Superconductivity: There’S Plenty of Cream at the Bottom P.J
Superconductivity: there’s plenty of cream at the bottom P.J. Hirschfeld, U. Florida SESAPS, 6 November 2020 Superconductivity B Shivaram U Chatterjee S Johnston T Maier E Dagotto A Moreo N Manella L Kemper D Kumah C DeMelo, HB Schuettler, M Geller T. C l ay I Vekhter S Sarker P Adams G Boebinger, D Larbalestier, K Yang, G Stewart, J Hamlin, O Vafek, Y Wang, D. Maslov, L Greene, L. Steinke, D. Laroche, D Popovic, A. Biswas, HP Cheng, PJH L Balicas Collaborators SC theory from rest of world: from U. Florida Dept. of Physics: Roser Valenti Brian Andersen (Frankfurt) (Niels Bohr) Doug Scalapino Thomas Maier UCSB ORNL Vivek Mishra Maxim Korshunov Lex Kemper Hai-Ping Tom Berlijn (ORNL) (Krasnoyarsk) (NC State) Cheng (ORNL) Andrey Chubukov Igor Mazin, GMU U. Minn. Saurabh Maiti Peayush Shinibali Andreas Kreisel YanWang (Concordia U.) Choubey Bhattacharyya Indranil Paul, Ilya Eremin, (Leipzig) (ORNL) (Bochum) Paris-VII Bochum Discovery of superconductivity Heike Kammerling Onnes (1911) Conventional superconductors •During 46 years, from 1911 to 1957, superconductivity is recognized as one of the most important problems in theoretical physics - Search for a theory of superconductivity: series of failures (see J. Schmalian in 50 Years of BCS) Richard Feynman: “No one is brilliant enough to figure it out” Fail: F Fail: F Fail: F Fail: F Fail: F Heisenberg Bohr Landau Feynman Einstein Conventional superconductors BCS theory (1957) Quantum mechanical behavior at the macroscopic scale Leon Cooper Nobel prize : 1972 John Bardeen Robert Schrieffer Macro. Quantum State uvcc |0 BCS k k kk k i s-wave symmetry Vc-k ck ~ e SC Ground State Superconducting Normal State (Metal) Low Temp.
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