Achievements of Muslim Women in the Religious and Scholarly Fields

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Achievements of Muslim Women in the Religious and Scholarly Fields GJYT FOR WOMEN MUFTI AASf/IQ liLA /II ACHIEVEMENTS INSTRUCTIONS OF SIIAIU'AII J'OR WOI\HN MUFTI AASIIIQ li/.A/11 DREAMS AND INTERPRETATIONS oj MOHAMMAD IBN SIREEN RADRAT A ISH A SIODIQA SYYED SULEMAN NADI'I REI\r£DIES FROM TilE IIOI.Y QURAN 7 MAULANA ASHRAF AU TIIANl'l MUSLIM V\ 0MEN RIGHTS OF' HUSBA D AND W IFF. IN Ito. I. \1\1 MUFTI ABDUL GHANI BIOGRAPHIES OF' Tilt: WOMt:N C'OMI'ANICIN'I Ill 1111 IIIII \ PROPHET AND T ilE WAYS 01'1111Wt to.AC 'IU Il l I\ I._ in the SULEMANNADVII SLAMNA()I'/ HlJAB DR. ISMAIL MEMON ISLAM IC PRINCIPLES ON FAMILY 11LANNINC , MUFTI AU HAROON NAMES FOR MUSLIM CIIII,ORENS RELIGIOUS MOHAMMAD RAFIQ TWENT Y LESSONS FOR MUSI,IM WOM ii N MUFTI AASHIQ li/.A/11 and SYSTEM OF MODESTY ANI) C'II AS'I'II \ IN INI Al\l MUFTI ZAFI/1 UDDIN WOMEN DETWt: EN ISLAM ANU WI •: N 11/,IIN NW 'II I\ WA/1/D UD /)IN KIIAN HOW MAY WOMEN Pt:rur()JtM II AJ ,J MUr'TI ABDUL RA UF SCHOLARLY HOW MAY WOMt:N CW1r1m l'ltAY ir.ltN MUV/'1 ADOUI. RA(}F SIX SINFUl. WOMt:N MUFTI IIIJDUI.IIAIW FIELDS SUSPIC ION ANO OltAWINCI 11 ,1, OMI•.N MUFTI AIJI)(JJ. RAUl• A GIFT TO T m : II tJS IIAN I> ANU Wll•K MAULANA ASIIRAI'AIIIII4NI'I T HE OOOK CW FAll II MAUl .ANA MOIIAMM Ill .1 I .I'll/() II WI T m : BOOK OF AIII.IJI'IONiiiA Ill lt. I'IIIUIIC \I II I'll MAULANA MO/IAMMlll I f.\11/V I WI TilE BOOK OF SAI.AII MAUl I NA MO//.MI\11/l Ifill/() f1 fill Tilt: llOOK CW ;t.AI<AII lt. ,,All \ C}I\11 MAUIINI M0/11\1\ffll f f\11/()//1/{/ Tilt: llOOK ClJ! M" INCdl, \ IIIII Ill Ill II \M ~I IA N MAll/ IN-4 M0/11\f~llll I fll/11)1/1/// Maulana Qazi Athar Mubarakpuri T ilt: 11001\ 0 1< ''lll'l'l IC \II II~ \f.fl/1 M f Iff/// I II~ Ill I f\/111) II Ill/ T JIIo. llOOk. 01 MAll Ill \1 .1 , Ill\ IIM C I ' 11111 !\11 \Ill'/ 11>1 l trl/1111\lf/1 IIIII/I) II Ill/ 1 m . IIOOk. 01 II I.IAII \Nll c INIIII!'Icl 1111'/ lVI ltrl//W\If/1 1111/11}/1-'l'll IIII( JIOOk.ON IIIII Clll ,.lllill ANIIMtrt N I AJoiftl 1111'/ INHIII!/H/1111111 11111 II/ 1\10 I 11111'1 Ill lilt "" 1111 II /JH II 11'</llfl\ ~!~!!!!!! ACHIEVEMENTS OF MUSLIM WOMEN I N 1'liE .RELIGIOUS AND SCHOLARLY FIELDS ACHIEVEMENTS OF MUSLIM WOMEN IN THE RELIGIOUS AND SCHOLARLY FIELDS Maulana Qazi Athar Mubarakpuri Eng. Translation Ra fiq Abdu r Rahman DARUL IS H AAT Karachi-1, P"klstan Achie.vements of Muslim Women in the ReU.gious And Scholarly Fields 5 Copyright Regd. No. All Rights Reserved with DARUL - ISHAAT KARACHI Copyrigltt delegated to Mohammad Asif310-Nel1/ Meena Bazar Jama Ma.~jid Dehli India Contents Is. n~. ~ Subjects IP. no. I 1 Introduction. 13 2 · Foreword (First Urdu E4ition). 15 3 Foreword (Second Urd~ Edition). 16 4 Achievements of Muslim Women. 17 5 Women's education in the Prophet's times. 