City of Rancho Palos Verdes Various Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275

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City of Rancho Palos Verdes Various Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 RECEIVED City of Rancho Pa los Verdes JUN 0 8 2015 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Statement of QUALi F!CATIONS • • l~I INSPECTION SERVICES INC. < SBE I MWBE I DBE • • INSPECTION ISi SERVICES INC. City of Rancho Palos Verdes Various Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 SCHEDULE OF FEES AND SERVICES Corporate Headquarters San Francisco 1798 University Avenue Pier 26, The Embarcadero Berkeley, CA 94703-1514 San Francisco, CA 94105 T: 510.900.2100 T: 415.242.3265 F: 510.900.2101 F: 415.243.3266 Oakland Torrance 211 10th Street, Suite 298 1326 Border Ave. Oakland, CA 94607 Torrance, CA 90501 T: 510.986.1157 T: 310.755.3600 F: 510.986.1158 F: 310.328.8193 Established 1995 Personnel hourly rates and material testing rates tor general and special services are contained in the following pages. o Services will be performed on a time and materials basis at the unit rates listed. I: Prices are valid through June 30, 2015. [l Please contact our offices for further detail. 2014-2015 ISi Fee Schedule 1326 Border Avenue, Torrance, CA 90501 T: 310.755.3600 F:310.328.8193 Page 1 of 5 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1109 Expert Witness ...... ........ .. ................ ... ... .. 270.00 111our Masonry Division 1101 Principal. .. ................... ............... .. .......... 190.00 1t10ur 2501 Masonry Block I Reinforcing I Grout lnspectio1 89.00 /hour 1108 Geotechnical Engineer ............... ................ 175.00 /hour 2506 Brick Veneer I Exterior Fac;:ade Inspection ...... 89.00 /hour 1102 Professional Engineer ................................. 160.00 /hoUf 2504 Brick Veneer Fac;:ade Testing .................. .. 135.00 /hour 1103 Staff Engineer. ........................... .... ... ...... 145.00 111our 2505 Masonry Sampling I Tagging ............... ..... .. 89.00 /hour 1221 Project Manager.... ................................ .... 145.00 111our 2503 DSA Continuous Masonry Inspection ............ 93.00 /hour 21 12 Lead Inspector (Group 1}. .. ... .. ... .. ... ... ... ... 93.00 111our 2109 Field Technician/ Inspector.. .... ......... ... .... ... 89.00 1nour Structural Steel Division 1106 Laboratory Technician .. ...................... ...... .. 89.00 /hour 2601 Field Welding Inspection (visual} .. ................ 91.00 thour 1104 Administrative Services...... ......................... 75.00 /hour 2602 Shop Welding Inspection (visual} ...... ...... ..... 91 .00 /hour 1314 Contract Labor .. ............. ... ........... ............. cos1+20% '•><11 2603 High Strength Bolting Inspection .................. 91 .00 /hour 2608 NOT Ultrasonic Testing (UT} .. ................ ..... 91 .00 /hour INSPECTION SERVICES 2609 NOT Magnetic Testing (MT) ...... ... ... ...... ... ... 91 .00 /hour Oversight Inspections 2610 NOT Liquid (Dye} Penetrant Testing (PT} ...... 91 .00 /hour 2107 DSA - OSHPD Certified Inspector (IOR}. .. ... .. quote 111our 2611 Inspection of Misc. Structural Steel/Welding(\ 91 .00 /hour 2108 Inspection in Hazardous Containment Area .. .. 195.00 111our 2s12 Inspection of Steel Deck Welding/Shear Stud~ 91.00 /hour 26 13 Witness Welding Qualification Tests .. ........... 91 .00 /hour Soils I Asphalt Division 2614 Inspection of Welding of Non-Structural ElemE 91 .00 /hour 2101 Field Compaction Testing with Nuclear Gauge 93.00 /hour 2615 Material Identification to CMTR and/or Sampli 91 .00 /hour 2703 Soils Observation..................... ................. 89.00 /hour 2616 Inspection of Curtain Wall Attachment... ... ..... 91 .00 /hour 2702 Material Sampling I Transportation............ .... 