Government Gazette of the State of Number 61 Friday, 15 June 2018

The New South Wales Government Gazette is the permanent public record of official NSW Government notices. It also contains local council, private and other notices.

From 1 January 2018, each notice in the Government Gazette has a unique identifier that appears in square brackets at the end of the notice and that can be used as a reference for that notice (for example, [n2018-14]).

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To submit a notice for gazettal – see Gazette Information.

By Authority ISSN 2201-7534 Government Printer

3784 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices GOVERNMENT NOTICES Miscellaneous Instruments NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1974 REVOCATION OF PROCLAMATION I, His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d), Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council and in pursuance of the powers vested in me under Section 68 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, with the consent of every owner and occupier do, on the recommendation of the Chief Executive of the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), by this my Proclamation revoke the lands described as Melaleuca Wildlife Refuge and notified in Government Gazette No 106 of 29th August 2008. SIGNED and SEALED at this 14th day of March 2018 DAVID HURLEY Governor By His Excellency’s Command Gabrielle Upton Minister for the Environment GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Description Land District – Moruya Council – Eurobodalla County of Dampier, Parish of Burra, approximately 41.28 hectares, being Lot 2 DP 805910, OEH 08/7173


NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1974 REVOCATION OF PART OF THE LANDS PROCLAIMED AS AFTON WILDLIFE REFUGE I, His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d), Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council and in pursuance of the powers vested in me under Section 68 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, with the consent of every owner and occupier do, on the recommendation of the Chief Executive of the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), by this my Proclamation revoke part of the lands described as Afton Water Wildlife Refuge and notified in Government Gazette No 94 of 9th July 1982. SIGNED and SEALED at Sydney this 23rd day of May 2018 DAVID HURLEY Governor By His Excellency’s Command Gabrielle Upton Minister for the Environment GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Description Land District – Wagga Wagga Council – Wagga Wagga County of Wynyard, Parish of Oberne, approximately 1,043 hectares, being Lot 2 DP 1106186 and Lot 80 DP 757245, OEH 02/02040


NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE ACT 1974 REVOCATION OF PART OF THE LANDS PROCLAIMED AS EDEN GARDEN WILDLIFE REFUGE I, His Excellency General The Honourable David Hurley AC DSC (Ret’d), Governor of the State of New South Wales, with the advice of the Executive Council and in pursuance of the powers vested in me under Section 68 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, with the consent of every owner and occupier do, on the recommendation

3785 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices of the Chief Executive of the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH), by this my Proclamation revoke part of the lands described as Eden Garden Wildlife Refuge and notified in Government Gazette No 123 of 21st September 1973. SIGNED and SEALED at Sydney this 23rd day of May 2018 DAVID HURLEY Governor By His Excellency’s Command Gabrielle Upton MP Minister for the Environment GOD SAVE THE QUEEN! Description Land District – Taree Council – Mid-Coast County of Gloucester, Parish of Wallingat, approximately 10 hectares, being Lot 2 DP 634226, OEH 02/01754


3786 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Planning and Environment Notices ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACT 1979 Order under clause 6 of Schedule 2 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Savings, Transitional and Other Provisions) Regulation 2017 Under delegation from the Minister for Planning, I declare the developments specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 to this Order on the land specified in the corresponding row in column 2 of the table in Schedule 1 to this Order to be State significant development under clause 6 of Schedule 2 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Savings, Transitional and Other Provisions) Regulation 2017, for the purposes of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act). This Order takes effect upon publication in the New South Wales Government Gazette. Dated: 07/06/18 BEN LUSHER Director, Key Sites Assessments SCHEDULE 1 Column 1 Column 2 Development Land Development known as the ‘Pemulwuy Project, All land identified in Schedule 1 of the approval to carry Redfern’ (MP 11_0093), approved by the Deputy out the development known as the ‘Pemulwuy Project, Director, Development Assessment & Systems Redfern’ (MP 11_0093) as in force on the date of this Performance as delegate for the Minister under section Order. 75J of the Act on 21 December 2012. Development known as ’86-96 and 100 Mount Street’ All land identified in Schedule 1 of the approval to (MP 08_0241), approved by the Minister for Planning carry out the development known as ‘86-96 and 100 under section 75J of the Act on 25 May 2010 as Mount Street’ (MP 08_0241) as in force on the date of subsequently modified under section 75W of the Act. this Order.


ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACT 1979 Order under clause 6 of Schedule 2 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Savings, Transitional and Other Provisions) Regulation 2017 Under delegation from the Minister for Planning, I declare the development specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 to this Order on the land specified in the corresponding row in column 2 of the table in Schedule 1 to this Order to be State significant development under clause 6 of Schedule 2 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Savings, Transitional and Other Provisions) Regulation 2017, for the purposes of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act). This Order takes effect upon publication in the New South Wales Government Gazette. Dated: 12/6/18 Mike Young Director Resource and Energy Assessments SCHEDULE 1 Column 1 Column 2 Development Land Development known as the ‘Narrabri Coal Seam Gas All land identified in Schedule 1 of the approval to carry Utilisation Project' (07_0023), approved by the Minister out the development known as the ‘Narrabri Coal Seam for Planning under section 75J of the Act on 2 Gas Utilisation Project’ (07_0023) as in force on the December 2008, as subsequently modified under date of this Order. section 75W of the Act.


3787 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNING AND ASSESSMENT ACT 1979 Order under clause 6 of Schedule 2 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Savings, Transitional and Other Provisions) Regulation 2017 Under delegation from the Minister for Planning, I declare the development specified in column 1 of the table in Schedule 1 to this Order on the land specified in the corresponding row in column 2 of the table in Schedule 1 to this Order to be State significant development under clause 6 of Schedule 2 to the Environmental Planning and Assessment (Savings, Transitional and Other Provisions) Regulation 2017, for the purposes of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (the Act). This Order takes effect upon publication in the New South Wales Government Gazette. Dated: 12 June 2018 ANTHONY WITHERDIN Director, Regional Assessments SCHEDULE 1 Column 1 Column 2 Development Land Development known as the ‘Fern Bay Seaside Village All land identified in Schedule 1 of the approval to carry Residential Subdivision’ (06_0250), approved by the out the development known as the ‘Fern Bay Seaside Deputy Director-General, as delegate of the Minister, Village Residential Subdivision’ (06_0250), as in force under section 75J of the Act on 28 June 2010 as on the date of this Order. subsequently modified under section 75W of the Act.


3788 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Roads and Maritime Notices ROADS ACT 1993 LAND ACQUISITION (JUST TERMS COMPENSATION) ACT 1991 Notice of Compulsory Acquisition and Dedication as Public Road of land at Eumungerie in the Dubbo Regional Council Area Roads and Maritime Services by its delegate declares, with the approval of His Excellency the Governor, that the land described in the schedule below is acquired by compulsory process under the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the purposes of the Roads Act 1993 and further dedicates the land as public road under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993. C MIRANDA Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Roads and Maritime Services Schedule All those pieces or parcels of Crown land situated in the Dubbo Regional Council area, Parish of Daley and County of Lincoln, shown as: Lot 5 Deposited Plan 1235011, being part of the land in Certificate of Title 7006/1020480; Lot 6 Deposited Plan 1235011, being part of the land in Certificate of Title 7302/1139037; and Lot 8 Deposited Plan 1235011, being part of the land in Certificate of Title 7301/1137995. The land is said to be in the possession of the Crown and Central West Local Land Services (Reserve Manager). (RMS Papers: SF2018/084853; RO SF2017/026284)


ROADS ACT 1993 LAND ACQUISITION (JUST TERMS COMPENSATION) ACT 1991 Notice of Compulsory Acquisition and Dedication as Public Road of Land at Dunedoo in the Warrumbungle Shire Council Area Roads and Maritime Services by its delegate declares, with the approval of His Excellency the Governor, that the land described in the schedule below is acquired by compulsory process under the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the purposes of the Roads Act 1993 and further dedicates the land as public road under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993. C MIRANDA Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Roads and Maritime Services Schedule All those pieces or parcels of land situated in the Warrumbungle Shire Council area, Parish of Wargundy and County of Bligh, shown as: Lots 12 and 13 Deposited Plan 1225813, being part of the land in Certificate of Title 7301/1149660 and said to be in the possession of the Crown and Central West Local Land Services (Reserve Manager); and Lot 19 Deposited Plan 1225813, being part of the land in Certificate of Title 7302/1149660 and said to be in the possession of the Crown. (RMS Papers: SF2018/096901; RO SF2016/178101)


3789 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

ROADS ACT 1993 LAND ACQUISITION (JUST TERMS COMPENSATION) ACT 1991 Notice of Compulsory Acquisition and Dedication as Public Road of Land at Dubbo in the Dubbo Regional Council Area Roads and Maritime Services by its delegate declares, with the approval of His Excellency the Governor, that the land described in the schedule below is acquired by compulsory process under the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the purposes of the Roads Act 1993 and further dedicates the land as public road under section 10 of the Roads Act 1993. C MIRANDA Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Roads and Maritime Services Schedule All that piece or parcel of Crown land situated in the Dubbo Regional Council area, Parish of Beni and County of Lincoln, shown as Lot 2 Deposited Plan 1224324, being part of the land in Certificate of Title 7003/1019798. The land is said to be in the possession of the Crown and Central West Local Land Services (Reserve Manager). (RMS Papers: SF2018/012396; RO SF2016/021299)


ROADS ACT 1993 LAND ACQUISITION (JUST TERMS COMPENSATION) ACT 1991 Notice of Compulsory Acquisition of Land at Mosman in the Mosman Municipal Council Area Roads and Maritime Services by its delegate declares, with the approval of His Excellency the Governor, that the land described in the schedule below is acquired by compulsory process under the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the purposes of the Roads Act 1993. C MIRANDA Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Roads and Maritime Services Schedule All that piece or parcel of land situated in the Mosman Municipal Council area, Parish of Willoughby and County of Cumberland, shown as Lot 206 Deposited Plan 1233156, being part of the land in Certificate of Title 101/ 871810. The land is said to be in the possession of Mosman Municipal Council. (RMS Papers: SF2018/054778; RO SF2016/271267)


