Fahrplan 2021 A3 Fertig JUIST

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Fahrplan 2021 A3 Fertig JUIST Fahrplan Töwerland Express 2021 Reservierung TE-JUIST.DE Telefon:0170-9090 915 Sonder- und Ausflugsfahrten zwischen den Inseln, auf Anfrage Shuttledienste zu den Inseln: Borkum, Juist, Norderney, Baltrum, Langeoog, Spiekeroog und Wangerooge sind möglich Töwer-Rad: Flotte moderne Gazelle- und E-Räder und Anhänger zum Mieten Töwer-Car: BMW i3s, für 4 Personen, 250 km Reichweite, für 39 € pro Kalendertag Töwer-Parkservice: Parkerservice für ihr Auto von unserem Anleger zum Parkplatz, 5 Euro pro Auto Töwer-Koffer: Kofferservice für unsere Fahrgäste gegen Gebühr auf Juist,5 Euro pro Stück Januar 2021 Februar 2021 März 2021 April 2021 Mai 2021 Juni 2021 Juli 2021 August 2021 September 2021 Oktober 2021 November 2021 Dezember 2021 Januar 2022 Datum Datum Datum Datum Datum Datum Datum Datum Datum Datum Datum Datum Datum AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtJuist AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich AbfahrtN`Deich Freitag 10:00 11:00 Montag 11-00 12-00 Montag 09-45 10-45 Donnerstag 12-00 13-00 Samstag 12-30 13-30 Dienstag 13-45 14-45 Donnerstag 05-45 06-30 Sonntag 06-45 07-45 Mittwoch 07-15 08-15 Freitag 06-00 07-00 Montag 06-30 07-30 Mittwoch 07-00 08-00 Samstag 08-30 09-30 01.01.21 12:00 13:00 1.2 13-00 14-00 1.3 11-45 12-45 1.4 14-00 15-00 1.5 14-30 15-30 1.6 15-45 16-45 1.7 14-15 15-15 1.8 15-15 16-15 1.9 16-15 17-15 1.10 08-00 08-45 1.11 08-30 09-30 1.12 09-00 10-00 1.1 10-30 11-30 14:00 15:00 HW 14-04 15-00 16-00 HW 13-08 13-45 14-45 HW 15-00 16-00 17-00 HW 15-22 16-30 17-30 HW 16-44 17-45 18-45 HW 05-01 16-15 17-15 HW 05-49 17-15 18-15 HW 06-17 18-15 19-15 16-30 17-30 HW 07-52 16-30 17-30 HW 07-52 18-00 19-00 HW 09-37 19-30 20-30 Samstag 10:30 11:30 Dienstag 11-45 12-45 Dienstag 10-45 11-45 Freitag 12-45 13-45 Sonntag 13-00 14-00 Mittwoch 06-00 06-45 HW 17-13 18-15 19-15 HW 18-01 19-15 20-15 HW 19-00 20-15 21-15 HW 06-43 18-30 19-30 HW 20-49 18-30 19-30 HW 20-51 20-00 21-00 HW 22-12 02.01.21 12:30 13:30 2.2 13-45 14-45 2.3 12-45 13-45 2.4 Zusatzschiffe!! 