;■ I- .-'l- Im ? ■ S. r. V*.: \ ■'l| * *;. ... : ' ; ’p.V i’:'-' .; •..* .•;.v^• ...; v - v , «. v . M '*v i * ’V.J !* *


VOL. XXIII. NO 27. OCEAN GROVE , N.-J., SATURDAY. JULY 3, 1897. Subscription, $ 1 .0 0 p e r Y ear.

sands wiio denoiihce in others what they m ountain, 7\on, and.vet see lio\y rapidly ' Ii.ihi.X. m: H i*vi*doim r lU iitri ■ V o m w School of M ethods. Auditorium O p e n in g . Sim clay School Assembly.: Mr-i-lthtr. !I<»Htit».Mi-t:llnV. it. has spread unt il all- nat ions call lliiii■{ condone iii themselves/ . •' . 'iil.pl A. M. Noriiint lli.ur. TJitrct I.i-Mm. "Tlir • The opening ot the Auditorium, Young ” Uive,” aigued the Divine,“isth<;only j)fessed. • .: , ‘ / i' Tin- annual session of tin* Ocean Grove Ti'iicIht's .(jiKiltllcaliriii*: ut| season it w ilt he held from. July f:;~ ..o f (Ii. • r-.‘n i|‘ii<-,'* t>»*. /.♦«»»»«K Tljoioli-.v I July under' the. maiiagemtuit of Mr.-.. C hrist. It was love th at plaiineo • Hielirst'time this season to unite in once •!.jii:«u! Ilii-Oiif-Ii nil lift in. : llri-tlin-ii, bir • i-Mi.,,,, I■|,0 toscO|W, <>i- nrCa-iUiitipiii ni 00 IV M. <•*. IV.S. V. im m iit 'I'll I lio.’ T h o rn le y I program has been ploy hied tor theoecav full of love that self and selfishness dies. C hapel, su lijeei. “ Clmru«:icrl>ali*s or the more renewing their bonds in faith and ol good cheer, he said, “ tor I- tell you jniovin^ picturc.H, which is as far beyond lierm n n XuXUiu." MIss C. A. T eal; : sioji; • It is as follows: “ Love has a killing power.•* “The this gospel oi oni* | »oil is a winning gos- ; j|„. olrl Stereopticon as that surpasses tlie to prepare for a more powerful and eon-, i>0 e. >i. CmiiUOnniftnatlon EiitcrtiilnnK-m. .v: f’^tHiHAM . . ;. ■ ecrted attack againstt-ho common enemy, weight of joy was so gn-at,' said Mr. Yal* W*!v*: ’ , • • , ? old-time panorama. IU* this-new invent ‘ Tliii Kdlwin I’hotoseopi- with ; moving the world, the llesh and the devil. man in illustmtiiig this point, 1 to r. -Mr. 'i atm an told the stOrv rjt a devoted > (inn d K. actions of .moving figures, si.ieh plot are s of Hat htmrSeiMiiWf Mllluiry-M ovc- v ' ■r Tiii’usiiAY, .ifi.V’ 8n l •*, :• German lassie in coming from her distant ia».nlK, M m m ioilT ullee charge, r-ti*.. eh*;,- By 0 o’clock a. m. the Young People's. m other whose, .child was -tly.ing of. a J :IS a r ha1gi* of the New York mounted home, from her I'atherlutid to meet her nnd SlKiior Vitnle, tho (iirfumod vloniitst. ' lo :;t) a.’ m; Seh0(»l of M ethbds’cailetHr!/; Temple wan well Tilled, ami Ifev.-O. H. malignant disease and the.phvsician had ; police, the arrival.of a railwa'v traiii, a pupil nml siiceesKorol'OIo Hull, who ivllh ' o rd e r. Mrs. i'luinia BotirnO, ,1‘resV Yatman, who Inis’recently returned from lover here and be his Wife, that, when at lorbiddeir ner lo ki.^ the child, Warning j.bathing .scene at the bench/ starting nf iTinler In Ii Ih inlnittiihlo manner,- ".The : |-10. I*V a >i. Singing by Cliildreh froiu : last, after she had left friends and home .Moeklnjf lilrrt/’ioul other elections. Kurope where he-hns heen doihi'cVau* her tlin t if she disobeyed, it nieant her j the New York;Kire D epnrtm ent tVirn.tire, .“ Newark 1 loiiie.V f..r:.i he. Friend* gelislic work, entered upon tlu*. lilteeuth and had traveled the long.wav witli that death. Her love for :the little .one was } etc., will he thrown upon a largt? screen oila st;tr nf hope oointing: the way, she . s.\TiMt!»AV,;.iirc.V |7;rii. - f ;-.;.C Jess.” . • vear of his services’; among I lie young too strong to let it jmss.awaV without one j jViih life-like aceuracv and rapid move* a had readied her destination,^slie threw v.fjii . -u; Hoys anil Otrls Hour. i’letorfal Ke- \ JIJHI .I. iii Devotions, M rs.'A; C. IJam* people. ' • •••• afiectionate; k iss.. SIim gave it a iu t jm u l.•» nicim*. • ■-*. • •reallnii ' t'rof.: Hnulforit. • fourth HlOle ; niond, Asbury I’ark.,'.;' her nrmsabout hia neck, aud when a few the jienalty.. . A ml’so the Son of Mary f »n the Jhst .evening of- tlie exhibition l.cssmi, The t.ast; of U>«* .ItMlucs.” Mrs. •The services opened with singing the know ing th a t sin nieant death,, can’ie’ . : l.oomts. ! n .lo A. jt.‘ liualilicatiOu for .Workers; /-doxologv,. led by l^ofessor John * U;• moments later the lover raised her head of this wonder, Jplv 1(», inusical selec­ from his shoulders he found her dead in ilown aiid m ade the sacrifice t hat through n.iniA. M. Devotlouiil Hour. Yoanu IN*i»pj. Discussion opened by Mrs. M. I*. . -Sweney, who conducted all the musie of tions will he rendered h\*..that prince ol* MeeltiiK, Temple. Hollars' Alc*i?Ui Tomlison. Plainfield.' - ‘ his ai ins. The joy of tho m eeting was so llis love we iidght live. . violinists, Signor Gitiseppe .Vitale, who . TiOieraiiele. tlie service. Miss Bella tii ecu .was tin? great that it had killed her.’ The instruction which lie who. died ; 11 :■!.■» A. m. Iiible Reading. Si i s; A M , ... pianist, Miss Aljdn Patterson, .otganisl,; will give'his famous Mo<*kin^ Bird” lii.aOA.M. N orm al H oiiiv rotiitli • ’ Ihinimeiv Philadelpliia. Pa. . . • “ In another instance, a m other search­ fonts gave His followers was “ Go ye and other selections' in his inimitable • »* l.in v s-o f th e WOrU,.; At teat loir ami and Miss M* Iconise Linebhrger of Chi­ .M u u iiin ty .^ * .- . cago was cornelist. - ing in vain up and down tlie streets.look; into all the world and preach the gospel,” ' manner. v ' • . : : . . . ..Vot/N rtOK f’ttA V-lii.%. ; .; 1 •.. , / : ing for her lost child, now sat waiting- for and there are poor .souls, to-night stai v- Hum ,\. m*. IHhlieai Depart m nt. i-’n.iirt li r.es* . Mi-. Yatman, then announced that the The uianiigenuMitof the Assembly think son, “ Tho Uolilea-Ain it the Rival; u. Devotions.'.Sirs; KliaParsons/.’ I services for ISO? were open and asked the tunings from th<* many who were h-’ouring ■ f for ..need ot .tlie , food . of the gospel . . I hemselves very fortunate in securing tlie Thrones.” * tlie country for the lost one. . She. heard . - Island Heights* • •congregation to.observe t lie time-honored .Mr. ^ iitiimii. tliim told how, (Iminu i st.,.vi«.s (if Mr.' T,; 11. linulforil. a "uiitlo- e . >t. M iw ioil Jt.-en atio AiKtltoriunt :'• i'.-td e. >i. ' “ D outs ** < l.iivitl Temperain:<> /. custom of extending to their neighbors the cry of * l*aby lost! Brown eyes, Ih f interim which had elapsed since be.^ .man v<*f rail* artistic talents. wJio will AsstriaUly choir ami Dr. apburii hair, pink dress, 1'aby lost Y\ As • Legion .Miss - A,;-M. .Giiern'sey, the handgiasp of fellowship and good mil Insl s-ttif.il in ilit- A iulitanm n liu Iim I :tlio-. hovs ami uiris in Jlrs. .*1.1 o e. m: s. r . Hhumi. T»n»ii*. in i 'h v ’ .i I range the.hViur went wearily by she could ‘near 1111 Miss Corn, tla AUeleTonJ^ Tuple. •.‘ Wo­ will. Mr. Yatman explained that he been interested carrying the Gospel i i.nomis* departm ent, in connection with men la AmOrlea, lierniaii.v amt Cnoiec.” r. Vi. l*Jeh»*es from St. I.ouis, Mis. wanted thysc meetings to bo‘ previided the echo of the cries, *' Baby lost J Brown from Dublin to Moscow, l ie spoke ot j her lemons atS a.in., with rapi.l on'.haml eyes, auburn hair, pink dress. Baby lost I’ the foot*hold the ( S.oo e. M. (Jniiul -Vociil. anil Ih stn u n o n tal •Tv • • M) K.-lviiwrenciv Stileun V. ?•:/*}*■ with-tlio greatestgood will and htmnony, |h*1 Iimlid «ui«>c.lmimed in ! col..iv(l >.i...kmi.w.s|;.-lclii- nn(Lon the evening of -'.eoiu:i*r.i hy lia? Ass-sem h|y e|inlr, n^ s^ ted • o. (0 e. m. Youiig W oman’s I four,*; Mr,*i: ami this could he best accomplished by a So firm, so stnmg was her hope of tiuding various cities he ll.lil viMli'il. . .No ‘-.inly i i vijll (jive a (iiiblii- i-iiti-rliliiiniciir .-•hy oinlm iit snloUl>*,-*• eoiiiluctiMt. h.V I’rof. the Jitthv one,.-that; when nt last tl:ey land,”, he.said; “ umler the heavens is so ■ J. H.sweni-y. . •> ■ K. Bapbael, presiding! Miss Mary • general ac«|u:iiulauceship utnoug those ! the: Auditorium ot.ol huiiiorous and .; Iv. Canipbell, ••.Wasliiugton,.D.: C.’,‘ - brought the baby to her. she uttered one ripe for aggressive evangelistic work as .iriistic crayon sketch.es. ; . . . who attend. •.While th e *• Young People.” st.'S n .w , .lei.Y l.sril.. .and others; - : were shaking hands they sang “• Blest be piercing love- c ry : ‘ My darling! My dear old ( »erinahy‘” Tlie .C. \ j. S. C.' department will. t his uaby !’ and ftdl—dead. Such , was the Of Moscow, lie told. of the open ami J).H0 a , >J. Yoimtr l*4*oi»le*s. M eotm a*«'mpio. L iu e. ai.• ScientifieTcnipeiancelustruc-- the tiethat binds.*’ • year he,in charge oi .Miss Cornelia Ailele ; loll, by I ti-v .C .n . V ainuoi. ;tion, Miss ( ’. (/. Brown, Passaic* . nower of love’s joy that it took her life. fret* worship of Christ. “ It js Christ Teal,a gifted authoresaamlau enthusiastic jmw.aV . liolllJess MeotlniriTaiieV ele. I .i'il Among the very interesting features of \Vheii Paul met Jesus he died, then and lirst, last and always,”-he said.. “ There ! L-’O v. si. IloW fo make the Weekly the service wero the solo’s of Taeutenant ChaiUaiiqoau. Miss Teal’s new book,, - hy ltov..l.;It. paniets. •Utistness M eeting of-W. C. T. F. in- • there to the world of.sin. is form, here, biit they lack vigorous entitled “ Countinjf tin; Cost/* is. de* ta.:rj a. m. I’abUr .Worship. * Ha» alau May floors'of the .Salvation Army and aggressive religion. But lie-recalled with sermon hy Itev. s. M. Wri . 11. 1». teres ting, Mrs. Iv JL Anderson— / .Mis'sTjlnebarger; the latter playing upon “ The kind and character and quality ,scriptive of life at Chautauqua. ; ■-. Phllaih'JpJiln.I’a. DisciiHSioti. . • . oi love m ay. bo known by. the sf'tvtce sadness the moral condition of the coun­ I n addition to these new features niany th e cornet- the. beautiful , c h an t' “ Peace, try, noting that. Moscow, ’ wliero Christ J,:}(ri*. M. vfVcaii drove Asj-i-inhl.v S utihal’h : ” • i;vr.NiS(. .Sweet Peace.” rendered and the sacrifice made. of tlie did favorites will be retained.' ..School, Itev, H. |;. l,ooii»)s, j), IP a s to r, is* so -freely worshipped, supports an esr flco. W. Kvans. Ksip, superlntenilem. Hey. Mr. Yatman made a few.remarks “ ft is as natural for lovt* to 'give as for First of all 1’rof. ,1. 1*. Swe'ney and the J-7.15 e.-ji.. Devotions, M rs.. F.mma llo fr morning to follow night. Many Christ­ tabUshmeni where there are housed A ssembly , choir will aid in making each . Ix-sson. “Paul at Tiieshalonlcaaml Heren." upoir the words found.in the first three 10,000 to Jo,t)iM) foundlings.. Neverthe­ Acts NVtI:l-li*. Primary Deinirtment,- j. * ner, Camden ; Ifalf-ilour Concert, ians have lost their first love. This is day interesting and give as usual on Tabernuclo. Intermediate Department, verses of the First Psabnof David less he declared that the t’tfar and his ,) Mr. and Mrs. Beveridge, Nebraska ; > “ Blessed is the man .that walketh not shoivn by the lack bf Service and the. at)-: .Saturday evening the Grand Assembly Temple. I»*r. Hanlon’s HIbleClass, Audi* : Becitation, Miss Clam 3C. Delatio, seheb of* sacrificed True ;-(,'hrisfiiiiuty i^ wife were good people, and that they concert, whieh.has long been the crown loriuni...... in thecounselofthenngbdly, norstandeth' were doingm uch t;o ;hetter,th e cf. Heaeh Meet liar.'‘Foot oi'Ocean l’uth- ' Montclair; (ireetings, Dr. Stokes/; in tlie wav of sinners, hor slttefh in the not help,yourself, but help yottr n'eighboiv and climax of all the entertainments. way, led by Itev K II stokes, l» h., ' • President Geenn Grove (.’amp Meet- . It has been we 11. said .that tlie: world dues ot aUairs.’ •.',-;• •; ;■ i 1'rof. Frank Itoberson,' whose views last seat of the scornful.” ‘.:ia ••l*. - rubllr Worshliv •. * ' . • .! ing Association: Collection ; Ad­ not want theX hristian's, ego but;t he we- ; ■ IHvo'in'a.vers IVIi*. Yatman said he had, year were pn mounced the best evev shown “ Bpt his delight- is in the law of the always otfeiedj the-lirst that,he might be dress, Mrs. A.M. Hammer, President. Lord; iind iii his law ,dollf he meditate go^^of his.profession.: ; / / ; at ticean tiiove. will be present with iiew :>ioxnAV,.it;iiV itriii,. Pennsylvania \V. C. 'L'. U.:: Song, ■ “ We.pmy for a veyival. ■.Let; me' say, privileged to preach; t lie (lospeI around ■ <1ay and night.” v>• J - ■■ •.'... '.. lectures, and views. And- Kfst in time, 5.00 a. >t. Hoys anil'iiirl Hour. Ph*torlal 10.'-: ..>rr. atid Mrs. Boveridgi*; Jyniolvestv; there.Js ;no’:huiuau;.power that, will win the world. This, iie said,; had been but by tio means least in excellence, ‘.‘ And lie shall he likea-t-reepla h tdd by granted to him. The second was that he creation, Piof Hind ford. Fifth Bible Les­ Medal Contest.; Benediction. . • the- rivers of water, that hringetli forth men so thoroughly and so tiuiekly as Dr. George Ed ward Reed, President, of son, David the ICItig,” .'frs Loomis.- siieri lice.’ Th is is because i t' reveals tru e might.see a setrond pentecost, when :i,00u Dickinson College, who so greatly tie- !i.im a . m. - Devotional Hour. Yoiuig P«-o*ph*!s i-ntUAY, .'iri.yOru. his fruit, in his seas<*it:; his. leaf, also slfal 1 souls would in one day be won f«»r the Meeting. HoltnessAteetlng. . n o t ! w ith e r;. aiid Avliatsyervhe: dhi!t h lo i'e, am f lo vo is of God, /o r t year, haseou- *• I.aws of thoAVork:. Individuality and | ’ Garrisont Cranbliry.'- . ' / ; A t the- sanie 'hbiir ;UeSv Daniels (a i ouching reference t o the pnictical work . Concentration,’• Auditorium platform.. j IO.-I-Va. m. The Stranger Within Our C ..opened the initial service ; of the daily;: of genuine religion in that a businessinati 10.00a m nib tlcal D e p artm en t. F ifth Lesfcoo, ! < fates, 31 rs. M. K. Frotne,* Newark. “ HolinessM eetingsin Jane’s Taber- was keeping a large number of men at “The Kingdom and Captivity of Judah.” | I.I. 10 a. m.• Literature. What? 'When? . liable. Miss Mary Daniels; presided lit | work in, liis factoiy, which was a t present :l.OO i* .M, Musical Heoreatloo,’ Auditorium. How? Miss i;. 11. ,i:ifret h, 1 hiddon- ' running, at n loss, doing i t because 'the. A ssem bly C hoir a n d D r Sw eney. •.... ; : ..field;- , •: -•/ ■ the organ, and Mtv Daniels was assisted they me riotgolU-n up." ■. follows: ,'j.OO e M C D S C Hound Table. Topic. *‘So- toy Rev. William Fmnklin.Kevv William men needed ttie work to keep, their wives > I l.:io a. m.. Bible Heading,' M rs. C, B. and children sheltered, clothed ami fed. In -.closintr, the evniiaehst aakeil the .. ... olnl SpJrlt in An»e^lca,’• Miss Teal. ; Ci. Browning, Mirs. Judge thu risOf Wash- Stokes, I). I).. I ji. D., s.im v si: i;ramt combination ^hti-rlalnmehi. ; Forbes, New Haven, ( Vmn. He declared that it liad aii exhibition u f •people to exatniiie lliemselces and deter- > ‘;V '• • tho - Kdlson Photosrope wlih moving ingtoh, Miss C'assie IV.. Sm ith aiid several ? mine in wliieli tins? Ihev helongeil. ' 1; - „ ...... , • xooxt/oi: i‘i:.\Y):ii. . ’ , > other earnest-\vorkers< ,;■ • • '• • :: ' ? iovc that had tin j V i riie- ri »g! i ii i t. ■■ W i* D. U.. Sttjit, of, pictures, and Hue music. feel siife lie Iind iii mind his friend, Mi*. '.‘If,’.’ lie said, »yon are in cliua two and iV; Ir.struction. «• B- • 1 >'• "• . 2.:;oi*. m, 1 levotions,. Mrs. G. .\f. P. : Scarcely had these earlivwi-vi^s eiidud have ivantlered away from Him, even a • •ruK>i»Av,.ii*i.Y before tlie meet ing in.the';)imssivis Auili- Nti tl i a n St-ra tiss ofX e w Y ork, and pri ya i v-; Prof. Wi A. Ilutehisoti. M. A.,'Norm al . Wells, Trenton. : little way, come back, come back to­ a ly. .we learn th at our surmises were correct; ; Instructor. . .. . • ■;’> s.ou M Hoys and (ilrls Ilnur, Plctoral He* 2. t."» r. m. Non-Alcoholics in Medicine, to rium began. Mo re, than two tl lotisand night.” ; • creation, Prof Hratlforil; sixth Bible Los-: people gathered to hear the, ;opeiiihg: - Another noticeable fact about the busi- Itev. I.. M. Ihadford,'Cartoonist. son, Vlilljuh-and the Kings ofVliidah.'* Discussion opened :by Caroline A. ness of'Mr. S'trauss- and; 1»is brother, the, A’still ness reimied through the -great . M.rs tuiomls. • • ' M arsh, M. D., New.Brunswick. sermon by .Rev., G ./jJ. Yatman. Audiiortuin, broken only bv t he cry of Prof..*L It. Sweney. D. Mits.; Miisical C’ongressitiun, is this, amV it'is iii keeping Director.- ' - . -'t/v •.;• o.ihI a m Devotional- iiour. Vomig People’s •••;. Rev. Dr. K. I LStok&spresided ; Proi’es-*- the ovangt.Oisr for tlie wanderers to come Mceltni:.' Holhiess'Meeting. J*. 1(1 p. m. The Field and its Needs;. Dis- \ sor J olin’ K. Sweiiey led ihe we It trained with :the ; principles.; of Oceaiidt'cive Mrs. II. 15. I.'iomis, JuniorD epaiiniem . back. Kight responded to ihe call while lO.rO a m Normal Hour. Sixth Lesson, “ Ad­ eussion opened.by Mrs. N. L. Caiii- choirof many voices, and Miss Mitrgarettu Kvery window of. t heir, gretitx stores ah; Miss Coriielia Adele Teal, ( V 1,. S. C. ways have the curtains drawn on Sunday. the choir sang softly the sweet «or uella Atlolo.Tcal, ,. ... Deuutrest, Closter. ’ . recitation of t he A postle’s Creed followed, pronounced the benediction. Sclinol of.Primary Methods will be open­ 7.00 e m (Iceiui iJroie . Alumni Mcoting, k i i; m m - . • ed oi> Monday- next in' the Auditoritnu , . -.t i -ijsp a v ,' jri.v.U rii. Thoruley Chapel. Alumni.VesperServici*, after which Dr. Hanlon offered the open­ Tilt: St’XOAY sfllOOI.. T.-lo e. m. ■ I Vvotions, Mis. S: A. A ustin, al Asbury Park. The succes-s of this-J .00 a. M, Uevoiional Hoar, .Yd«u« PcopU-'s ' - etc.- •. • *. -.. •, • ing prayer. . ( . m e o th itf.m th eT em id o led by Hi.*v;U. 11. 7/.U) i* M Service of Song, li*d hy Dr .1 It Passaic: Half-Hour. Concert, 31r. ; The Scripture lessons were read by. A. Du rim: the. afternoon the various, de- | summer school eaii best be shown by the swenpy. ; . • - ., . part incuts of the Sabbath School held a j rapid increase in attendance. In. IS'.M i -Vatimtu. Holiness Meetlii|iluTahernui*li* and i s’. Beveridge. Nebraska ; Ad­ Jv. Ballard, I). D., from 1 Jo h n , ‘2. anil by ‘ led by Kev! .1. K. D aniels. . S.OOi* m i.eeiurc by Hev i Icoigi- K dw ard He,.-ill dress, Kev. A. B. Leonard. D. D:t leuuion service in the. A'ltdiforiiim. liie Kxeculive Committee of the New ; Kev. Dr. Adam Wallace from i Kings, 8 . ,»H» e. m. (ii^ani/atlou oflhi> Assembly I'hoir. D i», I'resldeut DtckOisou Coftege. New York; Collection ; Addres«,. Superintendent George W. Kvatis was ih Jersey Sunday School Association autlior- ! • oondacled by Prof. J. H. Sweney ai thi- The theme of the sermon wliieli the Audltnrlum platfornt. : Mrs. C. K. I •*orbes/ President Con - liev. -M r. Yatman preached was, ' ‘ A' true charge.of tlie school.' Itev. !•*. II. Stokes, i/ed its (Jeneral Secretary, the Itev. F . WKUNKsnAY. .H'l.Y -ls;r.. 1). D.-, president of ihe.school, made tlie *' S.tX* a >t lloys and iSlrls lloiir. Kxa.nilnation. . ueeticut W. C. T, F. : Music : Kenv* ; p11otograp)i of a geniiine Christian,’ and ' •..Temple.' v . . •>• (lietioit.. ’ . his text, was taken from X>hHlipnnis address of,welcome, to which i\ev/T’hoS.; ■9.HUAM D evotional Iloiov Voumr People's , Ye doubtless,, and-I cofuife nil:thiii^a but .•Hvndou,-..I.C:1X,:th e -:'teaclier''-;of..t1ie Bible .M eetin g . H dlinoss M eeting. v..’.- Joss for the excellency of the knowledge Class, responded. Many ot the snperui- .lO.lll A >t N orm al H our; ’ K x ioninatitnr for , “Floral Day.” ' tcudcntsof the departments'maile short was atiemled by (ft stiulents and n iium Diplomas and Gold .Medal. . of Christ Jesus, my Lord, for whom I t •; • V wen.NKsnAV, Ju i.v , U rn.. . have suffered the loss of all thingsand do , addresses. Toe musical portion of Ihe her of friends interested in the new 10.00 a .m Biblical Department-. Kxiuulua* program which was furnished by the movement * Ivacli year has marked a I Xihi a . >i. Hoys io id ’O lris ' H our.- t>ld -Testa* ;. ;.tlou.. .. ' V . .; •.. • .: The whole seasir.. Frank McMahon, ■world we meet here this Sabbath morn-, Stokes; teacher of Bible class, the Kev. the school'into lamer ipuirters, and the Mi/Ki A .A f . IVvotloaal Jtonr. Voting IVoplo’s .j.i*01* M C L s c H oluid Table.. TopU*. ot Sea Bright, has been engaged by.om* ing to worship iii (Joel’s temple built by. MiM.ilim. ^ T em ple. H o ltiio s M eellng,' “ Oliiupjios o r H um an F d u eatio u ,” .Miss Dr. Thomas Hatitoii; .superintendents of sessions this year will be .held in ihe ,• . . T eal. . .. '•- : of Ocean Grove's best friends f.otio who * tlio sea,” said. Mr. Yatman in opening. intermediate depart meins, George W. l.eac h Auditorium . . talks little but. does , much) to decorate, [“ M any,” he continued, “ . who inist lu-te I lii.oo a . m. .Normal Hour.’ Studies lu “ Sun* T.Wi'M ChauiaiMiua Vesper seiviru led . by > 1C vans and-Professor t)liverG* J. Sclaull;' Auroog the niany attractive featm d a y School Si lence*’’ ta u g h t by Prof. AV. Dr l^oomls. . ■ - the AuUitoriuni platfortn Vvith plants and last, yeiir have gone , to abide in the A. Huti hbon, M. A., on.the Audhorlum S.im e m Itapld Humorous and ArtistloCmyou (lowers in.*a nuinner. that will astonish superintendent of primary department, •. of the. week’s program ate a series of ten Sketches, Hev I, II Bradford.- .. ■eternal Tabernacle, built, hy God above, i Mrs. William II. Skirm ; secretary, M. I>. j lectures upon “ Child Nature,’* and will ’ . 'Platform, First lesson, “Tiio School/; that brilliant building. Mr. McMahon . We aro luui;ni ng froiii •'! hese. words ol" Si, orcliestra of six instruments-assists in ; . Instruction iii. teaching blackboard ; a.io i*. M. Musical Heoreatlon. .Assemlily .key will U». present lo sing his wonderful I ’aiiW ‘ \y Choir nt Audltorihm platlorm, led l»v , *.!.:») A.M. Meeting oft? L S C cin»is of 'UT.and < Jospel solos, the music al each session. . - lessons, , will v, be -giveir v it|{ by. - Miss . „ Fva . F„ . . Pror.:.l. U. sweney. ••! * the Flower Girts, at Association Hall • .‘‘.There are -three, classes ihhi -.whieh: At;ti;;o’clock PresideiiL.S^ i:Mriihlu-|i^sidei,i..,i lh.‘ 'enloi'lVnnaix ; .fK)si. Talife . iovor tbo Post-Ollice.) . hi the third place; Uev.:F. M. Daveu- /this jnnititpiie' before;, ine ! i^itlivHled:: ducted surf meeting on the tioardwalk-ju l.nioil.' th is class has. been one ot the i, ♦*.Machiuory,” led by l)r.I.oomls. {0.00 a .u Missing- tho Arrhes. and formal porj will preach the nibruing sermon; . > First, the^enuinetrue Chi’isiiaiv; idcond, ■ Hecognltlon m the.Teiilple. tiiat insures it spiritual and intellectual v th e foot of Ocean Pathw ay and was as*, i most .popular during seasons past. .! 7.:'w r. ii. Service orsotig ted by Pmf.'S weney. l»M,» A M Forming. Hue un Qcniti Pathway, it'ha.backsl uler orwatidtu'ej’/f rouiG bd;;an( I sist’ctl by liev. A. K. Ballard, D. D.', lteiv , The Sand .Map will be dem onstrafed by l .s^t e.M. Utusimtea Ueturo on Chinn, with ... at Model of Jerusalem. treat; then, once more,, the young peo*. tliird, th e uncon verted siniier who is lost. Thomas Hanlon, l> It, Uev.;J,' It,. • Mrs. T.‘11. Skillman, and a nuinbei: of wo colorcct stiTeoptji on vtoWf*;.hy ivof. I'itDiut ot- eitoeKssm.sv pic’s meeting that morning* is to be hr* ■the Auditorium with features, the leader To one of t bests .classes you each mid all Daniels, M r...G eorge W .. Kv.ans, .Mr. | teachers prominent, in. primary work will v nnV1'^01-* ' '' • V t Marshal, fii»hJ .C Patterson. ■ , belong. \y«»uld Unit,God might, by llis Jefferies and Air. Gribbon/ of New York’. ; be in charge of tlie various dbjiariments. < • riii H^DW in v iVrii .- .Music. . . promises, that, including. Mr. San key's Holy Spirit, give iim-such power with ;r Hoys* and,Girfs* Deparlmetit. •; -." solos ami other music, will make the- i:vi;,SM.NHi siiuyirirs. ; . . . i. f v. of Iiu uiboisl.ip is lmt. ^l.riO. ■ s.11romplov ; Mi-s Uay. exnnii UatiOn of one itig was taken ironi Kccleaiastes II. The 10.;50a m Coninieuccnie.iit->hii‘Ch. had better invite t heir friends down over and 2 ii. tn. to,">:lo p.m .' . H>.aa a. St.* lllblhal Depajimeni. Scinml i.u>* l\.00 a 3t Coinmencemeni Address. Hov ih i,.- /w ho is ii fcrtifr tVdlowei* of the Soil o f Mary, theme; ol Mr. YatiiianV discourse was, Tue«d:i%*— In chitreeof Mr« W akefield— i • > “u ,'‘The Wnnderlug tn.the Wllderne.ss, Sunday. ■ . . I r , , , ' V • Cownwsyofvmumur •Thormey : ' Kdwayil Heed, D O, I’n-sident Dickinson . who-is.the Soli Of God. A real Christnin. “ The Gospel from Dublin .ui Moscow," sesspius: *J n .n i. to l.*:lo p;tn., -’ p.|i); . Clinpol, Dr. Loomis. . College.- • • - ' * ■ ...... -'“-i ■» f mm ------• • life one who tihds iii Clirist .fesus his all in and his text wns taken from the sixteenth a.OO.i* M ..Service of Sougi Mtitl c e v e iitP e n th • vi»i**aV* oi" thi. ^ .v e n tv -:i IV M,i V* 'P*' j)1*- - 1 • . Musical';.It'eern'Ulon.-i' AiittUorlum . ' Mr. VatmaiVs Birthday. Ui|). ■ ClnustianiI.v Vs. m ade; ti]> of • love, •H K ^^tA euteuutitiK 9*;- U'V; "S!-I v r ;V;- 1 he t-ossions oil -.Wednesday, will be, ui; plaUoriu, comhioied by. Dr; Sweney. H.lfi t*'3f Commcncemout. ivxeroises aml pre- ; ’ servici! aittl siici-iliee.:. .'L'he te x t proves it, • , sehlatlonoi Diplomas. ; — »*•’* *'• -i i* charge o( ^lrs.^^ Skilhftuiiiuhd^itthe stiiiie rIjectiiivou ’ tlio Model o rJerusalem.-; '►.00 e jt C Ii S C Hound Table. “ Four itival- 1;Paul’s life proves it; ..Soiloes the life and; ‘There.ahall be an hatidful.oi^cOrtr ih- Pnthway.Mr.'AV. •IL'StoUos. 1 = - Last Sunday was the t it li, biithday of I r’" " ' '■...... 1...... ln’' -...... hours; The eessioie! on T hursdav will l..-! ■. Figures of tho. Middle Ages,” .Miss C A love of every soul that has been truly. the• earth-upon li 1 '*1 the^'.top ■* - of •' th“ e" '•*huinhtnin^ •• tainS: R o m td Tabrt*!, Thonilc.v illin ueioinriii.of i . i l wi 01 Alls,M rs 1 lioweil tOxvOll V(! -. 'StVrll ' JUM. - wil • * cnnjM'1. * TopU*. • *» Thu ' Advantages U’libf^J^Thornli^y of ilils • •'-.-TeaK . • •♦'.••'••.:’ •:•. :.-.•• ;• * * "-••.* Mr. Yatman.. lt was a tilting celebratibii* • eonve* ted -to God.;r ■ the 'fruit/ thereof shall; shaicei like Leb*' r 1 ' *» Thu A dvatihiges o f tills 7.00‘t* 3t ’A nil util* Meeting-, pf. Ocean Grove- of the same tor him to hold ilie services' *,o,i»n * ,t'nri tbnv «p-*i.A «.i*v c l . -.11 tinm-wh ihey. will be directcil by\ 1 a { i<«.oii:cuair*ic.-eommc.toii Iteaiftecr Course ’'coiuluctod i»yby-Miss.Cor- .uisscor- Alutuiil, Heport of Secrelurv, F,U^til.'. , • . • .came to him, none more prized than the fenows IniViuiay deceive himself. J)aVid «U |8 immoslmll endure, torevi-i-; Ins ' ,vm |ravt. elinmn of .the elosins; exwrises , fmlM-Wr.rx-1.-.- W V.y ivof. Hut,.-i.i- S.00 P.M Grand Instrumental and Voeai:Cnui: following telegram \ r! • • • ', ■ • . .,.* tho'edici that it- h 11 on I d - be. d ea t h lor the sun ;a u u m en shall be hlesrsed m b u n ; _■ I s.iHl’/‘.'> i/ | .eeiure, .Hev. Dr. \Vtlloits>' •. • Ji-si; 27, l«»7.' • • * one. who n;ou’l\I steii 1 an ' only pwe .tainb, all nations shall eall l.iiui blessed.” . ; . ’ " ’~rm' * A 7-l‘oimi-, cottage on Abbott .avetiuo, “. liiiv, C. II: Y.\ n i \s : - • . .’ V .'« ;'R1Ua v , .jtrrA'ilCTii; from a- poor; man.;,4ind it took ■Nathan’s “ A handful of corii, .a little, begin-; I'ovoyou wiuu a IMvl^^IANKNT. 1 j near New Jersey avenue; sewer and .“ The whole fanillr-.ioiu in wi'shini:. ; fThon art the man ’ to bring him to his Jiing,” said Mr.:Yatman...... “ the" ’beginning ' ...... S1TI0N. withXiOOD-PAY '• ^so address S.IHI a ; m. Hoys iiiuV G irls H o u r. Plotornl Ho* water-; in • excellent repair. W'ill offer creation, ■ Prof. Hradford. Third. Hi bio niany Imppv retttrns of (he day, and-our­ • truii knowledge ,«f himself. He was ji of this great; religion of our God. The The I lawks Nhr?er\J Co., Kochester, N; \ \ . i.usgim, -“ Tbf . Llfo of Joshim.’’ ' Mrs. 101* ;a shon lime** foi* $1,000. AV. H. selves the pleasure of your early, visit.- self-dereived man, and there .ai-e tlK-iii** JittJe handful of corn iu the top of that *>'. *• ;.r^’.-rinpr.“4;.il-m^r.;. Loomis. •*.,'•• .*•• • Ubixu.k, -I.H'Maiti a'ventie.—-(tde.ti • Nath^ x SihAtV!v.:: OCEAN GROVE RECORD, SATURUAS JULY 3, 1897.

