Archipel, 100 | 2020 [En Ligne], Mis En Ligne Le 30 Novembre 2020, Consulté Le 21 Janvier 2021

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Archipel, 100 | 2020 [En Ligne], Mis En Ligne Le 30 Novembre 2020, Consulté Le 21 Janvier 2021 Archipel Études interdisciplinaires sur le monde insulindien 100 | 2020 Varia Édition électronique URL : DOI : 10.4000/archipel.2011 ISSN : 2104-3655 Éditeur Association Archipel Édition imprimée Date de publication : 15 décembre 2020 ISBN : 978-2-910513-84-9 ISSN : 0044-8613 Référence électronique Archipel, 100 | 2020 [En ligne], mis en ligne le 30 novembre 2020, consulté le 21 janvier 2021. URL : ; DOI : Ce document a été généré automatiquement le 21 janvier 2021. Association Archipel 1 SOMMAIRE In Memoriam Alexander Ogloblin (1939-2020) Victor Pogadaev Archipel a 50 ans La fabrique d’Archipel (1971-1982) Pierre Labrousse An Appreciation of Archipel 1971-2020, from a Distant Fan Anthony Reid Echos de la Recherche Colloque « Martial Arts, Religion and Spirituality (MARS) », 15 et 16 juillet 2020, Institut de Recherches Asiatiques (IRASIA, Université d’Aix-Marseille) Jean-Marc de Grave Archéologie et épigraphie à Sumatra Recent Archaeological Surveys in the Northern Half of Sumatra Daniel Perret , Heddy Surachman et Repelita Wahyu Oetomo Inscriptions of Sumatra, IV: An Epitaph from Pananggahan (Barus, North Sumatra) and a Poem from Lubuk Layang (Pasaman, West Sumatra) Arlo Griffiths La mer dans la littérature javanaise The Sea and Seacoast in Old Javanese Court Poetry: Fishermen, Ports, Ships, and Shipwrecks in the Literary Imagination Jiří Jákl Autour de Bali et du grand Est indonésien Śaivistic Sāṁkhya-Yoga: Revisiting the Eclectic Behaviour of the Balinese Hindu Textual Tradition W.A. Sindhu Gitananda, I Wayan Cika , I Nyoman Suarka et Ida Bagus Jelantik Sutanegara Pidada Palu’e Ikat: Nomenclature and Iconography Stefan Danerek et Magnus Danerek Archipel, 100 | 2020 2 Cultures sino-indonésiennes Of the Use of Calligraphy in Sino-Javanese Communities (18th-Early 21st Centuries) Claudine Salmon Singing to Buddha: The Case of a Buddhist Rock Band in Contemporary Indonesia Jack Meng-Tat Chia Lecture critique et état de la question Theory vs. Philology in the Study of Balinese Culture, Religion, and Ritual Andrea Acri Penser un islam apaisé : trois ouvrages récents sur la question Rémy Madinier Comptes rendus Asie Andrea Acri, Kashshaf Ghani, Murari Jha, and Sraman Mukherjee (eds.), Imagining Asia(s): Networks, Actors, Sites. Singapore: ISEAS - Yusuf Ishak Institute, 2019, 438 pages, index, illustrations. Soft cover: ISBN: 978-981-4818-85-8 Anthony Reid Asie du Sud-Est Nathalie Fau et Benoît de Tréglodé (sous la direction de), Mers d’Asie du Sud-Est. Coopérations, intégration et sécurité, Paris, CNRS Editions, 2018, 394 p. ISBN : 978-2-271-11826-4 Laurent Gédéon Nathalie Fau et Manuelle Franck (dir.), L’Asie du Sud-Est. Émergence d’une région, mutation des territoires, Paris, Armand Colin, coll. « Horizon », 2019, 448 p. ISBN : 978-2-200-62698-3 Frédéric Roustan Archipel, 100 | 2020 3 Indonésie Yumi Sugahara and Willem van der Molen, Transformation of Religions as Reflected in Javanese Texts. Tokyo: Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa [ILCAA Javanese Studies Series 5], 2018, ix + 179 pp., ISBN:9784863372580. Helen Creese Dirk Aedsge Buiskool, Prominent Chinese During the Rise of a Colonial City: Medan 1890-1942. Dissertation, University of Utrecht, 2019, 376 pages, illus. ISBN: 978-94-6375-447-7 Mary Somers Heidhues Josh Stenberg, Minority Stages: Sino-Indonesian Performance and Public Display. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2019, xvi-257 pp. ISBN: 9780824876715 Jack Meng-Tat Chia Gregory Forth, A Dog Pissing at the Edge of a Path: Animal Metaphors in an Eastern Indonesian Society. Montreal & Kingston McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019, 388 p., ISBN: 978-0-7735-5922-6 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-7735-5923-3 (paper) Clifford Sather Gabriel Facal, La foi et la force. L’art martial silat de Banten en Indonésie, Paris, Les Indes Savantes, 2018, 226 p. ISBN : 978-2-84654-467-2. Jean-Marc de Grave Nancy J. Smith-Hefner, Islamizing Intimacies: Youth, Sexuality, and Gender in Contemporary Indonesia. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 2019, X +248 pp. ISBN 9780824878030 Kurniawati Hastuti Dewi Ross Tapsell, Media power in Indonesia: oligarchs, citizens and the digital revolution. London; Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield International, 2017, xxix-172 pages. ISBN: 9781786600356 (hardcover alkaline paper), ISBN: 1786600366 (paperback), ISBN: 9781786600370 (electronic) Edwin Jurriëns Singapour Samuel Ling Wei Chan. Aristocracy of Armed Talent. The Military Elite in Singapore. Singapore: NUS Press, 2019, XXVII + 495 p., ISBN 978-981-3250-07-9 Rodolphe De Koninck Malais de Sri Lanka Ronit Ricci, Banishment and Belonging. Exile and Diaspora in Sarandib, Lanka and Ceylon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 282 pages, ISBN: 978-1-108-72724-2 Paperback, ISBN: 978-1-108-48027-7 Hardback. Tony Day Archipel, 100 | 2020 4 In Memoriam Alexander Ogloblin (1939-2020) Victor Pogadaev 1 A famous scholar of our time, a linguist and expert on Malay-Indonesian world, and more broadly, on Austronesian linguistics, our colleague and friend Alexander Konstantinovich Ogloblin passed away on April 23, 2020 in St. Petersburg. 