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Are Identities Oral? Understanding Ethnobotanical Knowledge After Irish Independence

Are Identities Oral? Understanding Ethnobotanical Knowledge After Irish Independence

Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 DOI 10.1186/s13002-017-0189-0

RESEARCH Open Access Are identities oral? Understanding ethnobotanical knowledge after Irish independence (1937–1939) Fiona Shannon1,2, Astrid Sasse1, Helen Sheridan1 and Michael Heinrich2*

Abstract Background: The Schools’ Folklore Scheme (1937–1939) was implemented at a pivotal time in ’ political history. It resulted in a body of ethnological information that is unique in terms of when, why and how it was collected. This material consists of over 700,000 pages of information, including ethnomedicinal and ethnobotanical traditions, reflecting an oral identity that spans generations and that in many cases was not documented in writing until the 1930s. The intention of this study is to highlight the importance of the Schools’ Folklore Scheme and to demonstrate an ethnographic approach based on recollections of original participants of the scheme, to further understand the material in the collection and the impact it had on the participants. Methods: This study involves an analysis of both oral and archival data. Eleven semi-structured interviews with original participants of the scheme were carried out between April and September 2016. Their corresponding schools’ archival contributions to the scheme were located, and ethnomedicinal information was analysed and compared with the participants’ recollections. Results: The majority of participants’ stated the scheme had a positive impact on them. Five participants’ recalled collecting ethnomedicinal information, and there was a direct correlation between three of the participants’ ethnomedicinal recollections and their entries in the archives. One third of all the ethnomedicinal entries analysed included the use of a plant. There were 191 plant mentions and 64 plant species named. Conclusions: Contacting the original participants offers a novel approach of analysing this archival material. It provides a unique first-hand account of this historical initiative, an insight into how the scheme was implemented and how it impacted upon the children. The ethnomedicinal and ethnobotanical information provides an understanding of the medicinal practices in during the 1930s. The plant species that were both orally recalled by participants and documented in the archives are in keeping with key ethnomedicinal systems throughout the world. Keywords: Ireland, Schools’ Folklore Scheme, Schools’ Manuscript Collection, Ethnomedicine, Ethnobotany, Oral identity

* Correspondence: [email protected] 2UCL School of Pharmacy, London WC1N 1AX, UK Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 2 of 19

Background history. It included ‘gifted’ people, sacred places, folk Based on international agreements, most notably the medicine (including plant and natural substances), Convention on Biological Diversity (1992), ‘States have, prayers, charms, religious symbols and saints [5]. in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations While biodiversity and their sustainable use have been and the principles of international law, the sovereign widely recognised as important drivers of political right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their actions, there also is the complex, but far less recognised own environmental policies, and the responsibility to question of cultural identities and their ‘construction’ ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control [6]. The use of biodiversity be it as a food, a medicine or do not cause damage to the environment of other States in any other way also allows a community to highlight or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction’ their ‘uniqueness’ and ‘special characteristics’ as well as (CBD principle) [1]. In the discussions and processes the complex interfaces with other cultures [6–8]. leading to political agreements about biodiversity and However, in the ethnopharmacological and ethnobiologi- their sustainable use, ‘the unique ways in which indigen- cal debate, there is a gap with regard to research on how ous and traditional peoples perceive, use and manage such cultural identities are constructed. Latin identitat their natural resources have been at the centre of the and/or identitas is derived from identidem, a contraction debates between representatives of nations, indigenous of idem et idem, meaning ‘repeatedly’ (literally ‘same and peoples, NGOs and international organisations. Specific- same’) [7]. ‘Identity’ is both fluid and negotiated, and in ally, it has been asked ‘how programs can be developed our context, the core question relates to how the local to guarantee the preservation and strengthening of indi- and so-called ‘traditional’ uses of natural substances genous communities and their traditional knowledge’ (plants, animals, fungi, food) contribute to the develop- [2]. These major concerns are now commonly linked to ment of an ‘identity’. According to Noyes [8], ‘culture the commercial opportunities arising from it (ecosystem and identity become key concepts in global political services) and to the challenges posed by the rapid loss of struggles’ [6]. Here, we use the example of Ireland, only biodiversity globally. 15 years after independence. After many centuries of There is no universally agreed definition for traditional experiencing various levels of external political control, knowledge (TK). The World Intellectual Property in 1921, Ireland signed a treaty that ended the war of Organisation (WIPO) has defined TK as ‘knowledge, independence and established the Irish Free State, a self- know-how, skills and practices that are developed, sus- governing dominion within the British Commonwealth tained and passed on from generation to generation of Nations. The Irish language ‘Gaelic’ was a substantial within a community, often forming part of its cultural or feature of the politics that led up to this event [9], and spiritual identity’ and comparably, the Convention of the consequent nationalist policies that were Biodiversity states that TK is ‘transmitted orally from implemented to reflect Irelands’ new national identity generation to generation. It tends to be collectively [10] were directly shaped by the attitudes of the key owned and takes the form of stories, songs, folklore, political figures towards Gaelic, as formed by ‘Conradh proverbs, cultural values, beliefs, rituals, community na Gaeilge’, the Gaelic League, a mass movement laws, local languages, and agricultural practices, includ- founded in 1893 with the aim of reviving the Irish ing the development of plant species and animal breeds’ language [9, 11]. One prominent figure involved in [3]. One of the core aspects of TK is to recognise what Irelands’ turbulent political history and in the rebuilding is ‘traditional’ about traditional knowledge. It is accepted of an independent Ireland was Eamon De Valera, a that ‘traditional’ is not related to the antiquity of the charismatic and very powerful, but also controversial knowledge, but the way it is acquired and used. TK can character [12]. He was involved in the 1916 Easter be relatively new; however, it has a social meaning and Uprising, the president of the Sinn Fein party from 1917 legal character that is entirely unlike the knowledge in to 1926, the president of the first Dáil (Irish lower local communities acquired from migrants and indus- house) in 1919, one of the founders and first leader of trialised societies [4]. the Fianna Fáil party from 1932 to 1959 and the Traditional medicinal knowledge (TMK) is one branch President of Ireland from 1959 to 1973. Although opin- of TK that pertains to the maintenance of health, pre- ions of de Valera’s political motives and actions have vention, diagnosis and treatment of disease [3]. been deeply divisive among the Irish people, one legacy Throughout history, Irish people have relied heavily on of his leadership is his contribution to the establishment TMK for their health care needs. This knowledge was of the Irish Folklore Commission in 1935, a unique shared among families and communities, or held by a organisation primarily devoted to the collecting of folk- specific person who would provide treatment for no lore around Ireland [13]. His views on the importance of monetary fee. Thus, it was considered to be a ‘people’s Gaelic and Irish culture are frequently documented, and medicine’ and a fundamental aspect of Irish cultural in one of his speeches at the opening of an exhibition on Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 3 of 19