2.5 15-00 16-00 2.6 14-45 15-45 Freitag 06-30 07-30 Montag 06-00 06-45 Donnerstag 06-45 07-45 HW 19-44 20-30 21-30 Dienstag 06-00 07-00 Donnerstag 08-00 09-00 Sonntag 07-45 08-45 14:30 15:30 HW 14-43 15-45 16-45 HW 13-46 14-45 15-45 HW 15-41 14-45 15-45 HW 16-07 17-00 18-00 HW 05-26 16-45 17-45 2.7 15-00 16-00 2.8 07-45 08-30 2.9 08-45 09-30 Samstag 07-00 08-00 2.11 08-00 09-00 2.12 10-00 11-00 2.1 09-45 10-45 Sonntag 10:15 11:15 Mittwoch 12-30 13-30 Mittwoch 11-30 12-30 Karfreitag 16-45 17-45 Montag 05-30 06-15 HW 17-40 18-45 19-45 HW 05-47 17-00 18-00 16-15 17-15 HW 07-35 17-30 18-30 2.10 09-00 10-00 10-00 11-00 HW 09-05 19-00 20-00 HW 10-40 11-45 12-45 03.01.21 11:15 12:15 3.2 14-30 15-30 3.3 13-30 14-30 Samstag 13-30 14-30 3.5 14-00 15-00 Donnerstag 06-30 07-30 Zusatzschiffe!! HW 06-30 18-15 19-15 HW 20-28 19-30 20-30 HW 08-17 17-45 18-45 HW 08-58 18-00 19-00 HW 21-50 21-00 22-00 HW 23-04 20-15 21-15 12:15 13:15 HW 15-24 16-30 17-30 HW 14-24 15-30 16-30 3.4 15-30 16-30 HW 04-43 16-00 17-00 3.6 15-45 16-45 HW 18-05 19-00 20-00 HW 18-53 20-15 21-15 Freitag 08-00 09-00 HW 21-18 19-45 20-45 HW 21-45 20-00 21-00 Freitag 07-00 08-00 Montag 08-30 09-30 13:15 14:15 Donnerstag 13-00 14-00 Donnerstag 12-00 13-00 Zusatzschiffe!! HW 16-57 18-00 19-00 HW 06-22 17-45 18-45 Samstag 07-30 08-30 Dienstag 06-45 07-45 3.9 10-00 11-00 Sonntag 06-30 07-30 Mittwoch 06-45 07-45 3.12 09-00 10-00 3.1 10-30 11-30 14:15 15:15 4.2 15-00 16-00 4.3 14-00 15-00 HW 16-24 17-30 18-30 Dienstag 06-00 06-45 HW 18-43 19-45 20-45 3.7 16-00 17-00 3.8 08-45 09-45 HW 09-03 18-30 19-30 3.10 08-30 09-30 3.11 08-45 09-45 HW 10-03 11-00 12-00 HW 11-37 12-30 13-30 15:15 16:15 HW 16-08 17-00 18-00 HW 15-03 16-00 17-00 Sonntag 06-00 06-45 4.5 15-00 16-00 Freitag 06-00 07-00 Zusatzschiffe!! HW 07-26 17-30 18-30 HW 21-54 20-30 21-30 HW 09-41 10-30 11-30 HW 09-49 10-45 11-45 HW 22-39 19-30 20-30 HW 23-54 20-45 21-45 Montag 11:00 12:00 Freitag 13-45 14-45 Freitag 13-00 14-00 4.4 14-00 15-00 HW 05-43 17-00 18-00 4.6 08-00 08-45 HW 06-38 18-00 19-00 HW 20-00 19-30 20-30 Samstag 07-00 08-00 HW 22-32 19-00 20-00 HW 22-29 19-30 20-30 Samstag 08-00 09-00 Dienstag 09-30 10-30 04.01.21 13:00 14:00 5.2 15-45 16-45 5.3 15-00 16-00 HW 04-51 16-00 17-00 HW 18-00 19-00 20-00 16-45 17-45 HW 19-02 20-00 21-00 Mittwoch 07-00 08-00 4.9 09-00 10-00 Montag 07-00 08-00 Donnerstag 07-30 08-30 4.12 10-00 11-00 4.1 11-30 11-30 15:00 16:00 HW 16-57 17-45 18-45 HW 15-45 17-00 18-00 HW 17-11 Zusatzschiffe!! Mittwoch 07-00 07-45 HW 07-22 18-45 19-45 Sonntag 08-00 09-00 4.8 09-00 10-00 HW 10-19 11-00 12-00 4.10 09-00 10-00 4.11 09-30 10-30 HW 10-55 12-00 