Name of God The advent of the savior of humanity (Imam ) is very close

The hope of a savior does not belong to a particular religion or nation. Looking at history, it can be clearly seen that all nations have announced the hope of a savior. A savior who, after the world has been filled with poverty, oppression and injustice. Come and establish the rule of divine justice and fill the world with justice. And it creates so much security that if a woman travels half the planet alone, no one will harm her. Or if someone wants to help someone with money, he can not find the person in need. It rains and the sky pours all its rain on the ground. The hope for the advent of a savior is a universal hope and in different religions there are signs for the advent of a savior. Which is presented in as the last religion (due to its proximity to the time of the advent of the savior of the end times) in more detail. . The importance of reappearance in Islam is so great that the Prophet of Islam says: Waiting for reappearance is the highest worship.

Al-Majlisi, Muhammad Baqir, vol. 52, p. 128, p. 21 0.

Or Imam Ja'far Sadegh says: If any of you dies while waiting for the rule of Imam al-Zaman (as), he is like the one who was in his tent with Imam Qaem (as), then he paused for a while and said: No, but like someone Is to fight with the Prophet, then he said: No, I swear by God, but it is like someone who is martyred next to the Messenger of God.

. Al-Kalini, Muhammad ibn Ya'qub, Vol. 1, p. 372 Predicting the advent of a savior in different religions

The savior of the end times in Buddhism: In the commands of the Buddha himself, he predicted the future of mankind. The Buddha believes that in the future, man will experience disorder and crisis in a period of time. According to these prophecies, human societies are in crisis in the end times, and the people of that society will be exploitative, oppressive and absurd. They consider evil as good and do not distinguish between good and evil, and only respect their sexual desires and tend to a luxurious life. Although Buddhist narrations have preached about the character and appearance of the last Buddha or promised Savior, they do not agree on how many Buddhas are the apocalyptic savior and how he will appear (Book of Promise, p. 107). Savior in Zoroaster: In Zoroastrian beliefs, and specifically in Pahlavi texts, the world is divided into nine thousand or twelve thousand cosmic years. In the last three thousand years of the world, three saviors of the Zoroastrian generation will appear. The word frasa and farshokrti from the root frasha means to give new life, and hence the or apocalypse is called farashgard, at which time, new life is given to the world. According to Zoroastrian beliefs about the creation of the world, after Ahura Mazda created worldly beings, the devil (the evil god) also created a similar creation and along with each of Ahura Mazda's creatures who were full of good, he accompanied all the creatures with evil, which is why , The world is suffering from a mixture of good and bad. In the time of the apocalypse, Sushyant, or the promised savior, provides the conditions for the complete defeat of the devil and his destruction. The world experiences the stage of "separation" and the hand of the devil is cut off from this world once again. According to Pahlavi texts, on that day, after the fruition of Sushyant's efforts, inanimate bodies come to life and the world becomes new; Evil disappears and good pervades the world; There is no more demon and Ahuramazda dominates everything and his laws rule the world. This condition also affects nature. (History of , Mary Boyce, translated by Homayoun Sanatizadeh - IQNA website) Savior in Judaism: In the book of Malachi, apparently written in the 5th century BC, the subject of "the end of time" meaning its epistemology has become clearer. Before the "great and fear-inspiring day of God" arrives, the prophet Elijah, who ascended to heaven and lives there, will appear, God will descend into his temple, a great judgment will be established, and all the unbelievers and Sinners will be rewarded for their deeds. Old Testament, Malachi, 3: 1-6 .. The book of Zechariah II, which is the last six chapters of the book of Zechariah, gives the good news of the coming of the promised Savior or righteous King who will triumphantly enter Jerusalem and rule from sea to sea and to the ends of the earth. Old Testament, Zechariah, 9: 9-10. And when the "day of the Lord" comes, great cosmic changes will take place: the sun and the stars will be darkened, the night will be bright, "the living waters of Jerusalem will flow, half of them to the east sea and the other half to the west sea. He is gone ... and Jehovah will be king over all the earth. [Old Testament, Zechariah, 8:14 Savior in Christianity: Then Christ descends from heaven with an army of angels, two strange beasts who have plotted the powers of Satan and corrupted the world, and the and his followers will be defeated and destroyed, the Antichrist will be thrown into the sea of fire and the birds from the flesh and blood of tyrants and evildoers. They are full. New Testament, Revelation, 1: 13-18. As the demonic powers are destroyed, the devil himself is chained and imprisoned for 1,000 years in the depths of the abyss. New Testament, Revelation, 1: 20-10. In these 1000 years the martyrs will be resurrected and Christ will rule the world and peace, goodness and blessing will be established in the world. It is not suffering, disease or death, the moon is as bright as the sun and the sun is 7 times brighter than the moon. Savior in Islam: In the holy religion of Islam, the issue of the promised and the savior is clearly raised. The Qur'an, the holy book of Muslims, refers in several verses to the rule of the righteous on earth and the dominance of the true religion. Among them is verse 105 of Surah Al-Anbiya, God states in this verse that the earth will be inherited and taken over by my righteous servants. He also states that this is a fact that has been mentioned in the books of the previous prophets. In verse 55 of Surah Noor, God promises the people who believe and do righteous deeds that He will lend them the and rule on earth, and will establish and establish their religion, and in such a time, peace and security. The perfect is created in the world and people worship and serve God. God states in three places in the Qur'an that Islam will prevail over all religions; However, the disbelievers and the polytheists do not want to and present themselves as witnesses to such an event. Ali ibn Hilal narrated from his father that he said that in the illness of the Prophet (PBUH), his presence was honored. I saw Fatima (PBUH) sitting on her father's bed and crying because the sound of her crying was loud, the Prophet raised his head and said: Dear Fatima! Why are you crying? He said: Am I afraid that our respect will be lost after you? He said: My dear, do you not know that God looked at the people of the earth and chose your father from among them, then he looked and chose your husband, and revealed to me that I should marry you to him? My Daughter! We are the Ahl al-Bayt that God Almighty has given us seven virtues that He has not given to anyone before and after us, and that is: I am the seal of the prophets with God and the best of them and the most beloved servants and with these privileges I am your father, my successor is the best successors of the prophets and the most beloved with God, and he is your husband, our martyr is the best martyr and the most beloved of them with God and he is Hamza bin Abdulmutallab is your father and husband's uncle. Ja'far ibn Abi Talib, who flies with the angels in heaven with two wings, is one of your father's cousins and your husband's brother. My grandchildren, Hassan and Hussein, are your two children and two gentlemen from Paradise, and I swear to God that their father is better than them. O Fatima! To God, who has truly raised me, the Mahdi of this nation is also one of them, when the world is in chaos and chaos arises and roads are blocked. And plunder each other's property, neither the greater nor the lesser will have mercy, nor the lesser will keep the greater respect. Let the end of time endure and fill the earth with justice as it is filled with oppression ..... Kashf al-Ghamma p. 5 - Forty in Al-Mahdi Examples of Sunni religious scholars specifying the frequency of the news of the Mahdi (as) 1. Hafiz Abu Abdullah Ganji Shafi'i (d. 658 AH) writes in the book "Al-Bayyan Fi Akhbar Sahib Al- Zaman": "The hadiths of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) about the Mahdi have reached a frequency due to the many narrators he has". Sahib al-Zaman, Qom Islamic Publishing Institute for the community of teachers, Ch 6, 1417 AH, p. 124. 2. The famous Hafiz, Ibn Hajar Asqalani Shafi'i (d. 852 AH), writes in his book Fath al-Bari fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari: "He will come and pray behind him." Fath al-Bari with the correct description of Bukhari, Beirut, Dar al-Ma'rifah, vol. 6, pp. 493-494 3. Sheikh Mansour Ali Nasef, one of the great and contemporary scholars of Al-Azhar and the .He will rule over all Islamic countries .دauthor of the book "Al-Taj Al-Jame 'Al-Asool", write Muslims will all follow him, he will do justice among them and strengthen the religion. Then the Antichrist will be found and Jesus Christ will descend from heaven and kill the Antichrist, or cooperate with the Mahdi in killing the Antichrist. The sayings and hadiths of the Prophet about the Mahdi have been narrated by a group of the pious companions of the Prophet. Al-Jami 'al- Usul, Cairo, Darahiyah al-Kitab al-Arabiya, Ch II, vol. There are many narrations about the end of time in Islam, as it has been repeated in jurisprudential terms. Both Sunnis and Shiites believe in a savior at the end of time. The only difference between these two branches of Islam is that Shiites believe that Imam Mahdi is the son of Imam Hassan Asgari and has been missing since he was 5 years old and is now alive. He is waiting to appear. But the Sunnis believe; That Imam Mahdi has not been born yet, when he is born and reaches the age of 40, he will appear. For more information, refer to the biography of Imam Mahdi on this site.

