THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1M4 The Weatlwr TVnSNTy-FOTJR Aveirace Dally Met n w e Riu msnclfpatfr IjgfaBi . V Fer «te Week BaM rwaeaat e< U. ■. Weatke T /, ■ ■; ' ■ ^ IWtandter DO, le«4 Gaorga D. Halley, Milpflttor P ^ lic Records to 66: rala endiag first clsM of the U.S. Navy, p m h i a n d 13,715 iA b < ^ T o w n Dyer Named Director merakw, Mgk 66 to 68. son of Mr. and M n. Robert C. W amsteo Dsods r e f Ww Arnm HUl, 418 Woodbrtdga St, to a i % 9agy fUjmand Hitipa. x>n AmNto Lam rl to Paul X. ManehMtwr'^ A CUy o f Vittage Charm participating ia a tralnlag Juttaor and Tharasa J. Jnttaar. 4 ( m t. Mid Mrs. 19roy A. cmeratlon called “E xercise rtlTTra M OrUtln ltd., is a Of New State Agency moparty at 18 HUltop Dr. Union Square’’ oK the coast of Robert O. Robbins and Doris (CltoeeWled A*rermiag ea Page 36) PRICE SEVEN CENTi trMhmaa at the University e( California while serving on the TOL. LXXXIY, NO. 1 (THIRTY-TWO PA6iir-tW 6 SBCllONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRmAY, OCTOBER 2, 1964 tlM Boath, Sewenee, Tenn. M. Itobblna to Cbarlsa R. Clousa Ovea StSMIiM destroyer USS Hamner. ’The (OoBttnaed frau Paga One) and Loretta L. aouaa. property Opeai Thateiav NlgMe «■ 9 exercise to designed to increase Idas Nancy Jana Orayh, at 37 Jarvto Rd." ParUag Aetaaa 11m M n a 6 the combat readiness of Paci* Burton H Frazier and Lillian daachtar of Mr. and Mrs. Hen* fle Fleet Units in strike, anti­ him wall to handla this Mg naw Var 186 O an ... ^ XOnorb, M North St, ia a Job." M. Frazier to WUltom EL Fol- aircraft and anti-submarine Events fi asliman at Bryant OoUege w arfare. Dyer waa bom in New Lon­ land and Erma J. Folland, prop­ Sdsool of Businesa Admtnistra- don and attended public schools a rty a t S3 E lro St. Hoover Beware ttOB, Providence, R . I. She is there. After receiving a bach­ John T. Buck and Eleanor M. Hilda Changes Course Mountain Laurel Chapter of a liWi gramate of Manchester elor of philosophy degree from Buck to Robert I* Baker and In State BUh SiSiooI. Her brother, Hen- Sweet Adelines will perform Patricia A. Baker, property on Saturday at 8:80 p.m. for the Providence College in 1936, Dy­ ry 8. Orayto, is a first year Woodbridge St . Mr. and Mra Club of the First er worked briefly for radio sta­ Madent at the University cC tion W NLC in Netw London and Robert U Baker and Patricia CEMENT Pennaytvania School of Den* congregational Church, Bast A. Baker to Trusteea of United Eight Drunk Hartford. Mrs. Joseph Sullivan for the New London Day. In Safety tistry. He waa a IM l graduate Pentecostal Church of Man­ of New Britain, assistant di­ 1938 he Joined the State Labor W. H. iN^LAND of luutchester High School and Department which he served in chester, pw^rty on Wood- At Deb Party To war (i Lonely Marsh took his premedical studies at rector, will direct. Regular chorus rehearsals are held several administrative capaci­ bridge St. the University of Connecticut Judgment Ltaa ' LUMMR CO. ’ThiiCBday a t 8 p.m . at the K ties. In 1944 he Joined the cen­ / A p \ _^ en Oommtoakm. tt referred toOthowht might be more succew- Witness Says Hartford Federal Savings and ■WASHINGTON L A r ; ___u— Mnnrt nn fill Qian thoM employed by the of C HaH 38 Prospect St, tral office staff of the Connec­ " A t Mm OMsir 616 H I his testimony in Ito report on fill . Royal Black Preceptory will Loan Association against John FBI Director J. Edgar the assaeelnatlon, pUWtohed Secret Service up to the time •sat tomorrow night at 8 in H artford. ticut State Employment Serv­ DARIEN (AP) — At Bissell and Priscilla Blssell, H 0 0 v e r has cautioned Monday. Kennedy waa slain last Nov. 33 Orange Hall. ice as supervisor of technical Seaman David A. Kittle of property at 206 Center St., |14,- against establiahment of In that report, it oritiotoed tee '1 don’t think you can get least eight teen-agers were L o u is ia n a vservices. In 1951 he was made 087.81. absolute security without almost the U.8. Coast Guard, son of field supervisor, a poet he held Gestapo tactics in efforts FBI for .i'an unduly reetrictlve intoxicated at a debutante Hiss Candace Oreael, daugh Certiflcate o( Trade Name view on Its role In preventive astabltohlng a police state, and tar of Mra. Edna Oresel of 34 Mr. and Mrs. David Lk Kittle, until IMO when he was named party that preceded a fatal 9 Pioneer Circle, is a crew Ernest L. Mandenhall, doing to safeguard the President Intelligence work prior t o the we don’t want that," Hoover Xioeust St., is a freshman at the assistant director. business as The Eleven Reasons, the