13-00 HW 12-30 12-30 13-30 Dienstag 12:00 13:00 Samstag 06-00 07-00 Samstag 13-30 14-30 Ostersonntag 18-00 19-00 5.5 16-15 17-15 HW 19-47 20-45 21-30 4.7 17-00 18-00 HW 08-37 18-15 19-15 HW 23-01 20-00 21-00 HW 10-43 11-00 12-00 HW 10-36 11-30 12-30 HW 23-24 20-00 21-00 Mittwoch 10-15 11-15 05.01.21 14:00 15:00 6.2 16-30 17-30 6.3 15-30 16-30 Montag 06-30 07-15 HW 06-51 18-15 19-15 Samstag 06-30 07-30 HW 07-32 19-00 20-00 HW 21-16 20-15 21-15 Sonntag 08-00 09-00 HW 23-23 20-00 21-00 HW 23-10 20-00 21-00 Sonntag 09-00 10-00 5.1 12-15 13-15 16:00 17:00 HW 05-10 18-30 19-00 HW 16-31 17-30 18-30 5.4 16-15 17-15 HW 19-15 20-15 21-00 5.6 08-30 09-30 HW 20-01 21-00 21-45 Donnerstag 06-45 07-45 5.9 10-00 11-00 Dienstag 08-00 09-00 Freitag 08-30 09-30 5.12 11-00 12-00 HW -13-22 14-15 15-15 Mittwoch 12:30 13:30 HW 17-56 Sonntag 05-30 06-15 HW 05-52 18-15 19-15 Donnerstag 07-30 08-30 HW 08-24 17-45 18-45 Montag 07-00 08-00 5.8 08-45 09-45 HW 11-16 12-00 13-00 5.10 10-15 11-15 5.11 10-30 11-30 HW 11-44 13-00 14-00 Donnerstag 11-15 12-15 06.01.21 14:30 15:30 Sonntag 07-00 08-00 7.3 15-30 16-30 HW 18-15 6.5 17-30 18-30 HW 20-49 19-45 20-45 5.7 09-00 10-00 HW 09-49 10-45 11-45 HW 23-51 20-15 21-15 HW 11-29 12-30 13-30 HW 11-20 12-30 13-30 20-30 21-30 6.1 13-15 14-15 16:30 17:30 7.2 17-00 18-00 HW 04-56 17-30 18-30 Ostermontag Zusatzschiffe!! HW 08-04 19-30 20-30 Sonntag 06-30 07-30 HW 08-29 18-00 19-00 HW 22-26 19-30 20-30 Montag 08-30 09-30 HW 24-05 20-30 21-30 HW 23-51 20-30 21-30 Montag 08-30 09-30 HW 14-12 15-15 16-15 Donnerstag 12:30 13:30 HW 06-20 19-00 20-00 HW 17-30 Dienstag 07-00 08-00 HW 20-29 21-15 22-15 6.6 08-30 09-30 HW 21-01 20-00 21-00 Freitag 07-45 08-45 6.9 10-30 11-30 Mittwoch 08-30 09-30 Samstag 09-00 10-00 6.12 10-45 11-45 Freitag 12-00 13-00 07.01.21 14:30 15:30 HW 19-19 Montag 06-00 07-00 6.4 17-45 18-45 Freitag 07-15 08-15 10-30 11-15 Dienstag 06-30 07-30 6.8 09-45 10-45 HW 12-00 12-30 13-30 6.10 10-45 11-45 6.11 11-00 12-00 HW 12-34 13-00 14-00 7.1 14-00 15-00 16:30 17:30 Montag 06-00 07-00 8.3 17-00 18-00 HW 07-11 19-45 20-45 7.5 09-15 10-15 HW 09-29 18-00 19-00 6.7 08-30 09-30 HW 10-51 11-45 12-45 HW 24-33 20-45 21-45 HW 12-10 13-00 14-00 HW 12-04 13-00 14-00 Dienstag 10-30 11-30 HW 14-58 16-00 17-00 Freitag 06:30 07:30 8.2 08-00 09-00 HW 06-18 19-00 19-45 HW 19-40 Zusatzschiffe!! HW 09-18 18-30 19-30 HW 21-50 20-00 21-00 HW 09-29 