articles about very patient, very understanding – to improve the conditions of on my life someday and be forced to the position of women in Islam, like a rock,” she says of her husband. those around them.” 192 193 Ambassador Aminu Former Honorable Minister of Foreign Affairs Bashir Wali, mni, CON W

work. So he applied for and like entrepreneurs, to create jobs Date of Birth won a scholarship to study at a for themselves, to really look at the 03/08/1941 polytechnic school in the UK, opportunities in this country.” where he studied company Wali encourages the youth secretaryship. The education gave to leverage opportunities for Education him a strong foundation in business themselves by taking advantage of MNI, National Institute administration and he qualified as a the communication technologies for Policy & Strategic member of the Chartered Institute available in today’s era of the global Studies t was around 2008 when all in all it was quite a successful of Secretaries. “After that I came village. “The privileges afforded to Kuru Ambassador Aminu Bashir Wali outing. I know I achieved great back home and started my career in us by the internet are huge. A young Nigeria, 1986 My View: returned to Nigeria from a four- things between Nigeria and China, the private sector before ultimately person now has access to research Iyear post in New York with the and many of the projects I work on moving on to promote a business of and guidance that will really allow Associate of Certified & United Nations. During this dynamic in Nigeria today are a result of my my own.” them to zero in on prospects for Cooperate Secretaries period in his career, Wali was able midwifing that relationship, which “We have Once in the private sector, success. They can find their own (ACCS) North Western to participate in major international has brought about a lot of Chinese Wali wasted no time getting paths while also creating jobs for Polytechnic (now North issues, including the creation of the involvement in Nigeria.” involved in everything he could, others – so long as they deviate London University) to start Human Rights Council and efforts The results of Wali’s efforts in ultimately rising to hold a number from looking at the government to UK, 1967 to reform the Security Council. China were so successful that he was of chair positions, directorships, and give them work.” But as productive as his time named Nigeria’s Honorable Minister interests encompassing everything orientating in New York had been, Wali was of Foreign Affairs. It is a role that from manufacturing, to mining, to Languages thankful to be back on home turf. Wali took quite seriously. “Naturally construction. When Wali made the Hausa, English “When I came back to Nigeria I we had a lot of challenges facing switch to politics – where he would In Short: Ambassador our youth remember thinking that I was done the country, and we were working go on to become a founding member Aminu Bashir Wali has lived serving anywhere else. I wanted to on improving our relations,” he of the People’s Democratic Party – a long and fulfilling life, I Like stay at home and see what I could do explains. “We especially wanted to he sold a lot of his holdings because always working hard to create • Peaceful, secure to think like in Nigeria,” Wali recalls. “And then reaffirm the historical role we had he no longer had time to look after opportunity for himself and and prosperous the president approached me with played in maintaining peace and them, but he still looks back on this for others. His rich, varied Nigeria the proposal that I go to China to security in the African sub-region.” time in his life with pride. “I found background in the private • Family promote relations there, particularly Wali’s expertise as a diplomat it fulfilling. I was able to create a lot sector paved the way for entrepreneurs, • Helping people in the economic sector. With my comes from a wealth of experience of jobs and help a lot of people – all his involvement in politics experience in the private sector in accumulated over a long career in as a young man in my twenties.” and eventually as a Nigerian to create various areas of business and my the private sector and in politics. Likewise, he encourages ambassador. He has worked I Don’t Like stint on the international scene, he “I always had a pretty good idea Nigerian youth today to seek out at the UN in New York and • Injustice thought I was the right person for of what I wanted in life, and I’ve their own opportunities in the private also played a pivotal role in • Dirty and unhealthy jobs for the job.” been quite adventurous along sector. “The outlook of youth today expanding relations between Although a bit reluctant at first, the way,” he notes. “As soon as I is inherited from the colonial system Nigeria and China. “There environments Wali accepted the proposal, which finished my studies in Kano, I took – you go to university, graduate, is no country on earth like • Negative themselves.” turned out to be for the best. “I am the train straight to Lagos, spent a then work for the government or Nigeria, no country has so assumptions so thankful that I accepted because year training in clerical work, then a major corporation. However, much diversification – and I about Africa it turned out to be a tremendous got a job for the Federal Ministry of the time has come to go beyond love everything about it. I want challenge, which I found very Works in Lagos during the 1960s.” looking to others to give you a to see this country achieve its inspiring,” he discloses. “I was But after a few years, Wali job,” Wali advises. “We have to potential, to see it become a Contacts there for four and a half years, and wasn’t satisfied with government start orientating our youth to think first world power.” 194 195 Herbert Onyewumbu Group Managing Director Access Bank Plc Wigwe W

