Volki (Annelida: Clitellata: Propappidae) from Japan
JapaneseJapaneseSociety Society ofSystematicof Systematic Zoology Species Diversity, 2006, 11, 359-365 New Record of Propappus volki (Annelida: Clitellata: Propappidae) from Japan Takaaki Torii ll)Et`I CDnsuttants inc., 1334-5Riemon, Oigawa. Shida, Shizuoka, 421-CL212 .lapan E-mail: ttaicaaki@..ideacon.co..ip (Received 1 November 2005; Accepted 11 July 2006) A species of freshwater oligochaete, PrQpoppus volki Michaelsen, 1916, is newly recorded from sand and gravel bottoms of several unpolluted streams in Honshu, Japan. The present material agrees well with the previous de- scriptiens of this species except that the spermathecal ampulla is shorter and the proboscis is more elomgate than those described earlier. This is the first record of the family Propappidae Coates, 1986 (New Japanese name: Ko- himemimizu-ka) and the genus Prql)qppus Miehaelsen, 1905 (New Japanese narne: Ko-himemimizu-zoku) in Japan. It provides evidence that the oligochaete fauna in Japan is more closely related to the Holarctic than to the Sino-Indian zoogeographical region, PrQpqppus votici can be regarded as a good bio-indicator fbr unpolluted water. Key Words: oligochaetes, Clitellata, Propappidae, Propappus volki, new record, Japan. Introduction The genus PrQpqppus was erected by Michaelsen (1905) fbr PrQpappus gtandu- losus Michaelsen, 1905 in the family Enchytraeidae. Afterwards Coates (1986) cre- ated the family Propappidae for the single genus PrQpappus on the basis of a unique combination of setal and genital characteristics distinctly different from those ef the Enchytraeidae. Only three species of Propampus have so far been described from freshwater habitats of the Palaearctic region, Among them, Prqpqppus glandulosus has been recorded from Lake Baikal and the Angara and Yenisey Rivers in central Russia (Michaelsen 1905; Coates 1986), PrQpqppus arhynchotus Sokolskaja, 1972 has been recorded only from the Kamchatka Peninsula and Amur basin in the Russian Far East (Timm 1994, 1999a).
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