The Geology Country Around Vereeniging
UNION OF SOUTH AfRICA UNlf VAN SUIO·AFRIKA DEPARTMENT OF MINES DEPARTEMENT MYNWESE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GEOLOGIESE OPNAME THE GEOLOGY OF THE COUNTRY AROUND VEREENIGING AN EXPLANA nON OF SHEET 62 (VEREENIGING) by L. T. Nel, D.Se., and H. Jansen, D.Se. (A'dam.) With a contribution on coal by J. F. Cillie, B.A., B.Sc., and one on refractory materials by D. J. L. Visser, D.Sc., F.G.S .. of the University of Pretoria Met In opsomming in Afrikaans onder die opskrif: DIE GEOLOGIE VAN DIE GEBIED RONDOM VEREENIGING COPYRIGHT/KQPIEREG YOORBEHOU 1957 Ptintud by and obtainablo from Godruk deur on vorklygbaM Vlln tho Govornrnonl Printer, BOlman dio St~~t~dIUkkol, So$lnllosirllat, Stroot, Pretoria P,"toria GoolOSlical map in colour> on " Goologle.o k..... t ;n klou" op 'n .,1110 of 1,125,000, obtainable Jka~1 vlln 1:125,000, apart vo.· $oparololy at tho prico of 6s. krygballltoen dio prys 61. THE GOVERNMENT PRINTER/DIE STAAT$DRUKKER PRETORIA, 1957 G.P.-S.l024342-1957-S-2,OOO. 78 prnclicaUy of quartz grains only, with very little felspar, magnetite, and olher Illllleral grams. The grains are from rounded to angular, and arc covered with a film of iron oxides, XTII.-THE UNDERGROUND WATER-RESOURCES In an' industrially expanding area which is at the same time an important farming district, the underground water-resources are of the ~reatest i~portance, The following account is the result of a preliminary IIlvestlgatlOn based on mformatlOn about wells and bore-holes, The infor mation was either obtained from farmers or compiled from existing bore~ hole records,
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