OCEAN (1 ROVE R ECORD General Bible Conference. W h e n M r, IVJood.v First .Left Home. •/•‘I; l;VI:WV SATl’RDAV'At • I h-:yi:M* KMisite .'-Vsi* '.K»vt.i:«nv ..Woukkii* u'; ). }. • I take more than usual pleasuroin iu- Tfiriv utv lets tit'love shown me when i vcV!. "V V- ’ ; V Alriiit 'A venue'.-. ■.'. .y -V-./V vHiiijiuiinisttMH »»**’tin? Gospel, ('Jhi'istiuu j. I avoh u iiienv •ItiUl that have influenced j j workers uml sill believers in Christ, to t he , inv whole lifi *’ writes (•Ivaiijfellsi I>wii»l»l } ELECTRICAL WORK ■ \Viti. H. BBKCfLE; Publisher.■; ! lifteiMitirtinnnal Katherine in NorthHeM : I Moody t>» Iiis l»iltle t.'la^s in .the .Inly M • is a svience. It is tiot. mastered in a Wi’ek. a m onth «»i: a year, (t is a part iittiln i wVirk-r ‘ j 1*0r 1 ‘»iltie ^tmly, jnnyer-' aiutl *t:mjfeit;m‘(*,' •. / ifii’x' JoitM'tf. , *• There w ne jiine \ ■pi -ouiftjiin^ thiil every Tom, l>iek ami Harry. <“inn‘.tt do. 'Jlie inost-.expensive electrical Kev. E. H. STAKES, D. I)., r.lniy _*|i to Au^ii^t IlC • rfhc(inuelii«Seonu* oi- its ehildo'U, and nty tvidowed mother j work is tiiu .kind that is «»jled.“ cheap.’’ i »i>i)d mat *mils. and jjood men lire the necessary ; n>r j^i'lleverr1 in :t wlvolt* liible, si tlleliie had yeey. areal -ilillitMiJiy in kyejtiji^ ihe. t hin^S Jone.ikt! good electrical \vnrk. It. is far chi*; er-.in the end to pay enough in tin* («;..• 71"Cdi'icspondinir Editor. , t-hu^l. jiiid.ii Hviiis’Sj^Vril .to join in sVii wolf fiVuu tlK* .door. M y next «*liler | hej'|'. W’v. do .not try Jo Hei* ln»w cheap we ean do eledrieal \\'ork} but how good. .•i*;ii ite>t jiikI determ ined lonvii.nl, move* hroiher had Voiujd a plaee t‘or iiic* to.work , Oualiiy hist ^ ’Iheu price. We-ask a snuiU' profit., and our prices niv usually less than you -. ijitU-r.M »< He* I *«».«>'» ♦»nW‘i.l' u ^ 'i( i« it I in I ji-:men*y iinil in*; village ahiVtit iliiileen.nii.les awav. and i num ber von-amoti^. mu- rnstoiuiMs. : ‘ ; j t*» ••oiled our nation to t;e]n*nl»nei.v 'Tliis? t'arly one Novionher nui.rniitj' wt« *\aiied ( NM- CAN SUPPLY ANY HtCVCU: I'u Currc’sptinOenlft- • \\*i* -shall *>«• -u!*»•!.r«# !*»’- 0 )‘ M;Kt> YOU DAY IIAVI*...... BERIiANG & ZACHARIAS, Asbury Part, N, J, ' \Vi’i •*. till fowl'll b v'ii special ;.t»v;il;i*iii»)^ out loj»ciher ‘"i nttr disntal joniinfy.. It.i 1 ’ Tin* Jtilf i)iinn*nni( aihlrcKOU'the w itter slmultl I I j ii • •*) t n re) ies 11 iri >i i^b on t iJiflaml. Kveiv- yi»n. know November hits been u dreary i . ncoonijitiny ul! L'ntinnluiU-alhtns. WrltriMiI.v ! wIicriMfieelimcJi witsiiniie'l in oyuVe^sivc* inotulr.to.m eeV er since.? As-We i>asse«l j onesUte ni'iliesltt'H. .-uni it sjlrewj-nlt ••••»«-' |. eviiii|»elislic work; ami an open sanctunr.y 1 n . . . . . V. : ’ ; ovef.iht?,river and .up.the opposite siiteot J •. r • Til 1: : litrtr«‘ att-em hM iee mi .uei'k day. the' volley wm liirued- to;.'looli’h-tek for. u j ...'. • • li . • 11 0,-|t;Vo-; \ .| i eveiiiiijVK I’entiteofial ji.nWer estnii?-■ last look »t h'ifmv It \va* t<» lie iny fii-t'r i rimVERtlSINO KATU5, ^.-eaMMi t 'v e r h a l f a : n iilli-nt. !?mi|s w e re ever,,and inv heart Ufil ui^li broke. :ti sylvanfa'KnilrohJ. l>i**ii«Iu-toChrist• ; k - i ■ the tboui»hi’ 'rii'at. wa^ the loi'uv't I 1' Tlmt the public hove eoiin- lb lefogut/le AV’ki;k ■ .MnSril>. . Manv. u f liie eomlilj'Oi* wliielt tln-u joujiiey I ever:*°oli. ho* I'hirtecu mil»*s j 1 t-2 - : I 2 ; 3 I 6 , tz j exist.iMi- jlii* jjo w pri'MMU ■ 'I’liiui us now wj\s iiiove to tin-■ Vit ;teti than the 'world** | the fact thnt the Jnsi omTmost cojiveuie.m *.»;, hi;.5 76 *1IHJ jl -i*> st •>> *2 W r:l «H> j i id * tn)' niatenal jiros)»urity* hnt,l fuileil, ami Jow eircutnferetifi*vim. ha- i-viT Ihmmi sim . , tnelbiiil of pleaf*uie travel is ihat p're* The New Jersey Methodist Publishing Company • I ' .*?, v-l . - • v: ■1 »'A 15 25' - 75' .VI «; ih t *ii) • 11 a» ir.'un I lit* land I'oretokl it crisis in '*iu- national I hod'hard woil. to. keep bock uiv ij • a : ■•'.i To: il 7.*.; tf g.V MHJ 7 •» ):| ix»- On life. ' As a nation we haviv m e by tlm: 1 jdanled' • 1 ' a is) j5 iw /!> 0 rj*» m m; ih» I5.0tt 75 iiiM*2'»t»i’ womU*r then l.hsrt Vat*ant’-'pe'ws .ami I myself directly:.in hU path. .He was a. ci tin furl of 1 lie passenger. depleted treas'tines- t«; .!»***' e.ent. tllM’nm u. These things au* iivimz earm'st^aml • and he stopped and looked at me. * Why, •Toifit? north ftncfuding Wat kins Glen; They imist InVi?1 ••*is«*tl»uv**‘ri•/** iboitjihtlul men dt;ep eoneerit. and t here Niagara Falls. Thousand Islands. . Mon*, ' ■ nistibiv. Mi'ihly 15 . per .\.inN n::i,Ue.a Hit**.- ; are tiot waniiii^ tokens that tin* tide of* bo a .new boy.* lie said. 1 le asked iti'u treal. fine.bec. An Sable Chasm, Liikeii . / Purnishes ^undaj- School and . • ; ^ M m. n: H/iKtiUi,"f’critffelier,. imliUmmcc and unbelief i^ iurniuK. about iny leime. apd theiti. laying his Chntindoin nud Ge«otf\..Saratoga,land a The great Jieed of t he hottr.is the. preaelt-; , trembling hand npon *.o>;Te.-iul, he told daylight riiie‘dnw nahtoitgh thollighlartds | fHpworth Leajrue Supplies. . • ' ol'-’th e I lu d so n '• •)c iy a n d A ngusi wl7.- .* . .>t»hSCRJJ»T)C),N RATHS. ing bl* Uil)le tVuth'iii tlui power of tSu? !• inethat, althouab I-had no can lily father; -7 Holy tihost. ‘riiopreacldn^of negations f my. H eavenly 1'ather loved me. stml theii Ivate, tio n for .tlm rciurid- t tin from N^ew i tb -' Vi'il r. . . 1.00 neither thaws men nor builds them up II he gave m e a bright new -eem. 1 ‘do not York.V- Philadtflphia. Uajtiniore, and i : •Sfx .Mon tit S. .tti WasJii'ugton, covi-.rin^-alJ- expenses-.of a S - . Tt«~<>'.-Motttti .:V» into ihe Hkem-’s* of ( ’Inisi! / ' ' . remember what became of that cent,, hut I;et us then j»aiber togotlter'~e>-r at...... Niotb- . that old tnan?H ble^*5*ln^.ha« tV»ll6>vi^,me. t u o w.e<>k*s trijV MINISTERIAL AND CHURCH SUPPLIES AS LOW IN '•Vi-irtlif "iit \ . ; Held this season for a special prepar.itiott j for over fifty year.-, e.nd to m\‘ dyins day < T«i Ytjllowstoiie.Park--tin -.Lspecial.uipi'i .. ' Sini;le. CoplOK %\ Cents. . for service. Let us be willing to besliown | I slmli feel , the kindly, pressure of t.liaV of Pulhtmir.slei'pin^. eonjparu aiid .. . PRICE AS THEY CAN BE BOUGHT, ON i..whatever nla.v be htiKlertftj; ('’od'#-; work- hand upon myltoad. A l*A*iiijrdt-ed ttwte: observation cars and dining car, idlow ing . . inj;through us. and then by the study of j very *little, but,'• done-iti tIm: naiue of eiglit dny> iu •* W onderland.” .September •/ TERMS SATISFACTORY TO ALL. SATURDAY. JULY 1 8 9 7 . i H is>yoril:'tind pYayer seek ll'e* bles>in<; in ! C h rist, it. w ill. be »*(eriud. T his tlivtm* ’J. Hattfl W > . from New York. Philo- : jour individual lives. .... < | lovivin.wliatthet Tuirch of (old needs to- delphia, l.»iillimoie.. ;tnd. . W-..wirmgi.«>n 1 • ’ ..Sob-cVilie. for;you.r.Stab*-. JlethoiliKi and Kp\v<*rtb Leago.*' pj;per. STeiiml: C O M M U N [C A T IO N •.N’oi'iliildM.''-j-tandi it >r. m* theoJogieal j day.: W e discuss anti nj^neovcr m et hods' -riUO,f>'«>ui l‘itlt';i;ui'g.; ' • //■ -*V-^ j hobby. As in former vears. the* only { and ineanS, but, after an,, the *Muti.--*n-**f T*i . Niagara' Falls, « '\c’jrfcion tii k e u .- .tn.j- jirr yeJit. - Iti CJttbs o f id...so ( Vn/?.: Advertife. iu J/a-ev Afet ho-; go:ul•h' tv.tuVn.within ten diiy.i will he t •, standard w ill‘be the liible. tbo divine 1 tlie ]iro)>U*m is love.;’’ . st.V-.Dnil i; Kciwiirtb Advocate.’* K<> bi‘|ter'u.*»*dimr. i.n..Xew. .f«*rsev. ' 1 TitKyrox, .li:t;e WuT. ievelatum of God to His people. It jstio sol'd on .1 itlv ' u’li, A ug o st ;*> an d \\\. S*’p; . 1 1 nuiv jtir.i .e be.lie.vns’ijheiljible tis it has t'frllnilelpbia, lJahimore, and . Washing- ‘ ■«lay jinssed ijuSh.- inerhoilj'-.dly, us will [ stood foi-age*. U i« >ti.lhHe;inexfiauVlible .* -.-Tliet't t.cit 1 ■ thing us a ink'Tbesetiykelsinclude transportr MHx*-i,lv' iippc ir •: ,, ' treasury- of p o u er ro j he church. . **. H e ­ kiikl ol holiness, aiid wo should avqjviJ -it only, and-will pelruiit of stop-over \vitbVn :;Va-'jii t IW MMlWJf! il » J) ,*sj,j||« *i|)i] cil t • ll hat- had n>y w oril.'let. . . . . hini . ...speiil; niv . ..as wewould tht^peMilencM^' As amatter lim it at. BuH'alo. I{')chesters;»nd W ajkins’ irig sennon was Itetud in th«; Kast ^taie word.iaitliful.lv; U’hat ts. the ehali; lo th<* f of Hict therv a)v >c.veral kinds which are «iii the. iVifttrn t H |i . ; .'- .l - I . . : l ,v , - ; 'S treet - 0 )>ureh,: • This ;oi^anization--an wheat-'.■ s'ait.h the LnrH.; • Iv.-t it? then i iKit genuiiie. One kind has all of the , •Two . ten-;days tours'-.'to Gei-tyshinV, offsltoot of the 'Id Grer-ne Street.Chmc.lt * '* g e th o i . 4 i n - to gather . ceparut io:: from the world and.consecra* Liiray’Caverns, .Natural P»ridge, Virginia- i. nf J77-—is eomprni'.lively yoiinjr,' only • wheat witli;• wld-h-. n -tarvmg tion to wli-.it- i? believed to. be duty in it Mot-.-.Springs, Richmond, « » « ' Washing.- about two.•.score yeavf. but- it, has the ■'world. : that can btf.asked for, but .it lacks the #on,'.Supteu)her >'SandiGcfobhr Jl*. Pale, ' stamina and virility:of developed growth. : . Tho* follow\r.g; -pe.t!;.::r. aiui leac.heys. i life-giving element of love. ‘Anotherkind^1 * ({? fl^nr New Now *'York ’ /ronr ' IMiihi ; ;The. cbngrej'alion is m oderately large;'- ' ahioiig j!hf wliat'pasi-es for illelpbta - ( No. t.r,., ;, .Itin.lO and .Inly IH •and evidently cultured and refined. .The' i present and take part : \f{ev. Geo. U. C. I love, although it*i8 spurious, but it-lucks j m H. BEEGLE. ! eclifice is a ‘model of artistic taste and 1 MacKtrgor and I.Vr^ (.'ampbeJl Morgan, 1 iii.ueoiKiration fromi tlie vv^rlij und sinfii! H cduced Kate's lo flilw au lie e vioPcnn \ b e a u ty 'I he auditoriuni is eritire.lv free i T.omict),- Kngl.ind ; iVtshopj. l^.Newmitn. j. pleasures, associations, and practices..) . from architectural .obstruction^,, rentier* J». ]).. hh; D.. Washingt*)!!. I»1 0 .: Mr Thejiicwiakyimv-i.H-v first of the false ^types iw •<* of‘holiness MUI1 , is sylvanla Railroad oh- Account of the. ' ing th e matter-of jic.coustics comparatively ! W. II. S’taiies :iml Mr. V t'»; Diivja. ti«?-talV»<^t'»«^‘to . - Sattoaal Educational Association. T | ■ 1 T l 1 L ' 1 _____ easy, provided the preacher' has a voice * Tam)} > evangelist. I mini and ‘/.open bis m onth w ide” to let it. out. ", Mahie, I). I.Hv I'osNoi;. I|ev. .A. (*. lijxon D. J)/. J Brooklyn ; ;ltev.; W; ,1., Krdmnn . Tiie present pastor'is. a pleasing, graceful 1 of the National lCducationai Association and aonicwhat ornate speaker. . 'Every-. I Phil;ujtdphia,‘ Pa. Kali Charon H.itraji ; i-miraicharity asmid I«j be able to take-.in lfm wtu'-ltl ^ i ^ n6fli Estdts flDu lIlSllMDG6, at Milwaukee, Wis., July to il, it willII I r 'I. hi tig about his inatuier in the pulpit, in* •! M. A., li L . liulia : Hev. 1J. A. Torrey j and many things of the devil himself ; Chic-ago ;•-Major H. W. W hittle, and liev, sell continuous passagertirkH?' from all 1 ‘ dicates elaboration 1 His dignified at­ without making a wry face. The church points «)ii its line east of Pittsburg and \ titude, bis fine diet ion, faultless, if uoi | il..M ..Sanders, I). IK, New York City I is under Contract with God to. furnish the 48 Main Avenue, The nitisic will be in charge of Messrs Krie: to Milwaukee, at’ rate.of single" fare glowing •rhetoric timely gestures, all iri* I genuine, that which neither lacks in'Jove for th eto u n d trip , plus S-.fl0 membership } . dicate his ecltoJarly jitJaimnent.s. . ’ 1 r.i l r Sankey and Geoi'go C. Stebbins. nor bus ibf.nmiptd seiu.iment-which'so Yours: in the Master’s sto Vice, . fee. Tickets will be sold anil will be'j >lis sermon Ifroti» 1 toil). 1*2 :2 . >• was .m an y ;\\« old ling*. :'u: the church have good going only ou July 2. aud'-l, and } worthyc/f a Chalmers'or Simpson, but. it j- , v -:. I). L. Moonv i taken to calling tuvc.. and unki?s this 1 - te l. Northiiefd, Mass.. .lime s, JSfC.- will begood to return, !..i-vjng Milwaukee OCEAN GROVE, W. J. ;/ lacked impaetioncd earnestness, such, ‘ '.contract is fulfilled so far as tlie Wesleyjm Ju ly 10, l l , and li?, only, except j ; for example, as bis immediate jiredecessor Methodist Church, has become a.party to that by depositing ticki*t with joint.agent j • Would have injected into it. W hat a Kiss Did. j it we m ay,expect Ciod In spew ns oiit of at Milwaukee 0 0 .or before July 12, and • The; saintly and sainted Hutch elder,'' 5 j ' n - * -'. ; I llis tnbuih, and to withdraw His Spirit- 011 paym ent of. fifty cents, an-extension LIST OF COTTAGES FOR SALE AND TO RENT t he first pastor of the cbnrelj,. was not by | . T e power of Chrisuan .‘kindness over j entirely fiotn such, a'covenant breauiti^ of return limit may be obtained to leave any means an impassioned nor vociferous I the young is ftc.li illustrated iu the follow-"'.church. Tlie others must look out for Milwaukeo until -August. /.I, 1W|7. in- pieachcr; but his elocution and articula­ j iiiggncfcient ,• related hy a inf-tsiott .worker': j fhemseives,:but wc are personally .’1:011- FORNVARDED UPON APPLICATION. tion were so excellent, that every word, j-. •‘Thud heen Jtiaking one of my regular j corned with what the church already chisive.---('No.nSl ;,-.fnn. h.,--V / i f n o t. i.wcry syllable, conltl be’ lieaul j. visits among the poor aiid distressed, jihtl . named will do; — Mvlcyan Ml. ' ilistinclly. A ml’ this, if J mistake. not, mi leaving was followed to the door by a To be silent/ |o suffer. :«.* pray, when j Was one. '.charm of Uishop .Simpson’s { young girl, Hhle mow thu a a.ebiM . Tutoring' W anted. there is no room for outward action .is an pteaebing. Mr. Spurgeon, too, was noted | Uhcotif-eiottsly, or-perhaps rather tis acceptable offer to' t»od. A.disappoint* A ariohtate ot \Ve-»leyati Univeibity " for: his. cleav enunciation, us well an for 1 a matter or (;oittse, ; rpm my arm around ment, ii contiadietion, aii injury received I .’jiis splendid rhetoric and graphic illustra­ | her and, kissing her, look inv leave, and will tutor in the following branches’: tions. :• : v'V . - ' * thought no moro of tho incident. :Greek, Latin, French, German, ’ English and endured . fur. Christ’s sitke is of a* ! . V11 the evening it was my privilege 10 y .\ few weeks iatei ib is girl arose in a Literature, Mathematics and Physics.' niuelt value ai?. a long, prayer: and lime {■ Large experience, and best, of refe.iences ' hear the'i>a**tor of old Green streeL— now testimony meeting at our. mission, and >s hot. lost which is speiit-in 1 he piiictice furiiisheu. Address Ttrrotr, P. ("). |>ox \ Subscribe for the “Record. . rirsl M. ]•'. ■ The congregation was coin* in a voice t rembling w ith emotion said .: ofm eek ness and patience.—/ ('hit Ion. ■ J posed mainly of young people,'with nil " 1 Jove ihe Lord, and waiit It; tell.you 21*^!. Oceaii Grove, N1 .1.—u»/«\tf abundance, i t not superabundance of sing* bow I came to l)e a Christian. One day - ing. Very tew gray, beads were not iced, n lady came, to where 1 live, and talked j W anted *:A Vocalist. . The edifice, is not only new, and rather about. lesuR. It w asn't so much w hat she I elaborate,, but the listeners are new; . said, but-as she was going she kissed mo ! ; Young lady wanted who is capable, of Fifty; years have wrought stupemlous [ It had . been so long, since anyone had • singing-solos in it church, and who has ejtanges. TJ10 present pastor is impres- j given lue.a kiss or ii kind \vnrd—the |irst j had exjierience in leading a choir. Posi- - eive,:thorouglily oxtliodox, and at times time since inotbco* ilied—and somehow’ it j .tion at th e seashore for Ju ly ajm| August both impassioned .and vociferous. He seemed lo soften iny heart, and I felt that Addiess.Yi Ailtsr, Box:,^15, Ocean ‘ irove. ■reminds me som ew hat of "the emotional this lodv must have some.tfiing t/iacmakes , Wakeley,- who \vas,,pastor when tlie her feel different front the other folks • writer was.a school boy. lie may not lie that haven't .eared anything about me, Jobbing;. ... what is teelmically termed an “ nprto- and themore. 1 thought.about il. the tnote ;date.*? pic*aeher, IViife ho knows.aud /eels 1 wanted it liiyscif. And so i came fo 1 1 in need of auy one to do -.repair work the truth, and is neither afraid , nor 1 tbd and askeil.Him to*forgive my. siiis in the line of.jocks, or general carpenter : aahamed lo declare it, although, as .losc?j>h for-.fusils’ sake, and I know that I- ahi- repairs drop a card to C. .1. Peegie, P«).«t. Cook siiVs, * r it ma v setii* t he’eveballs. saved. But (), iii t he first place, it was Ollice l»ox 7o2 Ocean. Grove, N .J. C ’ nfJKe.t.i:. -Ve/r. • i s -•••..• ' r .; • . • rv ; <■>* H* (L the dear Jady’s. kind look and 'touch and the kiss that.did it! ’ r!— C/n'ef/eo} Hi,••thi. ■* l liuCct Ju.m. st tine front Uir rruvi; oV Jltls . uiotlernHmniuerlleai. Ho tiled hi Prhntiitoji • lu M arch. Ii?i5t, ut-tlie'early ti«e ot* *27. ‘* H)k Prayer in Secret. ■ The piercing eye of the King of Birds can memory llni?crx or it hpaiinrttl v IkIo ii, p a ’eiotis < DURING THE . I forever,” 1m tins tilting onluipli on Ills gran He . iiiom im cnl. Christiuus often complain that private prayer is not.what it should be. They discover no production in the Cycle Linev 7 Intolerance. feel w.eak and siiifiil.. The heart is cold |0 . G. MEETINGS, ! and dark ; it is as if they )ia*,e eo little to will he a good time to take tho St. 1’aul uiet the;ihost intolerant spirit pray, and in that little no faith or joy. of'hia-.age, and probably no age of tiie fhey are discouraged and kept, from Gold*Ciire for the Liquor or Mor­ .Christian era has produced a m ore in- prayer by the thought that they.cannot phine habit, without exciting the 1 MORE BEAUTIFUL, MORE DURAPLE^ ; « £ •. tolerant spint, and yet he. accomplished coma to the Father as they ought or as suspicion of acquaintances. If you they wish. Child of God, listen to your : hi8 ..great work in the face of such bitter need it yourself or., have a friend opposition. One thing is particularly Teacher. He tells yon that when you go f worthy of.notice iind that is thu utter ab- to private prayer your first thought must who needs it, send postttl card for. ECaee of all bitterness of spirit in Paul. be: The Father is. in secret;. tlie Father circular to DR. O. li. BIRD, lies- or WITH EASIER RUNNING QUALITIES, When be reached Home after the twice waits me there, .lust because your heart, ident1?bys’uaan and Manager, As­ is cold and prayerless, get you into the ■ repeated attempt oh the part of the Jews bury Park, N. J. No publicity', to m urder him and Came face to face with presence of tbo loving Father.. l)o not be the: Jews of'Home he said that he had thinking of. hoHv little ly on- h ave to briiig while taking treatment. Dr. JJird Than the Line of - Vnotbing of which to accuse his nation. . to God, lint of .how much f fe; wants lo has had 75 years practical expcri- •This sounds very .different and is very give you. .)ust place yourself before, and •eiice.' I': '/ ■•*•*.' *>; ^ •'different from the conduct of some ol the look up into llis face,* th in k of H is love. wouldrbe niurtjr.s :.of our. timo, whose His XvoAderfitl, tender, pitying love, .lust Office, 61 7 Mattison Avenue, .chiefstock*iif I'riufe is invective and rail­ tell Him how sinful and cold, mid dark < I'ew Doors .Wept of Post O/jicre. '1 ing and abuse of those who (lid no! bow ull is ; it is the Father’s loving h eart will down to -their behests. - IM* i/tin Mfthij- give light and warmth to yours. O do ilist, . • • . ' • •••••:.' '... wluit..les\is-says: .lust shut the door, and pray to thy Father which is in secret:— V PuOvini'.NVK.— Providence is a sea. M en’ J'hr. JicV. .hulirtv Mih-i'uy 01 tlie Chrivtiun' •TH15U15 is ito iiHe lobk aro pebbles thrown, upon the beach in.; $4o,o«g); $ 50.00, $75.00 and $ioo.oo. ing so dejected about • it .•order to be fashioned, and polished by A Noble Thought. tho. waves* of successive- tides, for l iie Had you followed my ad­ raitjeslie tetnpli.*, of otornity. W hile all Let . I he, whole race fix their eyes upon . tire; of One nature,' Some a ie larger atul the Korth Star, and march forward with vice, last year anti adver­ • m ore rugged than others/, and recjUire ie sfeady gaze npon that luminary, and this longer, lime and rougher .‘■eas -tn. shape, iria rcli - \yi 11 ;h r i rig r t i i eui ;toget 1 j er iii. ori e 1 tised your house, in .the ..Ocean -Gt’ove them to celestial forms, and brighten THE :'^fo.od; .VlacJii/ie. is Sop^ripr .-ih .Graceful tluUines, Kunning. und .Wearing., viist multitude," over tlietfent re of which ttixonn, finances would have been. piueh them witli the hues of itnuiortnliiy.-- the object.of their com tnoii regard, burns ■ Anon:. ■ : \ '*•’.•. in the ftrnmriieiit;! vTbey t iVriv together^* easier with you at "the end • pf the season. Qualities and Finish; to many of the Jit loo wheels of other makes. Cali arid examine them. .;';32'rKKJ^m,. ^-Kter»fti)% which cannot be not because they planned to. be, but be­ Yon 31UST reach the prospective .visitor far off, is m y one strong city.1' 1 look into cause they had a common object in view. it iixedly now and then. All terroi*s Let ChristiuiiH of every name keep their to the Grove, to fill, your house, aiid the about it seem to me Hujieriluous. The eyes fixed on Christ, and the divisions of Recoho is the medium through- which universe is full.of love and of inexorable Christendom will bi known 110 m ore.— . stern css and veracity, and it remains for­ Murk Hopkins. it can be done. Tlie publisher gave ine a ever true that God reigns. Patience, special rate and 1 understand this is open silence, • hope.— Carlyle. ; ■M oney; l : v : •;.'.:•*•• to till Hotel and Boarding UouseIVoprie-. • Kev. I. M. Gable, pastor of the Fiist ' §500, $800, $000,. $l,tUHi. $f,5U(|, W. H. BEEGLE. Agent; Methodist Episcopal Church of ]\lahoney $2i000, $2,500 to loan • on Bond an ill Mort­ tors. . YVrife to hini at once and get your Cityj Pa., recently received tho degree of gage. Call or send •description of prop­ nd started, if you want to make tlie com­ “ Pb. D.V conferred by the Taylor Uui- erty. W. II. ^Beegle, '18 Main avemie. 48 Main Avenue Ocean Grove, N. J. yowty nf Upland, Indiana. Ocean GroVe, N .'J.—«i{r. • ; ing season a success..’’ • ' ______OCEAN PROVE RECORD,.-SATURDAY, JULY 3, 189?. ______, . 3 ' '

