In the Defence of the True Faith 1

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In the Defence of the True Faith 1 In The Defence Of the True Faith 1 In The Defence Of the True Faith In The Defence of True Faith Battle Expeditions, Peace Treaties and their Consequences in the life of Prophet Muhammad (Peace And Blessings of Allah be upon him) Taken from Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah By: Ibn Katheer Translation & Researched By: Darussalam Research Center Copyright: Darussalam Publishers & Distributers SUNNICONNECT.COM We believe Islamic knowledge should be accessible to everyone especially in our fitan times where ignorance and immorality is widespread. This book is uploaded fi sabi lilaah for those who can’t buy this book for various reasons. If you have money please support the publisher by purchasing the original copy of this book. 2 In The Defence Of the True Faith 3 In The Defence Of the True Faith Contents Preface to the Revision ....................................................................10 Publisher’s Preface ..........................................................................14 The Great Battle of Badr .................................................................16 The Killing of Abul-Bakhtari Ibn Hisham .........................................37 The Killing of Umayyah Ibn Khalaf ..................................................38 The Killing of Abu Jahl, May Allah’s Curse be Upon Him ..............39 The Messenger of Allah’s Restoration of Qatadah’s Eye ..................41 The Casting of the Leaders of the Kuffar Into the Well of Badr .......41 The Number of Captives and Those Killed Among the Polytheists in the Battle of Badr ...............................................................................49 How the Booty Was Shared ...............................................................50 The Prophet’s Return From Badr to Madinah ...................................52 The Killing of An-Nadr Ibn Al-Harith and ‘Uqbah Ibn Abi Mu‘ait ..53 The Joy of Najashi at the Event of Badr ............................................54 The News of the Casualties of Badr Reaches Their Families in Makkah ...........................................................................................................55 The Sending of Emissaries by the Quraish so as to Ransom their Prisoners ............................................................................................56 The Excellence of Those Who Participated in the Battle of Badr .....61 4 In The Defence Of the True Faith The Arrival of Zainab, the Daughter of Allah’s Messenger, from Makkah to Madinah, a Month After Badr .........................................62 The Battle of Banu Sulaim in the 2nd Year of Hijrah .......................64 The Invasion of As-Saweeq in Dhul-Hijjah .......................................65 Ali’s Consummates His Marriage With Fatimah, the Daughter of Allah’s Messenger .............................................................................65 The Aggregate Events that Occurred in the 2nd Year of Hijrah ........67 The 3rd Year of Hijrah .......................................................................68 The Trial of the Jews of Banu Qainuqa’ from the People of Madinah .............................................................................................69 The Expedition of Zaid Ibn Harithah to Capture the Quraishi Caravan Led by Abu Sufyan ............................................................................71 The Killing of Ka‘b Ibn Al-Ashraf, the Jew ......................................71 The Battle of Uhud in Shawwal, the 3rd Year of Hijrah ...................73 The Death of Hamzah ........................................................................79 The Polytheists Whom the Prophet Confronted on That Day............88 The Du‘a of the Prophet After the Battle of Uhud .............................98 Funeral Prayer Over Hamzah and the Other Martyrs of Uhud ........101 The Numbers of the Martyrs ............................................................105 In Order to Terrorize Abu Sufyan and His Company, the Prophet and His Companions Go on His Trail ...................................................107 The Fourth Year of Hijrah ...............................................................110 The Ghazwat of Ar-Rajee‘ ...............................................................111 5 In The Defence Of the True Faith Military Contingent of Umayyah Ad-Damri in Pursuit of the Murderers of Khubaib .......................................................................................113 The Expedition Bi’r Ma‘oonah ........................................................117 The Expedition of Banu Nadeer Concerning Whom Allah Revealed Soorah Al-Hashr ..............................................................................119 The Story of ‘Amr Ibn Su‘da