growing concern,” Wigwe recalls. Wigwe’s professional drive is Date of Birth “So we all had to button down, to achieve the highest level of 15/08/1966 remain extremely focused and push excellence. “I will not stop until I as much as we could.” am the very best, and the day that I Extreme focus is characteristic think Access Bank is truly where we Education of Wigwe’s day-to-day lifestyle, want it to be, I will move on to do M.Sc. in Financial and it has served him and his team something else,” Wigwe explains. Economics quite well in building Access Bank Whatever that ‘something else’ is, University of London erbert Wigwe’s first job in initially decided to study finance to what it is today. “We are now Wigwe assures that it will more UK, 1996 the finance sector happened because he knew that he had strong eleven-thousand strong in terms of than likely involve a contribution My Top Tip: to be with a bank that – like numerical skills, but once he got employment. There is an energy that will positively impact society. Hhim – was just starting out. One day started as an accountant, Wigwe behind the institution we run and “I don’t know how to function in M.A. in Banking & a loan request came through and realized his aspirations were much the great strides that we continue a mediocre way; it’s just not part International Finance “Stick to the Wigwe, using his better judgment, greater. “Chartered accountancy to make,” he says. “We intend to of my constitution. If I don’t think University College rejected the deal. When Wigwe’s was fun for a while, but I soon felt stop at nothing short of becoming I am building something new or of North Wales boss found out, he was extremely too limited and bored,” he explains. the world’s most respected African interesting, I will get bored and UK, 1991 areas where upset. “My boss felt that we were “I wanted to do something that was bank.” move on. I need to continually challenging him, although I saw it truly interesting; I wanted to build, Wigwe believes that the be at the heart of growth and as my job to actually protect him,” to make a difference, and to be success he has achieved in his improvement.” your true Wigwe remembers. “In the end, the responsible for the creation of job professional life is no coincidence. Languages loan went through and I resigned.” opportunities.” Along with his stellar sense of English The resignation came about Over the next several years, focus, he is completely confident in competence not because Wigwe was offended or Wigwe steadily climbed his way his ability to persevere in a career In Short: Herbert Wigwe embarrassed, but because he saw the up in the banking industry. He while maintaining high standards has steadily climbed his way I Like job as a dead end. “Any day when spent over a decade at Guaranty of excellence. “If you do a job well, up the corporate ladder in the • Loyalty lies and I feel that the system will not allow Trust Bank, managing high-profile you will do well for yourself. It banking industry to become • African arts me to exercise my best judgment, portfolios for financial institutions, doesn’t matter what you are doing Group Managing Director of • Children wherever I’m working, I’ll leave,” corporations and multinationals. – whether you are an entertainer, a Access Bank Plc, which he develop that he notes. After the incident, Wigwe For his last three years at GT Bank, writer, or a teacher – whatever it is, has helped turn into a world- decided to go back to school for a Wigwe served as an Executive you have to stick to the areas where class operation. Through year – and later found out that the Director, valuable experience that your true competence lies and determination to be the best I Don’t Like competence.” loan in question had sunk the entire would further prepare him for his develop that competence.” while maintaining a high degree • Weakness of bank. Wigwe was not surprised. next post. Another aspect of his success, of integrity, he has laid the character “When you employ people to come In 2002, Wigwe was part of a Wigwe shares, is a fear of failure. foundation for his legacy. “I want • Dishonesty in and express their own professional new management team that took the “I cannot have a bank that will have to know that I’ll be remembered • People that competence, you can’t think you’re helm of Access Bank Plc. His task a problem – psychologically it will for creating a sustainable challenge my better than everybody – it’s not was to turn what was considered destroy me,” he mentions. “The fear institution, which will far outlast integrity sustainable.” to be a small bank into a world- of failure is what keeps us going. me as an individual. Nothing Wigwe’s career actually class entity in the financial service This desire for success can at times lasts forever, but for as long began a short time earlier when he industry. “In 2002 a lot of small allow us to go for days without as something can humanly be became a Chartered Accountant banks were facing imminent danger sleep, working as much as humanly remembered, people will know Contacts with Coopers & Lybrand Associates of extinction. There were challenges possible.” that others came before them at the age of twenty-two. He had with liquidity and capital – a lot of In other words, the basis of and did something great here.” @HerbertOWigwe 196 197 Barrister Timipre Head of Industry