Executive Summary Conditional Use Authorization HEARING DATE: 11/08/2018 CONSENT Record No.: 2018-011019CUA Project Address: 400 Winston Avenue Zoning: C-2 (Community Business) 65-D Height and Bulk District Block/Lot: 7295/004 Applicant: David Rumberg, Sports Basement P.O Box 29570, San Francisco, Ca 94129 Staff Contact: Linda Ajello Hoagland – (415) 575-6823
[email protected] Recommendation: Approval with Conditions PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Project includes tenant improvements to 74,421 square feet of retail space formerly occupied by Macys Department Store in the Stonestown Galleria to accommodate a new retail use (d.b.a. The Sports Basement). The Sports Basement would occupy one floor of the former multi-level, approximately 296,500 square foot, Macys Department Store. On July 19, 2018, The Planning Commission approved a Conditional Use Authorization (Motion No. 20240) to allow the reconfiguration of the former Macys Department Store. The reconfiguration included a new retail mix, including a cinema, a supermarket, and 102,201 square feet of retail tenants, including an approximately 72,200 square foot sports retail store. The Project will occupy the space allocated for the aforementioned sports retail store. REQUIRED COMMISSION ACTION In order for the Project to proceed, the Commission must grant a Conditional Use Authorization to allow a single retail use greater than 50,000 square feet within the Community Business (C-2) Zoning District pursuant to Planning Code Section 210.1. ISSUES AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS . Public Comment & Outreach. The Department has received no comments on the Project. www.sfplanning.org Executive Summary CASE NO. 2018-011019CUA Hearing Date: 11/08/2018 400 Winston Drive BASIS FOR RECOMMENDATION The Department finds that the Project is, on balance, consistent with the intent of the C-2 Zoning District and Objectives and Policies of the General Plan.