Welcome to the Cathedral in . You will find details of this week’s services and events as well as details of the Daily Prayer Readings for the week along with prayer suggestions. DO take it away with you for your use through the week. If you require anything then please do speak to one of the Welcomers/Sides-people or one of the Ministry Team who will be happy to help.

Notices for Sunday 17th November 2019 | Pentecost XXIII| Trinity XXII| | Daily Prayer: Week D | Sunday 17th November 08:15 Eucharist 09:15 Sung Eucharist 11:00 Choral Eucharist 17:30 Sung Evensong Monday 18th November 09:30 Morning Prayer 12:15 Eucharist 16:30 Evening Prayer Tuesday 19th November 09:30 Morning Prayer 17:15 Evening Prayer 17:30 Eucharist Wednesday 20th November 08:30 Morning Prayer 08:45 Eucharist 15:00 Julian Prayer Meeting 17:00 Evening Prayer Thursday 21st November 09:30 Morning Prayer 10:15 Eucharist 16:30 Evening Prayer Friday 22nd November 09:30 Morning Prayer 12:00 Eucharist 16:30 Evening Prayer Saturday 23rd November 17:00 Eucharist Sunday 25th November 08:15 Eucharist 09:15 Sung Eucharist 11:00 Choral Eucharist 17:30 Evening Prayer


Sunday Readings Year C

Date First Reading Second Gospel Reading 17th November Is 65.17-25 2 Th 3.6-13 Lk 21.5-19 Pentecost XXIII Proper 33 24th November Jer 23.1-6 Col 1.11-20 Lk 23.33-43 Penecost XXIV Proper 34/ Christ the King 1st December Is 52: 7-10 Ro 10: 12-18 Mt 4: 18-22 Advent I/ St Andrew’s Day 8th December Is 11.1-10 Ro 15.4-13 Mt 3.1-12 Advent II

15th December Is 35.1-10 Jas 5.7-10 Mt 11.2-11 Advent III

22nd December Is 7. 10-16 Ro 1. 1-7 Mt 1. 18-25 Advent IV

29th December Is 63. 7-9 Heb 2.10-18 Mt 2. 13-23 Christmas 1

5th January Jer 31. 7-14 Eph 1.3-14 Jn 1.(1-9),10-18 Christmas 2

12th January Is 42.1-9 Acts 10.34-43 Mt 3.13-17 Proper 1

19th January Is 49.1-7 1 C 1.1-9 Jn 1.29-42 Proper 2 Epiphany 2 26th January Is 9.1-4 Jon 3.1-5,10 Neh 8.1-3, 5-6, 8- Proper 3 10 Epiphany 3


For your prayers for this week: (from the Diocesan Cycle of Prayer) Sun 17th Nov For the congregations of St. John, Rothiemurchus; St Columba, Grantown on Spey: Richard Gillings, Jenny Jones, Alison Hart, Tony Sparham, Ian Sykes. Lay reader: Deborah Munday. Mon 18th Nov For all who work or study in schools. Tue 19th Nov For the Provincial Church in Society meeting today. Wed 20th Nov For journalists working to uncover truth. Thu 21stNov For the 6.5million unpaid carers in the UK. Fri 22nd Nov For evangelists, prophets, pastors and teachers in our church. Sat 23rd Nov For children and young people who are being exploited in the UK.

For your Bible Readings: (from Daily Prayer Readings)

Sun 17th Nov 1 Kg 1.15-40 Rev 1.4-18 Lk 9.1-6 Mon 18th Nov 1 Macc 3.1-24 Rev 20.7-15 Mt 17.1-13 Tue 19th Nov 1 Macc 3.25-41 Rev 21.1-8 Mt 17.14-21 Wed 20th Nov 1 Macc 3.42-60 Rev 21.9-21 Mt 17.22-27 Thu 21stNov 1 Macc 4.1-25 Rev 21.22-22.5 Mt 18.1-9 Fri 22nd Nov 1 Macc 4.36-59 Rev 22.6-13 Mt 18.10-20 Sat 23rd Nov Is 65.17-25 Rev 22.14-21 Mt 18.21-35

Do please also take a copy of the Cathedral Cycle of Prayer, available at the West Doors Welcome Table

Upcoming Baptisms, Marriages and other Ocassional Offices…





Diocese of Moray, Ross & Caithness You are warmly welcomed to Sung Evensong at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Inverness, on Sunday, 17th November, at 5.30 pm.

During this service Mark will be Licensing those in Lay and Ordained ministries and welcoming recently arrived clergy to the diocese

Clergy and Readers may robe if they wish. Refreshments will be served afterwards RSVP: Diocesan Office 01463 237503 or [email protected]

• Friends of Inverness Cathedral- leaflets are available to sign up - do pass these onto friends and relatives and encourage them to sign up- this is part of our 150 Years Celebrations. A great way to support the work of your Cathedral.