Collaboration Unit at Petroleum Technology Wolo Development Fund (PTDF) W people would call and place orders, Training & Research (UNITAR), Date of Birth which I would prepare myself and Jacksonville University in the 27/05/1981 have the delivery person bring U.S., Goundong University of to their doorstep. It became very Petrochemical Technology in popular in Aberdeen.” China and Haungesand University The catering project was a in Norway. Through these stroke of ingenuity, the kind of partnerships, young Nigerian men Education inspiration which Timipre attributes and women receive the requisite LL.M. in Oil & Gas Law to her mother. “My mom was very skills and qualifications they University of Aberdeen ’ve always wanted to be a from 2005 to 2008. “It was quite inspiring – very hardworking and need to contribute to the nation’s Scotland, UK, 2009 “ lawyer, because I’ve always enlightening – meeting young people industrious,” Timipre remembers. development. identified with the plight of from all over the world, everyone “Even though I lost her at the age For Timipre, her dream of My Belief: theI oppressed, the deprived and coming together to exchange ideas of twelve, I had already learned so being a lawyer allows her to fulfil the less privileged,” says Barrister and learn how to be the change you much, enough to carry me through her number one desire in life. “For B.L., Nigerian Law Timipre Wolo, who has always want to be,” Timipre recollects. “It for a lifetime.” me, making a difference in the lives School “Making a been ambitious about reaching her was inspiring to hear stories from so Immediately after finishing her of people is the most important Abuja goals. “Growing up, I knew that I many parts of the world. Overall, the studies in the UK, Timipre returned legacy you can leave behind,” Nigeria, 2007 could achieve whatever I set out to experience helped shape my desire to Nigeria. Her primary desire Timipre says. “In the end it’s not difference accomplish.” to look at things from a broader was to have an impact on young how much money you have, or Despite her humble background, perspective.” Nigerians, which she has done in how many material possessions you Timipre remembers her father After graduating from the Nigerian her present role as Special Assistant acquire – it’s about the lives you in the lives teaching her to dream big. “I grew Law School and subsequently being to the Executive Secretary & Head were able to impact.” Languages up with the mentality that nothing called to the Nigerian Bar, Timipre of the Industry Collaboration Unit English, Izon, Igbo is impossible, that one must always moved to Scotland to study for a for the Petroleum Technology of people aspire to be whatever one wants to master’s degree in the oil & gas Development Fund (PTDF). In Short: be in life,” Timipre recalls. “So I was field with no scholarship or financial Through the Industry Collaboration Rising from never afraid to pursue my dreams.” support. “I was determined to do Unit, Timipre and her team launched humble beginnings, Barrister Knowing that she wanted to my master’s overseas, so I had a number of youth empowerment Timipre Wolo has proven that I Like is the most anything you set your mind to become a successful lawyer gave been saving for that. I paid part of initiatives targeting young men • Travelling is truly possible. To all young and women from less privileged • Photography Timipre the incentive to do well in the tuition upfront, and then I was Nigerians, she passes on important school. She and her friends were able to make up the rest while I was backgrounds across Nigeria, such as the same message that has • Shopping always competing with each other there,” she explains. the PTDF Youth Entrepreneurship brought her so much inspiration for the best grades, and although While studying in Aberdeen, Programme and the Special Training and success: “Nothing is legacy you Timipre was the youngest in her Timipre found an innovative way and Educational Scheme. Recently, impossible with hard work, class, she was appointed Deputy to raise money for her tuition fees. Timipre also launched the first-ever determination and discipline,” I Don’t Like Senior Prefect. She enjoyed the “I had noticed that there were no helicopter training programme by she encourages. “You can can leave responsibility so much that while Nigerian restaurants, so I saw an the PTDF that enabled five young achieve whatever goals you set • Deception attending university, she was elected opportunity for a new business women and ten young men to for yourself. It doesn’t matter • Disorganization as the first female National Vice amidst the growing Nigerian qualify as international certified what background you come • Cheating behind.” President of the National Union of community there,” she notes. “I commercial helicopter pilots. from, it doesn’t matter what Bayelsa State Students in all tertiary registered a catering company in the She has also engineered ongoing colour your skin is; it is not about institutions in Nigeria. UK, partnered with a deliveryman education and training partnerships you being from the northern or After university, Timipre was and distributed flyers at a Nigerian between the PTDF and various southern part of Nigeria. The elected to represent Nigeria at the Independence Day party I hosted to international institutions such as only thing that matters is hard Contacts UN Youth Assembly in New York advertise the business. After that, the United Nations Institute for work and determination.” [email protected] 198 199 Do you want to meet Nigerians who will make a difference in the years to come?