u n rilo«:Uiiiii iic-nr Ncw. Jorsoy jiyeriiin DROWNED IN THE LAKE. . . Choose.. C areful (y ; ■Wft A ■ Vary iUm!Jy-iiIr;iI«lieiJ‘frn>oi 1 j r o t m /. il»»rinon AV'u.v nwii’ XY;w Yor.'f j t jn

f.fh'e nod)' in' ThR‘erYeai'-O Id Sta;iJcv ••.V''. I yi^i i• * ehOrW^ i’jiivjful|y;:^voui: ■ putt 1. Tiie fa run* r is caieftd; i 1 i.'.il ie el»i ace' ' v beerlrtg in Wcsicy l.ake. oiVHedii.■■11 e jlpes not*;wa>il ha'd .seed 0 y ^ r. 1 -i't_‘n‘1 iii^ ;ry.''of! AvGhild Jli ferior «i *ed, i liCCajiicI 1 e k no w 111 at ^n cl i; ;i7:t .A vi-r.V- plen sii ht. a Till litculy I'liniNljeil. eol.i»!»<,• «Mi i-.Vn>lt mil iiv.si'Veii ih‘, i«< :u-, ! -U”! i • l.o3fc,r b n )k e t|m Uhuii.I ijuiuinvki *it‘V)c(!nii will give ii poor.ci’oj 1/ II(• lof>k.< l«>»: tlie it.i-»»ati)« and. bn I It- .V/*; *.i\: »-..v;.ViU ,i£: s:iVi -: < J rove o n : Tutstjuy up irni ng • Vv jieii tjie • burft’ Hi5eti’ld;: wiis i nstitnUitl. ;.v=: v * ruple(I;hai ve.st. If- ypii eoipuii 1: a'';sinful j deed, il- may land yon in'--a •dishonored j Kaymond uni th e sons* of *Mr. itnilyMfs, ■ :«m vev .. / J ^ = • = Por the Season of 1897. VijeeriuK iuul.;live iiiN eiv Y ork ntlMI W est ■Choice 13 u; solemn thju^.VVoir;can ; ;;Kort»yrivifth Htiieot,' btit- tiro tho?r. liirtke tli iMinomont a 1 itrhi hg.poi nfc i ii yciui;; j ?■ : .G’toVo. /ippo^llI*.tlie-,VK'inihitiqnjB111!(1 iutr- >.- ' r.-.v-’v . V ' . v.-ww ' ^ntndinotlioiv> ^IV-V. A. 'iy T ie e of .Star ;life; 1 >.nee during Wje^conquest of.d’enty j;; Agency of WILLIAM H. BEEGII. lain Avenu |:V Y&V. i: if-£1 ugu«| f i * co t- *i II -t t i • * • * * * J* * * V‘411! V*<; t* ‘r * i ?’♦* <*.1.;^ * :>.Oottage,■ New Y ork, siyeniie and'JIt, Zion ..I^iz a r 10' h i'( i ((oweiH iii rent (.* net I • (0 , > I c^e i' t{ ; AVay, Ocean Grove/ ■ - •r- ' : • ■ v" .hi m . T h e y .Wit hered on; th eH h o reio e n i-1 .‘ ^ ■■ >MM|‘ K ■.MiiH.nS • ijj t,f* I'nr Wjiuttffljf • . , r . *. . *' ^ ‘ *‘r / ' /At 0 o’clock 011 T(ie.«day;iii.oriiing the h ark “ hotiie. Ocnivuij? hiV:sivoiVj; he ytivq little ;.6 i.ies' started b u t foi’ the Jien'ch traced, a 1 ino with it in* the sand, froni -i where thejyPem in Hie 7iabft of play tn&. east lo vvest. /I'Jioti’ •lurunijr lotraivi tlie-f- AI. I. ■ I I R \ i>Hf:I) O.NIiHSp .0T/ir.RyviS H' ?TATI;i) ifrpni ih in point 011 th e stories ni'u num cr- ^outhi-he.said ; '■* '-I'* , o u sam l;ro!iflictinj£' liayjnoud vdoes n o t “ . 1,'Viendfj and t-'omriKle^, < i li a t^ /d o | Yenibinbfcr jniicli'.aboiit li!>:Htt!e brother iirtjto i l,U u n ge »V 1 ia U bd n ;t. tiu d 01 i-vf ' , Wm. H. BEECH .K. ' or w here) io Jastkau* hi ih: yU»e i n'f!; stonii^aud dwitii > biHthis side^ e;iso tlm t.shortly tifter 1 1 O'clock a; 1jnby-l)0 y and - pleasure! ,1 Theiv..• lies l?erii .\d.tl i all > ^ajisw cniJg^taiiiey’H ile/rcri ; wh«‘-se6n ' ’ i ts >i eJ>e^: .he Va ha ma si lid; i i .■? pf > ve f ly . % jS Main As'entfe, , Ocean 0ro\e, N. J. doming up the .steps M’roni the -bench at .01i(ioso:, rhclf ;inaii i\? ‘ beeoiiie^- ; iV«. UniVy l Uoss’s. pavilion*CyW ie/ ;UltUv 'v^ue- t.'rtsVHiais. Kv»iMuy jnwu \ souVbir :!; ^weeping, a nil. w j mi i .deet istet I; 1iV a ; li ttje So r'ii.yii|ir. 1 ie. steppe' t:aer«,!^< • 1110; 1 i 1 • 'girl.lie said he wanted ihiy ihbm LT<» und^ one nttc) unolJn.M hH u<)nu‘ades fql- ; ;i»hj.s tlu t/g irlis Haid - to havt*; replieil i hai io wc* I h i: 11 ,'V mul t h e . (iq.'U n y o f Soil tl j j Mlie would nnd 'Kayinorid' am i tjip.:;j7iiir- i\iiivVjLmAvat?.decided..■;■ v.-;■!;-.-j ^ Kin»1i>’-iixTatft(i,I»-rn<.!rji<;ottii({t*on 1) rom l w«y ;.V.^ vi. ; • HVaiied uj) th e boaruw idk.■-•Iimit,liti \ ia%; j-. V-Najioieiinvwas raice ojiepid n p- ^’u i«>n -lis; Xe;t ta d < I. ii I ccVy iiir n Wi u«l eottaae, l'l 11 nni i. »>'<•,> Vv •! i i/1 mt ny “ >0*^1* ! ^ . - - / - ‘-} ■ s L.V-rooni hous^ So"al}l/; l *irmail :tve.i hl*H.,k virjfahle. J*>r !)0(teJvii^ jVnff , /.wanted to.go io\yard>t|ieL< Iroye; am i "ifip V J piliii-eiv an iiii), Tunk isli - sirtri l/.vry. A .1 le de- iiibl 6 pr j va 11 • •iV'if :1 ii i) c*. .»'*) ocIf« >/• kjcji x»', AN'f'i11 ? ii r.Oji (j»I ii i nii: H ri^.tory : of=• -Kiti>:> j »*v.J\vr>*11 < i .-Vl 1 li v1* • J pee ii • \ yiho.girl or .the child. \‘V; vr-; ; v;diffei'tM|.v.-r^/<.6f A t hi nt!c'i Wen iv« nt*;*v. tf \«/»«% u\ 1 ^-r(K»f h h* » a |> i t ; i «;iiV i i iiv;• \ > i i i 1 1 M ansion.lor the l->aby> tato. - '.Vo jf C h ris tia n En de av o r C on v en tio n ..j VlandsoniepiiV atoiniideniUfV 'w ean t-Vonti tUne..vi'-.sv;;,i|HM«df.:i':i|Vi7.\,:i'- ■^,yTh(f.I’eniisyjvania llsiiiroad Cofiip;iisy [ i/i jiijJbi'tabJ e.T-rooni 4*1 i lock U v^nna.nea ft ! iV. -if ii.,1 < . .v/ii-j?’.; foi0 was no. sleep%&■■■■ (■li j n ;- m i*.-i»ti-. ifj ^vonVeiileaV!KW»n» libus« n^rih.s'W o Buth.pa e.; ?-V'i> liijini,, : v; Kav 'Cottaiie- ' J ' u e s d ;:.tt i <,1; u‘j 1 rc 1 *: .j,Vai'ii'o\iliceK 'that, for- th e Christian- I3n* ],)«■;«!ir^lileJ-t-r.iOin JioiH« iliJS ll«URfi» W obh.uve-i 2 *'>?(.-■ ft/nv.;*.'**:“/ill Vx 1 -0 r:iiy w t I'r.iiicjsi’o, July7tO ;12,it will sell specialr; iLni.i^mralsive.i fJiiu S'i«W. of tiie ocw£nv;7*roain w t to iiiUiiZ/JMQfa&i >•*. ^ f r q a i ^ 1 or tl X a f i-’ n o o n ^ u ; i ; l ‘rtV i?^i«d^ bickotd/frohi. ;i\lI poinls ‘ bn- .its syatem:.at t.(j,;lVer and"h>ld’1 i«r; lut,1|a jii i 'hi‘’s6Wfltoii? 27:fii J;iiiy 2 ,.and>vill permit ’b f V; iof i • <>ver at. ;.l )en ve r and p omts.' Weejt.: h’fiturnin^, pri«si)n^er(J inusfc reaeii prigihal* sitartinJ?' r»oinii n*>1 later .than ’ A’ii c i i 17,- ,...,. ,*» minii'Ch ristopl: ...... _ ■IRf/7.- ' ^ > . .. ' ' • -.. . $^ ta n |e .' d inappearance,: - X uud f -iSaston■ ibiiit; ■ iatefj; ■; cp iH iitio n aw d ful I;- \ ihtorm ;it i a pply to lieaieHt tj ek el ai'e iit., .Vlt*ifriiiy.';iiiit;Iioi'ag<.i a t t lie; iont/ of AV^sgleyv » i{;»ad'*(nly .ol a-.T,biId..raj>ii(,l».s;fr\;.iu\ds-i s;s!"‘; 11W Uye:; niy A tii/ott.'.nyf!: .■;<*.! n i t;o t \ i t-rin^oo»a u\ i »lyM'u :.j «'p>iii \ . i jon.nVirlahli! ll ropm i W'ftl-ib.a-w; ,-u- iHnii;‘’. s /i .1! * \H if■•‘■y ..Vhttii.efl-- -Abuiii.'v 1 ’at-t»;!•>15 vtv^; r " ^upei'intendtnyr-jibme' ■ ^Seely-.VociiV'd ,1 Vi.Wtt uO n ijus}5.o « r vVoyiyay *-v; ij i j; i-iVr ♦ - i ni /. 111 * i * * . y, liy;: -Vnt j'-at; (i nest ear lied; . Saengerfest. ; ^ tlle’^ r e n n i j e , s e r l < > i to: in The ‘ PetniBylyania J {ai 11vu^< J <^Co tp p a h vi >!.iV.W .ddO O l'Kiuiuii-y uVe., i ^:'h)ocTvy t r b U j n ; y . ' ’Ui;i^i* ' A til) ro ;^ o i^ ? .^ ;;ir Avbis-• iMi«y-.\-\vere‘ .MieiV .remnyed io. njinourtceB - tlm t''sfor: t h e ;• *Hiehteento -.-S'lcetv- loea-toil' O-rbfiiii; liotiaKii on' W ebh^vVi, AvXlt H,i.viV/<;k‘f-<4l'(.lM:1 o*;*tiin;\' r h: ,\n'i iilei^^VaKii ik.c.^tiih! ih'l i nVe n v -Vi tij vN ati c)nM ‘8aeiigerlea t ; to. iic li e Id; i n l'h i Ja- i vjj Kin bu ry ilvo^.liear.(;^^t^ll^ave^7..r(K>ih'‘S6lpiJ't;'y■iiy^v^:y^^^^;^«i:^^i’Y^^4^v^‘■i•'; ^v •.SaiJti iMa'in-Rlreet-,' to aw ait tlw- in'^aest jdutplyiiiy: ilnne,“ i 1 i \ * i )i t i 5^;vyjt$ P x \ (<«< nib ft t ■ 1 ro o tp eo iUtUe on- li« >ad ivti y t)«5-t? 0< IVsi; I. b r*ei >' nell ^V cursibn^Ueket^^.to;,: IMuladeliddjv- .A ploaw ititfl room e o tta« o b n E ia b u ry /^ v i^ t i»loVk^/fro'lh;b«:«Miii-.^^';V,^;'.v:1;;.-;s.-.... froin:- aUv^oinjy■ iti .its /iiih dVinedOUn fb: :\Vist'side Ofytoulife;IioflsiiebiiitJtlningii ro o n is;;0 n o 'tiiti.b i;eaiV ,-. ‘ t hi .A UauMa uv<^y:n»fftt, th e oOeatl, fi robin, pvlVaie :• •' Mr,“. A Tice, -,ht tvhi.d’-1- ut'nnu^ inchis: i vi piiod; t,o re til ri i.- ;i ini iJ? .)h tie • /li^trtly furnirtiiodiO rolHp eotUiijepii Ahboti.aye^ V.-»jo}h<‘ry. piisipletiiiy prostnttQii:hv ihc ■ imJ/£r8!>7;vmcltimve,; :/i'fc.a.fitfa.r^'ivir^ riTii iidsoiiio p.ri.yii'tfV; j'ealilepee • on ii;.-t.Vi t tva'fv/yi'tfa.bi f.n 1 n^ Jil ;i?.iiiiii«;,^vitjylpH! y; v'hech'. SUmley’a Vdlte phiyn.ivilti, a Hi)'mil .th e roil nd trip.-.:. N o‘ rate, •■i.'bo w«i ver, iii v .y v.ioAV.'ot'tlieOrOji'n Vtiul aiid ilo riii niy'yi.,--.' ,'.'-V«*‘.v.V!. v •'•‘W*.’.-.,':';;; V ^VhpyAfjf -ibiirfyca;^,...the;sf>ij/of M ry. .Qoii- ■ he reduced.io iek1* tlnm.iifi v s'Atniv:' ■ % ;;-.»ry jot r ’s»'li-, v .(t>i! linnn )ti;n u.vo >i*i um uwi > u ..l(•*•!;>. i*m;U >n , !tUMioao him « denV-Ti;Ljike'ayenuny /was- nrked hv hh> un. iu-itu v;;.. 'A i!p7,y.iV»vnuidM,T,iagey'isitb'avc:f hoiir tin io ia-aii^ :■!.< ■;... Splendidly [^ocatcd o; on.,VVeilnesday tv})!!/-*’ hv.j'JnViJ JejV - f:nu*:iti' thoVmoSt' hauM soiiio;prjval o m sJilonet'S)ii Oi-Va/i:i mveiivv»*lJ-ahi»y .»>)>'VA)ibbtVV; •S-tiinley-; jtud; rcplieJ tljitt he.'.'ftit' down ^^'aViy,'oiie iilonlt.‘frOlii th0:o»Hian^l2;rt>0insiiiid'l>ath.>V^. ji/'lV/WA N?rKl)*~A vpnictical ;hi»t»;i; :mn> of 11 iUidsoino \a yoym uotlajjo'op i)cc-itn Pittipway, Unif. I>loi-U^VviiiO isii’an ^ y X v i.! ;:;'V y ' J.invsi^ps into the .water. ’. -; . . ; 2: i; Tie ex peril? nr;1, modeivite capita) and A- V ei*y. pioastbi t a n d com fyrttthleitM’bonveoiittgiV < 'l;ipk.ii><}»«iio.-jtearpofitritj/-:,’>;ii I h e 0 c e a r i ■ This probably- in -jUKt how t-l;*-nki in-.- -iVxtensivb:acqunin.tancb, in bpen fur Vnitrie: v Avery «esi ?aiiiv'ooitii«e.onPlt i nan avenuw’ near- hiau.ni a rpoipH aiid :h}V»;»j .: ,i:idcht bcCiirr.cil;, fi>r the bpiit.nien liave *d 3a to'ib:>;ig ag em eji t■.«)#■'«>>!*;■ ' Mir»*oand'<:oinmoi!lMt»s l)*i‘oom j'tir.nlsllod oofiiiifiu op Abi^al.ivvf OJie. pvnt «n?oi'.ii; ? ;a!iqn0 i) 1 they, ;attend io' 1 n•-warning .u^^ jxi^t elapfi bbtnyi iiV'br ni^i^H laU ry yt^i/niiiVfatblw.tf-wonV'oiVuiieBonfwVbiyaVetnai h?ar itafoh Jtv«.-i111 J . .v.:; ; . :iv*' i-'-'r1 ■; -‘’tl)c:)iU-le'b|ie«:oht jfjjfc.li |S -1 > :V IP ’ si i w I >f f"t. i lAV^id\V^; : . 'hvi^tovv.'^roouiyaiLtivi^e, Jiroudway:near tUeoc'eaVi.v.X;;.-:^^,--.:.^'.;.: \\li:irvoK. ' . ■ Place, litnra N. V . ‘ tnay. tnrf1 !iiohiiorluoio7-rdoiu,ootU»geV W pbb uvontiii lioai* the.o«»fan • SleO twroom obttai{Q on;y n n street near-Beach' ftveiiuo^'i;^:c..;A...i.v^^i^.;,.ii;i^;;v*:;^ v ’ .vtiai't)t c o rn e ru ro a d v/ny;uid--1-fifei-lin P atti >■ Free, Scholarships, N k o w cner'eottaV e oiv A b b o tt a n d Control,-10 room aiid b a th y : i . y .':i ^ 'iiMiy.;: v': |> K N N S V I .V A NIA U A 1LRO AI >. t'oiiit ry room vcith an 0c-cur> 'Oievv '■ Tin* L m ay ('ollege,;lo<.*-aLed a i- L iiray:vj V »iVi 11 bm* i Vl y, 7-rai i ii\ eo tlii{;e o u Mt5Ullnto(‘k S treet'll ea r l.toi i« n a v o n i ie'.... .■.i.U;-,; liiuirdlhs-boiiso, M ain av en u o p e a r o<*,'ard: tlfiiitom ij•'f>! A . j. iJVery ptee.sant ^tud'.cpinniodlops »/-roqm coctHgo, eoriior PHtrf iur l^itfjtvay aiul, ?■ I’j'esidtiiVt-j -Ivev. IIv M . W h a rto n ; .D, J).j -! 0pen and -prce to Ibe ^oi.iTh, ji)?id<‘;;i ii ;i»n n nup ceippn t ih a t ;wi ll - be : Very i ., ■ rW.n ;i}i<')’ .‘lijUi; - 7. .|H')7 ; = • •Vory'nleamuit^^rolVm 'eottage,-uUii;stroet* hoar Cootra! iivi-uhe,-t\ni Viiantli ^ iiiail b u t t'Oinrniidlbba 8-tooui cottage, Wo lib ii'venue near Con tin t;y'y:;.v:vv/. ^ 1.: ; r • ^iuireptable vfb v you ng woineh ■ who • ;are ( i.N*> V.t.AVW'.W KAN ,t:;e.<>VK-Vwv;k,K*1.»\.VSi' ;Nh'iv7-rooPvcoUaf;o on Knito«ry aY*jnnP n»-at C optval ..... v... V; ■ Hti'ji^ling to. pa’pare;them«eI vcVfpr tJ leii*' F»jr - Nl-av - V urk ' a m l Kxiwiirk: u ;r», p!oa»ta.vs' ;j)i*ilmWo l^roo'in hoardhiK Jiotisof>n '.leoan Path way W ith Splendid \}iew> of Qul^e., I ifot Syork; A vfi n ti in he re o f free seholai* I* : -V**»ty’)-.; a.-irv,'7.20j 7wt5; H.20i m.;. UO, :!;!*;; rltoiiirahlo il-rb o m board hij; hoiu;cvf A b b o tt a.v oil no noar.P lh; rim i altiw ay.,... ■ > -.M.-i.j, t imd !>.C5pi in. • '•-; ; ■ Cozy little 4-room eouaiie, Abbot tiiivonno. near.Fllyrl m Vnhipg \yi 11 b o ^ ^ ifc ii" tlii^ 'c o i ii mg.;>:eaiip»v;j.: if<>v E)ixniSuttu»jf/, 7. r>, s,L»o.* 11.)!<:»).<):11>:ai-w^. .VliW'-Pwiih /vHJju’rt on t>11 u street leach avenuo..*,:;^" -: y\. v ■ a nd t htj basis u pbn AV.h ic |i' i t \e^e ^He! io!ai - T /■ .V.Io.'J ^ ri.C T /n iai !).ur> p.m . . , . ■ a t a. S^.23G --A .I3ST '-Kor ItilnvK jy tt.15, UJO Huh,, I'iO, 1,2.% q.T. sind,. 7jiluii5i;drt giyeii j^a^fbjlo^t*^-'.^TUtv.y'tiniig.-' > aOAp.ia. ;;"lu.dy-inuatjbb ivi-.Ohriatiftn - of.-^oodviHtnnd'-- ' F o r M ataw iiii, tlrU -11J »; I.W, i^S! W e s t of’ Piigrtm Pathway. ;iii|r:,:in her church, of fair ability,- and ■■■.-: n m \ O.Wi p.m . .■•,'■ 7> i:'-V ■’ ■"! -■ depondihg upi)h herijelf-’fbr'JtOr' .st)pport« 'K or Ijonir.'fhiiticiii.iUW -(Alonaays -only), (M'j •' • l* i ■ 'iv-vVt “io i. i H' :> i'i' ti» i ii.a v« -:,!nea'r Pm i nVy I ■.'« uiii’, p p - t . n o . v c i u ' ' . r1v.vi:y.' . 7.w, 7.15-s.iay o;io,•:11. r>*-*.t»„V-i.i o ; ‘-s.ir,,: a .n ,.- it-' Darn on sthbte «vou«PS, uoconi.tnoilatIons.!• t f w ** Jiorses and «arrla«6s^;A.-.v.&irry it'tho futurery IVi'lereiice' will be giyen ... V.|,07, liiiVrtSK, 0.10 fluid■ 0.a> pin. ■;: .- r -v S in a JI b a t roun i co itiijjo o n B road way noirr; l»i ri ii). P a th wfty..;:y... iv.^^Uv,: .wi'aire one ,i'« an orphnn; hut it paienW. F o r iU’d' B iin k .:tli'lS; -,v, IV••:«•;.iii'.v,)4o,\ is Well furnished and well loeaWd s-room oona^o •>« Einbary avo., near M*w Jersey. W H. BEEGLE, ; arejiviiipr tl> bni'liy be -no, Objection,* v- a-tr». a.-tn, -1.25; r>:*/7 am i tun p.m. ••• .';", v y : 1 leslnilile c o n fer cotta's;*: P e n n sy lr.u d a aijvt F ra n k lin avenues, 7*rooms...... - • : J-'orl 'J)J Jadel pi 1 J;>,t h-oail .SI.. a m 1 T r**n Um i.O.-y ‘ «ifl a (illo il ave., east o i ^ e w Y ork ay.;.. p'.»a-e.nt7-ioom t-ntt.-i-o.; - ...... i . ' ["■:;.; :: :■) , ■ f " y - •; J provided 11iey are; ahsolutiily.' u.nahlo- to 7.25,7.*5(5,9.07a.id.JJiA X aiirt ij.:y pao. ; \ com fortahlo s room house on K ii^ ^ iey elone to Aodltorlm n::.....-..;...... •- • ■, ^tve i ttiei’r^’daiigiitin-.dlie ediieatiOn .that; For: Camden via Trent011 u n it H«>vii«ait*,i>vnif «HieDf the haiidnmiufiL dwellings on.Wes|i«y liako near !)el, avo., 8 rooim , nath... -’.. 4 8 iViain Avenue, • Ocean Grove, N. J. ItifteV th«y . 7.23, ff.07ft.rp.; lU-'I n'ml .7.57 p.»i. ■>% ■*' PM'oom i-otiaaie, A0hr»H avi)mi<*)ie»r N<‘w.otu.w«ro«V(...... m ent is mfule thut- ;h e daughters of loodhito stations, o.tlii. U.JO.'n.ts :i.nt„ • Corner i ir'iad wav hi.d Pennsylvania a* »*., »«iid (‘-room house;;.. *i.t;l, •!.,'*<) {Satm-> o n ly >./>;!a, r* l.v -i ••u M 11 P(fa-aniii*ri,.Mu »-*»ita«o. Finn kilo ave,. m ar Now York avo ...... • Q i ministers will he taken tree ot charge, p.m . • hi Wesley I-alt •• near Pennsylvania avv., eomfortablc 7-room hou^o. • lights the way and stays lighted. Aii brass, fairay College ha.H just.elosed it« i*iuhlh F o r P o in t Plea-jiinl itm l itu i’nm «iuN..;...... - ; eession, and |s heeomine ;i uoJJ- K nou ii li.w.-a.w, u.io, 11.is, n .17 nAu.. •_*. 1 s.;,s On Alihoii avo., m ar Pennsylvania aye.. n;cu4-room cottage..... :...... ; -.. T^PathSight nickel-platcd—no tin; outside oil-filler; cotton i.Satitnlaysoijly), l.i!, .i.li». Vl.'p, i;.m.‘. r .n Mt Taiior Wav-near NVw.hrrsoyaVe., pleanUitand comfortable7-room ...... ' .institution of learniiri." Any i’nlnrma*' .:«'i s.;Vi p.m. • l.anroiind Ooiiinmdlous 10-rooni hous- eor./dqn Way and New York avo ...... ;«.. packed oil fount; double corivcx ground photo­ tion witii reference tb ii- may he-obtained 'ForNiMV Unnifiwh'k via .Mi^ jmjouUi Jio icih m . W rv nice, eomfortabio 9-room ho»>o.-h:iJh; .Br«ijldw«y near J)i*hi\raionv»*;...... by writing to the pivsideni at Haitinmn*, 7.o0j ll;07 a .m ., 1-. tl, .V»7 ibimI p. m . i loiid 7-mom house oori P en n sy lv an ia a n d F ra n k lin av es...... lens; burns kerosene, throws a light 40 ft. and It: A in s I.KAVK.NKW VOI*.K Kf lit or: M S OKOVI*. PKasant U-room oottai?oPenn>ylvanla n-nr. brankljn uve-.;...... ;...... ;.. ■ Md,t or to .Prof: M.- .M.Mav^otv.v ai • Fro 111 Wext Twea ty*thtnt Si ro< f m « tlori, 7 Nf*-olv mrnlshcd S-room eoita^e. Mt.7l"rni»>n Way oe.irNvw \pi-katv ...... weighs but 1 2 ounces. Luray,.Va. ‘ .7 ..■•* ' . .. • . H.V», O.fi-'s tl..V» a.m ., J2,/Vi ^ S aturdays only). Pari of doubio hou6eon Tabor Way near Now .Jorsi-y ave. S romns...... U... Three years a leader, and three years’ | • 1 ..Vi,:;!.!.*», :l„Vi, I..V) a n d 0.>» p .m . .•samlays, W rv Pleasjint ootUluo 7 laiiio voouik, Zion ay near Pennsylvania avi-..,...... 7.'i». o.‘Jja .m .,n n d 4.fir> p.m . tin C lark avo-near P ilurlm P ath w ay , Im m lsom o p riv ate lONldenee- PR-ooms, oaiJi..-. improvements now added. Absolutely the . F io m l>t*PbrosK<*KamtOn-Uaiiai .^tiuois Ferno.s Vorv eoinforiablo 10-ioon\ hoiw* eor New Jersey ave, aud Carmel,W».v liMtmmx. C le a n in g s . ai ;U0,7.4», a.io. to.flo a.m .. rM a. 1.20 tS aiur- V,«rv n)et*. lurnl.died'eoltai'e, W obhave, n ear Now Y ork aves. lilvoomv.,...... handsomest and besf bicycle lamp ever nw.de, . dnjrjtoiiljft, 2.W, a.U). ».■!«), •l.tM, ■’•.$<* nm l 7M Stnall hm eomtoriablo and plensan\:>* locat.'d cotmim ror.- Mi. Hermon Way and 11 umimty. —rI huiieve th e lii>t. i u n .if a pan. S inidays, S.lo, ft. in a.m . a m t 0 l-*> p.m . y . New Jersov aves S rooms.'...... : . Sold by all leading dealers. On .samlay will stop altnierJa lien amt Avon i:o«iV 7 nx»m eothijio o n Ml. T a b o r \ \a y near P en n sy lv an ia a v e ...... truly great man is h is hinniiity. --’/^ ^ )-. hi place of North Asbury P.-irU :«n«l AKimrv North skibol Ktnburv ave., near Pennsylvania ave.,0 room rotta y ;...... » THE PLACE & TERRY MFG. CO., / -Mkiiitation!—i?y e*»ntinual.meditiition I’lirlt to l o to ir pitKseiiyeih. Well'I. lea ted s’roohi eolUu;eon Broadway near Pennsylvania 247 Centre Street, New York. in the saered. writing, a man as naturally TUAIXH J.KaVK- iOni.AnKI.I'/WA Si i :A; de.-Jmtdu Id rooui.eottiifieon Main ave., corner of Pennsylvania avo.; i tm o ci:a n ono v ’r. lor a tioavdlni; house...;...... -...... improves1 umt.aOvaures in ho\iiie>-H as a A t -1.05, S».*iO. 8 i i, Jl.Jt9 a.in.,*J.as, nnd a ix>om eo thorn *«n Ml* Tabor. a y n e a r 1 llyrlm 1 ath w a y ...... See our new, cheaper lamp—the “ Scorcher.” ; tree tli riven and nourishes iii si kindly |i.m„ wook days. .Saturday* onty. -VW p.ni. ou Fraukilu ave., near New Jerney,' 0 room Cothi^o...... -. Sum iays, -I.O.‘»am l K/J't a .m . iStop-i a t Jiit loom eoiui^i*....-.;/..:...^.;.....-...... and well-'vateied soil.— i/orm:. ’ ; laton for Anbury Park on Sipnlays.) AtarUet' I hind'iinne.private resldenoa oil W edey J.ako 'lerraee, rtuualidoy: 10 roonis. ebv- 1’'s i ’iii:hsions ix a s I^vkninc Piiavku.— St. Wharf, via Camden ami Trenton* H.io, May we consider eaeh nit»ht as the tomb i.-- 7.10,10.H0 a.m ., *2 Maiid U.JjO p.m . Witek-days. Vor>-1|iandsonVo privaio resideni.ti on ilroatiway near Pouiisyivunia ave., eoulaoi- SitlurOayK o n ly ,4.30 p.m . L eavo;M arket «t. . littx 12 room s a n d P a th ...... ::rvA,,\...... iiO of the departed day, and, HerioiiHlydenn­ W h a rf via Jam cslu irg , v7it0 «;ni:v4.00.p.ni„' Comforiahlo a room eotu»«o.on NowA «irk.avo., ta-ar Mt. Tabor \\ ay, opposite park 2tO- ing over it,' read the inscription, written '■•webk-duys;;■ • Pleasantly located 0 room eottagc with Intips attle, \V ebb ave.. new Jersey a\e....y... * 125 W a-sluii^ioii aiidtlK 'SM iitli. Oiruor ot Heck avenuo and Now Jersey ave-, 11 room collate well turnlshed... 2'i0 by conscience, o f it** character and exit.— tin Cookman avonoo neat' liensou ave.,9 roomcuttane...... :...... ItW 1 John Foster. . ' - j.b a v e iiao.vi) STitui-rr. I'i i i IjA i.KiauiiA. O n A sbury av en u o n e a r Now Jersey avo., 7. room cotUige:.*...... 140 H is laOVK.—-Tho m erest Kmss , - F8ends UitMlCW. j f.imiU'it UIiHuk C un, 0.17, U/n (J)iiUnc: 7 room cottage, Mt. Hermon Way, opppctto-park...... 100 • T h o rain a n d th o m iiisI] I no too, - ! Cir),.7.:u (billing Car) p.m., and 12.05 ■ fnzv7 room oottaKcou Mt. Ilecnnm ay, near Boasou avenuo ...... ; 1*41 ‘ • To nourish oix’Mioill Mifoil. j: nlaht week-dayn. Humlay«,' a.M). r7.‘20, Weil located 7 room collage on Asbury avenue, near.New \prk nv en u o .....;...... ■ 17,'i Publish a: "Record”.; y . , . -.-i\’irl*tUtn*t Ho-KwUi.. •' 11.F* 11.2) a.m .. 12.09, 1.12, 4.41. <5.15 Comrrt's. i W/.y a.voom eotiam* on I leek avenue, near New Jersey avenue. July and Auaust UK) >Jioiml U niH ed Dlnlny:Car).0.r»5(l)hiinaCar), Attractive ll mum rottaaeori Ml. lleruani Way, dppuslte. \\ o«allawn Jfark ...:...... l«) liirru : T u ix iw .-r J.ife is made up, not 7.:;) (l)hiinir Car), p.m ., a n d 12.0->nU;lii. On Embury a vc„ m ar New York ave.. ,Wi-i side ot i he new double house, s tooniM 21)0 Ocran (irovr. -'V ../. of great siaerilieiw or duties, but of jiltle TlmiMaVilen of a ll o th er im ln s o f th e «yMt«m S room collage od Mt- Hermou Way. u«-ar the gales ...... :...... SW things, in .which smiles! ami kindnesses, may be' obtained al * iho; -tleket 'olllefs or Soulh side i>i Mi. T.ihor Way. m ur Ik-lawaieavc.. j> ...... i»i Atatloo^. Verv jieatlv iitrm -ii. d < *»na««*on A nhoii -m*, 7 / mi.uu...... Pfam ft ini.- M thsitf . . One trollin';:n ipu^iihiit of. and small obligations, given habitunl|y, ; .l.-U. WOOD, Ue;i. Pa**. Atfi,. sou ill Hlilcol Cmrl: »»'«■, near lViin^vlv.iin» .«ve.. n ipom enttii ge,.:) m ouths...... IbV - are what win aiid preserve t he lieact aiid. .1. Ii. .HUTCmNHON. Oon. Manauer. t m Main ave., neiir Itelnwaie'ave., Ill j-ooui co .tage...... :...... • ...... , M' secure :oinfort^ -*.v»v. // I) n >j. • s rotan cottage, eornur Piicrlai Paihwa> mi** 'Ahoott a 3 ha>ek«f trom thooeoau 210 (Htti yi'ftrs'- sithsioption . io /hr} i')' Ihr );.}}/}-}}.}}:: -. } ::[ li.M I.ItoAl). Verv neat, well furnished »»nh»m.enita!i«'on Embury avc.,.henr Pilgrim Pathway IftO not yoiir h:\hilation be without it. It is' N Woll loir;. '• 327 Com fort ublo 9-riHim cnlhu*e. • ookuuin n\e;, m ar lVmis.vlvai,la.0...... Sfmryt'OH. • j ; . . • • 328 M t./Jon Way, near'Nuw York aye.,.10 room cottiige, n.uii.v lundshed, »...... C o n tm l- <.:{«>, "llU5 a .m ., I.W, »I. h \ 1 15. ;t30: Comforlablo iS-nsmi edt'uge«ni 1‘Olawari; avenue near U ebb ...... ‘ cottage,; J I Ocean Pathway, iuiniHhed ; *1.10, WK, 0.15 p. m . . H3t Pleiisuutiiml commodiousii-room eottasir* on \V«sley Lake -‘Icrim e, tim e mouths'. lot runs through froni Ntrcet. to street. Pen UK)* Ivan la—9,10, a.m .,- 12.10. *.‘J. (0 *5.10, uud !W2 Desirable9-niom houstion Ml. llermon Way i|*-ar hetwm avenue ...... Apply lb ‘ W. 11. UVegle, or S. IJ Town­ . 11.Ml p.m . Jvlrt sn’mll billcommialltais.tl.room.eottaue on Ml. Hermon Wiiy near W intctlcld ...... *. I.BAVB. ASinillY l*AUK AKll oeiiAX (1U0V15 ;t5t A Very nicely l*urnlsl»!«l am i coiuniodhals c o lla te , s room s a n d h a th , Cookin;oi send,-1-I Pi i man ave.—«»/r.t y i'o i( niiiZAhurir, nkwaniv.and nkw vokk, . . aiid DeJaivnroavonm.'.s.....V...... ■...... IL18,O.40, t*7.20, K.veept N ew ark a n d E lizabeth) 330 N ice S-room cotlayo ou W obti a v en u o near t>* law :o n ...... - A lady from Washingtoni I). 0., '\ 11 »S.(H),'S.20. 9.i0, li:ft>a.m „ l.to. 2.10, *4.00, 5.27, .3:17. A very oomfoilublo eottagu conialnlug ,S rooms. *.!!.i MU llia nmu \\ a y ,m a r New .. HJla, p. in. . Yorkavonuo ....:. -.. i...... • ...... ;. m'ivo instructions iu the.French system of 3 « A good 7-mom eotl'igc on Ml. llerm on Way near N«*w Jersey u von tie For Freehold, Troiiloii and Philadelphia, via 3)W P le a sa n t a n d com m odious ii-room* cot < age ou M l. H eriu o n .Way n e a r .Benson avi*.... cutting an d '(iu tu g tor §U). ' Oue. week r«- Sea iiln , *7.2)1, 7.59, a .m ., 12.35,-MO 5.!)7, P- m ., m , CHA.HLES J. BEEGLE, ipiired for-1 esvHdiig..'. Address Ilox 7f>l, 310 PaltoC double hoosuon Mt. Ilormon Way near ^iwrcnen ireomie, 0 rooms..... For Philadelphia.and Trentoij via Ikitind 311 t’ornor oollago on Mt. Carmel Way near tin- bridge, yh oly furnished, It roonis;... •- Ocean ttrove. N. j 11115 :',i ' • - . - lltoulc H outo, 0.18, K.0O, a.m ., 2.10,4.00 p . m . 312 D esirable iV-rbom cottage o n M ain aveuue.-m a r l-.*nvsvnee...... i: ...... F or Kchitar,'.Sjirlia,' I-itlco a n d fceu O irt. 7.10. JE.WELEE 7.23,7.5a, I0.il, 11.OS, a.in .,,-2.13, 3.23 313 C om m odious tt>rooni cot lag e oir. Em bu r.y ;:venue, »e.-ar:Mens«ai ...... ELECTR1GAL WORK 315 A very pleasant and de.-inibh-9-V«»,*ui emi-.ige, wltn-lurge grounds. Broadway near , IIAH iiKMOylSJl.Tii.'f.HV A n A. • AI. ( DicUinstbi C o lie^ J with, 5.37,0.22, it.42,7.:t5 a n d H.13 p.m . A ..N ew S'orlt a v e n u e ...... i...... four years experience in a well-known F o r M anaHciaan a n d Point- P leasant, 7.10,10.23,' 310 S m all .t-ronm ooltago on-C lark avi'ine*. n ear 1 en n sy iv au lu ...... 1.-...... i.,...;...... ■ OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, ll.OS a.m ., 12.40,2.13,3.23, 5.13. 0.22, 0.42,7^5 318 Nloo corner cottage ou New York and Abbot i avenues, !j rooms ...... :...... ; bcIi ool ty j 11 gi ve private lessons i n Classics, • Mil p.Hi: . . . • ' 319‘ Commodious an 8-room hou«oi>n D».‘a »?are avcoiio near Em bury ...... BRICK BUILDING, German or Mathematics. 15est references. F or (SunUcii a n d Mt. H olly, via Hon $ido P ark , 'J52 A very nlcu7-moni.«otta«e, m-wly pointed and papered, Ml. Tabor Way near Now General Repairer. Address " F ” Timkh (Mlice.-r-w h\•Jun. 2.13, p.m . Jer.soy uvenue...i..;...... I (Jornor Cookmuu A v n a t• >uiu p, ;:,l St 351 S m all 4-room co ttag e on ('o o k m au avemn* n e a r Uonson...... I f iW . " For Toms Hiver ami lutorinedlato utatloas :«5 Comfortable tout on Cook man avenuo neu r Now .) orsoy...... • I : - /Vsbut-J Oai l.. Ocean Grove. N. J. via Slioro Koute, ll.08a. m., (Monday’s ami 350 Centrally located 7-room cotUige on Einiiiuy avonno near Pilgrim Pathway, large S a tu rd a y 's only.) 2.13 p. m ; g r o u n d s ...... V...... ;...... *E^preas. - :)57 Pleasantand emu for table 7-room eottagc on Embury near JSew Jersey avenue ...... Cotton Plants, seed ami direct Ions how to Wahted-fln Idea SrHS nUFU3,Ur,0DGKTT,‘ J. It. WOOD, 358 Comfortable 8-room cottage on M l.Jlermou Way near Delaware, year...... • • A l!' tit* latest iosigaf w«i Protect your Wpobi thoy may hrtngj/ou wealth. s u p t. ti. p . a . P a .u ; n . 3r>9 Very nicely furnished 10-room collage on Cookman uveuue near Delaware, piano grow cotton plants .-North. Address Seed de- XVrlto JOHN AVEbnEHDUHN ft CO., Patent AtMr- 301 . Nice 0-room cottage on Mt. Carmel Way,-near Delaware..;...... pa rtT.-*ent.^t:aboard Air l.lue, PlaobluiraW ln- noye, Wanhlnirtou, 1). O., for tholr • 1.8W prlie offer n . V. liAI.-DWlN. in :Wnt«liefl ami .Jowelry: J tor hea!tli resort,) N.C : r «nd nbw Uat of one thouflaod lDTcnuonB wanted. «.i*. a. a n. it. or n . ,t, }Ui2 A 13-room mrnlslmd tiouse oh SIockton nejr New Jersoy avenuo,...:...... 4 OCEAN GROVE RECORD, SATURDAY, JULY 3, 18O7