• Welcomers/Readers/Intercessors/Coffee Rota - there are many ways & opportunities for people from the congregation to serve God in and around the Cathedral- as we reflect on our giving & stewardship- this is to highlight some of the opportunities that were spoken about at the Additional Congregational Meeting. Do you like welcoming people? The you could be part of the welcome team- ready to welcome people with a friendly face and cheerful good morning, hand out the order of services, making sure that visitors feel welcome and know where to sit etc. remaining at the door during the service to continue our warm welcome. Maybe you would like to read or offer the prayers of the people (intercessions)? Or perhaps you would like to help out on the coffee/refreshments rota after the 11am service? If you could offer your gifts and skills in any of these places in the first instance please speak or email one of the clergy/ministry team who will then put you in touch with the person who coordinates that rota.

• PARKING: within the Cathedral grounds is very limited like many city centre Cathedrals and churches and therefore we cannot provide parking for all - parking in the Cathedral grounds is there to ensure that Clergy & Staff


can park - there is parking in the Public Cathedral Carpark, in the Highland Council and if available on Ardross Street. Please be sure to ensure that access in and out of the 2 disabled spaces are accessbile at all times. The parking is restricted also to ensure that emergency vehicles can access ALL AREAS of the Cathedral at ALL TIMES, if you car is in their way- they will move it. PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON THE GRASS! The grass has become very churned up recently and this adds to our maintenance costs significantly. Please also note that any cars parked in the Cathedral are parked at your own risk. Thank you.

• VOLUNTEERS PLEASE: FAMILY DAY GIVEAWAY afternoons are taking place on Mon 25th, Tue 26th and Wed 27th November, from12noon to 3pm each day. We are opening our doors to offer items which have been donated - toys/clothing/toiletries to those in need at this time of the year. Come and help out at the Kenneth Street Halls – we need volunteers on Monday and Wednesday, helping folks find what they need and offering a warm drink with a mince pie too. Contact Lynne McWhinnie at [email protected] or call on 01463 225553.

• Pilgrimage to Iona in March 2021- please see the flyer for further information and to book your place!

• Diocesan Youth Prayer- there is a flyer with the Diocesan Youth Prayer available and the events they have planned. Please do use the prayer in your own prayers during the week.


Dates for your Diary: at the Cathedral …

o Tuesday 19th November from 5-10pm - 'Young' People & Families Meal

o Saturday 30th November - St Andrew’s Day Coffee event from 2pm until 4pm in the Cathedral Café. Local crafts and Home Baking & Tombola.

o Monday 2nd December – Highland Hospice presents Light Up the Highlands Concert at 6.30pm.

o Friday 6th December – For a Winter’s Night – Concert by Candlelight with the Scottish Ensemble at 7.30pm. Tickets available from https://scottishensemble.co.uk/concert/for-a-winters-night-2/

o Saturday 7th December – Ness Sinfonia ‘Winter Magic’ at 7pm

o Sunday 8th December at 3pm – Service of Thanksgiving for Cathedral Staff and Volunteers with Awards Ceremony.

o Wednesday 11th December – Carol’s Around the Christmas Tree at 3pm followed by the Christmas Fayre at Bishop Eden Primary School.

o Thursday 12th December – City & Community Carol Service at 7.30pm

o Tuesday 17th December from 5-10pm - 'Young' People & Families Meal

o Friday 20th December at 2pm (tbc) – Carol Service with Bishop Eden Primary School – All Welcome


o Saturday 21st December – Blue Christmas Service at 4pm

o Saturday 21st December at 5pm – Healing Eucharist Service

o Sunday 22nd December – Service of Carols and Readings for Christmas at 5.30pm

o Tuesday 24th December at 4pm- Christingle Service with Pop-Up Nativity

o Saturday 18th January 2020 at 5pm - Healing Eucharist Service

o Tuesday 21st January 2020 from 5-10pm: 'Young' People & Families Meal

Dates for your Diary: elsewhere in the area …

o St Micheal’s Autumn Lectures- Dr Brain Marshall continues his lectures on Wednesday 6th and 23rd November at 8pm in St Michael’s Church, Abban Street.

o Dedication of the lift - at Gordon Chapel, Fochabers – Sunday 24th November at 3pm (see below)

o Tuesday 10th December – The Salvation Army Carol Service at 7pm, followed by tea and coffee at 20 Tomnahurich Street, Inverness, IV3 5DD


Diocese of Moray, Ross & Caithness Youth Prayer

As we gather, we recognise and welcome God in this space. We pray for everyone who is our family, by blood or by heart and are grateful for all that they do for us. We pray for all those who are poor and homeless and everyone facing adversity and inequality. We pray that your people will spread awareness and take action to protect the world. And Lord we pray that our church family continues to grow closer in unity and love, Amen.


