Nev Fountain | none | 31 Jan 2011 | Ltd | 9781844355051 | English | Maidenhead, United Kingdom Peri and the Piscon Paradox PDF Book

I had reasonably high hopes after reading the very connubial mutual interview between author Nev Fountain and star in the last Magazine, and even more so after reading Andrew Hickey's very positive and detailed review, and I was not disappointed. We therefore feel that this adventure is best placed after the audio drama , which saw him encounter a fake Peri. Both of them fare very well and there is the classic mix of humor and action famous in doctor who. Other adventures. Peri and the arrive in present day Los Angeles on the trail of a malevolent fish-alien. He can see out of the mouth and his eyes are mostly obscured by cheese wire! The ending twists so many of the jokes throughout the play right around and suddenly stops you laughing and starts you feeling quite down. As the production hurls itself over its emotional crescendo, the many myriad fates of Peri are revealed and reconciled. Soon, it's Peri who spins a tale, an, um, fish tale, to tell Peri and the younger Doctor - because the accidentally causes the death of the Piscon Zarl before his younger self can defeat him. While the first half offsets the comedy with some pathos, in Peri's despair at what kind of person she will eventually become, the second half not only adds further humour, but provides a real kicker as the truth of the intervening years is finally revealed. Details if other :. This is one of the best plays Big Finish have ever done. If she had to be honest the main reason she ran away was Davy Silverman. Ivana Richards rated it liked it Jun 01, Nev Fountain. Given that The Age of Chaos sees him looking to find out what happened to Peri. Untitled Page. Zarl, and he's a fish. At least until you make me watch it. With Thoras Beta now long behind him, has decided that he should find out how his former friend ended up on 21st century Earth working for a UNIT-style outfit when, to the best of his knowledge, she was married off to a bombastic alien warlord. Jan 24, Javier Vazquez dobarro rated it it was amazing. Let us know in the comments below. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. His name is Zarl , and he's a fish of utmost evil. I've had friends tell me I should try listening to audios in the car, but I always figured it would be too distracting while I'm driving - or that I'd miss too much of the story. View all Comics Sites. This story made me feel so many emotions, with such rich characterization, clever plot, heart wrenching moments and is just downright hailarious! Tweet Share Pin Comment. There are only two real complaints I can make: the character of Beretta did nothing for me, a one-note joke that went on far too long. I knew, having read a couple other reviews going in, that this was the case, but it still managed to knock me over. Fortunately, to stop him there's help from an unexpected source: a future version of Peri. Peri turns on herself and scathingly criticises her life, saying that she denied her children by leaving Davy and they were the one thing she desperately wanted in life. Or the planet. Of all the companions that was transplanted from the television to Big Finish I would say that Peri by some margin has been treated to the most development. That's saying a lot since Peri is far from my favorite . You also could listen to them in reverse order. Zarl is going to steal all the water of Earth and sell it to the highest bidder. His name is Zarl, and he's a fish of utmost evil. Five and Peri despite having a few audio adventures, at least hardly knew each other. Some of my most favourite Big Finish scenes occur during the course of this audio and they brought to life with absolute conviction by Nicola Bryant and who once again prove themselves to be one of the strongest pairings on audio. Return to Book Page. Susan, Barbara , Ian. He's a bit vague on that point. Polly , the Brigadier , Brewster. Adric , Nyssa , Tegan. Peri and the Piscon Paradox Writer

Even small moments like Peri kicking her younger self and breaking her tooth and finally getting the explanation for how that happened is very clever. In summary, this is an excellent use of what's normally a rather limited format, that's both funny and sad at the same time. The two actors involved, Bryant and Colin Baker as the Sixth Doctor, are both called on to perform rather more intensely than usual and both really rise to it. About Nev Fountain. When even the suicide plan fails to convince his earlier self he goes for the one tactic he knows will rouse an action from his placid fifth incarnation — attacking Peri. This was so incredibly good, I hardly know where to start singing it's praises. Fortunately, to stop. Polly , Ben. Newer Post Older Post Home. THEN where would we be?! Rating details. The build up and the reveals are laid out stunningly. This audio was genuinely funny and had moments of real heart. Except this time he did want to see the world and beyond. Or some-. More Details Steven rated it did not like it Mar 03, Krystian rated it it was amazing Mar 21, Enlarge cover. I had reasonably high hopes after reading the very connubial mutual interview between author Nev Fountain and star Nicola Bryant in the last , and even more so after reading Andrew Hickey's very positive and detailed review, and I was not disappointed. Sort order. Polly, Ben. Fandom may earn an affiliate commission on sales made from links on this page. With some terrific writing and a focus on the two of them working together as a team, this duo simply sing together on audio and Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant have a very natural chemistry that is a joy to listen to. Most life bearing planets have a lower gravity than Earth and any alien visiting this planet would most likely look like a man in a big sweaty monster suit. The conclusion was awesome and definitely worth it. This, of course, creates a paradox, as the Doctor explains to Peri, who suggests using time travel to fix the mistake, "What? He can see out of the mouth and his eyes are mostly obscured by cheese wire! It was the first Companion Chronicles release to feature an actor who regularly played the Doctor, with Colin Baker playing his role of the Sixth Doctor. Polly , the Brigadier , Brewster. Then at some very dramatic junctures one of the best also being a tale written by Nev Fountain Erimem would reveal her darker morality and it would be Peri who was appalled. Some of the conspirators were scared the Doctor would hunt them down and they adjusted events, rescued her and let her live her life as the Warrior Queen to King Ycarnos. View all Comics Sites. Categories :. The Brigadier. This story is more than twice the length of a typical Companion Chronicle , despite not being envisioned as such. This is the Sixth Doctor as his finest, arrogant and witty, but caring and determined. Peri and the Piscon Paradox was the seventh story of the fifth series of The Companion Chronicles audio range. And vice versa. Sep 05, Kevin Knowles rated it it was amazing Shelves: doctor-who , science-fiction , audio-drama. He really shows what I felt were the strongest parts of his tenure and I've really been meaning to get to more of his audio dramas. Peri and the Piscon Paradox Reviews