Evening Star reported told tee commission. automobile accident last E v a c u a te s University of Hartford. She is a member of the cutter Mack­ WINDOW HiUIES ssssssbistioii. *' inac on ocean station duty in As director of State Office of 917 Center St. 3 The qommtoston Indicated the Hoover told the Warren panel June 23, a witness testified 1964 graduate of ' Manchester JOSEPH P. DYER Walter T. Anhstrong, doing today.' the Atlantic. ’The cutter will Bconomld Opportunity, Dyer He spoke out tai testifying FBI waa remiss In not reporting ;be believes Kennedy would be yesterday at the trial of 18- High School business as Mancbester Con­ G rtM , W hiM . Bciw relay weather information to will have the administrative re­ before tee Warren Oommtoslon to the Secret Service Oswald’s alive today had he been riding struction Co., 338 I Summit St. year-old Michael Smith. L o w A re a s the weather bureau, act as sponsibility Xof coordinating InvestigaUng the assaralnatlon presence in Dallas, 'tex. in a specially armored car with The witness, William Alpert, The British American Club group," Oov. Dempsey said, WmhoblM bullet-proof glass, now on loan checkpoint for trans-Atlantic Connecticut’s '' participation in of President John F. Kelnedy, The Star, In a story by Jeity 20, said Snfith was one of the w in apom or a dance Saturday "will be to mobollze all citizen PARHSAN TOURIST CAMP to President Johnson. aircraft and shipa and stand the programs under the Federal groups and segmenta in our the Star said in a copyright O’Leary — a long-time friend of eight. He also named Nancy NEW ORLEANS La, from 9 pjn. to 1 a.m. for mem* ready for search and rescue CERKNO, Yugoslavia (AP)— HOLLAND FINISH Hoover — said a transcript of He rave the commission these bars and gueets. Charlie Var* Economic Opportunity Act. of economy in the effort to take There’s an unusual tourist at­ aHlcle, saying "We don’t want a Hitchings, 17, who was killed in (AP) — Hurricane Hilda calls. The Mackinac operates hto May 14 testim ony w as m ade recommendaUons teat he said lick’s ordMstra will play for 1964. full advantage of the Economic traction for visitors at this Slo­ S 9.90 MadetoOrtsr Gestapo. We haVe to, I think, the accident, but said he couldn’t hurled her screaming winds out o t Staten Island, N. T. avaUable to the Star today. he had passed on to President dancing. Gov. Dempsey has already Opportunity Act, of 1964. The venian village. An old World wm i Yimr RoOera maintain an even balance.” Johnson and tee Secret Service recall the names of the others. toward the deserted named a nine-member depart­ new federal program which is War n Hide - out parttoan field He testified also, the Star The F B I so far baa made m Smith is charged with reckless rUIX LINE OF OUaXOM comment on tee commtoeion’e for future presidential security: marshlands of the Louisi­ Court, Orders of mental council composed of top designed to combat auch indi­ hospital has been converted into said, about a State Department "First, regarding travel, ad­ driving and negligent homicide Swi^rnth, will observe Friend* state agency heads to serve vidual and community problems a tourist camp. docurrient which It said indi­ finding, but offidala have Indi­ in Miss Hitchings’ death. ana Gulf Coast today. More VENETIAN RLINDS cated that the report was taken vise the Secret Service as far in ship Night tomorrow at 7:45 Police Arrests | with Dyer in an advisory and as unemployment, illiteracy, in­ Attendants in partisan uni- cated that Lee Harvey Oswald, advwce as possible of the Pres­ Testimony about drinking at than 60,000 residents p.m. at the Masonic Temple. adequacy of housing and gen­ fonns stand guard and run the Kennedy's accused assassin, bitterly by high FBI offietoto. tee debutante party at the home policy-making role. Also soon Hoover’s testimony • also in­ ident's travel plans and pro- moved inland to safety. Visiting officers wUl confer the eral need for public assistance, camp, decorated with partisan . A. JOHNSON was a thoroughly safe risk. of Dr. George 8. Hughes, and R ob ert Stanton Madden, S3, to be named is a Citizen's Ad­ 1 cluded recommendations for National Guardsmen rushed degrees. Officers will wear visory Council representing var­ offers many advantages to the flags. The kitchen serves up Hoover’s testimony has not (Bee Page Fltteen) at a dinner earlier in the evening no certain address,, has been been made puMle by the War- protective measuree that he In to aid in tee maaa evacuation white gowns.
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