‘Rural culture in Ireland’ in 1937, he spoke of the possi- twentieth century’s ethnomedicinal and ethnobotanical bilities of this country with what he called ‘rural crafts’ history. Much of the information had never been as unequalled elsewhere from the point of view of the recorded in the written form, and over 18% of the background of Celtic culture [14]. While embedded in a contributions are in Gaelic ‘personal communication much wider development on rediscovering national with Anna Bale in the National Folklore Collection’.The identities in [15–17], the Irish developments material was collected at a pivotal time in Irelands’ have been particularly well organised and are important political history and at a time when the majority of the nationally (see below). population lived in poverty. Emigration was devastating rural communities, there was no influence from televi- National Folklore Collection and Schools’ Folklore Scheme sion (introduced 1949) and the use of radio was only in The Folklore of Ireland Society was established in 1927 its infancy. with the objective of collecting, preserving and publish- As of 2016/2017, the documents in the SMC could ing the folklore of Ireland. At that time, there was no still be linked to the very last remaining survivors, who existing collection of local (‘folk’) tradition in the coun- participated in the survey and who are in their late 80s try. Subsequently, under de Valera in 1935, the Irish and early 90s, offering the last opportunity to record Folklore Commission was formed, and as a result of its their experience as an element of Irish oral history. The efforts, the National Folklore Collection at University current study captures the voices and recollections of 11 College Dublin now holds one of the largest collections living participants to the study and links them back to of oral and ethnological material in the world [18]. One their specific school’s contributions in the archives, of the Irish Folklore Commissions’ most successful offering context and a different perspective on the initiatives was the implementation of the Schools’ collection itself, and the ethnomedicinal knowledge Folklore Scheme (SFS) in 1937. It was a collaborative housed therein. Each oral contribution can be viewed as effort by the Department of Education, the Irish a ‘recreation of tradition’ as proposed by Tonkin [20]. National Teachers’ Organisation and the Irish Folklore Validity, reliability and bias of oral sources can be of Commission that involved collecting and documenting concern. In this case, the oral accounts are removed traditions of the Irish people by the agency of senior pri- some 80 years from the original events; however, this mary school children, aged 11 to 14. It included 5000 should not be considered a flaw, but rather as proposed primary schools, over 100,000 students and resulted in by Tosh [21] and Portelli [22], the reliability of the approximately 739,000 pages of information of folklore accounts lies in the subjectivity of the contributors. The and Irish traditions, including the use of plants and method of collecting ethnobotanical information retro- other natural substances as ‘cures’. During these periods, spectively has also been demonstrated in Poland in a primary school children collected material from older study investigating wild food plants consumed by people in their local communities and wrote their find- respondents when they were children. These data were ings in small copybooks (SC). Following this, a portion then compared to archival material collected in a 1948 of material was transcribed to large manuscripts (LM) study that was implemented by the Polish Folklore that were issued to each school by the Department of Society, and further studies carried out from 1964 to 69 Education. All of the large manuscripts (451,000 pages and 2000–2003 by young ethnographers and ethnog- in total) were then returned to the National Folklore raphy students. However, the participants were not Collection and compiled into 1128 volumes, forming the linked to the original study which had been completed Schools’ Manuscript Collection (SMC). Additionally, by a range of individuals (including children) [23]. many of the schools forwarded a selection of the To date, there are limited published studies based on children’s small copybooks (288,000 pages in total) to the material in the SMC, no studies on the material in the the National Folklore Collection, where they were then SC and no studies with the original participants of the boxed and stored [19]. The sheer quantity and diversity scheme in a current setting. Briody’s2007bookThe Irish of information located in the archives pose challenges Folklore Commission 1935–1970 history, ideology, method- for its analysis. In the presented research, we are using a ology offers a comprehensive insight into the history and novel perspective, combining approaches from oral implementation of the Schools’ Folklore Scheme. Other ethnohistory and ethnopharmacology. research that utilised material on TMK in the SMC include Allen and Hatfield’s2004bookMedicinal Plants ‘Capturing traditional Irish knowledge’—Schools’ Folklore in Folk Tradition, An ethnobotany of Britain and Ireland Scheme [24] and a study conducted by Dolan [5] that refers to the The material collected in the Schools’ Folklore Scheme TMK documented in the SMC as part of the background provides a huge repository of historic Irish local know- research for the article on the use of medicinal plants in ledge, which potentially offers unique insights into the the South West of Ireland. Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 4 of 19

Research question implemented in 1933. However, due to lack of planning The information archived in the Schools’ Manuscript and poor participation among teachers, the results were Collection can be analysed in a variety of ways. This is a not successful. In 1928, another collector named Séamus direct consequence of how the archives are indexed and Ó Duilearga travelled to Northern Europe on a study how information is stored together with the nature of the trip, where ‘the science of folklore was most developed’. TMK documented within. Analyses can be directed by During this trip, while in Sweden, Ó Duilearga was in- location (e.g. school, county, geographical area), type of troduced to the concept and importance of a systematic treatment used (e.g. plant, food, religious), modality of collection of folklore as well as the method of collecting treatment (e.g. externally applied, internally taken) and material through primary school children [13]. Since the disease classification (e.g. dermatological, respiratory) or nineteenth century, Estonia has also actively participated others. Although exploring the TMK information through in systematic folklore collection, and as a result, the Es- such categories offers insight into the material in the tonian Folklore Archives contain an extensive amount of archives, the unique approach taken in this study enables ethnographic data, including data on medicinal cures. a more enriched understanding, viewing the material These collections were initiated by the pharmacist through a new lens. In capturing the oral recollections of Johann Georg Noel Dragendorff (1836–1898) who made living participants of the scheme, the archives are viewed a first appeal to collect ethnobotanical folklore in 1877 with a different perspective adding a new depth to the [26]. Interestingly and in the 1920s and 1930s prior to analyses. The research question we present is: and at the time of the Schools’ Folklore Scheme, an Es- tonian school teacher Gustav Vilbaste (1885–1967) used Can the oral recollections from individual contributors school children for the collection of ethnobotanical data to the Schools Folklore Scheme, captured eighty years [27]. In the 1930s, the Polish ethnologist Adam Fischer after the event, contribute to our understanding of the (1889–1943) collected ethnobotanical data in the study design, clarify the importance of material Ukraine [28]. collected, reveal potential bias of teachers in selection The Schools’ Folklore Scheme was successfully imple- of content and identify any perceived benefits that the mented in 1937. A booklet that contained hundreds of contributors to this study may have gained by questions and suggestions for compiling information on participating in this historic initiative, which took a wide range of folkloristic and ethnological topics, place only 15 years after Irish Independence? arranged under 55 separate headings, including ‘disease, healing and herbs’ was prepared and distributed to Methods teachers taking part in the scheme, across the country. Research area During the school period of September 1937 to June In 1930s Ireland, the cultural, political and ideological 1938, the time allotted to Irish and English composition background governed the formation of the National for pupils in fifth and higher standards was devoted to Folklore Collection. This was directly linked to the folklore composition and the recording of stories and decline of the Irish language and a sense of urgency with traditions collected by the pupils from their homes and regard to salvaging and recording the oral traditions of districts. Each week, the teacher chose one specific head- Gaelic Ireland. This was described by Briody as a ‘last ing from the supplied booklet, read out the questions minute effort to save as much of the riches of Irish folk- and transcribed them on the blackboard. The children lore for posterity before they were irretrievably lost’ [13]. gathered information and documented it in their small During this period, Ireland was ‘economically depressed’, copybooks as part of their homework. The teacher then and the majority of the Irish people lived in poverty [25]. selected information to be transcribed into the large In 1936, the total population was just under 3,000,000. manuscripts by a child considered to have the best The Schools’ Folklore Scheme follows ideas developed in handwriting [13]. the late nineteenth century most notably in Estonia and The 1930s study in Ireland drew from a Gaelic culture in the Baltic states and Scandinavia. It represents the that was heavily influenced by oral tradition, with largest folklore collection ever implemented globally. Its storytelling embedded in the Irish cultural life tracing origins are derived from a combination of native and back to the pre-Christian era when ‘Druids or priests’ foreign influences, specifically the Baltic states and and ‘filidh or poets’ were responsible for the transmis- Scandinavia. In 1923, Énrí Ó Muirgheasa, a teacher and sion of a community’s knowledge [29]. collector for the Folklore of Ireland Society, proposed a The participants in the current study were educated scheme to the Department of Education that involved during this era in counties, Dublin, Meath, Waterford, distributing notebooks to primary school teachers across Galway and Mayo (Fig. 1). In 1936, counties Dublin, the country and requesting that they collect and docu- Meath and Waterford, located on the eastern side of the ment information on Irish folklore. This scheme was country, had populations of 586,925 (19.8%), 61,405 Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 5 of 19

