United Diocese of Moray, Ross & Caithness Diocesan Newsletter #5 April 2019

Dear Friends

This Newsletter comes to you at the halfway point of Lent, a time of refreshment and relaxation, a time to gather and give thanks for Mother Church, a day when your Lenten fast can be lightened. I hope that you have been enjoying your Lent, finding extra time to be in the company of God, in prayer and in action. It is always good to see what is going on in the diocese, and there are so many opportunities to use our gifts. It was good to be at the Cathedral Hall recently to see Provost Sarah and Emmanuel enrolled as Beaver Leaders and then to watch them enrol the nine beavers at the new Cathedral Group. I was also glad to inspect the new toilet and small kitchen at St Pater’s, Thurso, to join the vestry of Elgin and Lossiemouth as they interviewed for a new priest. To be with the Lay Readers who spent a day at Arpafeelie and to meet with Incumbents at St Michael and All Angels. I am going on a short retreat during the fourth week of Lent before heading to Jerusalem where I have been invited to Preach in St George’s Cathedral on Palm Sunday, I will be back for the Chrism Mass on Maundy Thursday and will celebrate Easter at both the Cathedral and at Lochinver. Please pray for me as I will continue to pray for you as we continue our Lenten journey.


1 From the ’s Diary…

Sunday 7th April: Kishorn Sunday 14th April: Holy Land Thursday 18th April: Chrism Mass at Cathedral Sunday 21st April: Easter Day at Inverness Cathedral & Lochinver in the afternoon Sunday 28th April: Caithness Sunday 12th May: Inverness Cathedral

Bishop’s Lent Appeal

Further to details of the Lent Appeal in the last two editions of the Newsletter; this year’s Lent Appeal is a home one and features two local charities who work in the Diocesan area. The two charities we are supporting are MFR Cash 4 Kids and Aberlour.

Allana Mackay of MFR Cash 4 Kids writes, ‘In 2018 we supported 19,408 children in the Highlands, Moray and Aberdeenshire. We purchase school clothing, beds and bedding, essential pieces of equipment for children who are living with a disability, deliver Christmas gifts and enable families to make special memories, pay for school trips, buy new kit for sports clubs and much, much more. As far as we are aware we’re the only grant giving charity in the area that can turn an emergency application around within 48 hours, this is crucial when a family are in crisis.

We support groups, individuals and charities but in recent years we have seen a huge increase in the amount of applications relating to families living in poverty. It’s something that none of us want to believe is happening in this area but we can see from the numerous applications we receive that it’s a reality.

Many of these families find themselves in difficult situations through no fault of their own with the children not having suitable winter clothing, going without meals, sharing beds and unable to take part in after school activities. All these things we take for granted but our help can make all the difference to these children.’

For details of Aberlour: https://www.aberlour.org.uk/our-history/ For details of MFR Cash 4 Kids: https://planetradio.co.uk/mfr/charity/info/


It is 10 years since a partnership between Just Trading and the rice farmers of Karonga in Malawi was established. For rice farmers in Malawi getting a fair price for their rice cannot be taken for granted; there are vendors who go around with dodgy scales exploiting farmers who live remote from the main markets. Through JTS’ partnership with the farmers they ensure the a fair price and enable them to invest in equipment in order to work their way out of poverty, such as a plough, oxen to pull it, fertilisers, a bicycle, money for medicines and school fees. By buying this rice you are giving choices to Malawi farmers and making possible growth and development – rewarding the labour that farmers put in to producing it and helping them build a better future for their children. In Malawi primary education is free but secondary school is not and is often too expensive for the majority of the population to afford, so only one in three children attend. Selling 90 Kg of Kilombero rice enables a farmer to send their child to secondary school for a year. We have purchased 90Kg of rice at St. Ninian’s, Invergordon and it is being sold at a cost of £3.50 per kilo. Any donations will be passed on to Just Trading Scotland to help provide equipment and pay for school bursaries. For further details and to order rice please contact Val Dunford on [email protected] or you can log on to the www.jts.co.uk/Rice Challenge.