89.00 111our 2617 Radiographic Examination (by others} ........... cost+20% /hour 2704 Sampling of Grout for Soil Nails or Tiebacks.. .. 89.00 111our 2618 Pile Splice Welding Inspection .. .................. 91 .00 /hour 2705 Sampling of Soil-Cement Mixture...... ... ... ...... 89.00 111our 2620 Sampling of End-Welded Studs ......... ...... .. .. 91 .00 /hour 2706 Observation of Soil Nail or Tieback Stressing.. 89.00 111our 2621 Sampling of High Strength Bolts (HSB}. .. .. 91 .00 !hour 2707 Pile I Pier Observation.. ...... .. ..................... 89.00 111our 2622 Level Ill UT and MT Technician ......... ... .. .... 170.00 /hour 2708 Geotechnical Observation by Inspector.......... 89.00 /hour 2623 Inspection of Cold-formed Metal Framing ...... 91.00 /hour 2709 Field Compaction Testing with Sandcone... .. 93.00 !hour 2110 Field Compaction Testing with Rubber Balloon 93.00 /hour Fireproofing I Roof I Wood I Waterproofing Division: 2801 AC Observation I Compaction Testing......... .. 93.00 /hour 2901 Fireproofing Density I Thickness Testing ....... 89.00 /hour 2802 QC/QA Technician (Caltrans/FAA/NICET certif 89.00 111our 2917 Roofing I Waterproofing Inspection .. ...... ...... 89.00 /hour 2803 QC/QA Technician (Caltrans/FAA/NICET} 1Oh11,265.oo tday 2905 Shearwall /Diaphragm Nailing Inspection ... .. 145.00 /hour 2804 AC Batch Plant Inspection I Sampling............ 89.00 1hour 2908 Glu-lam Shop Inspection ... ... ...... ... .. ... ... ... 89.00 /hour 2918 Inspection of Plaster/Stucco Application I Sarr 89.00 /hour Concrete I Shotcrete Division 2301 Concrete Placement Inspection.................... 89.00 /hour Specialty Testing Division 2312 Concrete Sampling.................................... 89.00 111our 2904 Proof Load I Torque Testing ... ............... ... ... 93.00 /hour 2311 Sampling of Lightweight Insulating Concrete... 89.00 111our 2903 Witness Dowel I Anchor Installation ...... ........ 89.00 /hour 2308 Installation of Maturity Sensors......... ............ 89.00 1nour 2909 Ferroscan Survey .................................... 130.00 /hour 2605 NS Grout Inspection I Sampling... .. ............... 91.00 /hou r 2920 Ground Penetrating Radar Survey (GPR} ...... 200.00 /hour 2305 Batch Plant Inspection.............................. .. 89.00 /hour 2913 Floor Flatness Survey (Dipstick} ........... ...... 145.00 /hour 2302 Shotcrete Placement Inspection............... .... 89.00 111our 29 16 Moisture Emission Testing Placement I Pick-L 89.00 !hour 2307 DSA Shotcrete Placement Inspection......... ... 93.00 /hour 2914 lntumescent Paint Thickness Inspection ........ 93.00 /hour 2303 Witness of Rebar and Shotcrete for Pre-Consli 89.00 /hour 2306 Coring Technician, One Man ....................... 130.00 /hour 2304 Coring I Evaluation of Pre-Construction Panel 1 975.00 '••"' 2919 Inspection of Ploymer Matrix Composite (Fibn 89.00 /hour 2310 QC/QA Technician (NICET}. .. .. ... ...... .. ... .. .. 89.00 /hour 292 1 Inspection of Crack Repair Measures.. .... .... 89.00 thour Reinforcing I Strand Steel Division: 2922 Ground-Resistance Testing ... .. ............. ...... 145.00 /hour 2201 Rebar Placement Inspection... .. ... ... ............ 89.00 111our 2902 In-place Brick Mortar Shear Testing .............. 93.00 /hour 2203 Rebar I Strand ID Sampling I Tagging...... .... .. 89.00 /hour 2915 Rebound Hammer Testing (ASTM C805} ... ... 93.00 /hour 2402 PT Strand Stressing Inspection... ... ......... .. .... 89.00 /hour 2.202 Verification of Rebar Placement with Pachom( 93.00 /hour 2014-2015 ISi Fee Schedule 1326 Border Avenue, Torrance, CA 90501 T: 310.755.3600 F:310.328.8193 Page 2 of 5 LABORATORY SERVICES Aggregate and Soils Mechanics Asphaltic Concrete cont. 3401 Sieve Fine/Coarse Aggregates ASTM c136JCT 202. 80.00 1eacn 3616 Sieve Analysis of Extracted Aggregate ASTM os 100.00 teach 3402 Materials Finer than # 200 Sieve by Washing A 60.00 '••en 3617 Marshall Mix Design ......... ........................ 