

MINUTES OF THE TURVILLE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held on Wednesday 10th May 2017 in Northend Village Hall, Northend

PRESENT: Alice Nuttgens – Chair, Ray Jones, David Cairns, Margaret Drage.

In attendance: Mrs L Coldwell – Clerk, WPC Marchant – Members of the Public: Robin Harman, Danny Fois and Rick Scannell.

17/18.1 Apologies: None given.

17/18.2 Disclosure of interest in items on the agenda: None declared.

17/18.3 To confirm the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting on 8th March 2017 The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting on 8th March 2017 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

17/18.4 To report on matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda – for information:  The signatories for the Lloyds Bank account have finally been updated. This means that the address can be altered on the account to the current Clerk.

17/18.5 Public question and answer sessions a. A film company approached a resident a few months ago about filming in June, however nothing has been heard since. b. Has anything been arranged yet for the Parish Rounders match? Last year Turville village did not have enough available players on the date that was decided. This is a Village Association matter rather than the PC. RH offered the use of Turville Barn after 4 pm for the match and will organise arrangements. c. The Valley Business meeting is hugely successful, at the most recent meeting everyone agreed that each business on the list has benefitted from it. Action:Clerk Cllr Cairns made huge efforts to get it started. The ethos of the group fits in with the July agenda Chiltern Society and its push for getting visitors to the Chilterns. It also means that item there is already a network available for new businesses who may need a helping hand. Would it be possible to put a slotted leaflet holder beside the AED machine in Turville Village to display leaflets of the businesses for visitors to take away? Future agenda item. d. The Bucks Rural Affairs Group are holding a conference on 24th November about “Responding to Changes in the Chilterns” to which all residents of are invited to attend. It will be held in Village Hall at a cost of £10 which includes lunch and refreshments.

17/18.6 Reports to be received: a. Meetings attended  WDALC – Clerk and Cllr Jones attended. There is currently no Chair, Secretary or Training Secretary so the future is uncertain. The Farm tour this year will be on Wycombe Estate on 22nd June.  The NAG has been postponed until a later date in June. Action:Clerk  Village Hall Management Committee are keen for the PC to publish a leaflet that tells July agenda residents the facilities available in the Parish. A draft was prepared previously, but it item needs some tweaking. Future agenda item. VHMC are now charging the PC for the use of the Village Hall for meetings. This follows a lengthy discussion on rates and how different hirers are charged for the use of the facilities. After consulting with other local Village Halls, it was realised that TVH have been overly generous not charging for various events. The only events that will now be free of charge are community wide events, namely the Lent lunch, the Rams match and 62/17

Parish Christmas party. Other local Village Halls charge Parish Councils for use at meetings. Action:Clerk VHMC queried who is responsible for looking after the maintenance of the defibrillators in the Parish. Cllr Cairns believes there are volunteers who have this responsibility. The telephone boxes are owned by the PC, although the AEDs were funded by the Community. Are there any First Responders in the Parish? Many of the people who were originally involved with the project have left the Parish. Clerk to investigate.

17/18.7 Items to note: a. Clerk filled out the necessary forms for SSE regarding the possibility of undergrounding cables in Turville Village. SSE have advised that it will be looked into over the next few weeks and they will report back afterwards. b. The Open Spaces Society have written requesting a donation to the “Good Causes, Green Causes” fund. The PC donated to the Open Spaces Society in January 2017. c. There are various cricket matches being played at the Wormsley Estate on the following dates: Sunday 21st May – 25th Anniversary of Wormsley Cricket. Getty X1 VS The Arabs. There will be a bar and tea tent. Sunday 28th May – UCTF Cricket Summer Party – Lashings XI Vs UCTF Ugandan XI. Wednesday 23rd August – Minor Counties finals day. Tickets can be purchased on the day from the main gate. Saturday 26th August – Turville Park Cricket Club. All residents welcome, bar available but bring own picnic. Sunday 10th September – Getty X1 Vs Eton Ramblers. Sunday 17th September – Getty X1 Vs I Zingari. There is no charge to watch the Getty X1 games.

17/18.8 Broadband – update if available: Action:Clerk There is a huge lack of communication from Bucks County Council and Council. They will not tell anyone what is currently happening, and therefore it is impossible to give an update! A recent meeting arranged by Cllr Cairns as to where the process is for the Parish was cancelled at the last minute by WDC. As of yet they have not rearranged the meeting. This is very different to how Council act, who are very open and have a weekly meeting to update people on what is happening. Rick Scannell has been working hard with Oxfordshire Council, and areas that are on the border of the 2 counties are being dealt with by Oxfordshire rather than Bucks. Northend should have superfast by the end of this year. Postcodes that are RG9 6L? will benefit from the Oxfordshire implementation of Contract 2. A new green cabinet will be installed by the telephone box in Northend, and residents with this postcode will be able to apply for superfast broadband. It is unsure whether this is coming from Turville Heath exchange or Christmas Common. Stonor, Pishill, Maidensgrove now have superfast broadband partly because of Oxfordshire Council but also due to Village Networks and Connect 8. Stonor Park have installed a mast which benefits all of Stonor. Connect 8 have organised superfast broadband with Village Networks for residents in Hambleden. Clerk to chase WDC meeting. Anyone with a line of sight to the Tower could use mobile 4G data provided by the mobile network Three as superfast broadband.