2 Alexander Ogloblin was born on January 2, 1939 in Leningrad. He graduated from the Oriental Department of Leningrad State University in 1961 with a diploma qualification on Indonesian philology. His teachers in that field were Indonesian language lecturer, Usman Effendi, the initiator of the first researches of the mathematical method in linguistics, N.D. Andreev, the expert in Indonesian grammar, G. I. Prokofiev. 3 In 1961-1965 A.K. Ogloblin served in the army as a translator and teacher of Indonesian language while doing doctoral studies by correspondence under the guidance of the professor of theoretical linguistics and orientalist, A.A. Kholodovich. 4 He got his training in Indonesia (1959-1960, practiced at the USSR Trade Office in Jakarta); in Malaysia (1978-79, University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur), in Denmark (1995, Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Copenhagen). 5 Since 1966, he chaired text-reading seminars at the Oriental Faculty of the St. Petersburg State University (Professor since 1994) and gave lectures on theoretical grammar of Indonesian language and literature, Javanese, Austronesian linguistics, Malay dialectology, and others. In 1988, he defended his doctoral thesis concerning the structure and evolution of Malay-Javanese languages. His publications (books, articles, abstracts and papers, textbooks - more than 230 overall) cover languages (especially grammar and typology), literature and culture of the Nusantara world. He is one of the authors of the world’s first scientific Grammar of the Indonesian language (1972), which was later reprinted in Indonesia in Indonesian (1991). 6 For many years he was involved in the researches carried out by the Language Typology Research Laboratory at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg. The collective monographs of this laboratory include his works on the categories of causative, passive and reflexive verbs in Indonesian and Archipel, 100 | 2020 5 Javanese languages. In 1986, he published Madurese Grammar, one of the main languages of Indonesia that had never been previously studied in Russia (the work was awarded with the Certificate of Honor by the Russian Ministry of Education), and in 2008 - Grammar of Modern Literary Indonesian Language. He contributed a lot in the compiling of the Kamus Besar Rusia-Indonesia, published in Jakarta (2016). 7 He also took part in activities of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kunstkamera, St. Petersburg), and of the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow). 8 He presented papers at many international conferences and seminars: the 6th Conference on Austronesian linguistics in Honolulu (USA, 1991) and the 7th Conference on Austronesian linguistics at Noordwijkerhout (Netherlands, 1994); Malay Congress in Kuala Lumpur (1995); Conferences on the languages of the Far East, Southeast Asia and West Africa in Moscow (1997), in St. Petersburg (1999), and others; Royal Institute for Anthropology and Linguistics seminars in Leiden on ancient Javanese texts (1998), and on the Malay epistemic tradition (2002); Language Congress in Indonesia in Jakarta (1999), etc. 9 A.K. Ogloblin published translations of novels and short stories by 20th-century Indonesian writers, namely Pramoedya Ananta Toer (Keluarga Gerilya), Putu Wijaya (Telegram and Bila Malam Bertambah Malam), short stories by S.M. Ardan, Ajip Rosidi, Nugroho Notosusanto, poems by Sitor Situmorang, Toto Sudarto Bachtiar, Subagio Sastriwardojo, Gunawan Mohamad, Wing Kardjo, and many others. In 2016, he published his Russian translation of the book Twaalf eeuwen Javaanse literatuur: een overzicht (2003) by Willem van der Molen. 10 A.K. Ogloblin was one of the Vice-Presidents of the Nusantara Society (Moscow), the compiler and the author of a series of books on Malay-Indonesian culture published by the Nusantara Society together with the Oriental Faculty, St. Petersburg State University. In 1995-1998 he was a Corresponding Member of the Bureau of the European Association for South-East Asian Studies (EUROSEAS). 11 A tireless scholar, teacher and author of many monographs and articles relating to the Malay-Indonesian world, Alexander Konstantinovich Ogloblin for most Russian scholars was an example
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