3 Services & Events from around the Diocese

St Michael Dufftown There’s a regular monthly Holy Communion Service on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 3:00pm tttt

Inverness Cathedral Sunday 7th April- Choral Evensong at 5.30pm Sunday 5th April- Choral Evensong at 5.30pm Friday 21st June- Order of the Knights of St. John Service- all welcome!

tttt St. Columba’s Nairn Will have a Labyrinth laid out in the Hall on 8th – 10th April

Mon 8th April from 10-12noon and 2-4pm Tues 9th April 2-4pm and 6-8pm Wed 10th April 10-12 noon including Eucharist.

Everyone is welcome and full instruction will be given for those who are unfamiliar with using a labyrinth for contemplative prayer.

4 Holy Week services at St John’s Forres

th Sunday, 14 8am Eucharist April 10am Procession of the Palms Eucharist of the Passion of our Lord Monday, 15th 7pm Evening service - Lamb of God: Sacrificial April Lamb Tuesday, 16th 7pm Eucharist, prayers for healing, laying on

April of hands and anointing - Lamb of God:

Broken for Healing Wednesday, 7pm Evening service - Lamb of God: Salvation 17th April from Sin Thursday, 18th 10am Eucharist April 7.30pm Eucharist (with the washing of feet followed by stripping of the Altar)

A watch until midnight

Good Friday, 9am–2 Church open for quiet prayers 19th April pm 9–12pm Self-guided Stations of the Cross (Rectory Garden) 11– Guided Stations of the Cross (Rectory 11.45am Garden)

10-11am Good Friday-Easter All Age Activity

Time (Church Hall) 2-3pm At the foot of the cross – a service of readings, hymns, reflection and prayers Saturday 20th 8pm The Vigil Easter – Eucharist, lighting of April the Easter Fire, Blessing of the Paschal Candle, the Exultet and the Renewal of Baptismal Vows.

Easter Sunday, 8am Eucharist

st 21 April 10am Eucharist for Easter Day 6pm Choral Evensong for Easter Day 5 tttt All Saints Mission Kinlochewe:

Easter day: Joint Communion service with the Church of Scotland 1.0pm Kinlochewe followed by Easter Feast.

Courthill Chapel, Kishorn

Easter Services

Maundy Thursday 7.00pm Upper Village Hall, Lochcarron- Joint Communion with Church of Scotland Good Friday 7.00pm Church of Scotland- Joint service with Church of Scotland Easter Sunday 10.30am Courthill Chapel- Easter Eucharist Easter 2 10.30am Church of Scotland- Easter Praise with Church of Scotland

tttt EAST SUTHERLAND AND TAIN HOLY WEEK AND EASTER Palm Sunday 14th April 8.15am Eucharist, St Maelrubha's, Lairg* 11.00am Eucharist, St Finnbarr's, Dornoch 11.00am Eucharist, St Andrew’s, Tain Monday 15th April 7.00pm Evening Prayer and Reflection, St Andrew's Tain Tuesday 16th April 7.00pm Evening Prayer and Reflection, St Andrew's, Tain Wednesday 17th April 10.30am Eucharist, St Finnbarr’s, Dornoch 7.00pm Stations of the Cross, St Andrew's, Tain Maundy Thursday 18th April 10.30am Chrism Mass, Inverness Cathedral 6 12 Noon Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament, The Crask Inn 7.00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper, St Finnbarr’s, Dornoch Good Friday 19th April 2.30pm Good Friday Meditations, St Finnbarr's, Dornoch 7.00pm Tenebrae and Communion, St Andrew's, Tain Holy Saturday 20th April 8.00pm, Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter, St Andrew's Tain Easter Day 21st April 8.15am Eucharist, St Maelrubha's ,Lairg* 11.00am Eucharist, St Finnbarr’s, Dornoch 11.00am Eucharist, St Andrew’s, Tain Tuesday 23rd April 5.30pm Prayer and Praise for Easter, Kyle of Sutherland Hub, Bonar Bridge *meets in Church of Scotland, Lairg by kind permission.

