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ASHTANGA YOGA STARTER PACK with Jen René ASHTANGA YOGA STARTER PACK with Jen René Contents i. Invocation & Closing Chant ii. Primary Series Cheat Sheet iii. Prop Recommendations iv. Jen’s Night-Before Checklist Ashtanga Yoga Primary Series WITH JEN RENÉ SURYA NAMASKARA A SURYA NAMASKARA B SAMASTHITIH EKAM DVE TRINI CATVARI PANCA SAT SAPTA ASTAU NAVA SAMASTHITIH EKAM DVE TRINI CATVARI PANCA SAT SAPTA ASTAU NAVA DASA EKADASA DVADASA TRAYODASA CATURDASA PANCADASA SODASA SAPTADASA SAMASTHITIH STANDING SERIES A B A B A B C D A B C A B Padangusthasana Pada Utthita Trikonasana Utthita Parsvakonasana Prasarita Padottanasana Parsvottanasana Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana Ardha Baddha Utkatasana Virabhadrasana NOSE Hastasana FINGERS FINGERS NOSE TOES TOES, SIDE Padmottanasana THUMBS FINGERS NOSE NOSE SEATED SERIES A B A B C A B C D transition Dandasana Paschimattanasana Purvattanasana Ardha Baddha Tiryanga Mukha Ekapada Janu Sirasana Marichasana Navasna Bhujapidasana NOSE TOES THIRD EYE Padma Paschimattanasana Paschimattanasana TOES TOES, NOSE, SIDE (X5) NOSE TOES TOES TOES A B B A or or C transition transition Kurmasana Supta Kurmasana Garbha Pindasana Kukkutasana Baddha Konasana Upavistha Konasana Supta Konasana Supta Padangusthasana Ubhaya Urdhva Mukha Setu Bandhasana NOSE NOSE (roll 9x) NOSE NOSE NOSE NOSE NOSE, SIDE Padangusthasana Paschimattanasana THIRD EYE NOSE UP TOES FINISHING SERIES or or Urdhva Danurasana Pashimattanasana Salamba Halasana Karnapidasana Urdhva Pindasana Matsyasana Uttana Padasana Sirasana Yoga Mudra Padmasana Utpltih Savasana (X3) TOES Sarvangasana NOSE NOSE Padmasana NOSE THIRD EYE THIRD EYE NOSE NOSE NOSE NOSE NOSE NOSE NOSE CHAKRASANA VINYASA DRISTI Manduka Pro Yoga Mat This is my very favorite mat, and has been for years. Your hands and feet won’t slide on it, and it’s very supportive on the wrists. It’s also thicker than other mats, so it won’t slide on the floor when you jump on it and it’s very comfortable to roll on! Cork Block Cork blocks are a great prop for when you need a little extra support or length on the mat, as well as for giving yourself some extra resistance on certain asanas! Yoga Strap Straps are fantastic for giving you more range of motion and for giving your limbs some extra length, so you can focus on what you’re doing in your asanas rather than just focusing on holding onto them! Jen’s Night-Before Checklist Here are some of my favorite tips for a good night’s sleep & stress-free mornings! Get everything ready in advance! It’s so Make a comfortable environment! I like to easy to make your mornings - well, easier! I control the temperature before I go to sleep, lay out my clothes the night before, prepare and also try to wash my sheets often and my beverages (I like water with lemon), set keep the bed made. This makes sleep more out supplements on the counter, even inviting! (Another good thing to do is to keep prepare my dog’s food and water and leave outside activities out - no work in bed!) it in the fridge! If everything’s ready & waiting, you can wake up and follow the Keep a bedtime ritual. Whether it’s a path right out your door! bath, a cup of tea, some reading, all the above, or whatever else gets you in the Turn off your phone! At the very least put headspace for sleep, get ready for bed it in Airplane or Do-Not-Disturb mode! Our beforehand and give yourself that time. phones can be distractions just by their very presence, even if they don’t do anything, so Get to sleep around the same time every keep your sleep-zone distraction free! I also night. This can be difficult, but following a like to queue up podcasts for the following routine makes it easier. Weighted eye day, so my mornings can also be as free pillows, white noise machines, and earplugs from technological distractions as possible. can also help. .
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