ROADS ACT 1993 LAND ACQUISITION (JUST TERMS COMPENSATION) ACT 1991 Notice of Compulsory Acquisition of Land at Frenchs Forest in the Northern Beaches Council Area Roads and Maritime Services by its delegate declares, with the approval of His Excellency the Governor, that the land described in the schedule below is acquired by compulsory process under the provisions of the Land Acquisition (Just Terms Compensation) Act 1991 for the purposes of the Roads Act 1993. C MIRANDA Manager, Compulsory Acquisition & Road Dedication Roads and Maritime Services Schedule All that piece or parcel of land situated in the Northern Beaches Council area, Parish of Manly Cove and County of Cumberland, shown as Lot 2 Deposited Plan 1229705, being part of the land in Certificate of Title 2/558009. The land is said to be in the possession of Alpha Distribution Ministerial Holding Corporation. (RMS Papers: SF2018/138767; RO SF2014/053316)


3790 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Mining and Petroleum Notices MARKET INTEREST Coal Exploration Licence Exploration Licence Application No. 5678 (Act 1992) Mount Thorley Operations Pty Limited [ACN 000 013 249] has applied to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, Division of Resources and Geoscience (Division) for a coal (Group 9) exploration licence for operational allocation purposes in accordance with Section 13C of the Mining Act 1992 and Clause 20 of the Mining Regulation 2016. Exploration Licence Application No. 5678 (Act 1992) (the Application) is located about 9.41 kilometres south southeast of Warkworth embracing an area of 1992 hectares as shown in the diagram below (the Application Area).

In order to determine the Application the Division is required to assess if there is market interest in the Application Area, submissions are sought from parties interested in exploring for, and potentially developing, any coal resources within the Application Area. Parties making submissions should: • Provide a high level overview of how the Application Area could form part of an existing or potential mining operation (whether stand-alone in the Application Area or incorporating other land outside the Application Area), and • Provide details of their experience in coal mining and exploration and/or developing a mining operation. Submissions should quote Market Interest Test for ELA 5678 (Act 1992) and may be made by email to [email protected] by 11:59pm on 15th July 2018. Submissions received by the required date will be considered by the Minister when determining the Application. The Honourable Don Harwin, MLC Minister for Resources Notes 1. Submissions will be treated as confidential. 2. This notification does not amount to invitation for an exploration/mining licence/lease over the Application Area nor constitute a release of the area in accordance with the Strategic Release Framework etc. 3. Responses received may form the basis of a material submitted to Advisory Body for Strategic Release to inform their work. 4. While not intending to limit or prescribe the content of submissions, responses are encouraged to include an overarching concept plan of mine plan that incorporates the Application Area and demonstrates, depending on the application: 5. -An enhanced mine design -Recovering a resource that would otherwise be sterilised. -Extension of an existing mine life


3791 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Pursuant to section 136 of the Mining Act 1992 and section 16 of the Petroleum (Onshore) Act 1991 EXPLORATION LICENCE APPLICATIONS (ELA) NOTICE is given that the following applications have been received: ELA5686 (1992), OXLEY RESOURCES LIMITED (ACN 129777260), area of 7 units, for Group 1, dated 5 June, 2018. (Sydney Mining Division). ELA5687(1992), BENNY TSUNG, area of 8 units, for Group 1, dated 6 June, 2018. (Sydney Mining Division). ELA5688 (1992), ERNEST THOMAS EADIE, area of 71 units, for Group 1, dated 12 June 2018. (Wagga Wagga Mining Division).


EXPLORATION LICENCE (EL) NOTICE is given that the following application has been granted: Exploration Licence Application 5639 (1992), now Exploration Licence 8747 (1992), NEW BASE METALS PTY LTD (ACN 623937904), County of Yancowinna, area of 9 units, for Group 1, dated 24 May, 2018, for a term until 24 May, 2024.


RENEWAL OF CERTAIN AUTHORITIES NOTICE is given that the following applications for renewal have been received: Exploration Licence 6273 (1992) WHITE ROCK (MTC) PTY LTD (ACN 132 461 575), area of 61 units. Application for renewal received 8 June, 2018. Exploration Licence 8377 (1992), CMOC MINING PTY LIMITED (ACN 164 997 317), area of 91 units. Application for renewal received 8 June, 2018.


3792 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Primary Industries Notices

Fisheries Management (Notification of Fishing Determination – Spanner Crab) Instrument 2018

under the

Fisheries Management Act 1994

I, GEOFF ALLAN, Deputy Director General, Fisheries, with the delegated authority of the Secretary of the Department of Industry pursuant to section 228 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, and in pursuance of section 40L of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 make the following notification of a fishing determination in the ocean trap and line fishery.

Dated this 12th day of June 2018

DR GEOFF ALLAN Deputy Director General, Fisheries Department of Primary Industries (an office within the Department of Industry)

Explanatory note

This Instrument is made under section 40N of the Fisheries Management Act 1994. The object of this Instrument is to give notification of a fishing determination made under section 40L of the Fisheries Management Act 1994 in the ocean trap and line fishery for spanner crab for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.

3793 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Fisheries Management (Notification of Fishing Determination – Spanner Crab) Instrument 2018

under the

Fisheries Management Act 1994

Part 1 Preliminary

1 Name of Instrument This Instrument is the Fisheries Management (Notification of Fishing Determination – Spanner Crab) Instrument 2018.

2 Duration of fishing determination The fishing determination made in this Instrument has effect for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019. Note: Pursuant to section 40N of the Act, the fishing determination notified in this Instrument is to be published in the NSW Government Gazette.

3 Interpretation (1) In this Instrument: ocean trap and line fishery means the share management fishery of that name, as described in Schedule 1 to the Act. spanner crab means the species Ranina ranina. the Act means the Fisheries Management Act 1994. (2) Unless otherwise defined in this Instrument, words and expressions that are defined in the Act have the same meaning in this Instrument.

Note: fishing determinations and TAC determination are defined in section 40A of the Act.

4 TAC determination in the ocean trap and line fishery Pursuant to section 40L of the Act, the total allowable catch of spanner crab that may be taken in the ocean trap and line fishery during the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 is 169,000 kg.


3794 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Fisheries Management (Transitional Fishing Determinations for Estuary General and Ocean Hauling Fisheries) Instrument 2018

under the

Fisheries Management Act 1994

I, GEOFF ALLAN, Deputy Director General, Fisheries, with the delegated authority of the Secretary of the Department of Industry pursuant to section 228 of the Fisheries Management Act 1994, and in pursuance of clause 49 of the Appendix to the Fisheries Management (Estuary General Share Management Plan) Regulation 2006 and clause 29 of the Appendix to the Fisheries Management (Ocean Hauling Share Management Plan) Regulation 2006, make the following Instrument making transitional fishing determinations in the estuary general and ocean hauling fisheries.

Dated this 13th day of June 2018

DR GEOFF ALLAN Deputy Director General, Fisheries Department of Primary Industries (an office within the Department of Industry)

Explanatory note

This Instrument is made under clause 49 of the Appendix to the Fisheries Management (Estuary General Share Management Plan) Regulation 2006 and clause 29 of the Appendix to the Fisheries Management (Ocean Hauling Share Management Plan). The object of this Instrument is to make transitional fishing determinations in the estuary general and ocean hauling fisheries.


3795 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Fisheries Management (Transitional Fishing Determinations for Estuary General and Ocean Hauling Fisheries) Instrument 2018

under the

Fisheries Management Act 1994

Part 1 Preliminary

1 Name of Instrument

This Instrument is the Fisheries Management (Transitional Fishing Determinations for Estuary General and Ocean Hauling Fisheries) Instrument 2018.

2 Duration of transitional fishing determinations

The fishing determinations made in this Instrument have effect for the following periods:

(a) 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019;

(b) 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020;

(c) 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021;

(d) 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022;

(e) 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023;

(f) 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.

3 Interpretation

(1) In this Instrument:

estuary general fishery means the share management fishery of that name, as described in Schedule 1 to the Act.

ocean hauling fishery means the share management fishery of that name, as described in Schedule 1 to the Act.

TAC determination has the same meaning as in section 40A of the Act.

TAE determination has the same meaning as in section 40A of the Act.

the Act means the Fisheries Management Act 1994.

the EG Plan means the Appendix to the Fisheries Management (Estuary General Share Management Plan) Regulation 2006.


3796 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

the OH Plan means the Appendix to the Fisheries Management (Ocean Hauling Share Management Plan) Regulation 2006.

transitional fishing determination means a fishing determination made under Part 11 of the EG Plan or Part 11 of the OH Plan.

(2) Unless otherwise defined in this Instrument, words and expressions that are defined in the Act have the same meaning in this Instrument.

Part 2 Transitional fishing determinations in the estuary general fishery

4 TAC determinations in the estuary general fishery

Pursuant to clause 49 of the EG Plan, the amount specified in Column 1 of the Table to this clause is determined to be the total allowable catch of the species of fish described opposite in Column 2 of the Table that may be taken in the estuary general fishery in respect of each period specified in clause 2 of this Instrument.

Table TAC determinations

Column 1 Column 2 TAC determination Species of fish 206.3 tonnes Mud Crab (Scylla serrata) 225.0 tonnes Blue Swimmer Crab (Portunus armatus) 137.0 tonnes Longfin River Eel (Anguilla reinhardtii) and Shortfin River Eel (Anguilla australis)

5 TAE determination in the estuary general fishery

(1) Pursuant to clause 49 of the EG Plan, the number of days specified in Column 1 of the Table to this clause is determined to be the total number of days in respect of each period specified in clause 2 of this Instrument in which fish may be taken in the estuary general fishery by the holder of a class of shares described opposite in Column 2 of the Table.

(2) In this clause:

day means a 24 hour period commencing when the relevant endorsement holder makes a pre-fishing report using the real time reporting system.

