Newry, Mourne & Down District Council
NEWRY, MOURNE & DOWN DISTRICT COUNCIL NMC/SC Minutes of Special Council Meeting held on 22 October 2018 at 6pm in the Mourne Room, Downshire Civic Centre, Downpatrick In the Chair: Councillor M Murnin In attendance: (Councillors) Councillor T Andrews Councillor R Burgess Councillor P Byrne Councillor C Casey Councillor W Clarke Councillor C Enright Councillor G Hanna Councillor H Harvey Councillor T Hearty Councillor R Howell Councillor M Larkin Councillor K Loughran Councillor J Macauley Councillor D McAteer Councillor O McMahon Councillor Mulgrew Councillor B Quinn Councillor H Reilly Councillor J Rice Councillor M Ruane Councillor M Savage Councillor D Taylor Councillor JJ Tinnelly Councillor J Trainor Councillor W Walker (Officials) Mr. L Hannaway, Chief Executive Mr. J McBride, Assistant Director, Community Planning and Performance Mrs D Starkey, Democratic Services Officer Ms S Taggart, Democratic Services Officer Also in attendance: Northern Ireland Ambulance Service (NIAS) Mr. M Bloomfield, Chief Executive Mr. B McNeill, Director of Operations Southern Health and Social Care Trust Mr Shane Devlin, Chief Executive Mrs Melanie McClements, Director of Older People & Primary Care Services Mrs Charlene Stoops, Assistant Director of Corporate Planning South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust Roisin Coulter, Director of Planning, Performance and Informatics Seamus McGoran, Director of Hospital Services Claire Campbell, Planning Manager, Engagement and Involvement Lead SC/35/2018 APOLOGIES AND CHAIRPERSON’S REMARKS Apologies were received from Councillors Carr, Craig, Curran, Devlin, Fitzpatrick, Harte, McMurray, Sharvin and Stokes. SC/36/2018 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no Declarations of Interest. The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised there would be a question and answer session following each of the three presentations.
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