Isla Deveron Group, Gordon Chapel Fochabers and St Michael’s Dufftown

Holy Week Monday of Holy Week 7:00pm Keith Ecumenical Service at St Rufus 7:00pm Holy Week Service at Huntly

Tuesday of Holy Week 7:00pm Keith Ecumenical Service at St Rufus 7:00pm Holy Week Service at Huntly

Wednesday of Holy Week 12:15pm Lunch Time – Holy Week Reflection / Talk at Huntly 7:00pm Keith Ecumenical Service at St Rufus

Maundy Thursday 6:30pm Last Supper Meal and Holy Communion at Gordon Chapel 7:00pm Keith Ecumenical Service at St Rufus 7 Good Friday 9:00am Morning Prayer at St Marnan’s Aberchirder 10:30am Good Friday Service at Christ Church Huntly 2:00pm Good Friday Service at Gordon Chapel Fochaber 7:00pm Keith Ecumenical Service at St Rufus

Holy Saturday 7:30pm Easter Vigil and Holy Communion at Gordon Chapel

Easter Day 9:00am Holy Communion at St Marnan’s Aberchirder 10:00am Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament at Gordon Chapel 10:30am Holy Communion at Christ Church Huntly 11:30 Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament at Holy Trinity Keith 3:00pm Holy Communion at St Michael’s Dufftown

Lent Groups— “Daring to see God now” Tuesdays 2pm at Keith Rectory March 12th, 19th, 26th, April 2nd & 9th Repeated sessions Thursday at 7:30pm at Gordon Chapel March 14th, 21st, 28th, April 4th & 11th


Our dates Easter at St Maelrubha's are: Palm Sunday - 11 a.m. Maundy Thursday - 4 p.m. Good Friday - 2 p.m. Easter Day - 11 a.m. with Easter Gardens for children and Egg Hunt after the service


East Sutherland and Tain Lent Study The Churches of East Sutherland and Tain will meet for a Lent Study group on “The Sacraments” at Kennic Cottage, Spinningdale on Wednesday afternoons at 2pm – 13th, 20th, 27th March and 3rd, 10th April. Discussion will last about an hour and will be followed by refreshments and fellowship. All are welcome, even if you can’t manage all the sessions, as each will be largely self-contained.

8 Regular Eucharists at the Crask are at 5pm on the 1st Saturday each month (starting on 6th April) and at noon on the 3rd Thursday each month. The former are to be followed by a buffet supper and a music evening and the latter by soup, sandwiches, cakes and fellowship in the bar. We hope to see you soon. Please note that the buffet supper on 1st Saturday evenings will require pre-booking (contact details above). tttt

St James Dingwall and St Anne’s Strathpeffer

14th April Palm Sunday 10.30am St James Said Eucharist 6.00pm St Anne’s A service of meditation in words and music Monday 15th April 7.00pm Compline St James Tuesday 16th April 7.00pm Compline at St James Wednesday 17th April 7.00pm Compline at St James 18th April Maundy Thursday 7.00pm Eucharist at St James 19th April Good Friday 10.30 service at St Anne’s 7.00pm Service at St James 21st April Easter Day 10.30am St Anne’s All Age Eucharist followed by Easter egg hunt

St Ninian’s Invergordon 10th April 2.30pm Teas, Tales and Treats 14th April Palm Sunday 10.30am Eucharist and Dramatic reading of the Passion Good Friday 19th April 12-1.00pm At the Foot of the Cross Easter Sunday 21st April 10.30 Easter Sunday Eucharist

25th April 7.30pm St Vincent’s Church, Tain. Christian Aid Presentation Easter Ross Inter Church Group

