Morphological Analysis for the Maltese Language: The challenges of a hybrid system Claudia Borg Albert Gatt Dept. A.I., Faculty of ICT Institute of Linguistics University of Malta University of Malta
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract with a vowel melody and patterns to derive forms. By contrast, the Romance/English morphologi- Maltese is a morphologically rich lan- cal component is concatenative (i.e. exclusively guage with a hybrid morphological sys- stem-and-affix based). Table 1 provides an ex- tem which features both concatenative ample of these two systems, showing inflection and non-concatenative processes. This and derivation for the words ezamina˙ ‘to exam- paper analyses the impact of this hy- ine’ taking a stem-based form, and gideb ‘to lie’ bridity on the performance of machine from the root √GDB which is based on a tem- learning techniques for morphological la- platic system. Table 2 gives an examply of ver- belling and clustering. In particular, we bal inflection, which is affix-based, and applies to analyse a dataset of morphologically re- lexemes arising from both concatenative and non- lated word clusters to evaluate the differ- concatenative systems, the main difference being ence in results for concatenative and non- that the latter evinces frequent stem variation. concatenative clusters. We also describe research carried out in morphological la- Table 1: Examples of inflection and derivation in belling, with a particular focus on the verb the concatenative and non-concatenative systems category. Two evaluations were carried out, one using an unseen dataset, and an- Derivation Inflection other one using a gold standard dataset Concat.