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Tfecaiiujerco^ Msgr. Ready Raised Presidential Order Obtained Haas, treasurer, released a state- To Bishop in Colorful To Resume 2 Monopoly Suits ment In Philadelphia denying the Government allegations and saying: for/umterouttour/Vumitr By the Associated Press. ment of Justice might not press for “The agreements of which the Rifes at St. Matthew's NEWARK, N. J., Dec. 14.—1Two trial before March 15. Department of Justice complains big antitrust suits, halted at The Bendix case may take up to are licenses under United States ^Continued From First Page.) Army and Navy request that they six months. Corporation President patents owned by aliens, pursuant E. R. Breech said at the time the to which Rohm and Haas received TfecAiiujerCo^ wait until the end of the war, ter door, the choir of the was filed that firm Theological complaint ithe the right to manufacture such pat- of the will resume here shortly with College Catholic University would "defend itself to the limit.” ents in this country. These licenses of America, led by Rev. Leo President Roosevelt’s approval, it Former President Vincent Coady Bendix, enabled Rohm and Haas to pro- and with Albert was announced former Carman at the yesterday. Vice President Charles Mar- duce materials vital to the efficiency organ, the ‘‘Ecce Sacerdos." cus and Patent Francis A. sang Acting United States Attorney Attorney jof American military aircraft. Service Thorn Lord said a Federal grand Stanton, all of New YorK. were Proper Begins. “This action by the Department The service proper began with the jury Indictment, handed down Sep- named as co-defendants in the of Justice poses the basic question Examen, the first words be- tember 10, 1942, against E. I. Du complaint. spoken whether the United States Govern- ing the introduction: “Most Rev- Pont de Nemours & Co. and Rohm Those named in the indictment ment would prefer that executives erend Father, our holy Mother, the & Haas Co. of Philadelphia, was against the chemical companies in- of a major war industry concen- Catholic Church asks that restored Monday to the Newark cluded President Otto Haas, Vice you pro- trate on production of materials mote this priest here to the Federal Court active list on a Gov- President E. C. B. Kirsopp and present vital to war or on attendance in responsibility of the episcopate,” ernment motion. Plastics Sales Manager D. S. Fred- all of court to combat legal charges which followed by the reading of the The Government also has served erick, Rohm & Haas; for the Du Pont Lammot du have been denied by such execu- apostolic mandate and the interro- notice returnable next Monday to company, Pont, chairman of the Board of tives. gation of the bishop-elect by the restore a civil complaint in equity Directors; Vice “Here again is an instance of a WAGON consecrator. it filed November 19, 1942, against President W. F. Harrington. F. A. and A. prosecutor’s charges being released Next was said the mass within the Bendix Aviation Corp., Mr. Lord Wardenburg E. Pitcher, in such news form that they are the octave of the Feast of the Im- said. general managers, respectively, of THE IDEAL GIFT! the ammonia likely to be accepted by the public maculate Conception, commencing and plastic depart- The chemical firms of Du Pont and W. W. as proven facts, whereas actually with the confession and appeal for ments, Perry, manager have and Rohm & Haas were indicted on they are only one side of a case in Children loads of divine pardon, after which the of the special plastics division. charges of conspiring with German which the other side has not yet fun with this bishop-elect received his buskins and Foreign Firms Not Indicted. healthy and British corporations regarding had an to be heard.” sandals, the the The indictment charges conspir- opportunity streamlined Coast- pectoral cross, tunic, the manufacture and sale of an speedy, dalmatic, chasuble and acy with I. G. Farbenindustrie er maniple. aeronautical plastic material. The Wagon and they Then the Introit, “I will greatly Aktiengesellschaft, Germany; Rohm with suit against Bendix charged con- & Haas of Goes to con help mother, too, rejoice in the Lord,” was read, the Darmstadt, Germany, Magnuson Senate; spiracy with German, Italian, Jap- and her the choir of 34 voices Imperial Chemicals Industries, marketing. Kyrie sung by anese, British and French aircraft of London to eliminate com- and the Gloria, "Glory to God in the Ltd., Even A large, all-wood wagon, finished instrument and accessory firms. House Division Now ! intoned and petition, restrain trade and United in natural color, srith large flash? Highest," sung, the Ora- Both actions were withdrawn last red wheels T’i" in diameter. Itg States and exact non- By the Associated Press. tion sung by the consecrator, the production overall length is 41' and is 15" year from the active list when of wide. Made of kiln-dried hard- chanted