Fig. 1 Ireland map—participants’ schools and total schools that participated in the scheme within those counties

(2.1%) and 77,614 (2.6%), respectively, and counties Ethnological interviews Galway and Mayo, located on the western side of the A snowball sampling method as described by Vogt [33] country had populations of 168,198 (5.7%) and 161,349 was implemented to contact original contributors to the (5.4%), respectively [30]. One participant attended school scheme via social media, pharmacies, religious institu- in the parish of Swords, North County Dublin. Dublin, tions, family and friends, posting information on notice the largest city and capital of the ‘New Free State’,wasin boards and contacts from the National Folklore Collec- an area known as ‘the Pale’, where Ireland had been tion in UCD. After extensive inquiries, 11 participants of under British Rule in the Middle Ages. One participant the 1930s scheme were located and agreed to take part attended school in the parish of Dunshaughlin in County in an ethnological survey (Table 1). Meath, an agricultural county that had the most fertile This cohort comprised of ten females and one male soil in the country and was located on the perimeter of participant. Five interviews were secured through a ‘the Pale’. One participant attended school in the parish wider network of friends and family, four were referred of Camphire, County Waterford, located south of ‘the by the National Folklore Collection, one was contacted Pale’ a county that benefited economically from through a pharmacy and one through an online notice Waterford Port, the principal link from Ireland to the mainland of Europe. Four participants attended three dif- Table 1 Participants’ information ferent schools across County Mayo in the parishes of Participants School location Participant sex Age at time of interview Ballina, Crossmolina and Belmullet. Three participants P1 Dublin F 89 attended two schools in the parishes of Dunmore and P2 Mayo F 91 Loughrea in County Galway. Counties Galway and Mayo P3 Meath M 92 are a greater distance from ‘the Pale’ on the west of P4 Mayo F 89 Ireland. The majority of ‘Gaeltacht’—Irish-speaking regions—were located in these counties, and the quality of P5 Galway F 90 the land was relatively poor in comparison to the rest of P6 Waterford F 91 the country. Although the economy was in crisis and P7 Mayo F 86 poverty was a major issue in the 1930s, ‘The School P8 Mayo F 90 ’ Attendance Act implemented in 1926 required every P9 Mayo F 89 child to attend school from 6 to 14 years of age [31]. This P10 Galway F 93 resulted in a relatively high attendance rate of 78% of children attending primary school in 1936 [32]. P11 Galway F 92 Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 6 of 19

board in Trinity College Dublin. Two further interviews Collection index system to locate the participants’ corre- were arranged but were cancelled due to ill health of the sponding school’s LM material and SC if available. The potential participants. Interviews took place in a variety LM index system was utilised to identify each schools’ of locations across Ireland, and the questionnaire was TMK information, and the SC were analysed to locate completed in Boston, USA. The structured interviews and transcribe all TMK. were audio recorded and ranged from 25 to 50 min in length. In addition to documenting the oral recollec- Disease, healing and herbs tions, the participant’s corresponding school’s SC and ‘Folk healing’ is one narrative that is handed down via LM written material was located in the archive and their oral communication and socialisation. It is tied to ecol- personal contributions were identified, where possible. A ogy, geography and local culture, based on ‘traditional combination of oral and archival data is examined in this beliefs’. As there are as many different folk beliefs and study; the data documented from 11 interviews with practices and health systems, as there are folk cultures original participants and their corresponding schools’ SC in the world [34], for the purpose of this paper, we will and LM material. All interviews took place between not attempt to analyse all the varying definitions applied April and September 2016 in the form of structured to ‘folk healing’ or ‘folk medicine’. Instead, we have clas- interviews/questionnaire. It was designed to cover a sified all the ‘disease, healing and herbs’ data collated range of areas as outlined in Table 2. During face-to-face from the archives and interviews in this study under the interviews, time was allowed for the elaboration of domain of traditional medicinal knowledge (TMK). topics as directed by responses and the interviews did not all follow the same sequence of questions. Plant species The ‘plant’ names that are documented in the SC, LM Schools’ Manuscript Collection and small copybook and from the interviews are in vernacular form. Utilising archival data the Irish plant book Ireland’s Generous Nature [35] and All of the information obtained from the Schools’ the online checklist www.theplantlist.org, the most prob- Folklore Scheme is now archived and stored in the able plant species was identified where possible. National Folklore Collection at University College Dublin, Ireland. The large manuscripts are bound Statistical analysis together and stored in 1128 separate volumes, and as of All the TMK data was collated and imported into the 2016, these volumes are digitised and available to view qualitative analysis software NVivo. Based on ‘grounded online at duchás.ie. They are easily accessed by an index theory’ as first described by Glaser and Strauss [36] and system that labels them by volume number, school content analysis as defined by Krippendorff [37], the name, barony, parish, teacher name and corresponding data was not grouped according to pre-defined categor- SC (when available). A subsequent index exists for the ies, rather each TMK data entry was disseminated into LM listing the TK categories that are located in each different parts (nodes), also described as ‘incidents’ [36] volume and the corresponding pages, enabling easy or ‘units’ [38]. Open coding was carried out on the data- access to all TMK information. However, there is no set. Interesting features, substances and or methods index system for the SC. As a result, in order to locate described from each TMK entry were coded as nodes in TMK information, all pages in each copybook must be a systematic way across the entire dataset. These nodes viewed. The information obtained from the ethnological were allocated clear labels and definitions to serve as surveys, i.e. school name, teacher name and location rules for inclusion. Figure 2 illustrates how one TMK were cross-referenced with the National Folklore entry was filed under relevant nodes.

Table 2 Outline of discussion topics and questions used in interviews General topics Details documented Informant information Age, date of birth, place of birth. School details Name, location, religious ethos, sex of teacher. General conversation School and classroom description, number of pupils in school and class, daily class routine. The Schools’ Folklore Scheme When and how they heard about the scheme, how the scheme was implemented, what part it played in the school curriculum, how did the teacher advise on collecting the information, whom did they collect information from, how often did it happen, how was the information recorded, did they think the scheme had a positive or negative affect on them, would they recommend a comparable scheme be implemented today. Traditional medicinal knowledge Did they collect and record TMK, what specific TMK can they recall, did they pass this information on to younger generations. Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 7 of 19

Fig. 2 Example of NVivo coding for TMK data entry, nodes and sub-nodes

Sub-nodes were also created to record additional de- organised into broader themes (Fig. 4). The LM volumes, tail, i.e. ‘the root of a dandelion’ would be filed under corresponding to the participants in this study, contained the node ‘dandelion’ and attached sub-node ‘root’. All a total of 23 topics that are indexed in the archive as TK, the related ‘nodes’ were grouped, forming the structure covering a range of subjects such as poets and poetry, the for treatment categories. The main categories identified penal times, proverbs, prayers and charms, old crafts, wea- were plant, symbolic, religious, food, specialist and other. ther lore etc. The TK categories used in the archive were The nature of the analysis resulted in single TMK entries analysed in this study and further collated into nine featuring in multiple categories. broader categories. One of the TK categories generated is traditional medicinal knowledge (TMK) and includes the Results and discussion material in the LM that was indexed under ‘disease, heal- Classification of traditional knowledge in the Schools’ ing and herbs’. As there was no index system for the SC, Manuscript Collection all the corresponding SC entries were examined for ‘dis- All of the schools involved in the Irish Schools’ Folklore ease, healing and herbs’ references, and this was tran- Scheme forwarded the material collected by the children to scribed and classified as TMK and is presented herein. the National Folklore Collection. The materials archived included the pupils’ small copybooks (SC) and the large Further classification of traditional medicinal knowledge manuscript (LM) of selected material from each individual The TMK material in this study has been analysed and school (Fig. 3). For the purpose of this study and for more collated utilising the analytical software NVivo, as extensive analysis, the SMC material is referred to as trad- described above under the ‘Statistical analysis’ section. itional knowledge (TK). The specific TK topics documented The main categories that have been generated are: plant, in the LM were identified through the index system gener- symbolic, food, specialist and other (Fig. 5). ated by the National Folklore Collection (Fig. 3b). Impact of the Schools’ Folklore Scheme on the Arranging the traditional knowledge topics into themes respondents For this study, all the TK topics listed in the index, from The majority of participants (82%) believed the scheme the nine schools’ material, were collated and then had a positive impact on them, two (18%) stated it did Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 8 of 19

