American Historical Association

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American Historical Association j '. j ~ '. " ANNUAL REPORT I If, " .... ' OF THE " :l AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE YEAR 1904. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1905. , .. j ,~~ ;J"'. ·4. t If . .' .,~ LETTER OF SUB~lITTAL. SMITHSONIAN INSTI'l'UTION, lV ashington, D.O., i1l arch 18, 1905. To tlw Congress of the United States: In accordance with the act of incorporation of the Arneri­ can Historical AssociatioIl) approved'.Tanuary 4,1889, I have the honor to submit to Congress the annual report of that Association for the year 11.)0-1:. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, S. P. LANGLEY, Secretm'y of the Smithsonian Institution. Hon. CHARLES 'lV. FAIRBANKS) Vice-President of the United States. 3 ., .. ;".. ACT OF INCORPORATION. Be -it enacted by tlw Senate and ilO1lse of Representatives of tile United States of America in Oongress assembled, That Andrew D. ,\Vhite, of Ithaca, in the State of New York; George Bancroft, of '\Yashington, in the District of Colum­ bia; Justin ,\Vinsor, of Cambridge, in the State of Massachu­ setts; William F. Poole, of Chicago, in the State of Illinois; Herbert B. Adams, of Baltimore, in the State of Maryland; Clarence 'V. Bowen, of Brooklyn, in the State of N ew York; their associates and successors, are hereby created, in the District of Columbia, a body corporate and politic, by the name of the American Historical Association, for the pro­ motion of historical studies, the collection and preservation of historical manuscripts, and for kindred purposes in the interest of American history and of history in America. Said Association is authorized to hold real and personal estate in the District of Columbia so tar ouly as may be nec­ essary to its lawful ends to an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, to adopt a constitution, and to make by-laws not inconsistent with law. Said Association shall have its principal office at 'Vashington, in the District of Columbia, and may hold its annual meetings in such pI act's as the said incorporators shall determine. Said Asso­ ciation shall report annually to the Secretary of the Smith­ sonian Institution concerning its proceedings and the condi­ tion of historical study in ~;\merica. Said Secretary shall communicate to Congress the whole of such reports, or such portions thereof as he shall see fit. The Regents of the Smithsonian Institution are authorized to permit said Asso­ ciation to deposit its collections, manuscripts, books, pam­ phlets, and other material for history in the Smithsonian In­ stitution or in the National Museum, at their discretion, upon such conditions and under such rules as they shall prescribe. [Approved, ,Tanuary 4, 1889.J 4 ~ c! " . , , .. • l;"f, "" LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. AnmRICAN HISTORICAr, ASSOCIATION, OFFICE OF THE SECRET_\RY OF THE ASSOCIATION, Washington, D. C., i1lm'ch 18, 1905. SIR: In accordance with the act of incorporation of the American Historical Association, I have the honor to trans­ [ mit herewith a general report of the proceedings of the twentieth annual meeting of the Association held at Chicago, Ill., December 28, 2D, and 30, 1904. Several of the papers read and discussed at that meeting :11'e recommended for publication in this report, together with the Justin 'Winsor prize essay on the Nootka Sound Controversy~ and a valuable report by the Public Archives Commission, showing the con­ dition and contents of the archives of several of the States. Very respectfully, A. HOWARD CLARK, S ecretal'Y. Mr. S. P. LANGI,EY, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C. 5 , , .. ., .. ,t.~"''-, ,,~";. J, " , .', 1,(, < 'e;. "'" CONSTITUTION. I. The name of this society shall be The American Historical Association. II. Its object shall be the promotion of historical studies. III. Any person approved by the executive council may be­ come a member by paying $3, and after the first year may continue a member by paying an annual fee of $3. On pay­ l ment of $50 any person lilay become a life member, exempt from fees. Persons not resident in the United States may be elected as honorary or corresponding members, and be exempt from the payment. of fees. IV. The officers shall be a president, two vice-presidents, a ~ secretary, a corresponding secretary, a curator, a treasurer, and an executive council consisting of the foregoing officers and six other members elected by the Association, with the ex-presidents of the Association. These officers shall be elected by ballot at each regular annual meeting of the Asso­ ciation. v. The executive council shall have charge 6f the general in­ , , terests of the Association, including the election of members, the calling of meetings, the selection of papers to be read, and the determination of what papers shall be published. 