17 6 Knowledge. of hadith. 20 7 Travelling to acquire hadith. 23 8 Separate, screened sitting arrangement for female students. · 25 9 Permission of the muhaddithm. 26 10 Ascription. 29 () 11 Titles and Addresses. 29 12 Sittul Ajnas. 29 13 $ittul Ahl. 29 14 Sittush Sham. 29 FiRST Ei>JTION 15 Sittul Arab. 29 2005 . 16 Sittul Fuqaha. 29 PRJJVTEDAT /LMJ GRAPHICS 17 Sittul-Fuqaha. 29 KARACHI-PAKISTAN 18 Sittul Kul. 30 PUBLISHER 19 Sittul Kul. 30 DARUL -JSHAAT URDU BAZAR KARACHJ-1 PAKISTAN. E-mail : [email protected].~olir.eom. [email protected] 20 Sittul Kul. 30 Tel: 92-21-2213768 21 Sittul Muluk. 30 AVAILABLE AT 22 Sittun Nas. 30 IDARATUL MA :4RIF. DARUL ULOOM. KORANOJ. KARACHI WARA-E-ISLAMJAT 190-ANA.RKALI. LAHORE 23 Sittul Wuzara. 30 AVAILABLE IN ENGLAND 24 Taj un Nisa. 30 .-\ZHAR ACADEMY LTD. 25 Sharf un Nisa. 30 ATCONT!NENTA (J.ONDON) LTD. COOKS ROA,D. !..ONDO.V EIS 2PW Achievements of Muslim Women in the Religious And Scholarly Fielas 6 Achievements of Muslim Women in the Religious And Scholarly Fields 7 I Subjects IP. no. I IS. no. I Subjects IP . no. I 26 Fakhrun Nisa. 30 54 Calligraphy and composition. 50 27 Zaynud Dar. 30 55 Share of Mothers ip upbringing children . 51 28 Shajratud Our. 30 56 Imam Maalik's ~..ill~; mother. 52 29 Hurrah. 30 57 Mother ofSufyan ibn Uyarnah ..,._JJ , ~>· 53 30 jalilah. 30 58 Mother of Imam Awza'i ~..u , ~>· 53 31 Mu'alimmah. 31 59 Mother of Imam Ibn Ulayyah. 54 32 Shaykh ah. 31 60 Mother of Sha'bah ibn Hajjaj ~.ill~J· 55 33 Shaykhal). 31 61 Mother of Imam Shafi'i .ys..IJ , ~ ;. 55 34 Shaykhah. 31 62 Mother of Ah.n;tad ibn Hanbai.ys..iJ, ~;. 56 35 Shaykhah. 31 63 Mother of Imam Bukhari .ys ..iJ, ~J· 57 36 Sanad AaH. 31 64 Mother of Zuam Al-Awqas .,.u.J.J,~J· 58 37 Singularity in Ahadith and Books ofHadith. 32 65 Mother of Umar ibn Harun Bakhi .ys J.J,4r J· 58 38 . The last of the Students. 32 66 Mother of Zaynuddin Dimishqi. 59 39 Learning and narrating hadith, and methods 67 Mother of Hajjaj ibn Yusuf Baghdadi .ys J.J, ~ >· 59 thereof. 34 68 · Mother of Ibrahim Harbi .ys ..il11..r J· 59 40 Hearing. 34 69 Mother of Abu Jafar ibn Bistam. 59 41 Reading. 34 70 Mother of An Nasir Abbasi & son of Ibn Jawzi 42 Permission. 35 .Y,...UII~;.' 60 43 Crowd of Students in classes of female 71 Respect of Mothers. 60 36 Muhaddithin and Scholars. 72 Hasan Busri. 60 44 Permission to narrates. 39 73 Ghazwan Raqashi ~ J.J, ~ >· 60 45 Lessons in different dties. 39 74 Mis'ar ibn Kidam Kufi .Y... J.J, '-; · 61 46 Mutual hearing and narrating. 40 75 Ahmad ibn Ali Abbar Baghdadi .Y... J.J, '->· 61 47 Writings on hadith. 41 76 Abu Hanifah .,.u...U''->· 61 48 Exegesis of their books and narrations. 42 77 A bud Muzaffar Sam'ani .ys..iJ, '-J· 62 49 Fiqh (Jurisprudence) and Verdicts. 42 78 Men ascribed to their mothers. 62 50 Qur'an, memorizing, exegesis and recital. 