Managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents

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Managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents Managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents INTERIM PLANNING GUIDE FOR STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Federal Emergency Management Agency July 2002 Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...............................................................................................................5 A. PURPOSE ...............................................................................................................................7 B. TERRORISM HAZARDS......................................................................................................9 1. WMD Hazard Agents ....................................................................................................9 2. Other Terrorism Hazards .............................................................................................13 C. SITUATION AND ASSUMPTIONS...................................................................................15 1. Situation.......................................................................................................................15 2. Potential Targets..........................................................................................................17 3. Initial Warning.............................................................................................................17 4. Initial Detection...........................................................................................................18 5. Release Area................................................................................................................19 6. Investigation and Containment of Hazards..................................................................19 7. Assumptions.................................................................................................................19 D. CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS............................................................................................21 1. Direction and Control ..................................................................................................21 2. Communications..........................................................................................................25 3. Warning........................................................................................................................26 4. Emergency Public Information....................................................................................27 5. Protective Actions........................................................................................................27 6. Mass Care.....................................................................................................................28 7. Health and Medical......................................................................................................29 8. Resources Management ...............................................................................................30 9. Recovery......................................................................................................................30 10. Urban Search and Rescue ............................................................................................31 E. ORGANIZATION AND ASSIGNMENT OF RESPONSIBILITIES .................................31 1. Local Emergency Responders......................................................................................32 2. Interjurisdictional Responsibilities..............................................................................32 3. State Emergency Responders.......................................................................................32 4. State and Local Public Health Authorities...................................................................32 5. Medical Service Providers ...........................................................................................33 6. Local Emergency Planning Committees, State Emergency Response Commissions, and Tribal Emergency Response Commissions...................................33 7. Federal Emergency Responders...................................................................................33 Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 2 F. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS.............................................................................34 FIGURE 1. Coordination Relationships in Terrorism Incident Response ...............................................24 TABLES 1. General Indicators of Possible Chemical Agent Use............................................................10 2. General Indicators of Possible Biological Agent Use...........................................................11 3. General Indicators of Possible Nuclear Weapon/Radiological Agent Use...........................12 4. Suggested Emergency Operations Plan Elements ................................................................16 5. Responses to a WMD Incident and the Participants Involved..............................................22 TABS A. Suggested Format for a Terrorist Incident Appendix to a Basic All-Hazards Emergency Plan.......................................................................................... A-1 B. Potential Participants in the Planning Process.................................................................B-1 C. Federal Departments and Agencies: Counterterrorism-Specific Roles ...........................C-1 D. Hotlines and Online Resources....................................................................................... D-1 E. WMD Incident Indications and First Responder Concerns .............................................E-1 F. Potential Areas of Vulnerability ......................................................................................F-1 G. Emergency Public Information....................................................................................... G-1 H. Intergovernmental Agreements to Enhance Preparedness.............................................. H-1 I. Terrorism-Specific Considerations for Special Events.....................................................I-1 J. Definitions.........................................................................................................................J-1 K. Acronyms........................................................................................................................ K-1 Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 3 FOREWORD The guidance included in Managing the Emergency Consequences of Terrorist Incidents: A Planning Guide for State and Local Governments was originally produced in April 2001 as Attachment G to Chapter 6 of the Guide for All-Hazard Emergency Operations Planning, State and Local Guide (SLG) 101. In the months following its publication, planners throughout the nation used it as a basis for developing Terrorism Incident Appendices to Emergency Operations Plans. The terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and the ensuing anthrax attacks provided an opportunity to gauge the validity of planning assumptions and to gain a perspective on issues and protocols that need to be incorporated into the planning process. The updated guidance in this document includes insights gained from interviews with responders and emergency managers involved in the response to the September 11 attacks, the anthrax attacks, the 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building, and the 1999 shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. The interviews underscored the validity of the statement by President Dwight D. Eisenhower that “plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.” The guidance in this document is designed to provide State and local emergency management planners: • A framework for developing supplemental emergency operations plans adequate for addressing the consequences of a terrorist act involving weapons of mass destruction. • A consistent planning approach that will foster efficient integration of State, local, and Federal terrorism consequence management activities. • The most current information regarding the planning and operational challenges faced by communities that have dealt with terrorist events. While the April 2001 guidance provided a starting point, recent reviews of the guidance suggest a number of additional areas that should be considered as part of the State and local planning process. One participant in the response to the World Trade Center attack offered this advice to emergency planners: “Think big; remember the victims’ families and the dislocated; and understand the Federal role.” Other insights from the interviews and comments from review of the guidance suggest State and local planners should consider the following elements: • Flexibility − Terrorists thrive on elements of surprise − Planners must consider the unthinkable as possible—not simply plan for what has happened in the past • Coordination − Regional approach to planning process Interim Planning Guide — July 2002 page 4 − Coordination of local plans with adjacent jurisdictions, with State plans, and with Federal plans − Inclusion of nontraditional partners and organizations, such as occupational health and safety organizations, the U.S. Postal Service, and others • Communications − Use of interoperable, backbone communications systems that provide open but secure communication among
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