Regarding the signs before the advent of a series of general signs and a series of special signs are mentioned, which in order to observe the brevity of the general signs, we will suffice with a from the Prophet of Islam below. Hudhayfah says: I saw the Holy Prophet of Islam, peace and blessings of God be upon him, take the curtain of the Kaaba and weep. I offered, O Messenger of Allah! What made you cry? O Hudhayfah! The world is gone or as if you were not in this world. I begged my parents to sacrifice you! Are there any signs that such a situation is occurring in the world? They said: Yes - O Hudhayfah! - Take what I say to your heart and see it with your own eyes and count with your fingers: 1. When my ummah loses prayer. 2. To follow lusts. 3. Betrayal increases among the people. 4. Reduce fidelity and fidelity. 5. Drink alcohol. 6. The space becomes dark (may be due to pollution of the space by sin or smoke caused by gasoline, etc.). 7. Due to drought, the water of aqueducts and wells decreases - as it has now -. 8. The sky and this infinite space become dusty (it may be an allusion to world oppression, such as world wars such as the first and second wars and scattered wars). 9. Remove security by land and air (such as hijacking, theft). 10. And let the people curse one another. 11. Families fall into the trap of corruption (such as lack of hijab, dancing, gambling, etc.). 12. People get caught up in luxuries and carelessness in life, and eventually contentment and moderation are abandoned. 13. People in the society should be pessimistic about each other and suspicion and mistrust should overshadow the society. 14. The years of the world should be humiliated. 15. Increase tree planting and reduce yields. 16. Prices rise (commodity prices skyrocket to the point where they turn life into hell). 17. The winds will increase (storms and hurricanes will constantly cause heavy human and financial losses in the world). 18. The veil should be lifted from the inside of the people (and the criminals and the worldly and the ambitious should be recognized, or exposed or the signs should appear). 19. The heinous act of sodomy should be made public (as in the United Kingdom, with the passage of a law, the approval of the sodomy council is not prohibited). 20. On the contrary, to be liked. 21. Trade and business will suffer and the requested items will be reduced. 22. Implement all programs with complete arrogance and arbitrariness based on the air of the breath (I want). 23. Use insults and swearing at parents as a means of entertainment and humor. 24. Eat usury openly and have not the slightest fear of God. 25. Infallibility and adultery to become prevalent among the people (prostitution and adultery centers in the world with wide dimensions are our highest evidence). 26. Satisfaction and satisfaction with life and its program should be very low. 27. Ignorant and ignorant people take over. 28. Betrayal of different types and types should increase among all classes. 29. They should consider the trust as insignificant and ignore it, and the trustworthy people should be reduced. 30. People should define their ethics and work. 31. Ignorant people are famous for their ignorance. 32. People should decorate their houses and decorate its walls. 33. Build palaces and houses high (such as multi-storey buildings that deprive neighbors of comfort and security). 34. Make falsehood appear righteous. 35. The ugliness of a lie should disappear so that they wear the right clothes on it. 36. If someone is right in his work, he should be considered weak. 37. To attribute each other's inferiority, guilt, and blame to reason (to consider its owner wise) 38. Consider being misguided and misguided. 39. To consider expression as blindness (if truths are told through expression that they do not like to say, this person is blind and does not see the reality of the world). 40. And to consider silence as irrationality. 41. If a scientist wants to talk about his knowledge for the benefit of himself and society, they should consider him ignorant and his actions ignorant. 42. Signs multiply and symptoms appear one after another. 43. Do not research untrue words (accuse people and disgrace the servants of God for no reason). 44. The death mill revolves around society (start home-burning wars and massacre innocent people, such as bombing residential and civilian areas, etc.). 45. People become blind in sight and heart and do not see the truth (like the crimes they see from their rulers and at the same time say it is good). . 46. Bad deeds should prevail over good deeds (people should favor bad deeds). 47. Love for one another removes the patch of the womb from the hearts of the people. 48. Trade and commerce should increase and people should consider bad and insignificant deeds as good. 49. Spend their lives with each other because of the many lusts they have. 50. They consider big things easy (such as war with big governments). 51. Do not be afraid to wear the skins of forbidden animals (or slaughtered illegally). 52. Wear soft, beautiful, thin clothes (and their bodies are visible from the clothes). 53. To desire the world and to put it before the Hereafter (the evil deeds of the people are proof of this). 54. Have mercy on the hearts of all people (including rulers, merchants, businessmen, wives, husbands and others). 55. Corruption should become public (you do not want to be disgraced in the same way as the community). 56. Play the Qur'an (misuse its name and verses for their own evil purposes). 57. To consider the property of the treasury (Sharia funds) as their personal property or not to give their Sharia rights as property and say that it is ours. 58. Consider intoxicants by changing the name. 59. They betray their property while giving (give less or offer substandard goods). 60. Take usury from the debtor in the name of buying, selling and renting a place. 61. In immorality, men should be equal to men and women should be equal to women. 62. Proud of disobeying God (sinning). 63. The hearts of the people should be filled with arrogance and arrogance, and oppression and cruelty should appear in the kings and ignorance in the people (under the burden of oppression). 64-. In such a situation, the believer must take his religion and go from one side to the other, from one mountain to another, and from one valley to another, in order to have the health of religion. 65. There is nothing left of Islam except a name and there is nothing left of the Qur'an except an official one (the Qur'an becomes old in the hearts and only the name and form of it remain). 66. They should recite the Qur'an while not passing through the throat and bones of the clavicle and neck, and there is practically no news of God's promises and promises among the people, and they should not fear God and do not remember Him, and they are unaware of the abrogation of the Qur'an. 67. In these cases, their should be prosperous, but their hearts should be devoid of piety and faith. 68. The scholars and scientists of that time will be the worst people on earth, and all corruption and sedition will arise from them, and all of them (seditions) will return to them. 69. Good and virtuous people and centers of goodness should be destroyed, but they should remain evil and corrupt. 70. People should ignore God Almighty in their deeds and their actions should not be based on research. 71. The only favorite of the people should be dinars and dirhams (money) (the wealth of the world should not be hindered in any way, halal or haram). 72. The more wealth they have, the more they say we are poor. 92 1P-Navabo dohor

But specific symptoms fall into two categories, including definite symptoms and non-definite symptoms. As the name implies, definite signs are called signs; After which the emergence will surely happen. But here we first mention a series of uncertain signs based on the narrations of the Holy Prophet and the Shiite Imams, which we believe; The great event of emergence will occur. Seeing these signs, we must increase our readiness and wait for the emergence. We emphasize at the outset that our goal is not to set a time for the advent, and we do not specify a specific year or month for the advent. Just because the religious leaders have cited signs and evidence for our readiness, we adapt those signs to the conditions of our time. Because these signs are not definite signs, their existence does not indicate the inevitability of their appearance. It is even possible that despite the fact that the signs are correct and the appearance of the Imam of the Age is near. But the BEDA will take place, and the reappearance will be postponed to another time. 1- Sham() status before advent: Undoubtedly, it is the center of events before the emergence of the region and the land of Syria. According to Yaqut Hamwi, in the third volume of the Dictionary of the Countries of the Levant, it includes lands from the Euphrates River to the neighboring Arab lands in Egypt. Its width is from the mountains to the Qibla to the Mediterranean Sea. The important cities of Manbij, Aleppo, Hama, Homs, Damascus, Al-Mu'arra and Jerusalem are in the middle of that region, and on the coast in that region are the cities of Antioch, Tripoli, Acre, Tire and Ashkelon. The evening briefly includes the five districts of Qansarin, Damascus, Jordan, Palestine and Homs. There are many documents that emphasize the events of the evening. The most important of them is Hasna "Jaber" in the book Al-Ghaybah Nu'mani (p. 186) which quotes Imam Baqir (AS) who said: O Jaber Ghaem, he will not appear until a sedition spreads in Syria and the people of Syria seek to get rid of it, but they do not find a way to it. And in the credentials of "Jaber" it is said: The first land to be destroyed is Sham. In the book Alzam Al-Nasib (p. 48) he mentions that: There will be sedition in Shamat, which at first seems to be children's play; So, the affairs of the people will not be organized and the situation will be chaotic. It is stated in the book Aqd al-Durars 45; There will be a sedition in Shamat that begins like a child's play. Whatever this sedition calms down on the one hand, rises on the other, and does not end until a herald calls from the sky, be aware that he is the only emir. In the book of Baharalanvar (vol. 52, p. 271) quoting the book of Sarwar Ahl al- with his documents from Ibn Mahbub from Ibn Asim Al-Hafiz from Abu Hamza Thamali, I heard Imam Baqir (AS) say: When you hear of war and conflict among the shamans, you must flee from the shamans; Because sedition and killing will surely take place there. Nomani (vol. 8, p. 251, corrected by the late Ghaffari) has narrated from Imam Baqir (AS) with an authentic document from Daud Al-Dajaji, who is currently unknown, that the Commander of the Faithful Ali (AS) said:

Fakhtulf al-Ahzab min binham. Until the parties disagreed among) فاختلف االحزاب من بینهم.( themselves. Imam Ali (AS) according to this word of God Almighty said: Wait for the emergence and opening in three things. Dissension and clashes of shamans, black flags and fear in the month of . Although the above hadiths are not in the same category of authenticity, they all refer to an important event in the End of time . Source: and the signs of emergence written by Mohammad Faqih and translated by Seyed Shapur Hussein Although there are many narrations about Shamat at the end of time, but above, 5 hadiths about Shamat were briefly mentioned, two of which indicate insignificance at the beginning. And its beginning is likened to children's play. Let us mention the first sparks in the sedition of Syria (Sham): March 18, 2011: In the southwestern Syrian city of Deraa, security forces arrested a group of students on charges of "spray-painting anti-government paintings on school walls" (childish play). This led to protests across the city; Protesters took to the streets, and in response, security forces opened fire on the protesters, killing four of them. It is said to have been the first anti-government protest, with four victims the first victims of an uprising that turned into a devastating civil war, but on March 28, 2011, protests in Daraa and repression by security forces continued for several days. At least 60 protesters were detained and the protests spread to other Syrian cities. Gradually, some of the opposition turned to armed struggle. Chronology of the Syrian civil war From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Therefore, it is possible that, as stated in the hadith, the sedition of Sham began with the children playing in school, and that the sedition of Syria is the same as the sedition of Sham at the end of time. 2- Existence of many eclipses in certain areas of the earth before emergence: The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: Mahdi, when the conflicts between the people increase and the earthquakes increase, he rises and fills the earth with justice, just as he is filled with oppression. Tusi, 1411: 178) ;. A similar hadith has been narrated in other Shiite sources (Ibn Hayyun, 1409: vol. 3, 363) as well as Sunni books (Ibn Hanbal, 1404: vol. 4, 104). The advent of Imam al-Asr (as) will occur in a year with earthquakes and cold. Ibn Tawus, 1398: 284); Qaem Ahl al-Bayt will rise and appear when the people are suffering from severe fear and many earthquakes. (Nomani, 1397: 235) As global statistics show, between the years 1000 and 1800 AD; That is, in 21 years, only 21 major earthquakes have occurred. Between 1800 and 1900, that is, over 100 years, there were 18 major earthquakes, and 50 years later, between 1900 and 1950, there were 30 major earthquakes. That is, for almost 50 years, the number of earthquakes has been about the same as 850 years ago In the book of Kamal al-Din Sheikh Saduq, quoting Ibn Abbas, he narrates from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that when I went to Ascension, God Almighty said to me: , To bring out that all of the children of your daughter Fatima and their last (Imam Mahdi), is a man behind whom Jesus, the son of Mary, prays ... I said: My God, when will this happen? God Almighty said: ... and at this time there will be three eclipses: eclipse in the east and eclipse in the west and eclipse in the Arabian Peninsula .... Saduq, 1395: vol. 1, 251); Before the uprising, the people will be forgiven of their sins with the fire that appears in the sky, and the red that illuminates the sky, and the eclipse that occurs in Baghdad and Basra, and the blood that is shed in , and the destruction of the houses. Useful Guidance, 1413: v. 2, 378); Imam Mahdi (as) will not leave until a village in Ghouta, Damascus, which is called Harasta, sinks to the ground. (Ibn Manadi, 1418: 134); Therefore, the incident of Khasf on the Jabiyeh-Harasta axis and the destruction of parts of the Umayyad in Damascus in Syria have been mentioned in Shiite and Sunni hadith sources, and from the point of view of "field developments in the Levant in the era of advent", the news of an imminent departure The occurrence of "Sufyani" as the future ruler of the Shamat region is associated. But the distance between Khasf and Sufyani's departure is not known.