a b

c d Fig. 3 a Large manuscripts. b Index for LM. c Sample entry. d Small copybooks not have any significant impact and no one thought it started and interest in me’, ‘it gave a great understanding had a negative impact. All 11 believed that a comparable of it’ and ‘it made me value it’. Only one participant (9%) scheme would benefit children today. When asked if the had no opinion, and two (18%) stated it did not result in scheme had an impact on their relationship with Irish a positive impact with Irish culture. Also, eight (72%) of culture, eight (72%) felt it had a positive impact. The the participants stated that they enjoyed taking part in participant living in the US responded, ‘Yes, absolutely, the scheme. even to this day. It brings back my thoughts of how good Irish culture was, and that I made a promise to the Oral recollections of the teachers, their impact on Statue of Liberty when I landed in New York that I material collected and potential bias would try to keep Irish culture going here’. Other replies Questions concerning the gender of the teacher and reli- from interviewees include ‘it was very worthwhile, it gious ethos of school were included in the survey. Six of Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 9 of 19

Fig. 4 TK topics indexed in the LM material collated into nine TK categories the participants had a male teacher and five had a female of teaching was ‘very high’ when they were children. teacher. One of the teachers was a priest, and one was a One participant ‘loved school and loved Mrs. Neary’, participant’s mother. All of their schools were Catholic, who she believed was ‘a great teacher and very versatile’. i.e. no religious comparison was made. Detailed informa- Each participating teacher was in control of what topics tion from the participants, relating to their memories the children collected information on, and which mater- concerning their teachers and of their contributions to ial was subsequently transcribed into the large manu- the scheme, were collected (Table 2). The participants’ scripts. The teachers’ perceived understanding of the unique recollection of their teachers’ involvement and scheme, their own personal interests and their enthusi- their teachers’ instruction imply there may have been a asm towards the scheme impacted on the material col- level of bias in how information was gathered and col- lected and documented in the SC and the SMC. Three lated. Interviewees commented that their ‘teachers were of the participants stated that their teacher showed a very committed’ to teaching and believed the standard specific interest in the scheme. One recalled how her

Fig. 5 Classification of tradition medicinal knowledge categories used in this study, established using NVivo Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 10 of 19

teacher was ‘very much into it’ and stated ‘our teacher information for the purposes of the scheme. None of the was very interested and that and we used to love tell five participants that did record TMK stated they passed him stories’. Another participant was the daughter of a this TMK information on to younger generations. In teacher that partook in the collection of material. She relation to passing on TMK, one participant responded recalled her mother being particularly dedicated to the ‘Oh I don’t think anyone uses any of them now, it’s off scheme and stated ‘she was very enthusiastic’ about it, to the chemist’. Another participant described people’s and that ‘she loved Irish’. Although the scheme intended use and belief in TMK at that time, by stating that ‘it the children collect the material, her mother also col- worked for them and they had the belief in it. There was lected information. One of her mother’s TMK entries in nothing else, some of the things did really work’. When the SMC is to ‘give a large saucer of milk to a ferret and asked if they passed on any of the general TK informa- give the leavings to a child who has the whooping cough. tion collected to younger generations, three stated that It will soon get better’. She recalls accompanying her they did and seven stated they did not pass on any of mother travel long distances to different homes in the the information. One participant described how she evenings to document peoples’ stories for the scheme. In passed on the information to her children and her contrast, one participant believed his teacher did not grandchildren and stated they were ‘all interested’ and have much interest in the scheme, and as a result, ‘the ‘all into it’. Another participant stated she did not pass kids had not a clue what it was about at all’. on any information as ‘I do not think I did because you see when I was rearing my family there were very good Oral recollections of TMK collected for the scheme children’s books on the market and I would read to mine For this study, the oral TMK recollections of the original at night’. participants have been linked to two particular aspects, the individuals’ personal TMK contributions located in Direct links with corresponding archival material relating the SC as well as any referenced TMK contributions in to TMK the LM. Additionally, looking at the overall TMK con- Many of the entries in the SMC are not referenced to tent in the corresponding schools’ allows us to observe specific pupils, and in fact, the material corresponding correlations and establish context for TMK practice in to participant 1 (P1) (Swords National School, County relation to the time period and regional differences. The Dublin) was not located within the archive. LM material participants’ recollections of TMK were gathered by ask- was located for the eight schools corresponding to the ing questions regarding ‘health practices, local cures and ten remaining participants. Corresponding bundles of remedies’ that they could recall from their childhood small copybooks (SC) were located for six of these eight and their participation in the scheme. The interviews schools (Fig. 3d). Within these bundles, copybooks were open-ended. The narrative was relatively broad and belonging to four participants were found and three of qualitative and allowed for depth, nuance and variety in these (P3, P8 and P9), contain TMK. responses. In the interviews, nonverbal communications In his interview, participant 3 (P3), who attended St. were also observed. The participants ranged in age from Columba’s Abbey in County Meath, recalled six practices 86 to 93 years. There was a discernible difference in of TMK. These consist of two treatments using the their level of recall and mental clarity, although all were ‘dandelion’ plant to get rid of ‘warts’ by ‘using the milk comfortable with participation in the study and very from the stem’ and a general treatment of ‘making a enthusiastic to have some value and relevance in a mod- drink out of dandelion roots’ for no specific ailment. ern study. None of the participants indicated that they The remaining four include a combination of the treat- were aware of the historical and social significance of ment categories: ‘symbolic’, ‘religious’, ‘other’ and ‘special- the scheme. One participant stated that she wasn’t even ist’ as defined in Fig. 5. These were elaborated in the aware she was taking part in a ‘scheme’ as such and interview as ‘going to a specific lady’ and visiting ‘Knock, believed what they were collecting the information for a religious site’ to treat ‘warts’, ‘prodding your eye with a ‘homework’. gooseberry thorn’ to treat a ‘sty’ and ‘yellow clay and The topics that the participants recalled collecting ( from?) a holy well’ to treat a ‘sprain’. His school’s information on were varied, including ‘how people lived’, LM material, his own SC and 18 other SC were located. ‘historical ruins’, ‘old superstitions’, ‘local burial grounds’, Within these sources, there are 89 TMK entries in the ‘ghost stories’, ‘fairies’, ‘how they did jobs’ and ‘traditional LM material and 158 TMK entries in the SC. P3’s cures’. Only five of the participants stated they recorded personal copybook contains ten TMK entries. Two of TMK for the scheme. However, of the six participants these entries correspond directly to this participant’s that stated they did not record TMK for the scheme, five recollections of ‘yellow clay’, ‘a Holy well’ and the ‘goose- of these stated they recalled TMK being used at that berry thorn’. There is a direct reference to P3 in his time but were not asked and or did not provide this school’s LM material. There are two citations but neither Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 11 of 19