picion iu the mind.of the mother. What SUMMER PROGRAM. AMKKICAX MOTHKltS. eaii mothers lie .thinking, about,; 1 woii- THE CLYDE STEAMSHIP CO.. tier,.' wiio’ live under the j-’ame rijof ivi.ili Rellg-lotts Scrvlccs to be Held at Occan • ELCA . WHEELER WILCOX "ON CONTI' • ilu'ir .daiiglners. year hi and year out-. . G rove,. N. J., S e a so n o f 1897. DENCE AND TRAINING. • and yet know less of their In arts than New YorK, Ciiarlestoil, Soutli Carolina, Jacksonville Fla., Service. ) liiey kuo\y of tlie.liiciltal jiu»*d> .of 11a-. I.'At'l»m»|':il*,M OPKMNV;, Hal.imlb. .him- Sea Shore •J7lh. . Ihillni'ss .Mrolm-4 in .lane'H l‘i\Ui-t- >it. John's River Ser-ylee; bet ween Jaeuson vlUe Florida, Mid all intermedlat gar iii .1 |ie wilderness or Itaeliael moui n: mu-h*;'!• it.lit. U rv. .t. It. Iijiitld*-, hi.iidliigs on St. ! ing for lo r children brcae- jliey wero • ViMOti I*.Moetlnn in Mu- Teuipli*. IJ**v.a'. II. Y{it!miit,-i.emiiM7 !inaii. n o t!.. -•, : •••; * '■ 1 ' ' - ■ . • •’*. every niuriiinu Ihi'oii^b iheseasou. Oiwn* Trl*weekly.deparl.uru between New York and ill);'serm on u l' IO.:U» n.m.. Hoy. C. II.•Vui-' T.sliould thijik it would iie a mother’s tnun. suniuief Sumlny-seltnnl an*l Pr. tlmrleston, s . C., tho .South and Souto first pleastire'and interest in life tevget 1 Imilon*- UiuJf-CJInss, t*;:M.p.m. every.S iiU* . west', Jacksonvllle, Fla., and all . 1»ji 11 ltf v .ll. Yiumah,.7.:j0n.m. Florida Points.' : oii. im iniate t erm s w i t h her clang liter, •J. JUvNNsYl.VANIA It A tljHOAi) Dejitut- .trt obtain her confidence,,tn lead .her to mc-nt Y..JI. (.*. A.-, (.'minion, N. J. Serving The Fleet js Composed of.I he following cl • ' • f - ,/- * ■ |. 1 i • * I * . V Tiiestlay, .tune li,:» p.m. ami 7.' 10 p.m., i.‘jlk of herself and .to lav ban'her heiirt. . t».v a eri-woi < ‘lirfvtfitn mtlroml men. Real Estate ganf,steajiters- to oiie! whose n atu ral duty it should be a. MAltHATll. .IKI.Y llli. Sermon by WnIiUp .lo lm l ’. N ew m an, o f th e M elttmUst K.nl— • COMANcilK,. (new). YKMASSE,' •'v k ’i v v ,ib*' to .sbow sympathy aiid to givn cmuisf l.. • eopiil rimteli, a.m.- Itevj W. T. \Vlu-ro these closo relatio n ^'ex ist w ith • Smith, pil*:. I own, Miss loon ry S^cn- A LGONQUIN, ' ... CUEIIOKEE, - nuuhers aiid diiughters I do not. believe tary <>r iiu* .M; K. r h m c ii, r.r» p.m . Is already feeling" the. effects. IROOUIS. . ' SKMINOLK.. »..NATIONAL A>*Nl.VKItKAHY ol Aunvl- it impossible tor a girl to l;cenme en- ••ini Im lej'fiiiteufe. Momtn.v, .lolv ot 11. Onr Qf; which. Is appointed to sail from Pier 29 npilbni'l>.v Jton. J’lJwniil -Sloki’N, i»j' tangletl. iii ati Untoifunitte love atlaii* . .MIHvllle*'N..L, S tn ie S ontitor iVoni Com- pf: returning prosperity and Eajli River, (foot of Roosevelt Streel), N.Y., ivitlumt the m other's kninvledge, Jiiivi* ■ bei'Iaud oniiity, at IO.W n.m. Iti'aUin^ of may go Where it is sen*. ami the best , rtio Deetunillim of tmtepemlenee hy l'rof. Mondoys, Wcdnesdoys nnd Fridays at 3 p.m •lobti Kihiulil. Snporhurmtenl of I'nljjicv liiiUiy inquiries aye being re­ mothered gill ’.in'’the world might com Itistl-iUMloii. M onm outh C nuniy, N.. .1. reive an unwin?. passion, but the 111a- 1‘nlrioilf Somrs, 1’i‘or. .Inlin U. Sweiu-y, . Musical Ulnetor. ceived from people, desirous This is the only lino between New York and Jacksonville, Fla., without change lernal instiocts if properly alert would C. .T. r . Ill" NE'.V JBH SK V . T Iliim lnv making elosc connection nt Jacksonville, with the F. C. it P. It. R„ be'awiire of it,” iind the m aternal sym­ nml FrIUay,-Inly 8th nml' J'lh, Mis. Enom . '.- J. T. A K. W, Ry., mm East Coast. U. It. ... • ••llonrne,''invslillug. • pathy and snlieitudo Would avert its H. SAUHATU uHSKUVANCKnml WomciiV of making investments iu tliis ?>v | I confess .that a good, strong seuti-. Itev. It. s.. M<*-Artlr.n*, . p a sto r of class of property.' ••“ {Hk B a 'Uv L ik k .)' | ment of disgust niingles with m y pity t'nlviiry liuniihj'.(.‘iinivh, New York -fllv, Comprising the elegant steamer* City.' of Jacksonvile, l-red'k DcBiirry, liverglude, unci ; wJirii.I re.itl'.of some distrrssed'jnofhcr io.:’4)n;m . . Waloka. leaving JackKonvUle dully at JOW p. in., except. Saturdays. r«ir Sanlord. Fla., nnd In* 7. Ot'KAN-lve. StereopiIcon views; p r ovements, v ...... steam . steering...... gear,...... electric lluhts, electrie bolls, bath, etc. . ] fill daugbleis is nfl' even had an admirer. .! . leeiurcs,••oihrrl^, ele. Haeculnuriruteser­ The Cuisine(luisine of.Iheof theslcnmers steamers 011 the CLYDE LINLINE is unexcelled-by auy otherllile loOle old ;jy- fjii* JijJJs, bu! mon. Snlihutli, .Inly lSih. There Will also ■ means ;m advance in prices, b eing supplied w ith tlie tient- th a t N o rth ern a n d S o u th ern m u rk e ls aiford Why do parents so quickly forget, ! bo the ti'oiMh'iful Pholoseope .br LJvhi^ F o r fu rth e r Inform ation, u p ply t«i . t licit* urc* a "(iod th e ir o\vn y.outliV It is incredible th a t i lMclur«*N, by Wuller Wmte. .1 wo niylils. M. II. Ct.YPE. A. T. M. • A. J. COLE. Oen’l Pass'r Agt. T. (f. Ei«ER. T. M; •j Semi for ilemlleil pi-oirmm. .many old subjects' the.sweetest'aiid most romantic part of I S. A. M. K .C IiritC lt.Ifm Lia:, Krhlny.July. and lo secure the most; profit­ S Bowling Oreen, New York. which. jtrwi repeat­ life should fade from memory mi wholly I* —Ul, toao a.m . nm l a p .m . l-:i I in Col nme Kntertnhimeol, everting.. ing for the benellt of as it seems to do with ;the 'majority of M*. NKW .IKIISKY ‘HUNPAY i SCHOOL- Wm. P. CLYDE & Co., General \gents, Si ow ing' generations—ju st its the old;* able results you should buy married people. It is breausii the pas­ j UALIA*, Snlurtlay, July ‘Jllh, KCU) u.m. 5 Bowltng (Jrccn, New York. 13 South Wharves, Philadelphia, Pa. ; old story'of sjir.uiy is repeated by thesun ; • am i :i p.m . •; / • V sion'of youth is a sort of in.toxicatiph, 1 li>. YOUNG PKOPLKK* 1>AY,‘Snblm tb. Ju ly ;to:tho earth,. eenturv after, eentitry, and which, like the. drunkenness.:of wiiie,. j. i’lln. Gmml KUiml Display, sermon hy now. • . - • MILAN ROSS, Agent for Asbury Park, Ocenn Grove and Vicinity. . ; Kev. Mr. Davenport. Afr.'lnt O. San key just as tbo waves aro forever repeating blurs the memory, : will sing. • . the story of ebb and flow to the shore. I have observed that it is.not infre­ | 11.-.NATIONAL DKACON f'.SS’ DAY. Mon* . Charming as the.Aniqricau girl is ac­ , day. July'.Wli. lu Tliornley ClmpeJ. 1 have a. number of. quent for men who have ' sowed,, h full ; 12. W m MI-:N\S MOMK . MISSIONARY S}). knowledged to be the wide World over, crop of wild oats to show both- amaze* - CIKTY, TueMluy nml Weiliu-Mlny, July- • sho.is not infrequently a inosfc un’duti- . 1571 It nm l USIh. Mi*s. (,VH. KlsU, nresnllne. iiiont and indignation when n daughter ! i:i. N A T IO N A L THM PKHANCK DAYS, Na- . fiil daughter. J doubt if under any oth­ even indicates 11 iirojtensity to admire tlonal ■ Tcmipemoee and Pilblleat'on So- Decided Bargains, er flag which; floats to the breeze ean 1' ‘piety. Tlmi'stlny,. July. ‘J»ll» to Sabbath, Atlanfsic - Hou^e, the opposito sex.:_Yct tlielawsof natare AiikumI 1st,, inclusive. Lectures by Col. •such examples-nf rudeness to parents be lire constantly jiroying that daughters 1 • ileo. W. llain. ami ol hers. Silver Luke found,as tinder the starred and striped (juurtettc, Coneerl. Itev. (!. H. Mead,. particulars of which will lie more frequently Ilian sons resemble Loader. Friday. July ant h. Salurday, July Ocean Grove, N. J. : nubleui of American independence. their fathers. One would think that n aisi. National, Antl*Lh|UOr League, lO.HO An only daughter of wealthy parents u.m. nud a p.111. Tweiuy-elyhtli Anni* man who had passed through the whirl* ; versar.v ul Ocean Urove’seonin’iencenienl: cheerfully supplied upon' ap­ . was: indisposed and remained* .011 her winds of passionate youth m ight. con­ . open ult* servlee Saturday evening, H.:ur 22nd SEASON’. couch until midafternoon,. receiving one, ■ p.m.,. hi Thompsim. Park. Col. Huln, T.ai) sider it a sacred duly to carefully guido j ’ p.m.i also.Siihhuth evening, 7.;K1 p.m. Tin.* plication. : . nr two frieiids meanwhile. She woro u aiid tenderly, protect his ehildreu ' Silver Uike quartette will sing at each of A*I»f*rii 1 ii»kr.«ilk negligee and presented' a . the meet hnrs. through a similar period, not by.keep- •II. OCKAN uUOVlv MKMOIUAL DAY, ^pleasingnppraiitnee of youth and sweet* . iiig them vuijder..'lock and key,/hut bv 1 Monthly, Auyusl iM.at a p.m. . ness as she sat. propped up.by white pil-. ] l.j; KI Nil’s. DAt!CiHTKHS DAY,'Tuesday, giving IJiem. well chosen associates and A uuusf :M. KUOu.m. iind :< p.m . ' Now Open for the Reception of Guests. low??, about which a devoted mother talking with them freely.and wisely re­ : UK-.OCKAN O ltO V K SlJM M K U SCHOOL OK .•fluttered. But her cbaims diminished, garding these associations. <• THKOLlUiS*, Dr.’ J.- 1C. i’rlee, •Dean.. STEAM-H.EATEP ROOMS. indeed . cjuile . vanished to my eyes, - August ad. Summer. School Popular Mortgage Keally the'American fathers and Concert; T.ao p.m. August It II to Uilh. vvyvvvyvyYV'vvvvv When she' called out suddenly and mothers aro droll beings. One would < Leetures dally, in t«» l l a.m ., a an d -. 7.JW sharply:. ‘•.Mamma, I asked yoa half .an ; p.m . .111sto rleaI T heology, Dr. C. J . Little, find them very amusing wcro'it not that < ia H eir Biblical Instimte. Old Tcsta- Centrally located, joo feet of-the . oceapi- Neair-the Au­ ■.hour ago to. bring m e my isJippeis. I the farce, they play so often ends in a ; • n ien i. Dr. .L t.’. McL’nrily, CuJvcnslly of w ish you w onldn’r keep me w aitin g so.” Toronto. New-Testament, Dr. Geo. T. tragedy. •••.. -. .- Piirves, Princeton University. Hiblienl ditorium, Bathing Grounds and all points of interest. And the devoted mother apologized I met’a beautiful and highly, cultured I TheOloev and Physical Selenee, Dr. J; K. Investments. humbly for her negligence.ami seemed | Price, Dean, and Dr. William North Hlcc, young woman nia nutny years , ago who Wesleyan University. PaslornlTlieology, Ymxfqus to'bc forgiven. impressed 1110 as a girl with a secret or Dr. G. K. Morris. lloSton . University. ; GHAS. J . H U NT; If the slippers bed been brought hud Popular Kveulng Leetures by speakers of a . history. She JiveiV alono w itii her ]. imiloiuil reputation. August 12th aud applied in tiie good, old fashionetl uian- mother, who confessed to ino thnt “Ma- ( lath. Hummer School ■ Musical Festival,- If it is preferable to in vest : her, it would have been better for tlii* I Mr. Walter Damroscb; Conductor; Prof. .lie had always been a strange girl who ! T. Morgan,:DIreetor; Aiigust 12th, ‘'.Child-' daughter than the apology., was hard to iinderstiMid. She fancied ' reti’s - Festival;■ August Pith, Oratorio ot ou Bond arid Mortgage, I eaii ECO'CJ'SE, . . J aui liappy to say. that I know of one “ K lllah.’r . a . • slie had passed thidngh sonio love af­ AYOMKN’S / FO H EIG N M ISSIONATtY SO- man. who was wise enough to abruptly 2S-34 Bath Avenue, ' - - - - . Ocean Grove. N. J. fair while, at school which, had prema* CIF/PY; Saturday and• Sabbath,-, August discontinue his attentions to a young 11th a n d ': Ifitli- S erihou b y ltev< W. F. , offer FIRST-CLASS SECU­ . .TW ESTTIT-THISD CSASC 1 T. 2 TCWT • tnrelr saddened lier, though she had Oldham. I>.I).. f5«bhath io.il5a.ni.-;‘. ^ •lady—ii most beautiful, creature, too-— never mentioned it.” AMONG TUB INDIANS. Leetures by Tnble iriisnrpussed. Capacity, hd tiucsts. Term** . ReaMumbh*. Locution-Bit»ek aud a /Whom; he heard speak.sharply and dis­ . llev. Kdgarton ,lt. Young, Monday after­ RITIES,' on property worth Half front lleck street Brldee.- Same Distance Horn Ih'idgc. . Olio day I invited the young lady to noon ,;J lily .pit hy Tuesday and Wednesday .1.011; mix s:u. C. R. PRIEST. respectfully to her mother 011 sev eral- (line with me. I was quite alone when nlclits, July 17tli ami.I8th. <*eca.sions.; . . . SONGS IN TI IK NIGHT. Itev. C. II. Hhe.cnmc; .Before she had been l o min­ Yatman-.'MondasVAugust l«th. 7.:W p.m . from two to three times the The nisui was rich, attractive and utes in my warni rooms I discovered W OMKN’S EN CO C H A G EM EN T .AIKKT- Ijandionie; TJie girl Was poor and anx* INGS, Wednesday an d .Thursday, August OCEAP* AVENUE, that sho was too intoxicated to sit up. isth imd' l!Hh. morning and aftornoon; amount of the loan. These OCEAN g ro v e; N. J. ions to marry well. She was* yoiiug and •Several hours passed ere sho recovered ‘ Mrs..'Dr.; II. .Wheeler aud Mrs. Bello 'N.:' THE LANGDON, beautiful, aiid relatives bestowed au ed­ Chandler. Leaders. ' her..seiises; sullleiently ti) tel 1 hie lier h is- I. ANNUAL CAMP MEETING, Friday, are first mortgages, bearing ucation aud opportunities of travel upon tory.- A k in (lh earte(l biit xmwis(^ olil > August 2.D., p asto r o f F o u n d ry • M. K. PiWi-ily on il»- O m m l'rohl. Knlarged uml hnpioveil. Ciuivi-nii-m in grace ahd charms, but he was sensible taught-her to take a liot wliiHky ,4'to d ­ C ltureh, W ash in g to n , 1). C., S atu rd ay , six per cent, interest, net. - Auditorium nnd H*i|.. Si'U-Watfr I'.iulis enotifih to reaJi/e that a girl who was August- 21st, Irt.JfO a.m . Sabbnth, August dy’ * when very tired with her studies. • 22(1, Bisliop John F. •Hurst, 10.30 a.m. B ox 2247. . f JVV, J . HOLT, ail .irritable and rude daughter would liu She bad acquired the ta.sto for intoxi- C am p M eeting I/>vc Feast, S ab b ath , All* Payable semi-anniiiilly. an ■irritable and rude wife. >‘0 , the eust 25Hh, nl S.K5 a.m . Sermons by Itev. canis, and rhe habit, had become a fixed John Potts, D:i)., of Toronto, Canaifn, and courts 'are saved one divorce ease aud one. _ • r.' othersdf uattonal fame. ilio lawyeis aie cheated of their, fees by Prof. Sweney will conduct tho singing ALL- E X P E N S E S for ' * ‘I think mamma suspects that I tako 5his man’s timely good sense. . during tlie entire season. Miss M. Louise stimulants at times,” she said, “but Llncbargcr. eornetist. aud Miss M. Rice, | T H E G E M , Of course tlio fact that a woman is a organist. Surf Meetings evor.v Sabbnth searches etc.ypaid -bv tlie bpr-. she has never spokenof jt to me, and mQtliCr doe$ not necessarily render her evening at foot of Ot'ean Pathway, when I have never had the courage to tell her went lier permits. Twilight meetings dur- I 18 Surf Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. lovable, and we cannot be blamed for IngCnnip fleeting.■■•. : . abbut;;;it'.-oi* Ato;!..jisJc her to help, me to rower. No expense to tlie liot loving the. unlovable, Duty has -. A. M. E.ZION CHURCH will liold services :oyere0111 e th o 'l»iibit,;’.* [ ■ > .;::'Sy: v oh T h u rs d a y , S ep tem b er 2d, 10.:50a.in. a n d nothing to do with oue\s alVections, - ^ O - W / " Tho girl Jiiade-; nje;’ promise splwimly; 2.Wp.ni, . - • : .v; investor. ;■ , .";y ijiongh' tlie affections Inivo a great deal • E.1L STOKKS, President. 1 OCKAN VIKW UKNTIiATJ.Y MH ATKIi. \ to do with duty. Love cannot be? to- iiott(rtciJ;iiernVotheroftljeo?cnrreiico' .1 n> niy rooms, a s. it won i d u 11 necessarily ' j y Record, your; na ine. a nd 'udd ress. • Ih. .the erecd. Jt is governed by spiritual, nien- mortify her. I - gave ■ t he vprbiiiiso only, , Oeea 11 (i rove I legist er at’ Hie. ’ A ssoelat ion I BOX 2213. • A d d r e s s R . Q. W oo\staii, ,tal and physical laws, but nor by blood after the girl gave 1110 lier oatli not to Ofllce.. Friends, Telegrams, Mall, etc., will • tics.'. ;■ • - ;■ .. .'; . • ■ then <|iilekly tlud you. Otherwise-tlelays. touch , stimulants again. I lost sight RENTALS. h- Not iiifreiiiiently we see mothers who of her for nearly a year. Then sho menially and -physically antagonize drifted across my path again, 11 ruined, Arrival and Departure of Mails. vvvvvvvvvvyvwvvvyvv '. : t heir daughters, but there is a spirit ual desperatei oreutine, crushed with the Hotel Le Ciievaiier laW,. as .well as the law of good taste, ) N 1 :w YonK', Ea^ti-:an am* -Noirruku.n Nkw most awiul tragedy that can come into C'orner W ebb and CVntral Avenue.-, Olin St. opp. Post Office. i which should compel a daughter to be a young woman’s life—a tragedy di-. Arrive. • Chisel IP YOU desii_• to rent • respectful and polite to her mother,, lectlv due to her habit of using stim­ ’ T.lfl it; in. • ii.tUiu.m. •• ^)ocan (§rovc, i^ . Cl I r KOOK, Fro inlet itr. even' if \slio cannot give her love;or ml* lu.:id Itl.:«r. •• ulants: . Of course I \yas sorry ior tho :t.:ai p . iii. • ll'.(X) in', a Cottage 01: Boarding House .m iratio n . mother. Andyet is pity due a mother u.lo, “ ; * . v p. m. N O W O P E N . - Best ammgeuienls lor rapid aud thorough ; work nt reasoimlde prices. Articles called for I wish fond mammas would try to who could live under tho same roof for H IV . prevent" instead ef *0 frequently aiding for. the Seasoii of 1S97, send i and delivered toany i>arltd the;Oit*veor Piirk two or three years with a daughter who I*ii( i,.\P ki.)'itiA. \V is t k u > a m i S o r r t u Splendidly l«oeuted, neardeeaii. Jutke i*f»(l; when desired. ' r:Asn SinvfiicitN N kw .IiatHKV. ‘ rhVpresent tendency of young boys to was a victim of drink wit lion t suspect­ Bathing tJrtmnds. Extru 1 dirge. Cool und d e p e n d e d . -..Arrive. -. • „; . Cl nse,'. your name i;ow .and a list of Nicely Furnished Rooms. Spacious OPEN ALL THE YEAR Ror.NI*; ing if, or, if she suspected, who felt tho 7.loll. til'. 7.1MI a ; in. Vcmmlus, Electric J.lghts. Table There.is nothing iii the social atn»o.*:- matter was too .delicate a one to inen- U».:t<» **.; JiO dm . . F irst-I')nsx. JVrfcel SatiJlnry ■pliero ju s t now to stim u late youiig m en I1.L^ ‘- :i^ » p .n i. ArmpgemeutS. Terms Reasonable. .tion? . ditai p. in. . - . (».i*i . available houses, giving loca­ . to much manliness bf character. Women . i •: . Box 290. H. M. BLAKE. .are ;aggressively independent and me A nother young g irl whom I knew fell ill of a terrible complication of liver A s tiiu v ;l *.\ li lt . every day pushing . themselves into . .. •: Ai live. •;•.' tion, number of rooms, price, maladies. • • . . 'C l o - v ' places and professions heretofore occu­ T.IA ll. ' 7.wiu. m. “How could yon Jet- your‘daughter •. iVitt i>. iii. Iif IK* in.' pied by men. There is little call for tlie . 11,15 *•., •1.1*1 p. tu. etc., will be furnished. THE BALMORAL, • chivalrie maii of. old, the provider and get.into such- a stater” , asked'tho phyr QUI0KL7 BECOKEd. TraJc-mnrks and. O'pj'ritfhti fiician of the mother.- Trenton-Same as Phlladelphhi. Surf Avenue, near Central, reglitercd nnd patent liutnoss of over/ description ‘tlio-protector. ~ - -. Newark und Jersey CUy—Sanie as New York. promptly atd skillfully conilncted nt lowest rate*. ‘.‘Keally, doctor,” the mother replied Balllinor.- and^ Washington-r-Snme as I’hila* In T o n tfo n s intiYHtticptl. co m p an ies .fu riu c l, n n d P A T ­ It is not surprising that a race of iii-* d clp b ia. . . ‘ ' • •• / . .. ,•• OCEAN OROVE, N. J. ENTS BOLD ON COMMISSION, io years’tsxperlence. ert and unambitious youths should with great dignity, “I • brought up my . W.'t. 11. JlAMii.io.v. P. M. • W. H. BEEGLE, Highest refereiii'cs. Send us model; sketch or. I'liota. daughter to bo too-m odest tf) talk to of invention, with explanation, om l'w^'wlll report spring tip who look to a wealthy mar­ whethar .patenlnlda or not. freo of diarko. OUR PEE ^ riage aft a means of support. ' why one—-eveii to liie—uf stomaclis, JiV'- ;,v; 4 8 A lA IN ' A V E N U E .- . |,;l|-u(. K’otjlll^., ('i|1C i JlUl.-JIt'S, to A.Sr PAYABLE W H E N PATENT I S ALLOWED. W hoa p. ers and digestive organs.• patent is securcd.\vq wilt ctindiiet its sale fur you with* , Biit at least mothers need not aid aiid STEWART & HERBERT, liin-y I'ai-k,- 'near. Auditorium and out extra jrharfte. 32-PAOE HAND-BOOK and llstof . So ‘.he daughter died, but tin* modesty . . Kiiss’ liaUiini! (irouitdf, • 2tMI tovenllnns wanted matlisl to Inventors free upon ' Ubbt .this tendency to be weak and. de­ Wettest. Tlds is thu roust i-uinplete UUto-patent tiook pendent by.‘early ' training or luck .of of th e'fam ily ,'was sustained; . Contractors, Carpenters and Builders. Ocean Orove, N. J. -|iiV.\-J25l'. M R S . C. H. C L E M E N T published and every inventor #huutd WHITE FORONB. '• KlXA WllKKLKU W ll.cnx. H. B . W IL L SO N & C O ., I'atent Solicitors, y training. Le Droll Wld g. W A SH IN G TO N , D. C. _ ; However beautiful may bo a little Kstiniates .Cheerfully Iiiven. ^▼ TirfTTVTTTTTVTTrTTTrrfV^ boy’s curls, they ought to go when the .- . Ajjmr.ugns on Toa'tt. Small .lobs Promptly Attended, to, Hest THE OCEAN QUEEN, first trousers conic, Let the . little man To cook asparagus, pare. 1 h o lo w e r - of References Kurilisbed- (•'>!-. I iivan ,Vvri|it«'and Ocean 1’ntlnHi.v, AnotUr Chance. .reali'/.e: that feminine locks belonged •part (if tlio stems, wash well aud; lin W.H.BEEGLE ^ i)CKAN GliOVK, N. .1. ■ w.ith skirtsvand that now he is attired ; in to bundles, heads nil one wav. Sttind I’- . Shop uad Resilience. .. IT you tire uateliingfor u elianee to.buy • in m asculine garm ents be m ust be liiaii* the bmidles.in a sauccpan, butts down, j Fit'tli Aveuuo near Hlain. Street. I'aeing lliu Hua,- witli l.'nobsti-iu-lud Vjcw ti good place cheap, you had betterexam* ly in every respeeti He must carry the and nearly cover them with boiling \ya- ine the.lO-rooni house on Kmbury avenue Post Office Box 53 Bradley Boacb, N. J . oi llio Allan tie. Liberal Tublf ; purse and pay ear fate when .he goes tciv ' Add a teaspo'onfiil of; salt to. each Real Estate, with Uygenic l-'pod, Kle.- near Central, Aye ate offering foi* $‘J, 10(). It- would take fe vend hundred of d(»llurs .out with mamma; and he must ask it lie quart of water andCover tho'saucepan. A1ISSES PRANK and ADAHS. . ‘ conductor to stop the car, oi1 give such Boil' vlowly for. thre»!Tquarters of an niore than this to ereiUe'anoiher such a property; but*thi*.owner.for «ood reasons : ;<>rdiirs tg the coachm an as1 can be in - hour. It is not uceessary that tho heads• BOARDING STABLES. must. diKjiOfie of the, property and sillier, . /'trusted to his young lips, all with the should be. covered With.'wntcr. .They;, .V • NKAIt Titi: (olJNKi: or ■ • . \ Insurance; the Iosh- involved iii. this sacrifice |»ricii; .: idea of impressing upon his mind as being tendar, w ill cook.in the.stetim 'as: j Heck - and - Whitefleld ■ Avenues, a n d lVoperty In* e.vamineil- at any iiini- 1 early as possible tjiat.he is e. man, and’ soon ns the .butts .immersed.in tlie wa*. OCEAN GROVE, N. J. upon application at -IS Main avenue. therefore to be depended upm, and that ter. ilavb ready ii meat platter covered { . . _____ 'W , II. lh:i:«;i.i:.We/,-. ;\;iie m ust )

