Lesson Plan Week of 27 April 2020 A basic lesson plan to encourage you to experience rather than just doing.

The plan is designed for people attending the centre, you should practice carefully, working with awareness with no strain or pain and stay within your limitations.

Samasthiti wall behind you

Urdhva Hastasana arms up with palms facing forwards and facing each other

Paschima Baddha holding the elbows behind the back Hastasana (both sides)

Namaskar palms together at the front of the chest

Gomukhasana top arm reaching between shoulder blades and then the lower arm also reaching towards the shoulder blades and then trying to catch both hands Paschima Namaskar both palms pressing behind the back. If not feasible then hold the elbows again Tree pose, balance with the hand support by the wall

Utthita wall behind if balance is difficult and support for the hand eg chair if necessary Vimasana turn the front foot 90 degrees and turn the back foot well in. Turn the chest and hips to face the front foot bending the front knee to 90 degrees and using the arms out to the side for balance. sitting back on heels or between feet on a foam pad or folded blanket and arms down. Virhabadrasana 1 turning the trunk and bending the front knee to 90 degrees this time with the arms up. If the lower back feels strained then pop the hands on the hips sitting on the edge of the chair

Prasarita Padottansana concave back and hands to the floor

Padangusthasana feet apart and hands to big toes with a concave back. If you cannot reach then hands to a small stool support under the seat and back against the wall

Ardha feet to the chair swinging the legs onto wall/chair, blanket under shoulders Paschimottansana catching the feet, if not possible shins or holding a belt Savasana Head NOT rolling back, if tilting use a blanket for support

If anything is unclear please contact me on 01260 279565 or 07970186109 or email [email protected]. Christina