2,310.00 teach 3403 Gradation ASTM c117 aoo C136 ............................ 125.00 ,•• en 3618 Bulk Specific Gravity of Compacted Samples , 80.00 /each 3404 Sp. Gravity/Absorption of Coarse Agg ASTM c12a 60.00 1eac:n 3619 Swell of Bituminous Mixtures CT 305 ... ............ 120.00 teach 3405 Specific Gravity/Absorption of Fine Agg ASTM c1 110.00 ,..,,. 3620 Moisture Vapor Susceptibility of Mixture cr 307. 225.00 teach 3407 Bulk Density (Unit Weight} and Voids of Agg A~ 95.00 '••en 3621 Centrifuge Kerosene Equivalent and ABR cr 3c 185.00 /each 3413 Clay Lumps and Friable Particles in Agg ASTM c 60.00 1eacn 3622 Lab Test Maximum Density cT 375 ...... ........ 390.00 /set 3414 Cleanness Value of Coarse Agg CT227 ......... ... 160.00 ,•• en 3416 Aggregate Durability lndeX ASTM 03744/CT229 ...... 310.00 1eacn Concrete, Shotcrete, Products 3450 Materials Finer than No. 200 Sieve ASTM 01140 .. 110.00 ,.,"' 3101 Compression Test 3"x6", 4"x8", or 6"x12" Cyl 45.00 teach 3451 Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit and Pl ASTM 0431a1cr 2c 230.00 '••en 31 05 Compression Test of Shotcrete/Concrete Con 90.00 teach 3452 Particle Size Analysis of Soils ASTM 0422 ........... 120.00 '••"' 31 06 Unit Weight of Freshly -Mixed Concrete ASTM c 42.00 teach 3453 Hydrometer Analysis, incl Sp. Gravity ASTM 0422. 440.00 1eacn 3101 Density, Absorption, Voids in Hard Concrete A 68.00 teach 3454 Soil Classification ASTM 0422. 01 140, 04318 ........ ..... 390.00 '••"' 3108 Concrete Trial Batch (IBC or CCR T1He24, perW/c RaC10. 600.00 /each 3455 Specific Gravity of Soils ASTM 0854 JCT 2oe ...... ... 220.00 '•"" 3120 Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete ASTM C469 ...... 220.00 leach 3456 Moisture Content of Soil I Agg ASTM 02216, C566tc 32.00 ,• •"' 3121 Compression Test of Samples not Taken by I! 60.00 teach 3457 Moisture Content and Density of Soil from Bori 60.00 1eac11 3124 Drying Shrinkage of Concrete Beams ASTM c15; 440.00 /set 3458 Sand Equivalent for Soils I Fines ASTM 02419/CT; 110.00 ,.. "' 3125 Concrete Splitting Tensile Strength ASTM C496 ... 70.00 leach 3459 Lab Compaction (Standard}
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    ve San Pablo Bay A lo Hilltop 822 b Mall a Hilltop Dr P n 4 a Contra Costa ay Harbor St S n W 14th St College 80 pia San Pablo Ap El Sobrante North Concord/ Pittsburg/ El Portal Dr Leland Rd 4 4th St Market Ave San Pablo Martinez Bay Point Dam Los Medanos R d d R College ss 242 Pa Corte 680 w Railroad Ave Buchanan Rd 13th St illo L St Bay 23rd St W Madera Castro St A St Concord Blvd Somersville Rd 580 Diablo Valley C Richmond College o n t r Bailey Rd lv a r B d ylo C Concord MacDonald Ave El Cerrito Ta o Area s t Clayton Rd Cutting Blvd Wildcat a B Canyon l MarinaWay Carlson Blvd del Norte v San Pablo Ave d HarbourWay Regional Mill A rli Park Monument Blvd e ng Valley E Blithedal Ave to n Kirker Pass Rd B M Moeser Ln lv Treat Blvd i d lle r A ve 101 Black Diamond Pleasant Hill Mines Regional Shoreline H El Cerrito Plaza Geary Rd California State w Central Ave Rd University East Bay Preserve E LATEy NIGHT l m il ley Rd P H l p a Va Concord Campus r t T a io i i d ac r n n b ise Albany Yg e u a r D o r s M n G a i B Solano Ave r e N. Main St n iz l M lv z e 1 d ly P a Marin Ave P rs R e h d a Downtown OaklandCr 800 k C e a ek B m R Tiburon lv i d d n o El centro de la ciudad de Oakland Bus Services Gilman St Pa North b B Berkeley lo ri Walnut d g Adult ew Berkeley Servicio nocturno de autobusesMarin a del área de la Bahía School 24 y Blvd Creek 580 City 40th St University Ave Downtown Berkeley MacArthur Shattuck Ave Shattuck University of California Lafayette Angel Island S a Berkeley c Peralta St San PabloAve State Park Berkeley r a College
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