A valuable medium for j 1. The TIMES wilMeU-!, v ':a- local and general you all about:it. j | : ; / ■ Advertising. r

VOLUME V, No. 27. OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, SATURDAY, JULY 3, i » 9 7 . Subscription, $1.00 per Annum.


The Auditorium and Other Places of Plans for the Bradley Beach, West Grove Pleasant .Penclltngs About the People, The Body ' of Three-Year-Old Stanley Three Days W ill Be Devoted to Cele­ Atlantic Coast Electric Railway With­ Religious W orship Opened With and Hamilton Structures Adopted. Place and Property. Dcering Found in Wesley Lake. brating the Anniversary of the draws Application for Franchise— Nation’s Birth. Street Closed by Railroad Co. Appropriate Exercises. The Neptune Township,Board of Edu­ •• ’Dr. Harry Off, of l’hiliidelpliin, spent The, -heart-rending cry of “ Child Tlio Ocean Grove Camp-Meeting .Asso­ cation held another session Friday even­ Suiidny Inst at-the Grove. d Lost ” broke the usual quietude of Ocean . Tlie com m ittee .of the Boat'd iif Trade Two m em bers of th e lioiuel—Messr.-. ciation inauguratedthe religious services ing n t th e ollice o f C. C. Clayton, and Hi's. W. ICt Howell of Cainden, Del,,' Grove on Tuesday morning when tho of Asbury'' Park has prepared a most Hulshart nnd Berry—nnd the, township for 1897 very nuapieioiiBly Inst .Sunday. formally adopted plans and specifications has engaged rooms nt the Aldine. search for Stanley Dcering, nil attractive elaborate program for the Fourth of July clerk, E. N. Wbolston, were tlio oflicinla Tho day was a most porfcct one. Tlio at­ for the’ now school buildings nt Bradley Rev. and Mrs. T. J. Garland of Coats- little, 3-yeai-okl, was instituted. celebration which |s to lie held in that present at the session of the Township mosphere was cool, an ocean breeze pre­ Bench, West Grove and Hamilton. There, yillc, l’a,, ure guests at the Wilmington. Stanley and his 5 veain old brother city,, commencing Saturday morning, Committee held June 25tli, vailing all day to tlie delight und comfort Knyinond lire the soils’of Mr. and Mrs. July 3, with a game of baseball between were present at this session" President George MacKee, a student of Bclloyue Counselor Isaac C. Kennedy, repre­ of all those wlio me especially interested Ralnoar, District Clerk Van Gilluwe and Deering nnd live in New York at.'lit West tho Oreos of Asbnry Park and the Free­ senting the Atlantic Const Electric Rail­ ill tlie Christian work at hand. Services Messrs. Clayton, Ayres, White, Watson Medical College, will spend the season at Forty-Fifth street, ,but lire visiting their hold Niue, which is the liiial game to way'Company,-was present and asked the Belmortt. were hold in tho Yoiing Peoples’ Temple aud Garrabrant. grandmother, Mrs. A. C. Tice of Star decide tho supremacy of one of these permission to withdraw tlmt compnny’s and James Tabernacle early in tlie morn­ Mr.-.,Ayres, for the com m ittee on. the Fred Squires, Mrs. 10, F. Squires and Cottage, New York avenue and;Mt. Xion clubs, nnd terminating on Monday even­ application for n finnehise to; operate a ing, and at 10:550 in the commodious and of sale bonds, reported that bids hnd been J. F. Mellerick of Newark me at the Way, Ocean Grove. ing witli a glorious display of Pain’s lire' surfnee road from, Asbury Park south, lmndsome Auditorium. advertised for, to bo submitted by 11 n. Bower House. At. 9 o'clock on Tuesday morning the works on tlie oceaii front." along the line of . the macadam road. Tho Rev. Charles II. Yatman, who lias m. Ju ly 10. From information already Miss M ary 1*. Beegle Inis been away two Httle ones-started out for the beach During the interim every conceivable The request was granted. lias just returned from Evangelistic work received it was evident that the whole for ii Couple "of weeks visiting friends in where they were in the habit of playing: form of entertainment hits been provided The ordinance providing for the estab­ iii tlio leading European cities, 1 con? issue would be jjuickly placed at a very Newark mid New York. From this’point on tlieslorics are numer­ for,which will tend to make the.town lishment of a grade on Asbury avenue ducted the services held in the Temple handsome premium. Mrs. E. B. Smith of Washington, D. ous and conflicting, Raymond does not an attractive pointof interest to the holi­ wns then’taken lip uud passed oil second from 9 to 10 o'clock. For many veara A discussion tlien ensued,on th e ques­ C. is spending a few weeks at the DeWitt remember inucii abont liis little brother day visitor. .. ! reading. Mr. Yatmun lias been foremost in this tion of money duo from uncollected taxes House on Atlantic avenue. or where lie last saw hint. One story is The events are as follows:' Saturday The .application of Dr. Mitchell for work; and Inst Sunday was his fifteenth on Asbury Park property. It appears that shortly after 11 o'clock a babv-’boy morning, at the North Asbury Park permission to griide the Wliitesville road, year. He was warmly greeted by old and tiiat the township’s proportion of this liiirry Gribben, a student at .Bellevue answering Stnnley’s.description, was, seen Athletic Grounds, deciding ganiubf base- Medical College; of New York, is spend­ troin Corlies avenuo to Stokes avenue young. The popularity of the man and delinquent tax account amounts to a con­ coming up: the steps from the beach at bnll between Oreos old Asbury P ark and wns taken up, discussed, mid tho privi­ the esteem in which lie iB held by the siderable sum, and, plans were discussed ing the summer at, the Grove. Rosa’s pavilion. ,t’TheJ'little oiie was Freehold. Saturday afternoon bicycle lege granted. residents and visitors of Ocean , Grove fori securing ■ some adjustment of the Mr. Slmllcross and • family, of Frnnk- weeping, and when accbated by a little races and iithletic sports, including a After passing u number of bills the was apparent when many pressed for­ claim. ford, .will occupy tlieir charming little girl he said ho wanted Itaymoiid.' To three-mile nnd a one-mile novice, a five- Committee adjourned.: ward to clasp liis hand, and again wel­ The removal of t he Ocean Grove school cottage, No. ISO Pitm an avenue. : thiB the girl is said to have replied that mile handicap, and a two-mile handicap HATL'UIIAV’S Hlissiox. come him to the Temple. Tho singing building to a location on tlie north side Mr. Bainbridgo nnd famjly, of Phila­ shd wouid find, Raymbnd and the-pair for boys under 14 years of age. Between ■was led by Prof. John It. Sweney. It of the plot, to make room for the new delphia, are among the season’s guests at started up the: lioardwalkd But the baby these bicycle events, athletic .sports will Tlie Committee was called ' together was a special feature of tho interesting structure, will necessitate the removal of one of tlie Ocean Grove hotels. wanted to go toward the Grove, and they take place, including a 100-ynrd dasli, a again’ Saturday aftefnoon, Juno 20th, at 3.30 and all the inonibers were in attenA- oxerciseB, nnd highly gratifying to all. ornamental trees, shrubbery, etc., and it The pretty cottage 101 Central avenue turned and retraced their steps. Nothing tlnee-legged race, a sack; race, a hurdle Miss Bella|Green presided at the piano, was directed1 that tho-presont janitor, further can be learned; regardiiig'citlier and a barrel race. The star attraction' ance. - -de d-e-';.' - - d . ' :: is occupied Vhi season by Mr, C. X. Villi' The president und clerk were author­ while Miss Alida Patterson played the Andrew Norcross, be employed for the Btiren and family, of New York. itio birl.or tlio child. ; • ' t : : will be the appearance of the world’s organ. Miss M. I.ouisa Linebarger of summer to attend to this work, and also The report that Raymond arid liis littlo champion, Arthur A, Zimmerman, and ized to execute a deed to Hugh S. Kiii- Chicago, an expert cornetist, rendered Among the Broadway cottages recently brother were seen playing along the banks liis endeavor to lower the half-milo nionth ve-coiiveving a piece of property to look after the school property while reopened is tiiat of Mrs. M. A. Johnson, sevoral selections at intervals during the the buildings are iu course of removal. of Wesley Ijiko during the morning lias track record paced by. the funious blnck sold on account of ttjxus. services. A. solo by Lieut, May Storrs of The building committee reported hav­ of New York. H er cottage is No 53! d! been productive 'of even greater appre­ nnd white tandem. The ordinance establishing a grade oil ■ tho Salvation Army, was well received; ing effected an arrangement witli Peter Mrs. B. 1*'. Shertzer and Son of Fort hension for tlie baby’s fate. Oil Sunday appropriate services will be Asbury iivenue Was taken up oil third The yottng woman .has a particularly B. Poland for the removal ofthe Ocean Wayne, Ind., are spending the season at Thero was no sleep for tho residents of held in tlui Ocean Grove and Asbury reading, formally adopted, and clerk directed to record tlie same ill the ordi- sweet voico of considerable volume, and Gvove School building a t a colit of $100. Xo.*37 Pitm an avenue, Ocean Grove. ' • ■Star Cottage oh Tuesday, and tlie search Park Auditoriums and ih all the church­ displayed a knowledge of sacred music ( Inc hundred of this to be paid ill cash Mr. and Mrs, W. S. Had way and fam­ was .continued throughout tho night. es, Bishop John I‘. Newman preaching ntince book. Engineer.Niart Rogers will that pleased tho audience. and Poland to accept the south wing of ily of Philadelphia,' are at tlie Cflttagc Mrs. Tice is almost prostrated with grief. the sermon in Ocean Grove. be 'employed to eet the grade stakes. . Just before singing tlmt beautiful tho building,at a valuation of $300 as the From shortly after noon, when Raymond Complaint was tiled that the New, No. !I7 Pitman avenue, Ocean Grove. Monday, July 5, the observances of the Y’ork and Long Branch Iiailrond Com- hymn; •! Best Be tlio Tib That . Binds. balance of his compensation. The School Mrs. T. C. Baclie and daughter, Mrs. came to her and told her he had lost his day will be inaugurated at siinrise in Mr. Yatman suggested that tlio members Board, ^however, retains the possession little brother; Mrs. Tice lias continued Ocean Grove by- tlie .firing of a salute paiiy laid closed iip two streets—one in Dr. Williams and baby, ot Nanticoke, Bradley Beach and one in Asbnry Park— of tlie congregation indulge in the an­ and use of this wing for oiie year,,while Pn., me guests at the Arctic, Surf nveniie. with a broken heart her search for her from a cannon oil the beach front iind nual: and to many beautiful, custom of the new building is being erected. , baby grand-child. the ringing of the city bells. The services by teuring up the planking along tho hand-shaking. At tlio word eaph one in •The Columbia House is nicely enter* Shortly after 2 o’clock oii Wednesday commemorative of the National Anni­ tracks and building barricades across tlio A rchitect W alter II. Pierson’s plans tiiining Jlr. and Mrs. Cornelius, enshier driveways, thus causing serious incon­ the vast audience grasps liis or her neigh-, and specifications for tlio Bradley Beach, afternoon Christopher Kaston was rowing versary of. American Independence will of, the North wind •iNatioiial - Bank 6 f venience to the people having occnsion bor’s blind, iind for several minutes there West Grovo and Hamilton schools were Newark. ' * i , , ■ f J into his anchorage at the foot of Wesley be held in thu A uditorium a t 10.30 . was a general sympathetic greeting and formally adopted and tho committee, in- Lake, close to the Boardwalk, when he o’clock, when Hoii. Janies L. Hays, to use those crossings,, These streets had been open to public iise for a consider­ clasping of bands. It was, a monmeritous slructed.to advertise for bids for, tlieir Mrs. J. D. Clark and daughter of Eliza­ discovered tlie body of a'child rapidly Piesideiit State Board of Education, . will occasion, which orie and all will remember construction; the bids to be, filed on or beth and .Mrs. A. J. Benson nnd son of rising to tho: surface of tho water. The preside: The following is the program, able time. Mr. Berry wns appointed a conimittcc to operate with the Citizens in for years to come. There were many moist before July tlth nt noon. . l’ortchester, X. Y,, ure guests at I lie boatmen had all been notified of little of th e exercises i eyes noticeable among tho congregation, The designs of the Bradley Bench ad­ Aldine. ( Stanley’s disappearance,* and >•' Easton Organ Voluntary, Miss M.Rice, Chester, an effort.to have them re-opened, d. and not a few were visibly affected. dition provide for tho.erectipn of a frame C. E. Borden• and family, New York; hailed '-Major l’ntfereoh; fhb. chief of l’a.; Singing,: “ My Country, ’tis oi A resolution"als.qj passed authorizing tliii execution of-a document providing Mr. Yatman announced that meetings building containing four rooms, two oil Mrs. A. I!. Lounsbury and Miss V irginia police, wlio was .superintending somo T h e e ; ” Prayer, -R ev, Peter Stryker, D. would be held ill the Temple at 9 o'clock the first floor and two on the second, each Lord of Philadelphia are guests at the work close by, nnd nt his request carried D., Asbury Park, N. J. ; Singing, ‘.‘ Na­ for: the abandonment of a certain por­ tion of the Wliitesville road south of the each m orning until Sept. ii. Tliey wilt 23x30 feet in size, with commodious cloak Stratford. -:t d dd :;tddd: d,: the remains' to tlie head of tlie lake ill tional Song; Heading, “ Declaration of last one hour. Collections for the gen­ rooms, closets, etc. This building will his boat. Tliey were : then removed to Campbell property. Professor R. Charles Bates who lias Independence,” . Prof., John Enright, Harrison Ward, of West Park, wits eral work will be taken on Mondays be attached to the present two-room charge of athletic instruction at the El­ Sexton’s undertaking establishment on Superintendent of Education, Monniouth and Fridays. The first of tlio Young structure, and the general design will South Main street, to await tho inquest County.; Singing, “ Tho Star-Spangled employed as a member of the township mira Institute, is domociled at the Al­ police force for tlie summer at a salary of People’s meetings was highly interesting produce a very handsome, well-lighted aska House. ol' Coroner H enry H erbert, who hud been Banner;" Patriotic Song, Miss Portia and the attendance nearly 1.500. and commodious school house. notified.. Clay Hoar, Jtelmar, N .J. (Mies Hoar is $50 per month. The West Grove building will be of Miss Wagher, Philadelphia; Mr, and Mrs. A. C. .Tice, the child’s grand-, AT Tl'iK .it’DfWllll'M. anddMrs. Wm. Gribbon, and A. II. Grib- bu t 12 yearn of age end will accompany TltrilSII.VV’fi MEKIIMI. brick, two stories in licightli and contain luotlier,- was completely prostftvted by the lievseif upon the violin); Cornet Solo, A t 10:30 th e spacious and beautiful four rooms, each 24x30. : The specifica­ hon of Brooklyn, are sojourning lit the shock. Stanley’s little playmate, a smaU Another session of the coinmittee was Le Chevalier. ; -i‘:- ; ." . Miss M. Louise Linebarger, Chicago, III.; Auditorium was thrown opened, fully tions have not yet been prepared, aiid tliq boy of foiii;'years, tho son of Mrs. Coh- Oration, Hon., Edward C. Stokes, Mill­ held Thursday afternoon when it , was 2,500 people occupied those seats nearest committee was requested to proceed with Miss M. S. Linebarger, who adds so dell on Lake avenue, was asked by his ville, N. ,T., City Superintendent ot ordered that a note for $2,000 b eex o - tho speaker’s platform. The Itev. Dr. the matter as rapidly as possible. much to tho beauty of. the Auditorium motlter on AVediieaday where lie ha’d left Schools and Senator from Cumberland cutrd in anticipation of taxes, in order to Stokes, president of the association, pre­ The Hamilton school will'be a very services with her cornet solos, is n guest SMfiiejT Itnd i'tiptled^tliat he went down Country ; Singing,-‘.‘ThreeCheers tbr the meet current expenses. e sided at this meeting. About the plat­ neat and attractive brick building, ono at tlie Alaska House. the steps into tlie water. Flog Benediction, Bishop Fitzgerald, Mr. L. E. Watson, representing tlio form potted plants wero conspicuous; story high and contain two rooms, each Another Philadelphia fuiqily among Tills probably Is, just how the sad ac­ Methodist Episcopal Church. Professor Street Railway Company, appeared be­ while cut flowers adorned the reading 24x32,. with ample clonk rooms. The the recent arrivals is that of Mr. and cident nr-curred, for. the boatmen luive Sweiiey will nave charge of the music. fore the Board and asked permission to desk, l’rof. Swoney conducted the m ain partition will be so arranged .with,' Mrs. Bilbrougli, who are spending' the about till they enn attend to ill warning In.the afternoon tlie sports.will bocon- make alterations in the line of road in singing. He .was assisted by a w ell train­ .sliding doors tiiat in case of need the senson at 98 Broadway. *•''••••• tlie little ones out of the boat's and off tlie tinued at tlieNorth Asbury Park Athletic order, to form a connection with the As­ bury Park System. Alter some discussion ed volunteer choir of mnlo voices. Miss entire floor can be used as nil audience Among the arrivals of Western people wharves. . Grounds and will’ include three bicycle Margaret Rice officiated at the pipe organ room. • The funeralWill be this (Friday) af­ races ns follows: One-mile novice, five- it was decided to take a recess until even­ may bo noted that of Mrs. S. E. Howell ing when thb subject wns again taken up and Miss Linebarger and Mr. William Work on these three structures will be­ and family of Omaha, who lmve taken ternoon nt 1:30 o’clock nt Stnr cottage, mile handicap and a one-mile scratch Sulger of Trenton; assisted witli cornet gin as soon as acceptable bids havo been New1 Y'ork aveiuieand Mt- Hermon wav. race, open only to colored cyclists. The fo r discussion. Tho trolley people dcBiro •quarters at the Aldine. to change the line of rails from n point and trombone. > received and accepted, in', order that the The liev. J. G. Reed of St. Paul’s M. E. athletic feats ’are as follows: 100-ynrd The Pauline Cottage, 14 Embury ave., opposite the southerly line of tho Main Ilevs. Dr. Wallace and A. K. Ballard building may bo available 'for service church w ill conduct ; the services at the dash,-!'pig, chase, running broad jump, read the Scriptu re. Mr. Yntmiin’s dis­ when tho school year opens. owned by Kev. Dr. -Whiiinn,: has .been house; the interment will be made in the avenue' entrance to Ocean Grove iind run rented for th e seasoii b y Mi's. J., Johnson, , standing uioad jum p, .fat i.iian’s race and course was from tho text Phil. .'i:S—: “A A resolution was also passed constitut­ Kitlrview cemetery, at Rod Bank. clim bing tiio greased pole. them in the centre of the street, -d True Photograph of the Genuine. Chris­ ing tlie Construction and Repair Com­ of New Brunswick, N. J. The.tropliies and prizes uio sufficiently, T he qiiOBtion, after discussion, wiis laid Sirs. Charles G. Barnes of Bethlehem, ' over for further consideration at a meet­ tian. ” It was one of the celebrated mittee a “ Building Committee,” and J; JUNE WEDDINGS. -vitldable to prove an incentive and to in­ evangelists best efforts, and was closely It. Muddell was added to its members ih l’a., has arrived in town for the senson sure tlie participation oijthe best athletes. ing to he held Wednesday evening, July • listened to by a most rbspcctful and cul­ connection with the Bradley Bench and is again pleasantly lbcated in. the 7, at 8 o’clock, when the committee will However, the climax of tho celebration give the publican opportunity to express tured audience; school; Ei HiTilton for the West Grove Davidson House, (14 Webb avenue. i , 'C.Whllo tlmwuUUlnnIlells nr,, itiijiliie will be the display of Pain’s fireworks in : All Ihe world Hcems gay." u s views On the matter. SUItr.-.MKKTINd. ,' building'nnd Isaac Garrabrant for tlio Rev. I). B.. Kay nntl family are so- j tlie'evening. The committee claims this Hamilton improvement. Y journingat the Atlantic House. The Rev. j . •; •'-. ..: Barr—Witner. will be the greatest aiid.most brilliant The. su rf m eeting a t (1 o ’clock, at. ' the' The largo amount of work in progress Mr. Ray is a prominent diviue ot tlie , display of icrial and water iirew orks and THE BEACH CAFE. foot of. Ocean Pathway, was well at­ requires frequent meetings of tlioHoard, Episcopal Church inNew York City. j One of the happiest m id prettiest hiur- set pieces shown along the Jersey const. tended. Owing to

