Comparison of Population Structuring in Sympatric Octopus Species with and Without a Pelagic Larval Stage

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Comparison of Population Structuring in Sympatric Octopus Species with and Without a Pelagic Larval Stage Vol. 486: 203–212, 2013 MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Published July 12 doi: 10.3354/meps10330 Mar Ecol Prog Ser Comparison of population structuring in sympatric octopus species with and without a pelagic larval stage Kaitlyn L. Higgins1,*, Jayson M. Semmens2, Zoë A. Doubleday3, Christopher P. Burridge1 1School of Zoology, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 5, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia 2Fisheries, Aquaculture and Coasts Centre, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Private Bag 49, Hobart, Tasmania 7001, Australia 3Southern Seas Ecology Laboratories, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide, DX650 418, South Australia 5005, Australia ABSTRACT: An understanding of the influence of life history on dispersal capability is central to a range of disciplines within ecology and evolution. While studies have investigated this question by contrasting spatial population structuring in taxa that differ in life history, in the vast majority such comparisons differ in space and time, and therefore environmental factors may have con- tributed. Here, population structure of a holobenthic (i.e. direct developing) octopus, Octopus pal- lidus, was investigated genetically. This was compared to existing genetic data for a co-occurring merobenthic (i.e. planktonic larvae) species, Macroctopus maorum. Greater spatial genetic struc- turing was evident in O. pallidus than M. maorum. Patterns were consistent with isolation by dis- tance in O. pallidus, but appeared related to oceanographic circulation systems in M. maorum, suggesting distance-dependent adult dispersal and current-mediated larval dispersal, respec- tively. Genetic population structuring in O. pallidus also largely corroborated inferences based on stylet microchemistry, indicating the utility of these environmental signatures. This study enables stronger predictions to be made regarding the dispersal capabilities and spatial population struc- turing of other cephalopods based on life history. KEY WORDS: Octopus · Microsatellite · Population structure · Sympatric · Isolation by distance · Life history Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher INTRODUCTION (Shanks et al. 2003) and sustainable fisheries (Danancher & Garcia-Vazquez 2009). To date mar- Knowledge of the relationships between life his- ine studies testing relationships between dispersal tory attributes and dispersal capabilities in marine and life history have concentrated on fishes and taxa is central to the study of population dynamics sessile invertebrates with or without pelagic larvae (Palsbøll et al. 2007), individual fitness and behav- (e.g. Hoffman et al. 2005, Johnson & Black 2006, iour (Wild et al. 2011), and historical biogeography Underwood et al. 2007). Based on such studies it (Burridge et al. 2012). Likewise, knowledge of dis- appears that the presence of a pelagic larval phase persal capabilities is important for species manage- usually increases dispersal potential and reduces ment, such as effective marine reserve design spatial population structuring, as expected (Bay et *Email: [email protected] © Inter-Research 2013 · 204 Mar Ecol Prog Ser 486: 203–212, 2013 al. 2006, Teske et al. 2007, Cowen & Sponaugle (11 mm) eggs per clutch, which hatch into well- 2009, Weersing & Toonen 2009). However, in some developed hatchlings (Guzik 2004, Leporati et al. cases long distance dispersal of ‘sedentary’ taxa 2008a,b). In contrast, Macroctopus maorum grows up may occur (Fraser et al. 2011), and strong structur- to 15 kg and has pelagic paralarvae (Doubleday et al. ing has been observed in species with pelagic lar- 2009), with clutches of >200 000 small (6 mm) eggs vae (e.g. Jones et al. 2005, Baums et al. 2006, Miller (Grubert & Wadley 2000). The lifespan of M. maorum & Ayre 2008, Marko et al. 2010). Additionally, few is unknown (Doubleday et al. 2011), but is probably studies have compared taxa with contrasting life short (1 to 2 yr) like other cephalopod species. The histories in the same spatial setting (but see Wilke duration of the paralarval stage is also unknown, but & Davis 2000, Dawson et al. 2002, Lambert et al. in other merobenthic species it has been reported to 2003), and therefore geographic features and envi- vary between 3 wk and 6 mo (Villanueva & Norman ronmental differences (Baums et al. 2006, Pelc et 2008). M. maorum can be found sympatrically with al. 2009) may also contribute to any observed dif- O. pallidus, with overlapping habitats, although ferences in dispersal capability. M. maorum has both a wider geographic and depth While attracting much less research