Table TAE determinations

Column 1 Column 2 TAE determination Class of shares “meshing days” 2,002 days Estuary general – meshing shares – Region 1 7,709 days Estuary general – meshing shares – Region 2 4,846 days Estuary general – meshing shares – Region 3 15,196 days Estuary general – meshing shares – Region 4


3797 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Column 1 Column 2 TAE determination Class of shares 2,731 days Estuary general – meshing shares – Region 5 3,651 days Estuary general – meshing shares – Region 6 2,521 days Estuary general – meshing shares – Region 7 “category one hauling days” 593 days Estuary general – category one hauling shares – Region 1 2,497 days Estuary general – category one hauling shares – Region 2 606 days Estuary general – category one hauling shares – Region 3 3,017 days Estuary general – category one hauling shares – Region 4 1,217 days Estuary general – category one hauling shares – Region 5 994 days Estuary general – category one hauling shares – Region 6 703 days Estuary general – category one hauling shares – Region 7 “category two hauling days” 42 days Estuary general – category two hauling shares – Region 1 238 days Estuary general – category two hauling shares – Region 2 97 days Estuary general – category two hauling shares – Region 3 264 days Estuary general – category two hauling shares – Region 4 63 days Estuary general – category two hauling shares – Region 5 185 days Estuary general – category two hauling shares – Region 6 48 days Estuary general – category two hauling shares – Region 7

Part 3 Transitional TAC determination in the ocean hauling fishery

6 TAC determination in the ocean hauling fishery

Pursuant to clause 29 of the OH Plan, the amount specified in Column 1 of the Table to this clause is determined to be the total allowable catch of the species of fish described opposite in Column 2 of the Table that may be taken in the ocean hauling fishery in respect of each period specified in clause 2 of this Instrument.

Table TAC determination

Column 1 Column 2 TAC determination Species of fish 45.5 tonnes Eastern Sea Garfish (Hyporhamphus australis)



3798 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Crown Land Notices 1300 886 235 ROADS ACT 1993 - ORDER TRANSFER OF A CROWN ROAD TO A COUNCIL In pursuance of the provisions of section 151, Roads Act 1993, the Crown road specified in Schedule 1 is hereby transferred to the Roads Authority specified in Schedule 2 hereunder, and as from the date of publication of this notice, the road specified in schedule 1 ceases to be a Crown road. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry SCHEDULE 1 Parish - Auburn Vale; County - Hardinge Land District - Inverell; LGA - Inverell Shire Crown road shown coloured in red on diagram hereunder.

SCHEDULE 2 Roads Authority: Inverell Shire Council Lands Reference: 18/04373


NOTIFICATION OF CLOSING OF A ROAD In pursuance of the provisions of the Roads Act 1993, the road hereunder described is closed and the lands comprised therein cease to be public road and the rights of passage and access that previously existed in relation to the road is extinguished. Upon closing, title to the land, comprising the former public road, vests in the body specified in the Schedule hereunder. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry

3799 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

DESCRIPTION Parish – Coolangatta; County – Camden Land District – Nowra; LGA – Shoalhaven Road Closed: Lot 1 DP 1240611 File No: 17/04482 SCHEDULE On closing, the land within Lot 1 DP 1240611 remains vested in Shoalhaven City Council as operational land for the purposes of the Local Government Act 1993. Council Reference:14693e


NOTICE OF PURPOSE OTHER THAN THE DECLARED PURPOSE PURSUANT TO SECTION 34A(2)(b) OF THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 Pursuant to section 34A(2)(b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown reserve(s) specified in Column 2 of the Schedule is to be used or occupied under a relevant interest granted for the purpose(s) specified in Column 1 of the Schedule where such use or occupation is other than the declared purpose of the reserve The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Business Purposes Reserve No. 170169 Public Purpose: Port facilities and services Notified: 28 June 1996 File Reference: 17/01903


ADDITION OF LANDS TO A WESTERN LANDS LEASE IT is hereby notified that in pursuance of Section 35C of the Western Lands Act 1901, the land particularised in Column 3, being the road closed in Column 4, has been added to the Western Lands Leases identified in Column 1. Minister for Lands and Forestry Description Parishes – Varies Counties – Gunderbooka Land District – Bourke LGA – Bourke

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Western Lands Folio ID Area Addition Former WDR No Total Area Lease No. (ha) following Addition (ha) 186 5138/720087 10.93 104 3805 187 5737/768637; 1/ 6.475 104 5118 753542; 3/753542; 4/ 753542; 5/753542; 661/ 761690; 662/761691; 5736/768636 377 6733/822048 20.24 104 4082 379 5730/768630 4.452 104 4126 1072 5717/768617 0.405 104 2300

File No.: 08/2056


3800 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

NOTICE OF PURPOSE OTHER THAN THE DECLARED PURPOSE PURSUANT TO SECTION 34A(2)(b) OF THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 Pursuant to section 34A(2)(b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown reserve(s) specified in Column 2 of the Schedule is to be used or occupied under a relevant interest granted for the purpose(s) specified in Column 1 of the Schedule where such use or occupation is other than the declared purpose of the reserve The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Business Purposes Reserve No. 1011970 Public Purpose: Business purposes Notified: 28 July 2006 File Reference: 14/01491


APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Emily Jane Evans (new member) Wongwibinda Public Hall And Reserve No. 76613 Simon Wright (re-appointment) Recreation Reserve Trust Public Purpose: public hall, public Tracy Louise Wright (new member) recreation Notified: 5 March 1954 For a term commencing the date of this notice and expiring 14 June File Reference: AE80R170 2023.


REMOVAL FROM OFFICE OF A MEMBER OF A TRUST BOARD Pursuant to clause 6(4) of Schedule 3 to the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 hereunder, is removed from the office of member of the trust board managing the affairs of the reserve trust specified in Column 2, which reserve trust is trustee of the reserve referred to in Column 3. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 William Douglas Upjohn Uralla Showground Trust Dedication No. 510041 Darron Nicholas Phillips Public Purpose: addition, showground Notified: 21 December 1910

Dedication No. 510040 Public Purpose: showground Notified: 26 August 1884

File Reference: AE81R23-002


3801 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Erica Mary Barwell (new member) Uralla Showground Trust Dedication No. 510041 Kim Jocelyn Usher (new member) Public Purpose: addition, Leanne Kay Doran (new member) showground Darron Nicholas Phillips (re- Notified: 21 December 1910 appointment) Karen Maree Zirkler (new member) Dedication No. 510040 Bevely Joy Stubberfield (new Public Purpose: showground member) Notified: 26 August 1884

For a term commencing the date of File Reference: AE81R23-002 this notice and expiring 14 June 2023.


ASSIGNMENT OF NAME TO RESERVE TRUST Pursuant to clause 4(3) of Schedule 8 of the Crown Lands Act 1989 the name specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is assigned to the reserve trust constituted as trustee of the reserve specified opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Tenterfield Night Soil Depot (R35388) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 35388 Public Purpose: Night Soil Depot Notified: 22 November 1902 File Reference: 17/10320 Manilla Night Soil Depot (R35894) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R35894 Public Purpose: Night Soil Depot Notified: 04 April 1903 File Reference: 17/10320 Emu Plains Public Recreation (D500406) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D500406 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 18 February 1870 File Reference: 17/10320 Sydney Public Recreation (D500434) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D500434 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 24 December 1866 File Reference: 17/10320 Waverley Public Recreation (D500492) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D500492 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 13 May 1887 File Reference: 17/10320

3802 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Waverley Public Recreation (D500493) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D500493 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 13 May 1887 File Reference: 17/10320 Manildra Night Soil Depot (R50586) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R50586 Public Purpose: Night Soil Depot Notified: 14 April 1915 File Reference: 17/10320 Delungra Night Soil Depot (R50798) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R50798 Public Purpose: Night Soil Depot Notified: 30 June 1915 File Reference: 17/10320 Guyra Public Recreation (D510043) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D510043 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 12 July 1911 File Reference: 17/10320 Koorawatha Night Soil Depot (R51079) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R51079 Public Purpose: Night Soil Depot Notified: 03 November 1915 File Reference: 17/10320 Boomi Rubbish Depot (R51240) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R51240 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 30 December 1915 File Reference: 17/10320 Emmaville Sanitary Purposes (Addition) (R51257) Reserve No.: R51257 Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Sanitary Purposes (Addition) Notified: 07 January 1916 File Reference: 17/10320 Monteagle Rubbish Depot (R51287) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R51287 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 04 February 1916 File Reference: 17/10320 Urbenville Public Recreation (R51297) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R51297 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 04 February 1916 File Reference: 17/10320 Collie Rubbish Depot (R51303) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R51303 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 11 February 1916 File Reference: 17/10320 Murringo Rubbish Depot (R51332) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R51332 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 25 February 1916 File Reference: 17/10320 Ashley Rubbish Depot (R51427) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R51427 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 14 April 1916 File Reference: 17/10320 Walcha Sanitary Purposes (R51457) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R51457 Public Purpose: Sanitary Purposes Notified: 12 May 1916 File Reference: 17/10320

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Portland Sanitary and Rubbish Depot (R51778) Reserve Reserve No.: R51778 Trust Public Purpose: Sanitary and Rubbish Depot Notified: 20 October 1916 File Reference: 17/10320 Dalgety Rubbish Depot (R52350) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R52350 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 10 August 1917 File Reference: 17/10320 Condobolin Rubbish Depot (R52497) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R52497 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 02 November 1917 File Reference: 17/10320 Goulburn Public Recreation (D530049) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D530049 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 22 May 1897 File Reference: 17/10320 Young Public Recreation (D530052) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D530052 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 14 December 1886 File Reference: 17/10320 Braidwood Public Recreation (D530069) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D530069 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 11 April 1947 File Reference: 17/10320 Queanbeyan Town Hall Site (D530102) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D530102 Public Purpose: Town Hall Site Notified: 25 March 1887 File Reference: 17/10320 Pooncarie Children's Playground (R77413) Reserve Reserve No.: R77413 Trust Public Purpose: Children's Playground Notified: 28 January 1955 File Reference: 17/10320 Caroona Rubbish Depot (R77455) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R77455 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 18 February 1955 File Reference: 17/10320 Bawley Point Public Recreation (R77679) Reserve Reserve No.: R77679 Trust Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 10 June 1955 File Reference: 17/10320 Yetman Rubbish Depot (R77749) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R77749 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 01 July 1955 File Reference: 17/10320 Sutton Rubbish Depot (R78243) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R78243 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 06 January 1956 File Reference: 17/10320 Cooma Sanitary Purposes (R78626) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R78626 Public Purpose: Sanitary Purposes Notified: 01 June 1956 File Reference: 17/10320

