Your future, your choices - 2020 Summary of stands with contact details: Information, Advice or Guidance: Virtual Schools – Post 16 Support Contact: Charlie Butler - Virtual Schools Officer Tel: 01225 718633 Email:
[email protected] Contact: Paula Page - Virtual Schools Officer Tel: 01722 438165 Email:
[email protected] Website: Young Work Wiltshire Supporting young people to move back into education, employment or training Signposting and advice for young people aged 16 to 18, who are NEET to support them into jobs, further education, apprenticeships or other training. Email:
[email protected] Direct Tel: 01225 756190 Website: Young Work Wiltshire Apprenticeship support: Rachael Johnson - expert advice to understand all about apprenticeships. Wiltshire Council – Employment and Skills Officer Email:
[email protected] National Careers Service - Free and impartial information, advice and guidance to help you with your decisions about careers, courses and work (19+). A helpline is available (telephone, webchat, email and text message) for anyone aged 13 and over. Tel: 0800 100 900 or use webchat . Website: Providers Bath Spa University - Teach and research across art, sciences, education, social science, and business. Contact: Bethany Preston Email:
[email protected] Tel: 01225 875373 Website: Building Bridges - Support for anyone not in education or employment aged 15+ that needs help to move into work or back into education. Referral through your Personal Adviser. Tel: 01380 732821 Email:
[email protected] Website: resources for planning your next steps into education, employment or training.