In the following pages we present a brief snapshot of the Nigerian Youth to show that there are no age restrictions to start inspiring. These four remarkable students inspire us through their successes, unique skills and dedication to their country. More importantly, they reflect the promise of the coming generation.

We congratulate these impressive young Nigerians on their accomplishments and wish them – and all Nigerian students – the best in their future endeavours.

200 201 Daniella Nengi Student / Author Dan-Jumbo C

Clinton legend about a leprous man who Whether it’s through sharing a Date of Birth stumbled into wealth after being good story with other children 15/12/2002 ostracized to an evil forest. As or organizing a writing contest, imaginative as these books may she believes writing is an seem, Daniella’s next published important activity that anybody book further exemplifies the can explore. In fact, her motto power of her imagination, and explains it all: “If I can do it, it also shows Daniella’s intent every child can do it.” School & Grade to share the joy of writing with Although Daniella has a Brookstone others her age. Her book Basic Pan-African vision when it Year 8 Steps to Story Writing & 5 comes to encouraging other Stories of a Plot is a collection children to write, she is quite aniella Nengi and just as important, inspired of five short stories that function perceptive when it comes to the Dan-Jumbo Clinton Daniella to record her own together as a story-writing guide potential of her own country. aspires to be the stories. “I grew up with story. for children and teenagers. “Nigeria, with its abundance of youngest author From the time I was an infant, Encouraging other children human and material resources, with the highest my parents would tell me stories. to write is the precise vision is currently crawling,” she says, number of published books in And then reading the stories of behind the Daniella Clinton offering a metaphor. “But this Languages English, French Dthe world. It is a bold ambition, other writers, watching movies, Child Authors Foundation, country has the potential to but one which she is already well as well as absorbing all of the which includes initiatives such leap and overtake most leading on her way to achieving. Believe things happening around me – I as the Read & Write with Me nations of the world.” it or not, her parents taught her couldn’t resist the act of writing project. “The focus of that And of course, despite her how to read and write at the age it all down,” she explains. specific project is to inspire busy schedule, Daniella still of three. They inspired her and Daniella started writing, and and groom more child authors. makes time to just be a kid. Interests challenged her, and she never she couldn’t stop. Line by line, her It takes me to different schools When she’s not writing, reading, once took the value of literacy inclination turned into a passion. and communities throughout or attending literary festivals, • Writing and for granted. With her prodigious Today, at just twelve years old, Nigeria,” Daniella says. she enjoys singing, roller skating Illustration appetite for story, the young Daniella already has several “Eventually I want to take the and dancing. But most of all, • Singing Daniella began reading the likes published books, including The project beyond Nigeria to get Daniella just wants to inspire – • Roller skating of J.K. Rowling and Enid Blyton, Snake and the Hunter’s Wife, more African children into to invite others to share in her • Dancing as well as Nigerian authors such which she describes as the story writing.” world of reading, writing and as Chinua Achebe, Chimamanda of “an insatiable Hunter’s wife Daniella’s work as an storytelling. Adichie, Chimeka Garricks, and who insists on eating the eggs of author and with the Foundation Elechi Amadi. a snake before having her baby.” has earned her a number of Reading all of these She’s also published Daniel awards and accolades, but for influential writers fed Daniella’s in Toyland and The Leprous King her it all comes back to writing My Motto: “If I can do Contacts appetite for good storytelling, – the latter an adaptation of a and inspiring others to write. it, every child can do it.” 202 203 Florence Student / International DJ Ifeoluwa & Producer C Cuppy believes hard work, day in your life!” determination, education in your Of course, Cuppy’s Date of Birth Otedola field, and the right skill set are ambitions do not stop with 11/11/1992 equally important to success. DJing. Her passion for Nigeria’s “Preparation meets opportunity,” wealth of creative talent is she advises. “And people always what is driving her to seek a