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Gilgai Rubbish Depot (R78986) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R78986 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 19 October 1956 File Reference: 17/10320 Wagga Wagga Public Recreation (R80564) Reserve Reserve No.: R80564 Trust Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 18 April 1958 File Reference: 17/10320 Rozelle Public Recreation (R80751) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R80751 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 18 July 1958 File Reference: 17/10320 Bookham Rubbish Depot (R80802) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R80802 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 04 July 1958 File Reference: 17/10320 East Ryde Public Recreation (R80812) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R80812 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 04 July 1958 File Reference: 17/10320 Manildra Night Soil and Rubbish Depot (Addition) Reserve No.: R80880 (R80880) Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Night Soil and Rubbish Depot (Addition) Notified: 25 July 1958 File Reference: 17/10320 Cudal Rubbish Depot (R82612) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R82612 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 03 June 1960 File Reference: 17/10320 Red Range Rubbish Depot (R82828) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R82828 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 30 September 1960 File Reference: 17/10320 Woolbrook Rubbish Depot (R82854) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R82854 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 14 October 1960 File Reference: 17/10320 Harden Public Recreation (R82930) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R82930 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 25 November 1960 File Reference: 17/10320 Lyndhurst Resting Place (R83111) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R83111 Public Purpose: Resting Place Notified: 07 April 1961 File Reference: 17/10320 Armidale Sanitary Purposes (R83234) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R83234 Public Purpose: Sanitary Purposes Notified: 16 June 1961 File Reference: 17/10320 Delegate Rubbish Depot (R83379) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R83379 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 04 August 1961 File Reference: 17/10320

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Castle Rock Preservation of Trees and Resting Place Reserve No.: R83467 (R83467) Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Preservation of Trees and Resting Place Notified: 29 September 1961 File Reference: 17/10320 Bemboka Rubbish Depot (R83637) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R83637 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 15 December 1961 File Reference: 17/10320 Balgowlah Heights Public Recreation (R83646) Reserve No.: R83646 Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 22 December 1961 File Reference: 17/10320 Gunnedah Rubbish Depot (R83792) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R83792 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 06 April 1962 File Reference: 17/10320 Nullamanna Rubbish Depot (R83858) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R83858 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 01 June 1962 File Reference: 17/10320 Nowendoc Rubbish Depot (R83987) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R83987 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 14 September 1962 File Reference: 17/10320 Ashford Rubbish Depot (R84096) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R84096 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 07 December 1962 File Reference: 17/10320 Bredbo Rubbish Depot (R84386) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R84386 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 11 April 1963 File Reference: 17/10320 Yarrabandai Rubbish Depot (R84532) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R84532 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 20 September 1963 File Reference: 17/10320 Leadville Rubbish Depot (R84659) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R84659 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 29 November 1963 File Reference: 17/10320 Wandandian Public Recreation (R84716) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: R84716 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 17 January 1964 File Reference: 17/10320 Murwillumbah Wharf Site (R84880) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 84880 Public Purpose: Wharf Site Notified: 15 May 1964 File Reference: 17/10320 Bexhill Rubbish Depot and Sanitary Purposes (R86626) Reserve No.: 86626 Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot and Sanitary Purposes Notified: 09 February 1968 File Reference: 17/10320

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Alumy Creek Rubbish Depot (R50221) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 50221 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 23 September 1914 File Reference: 17/10320 Woodburn Rubbish Depot (R54974) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 54974 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 18 November 1921 File Reference: 17/10320 South Grafton Rubbish Depot (R51007) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 51007 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 29 September 1915 File Reference: 17/10320 North Dorrigo Rubbish Depot (R60308) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 60308 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 24 February 1928 File Reference: 17/10320 Federal Rubbish Depot (R65234) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 65234 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 17 May 1935 File Reference: 17/10320 The Channon Rubbish Depot (R66165) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 66165 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 07 August 1936 File Reference: 17/10320 Ulmarra Rubbish Depot (R14230) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 14230 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 08 August 1891 File Reference: 17/10320 Bardsley Rubbish Depot (R74751) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 74751 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 22 February 1952 File Reference: 17/10320 Brushgrove Rubbish Depot (R46726) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 46726 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 21 June 1911 File Reference: 17/10320 Yalgogrin Rubbish Depot (R46738) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 46738 Public Purpose: Rubbish Depot Notified: 28 June 1911 File Reference: 17/10320 Evans Head Night Soil Depot (R55721) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 55721 Public Purpose: Night Soil Depot Notified: 13 October 1922 File Reference: 17/10320 Wyndham Domestic Water Supply (R60221) Reserve Reserve No.: 60221 Trust Public Purpose: Domestic Water Supply Notified: 30 December 1927 File Reference: 17/10320 Tucabia Wharf Site and Shelter (R49734) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: 49734 Public Purpose: Wharf Site and Shelter Notified: 04 March 1914 File Reference: 17/10320


3807 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

ASSIGNMENT OF NAME TO RESERVE TRUST Pursuant to clause 4(3) of Schedule 8 of the Crown Lands Act 1989 the name specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is assigned to the reserve trust constituted as trustee of the reserve specified opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Moama Town Hall (D1000168) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D1000168 Public Purpose: Town Hall Notified: 24 December 1943 File Reference: 18/01280 Lockhart Site For Shire Council Chambers (D1000185) Reserve No.: D1000185 Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Site For Shire Council Chambers Notified: 01 April 1926 File Reference: 18/01280 Boorowa Town Hall Site (D1000210) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D1000210 Public Purpose: Town Hall Site Notified: 19 June 1912 File Reference: 18/01280 Muswellbrook Town Hall Site (D1000351) Reserve Reserve No.: D1000351 Trust Public Purpose: Town Hall Site Notified: 24 February 1882 File Reference: 18/01280 Manly Town Hall (D1000408) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D1000408 Public Purpose: Town Hall Notified: 24 August 1911 File Reference: 18/01280 Woolwich Wharfage (D1000434) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D1000434 Public Purpose: Wharfage Notified: 14 March 1884 File Reference: 18/01280 Woolwich Public Wharf (D1000435) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D1000435 Public Purpose: Public Wharf Notified: 27 June 1884 File Reference: 18/01280 Hunters Hill Public Wharf (D1000442) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D1000442 Public Purpose: Public Wharf Notified: 27 June 1884 File Reference: 18/01280 Wellington Town Hall Site (D1001062) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D1001062 Public Purpose: Town Hall Site Notified: 24 February 1882 File Reference: 18/01280 Nyngan Town Hall Site (D1001063) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D1001063 Public Purpose: Town Hall Site Notified: 16 November 1894 File Reference: 18/01280 Randwick Council Chambers Site (D1001064) Reserve Reserve No.: D1001064 Trust Public Purpose: Council Chambers Site Notified: 21 February 1882 File Reference: 18/01280

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Hornsby Town Hall Site (D1001066) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D1001066 Public Purpose: Town Hall Site Notified: 13 July 1928 File Reference: 18/01280 Lawson Shire Council Chambers (D1001067) Reserve Reserve No.: D1001067 Trust Public Purpose: Shire Council Chambers Notified: 08 September 1933 File Reference: 18/01280 Warren Council Chambers Site (D1001073) Reserve Reserve No.: D1001073 Trust Public Purpose: Council Chambers Site Notified: 13 October 1900 File Reference: 18/01280 Manilla Site For Fire Brigade Station (D1001118) Reserve No.: D1001118 Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Site For Fire Brigade Station Notified: 14 January 1938 File Reference: 18/01280 Waratah Public Recreation (D1022068) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D1022068 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 04 April 1884 File Reference: 18/01280 Matraville Public Hall (D500208) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D500208 Public Purpose: Public Hall Notified: 13 October 1961 File Reference: 18/01280 Lavender Bay Baths and Public Recreation (D500346) Reserve No.: D500346 Reserve Trust Public Purpose: Baths and Public Recreation Notified: 23 December 1890 File Reference: 18/01280 Armidale Town Hall (D510028) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D510028 Public Purpose: Town Hall Notified: 09 June 1874 File Reference: 18/01280 Gulgong Fire Brigade Station (D520110) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D520110 Public Purpose: Fire Brigade Station Notified: 19 February 1954 File Reference: 18/01280 Yass Public Recreation (D530056) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D530056 Public Purpose: Public Recreation Notified: 20 August 1886 File Reference: 18/01280 Grenfell Town Hall Site (D590038) Reserve Trust Reserve No.: D590038 Public Purpose: Town Hall Site Notified: 05 March 1937 File Reference: 18/01280 Grenfell Shire Council Chambers (D590039) Reserve Reserve No.: D590039 Trust Public Purpose: Shire Council Chambers Notified: 05 March 1937 File Reference: 18/01280


NOTICE OF PURPOSE OTHER THAN THE DECLARED PURPOSE PURSUANT TO SECTION 34A(2)(b) OF THE CROWN LANDS ACT 1989 Pursuant to section 34A(2)(b) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown reserve(s) specified in Column 2 of the Schedule is to be used or occupied under a relevant interest granted for the purpose(s) specified in Column 1 of the Schedule where such use or occupation is other than the declared purpose of the reserve

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The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 site investigation Reserve No. 1187 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 26 September 1881 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 14697 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 24 October 1891 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 14698 Public Purpose: camping Notified: 24 October 1891 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 27153 Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock Notified: 15 January 1898 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 32019 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 18 January 1901 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 32020 Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock Notified: 18 January 1901 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 32021 Public Purpose: camping, refuge in time of flood, travelling stock Notified: 18 January 1901 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 33868 Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock Notified: 8 February 1902 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 34377 Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock Notified: 26 April 1902 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 34378 Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock Notified: 26 April 1902 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 34384 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 26 April 1902 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 36959 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 5 December 1903 File Reference: 18/02390

