


MINUTES OF THE TURVILLE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Held on Wednesday 8th March 2017 at 7.30pm in the Bull and Butcher pub, Turville

PRESENT: Alice Nuttgens – Chair, Ray Jones, David Cairns, Margaret Drage.

In attendance: Mrs L Coldwell – Clerk 9 Members of the Public – Danny Fois, Angela Fois, Kate Ashbrook, Deborah Abbot, Raymond Anthony Chavez, Peter Botevyle, Sophie Chambers, Diane Thurman-Baker, Charles Thurman- Baker.

16/17.98 Apologies: County Councillor Jean Teesdale, District Councillor Chris Whitehead.

16/17.99 Disclosure of interest in items on the agenda: None declared.

16/17.100 To confirm the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting on 11th January 2017 The minutes of the Ordinary Meeting on 11th January 2017 were confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chair.

16/17.101 To report on matters arising from the minutes not on the agenda – for information: Action:Clerk  Lloyds Bank have sent further forms to be filled in to change the signatories on the account. Cllrs Cairns and Drage are asked to fill in some further information. The forms were filled in and signed, Clerk will return to Lloyds Bank.  The “give way” lines have finally been reinstated in Turville Heath following the resurfacing of the road some months ago.

16/17.102 Public question and answer sessions Re: Planning Application 17/05179/FUL - Stable And Paddock Adjacent Cobstone Farm Turville Valley Road Turville The applicant, Angela Fois, attended the meeting to explain that she was born in Turville, and has lived in the village her whole life and therefore does not want to do anything that would be detrimental to it. The land and the buildings used to be part of a very busy horse riding school that are now not used and are falling down. The application is to set up an artist’s studio for her daughter, with other units being used for similar likeminded people who wish to work on arts and crafts in a tranquil setting. It will not be big development and therefore will not bring a lot of traffic, there will be 4 cars for the artists working and the gates will be kept shut and only be opened for people visiting by arranged appointment. At the weekend it would be a gallery to showcase their works and for people to visit. WDC have said that 10 spaces are needed, but it will be only 4 regularly that will be coming and going during business hours. It is already a commercial building, from the riding school but the term of commercial business needs to be changed for it to go ahead. The hardstanding area which is currently there is already used for parking for special events in the village, and the application has been designed in a way that is sympathetic to what is currently there. Raymond Anthony Chavez voiced concerns that the property will be for commercial use, and that this will set a precedent for future building works of converting disused stables or outbuildings in commercial buildings. There are spaces for rent in neighbouring villages that could be used, a new one does not have to be built. The area is closer to a SSSI than indicated in the planning application, and to say that there are no protected species close by is a false claim as there are badgers and bats in the area. The proposed car park will change to the look of the landscape as it will be a large area with hardstanding. There is an environmental concern about losing the down and grasslands, the loss of natural habitat and also the increase in noise, traffic and light pollution that will follow the building works. Currently there is no suggestion of any restrictions on how the buildings 58/17

could be used, meaning that in the future they could be sold to anyone and any type of work could be carried out in them. Sophie Chambers has concerns as they will be directly affected by the increase in traffic and noise associated with the proposed buildings, although understands the need for the gallery space. There is plenty of parking and space available on land owned by the applicant on the other side of the road which would affect everyone much less. Also worried that it will set a dangerous precedent for future conversion to commercial use from existing animal shelters. The village is already very busy with cars at the weekend and opening as a gallery then will exacerbate this. That part of the village is a bottle neck already and an increase in vehicles will make the situation worse. Deborah Abbot says it is for a commercial venture and sets a precedent and leads the way for other agricultural buildings to be converted in the future, and for the noise and light pollution that go hand in hand with a commercial building. The planning officer has said that houses would never be allowed to be built on the land, commercial use would be the only thing that WDC would ever consider. There are also lots of nesting birds, badgers and possibly flowers that may be in danger if the proposed plans go ahead. Peter Botevyle has concerns that 10 or 20 years down the line, if the applicants’ daughter has moved on then the buildings could be used for anything, and this may not be the quiet artist community that is proposed. Diane Thurman-Baker explained that the riding school on the other side of the road cannot be used as it is a health and safety issue for people who are uneducated around animals to be walking around the yard where horses are kept. The PC comments are noted under Planning.

16/17.103 Reports to be received: a. Meetings attended NAG (Cllr Jones) 03/02/17 The main item discussed was speedchecks.

WDC – Modernising Local Government Update (Clerk and Cllr Jones) 28/02/17 WDC and the other Districts sent in their proposal for a 2 unitary council in January. A decision by the Secretary of State is expected mid to late March.

LAF (Cllr Nuttgens) 28/02/17 Cllr Nuttgens was away for this meeting. The minutes show that the Local Priorities Funding 2017/18 was agreed for the following projects:  road widening  Marlow Crossing feasibility  A4155 Danesfield speed limit implementation

16/17.104 Items to note: a. Form CA17 – Notice of Landowners deposits under Section 31(6) of the Highways Act 1980 and Section 15A(1) of the Commons Act 2006 made on behalf of Stonor Estate. The above notice has been pinned to a post on Turville Footpath 25/1. Upon taking advice from the Open Spaces Society this is standard practice and there do not appear to be any potential claims for paths or greens, for which an application must be made within one year of the notice.