10-30 11-30 HW 23-23 20-30 21-30 Dienstag 09-15 10-15 HW 24-45 21-00 22-00 HW 24-31 21-00 22-00 7.12 12-30 13-30 Samstag 12-45 13-45 08.01.21 15:30 16:30 HW 08-00 18-00 19-00 HW 18-59 Mittwoch 06-00 07-00 HW 21-36 20-30 21-30 Montag 07-30 08-30 HW 22-02 19-30 20-30 Samstag 08-30 09-30 7.9 11-15 12-15 Donnerstag 10-00 11-00 Sonntag 09-45 10-45 HW 13-25 14-30 15-30 8.1 14-45 15-45 17:30 18:30 HW 20-43 20-00 21-00 Dienstag 06-00 07-00 7.4 08-00 09-00 Samstag 07-30 08-30 7.6 09-30 10-30 Mittwoch 07-30 08-30 7.8 10-30 11-30 HW 12-39 13-15 14-15 7.10 12-00 13-00 7.11 11-45 12-45 Mittwoch 11-15 12-15 HW 15-43 16-45 17-45 Samstag 07:00 08:00 Dienstag 07-30 08-30 9.3 08-00 09-00 HW 08-38 18-00 19-00 8.5 09-30 10-30 HW 10-26 11-30 12-30 7.7 09-30 10-30 HW 11-41 12-30 13-30 HW 25-14 21-15 22-00 HW 12-49 14-00 15-00 HW 12-50 13-45 14-45 8.12 13-15 14-15 Sonntag 13-30 14-30 09.01.21 18:30 19:30 9.2 09-30 10-30 HW 07-54 19-30 20-30 HW 21-03 20-00 21-00 HW 20-21 11-30 12-30 HW 22-44 19-45 20-45 HW 10-25 11-30 12-30 HW 24-11 20-30 21-15 Mittwoch 09-30 10-30 Freitag 10-30 11-30 Montag 09-30 10-45 HW 14-16 15-15 16-15 9.1 15-30 16-30 Sonntag 08:30 09:30 HW 09-23 18-45 19-45 HW 20-26 Donnerstag 08-30 09-30 HW 22-33 19-30 20-30 Dienstag 08-15 09-15 HW 22-57 20-00 21-00 Sonntag 09-15 10-15 8.9 11-45 12-45 8.10 12-45 13-45 8.11 12-00 13-00 Donnerstag 12-00 13-00 HW 16-27 17-30 18-15 10.01.21 19:00 20:00 HW 21-48 20-45 21-45 Mittwoch 07-15 08-15 8.4 10-30 11-30 Sonntag 08-15 09-15 8.6 10-15 11-15 Donnerstag 08-15 09-15 8.8 11-15 12-15 HW 13-17 14-00 15-00 HW 13-29 15-00 16-00 HW 13-38 14-00 15-00 9.12 14-00 15-00 Montag 05-30 06-30 Montag 06:30 07:30 Mittwoch 08-30 09-30 10.3 09-15 10-15 HW 09-55 19-00 20-00 9.5 10-15 11-15 HW 11-10 12-15 13-15 8.7 10-15 11-15 HW 12-24 13-15 14-15 Donnerstag 10-30 11-30 Samstag 11-00 12-00 Dienstag 10-30 11-30 HW 15-09 16-00 17-00 10.1 14-15 15-15 11.01.21 08:30 09:30 10.2 10-30 11-30 HW 09-14 19-00 20-00 HW 22-10 21-00 22-00 HW 11-13 12-15 13-15 HW 23-28 20-30 21-30 HW 11-12 12-15 13-15 HW 24-54 21-00 22-00 9.9 12-45 13-45 9.10 13-15 14-15 9.11 12-30 13-30 Freitag 13-00 14-00 HW 04-42 16-15 17-15 20:00 21:00 HW 10-26 19-45 20-45 HW 21.33 Freitag 09-00 10-00 HW 23-23 20-30 21-30 Mittwoch 08-45 09-45 HW 23-43 20-45 21-45 Montag 10-00 11-00 HW 13-55 15-00 16-00 HW 14-11 15-15 16-15
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