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Column 1 Column 2 Reserve No. 38766 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 30 December 1904 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 45682 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 31 August 1910 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 51529 Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock Notified: 30 June 1916 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 63928 Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock Notified: 12 May 1933 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 65311 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 21 June 1935 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 65313 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 21 June 1935 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 65315 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 21 June 1935 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 66007 Public Purpose: camping, travelling stock Notified: 22 May 1936 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 83844 Public Purpose: travelling stock Notified: 10 August 1962 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 85949 Public Purpose: public recreation Notified: 16 September 1966 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 94749 Public Purpose: soil conservation service depot site Notified: 15 May 1981 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 96435 Public Purpose: access, roadway Notified: 12 November 1982 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 755982 Public Purpose: future public requirements Notified: 29 June 2007 File Reference: 18/02390

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Column 1 Column 2 Reserve No. 756007 Public Purpose: future public requirements Notified: 29 June 2007 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 756009 Public Purpose: future public requirements Notified: 29 June 2007 File Reference: 18/02390 Reserve No. 756010 Public Purpose: future public requirements Notified: 29 June 2007 File Reference: 18/02390 Schedule Column 1 Column 2 retaining wall Reserve No. 53977 rock armouring Public Purpose: public recreation concrete ramp Notified: 4 June 1920 fish cleaning sink File Reference: 17/01941 jetty pipeline amenities building temporary site office stockpile Schedule Column 1 Column 2 reclamation Reserve No. 1016788 Public Purpose: rural services Notified: 19 December 2008 File Reference: 17/02071

Reserve No. 1011788 Public Purpose: access and public requirements, tourism purposes and environmental and heritage conservation Notified: 7 July 2006 File Reference: 17/02071 Schedule Column 1 Column 2 buffer zone Reserve No. 1016868 Public Purpose: environmental protection Notified: 2 January 2009 File Reference: 18/02927

Reserve No. 1016869 Public Purpose: urban services Notified: 2 January 2009 File Reference: 18/02927

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Schedule Column 1 Column 2 environmental rehabilitation Reserve No. 85250 Public Purpose: future public requirements Notified: 26 February 1965 File Reference: 18/04250

Reserve No. 752034 Public Purpose: future public requirements Notified: 29 June 2007 File Reference: 18/04250 Schedule Column 1 Column 2 filming event Reserve No. 1030008 Public Purpose: environmental protection, public recreation Notified: 3 December 2010 File Reference: 18/03494 Schedule Column 1 Column 2 access Reserve No. 751056 grazing Public Purpose: future public requirements Notified: 29 June 2007 File Reference: 16/03783


ADDITION TO RESERVED CROWN LAND Pursuant to section 88 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the Crown land specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is added to the reserved land specified opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Land District: Murwillumbah Reserve No. 140049 Local Government Area: Tweed Shire Council Public Purpose: Kindergarten Locality: Pottsville Notified: 9 September 1988

Part Lot: Lot 1 DP 1240808 (being the remainder), as Part Lot: Lot 1 DP No 1240808 Parish Cudgen shown by black hatching on the diagram hereunder, County Rous Parish Cudgen County Rous Area: 3993 m2 New Area: 5400 m2 File Reference: GF98R30#01

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Notes: Part Reserve 792 for Site for Village Purposes notified 31 October 1881, part Reserve 52373 for Sale or Lease other than Annual Lease notified 17 August 1917 and part Reserve 74096 for Rubbish Depot and Sanitary Purposes notified 16 March 1951, are hereby revoked by this notification. The affected part of Reserve 1012191 for the public purpose of access and public requirements, rural services, tourism purposes and environmental and heritage conservation notified 25 August 2006 is not affected by this notification.


APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Philip John Hill (new member) Booyong Public Recreation And Reserve No. 62153 Preservation Of Native Flora Public Purpose: preservation of For a term commencing the date of Reserve Trust native flora, public recreation this notice and expiring 09 May Notified: 3 October 1930 2023. File Reference: GF81R372-003


3814 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Sandra Leigh O'Connor (re- Gundurimba Flood Refuge Reserve Reserve No. 38468 appointment) Trust Public Purpose: refuge in time of Bruce Ross (re-appointment) flood Dennis Patrick O'Connor (re- Notified: 22 October 1904 appointment) Alan Hoskins (re-appointment) File Reference: 10/19046 Suzanne Margaret Forsyth (re- appointment)

For a term commencing 27 September 2018 and expiring 26 September 2023.


APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Loretta Matilda Watts (re- Mt St Joseph Trust Reserve No. 100102 appointment) Public Purpose: community Melissa Jane Reil (re-appointment) purposes Margaret Mary Noonan (re- Notified: 26 June 1987 appointment) File Reference: MN84R130-002 For a term commencing 13 September 2018 and expiring 12 September 2023.


DISSOLUTION OF RESERVE TRUST Pursuant to section 92(3) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder, which was established in respect of the reserve specified opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule, is dissolved. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry

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Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Terrey Hills Sports (R1014569) Reserve Trust Reserve No. 1014569 Public Purpose: community purposes, public recreation Notified: 22 February 2008

File Reference: 14/03660


APPOINTMENT OF RESERVE TRUST AS TRUSTEE OF A RESERVE Pursuant to section 92(1) of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the reserve trust specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder is appointed as trustee of the reserve specified opposite thereto in Column 2 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Northern Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust Reserve No. 1014569 Public Purpose: community purposes, public recreation Notified: 22 February 2008

File Reference: 14/03660


APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Elizabeth Joyce Lennon (re- Turondale Recreation Reserve Trust Dedication No. 590119 appointment) Public Purpose: public recreation Brenden Edward Cole (re- Notified: 9 June 1897 appointment) Frederick Collett (re-appointment) File Reference: OE83R7/5 John Michael Lennon (re- appointment) Beryl Sylvia Collett (re- appointment)

For a term commencing 19 July 2018 and expiring 18 July 2023.


APPOINTMENT OF TRUST BOARD MEMBERS Pursuant to section 93 of the Crown Lands Act 1989, the persons whose names are specified in Column 1 of the Schedule hereunder are appointed, for the terms of office specified in that Column, as members of the trust board for the reserve trust specified opposite thereto in Column 2, which has been established and appointed as trustee of the reserve referred to opposite thereto in Column 3 of the Schedule. The Hon Paul Toole, MP Minister for Lands and Forestry

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Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Robert John Godfrey (new member) Kendall Community Centre Reserve Reserve No. 98013 Trust Public Purpose: community For a term commencing the date of purposes this notice and expiring 24 July Notified: 6 December 1985 2019. File Reference: TE85R23


3817 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Other Government Notices ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 2009 Cancellation of registration pursuant to section 80 TAKE NOTICE that CENTRAL COAST EVANGELICAL CHURCH INCORPORATED (Y2683111) became registered under the Corporations Act 2001 as EV CHURCH LIMITED (ACN 619 959 125), a company limited by guarantee, on 26 July 2017, and accordingly its registration under the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 is cancelled as of that date. Christine Gowland Delegate of the Commissioner, NSW Fair Trading 24 May 2018


ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 2009 Cancellation of incorporation pursuant to section 74 TAKE NOTICE that the incorporation of the following associations is cancelled by this notice pursuant to section 74 of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009. DEAF CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP OF NEW SOUTH WALES INCORPORATED Y2012613 DOODY PARK INCORPORATED INC9893178 ELECTRIX NETBALL CLUB INC9893443 GROSE VALLEY POSITIVE PLANNING GROUP INCORPORATED INC9897871 JUST B CAUSE AUSTRALIA INCORPORATED INC9897483 MUDGEE RC MODEL CLUB INCORPORATED INC1701530 TIBOOBURRA MULTI-PURPOSE CENTRE INCORPORATED Y2969625 WEDDERBURN AGAINST MINING INCORPORATED INC9891157 WILLIAMTOWN CRAFT GROUP INCORPORATED INC9891104 Cancellation is effective as at the date of gazettal. Dated this 13 June 2018. Robyne Lunney Delegate of the Commissioner NSW Fair Trading


ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 2009 Cancellation of incorporation pursuant to section 74 TAKE NOTICE that the incorporation of the following associations is cancelled by this notice pursuant to section 74 of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009. FILLING THE GAP INCORPORATED Y9889355 Cancellation is effective as at the date of gazettal. Dated this 13 June 2018. Robyne Lunney Delegate of the Commissioner NSW Fair Trading


3818 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

GEOGRAPHICAL NAMES ACT 1966 Notice of Proposal to Amend Locality Boundaries in the Kosciuszko National Park PURSUANT to the provisions of Section 8 of the Geographical Names Act 1966, the Geographical Names Board hereby notifies that it proposes to amend the advertised locality boundary of Guthega to allow for the creation of Blue Cow as shown on map GNB5886-1-B. Copies of map GNB5886-1-B showing the proposal will be on display at: • Snowy Monaro Regional Council, Jindabyne Office, 2/1 Gippsland Street, Jindabyne • Tumut Visitor Centre, The Old Butter Factory, 5 Adelong Road, Tumut • Snowy Region Visitor Centre, 49 , Jindabyne The maps will be on display from Wednesday 13 June 2018 until Friday 13 July 2018. A copy of map GNB5886-1-B will also be on display at the office of the Geographical Names Board, Spatial Services, 346 Panorama Avenue, Bathurst NSW 2795 during the above dates. Details of this proposal may be viewed and submissions lodged on the Geographical Names Board website at Alternatively, email submissions may be lodged with the Secretary, Geographical Names Board, at [email protected] or written submissions mailed to 346 Panorama Ave, Bathurst, NSW 2795. In accordance with Section 9 of the Geographical Names Act 1966, all submissions lodged may be subject to a Government Information (Public Access) application and may be viewed by a third party to assist the Board in considering this proposal. NARELLE UNDERWOOD Chair Geographical Names Board PO Box 143 BATHURST NSW 2795


PARENTS AND CITIZENS ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 1976 Section 13 (4) NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF PARENTS AND CITIZENS ASSOCIATIONS The following associations are hereby incorporated under the Parents and Citizens Associations Incorporation Act 1976. 1. Mount Lewis Infants School 2. Charlestown Public School 3. La Perouse Public School 4. Wentworth Point Public School Michael Waterhouse General Counsel Department of Education 13 June 2018


POISONS AND THERAPEUTIC GOODS REGULATION 2008 ORDER – Withdrawal of Drug Authority Notice is hereby given, under clause 175(1) of the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008, that an order has been made on Dr Edward Phillip Kremer (MED0000940068) of Bondi Beach NSW 2026, prohibiting him until further notice, as a medical practitioner, from supplying or having possession of drugs of addiction as authorised by clause 101 of the Regulation and issuing a prescription for a drug of addiction as authorised by clause 77 of the Regulation. This Order is to take effect on and from 14 June 2018.