16/17.105 Broadband – update if available: Clerk has been told that Connected Counties have advised that Turville village along with and , is now part of contract 2 which is currently underway. The Turville Heath switch will be upgraded and new boxes put in, although exact locations are not yet known. Cllr Nuttgens spoke with a resident about 4G who said that if somebody in the area had a mast that was in line with tower (which has 4G and 5G) 4G can then be transmitted on to people who do not have this facility. Three, the mobile network, are investigating supplying the internet to people who are unable to get a strong and fast broadband connection via the mobile signal. There is already a fibre optic cable there and could be used! This makes it very frustrating as it is a simple connection for people to get superfast broadband.


16/17.106 Planning:

a. WDC decisions:

16/07970/CTR - Lime Avenue Northend Road Turville Heath - Works to various TPO trees & trees in Conservation Area as per schedule received - Not to make a Tree Preservation Order

16/08105/CLE - The American Barn Southend Farm Southend Common Southend - Certificate of Lawfulness Existing for the continued occupation of The American Barn by persons not solely or mainly employed in agriculture, in breach of Condition 2 of planning permission 02/06035/FUL - Grant Certificate of Lawful Use

b. b. Awaiting decision:

There are no planning applications pending currently.

c. c. New applications:

17/05219/VCDN - Northend Workshops Northend Road Northend - Variation of condition 2 (plan numbers) attached to PP 16/07543/FUL (Demolition of existing buildings and erection of 1 x 3 bed dwelling including landscaping) to allow an amended list of approved drawings to allow design changes – No objection

17/05179/FUL - Stable And Paddock Adjacent Cobstone Farm Turville Valley Road Turville - Demolition of existing stables and erection of replacement outbuilding for use as an artist & rural crafts studio and workshop and associated external alterations - Turville Parish Council wish to see conditions restricting the use of the proposed outbuilding, ensuring that it can only be used now and in the future as artist and rural craft studios and gallery. It wishes to see planning conditions restricting the noise levels from the studios and prohibiting any outside lighting that would create light pollution. As there are often congestion problems in the village and the site entrance is a bottle neck during busier periods, the Council wishes to see parking restricted to 1 vehicle per studio and further consideration of the comments of the Highways Development Management Officer of Bucks County Council on vision splays. The Council also asks WDC to address the ecological issues, including the fact that the site is only 147 metres away from a SSSI as pointed out by the Strategic Access Officer from Bucks County Council and local residents. Provided that these points are all addressed, the Council has no objections to this planning application.

16/17.107 CIL money received by the PC: Action:Clerk CIL money currently stands at £3527.79. £2000 is earmarked for funding the pond project in Northend. Other CIL money will be used for replacement benches at Churchfield Wood and Southend Bridleway. Bosmore Estate are happy to allow access for installing a new bench, as is the other landowner concerned. Cllr Nuttgens suggests that the new benches should be set in concrete for stability, and have metal sides so that they will weather and last longer. Clerk to obtain quotations from 2 recommendations for installing the benches.

16/17.108 The PC to discuss the possibility of undergrounding electricity cables in Turville Action:Clerk Village: A resident has approached the PC about undergrounding the cable that runs from the footpath on the way to Cobstone Windmill to School Lane. When asked last year, SSE gave a quotation of over £22,000 to privately carry out this work. Undergrounding the cables would remove poles and a cable that runs across the road and over the Bull and Butcher pub. SSE have a target to underground 90 km of overhead lines over in the next 8 years in AONB, and there is a scheme where areas can be nominated where the funding could dramatically improve the landscape view. It was resolved to proceed with the application. The infrastructure is already there so it should be minimum disruption to the village if successful.


16/17.109 Finance: Please note that due to the ongoing issues with Lloyds Bank and the changeover of Clerk that up to date accounts are currently unavailable.

a. Bank Balances: Opening Balance 30/12/16 £10 659.15 Less cheques cashed in January £313.76 Closing balance 16/01/17 £10 345.39

*No further up to date accounts are available due to problems with Lloyds Bank*

b. Cheque number 218 for Robin Harman for a balance of £3600 has been cancelled and needs to be reissued.

c. Reserves: Opening balance 01/04/16: £6,396.81 Add est. income for the year £9,123.49 Less est. expenditure for the year £9,472.49 Estimated closing balance: £6,047.81

Represented by RESERVES: Total CIL restricted reserve £3572.79 (CIL – committed for Northend pond £2000.00) CIL restricted reserve less Northend pond £1572.79 Committed Common expenditure 2017/18 £1500.00 Unrestricted reserve £975.02 Total reserves £6047.81

d. To approve and sign the following payments:

Lorna Coldwell – February salary £257.29 Lorna Coldwell – March salary £257.29 Lorna Coldwell – expenses/mileage Jan/Feb £34.80 Robin Harman – Himalayan Balsam works (reissue) £3600

Total: £4149.38

The Parish Council would like to give thanks to Robin Harman for his hard work with the Himalayan Balsam. It is noted with gratitude that he is happy to complete the clearance task at his own expense, meaning that the 3rd instalment due to him does not need to be paid.

16/17.110 Date of Next Meeting: The date for the next meeting was confirmed as Wednesday 10th May – Northend Village Hall.

The Chair ………………………………………………… Date ………………………..