Italian week group works

English Italian French Czech Polish group1 Food in the Il cibo in Nourriture Jidlo v Jedzenie w family famiglia en famille rodine domu group2 Eating out Mangiare Repas à Jidlo mimo Jedzenie na fuori rodinu miescie group3 Family Famiglia l’ exterieur Rodina Rodzina group4 Visit to the Visita alla Famille Navsteva Wycieczka farm fattoria farmy na farme group5 Verona tour Tour di Visite à la Prohlidka Wycieczka Verona ferme Verony po Weronie

Cornflakes with milk Bread with nutella Capuccino and cornetto Biscuits and Fruit and yoghurt Muffin with chocolate

Pizza Lasagna with ragù Soup with Bistecca alla fiorentina Polenta with fish and filled courgette Chicken breast with pelle Pearà with cotechino

Cake with raisins Tiramisu Chocolate cake with pears Salame al cioccolato

to the farm… How to make Italian bread!

• Preparation of the dough • Kneading • Cover the bowl • Rising • Baking Menu Tuesday, 29th November 2011 Main Courses Italian pasta (lasagnette) with ragout Potato dumplings with smoked soft cheese (ricotta) Side dish Baked potatoes Dessert Homemade apple cake Hot chocolate

Bread Pain Pane

Brambory Chleb Chleb Potatoes Patate

Cioccolata calda Horka cokolada Hot Chocolate Pomme de terre Ziemniaki Chocolat chaud

Goraca czekolada

Made by •Jelena Zeljko •Andrej Unic •Wendy Etievent •Maria Stanclik •Klara Salabová


English Czech French Polish Italian Mother Matka Mère Mama Mamma

Father Otec Père Tata Papa Brother Bratr Frère Brat Fratello Sister Sestra Soeur Siostra Sorella Son Syn Fils Syn Figlio Daughter Dcera Fille Corka Figlia Uncle Stryc Oncle Wujek Zio Aunt Teta Tante Ciocia Zia Grandfather Dedecek Grand-père Dziadek Nonno Grandmother Babicka Grand-mère Babcia Nonna A TYPICAL FAMILY OUR FAMILIES • In Kristyna’s family, there are parents and a son. They’ve got some golden fish. • In Solene’s family, there is a mother and a daughter. They’ve got a Guinea pig. • In Ola’s family, there are parents, two daughters and a son. They’ve got a cat and a dog. Made by

• Solene Berot • Ola Latoszek • Kristýna Kozelková • Sefora Piano • Kateřina Tomková

1. Bread baking 2. Making lasagnette 3. Lunch (3 hours!) 4. Geological museum 5. Visit to the cave 6. Chocolate snack

• We discovered the magic of bread making. Each of us made 4 pieces of bread with the help of the kitchen chef, of course. • After that, all of us had to cut for the lasagnette. There we could learn how pasta is created. • When everything was ready we ate the food, which was made by us. 1. Pour water into the bowl and add yeast to the water 2. Mix the liquid 3. Add flour and mix the substance 4. Knead the mixture 5. Create a shape of the bread 6. Leave it in a warm place 7. Decorate the bread 8. Bake the food

• First we visited the museum of rocks and fossils. • Then we went to see a cave, which was located near the museum. We learnt many interesting facts about that cave, e.g. Clouds are formed in that cave, so sometimes it can rain inside! • In the end we got a chocolate snack, which consisted of chocolate pudding and hot chocolate. Both of the things were really sweet. • After the small snack, we had to get back. • We will never forget that day!  Made by

• Eleonora Boscaro • Seyf EddineTouati • Iza Godlewska • Karolina Pórko • Sylvie Dvorská

VERONA TOUR Ponte Pietra • Ponte Pietra or Stone bridge is one of the oldest bridges in the city, it was built by the Romans. The bridge was destroyed several times and then built again. Romeo and Juliet’s house • Romeo and Juliet were fictious characters, their story was a sort of a legend. • It is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare. The Arena • It’s a Roman amphitheatre. • It’s famous all over the world. • Here in summer there are many concerts and operas. The Roman theatre It is the most important Roman theatre It was built in the late 1st century B.C. Porta Leoni • Porta Leoni is a Roman gate in Verona. • The gate was built during the Roman Republic and restructured in imperial times Made by

• Silvia Faccincani • Joanna Pietrucci • Marie Lynn • Iza Bojar • Marek Langr