Of course, it is possible that the meaning of "Eastern eclipse" is the same as the eclipse of Baghdad and Basra, and the meaning of "Maghrib eclipse" is the eclipse of Jabiyya-Harasta in Damascus, Syria before Sufyani's departure, and "the eclipse of the Arabian Peninsula" is the same eclipse Bidaa is between and Medina. In the short book of proof of reference attributed to Fadl ibn Shazan [1], a similar hadith has been quoted.

و خ را ِب ال َّز ْو را ِء و ِه ی ال َّر ی و خ ْس ِف ا ْل ُم ز َّو رةِ و ه ی ب ْغد ادُ و ُخ ُروجِ ال س ْف ی انِ ِ ی . )نعمانی، 7931: 741( In this hadith, he announces the destruction of Rey, which is Tehran, and also the eclipse of Baghdad before the departure of Sufyani. Tehran is created. A narration narrated from Imam Baqir (AS) from Amir al-Mu'minin (AS) who said: "When two military groups fought in Shamat, a sign of divine signs becomes apparent." They asked: O Amir al-mu'minin, what is that sign? He said: "An earthquake will occur in Shamat, as a result of which hundreds of thousands will perish, and God will provide mercy for the believers and punishment for the disbelievers." When that time comes, watch the riders with white horses and yellow flags coming from the west to enter Shamat. And it is in those moments that the great cry and impatience and the red death comes. When that happened, then look at the sinking of a village in Damascus called Harsha. At this time, the son of a rabbi-eating HINDA (Sufyani) has left the desert and is placed on the pulpit of Damascus. In this midst, wait for the reappearance of Hazrat Mahdi (AS). Baharalanwar, vol. 52, p. 253. According to the late Majlisi, a similar incident is taking place in Baghdad: "... The burning of a man from the elders of Bani Abbas between Jalula and Khanaqin, the closing of a bridge in Baghdad near the Karkh neighborhood, the rising of the black wind on the first day in Baghdad and an earthquake that plunged many people to the ground. . Fear overwhelms the people of Iraq and the people of Baghdad, destroying their quick deaths and causing plague on their lives, property and crops. The locusts come on time and untimely and eat their grain and cultivation and their cultivation is reduced. Two groups of non-Arabs are killed, a lot of blood is shed between them. The Promised Mehdi (translation of the thirteenth volume of Baharalanvar), p. 998 (We have to admit that for various reasons the text of the narrations can sometimes be mysterious to us. For example, mentioning the word locust can refer to an airplane and a helicopter). If we want to take a brief look at the above narrations. We must say that the general reference to the increase of earthquakes near the emergence is as a document, statistics from international organizations in confirmation of this issue, and in fact if we consider small earthquakes. It can be said that there is not a moment when there is no earthquake on the planet. And the planet is constantly vibrating. But another reference in the narrations is to khasf, which means sinking. This can include earthquakes - landslides and any kind of explosive action. 2- The situation in Yemen at the end of time: The inhabitants of Yemen, before the uprising of Imam Mahdi (pbuh), suffered some hardships; Such as the oppression of the king, the clashes between the people and the troops, the locusts attacking the fields, the burning of large fires due to the eruption of some volcanoes and the closure of roads. Ma'ad, the son of Jabal, said: Get out of Yemen before the string is torn, it means the way, And before you have any baggage except locusts, And before the fire takes you to Shamat (13. Al-Fitn, p. 427, part 9, below 1359 It is narrated from Hudhaifa, the son of Yaman, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ... The destruction of Yemen is from the locusts. Al-Tadhkra, pp. 50- 1349, chapter on the desolation of the land and the country before the Levant. (Translated by Newsweek • In one of the writings of Al-Zam Al-Nasib (p. 194) he says: The sedition has turned to the land of Yemen and the Hijaz Undoubtedly, the sedition (war) will cover the whole land of the Hijaz in such a way that it will be disorganized everywhere and the governments and systems will collapse. • In the book Alzam Al-Nasib, it is stated in the sermon: • And the armies and the people of Yemen will fight and fight for the sake of the kingdom and the government, and a group of people will be saved from the war and will go to the ships. The waves of the sea and war set in motion and made it difficult for the Arabs to migrate from that land, and there were disputes and conflicts between the Roman armies. • Honors of Yemen: The Yemenis were the first people to respond to Abraham's call for a pilgrimage to the House of God. The late Klini in the book Sharif Kafi by Imam Baqir • The Yemeni people converted to Islam at the hands of Mubarak Amir al-Mu'minin Ali (as), and most of Imam Ali's followers were from the Hamdan tribe. (Sheikh Mofid, Al-Arshad, vol. 1, p. 62. Majlisi, Bihar Al-Anwar, vol. 21, p. 36. • Yemeni immigrants brought Shiism to the city of Qom in , and Shiism in Qom is blessed by the Ash'arites of Yemen. Special followers and companions of the Prophet and the Amir al- Mu'minin, including: Owais Qarni, Malik Ashtar Nakha'i, Hajar ibn 'Uday, Hani ibn' Urwah, Kamil ibn Ziad, Miqdad and 34 martyrs of Karbala and some of the repentants ... were also from Yemen. Even now, the Ash'arites of the city of Qom in Iran, and some of the tribes of Iraq, and especially the Shiites of the Ameli family in Lebanon, are originally Yemeni. • The Messenger of God (PBUH) said: • Faith is Yemeni and wisdom is Yemeni and I feel the breath of your Lord from Yemen. (Musnad of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal, vol. 3, p. 541) Explaining this narration, the narrators have said: Because the people of Yemen, including the Ansar, who were of Yemeni origin, provided the most support to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), he praised them so much. • • "Hojjatoleslam Kazem Siddiqui, in a speech he made at Sharif University a while ago, stated:" Someone (according to Mr. Reyshahri meant) came to the porch of the shrine of Imam Reza (AS) in the presence of Grand Ayatollah Behjat (RA) and asked. " What about the emergence? "; Grand Ayatollah Behjat replied: Be careful of the situation in Yemen; There is a spark in Yemen that is related to the emergence, and we must prepare ourselves for the emergence. Hassan Imam Sadegh said: Among the signs before the resurrection of the Mahdi (pbuh), there are five cases: a sound from the sky, the departure of Sufyan, the sinking of the earth in the desert, the departure of the Yemeni and the death of Zakia (a descendant of Imam Mojtaba) . (Safi Golpayegani, Selected Works, p. 454, Maktab al-Sadr, Sheikh Saduq, Kamal al-Din and all the blessings, p. 649, Publishing Institute Ibn Abbas narrates that whenever the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encountered a group of Yemenis, they would say: “Welcome to the path of Shu'aib and the news of Musa; Congratulations to Shoaib's relatives and the worthy scholars of Moses. (The principles of the tenth set p. 251 / Sea of Lights, vol. 57, p. 222). In another narration about the Yemeni people, the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, said: "The Yemeni people are the most sincere, the most gentle-hearted and the most obedient people; The people of Al-Yaman sweat their hearts and their first use and obedience (sufficient explanation of Mullah Saleh Mazandarani, vol. 4, p. 281) • The Prophet said about Yemen: that whoever loves "Yemen" has loved me and whoever considers the people of Yemen as enemies, has made me an enemy. Kamal al-Din and all the blessings, vol. 2, p. 541 and also 547. The epicenter of the emergence events is in Shamat and Iraq in particular, and Saudi Arabia-Iran and Yemen in general. And for this reason, the emergence hadiths mostly refer to these areas. It is from Khasf that a group of narrations refers to the events and destruction before the advent of Sufyan. And a group of narrations refer to the emergence of Sufyan. Regarding the events in Iraq, which are also mentioned in the prophecies of the prophet Daniel, some believe that the first and second American wars with Iraq are an interpretation of the same pre-emergence catastrophes. Are to refer to the above sources) 3. Prevalence of death:

