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INSTITUT KURDE DE PARIS Information and liaison bulletin N°349 april 2014 The publication of this Bulletin enjoys a subsidy from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGCID) aqnd the Fonds d’action et de soutien pour l’intégration et la lutte contre les discriminations (The Fund for action and support of integration and the struggle against discrimination) This bulletin is issued in French and English Price per issue : France: 6 € — Abroad : 7,5 € Annual subscribtion (12 issues) France : 60 € — Elsewhere : 75 € Monthly review Directeur de la publication : Mohamad HASSAN Numéro de la Commission Paritaire : 659 15 A.S. ISBN 0761 1285 INSTITUT KURDE, 106, rue La Fayette - 75010 PARIS Tel. : 01-48 24 64 64 - Fax : 01-48 24 64 66 E-mail: Information and liaison bulletin Kurdish Institute of Paris Bulletin N° 349 April 2014 IRAQ: GENERAL ELECTIONS IN A DIVIDED COUNTRY. IRAQI KURDISTAN: HOLDING PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS IN THE REGION. SYRIA: CONTROVERSY OVER A LINE OF TRENCHES ALONG THE KURDISH BORDER. STRASBOURG : A RESOLUTION BY THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ABOUT IRAN. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: THE LATEST REPORT OF THE CPJ REGARDING IRAQI KURDISTAN. CINEMA: THE RELEASE OF HINER SALEEM’S FIRM “MY SWEET PEPPERLAND” ATTRACTED A LOT OF ATTENTION. IRAQ: GENERAL ELECTIONS IN A DIVIDED COUNTRY he first Iraqi elections tors, defied the terrorism by turn- parties” to advocate a change in since the departure of ing up at the polling booths to elect the polling method. Thus “seven the US troops took place 328 members of Parliament for a 4 compensating seats” have been in a tense atmosphere year term of office. Parliament will allocated to parties whose results, T marked by acts of vio- then have to elect the President of at national level are not reflected in lence. They began on 28 April as Iraq, who will then appoint a each of the constituencies. Finally, the security forces voted two days Prime Minister responsible for there are eight seats reserved for before the rest of the citizens, forming the government. religious minorities — five for planned for the 30th. Already on Christians, and one each for the the 28th there were bomb attacks on The electoral system adopted is Mandeans, Yezidis and Shabaks. polling stations, causing at least 27 proportional representation with deaths. The Islamic State of Iraq open lists. The eighteen constituen- The Iraqi High Electoral and the Levant (ISIL) had already cies (governorates) must elect their Commission had authorised 276 announced that it would carry out representatives — 7 to 34 depend- political entities to field candidates. reprisals against Sunni Arab Iraqis ing on the size of the constituency’s These entities have formed coali- who turned out to vote. population. This is the first time tion lists the winning one of which this system has bee used in Iraq, has, according to the Constitution, As far as the Shiites were con- following a decision of the someone at the top of the list who cerned, bomb attacks on election Supreme Court. Previously the is due, should it win, become the meetings resulted in 37 dead and modified Saint-Laguë method was Prime Minister. This does not, many injured, some being in a criti- used which allocated a quotient to however, prevent the parties from cal condition. each seat, thus favouring the big- forming new coalitions after the ger parties. This is just the reason election results have been declared. Thus on the 30th, about 60%of the the Supreme Court put forward as Iraqis, out of the 18 million elec- “discriminating against the smaller The largest political parties in the • 2 • Information and liaison bulletin n° 349 • April 2014 field are the State of Law Party, led Nujayfi, the present Speaker of hoping to win a third term of office, by the present Prime Minister, Parliament, and the Iraqi National but he is in conflict with the Kurds Nuri al-Maliki, the Sadrist Front for Dialogue, a coalition of and the Sunni Arabs as well as a Movement (a Shiite militia), Masud five parties, four of which are main- substantial part of the Shiites. Were Barzani’s Kurdistan Democratic ly Sunni Arab and one Christian he to take office, the country is in Party, that this time has not formed Party. Al-Hadba has a strong base danger of breaking up in the com- a coalition with either Jalal in the Nineveh-Mosul area where it ing years. Talabani’s Patriotic Union of has often clashed with Kurdish Kurdistan or with Gorran (an elected representatives on the Since the Parliamentary and opposition party with which it is provincial councils Provincial elections were in full negotiating to form a government swing, the issue of Nuri Maliki’s in the Kurdistan