Holy Week & Easter Services in the Northwest Charge

Day Time Venue Service Palm Sunday 10am St Mary’s, Holy Eucharist, Blessing of Ullapool Palms, and dramatised Reading of the Passion

9 Holy Monday 7pm St Mary’s, Holy Eucharist with Ullapool Devotional Address Holy Tuesday 7pm St Mary’s, Holy Eucharist with Ullapool Devotional Address Holy 7pm St Mary’s, Holy Eucharist with Wednesday Ullapool Devotional Address Maundy 7pm St Mary’s, Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Thursday Ullapool Devotional Address, Washing of the Feet, Stripping of the Altar and Vigil until 10pm Good Friday 1pm St Martin’s RC Way of the Cross Church, Ullapool Good Friday 2pm St Mary’s, Liturgy of the Day Ullapool Easter Sunday 9.30am Calmac Ferry Easter Praise on the Pier, Terminal followed by bacon rolls and tea/coffee Easter Sunday 11am St Mary’s, Easter Day Eucharist Ullapool Easter Sunday 2.30pm St Boniface, Easter Day Eucharist Achiltibuie Easter Sunday 2.30pm St Gilbert’s, Easter Day Eucharist Lochinver Easter Sunday 6pm St Gilbert’s, Easter Day Eucharist Kinlochbervie Easter Friday 12 St Mary-by-the- Easter Eucharist (26th April) noon Cross, Tongue

More than a year ago St Mary’s in Ullapool registered as an Eco-Church. Some of you will also know that, in line with this and as part of our outreach into the community, the Chapel of St Mary the Virgin is making itself available for the showing of a series of films with ecologically-aware themes. We hope to show one film about every two months or so.

The first of these is to be shown on Thursday 2nd May at 7pm (NB Change of date). No charge will be made at the door, and we will be serving light refreshments. I do hope you will put this date in your diary if you are free or able to come that evening, and that you might encourage others to come along too. There will be a notice in the Ullapool News nearer the time.


Our first film at St Mary’s will be Fractured Land, and below is a bit about it to whet your appetite! Our thanks go to Joanna Wright, Fr David & Clare Brown who are organising this, and especially to the Ullapool art gallery An Talla Solais, whose generous sponsoring of the St Mary’s Cinema has made the funding of this project possible.

With all good wishes, Fr Nicholas.

Caleb Behn is an inspiring First Nations law graduate, taking on the oil and gas industry to protect his people’s land, water and culture in the wilds of Northern Canada.

From an early age, Caleb witnessed the devastating environmental impact of fossil fuel extraction. The advent of fracking dramatically increased the damage meted upon the land, with trillions of litres of water taken from the rivers, which are indigenous communities’ lifeblood, polluted and pumped underground. Mixing breath taking cinematography of Northern British Columbia with candid interviews, Fractured Land captures Caleb’s emerging sense of purpose and leadership as he learns that, to save what he values most, he must leave it behind. Arming himself not with hunting gear but with degrees in law and political science, Caleb embarks upon a new journey: to represent his people in the centuries-long battle to protect their land and the very core of their culture.

Holy Week and Easter at St Columbia’s Grantown and St John’s, Rothiemurchus

Palm Sunday (April 14th)

Palm Sunday Liturgy at 10-30 a.m. (both churches)

Monday in Holy Week

10-30a.m. Eucharist (St John’s) 7-00p.m. Passover Meal (St Columba’s)

Tuesday in Holy Week 10-30a.m. Eucharist (St John’s) 12-30p.m. Eucharist ( St Columbia’s)

Wednesday in Holy Week 10-30a.m. Eucharist (St John’s) 12-30p.m.Eucharist (St Columbia’s) 11

Maundy Thursday

7-00p.m. Maundy Thursday Liturgy (St John’s) 7-00p.m. Maundy Thursday Eucharist at St Columba’s ( Joint Service with Inveraray Church of Scotland)

Good Friday

11-30a.m. - 2-00p.m. (St Columba’s ).Playing of St Matthew Passion. Time for reflection. Come and go as you wish

2-00p.m. Good Friday Service (St John’s) 7-00p.m. Good Friday Service at Inverallan Church of Scotland (joint with St Columba’s)

Holy Saturday

7-00p.m. The Easter Ceremonies (St John’s)

Easter Sunday

8-00a.m. Eucharist (St Columba’s) 10-30 a.m. Easter Eucharist in both churches 6-30p.m. Evensong with Communion

12 13

AFTERNOON TEA Monday 25th March - Friday 5th April.