Al-Qarazi When He Came Upon the Desolate Residence of Banu Nadeer ...............................................125 The Ghazwat of Banu Lihyan During Which the Fear Prayer Was First Held at Usfan ...................................................................................126 The Expedition of Dhatur-Riqa‘ ......................................................128 The Story of Gawrath Ibn Al-Harith ................................................129 The Story of the One Whose Wife Was Killed in the Expedition ...130 The Story of Jabir’s Camel During This Expedition .......................131 The Second Expedition of Badr .......................................................132 Aggregate Events that Occurred in the Fourth Year of Hijrah ........133 The Fifth Year of Hijrah, the Expedition of Dawmatul-Jandal in Rabee‘ ul-Awwal .........................................................................................135 The Battle of Khandaq Otherwise Known as the Battle of the Confederates ....................................................................................136 The Prophet’s Du‘a against the confederates and how Allah dealt with them by His Wisdom and Power ....................................................149 The Battle of Banu Quraizah ........................................................154 The Death of Sa‘d Ibn Mu‘adh ........................................................162 What the Poets Said Concerning the Khandaq and Banu Quraizah .164 6 In The Defence Of the True Faith Assassination of Abu Rafi‘ Salam Ibn Abu Al-Huqaiq the Jew, May Allah Curse Him ..............................................................................166 The Assassination of Khalid Ibn Sufyan Ibn Nubaih Al-Hudhali ...168 The Encounter of ‘Amr Ibn Al-‘As With Najashi and His Acceptance of Islam ............................................................................................169 The Prophet’s Marriage to Umm Habeebah Ramlah Bint Abu Sufyan ..............................................................................................172 The Prophet’s Marriage to Zainab Bint Jahsh Ibn Ri’ab Ibn Ya‘mar Ibn Sabirah Ibn Murrah Ibn Kabeer Ibn Ghanm Ibn Doowdan Ibn Asad Ibn Khuzaimah Al-Asadiyyah ...............................................................174 The Revelation of the Verse of Hijab on the Morning of Her Wedding Ceremony .........................................................................................176 The Sixth Year of Hijrah ...............................................................178 The Ghazwah of Dhi Qarad .............................................................178 Ghazwah Banu Al-Mustaliq of Khuza‘ah ........................................180 The Story of the Ifk (Slander) ..........................................................184 The Ghazwah of Hudaibiyyah .........................................................190 Al-Bukhari’s Narration of the ‘Umrah of Al-Hudaibiyyah .............200 Military Expeditions and Invasions that Occurred in the Sixth Year of Hijrah ...............................................................................................208 Summary of Events and Occurrences of the Sixth Year of Hijrah ..210 The Seventh Year of the Prophetic Hijrah .......................................210 The Story of Safiyyah Bint Huyayy Ibn Akhtab An-Nadariyyah ....219 7 In The Defence Of the True Faith The Arrival of Ja‘afar Ibn Abi Talib and Those Who Remained of the Muslims Who Migrated to Abyssinia ..............................................225 The Story of the Poisoned Lamb .....................................................227 The Prophet’s March Through Wadi Al-Qura and His Siege of the Jewish Inhabitants ............................................................................230 The Military Expedition of Abu Bakr to Banu Fazarah ...................233 The Military Expedition of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab to Turabah in the Territory of the Hawazin .................................................................234 The Expedition of Abdullah Ibn Rawahah Against Yusair Ibn Rizam, the Jew .............................................................................................234 Another Expedition With Basheer Ibn Sa‘d ....................................235 The Military Expedition of Abu Hadrad to Al-Ghabah ...................235 The Expedition in Which Muhallim Ibn Jaththamah Killed ‘Amir Ibn Al-Adbat ..........................................................................................236 The Expedition of Abdullah Ibn Hudhafah As-Sahmi .....................237 The ‘Umrah of Redemption .............................................................237 The Story of the Prophet's Marriage to Maimoonah ........................240 The Prophet’s Departure From Makkah
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