44 79 Bulding modiasahs. · 64 51 Admonition and reminder. 46 80 Retreats and poor Houses. 65 52 Tasawwuf. 47 81 Free water s upply in Makkah. 67 53 Poetry and literature. 48 Achievements o f Muslim Women in the Religious And Scholarly Field s 8 Achievements of Muslim W'omen in the Religious And Scholarly Fields 9 IS. no. I Subjects ,P. no., IS. no. I Subjects I P. no. I 82 Public welfare construction by women of high 107 Jumu'ah bint Ahmad Muhammiyah ..u-.lJ,~J . 79 officers. • 67 108 Fatimah bint I-Iilal ~...u 1 ~ J· 79 83 River Zubaydah. 67 109 Fatimab bint Muhammad .._.ts. .lJ, ~ J· 80 84 Hajj with grandeur. .68 110 Tahirah bint Ahmad Tanukhiyah. 80 85 Royal and Kingly. 69 111 Khadijah bintal-Baq~al M usa ~·ih~ J. 80 86 Building Madrasahs. 70 112 Jabrah as-Sawda ~.ll· ~J. 80 87 Personal Merits. 71 113 Sittiyah bint Qadi Abdul Wahid -.~s-.lJ, ~ )· 80 88 Acknowledgement and respect. 73 114 Khadijah Bint Muhammad Shah Janiyah .lJ, ~ J 89 The Farnou~ Female S<;holars of the Ummah. 75 ~- 80 • 90 Umm Umar bint Hassan Baghdadi Ys- .lJ, ~J· 76 115 Amatul Wahid Satitah bint Qadi Husayn ...UI ~J 91 Zaynab bint Sulayman Baghdadiyah. 76 Ys-. 81 81 92 Zaynab bint Sulayman Baghdadiyah ~ .lJ, ~ J· 76 116 Bibi bint Abdus Samad .._.ts..h i ~J. 81 93 Khadijah Umm Muhammad Baghadiyah .lJ, ~J 117 Ayshah bintHasan Warkamiyah~.lJ , ~J · 81 Ys-. 76 118 Fatimah bint Hasan Baghdudiyah. 81 94 Mudghah, Mukhkhah, Zahdah sisters of Bishr 119 Karimah bintMuhammad Maruziyah ~.lJ,~J. Umm ul Muwayd Zaynab Sha'riyah. 82 Hafi. 7'7 120 121 Amatullah Bint Ahmad ,...ts..lJ , ~J· 82 95 Abbasiyah wife o f Ahmad ibn Hanbal ~ .lJ, ~J· 77 Ujaybah bint Muhammad Baqadariyah .lJ,~J 96 Maymunah sister of Ibrahim Khawwas. 77 122 ~- 82 97 Hawariyah Abu Sa'eed Kharrazah. 77 123 Sittul Arab bint Yahya V.. .11•~ J· 82 98 Abdah bint Abdur Rahman Ansariyah Ys-.h'~J· 78 124 Taqlyah bint Muhammad ~.lJ, ~J· 82 99 Sumanah bint Hamdan 78 ,...ts..lJ,~J. 125 Ayshah bint Mu'mar Istahani ~.h''--J· 82 100 Fatimah bint Abdur Rahman Hurraniyah .iJ, ~J 126 Sa'eedah bint abdul Malik ~ .lJ,.._J· 83 ~ - 78 127 Jamal un Nisa bint Ahmad Baghdadiyah .iJ, '--J 101 Munayyah Katibah. 78 ,...ts.. 83 102 Un\m Eesa bint Ibtaahim I Iarbi ~.iJ , .,_ J· 78 128 Aasiyah mother ofSayfuddin ~.lJ, ~ J· 83 103 Umm Salamah Fatimah bin Abdullah Sajistani 129 Zuhrah bint Muhammad ibn Shaykhah .iJ, ~) ~.iJ , ~) · 78 83 ~- 104 Khadijah bint Abu Bakr Muharninad ~.lJ,~J· 79 130 Ummul Fadl Zaynab bint Ibrahim Qaysi .lJ, ~ J 83 105 Amatul Islam bint Qadi Abu.Bakr Ahmad. 79 ~- 106 Khuldiyah bint Ja'far. 79 131 Ummul Khayr Zaynab bint Qadi Yahya. 83 Achievements of Muslim Women in the Rellgious And Scholarly Fields 10 Achievements of Muslim Women in the Religious And Scholnrly Fields 11 j S. no. I Subjects IP. no. I IS. no. I Subjects IP .
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