Registered in the Week up To: Friday, 15 November, 2019 Epping Fo Rest District Council
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Weekly List of Planning & Tree Applications, Notifications District Council rest and Appeals Registered in the week up to: Friday, 15 November, 2019 Epping Fo Any representations on applications should be made in writing, by Monday, 9 December, 2019 Comment online at or by post to: The Director of Planning and Economic Development, Epping Forest District Council, Civic Offices, 323 High Street, Epping, Essex CM16 4BZ Any enquiries should be made to the Application Processing Team T: 01992 564436 E: [email protected] Epping Forest District Council R12 Report for applications/cases between 11/11/2019 and 15/11/2019 Planning & Tree Applications You can comment on these applications, please ensure your response reaches us by the date shown on the cover of this document Buckhurst Hill TPO Planning File No: 004483 Application No: EPF/2650/19 Applicant Name: Mrs Patel Officer: Robin Hellier Location: 50 Russell Road Buckhurst Hill IG9 5QE Proposal: TPO/EPF/07/74 (Ref: A1) T1: Lime - Crown reduce by up to 3m, as specified. T2, T3, T4: 3 x Horse Chestnuts - Crown reduce height by up to 3m & laterals by up to to 2.5m, as specified. T4: Horse Chestnut - Reduce limb located towards house, as specified. If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 030479 Application No: EPF/2635/19 Applicant Name: Miss Laura Bullock Officer: Natalie Price Location: 7 Birch Close Buckhurst Hill Essex IG9 6HR Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension, front porch, raised patio at the rear & semi- permeable paviours in the new parking forecourt at front. If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 026512 Application No: EPF/2663/19 Applicant Name: Mr & Mrs Blom Officer: Muhammad Rahman Location: 42 Forest Edge Buckhurst Hill IG9 5AA Proposal: Proposed single storey side/rear extensions, part garage conversion, first floor window alterations and a raised patio area. If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Chigwell Page 2 of 22 R12 Report for applications/cases between 11/11/2019 and 15/11/2019 Planning File No: 000583 Application No: EPF/2501/19 Applicant Name: Mr Stephen Ashton Officer: Ian Ansell Location: Grange Court 72 High Road Chigwell IG7 6PT Proposal: Variation of condition 2 `Plan numbers' of EPF/3275/17 (Grade II* listed building consent for conversion, extension and partial demolition of existing building to provide 14 flats with associated parking and landscaping. Change of use from residential school building (Use Class C2) to residential (Use Class C3)) - alterations to layout within listed building, and to layout and elevations in the extensions If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 000583 Application No: EPF/2502/19 Applicant Name: Mr Stephen Ashton Officer: Ian Ansell Location: Grange Court 72 High Road Chigwell IG7 6PT Proposal: Variation of condition 2 `Plan numbers' of EPF/3264/17 (Conversion, extension and partial demolition of existing building to provide 14 flats with associated parking and landscaping. Change of use from residential school building (Use Class C2) to residential (Use Class C3) - - alterations to layout within listed building, and to layout and elevations in the extensions. If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 030478 Application No: EPF/2634/19 Applicant Name: Mr Trevor Winter Officer: Natalie Price Location: 43 Hainault Road Chigwell IG7 5DQ Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension. If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 002433 Application No: EPF/2651/19 Applicant Name: RMP Prop Ltd Officer: Natalie Price Location: 181-185 High Road Chigwell IG7 6NU Proposal: Change of use of the retail unit from A1 (retail) to D1 at ground floor, If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Page 3 of 22 R12 Report for applications/cases between 11/11/2019 and 15/11/2019 Epping TPO Planning File No: 001047 Application No: EPF/2655/19 Applicant Name: Persimmon Homes Officer: Robin Hellier Location: 20 metre deep block to the rear of 33 - 47 The Crescent Epping CM16 4JG Proposal: TPO/EPF/34/08 (Ref: A1) Trees within defined area - Crown reduce & thin by 30% and reduce overhanging branches, as specified. If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 002051 Application No: EPF/2095/19 Applicant Name: Mr Ben Harvey Officer: Francis Saayeng Location: Fir Trees Tidys Lane Epping CM16 6SJ Proposal: Single storey rooftop extensions to both existing flat blocks to create 5 new flats. Refurbishment/Extension to existing stair cores to provide access to new dwellings. If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 026923 Application No: EPF/2362/19 Applicant Name: The Epping Barber Shop Officer: Caroline Brown Location: 152A High Street Epping Essex CM16 4AQ Proposal: Proposed change of use to revert from a beauty clinic to an office (B1) If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 016339 Application No: EPF/2511/19 Applicant Name: Mrs Anjana Trehan Officer: Zara Seelig Location: Land To Rear Of 257 To 259 High Street Epping CM16 4BP Proposal: A new replacement building, and a change of use from storage B8 to cafe A3. If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Page 4 of 22 R12 Report for applications/cases between 11/11/2019 and 15/11/2019 Planning File No: 030477 Application No: EPF/2578/19 Applicant Name: Mr & Mrs J Gregg Officer: Francis Saayeng Location: 20 Theydon Grove Epping CM16 4PY Proposal: Application for Outline Planning Permission for severance of part of the rear garden to provide a site for a new detached house. If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 030475 Application No: EPF/2584/19 Applicant Name: Mr Matthew Ellis Officer: Zara Seelig Location: 7 Bridge Hill Epping CM16 4ER Proposal: Proposed dropped kerb. If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Planning File No: 011109 Application No: EPF/2671/19 Applicant Name: Mr Edlin Officer: Caroline Brown Location: Broadbanks 23 Ivy Chimneys Road Epping CM16 4EL Proposal: Application for Variation of Condition 2 `Plan numbers' for EPF/1690/16.(Demolition of stables & hardstanding,excavation over site to reduce levels & removal of all from site.Provision of access road & turning head. Erection of detached dwellings & garages, including ancillary works & landscaping). If you are viewing this report in an electronic format, click on the link below to view related documents including plans Lambourne Planning File No: 029860 Application No: EPF/2489/19 Applicant Name: Mr Billy Ellis Officer: Sukhdeep Jhooti Location: Land adjacent to 7 & 8 The Poplars Lambourne Romford RM4 1BB Proposal: Proposed x3 no. bedroom dwelling. (Revised application to EPF/0738/19). If you are