New Zealand Tourism Research Institute Annual Report 2010 1 IMPROVING THE SUSTAINABILITY AND PROFITABILITY OF TOURISM NZTRI I Private Bag 92006 I Auckland 1142 I New Zealand I Ph (+64 9) 921 9999 ext 8890 I
[email protected] I 2 CONTENTS Director’s Report 4 Research Programmes 5 Project Overview 17 Externally Funded Projects 2010 - Highlights 19 Training and Capacity Building 20 International Outreach 24 NZTRI/AUT Conferences 25 Community Outreach 26 public relations 28 Staffing 38 Publications 42 3 DIRECTOR’S REPORT The New Zealand Tourism Research Institute (NZTRI) is a multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional grouping of researchers, graduate students, and industry leaders, based at AUT. The Institute was established in 1999. The objectives of NZTRI are: • To develop timely and innovative research solutions for the tourism industry and those who depend on it. The focus is on helping to develop a profitable and sustainable industry which provides tangible benefits for business, residents and visitors. • To develop tools that can assist in maximising the links between tourism and local economies, and which can also mitigate the negative impacts associated with tourism. • To obtain funding from both the private and the public sectors which can support advanced graduate study in areas of vital importance to tourism development in New Zealand and globally. NZTRI operates across scales from the local and regional through to the national and global and has over 70 members and associate members. There are currently 22 PhD students studying in or about to join the Institute and a number of MPhil students.