School & Grade “DJ Cuppy” have opportunities, big or small. master’s degree in New York. M.A. in Music No matter how little, it all “It’s very important for me to Business depends on how you execute come back home and help build New York University it. I started DJing at friends’ a structure for the different U.S., 2015 parties and sixteenth birthdays. creative industries, because so I probably sounded horrible many opportunities are being at first, but you have to throw missed right now,” notes Cuppy, B.Sc. in Business yourself out there. You never who last year started her own Management n a recent visit to in the business, and her usual know.” management and publishing King’s College her hometown of response applies to any creative Cuppy is no stranger to company, Red Velvet Music London Lagos, Florence industry. “Why do you want to be putting herself out there. “I’ve Group. “Creativity is something UK, 2014 Ifeoluwa Otedola a painter or a dancer? Why do you never been scared to take chances a lot of Africans appreciate – better known as want to use creativity to express and to put myself into new and enjoy, but we refuse to put DJ Cuppy – was invited to do yourself? Because if you’re not situations. You have to throw structures in place so that the Languages Oa gig, and though her manager doing it for the right reasons, the yourself into the unknown and creative people themselves are English, Yoruba encouraged her to rest, she likelihood of succeeding is very be able to learn from mistakes,” protected.” French couldn’t resist. She finished at low,” she cautions. “Do it for she adds. “I think that’s one Cuppy is just as passionate three in the morning, with the yourself. That’s what will keep issue with a lot of young people about her country as she is about crowd still begging her for more. you going.” in Nigeria. They want to be told creativity. “A massive spotlight Interests “I feel like I have the best job in The love Cuppy puts into her what to do and when to do it.” is on Nigeria right now,” she • Cupcakes and the world. I celebrate with people work as a DJ enables her to stay The main thing, Cuppy observes. “With so many young baking for a living!” she exclaims. “I up until four in the morning for maintains, is that people should people here, it is up to the new • New challenges love the ambience, the dancing, gigs and still make it to class later pursue careers that they actually generation to realize that the the power of the music and the that day. “It can be challenging at want. “I see a lot of young people future is in their hands. It’s a • Innovating lyrics – the way we as Nigerians times, but having that passion, who are pushed into becoming blank page; it’s up to us to write • Meeting new can jump in and out of Yoruba, that hunger to succeed keeps me doctors or lawyers, and then if the story.” people Hausa, Igbo, English – it’s almost going,” she explains. “And on a things go wrong, it always hits • Exploring new like poetry.” personal level, it’s about more them hard because they’re not cultures Cuppy played her first gig than just me having something doing what they want to do. My Philosophy: in Lagos when she was just to prove. I feel like I am in a But thankfully now, things are “People always have sixteen, and she has been carving way representing a generation of starting to change, and parents opportunities, big or Contacts out a name for herself on an African women, and taking that are realizing that there are other international scale ever since. upon myself gives me a lot of careers you can flourish in. I small. No matter how [email protected] A lot of people come to her for energy.” always say find a job you love little, it all depends on @cuppymusic advice about how to get started In addition to having passion, and you never have to work a how you execute it.” Facebook: cuppymusic 204 205 Sophia Amara Student / Artist Obiago O

Washington DC. “Ultimately, I head-on and rational. I like to Date of Birth would like to study law, specifically overcome and solve issues as 19/10/1995 intellectual property law. I’ve soon as possible – I don’t like noticed that in Nigeria the artists to leave anything unsettled,” are not very well protected. There she reveals. “To be honest, I is a lot of copying, a lot of fraud physically can’t sleep or relax if and stealing of ideas,” Sophia there is a problem. It could be a School & Grade observes. “Maybe I can have an problem with another person or George Washington impact in that area. Nigeria is so with work – I just have to face University big, and there is so much artistic it directly, reasonably and in a 2nd year student of International Affairs ability – but it is not always easy diplomatic