• Imam Reza (AS) says in this regard: Before the advent of Imam Zaman (AS), there will be continuous and uninterrupted killings. • The Messenger of God (PBUH) said: I swear by the God in whose power my soul is. The world will not end until the time comes when the killer does not know why he killed and the cause of the murder is not known, and chaos is everywhere. At such a time, the killer and the victim go to hell. • Amir Momenan Ali (AS) says: Before the advent of Qaem (AS), the world suffers from two types of death. White and red death. Red death is with the sword (weapon) and white death is with the plague. • Imam Baqir (AS) says: For Qaem Al-Muhammad, there are two absences, one of which is longer than the other. At that time, people will be killed and killed. Jabir says: I asked Imam Baqir (AS): When will this matter (Mahdi (AS) uprising) take place? The Imam replied: O Jabir! How to achieve this. While the number of casualties between Hira and has not increased yet. • Imam Sadegh (AS) said: Before the advent of Qaem (AS), two types of death appear: red death and white death. So many people are killed that five out of every seven are destroyed. • They asked the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh): Is it a sign for the advent of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)? He said: Yes, there are signs for the reappearance of the Imam, including universal and unfortunate massacres and rapid and successive deaths and the spread of the plague. Source: "Signs of the Promised Government" by Hojjatoleslam Najmuddin Tabasi Famines are another cause of death that Imam Sadegh (as) says in the meaning of the verse: Fear of diseases and the kings of such and such a family at the end of their reign and starvation due to high prices and shortage of famine property and business decline It is, and the soul is the danger of life and premature death, and the fruits are the absence of rain and the decrease of fertility of what is sown, and the lack of the blessing of fruits. His good news is the departure of Ghaem PBUH at that time. In fact, the word Bashar al-Sabrin can be cited, which is about the events and troubles of the end times. In another hadith, they say: Inevitably, before the coming of Qaem (as), there must be a year when people go hungry in that year and they are overwhelmed by a severe fear of being killed and reduced in wealth and shortening of lives and crops, which is very obvious in the Book of God. And this was the general meaning of the verse, which we see concretely. But in particular, this fear and hunger is mentioned in hadiths for Kufa and Sham. Source: • There are various narrations about the deaths and deaths of human beings, but it is not clear whether these statistics refer to the number of people killed, or to a specific region, or to the whole world. Because the narrations of the advent of a savior are more about the so-called Middle East region. • The main point that can be deduced from these narrations is the existence of severe insecurity and the killing of people by war or by infectious diseases in the end times, which, if we consider the emerging regions such as Syria, Iraq and Yemen, causes red and white death. White death means the same contagious infectious diseases that the world now suffers from the corona virus, and every day, despite significant human progress, it kills a large number of people. It is not known how many people would have died if it were not for this technology. . • Apart from referring to mass deaths, we also have narrations that refer to certain deaths. • The Messenger of God (PBUH) says: When the end comes, the blessed death of my ummah will be selected. As you pick good dates. . Seize the opportunity to do good deeds rather than sedition like fragments of a dark night. At that time, man is a believer in the morning and becomes a disbeliever at night. The night is an infidel and the day becomes a believer and sells his religion to a small part of the world. Nahj al- Fasaha, Hadith 189) • It can be seen that the number of educated people and scientists who have died during these years has clearly increased, or at least seems to be higher due to the mass media and its rapid reflection. Especially with the outbreak of Covid 19 disease, this statistic is clearly increasing. • Sometimes there is talk of the death of certain people. For example, Sheikh Tusi quotes Abu Basir in his book Al-Ghaybah, p. 447. Imam Sadegh (as) said: Whoever guarantees the death of Abdullah for me, I will also guarantee the coming of Qaem for him. After Abdullah's man, people no longer gather over anyone, and this (the emergence of the state of truth) leads to your Lord, God willing, and then the reign of several years is abolished, and the reign of a few months and a few days. Becomes. I asked: Does this story last? He said: No! • Considering that the narrations of the signs of reappearance have been expressed ambiguously and multifacetedly in order to avoid distortion, it is possible that the meaning of "Abdullah" is the name of the genus, that is, the servant of God. The servant of God refers to both the good servant and the unworthy servant of God. But according to other narrations that will be mentioned later. This person must be an important figure and exist in the Hijaz because Imam Mahdi will emerge from Mecca and if there is a powerful government in power, the emergence will definitely be difficult. Salman bin Abdulaziz is not doing anything in Saudi Arabia now and his son Muhammad plays the main role and during these six years of Salman bin Abdulaziz's rule, three crown princes have been replaced, which is a sign of short governments in Saudi Arabia. We also have Jordan, which plays an important role in the region. • Now refer to other narrations that convey the importance of Abdullah, the ruler of Saudi Arabia. • Nu'mani quotes Ibn Abi Ya'fur in his book Al-Ghaybah, p. 258: That Imam Sadiq (as) said to me: What I say (hold) with your hand (and count): the destruction of someone and the coming of Sufyan and the killing of a pure-hearted man and the sinking of the army on the ground and the sound of the sky. I said: What is the sound? The same speaker? He said: Yes! The same celestial voice is known as Sahib al-Amr. Then he said: "The complete emergence is the destruction of something." He quotes Umm Salma from the words of the Messenger of God (PBUH): After the death of the Caliph, there is a dispute, then a man from Medina (Hazrat Mahdi (PBUH)) moves from Medina to Mecca, people turn to him for allegiance. So they swear allegiance to the Imam between the pillar and the position. Meanwhile, Sufyani sends an army from Sham to Hejaz. But in the region of Bida, between Mecca and Medina, they sink to the ground and are eclipsed .... In the book of Al-Ghaybah, Sheikh Tusi quotes Imam Reza (as): One of the signs of the emergence and emergence of Imam Mahdi (as) is an incident that will take place in the Holy House. I asked, and which incident? The Imam said: Conflict and anger between the two holy shrines that will lead to the murder of 15 members of the Bani Falan family. It has been narrated from Imam Ja'far Sadegh (as): O Zararah, there is no escape for a slave and a young man to be martyred in Medina. I said, I beg your pardon, will Sufyani's army sent to Hejaz kill him? They said: No. Rather, the soldiers of the Bani Falan family will kill Ur Abe. They will enter Medina and martyr him without committing a crime. At this time, wait for the emergence of Imam Mahdi. There is a narration of Imam Ali (as), in which the killing of Zakia's soul is one of the definite signs of reappearance, by Bani Falan, in Haram (Mecca), on the 25th of Dhu al-Hijjah, 15 days before the public resurrection of the Imam (on ). The month of Muharram is mentioned and in this narration, Imam Ali (as) explicitly refers to the end of the kingdom of Bani Falan and the destruction of the family kingdom after the martyrdom of Zakia in Mecca. Did I not inform you of the end of the rule of Bani Falan? We said yes, O Commander of the Faithful; Hazrat said: When an innocent person is killed on a forbidden day in a forbidden month from the Quraysh family. I swear by the one who split the seed and created man, after that, their rule will not last more than fifteen nights. This narration shows that the rule of Bani Falan, until the emergence and public uprising of Imam Mahdi (as), although shaky And it remains weak until Zakia's soul is brutally killed on the 25th of Dhu al- Hijjah, and 15 days later, with the public uprising of the Imam on the 10th of Muharram to the rule of Bani Falan, who became weak and declining with the death of Abdullah. Will be terminated. . It has been narrated from Imam Baqir (as): Your Solve the problem of emergence will not be realized except with the difference of the Bani Filans ... and Ghaem will not rise and you will not see what you love, until the Bani Falans are in dispute and conflict over what is between them. To be. Let the people covet them (government), and let unity be destroyed and Sufyani leave ... However, the narrations are silent about the time between the death of Abdullah and the advent of Imam Mahdi (as). Only in a narration in the book Kafi of the late Klini, the difference between Bani Falan before Sufyani's departure is mentioned You will not achieve what you like, unless there is a dispute between Bani Falan, so whenever there is a dispute, and the people are greedy for the government, and the division is widespread, then Sufyani's departure will take place. And it is natural that the dispute between Bani Falan takes place after the death of Abdullah and over his successor. In another narration, "Abdullah's death" is interpreted as "the death of someone". It has been used in the hadith of Abdullah Bani Falan, and in the rest of the hadiths that are about Hejaz, he has used the word Bani Falan again. So under these circumstances, Abdullah, the king of Hejaz, must die. It is narrated from Imam Sadiq (as): ... Count by hand, the death of someone, the departure of Sufyani, the martyrdom of Zakia's soul, the eclipse and sinking of Sufyani's army and the heavenly call ... Mostafa Amiri - Qom seminary graduate From all the above narrations, it can be deduced that Abdullah is a destined person from a dynasty (Bani Falan). He has formed a destined government that has the most internal and external acceptance. And he is at the head of a government that rules over Mecca and Medina. But with his death, a weak person succeeds him. It creates many internal and external enemies for itself and eventually the government gets out of their hands. In one tradition, the departure of the government from them is likened to the falling of an earthenware bowl. If we assume that Abdullah's hadiths are the same as Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz. We saw that Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz had such characteristics. And he had a high level of internal and external popularity, which even the leader of the Islamic Republic praised the authority of their foreign ministry. His successor is Salman bin Abdulaziz, who is a scarecrow in the hands of his young and immature son. He has caused a bloody war in Yemen, which wastes all the national and human capital of his country and is getting closer to defeat day by day. In foreign policy, he creates problems with Iran-Qatar-Turkey-Jordan and sometimes creates problems with other countries, for example. Lebanese Prime Minister arrests Saad Hariri. In domestic politics, he has killed members of the tribe, and every day he detains and tortures people under the pretext of being prominent figures in his country and the world. It has established centers of immorality in non-religious cities and has banned the traditional hijab from women in that country. This causes resentment and hatred for the traditional Saudi society, except for the younger generation. He kills those who oppose his policies in the most heinous way possible, as exemplified by the journalist Jamal Khashgechi. The above set of conditions indicates that bin Salman has come to this stage under the shadow of his father's government and the unwavering support of President Trump. As mentioned above, there is no mention of the time between the death of Abdullah and the advent of Imam Mahdi, but we know that this government will be very weak, but it will continue for 15 days before the advent. Another special death narrated near the advent is the assassination of the ruler of Egypt. The people of Egypt kill the Sadats (rulers) "Besharat al-Islam p. 176 "Before the advent of Qaem (AS), the rulers of Syria and Egypt will be killed ..." Al-Malahim wa Al-Fitn, p92 "When the Egyptian people kill their ruler and the flags of" Qais and Arabs "enter Egypt and are concentrated in it" Alzam al-Nasib p. 185, Bashara al-Islam p.129-171 Traditions show that on the eve of the emergence of the ruler of Egypt, he will be killed by the people of this land, which coincides with such an event in the Levant. Security disappears from Egypt and its system collapses Ibn Hammad Manuscript p.78 (Government) Egypt is falling apart like camel dung. Manuscript of Ibn Hammad p. 78 Egypt, like Basra, will be crushed and destroyed Al-Fatan Laban Hamad, vol. 1, p. 292 The barbarian (1) goes out to Wadi Sham ”Al-Malahim wa Al-Fitn p. 47 "The Berber army with yellow flags flies over the strong and innumerable Yaboos and enters Egypt, and the Maghreb leave for Egypt. When they enter Egypt, Sufyani will come to power." Numerous narrations report the arrival of foreign forces in Egypt on the eve of their emergence. In general, these names have been mentioned for foreign forces in the narrations: the Maghreb, the West and the Romans, the Berber people, the owners of the yellow flags and ... Regarding the death of the ruler of Egypt, some people attribute it to the assassination of King Anwar Sadat of Egypt, because we have another narration that the Egyptian people killed Sadat. 4. Events that may occur near emergence.