corresponds with either the participant’s oral recollec- this school’s SMC material that are not referenced with tion or his SC material. Both of these entries are ‘plant’ a specific pupil’s name to correspond with her based and consist of using ‘a potato’ to treat a ‘wart’ and recollections. These TMK entries recommend: a person to ‘boil and strain celery seed and drink’ for ‘rheuma- to go to a ‘seventh son’ for ‘headaches’, ‘a person who tism’. Interestingly, there are two entries in the SMC never saw his father’ has the cure for ‘thrush’ and drink that are referenced to another pupil but correspond with ‘an asses milk’ to treat ‘whooping cough’. The final the TMK recalled by P3. They include using ‘the juice of corresponding treatment is a variation of P9’s recollec- the dandelion’ to treat ‘liver trouble’ and pointing ‘goose- tion to treat ‘hives’. Instead of ‘rubbing the briar’ on the berry stalks’ to treat a ‘sty’. His recollections show some affected part, the version in the SMC recommends correlation with what is documented in his correspond- crawling ‘three times under a briar with both ends of it ing SC. Although there is no correlation with what is stuck in the ground’. documented under his name in the LM, there is It is unfortunate that only four of the participants’ evidence of his recalled TMK referenced under another corresponding SC were located, and of these copybooks, pupil’s name. This could be attributable to the common only three contain TMK. A correlation between the oral use of dandelion in Irish herbal medicine. Participant 8 recollections and the written was identified for two of (P8), who attended Ardagh National School in County the participants. However, in general, there is an Mayo, recalled four pieces of TMK. These consist of a inconsistency between the oral and written. This may ‘food’ treatment recommending ‘ for a corn’, result from the clarity of memory related to their age ‘other’ treatments ‘rock water for warts’, ‘a poultice for an and the 80-year time gap between taking part in the infection’ and a ‘specific person’ and ‘symbolic’ treatment scheme and carrying out the interviews. Furthermore, stating ‘her grandmother had a charm to cure’. Her there are also discrepancies between the SC and SMC school’s SMC material, her own small copybook and 15 material, which may result from approaches taken by or other SC were located. Within these sources, there are attitudes of teacher (toward a particular, child, family, 46 TMK entries in the SMC and 109 TMK entries in the content or handwriting). SC. P8’s own copybook contains eight TMK entries. None of these entries correspond with P8’s recollections. Oral TMK recollections corresponding to school’s overall There are no entries referenced to P8 in the LM. TMK material Participant 9 (P9) attended Killacorraun National The remaining participants (P1, P2, P4, P5, P6, P7, P10 School in County Mayo and recalled eight pieces of and P11) have no personal TMK references in either the TMK. These include three t‘plan ’ treatments: to ‘roast SC or LM. Their oral TMK recollections varied in an onion on the fire and place onto the ear for an clarity, content and enthusiasm. There specific TMK com- earache’,to‘rub a briar on a hive’ and to treat a ‘burn’ by ments have been compared with the overall TMK content making ‘an ointment out of the root of the comfrey in their corresponding schools’ SC and LM material. plant’. They also include the ‘symbolic’ and ‘specialist’ P1 attended Swords National School in County treatments: ‘to pick the first blackberrys that come out Dublin. She stated that she did not record any TMK and put them under a stone and as they rot the warts information for the scheme. However, she did mention will dissolve’, to get the cure for ‘thrush’ from ‘a person ‘if you got the sting of a nettle you wound a dock leaf whom never met their father’ and to ‘go to a specific around it’, and she told a story of a neighbour who had a person on a Tuesday and a Thursday for three weeks to ‘secret recipe for all ills’ that was kept in a special cure a headache’. The subsequent two treatments are ‘chamber pot’. Unfortunately, her corresponding school’s ‘food’ based and involve boiling ‘buttermilk and oaten LM or SC material was not located in the archives. meal to make a paste for boils’ and drinking ‘the milk of Participant 2 (P2) who attended Keenagh National a female ass for whooping cough’. This school’s SMC School in County Mayo recalled ten practices of TMK material, two small copybooks belonging to P9 and nine that she collected for the scheme. Her school’sLM other SC were located. Within these sources, there are material contains no TMK entries. However, one of the 35 TMK entries in the SMC and 48 TMK entries in the sources that she named in her interview ‘Peter Gilroy’ is SC. P9’s copybooks contain 14 TMK entries. Three of referenced as an informant in a neighbouring school’s these entries correspond to her recollections, using LM material. This highlights that within small commu- ‘comfrey’ to treat ‘burns or sores’, ‘get a child that never nities, children from different schools may have sourced saw its father to blow its breath in to the mouth of the information from the same people. In addition, it is well person three times’ to treat ‘thrush’ and ‘drink asses known that medicinal knowledge and practices were milk’ to cure ‘whooping cough’. There are no references often ‘hereditary’ and associated with certain families to P9 in the SMC. However, there is very little referen- [39]. Participants 4 and 7 (P4 and P7) attended Belmullet cing in this school’s material and four TMK entries in National School in County Mayo. P4 did not recall any Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 12 of 19

TMK and P7 recalled four TMK practices. These include TMK in the SC or LM, and furthermore, none of the a ‘plant’ treatment of ‘carrageen moss made into a drink TMK entries from this school documented in the SC called lamoge for a chronic cough’, ‘food’ and ‘other’ correspond with the TMK entries in the SMC. treatments of ‘goose grease and flannel was put on the chest’ for a ‘bad chest’, ‘poultices were commonly used Plant traditional medicinal knowledge for a stone bruise’ and ‘beating the white of an egg, The TMK information from both the participants’ oral , hot milk and butter to make a drink for a sore recollections and the SMC is comprised of a combin- throat, a cough or bronchitis’. This school’s LM and ten ation of the treatment categories (Fig. 5). For the SC were located. Within these sources, there are six purpose of this paper, the ethnopharmacological ‘plant’ TMK entries in the LM and there are no TMK entries TMK information has been further examined from two in the SC. None of the TMK recalled by P7 corresponds positions. Firstly, all of the plant-related treatments with the entries in the LM, and furthermore, none of the recalled in the interviews and the participants’ personal six treatments in the SMC related to either ‘plant’ or contributions within the archives have been analysed ‘food’ treatment categories. They all consist of practices (Additional file 1). Secondly, the plant treatments that are of a ‘symbolic’ and or involve a ‘specialist’. gathered from the interviews have been collated and Participant (P5) attended Ballinlas National School in analysed together with the total content of their corre- County Galway. She recalled one piece of TMK that sponding schools’ archival material (Additional file 2). involved ‘a neighbour’ whom had ‘the cure for the burn. It was a bottle made up with a secret recipe’. Her ‘Plant’ TMK from the oral and personal contributions school’s LM material was located and contains 15 TMK located in the archives entries. None of the entries relate to her recalled piece The oral TMK practices and the participants’ personal of TMK information. The TMK entries in her school’s entries in the archives combine to a total of 76 (100%) LM material consist of a combination of all five ‘treat- TMK entries. Of these, 25 (33%) include the use of a ment categories’ with seven recommending the use of a plant and there are 18 plant species cited ‘plant’, i.e. ‘a cabbage leaf’ for ‘cuts and sores’, ‘St. Patricks (Additional file 1). There is a combination of native, leaves were used for healing and drawing wounds’, ‘herbs introduced and imported food products within these. that grew in a field’ were ‘used for fits’, ‘a bile was cured by soap and sugar’, ‘strong tea’ externally to treat ‘sore Total ‘plant’ entries from oral and corresponding schools’ eyes’, ‘boiled flaxseed mixed with vinegar or lemon juice, SMC material sugar and treacle’ to treat ‘coughs and colds’ and a ‘cure When all the oral and schools’ sources are combined, for a toothache is to boil nettles in the month of March there are a total of 596 (100%) TMK entries. Of these, and drink the juice three times during the year’. Partici- 174 (29.19%) include the use of a ‘plant’. Some of the pant 6 (P6) attended Camphire Primary School in TMK entries include multiple plant species; thus, there County Waterford. She did not recall collecting or sub- are 191 ‘plant’ mentions and 64 different plant species mitting TMK information for the scheme; however, she cited. The list of the most frequently cited plant species did state that ‘we used millions of home remedies’. She from combined sources is presented in Additional file 2. specifically mentioned using ‘the inside of an egg for a sore’, ‘putting a sock around your neck for a sore throat’, Plants directly linked to participants ‘a dock leaf for a nettle sting’ and to treat a sore leg, Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is mentioned three times, ‘there was a woman you had to visit three times and she by two participants. The white sap from the stem is recom- plastered it up’. Her school’s LM material was located mended for external use on warts, and the roots boiled in and contains 25 TMK entries. Interestingly, none of water can be taken internally for anaemia. It is also one of these TMK entries included a ‘plant’ treatment. Partici- the most highly cited species among all the TMK entries pants 10 and 11 (P10 and P11) attended Kilchreest examined (4.2% of all ‘plant mentions’), and it is docu- National School in County Galway. P10 did not recall mented as a treatment for gastrointestinal and musculo- any TMK and P11 recalled five TMK practices. These skeletal conditions (Additional files 1 and 2). T. officinale is are all ‘plant’ treatments and recommend ‘dandelion for abundant throughout Ireland, and the literature supports anaemia’, ‘red rose for a sore eye’, ‘ivy leaves for open its medicinal use [24, 35, 40–43]. There is extensive sores’, ‘blackcurrant jam for hoarseness/sore throat/cough evidence of the global use of this medicinal species or colds’ and ‘meadowsweet for stomach problems ’. This throughout history, e.g. in tenth- and eleventh-century school’s LM material and 19 SC were located. Within Arabian medicine [44]; in the sixteenth century, the these, there are 17 TMK entries in the LM and six TMK German physician and botanist Leonhard Fuchs docu- entries in the SC. None are referenced to either P10 or mented its use for gout, diarrhoea, blister, spleen and liver P11. None of P11’s recollections correspond with either complaints [45]. In 1653, Culpeper also recommended the Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 13 of 19