3819 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Government Notices

Dated 12 June 2018 ELIZABETH KOFF Secretary NSW Health


POISONS AND THERAPEUTIC GOODS REGULATION 2008 ORDER – Withdrawal of Drug Authority Notice is hereby given, under clause 175(1) of the Poisons and Therapeutic Goods Regulation 2008, that an Order has been made on Dr Peter Joseph Buys (DEN0001404760) of Wamberal NSW 2260, prohibiting him until further notice, as a dental practitioner, from possessing or supplying a drug of addiction as authorised by clause 101 of the Regulation, and issuing a prescription for a drug of addiction as authorised by clause 77 of the Regulation. This Order is to take effect on and from 14 June 2018. Dated 4 June 2018 ELIZABETH KOFF Secretary NSW Health


3820 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices COUNCIL NOTICES CITY COUNCIL ROADS ACT 1993 Naming of Roads Notice is hereby given that Coffs Harbour City Council, pursuant to section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, has officially named the road(s) as shown hereunder: Name Locality GARIE CLOSE Woolgoolga Description Off Solitary Islands Way

Name Locality WHITEHAVEN CRESCENT Woolgoolga Description Off Solitary Islands Way STEPHEN MCGRATH, General Manager, Coffs Harbour City Council, Locked Bag 155, COFFS HARBOUR NSW 2450

GNB Ref: 0124 [n2018-2052]

HILLTOPS COUNCIL ROADS ACT 1993 Naming of Roads Notice is hereby given that Hilltops Council, pursuant to section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, has officially named the road(s) as shown hereunder: Name Locality JIM ANDERSON AVENUE Young Description Existing road (known as Anderson Avenue), that runs between Fontenoy Street and McNarry Place, Young David Aber, Acting General Manager, Hilltops Council, Locked Bag No 5, YOUNG NSW 2594


LIVERPOOL CITY COUNCIL ROADS ACT 1993 Naming of Roads Notice is hereby given that Liverpool City Council, pursuant to section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, has officially named the road(s) as shown hereunder: Name Locality BLAZER STREET Austral Description Proposed east-west road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed extension of Browns Road to proposed Oats Street, between Seventh Avenue and Freiberger Street

3821 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Name Locality BILBERRY STREET Austral Description New east-west road created as part of the subdivision of Lot 547 DP2475, running east from extension of Browns Road. May extend to the east as part of the future subdivision of Lot 548 DP2475.

Name Locality ARAPAWA STREET Austral Description Proposed east-west road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed extension of Browns Road to Twentyeighth Avenue, between Emu Rock Street and Appenzell Street

Name Locality ALEPPO STREET Austral Description Proposed east-west road as shown on indicative layout plan from Lamancha Road to Twentyeighth Avenue, between Arapawa Street and Fourteenth Avenue

Name Locality APPENZELL STREET Austral Description Proposed east-west road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed extension of Browns Road to proposed Kamori Road, between Arapawa Street and Fourteenth Avenue

Name Locality CHAPPAR STREET Austral Description Proposed east-west road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed extension of Browns Road to Twentyeighth Avenue, between Nubian Street and Thirteenth Avenue

Name Locality DERRIMUT CRESCENT Austral Description Proposed L-shaped road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed Kamori Road to proposed Emu Rock Street

Name Locality COTENTINE STREET Austral Description Proposed east-west road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed Shamo Street to proposed Landaise Road

Name Locality DUN ROAD Austral Description Proposed L-shaped road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed Winterhead Street to proposed Welara Avenue

3822 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Name Locality FREIBERGER STREET Austral Description Proposed east-west road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed extension of Browns Road to proposed Oats Street, between Welara Avenue and Blazer Street

Name Locality EMU ROCK STREET Austral Description Proposed east-west road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed extension of Browns Road to proposed Derrimut Crescent

Name Locality FLAXEN STREET Austral Description Proposed north-south road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed Pacer Street to proposed Welara Avenue, between Lethbridge Road and Stallion Street

Name Locality GANUGAN ROAD Austral Description New north-south road created as part of the subdivision of Lot 2 DP1237134, running from Seventh Avenue to proposed Welara Avenue May extend to the north as part of the future subdivision of Lots 959 & 973 DP2475.

Name Locality GIDRAN STREET Austral Description Proposed north-south road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed Pacer Street to proposed Welara Avenue, between Dun Road and Edmondson Avenue

Name Locality DUAN STREET Austral Description Proposed east-west road as shown on indicative layout plan from Lamancha Road to Twentyeighth Avenue, between Poitou Loop and Arapawa Street

Name Locality LETHBRIDGE ROAD Austral Description New north-south road created as part of the subdivision of Lots 1-2 DP1237134, running from Seventh Avenue to Sixth Avenue. May extend to the north as part of the future subdivision of Lots 869, 876, 913, 921, 958, & 974 DP2475.

Name Locality KAMORI ROAD Austral Description Proposed north-south road as shown on indicative layout plan from Thirteenth Avenue to proposed Derrimut Crescent

3823 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Name Locality KALBIAN STREET Austral Description Proposed north-south road as shown on indicative layout plan from Thirteenth Avenue to proposed extension of Twentyeight Avenue

Name Locality JONICA ROAD Austral Description Proposed north-south road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed Arapawa Street to proposed Chappar Street

Name Locality NUBIAN STREET Austral Description New east-west road created as part of the subdivision of Lot 547 DP2475, running east from extension of Browns Road. May extend to the east as part of future subdivision of Lots 548 & 628-629 DP2475

Name Locality POLBAR STREET Austral Description Proposed L-shaped road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed Shamo Street to proposed Rosecomb Crescent

Name Locality OATS STREET Austral Description Proposed north-south road as shown on indicative layout plan from Sixth Avenue to proposed Savoy Street

Name Locality PACER STREET Austral Description New east-west road created as part of the subdivision of Lot 2 DP1237134, running west from proposed Lethbridge Road. May extend to the west as part of the future subdivision of Lots 1007-1010 DP2475.

Name Locality POITOU LOOP Austral Description Proposed loop road as shown on indicative layout plan off proposed Duan Street

Name Locality PYNCHEON STREET Austral Description Proposed north-south road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed Polbar Street to Eighth Avenue

Name Locality SHAMO STREET Austral Description Proposed L-shaped road as shown on indicative layout plan from Ninth Avenue to proposed Landaise Road

3824 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Name Locality STALLION STREET Austral Description Proposed north-south road as shown on indicative layout plan from proposed Pacer Street to proposed Welara Avenue, between Flaxen Street and Dun Road

Name Locality WELARA AVENUE Austral Description New east-west road created as part of the subdivision of Lot 2 DP1237134. May extend to the east and west as part of the future subdivision of Lots 1007, 1033-1034 & 1037-1040 DP2475. KIERSTEN FISHBURN, Chief Executive Officer, Liverpool City Council, LOCKED BAG 7064, LIVERPOOL BC NSW 1871

GNB Ref: 0126 [n2018-2054]

MID-COAST COUNCIL ROADS ACT 1993 Naming of Roads Notice is hereby given that Mid-Coast Council, pursuant to section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, has officially named the road(s) as shown hereunder: Name Locality STONE LANE Wingham Description Unnamed Crown Road that runs off Khatabundah Road Wingham for approx. 2.45kms. STEVE EMBRY, Acting General Manager, Mid-Coast Council, PO Box 450, FORSTER NSW 2428

GNB Ref: 0127 [n2018-2055]

QUEANBEYAN-PALERANG REGIONAL COUNCIL ROADS ACT 1993 Naming of Roads Notice is hereby given that Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, pursuant to section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, has officially named the road(s) as shown hereunder: Name Locality NOMCHONG STREET BRAIDWOOD Description This name has been selected for a new subdivision development in the town of Braidwood.

Name Locality COFFEY STREET BRAIDWOOD Description This name has been selected for a new subdivision development in the town of Braidwood. PETER TEGART, General Manager, Queanbeyan-Palerang Regional Council, 10 Majara Street, BUNGENDORE NSW 2621

GNB Ref: 0007 [n2018-2056]

3825 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

TAMWORTH REGIONAL COUNCIL Local Government Act 1993 Section 713 Sale of Land for Overdue Rates and Charges NOTICE is hereby given that Tamworth Regional Council proposes to sell the land described hereunder for unpaid rates and charges at public auction. Name of Auctioneer: Burke and Smyth Real Estate Place, Date and Time of Auction: Passchendaele Room, Tamworth Town Hall, Fitzroy Street, TAMWORTH NSW 2340, on Wednesday 10 October 2018 at 6.00pm If all rates and charges payable (including overdue rates and charges) are not paid to Tamworth Regional Council or an arrangement satisfactory to Tamworth Regional Council is not entered into by the rateable person/s before the time fixed for the sale, Tamworth Regional Council will proceed with the sale.