Abu Basir narrated from Imam Sadiq (as) that he said: "My father - Imam Baqir (as) - said to me: Inevitably there will be a fire from the area of Azerbaijan that nothing can stand against it, because then you will stay at home." Stay neutral, and as long as we are sitting at home, stay at home, and when the one who is moving on our side starts his activity, hurry towards him (in any way possible), even though Hands and knees. I swear by God, I now look at him taking allegiance from the people between the pillar and the position by a new command, a command that is very dear to the Arabs, and (my father) said: Woe to the rebellious Arabs for the evil that has befallen them. ». Alnoemany P / 121 In the above narration, the time interval between the emergence and the incident of the war in Azerbaijan seems to be close] because the following article follows. Indeed, Ghaem is one of the sons of Ali (as), who has an like the occultation of Yusuf, and a return like the return of Jesus ibn Maryam, after his occultation will be revealed with the rising of the Red Star. Simultaneously with the destruction of Zura, which is the city of Ray, and the sinking of Mazura, which is Baghdad, and the departure of Sufyan, and the war of the sons of Abbas with the youth of Armenia and Azerbaijan, a war in which thousands and thousands of people are killed, every warrior is adorned with a sword. "He holds it, black flags fluttering on it, it is a war that is mixed with the Red Death and the very dangerous plague." - ) Al-Nu'mani), Text, p: 147 In the above hadith, the coincidence of the war with the plague, which in ancient times was referred to as a highly contagious disease, is mentioned. And now we see that at the same time as the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the Corona has become an epidemic, which may indicate that the current war is the war of the end times and near emergence. Zayd ibn Waqid narrated from his father, who is Makhul, from Prophet Muhammad ibn Abdullah, peace be upon him and his family, who said: The Turkic tribes leave twice, the first time: they leave Azerbaijan and the second time: they close their rides to the Euphrates and after that, there will be no Turks. Alfetan Ibn Tawus / 99 The above hadiths show that at the end of the war in Azerbaijan, which has many casualties. It is recommended not to take sides. It seems that the conflict will spread to Ray. This war continues until the emergence.

It was narrated from Imam Sadiq (as) that he said: When a great fire is seen from the east, which rises on some nights, then the opening of the work of the people arises. And this fire will be upright shortly before it Emergence. Baharalanwar, vol. 52, p. 240. And it is narrated from Imam Baqir (as) that he said: When you see a large, red fire coming from the east, it rises for three or seven days. At that time, God willing, wait for the Faraj of Muhammad (peace be upon him) and God is dear and wise. Baharalanwar, vol. 52, p. 230 Imam Baqir (pbuh) said: Before this (Ghaem reappearance), the eclipse of the moon will occur five days before the end of Ramadan and the eclipse of the sun will occur on the fifteenth day of it, and at this time, the calculations of the astronomers will be disturbed. , P. 280, b 14, h 46.). Obviously, many signs have been mentioned for the imminence of emergence, but a few points should be considered. First, the time interval between the onset of these symptoms is important, which is largely not mentioned. Secondly, in some places, it has been used with mystery and irony, which makes things a little difficult for those who are waiting. Third, none of these symptoms are definite symptoms, so they may not occur and their occurrence depends on the circumstances. Fourth, these narrations were mentioned 1400 years ago, and sometimes some of these events may have happened before. 5- Khorasani and the Islamic Revolution - Black flags: In verse 38 of Surah Muhammad (PBUH), it is addressed to the Arabs: " Abu Hurayrah says in the interpretation of this verse: Some of the companions of the Messenger of God (PBUH) said or the Messenger of God (PBUH) who are these people whom God has mentioned in his book? Salman was next to the Prophet, Hazrat put his hand on Salman's knee and said: This is his man and people, if faith is in the star of Soraya, men from Persia will achieve it. Ali ibn Isa narrates from Ayyub ibn Yahya from Imam Musa ibn Ja'far (AS) that he said: A man from Qom invites people to the truth and a tribe gathers around him with the strength of pieces of steel, strong winds do not burn them and war They do not get tired and do not give in to fear and rely on God, and in the end, victory is certain of it. .BEHAR vol. 57, p. 216, chapter 36. It seems that I see a people who have come out of the East and demand their rights, but they do not give them, they want their rights again and they do not give them, when they see that they carry their weapons, then they give them their rights, but they will not accept it until they rise up and hand over this government to no one but their owner, and these are their martyrs. Ghaybat Nomani, vol. 50, p. 273 Zubaydi says: The Messenger of God (PBUH) said: People from the east should rise up and prepare the ground for Mahdi (AS); "That is, to provide the ground for the government for him" and this hadith is good and correct and has been narrated by reliable narrators, and Hafiz Abu Abdullah Ibn Majqzvini has also quoted it in his book of . Sea of Lights, vol. 51, p.87 Imam Sadegh (AS) says: God made Kufa a witness for other places and the believers witnessed it for the believers of other lands, and the city of Qom for other cities and its people for all the inhabitants of the east and west of the world, from jinn and humans. Witness the right contract. God did not leave the city of Qom and its people weak and powerless, but gave them success and approval ... The day will come when the city of Qom and its people will have authority over other people. That time is from the time of Ghaem (AS) 's absence until his appearance. If not, the earth will swallow its people. Angels keep disasters away from Qom and the people of Qom. No oppressor intends evil against them unless the crusher breaks him down. Sea of Lights, vol. 60, p. 213, p. 22. Imam Sadegh (AS): Soon Kufa will be emptied of believers and knowledge will disappear from it like a snake hiding in a hole. Then science will be revealed in a city called Qom. This city becomes a mine of knowledge and grace, so long as there is no one left on the planet who is weak and incapable in religion, even the women in the veil; And this [event] is near the advent of our upright. God will replace Qom and its people with the authority of Hojjat. If this were not the case, the earth would swallow up its people and there would be no argument left on the earth. Knowledge flows from this city to other cities in the east and west of the world, and thus the authority of God over His servants ends; So much so that there is no one left on earth who has not received religion and knowledge. Then Ghaem (AS) appears. Sea of Lights, vol. 60, p. 213, p. 23.

People from the East rise up and prepare the ground for the global movement of the Mahdi. Sunan Ibn Majah, vol. 2, p. 1368, b. ) ۲)” Ibn Abbas says: I mentioned Persia to the Messenger of God, he said: Fars is a branch of us Bani Hashem. Comprehensive minor 2/123; Sum of Communities 1/565 Amir al-Mu'minin (peace be upon him): Mahdi . . . His hair is curly and a mark on his cheek. It starts from the east Summary of Na'mani p. 304 The Holy Prophet (PBUH) says: "People from the East rise up and prepare the ground for the global movement of the Mahdi." (Sunan Ibn Majah, vol. 2, p. 11.) When the black flags are raised from Khorasan, hurry to it, even if it is by standing on the snow, the owners of those flags are the supporters of the right, they demand the right but it is not given to them, they fight and win. They are, they are not given what they wanted, they fight and they win, they are given what they wanted, but they no longer accept, as if I see with my own eyes that they have supported the swords, and they are advancing. To hand over the flags to the Mahdi (pbuh), be aware that they are the companions of the Mahdi and provide the ground for his world reign, their hearts are like pieces of iron, when you saw the black flags moving from the east Respect the income of the Persians, among whom our government is. The Absence of Sheikh Tusi p. 262, Mullah and Waftan p. 27 The Messenger of God (PBUH): We are the Ahl al-Bayt that God has asked for the Hereafter for us, and these Ahl al-Bayt will suffer after me and will be deprived (of their rights). Until some people with black flags come from the east and ask for their rights two or three times, and do not give them the right until they fight and prevail, then they give them the right. , But they do not accept and give the truth to a man from my family. And He will fill the earth with justice, after it has been filled with oppression. Each of you at that time had to reach out to him, even if you had to walk on the snow with your hands and chest. Because he is the Mahdi (peace be upon him). The sedition and chaos of the end times. (translated by Malaham and Al-Fetan), Chapter 93 Text, p: 36 Some consider the interpretation of going on snow to be related to the Iranian Revolution of 1957 and February, which was a snowy land. Imam Kazem (AS): When you see black flags appear from the east, glorify Persia, because our government is among them. Malahem alfetan P 11 And God Almighty will open Khorasan (Iran) for him (Imam Mahdi) and the people of Yemen will obey him.