The Cathedral Team

Ministry Team Provost Very Revd. Sarah Murray Cathedral Chaplain and Honorary Revd. Canon Dr Iain Macritchie Canon for Spiritual Care & Chaplaincy Cathedral Chaplain (Thurs. & Fri.) Revd. Grace Siromony Mixed Mode Student Ms Jaime Wright [email protected] Curate Revd. Katrina O’Neill katrina.o’[email protected]

The Cathedral Staff Director of Music Mr Bert Richardson Cathedral Organist Mr Gordon Tocher Cathedral Office Admin Assistants Lynne McWhinnie Katrina O’Neill [email protected] Café Manager (acting) Andrea Macdonald Assistant Café Manager Vacant Caretaker Vacant inSpire Project Coordinator Lynne McWhinnie [email protected] Diocesan Clergy Revd. Canon Dr John Cuthbert Revd. Norma Higgott

Office Holders Bell Tower Captain Mr Mike Neale Cathedral Services Steward & Mrs Win Macdonald Readers Rotas Cathedral Treasurer Mr Eric Wiseman Vestry Lay Representative Mrs Win Macdonald Vestry Alt. Lay Representative Mrs Sandra Peterkin Vestry Secretary Mrs Patricia Athey Social Committee Contact Mary Deverell Welcomers Co-ordinator Andrew Ritchie Librarian/Archivist Robert Preece


When you leave… remember this Cathedral in your will. Whatever your reason for wanting to visit this cathedral or be a part of the life and work, you're not alone. Our Cathedral here in this city has provided worship, a place for prayer and a gathering of community for the community for generations of people before us, and we want to continue to do so long into the future. As a charity, our work relies on charitable donations – whether we're saving plants and habitats around the world, to helping children learn to plant seeds right here at home. By writing a will, you can ensure the things you value most continue to be cared for after you are gone. Once you have looked after family and friends, please consider remembering Inverness Cathedral, dedicated to St Andrew, in your will. Thank you!

Cathedral Contact Details Provost: Very Rev Sarah Murray [email protected] or [email protected] Tel. 01463 225553 9-11 Kenneth Street, Inverness, IV3 5NR To make an enquiry or booking for any of the Cathedral Buildings then please email the office on: [email protected] The Cathedral Office is open on Monday 9am- 4pm Tuesday 9am- 4pm Wednesday 9am- 4pm Thursday 9am- 4pm Friday CLOSED https://www.facebook.com/invernesscathedral/ @invcathedral A Charity Registered in SC015830

For contacting the Clergy outside of Office Hours – please call the Cathedral Office (01463 225553) as this connects through to either the Rectory or an appointed person at ALL times.


If you are new to the Cathedral and would like to be contacted by a member of the Ministry Team and/or to be added to our congregational list then please complete the form below and leave it with either a sides- person/welcome or in the collection boxes at the back of the Cathedral.

Please excuse the legalese which allows us to comply with the new GDPR rules.

Name: …………………………………………………………………………

Address: ………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………… Postcode………………………

Telephone.…………………………… Mobile…………………..……………...

Email address……………………………………………………………………...


We do need your consent to hold your data and to use it in particular ways so please complete the information below. By signing this form you are confirming that you are consenting to the cathedral Church of St Andrew, Inverness holding and processing your personal data for the following purposes (please tick the boxes where you are happy to grant consent and in which form, if any, you would like the communication to be). You may also email an electronic copy of this form to the address below, showing which information you consent to receiving.

You are agreeing for the Cathedral:

☐ To keep you informed about news, events, activities and services;

☐ To contact you with surveys about current events;

☐ To contact you about Cathedral Fundraising;

☐ To share your contact details with the diocesan/provincial office so they can keep you informed about news and events, activities and services that will be occurring in the diocese/province and which are directly relevant to the role you are undertaking;

☐ All of the above.


If you consent to us contacting you for these purposes, please TICK to say how you would like us to contact you:

By email ☐ by text ☐ by post ☐ by phone ☐

☐ None of the above.

You can grant consent to all of the purposes; any one or others or none of the purposes.

Where you do not grant consent we will not be able to use your personal data, except in certain limited situations, such as where required to do so by law or to protect members of the public from serious harm.

If you have contact with the Diocese or Province for any specific purpose, please be sure to consent to the sharing of your details with them as listed above.

Please note you can withdraw your consent to all or any of the purposes at any time by contacting the Data Processing Officer by email [email protected]. Please note also that all processing of your personal data will cease once you have withdrawn consent but this will not affect any personal data that has already been processed prior to this point. The Cathedral Privacy Notice may be found on the Cathedral website or obtained from the DPO above.

Signed: ………………………………………………… Date: ………………

Inverness Cathedral, dedicated to St. Andrew The Mother Church of the United Diocese of Moray, Ross and Caithness A Charity Registered in Scotland SC015830 Scottish Episcopal Church