the subdeacon competitive prices in the manufac- Resignation Representative Epistle by statements from the Secretaries of wood and durably built to with* ture and sale of Magnuson, Democrat, of Washing- use. and the Epistle and the Gradual up acrylic products, stand hard War and the Navy said it would be ton left the Democratic and Repub- to the Alleluia read the conse- including polymerized methyl me- by "not in the interest to move in the House crator. public thacrylate, used for bomber noses, lican voting strength the cases for trial the ex- during cockpit inclosures and gun turrets. at a standoff today, with 212 seats Ancient Ritual. istence of the state of war.” .79 present The foreign firms were named as for each party. Msgr. Ready then, in obedience to a Justice In Washington Depart- co-conspirators but not indicted. Mr. Magnuson resigned yesterday Delivered the ancient ritual, prostrated him- ment said yesterday the to MSGR. READY SUCCEEDS TO APOSTOLIC POWERS—Msgr. Michael former spokesman The 55-page complaint against to accept immediate appointment self. while all others present knelt Joseph Ready, gen- obtained a eral department presidential filed Samuel S. Isseks as the Senate to complete the term of' for the secretary of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, pictured this before the Bendix, by Moil ond Phone Orders AT. 1400 singing of the Litany of the morning order July 13 to proceed with the Senator who to ac- altar of St. Matthew’s between the Rev. John head of the Justice Department's Bone, resigned Saints. Cathedral, Right T. McNicholas (left), Archibishop it made a “routine” re- ... cases after Anti-trust Division in New York, cept a Federal judgeship. Mr. Mag- The consecrator of Cincinnati, and the Right Rev. Edward F. next sang the Hoban, Bishop Coadjutor of Cleveland. The conse- to do so. The order is needed a full quest contained seven counts charging a nuson was elected to six-yerr & Sat. to 5:30 Preface and the Veni Creator was cration, or laying-on of the hands on the head of the Open Daily bishop’s bishop-elect followed. in case of Army and Navy dissent similar conspiracy with firms in term last month. intoned and sung the consecrator by Staff Photo. to pursual of a case. England, Germany, Italy, France There are six House vacancies on, and choir, during which the ___—Star Fair Bailtfini Material Slaraa singing Mr. Lord in Newark he was and and with two Bendix sub- the Democratic side. The equal di- on said Japan H In N ( ISOS N«M> was anointed with the being laid the value of religion mated the we 15M> fr A—.11 bishop-elect by railroads, must find vision between the two W f in "not in a position to state” the rea- sidiaries, the Eclipse Machine Co., major parties 5*25 0# A*« N a‘H C»>•«<* words: “May thy head be anointed general and of the Christian re- that the have failed to respondents son for of the suits, but Elmira, N. Y., and the defunct marks the first Congress since 1930; in At same resumption and consecrated by heavenly bene- ligion particular. the Passenger Fare Boost show that we should the permit a official the Aviation of East in which the Republicans have had one cannot but note the Washington expressed Eclipse Corp. diction in the pontifical order.” time, grow- freight increases again to go into opinion that the cases were “im- Orange, involving aero-photographic as many votes as the Democrats. Psalm 132, beginning “Behold how ing disparagement of what men, effect * * •” portant” for the Government’s re- apparatus, rate-of-climb indicators, There are four minor party mem- good and how pleasant it is for with significant vagueness, call ‘or- Rails Continued Commissioner J. Haden By Alldredge conversion program. There was no carburetors, de-icers, fuel injection bers. brethren to dwell in ganized religion.’ with the together unity,” disagreed majority in the indication whether other antitrust nozzles, superchargers and other air- The Senate line-up remains: then was sung by the consecrator Tribute to New Bishop. of the issue. He disposition freight actions now in would craft devices. I Democrats, 57; Republicans, 38; and the while the hands “The consecration of the suspension choir, of bishop Under of ICC held that moderate freight rate in- Duncan 1. on whom Ruling resume. Merriwether, Rohm and Progressive, the bishop-elect were anointed. hands have been laid this creases should have been By the Associated Press. permitted TrmrT-— ..- ! to mind a Defense Granted. The service culminated with the morning strikingly brings provided certain earnings of the car- Request significant effort of the church in Emergency increases in railroad At last Monday’s Federal symbolic laying on of hands, the riers be impounded for property im- hearing our own passenger rates will continue for a f- presentation of a pastoral staff and country to render more ef- provement and debt reduction.
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