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates Amount of any Total council to have an and charges unpaid other rates and Amount Due interest in land for more than five charges payable years from the date and unpaid and on which they the amount of any became payable interest accrued and the amount of any interest accrued $$$ HAMILTON, Kevin Lot 13 DP 37997 1,938.51 13,033.97 14,972.48 Patrick (Estate) 166 Goonoo Goonoo Road, (GE Personal WEST TAMWORTH NSW Finance Pty Ltd) 2340 WALKER, Billy Lot 32 DP 263280 3,002.97 19,878.55 22,881.52 Thomas 18 Mullumbimby Close, (St. George Bank HILLVUE NSW 2340 Limited) HOWISON, Stephen Lot 41 DP 816306 4,495.33 18,704.71 23,200.04 Paul & HOWISON, 4 Bryan Street, Christina Vivienne SOUTH TAMWORTH NSW June 2340 (St. George Bank Limited) Jingellic Minerals N L Lot 13 DP 258222 21,675.59 16,495.13 38,170.72 Prentice Avenue, EAST TAMWORTH NSW 2340 McKENZIE, Edward Lot 1 DP 668921 23,618.86 13,193.94 36,812.80 Alfred & LENNAN, Bridge Street, Mary Ann Henrietta WEST TAMWORTH NSW (Registrar General) 2340 STANFIELD, Lot 1 DP 119246 18,601.09 13,455.41 32,056.50 Richard Allwright Darling Street, EAST TAMWORTH NSW 2340 WARDEN, Elizabeth Lot 71 DP 755335 2,224.79 3,180.13 5,404.92 Jane (Estate) Happy Valley Road, HANGING ROCK NSW 2340

3826 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates Amount of any Total council to have an and charges unpaid other rates and Amount Due interest in land for more than five charges payable years from the date and unpaid and on which they the amount of any became payable interest accrued and the amount of any interest accrued $$$ FOLEY, James Lot 108 DP 755335 1,248.41 2,425.06 3,673.47 Nundle Creek Road, NUNDLE NSW 2340 McDONALD, Lot 842 DP 598878 7,745.97 5,157.83 12,903.80 Kenneth John 2200 Ogunbil Road, OGUNBIL NSW 2340 HITCHCOCK, Lots 4-7 Section 22 DP 3,961.62 5,889.54 9,851.16 Christopher Harvey 758090 80-86 Caroline Street, BENDEMEER NSW 2355 RIELY, Harold Lot 80 DP 755326 2,148.27 3,539.16 5,687.43 Spring Creek Road, MULLA CREEK NSW 2352 AFFLECK, Michael Lot 74 DP 753839 2,840.94 3,124.91 5,965.85 Bruce Den Mountain Road, WATSONS CREEK NSW 2355 BURR, Alexander Lot 11 Section 1 DP 759062 8,123.98 2,736.43 10,860.41 George (Estate) & Britten Street, BURR, Arthur Joseph WEABONGA NSW 2340 (Estate) & BURR, Raymond John (Estate) ALLEN, Matthew Lot 43 DP 862253 3,894.01 18,453.70 22,347.71 Gordon Luke & 32 Hyson Street, KASCH, Noni Ann KOOTINGAL NSW 2352 (Indigenous Business Australia) PARSONS, Ronald Lot 1A DP 161131 3,148.55 3,058.31 6,206.86 Stanley & 106 Scotland Road, PARSONS, Margaret SOMERTON NSW 2340 Anne DAVIS, Charles Lot 3 DP 114874 3,564.93 2,880.78 6,445.71 (Registrar General) Heath Road, GOWRIE NSW 2340 HOUGH, Edward Lot 1 DP 114644 3,988.48 3,055.82 7,044.30 James Gowrie Road, GOWRIE NSW 2340 TONGUE, Ronald Lot 1 DP 652350 2,802.86 2,631.84 5,434.70 Francis (Estate) & Back Woolomin Road, TONGUE, Warren DUNGOWAN NSW 2340 Joseph (Estate) WALKER, Samuel Lot 281 DP 753834 3,150.64 2,707.86 5,858.50 John Manilla Road, ATTUNGA NSW 2345

3827 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates Amount of any Total council to have an and charges unpaid other rates and Amount Due interest in land for more than five charges payable years from the date and unpaid and on which they the amount of any became payable interest accrued and the amount of any interest accrued $$$ BURNES, John Lot 6 DP 114593 2,032.81 2,525.01 4,557.82 William Limbri Road, LIMBRI NSW 2352 RODGERS, Andrew Lot 1 DP 916971 922.13 2,450.54 3,372.67 & Manilla Road, ARMSTRONG, ATTUNGA NSW 2345 Andrew & WILES, Henry & HALL, John & PIDDINGTON, William Jones Killick & LAWSON, James Lewis (Estate) (Registrar General) PAGE, Percival Lot 1 DP 114745 2,173.76 2,512.51 4,686.27 Joseph & Duri Dungowan Road, PAGE, Albert Samuel DURI NSW 2344 COMSERV Pty Lot 7 DP 263359 2,157.06 2,800.38 4,957.44 Limited , MOONBI NSW 2353 McEWAN, James & Lot 132 DP 755335 877.48 2,098.64 2,976.12 RACKHAM, John & Nundle Creek Road, CLARKE, Joseph & NUNDLE NSW 2340 GRIFFITHS, Richard & PAUL, Stephen (Snr) HARTIGAN, Strange Lot 64 DP 755335 1,219.45 3,062.12 4,281.57 Butson Happy Valley Road, NUNDLE NSW 2340 THE PEEL RIVER Lot 3 DP 214591 603.77 2,033.94 2,637.71 LAND & MINERAL New England Highway, COMPANY GOWRIE NSW 2340 LIMITED COMSERV PTY Lot 6 DP 263359 2,659.06 3,858.49 6,517.55 LIMITED New England Highway MOONBI NSW 2353 RINCOT PTY Lot 18 DP 759062 2,533.98 2,241.88 4,775.86 LIMITED Britten Street, (Ozzy Loans Pty Ltd), WEABONGA NSW 2340 (Simmonds Lumber Pty Ltd) & (Permanent Custodians Limited)

3828 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates Amount of any Total council to have an and charges unpaid other rates and Amount Due interest in land for more than five charges payable years from the date and unpaid and on which they the amount of any became payable interest accrued and the amount of any interest accrued $$$ SAVILLE, Thomas Lot 14 DP 753831 2,311.02 3,529.39 5,840.41 Charles Street BENDEMEER NSW 2355 BUSIDO 1 Pty Lot 26 DP 1129207 5,363.32 9,282.60 14,645.92 LIMITED Flagstaff Road, NORTH TAMWORTH NSW 2340 BUSIDO 1 Pty Lot 27 DP 1129207 5,467.15 9,187.40 14,654.55 LIMITED Flagstaff Road, NORTH TAMWORTH NSW 2340 McKENZIE, Sarah Lot 22 DP 1131170 7,240.38 12,584.92 19,825.30 Bridge Street, WEST TAMWORTH NSW 2340 DOWE, Hilda Mary Lot 1 DP 1137843 5,672.07 10,097.83 15,769.90 & Griffin Avenue, DOWE, Constance EAST TAMWORTH NSW Bloomfield 2340 REID, Frederick Lot 1 DP 1062671 6,644.98 11,891.08 18,536.06 Robson Dowell Avenue, EAST TAMWORTH NSW 2340 BAIRD, Samuel John Lot 66 DP 23401 4,256.09 9,186.69 13,442.78 Goonoo Goonoo Road, SOUTH TAMWORTH NSW 2340 TAYLOR, Rene Lot 20 DP 28143 3,981.15 8,361.01 12,342.16 Churchill Street, SOUTH TAMWORTH NSW 2340 ROBEY, Jane Ethel Lot 33 DP 25649 4,073.82 8,570.27 12,644.09 Churchill Street, SOUTH TAMWORTH NSW 2340 MAHONY, John Lot 1 DP 1142315 4,624.25 10,619.75 15,244.00 Denne Street, WEST TAMWORTH NSW 2340

3829 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates Amount of any Total council to have an and charges unpaid other rates and Amount Due interest in land for more than five charges payable years from the date and unpaid and on which they the amount of any became payable interest accrued and the amount of any interest accrued $$$ PRYOR, Egbert & Lot 31 DP 1170447 262.56 1,652.08 1,914.64 HALLIDAY, John & Appleby Lane McLELLAN, APPLEBY NSW 2340 Kenneth Alexander & HALL, Robert Albert & WALKER, Samuel John & WALKER, Samuel Robert & PEEK, Thomas Brown & EVANS, William Date of Notice: 31 May 2018 Mr PA Bennett, General Manager, Tamworth Regional Council, 437 Peel Street, TAMWORTH NSW 2340.


TAMWORTH REGIONAL COUNCIL Local Government Act 1993 Section 713 Sale of Land for Overdue Rates and Charges NOTICE is hereby given that Tamworth Regional Council proposes to sell the land described hereunder for unpaid rates and charges at public auction. Name of Auctioneer: Hart Rural Agencies Place, Date and Time of Auction: Manilla RSL Club, 25 Court Street, MANILLA NSW 2346 on Friday 28 September 2018 at 10.00am If all rates and charges payable (including overdue rates and charges) are not paid to Tamworth Regional Council or an arrangement satisfactory to Tamworth Regional Council is not entered into by the rateable person/s before the time fixed for the sale, Tamworth Regional Council will proceed with the sale.