Of course, it not being a full-cast play does bring the usual limitations of a Companion Chronicle , but, here, it's hard to see h A Fifth and Sixth Doctor story, told from the perspective of Peri. Steven, Dodo. The Time Museum. Aug 17, Linnea Gelland rated it it was amazing. Result: A magnificently written comedy masterpiece that probes deeply into Perpeguilliam Brown and ultimately has some very deep things to say. This, of course, creates a paradox, as the Doctor explains to Peri, who suggests using time travel to fix the mistake, "What? The Pescaton planet was destroyed by an exploding sun and the Piscon planet was only slightly luckier, turned to desert. I knew, having read a couple other reviews going in, that this was the case, but it still managed to knock me over. Cancel Save. This story is more than twice the length of a typical Companion Chronicle , despite not being envisioned as such. At least until you make me watch it. The Mahogany Murderers. The truth of Peri's past and long and winding road that led to her career as a relationship counselor. Or blow up the San Andreas fault. Post a comment. It was an interesting relationship and it was a shame it was cut short in the changeover between and Briggsy just as it was getting really exciting the run of stories from The Council of Nicaea through to The Bride of Peladon was extraordinary. It was this good: I was walking the dogs when I listened to the final part of this and at one point I was walking down the street with tears in my eyes and I broke into a full on King Yrcanos laugh. In some ways, Fountain romanticizes the relationship that Six and Peri had. And sometimes the jokes popped up at inappropriate moments, including big emotional moments and death scenes. But older Peri is hiding quite a lot. The dialogue sparkles for its entire running time with too many laugh out loud moments to mention but what really impressed me was when the comedy was stripped away and we focus on the awful realisation of what has happened to the older Peri. We learn that the reason Peri has a new nose is because Davy beat her so badly he smeared it across her cheek. This one was great! Young Busty Babe: This story is the ultimate Peri experience and Nev Fountain clever uses his tale to explore her past, her present and her possible futures. It was the first Companion Chronicles release to feature an actor who regularly played the Doctor, with Colin Baker playing his role of the Sixth Doctor. Mar 17, Debra Cook rated it really liked it Shelves: audiobooks. He's a bit vague on that point. Then in a moment of insane genius Big Finish decided to bring to life the missing season 23 that we never got when Doctor Who was taken off the air for 18 months and it transpired to be a spot on bridging gap showing how the relationship between Sixie and Peri mellowed in their second season. Peri and the Piscon Paradox. He has written three humorous murder-mystery novels, collectively called 'The Mervyn Stone Mysteries', and a serious thriller c Nev Fountain, born Steven John Fountain, is an English writer, best known for his comedy work with writing partner Tom Jamieson on the radio and television programme 'Dead Ringers'. Steven rated it did not like it Mar 03, Steven, Oliver. There are even little nods to Doctor Who and the Pescatons. Polly, Ben. She knows Zarl's dark secret. But in its last ten minutes, humour turns to heartbreak. I enjoyed, but was let down by the plot explanations in the first half, but trust me, finish the story. Disc 2 has the older Peri as the host of a relationship advice cable show, a very successful one. Peri and 2 doctor have an adventure with 2 Peri's and a talking fish trying to take over the world. When the older Peri sees the younger one for the first time she is appalled at what she is wearing — high heels, cut off shorts and a leotard! More filters. His name is. Jago and Litefoot. Of course, Colin Baker puts in a fun turn. The first two episodes are told from the point of view of teen Peri, who is presently travelling with the fifth Doctor. Piscons are like Pescatons only less violent and they both originate in the star system of Pikos.

Peri and the Piscon Paradox Read Online

Actually, I found that I could pay attention to the story and drive - so this will definitely be an experience I'll repeat soon. Disc 2 has the older Peri as the host of a relationship advice cable show, a very successful one. Or the planet. Showing In that case, we can't Sally , Lysandra. This double- CD story which took me four days to listen to - the only time I've regretted having a short minute commute is told first from the point of view of younger Peri, and the Fifth Doctor, who land in L. Fun and light-hearted, fast and funny. Or something like that. The older Peri also meets her younger self. Oct 08, Christopher Buchanan rated it it was amazing Shelves: doctor-who , favorites , big-finish-companion-chronicles. But this story marks a milestone for me as it is the first time I have listened to an entire story in my car while driving back and forth to work and while doing my errands. Beyond the Ultimate Adventure. . It brought a tear to my eye, and if that isn't worth a 5, I don't know what is. Aug 12, Danny Welch rated it it was amazing. Leave a comment. Perhaps even love each other. Donna Noble: Kidnapped! As the production hurls itself. Soon, it's Peri who spins a tale, an, um, fish tale, to tell Peri and the younger Doctor - because the Sixth Doctor accidentally causes the death of the Piscon Zarl before his younger self can defeat him. Something smells fishy — and it's not just Zarl. View all Movies Sites. This is how you make a farce out of Doctor Who. This is the Sixth Doctor as his finest, arrogant and witty, but caring and determined. Steven, Oliver. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. She knows Zarl's dark secret. The Companion Chronicles 5. Peri and the Fifth Doctor arrive in present day Los Angeles on the trail of a malevolent fish-alien. Most life bearing planets have a lower gravity than Earth and any alien visiting this planet would most likely look like a man in a big sweaty monster suit. Refresh and try again. He is currently at work on a book about the scientist as a character in the Victorian novel.