roots and leaves for the liver and spleen. Its use has also humans and animals and the plant is recommended as been recorded in , China, Turkey and feed for pigs (Tables 2 and 3). These entries correlate Mexico [45]. The European Medicine Agency recognises T. with previous accounts of external dermatological and officinale root and herb, based on ‘well-established use’ as a fodder use in Ireland from Moloney [40], Allen and treatment for digestive and urinary complaints [46]. The Hatfield [24] and Wyse Jackson [35]. Pliny the Elder’s majority of research conducted on T. officinale has focused (23–79 AD) encyclopaedia Natural Historia recom- on the leaves, roots and flowers [44]. Huber et al. recently mended the root as a treatment for bruises and sprains identified phenolic inositol esters, triterpene acetates and and it is similarly cited in Dioscorides’ Materia Medica the sesquiterpene lactone taraxinic acid β-D-glucopyranosyl (50–70 AD) [51] In 1653, Culpeper added to its indica- ester in the root latex [47]. The phytochemical composition tions to include it as a treatment for rheumatism and of T. officinale and the pharmacological properties of its gout and stated the leaves could be used, although they metabolites including the antimicrobial and anti- are not as effective as the roots [52]. In more recent inflammatory effects of its sesquiterpene lactones, the times, the European Committee on Herbal Medicinal reduction in cholesterol absorption by its phytosterols and Products (HPMC) has approved the use of Symphytum the presence of immunomodulatory flavonoids and effects officinale L., root for the treatment of ‘bruises and of coumarins on cardiovascular disease [45, 48], would sprains’, based on ‘well-established use’ [53] The molecu- support the reported use in Ireland as a tonic. In 1998, lar mechanism of action of S. officinale root has not Rudenskaya et al. [49] identified serine protease activity in been completely elucidated. However, allantoin and the latex of T. officinale roots. Serine protease modulators rosmarinic acid are the most likely bioactive compounds in the sap may be linked to the traditional use of T. offici- contributing to dermatological healing actions [54]. nale in the treatment of warts, although further research is Allantoin increases the smoothness of the skin, pro- required on stem sap [50]. motes cell proliferation and wound healing by stimulat- Comfrey (Symphytum officinale) is the only plant that ing the metabolic process in the subcutaneous tissue directly correlates from the oral to a participant’s written and stimulating cell growth, resulting in epithelialisation entry in the SMC. P9’s oral and archival entries recom- and a protective effect on the skin. Rosmarinic acid pos- mend external application of an ointment made from sesses an anti-inflammatory action among others [55]. the root of the plant to treat burns and sores. S. offici- Dock (Rumex species) leaf is mentioned orally by two nale is also one of the most highly cited plant species of the participants as a treatment for a sting from a ‘net- overall (2.1% of all ‘plant mentions’). The root is tle’ (Urtica diocia L.). Within the overall data, the documented as a treatment for burns and sores in both Rumex spp. is cited eight further times (5.2% of all ‘plant

Table 3 Participant recollections Participants Specific interest Where the participant How long the Recalled recording Did not record Passed on information Overall shown by teacher obtained the information participant believes TMK in the SFS TMK in the SMC to younger generations impact of that they recorded in the SFS went on for but stated they the SFS the SFS knew TMK used at that time P1 – Father Once off No Yes Yes Positive P2 No Neighbours and parents One term Yes – No Positive P3 No Mrs. Kenny One year Yes – No—but his daughter Neutral was present and said yes P4 Yes Father and neighbours More than a once No Yes No Positive off, for a while P5 – Grandmother and – No Yes Yes Does not neighbours recall P6 – Neighbours A long time but No Yes Yes—informed by her Positive less than a year daughter P7 Yes Grandparents, parents, Every night for a No Yes No Positive and people in the month community P8 Yes Grandmother and father Two years Yes – Did not say Positive P9 – Old people living in the A year or Yes – No Positive village two—weekly P10 – Father On and off No No No Positive P11 – Father and neighbours – Yes – No Positive that visited the house Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 14 of 19