According to this hadith, among the Sunni tribes, the region of Iran and Yemen, in the age of advent and in the end times, are among the followers and helpers of Hazrat Mahdi (as). From Ahmad ibn Salem, from Muhammad ibn Yahya ibn Zaris, from Muhammad ibn Ja'far, from Nasr ibn Mazahim and Ibn Abi Hammad, from Abi Dawood from Abdullah ibn Sharik from Abi Ja'far (peace be upon him) who said: Abu Bakr, Umar, Zubair and Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf They approached the door of the Messenger of God (PBUH) and sat down, so the Prophet (PBUH) entered them, sat next to them, his slippers were torn and with his slippers he pointed to Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (AS), then he said: Indeed From the right side of God Almighty - or from the right side of the Throne - arose a people of us who are on the pulpits of light, their faces are light and their clothes are light, their faces are exposed to the eyes of other observers. Abu Bakr said: O Prophet, who is their God? So they were silent. Zubair said: O Prophet of God, who are they? So they were silent. Abd al-Rahman ibn Awf said: O Messenger of God, who are they? So they were silent. Then Imam Ali (AS) said: O Prophet of God, who are they? So they said: They are a people who love one another by the Spirit of God}ROHOLLA} (their hearts are united), while they have no common lineage or property; They are your Shiites and you are their Imam, Ali. » Sea of Lights, vol. 65, p. 139; Some in the above hadith consider the spirit of God {ROHOLLA} as an allusion to Imam Khomeini. ... While Sufyani's army is plundering Kufa, flags suddenly appear from Khorasan. ; [Nomani, The Unseen, p. 392]

It is stated in the narrations; "Khorasani", "Sufyani" and "Yamani" all rise in one year, one month and one day (simultaneously). [1] Although the exact place of residence and place of uprising of "Khorasani" has not been determined, but considering that the word "East" refers to the eastern parts of Islamic lands, it can be said that the place of departure of Khorasani, can not be beyond the borders of Islamic countries. As for the destination of "Khorasani", it is said in the narrations: "Surely the Bani Falan will come to power and after that they will be divided. Until "Khorasani" from the east and "Sufyani" from the west come out on them. Both, like betting horses, overtake each other to reach Kufa. As a result, Bani Falan will be destroyed by one of these two so that not a single one of them will survive. "[2] Black flags: The movement of black flags from Khorasan is one of the signs of emergence. It is stated in the narrations: Expect Faraj from three things: "Making a difference between the people of Shamat, black flags from Khorasan and fear in the month of Ramadan."] 1 These black flags also reach Kufa after leaving Khorasan And when Imam Mahdi (pbuh) appeared, some people were sent to him to pledge allegiance to him.2] This group will travel between Khorasan and Kufa in a short time.3] We know that these flags belong to Khorasani or someone else; According to some narrations, these black flags belong to a young man from Bani Hashem in Khorasan; Like this narration which has been narrated from Imam Baqir (as): "A young man from Bani Hashem, who has signs on the palm of his right hand [4], leaves Khorasan with black flags, while Shoaib ibn Saleh is in front of him] 9 But in some other narrations, this person is called "Hassani" 10.] Anyway; The problem is that; Some narrations have introduced the place of departure of "Hassani" as "the land of Deylam": "Then" Hassani "the beautiful young man left the land of Deylam, so ... men who have faith in steel will answer him". It is understood that the young man of Bani Hashemi is ; Because it is said about both of them that "Shoaib Ibn Saleh" is with him, and it is also narrated that "Hassani goes to them ... then he moves those flags until they enter Kufa". [12] In short, Hassani, sometimes referred to as "a man from the family of the Prophet" and sometimes as "the young Bani Hashemi", travels from Deylam (northern Iran) to Shoaib ibn Saleh, who left [13], and then The two move towards Kufa. After that, Khorasani marched to Kufa at the same time as Sufyan. But there is no mention of which city Khorasani comes from. It should be noted that the word "Khorasani" may be a title and does not necessarily have to be the name of the person in question; As mentioned in the narrations for "Hassani" different titles and names.

[1]. Sheikh Mufid, Muhammad ibn Muhammad, Guidance in the Knowledge of Allah Ali Al- Abad, vol. 2, p. 375, Qom, Congress of Sheikh Mufid, first edition, 1413 [2]. Ibn Abi Zainab Nu'mani, Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim, Al-Ghaybah, Mohaqeq, Afari, Ali Akbar, p. [3]. Majlisi, Mohammad Baqir, Bihar Al-Anwar, vol. 52, p. [4]. Baha'u'llah Nili Najafi (d. 803 AH), Ali ibn Abd al-Karim, the master of the believers in the signs of the advent of Sahib al-Zaman P. 53, Qom, our reason, first edition, 1426 AH. [5] The Unseen, p. 251. ]. Sheikh Tusi, Mohammad Ibn Hassan, Al-Ghaybeh, Mohaqeq, Tehrani Ibadullah, Naseh, Ali Ahmad, p. [7]. Nomani, The Unseen, p. 280.

:See ;(فِي کتِ ِف ِه ا ْلیُ ْس رى) Of course, in some versions, the scapula of the left hand is mentioned .[8] Khazaei Morozi (died: 228 AH), Abu Abdullah Naeem bin Hamad, Kitab al-Fitn, vol. 1, p. 314, Cairo, Maktab al-, first edition, 1412 AH. [9]. Kitab al-Fitn, vol. 1, p. 312; Ibn Tawus, Ali ibn Musa, Al-Tashrif with the believers in the definition of falling, p. 120, Qom, Sahib Al-Amr Institute, first edition, 1416 AH. [10]. Sea of Lights, vol. 53, p. 15. 11- Khasibi, Hussein Ibn Hamdan, Al-Hidaya Al-Kubra, p. 403, Beirut, Al-Balagh, 1419 AH. [12]. The same. [13]. Saeed Ibn Hibba Allah, Qutbuddin Ravandi, Al-Kharaij wa Al-Jaraih, vol. 3, p. 1155, Qom, Imam Al-Mahdi Foundation (may God Almighty Farjam Al-Sharif), first edition, 1409 AH. The above content is taken from Shia News site. A black flag leaves Bani Abbas, then black flags leave Khorasan with black hats and white clothes. In front of them is a man from (Bani) Tamim, who is called Shoaib ibn Saleh or Saleh ibn Shu'ayb. They will be. There will be seventy-two months between its departure and the submission of the Mahdi (as). The sedition and riots of the end times, text, chapter 92 p: 35 When you see the black flags coming out of Khorasan, reach them, and if you go through the snow with your hands and chest, because Mahdi is the Caliph of God among them. Evangelism p. 290, Installation obligation p. 253, Selected effect p. 4 30 The Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, mentioned a calamity that befalls his family. Until God sends a man with black flags from the east, whoever helps that flag, God will help him. And whoever leaves his victory, God will leave his victory. Later they come to a man whose name is My name and they make him their guardian and God helps and approves him The sedition and riots of the end times, text, chapter 100 p: 38 A man with a shark or short beard, wheaten and of medium height, named Shoaib Ibn Saleh, who is a slave of Bani Tamim, leaves the city of Ray with four thousand people dressed in white and with black flags. No one meets unless he kills it. The sedition and riots of the end times, text, chapter 95 - p: 36 Jabir narrated from Imam Mohammad Baqir (as) that he said: A young man from Bani Hashim, who has a sign in the palm of his right hand, leaves Khorasan with black flags, and Shoaib ibn Saleh will be in front of him. And he fights with the companions of Sufyan and defeats them. Aqd al-Darr p. 128, Al-Hawi vol. 2 p. 68, Mullah Ibn Tawus p. 53 Sedition and apocalypse riots, text, p: 36 Amir al-mu'minin Ali (AS) says: "Sufyani and the owners of black flags face each other while there is a young man from Bani Hashem who has a black spot on the palm of his right hand and in front of his army is a person from Bani Tamim named Sha'ib ibn "Saleh is there." Ibn Hammad, Fatan, p.86. Jabir narrates from Imam Baqir (AS): A young man from Bani Hashem from Khorasan rises with black flags which is a sign in the palm of his right hand and in front of him is a man named Shoaib Ibn Saleh who is fighting with the army of Sufyan and they Defeats. Epics and Seditions Chapter 97, p.52 Ibn Hammad / 84ا According to it, Aqd al-Darr / 128, Al-Hawi 2/68 and Malham Ibn Tawus / 53. According to Ibn Hammad, Al-Hawi 2/69 and Jum'a Al-Jawama 2/103. Ibn Hamad 1/314 When Sufyani's army leaves for Kufa, Sufyani sends a group to search for the people of Khorasan, who have come out to help Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh). Ben Saleh is facing the gate of Istkhr .... Ibn Hammad p. 86, Al-Malahim wa Al-Fitna p. 51, Bashara al-Islam p. 184 Black flags are raised to fight Sufyan, among whom is a young man from Bani Hashem, whose face is like a moon disk and has a sign in his right hand. In front of this army is Shoaib bin Saleh Tamimi, whose army hats are black and their clothes are white. They defeat Sufyani's army and advance to the west and prepare the ground for Hazrat Mahdi (as). The interval between his departure and the presentation of affairs to Hazrat Mahdi (as) is seventy-two months. Al-Malahim wa Al-Fitn, p. 41, Bashara al-Islam, p. 185 Black flags come from Khorasan and Mahdi's companions enter Jerusalem. Short statement 34 22) - Black flags are flying from Khorasan that nothing can stop them from advancing until they land and settle in Ilia (Jerusalem). Al-Hawi for Fatwas, part 2, p. 127, Al-Malahim and Al-Laftan, p. 43 Sufyani sends an army to Kufa, numbering seventy thousand, so he kills the people of Kufa and hangs and captures them. At the same time, flags suddenly appear from Khorasan and the flag bearers walk the roads very fast, accompanied by several of Ghaem's companions. . Nomani's Absence-Ghaffari Translation, p: 392 Fadhil ibn Yasar narrated from Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (as) that Boi said: There is a treasure in Taleghan which is not made of gold and silver, and it is a flag that has not been raised since the day it was wrapped. There are men whose hearts are like pieces of iron, in whom there is no doubt in their faith in God, and who are stronger than stone in the way of faith. If they want to uproot the mountains. The Promised Mehdi - Translation of the thirteenth volume of Bihar, text, p: 1117 Black flags are coming from the east, and they will be as long as God wills. After that, small black flags come out from the east, and fight a man from the sons of Abi Sufyan and his companions. And this small group obeys the Mahdi (peace be upon him). The sedition and riots of the end times, text, chapter 102 p: 38 Considering all the narrations that were mentioned about the conditions of the world before the advent. From the general signs mentioned in the hadith of the Holy Prophet of Islam to the specific signs in the region of advent which include Shamat - Iraq - Yemen - Iran and Saudi Arabia. I see the emergence of Iraq now. Since 1979, Iraq has been engaged in devastating wars such as the war with Iran for 8 years and then the war with Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and then two hard wars with the United States and the occupation of its country and then the war with internal elements. And ISIS, which is still going on. Syria has been involved in a civil war since 2011 with the money of the Arabs of the Persian Gulf and the weapons of the Western countries and the support of the countries of the region, especially Turkey, and it is still going on. Yemen is in ruins due to the intervention of foreign governments, and there is death and famine in it. And it is bombed every day by Saudi planes (locusts of narrations). And on the very first day of the Saudi invasion, the United Nations brazenly banned the sale of any weapons to Ansarullah. While the Western world, in the guise of democracy, offers its arsenal for Saudi oil dollars. On the other hand, the cowardly sanctions of the United States have put Iran and its people under the most severe pressure for supporting terrorism. Israel, with its nuclear arsenal, has violated all UN laws in the hands of the powerful and attacks anywhere in the region whenever it wants and is not accountable to anyone. In Saudi Arabia, Abdullah is dead and bin Salman is eating the foundations of the Al-Saud government like a termite. A fire has been raised in Azerbaijan, which is not unlike the war fire mentioned in the narrations. In the narrations, we see that a Yemeni comes out with a white flag and we see that the flag of Ansarullah is also white. We have narrations that Imam Mahdi leaves the village of Qareh and we see that the village of Qareh is the village of the leader of Ansarullah in Yemen. We have a narration that Imam Sadegh (AS) says that Yamani is one of my cousins Zayd.