Oni- I-'Inn Is Jjllli T h ere. • SUMMER PROGRAM. Kipp iluy iliis year if! one of. peculiar Religious Services to be Held at Ocean that cough itiferi s! and imj>oi taiic».v It i« lUO year* ; "G rove, N.J., Season of l8S>r. ngo Jiimi j-1 siiici! tliii Uiiitcd tjtiitcR or throat . • •in Urt!?, l'tiK.'ticallv in its present: Sdmiie, \viis i. AtMllTOItHI.M OI'KNINli, giibliatli, .lime • .arili. IIoilnusH ;Mu6Uiig in .Inne’s Tuber-’ .id?pk’d. . ’J’lu-ii • Jmvi- . Ijr'i'M m inor ' ifiiclo, ll it.ni. dally, Hev. J. U. JMuloln, trouble Itauli'r; Young i’oople’H Meeting In tla* Males OF MlD-SUMMER GOODS, - ■' 'foi' frtipttoiiii.• ' I'lure . Smith. D.D., of Iowa; MlKKlotmry Hern»-‘ does •. la iy nl’ .ihe Al. li. t/l»Ui^li;7.1.Vp.ih. . Is already feeling the effects Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. wciV! I!) stars tln ‘ii loo. , A t tlm close oC I. NAtlONAli ANNlViatSAHY of Amerl* o a r civil w ar tlm m unhfv hut} ianti'iimi ran IjnlepemientT. Monday, July . fall. that mean ? Oration by Hon. .KiUviml 0. BtokcK, of toiSl. Xovaila, tlm “ battle bomstnte," .M illville, N. .1., S tu te S e n a to r f ro m .( 'u n i' of returning prosperity and : burlnnd County, at I0.U0 a.m. HeaOlhg of H ale's Honey o£ Horehound and T ar SATURDAY AND MONDAY. JULY J A ID 5. was admit toil to tlui Union iii. J.WH dur­ tlio Declaration of Independence byrm r. Isn’t claimed to cure consumption, but it ing tlio stormy days of tlio civil war. .John Ktirlgiit. Superintendent of I’ublle will ofien prevent it, A positive cure for many inquiries are being re­ Instruction,. Monmouth County, N. .1; aco u g h . Sold b y OrugglstR; :• • Tin; lirst flag adopted liy tlie embryo Patriotic Songs, I’l-of. -.Iohn It. .Sweney, Piltc'3Toothache Drops cure in one mihiitc. URESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS. United .States had un stars iii tlio blue Musical Director. ■. ceived from people desirous .V W .C . 'JV I!. .OF N K W .1KItsK Y , T h u rsd ay 10,1100 Vni'dn nf Calico, at 2~ Cents worth 0 Cents. Held. In 177(1 tin; 1:1 stripes, red ami •and Friday, July 8tli and oth, Mrs. Kinm i ; Honrne.presldlug. HHHl Y nids F ine .S'nteenK. nt 10 Cents trortli IS Cents white, worn vlipucu as I he . national em- <1. HAUHA'l'Ii OBHKHVANCK a n d Wdiiioo-Vf of making investments in this ■>000 yds Imported Dimities and Oi'gandies, at 10« woitli ‘Joe. lilem. but instead of tliu starry iield the Nnlional Sabbnth Alliaiitte, Siiturday, 51)00 Y ards Apron G'ingliains, at it Cents vvortH U tV nta. ,.Inly 10th. Sabbath .July 11th, sermon by ivph crosses nf Hi. ( ii'or^c and St. Andrew, . Hev. H. S; MeArtliar, D.D., pastor of class of property. aOiltl Y anis Fine P Ciini’liams, a t Uc w orth 12} Cents. CiOOO Yanis Flue Dome! Flannel, 10 yards for 2") Cents. . un ill'll as in tlio British flag,: occupied , • t'alvnry Ban 1st- (liureh, New York City,; • 10.:50a.m. • ' ‘ • • NIGHT TRAHSFORHBD INTO DAY 1000 Y ards Fine -1-1 M oslin, 4 Cents wortili .4- t'unty,. tlm upper corner next the staff. Imt the 7. OCKAN OUOVK KI’NDAY-SCHOOL AS- SKMIH.Y. Hev. Dr. II. 1J. Loomis, eon- A N A C T I V E H A R K E T Special in Ladies’ Bicycle Suits—l.eggins and Cap to Matoiii. next year.tin' crosses were changed for diietdr^ Monday, July Kith, (o Thursday, by (jlcctrlcity nnd CHEAM fro/eii . • .Inly 22d, imdusive. Stereopticon. vlow«, Into esqulslte^ flavors by . tin) stars; These at lint circled aronhd . leetures, cOneert.s, etc. Baccalaureate ser- ■ tho IjJiii' tieJd in form nf a w reath. m on. S a b b a th , J u ly WLh. T h ere w ill a lso means an advance in prices, We are closing out a Large Stock of Carpets, Matttngs^, be the wonderful Photoscope or Living It is true that ihe love df tlm Amer­ I’lcturc.s, by W alter W ade,; two nights. 1 Linoleumus and Wall Papers to make room for Summer ican flan is only a sentimcllt, but tlio Send for dotulled program. ■ «. A. M. K. CHUKCH JUBILEE, Friday, July aud to secure the most profit­ Goods. Now is the.time to get Bargains. love of every tiling else is mere senli- 2:]d, lO.iW a.m . a n d 3 p .m . Klim Cottage Entertainment; evenlug. . mcnt, iiothiiig more. And there is.no SI. NEW JEltSEY ■ SUNDAY-SCHOOL able results you should buy A Great Sale of 4000 Men’s, Ladies’, Misses, Boy’s and surer way to lnafeo thin Union perpetnal HALLY, Saturday, July 21(1), 10.H0 a.m. * andHp.m. - IF YOU GET IT AT DAY’S Child’s Bathing Suits, which we will retail at wholesale prices. than to teach si'lliml children to love 10.: YOUNG PEOPLES’ DAY. Sabbath, July , iTilli. Grand Floral Display, sermon by IT’S GOOD now. that (lag as they love the sunshine and Hev. M r. Davenport. Mr, Im D. Sjinkey SPECIAL PRICES to Hotels and Boarding Houses. in Ay ami nil things beautiful. It iB a w ill sin g . II. NATIONAL DEACONESS* DAY, Mon- Sheetings, Table Linen, Towels, Napkins, Blankets wise law which provides that the Amer­ . : day, July m b. In Thornley Clmpel. I have a number of. 12. WOMEN'S HOME MISSIONAHY SO- ICE •CREHM; and Counterpanes, Ready-Made Sheets, etc. ican (lag shall float over all tlie people's CIETY, Tuesday and AVednesday, July- sehoollionses during school hours every •: 27th and 28th, Mrs. C. B. Fisk, presiding. , l:t. NATIONAL TEMPERANCE DAY'S, Na-I AS IS IC E CREAM , AND SERV ED j day. likewise •iivii-..all buildings in tional Teniperauce and Publlcat*on So- IX THE Ol’KX AIR n ’NDEU COVER; j :j; Decided Bargains, Bargains in Ladies’ Shirt Waists and Separate Shirts. . elety, Thursday, July 2ftth to Sabbath, w hich biiHiness of tho national govern­ August 1st, Inclusive.. Lectures by. Col. 1,(TO.Fine Sliirt W aists a t 50er t’orn > erp ric e$ l.25. • ment is transacted. It is the most beau-, Geo. W. Bain, and, otuere. Silver fjike .. I .OiDV H ne Shirt Waists at 96e, formei' price $2.00. , O.uartelto (Toncert, Hev. ('. If; Mead, particulars of which will be 100 Finn Clntli Skirts, Braided, at $1)75, forljier priei! tS.00. liful flag in the world, ours is, and Iieador, Friday,July :10th. Saturday,July Once « Patron. Always a Patro.n 1 ■ ' 1.00 Fine Silk Skirts at.$4.0S, lormer prico $0.00. Americans cannot, sen ’ it. .(on often. .•■{1st, .National Antl-Lhiuor Leaeue, 10^0 ,ud , p.m. Twenty-elghth Annl- cheerfully; supplied upon ap­ 500 Fine Skirts at (18c, $1,25, JI.50 ami $2 .0 0 . American children that, are taught to iovo it. and cherish as a sacred thing DRY'S SPECIAL SALE OF BLANKETS QUILTS COUNTERPANES will not be apt to do r.u.vtbing to dis­ plication. . Silver I^ake Quartette will sing at each of OCEAN {JROVE and ASBURV PARK. grace it. Kvery family in the Union the meetings. ‘ • -• ^ Special gale in Cpdi.es'- glac^ Qress goods & II. OCEAN GROVE MEMORIAL DAY, ought to own a tTtiited .States flag anil v M onday, A ugust 2d, a t 3 p .m . THE FINEST LINE IN THE MARKET. fling it to tin! breeze on national holi­ 15, ICING’S DAUGHTERS DAY, ; Tuesday, ' A u g n stS d , I0.H0 a.n i; a n d :i p.m . Special in Table Linen Napkins, Tovyels,, Ready Made Sheets and days. Id. 0(?EAN GROVE SUMMER SCHOOL OF Pillow Slips. 100 Dozen Towels at 8 Cents,'worth 15 Cents. Tt is a wise law, too, that prohibits THEOLOGY,’ Dr. J. K. Price. Dean. Mortgage August :kl. Summer School Popular ! w w vyvw w vyyw the American Hag from being used lor C oncert, 7.W p.m . A u g u st 4th to l« th . Special Sale of Lace and Pnrtiere Curtains^ " L e c tu r e d ally , 10 io 12 a .m ., :t a n d 7.30 advertising purposes. .Such uso degrades » p.m. Historical Theology, Dr. C.J. Little, l.oJi-jir-i l.aco C urtains at .00 w orth $1.110. it in tho popular mind. J u t not profane Garrett Biblical Institute. Old Testa­ 100 prs I-ice C urtains a t .75 w orth $1.25 ment, Dr. -T. McCurdy, l.’nlverslty of 100 i>rs Fine l’ortieres $2.50 wortli J4.00. bands bo laid upon that radiant emblem Toronto. New Testament, Dr. Geo. T. Investments. I • Curves, Princeton University. Biblical IflOjirs l.aee Curtains at $1.00 worth $1.50. of liberty I j The*»li«y and .PliysUml Science, Dr. J. E. yvvvyvvvvvw yyvyvvvv 100 prs Ijico Curtains at 2.00 worth IJ.00. ! Price, Dean, and nr. William North Rice, , Wo have now 44 stars ill our Hog. Wesleyan University. Pastoral Tbeolosy, ___ 100 p rs Lace C urtains $:1.00 worth $5.00. When Alaska, Xcw Mexico, Armiiia, ! Dr. G. K. Morris, Boston University, t Popular Kvculng Lectures by speakers of If it is preferable to invest 50,000 Rolls Hew Spring Styles \©all paper. Oklahoma ami Indian Territory conn national reputation. August 12th and I * ' iu, we shall have .411. Tlicro tho number 1 13th, Summer School Musical Festival, r,...... v....y..| 2 5 Men's Saits nt $4.40 worth $8.00 j• 1 *♦ ***• 7«• * f v « , . ... Mr. Walter Dainrosoh, Conductor; Prof. will ceuso to grow, unless Texas wants T. Morgan. Director; August 12th, “ Child­ 011 Bond and Mortgage, I can i r I A T H I «: 25 M en’s Suits, at, , $5.49 w orth $10.00 •{ ww a t h i m / ' » ren's Festival;’.'.August 13th, Oratorio ot .: 50 Boy’s Suite, - $4.00 to bo divided,' or unless, indeed, Cuba j . “ E lijah .” : CLOTHING .’12.49-worth jCLQTHINQ ! Hawaii and Camilla oomo to us. 17. W OM EN’S F O R E IG N M ISSIO N A R Y HO- offer FIRST-CLASS SECU­ J 50 Boy’s Fine Softs, at $1,28 wor(li..$2.00 ...... i (JI ETY, Saturday und tSabbntb, August, llth and loth. Sermon by Hc,v. W. F. Oldham. D.D., Sabbath 10.30 a irt. ^ 250 p re ljRdies' lJoiigola, Pat Tip, at 85e. u th $1.C0- Tlm tronbloAvitli tin* plie.yeuuo In* j IS. AM ONG T H E IN D IA N S . L ectures toy RITIES.’ 011 property worth GREAT SPECIAL ! 250 •• •• . ■«..;;<* 99c. “ 1.2r> dians in Mautauii appears to bo that i . Rev. Edgarton R. Young,Monday after-. s 1000'* “ ’ • • '< • “ $1.4» •*. 2.00< . noon, July Bit h, Tuesday and Wednesday they ennnot midfirstaiid why four Iadi* ! nitrhts, July ITtli niid'ISlli. from two to three times the S H O E S A L E . ■ i Jooo ' “ , “ 2.00 2.50- 10. SONGS IS THE NIGHT. Rev. C. II. J. Edw. FLITCROFT...... 1000 Pairs Douglas Celebrated Shoes all Prlccs ans Khou 1(1 bp held r(!PpohHibl(V fo r the I Yaunah. Monday* August 10th;7.550 p.m.. Sole Agent for Asbnry Park.and Ocean Grove; innrdorof oiio whito iiinu. Tho Oliey- I 20. WOMEN’S ENCOURA(JEMENT MEET- amount of tlie loan. These ! •: I NOS, Wednesday and Thursday, August Sanitary Plum ber. 1500 I^aira Children’s Donpola, P atent Tips, sizes 0 to 11, at . . 03e., worth JU.CO cuuo rhiof, AViiitQ Bull, w ith three com-; I lKtU and IHth..morning and afternoon; 300 pairs'Mieses' Dongob, Patent Tips, sizes 11 to 2,'at. . . 4!»c., worth $1.2.v panionH, »Sam Crow, Vollow'Hair r and I.' M rs. D r. H . W heeler a n d Mi-s. B elle N . are fifst ' .mortgages, bearing Cl land ter. lx*ad eiv. •. HARDSOME PRESENT WITH EVERY PAIR. EVERY PAIR WARRANTED. Batiger, tbo lsist liiimed being * also 21. A N N U A L CA M P M E E F IN G , F rid ay , Estimates Given on All Kinds oi A u bu si 20tli. to T uesday, A ugust 31st, In- known as Stauley,. were tho persons , .elusive. Opening sermon, Hev. Lucien Plumbing and Tin Work. A six per cent, interest, net. (xmeerned in tlio niurdiir of the shoep i.JIark, D.D., pastor • of Foundry : M. E. Large Assortment of 1 . ' Church, Wasfilngton, 1). C., Saturday, herder Hoover. Badger was surrender­ ^ August 21 st, 10.30 a.iin Sabbath,-August Payable semi-annually. 22d, • Bishop .John F. Hurst, 10.30 a.m. ed to tlm Indiaii ageiifc/at (lie Cheyenne . ('am p Meeting Lovo. Feast, Sabbath, A.u- Stoves Ranges, STI3L.ES’ E X P R ES S rcscrvation, Captain Stouch, tho other |trust 2flth, at. 8.45 a .m . S erm o n s by R ev. Jolm Potts, D.D., of Toronto,-Canada, and CONSTANTLY ON HAND. ALL EXPENSES for three iiiiiujf* allowed to;go free. But the I v others of national fame. L I N M r . Prof. Sweney will conduct the singing U - A N D 8 TJ&GI 8 : civil authorities took tlio matter iu : during the entiro season. Miss M. Louisu searches etc., paid by the bor-. hand and issued warrants for tiio arrest, •Linebarger, cornet!st, and Miss. M. Rice, organist. Surr Meotlngs every Sabbath Office and Salesrooms, Is tliu oldest established line in Oc.an Grove and As­ of "White Bull aud the two other Indi­ •iveningat ’foot of Ocean Pathway, when, rower. W expense to the bury Park..' Special facilities l’or the prom pt and uarefu) weather pormlts. Twilight meetlugs dur- p il o r iiv i p a t h w a y , ans. Immediately, there was a • conflict . ing Camp Meeting. . handling of all kinds of 'Furniture, Eianos, Boilers and of tliu civil anil military authorities. 22; A .^l. E. ZION OHURCIl will hold services on Thursday, September 2d, 10.30 a.m. and investor. Safes. Shipping tags furnished free. Storage for all kind? Tho Indians say Stoucb told thohi that ‘2.30 p .m . •:•••'•' -• ; • ■ Opp. Post Office, OCEAN GROVE, Ji. J. tho Huni-nilor of Badger w.as sufficient,; • • . ; • K. II. STORKS, PreHldent. of goods. Separate Compartments. Bach individual fnr- sinco Badger .was tlio oito who fired the Record, your name and address; iii • the niftlted w ith key. first, shot at the herder. Naturally iuid Occan Grove ltegister at ■ tliu- Association T. FRANK APPLE BY, justly tjin white people »if ; tlm country Ofllce. Friends,: Telegrams, Mnil, eic., will RENTALS.* then quickly tlnd you.. Otherwise delays. ^TACOB STILES^ .demand tlmt. all of t lm suspected; Indi­ S e a l E s t a t e ans Im avtested and tried for murdeiv .; OmcKB:—No. 702 Mattisou Avenue, P^ilroad Depot, Asburj Park; Arrival and Departure of Mails; IF YOU desire to rent Avenue, Wost Grovo; No. 46 Main Avenne, opposite. Association Office. Oooao Tint su ltan of. T urkey objected to Dr.- N kw Yo h k , EAsfjcitN a n d No u t iik jin "Ni:w Insurance Office. Grove. Post Office J5oi 669. Asbury Park, N. J. J p.nsKv. Janus B. Angell as-minister to his A rrive. • Closi*. • 61 M AIN AVI5XIIE, a .Cottage or Boarding House country beeauso Dr. Angcll belongs to 7.1ftn. m. OJIOn.m.. tho Congrngati(intil church. It requiretl 10.;W . •• 10.30 Asbury Tarb and Oecu 11 (lixivti Hank BulidiiiK 12.00111. . OCEAN OUOVK, y : c. .1. IIAV8 B. . • AV. HAItV-isV JONES, all Minister Terrell’s explanations aud 0.15 * •» 3.30 p. m . for the Season of 1897, send 0.45 •* I n c h arg e o f U O BEH T E . M A VO, itunllty, ilulekiH'Hs,.Qmjntity. arguments lo couvince Abdul Hamid - ■. . AIL k in d s 01 ■ P it 1 j<’AoKi.i'iiia. Wkstku.n and Soutiikhn, your name now and a list of ICEl ICE! that tho Congregational ehurch was not ANI> SpllTllKttN NKW.InnSEY. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT, a secret and dangorous political orgaui- Arrive. ■ Close. nation) given to plottiug against sultans 7.15'a.m. 7.00a. 111. available houses, giving loca­ 10.30 »• 12.00 m . 1887— —-1897 and tlieir kind. A 11 intelligent man is 11.20 * " . . . 3.30 p. m. Pure Manufactured 3.30 it. in. •• this Abdul Humid whom tho powers of •UO • • JOS. L. DURRAH, tion, number of rooms; price, ------AND----- Euroiio for their own jealous purposes A snuitv P a hr. treat as if ho were a civilized pereon. A rrive. Close. Plastering, - Brick-W ork, Cementing; etc., will be furnished. Steam 7.15 a. 111. 7.C 0a.m . 3.^10 p. m. 12 00 m. Natural Ice. 1£ the British cabinet nmintaiu their 0.15 *• 0.45 p. in. Twenty years oxporieneo in Asbury. I’ark. decision that. Turkey shall havo no part Trenton—Same au Philadelphia. Newark and Jersey City—Same as Now Y’ork. Work OuarantCcd and Keliiiblc... W. H. BEpdLE, Laundry, of Thessaly, it w ill be the manliest thing Baltimore and Washington—Same as Phila­ d elp h ia. ' Address postal to RICHARD WILSON, thoy have done sinco the outbreak of tho L , Wm , II, HAMll.tox, IV M, 48 MAIN AVENUE, Greek war. liussia and: Germany aro 5 0 7 T h ird Avenue,: - Asbury Park. 812 Cookman Avenue, ..vu.*• ■. O ffice: • tho sultan’s friends; England declares 108 HECK AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE. shb w ill npfc let’ Turkey have any addi­ STEWART & HERBERT, Ocean Orove, = N. J. Asbury Park, = N. J. tional territory from Greece. If czar and WILLIAM SMITH emperor refuso to side with iior, there Contractois, Carpenters and Builders. Deliveries made Daily. might then eomo.that general European . Eetimntcs Cheerfully Given. Dumb- Waiters. JOHN N. BURTIS. GOODS CALLED FOR AUD DELIVERED. Twice on Saturday. w ar. Snmll ,lol)8 Promptly Attended to. BeHt of References FumiBlied. Anti-Frlrtion, Murtagh arid.Other Wo aro not going to lot tho British - Patents M«de an4 Put Up. Undertaker and Bmbalmer, * ORDER BY POSTAL CARD. beat us in speed of torpedo boats. The .FAS. II. SEX TO N , Jatont addition to the United States tor­ •Shop anti Resldenci', Carriage, SMe-Waifc & Store Elevators. 708 Mattson Avenue, ’ ASBURY PARK, N. j, ... pedo fleet, tho Porter, lias shown she. Filth Aveulio near Main Street. • 136 Reid Avenue, ’ ^ Coflin^ n n d B urial Caskets oh h and or fur* . . can travel 213 miles an hour. Hor com­ . P o s t OIDco B ox 63 Bradley Beacb, N. J. nlphed to order.: Special ^attention given to FDNBML DIRECTOR 1 N D BMMLMBB JOMM REOlSfiSSiRD,' Eatftb 0 Yeara; . BROOKLYN, N. Y'. ft'fttnlng'plctures. Telephone. 02, , ; mander’s name is tho historic one of J. A large aamtnicnt o/Ocakrts, eUi, cQiistanUy cm G. Frem ont. Giroulhrs, Trlco List nnrt. full lniormntion hand. Vloweri'of any design at xhmt nollcf. Sanitary Plum her / BOARDING STABLES. may bo obtuined at -18 Mnia Avn. Oeeun Grove George M. Bennett, Parlors and Office—No. 17 Main Street, There is cue thing Commissioner Cal­ ' SEAR THE UOltNKJl OF . . Opposite Ocean Grove Main.Av* Cates, houn found out on liis looont.trip that Heck - and - Whitcfleld - Avenues, ' ASBURY "MiK, .1. was worth going to Cuba for. Ho dis- OCEAN GROVE, N. J. Estimates on Sewer:and ■ Wan'<- Connect . covered that \var existed.in .Cula. . Ev-/ IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Alio Superintendent of Mt. Prqspect Cemetery. ione Promptly Fnrnishe.1 Ixiw GEORGE PBIDHAM. Prices and Gobil Wovi- - , orybody- but congressmen and tho presi­ UorsOii and Carrlnges (Carefully'Handled by Espcrlonccil M en;. TerpiH Reasonable. .•/•• ;.BOX ao'i3 , Lock box 2i32, Ocean Grove, N. j d e n t knew it. over tw o years ago. < Joiinson Taylor, Prop’r. OCEAN QROVE, N. j. . H. TRUAX &. SO N ; ; J. H. PARKER'S ; The early summer outlook1 at the. sca- IVELrSOIV H . K IL M E R , sldo a n d summer resorts has beon glum A $3,000 Bargain. PURE C0BNTBY MUE gotel and Restaurant, enough to almost force the belief that Splendid homo oh liroadway ctimairi1 ARCHITECT AND BUILDER Oue Cow* Milk fnr Infants and Invalids.: ;=.7 0$ MATTISor* AVENUE, tho sun has forgotten his. business. ; - ing 32 rooms and bath, hot and cold wa­ ■ Flans and specifications for all kinds ter, electric lights, liealer, iii perfect con­ of modern wood, stone o r briok* bull dings. For Box 393,'- Asburv Park, or box 393 : ASBURY PARKt N. j . ‘‘ dition! . One and a half lots in plot. Time workmnnahlp and prices will refer to aU for There aro able editors who apparent­ whom I; have done work in the Grave and. Ocean Grove. M ilk’Depot, Lawrence ave.. Oomforiiibly Purnjahed IUk/iub by th e Day or limited to 30 days, apply to W. H. Beecle, And, Grainer. Park. Estimates oheeritUly given. ' ; . .. Week. .‘ • ’ •. _ ' ly know more about the president’s Cu­ between Main and Broadway Gatp, Ocean 48 Main avenue, Ocean Grove, N. .1. Grove.. Telephone Connection. Regular Dinner from / / to j, jo Cents ban policy tfniiV hc himself does. m ay2£l, 4t..,. ESTIMATES PROMPTLY FURNISHED Box-2087. - • • pitniaD Avenoe, Qcesb Orove’ OCEAN QROVE .TIMES—SATURDAY,. JULY 3 189?. 3

Q For SaleJCheap. ERRATIC GECiL-RA'P^ly, ; Twojdcrtrnble lota on one r»f the inoj*t DON'T BEGIN THE SEASON nfensnm avenues'- in the Orove Three IVTmmtalii'. unil 3t*aU«.’, I'uurn! O’] I lif,3Tap, blocks Trom the ocean* one a corner lot ; W ithout milling on us for..the key to your success. These keys come in bat Ifotrltcro Else. 110 casli. required to any ono \yl»ri‘ will 2G Second. tlio shape of the very‘hest Groceries lit the very Lowest I’rices, nnd Among tho .anomalous results that ' build'; .write Tor pnrtioiili’uv. W. II. will be delivered to you promptly upon application to . . . . . ecographlcal exploration is constantly -4S Main avenue. Ocean. <*n»ve, calling to tho front is tlie uunihilatiou X.. .1;— tut r. t ,v r.-t 1 . 40 Third of landmarks which havo been consid­ ered to ho tirmly established. Less than Money. threo yearn ago it was ttisenvori’d tlmt iMUO, SWI). SSOtl, SUtHj, $1,1)011, $i,«im, Mount: Iseran, ti peak of (hi! Graiau $2,001!,'$2,30(1 to loan'on Jiond nm t .Mort­ Alps, which figured on nil detailed limps gage.. Call or send.description of progs of tho Alpino regions with tho verv i-o- orty; \ \ \ II.- Beegle, .48 Main avenue, upceiablo elevation of.tipw im l of la.OOO Ocean Grijve. X. .1.—mlr .. . ' 604, 606 and 60S Cooknian Avenue, feet, liad 110 existence in fact, and tho OPPOSITE POST OFFICE, ASBURY PARK, X assumed mountain lias since, hccn con­ K Oit $ 1,000 I can sell you a comforta­ signed to oblivion, i£\ Komwvimt less ble ;7'-rbom co ttag e on JJ rond wav, neiit* complete effaeonient awis aiV.mnced iii Now York avenue: *Sewer and water 10,000 Fresh Eggs Just Received from Our Mahasquan Store. Jiie early past of tho pastyonr in tlx re­ connections. .Cottage furnished. feb - m> -a v : AV. IV Ihimi.K _ 25 m oval of t, COO fcot from the hi'if?iit of 20 2 FRESH EGGS ’ FOR C E N T S Mount Browii, in British America— Two .Splendid iiOts—one a corner for $1,100, NEW DEPARTURE generally credited with an altitude of reduced from $2,COO. Como quick; only three We m ake the 1IKST iX O U K aiul F INKST C AXN10I) (iOOI )S- leading SI* KCI ALT IKH hloeks from ocenu nnd centrally located. I hit do tint eonl hie ourselves to these goods, hut * “handle with ! 0,000 feet in place oi: tlio !),000 feet W. H. BEEGLE, 48 Main ave. ; care” everything in the Grocery I .ini*. which is now given to it hy Erdfesspr. Coleman—a condi tioit somowhat similar WANTED.-r-Two rooms with board for CASH COUNTER. to ilio experience of Mount fHood, in two adults and infant, near beach. Terms Oregon, which, when heiisg . gradually mlist bo reasonable. Address “ G,J;fF.” Have just unloiidcd another carload of ourtiKICAT X.W X .UINXl&OTA, and yon are ready.for your Flour we would advise you to take some at this price: reduced from iis presumed height of 1154 West 122d street, New York.-r-mn^Dtf You Can Buy as Low Our Ureal XXXX Minnesota...... SUll per lihl. lOjOOO fcot to 11,000 feet, hronght oat •leunlHon’s llesi ...... ;...... |.S!» . " - * tlio facetious remark tlmt with a few “ Jersey l.tly ...... ;...... -i.su •* inthe Qrove as in the TIjcku Hours In ImlMmmil sticks.../...... |.7» •* years moro of grace the mountain would I lest Kn iii I ly Flour...... jVm’ Uiil'. he ti hole in tho ground.. It is not ulono the miner explorer, however, -who is re­ Park...... CANNED GOODS PROVISIONS. sponsible foi, fho perpetuation of great On and after this date, ! will place for sale FOR CASH errors of observation. Sir Samuel Baker, n i L L I N E R Y \W guurtintcoour (‘inuit'il (joods lo lie of the Hest sugar itured California hams ...... 7‘.Jc lb ONLY, on a Special Counter, In my store, a lot of stan­ Hest. 2i) Mattison Ave.-, 25 cases C alifo rn ia Cherries...... 20« p e r can Hest Prepared Flour ...... ;; p ackages fo r 2's^ 100 cases California P e a c h e s...... 2 cans 25c B est OaI m eal ...... I packages for 2 m; Africa, " ill tunl Mirrccts Stanley’s errors GO cases Tablo Peaches ...... ;,..51enns25« B e st ilo m lu y ...... paekn^es for2"s! w ith tjia 110 insifiiiillcant statement thnt Asbury Park, New Jersey 25 cases Grated plneupplc ...... :i eans 2‘)C Best Oatmeal ...... 2 lbs forfst 10 eases Red Cherries ...... a ca n s 25e Picnic Olives...... :| b o ttles fo r2 V ‘ ‘M ount Ciimlnii Beimel r, Miiekiiiaw 10 cases Blackberries ....i...... ,.;.:t cans 25c M iller's (kwoa...;.;...... ;...... ,....15<: jje rca n peak und Mount I.ttmson are not moun­ 10 cases K h u b a r b ...... Jl ca n s 25o H u y le r’s C o co a...... '...... 20c p e r can 200 enses Call Torn hi A pricots...... Itk; p er can B est L im a B ran s...;...... 5 q u a rts fo r 21*? tains, hut quite insignificant hills, if 25 enscK FI n o T able C herries ...... 12c p er ea a Hest W h ite H eaus ....,...... lip m rts r o r 2'm they had any exMeVo at all." He also said: “ X spent much time and trouble CKACKKIW—Fresh and Cri,«j». . I BUTTER. iu hying to discover where on earth liie Floral - Ammonia. 8<>da ('n icU civ ...... 5 lbs. *25 I^ Jils j Our sales aro Increasing bin It Is not surpris­ enormous fresh water sett, discovered I»emon—CrlKp...... ;...... ;. l lbs. 25 C ents I ing w hen u'o sell tin* v rry Pineapple—Crisp...... I lbs. 2> C ents } Finest Creamery butter ...... ttlc th and christened the Alexander Nyanzu, MY NEW EST AND Oyster Crackers...... I lbs. 2i Cents Nie-N aea...... I lbs. 21 C en ts i Finest dairy butter...:...... 17c th liy Mr. Stanley, could possibly be. This, | Glasr<*r S n a p s...... I lbs. 25 C ents Best print butter ...... 'J0o Iti of course, it is now clear, lias no exist- J GRANDEST CREATION. AND cnco whatever. ’ ’ And, Anally, ns tho (Jives tbo S k in a v elv ety softness. latest negative contribution to geo­ T ho S calp Is cleansed a n d p u rilled . graphical knowledge, wo have in the’ The Hair Is restored to Its natural gloss. .Tacksnn-Harniswoi th reporls from Franz Special Hates to Hotels nnd- Hoarding Houses. All orders by mall promptly attended to The Skin will not Chap or Crack Josef Land (recently brought to London by t ho vessel of tho expedition, • the ; w h e n y o u u s e IU 3 V J V Windward) tho assurance tlmt not u PRICE, 33c. A BOTTLE. Upper Lrhigh Co a I. a Specialty trace of tho sa called Feteiman Laud of 1 Opposite Postoffice) L ieutenant B ayer could lio discovered, Prepared only by anil that even Lichy Lund was merely » i '. ' . ‘' 604, 606,608 Cookman ave., Asbury Park, N. J disjointed archipelagic mass of entirely W. R. HAM, Pharmacist, T elep h o n e 6 9 . Branch Stores—Little Tails, Manasquan. inconsiderable extent. 159 Main St., Asbury Park, N.J. • I tow to Make, a l’ecan Cake. SI rs. MeKce, daughter of cx-President Harrison, vouches for tlio perfection of arecipofor maliing pecnu eake^ . Beat together a cup of lint ter and 2 of sugar, adding it little beaten white of ogg, then p n t iu a e u p ol' flour, tt h alf » are Full Line of Laces Embroideries, Hosiery, Trimmings, Notions, Etc, EAGLE- BICYCLES liHiig.—Now York .lourinil.