mentions’). All the entries recommend the same treat- abundantly along the rocky coasts of the north Atlantic ment for a sting, although one suggests ‘chewing the and north Pacific oceans [69]. The present in leaf’ before applying. The entries cite a range of ver- this plant is believed to be responsible for soothing and nacular names to describe this species, including: ‘dock’, anti-inflammatory properties that help alleviate ‘docken’, ‘capog’, ‘cappoc’ and ‘copog’. There are a number respiratory conditions [70]. Various homemade drinks of different Rumex species in Ireland referred to as using C. crispus are still widely used today in Ireland for ‘dock’. However, Rumex obtusifolius is widely known for bronchial conditions [71]. the ability to ease the sting of a nettle [35]. The irritation Oats (Avena sativa) have been grown in Ireland for by a nettle sting is considered to be both biochemical centuries as a food crop for both humans and animals and mechanical. The stem and the underside of the [35]. One participant recalled an oatenmeal paste that leaves of the U. diocia are covered in small spicule-type was made to treat a boil, and an entry in the SMC hairs. The biochemical reaction is believed to be the details how oatgrass is a treatment for a ‘skinned foot’ result of formic acid, histamine, serotonin and acetylcho- on a horse. This external application of A. sativa corre- line that is found in the hairs and nettle fluid [56]. The lates with a long history, since Roman times, of being mechanical reaction is believed to be the impalement of used worldwide, as a treatment for a range of skin con- spicules into the skin [57]. R. obtusifolius leaf contains ditions [60–62]. ‘Colloidal oatmeal’ is a commercially the flavonoids procyanidin B1, B2, B3, B7 and gallate available topical oat product that has been available [58] and has demonstrated antioxidant and antimicrobial since the 1940s. Chemical polymorphism is attributed to actions [59]. Rumex spp. is indigenous to Europe. R. its ability to protect and sooth the skin [72]. A. sativa obtusifolius and has been introduced to many other also possesses different types of phenols which exert an parts of the world, including: Africa, North and South antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity [73]. Wound America [60]. healing and antioxidant activity demonstrated by A. Potato (Solanum tuberosum) is renowned as the sativa has been linked to the presence of avenanthra- ‘archetypal Irish vegetable’. S. tuberosum is a domesti- mides, flavonoid-type compounds as well as E cated hybrid plant that was introduced to Europe and and phytic acid [74]. Ireland from South America in the sixteenth century. It Meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria)issuggestedfor has had a profound impact on Irish culture, landscape, ‘stomach problems’ by one of the participants. This history and economy [35]. One participant described plant is native throughout most of Europe and how to boil and mash a potato and place around one’s western Asia and has been successfully introduced neck to treat a sore throat. Another participant’s entry in and naturalised to North America [75]. F. ulmaria the SMC describes how one should ‘rub a potato on a was one of three plants considered to be most sacred wart’ for a number of consecutive days. There are a total by the Druids [70], and it has a long history of use in of six entries (3.1% of all ‘plant’ mentions) that recom- Europe as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, diuretic mend S. tuberosum for dermatological, musculoskeletal and anti-rheumatic [35, 68, 70, 76]. The seventeenth and respiratory complaints (Additional files 1 and 2). century book The Complete Herbal recommends The entries include external applications of both raw using the roots of the plant ‘made into a powder, and and heated S. tuberosum. Similar historical medicinal mixed with honey in the form of an electuary, doth uses have been documented in Ireland, England, Wales much help them whose stomachs are swollen, dissolv- and North America [5, 61, 62]. Glycoalkaloids present in ing and breaking the wind which was the cause the Solanum species have demonstrated antifungal, anti- thereof…’ [52]. However, use of the herb and flower allergic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, hyperglycaemic, are most frequently cited, and the European Medicine antibiotic and anti-carcinogenic properties [63, 64]. In Agency has accepted it be sold as a ‘Traditional medi- addition, α-solanine, α-solamargine and α-chaconine cinal product for the supportive treatment of have shown antifungal and cytotoxicity activity [65, 66]. common cold, for the relief of minor articular pain’ Carrageen moss ( crispus) is the only sea based on ‘well-established use’ [76]. Both F. ulmaria plant documented in this study. Sea plants have been aerial parts and roots have demonstrated anti- used in Ireland for centuries, as a food, fodder, soil fertil- inflammatory activity in vitro and in vivo; although, iser and medicine, and they are considered to be espe- the aerial parts exhibited a higher level of activity cially valuable for their high and content [77]. Salicylic acid and its derivatives are linked to its [35]. P7’s description of her mother making a drink with anti-inflammatory activity [77, 78]. C. crispus to treat a chronic cough corresponds with There is one entry from P9 in the SMC that recom- previous reports from Moloney [40], Jude [67], Logan mends St. Patrick’s Cabbage (Saxifraga spathularis) for [42], van Wyk and Wink [68], Allen and Hatfield [24], ‘a sore lip or boil’. Five additional entries (3.1% of all Dolan [5] and Pina et al. [69]. C. crispus grows ‘plant mentions’) suggest St. Patricks Cabbage for similar Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 15 of 19

dermatological conditions (Additional files 1 and 2). promoting wound contraction and increasing the rate of Interestingly, there is no evidence of this plant being epithelialisation [80, 84]. used medicinally. However, all the entries are from two Celery (Apium graveolens) is also one of the most schools in the same locality of County Mayo, so there is highly cited plants. It is documented six times (3.1% of a possibility that the vernacular name is referring to an all ‘plant mentions’) for the treatment of rheumatism. alternative plant or it is a local practice. The entries include recommendations to ‘boil the celery One participant recalled Red Rose (Rosa species) as a seed and drink’, ‘make a drink from celery’ and ‘eat celery’ treatment for the eyes. Ireland is home to a wide variety (Additional files 1 and 2). It is found throughout Europe of wild rose species. There are at least ten native roses and in temperate and sub-tropical parts of Africa and known with many hybrids, thus identification is difficult. Asia [85]. It is widely documented as used for rheumatic Many of the rose varieties in Ireland produce rosehips conditions, in Ireland and globally [24, 35, 86]. The (fruits). These were a significant wild fruit in ancient stems are consumed worldwide as a food, and the leaves, Ireland and were often used to make jam, jelly, syrup, seeds and essential oil are used medicinally. Its value as pie filling and wine [35]. Culpeper recommended a a traditional medicine is attributed to the presence of decoction of ‘red roses’ made with wine as a treatment ; flavonoids; alkaloids; and steroids; the for headache and pain in the eyes, ears, throat and gums compounds limonene, selinene, frocoumarin glycosides and another treatment of rose leaves in a mixture with and A and C [85]. It is suggested that the medi- ‘beans’, ‘frankincense and the white of an egg’ to alleviate cinal effect of the seed on rheumatic conditions is due to swollen eyes [52]. There have not been any specific stud- its diuretic action [87]. ies into the use of Rosa spp. for eye conditions. However, Chickweed (Stellaria media) is an extremely common the significant content of bioactive compounds present plant found throughout Ireland. There are four entries in rosehips is known to have a high level of antioxidant, in total (2.1% of all ‘plant mentions’) recommending its antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activity use for dermatological and respiratory conditions [79]. These actions are specifically linked to polyphenols, (Additional files 1 and 2). The plant is also found vitamins C, E, B and carotenoids found in this species throughout Europe and North America [88]. It has a [35, 68, 79]. history of treating a range of conditions including: skin Castor oil (Ricinus communis) was orally mentioned diseases, burns and bruises, inflammation of the digest- by one participant as a treatment. However, they did not ive, renal and respiratory tract, and rheumatism and state for what condition. It is one of the most highly joint diseases [68, 88–92]. In Irish mythology, the Celtic cited plants overall (2.6% of all ‘plant entries’) and God Dian Cécht is believed to have recommended a includes three entries in the SC that recommend a mix- combination of ‘chickweed, hazel buds, dandelions and ture of castor oil and marigold to treat a burn and one wood sorrel to be boiled with oatmeal and taken in the entry that recommends a mixture of sulphur and castor morning and evening’ to treat ‘colds, phlegm, sore throat oil to treat sourpock in cattle. The oil is obtained by and the presence of evil things in the body, such as pressing the seeds of the plant R. communis. The plant worms’ [93]. Culpeper also recommended the external is believed to be native to eastern China and is now cul- application for a variety of ‘hot’ inflammatory conditions tivated in hot climates around the world, specifically [52]. It is most commonly known as an external treat- India and southern Asia. It has a long history of use, and ment for cuts, wounds, irritation and inflammation, as in Roman times, it was known as the ‘Palma Christi’,as well as an internal remedy for rheumatism, respiratory the leaves were thought to resemble the palm of Christ. complaints and jaundice [24, 35, 68, 87]. Saponin The oil made from R. communis was traditionally taken glycosides, coumarins and hydroxycoumaris, flavonoids, internally as a laxative and purgative although this is no carboxylic acids, triterpenoids and present in longer recommended due to its toxicity [80]. In the S. media contribute to anti-inflammatory action [88]. nineteenth century, a number of oils, including Castor One of the participants recalled ivy (Hedera helix) oil, were recommended as the first aid for burns. At the leaves being used for open sores, and two further entries time, the oils were suggested for two reasons: their abil- in the SMC (1.6% of all ‘plant mentions’) recommend it ity to exclude air from the burn and because of their as a treatment for corns (Additional files 1 and 2). This accessibility, quick application was possible [81, 82]. corresponds with accounts listed by Culpeper [52], Wyse However, antioxidant activity has been demonstrated by Jackson [35] from Moloney [40], K’Eogh [94], methyl ricinoleate, ricinoleic acid, 12-octadecadienoic MacMahon [95] and Allen and Hatfield [24]. Hedera acid and methyl ester that are found in the seeds [80, fossils have been recorded in Korea and Europe from 83] and the astringent and antimicrobial actions of approximately 5.8 million years ago, and H. helix is tannins, flavonoids, triterpenoids and sesquiterpenes also reported as used medicinally since Greek and Roman found in the seeds provide wound healing abilities, by times. In present times, H. helix folium is indicated as Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 16 of 19