way.” Washington DC for artists to manage their work. Whichever path (or paths) U.S. he best advice Sophia things you don’t enjoy,” she Because I’ve experienced the art Sophia chooses to pursue, Amara Obiago explains. “But it’s not simply world first-hand, maybe I can she’s got plenty of drive and has ever received about enjoyment; I have this contribute in a different way.” inspiration to keep her moving. in her young life drive to not only do what I like, Aside from law and “On a global level, people like is manifested in but to do it well. I want to succeed photography, Sophia is especially Nelson Mandela and Mahatma how she embraces each day. in every aspect of my life.” interested in business. “After Gandhi inspire me through their Languages T“Do what you love doing, do Sophia has already begun to the photography exhibition, virtue of forgiveness. I think English, French what you’re passionate about, find success as an artist, having people have been pushing me to that’s something that everyone and let that consume your time recently held a photography- pursue the craft more seriously, struggles with in life. Being able when you are young,” she says. poetry exhibition featuring but I’ve always been attracted to forgive people is so important, “Because when you’re young, her and her mother’s work. “I to business and feel that I have and it’s something I strive to do you don’t have to worry about a actually discovered photography a good business sense,” she every day.” But the inspiration Interests lot of things and you can develop through my mother, who would shares. “I spend a decent amount has also been there in her • Music yourself. Whether it’s a hobby, always buy us disposable of time looking at the Forbes personal life from the start: “My • Photography like my photography, or school, cameras when we were growing 100 companies, reading up on family has always inspired me to • West African Art or certain subjects – do what you up,” Sophia notes. “Even today, their histories, reading about be the best in my chosen field, like doing and immerse yourself I’m still developing my craft as a developing entrepreneurs from to excel at the highest possible in it.” photographer, and art is indeed a all over the world – so hopefully, level in what I’m good at.” To Sophia’s mind, doing passion of mine, but it is not my ten years from now, I will have what you love is the best way to sole focus.” my first company going!” Contacts lay a foundation for the future, Currently, instead of Of course, Sophia realizes [email protected] My Philosophy: something you can turn into a studying art, Sophia is studying there will be plenty of challenges “Do Instagram: career perhaps. “You don’t gain international relations at George along the way. “When it comes what you like doing and sophiaamara_ a lot by forcing yourself to do Washington University in to facing struggles, I am very immerse yourself in it.” photography 206 207 Student / Activist O

let me know that I’d inspired one says. “For instance, my parents Date of Birth of the girls who had previously make sure we watch news from 24/07/2002 been extremely shy.” around the world; we regularly Zuriel does more than just see stories about Africa and speak at schools through the know what’s going on there. programme. She has also met When I first saw young children School & Grade with several African business on the streets selling things when Connections and political leaders, including I knew they should be in school, Academy Year 9 one in six of Africa’s fifty-four I felt so sad. I knew I had to do (2 years ahead) presidents and prime ministers, something.” uriel Oduwole is a adding that this is the main to discuss the issue of education. Zuriel plans to continue her girl of far-reaching focus of her project Dream Up, In addition, she has gained endeavours to motivate children and dynamic Speak Up, Stand Up. “I started recognition as an accomplished throughout Africa, especially aspirations. And the project in March 2013 at filmmaker, having become the girls, to stay in school at least Languages having already the Lagos Business School as a youngest person in the world at until the age of eighteen. But she English, Mandarin accomplished so much at an way to talk to children about the the age of twelve years old to also has plenty of colourful and Zextremely young age, inspiring need to go to school and seek show a self-made film in a cinema ambitious dreams for her own other children and even adults empowerment in life through chain. “I make documentaries so life. “I want to be an athlete and throughout Africa, she is well education.” as to show the world a positive hopefully compete in the 2020 on her way to