And we see that the leader of Ansarullah is a Sayyid Zaidi. The esteemed scientist, Sheikh Abul Hassan Sharif Ameli in the book "Zia Al-Alamin" from Hafiz Abu Naeem and Abul Ala Hamedani who both have narrated in their document from Ibn Umar who said: The Messenger of God (PBUH) said: "Mahdi (AS) comes out of a village called Qareh ... It is narrated from Imam Sadiq (AS): "A Yemeni leaves Yemen with white flags". Fadl Ibn Shazan, Trathna Magazine, Second Year, No. 4, p. 455] Now the question is, isn't all this evidence enough for the imminence to emerge?

We now refer to the sayings of the elders to complete the forthcoming discussion. According to the elders of the religion, only the definite signs of emergence remain. According to some scholars, of the more than 1,200 signs of the apocalypse mentioned in the narrations, according to all scholars, all the signs have occurred and only five definite signs remain, the first of which is the "Sufyan sedition". In some cases, Hazrat Vali-e-Asr (AS) has said in the world of dreams: The signs of reappearance have been done and only five definite signs remain (which are contemporaneous with the reappearance of the Imam) which may be done in a short time. So it is up to you to pray for the reappearance .

The narrator of this case is Mr. Ghazi Zahedi in his book Shiftegan. 181-P-V1 Hojjat-ul-Islam Ali Behjat, the son of the Grand Ayatollah Behjat (RA), said in an interview with Fitn: Regarding the quote that Ayatollah Naseri Dolatabadi had from Ayatollah Behjat about his reappearance, he said: The Grand Ayatollah Behjat (RA) said to Ayatollah Naseri from the words of his friend: They ask Hazrat Sahib al-Zaman, "Sir, do I see your appearance too?" In which Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) responds, “They will see older than you. The Grand Ayatollah Behjat was asked about the reappearance and he said: Be careful of the situation in Yemen.

Haj Agha Mohammad Hassan Abu Turabi They said; He was sick, we took him to the doctor for a visit, we were sitting ... After the doctor left, he turned to me and said: On the one hand, one should pray for the imminence to appear, and on the other hand, worry about the calamities that are on the way, the calamities of Sufyan. How can one endure these? One does not know whether one should ask God for one's own death or whether one wants to live and see the reappearance of God. ! / Panahian's speech on February 13, 9222 ” The above story was also quoted by the son of the late Behjat, the clip of which is available in cyberspace. It has been said that a person is hesitant to pray to stay and see the reappearance of the Imam of the Age or to die and not see the catastrophes near his reappearance. The late Grand Ayatollah Behjat said: Imam al-Zaman (as) in the mosque of Sahleh, Jamkaran, in the sleep and waking in the ears of some of his friends without seeing him, said: My reappearance is near, pray. Or he said in a narration: My appearance is near, pray that it will not be achieved In the presence of Grand Ayatollah Behjat - p.108 Ayatollah Naseri: God knows that the reappearance is near Allameh Hassanzadeh: Evidence shows that the Islamic Revolution and the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran is the emergence of the minority of Hazrat Baqiyatullah al-Azam and the rise of the world government of Imam Zaman (AS). Allameh Hassanzadeh believes that, just as for the absence of our Imam We believe in long absence and short absence. We also believe in the emergence. Allameh Hassanzadeh is the person about whom Allameh Tabatabai says: Hassanzadeh is known only by the Imam Mahdi (AS). Ayatollah Vahid Khorasani, one of the great authorities of imitation, is the person who Ayatollah Namazi in the story of his meeting with Imam Zaman (AS) on a pilgrimage due to the loss of his caravan, says: Imam Mahdi is one of those who mentioned and expressed love. , Named after Ayatollah Vahid, who was an ordinary cleric at the time. Ayatollah Vahid says: Preserving the Islamic Republic is an obligation until this government reaches the hands of Imam Asr. In the above paragraphs, some of the elders were briefly mentioned, which is in fact a handful of goodies. For the information of those who do not know enough about Ayatollah Behjat and do not know his spiritual status, I will mention some points. Ayatollah Behjat went to Karbala under the age of 14. He was a person who, according to himself, saw things during prayers that he thought everyone could see. His son quotes him as saying: "Every question that came to my mind, Ayatollah Qazi (his spiritual teacher) would answer immediately. My teacher once said that, as Mr. Behjat asked, this is the answer." My friend, who was sitting next to me, turned to me and said: You did not ask anything. The late Mustafa Khomeini narrated that his father (Imam Khomeini) believed that Mr. Behjat had authority over his own death (voluntary death). It seems that Mr. Ghouchani was the representative of Ayatollah Ghazi, who quotes: that one day I was with Ayatollah Ghazi, and he opened the letters that asked him questions. After opening a letter, he smiled. I asked him the reason. He said: The letter O Mr. Behjat, who asked if someone's soul is separated from his body for three days, what happens to the prayers he has not performed after the soul returns to the body? Ayatollah Ghazi said: I am sure that Mr. Behjat means himself. The son of Ayatollah Behjat defines. One day, Ayatollah Fahri came to my father's service. Because they were the same age, he complained to my father about why you did not take my hand and .... now you have asked me for advice. Just because of the right of friendship that I have around you. Tell me one of God's grace in your right. The son of Ayatollah Behjat says: My father said that if it were not for you and it was not because of your words, I would not have said anything. But Imam Reza (AS) himself said to me personally: Is it possible for any of us Ahlul Bayt to have a request and we do not give it to him? (There are many quotations that he personally visited Imam Reza (as) during his pilgrimage. That is, he had a spiritual eye). A friend quotes. That Ayatollah Behjat has quoted 25 virtues to me, which he only allowed me to say one of them. And that is what he said: he even sees behind his back. In short, Ayatollah Behjat was unique. Now, the point is here, when Ayatollah Behjat comes with this record and says: Be careful of the situation in Yemen, which is related to the emergence. Or he says that a person stays, to pray to stay and see the reappearance, or to die and not see the catastrophes of the reappearance. Definite symptoms: According to a hadith from Imam Sadegh (AS) that has been mentioned many times before, the definite signs before the advent are 5. The first of them is the departure of Sufyan, which is in the month of Rajab. He is in the Daraa region in southern Syria. Simultaneously with the departure of Sufyan, a person named Yamani is leaving Sanaa, Yemen, which is the second definite sign. And after that, the third sign of advent in the 23rd month of Ramadan, that is, about two months later, is a heavenly voice, which is a voice that all the people of the world, whoever hears in their own language, say: Your leader is the Mahdi. In fact, this is the most important sign of reappearance, because it is not wrong for human beings. 15 days later, God commands the advent of Imam Mahdi (as). With this news, the Sufyan army moves from Medina to Mecca to kill the Imam, who sinks to the ground in an area called Bida, and this is the last sure sign of emergence. We will now examine each of these symptoms. 1- Yemeni: It is narrated from Imam Baqir (AS) that he said: The departure of Sufyan, Yamani, and Sayyid Khorasani is in a year, a month, and a day, which, like the seeds of a rosary, follow them all, and a comprehensive war takes place. Woe to the one who stands in front of them! None of these flags is as true as the Yemeni flag; Because it invites you (to follow) your Imamate. After the Yemeni uprising, the sale and purchase of weapons is prohibited for the people, especially the Muslims, and whenever (the Yemeni) uprising moves, move towards him and as soon as you will find it the flag of guidance. One of the Muslims is not allowed to confront him and whoever does so is in hell; Because Yamaniyyah invites to the right path and straight path. (Al-Ghaybah, Nu'maniyyah, p. 171, Baharalanvar, vol. 52, p. 232). In authentic narrations, the name and lineage of a Yemeni is not specified, and there is doubt that a Yemeni is from Sadat Bani Hashemi. Yamani has been mentioned in hadiths with titles and words such as "Yamani", "Qahtani", "Al-Khalifa Al-Yamani", "Al-Mansour Al-Kandi" and "Al- Mansour Al-Yamani". The hadiths introduce Yamani as a follower of Imam Ali (as) and in some hadiths, Yamani is considered to be a descendant of Zayd ibn Ali. In any case, Yamani is a follower of the Ahl al-Bayt religion and a follower of the true religion and the Shiite Muslim. Imam Baqir has said in this regard that among the flags, there is no more guided flag than the Yemeni flag. He is the guided flag, because he invites to your owner (Imam Mahdi). Nomani, The Unseen, p. 361