17/18.9 Planning:

a. WDC decisions:

17/05219/VC - Northend Workshops Northend Road Northend - Variation of condition 2 (plan numbers) attached to PP 16/07543/FUL (Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1 x 3 bed dwelling including landscaping) to allow an amended list of approved drawings to allow design changes - Application Permitted

17/05179/FUL - Stable And Paddock Adjacent Cobstone Farm Turville Valley Road Turville – Demolition of existing stables and erection of replacement outbuilding for use as an artist & rural crafts studio and workshop and associated external alterations - Application Permitted. The PC have written to WDC asking why the conditions that were asked for in our Consultee comments were not given any credence and put on the decision notice. The applicant has been asked to take out some hedgerow but will be refusing to do 63/17

so and has a meeting with WDC to discuss.

b. Awaiting decision:

17/05798/CTREE – Flint Cottage 7 – 8 Southend Cottage Southend – Fell 1 x Cherry tree (T1) – PC commented no objection between meetings

c. New applications:

There are currently no new planning applications to be discussed.

17/18.10 CIL money received by the PC: Action:Clerk CIL money currently stands at £3527.79. £2000 is earmarked for funding the pond project in Northend. Other CIL money will be used for replacement benches at Churchfield Wood and Southend Bridleway. The bench on the Turville Bridleway has reappeared and can be fixed. A local contractor is willing to fix the legs on both benches and then concrete them in to the ground. Awaiting quotation for the works. It was resolved to proceed with the works. Cllr Nuttgens can give the exact location to the contractor when necessary.

17/18.11 The PC to discuss dog fouling along footpaths in Turville Action:Clerk The laminated signs previously placed have deteriorated already. The notices did seem to have an effect, but as soon as they have gone the bags of dog waste hanging from trees have reappeared. Cllr Nuttgens has obtained a quote for A4 fluted signs which would be £15 +VAT and an adhesive sign could be put on the existing bins, 4 for £18 +VAT. All Cllrs resolved to proceed with ordering signs. Clerk will order and pass to Cllr Nuttgens to put up.

17/18.12 Finance:

a. Accept internal audit report. Lisa Cook reported “that everything was in order in

accordance with current regulations”. It was noted that all invoices and the cheque book

stub should be initialled by both signatories. The audit was accepted with some minor

discrepancies noted. A new internal auditor will be found for next financial year.

b. To approve and adopt the accounts for 2016/2017 in Receipts and Payments format.

Approved subject to some corrections being made in individual expenditure.

c. To note the year end bank reconciliation. Noted. d. To approve and sign the Governance Statement for 2016/2017. Approved and signed. e. To approve and sign the Statement of Accounts 2016/2017. Approved and signed. f. Decide the 30 working days the elector’s rights may be exercised; this period has to include the first 10 working days of July – Clerk proposes 12/06/17 to 21/07/17. Agreed. g. Received: First half of precept and CTSG. Noted. h. To sign a letter to Lloyds Bank authorising the payment of £257.29 for the Clerks salary by monthly Standing Order commencing on 18/06/17. Authorised and signed. i. To sign the Lloyds Bank Authority Variation form to change the address on the account from the previous Clerk to the current Clerk. Authorised and signed. j. To approve the Asset Register as of 03/05/17. Approved. Clerk to look at any alterations Action:Clerk necessary. k. To discuss the budget for 2017/2018. Approved.

l. Bank Balances: Opening Balance 01/02/17 £10345.39 Less February payments £25.00 Opening Balance 01/03/17 £10320.39 Less March payments £4184.38 Closing Balance 31/03/17 £6136.01

m. Reserves: CIL restricted reserve £3572.79 (CIL – committed for Northend pond £2000.00) CIL restricted reserve less Northend pond £1572.79 Unrestricted reserve £ 2563.22 Total reserves £6136.01


n. To approve and sign the following payments: Lorna Coldwell – April salary £257.29 Lorna Coldwell – May salary £257.29 Lorna Coldwell – expenses/mileage Mar/Apr £41.92 BALC – annual subs £59.24 Miss Lisa Cook – internal audit fee £30.00 Northend Village Hall – hire 10/05/17 £20.00 Came and Company – insurance renewal £282.80 Total: £947.94 Approved.

16/17.13 Date of Next Meeting: The date for the next meeting was confirmed as Wednesday 12th July – The Bull and Butcher, Turville. The meeting closed at 21.29

The Chair ………………………………………………… Date ………………………..