Here at Inverness Cathedral Cafe, we are offering Afternoon Tea. The perfect gift for mothers day or perhaps for a catch up with friends. For just £7.95pp, teas include: fingers sandwiches, scones, tray bakes, cakes and a pot of tea or coffee. Contact the cafe on 01463 231875 for essential booking to avoid disappointment. We are open 10-3 Mon-Fri and very much look forward to welcoming you!

INVERNESS CATHEDRAL| 9-11 KENNETH STREET | IV3 5NR | 01463 225553 | [email protected] | SC015830 | www.invernesscathedral.org |

14 15

16 St James, Dingwall

6th April 7.30pm Octavoce 10th April 7.30pm Talk - Holy Russia - past & present 3rd May concert Recital by mezzo soprano Danielle 24th May concert Fyrish Quartet works by Hatden & Frieg 14th June concert Davide Sciacca on Tour Playing solo with his “Guitar at the Opera”

New website https://stjamesandstanne.com

Holy Week & Easter at Inverness Cathedral

Self-Guided Stations of the Cross available all through Lent and Holy Week

Monday in Holy Week 12noon & 1930 Eucharist with Reflection

Tuesday in Holy Week 12noon & 1930 Eucharist with Reflection

Wednesday in Holy Week 12noon & 1930 Eucharist with Reflection

Maundy Thursday 1100 Chrism Mass 1930 Eucharist with foot washing Vigil until 2200

Good Friday 1000-1130 Messy Church 1200-1500 Music and Meditation 1930 Service of Reflection

Holy Saturday 1930 Vigil & First Eucharist of Easter

17 Easter Day 0815, 0915, 1100 Eucharist for Easter Day

18 St Michael & All Angels, Abban Street, Inverness and St John the Evangelist, Southside Road, Inverness Please contact Canon John Cuthbert on 01463 233797 or [email protected] , or see our websites more details www.stmichaelschurchinverness.org and www.stjohnschurchinverness.org

SERVICES in APRIL Sundays 9.45am Family Eucharist at St John’s 11.15am Family Mass at St Michael’s

Sunday 28th April 7.00pm Compline & Benediction at St Michael’s

Tuesdays 10.00am Low Mass at St Michael’s Wednesdays 11.00am Holy Communion (1970 Liturgy) at St John’s

Wednesdays 3rd and 10th April 7.00pm Stations of the Cross at St Michael’s

HOLY WEEK SERVICES PALM SUNDAY 9.45am Palm Liturgy & Family Eucharist at St John’s 11.15am Palm Liturgy & Family Mass at St Michael’s 6.30pm Evening Praise at St John’s Monday in Holy Week 7.00pm Evening Prayer with Taizé music at St John’s (Ecumenical service between St John’s, St Stephen’s and Ness Bank Churches) Tuesday in Holy Week 10.00am Low Mass at St Michael’s 6.30pm Ecumenical service at Ness Bank Church 8.00pm Evening Prayer with Taizé music at St Michael’s Wednesday in Holy Week 11.00am Holy Communion (1970 Liturgy) at St John’s 19 6.00pm Evening Prayer with Taizé music at St Michael’s 7.00pm Ecumenical service at St Stephen’s Church MAUNDY THURSDAY 6.00pm Eucharist of the Last Super at St John’s 7.30pm Mass of the Last Supper and Maundy Watch at St Michael’s GOOD FRIDAY 11.30am Good Friday Liturgy & Meditation at St John’s 1. 30pm Good Friday Liturgy & Meditation at St Michael’s 7.30pm Words & Music for Good Friday at St Michael’s with Musick Fyne HOLY SATURDAY 3.30pm Children’s Easter Service at St Michael’s 8.00pm Paschal Vigil at St John’s EASTER DAY 6.00am Paschal Liturgy and First Mass of Easter at St Michael’s 9.45am Easter Eucharist at St John’s 11.15am Easter Mass at St Michael’s