He has quoted Imam Sadegh (as) in an authentic hadith: Before the uprising of Qaem, there are five definite signs: Yamani, Sufyani, the heavenly shout, the martyrdom of Zakia's soul, and the eclipse of Bida .. (Sheikh Saduq, Kamaluddin, vol. 2, p. ... Then a white man (with a flag) from Sanaa, Yemen, like Hussein or Hassan, rises up like cotton, and with his uprising, the hardships of sedition end. At this time, a blessed, pure, guiding and guided personality (Imam Asr) appears .... [Majlisi, Baharalanvar, vol. 51, p. 162] ... Quoted in the book [Sheikh Tusi, Al-Amali, p. 661] Yamani is one of the lovers and followers of Imam Ali ... Al-Khalifa Al-Yamani; It is quoted from Sunni sources as follows: At the time of the Yemeni leader who conquers Istanbul and Rome, the Antichrist appears and Jesus son of Mary descends from heaven. Nu'mani (p. 25) with his documents to Jabir bin Abdullah Ansari from the Messenger of God (pbuh) in a word attributed to the Prophet at the time of welcoming the Yemeni delegations said: ... (Yemenis) are thin-hearted people. Their faith is firm and Mansour leaves them with seventy thousand people. He helps my successor. In the book Falah al-Sa'il by Ibn Tawus (p. 170), there are long documents from Ibad ibn Muhammad Madani that he said: I went to Imam Sadegh (as) in Medina ... (and this hadith is long and continues). Before that (appearance) will be a sign? He said yes. There will be many different signs. I asked like what? said: The departure of a flag from the east and a flag from the west and the sedition that has been going on in Baghdad for a long time, and the departure of a man from my cousin Zayd in Yemen, and the looting of the cover of the Sacred House of God. Quoted from Fadl Ibn Shazan, Trathna Magazine, Second Year, No. 4, p. 455]: The Yemeni uprising from Yemen will be accompanied by white flags. Quoted from the book [Sayyid Ibn Taws, Falah al-Sa'il, p. 171]: ... and the uprising of a man from my uncle Zayd's family in Yemen. It is narrated from [Sheikh Tusi, Al-Ghaybah, p. 447] that: Before Sufyan, Egyptians and Yemenis leave. 2- Sufyani departure: Sufyani is the first sign for the certainty of reappearance. Sufyani is a common name that considers a person related to Abu Sufyan to be one of the fiercest enemies of the Prophet of Islam. In one narration, his name is Uthman and in another place Abdullah or Muhammad is mentioned. He is a ruthless and bloodthirsty person who has the hatred of the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet and the Shiites in his heart and his intention is to eradicate the Shiite religion from the uprising. He leaves the desert without water and grass in the month of Rajab. While 30,000 people accompany him and dominate Damascus, Aleppo, Homs, Qansarin and Palestine for 5 months, he fights and defeats two other groups called Abqa and Ashab, and becomes the ruler of Syria. And then he goes to the Kyrgyz region, fights the Turks and the Romans, and in a heavy battle defeats them all, then divides his army into two groups, sends a group to Medina to confront Imam Mahdi (as), and sends a group to Kufa. The expedition to Kufa kills a lot and desecrates a lot of women. Sufyani kills anyone whose name is Ali-Fatima or Hassan and Hussein, even if he is a child. In Kufa, he clashed with the Khorasan Corps, which was moving from Iran, and he was defeated by the Khorasan Corps in Kufa and retreated. In order to fight Imam Mahdi, he moved from Medina to Mecca, where he drowned in the desert of Bida by the order of God, and all but three of them perished. There are various descriptions about Sufyani. For example, he is a descendant of Abu Sufyan. His flag is red, which at first was black but changed to red (perhaps black means the ISIL flag that joined him, the color of their flag changes). Or it is said that he comes from Roman lands - he has a cross around his neck - he has not seen Mecca and Medina He has never worshiped God - he is ruthless so that he kills his wife so that she does not reveal her refuge - she has a smallpox face and red hair with blue eyes and wide shoulders - at first glance she looks like one eye. For 15 months of war and rule He was killed by Imam Mahdi (as) in Jerusalem. Here are a few narrations: It is narrated from Imam Baqir (as) that he said: "If you see Sufyan, you have actually seen the dirtiest people. He has blond hair, red hair and blue eyes. He has never worshiped God and has never seen Mecca and Medina. He says: "O my Lord! Avenge me with fire. " [7) Baharalanvar / J 52 / p 354 He is a descendant of Uthman and his father's name is Ainieh or Anbasa. Signs of his departure are the eclipse on the west side of the Damascus Mosque and the earthquake and eclipse in a village south of Damascus called Jabiyeh.

Al-Nu'mani, Muhammad ibn Ibrahim, Kitab al-Ghaybah, research: Fars Hassoun Karim, Qom, Anwar al- Huda, 1422, first edition, p. 149 , Ali Ibn Musa, Al-Malahim wa Al-Fitn, translated by Najafi, Mohammad Javad, Tehran, Islamieh, 1981, p. 164 Sea of Lights, Ibid., Vol. 53, pp. 208 and 269 Amir al-Mu'minin (AS) says in a sermon: Sufyani, because of his hatred and enmity with the family of Muhammad (PBUH), finds anyone whose name is Muhammad, Ali, Fatemeh, Hassan, Hussein, Jafar, Musa, Fatemeh, Zainab, Maryam, Khadijeh, Sakineh and Roghayeh to be killed. He sends his men to the cities and gathers small children and young children in front of him, and he orders them to boil the olive oil. And those little children say to him: What is our sin if our fathers oppose you? He does not care and everyone who has those names boils.

Yazdi Haeri, Ali, Al-Zam Al-Nasib Fi Asbat Al-Hojjat Al-Ghayeb, Beirut, Alami, 1984, Fifth Edition, Vol. 2, p. 199. [9] Imam Sadiq (as) says in this regard: "His preacher calls that whoever beheads a Shiite is rewarded with a thousand dirhams, and at this time the neighbor attacks the neighbor and says that this person is a Shiite. So they beat him on the neck and he gets a reward of one thousand dirhams. "Sheikh Tusi, Muhammad bin Al-Hassan; Al-Ghaybah, Qom, Institute of , 1411 AH, p. 450 Sea of Lights, Ibid., Vol. 52, pp. 215 and 219 Then there is a lot of terror in Iraq, and then they enter Zura, which is Baghdad, and carry out a large-scale massacre. Imam Sadegh (AS) says in this regard: for three days he declares everything permissible and kills sixty thousand people and destroys their houses, and after that for eighteen days their property is among them. They divide. Selected works in the second Imam, the same, vol. 3, p. 425 Sufyani will enter Kufa and capture the people of Kufa for three days and kill sixty thousand people of Kufa and (18) stay in Kufa overnight to distribute their property, until the black flags (for taking allegiance) to Mahdi (as). Peace be upon you. The sedition and riots of the end times, text, chapter 91 p: 34 I asked Imam Baqir about Sufyani, he said: Where are you and where is Sufyani? He will not come until a person named Shisabani leaves before him. Shisbani rises from the ground like water from Kufan (Kufa and Najaf) (an allusion to the large number of his followers) and kills the representatives of the Shiite leaders in Iraq. Then you have to wait for Sufyani to leave and then for Ghaem to appear. The narration of the story of "Shisbani in Kufa" by Imam Baqir (AS) is exactly the same purpose as the narration of the hadith "Kasr al-Ain in Sana'a", and both incidents indicate that Imam (AS) is trying to narrate an incident. It is unique "before the departure of Sufyan" which, in addition, makes the real distinction and recognition of Sufyan as a sure sign of the emergence of other Sufis throughout history. Some believe that Shisbani was Saddam Hussein and some believe that ISIS was in Iraq And [Sufyani] acts in the manner of the first wicked, and God is angry with his action from heaven, then he incites a gentleman (Khorasani) from the east who calls on the Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet (PBUH) (Shiite religion) against Sufyani. Orientals are the companions of black flags. God sends them honor and victory, so no one will fight them (the Iranians) unless they defeat him, and then the [Yemeni] army will move ... and the young Yemeni (Yemeni), Hamaz seeks to destroy the island until they land in Damascus and conquer it faster than the sea. Fatlawy, Rayaat Al-Hada and Delusion in the Age of Appearance, p. 103.) 3- Heavenly voice: It is a heavenly voice that brings the name of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) to the ears of all the people of the world. This is a loud call from Gabriel (peace be upon him) and it is heard on the night of the 23rd of Ramadan and all the people of the earth hear it in their own language. Safi Golpayegani, Lotfollah, Selected Works, Vol. 3, p. 73 74. Imam Sadegh said: Prostrate after hearing the shout. And say, Glory be to God, the Most Holy, our Lord is the Most Holy, that if anyone does so, he will be saved, and whoever confronts him will perish. Kamel Suleiman, Day of Liberation (Day of Salvation), vol. 2, p. 618. 4- Khasf al- 'means the sinking of the land of Bayda', and it means the sinking and destruction of the Sufi army in the land of Bayda '- a desert between Mecca and Medina. In some narrations, this incident is considered as one of the definite signs of the uprising of Imam al-Zaman (as). This incident takes place after the advent and before the uprising of the twelfth Imam (as). Imam Baqir said: When the army of Sufyan stops in the land of Bidaa to rest, a preacher from the sky calls out: O Bidaa! Swallow this tribe. So the earth swallows them all, and none of them remains except three who ..

Nomani, Mohammad Ibn Ibrahim, Al-Ghaybah, Tehran, Maktab al-Saduq, 1397 AH, p. 280. 5- Zakia's murder: One of the inevitable signs of the emergence and uprising of Hazrat Mahdi (as) is the murder of Zakia. He is a pure-hearted Sidi who is martyred between the pillar and the authority in Mecca. His testimony is a sure sign of his emergence.

Majlisi, Mohammad Baqir, Bihar Al-Anwar, Beirut, Al-Wafa Institute, 1404, vol. 52, pp. 204-206. According to a narration, fifteen days after the martyrdom of Zakia's soul, Imam Mahdi (as) appears . Majlisi, Mohammad Baqir, Bihar Al-Anwar, Beirut, Al-Wafa Institute, 1404, vol. 52, p. 192. Imam Baqir said: "There is no more than fifteen days and nights between the uprising of Mahdi (pbuh) and the killing of Zakia's soul." Sheikh Saduq, Muhammad ibn Ali, Kamal al-Din and all the blessings, vol. 1, p. 649. Sheikh Tusi, Muhammad ibn Hassan, Al-Ghaybah, p. 445. Edited by: D-Rezaei