;■ I- .-'l- Im ? ■ S. r. V*.: \ ■'l| * *;. ... : ' ; ’p.V i’:'-' .; •..* .•;.v^• ...; v - v , «. v . M '*v i * ’V.J !* * ^DEVOTED TO THE DISSEMI NATION OF RELIGIOUS LITERATURE VOL. XXIII. NO 27. OCEAN GROVE , N.-J., SATURDAY. JULY 3, 1897. Subscription, $ 1 .0 0 p e r Y ear. sands wiio denoiihce in others what they m ountain, 7\on, and.vet see lio\y rapidly ' Ii.ihi.X. m: H i*vi*doim r lU iitri ■ V o m w School of M ethods. Auditorium O p e n in g . Sim clay School Assembly.: Mr-i-lthtr. !I<»Htit».Mi-t:llnV. it. has spread unt il all- nat ions call lliiii■{ condone iii themselves/ . •' . 'iil.pl A. M. Noriiint lli.ur. TJitrct I.i-Mm. "Tlir • The opening ot the Auditorium, Young ” Uive,” aigued the Divine,“isth<;only j)fessed. • .: , ‘ / i' Tin- annual session of tin* Ocean Grove Ti'iicIht's .(jiKiltllcaliriii*: ut|<l I'l-i-pjoi,; The WonianV Christiati Teiiip’orauiv “ The time is coming,-' itm lM i..Yat-;j ttnil.’’ I*im.l.. tlm ftifvrn. .Viliimuhllii People's Temple. and Tabernacle un Sun- force that will deal successfully with sin\ Sunday School -Assembly is each year an I'iiiott of-New Jersey, has arninged t<» You.cau have your conferences and your tnah said he.ho{i<'(l t<» see it. “ when the plutform. * dny Inst wns like wise si grand revival of occa-i.iij orgrent. Interest becaiise o f its hi'ld Us annual “ School of.Methoils” in ; councils, you can make laws aud enforce Britisli railway will stretch it*- tracks to varied and cleliglitlVtl program. tiMii.A. M. tHM Init lirp io lm c io . T h io l l.t* [ the. Auditorium on, the .Stfi and H|h- ot. the.ardent religious worship wliieli lias (*ah:utl;i, aiid when that tim e comes it Tl»v s\i;i;«ii‘.i iu* Heroes iim l I lie mnrkcid the meetings at ,0mm Grove. them , biit. y*»ti cannot legislate soul? to* •Thi> season it w ilt he held from. July f:;~ ..o f (Ii. • r-.‘n i|‘ii<-,'* t>»*. /.♦«»»»«K Tljoioli-.v I July under' the. maiiagemtuit of Mr.-.. C hrist. It was love th at plaiine<l and will not be long before' the British I’ible J'J, iiiid smiie verV attractive novelties are Chai). J Kinttisi Bourne,, the; .president of .the i.jv i • Froifi'enrly morning until latu in the worked out the atonement. A true Christ­ Society will.plant the handinl of corn in ■evening, pm ver and praise w ent up from to ht? introduced. lu tho lirstplace ther rn. e. M. Mil Sira l IUmmVuHo AiMliinriuu •gnnization. / ian, will relleet that love in daily life. t-lu* uiouiUuiHH of Oilciilta tlini . it limv.j |„. (M0 cxliil.ilioiis of t|ic iuim.ns ;j*rof. Swc»i\v,.i:i»mnu*loi\ - . j A Very iuteix'sting. aiid loi’tertainini:' - • ihe t housands who gathered together tor The genuine Christian is o)ie w)io is >o • Hielirst'time this season to unite in once •!.jii:«u! Ilii-Oiif-Ii nil lift in. : llri-tlin-ii, bir • i-Mi.,,,, I■|,0 toscO|W, <>i- nrCa-iUiitipiii ni 00 IV M. <•*. IV.S. V. im m iit 'I'll I lio.’ T h o rn le y I program has been ploy hied tor theoecav full of love that self and selfishness dies. C hapel, su lijeei. “ Clmru«:icrl>ali*s or the more renewing their bonds in faith and ol good cheer, he said, “ tor I- tell you jniovin^ picturc.H, which is as far beyond lierm n n XuXUiu." MIss C. A. T eal; : sioji; • It is as follows: “ Love has a killing power.•* “The this gospel oi oni* | »oil is a winning gos- ; j|„. olrl Stereopticon as that surpasses tlie to prepare for a more powerful and eon-, i>0 e. >i. CmiiUOnniftnatlon EiitcrtiilnnK-m. .v: f’^tHiHAM . ;. ■ ecrted attack againstt-ho common enemy, weight of joy was so gn-at,' said Mr. Yal* W*!v*: ’ , • • , ? old-time panorama. IU* this-new invent ‘ Tliii Kdlwin I’hotoseopi- with ; moving the world, the llesh and the devil. man in illustmtiiig this point, 1 to r. -Mr. 'i atm an told the stOrv rjt a devoted > (inn d K. actions of .moving figures, si.ieh plot are s of Hat htmrSeiMiiWf Mllluiry-M ovc- v ' ■r Tiii’usiiAY, .ifi.V’ 8n l •*, :• German lassie in coming from her distant ia».nlK, M m m ioilT ullee charge, r-ti*.. eh*;,- By 0 o’clock a. m. the Young People's. m other whose, .child was -tly.ing of. a J :IS a r ha1gi* of the New York mounted home, from her I'atherlutid to meet her nnd SlKiior Vitnle, tho (iirfumod vloniitst. ' lo :;t) a.’ m; Seh0(»l of M ethbds’cailetHr!/; Temple wan well Tilled, ami Ifev.