LENT STUDY GROUP Wednesdays during Lent at 2.30pm. 3rd April in St John’s; 10th April in the Heathmount Hotel

QUIET DAY On the Theme of Grace 10.30am – 4.00pm Tuesday 9th April at Pluscarden Abbey

SOCIAL and FUND-RAISING EVENTS SATURDAY 6th April 10.30am – 12.30pm Spring Fayre in St John’s Hall TUESDAY 30th April 2.30 – 4.00pm Knitting Together in St Michael’s Hall THURSDAY 9th May Quiz Night in St John’s Hall


'Values-Based Reflective Practice’ (or VBRP) is an exciting new way of gathering groups of caring professionals together, in order to share aspects of their practice, reflect on these in a value-based way, and learn and grow as practitioners. A safe and bounded space is created and held where such reflection can take place in a 'no blame, no shame' environment. Two sets of tools (the first, a tool of observation; the second, areas of practice to be observed) are used in combination with a clear process, which delivers insight, learning outcomes and improved practice for the group.

An opportunity has been created for clergy and students from the diocese to take part in the first two days of VBRP training, called 'Essential Tools Training'. One of three current national VBRP trainers will deliver this training to a group of about 14 practitioners from the diocese, on September 20th & 27th 2019. It is a two day training event. Fully funded and lunch provided!

Further information about VBRP can be found here: http://www.knowledge.scot.nhs.uk/vbrp.aspx

If you are interested in a place on this training, please contact the Very Rev Sarah Murray, Provost on [email protected]



10 Week Course Inverness Cathedral is offering an introductory course on interpreting the Bible to anyone who 7 – 8pm on Mondays wants to learn how to better understand this from 4/3/19 – 6/5/19 text. The course will be taught by Dr Eric Beck at Inverness Cathedral and will focus on basic skills for interpreting the Cafe/Old Boys School Bible, not the validity of specific beliefs. People of any faith and none are welcome and no The course is free, but previous knowledge of the Bible is required. there will be a required Whether you’ve read the Bible a hundred times textbook. If you need or never cracked it open before in your life, sign help getting access to up now to learn some of the interpretive the book, do not methods used by scholars and preachers alike. hesitate to ask. For questions or to register your interest, email offi[email protected].

Eric Beck has a Ph.D. in Early Christianity from the University of Edinburgh

22 All aboard with Ness Sinfonia!

Join the orchestra as we travel north from London on the historic Coronation Scot, performing a host of British Light Music gems by Vivian Ellis, Eric Fenby and Ronald Binge. We’ll then tour the Highlands with atmospheric works by Hamish MacCunn and Marcus Dods, and Mendelssohn’s Hebrides Overture, before returning south for one of Haydn’s splendid “London” Symphonies - No.99. Conductor: Robin Versteeg Oboe: David Cushman INVERNESS CATHEDRAL - 13TH APRIL 2019 7:30PM - donations on the door


DATES FOR DIOCESAN EVENTS Chrism Mass Thursday 18th April at 11am in Inverness Cathedral All are warmly welcome!

Regional Synod Dates for 2019 St. Gilbert - 28th September St. Columba’s - 5th October St. Drostan’s - 2nd October

United Diocese of Moray, Ross & Caithness Diocesan Office 9-11 Kenneth Street Inverness, IV3 5NR 01463 237503 [email protected] SC004655