Menu Set Weather Classifieds Sign In Search 3 'Doctor Who' class notes: Sixth Doctor Colin Baker, John Nathan-Turner and that cat pin 145 shares MORE LOCAL ENTERTAINMENT Restaurants & Dining: Your guide to Colin Baker played the Sixth Doctor in "Doctor Who." (BBC video still) eating out in CNY By Katrina Tulloch |
[email protected] Print Movies: Latest news, Follow on Twitter Email reviews, trailers & on March 10, 2015 at 11:28 AM more Comics Kingdom: SYRACUSE, N.Y. -- It's spring break at Read your favorite Syracuse University, so Anthony Rotolo's DOCTOR WHO CLASS comics online popular Doctor Who in the Digital Age class 2015 did not meet on campus this week. The TARDIS and 1963 television However, students and Whovians took a brief Patrick Troughton and the ENTERTAINMENT PHOTOS online lesson explaining Colin Baker's Cybermen introduction as the Sixth Doctor and the continued failures by show runner John Doctor Who class 'tapped into the Nathan-Turner. global juggernaut of fandom' 1. The Sixth Doctor Tom Baker and the Daleks Like Fifth Doctor Peter Davison, Colin Baker Sarah Jane Smith, Lalla Ward and grew up watching "Doctor Who" and had the unbearable Mary Whitehouse always hoped to play the titular role. Free 'Doctor Who' class at Palace It was a dream come true for Baker when he Theater draws 200 students Zac Brown Band fans was cast, but he came in at a time when the show runner was more concerned with Christopher Eccleston, Billie Piper Fans of the Zac Brown Band have fun launch NuWho reboot merchandise and money, than good writing before his concert at the Lakeview Amphitheater ..