an expectorant in the case of productive cough, based keloids, pain and swelling after insect stings [101]. A. on ‘well-established use’ by the European Medicine cepa is reported to possess a range of actions, including Agency [96], and it is most commonly used in Germany anti-inflammatory and antioxidant [102] anti-genotoxic [97]. The chemical components flavonoid rutin, quer- and anti-proliferative [103]. It is a rich source of phyto- cetin, kaempferol and apigenin have demonstrated anti- nutrients, containing phenolic compounds such as flavo- inflammatory, antioxidant and vasoprotective properties. noids, saponins and sulphur compounds [104]. In addition, alpha-hederin, hederacoside B and C and hederagenin, triterpenoid saponins are attributed to the Conclusion activity of the plant [98]. The information captured in the SMC gives us an Tea (Camellia sinensis) is Ireland’s most popular and insight into the medicinal practices and beliefs of people widely consumed beverage. One of the participants in 1930s Ireland. The information is unique in terms of recalled a cold tea compress being used, but did not spe- how, when it and why it was collected. While there are cify for what condition, and there are ten more entries several similar studies, in terms of its scope and ambi- in the SMC (5.8% of all ‘plant mentions’) recommending tions, there is no comparative body of ethnographic in- tea. These include using tea as a treatment for headaches formation globally. Contacting original participants and to bathe sore eyes with cold tea. One interesting offers a novel approach of looking at this material. It has treatment documented recommends one to ‘go to a wed- provided us with a unique first-hand account of this his- ding and drink the tea left by the bride and groom’ to torical initiative, an insight into how the scheme was cure whooping cough. C. sinensis origins are Asian. The implemented, how it impacted upon the children and earliest reference to tea goes back to more than captured viewpoints on perceived bias of teachers in the 2500 years in China. Black tea arrived in Ireland in the selection of content. We located 10 of the 11 partici- early 1800s as an expensive and luxurious beverage for pants’ schools contribution in the SMC. Focusing on the upper and middle classes and later spread to become ethnomedicinal ‘plant’ treatments, we were able to draw a common and popular drink for the rural and lower a comparison between the oral recollections and the classes in the mid-1800s [35]. Similar reports of medi- archived material. Even though the sample size is small, cinal are documented in India, Kenya and Guatemala this study is relevant since it offers a unique snapshot [99]. The chemical components of C. sinensis include into how ‘knowledge about Irish medicinal plants was polyphenols (catechins and flavonoids), alkaloids constructed’ and that such a study, in fact, did impact (caffeine, theobromine, theophylline, etc.), volatile oils onto the lives of those who participated. While the and primary metabolites polysaccharides, amino acids cultural-political impact of the survey cannot be and lipids. In order to produce black tea, the C. sinensis assessed, an underlying purpose had been to get people leaves undergo fermentation, resulting in an increased to identify with ‘Irishness’, and the survey may well have level of flavonoids and more concentrated amount of contributed to this. caffeine. Catechins and flavonoid compounds are re- We developed a novel approach using oral history as a ported to have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, tool both to capture the remaining informants’ perspec- caffeine is linked to a diuretic effect and the astringent tive, but also to identify datasets in the Schools’ properties of tannis are believed to alleviate gastrointes- Manuscript Collection to be included in an analysis. We tinal conditions [100]. are, however, conscious that the situation in this case is One participant recalled in her interview how an unique, and that it will not be possible to repeat such a onion (Allium cepa) should be heated ‘on the fire and study in other contexts. then [pressed] against the ear’ to treat an earache. One The plant species that were recalled by the partici- of the entries in the SMC corresponds with this, and pants and/or their personal entries in the archival mater- two further entries recommend the juice of an onion for ial were identified, and the most highly cited plant a wasp sting (2.1% of all ‘plant entries’) (Additional files 1 species from all the data were collated. The species and and 2). Ethnomedicinal use in Ireland corresponds with their uses are common to recorded data throughout previous reports by Dolan [5] and Allen and Hatfield Ireland and are in keeping with key ethnomedicinal spe- [24]. The Allium species was one of the first cultivated cies used throughout the world. Chickweed, dandelion plant species used for culinary and medicinal purposes. and oatmeal can be traced back to Irish mythology, and It has been used medicinally worldwide for centuries. other species are found in ethnomedical systems Culpeper [52] states ‘the juice of onions is good for ei- throughout the world (e.g. the data reflects an oral iden- ther scalding or burning by the fire…and dropped in the tity that spans generations and that in many cases was ears, eases pains and noise in them’. It is described as a not documented in writing until the 1930s). The oral traditional remedy for a variety of respiratory ailments, identity reflected in the archival material is reinforced bacterial infections, dysentery, ulcer wounds, scars, with the contributions of the respondents in this survey. Shannon et al. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine (2017) 13:65 Page 17 of 19

Additional files Received: 1 September 2017 Accepted: 31 October 2017

Additional file 1: Plant citing’s from participants’ oral recollections and their personal contributions documented in the SMC. It is a table of the plant species cited by participants’ and documented in the archives. It References includes details on vernacular name, plant family, diseases treated and 1. Report of the United Nations conference of environment and development. species origin. (PDF 30 kb) Rio De Janeiro; 1992. http://www.un.org/documents/ga/conf151/ aconf15126-1annex1.htm. Additional file 2: Most highly cited plant species from combined 2. Posey DA, Dutfield G. Beyond intellectual property: toward traditional sources. It is a table that includes the most highly cited plant species resource rights for indigenous peoples and local communities. Ottawa: overall, vernacular name, number of citations, diseases treated and International Development Research Centre PO; 1996. species origin. (DOCX 19 kb) 3. WIPO. Intellectual property and genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions. 2015. http://www.wipo.int/edocs/ pubdocs/en/tk/933/wipo_pub_933.pdf. Abbreviations 4. Dutfield G. TRIPS-related aspects of traditional knowledge. Case West – – LM: Large manuscripts; P1 P11: Participants 1 11; SC: Small copybooks; Reserve J Int Law. 2001;33:233–75. ’ ’ SFS: Schools Folklore scheme; SMC: Schools Manuscript Collection; 5. Dolan JM. Ochtrinil’s legacy: Irish women’s knowledge of medicinal plants. TK: Traditional knowledge; TMK: Traditional medicinal knowledge Harvard Pap Bot. 2007;12:369–86. doi:10.3100/1043-4534(2007)12[369: OLIWKO]2.0.CO;2. Acknowledgements 6. Kuper A, Kuper J. The social science encyclopedia. 3rd ed. Abingdon: The authors would like to thank the original participants who agreed to take Routledge; 2009. part in this study. Also, the authors would like to thank the National Folklore 7. Sökefeld M. Debating self, identity, and culture in anthropology. Curr – Collection in University College Dublin for all their assistance in conducting Anthropol. 1999;40:417 48. doi:10.1086/200042. this research and Séamas Ó Catháin for the introduction to the Schools’ 8. Noyes D. Tradition: three traditions. J Folk Res An Int J Folk Ethnomusicol. – Manuscript Collection. 2009;46:233 68. 9. Mac Giolla Chríost D. A question of national identity or minority rights? The changing status of the Irish language in Ireland since 1922. Nations Natl. Funding 2012;18:398–416. doi:10.1111/j.1469-8129.2011.00508.x. The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support of a Ph.D. Fellowship 10. Dowling, Michele (Leverhulme Research Fellow at the Centre for Social from the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, the Apothacaries’ Hall of History U of W. History Ireland. “The Ireland that I would have” De Valera Ireland and acknowledge a Postgraduate Research studentship (1252) from and the creation of an Irish national image. 1997. http://www.historyireland. 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