1 t· 8 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. VI. This constitution may be amended at any annual meeting, notice of such amendment having been giyen at the previous annual meeting, or the proposed amendment having received the approval of the. eXlcutive council. J! ,:~ - < 7.1' ,.' , :( .,.. AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Organized at Saratoga, N, y" September 10, 1884. Incorporated by Congress Jannary 4, 1889. OFFICERS FOR 1905. PRESTIlENT : JOHN BACH McMASTER, PH. D., LITT. D., LL. D., Professol' in the University of Peul/sylvania. VICE-PRESIDENTS: SIMEON E. BALDWIN, LL. D., Professor in Yale University, Associate Judge of SlIIJ1'cme Oourt ot Errors of Oonnecticut. J. FRANKLIN JAMESON, PH. D., LL. D., Professor in the Univcrsit1l ot Chicago. SECRETARY AND CURATOR: A. nowARD CLARK, Smithsonian IustituUon, Washington, D. O. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY: CHARLES H. HASKINS, PH. D., Professor in Harvard Univcrsit1l. TREASURER: CLARENCE WINTHROP BOWEN, PH. D., 130 Fulton street, New York. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL: In addition to above-named officers. (Ex-Presidents. ) ANDREW DICKSON WHITE, L. H. D., LL. D., Ithaca, N. Y. JAMES SCHOULER, LL. D., Boston, Mass. JAMES BURRILL ANGELL, LL. D., President of the University of Michigan. 9 ., " , , ~ , , .... 10 AMERICAN HISTORIUAL ASSOCIATION. GEORGE PARK FISHER, D. D., LL. D., Profcssor in Yale University. HENRY ADAMS, LL. D., .J Washington, D. O. .... JAMES FORD RHODES, LL. D., Boston, Mass. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAl\IS, LL. D., BostOIl, Ma8s. ALFRED THAYER MAHAN, D. C. L., LL. D., NClV York. HENRY CHARLES LEA, LL. D., Philadelphia. GOLDWIN SMITH, LL. D., Toronto, CanacZa. (Elected Councillors.) GEORGE L. BURR, LL. D., Professor in Cornell Unit·crsity. EDWARD P. CHEYNEY, A. 1\1., Professor in the UnivCI"sity of Pennsylvania. EDWARD G. BOURNE, PH. D., Profcssor in Yalc University. ANDREW C. McLAUGHLIN, A. 1\1., Camcgie Institution of Wash il/gtoll. GEORGE P. GARRISON, PH. D., Professor 'in thc University of 'l'cwas. REUBEN GOLD TIIWAITES, LL. D., Statc Hi.~torical Society of Wisconsin. } . " •• ". ,;j .. ,.' , .' t ." '}', oJ TERMS OF OFFICE. " EX-PRESIDENTS, ANDREW DICKSON WHITE, L, II, D., LL. D., 1884-85. t GEORGE BANCROFT, LL. D., 1885-86. t .JUSTIN WINSOR, LL. D., 1886-87. t WILLIAM FREDERICK POOLE, 1,L. D., 1887-88. t CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, LL. D., 1888-89. t JOHN JAY, LL. D., 1889-90. t WILLIAM WIRT HENRY, LL. D., 181l0-1l1. JAMES BURRILL ANGELL, LL. D., 181l1-181l3. HENRY ADAMS, LL. D., I81l3-1l4. t GEORGE FRISBIEJ HOAR, LL. n., 181l4-IlG. t RICHARD SALTER STORRS, D. D., LL. D., 181l5-96. JAMES SCHOULER, LL. D., I81l6-llr. GEORGE PARK FISHER, D. D., LL. D., 1897-1l8. JAMES FORD RHODES, LL. D., 181l8-1l1l. t EDWARD EGGLESTON, L. H. D., 1891l-11l00. CHARLES Ii'RANCIS ADA.~rs, LL. D., 11l00-1901. ALFRED THAYER MAHAN, D. C. L., LL. D., 1901-2. HENRY CHARLES LEA, LL. n., 1902-8. GOLDWIN SMITH, LL. D., 1f!08-4. EX-VICE-PRESIDENTS. t JUSTIN WINSOR, LL. D., 1884-1886. t CHARLES KENDALL A[lA:IIS, LL. D., 1884-1888. t WILLIAM I~REDERICK POOLE, LL. D., 1886-87. t JOHN JAY, LL. D., 1887-18S!l. t WILLIAM WIRT HENRY, LL. D., I8S8-181l0. JAMES BURRILL ANGELL, LL. D., 18S9-1891. HENRY ADAMS, LL. D., 1890-11'93. t EDWARD GAY MASON, A. M., 1sm-1893. t GEORGE FRISBIE HOAR, LL. D., 1898-94. t RICHARD SAL'TER STORRS, D. D., LL. D., 1894-95. JAMES SCHODLER, LL. D., 1894-1896. GEORGE PARK FISHER, D. D., LL. D., 1896-97. JAMES FORD RHODES, LL. n., 1896-1SIl8. t EDWARD EGGLESTON, r,. H. D., 1898-f)9. t MOSES COlT TYLER, L. H. D., LL. D., 1897-1900. CHARLES FRANCIS ADAMS, LL. D., 1S!lIl-1!l00. t HERBERT BAXTER ADAMS. l'1I. D., LL. D., 11l00-1901. ALFRED THAYER MAHAN, D. C. L., LL. D., 1900-1901. HENRY CHARLES LEA, 1.1.. D., 1901-2. GOLDWIN SMITH, D. C. L., LL. D., 1901-3. t EDWARD McCRADY, LL. D., 1902-3. 1, JOHN BACH McMASTER, LL. D., 1903-4. 11 ,. ,. .,. , " . ~ ~t . \ " ;:, ~, ... .,I 12 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. SECRETARIES. t HERBER'l' BAXTER ADAMS, PH. D., LL. D., 1'l84-1899. A. HOWARD CLARK, 1889- I CHARLES H. H3.SKINS, PH. D., 1900- -' TREASURER. CLARENCE WINTHROP BOWEN, PH. D., 1884- EXECUTIVE COTJNCIL. WILLIAM BABCOCK WEEDIDN, A. M., 1884-1886. t CHARLES DEANE, LL. D., 1884-1887. t MOSES COlT 'TYLER, L. H. D., LL. D., 1884-85. EPHRAIM EMERTON, PI!. D., 1884.-8;;. FRANKLIN BOWDITCH DEX'rER, A. M., 1885-1887. t WILJ;,IAM FRANCIS ALLEN, A. lII., 1885-1887. t WILLIAM 'VIRT HENRY, LL. D., 1886-1888. t RUTHERFORD BIRCHARD HAYES, LIJ. D., 1887-88. JOHN W. BURGESS, LL. D., 1887-1891. ARTHUR MARTIN WHEELER, A. lI1., 1887-1889. GEORGE PARK FISHER, D. D., LL. D., 1888-1891. t GEORGE BROWN GOODE, LL. D., 188!.l-1896. JOHN GEORGE BOURINOT, C. 1II. G., D. C. L., LL. D., 1889-1894. JOHN BACH McMASTER, LL. D., 18!.l1-18!.l4.
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