Cpnti'ncfoi* and Ruililvr. Shop ami Hesidonce ai Hungs Avenue, near NOTICE IF YOU OBJECT TO PAYING MORK THAN the depot. ASBUUY PAUK, N. J. A specialty made<»rjobblnu. Plans anil spec­ ifications furttUiiedlor all kinds ol’ Car ^ 50 Dollars for a Wheel, —s p e u te r W ork. Pneumonia K. MORRIS : COME AND EXAMINE THOSE WE AMOS LIPPINCOTT, May be avoided by ARE OFFERING AT THAT PRICE- lias i vino vet 1 from Ids established place Merchant Tailor and Men's Furnisher. roriierConkintinnml Matt ison avenues, using WHITE S Cherry TO NO. 6£5 COOKMAN AVENUE. tmhldlo ot tho block)- next door to 210 Main Street, Knickerbocker Meat Market. Removal Cough Mixture in time. was m a d e necessary beeauHC of now < tpposite it. II. statio n , Asbury Park, N. J building to be constructed at the old location.

“No, madam, your bucksaw is last Price List- year’rt .model.”—New York Mmiday R E K. ROTHFRITZ, Good for all and sun­ W orld; ___ Men’s Soles, for short time only, 50c • SfcCKSSOH TO ,II:NUN({ CO. “ Heels, - - - . • - 20C; W liern tho lleaiity l.uy. . . DKAfiHlt IN dry coughs and colds, Ladies’and Boy’s Soles, ; - 4oc “Miss Highsen is a beautiful singer, GRANITE AND MARBLE isn’t she?" Ocean (5rove Bridge ^Tickets (tiven I'ree “ Very. That was till tliat made lier Monuments and Headstones, WHITE on IScpnir \Vork of 50 Cents or More. singing endurable.” ~ Washington Tim es, ; . Curbing and Flagging and All K . M O R R I S , Kinds of Building Stone. The Druggist, ! Neatest and Cheapest Shoemaker on the Iiant U n es on Albert. Opposite Auditorium ! Jersey Coast. A London exchange says the Prince Yard and Office 905 Main Street, 6 2 5 COOKMAN AVENUE, -. -■ "r ♦ y/, »■ --'t -_r*_ '1 • , ' ^ r~~ 1 rr of Wales “ leads a very quiet life how.’’- -i.v-jv.• •»;*.' CVt*- ^ ¥f<- • ’ • W ell,. that’s because Victoria keeps ASBURY PARK. N. J. ASBURY PARK NEW JERSEY. tho -reign on him.—Atlanta Constitu­ They arc quite the- equal of many offered at $75 and tion. __ . DISBROM’S $85, aud far superior to some wheels at even higher prices. Had. to llu H itched. COHmCTOEaftdBtnmER The Eagle people have been building wheels ever, since • “ There was nu hitch in tho -wedding TOOTH WASH ceremony. It -weiit oil b eau tifu lly .” the adv.eiitof the “Old Ordinary” and know just how to con­ The Property of the late William Scott, situ­ “ KoA'itoli? Well, 1 aliouhln't consider For Cleaning and Preserving the teeth and ated a t No. Ha Lake A venue, ex tending struct them ' for hard usage, ease of runijing, .durability and thnt le«ni "'rChicagb Hecord. Gums, and Imparting a Refreshing i«m« and M.C.G-RIFFIN. Feeling to-the Mouth. Compounded and tot through to Asbury Avenue, consisting beautiful lines. gale by. , . Plans and Specifications funiifihod at - '. r«ti by OInm. S. D: WOOLLEY, D ruggist, nliort notioo. Best of rcfcrcnco givon. Smiles—Your wife attenitii tlin races (juito frequently, I sec. 47 Main Ave., . 9 South Main St. And Three Lots W ith a Nice . G lum — Xca, sho is indeed jny1 better Opposlto Ocean Orove Outer. Orders for changes, alterations or re­ PROCURES YOU A MACHINE AS GOOD Jlnlf.—Boston Courier. Grove of Trees. I- ♦ ______- —:------pairs will recoivo prompt and AS MANY AS ARE CALLED.THE “BEST.” j U '■ Whero tlie

OCEAN OROVE TIMES, Mr. Bradley hns built for himself an lit the top to, denote ^proprietorship, but enduring monument, yet n . truo appix*- now they had grown so that the rack PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT .was b iit a p retex t for th e sign an d ho /eiation of the situation suggests tlmt • • ..'No. 48 Main Avenue. ;■ tirged that the Marshal be instructed to words of eomhiendntion ami encquinge- enforce the .-sign ordinance, which for­ fi. L. BAMMAN, inept from. friends and neighbors no\v, bids this practice. ; , W. H. F. WOOD, Managing Editor. wouMcause athousam lfoki more pleas­ • The l'ire and Water Committee was instmcted 'to' have the new*, schedule of, OUR GROCER, .. Wm. H. BEEGLE,_Pnblisheri ure thiiii could any thought ofthe tribute water rates pnnted for distribution with Buy a piano fuiutv gem?rat ions - hiight -pay to h is the water bill on »Tu!y 1st. .X. . Eii1i:ri!il Ut.Ui»» I’.ist oiliiv ni drain i:,-mv.N.:r t n H t i i i i r y . ‘•,' v ;r ■;■ _*■'••*. T he Htitiet Comm ittee wjis instructed to . JUS Second-Class Her. ■. ■ ; * have atdeast six bf tlie arc lights placed IS to go to a dealer who ,: N. J., The Olorious Fourth. .'ip the middle bf the street, the increased To COHKlwi'ONDKNTH—We nhuU be Kind to re­ expense being yearly $10 per lamp. knows a PIANO from ceive Items of news nnd com 111 tmIcatloriK «n • t jmsiial prepanitions are iu progress Complaint was made through Council­ A to Obs<*rve t h i s has a pet; his name is “ .lamo.” lie is inilil in manner and llavor, but exceeding imbjects of interest to this community. write good iu body aud drinking qualities. Hia fame has long since broken the bounds only on onesid ed the sheet.. . for t he celebnttion of lndepehdence l >av,' man Keatorof the nuisance of merchants The full'nume: and address'*»l Hit* writer unpacking goods upon the, sidewalk. quartette: of this immediate locality, and the following is what they say of it ;in ; Srasanchu- ■ should accompany all communications., not ami not only will the .religious services Senator Bradley said that such a thing” setts. ; '. ";.V;V '! ■ • neoeswirlly for publ lent Ion, but ash tunmntee on .Sunday biv replete with iiitorest, but of good faith. Anonymous letters yv}11 not bo would not be allowed in Now York, and WEBER ■«. . . . HoiVmsTox, M ass.,'.iur.v *ii, isoii. .. noticed.. ‘ ’ ■ 1 t he , nosier demonstrafion ; t o foi low

Splendid Ocean View. One-Half; THE MULFORD, TIE llIE J=JX-jTDO_tc^^.ZIDO, : Block from the Ocean. 21. 2 7 a n d 2 9 Olin Street, Ocean Grove N. J TEEM®:EEja.SC27AE-E. : Broadway and Oceari Avenue, Ocean Grove. N. J Lock Box 2212, \V. S. Townsend. WILL OPEN; JUNE 1st. TWENTY-SECOND SEASON. J Clo** to the Utithinir *trouiid* and ■ Yoiv*-hU*ot to ail P.iluw «*f .Interest. t-'Sr«t1*fSirviei* HOLLAND HOUSE j ; In every n-p.ei. I'or fwrih'-i ji:,i lleiiiurs addri •!>,. • WALTER a- MULFORD No. 11 SEA VIEW AVENUE, P. O. Box 2076, • n r# . A. LOOMIS. OCEAN OROVE, NEW JERSEY.

Situation . Unsurpassed. Half IU oek. The Metropolitan, Prom the Ocean. Close to Uoss’ BcntU cinil IhlioU Vvcni..1 Ort*an Pavilion nndijAsbury Park. O111* itloH; frour Ocean and I'm thin;; ii rounds! Two Bln M rs. H. JT. AGNEW. Audilorinin, . Ltujre Airy Kooms. • , 18 SURF AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE, N. J. Lock Box 757. AIRS. G, THE WOODLAWN, S T O T ^ r : t T _ . 70 Mt. Hermon Way, Ocean

T H E HOLLY, :n bkoa inv a y , o u k a n g r o v e , x.,i Llewellyn Cottage FIFTH Hi; A SON, 50 Broadway, Ocean Grove, N. J. Oia* aiif! Oao-IIitlf l!!ochv from tho Ocean. A. H. NVINANS Under New Management, House Nowly Kuril hilled. Rooms Liy lit. and Airy. Tablo Hoard and Home Com fori v. OCEAN GROVE N. j Hpoelal To rum During Juno and September. O no a n d a h a lf blocks from the* o cean . • Addrens, M HR. M. F, ..11CN K tNK, V . *>. liO \ H.

REGINA VILLA Exceptional Location. Unsurpas&ecf Cui5.ir.e- E xcellent Service 'i'llriio minuicB from Auditorinni, Posst- and AoooiPtments. New York Orchestra. Oilice and Beach. Special liate- , ‘ iV»r Main. Avenue, OpfioKlto Past O Hire, Op ean. parties oi four or niore, KeducetV raje.« C. H. MILLAR. Orovo, Kcw .Iomey. Within wu*y *nc»vs»»-of all: plneoH oflntnroKt. • .• for Ju n e. Particular attention tnvGn to The National Table. AdtlreKH I*. 0 . l^ox ilOJ-J, • ■ V/.H, IJAYH. P. t». jjox l:ll. lifiinalmo* Ocean throve, N. A. THE ALPHA HOTEL, :i Ocean Pathway, Ocean .<• rove, N .J . '4,’inKO to the NO. t OCEAN PA T H W A Y , Occan (iro v e, N. J . The Savilla Ocean. Pi icea Modomto. Table llqard a Specially. Saxenhurst Cottage, A u< 1 il• irium. C'Ioho tn How* Pavilion atul Orean Kront. special MUS.” .J. A, J n t o , U x lz Ilox H7U. lo* .V'ai+ieK •'! four o r more. Hicyclott caved for. Pilgrim Pathway arnf Asbury Ave. f.“i Hatn avenve, 0< (an Orove, Kino H ouec. Good Hi«yo,l«_Aiini*x xuti . HULUNGER & LEIOHTON ,N. .1, O ne hloek from th e' Term s Moderate.- T«ble iiciard. h eaeh. H«S. J. T. WILDE, SPECIA L •• HATES . - KOH - J I!M IC. )'. (). Box 977. Wm, L. STATHAjM. THE OSBORNE HOUSE Corner Pitman and Central Avenues, Ocean Grove N. J, THE WATEREE This well I:noun house >viU hi.* opened on JU N E ^S) ,0» iI.h Huinmer aoaenn, 34 Embury Avenue, u'nd'T.llH* l'roprw tfin'i'ip of .IIKKTUY WIOLST'OIIP Kor parl.icular.4 apply to W i n d s o r , Ocean Qrove, New Jersey. Central location. O n e and one*half blocks P. O. Box 2121. B ’en p j f V p e t s f o r d , from tho ocean. Flno view of tho naino; rooms JO P itm a n avom ie,. O cean afayctte. Ocean Orove, N< .F. Most desirable aceonunodatiotm overlooking tho ocenu. No. 7 Atlantio and S u . 8 Sea View a v en u e. SUMMER BOARDfNG, /-Sk “T* .n 1,2 ML Tabor Way, Ocean drove,-N.J. Fine 37 Pitman Avenue, Ocean (irove, N.J , mitm ■Ljjj. I ii. N/v loeatioiii largo airy rooms, eeod iiedK. Htrictly Ilaa been oponed for the Summer. This cot- Urm-class lable. Flvo mlnntw walk to tho ocean, threo minutes walk to iho Amiitoriutn or tatfo Is situated convenient to all points ofln- Ahbury Park ; terms moderate; open all tho year. • MRS, WM. P. tlARRlS. tcrcst; only threo minutes walk to tbo Audi­ M .-J. HOLT torium, Beach amL Pont Olllce. For terms y—» Heck avenue. Ocean (Jrove, S. .1. T he A(1c1ttkh MRS* 5. E. RADWAY, AUureES n R S HELEN J . PENDERY. JL aPX catg CLWi.A.i* Blasdon Ih situ a te d less th a n *)iie b io fk from th o oeciiU a iid co n v em o n t u» th o A u d ito riu m a n d pot*toftlc>L T erm s n*a««nu!d.?. . 1‘. 0 . GROVE HALL BoxaOl, / E,. ItODUER, Proprietor. NORMAN HOUSE, Pilgrim Pathway, Opposite Thompson Park. , . Alain avenue, Ocean. Grove, N*. Con- 2S-JM Hath vA venue, OCEAN GROVE, N. J. T l x e X x r - ^ r L o u i s e .'•j veil lenity near ocean, Auditorium anti 2»rd SKA SON. NOW OPMN*. . Twentieth Season. Convenient to all Points of Interest. postroillco. l/ock Box 2101. HRS. M. E. STULL, Proprietress, Table Unsurpassed. Capacity lt)0(.inests. 2153. E. A. IRELAND, Prop’r. T 7 "/Si " P T o T T ejffi Olin Street and Ocean avenue V w ocean timve, N, J. Ifotiso Is Terms Jieasonnble, Location, block Uni-ly s ittia tc d , h a v ln ira n oxlondnd vlow o f tHvaii a n d b a ic h pm monnib*. • T»»nn*; m otlerato. and a half from Meek St. bridge. P.O. lloxa 10. C, E. ROAT, ‘ • Same distance from ficuo.lu ' Jioci; Ho\ l!U7. C. R. PRIEST. "Tv t ‘"V*» A . n M ain -. a n d - JJearh av o n u es, jM L aiii J»-V -C1U U .Se, tn-...... Orove, N .J. Flrst-olass board, permanent or transient; iiimi hi Ini' ho.ird; healed i;o«uns Fall aud Winter. Termn EVERETT - HOUSE, modemte. • P.O. Box 200). HlsiS ft. CROSSET, Propr.etor. •Mai n ii nd Ocean , ocean Omye. N. J . 46 Embury Ave., Ocean Grove. Flnchloci’au view iti the'Orovo, IVrins rcasmmbh*. 1*. O, Box 7«S MRS. E. Y0UNU. ConVeniont t6 0ccan,, ; Bathing Grounds, ■ Post OHicc and alL Points oflnteregfc. CerLten.±Lia,l H o u se , TA BL13 1 SERVICE - A - SPECIALTY. location: tlret-class accommodations; terms* re isonnbli*. Look Box UlAV MRS. E. B. THOMAS: LESTER nESEROLL, |.j Broadway, Ocean Orove, N. J. >Dno hloek lVotn tho ocean, Lake Villa • Bn:ir

28 Main Avenue, I he Aldine Ocean Grove. N. J

N. liJL T za . T. WXliSOiT,

Fine Hotel, "ul Oood Boon is. C1«ih » to the ocean,* on Hecli Aven uo near Pilgrim Fa ti i way, The Stratford Miilu Avetjue. Bi'diiiitl Bat i*s‘.for «m tiro season. Ocean.Qrove, N.'J. ' :-- A.'VV. LYHAN. ' Rates $4.50 to $7.fl(). K v ery th in jr 1st-class . . . O W 0 ?E>1 T. A. B. PIERCE.

& L H 1 C E V I . .• O c e a n G r b v o , 35T- 3*. : .. { B eau tifu lly Ixicated o n VVeslby L ak e, C om er • PenusyWaula Avenue. Convenler.t to nil points of interest. Large Hooms, Kxcel- lentTable. Terms Moderate. Per* . : manent, Tmnslent, Tuhlo.B^rd., P. O. Box 750.' nw , A. B. VAUOHN. N. M. Corner New'.York and Kmbury Avonues, MANSION HOUSE Ocean Orove,.N,' J .: -Nicely jjociitcd. Good Board- MISS AlANWILLER & BROS., P . Oi B ox 104. .

7 2 Heck A venue, Ocean Grove. • Threo Hquaroa fronj tho Beach, Two Dunham Cottage, H luarefl to l^ st Office and Andltorlnm Terms Reaspnablc. J^n . C. CARMART, OCHAN utfOVE TIMES- SATURDAY

Comparative W i d t h Of In Seaside Towns along the New Asbury Park Bradley Beach Avon-by-the Sea Belmar Spring Lake Sea Girt -Como, Darlington Point Pleasant BarnegafCity Loch Arbour Ocean Crove Atlantic City Allenhurst Lonf Branch Sea Isle City Seabrifht THESE LOTS RANGE FROM ONE THO FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS



THE STREETS OF. ASBURY PARK arc one hundred feet broad—air.advantage possessed by no other Seaside Resort on the New Jersey Coast. There will never be another Seaside Town in Monmouth County that will compare with the broad streets and open spaces such as shown on the map of ASBURY PARK. This assertion is based on the fact that all ocean front lauds between Seabright and Barnegat are already laid out with streets averaging FIFTY PER CENT'LESS in width than those of ASBURY PARK, without such open spaces as ASBURY PARK. Where purchasers' erect buildings, THE WHOLE AMOUNT of PURCHASE MONEY MAY REMAIN on MORTGAGE