Region). In addi- The results will only be made cuts in the budget allocation to the tion there is the Iraqi National known on 25 May, after the High Kurdish Region has not been Alliance led by former Prime Electoral Commission has ruled on resolved. In an interview given to Minister Iyad Allawi, a pro-Arab the many objections that have been the Arabic language daily, Al- secular party that includes Shiite filed with it. Hayat, Masud Barzani expressed and Sunni Arabs. the opinion that Iraq was falling In Kirkuk Province, the final apart and that this political reality Some new parties have formed results, as for the rest of Iraq, will had to be faced: “major instability” since the 2010 parliamentary elec- be published on 25 May. However, and “rampant terrorism in the tions, including the “League of it already appears that the PUK Western regions of the country”, that People for Truth” that brings come out top, with an overwhelm- has a Sunni Arab majority and together some Shiite paramilitary ing victory for the present gover- where the ISIL is establishing itself groups close to Iran and the White nor, Dr. Karim Najmaldin, who on a lasting basis, and where “the Block, a break away from the Iraqi won 200,000 votes, far ahead of the government has completely lost control National Movement formed when KDP (63,347) the Turcoman Front of some cities and where some terrorists eight of its members of Parliament (50,000). Then comes the Arab are operating in a public manner”. left it in March 2011 to form their Alliance (30,000), Gorran (23,713) own group following disagree- and the two Kurdish religious par- In his view, the heart of the conflict ments with Iyad Allawi. In the ties, Yekgirtu and Komal, with 7 between Erbil and Baghdad is their 2013 provincial elections they had and 4 thousand votes respectively. different interpretation of the Iraqi joint a list led by Nuri Maliki but Constitution: “Mr Maliki thinks that will be standing on their own for At first sight, and subject to the he is the only one to decide and that the parliamentary elections. final official results, neither Gorran everyone else has only to obey. He does nor the religious parties will win a not support the Constitution as we in Because of the increasing political seat on the Kirkuk Provincial the Kurdistan Region do (…) He and sectarian tensions in Iraq, every- Council. thinks that everything belongs to one expected the vote to be more Baghdad”. “community oriented” than inspired Since no party will be able to win a by the various lists’ political pro- majority of the seats, several As for the Sunni Arab provinces, in grammes (often pretty laconic). As months of haggling can be expected a state of quasi insurrection, well as the Sadrist Movement, the before a coalition government with President Barzani points out that “religious” Shiite votes could go to a parliamentary majority can be just after the fall of Saddam, he had the Iraqi Supreme Islamic Council formed. tried to persuade the Sunni Arabs (ISIC), a religious Shiite party very to form their own region, as had the influential in Southern Iraq, which On the Sunni and secular Arab Kurds, since he already foresaw a has, however, lost ground to Nuri side, Al-Hadba, led by Atheel Al bloody conflict with the Shiites: “It Maliki’s State of Law party. The ISIC Nujayfi, is likely to win between 33 was possible at the time, but they proposes a form of autonomy for the and 37 seats, the Iraqi National refused and still believed that, in Iraq, Shiite South, but of a pretty theocrat- Alliance, founded by former Prime power traditionally and historically ic character. Minister Iyad Allawi, is likely to belonged to the Sunnis. They had not win between 17 and 25 seats and realised the extent of the change that In addition to the Iraqi National the Iraqi National Front for had occurred. Now they are demanding Alliance, Sunni Arab voters have a Dialogue might have another 10 it [to form their own Region] but choice between Al-Hadba, an Arab seats. now it seems harder and more complex nationalist movement led by Atheel to carry out. They are demanding and Al Nujayfi, brother of d’Usama Al The Prime Minister, especially, is Baghdad is refusing it”. n° 349 • April 2014 Information and liaison bulletin • 3• IRAQI KURDISTAN: HOLDING PROVINCIAL ELECTIONS IN THE REGION t the same time as the par- impact on public opinion than the appointed by the Region’s Ministry liamentary elections were Parliamentary elections, as several of the Interior. This governor, in taking place in Kurdistan international and Iraqi media noted turn, could choose and appoint high as in the rest of the coun- — especially as the provincial coun- officials without consulting the A try, the three Kurdish cils had not had any elections for the provincial councils.