realizing those Through the programme, image of Africa, to show that Olympics, and then I would like Interests aspirations. Born in the U.S. to a Zuriel has already spoken to more Africa is more than wars, famine to become a robotics engineer. • Documentary Nigerian father and a Mauritian than twenty thousand children and disease,” she explains of her But when I get older, I’d like to filmmaking mother, Zuriel considers herself in seven countries, including filmmaking ambitions. be the president of the United • Inspiring African a Pan-African child. She’s spent Nigeria, , , The initial inspiration States,” she discloses. “If I’m youth on plenty of time both living in and Ethiopia, and Mauritius. “I hope behind all of her work, Zuriel president of the U.S., I can have education visiting Nigeria, and is proud to that the work I do is inspiring notes, comes from her parents, an impact on the entire world – • Athletics be part of the country’s future. others. I get a lot of feedback who have fostered her world- and of course education!” • Robotics “I’m trying to make a through Facebook from people changing dreams and have difference in Nigeria and Africa I’ve encountered who were developed her Pan-African by advocating for children’s inspired, and sometimes people attitude. “They have always My Goal: education, especially education will even stop me in the airport,” encouraged me to explore “I’m trying Contacts for girls. We girls have a role to she reveals. “One of the coolest new things, to learn and to to make a difference in Facebook: play in Nigeria’s growth as well stories came from an orphanage I communicate my ideas. And Nigeria and Africa by zurieloduwole as the development of the rest of spoke at in Malawi. The principal they’ve also been careful to advocating for children’s @zurieloduwole the continent,” Zuriel explains, of the school there reached out to teach us about our roots,” she education.” 208 209 A Mohammed Kaoje Abubakar OON, FAS 28 M Mallam Bello Mohammed Maccido 112 INDEX Ahmed Adamu 30 Ledum Mitee 114 Olajumoke Adenowo 32 Dr. Nuruddeen Muhammad 116 Ambassador Obinna Adim 34 Dr. Abdu Mukhtar 118 Olisa Agbakoba OON, SAN, LLD FCIArb 36 Genevieve Nnaji, MFR 120 Ferndinand Agu 38 N Dr. Ndidi Nnoli-Edozien 122 Sandra Aguebor-Ekperuoh, MFR, NPOM 40 Adaobi Tricia Obinne Nwaubani 124 General Martin Luther Agwai, CFR 42 Frank Nweke II 126 Kadaria Ahmed 44 Ndidi Nwuneli, MFR 128 Mary Akpobome 46 H.E. Olusegun Obasanjo 130 Bolanle Olubunmi Austen-Peters 48 O Prof. Godswill Obioma 132 Dr. Olu Ehiz Ayewoh 50 Phillips Oduoza 134 B Senator Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed, Ph.D. FSAN 52 Gabriel Ogbechie 136 Senator Prof. Robert Ajayi Boroffice, OON 54 Godwin Ogechukwu “Godwin Strings” 138 Annkio Briggs 56 Chief Michael Ade Ojo, OON 140 Professor Odinkalu Anselm Chidi 58 Prince Julius Okojie 142 C Chief Ositadinma Benjamin Chidoka, OFR 60 Onajite Paul Okoloko 144 Mustafa Chike-Obi 62 Alex Okosi 146 Tonye Patrick Cole 64 Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala 148 Daniella Nengi Dan-Jumbo Clinton 202 Chief. Mrs. Oyenike Davies-Okundaye 150 Florence Ifeoluwa Otedola «DJ Cuppy» 204 Spencer O. Onosode 152 Senator Daisy Ehanire Danjuma 66 Prof. Chidiebere R. Onyia 154 D Sola David-Borha 68 Evelyn Ndali Oputu 156 Dr. Pascal Gabriel Dozie, OON, CON 70 Dr. Paul B. Orhii, JD, MD, Ph.D. 158 Donald Duke 72 Adenike Oshinowo “Nike” 160 Mitchell Elegbe 74 Ayisha Osori 162 E Ndidi Emefiele 76 Dr. Alex Otti, OFR 164 Florence Etta-AkinAina 78 Dr. Oba Otudeko, CFR 166 Sophia Amara Obiago 206 F Member H. Feese 80 Zuriel Oduwole 208 168 Rear Admiral Itunu Hotonu, FSS, MSS, psc 82 Dr. Isa Ali Ibrahim Pantami H fwc FNIA P Dr. Muhammad Ali Pate, Chigarin Misau 170 172 Innocent Ujah Idibia “2face Idibia” 84 Atedo N.A. Peterside, CON I Ambassador Godknows Boladei Igali, Ph.D. 86 Nuhu Ribadu 174 Ene Ijegwa-Adaji 88 R Orode Ryan-Okpu 176 Monsignor Professor Obiora Ike 90 H.E. Hajiya (Dr.) Amina Mohammed Namadi Sambo 178 Constance C. Ikokwu 92 S Toyin Ojora Saraki 180 Florence Ilaka 94 Moses Siloko Siasia 182 Comrade Jude Gabriel Imagwe, MON 96 Professor Akinwande Oluwole “Wole” Soyinka 184 Colins Edozie Imoh 98 Salamatu Hussaini Suleiman 186 Stanley Jegede 100 T Ambassador Hassan Ardo Tukur, OFR, MFR 188 J Asma’u Joda 102 Patrick Okedinachi Utomi 190 Nwanko Kanu 104 U Maryam Uwais, MFR 192 K Comrade Preye J. Ketebu-Brown 106 Ambassador Aminu Bashir Wali, mni, CON 194 Dauda Lawal 108 W Herbert Onyewumbu Wigwe 196 L Muhammad Nuruddeen Lemu 110 Barrister Timipre Wolo 198 210 211 We at Those Who Inspire love to hear from our readers. Joins us on facebook and let us know what you think.

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