Inquire of C. T. BAILEY JAS A. BRADLEY Park Hall. Owner


ruoso days the newspaper reader neither, SKETCHES IVYM. QUAD looked for quantity nor quality. Ho got Dr. out a fairly decent looking sheet, and W. L. DOUGLAS 8nvjuc lIlV i:<'put(t|ion. . as each copy so 1 d for G 0 con ts spot cash D eane’s . Among tlio >vnifcitig for: it was better than mining. Tho third GOODS T h, BEST tho, u rriv al of tins (rain afc ii C arolina number had just been issued,- and the Trv th«,„ .,,d V >5a ’! p i i ^ i SHOE tenderfoot w as sticking; typo foi\ the Htution were a deputy marsh alan d a Pills. The Style. Fit and Wear prisoner, who had brenKeuteuced to tho fourth, when a gang of about 00 .men h a , c u r e d . Owlncto the targe and cver-lncreaslnK could not be Improved for came lnurdiiug down from Dog Hill Demand for my OOODS; Double the Price. pouiientiary for hvirytVniH fo r luakiug I have opened moonshineAvbisky. 'Tha officer hudsucii and halted in front of the ofllce. Only /• confidence-ill Inn prisoner that lio had puo nian came in. Ho had a hangman’s W. L, Douglas $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes are the ; ropo over his left arm and a gun Iii Iiis A BRANCH STORE productions of skilled workmen, from the best ma- ■ not handcuffed ln'm, und the man terial possible to put into shoes sold a t these prices. walked about tlio platform-unreH trained right liaud, and after a look around |io UNDER THE.-: ‘. said: - ' •.. ■ We niake also $2,50 and:$2.25 shoes for men, and and said farewell to li is friends. Pres­ Clarendon Hotel, Pilgrim Pathway, $2.50, $2,00 and $1.75 for boys, and the W . L . ently his, wife arrived, and the two “ SVeli, young man, it’s timo fur yo Douglas $3.50 Police shoe, very suitable for Ktood aside fo r a little talk. Sho seemed to move ou. ” ; ,■ - . . ... , , V V letter-carriers, policemen and others having to commuuieoto a piece of news which Wiiafc’s tlio row?” wits asked. .x , AH Work Done by Hand. o cea n g r o v e ; m u c h w a l k in g to d o . . greatly disturbed him, and. after three “ Oh, nutli iu in per tickler, but the No Machinery to Ruin Clothes. W HERE A FU LL LINE OH boys don’t liko yer paper. Will yo bang Wo aru constantly milling new styles lo our or four minutes she turned to a passen­ 1 already large variety, aud thero in iid rea- '• ger and said: or git?” , - ■ ' y ■ ■ v .: Cleavi W ater for Each W ash. Merchants, why von cannot ho suited, mi Insist on . “My ole man is gwino up to priaon ' “ I’ll git of course.; How much time?”. Hankers, having W. L. Douglas Shoes JYoin your . “Five ininitH.” . ‘ ( ' Bread, Cakes, Pies, law yers, dealer. .. 1 fur two y’ars fur stillin, and lie’s jest Goods Calied for and Delivered. Physicians Wo uso only tlm best Calf, hu^da <’«lf makiu n fulo o’ himself, . A-lookiu at The man from Illinois didn't want Can Always be Had .n n u all. (all colors), French Patent Calf, over three. Ho had an extra shirt arid •t Lowe»t Prices. economical- French Knamel, Vld Kid, etc., • him as he stands tlmr, •wliafc would yo’ j neu wear. Knuled to corresponil witli prh'CK say was the,matter with him?” ;■ . pair of boots, and picking them up ho W. L. Douglas . <*C tho Hlioes. walked out and down tho trail and was Shoes because they ‘ * I really cou 1 d 11 ’ t say,* * repl ied tlie Ocean [ji'ove Fresh Stock, Quick Service. a re th e b est. If dealer rsinnot supply you, seen nor moro a t Carson f la ts . man addressed. VIs lie in bad health ?0 For sale by w rito “No, sab; : he’s too dratted lazy to, • M. Quadw W. L. DOUGIAS, Braclton. Hass. hey poro health. What ails him, sah, is TRY OUR CANDIES. Ca ta i.ouim: Finn:. I bat he’s tbo hm est critter in all South Hand Lauqdry G n... - (Jaroloeny, and X won’t except daw gs or SPECIFIC mewls. They caught him diinkin whis­ 67 Tabor Way, •Vvr:.t Howland House, A. SCHWAGER, C. C. CLAYTON, ky at a still, but yo - reckon he wasn’t . doin no harder work than that.” V For Scrofula. 0cean 6 roue, R- J. i Royal - Vienna « Bakery, Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, New Jersey. ‘' Well, what did you wish to ask me:1’ '^Siiicij childhood, I have been “ Why, sab, Bill’s got the idea that if a 111 ie led wiihsi-roluloii.s hoi Is ami 414 Bond St.,' Asbury Park, . lie goes to prisouho/won’t bev nothin tordo but smoko and eat aud sleep, aiid sores, which rtiiiscd liie terrible that’s wby he’s so willin to jog along.. suffering, Iliysir.iiuis were Unable SEXTON’S to help jilt*.-and 1 only jrivw wurv- : Johti ArtioitS‘.‘Kborr. •• rbt-ntore Onlfom I’ve bin told tbat they make ’em work, S2 Avfnut-. ■ -'iithijrv A ve Here is what you want aud I want to ask if it’s fo.” under tlifir »*;uv. “ It is, ma’am.” ■ At. ientrih, 1 ;lw*gan "C an’t bo no mis tako about that’r” t o lakt; /• . For your Summer Use “ None whatever. Your busbaud will Theo. Osborn, have to work at loast nine hours a day, AYER’S and, as to smoking, that won ’t be allow- ^ar^aiiiini’.n.m !.jil ■ KlJOC^KfiOIi TO: ■ m * 'Fur the land’s sakel Yero, Bill, ■vr*i y -1 m 111 v«* w. i n*tr J. Arnold Osiorn & .Son. MATHUSHEK, emu over yore and talk to this man. ” eiv;;. \ft«T Jler busbawl slouched dver, and she . i 1:! If *; ib»/.(:!t b< . a:*y 1 r* »V.the death vo’ in v< m l iiil; v r • : r u <»i 1V i * j t* 1 y t *r‘s S a ;> a- - MASON & HAMLIN - tw o w« d-pii ri li»T ‘ "Jrcah *bout l In* irWk, Mtranger?” OCEAN GROVE, H*. }. i n txvisi.e:!«•/•.“ - - t i . '!*. iJ-K tN iia juried Bill. (.h‘KAN. GROVE, N .J M y « rs v ;i 11 o . 'J'«• x a s . ; “ Yes. sir. All pribouevs buve; u\ Ah fc:ndh tnruoulfi U* aire PIANOS,' work, aud they’ll mako no exception in. Bix-chii aocom m odal ioDH for b traw ItiO Jn c p a r LvUrnuMh naruislJt'U fo» .**i. -.;:uih «»l iiluo 1 iiet^c’IofeedcarrtairftforfQnpnileaDd wedamcB sjodd work at any J^oiniiu Hat Jjtatonf • Your ijaBo.” ■; Branch Offlcen—W, Hi 1 ^ ‘^le, and Captain.: N<*w ^lugelDKnadciiihn'v •’No smokin nor lyiuabed till npou:” . Ralcear’sTeni Hokm-. ■ ’ n HjveciaUly. • “ Of course not. You’ll have to tura m . M. K. KKX’rON For Rent at Reasonable Prices. o n t about 0 in the .moming, and smok­ > . R. Ii 1H’>) A N'.N. ' •»tv. 6MOCK ing is never allowed.” ; THE ONLY WOELB’B F4IS “ Bill, yo’ never kinsfcamlit—aieveiy * pS a r s a p a r j j l a exclaimed tlie .wife, vi'he news will BtrCSAUOK a SHOOK, cum back yere in a month that yo’ ar’ ■fer’t Cherry Pectonl curef CoBsbt sai MM WANTED : -t*Uol^K'iie a n d JU-Ju211‘ridern lr. a dead man, and me’n the children will be moariiiu fur yo’/ ’ 50 Enterprising Men and fllomen PINE’S MUSIC STORE, “ But what am I gojnto do;11 asked kENNSV LVAN1A RA ILROAO. Mur**. Clan l.*»* Ac'-oimno^ated, L U M B E R ^ Ilm husband. TivOwn Tj.eir iJom.ee. , |H ' 73 and- 75 South Mam Street. ' “ Git away. The ofhtter ain’t lookin, The Standard Rallrojid of America. Builder’s Hardware. Paints aud yo’ jest make u break down the Can. Pay For Thern as They We Also Handle Organs and Sewing MacfoMes. road and into the woods, and tin1 boys • iitto* .lu lie .’J7. IKT. PA Y R E N T . and Oils. will help yo' to git. away. ” t u a i n " m :*vi: «h*kan uuovk— Bi'. 1 drew a long breath, took one look K.ir N* »v V.iod N tiw ark. «i:«• 1 .Momhtvs |C»5 »« Main St. and Aebu:y Aveatit, • »n1.vi. •■.!**. 7.40. 0.J0 :i. m., 1.10, -Vlj. Real Estate and Insurance ■around and then mado a bolt for it. For :!. rj. -l.i’', ;..r, u n d !*.U", p . m . . about “ feii yards ho rau well, but then K nr KHxuuc*'.I), 6.45,7.4.1, {st». U. 1«)ti.ill.. 1.!", 2.II, ASBURY PARK. N. J. i -VJ7, a n d ll.ttj p.m . iiis pact) slackened, aud tho. officer easi­ F*»r tbihw tiy. 1».10 n.ii)., J.H), -*.£>, o.’JT utui W ^HIil(>T».\ WHITE, ly overhauled him. When he , was it.P.% p.m . ••• OUR SPECIALTIES. la ought , back, his wife was in tears, For Malawi;*, M.10 » . 1 ,1 0 , 2.1*1, j.2T aIIIHI m i IMUJI.HI, p .m . , Adauia&t Wall 1'laster, Onr own M’f ’g and,.approaching him, she said: F u r Konkr Hmnch.>;.:<5...... (.Mo:i Monday* only), n.4.'», Ol'posiy- IJcpol, ' Ahbury PurK, N. .1“ CHflS. LEWIS. “ Bill, yo’ had a fa’r start and orter 7..U7.1),S^M, 9,10, 11.45 u.m ijo. :ur», o f Cedar Shingles, King’s Windsor ® Lumber, ;.U7...... 4.25,0.27...... 0.40 a n d P.0.i.. p i m . • "Cement Plaster,” Cedar Stable I , ; ; " : kept. i t.” F o r Rod B a n k . 0.40, 7.*J0.7.4i, y. o iu n i., 1.10, Bedding. -Him hKHi.i; “ Yes, it was a pnny fa’r start,” re­ 1145,3.45,- 7 i>i o.t 'i 4.25,5.27 'i.ti ua niiii d v9.0',.v ijm p.tn. ii. P. F. DODD, Doors. Sash; .-Jinids, For Philadelphia, Uroad Hi-., and Trfiiton, <1.25, plied Bill. 7.25,7.50,9.U7 n .m ,. 12.4:1, J1.&7 n n d 5.:51 p .m . . • ‘ Then what did yo’ hold up fur?” For Camden via Trenton and Bonk*nu»\vn. Frames, -Mouldings, 7.25, ll.07a.ni„^12.t(and JJ.57p.m. Justice of the Peace, i M A S . i j ICWI* "Waal, Sue.’’ said ‘ the panting hus­ F or, Camden and Fhllndelphlu via Tom'* W. H. BEEGLE ( band as.he looked for a barrel to sit U lver, II.IS a .m ., 2.13 a m i 5.15 p.m . Office, Police Station, Hardware. For Tom’s iUver, Island HolRhts, nml inter- down on, “ ar er I’d run ’bout ten rods m edloie slatlons, 5.:}*!, (1.09. Jl. 10, tt.lK a.m ., WEST ASBURY PARK, N. J. 1 ju st m ade up niv m ind th a t tw o y.’ars 2.IU, 4.*>0 {.Satuwlayi* o n ly ), »>.10, 5.15 n n d 0.41 Paints, p;m . .- in prisou was better’11 ruunin ten rods For Point I’leasantaiKl Intfrinedlati1 ^tntlon«, Collections Promptly Made Real Estate, further, and so I hold up, and darn my 5.35, «.8», ILW, U.10.11.IS. 11.47 •a.m ., 213. -2.5S ' .Oils, etc. (S atu rd ay s o n ly ), 4.22, 1.50,5.10, 5.15, «.02,0.41 bide if I’m gwihe to bn’st myself any n n d 8^)5 p.m . For Now Brunswick via Monmouth .runciion. U.25,7.50, J).07ium.t 12.43, 3.57 a n d 5.:W p .m . • FRED E BASSET, Old J’n#hloned JonrnaUnui. TUAINH LI-IAVB NRWYOHK KOU Ot’KAK OKtlVK. Insurance, SOXFTH M AIN ST., F ro m W est T w en ty -tb ln l H trcct S ta tio n , 7 25. . Ho was » loi;il«rfnnt froiii Illinois. Hu sW>, U.55, 11.55 a.m ., 12.55 (Saturdiiys only). : w us’ linugry, lugged uml dimil lirokii 1.5% 2.55,3.15,3.55,4.55 a n d (1.55 p.m . Htmdays*. Practical Stair Builder . 7.5>. <1,25 a.m ., a n d 4.55 p .m . Kaotory Dunkirk,' N.J. aud wns nmking for Oni'soii Milts witli From Defibrossesuml Cortlnndt Btivei.s Fcitu’S ltatl Work and Manu-ls u Specialty. tho iilcn of finding mmrthiuK •<> do iik ut 3.30,7.40, 11,10, 10.00 n.m., 1210,1,20 (Satnr- Km I mates Cheenully Furnished and Mortgage Loans Branch Yard, Spring Lake. ninys u uly), 2.:j0, 3.10, 3.40, 4.20, 0.UI an d 7,m Satisfaction liuarantced. ^s1o-CLr37- nn ctJitor, riiporHit or jiioiuppfiitor on . p .m . S u n d ay s, 8.15,0.45 a .m . a n d 5.15 p .m . Tho Amotibaii Knglp. Jtw iw a wuuli On Sunday will stop ntlnterlakoii and Avon Shop; Cor.Ttonroe and Railroad Ayes. ■weoltly, lint n]i to, thn avurnge, ami fn plare of North Ashurj' Park and Anbury ( “The Statutes regulating tue operations ol National Banks are of such ’wise conception P arlt to l«t off passengers. 1 that conscientiously conformed , to by Officers and Dlrectora, no institution of Bunking up- work of Honiu soit was Iiis last liope. TKAINS I.KAVE 1‘HIXiADKI.l‘lliA forego the pleasure of. anti Ho; Heaten>, nnd Hot Air cnjoyim: them, anil content ourselves . aud Hui Wat4Ti!oinblniitlun Heaters. tents anil slinntiis, aim. the first stop w ith seeing o th ers In noK.sesxhm o f them ,. H.C.W in h o ii, P rest, O.W.E v a n s , Vlce*Prest. K.K.Da v t o n , C ashier. WAV. Day)**, AnH’t. O ash. ,?as 111 mu.'; iii front of i'ho Eaglo Yon can get. these things at right prices EW YORK & LONG BRANCH from Soni.il Main Street, Tho leader and two of his crowd enter­ N r a i l r o a d ; ed, aiid pretty Voon l'oappciired w ith th e' ' Tline Table in efl'eet Muy ljl, IS*^ ’ •/; J. D. NEWLIN, Opiiosite uctsan Grove Gaten editor nml proprietor, who liad si ropo ASBURY PARK and OCEAN GROVE BANK, ; StaiioiiK/ Now York : C. lt. it. of New Jersey, 1 7 3 Main At., Asbury Park. iKiBIIRY PARK avonlid Iiis neek aud was somewhat per- foot 0/ Liberty st,; P; ll. H., foot of Cortlandt IHalUson Ave. anil Main SI., Asbury Park. .tnrhed, Tliertt" wero orios of “ Hang and Desbrosses. kik.! . ^Jr llc is U Hardware specialist, nnd keeps an unbroken Ilrm of goods. Alsoa fresh stock Tv/Tn^n A y o n u Q oLsa.3. gjlgxlxn. S=o.t3s.-tyrtxy, C c o a n G-ro-yra.. him)’’ from vurionsindividuals, but tho LKAVK NEW YOKK KOK AJjlJfitY ANI> o f P u lh ts, O ils WhiWv L»'ttd, etc. • boss of tho gang waved his liattd for si-, •, o t’KAX nnovK . A. GRAVATT Organized Jiumarj*, 1SS0 C eiltrai-4.:w. 8.3d. 10.45 a.m., l.:U>, *J.|.v lift CAPITAL $30,000 S(iRPtt! Vienna + BA-Kenv TmnHacla a General Banking Bnslne.ss, I^hiuw Foreign and Domestic Draft*. “ A ll ill reg’lur order, Loys. Now, P e n n sy lv a n ia — H.I0, u .m „ 12.10, •Jt.iO *5.10, a n d Bread, Pie. and’ Fancy Coke, I’rompt attention given to ull m atters entrusted to uh. Mr. Mnn, wo don’t liko yer paper, ami li.sop.m. , A. R SH REVES. COXjIjBCTIOITS-M^DB cun.d. AemsT ^-1'1 r a E T O E P , LEAVK AHlJUllY 1-AUK AN1> tXK^VN CHOVE tiuth .Main street, <*pponlte B rou.l^y (4at^D wu’vo onm over to givo yo a choice. . KOU KLI/.AHErJU, NttWAHK AND NEW YOItK. d i r e c t o r s . Will yo git or hang?” (1.18,0.40, (*7.20, Escopt Newark and KHuibeth)' t 'x j&.'e: i t . y . N. K, Buchunon, J. S. FerguBon, Geo. W. Evans, G. C.Clayton; Geo. W. Trtat, J. A. W ainrlght “ What’s the jnatta; with my paper?” •8.00, *8.20. 0.10,11 .a» a.m., 1.10, 2.10, *4.00,5.27, Dr. J. A, W. Hetrick, John Hubbard, Hemy C. Wlnsor,. 0.8o, p . in. demanded tb# editoR^ T. Krank Appleby, Lewis Ralnear, Amos Tilton. ' Your Patronrgo Solicited For Freohold.Tronton and Piiliadelphiu, via' ORDERS PROMPTLY ATT CM D ED TO “ Will yo git or hang? Wo hain't no. Sea Girt, *7.29,7,5!). u.m.. 12,a'», 4.105.37. p. in.. tim o fn r foolin. ” . For PhlJat^elphiu and Trenton via Bound m m w s - Brook KoUfc, rt.18, K.00, a.m., 2.10,4.00 p. “ Why, I’ll git..” . (tji)ttmlt On ntt *rr*«> Sc/nml Htmxf. ■ “ Then go. ” • They gave h&i timo to make np u F o r M arm snuan a n il P o in t P lejisant, 7.10,10.23, liundlu of elotisea and atarted. hiin oil 11.08 a.m ., 12.40, 213, 3/28. 5.13, <1.22, (1.42, 7.35 8.13 p.m . : ;|fe«t ©utility of jg$eat6 ‘ gnly. lip the trail, and 'then. the boss tamed ELECTRICAL WORK For Camdcjv M t 11 ol Ijv via sea Siilo Park, f "B. to Hie tenderfoot with: 2.13, p.m . is a acicnci*. It ia nut tim bered in a week, a m outh o r a year, i t is a particular work- “ Now, youug feller, stop in ssud take For Tomi)-Jtivtr^atiil intermediate stations KOmething that avery Tom, Dick and Harry cannot do. The mo?t ox pensive electrical , possession. We may hang yo inside of via Shore* Itoute,'3l.08a. m., (M<»nday’s and 1 1 . work is tlio kind tliat in called “clii'ap.” tjnod mat trials }lnd good mv.n arc tlie r.i'ces^nry two ’weeks; oi1 • yo may puli along far S a tu rd a y ’s o nly.) r 2.13 p . hi. ‘.. things to mako good electrical work. It i« far diet ;:er in the end K» pay enough in tin* ♦ K xpress; si-. P & two or three months.” . [’ bcpinnipg. W« do not try to sec how cheap wo can do electrical, work”, but how gondi R U FU S B L O lX lIirrT, \ .1. K; W o o d .' Quality liret. —th en juice. Wo ask a Hiimll profit, and .our prices are usually lesy than-you ■ Ten minntsa .later ha wa'a in full pos- ^ « u.. .-1; • Supt;. • «. P; A; Pa. U. R. M il - ESTATE - OFFICE, p sosBi(in„of tho ofHco, The editor ■was his H. P. BALDWIN*. • would expect to pay for thoroughly first-eli|«s°vvotlc. that* is fully gunraut •’. . WewDiit i 0 : G.P. A,C. R. U .of N..1. l i num ber you am ong our ctiKtomern. own cpmporitbr and pressman,' and , 27 Wobb ave, Ocean (irove, N. J, WE CAN SUPPLY ANY BICYCLE. ilicre ■S7UB flnongh whits paper on iiand KAGLE WHEELS at $50; cannot bo NEED YOU nAY HAVE...... BERRANG & ZACHARiAS. Asbury P ark, N, I to get Gilt three Iseaes. The entire ont- beaten for beauty, caeo of running and. floiuex For Sah; and ■ fit, press and all, could, havo heou durability. 8eo them at 48 Main avenue. packed on_ the back of a mole, bnt in —ndv. tf. I'o r R e n t 8 OCEAN PROVE TIMES-SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1897 THE OPPOSITE SHORE. PERSONAL AND PERTINENT. Our Own Celebration! Interesting: Items Pertaining: to Incidents Oershoni Kusling with his family arc and Individuals in Asbury Park. a cam in possession of a cottage at 'No. o SOFIELD it COULDY. Main avenue. . • —J. 13. Wilson<*iml family, o f Vhiladel- One That Will Please! pluiij Will occupy Fred. Leggett h cottage, Mrs. Koto D urant of New Y ork, is su- journing this summer at lier cottage, No. lor'theseason*. 20 fynbiiry avenue. —Senator Uratlley stopped thedislribu- Miss M. A. World of Brooklyn, Mrs. One That Will Interest! 1 loti of the beach band progmm last week Allen and Charles Allen of Paterson; are. because It- contained the advertisements at jjie Lawrence II oubc. , uf fourteen liquor dealers. • Mrs. William Dolton has returned from. Wc have lately formed a partnership, and announce —Counsellor £ A. Patterson of Asbury Tii;nton to lier cottage, corner of Central While thousands of true Americans will celebrate tlie Fourth in their owit way Park was appointed .Special Master and and Main avenues for the season. that wc are prepared TO DRILL ARTESIAN WELLS. mul ns they feel inclined, wo "will celebrate, und in tho meantime Kxtuniuer in Chancery by Chancellor W. P. Ladoinus w ith liiB fam ily of interest all those that will favor iw with a visit. A lexander T. MctiiJJ a few days ago. Chester, Pal, are again, in possession of Mr. Gonldy who is well known along the coast, and an expert —Chief of Police Hmith has Imd u busy their pleasant cottage on Main avenue. week notifying the merchants what they K Willarcl .Tones of Brooklynv N* Y*, in this business; with the co-partnership and experience of THIS SATURDAY, JULY 3, must not do. No low awnings; no signs took possession of his. pleasant cottage As we will close Monday July oth, at noon.. on bicvcle racks, no uujmcking of good* on Clark avenue, the early part of this Mr. Sofield can assure satisfaction. upon the highway. ■ * w eek/ •...’ .• ; ' • ■' v , ■ Our Object .'.For This is Two-Fold. —James H, Sexton; who recently had Mi's Perrv of New York, is comfor­ We drilled the 500 iFoot well 011 Hillier’s Island, which his liicyclc stolen from the vestibule of First, to show the public the greut Mammoth in its complete form ; .Second, to tably settled in her cottage, No. *1 ML convince tlmt permanent ns well as transient .visitors can be supplied with the best (lie First M. JO. Church of Asbury Park, Zion way. Mrs. Pevrv will remain for; recovered the wheel last week, in a Long yields 20 gallons per minute. . . . . goods at tho lenst money in tho county. ■ the season. - • With this object in view, and befitting the great American holiday, we have IJrauch pawn shop. Mr. Frank Cookman of Uermantown, engaged a • —W. Harvey Jones of the Hotel Co­ Philadelphia, is visiting his sister-in-luw, lumbia has made arrangements with tiie Mr«. Alfred Cookman at .her Lake avenue WE UNDER-ESTIMATE THEM ALL. Complete Orchestra New jM'r'»y St ate Medical Society to hold cottage. . to play all day and evening a t‘the (heii'i.i-.v iiiiuual session at hts hotel in Mr. and .Mrs. Lippa of Newark, N. ,L, Anbury- Park. Tluv Association will con­ have taken rooms at the Lawrence House Mammoth and Ocean Palace. vene July I'Slh and will hold a three-day and may spend a good part- of the season To cdinplele tliu celebration we will place on wile the grentest quantity of session.: ’ v : 1 Vr'. ■ ' ■ \. '■ nt th e (irove. lnea'liandise, recently purchased, that will, for variety and low prices, astonish —Owners 6 ( property on Vest >\nvall Miss K. A. Dunham of Lancaster, Pa., SOFIELD & GOULDY, th e publi?. ;■ avenue propose presenting a petition to who regularly passes part of the Glance Over the Followirig and Compare with the City Houses Hon. J. Clarence (’onover, «/udgeof the heated months at Occan Grove, is domi­ C ourt of Conimbh PIcah 'of . M onmouth ciled nt the Fairview. County, praying that So wall avenue be W ash Ooodn an d SiSli*. Mr. and Mrs. Will M. Watson of Brook­ Office Main Street, Avon, N. J. 10,(XXI yimls Klgiireit < Imlltes - : - • - 2'//* yant opened its ent ire, length, from tlie beach 10,000 •• • UnvnH, : worth 10c across the railroad to its western ternii- lyn, N. V., and Mrs. A. Cl Smith of lO.tKKI . Kftiiby Piqiie, - - ' • - .. * . HTy! worth l«V .nna iu West Asbury Park. . Cliffside, N. J., are at • the Kdgowaler •10,000 .. •*. W ohIi HUUs, liv Ktripes u u d cliecka - ate —The recent action of Asbury.Park’s Cottage, Keavicsv avenue. Uev. W, IL Lawrence and) his family Lailienc’ W aists, D elaclialih* C ollars councilinen \n order!ng tli.e removal of arc com fortably dom iciled a t th e I^aw- OH MY, DON’T THEY GO! .'iililoicfti fjUfili’H* WalstK - - - - . - . . 2lc worth 4:!i* bicyclo racks from t he, sidewalks of t hat ” “ “ - ♦ . - - - :nki worth hoc rence House. Mr. Lawrence is at present . . - . . . • . - - Tjllc wortll HSk* city has created a storiii of anger which a resident o f B rooklyn. . . ** .*• . ** . . . . . - 71k* worth 08c* • is , not- likelv. soon to .subside. ..Both ...... ■ • . • . . - - !W(: wrh SJ.'iJt lo . The.handsome cottage oit th e Ocean merchant; aiid bicycler denounce their I SHOOTING * THE CHUTES dozen Lhhies’ lSibbcd Vests at :»c each. action ‘as- uncalled tor- and petty. :The j front at the foot of Abbott avenue,owned .*)00 opposition of the people.is «o strong .that by. Mrs. < i. M . Dale of Philadelphia, has ; ON BEHUTIFUL ;DEKL. LSKE, ■ I.adivo’ Suit U cparlinent. it is t hought not- Unlikely th a t th e eolnicil again.beonplaced in service. . ‘ H*l Ijjitlh'N* (Jnibh yklrts ' * ■ • - - - oJic worllt !Wc will resci nd lit s action of . last Monday i The cottage of T. T. Morris, situated at ! /^n ;VK* bail I o>’Skirts, counlHtlng of tulxcil hklils, Itgured and Amusement Novelty. Chute Park is Delightfully Located at hlnrk and white rhci*l'Oivyrt liicyclc Hit IrtH - - - . . . • xnc “ 1/jO -Tlie Baptist llovs’ Iiri;;ade will hold 1 Yortc avenue, linn been rented bv Mrs. Interlaken Depot. Good flusic in Attendance, an encampment at • Sbar!: Biver, com-. j S..I1.. Ackerlv of New ^ ork. O ur ClodiillK D vpai'tineiif. ineucing Mondav, July 12. The exercises i The family of Senator Charles 1*. Me­ Asbury Park Klectric Cars stop at the Chute, only one fare. Passengers on ihe •ViO palrs IMcii’h CiukU lllcyi’lo I’Joitw J0.W1 worlh Sl/j0 in connection * with' the opening of ! rli>|)an of Dobbs Ferry, X. V., has taken belt line should take free transfer at Eighth avenue.or Main street. r?!... imU's...... AltoV C’m nIi Snl*s •J.48 worlh I.JS Camp Asbury will be-.held at U p. in., • possession of the cottage u| t iie corner of . Free use of the Fine; New Pavilion for the purpose of dancing. Good, music in when addresses will be made by Ifev. K. Beach and Km bury avenues. attendance lee (Veam and soft drinks only, for sale on the grounds. On Saturday Ice C r e a m Soda 5c at the Mammoth. S. M cA rthur “ f New. York, Hev. J . C. . .Mr. J . 1J. V an K irk of New Urn ns wick Bent*’ l'lirinsliiii" departm ent .Campbell, James A. Bradley ami Mayor 1 a member of the Ocean Urove Associa- Ion dozen M en's .Negligee S h irts - 2.'»e worth 41H: Frank L. Ten Broeck. The veterans of i tion, has returned with his family to'his Deal Lake Amusement Co. 100 •• . /• •• . . worlh 0S<* C. K. I In II, Post No. 17, ls 2.09 w orth a.ns- •v- -AOO.. • .72 worth 1,‘ni. . ! ** ■' .M^sos'I’iilent i.rather.8tnipH anihils JI5 a 'o rth i.2s» •: ON RULE TO BAR CREDITORS. >C?.«I00 “ 1 i hlld'B - * ts to KM..) .7o w o rth 1.00 • “ Uttle (Jem Black and,Tati Spring Heel Bal .7>j w orth 1.2.3 i:.\K cvrroirs n o t i c k . , . ' Milliners’. Department. . Jolin \V. JtockurelIer and Harry J. Koejoi- j A,Ooo J .a tiles’ Bailors • - . - Tlie cannon is required to tire feller, executors of John Kottkafeller, dc» i salute at Camp Abbnry. The reipiest wai ecmsetl, by order of tlie surrogate; of -the | I. Mrs. S. W. Khlers, tlie proprietor of County of Monmouth, hereby give noticeto I Poi’cli Scrccus—Mixo as I'ollonx. grautedi. I the “ Chnlfonte,” at the corner Qf Bath Tutoring Wanted. thecredltoi-H of the said deceased to bring In i IX K :S7e 10 XS 50.ICI , and Ocean avenues, has placed that their debts; demamt^ anil claims utmltiBt tlie •SXH' Mte 12 x h 1.10 ’ List of Letters. A graduate of Wesieysui i niversity estate or sald dcet'osed, under oath or atllrm a- This Is just one-half price. popular ami well-located hotel in perfect will tutor in the 1 following ^ranches : lloniwithin nine months from the lift It day • Tiie following letters remain, nnealled i order. Special rates will bo offered for of JIny, 18(J7. or they wilt ho forever barred of U iv ek , Latin, i'H'neh, Werman, English, any action therefor aualnst the said executors; This Saturday and Monday We W ill Sell. for at tin; Ocean' Grove post-oflire June ! September.. • Xiiterature,. jKtthemiitics and. Physics. JOHN W. nOCKAFELLKR. B icycles a n d liic y clc Stin grade of Asbury avenue In tho township Cyclluhl l4imp - . - M 1,000 ftRle C yelom eter ,K!I •Berry,• MiW llellen McDowell, L. B. Aaronwm, Philadelphia;T>r. Irving I ’ore- i of Ncj)tunc, between the Westerly m il of the Bluedued 1l’ants’antH Uuarils - - .iki.ikj HodgmanH oilx man Single'’fitngle 1 i’ll be Tires ite.ran, Victor ■ Maton, Millie (tii ? inns, .Von ker.«Frank S. Grob, New' Bargain In a Cottage. Now York and Long Branch Itallrond and the center lino of Oambetta street. The above is only one-half the regular priee. It would bo impossible to dea- Hrndley, Helen M. Magee, Mary^ F ; York. ; . * A t-room Cottage on Abbott avenue Bo It ordained by tho township cnuunlttei* Miller; Mrs. It. near New Jersey avenue ; sewer and eribe encli und every item this great sale will embrace, but whether anyone desires Boring, Kzekill Mr. \\\ H. Hamilton, the.manager oi of the township ol Neptune, in. the County of to iiuivhase anything on this day or not, we .shall be pleased to'see them. Mrown, CJias. Mitchell,. Willie i the Western Fnton Telegraph otlice. at water; iu excellent, repair. Will oiler Monmouth nnd State or New Jersey, lhat Ihe Kobins, .itdin T. grade of Asliury avenue, lu said township, be­ Hearing, Kiltie* i (Mcen t Jrove, completed armngemonts for a short time for $1,000. . JI. tween tho Westerly rail of tho Now York and ’ hiekson, Oscar Straham, Mrs. .1. i and t»iKiiied a branch otlice in the barber Bmiiii.i:; -IS Jfain aveiiue — m/rtf l.ong Branch Railroad aud theeentro line of Pen lies, Harriet It* Slocum, Miss M. (iainbetta street, be and the same Is hereby 1 shop at the Boss Pavilion /on the 1st of established as follows: .< Gardner, AV. K. . Smith, Katie. ; Julv. This \vill be a great convenience | Wanted—A Vocalist. Beginning at the westerly rail of the New (irilUir, Lsuna Sm ith, Fred Ai. j to the genera’t public. Y ork a iu l Ix m g B m n ch 1 Uil 1 road a t th e m ld d lo Young lady wanted who is. capable of of Asbury avenue at an olevatlop of sixteen Steinbach Company, H urley, M ary A. Smith, Win. Johnson, Klixa Suavely, 1 lavid , —Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. King luive H inging solos in .a church', and who has feet aud n I n el vone-h und rod tlis of a foot above • issued invitations for a reception to he* th e level o f th e sea, a s d e te rm in e d b y a m arb le Main Street and Cookman Avenue, Asbury Park. Johnson, Jonnn Sea Side House jintl experience iii leading a choir. Posi­ monument at the southwest coi ner of Rail­ Korniioli', Mrs.M.K. Wooley, Adelia i given on Saturday evening, July Hrdj at tion at the seashore for July nnd August. road avenuo a ud Asbury avcuue, tho elevation Cookman Avenue and Emory Street, Asbury Park. Wliitmore, Mrs. !•’: B. i tlieir home, No. t>00 Hangs avenue, in Address, V o c a lis t , Ilox SIS Ocean ( irove. of which ts twenty feet and thlrty-threo one- Brighton Avenue, West End. ! honor of the t wenty-tlfth anniversary of hundredths of a foot above tho level of W n.i.nn II. llAMii.'inXi ■/Vtf/iiMM/iv _ — iulf.tr-. . tho sea; tbenee on a grade to the middle i their nmrriage. Mr. King is a prominent line of Lansibrd street at un elevation I journalist of Asbury Park; and for many of eighteen feet and thirty one-hundredths House of 12.rooms thorough!y fur­ of a foot; thence to tho middle line ot Com­ Aunt Jemima. j years lias been connected with the New stock street at an elovatlon of twenty-one j ilersey staff oflhe N’ew York Journal. nished, hot and cold water, two lots, Uneb'located; two minutes’ walk from feet and thirty-one hundredth* of a foot: liy special arrangement ihe Woman’s J Miss Kva Kldridge of Now Brunswick, ’thence to tho middle lino of Pine street on IKuiie’.Missionary Society of St. l’aul's , beaeli, nnd near all other points of in­ the northerly side of Asbury avenue at au W . E. DODCrE & Co., I who resides with her parents at lleck Church, has fecured n large i|uantily of terest. House Is first-class, woll built elevation of twenty-slx feet and liny-one hun­ w..,....., ■>" .i-i,. iho I and New Jersey avenues, met with a dredths of a foot; tlieuee to the Intersection and in good condition. Only ®;>,000 re- or Pine street and Chmch street, twenty-nine Aunt Jemima h “ «!"*»'» bicycle, accident on .Sunday after-* miired; l'or further particulars inquire of Anticipate the People’s Needs. eentiigo on winch m 0 ! iionh But,-whilo riding in Long Branch. feet; thence to the middle of Central avenue It IS BtruiiRly recoiuinendcd bjol , s|l(, O1.(| ’.lvor(l(l hl>!lm between, two W m . II. B keoi.i:, alan elevation of thirty-two fectand forty-one Jtin.Iit-H -IS Main Avemie. hundredths of a foot; thcnecto the middle of IT IS QUITE AS IMPORTANT TO KNOW WHAT promiiience mid those having use for bak wagons, one of which was approaching Dunlewy street at an elevation of thirty-three itiK powder ou a large scale. It will .be reetand nlnuly-llveoiie humlrcdthsot a fool; ' YOIJ ARE GETTING AS TO KNOW WHAT at f rapid rate. Her handle bars were thence to the middle of (lambettustroct atan for sale at .Mrs, IJee’s, corner of lleck struck by tiio hind wheel, throwing her elevation of thirty-four reetand seventy-live YOU ARE PAYING FOR IT. . aud New York avenues. One pound violently to thegromid. The wagon was J ono hundredths ot a foot. can cents;' half pound can IS MORROW & DAY’S The said gnide being, shown on a map as driven liy .Mr. Worthly of Kutonlown, above set forth made by Nlart Rogers, civil “ Do you‘sell honest uoods, Mr.’ Dodge?” a3ketl the fnssv man. “ Well, I cents, li purchasers are not satislied, wlio offered her every assistance and en g in eer. M ay 15,1807, a n d Hied w ith th e ( -lerk have an idea the Soda Crackers are square, hut to tell the. truth* 1 am almost sure m oney will tie refunded. Try it save drove her home. It is Ihnnght tlmt .Miss or the said township of Neptune. . the Pretzels are crooked.”' . . mmieV aiul help tiie society. Be it ordained that thlsordlnauceslmll take Kldridge will always carry the scar which etreet within live days after the llual passage li ' 1C. K. llovn, now min ks her forehead. Ice Cream Carden. thereof. Dated June5th. isot.. WE DO NOT MISREPRESENT OUR GOODS. • I JONATHAN T. AI’Pl.KCiATl’, Sunday Church Services. AMONG THE HOTEES Attest:— . President.; The treatment of our customers is of no secondary MORROW & DAY’S . R unkmt N. Wiioi.sxox, Clerk. l-'.vasiii:i.u-.M. l.trni:iiAN Ciit’.ueti o f (.’•mtiititcd J'wm I’otji' importance. We serve them promptly and courteously, •i in: Aroxi:Mi:.vr. - -C o rn e r Grand and believing a Satisfied Customer is our best advertisement. Monroe avenues. Asbury I’ark. Services The M alison House at the corner of l().4.-> a.m. and (1.45 p.m. Sunday School Ktnburv and lleck avenuea haspusaod TWbIvb Huijdped andThe children will receive as good treatment as those who !).:!(> a;in. Ueorge A. Ueiiziner. jmstor. under the m anagem ent of Miss .Man wilier. send them to our store. She 1ms some of her brothers associated Hain Ave., opp. Post Office, Furnished Roonis. wilh her iii the conduct of the enterprise. Mr. Iv. Ii. Letts, Mr. 'V. T. Hill, Jlr. t'harles Franklin will lie pleased to meet all friends...... •‘■Tlie Wvnnood ’' eoniei Iteacli and • I*. O. Itoseerans has. reopened his OCEAN GROVE/ NEW JERSEY. | ponular liolel, the Highland House on Hath aves.—O. S. Bright, corner rooms ; | liuy A GOOD S-ROOM BRICK BLOCK OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. n.'iit. reasonable for season ; -full view tit Allantic avenue. This, is his eleventh X:=tat!i=l2.o5. 18E7. season here, ami during that time his ocean.—It. . j HOUSK, A LITTLE MOKE house has steadily increased in popularity JURSKY C1TV. OCIIAN OROVH. and is eonHtant.lv lilled with young j THAN THREE BLOCKS Ocean Grove, New Jersey. I.o st. ' people. '** *. i FROM THE OCEAN. Au open-fiue gold watch, with iob^ at­ The Ice IJream Kstablisbinent of. Mor­ Directly West of Avon Depot. . , . . - : tached and nnnelhyst, between Darling- row i'c l*ay is now fully prepared to meet 1011 and Allvnhnrst streets on Ocean al l demands both for t lie cottage and hotel , . . . Kong Distance Telephone 57 F . . ilrive. Iiuward it returned to 115 Main trade in the line of creams ol any tlavor THE PLACE HAS BEEN HELD AT $2000. $275 $275 avemie, Ocean.lirove.—tt” o r in any quantity. They are also pre? parcd tn cater to picnics., and pleasure WANTHI>—One or two furnished port ie« o f any character. Good Frame JUiilding with Water $275 room s in Ot-omi 1 Iroye, iiiust he reasona­ Mrs. Jlcbecca Wood will this year be flyon-Byrthe-Sea, Sew Jersay, and Sewer Collections, ble I’lease state ternis for Jul v ami iu charge of, the well-known /lowland August, or for August alone. Address, Huiise. Tliis is so located .that it is but $275 $275 I’AiiTicn.Aii, lieeord-Ollice.—*i(/i'.*'jul-11 a.Mep to the Aiulitbrium and other places ^co ft, ]©ro{>ricfor.* of religious woi-ship, making it especially j w. H. BEEGLE, • BnoMs'.—C ool.and nirv .rooms nicely desirable io people wlu» wish- to reach j furnished; woven wire springs, hair these.points without • the exertion of a 4 8 'Main Avenue, • Ocean Grove, N, i. 50 Choice Lots at Bradley mattresses for rent by the day, week or long walk. iMiss Wood proposes to keep | m o n th , (110 cooking).. Apply 44 V.mbury ihe house.open during the entire year. .1 Private Dining Rooms. avemie, Ocean tiiove.—.Ini'-( it. Mrs. O. 11. Toiupkins, the proprietress Park, $275 Each ==on the \ niiddle-iiged ladv tn teacher i, desires of tlie Arctic House on J^urf avenue, an- [ Rhode Island Clam Bake nnurices that this jiopular establishment i. position to take can* of children. Ad­ . and Restaurant a la Carte dress Mrs. S. Iv liced, Stillwater, N. is again open for the reception of sum-.! mer guests. It is .splendidly located Share Plan. • Jnii.ltKit® ; with in. two doors of the ocean, aud al­ THE FINI-ST RfiSORT. AI.ON(l Tilt: COAST. I’bC K K T K N IY l’.S.—alt cent price re­ most every room has a sjtleudiil view of 641 Mattison Avenue, THESE LOTS ARE THE CHEAPEST AND duced to -(I cents. ISievele Store, -IH th e sea. *Mrs. Tom pkins has a . wide ex­ perience ifi keeping summer guests ani. 1 L’p-Slairs) BEST THAT ARE NOW OFFERED M ain title, tf. her house is always a popular resort. TakQ Belmar and Asbury. P art Trolly, '1'he Kern Cottage, located a t th e cor­ FOR SALE. lxvrsT.MicxT roiV;S-,tHHl or- $1,01)1!.—- ner of Hermon Way and Now York ave­ ASBURY I’ARK, NEW JERSEY I-'irst-elass property; lirst Wind ■ and nue, .umley the management of M rs. A. Yacht Emma B. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO m ortgage, 0 - jw-r ce n t, in terest. . J I. Oall, the owner, has built up a desirable H eegle.— ii'lr. Captains J.. B. Newman and l-’nink patronage among summer visitors to I’ierce, Proprietors. Ocean (irove. Mrs. (Jail bos had many lrOR-KKNT.—$123, Desirable /•room HENRY C. WINSOR, or Jersey years experience and thoroughly, under­ FASTEST YACHT ON THE COAST. Mrs. J. BALDAUF. cottage, Tabor Way, near 2sew stands the best metheds of conducting n W . H . U kixh.i:.— <(«/<’. . avenue bridge. successful house. • Froni Ashurv Park Fishing Pier. T. FRANK APPLEBY, Tp Fishing Hanks —Every day at S a.m, IfOR HKNT—Uiitil August 1, a T-ioom ra re $ 1.00. Lines-and Bait Free. Corner Main Street and' MaatisAn Auenue, * : cottage, only four doors irom the ocean $000 o r $$00 available at once on ap­ on Heck avenue. Tnco $00. '»• n - proved bond and mortgage security. Sailinj Parties- -I'very afternoon JJiuxjlk, 4S'Main avenue—jund -I' ..’ ‘ -. .•■W-Jt.- H j; ‘RKH(it.K.^— .jll{'. .o’.elock. l'are .30 Cents. All THE LATEST DESIGIS. ASEUET- UT, T.