attention, range (0 to 549 m, as opposed to 7 to 275 m) (Stranks cephalopods have a range of ecologies and life histo- 1988, 1996, Grubert & Wadley 2000). ries that mirror the diversity in other marine taxa, and Micro-chemical analysis of stylets (internal vestig- therefore represent a phylogenetically independent ial ‘shells’) suggested significant spatial population and important group with which to address how pop- structuring in both species (Doubleday et al. ulation structuring varies with respect to the same 2008a,b). Structuring based on styles was observed range of life history characteristics. In particular, at smaller spatial scales in Octopus pallidus (<100 some cephalopods have a pelagic paralarval phase km) relative to Macroctopus maorum (~450 km); (merobenthic), while others undertake direct devel- however, the closer proximity of sampling sites in O. opment (holobenthic) (Roper et al. 1984). Previous pallidus (Doubleday et al. 2008a,b) may be involved. genetic studies on cephalopods show regional-scale In addition, the underlying basis behind differences population structuring in species with pelagic larvae in stylet microchemistry between populations is (Shaw et al. 1999, Cabranes et al. 2008, Doubleday et unknown, but is assumed to reflect infrequent move- al. 2009) and finer spatial structure in those without ment by individuals between regions with different (Kassahn et al. 2003, Garoia et al. 2004, Juárez et al. water chemistries, as with otolith microchemistry in 2010), consistent with the perceived importance of fishes (Elsdon et al. 2008). However, inferred struc- pelagic larvae for dispersal. However, as with other tures may only be representative of the sampled gen- marine taxa, apparent relationships between life his- eration (Elsdon et al. 2008), rather than the long-term tory attributes and dispersal capabilities may be con- population separation suggested by genetic studies founded by differences in the environments where (Warner et al. 2009). Previous genetic re search on M. the species occur. Dispersal in sympatric cephalo- maorum suggested coarser population structuring, pods with contrasting life histories has not been stud- with differences only between, not within, the ied, and, among octopuses, only 2 population genetic oceanographic systems of southeast Australia (the studies have been conducted on direct-developing Zeehan Current, Bass Strait and the East Australian taxa (Allcock et al. 1997, Juárez et al. 2010), despite Current; see Fig. 1; Doubleday et al. 2009). There- representation of this life history in approximately fore, the presence of population genetic structuring one-quarter of octopus species (Guzik 2004). Knowl- within oceanographic systems for O. pallidus would edge of dispersal in cephalopods is also important for provide strong support for the hypothesis of reduced their management, because they are under increas- dispersal in direct-developing species. ing fisheries pressure (Leporati et al. 2009) and are The aims of this study were: (1) to genetically important in marine ecosystems as both predators assess population structuring in the holobenthic octo- and prey (Rodhouse & Nigmatullin 1996, Shaw et al. pus Octopus pallidus; (2) to compare this with 1999). genetic population structure of the merobenthic octo- Within southeast Australia, 2 common commer- pus Macroctopus maorum (Doubleday et al. 2009), in cially harvested octopus species exhibit overlapping order to investigate the influence of life history on distributions and contrasting life histories. Octopus dispersal; and (3) to provide a direct comparison of pallidus is a medium-sized (up to 1.2 kg) holobenthic population structuring inferred from the application octopus which has a lifespan of 12 to 18 mo (Leporati of both molecular markers and stylet microchemistry et al. 2009). Females produce 200 to 400 large to a common set of individuals. Higgins et al.: Octopus population structure and life history 205 MATERIALS AND METHODS parisons of population structuring among studies where markers exhibit different heterozygosities Field collection and laboratory (Meirmans & Hedrick 2011). A Mantel test examined methods the relationship between geographic isolation and ge netic divergence — an isolation by distance model Octopus pallidus were collected using unbaited of population structuring — using IBDWS 3.16 (Jensen plastic pots attached to longlines deployed in 25 to et al. 2005), based on θ and the shortest marine 45 m deep water for approximately 20 d. Samples distance between sites measured using the auto- were collected from 5 sites around Tasmania be - mated distance function in ESRI ArcINFO 9.1 (www. tween 2006 and 2010, with multiple years sampled at esri. com/ software/arcgis/arcgis-for-desktop) and a 3 sites (see Fig. 1). This temporal replication is impor- whole world Mercator projection
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