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates and Amount of any Total council to have an charges unpaid for other rates and Amount interest in land more than five years charges payable Due from the date on and unpaid and which they became the amount of any payable and the interest accrued amount of any interest accrued $$$ Collingra Pty Ltd Lot 36 DP 865602 4,142.51 4,881.99 9,024.50 Croydon Cottage 42 Dunmore Road, HALLS CREEK NSW 2346

3830 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates and Amount of any Total council to have an charges unpaid for other rates and Amount interest in land more than five years charges payable Due from the date on and unpaid and which they became the amount of any payable and the interest accrued amount of any interest accrued $$$ GLANVILLE, Lot 1 DP 537887 8,907.88 17,383.64 26,291.52 Matthew John & 7 Kennedy Street, GLANVILLE, MANILLA NSW 2346 Cassandra Jean (Tamworth & District Co- Operative Housing Society), (Leasewise Australia Pty Ltd) KELLY, Michael Lot 86 DP 752202 11,489.51 4,490.35 15,979.86 Joseph Warrabah Road, WARRABAH NSW 2346 BORGER, Leo Lot 1 DP 252477 3,212.13 3,035.29 6,247.42 Henry (Estate) & Edgerton Lane, BORGER, Joy WONGO CREEK NSW 2346 Gabrielle (Estate) The Uniting Lot 1 DP 914221 2,332.04 2,742.06 5,074.10 Church In Australia Halls Creek Road, Property Trust MANILLA NSW 2346 (NSW) – Manilla BYRNES, James Lot 1 DP 1143797 1,304.16 2,203.65 3,507.81 Thomas & Sneesbys Road, BYRNES, John UPPER MANILLA NSW 2346 Francis & BYRNES, Peter Gerard (National Australia Bank), (Commonwealth Bank of Australia) & (Rural Bank of NSW) POLLOCK, David Lot 1 DP 436257 715.59 1,680.24 2,395.83 John & Manilla Road, POLLOCK, Maree MANILLA NSW 2346 Anne ROBERTS, Lot 4 DP 113984 873.22 2,086.55 2,959.77 Thomas William Halls Creek Road, Valentine & HALLS CREEK NSW 2346 KENNEDY, John Duncan COOK, Thomas Lot 7 DP 251703 890.39 2,768.50 3,658.89 Arthur Manilla Road, KLORI NSW 2346

3831 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates and Amount of any Total council to have an charges unpaid for other rates and Amount interest in land more than five years charges payable Due from the date on and unpaid and which they became the amount of any payable and the interest accrued amount of any interest accrued $$$ WHEELER, Hilary Lot 1 DP 112252 877.48 2,098.01 2,975.49 Clement Manilla Road, (Registrar UPPER MANILLA NSW 2346 General) BUCKNELL, Lot 2 DP 127889 716.45 1,682.96 2,399.41 Glynn Wentworth Manilla Road, & BUCKNELL, LONGARM NSW 2347 Mary Catherine Date of Notice: 31 May 2018 Mr PA Bennett, General Manager, Tamworth Regional Council, 437 Peel Street, TAMWORTH NSW 2340.


TAMWORTH REGIONAL COUNCIL Local Government Act 1993 Section 713 Sale of Land for Overdue Rates and Charges NOTICE is hereby given that Tamworth Regional Council proposes to sell the land described hereunder for unpaid rates and charges at public auction. Name of Auctioneer: Hart Rural Agencies Place, Date and Time of Auction: Barraba Rugby Club, Trevallyn Road, BARRABA NSW 2347 on Thursday 27 September 2018 at 10.00am If all rates and charges payable (including overdue rates and charges) are not paid to Tamworth Regional Council or an arrangement satisfactory to Tamworth Regional Council is not entered into by the rateable person/s before the time fixed for the sale, Tamworth Regional Council will proceed with the sale.

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates and Amount of any Total council to have an charges unpaid for more other rates and Amount Due interest in land than five years from the charges payable date on which they and unpaid and became payable and the the amount of amount of any interest any interest accrued accrued $$$ BURCH, Demascus Lot 2 DP 568359 15,896.21 14,012.40 29,908.61 Eloise (Estate) 55 Alice Street, (Official Trustee in BARRABA NSW Bankruptcy) 2347 MOON, Richard Lot 19 DP 243321 3,985.86 8,103.56 12,089.42 (Estate) 3 Arthur Street, BARRABA NSW 2347

3832 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates and Amount of any Total council to have an charges unpaid for more other rates and Amount Due interest in land than five years from the charges payable date on which they and unpaid and became payable and the the amount of amount of any interest any interest accrued accrued $$$ SHARMA, Vinay Lot 18 DP 243321 16,860.73 12,551.08 29,411.81 Bimal 5 Arthur Street, BARRABA NSW 2347 CHILLINGWORTH, Lot 16 DP 243321 16,209.50 12,832.55 29,042.05 Jody Robert, 9 Arthur Street, COATES, Philip BARRABA NSW Andrew, 2347 JOUGHLIN, Bruce Edward, LATU, Sailine & MOSMAN, Kelly MAUNDER, Douglas Lot 15 DP 243321 6,729.37 10,130.12 16,859.49 John 11 Arthur Street, (MILLER, Stuart BARRABA NSW William) 2347 ECKFORD, Darrell Lot 14 DP 243321 11,276.31 12,812.83 24,089.14 (MILLER, Stuart 13 Arthur Street, William) BARRABA NSW 2347 SUTTON, Fabian Lot 11 DP 243321 14,524.57 13,887.09 28,411.66 9 Askin Avenue, BARRABA NSW 2347 MILLER, Stuart Lot 13 DP 243321 15,437.66 12,651.31 28,088.97 William 5 Askin Avenue, BARRABA NSW 2347 MITCHELL, Ann Lot 24 DP 243321 7,145.55 15,932.02 23,077.57 Marie 3 Flood Street, BARRABA NSW 2347 CLUFF, Graham Lot 13 DP 239657 1,005.63 14,087.64 15,093.27 Andrew 26 Flood Street, BARRABA NSW 2347 MILLER, Stuart Lot 47 DP 238577 16,238.88 14,358.45 30,597.33 William 44 Henry Street, BARRABA NSW 2347 FITZPATRICK, Lot 31 DP 243640 10,022.64 12,698.56 22,721.20 Patricia 11 McDouall Avenue, (MILLER, Stuart BARRABA NSW William) 2347

3833 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

Persons known to Description of land Amount of rates and Amount of any Total council to have an charges unpaid for more other rates and Amount Due interest in land than five years from the charges payable date on which they and unpaid and became payable and the the amount of amount of any interest any interest accrued accrued $$$ REYNOLDS, Lot 18 Section 20 DP 12,689.88 13,762.35 26,452.23 Christopher Howard 758059 24 Queen Street, BARRABA NSW 2347 SPOUSE, Steven Lot 5 DP 243321 11,571.31 7,230.43 18,801.74 Neville Queen Street, BARRABA NSW 2347 LEWIS, Peter Lot 4 DP 243321 8,921.78 5,047.37 13,969.15 Queen Street, BARRABA NSW 2347 DAVIDSON, Rosslyn Lot 1 DP 243321 3,421.20 9,241.28 12,662.48 Louise 28 Range Street, BARRABA NSW 2347 FLEMING, Harry Lot 2 DP 203296 19,001.89 15,031.20 34,033.09 James 12 Rodney Street, BARRABA NSW 2347 DIVETT, Christine Lot 49 DP 241078 18,738.63 16,172.16 34,910.79 Anne 9 Callose Drive, BARRABA NSW 2347 Chrysotile Corporation Lot 1 DP 405809 8,872.23 5,845.97 14,718.20 of Australia Pty Limited Tailings Dump Crow Mountain Road, WOODSREEF NSW 2347 CARTER, George Lots 1-3 DP 243286 1,585.39 2,891.99 4,477.38 Edward Royston Plumthorpe Mayvale Road, MAYVALE NSW 2347 GOLDMAN, Mailler Lot 1 DP 725130 4,039.85 8,214.84 12,254.69 Queen Street, BARRABA NSW 2347 POGGIOLI, Vitaliano Lot 1 DP 111658 1,468.00 3,463.40 4,931.40 Trevallyn Road, BARRABA NSW 2347 Date of Notice: 31 May 2018 Mr PA Bennett, General Manager, Tamworth Regional Council, 437 Peel Street, TAMWORTH NSW 2340.


3834 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

TAMWORTH REGIONAL COUNCIL Roads Act 1993 Section 16 Dedication of Land as Public Road IN accordance with Section 16 of the Roads Act 1993, Tamworth Regional Council dedicates the land held by it and shown in the schedule below described as Marius Street, Tamworth. PAUL BENNETT, General Manager, Tamworth Regional Council, PO Box 555 Tamworth NSW 2340. SCHEDULE


THE HILLS SHIRE COUNCIL Roads Act 1993, Section 10 Notice is hereby given that The Hills Shire Council dedicates the land described in the schedule below as public road under Section 10 of the Roads Act 1993. GENERAL MANAGER, The Hills Shire Council, 3 Columbia Court, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 SCHEDULE All that piece or parcels of land known as Lot 20 in DP 1206913 in The Hills Shire Council, Parish of Castle Hill, County of Cumberland, and as described in Folio Identifier 20/1206913


WARRUMBUNGLE SHIRE COUNCIL ROADS ACT 1993 Naming of Roads Notice is hereby given that WARRUMBUNGLE SHIRE COUNCIL, pursuant to section 162 of the Roads Act 1993, has officially named the road(s) as shown hereunder: Name Locality Castlereagh Avenue Binnaway Description Castlereagh Avenue runs north from Renshaw Street along the Castlereagh River and joins into Bandulla Street. Roger Bailey, General Manger WARRUMBUNGLE SHIRE COUNCIL, 14-22 John Street, Coonabarabran NSW 2357


3835 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018 Council Notices

WINGECARRIBEE SHIRE COUNCIL Roads Act 1993, Section 10 Dedication of Land as Public Road NOTICE is hereby given by Wingecarribee Shire Council, pursuant to section 16 of the Roads Act 1993, that the land described in the Schedule below is hereby dedicated as public road. Dated at Moss Vale 8 June, 2018. Ann Prendergast, General Manager, Wingecarribee Shire Council, Civic Centre, 68 Elizabeth St, Moss Vale NSW 2577. SCHEDULE Wilson Drive, Colo Vale NSW shown on the below map.


WOLLONGONG CITY COUNCIL ROADS ACT 1993 Section 10 Dedication of Land as Public Road Pursuant to section 10 of the Roads Act 1993, Wollongong City Council hereby dedicates the land in the Schedule below as public road. D FARMER, General Manager, Wollongong City Council, Locked Bag 8821, Wollongong DC NSW 2500. Schedule Lot 104 DP 240922 Murray Road, East Corrimal


3836 NSW Government Gazette No 61 of 15 June 2018