-O. H. malignant disease and the.phvsician had ; police, the arrival.of a railwa'v traiii, a pupil nml siiceesKorol'OIo Hull, who ivllh' o rd e r. Mrs. i'luinia BotirnO, ,1‘resV Yatman, who Inis’recently returned from lover here and be his Wife, that, when at lorbiddeir ner lo ki.^ the child, Warning j.bathing .scene at the bench/ starting nf iTinler In Ii Ih inlnittiihlo manner,- ".The : |-10. I*V a >i. Singing by Cliildreh froiu : last, after she had left friends and home .Moeklnjf lilrrt/’ioul other elections. Kurope where he-hns heen doihi'cVau* her tlin t if she disobeyed, it nieant her j the New York;Kire D epnrtm ent tVirn.tire, .“ Newark 1 loiiie.V f..r:.i he. Friend* gelislic work, entered upon tlu*. lilteeuth and had traveled the long.wav witli that death. Her love for :the little .one was } etc., will he thrown upon a largt? screen oila st;tr nf hope oointing: the way, she . s.\TiMt!»AV,;.iirc.V |7;rii. - f ;-.;.C Jess.” . • vear of his services’; among I lie young too strong to let it jmss.awaV without one j jViih life-like aceuracv and rapid move* a had readied her destination,^slie threw v.fjii . -u; Hoys anil Otrls Hour. i’letorfal Ke- \ JIJHI .I. iii Devotions, M rs.'A; C. IJam* people. ' • •••• afiectionate; k iss.. SIim gave it a iu t jm u l.•» nicim*. • ■-*. • •reallnii ' t'rof.: Hnulforit. • fourth HlOle ; niond, Asbury I’ark.,'.;' her nrmsabout hia neck, aud when a few the jienalty.. A ml’so the Son of Mary f »n the Jhst .evening of- tlie exhibition l.cssmi, The t.ast; of U>«* .ItMlucs.” Mrs. •The services opened with singing the know ing th a t sin nieant death,, can’ie’ . : l.oomts. ! n .lo A. jt.‘ liualilicatiOu for .Workers; /-doxologv,. led by l^ofessor John * U;• moments later the lover raised her head of this wonder, Jplv 1(», inusical selec­ from his shoulders he found her dead in ilown aiid m ade the sacrifice t hat through n.iniA. M. Devotlouiil Hour. Yoanu IN*i»pj. Discussion opened by Mrs. M. I*. -Sweney, who conducted all the musie of tions will he rendered h\*..that prince ol* MeeltiiK, Temple. Hollars' Alc*i?Ui Tomlison. Plainfield.' - ‘ his ai ins. The joy of tho m eeting was so llis love we iidght live. violinists, Signor Gitiseppe .Vitale, who . TiOieraiiele. tlie service. Miss Bella tii ecu .was tin? great that it had killed her.’ The instruction which lie who. died ; 11 :■!.■» A. m. Iiible Reading. Si i s; A M , ... pianist, Miss Aljdn Patterson, .otganisl,; will give'his famous Mo<*kin^ Bird” lii.aOA.M. N orm al H oiiiv rotiitli • ’ Ihinimeiv Philadelpliia. Pa. • “ In another instance, a m other search­ fonts gave His followers was “ Go ye and other selections' in his inimitable • »* l.in v s-o f th e WOrU,.; At teat loir ami and Miss M* Iconise Linebhrger of Chi­ .M u u iiin ty .^ * .- . cago was cornelist. - ing in vain up and down tlie streets.look; into all the world and preach the gospel,” ' manner. v ' • . : : . ..Vot/N rtOK f’ttA V-lii.%. ; .; 1 •.. , / : ing for her lost child, now sat waiting- for and there are poor .souls, to-night stai v- Hum ,\. m*. IHhlieai Depart m nt. i-’n.iirt li r.es* . Mi-. Yatman, then announced that the The uianiigenuMitof the Assembly think son, “ Tho Uolilea-Ain it the Rival; u. Devotions.'.Sirs; KliaParsons/.’ I services for ISO? were open and asked the tunings from th<* many who were h-’ouring ■ f for ..need ot .tlie, food. of the gospel . I hemselves very fortunate in securing tlie Thrones.” * tlie country for the lost one. She. heard . - Island Heights* • •congregation to.observe t lie time-honored .Mr. ^ iitiimii. tliim told how, (Iminu i st.,.vi«.s (if Mr.' T,; 11. linulforil. a "uiitlo- e . >t. M iw ioil Jt.-en atio AiKtltoriunt :'• i'.-td e. >i. ' “ D outs ** < l.iivitl Temperain:<> /. custom of extending to their neighbors the cry of * l*aby lost! Brown eyes, Ih f interim which had elapsed since be.^ .man v<*f rail* artistic talents. wJio will AsstriaUly choir ami Dr. apburii hair, pink dress, 1'aby lost Y\ As • Legion .Miss - A,;-M. .Giiern'sey, the handgiasp of fellowship and good mil Insl s-ttif.il in ilit- A iulitanm n liu Iim I :tlio-. hovs ami uiris in Jlrs. .*1.1 o e. m: s. r . Hhumi. T»n»ii*. in i 'h v ’ .i I range the.hViur went wearily by she could ‘near 1111 Miss Corn, tla AUeleTonJ^ Tuple.
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