' s*r THE UNIVERSITY r * - - - * ^ & >#*? OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY "> CW\ C > v- 5 wv i EMI BULLETIN OF THE AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION VOLUME V JANUARY-NOVEMBER, 1911 AMERICAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION 78 E. WASHINGTON STREET CHICAGO 1911 CONTENTS 1911 January MISCELLANEOUS March MISCELLANEOUS May MISCELLANEOUS July PROCEEDINGS OF THE PASADENA CONFERENCE September HANDBOOK, 1911 November. .MISCELLANEOUS INDEX A separate detailed index to the Proceedings of the Pasadena Conference is on pages 285-288 and its entries are not repeated here. Affiliated organizations, 309-10 Membership, benefits of, 291 Affiliation of A. L. A. with state library associa- Membership by states, 298 tions, report of committee on, 13-15 Necrology, 358 Bookbinding, report of committee on, 9, 26, New York state library, appeal for material, 45 45-6, 364 Officers, A. L. A., 1911-12, 301 Bostwick, Arthur E., attendance at Alabama Pasadena conference, travel announcements, library meeting, 360 1-2; 17-24; post-conference, 18-23; pro- Budget, A. L. A., 1911, 5 gram, 37-40 Charter, 290 Periodicals, list of library, 310 Chicago mid-winter meetings for 1912, an- Presidents, A. L. A., 299 nouncements of, 360-1 Publishing board, meeting, 6-8; budget, 1911, Clubs, library, 313-14 6-7; list of publications, 306-8 Committees, 1911-12, 303-5 Recorders, A. L. A., 300 Constitution, 291-6 Registrar, A. L. A., 300 Council, meeting of, 10-15; personnel of, 302-3 Secretaries, A. L. A., 300 Dues, 291 Sections, 308-9 Elmendorf, Mrs. H. L., attendance at Michi- State library conferences, A. L. A. at, 359-60 gan, Ohio and New York library meetings, State library associations, list of, 311-13 359 State library commissions, list of, 310-11 Endowment funds, 305 Stereopticon slides for library schools, 45 Executive board meeting, 3-6 Taylor, Mary W., resolution on death of, 9 Federal and state relations, report of com- Thwaites, Reuben G., represents A.
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