~T. 3/Obn'~ ~Ari~B ~Ontblp
Volume 13 DECEMBER Number 146 ~t. 3/obn ' ~ ~ari~b ~ontblp : 1934 - Subscr iption P r i c e: $ 1.00 p e r year, in adv ance. A dclress c onnn u n ications t o T . W. T urff, 154 Clif f C rest Drive. Scarb o ro B luffs, Ontari o, G Rover 4354. T r eas urer, F . M . Matlt ias, 35 Lockwoo d Road, H O. 6 652 · ~ +~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~· · Church of St. John the Baptist, Norway , K ingston Road and W ood bine Avenue. !$erbice.s; HOLY COMMUNION :-Ev e ry S u nday at 8 a .m . MATINS AND EVENSONG:-Matins 11 a.~o..... 1s t a n d 3rd S u ndays in e a ch month a t 11 Evens o ng 7 p.m., on Sunda ys. · a.m . Every T h ursda y ( with special inte r THE LITANY:- On the second Sunday of c essions f o r the sick) at 10.30 a.m. the m o nth at Mor n i n g P raye r. HOLY BAPTISM:-Every Sunday at 4 p.m. S UNDAY SCHOOL:-Sunday a t 3 p .m . CHURCHING:-Af t e r Baptism or by appoint The ~hur~h fa open dally for private Drayer, ment. res t and meditation. · ~+~1---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..~ CANON W. J,. BAYNES-REED, D.S.O .. V .D.,L.Th., Rector, 156 King111ton Road. Howurd 140~. ARCHDEACON J. B. FOTHERINGHAlll, A ssistant, Trinity C ollege. MI. 8411. REV. F . E. FARNCOMB, B.A., Ce~netery Chaplain, 16 Beachview Cres.
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